44.alumina CAL A2 Unground

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NATIC -ERAMI Certificate of Analysis & paooucrs ue 7 Grays Bridge Road Brookfield, CT 06804 (208) 775-6316 Fax (208) 775-7152 toe kurtbissing@aolcom osos20v6 111428 information Sales Order No. 2000254891 | Material 4001161 Description ‘ALUMINA A2 UG; 7ox80# Pa Shipped Qty Loading: Ex-plant Date Delivery No. | pativery Plant ALUMINA A2 UG; 70x50# PB. Batch 1618611031 Batch Mfg.Date 05/05/2016 Weight 5.250 ST Spectieations S02 * oot 003 Fe209 * oot oo N20 % 208 035 ‘Metros 9000 MARONO4 /4 (CHEMISTRY BY ICAP 6000 ICPMICROWAVE DIG. 5203 % ‘0001 os Surface Aron 2g os or etned 9000 MAROOOT/ 1 Surtace Area by Gemini ‘Micromertes Gemini 2370 +300 mesh % 7 +200 mesh % 6s +325 mesh * 8 Metre 9000 MAROOIS 1 ry Sieve Pance Size Testing [Rotap Shakar Wie hereby cnty ta be mat! cover by this caniicate has been Inepectd in secordance wih ard hasbeen found o meet, he apple Iminmumimaximam specications of ANB, c's produc ala shoes, ae guaranteed to conform to the erode ata she pactatons. Contact: Wiliam Keser Quality. EHS & ABS Manager, 001-412.690-2820 ‘Me canoat is automaticly generated. accorting to EN 10 2043.1 and va without signature IMPORTANT; Al information provide is believed to be aecurate and complete. The data provided is representative ofthe product quality ont the date of analysis forthe lot number indicated. This certificate of analvsis may not include al ofthe constituents of the product. Persons using this itermation should make their own determination regarding is suitability for thet particular application, This ‘erifiate of analysis shall notin ny way’ limit or preclude the operation and effect ofthe applicable terms and conditions of sale NATIONAL CERAMIC PRODUCTS LLC. 77 Grays Bridge Road Brookfield, CT 06804 (209) 775-6316 Fax 209) 775-7152 ; urtbissing@aotcom Issuing Date 06-Feb-2012 SAF Revision Date 27-Feb-2015, ETY DATA SHEET Revision Number 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCEIMIXTURE AND OF ;OMPANY/UNDERTAKING & 14. Prod Product Code 287 Product Name ‘CALCINED ALUMINA and POLISHING ALUMI Contains ‘Aluminum oxide, CAS 1944-28-1 Synonyms AcAluminas, AB-Aluminas, CL-Aluminas, CT-Al Grade Alumina, Glox, HVA, IS-Aluminas, LS-Al SC-ALiminas, WRA, Exception: CTCSS - see M ‘CT9000 SDP - see Material Salety Data Sheet 12 nti 1 Recommended Us Adsorbents, Ceram, Filler, Polishing agent, Retractory Uses advised against No information available THE INA yminas, CTC-Aluminas, €-SY 1000, Flux imines, P-Aluminas, RG-Aluminas, terial Safety Data Sheet 1000, Exception: 259 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION TION (EC) No 1272/2008 The product isnot classified as dangercus according to Regulation (EC) No. 12722008 Classification according to Diroct Notelasstieg| 67/548/EEC or 1999/45/66 387. CALCINED ALUMINA and POLISHING ALUMINA, Revision Date 27-Feb-2015 GHS Classification ‘The product isnot classiied as hazardous according to GHS 2.2_Label Elements Symbous) Net applicable Signal Word None Hazard Statements None Precautionary Statements 261 - Avoid breathing dusvTumegasimistvapors/spray 280 - Wear eye protection lace protection 285 - In case of inadequate ventilation ear respiratory protection 908 + F351 » Pad - IF IN EYES: Rinse cauilously vith water for several minutes. Ret 4. Continuo ringing 902 « PaS2 - IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water 23. Hormat No information available ove contact lenses, I present and easy 10 3. COMPOSITION/IINFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS: 3.1. Substances. [——~chemicarname: ‘CAS No Weight REACH Reg. Ne ‘Aluminum oxide 1944-26-1 338 ‘OF P1 T0500 85-008 OF 21 1ase9208-35.0125 0} 2119529048 96 0086 B1-2119528048-05 0998, |. FIRST AID MEASURES Eye Contact, IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minuies. Remove contact lenses, if present and oasy Le do. Continue rinsing ‘Skin Contact Wash skin with soap and water. Ingestion Ringe mouth Inhalation Remove to fresh air Goneral Advice IF symptoms persist, calla physician ‘Show this safety data sheet 10 the doctor in atten 4.2__Most important symptoms and effects. both acute and delaved_ iNo information available 4 tion of, i ti 9 treat 7 Notas to Physician Treat symplomatically [ 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES: ‘5.1. Extinguishing media Page 2/7 387- CALCINED ALUMINA and POLISHING ALUMINA, Revision Date 27-Feb-2015 Suitable Extinguishing Media “The preduetiself does not bum Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local circumatances and the surrounding environment Extinguishing media which must not be used for safety reasons Noinformation available 5.2. Special hazards arising from the sub 3 mixt Special exposure hazards arising from the substance or preparation itself, combustion products, resulting gases None in pareular. 5.3. Advice tor firefighters Special protective equipment for freighters ‘AS n any fire, wear sel-contained breathing apparatus and fl protective gear. [ 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES 7 i a Wea potsonal protective equipment Avoid dust fonmation 6.2_Environmental precautions. [No Special environmental precautions required Flecover product. Place info appropriate container fe eisposal Methods for Cleaning Up Shovel or sweep up HANDLING AND STORAGE 7.1, Precautions for Sate Handling Handling Provide aporopriate exhaust ventilation at places where dust ls formed General Hygiene Considerations Handle in accordance with good indusvial hygiene and safety practice Exposure scenario Netinformation avaliable 7.2. Condi at including impatibi Keep ina dry lace 1.3, Speciti No information availabe i ‘EXPOSURE CONTROLSIPERSONAL PROTECTION. 1 8. Cont Chemical Name EU | United France Spain Germany OEL (TWA) Kingdom ‘Rluminum owe WE Tomar VAED To mam Taman 1304-26-1 comgimia) (a) GOEL Gormany- TAGS 800 - Occupational Exposure Limits - TWAS, (a) exempt facies listed in 2 418) and TO) “Page 3/7 387 - CALCINED ALUMINA and POLISHING ALUMINA, Revision Date 27-Feb-2015 ‘Component aly Portugal Netherlands Finland Denmark ‘Aluminum owe TWA 10 mgm TWA: 10 mam 1344-281 (399 ) ‘Component ‘OSHA PEL, ACG TWA ‘Aluminum oxide TS magi TWA (total dust 5 maim | 1 maim TWA (respirapie Traction) 1364-28-1 {>99}) TWA (respirable traction) Derived No Etfect Level (ONEL) 3 ing, respirable,@ hour TWA Predicted No Ettect Concentration No information available (PNEC) Ensure adequate ventilation, especially n confined areas Personal protective equipment Eye Protection Safety glasses with sde-shietds Skin Protection [No spocial protective equipment required. Hand Protection No special protective equipment require. Respiratory Protection When workers are facing concentrations above the exposure limit they must use appropriate certified respira Environmental exposure controls Avokd dust formation 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 9.1. Information on thom Physical State Powder, Granular Color White Odor None pH 8-70 Flash point (°C) DEGREES Not applicable Bolling pointrange (‘C) DEGREES 2210 Melting point (-C) DEGREES. 22000 - 2050 Solubility insolvbie Density 273.94 gioma Bulk Density, 850-1250 kgim? 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY 10.1, Reactivity None unser normal processing 102. Stable under normal eondions 10.3. Possibility of Hazardous Reactions. None under normal processing, 10.4, Conditions to Avoid None under normal proessing incom, : None under normal eocessing 10.6. Hazardous Decomposition Products None under normal proceseing Page 477 387- CALCINED ALUMINA and POLISHING ALUMINA Revision Date 27-Feb-2015 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION aa. 3 toxicological ‘Acute Toxicity Acute oral toxicity Conclusive but not suficiont for classtication ‘Acute dermal toxicity Conclusive but not suffciont for classification ‘Acute inhal Conclusive but not suticient for classification Chronic Toxicity Irritation Conclusive but nat sufficient for classitiestion Gorrosivity Conclusive but not sulicient for classification Sensitization ‘Conclusive but not sufficient fr classification Mutagenic Ettects Conclusive but not suficient for elassincation Carcinogenie effects Conclusive but not sutcient for classification Reproductive Effects Conclusive but not suticient tor classification Developmental Effects Conclusive but nat sutcient for classification Aspiration Hazard Conclusive but not sutticient for classification 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION 12.1. Toxicity Ecotoxicity effects "Not water endangering ‘Aquatic toxicity is unlikely due to low solubilty 2. Persistent radebil No information avaiable, 12.3. Bloaccumulativ la No information available 12.4 mobility in No information available 125. Result weve No inrmation availabe. 12 \dverse ef ‘None anown 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS: wast ‘Waste from Residues Unused Products Disposal should be in accordance wilh applicable regional, national and local kawe and regulations Contaminated Packaging Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling ce for recycling oF disposal 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION| Note: Not cessiied as dangerous in the meaning of transport regulations IMDGIMO Not regulated. ID Not regulated. ADR Not regulated, ‘Page 5/7 387 CALCINED ALUMINA and POLISHING ALUMINA, Revision Date 27-Feb-2015 ICAO Not regulated, IATA Not regulated. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION 15.1. Safety, health and environs is International Inventories TSCA Complies EINECSIELINCS Complies DSLINDSL Listed on OL pices Complies ENCS Complios lecsc Complies Alcs Complies KecL Complies Legend TSCA. Untos States Toxic Sunstances Contra Act Secton Inventory EINECSIELINCS : Fuopesn invertry of Prsing Chemeal Sansances European {st of Nottie DSLINDSL - Conadian Domestic Suetaces istNon-Domestie Substanoes Ut PICES - Phippmes iwventary cf Chemicals and Chemical Substances EENCS_ Japan Exising and New Choma! Substances TeeSC «China inventary of Exstna Chemcai Subeances [AICS -Austraian Inventory of Choma Substances ECL “Korean €xsting and Evaluated Chemical Sbstanoes 1 r '& Chamcal Safty Acsocsmort has been caried out jstance or mixture Chemical Substances 46. OTHER INFORMATION key literature references and sources for data swe ChomADVISOR com Propared By Issuing Date 06-Feb-2012 Revision Date 27-Feb-2015 Page 6/7

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