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© pg.

Open Scenes
Contributed by Patrice DeHart

Students learn about the concept of subtext, by applying different characters and situations to
ambiguous short scripts.

How to Use Open Scenes

There are 24 open scenes for pairs below. Open scenes are short scripts in which there are no
defined characters or settings. In this lesson, students will create their own backstory and
characters and apply them to the scripts.

The first three scenes give specific character and subtext suggestions.

1. Start by assigning each pair one of the first three scenes and allow them to choose the
subtext they would like to play.

Once groups perform for each other, have a brief discussion.

What did each character want in the scene?
How could you tell?
Did you feel unclear as to what a character wanted? Why?
How could the actor have made his motivation clearer?

2. Next, randomly distribute copies of other scenes. Ask them to read through their scenes
and then together, come up with characters and context for the scene.

Once groups perform for each other, have a brief discussion.

Can anyone guess what relationship the characters had
with each other? (Husband/wife; co-workers; enemies;
parent/child; friends; etc.)
How could you tell?
Which character had more power in the scene?
Could you tell what each character wanted?
How could the actor have made his motivation clearer?

© pg. 2
More Ways to use Open Scenes!
• Teach drama concepts such as objectives, obstacles, and

• Encourage students to rely on themselves rather than


• Practice skills like active listening, connection, vocal

projection, body language techniques, and improvisation.

• Encourage creativity and boost confidence especially in

students who tend to overthink.

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© pg. 3

A: Hello.

B: Hi.

A: I didn’t expect to see you here.

B: I could say the same for you.

A: What’s new?

B: Not much. You?

A. Same. It’s supposed to rain today.

B: Oh, really?

A: Buckets.

B: Well, see you later.

A: Yeah, I’ll see you around.

Possible scenarios:

• “A” is a parent; “B” is a child. “B” is in in the kitchen when “A” enters.
“A” subtext: TELL ME THE TRUTH.

• “A” and “B” are classmates waiting for the bus.

“A” subtext: TELL ME YOU LOVE ME.
“B” subtext: I’M SUCH A LOSER.

• “A” and “B” are competing at try-outs.

“B” subtext: PLEASE LIKE ME.

• “A” and “B” are siblings watching TV.

“A” subtext: I’M SORRY.
“B” subtext: I HATE YOU.

• “A” and “B” are friends having lunch.

“A” subtext: CHEER UP.

© pg. 4
Scene 2

A: Well?

B: Well, what?

A: What are you going to do?

B: I have no idea.

A: What do you mean?

B: I don’t know.

A: The clock is ticking.

B: I know.

A: You can do this.

B: Yes, I know.

A: Good luck.

B: Thanks.

Possible scenarios:

• “A” is a coach; “B” is an athlete. They are on the sidelines.

“A” subtext: WIN THIS.
“B” subtext: I’M GOING TO LOSE.

• “A” and “B” are planning to steal something at the mall.

“A” subtext: I’M DESPERATE.
“B” subtext: I DON’T WANT TO DO THIS.

• “A” is a teacher; “B” is a student taking a test.

“A” subtext: GET TO WORK.
“B” subtext: I’M GOING TO FAIL.

• “A” and “B” are friends playing baseball. “B” just broke a neighbor’s window.
“A” subtext: I’M GLAD I’M NOT YOU.
“B” subtext: I’M IN SO MUCH TROUBLE.

• “A” and “B” are backstage during a performance.

“A” subtext: THE SHOW MUST GO ON.
“B” subtext: I’M TERRIFIED.

© pg. 5
Scene 3

A: I need to speak with you.

B: Me? Ok.

A: Where were you last night?

B: At home.

A: At home? Doing what?

B: Just watching some TV.

A: The whole night?

B: Yeah.

A: I see.

B: Anything else?

A: No. That’s it.

B: Ok. Bye.

Possible scenarios:

• “A” is a detective; “B” is a suspect.

“A” subtext: YOU ARE GUILTY.

• “B” secretly went to a party that “A” was not invited to attend.

• “A” is an older sibling of “B”. Something belonging to “A” is missing.

“A” subtext: YOU ARE GOING TO PAY.
“B” subtext: I’M DEAD.

• “A” and “B” are in the cafeteria. “B” did not show up to help “A” study for a test the
night before.
“A” subtext: YOU ARE A JERK.

• “A” and “B” are friends at school. “A” heard that “B” went on a date.
“B” subtext: WHAT’S GOING ON?

© pg. 6

A: Hello.

B: Hi.

A: I didn’t expect to see you here.

B: I could say the same for you.

A: What’s new?

B: Not much. You?

A. Same. It’s supposed to rain today.

B: Oh, really?

A: Buckets.

B: Well, see you later.

A: Yeah, I’ll see you around.



A: Hello.

B: Hi.

A: I didn’t expect to see you here.

B: I could say the same for you.

A: What’s new?

B: Not much. You?

A. Same. It’s supposed to rain today.

B: Oh, really?

A: Buckets.

B: Well, see you later.

A: Yeah, I’ll see you around.

© pg. 7
Scene 2

A: Well?

B: Well, what?

A: What are you going to do?

B: I have no idea.

A: What do you mean?

B: I don’t know.

A: The clock is ticking.

B: I know.

A: You can do this.

B: Yes, I know.

A: Good luck.

B: Thanks.

Scene 2

A: Well?

B: Well, what?

A: What are you going to do?

B: I have no idea.

A: What do you mean?

B: I don’t know.

A: The clock is ticking.

B: I know.

A: You can do this.

B: Yes, I know.

A: Good luck.

B: Thanks.

© pg. 8
Scene 3

A: I need to speak with you.

B: Me? Ok.

A: Where were you last night?

B: At home.

A: At home? Doing what?

B: Just watching some TV.

A: The whole night?

B: Yeah.

A: I see.

B: Anything else?

A: No. That’s it.

B: Ok. Bye.

Scene 3

A: I need to speak with you.

B: Me? Ok.

A: Where were you last night?

B: At home.

A: At home? Doing what?

B: Just watching some TV.

A: The whole night?

B: Yeah.

A: I see.

B: Anything else?

A: No. That’s it.

B: Ok. Bye.

© pg. 9
Scene 4

A: Hello.

B: Hello. So, why don’t you tell me about it.

A: About what?

B: About what happened.

A: It was a mistake.

B: A mistake?

A: Yes. An accident.

B: I see.

A: What happens now?

B: Consequences.

A: Oh.

B: Exactly.

Scene 4

A: Hello.

B: Hello. So, why don’t you tell me about it.

A: About what?

B: About what happened.

A: It was a mistake.

B: A mistake?

A: Yes. An accident.

B: I see.

A: What happens now?

B: Consequences.

A: Oh.

B: Exactly.

© pg. 10
Scene 5

A: What are you up to?

B: Really? I’m doing what you said.

A: You are?

B: Look. Are you happy now?

A: Are you?

B: No. Maybe. I don’t know.

A: Well, that clears things up.

B: Sorry.

A: Me, too. Do you need help?

B: Yes.

A: Good.


Scene 5

A: What are you up to?

B: Really? I’m doing what you said.

A: You are?

B: Look. Are you happy now?

A: Are you?

B: No. Maybe. I don’t know.

A: Well, that clears things up.

B: Sorry.

A: Me, too. Do you need help?

B: Yes.

A: Good.

© pg. 11
Scene 6

A: Please don’t.

B: I have to.

A: No, you don’t.

B: What’s the alternative?

A: Don’t do it.

B: You don’t understand.

A: I do. I really do.

B: I’ve made up my mind.

A: I can’t stand by and let you do this.

B: So, don’t.


Scene 6

A: Please don’t.

B: I have to.

A: No, you don’t.

B: What’s the alternative?

A: Don’t do it.

B: You don’t understand.

A: I do. I really do.

B: I’ve made up my mind.

A: I can’t stand by and let you do this.

B: So, don’t.

© pg. 12
Scene 7

A: Let me explain.

B: No, it’s alright.

A: But I don’t think you understand.

B: It’s not a big deal.

A: I had a reason for doing it.

B: I’m sure you did.

A: You don’t believe me.

B: Not really.

A: Then let me explain.

B: Not necessary.

A: Okay, we can talk about it later.


Scene 7

A: Let me explain.

B: No, it’s alright.

A: But I don’t think you understand.

B: It’s not a big deal.

A: I had a reason for doing it.

B: I’m sure you did.

A: You don’t believe me.

B: Not really.

A: Then let me explain.

B: Not necessary.

A: Okay, we can talk about it later.

© pg. 13
Scene 8

A: Can you believe that?

B: No.

A: Should we tell her?

B: We?

A: Yes, we.

B: I think we should leave it alone.

A: But this is really big.

B: It’s not really our business.

A: It kind of is now.

B: Well, what do you think we should do?

A: I have no idea.


Scene 8

A: Can you believe that?

B: No.

A: Should we tell her?

B: We?

A: Yes, we.

B: I think we should leave it alone.

A: But this is really big.

B: It’s not really our business.

A: It kind of is now.

B: Well, what do you think we should do?

A: I have no idea.

© pg. 14
Scene 9

A: You’ve ruined it.

B: What do you mean?

A: Look at it.

B: It looks fine to me.

A: You’re kidding, right?

B: No.

A: We have to start over.

B: Relax. It’s no big deal.

A: We can’t leave it like that.

B: Oh yes, we can.

A: Then you will be the one to explain.


Scene 9

A: You’ve ruined it.

B: What do you mean?

A: Look at it.

B: It looks fine to me.

A: You’re kidding, right?

B: No.

A: We have to start over.

B: Relax. It’s no big deal.

A: We can’t leave it like that.

B: Oh yes, we can.

A: Then you will be the one to explain.

© pg. 15
Scene 10

A: What’s wrong?

B: Nothing.

A: Are you sure?

B: Uh huh.

A: Do you want some of these?

B: No thank you.

A: Can I get you something else?

B: No. I’m fine.

A: I know that something’s bothering you.

B: I told you, I’m fine.

A: Suit yourself.

B: I will.

Scene 10

A: What’s wrong?

B: Nothing.

A: Are you sure?

B: Uh huh.

A: Do you want some of these?

B: No thank you.

A: Can I get you something else?

B: No. I’m fine.

A: I know that something’s bothering you.

B: I told you, I’m fine.

A: Suit yourself.

B: I will.

© pg. 16
Scene 11

A: Don’t touch that.

B: Why?

A: Just don’t.

B: I’m not going to break it.

A: That’s what you said the last time.

B: C’mon. Give me a break.

A: Do you really need to be here right now?

B: Yes.

A: Well, at least give me some room.

B: Is that better?

A: Not really.


Scene 11

A: Don’t touch that.

B: Why?

A: Just don’t.

B: I’m not going to break it.

A: That’s what you said the last time.

B: C’mon. Give me a break.

A: Do you really need to be here right now?

B: Yes.

A: Well, at least give me some room.

B: Is that better?

A: Not really.

© pg. 17
Scene 12

A: Let go.

B: I’m trying.

A: Doesn’t look like it.

B: Well, I am.

A: Try harder.

B: Can you be quiet for a second?

A: That won’t help the situation.

B: Then talk about something else.

A: It’s starting to snow.

B: Are you making fun of me now?

A: Yes.


Scene 12

A: Let go.

B: I’m trying.

A: Doesn’t look like it.

B: Well, I am.

A: Try harder.

B: Can you be quiet for a second?

A: That won’t help the situation.

B: Then talk about something else.

A: It’s starting to snow.

B: Are you making fun of me now?

A: Yes.

© pg. 18
Scene 13

A: It’s no use crying about it.

B: How would you know?

A: We’ve been through this before.

B: It’s different this time.

A: In what way?

B: Well, for one, you’re older now.

A: I suppose.

B: And you have Sandy.

A: Yeah, that’s true.

B: See, you’re feeling better already.

A: Only slightly.

B: At least that’s something.


Scene 13

A: It’s no use crying about it.

B: How would you know?

A: We’ve been through this before.

B: It’s different this time.

A: In what way?

B: Well, for one, you’re older now.

A: I suppose.

B: And you have Sandy.

A: Yeah, that’s true.

B: See, you’re feeling better already.

A: Only slightly.

B: At least that’s something.

© pg. 19
Scene 14

A: I’m leaving.

B: I can’t stop you.

A: Do you even care?

B: Of course I do.

A: You’re not acting like it.

B: How do you want me to act?

A: You can at least look at me.

B: I am.

A: Not really.

B: I’m doing my best.

A: I don’t think it’s good enough.

B: Then we may never solve this.


Scene 14

A: I’m leaving.

B: I can’t stop you.

A: Do you even care?

B: Of course I do.

A: You’re not acting like it.

B: How do you want me to act?

A: You can at least look at me.

B: I am.

A: Not really.

B: I’m doing my best.

A: I don’t think it’s good enough.

B: Then we may never solve this.

© pg. 20
Scene 15

A: We should follow the instructions.

B: I think we lost them.

A: What do you mean, we lost them?

B: They’re gone.

A: What are we going to do now?

B: Beat’s me.

A: Fine, let’s just start.

B: How?

A: We’ll improvise.

B: That could be dangerous.

A: Or possibly fun.

B: Doubtful.


Scene 15

A: We should follow the instructions.

B: I think we lost them.

A: What do you mean, we lost them?

B: They’re gone.

A: What are we going to do now?

B: Beat’s me.

A: Fine, let’s just start.

B: How?

A: We’ll improvise.

B: That could be dangerous.

A: Or possibly fun.

B: Doubtful.

© pg. 21
Scene 16

A: She told us to wait here.

B: It’s not like we are under arrest.

A: I think we should do what she said.

B: What if we get hungry?

A: It’s not going to be all that long.

B: How do you know?

A: Just be patient.

B: I have to go to the bathroom.

A: You’re just saying that.

B: No, I’m not.

A: She said she’ll come right back.

B: What if she doesn’t?


Scene 16

A: She told us to wait here.

B: It’s not like we are under arrest.

A: I think we should do what she said.

B: What if we get hungry?

A: It’s not going to be all that long.

B: How do you know?

A: Just be patient.

B: I have to go to the bathroom.

A: You’re just saying that.

B: No, I’m not.

A: She said she’ll come right back.

B: What if she doesn’t?

© pg. 22
Scene 17

A: Do you want anything?

B: No.

A: Some water?

B: I’m fine.

A: I could make you a sandwich.

B: I’m not hungry.

A: What about some grapes?

B: I’m not thirsty or hungry.

A: Do you want to play a game?

B: I’m not really in the mood.

A: How about we go for a walk?

B: It’s raining.


Scene 17

A: Do you want anything?

B: No.

A: Some water?

B: I’m fine.

A: I could make you a sandwich.

B: I’m not hungry.

A: What about some grapes?

B: I’m not thirsty or hungry.

A: Do you want to play a game?

B: I’m not really in the mood.

A: How about we go for a walk?

B: It’s raining.

© pg. 23
Scene 18

A: What’s in the bag?

B: None of your business.

A: C’mon. Let me see.

B: No.

A: It’s a surprise for me, isn’t it?

B: You wish.

A: Just let me take a peek.

B: Forget about the bag.

A: Why won’t you just show me?

B: Can we talk about something else?

A: Can I just hold it?

B: No.


Scene 18

A: What’s in the bag?

B: None of your business.

A: C’mon. Let me see.

B: No.

A: It’s a surprise for me, isn’t it?

B: You wish.

A: Just let me take a peek.

B: Forget about the bag.

A: Why won’t you just show me?

B: Can we talk about something else?

A: Can I just hold it?

B: No.

© pg. 24
Scene 19

A: Where are we?

B: I’m not sure exactly.

A: Are you saying we’re lost?

B: I’m not saying that either.

A: What should we do?

B: Your guess is as good as mine.

A: We can ask someone.

B: Who?

A: Well, anyone who comes along.

B: That isn’t much help at the moment.

A: Look, I’m just trying to be helpful.

B: It’s not working.


Scene 19

A: Where are we?

B: I’m not sure exactly.

A: Are you saying we’re lost?

B: I’m not saying that either.

A: What should we do?

B: Your guess is as good as mine.

A: We can ask someone.

B: Who?

A: Well, anyone who comes along.

B: That isn’t much help at the moment.

A: Look, I’m just trying to be helpful.

B: It’s not working.

© pg. 25
Scene 20

A: Oh my God. Look at that.

B: I can’t see it.

A: Right there.

B: What is it?

A: I’m not exactly sure.

B: It’s moving.

A: That’s not a good sign.

B: What should we do?

A: I don’t know. I’ve never been in this situation before.

B: Let’s try not to panic.

A: I’m already panicking.

B: Me too.


Scene 20

A: Oh my God. Look at that.

B: I can’t see it.

A: Right there.

B: What is it?

A: I’m not exactly sure.

B: It’s moving.

A: That’s not a good sign.

B: What should we do?

A: I don’t know. I’ve never been in this situation before.

B: Let’s try not to panic.

A: I’m already panicking.

B: Me too.

© pg. 26
Scene 21

A: I think our luck has run out.

B: Yeah, that’s obvious.

A: What do we do now?

B: Um. The only solution is to travel back in time.

A: That’s helpful.

B: Do you have any bright ideas?

A: Not in the past hour.

B: Or year.

A: What?

B: I didn’t say anything.

A: I heard you.

B: Sorry. Let’s not make it worse by arguing.


Scene 21

A: I think our luck has run out.

B: Yeah, that’s obvious.

A: What do we do now?

B: Um. The only solution is to travel back in time.

A: That’s helpful.

B: Do you have any bright ideas?

A: Not in the past hour.

B: Or year.

A: What?

B: I didn’t say anything.

A: I heard you.

B: Sorry. Let’s not make it worse by arguing.

© pg. 27
Scene 22

A: Looks like a storm is coming.

B: Close the window.

A: It’s still pretty far away.

B: I’m cold.

A: The air feels nice. Get a blanket.

B: Can you just close the window?

A: Fine. Do you want this light on?

B: No.

A: It’s getting dark.

B: I can see just fine.

A: Did you hear that?

B: Yeah. Thunder.

Scene 22

A: Looks like a storm is coming.

B: Close the window.

A: It’s still pretty far away.

B: I’m cold.

A: The air feels nice. Get a blanket.

B: Can you just close the window?

A: Fine. Do you want this light on?

B: No.

A: It’s getting dark.

B: I can see just fine.

A: Did you hear that?

B: Yeah. Thunder.

© pg. 28
Scene 23

A: Here, take it.

B: I don’t want it.

A: I want you to have it.

B: I told you, I don’t want it.

A: Please? It will help.

B: I don’t think so.

A: Well, at least try.

B: Fine, but I’m telling you it won’t make a difference.

A: Don’t be so sure.

B: I’m only doing this to make you happy.

A: I know.


Scene 23

A: Here, take it.

B: I don’t want it.

A: I want you to have it.

B: I told you, I don’t want it.

A: Please? It will help.

B: I don’t think so.

A: Well, at least try.

B: Fine, but I’m telling you it won’t make a difference.

A: Don’t be so sure.

B: I’m only doing this to make you happy.

A: I know. Thank you.

© pg. 29
Scene 24

A: You’re making this up.

B: No, I swear, it’s true.

A: Why haven’t I heard about this before?

B: It was supposed to be a secret.

A: Why are you telling me now?

B: I have no choice.

A: What do you want me to do about it?

B: I don’t know.

A: I don’t want to be involved.

B: Well, you are now.

A: That’s obvious. Thanks a lot.

B: At least I’m not alone.

Scene 24

A: You’re making this up.

B: No, I swear, it’s true.

A: Why haven’t I heard about this before?

B: It was supposed to be a secret.

A: Why are you telling me now?

B: I have no choice.

A: What do you want me to do about it?

B: I don’t know.

A: I don’t want to be involved.

B: Well, you are now.

A: That’s obvious. Thanks a lot.

B: At least I’m not alone.

© pg. 30

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