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a. Court of Tax Appeal - Court which hold cases

Judicial Power related to tax.
The power to apply the laws to contests or b. Sandigan bayan - Court which hold the
disputes concerning legally recognized rights cases related to graft and corruption.
and duties between the state and private c. Court of Appeals - court on which cases are
persons, or between individual litigants. in held for appeal to be rejudged
cases properly brought about before judicial d. Shariah Court - court which holds the cases
tribunals having a power to interpret the of civil offenses related to Muslims.
2. Regular Court
1. Adjudicatory power - court which handles those common cases.
- power to use law to solve an issue and to
determine the abuses made. Composition of Supreme Court
- One Chief Justice
2. Judicial Review - Fourteen Associate Justices
-power to review the validity of the laws.
Qualifications of a Chief Justice
3. Incidental Power
- judgement of contempt. 1. Natural Born Citizen of the Philippines.
2. At least 40 years of age.
3. Must have 15 years or more experience being a
kinds of offenses judge of a lower court or engaged in the practice of
1. Criminal Case - an offense which affect the law in the Philippines.
community such as killings, massacre, and 4.Must be a person of a proven
competence,integrity,probity,and independence.
5. Must be a Member of Integrated Bar of the
2. Civil Case - an offense which affect two or Philippines.
more individual such as failure to comply to a
contract. Appointment of a Chief Justice/ Associate

Classification of Court According to Origin 1. A list is submitted by the Judicial and

BarCouncil to the President.
1. Constitutional Court 2. The President will appoint the Justice but
-the Supreme Court, the only Court mandated it cannot remove any justice being appointed.
by the constitution to be created 3. Retirement age is 70 years old.

2..Statutory Court -courts created by the law

(Lower Court)

Classification of Court According to Case

1. Special Court - court which has a limited


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