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Population Vs Sample:
Population - refers to the totality of observations.
Sample - refers to one or more elements taken from the population for a specific reason.

Parameter Vs Statistic:
A numerical measure that describes the whole population is called parameter.
μσ σ
A numerical description of the sample is called a statistic.
Statistics and statistic

Z-test n>30
Z-Calculated Value – from Z-test formula σ
Z-Critical Value – use the table
T-test n<30
T-Calculated Value - from T-test formula s
T-Critical Value – use the t-table

α =0.05 CL= 1-α = 0.95 -----------> 95% CL

1. Z-test, z-critical value is 1.645 or 1.65.
2. Z-test, z-critical value is 1.96.
3. T-test, df=13 1-tailed alpha 0.05, t-critical value is 1.77
4. T-test, df=9 2-tailed alpha 0.05, t-critical value is 2.26
Steps in testing hypothesis
 Step 1. Identify the null and alternative hypothesis.
 Step 2. Decide on the level of significance and test method which includes both the test statistic
and sampling distribution.
 Step 3. Compute the critical value and make the decision (reject or not reject the null hypothesis).
 Step 4. Interpret the result.

Problem Solving.

A researcher claims that an average Filipino student uses 500 plastic cup in a year. To raise
environmental awareness, your group decided to survey and verify the claim. Using random
sampling, you asked 50 students from your campus and found out that the average number of
plastic cup usage is 488 cups with a standard deviation of 42 cups. Assuming that the population
is normally distributed, is there sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean differs from 500 at
α =0.05 ?

1st Step
H 0 :The average plastic cup of a Filipino student is 500.

H 0 : μ=500

H 1 : The average plastic cup of a Filipino student is not equal to 500.

H 1 : μ ≠ 500

Check the alternative hypothesis.

Non-directional : ≠ --------> 2-tailed Test
Directional : > ------- right tailed test and < ------ left tailed test

2nd Step
Choose a significant level: α =0.05
Identify the test-statistic or test method: Z-test
Given: n=50, μ=500 , x=488, s=42
√ 50
z computed =−2.02
3rd Step
Compute for the critical value.
Z-test, 2-tailed-test, α =0.05 -------- CL=95%
z critical=1.96

4th Step
Interpret the Data.
This means that our decision should be rejecting the null hypothesis.
Reject null hypothesis.

CONCLUSION: Since the computed value falls under the rejection region. Therefore, there is
sufficient evidence at 95% CL that the average plastic cup of Filipino student is NOT 500.
A student entering college wants to test a claim that the average tuition fee per year
of a certain degree in the Philippines is greater than Php 55,400.00. She selected a
random sample of 36 universities and found the mean to be Php 58,327.00 with a
sample standard deviation of Php 12,210.00. Is there enough evidence to support
the claim at α=0.1?

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