Asia. Physical Features

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Asia- physical features

Asia is a continent of geographical extremes Asia boasts of

1. the highest mountain peak that is Mount Everest (MPME)
2. the highest recorded temperature Arabian desert(HRT-
3. the highest average annual rainfall Meghalaya (AARM)
4. the highest density of population
5. the highest plateau Tibet (HPT)
6. the largest lake Caspian Sea (LLCS)
7. the largest delta Ganga and Brahmaputra (LDGB)
8. the deepest Lake Baikal (DLB)
9. lowest land depression Dead Sea and (LDDS)
10. lowest temperature Siberia(LTS)

Physical features of Asia

we can divide Asia into the following physical divisions
1. Northern lowlands
2. Central Highlands
3. Plateaus
4. river basins and
5. Islands
Northern lowlands
The northern lowland consists of two plains
1. the vast Siberian plain and
2. the Turan plain.
the Siberian Plains stretches from
1. east of the Urals in a wide belt, gradually becoming
2. It runs all the way to the Sanovoi and Yablonoivy
mountain ranges.
3. The plain is higher in its south so its slopes downwards
towards the Arctic Ocean. The rivers Lena, Ob and
Yenisey drain the plain.
4. All the three rivers follow the slop of the land so the flow
into the Arctic Ocean from lower latitude to the higher
5. During winters, the mouth and lower course of the river
become frozen.
6. Flow of water from the upper course into the lower course
becomes blocked.
7. This results in the waters in the lower latitudes flooding
the plain thereby creating Swampy and Maharshi soil.

The second plain is the Turan Plain,

1. This consists of the low lying area around the Aral sea,
which is an inland sea or a Salt Lake situated near the
Caspian sea.
2. At one time it used to be the fourth largest lake but for
many years it received no water from its rivers the Syr
Darya and Amu Darya both of which have been a source
of irrigating the plains.
3. The loss of volume has caused the late to become divided
into two parts the Large Aral Sea and the small Aral Sea.
4. The Large Aral Sea is fed by the Amo Darya while the
latter is by the Syr Darya.

Asia has the wettest and driest place in the world.

Mawsynram is the wettest place while Gobi desert as less than
25 CM of rain.
Central Highlands
to the south of the northern Lawrence lie the central Highlands the central
Highlands consists of the Mountain Bells and the plateaus that are found at the heart
of the Asian mountain system the mountain system has young fold mountain ranges
like the Himalayas and Karakoram and Hindu Kush which come together at the
junction or not call the pamir not from here this spread out in all directions
Southwest of the north are the Hindu Kush mountains that stretch for over 500 miles
along the borders of Afghanistan Pakistan practical to the border of Iran the highest
peak is in the Pakistan called that exist in this system is the famous fibre pass further
along the same range is called the Albert mountains these mountains contain for the
and meet the Armenia not not.
the second mountain range that begins in the pamirs and also stretches towards the
Southwest is the Sulaiman range becomes the jagros mountains the range also
reaches as it goes towards Turkey it becomes the mountains
between the Albert mountains in the north and regrows mountains to its south lies
let your Iran in the area called Asia to the east moving from North to the south
direction are the Yan mountains they stretch for a distance of 2415 km the mountain
system is the northernmost of the ranges that extend to the east of the Palmer not for
the South lie items and which are really the extension of the colon mountains still for
the South but to the north of the Himalayas is the Karakoram range which has the
second highest mountain peak Mount Godwin Austin or Mount K2 in it becomes
mountains in China the southernmost arm of the The southernmost I am of the
Pammi not is the Himalayan range the highest in the world Mount Everest the
highest peak of the world at 29 035 is part of this range there are intermontane
plateaus found here as well the plateau of debate the highest plateau in the world is
known as the roof of the world it is between Kunal and Himalayas the second is the
plateau of Mongolia which consist of the famous Movie desert plateaus
4 main plateaus found in the south of the mountain range
the Arabian plateau lies on the west of the Red Sea rising steeply from its cost but
slopes down more gently in the North East where it meets the value of degreez river
it is extremely as there are no reverse here
Peninsular India or Deccan Plateau lies to the south of the Narmada river write up
to the Nilgiri Hills West is the Western Ghats and on its Eastern border is the Eastern
Ghats the platue Rises most gently towards the east coast therefore the rivers that
rise in the West flow out into the Bay of Bengal in the east some of them are Kaveri
Godavari Krishna Peneru and Mahanadi
the unan plateau is situated in China and the Shaan plateau in the Shan state of
eastern Myanmar both slope steeply on the west side and rivers such as the mackong
and the salvan flow across it as both the plateaus have reverse cutting across them
creating values they are referred to as detected plateaus
great river Aur balance
the Ganga Brahmaputra valley is another fast plane in India that spread across miles
from here the Indus on its best write up to the Brahmaputra river on the east along
with their many tributaries the Indus river valley is spread across both India and
Pakistan and includes most of Punjab which you may know means the land of five
rivers these rivers are the last tributaries of the Indus river the river degrees and
your friends it was called Mesopotamia
Islands while others are a part of countries take for example and Nicobar islands
and the Lakshadweep Islands their part of India the former lies in the Bay of Bengal
and the letter in the Arabian Sea there are islands in the Pacific Ocean as well such as
the Philippines Japan and Taiwan close to Japan by Russia the largest group of
islands mountains that have been partially covered on submerged by the sea because
of plate tectonic movements

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