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April Jane M.



Name of the Business: Everybody's Café

Concept / Theme / Cuisine: Casual Dinning

Location of the Business:

Business Hours: MacArthur Highway, San Fernando, 2000 Pampanga

Monday 8am–8pm

Tuesday 8am–8pm

Wednesday 8am–8pm

Thursday 8am–8pm

Friday 8am–8pm

Saturday 8am–8pm

Sunday 8am–8pm

When did the business starts to operate? As the business grew, the first official branch opened in 1967
at San Fernando, Pampanga.

How much is your initial investment / capital? P200 – 300 per head.

Best selling menu item: The Kampampangan specialties like Kamaru (fried field cricket), Betute, and
Pindang Damulag are all common dishes, says 3rd generation owner, Poch Jorolan. However, the secret
to the establishment’s success lies in the unique preparation of each dish.

Target Customers: Everybody is welcome to this restaurant because from the word itself “Turo-turo”
that’s why they named the business next to it.

What are the advantages of this set up for your area? Affordable and unforgettable experience because
it is the usual dining that upgrade but same quality and service.

What are the challenges of this set up for your business? In current situation, internet was the main
barrier to this business because not all each individual has the access to visit or to order to their

In your opinion, what are the main factors that contributed to their success? By providing a very
affordable but quality service and product that make them money spending worthy.

What recommendations or comments can you give to help their business? Add more option on the
menu like deserts or appetizers.

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