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IV. Learning Activities

According to Socrates, “The unexamined life is not worth living for a man.” Explain this in
connection with the definition of ethics by Socrates that ethics is the investigation of life.

V. Assessment

A. Identify what is being asked in the following statement. Write the answer on the space
provided before the number.

_____________ 1. It is an inquiry concerning norms of morality, its clarification, and

justification that can be applied to different moral fields and situation.

_____________ 2. He is the philosopher who held that the good of a man resides in his

_____________ 3. It is a character or disposition realized in action according to the mean.

_____________ 4. It is the belief that good lies in the consequences of an action.

_____________ 5. It is the problem in philosophy regarding values.

_____________ 6. He is the philosopher who considers good as a substance.

_____________ 7. It is an ethical field concerned with the relationship of the medical

practitioners and their clients.

_____________ 8. It is the belief that values depend on the group value system.
_____________ 9. It is an ethical field that governs the conduct of lawyers in the practice of
the profession.

_____________ 10. This is the ethical field concerned with the acceptable or unacceptable
actions affecting the environment.

B. Answer the following questions. Use the space provided.

1. Discuss the similarity and difference between Ethics and Politics.


2. In what sense is life “a many splendored things”? Comment on this view.


VI. Enrichment Activity

Of all man’s activities, with what is ethics most intimately related? Justify your answer.

IV. Learning Activities

Define the following key words:

1. Positive Law
2. Divine Command Theory
3. Aesthetics
4. Eternal Law
5. Descriptive
6. Normative
7. Moral Theory
8. Natural Law

9. Psychological Egoism

10. Principles

V. Assessment

I. Identification. Identify the following statements as Subjectivism, Psychological Egoism or

Ethical Egoism.

______________ 1. There is already an underlying basis for how one acts.

______________ 2. The heart of all moral valuation is the individual thinking person.
______________ 3. Human beings are naturally self-centered.
______________ 4. It prescribes that we should make our own ends, our own interest, as the
single overriding concern.
______________ 5. The “self” has its desires and interest, and all our actions are geared
toward satisfying these interest.
______________ 6. We act in a way that is beneficial to others, but it should do that only if it
ultimately benefit us.
______________ 7. It is a way of recognizing our being in the world with others.
______________ 8. The individual is the sole determinant of what is morally good or bad, right
or wrong.
______________ 9. We have our interest and desires, and would want them satisfied.
______________ 10. It is thinking of our own well-being concomitantly with the well-being of
II. Answer the following in not more than 5 sentences.
1. Is looking after the benefit of your own family over all other aspects considered as
another form of egoism? Discuss.

2. What is Law? How does it guide our behavior in society. Explain.


VII. Enrichment Activity

Imagine you are a legislator. What rules or laws that currently prohibit certain acts or
practices would you want to amend or repeal? This could be certain acts or practices currently
permitted by the law. Think of this on the level of your school, your city and the nation.
VII. Assignment:

Look for a newspaper article that tackles an ethical issue. Answer the following questions:
A. What makes this a matter of ethics?
B. What is your own ethical judgment on this case?
What are your reasons for this judgment?

Learning Activities

Define the following key term:

1. Greatest Happiness
2. Utility
3. Theory of life
4. Moral right
5. Hedonism
6. Maximalism
7. Universalism

IV. Assessment

Answer the following questions:

1. Do you agree that happiness is the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of
pain, and that all actions are directed toward pleasure? Explain your answer using a specific

2. Is it justifiable to build a basketball court because there are basketball fans,

than to build a hospital because there are fewer sick people?
V. Enrichment Activity

Does utilitarianism questions individual rights? What is violating the civil rights of a
minority increases the sum total of pleasure of the majority? Explain.

VII. Assignment:

Go online and look for an instance where animal rights and welfare can
be considered an issue. What is the issue that you have identified in relation
to the concepts of utilitarianism? Detail your findings and opinion.

IV. Learning Activities

Discuss/ Enumerate your duties and responsibilities as a student and as a Filipino

citizen. What difficulties do you face in the exercise of these duties at present?

V. Assessment

Define the following concepts and relate the significance of these to Philippine setting .
Create a a table in presenting your output.
a.) Deontology
b.) Rational Will
c.) Universalizability
d.) Autonomy
e.) Heteronomy
f.) Substantive Moral Theory
g.) Formal Moral Theory

VI. Enrichment Activities

What maxims have you observed in Philippine culture which manifest” universalizability
“? Discuss with your family members ( parents, grandparents, etc. ) Are these maxims
beneficial as we face the “new normal”?
VII. Assignment

Reconcile these two topics: Autonomy and the Duty to Speaking Truth to
Suppose you are already working for a company and your boss tells you that you should
offer a bribe to a government agent to obtain permit to build and operate a business in your
city. What would you do? What are your alternatives if you believe that it is wrong to bribe
government agencies? Answer in not less than 5 sentences.

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