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중2 영어 동아(이병민)
1학기 중간고사 학교기출문제 - 대왕중

Sumi: It changes one language to another. It's really

1. zb 1) ?
Minsu: Really? I'll try it next time.
A: How about playing games now?
How did Minsu help the foreigner?
B: I'm sorry, but I have to go home.
What does the Talk Smart app do?
A: What should a class comedian be like?
Where did Sumi try the Talk Smart?
B: A class comedian should be humorous.
What does Sumi think of the Talk Smart?
A: I want to save my money.
Why didn't Minsu just tell the foreigner the
B: Why don't you put the money in the bank?
A: What can I do to stay healthy?
B: You can eat lots of vegetables and jog every day.
A: Do you think he will like the birthday cake I
B: I don't think so. I'm sure he'll eat the whole cake
zb 4)

alone in 10 minutes.
Brian: What's wrong?
Mina: My best friend, Kate, is mad at me.
Brian: That's terrible. What happened?
Mina: I said her new hair style (1)_________ _________
2. ?
my dog's. (look)
zb 2)

You should __________ others' opinions.

Brian: No wonder she's mad at you.
You sometimes __________ your head to say "yes".
Mina: Right. She (2)_________ _________ _________
I'll make a weekly plan to __________ my time me. (will, talk)
Brian: Yeah. She's probably really angry.
I'm going to __________ useful information on
Mina: What can I do to (3)_________ _________
social media.
_________ her? (make)
nod post
Brian: How about sending her a text?
manage respond
Mina: That's a good idea. I'll do that.

3. zb 3) ? ※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
Sumi: Minsu, why are you so late? The new school year is here! Are you nervous
Minsu: I'm sorry. I ran into a foreigner on the way. about talking to other students? Do you have trouble
Sumi: Yes, and? starting conversations? What about keeping
Minsu: I had to take him to the subway station. conversations going? Don't worry. Here are five tips
to become a better ⓐ__________.
Sumi: Why didn't you just tell him the directions?
Minsu: He didn't speak English very well. Start by asking interesting questions.

Sumi: How about using the Talk Smart app next time? Most people love to talk about themselves. So give
Minsu: What kind of app is it? them the chance. When ⓑ__________ ask questions

대한민국 N01. 학교시험대비 문제은행 공부하자닷컴(

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중간기말고사 완벽대비 프로젝트 초중고 학습자료포탈 공부하자닷컴

about listeners, they will answer gladly. Tell me more." Giving feedback ⓐshow that you're
Be a good listener.
Share common interests.
Many people are poor listeners. So how can you be
a good ⓒ__________? Make eye contact with ⓓ You can't have a conversation by just listening.
_________s. Listen carefully to their words. Don't look What do you and your partner ⓑhave in common? Do
at your cell phone or space out to be a good ⓔ you both like sports? Then talk about your favorite
__________. baseball team.

Pay attention to the listener.

5. zb 5) ⓐ ~ⓔ 'listener' 'talker' Sometimes people ⓒmay not be interested in your
? topic. Don't say, "Hey, wake up!" or "Why ⓓaren't you
ⓐ, ⓒ ⓐ, ⓓ listening to me?" If you ⓔdon't change the topic, or
ⓑ, ⓒ ⓑ, ⓔ your partner will fall asleep. Give the other person a
chance to talk.
ⓓ, ⓔ

8. zb 8) ⓐ ~ⓔ ?

ⓐ ⓑ

6. zb 6) ? ⓒ ⓓ

talks between people ⓔ

not good at something

worried about something
an event or activity in the past
9. ?
an opportunity to do something
zb 9)

: Active listeners sometimes nod.

: When I talk, I should pay attention to the

7. ' ' 교 : I don't have to change the topic when the

listener feels bored.
zb 7)

. : After listening to my partner's words, I should

give feedback to my partner.
Teacher: Did you join any clubs?
: When my partner and I have a conversation,
we need to share something that we both like.
Teacher: You don't have social media manners. Next
time, __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________ you will
sound like you're shouting.
(use, only, capital)
Student: OK. I won't. Thank you for your advice. ※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
Can animals communicate? Of course they can.
They communicate in many ways. For example,
elephants communicate with their ears. They can also
communicate through touch. They share their feelings
by touching each other's bodies. ⓐ Dogs are also
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
great communicators. ⓑ They communicate with their
Give feedback teeth. ⓒ A dog shows its teeth when it is angry. ⓓ
Be an active listener. Nod your head from time to When they want to listen carefully, they raise their
time. You can say little things like, "Wow!" or "Cool." ears. ⓔ Animals do not use language like humans,
You can also say something like, "That's interesting. but they have many great ways to communicate.

대한민국 N01. 학교시험대비 문제은행 공부하자닷컴(

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중간기말고사 완벽대비 프로젝트 초중고 학습자료포탈 공부하자닷컴

10. zb 10) ⓐ ~ⓔ that you are in your friend's situation. Do you want
? to hear the same words from your friend? ⓓProbably
you do.
Dogs communicate through their ears, too.
ⓐ ⓑ Do you know the saying, "Put yourself in other
people's shoes"? It means you need to understand
ⓒ ⓓ
others' feelings. You should ⓔpractice putting yourself
ⓔ in other people's shoes to be a good friend.

13. zb 13 ) Ⓐ < >

11. ?
< >
zb 11)

the way elephants communicate just, something, doesn't, caring, good,

the way elephants share their feelings others, doing, mean, about
the thing that a dog does when it is angry good just
the difference between animals and humans in mean doing
the thing that elephants do when they want to listen

14. zb 14 ) ⓐ~ⓔ ?

ⓐ ⓑ
12. zb 12)

. ⓒ ⓓ

I have a secret friend, manito. Yesterday I knew ⓔ

today was her birthday. I wanted to give her a cap
for her birthday gift. But I didn't have enough money
(1)____(buy)____. So I gave her a birthday card and a
ball (2)____(play)____ in the playground. She really
15. ⓐ~ⓔ ?
liked my gift, and I was happy.
zb 15 )

A: How do you like your school these days?

B: I like it a lot. I already made two new friends, Rosa
and Mike.
A: ___________________________________________
B: ___________________________________________
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
A: ___________________________________________
If you want to keep a good friendship, you ⓐneed
B: ___________________________________________
to care about others. Then, how do you care about
A: ___________________________________________
someone? Ⓐ__________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________ __________ B: He is outgoing.
__________ __________ for them. ( A: Why don't you invite them over for dinner?
B: Okay.
.) You should ⓑthink about their feelings and
understand their situations.
ⓐ We all love English. We are also in the same club.
Imagine that your friend shows up to school with a
ⓑ That's great. What are they like?
terrible haircut. What would you say? "Ha ha! Is it
Halloween?" or "Don't worry. It's not that bad." Which ⓒ Happy to hear that. How did you become friends?
one would you pick? If you choose the first one, ⓒ ⓓ How about Mike?
you can make your friend angry or sad. Now imagine ⓔ Rosa is very kind.

대한민국 N01. 학교시험대비 문제은행 공부하자닷컴(

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중간기말고사 완벽대비 프로젝트 초중고 학습자료포탈 공부하자닷컴

ⓐ ⓑ
ⓒ ⓓ 17. zb 17 ) ? (2 )
ⓔ No one heard Jimmy's father at the table.
Jimmy's father had dinner at his house last Friday.
Jimmy's father usually sleeps or watches TV on
16. zb 16) ? Jimmy, Hope, and their mother were busy doing their
Judy: I'm looking for a singer for my school band.
Smiley jumped up and down because Jimmy's mother
Hojin: How about Junho Kim?
didn't give it food.
Judy: Who's that?
Hojin: He's my classmate. He just moved to our
school last week.
Judy: Is he a good singer?
18. Ⓐ .
Hojin: He sings well. I'm sure he'll be perfect for your
zb 18 )

band. Jimmy's father wanted __________ __________

Judy: Can you tell me more about him? What's he __________ __________ the bread.
Hojin: He is very outgoing and friendly.
Judy: Can I have his phone number?
Hojin: Sure.
Hojin is Junho's classmate. ※ 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Judy wants to have Hojin's phone number. ⓐThen, it happened. He became invisible! We asked,
"Where are you?" "I'm right in front of you," he
Hojin thinks Junho is outgoing and friendly.
replied. We couldn't do anything for him. ⓑIt was an
Judy is looking for a singer for the school band.
awful night.
Hojin thinks Junho will be perfect for the school
Next morning, we went to the hospital and a I said
to the doctor, "ⒶHe has been invisible since last
night." Help my father, please" The doctor shook his
head and said, "I can't help you. I've never seen
anything like this before."

ⓒWhen we came home, my father disappeared like

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. magic again. Hope said, "I miss Daddy." She started
A crazy thing happened last week. My father usually crying.
comes home late from work. So, we only see him on In a few moments, ⓓwe were a sea of tears. "Come
the weekends. Even then, he usually sleeps or watches back, Dad! I promise to pass you the bread every
television. But last Friday, he came home early for day!" I cried.
dinner. At the table, we were all doing our own thing.
Then, it happened. ⓔMy father appeared again! He
Hope was giving food to Smiley. I was texting.
hugged us and said, "Thank you for all the attention. I
My father said, "Pass me the bread, please." ⒶNo promise to come home earlier and play with you on
one heard him, so he asked again, "Can someone pass the weekends."
me the bread?" I heard him this time, but I was too
busy with my phone. My mother was yelling, "Don't
feed Smiley!" Hope was feeding Smiley. Smiley was 19. zb 19 ) ⓐ~ⓔ ?
jumping up and down. My father shouted, "Am I ⓐ ⓑ
invisible? Pass me the bread!"
ⓒ ⓓ
*I = Jimmy ⓔ

대한민국 N01. 학교시험대비 문제은행 공부하자닷컴(

- 4 -
중간기말고사 완벽대비 프로젝트 초중고 학습자료포탈 공부하자닷컴

20. zb 20) Ⓐ ? ⓒ ⓓ
He has lost his wallet. ⓔ
I have just arrived here.
I have seen a dolphin twice.
She hasn't finished the homework yet.
My brother has worked in the office for a month. 24. zb 24 ) 'real friend'

: You should put yourself in your friend's shoes.

: You should just do something good for him or
21. zb 21) ?
: You shouldn't hurt your friend's feeling in
not able to be seen
front of people.
the act of applying the mind to something
: When your friend is in difficult situation, you
able to wait for a long time or accept difficulties should always help your friend.
tell someone that you will do or not do something : When your friend does something wrong, you
put your arms around someone to show love or should say to your friend, "Don't do that."

25. zb 25 ) ⓐ~ⓔ < >

※ 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. < >
Do you have a real friend? Last week, I was very The Simpsons aren't such bad role models after all.
busy and didn't have time to do my math homework.
ⓐ So, before class, I said to one of my friends, "Can
you show me your homework?" ⓑ Then another ⓐMaybe you are familiar with these characters. The
friend of mine, Sujin, said to me, "You shouldn't Ⓐdo Simpsons are an example of an American family. ⓑ
that. If you copy, you will not learn anything." At first, Some people think that the characters are bad role
I was upset because Sujin's words hurt my feelings. ⓒ models. The father, Homer, has an important job at a
She was right. I should do my homework myself. ⓓ company, but is lazy. He also eats a lot of junk food.
Only a real friend tells you when your face is dirty. ⓔ His son, Bart, is rude. ⓒBoth of them sometimes have
some problems. But Marge, the mother, is a very
caring person. And their daughter, Lisa, is
22. zb 22) Ⓐ ? hardworking and helpful. ⓓThe Simpsons argue with
do your homework one another and have problems, but in the end they
always stay together. ⓔReal families aren't perfect.
show me your homework
hurt your friend's feeling ⓐ ⓑ

show your homework to her ⓒ ⓓ

copy your friend's homework ⓔ

23. zb 23) ⓐ ~ⓔ 26. zb 26 ) ?

? She isn't at home. She's gone shopping.
But later, I realized that she was trying to help me. It is too cold. I need warm something to wear.
ⓐ ⓑ I had a headache since I have just come home.

대한민국 N01. 학교시험대비 문제은행 공부하자닷컴(

- 5 -
중간기말고사 완벽대비 프로젝트 초중고 학습자료포탈 공부하자닷컴

Go see a doctor, and your cold will get worse.

I think he is honest. He is not a person to tell a
My grandmother lives in this town. She lived in the
town all her life.
1 2
3 4

27. zb 27) ○ X .
'~ ' '~
' .
Experience ○ / X
(1) ride a bike in the park ○
(2) wear rain boots in summer X

(1) I __________ __________ __________ __________ in

the park.

(2) I __________ __________ __________ __________

__________ in summer.

28. zb 28) Judy Judy .


(1) Judy's mom ____________________ yesterday.


(2) Judy's mom ____________________ yesterday.


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