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PLEASE NOT E : Af t er t he examinat io n, yo u are required t o keep t his call let t er saf ely alo ng wit h co py o f at t ached
Pho t o ID pro o f (bo t h duly aut hent icat ed / st amped by Exam o fficials) and bring bo t h do cument s at t he t ime o f main
examinat io n (if sho rt list ed).
Registration No.: 2290094608

Candidate’s Name: MANISH SAKLANI


Exam Date: 30/12/23 Sat urd ay PHOTOGRAPH (s ame as uploade d in
the online application form) & SI GN
Reporting Time: 11:30 AM ACROSS (Ple as e ke e p 8 copie s of
the s ame for future us e ) I n
addition to the pas te d photograph,
Roll No./ User ID: 2821000867
one more photograph is to be
brought for this e xamination.
Password: 26903337

Exam Venue Address:

Photograph affixed should match the uploaded photograph
(As printed). In case of discrepancy, the uploaded photo
(Venue Code) S 12236 only will be considered for identification purpose.

Madam / S ir,
Re : O NLINE P re lim in a r y Exa m in a tio n fo r Re cru itm e n t o f Sp e cia lis t O ffice rs in P a r ticip a tin g Ba n ks .

With reference to your Application for the above recruitment in response to the notification published in the newspapers, and posted on the authorised IBPS website, please
appear for the Online Preliminary Examination at your own expenses on the date, time and venue mentioned above, subject to the terms and conditions set out below.
(1) Please bring this call letter with your photograph affi xed thereon, a photocopy of photo identity proof stapled with it and same (currently valid) photo ID in original along with 1
additional photograph - THIS IS ESSENTIAL.
(2) Currently valid photo identity proof may be PAN Card/Passport/Permanent Driving License/Voter’s Card with photograph/Bank Passbook with photograph/Photo Identity proof
issued by a Gazetted Offi cer or People’s Representative on offi cial letterhead / Identity Card issued by a recognised College or University / Aadhaar Card/E-aadhaar Card with
photograph / Employee ID / Bar Council Identity card with photograph.
(3) Please Note - Ration Card and Learner’s Driving License will NOT be accepted as valid ID proof.
(4) Please Note: Candidate reporting without one photograph pasted on the Call Letter and one additional photograph will not be allowed to appear for the examination. Candidates
must bring blue ink stamp pad and glue for affi xing left thumb impression and pasting photograph on attendance sheet.

Handwrit ing Sample (t o be co pied f ro m screen as inst ruct ed)

I have brought and attached my ________________________ ID with number ___________________________

(Aadhaar/ PAN/ DL etc.)

Yours faithfully,

Candidate’s S ignature Invigilator’s S ignature VBO' s S ignature

(To be s igned in the pres ence of the (Candidate’s s ignature obtained in (I have verified the call letter and ID
invigilator at the time of my pres ence and photograph proof pres ented by the candidate as
examination) verified by me) above)
Head - Administration
Yo u m u s t re p o r t a t th e e xa m in a tio n ve n u e 15 m in u te s b e fo re th e re p o r tin g tim e .
La te co m e rs will n o t b e a llo we d to ta ke th e e xa m . Ca n d id a te will n o t b e p e rm itte d to le a ve th e e xa m in a tio n h a ll till th e tim e fo r th e te s t is o ve r a n d /o r
p e rm is s io n to le a ve th e h a ll is g ive n b y th e te s t a d m in is tra to r.
Yo u r p h o to g ra p h a ffixe d o n th e ca ll le tte r s h o u ld m a tch th e o n e u p lo a d e d in th e o n lin e a p p lica tio n fo rm , fa ilin g wh ich yo u will n o t b e a llo we d to a p p e a r
fo r th e e xa m in a tio n . Yo u r s ig n a tu re s h o u ld ta lly with th e s ig n a tu re u p lo a d e d . In ca s e o f d is cre p a n cy, yo u will n o t b e a llo we d to a p p e a r fo r th e
e xa m in a tio n . Re g is tra tio n a t th e e xa m ve n u e will b e d o n e th ro u g h p h o to ca p tu re . P h o to ca p tu re d will b e m a tch e d with th e p h o to u p lo a d e d b y yo u in th e
a p p lica tio n ( As p rin te d in th e ca ll le tte r) . Yo u m u s t NOT ch a n g e yo u r a p p e a ra n ce fro m th e p h o to u p lo a d e d b y yo u . Scrib e p h o to g ra p h will a ls o b e
ca p tu re d . Sig n a tu re in CAP IT AL LET T ERS will n o t b e a cce p te d .
The e xamination will be c onduc te d online . You mus t e nte r your Us e r ID and Pas s word, whic h are printe d on this c all le tte r, to e nte r the online e xamination s ite . Your name and othe r de tails will appe ar on the s c re e n afte r login. Ple as e ve rify and
e ns ure c orre c tne s s of the s e de tails . Dis c los ure of Us e r ID & Pas s word to third party s hall be at the ris k and re s pons ibility of the c andidate . Ple as e re ad the ins truc tions give n in the ne xt page and als o the information handout available on
authoris e d IBPS we bs ite www.ibps .in c are fully.

Ple a s e print a nd re a d the a tta c he d ins truc tions (two pa ge s ) f rom the ne xt pa ge c a re f ully.
1. Please Not e t hat t hose c andidat es who are barred f rom appearing in CRP examinat ions and t he period of t heir
debarment is in f orc e, t heir admission to t he c urrent examinat ion shall be null and void.
2. You must bring t he c all let t er along wit h c urrent ly valid photo ident it y proof (suc h as PAN Card/Passpor t /Permanent
Driving Lic ense/Vot er’s Card wit h photograph/Bank passbook wit h photograph/Photo Ident it y proof issued by a
Gaz et t ed Offic er or People’s Represent at ive on offic ial let t erhead/ Ident it y Card issued by a rec ognised College or
Universit y/Aadhaar Card/E-Aadhaar Card wit h a photograph /Bar Counc il ID Card wit h photograph/Employee ID) in
original as well as a photoc opy. Please not e t hat your name as appearing on t he c all let t er (provided by you during t he
proc ess of regist rat ion) should exac t ly mat c h t he name as appearing on t he photo ident it y proof . If t here is any
mismat c h bet ween t he name indic at ed in t he Call Let t er and Photo Ident it y proof you will not be allowed to appear f or
t he examinat ion.
Rat io n Card and Le arne r’s Driving Lice nse will NOT be acce pt e d as valid ID pro o f .
In case o f candidat e s who have change d t he ir name will be allo we d o nly if t he y pro duce Gaze t t e no t ificat io n/t he ir marriage
ce rt ificat e /affidavit .

3. IBPS /Partic ipating Banks m ay also c onduc t (on voluntary basis) Online Aadhaar verific ation of the c andidates/sc ribes at
different stages of the proc ess.
4. You should asc ertain exac t loc ation of the venue well in advanc e of the date of exam ination.
5. You need to past e your photograph on t he c all let t er and bring one more photograph in addit ion. Candidat es repor t ing
wit hout one photograph past ed on t he c all let t er and one addit ional photograph will not be allowed to appear f or t he
(It is advisable t hat c andidat e ret ains about 8 c opies of t he same photograph whic h is uploaded at t he t ime of
Applic at ion as t hese would be needed f or f ur t her st ages of t his selec t ion proc ess).
6. Call letter and ID proof m anagem ent:
For c andidat es availing t he servic es of a S c ribe – S c ribe dec larat ion f orm will be c ollec t ed at t he t ime of preliminary
examinat ion.
7. Late c om ers will not be allowed to take the exam . Candidates will not be perm itted to leave the exam ination hall till the
tim e for the test is over and the test adm inistrator has given perm ission to leave. The test will begin after c om pletion of
the form alities like attendanc e, obtaining signature on the c all letter and photo c apture etc . IBPS will not be responsible
for any delay or disruption in transport.
8. A handout giving inform ation about the type of tests you will be taking is available on authorised IBPS website. Please
download the inform ation handout and study it c arefully. In addition a link for a m oc k test will be available on the
authorised IBPS website.
9. You should bring a ball point pen, blue ink st amp pad and glue wit h you to t he examinat ion hall.
10. Please not e t hat you are allowed to appear only onc e f or t he examinat ion f or above ment ioned post . Mult iple
appearanc es will result in c anc ellat ion of c andidat ure. In c ase more t han one c all let t er has been generat ed, you are
advised to appear only onc e on t he dat e and at t he t ime ment ioned on t he respec t ive c all let t er. All ot her c all let t ers
are to be surrendered.
11. You should stric tly c om ply with the direc tions given to you by the test adm inistrator/invigilator. If any c andidate is found
disregarding these direc tions he/she will be liable to be disqualified/debarred from the exam ination.
12. Any c andidate found resorting to any unfair m eans or m alprac tic e or any m isc onduc t while appearing at the exam ination
inc luding giving/rec eiving help to/from any c andidate during the test will be disqualified and m ay be debarred either
perm anently or for a spec ified period from any exam ination c onduc ted by IBPS . The c andidate should be vigilant to
ensure that no other c andidate is able to c opy from his/her answers. IBPS would be analysing t he responses (answers) of
individual c andidat es wit h ot her c andidat es to det ec t pat t erns of similarit y of right and wrong answers. If in t he
analyt ic al proc edure adopt ed by IBPS in t his regard, it is inf erred/c onc luded t hat t he responses have been shared and
sc ores obt ained are not genuine/valid, IBPS reserves right to c anc el t he c andidat ure of t he c onc erned c andidat es
wit hout any not ic e.
13. You are advised not to bring any of the banned item s to the venue of exam ination as arrangem ent for safekeeping c annot
be assured.
Following item s are not allowed inside the exam ination c entre:
Any stationery item like textual m aterial (printed or written), bits of papers, Geom etry/Penc il Box, Plastic Pouc h,
Calc ulator, S c ale, Writing Pad, Pen Drives, Log Table, Elec tronic Pen/S c anner, Any c om m unic ation devic e like Mobile
phone, Bluetooth, Earphones, Mic rophone, Pager, Health Band etc . Other item s like Goggles, Handbags, Hair-pin, Hair-
band, Belt, Cap, Any watc h/Wrist Watc h, Cam era, devic es with sc reen freeze or storage fac ilities etc , Any m etallic item ,
Any eatable item opened or pac ked, any other item whic h c ould be used for unfair m eans for hiding c om m unic ation
devic es like c am era, blue tooth devic es etc . You are advised to avoid wearing ornam ents like Ring, Earrings, Nose-pin,
Chain/Nec klac e, Pendants, Badge, brooc h etc .
14. Anyone found to be disc losing, publishing, reproduc ing, transm itting, storing or fac ilitating transm ission and storage of
test c ontents in any form or any inform ation therein in whole or part thereof or by any m eans verbal or written, elec tronic or
m ec hanic al or taking away the papers supplied in the exam ination hall or found to be in unauthorised possession of test
c ontent is likely to be prosec uted.
15. Person with Benc hm ark Disability should c ontac t the Test Centre Adm inistrator of the test venue at least 30 m inutes
before the tim e of exam ination for assistanc e in seating, if needed.
16. Guidelines for Person with Benc hm ark Disability/S pec ified Disability c andidates, using the servic es of a S c ribe c an be
downloaded from authorised IBPS website.
17. Candidat es who are eligible and have applied f or availing t he servic es of a sc ribe have to fi ll in t he online sc ribe
dec larat ion f orm. The link f or fi lling online sc ribe dec larat ion f orm has been provided in t he exam int imat ion email sent
to eligible c andidat es on t heir regist ered email ID. The link is also available on aut horised IBPS websit e
Af t er fi lling t he online dec larat ion f orm, c andidat es have to download it and bring a print out of it on t he day of
examinat ion.
18. For c andidates availing sc ribe in ac c ordanc e with OM - F. No. 29-6/2019-DD-III dated 10.08.2022, shall be allowed sc ribe
fac ility subjec t to produc tion of a c ertific ate at the tim e of online exam ination to the effec t that person c onc erned has
lim itation to write and that sc ribe is essential to write exam ination on his/her behalf from c om petent m edic al authority of
a Governm ent healthc are institution as per Appendix I of the said guidelines. S uc h c andidates shall not be allowed to
appear for the exam ination without the spec ified m edic al c ertific ate as per Appendix I of the said guidelines.
19. The sc ribe arranged by the c andidate should not be a c andidate for the online exam ination under CRP S PL XIII. If violation
of the above is detec ted at any stage of the proc ess, c andidature for CRP of both the c andidate and the sc ribe will be
c anc elled.
20. During t he exam, at any st age, if it is f ound t hat sc ribe is independent ly answering t he quest ions, t he exam session will
be t erminat ed and c andidat e’s c andidat ure will be c anc elled. The c andidat ure of suc h c andidat es using t he servic es
of a sc ribe will also be c anc elled if it is repor t ed af t er t he examinat ion by t he t est administ rator personnel t hat t he
sc ribe independent ly answered t he quest ions. In suc h c ases, t he c andidat e and t he sc ribe may also be debarred eit her
permanent ly or f or a spec ifi ed period f rom all CRP examinat ions. IBPS reserves t he right to share t he list of debarred
c andidat es/sc ribes to ot her Rec ruit ing agenc ies f or t heir inf ormat ion.
21. The sc ribe arranged by the c andidate should not be a sc ribe to any other c andidate in the sam e exam ination proc ess. In
the event of suc h appearanc e of the sc ribe, the c andidature of both the c andidates m ay be c anc elled and the sc ribe m ay
be debarred to appear as sc ribe for future CRP exam inations.
22. Any request for c hange of c entre / venue / date / session will not be entertained.
23. You may please not e t hat t his c all let t er does not c onst it ut e an of f er of employment by any/all Par t ic ipat ing Bank(s).
24. Your adm ission to the exam ination is stric tly provisional. Before c om ing for the exam ination, please ensure that you are
eligible ac c ording to the eligibility c riteria stipulated in the Notific ation. If you are not eligible, your c andidature will be
c anc elled at any stage.
25. Any c anvassing for selec tion inc luding c hange of date, tim e and venue shall be c onsidered as disqualific ation.
26. Please read inst ruc t ions relat ed to S oc ial Dist anc ing mode of Exam given below.


1 Candidate is required to report at the exam venue strictly as per the time mentioned in the Call Letter. Late comers will not be
allowed to take the test.
2 Items permitted into the venue for Candidates
Candidat es will be permit t ed t o carry only cert ain it ems wit h t hem int o t he venue.
a. Mask ( Wearing a mask is advisable)
b. Gloves
c. Personal t ransparent wat er bot t le (Candidat es should bring t heir own wat er bot t le)
d. Personal hand sanit izer (50 ml)
e. A simple pen and blue ink st amp pad.
f. Exam relat ed document s (Call Let t er and phot ocopy of t he phot o ID proof st apled wit h it and same ID card in
original.) T he name on t he ID card and on t he Call let t er should be exact ly t he same.
g. In case of Scribe Candidat es - Scribe f orm duly filled and signed wit h Phot ograph affixed.
No other Items are permitted inside the venue.
3 Candidate should not share any of their personal belonging/material with anyone
4 Candidate should maintain safe social distance with one another.
5 If candidate is availing services of a scribe, then scribe also should bring their own Gloves, N95 Mask, sanitizer (50ml) and
transparent water bottle. Wearing a mask is advisable.


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