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Frieska Evita Ayurananda 1

Incorporating Value Engineering During Project Preparation for Better

Infrastructure Delivery

Directorate of Road and Bridge Management System and Strategy Directorate General of
Highways Indonesia Ministry of Public Works and Housing,
Directorate of Road and Bridge Management System and Strategy Directorate General of
Highways Indonesia Ministry of Public Works and Housing,

The Indonesian government’s efforts to achieve the goal of constructing 3,000 kilometers
of new national roads as stated in the National Medium-Term Development Plan 2020-2024 are
coordinated by the Directorate General of Highways (DGH) of the Indonesia Ministry of Public
Works and Housing (MPWH). However, inadequate project preparation due to a lengthy process
to complete preparation documents and substandard-quality feasibility studies (FS) and detailed
engineering designs (DEDs), which must be repeated frequently throughout implementation, is
sometimes one of the obstacles to achieving the goal. Consequently, this will impede the timely
and high-quality delivery of infrastructure.
To solve this issue, MPWH is in the process of implementing the Accelerating
Infrastructure Delivery through Better Engineering Services Project (ESP), which aims to
increase the quality and on-time launch of infrastructure projects at MPWH by simultaneously
completing the preparation documents through one contract package called Project Preparation
Consultant (PPC).
The DGH is also incorporating value engineering (VE) into the design process to improve
the quality of the project. VE is a multidisciplinary, team-based decision-making process that is
carried out in a systematic and structured manner. During the design stage, a VE workshop was
held, and project stakeholders were in attendance.
This paper outlines DGH’s effort to expedite project preparation and enhance
engineering services by simultaneously completing the project preparation documents and
integrating value engineering throughout project preparation. In addition, we would like to share
the things we have learned during the process.
Keywords: value engineering, project preparation

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) implies in a working paper that public spending
on infrastructure investments can significantly contribute to job creation, thereby making countries
more adaptable and sustainable. Providing an additional 1% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
can directly create more than 7 million jobs worldwide and implicitly create 20 million jobs
Frieska Evita Ayurananda 2

(Moszoro, 2021). Effective infrastructure governance and administration is the key to improving
the efficiency of fund disbursement considering the typically limited national budget for
infrastructure. 30-50% of expenditure losses are typically due to ineffective infrastructure project
planning and execution. Therefore, governments need to simplify and enhance these processes by
improving frameworks for project selection, financial planning, transparent procurement, project
supervision, and public asset monitoring (Schwab & Zahidi, 2020). In 2016, the Indonesian
government allocated an infrastructure budget of Rp. 302,6 trillion, a 109% increase from the
infrastructure budget of Rp. 144,4 trillion in 2014. This increase is accompanied by institutional
reforms such as the mandatory use of the e-procurement system, an increase in the use of multi-
year contracts and advance procurement, and the establishment of the e-monitoring system. Other
institutional reforms consist of strengthening government’s procurement unit and enhancing land
acquisition regulations. As a result of these policies, the relevant ministries can expedite the
delivery of their public investment programs. However, one of the limitations that had not been
addressed was inadequate project preparation due to the time-consuming process of composing
preparation documents, some of which were of sub-standard quality. This paper outlines
Directorate General of Highways (DGH)’s effort through the Accelerating Infrastructure Delivery
through Better Engineering Services Project (ESP) to expedite project preparation and enhance
engineering services by simultaneously completing the project preparation documents and
integrating value engineering.

The Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) led the government’s effort to meet
the National Medium-Term Development Plan infrastructure goals. To help meet the
infrastructure development objectives of MPWH’s Strategic Plan (2015-2019), the Asian
Development Bank (ADB) provided the Government of Indonesia (GOI) with a USD 143 million
loan under Loan 3455-INO for the implementation of the ESP. This project was designed to help
MPWH (i) finance infrastructure project preparation as a separate project; and (ii) strengthen
MPWH systems to expedite and enhance the quality of master plans, feasibility studies (FS),
detailed engineering designs (DED), land acquisition and resettlement plans (LARP), and bid
documents. ESP intended to improve the MPWH’s ability to design and implement its public
investment program by (i) enhancing the quality and prompt commencement of infrastructure
projects and (ii) enhancing the MPWH’s systems for managing public investments (ADB, 2021).
DGH is one of the implementing agencies for ESP.
Typically, the contract to develop all preparation documents is executed individually and
sequentially. Thus, it will take approximately three fiscal years to complete all the necessary
documents, including the FS, DED, LARP, EIA, and bid documents. Project Preparation
Consultant (PPC) is a package designed to consolidate all preparation documents contracts in
selected provinces of Indonesia in order to improve the quality and timeliness of infrastructure
projects. There are six PPC packages under DGH, as shown in Table 1 below.
Frieska Evita Ayurananda 3

In addition to the contract consolidation of all preparation documents, several initiatives

are designed to strengthen the public investment systems of the MPWH. Integration of value
engineering into infrastructure project preparation is one of these programs. Each PPC package
shall incorporates value engineering into one of its subprojects.

Table 1 ESP PPC Packages under Directorate General of Highways.

Package Scope of Works Locations
North Sumatera, West
FS, DED of bridges and roads, EIA,
PPC 1 Sumatera, South Sumatera,
and LARP for 5 road sub-projects
Jambi, and Aceh
Central Kalimantan, West
Updating FS, DED of bridges and
Kalimantan, South
PPC 3A roads, EIA, and LARP for 5 road
Kalimantan, and East
DED of bridges and roads, EIA, and North Kalimantan and East
LARP for 4 road sub-projects Kalimantan
DED of bridges and roads, EIA, and
PPC 4 East Java
LARP for 12 road sub-projects
North Sumatera, West
FS, DED of bridges, EIA, and
PPC 5 Sumatera, Jambi, and Nusa
LARP for 8 bridges sub-projects
Tenggara Timur
FS, DED of bridges, EIA, and Banten, East Java, Central
LARP for 7 bridges sub-projects Java, and Yogyakarta

3.1. The history of value engineering
Due to shortages during World Word II, the allies authorized the use of stockpiles in the
armaments industry. In the United States, non-military product manufacturers were required to
use alternative materials. In 1947, Lawrence D. Miles, the purchasing agent for a division of
General Electric Company (GEC) based in Baltimore, created a systematic approach to cost
reduction that the called value analysis. The team-based approach to providing the required
function in a creative manner, which generates numerous alternative solutions, was a
characteristic of value analysis (Kelly et al., 2015). In 1954, the Bureau of Ships of the United
States Department of Defense was the first agency in the United States to use value engineering
(VE) to reduce design costs. When the Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) was
founded in 1959, the term “Value Engineering” was further developed. In the 1960s, value
engineering found its way to Europe, and by 1966, it was widespread in many European
manufacturing organizations (Dell’isola, 1997). Although VE was initially employed
predominantly by manufacturing engineers, by 1970 it had entered the construction industry.
Currently, numerous construction-related industries use VE techniques (Raheem et al., 2018). It
is most useful for larger projects, where the design process is more complex and requires more
materials and labors, thereby allowing for a greater number of alternative solutions. VE can be
Frieska Evita Ayurananda 4

applied to a road project during new construction, rehabilitation (Lee et al., 2010), the design
stage (Gabr et al., n,d), or the selection of bridge construction implementation method (Rani,

3.2. Value engineering in Indonesia

Many countries, including Indonesia, have employed VE to increase the project’s value.
However, Indonesian value engineers remain obscure due to the absence of a reciprocal
relationship between the domestic association, industries, and academic institutions. In addition,
there are few regulations that promote the utilization of value engineering in public projects
(Miraj et al., 2019). In contrast, in developed nations such as the United States, highway projects
with an estimated cost of more than USD 50 billion and bridge projects with an estimated cost of
more than USD 40 billion are subject to VE analysis prior to construction (Gabr et al., n.d).
The VE activity implemented in Indonesia’s MPWH, specifically the DGH, via the ADB-
funded ESP program started in 2018 and continued on an intermittent basis until the end of the
project in 2023. The activity included multiple training courses, numerous workshops, and the
establishment of guidelines to mainstream VE into DGH standard practice. The DGH VE training
courses adhere to the European Standard as illustrated in Figure 1 Value Management European
Training and Certification System (ECTS) that provides three levels of competence-based
certification as follows:
• Qualified Value Associate (QVA): able to implement the fundamental Value
Management principles and tools in daily work and effectively contribute to a value
workshop team;
• Professional in Value Management (PVM): able to design and conduct a value workshop
of at least moderate complexity in a familiar business setting and has the fundamental
knowledge to apply this capability in a variety of situations;
• Trainer in Value Management (TVM): have extensive experience using Value
Management and capable of designing and delivering training and mentoring in terms of
both theory and practice.

Figure 1 Value management European Training and Certification System (ECTS).

Frieska Evita Ayurananda 5

3.3. Definition, methodology, and approach of value engineering

VE is defined in various ways across the globe. VE is a methodical process with a
distinguished history of enhancing value and quality. While ensuring that quality, reliability, and
other crucial factors will meet pr exceed customer expectations, the VE process identifies cost-
saving opportunities (Kelly, et al., 2015). VE is defined as the systematic approach of a
multidisciplinary team to obtain the best value for money while maintaining or enhancing quality,
safety, reliability, and maintainability (Al-Yami & Price, 2005). It is a problem-solving technique
founded on analyzing the project’s functions in order to meet the end-user’s needs and
requirements. According to Value for Europe, the main principles of VE are comprehending the
concept of value, maximizing value and thinking on terms of functions. The concept of value is
based on the dynamic relationship between meeting requirements and expectations and the
resources required to do so. This concept is formulated in the following equation:
𝑓𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 × 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 =

In theory, VE may be conducted at any stage of the project lifecycle, including concept
planning, design, construction, and operation and maintenance. To obtain the best possible
results, however, it is recommended that VE be conducted as soon as possible, prior to the
approval of systems, services, designs or the commitment of funds (Dell’isola, 1997). Figure 2
Potential savings from VE applications illustrates that the earlier VE is implemented, the greater
the potential for savings (Atabay & Galipogullari, 2012). When VE is implemented in the later
stage, both the cost of making any adjustments and resistance to change will increase. For the
ESP PPC packages, some VE workshop are implemented during FS while others are during the
DED stage.

Figure 2 Potential savings from VE applications.

Frieska Evita Ayurananda 6

The VE Job Plan incorporates the systematic procedure referred to in the preceding
definitions of VE. The Job Plan is a methodical and organized strategy for conducting a VE
workshop and ensuring the recommendations are implemented. The Job Plan consists of eight
phases: the first phase is completed prior to the start of the VE workshop. The six phases are
completed during the VE workshop and the eight and final phase is completed after the VE
workshop to conclude the process (FHA, 2019). The Figure 3 VE job plan illustrates the phases
taken during VE workshop.

Figure 3 VE job plan.

3.3.1. Preparation phase

During this phase, the project manager will discuss with VE facilitator regarding the
objective of the VE study, the information of the project, the development of the job plan, and
the identification of the stakeholders who shall be involved in the VE study. During this phase,
the project manager and facilitator also doing stakeholder analysis to decide who are the
stakeholders that will be included in the VE team and be invited to participate on the VE
workshop. Based on their level of influence, the stakeholders are divided into four categories:
Project Team, Decision Maker, Think Along, and Being Informed.

3.3.2. Information phase

The objective of the information phase is to collect and assess project-related information
in order to completely comprehend the requirements needed to achieve the project’s goal. This is
the initial phase of the VE workshop, which typically consists of:
• The kick-off meeting, where everyone on the VE team gets acquainted and the facilitator
discusses, among other things, the VE workshop’s guidelines and agenda;
Frieska Evita Ayurananda 7

• Project overview, in which the project manager and design consultant explain to
stakeholders and the VE team about the project’s scope, collected data, and other
information related to the project. This is the procedure that ensures everyone involved in
VE workshop is on the same page and has access to the same information regarding the
• If possible, a site visit that provides a visual comprehension of the project. Sometimes due
to the remoteness of the project location, a video of the project site may be displayed in
the workshop;
• Identification of the project’s specifications and performance characteristics. The
facilitator will facilitate a discussion in which the VE team is asked to identify the
project’s essential requirements and performance characteristics.

3.3.3. Function analysis phase

The objective of the function analysis is to obtain a comprehensive, objective
understanding of the project’s requirements. The first stage of function analysis is to define the
functions of the project. The facilitator assists the VE team in describing the function of the
project using two-word descriptions that include an “active” verb and a “measurable” noun. The
Function Analysis System Technique (FAST) diagram is constructed from left to right to depict
the logical relationships between various functions in order to answer the questions “how” and
“why”. Using Pareto Analysis, the VE team determined which functions would be examined in
greater depth during the VE workshop, as it would be time-consuming and inefficient to analyze
all of them. The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto analysis or Pareto principle, states that 20%
of a project’s work can result in 80% of its benefits.

3.3.4. Creative phase

The objective of the creative phase is to generate ideas for alternative solutions to any
given problem through the application of creative strategies and techniques. During the free-
flowing brainstorming session, the facilitator encourages all team members to actively
participate, applies creativity stimulators, discourages creativity inhibitors, establishes and
explains ground rules for the VE team, and allows the group to generate many alternative ideas.
The team also investigates and assesses the project’s risks.

3.3.5. Evaluation phase

The objective of the evaluation phase is to develop the most promising ideas from the
preceding phase into potential new solutions by evaluating and enhancing them. The facilitator
will collaborate with the VE team to group ideas with low potential, eliminate ideas that are
impractical or unrealistic, and combine similar ideas using tools such as an
advantage/disadvantage list, paired comparison, or any other tools to determine the value of ideas
and select the ideas with the highest score for development.
Frieska Evita Ayurananda 8

3.3.6. Development phase

The objective of the development phase is to comprehensively examine the significant or
promising ideas on the shortlist and transform them into recommendations. After the team selects
the best options, the concepts are refined through technical works such as cost estimates and
drawings to determine their feasibility. The team will create implementation plans for each
alternative, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative.

3.3.7. Presentation
The objective of the presentation phase is to inform project stakeholders and decision-
makers about the VE workshop process and alternative solutions. The VE team will present their
findings to the project’s decision-makers, clarify how they reached their conclusions, and suggest
alternative solutions. To ensure that the proposed alternatives are technically justifiable and
feasible, the decision-makers evaluate the procedure while questioning the team.

3.3.8. Reporting phase

After completing the VE workshop, the facilitator will compose a VE report that provides
a step-by-step summary of the work performed throughout the workshop. The report provides
evidence to support the team’s recommendations, records the team’s deliberations and
considerations, and contributes to implementing the team’s recommendations. Additionally, it
can serve as a beneficial resource for future projects. After submitting the VE report to the project
manager, the facilitator’s task is complete. Communicating with the decision-maker to determine
which recommendation will be implemented is the responsibility of the project manager.

4.1. Value engineering training and certification
As explained in the previous chapter, one of the VE activities in DGH is a training course.
Training was done at three levels: VM1, VM2, and VM3. Successful completion of the training,
to a specified level, plus relevant experience in VE activities can allow progression to an
international certification provided through the Dutch Association for Cost Engineers (DACE).
DACE is an inter-society organization of SAVE International, the premier international society
devoted to advancing and promoting the Value Methodology (VM). Under ES, the following
training has been done:
• VM1 (from November 2018 to March 2022): ten batches, 94 trainees from DGH, 4 trainees
from academic institutions, and 5 trainees from consultants. Trainees with a final test score
of more than 80 and who actively participate in VE workshops are eligible for international
certification as Qualified Value Associates (QVA). 21 DGH staff and 1 consultant have
received this international certification;
• VM2 (April 2019 and September 2022): two batches, 14 trainees from DGH and 1 trainee
Frieska Evita Ayurananda 9

from a consultant.
• VM3 (October 2022 and January 2023): two batches, 12 trainees from DGH and 1 trainee
from consultant.

4.2. Value engineering workshop

During 2019 - 2023, multiple value engineering workshops were carried out for ESP and
non-ESP projects, as presented in Table 2 Value engineering workshop in DGH.

Table 2 Value engineering workshop in DGH

No Province Project Workshop date cost
(Rp. Billion)
(Rp. Billion)
1 Pansela Jawa Timur (12 sections) June 2019 ±9,500 3,800
East Java
2 Yogyakarta Jembatan Kretek September 2019 542 106 - 158
3 West Java Flyover Kopo October 2019 500 108 - 179
4 Jambi Jembatan Merangin October 2019 65 7
North Penanganan longsoran Subaim
5 October 2019 3.7 0.2 – 3.4
Maluku Buli
6 Jembatan Tana Ponggol October 2019 297 21 - 125
Rekonstruksi Jl. Calang - BTS
7 Aceh November 2019 -
Kalimantan Pembangunan Jalan Ruas Tiong
8 November 2019 915 835 - 872
Timur Ohang - Long Pahangai 1
9 Manado Outer Ring Road 3 November 2019 60 11
Sulawesi Pembangunan Jalan Mamasa -
10 November 2019 684 338
Barat Tabang
(none yet – still
Sulawesi Intake Pembangunan Jalan
11 December 2019 in concept
Selatan Rantepao - Bua
Maluku Pembangunan Jalan Ruas Sopi –
12 February 2020 806 41 - 596
Utara Wayabula
Kalimantan Penanganan Teknik Pasca Banjir
13 February 2020 298 20
Tengah Ruas Palangkaraya – Bagugus
14 DIY Pansela DIY (Kretek - Girijati) February 2020 367 62
Pansela DIY (Planjan - Baron -
15 DIY February 2020 511 85
Tepus )
Pembangunan jalan Henes -
16 NTT Dafala - Laktutus & Oepoli - February 2020 725 570 - 571
17 Bali Pembangunan Jalan BTS Kota February 2020 117 -23
Frieska Evita Ayurananda 10

No Province Project Workshop date cost
(Rp. Billion)
(Rp. Billion)
Singaraja - Mengwitani (Titik Cost is
7ABC dan 8) increased giving
Pansela DIY (Jerukwudel – Bts
18 DIY March 2020 307 28 - 61
Jateng & Batu Leguni – Planjan)
19 Flyover Kabil March 2020 386 53 - 57
20 Flyover Sekip Jan – Jun 2021 412 141 – 203
21 Jawa Flyover Canguk Jan - Jun 2021 226 48
ESP PPC7 Jun 2020 –Jan
22 Jembatan Enang Enang 217 103
Aceh 2021
ESP PPC1 Jalan akses Pelabuhan Ujung Mar 2021 Feb
23 1400 Change:
Jambi Jabung 2022
3A Pembangunan Jalan CK1: Tb. October21
24 2300 800
Kalimantan Senamang – Bts. Kalbar December 2022
Jalan tol Serang – Panimbang Change
25 Banten December 2022 7000
Seksi 3 sequencing

As presented in this table, the VE workshop in DGH was mainly conducted during the feasibility
study and detailed engineering design stage. One of the examples of the VE workshop done in the
feasibility study was the ESP PPC1 Jambi, Jalan akses Pelabuhan Ujung Jabung. The project is
located north-east of Jambi city in Tanjung Jabung regency. Ujung Jabung Port is designed to
facilitate 5,000 gross-ton vessels with mooring dolphins. The existing port in Jambi Region can
facilitate vessels up to 1,500 gross tons. Currently, the construction of the Ujung Jabung Port is on
hold because the central government stopped funding of the project. The project’s primary function
is to connect Jambi City to Ujung Jabung Port with a road. The connection consists of road
upgrades, new roads, and new bridges. The secondary function of the project is to connect districts
around Ujung Jabung with Jambi, providing connectivity for approximately 30,000 people who
currently must travel to Jambi by boat and road.
Due to Covid-19 regulations, value engineering preparation and workshops are held in a
virtual online collaboration room via and virtual online meetings via Zoom. The
preparation of this VE study was started in March 2021 and the workshops were conducted in
Frieska Evita Ayurananda 11

November 2021. The VE Team included several stakeholders who were involved in this project
directly and indirectly, such as the Directorate of Bridge Construction, Directorate of Road
Construction, Directorate of Road and Bridge Engineering, Regional Office of Jambi, Department
of Transportation of Jambi Region, Nipah Panjang and Ujung Jabung Port Operational
Representative, BAPPEDA Jambi, etc. After a series of meetings, the VE Team presented 7
alternatives, which then scored on the value profile (based on connectivity, economy, and
maintenance). After a presentation to the decision maker, it was decided that the following action
sequence would be taken: investigate the potential river transport, construct Sei Rambut bridge,
after the Ujung Jabung Port is constructed, DGH would construct the road following the trace
recommended in the workshop (which has the highest value score) and after the Kemingking area
is constructed (and operational), DGH will add 5 km of road to connect Kemingking to Talang
Duku Port. Instead of the normal feasibility study when the consultant examined the feasibility of
the project, during the VE workshops, the stakeholders explored more options and considered the
point of view of other entities such as the Ministry of Transport, Local Governments, etc.
After a series of VE Workshops that we’ve conducted, we may conclude that VE is not
always about cost optimization. As shown in the above table, after the VE workshop for
Pembangunan Jalan BTS Kota Singaraja - Mengwitani (Titik 7ABC dan 8), the cost is increased.
However, with this increment, we also improved the performance of the project by identifying
black spots and improving the intersection in order to reduce the black spots. Thus, enhancing the
safety of the road and increasing the value of the project.

4.3. Value engineering guidelines

Under ESP, DGH developed a new guideline to introduce the standard use of Value
Engineering studies/workshops for all projects above a certain threshold. Directorate General of
Highways published a Circular Letter regarding the Statement of Work Value Engineering No.
11/SE/Db/2022 on 21 March 2022. The Statement of Work contains requirements for formal VE
studies/workshops and can be used as a guideline to conduct VE studies/workshops.

4.4. Lessons learned

Several lessons learned from the implementation of VE in the Directorate General of
Highways include:
• Since VE is a multi-discipline team effort, the stakeholder analysis during the preparation
phase is a crucial step that must be thoroughly examined. It determines the quality of the
VE team that will participate in the VE workshop;
• The commitment of the VE team to invest time, effort and willingness to participate in the
VE workshop actively is crucial;
• Since not all stakeholders are familiar with VE, the facilitator must provide a brief
explanation at the beginning of the information phase;
• During the preparation phase, the project manager must collect all project-related
Frieska Evita Ayurananda 12

information and contact the appropriate parties for data. Complete and detailed data and
information will provide the VE team with a better understanding, allowing them to
generate more reliable alternatives;
• The facilitator must be capable of posing provocative questions to the team in order to
stimulate creativity and encourage audience participation throughout the workshop;
• During the presentation phase, the presenter, either a facilitator or project manager, shall
convince the decision makers that the VE workshop was conducted properly and that the
recommended alternatives are technically justified and feasible;
• It is important that decision-makers have a fundamental understanding of VE so that they
can comprehend the process carried out by the VE team and feel comfortable using the
results as a basis for decision-making.

Before infrastructure projects can be constructed, they typically require years of cost-
benefit analysis, DED, environmental and social impact studies, and LARP. In order to accelerate
the process, DGH integrates all document preparation packages into a single contract package via
the ESP program. The preparation of DED, environmental and land acquisition documents was
concluded in less than two years, as opposed to the typical three or more fiscal years. However,
the effectiveness of the ESP program depends on the collaboration of all related stakeholders such
as the technical teams who must approve the design, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry
that issues the environmental permit, the land acquisition department, etc. During the VE
workshop, DGH is able to identify and categorize numerous project stakeholders. With this
information, the project manager are able to engage with the stakeholders at the early stage, address
their needs and concerns and also maintain relationship will them to assure a successful project
implementation. The risks that were also identified during VE workshop will be used in a risk
register and as valuable information for a project manager to develop mitigation plan and minimize
potential construction-related risks.
The DGH has only implemented VE for the past five years and has conducted 25 VE
workshop for various projects, mainly during the feasibility study and detailed engineering design
phases. Although imperfect, it was able to ignite the interest of DGH decision makers in learning
more about VE. It is anticipated that the publication of the guidelines and the training and
certification of a significant number of DGH personnel in VE will stimulate the implementation
of VE in Indonesia.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the individuals and organizations who
have contributed to the publication of this research paper. This paper would not have been possible
without the assistance of the Asian Development Bank and ESP Program counterparts from the
Ministry of Public Works and Housing.
Frieska Evita Ayurananda 13

1. Moszoro, M. (2021). IMF Working Paper, The Direct Employment Impact of Public Investment.
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2. Schwab, K. & Zahidi, S. (2020). The Global Competitiveness Report Special Edition 2020. How
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3. Project Administration Manual, Republic of Indonesia: Accelerating Infrastructure Delivery through
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4. Kelly, J., Male, S., & Graham, D. (2015). Value Management of Construction Projects. West Sussex,
United Kingdom: Wiley Blackwell.
5. Dell’isola, A.J. (1997). Value Engineering: practical applications …for design, construction,
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6. Raheem, M.A., Burbach, V., Abdelhameed, A., Sanchez, G., & Navarro, L. (2018). Value Engineering
and Its Applications in Civil Engineering.
7. Lee, M., Lim, J., & Hunter, G. (2010). Performance-based value engineering application to public
highway construction. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 14(3), 261-271.
8. Gabr, S. E., El-Korany, T., Etman, E. E., & El-Din Fahmy Taher, S. (n.d.). Relevance of value
engineering towards environment friendly roadway projects. International Conference on Advances in
Structural and Geotechnical Engineering.
9. Rani, H. (2017). Optimization and effectiveness of bridge construction development based on value
engineering. International Journal of Civil, Structural, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering
Research and Development, 7(2), 15-22.
10. Miraj, P., Dofir, A., Andreas, A., Berawi, M. A., & Abd Karim, S. B. (2019). Systematic Review of
Value Engineering Research Studies in Indonesia. CSID Journal of Infrastructure Development (2)2,
11. Al-Yami, A. M., & Price, A. D. F. (2005). Exploring conceptual linkages between value engineering
and sustainable construction. In: Khosrowshahi, F (Ed.), 21st Annual ARCOM Conference, 7-9
September 2005, SOAS, University of London. Association of Researchers in Construction
Management, Vol. 1, 375-84.
12. Federal Highways Administration (FHA). (2019). Value Engineering final rule. Retrieved from
13. Atabay, S., & Galipogullari, N. (2012). Application of Value Engineering in Construction Projects. 10th
International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 17-19 October 2012, Middle East Technical
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14. Bechtel’s Value Engineering Handbook. (2000). United States of America.
Frieska Evita Ayurananda 14

Author 1 : Frieska Evita Ayurananda
Post Nominals : S.T., M.Eng
Title : -
Affiliations : -
Date of Birth : 13 August 1983
Address : Directorate of Road and Bridge Management System and Strategy, Bina
Marga Building 5th Floor, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Jl.
Pattimura No. 20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan – INDONESIA
Phone Number : +62 8112641068
Fax Number : -
Email :
Author 2 : Rindy Farrah Indah Dewi
Post Nominals : S.T., M.Eng
Title : -
Affiliations : -
Date of Birth : 19 March 1984
Address : Directorate of Road and Bridge Management System and Strategy, Bina
Marga Building 5th Floor, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Jl.
Pattimura No. 20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan – INDONESIA
Phone Number : +62 8118209114
Fax Number : -
Email :

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