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A Proposed Business Policy Paper

Presented to the Faculty of
School of Graduate and Professional Studies
University of Pangasinan - Phinma
Dagupan City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree



March 2023

This is to certify that we have read the business

policy paper of RELENE SHEMA D. SALAZAR entitled,

“SHEMASSAGE”. She defended the same before an Oral

Examination Committee on March 16, 2019. The committee found

the business policy paper acceptable and has successfully

passed the Oral Defense.


Business Policy Adviser

Member Member

Business Policy Paper



This is to certify that RELENE SHEMA D. SALAZAR was

admitted to candidacy for the degree Master in Business

Administration as of March 27, 2023 after passing the

Comprehensive Examination in her Basic, Concentration and

Cognate Courses.


OIC - Director
School of Graduate
Professional Studies

Business Policy Paper


The proponent would like to acknowledge with profound

gratitude and sincere appreciation the following people who,

in one way or another, shared their utmost personal

professional assistance and untiring services that made this

study a priceless reality:

NAME, Faculty member of School of Graduate and

Professional Studies and adviser in this business policy

paper for sacrificing her time in guiding, providing,

suggesting and encouraging the researcher, her

insurmountable effort, helpful ideas and advices and

contribution to the planning and completion of this paper;

NAME, Faculty member of School of Graduate and

Professional Studies and Panel Member for her satisfaction,

helpful ideas, pieces of advices and valuable time and

effort to finish this paper;

NAME, Faculty member of School of Graduate and

Professional Studies for sharing ideas to researcher on how

to make a good business policy paper;

Respondents, for their overwhelming cooperation and

honest responses in answering the questionnaires;

MBA Students, especially the proponent’s classmates in

Master in Business Administration for their generosity in

Business Policy Paper

giving pieces of advices and inspiration to make this study


And above all, to the LORD ALMIGHTY, for giving the

researcher patience when they are about to give up,

strengths and wisdom when she asked for the way out, love

that filled her passion which made her hold on. To all,

thank you so much.

The Researcher

Business Policy Paper


This business policy paper is lovingly dedicated to

researcher’s FAMILY who always there to support her during

hardships and obstacles that cross along her way. With that

simple way it helps her to be strong and to become

successful as time goes by towards the near future.

The Researcher

Business Policy Paper



Title Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

Certification of Acceptance
Of Business Policy Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

Certificate of Admission to Candidacy for

the Master in Business Administration . . . . . iii

Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi

Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi


Business Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Business Offering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Unique Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Strategic Analysis of the

Company and Its Business . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


One of the Workforce . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Customer Retention and Loyalty. . . . . . . . . 6

Corporate Social Responsibility . . . . . . . . 7


Business Policy Paper

Target Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


Demand Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Demand and Supply Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Survey Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Market Positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Market Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Marketing Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32


Legal Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Organizational Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Capitalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Manpower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Process Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Materials and Equipment Handling . . . . . . . . 46

Maintenance Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Waste Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Chapter 5 Human Resource Management

Business and Organizational Structure. . . . . . 50

Personnel Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Hiring Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Compensation and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Business Policy Paper

Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60


Operational Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60


Major Assumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Initial Investment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Projected Statement of
Financial Performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Projected Statement of
Financial Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Projected Statement of
Cash Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Projected Statement of
Change in Owner’s Equity . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Notes to Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . 65

Return On Investments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Net Present Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Payback Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Leverage Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Liquidity Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69


PESTLE Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Business Policy Paper

SWOT Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72


Marketing Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73


The Ansoff Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Market Penetration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Market Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Product Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Diversification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76


Chapter 10 RECOMMENDATION/ACTION PLAN . . . . . . . . 81

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

CURRICULUM VITAE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Business Policy Paper

Business Policy Paper

Business Concept

Masulosyonan or maiwansa nag mga sumusunod na problema:

Mahabang Pila,abot hangang labas na pila, Kulang ng upuan

sa facility, Lunch Break sa mga Private or Commercial

Business Establishment, Minsan may masungit na Guard or

Teller, Mabahong Katabi sa pila, Closed sa Weekends and


Makapag avail ng mga sumusunod.

*Business Loan

*Personal Loan




*GForest – Makatulong sa Nature

Madaling gamitin

Malawak ang tagert market (from 7years old and above at

Nationwide and Internal transaction)

Business Policy Paper

Business Name

Business Logo

Services Offered

Pay Bill

*Electric Bill

*Water Bill




*Credit Cards


Business Policy Paper


*Reals Estate





* Globe

* Tm


* Cherry Prepaid

* Smart

* TnT

* Dito

Cash In & Cash Out

Bank Transfer

Business Policy Paper

Unique Quality

One of the unique qualities of SHEMASSAGE is its

signature massage which is the hilot or the Traditional

Massage of Filipino It is the traditional way of healing and

practice by our Filipino ancestors and continuously thriving

to this day. If fact, this practice is known around the

world, as cited by Calvert (2022) in the book titled “The

Healing Hands of Hilot: Filipino Therapeutic Massage”, the

technique used in hilot is very similar to Indonesia's

massage practices "such as strokes which move away from the

heart, sideways rubbing or going across the muscle fibers,

and the principles and functions of the channels." Coconut

oil has always been the choice for hilot even during the

ancient times.

Also, SHEMASSAGE offers on call, out call or onsite

massage whether it is for an individual or for a group or

entire corporation where all employees can avail themselves

of the massage services.

Business Policy Paper

All clients, whether group or individuals can book

their schedule through the company’s website, phone call,

text, or chat. Lastly, SHEMASSAGE’s unique service is its

massage therapists; they are all trained and licensed that

will take the clients’ blood pressure and pulse rate and

consider their medical history before conducting the

requested massage service.

Business Structure

Relene Shema Dispo Salazar, the proponent of this

Business Policy is the sole proprietor of the business. A

massage team will be hired consisting of massage therapists

accredited by TESDA, a receptionist who will also serve as

the bookkeeper, and the cleaner.

Business Location

SHEMASSAGE will be placed in Dagupan City, the business

capital of Pangasinan Province. Specifically, it will be

located on the Grand floor, Lyceum-Northwestern University,

A.B. Fernandez Avenue, Dagupan City, Pangasinan, 2400. The

Proponent chose this location for the following reasons:

first, accessibility in the market, if the SHEMASSAGE will

be needing anything such as materials or products which need

for business and service operation, the management can

easily get or purchase it; second, lot of establishments are

Business Policy Paper

also be located in the area, such as Schools, Terminals,

Museum, Police Station, Town Plaza, Department Stores,

Church, and other Local Government offices; and the business

operation in this area of Dagupan is 24 hours, because the

Fish port is also located here.

The proponent is certainly sure that SHEMASAGE will not

be getting zero clients in a day, not to mention the

majority of the people coming into this area, especially at

the night are the people who are businessmen and workers

that works a hard labor type of jobs; which is, they are the

sort of people who often avail the kind of massage services

offer by SHEMASSAGE.

Figure 2. Vicinity Map

Figure 2 above illustrates the vicinity of SHEMASSAGE,

it is in front of Dagupan Museum, across of City Plaza, a 2

blocks away from Fish Port and around 15 to 20 meters far

from Dagupan Church and Elementary Schools.

Business Policy Paper

Corporate Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility aims to ensure that companies

conduct their business in a way that is ethical.

SHEMASSAGE is not just about for earning profit, it is

also deals with activities that are beneficial not just for

the business itself, but also to the community, environment,

government, and people, as part of its social


Socio-Economic Benefits

The heart value of SHEMASSAGE is to provide the best

possible care for its customers and at the same time, give

it back to society.

The information below will be the contributions and

impacts of SHEMASSAGE and its benefits to the community,

government, economy, and environment, respectively.

Community Contribution

SHEMASSAGE would collaborate with the local government

in conducting free massage services and educational training

for people who want to learn or have some knowledge about

massage therapy that could use to get a job or create a

business in the future.

Government Contribution

Business Policy Paper

The business will ensure that all government

requirements will be submitted on time. Taxes will be paid,

and well-presented and business registrations will be


Economic Contribution

Hiring employees would help to decrease the amount of

unemployment and it contributes to the growth of the


Environmental Contribution

SHEMASSAGE ensures the cleanliness of the surroundings

of it business, whether it is inside or out of its premises,

cleanliness will be observed and always maintained;

conservation of electricity and water by proper use and

monitoring of electrical equipment and water consumption;

furthermore, the management of the business would also make

sure to properly implement the proper way of management and

disposal of its waste.

Strategic Analysis of the Business

This part of business plan talks about the external and

internal environment of the business, the process of

organization’s operations, strategies and plans.


Business Policy Paper

To be amongst the well-known Massage Centers in Pangasinan

within the next 5 years.


To promote wellness by giving people access to the most

affordable rejuvenating care through massage therapy of the

highest quality delivered with commitment, hard work, and

integrity, and be the benchmark in the business industry in

the massage sector.

Goals and Objectives

 To capture a bigger market share,

 To provide the best customer service possible,

 Expand product or service offering.

Core Values

 Integrity - Shemasage rests assured to follow sound

business ethics and uphold truthfulness, reliability,

and loyalty.

 Quality – Customer satisfaction is one of the main

objectives of SHEMASSAGE, and we deliver it by

providing excellent service.

 Commitment and Excellence – SHEMASSAGE strives to

exceed customers' expectations by providing excellent

service because of its unwavering commitment to always

giving them the best experience possible.

Business Policy Paper

 Availability and Convenience – Shemasage operates 24/7

available and always has an accessible location,

whenever, wherever.

 Convenience – We are here to make your lives easier by

providing accessible locations for our massage centers

or by going to your homes whenever, wherever.

 Care - SHEMASSAGE cares for the well-being of its

customers and that of the community. It is at the heart

of our values to provide the utmost care for our

customers and staff to ensure their welfare and at the

same time, give back to the community.

Chapter 2

Putting up a business is easy to do, but maintaining it

is not. This chapter tackles the possible challenges that

SHEMASSAGE would encounter during the early stage of its

business operations as a new entrant in the market of

Dagupan City.

Management Challenges

Running a business is difficult, especially in the

early stages of business operation, also managing people is

even more difficult in the management aspect of business

operation, it is because they have different attitudes and

Business Policy Paper

characteristics from each other, which sometimes causes

conflict among employees due to having a different view and

opinions for certain things, and also a conflict between the

management and staff because they have their own thoughts

and ideas which is sometimes, if not most of the time

employees chose to follow it over the rules and regulation,

and procedures of the business, and also even to their

superior; furthermore, since people have emotions and

feelings as well, sometimes it affects their performance if

they have problems and carried it to their work and

unfortunately they were not able to handle it properly which

may lead or reflect a poor result of their performance.

Demographic Challenges

There are more than 30 massage businesses to be found

in Dagupan City, based on google Maps and not to mention the

number of counts of other massage entities that are not

included on the list might be higher. Furthermore, a lot of

them have been operating for more than 5 to 10 years

already, meaning to say the business has already established

its name and reputation.

Getting new Clients and Keeping Them

Attract and getting new clients are also problems that

have always been encountered with a newly established

business, as well as keeping or maintaining them to be its

Business Policy Paper

clients, sometimes it hard to do or obtain considering the

business is a new entrant in the market and has not been

proved yet its services.

Building Bran Reputation and Maintaining it

Dempsey (2022) mentioned that the Maturity level in the

business life cycle is the time or period where a business

could be called or classified as established and stable, and

it may take 8 to 10 years and next to the said stage is the

declining, maintain or renewal period. In the statement, it

is clearly shown that SHEMASSAGE, or any new business would

face many challenges to be considered stablished and stable


In conclusion, the first impression and experience of

the target markets of SHEMASSAGE are the possible first

problems or challenges perceived by the proponent for being

a new entrant in the massage business sector.

Impression of the target markets about SHEMASSAGE, if

they going to try to avail the services offered by the

business or not, considering that there are lot of other

establishments or entities which also offer the same

services offered by SHEMASSAGE; and what would be the

evaluation of the customers if they tried to get a massage

service at SHEMASSAGE, would they be satisfied, contented

and happy in their experienced, or not. Now, at the present

Business Policy Paper

time, customers’ thoughts and opinions about business

establishments, products, and services regarding their

impression and experience are so easy and quick to spread on

the social media community, not just in a certain area, but

rather all over the world. To make sure to get good feedback

and a nice impression on the target market about the

SHEMASSAGE, the management should be able to inculcate in

its staff, how important their task as therapists for their

clients is, as well as for the image and reputation of the

company because it may result in failure or success of the

business. Also, an appealing business environment should be

implemented and all times to attract initial customers.

Chapter 3

Marketing analysis helps the owner of a business to see

or assess the industry of her business and if it is feasible

in the market or not. It also helps the owner to formulate a

strategy on how to run the business to penetrate the market.

This chapter discusses the classification of the target

market of SHEMASSAGE, the demand, and supply in the market,

how the company positions its products, and the strategies

that would be used by the company while operating its


Target Market

Business Policy Paper

SHEMASSAGES would offer its services to people who like

to relieve the tiredness, pain, and stress of their bodies

and minds, enjoy the amazing feeling of being stress-free

and becoming much dynamic in their daily lives. These are

the people from all walks of life, such as managers or

owners of small and large enterprises with the high-stress

job; for athletes with injuries, suffering from pains, or

need general strengthening and relaxing of muscles; students

who often look to massage for relief from school pressure

and life’s stresses; and lastly, seniors who look for

pampering, and focus is on a healthy lifestyle to enjoy

their life in the fullest.

Demand and Supply Analysis

Based on the Philippine Statistics Authority, the

estimated population in Daquan City in 2022 of 18y/o, and

older is 171,271; and based on the result of the survey

conducted by the researcher, 98% of the total number of the

respondents answered that they have already experienced a

massage service, and 98% of them believed and enjoying the

good benefits of the service; A historical demand and the 5-

year projected increase of demand, also the supply analysis

and discussed below to see if the services of SHEMASSAGE

would be feasible in the market.

Table 1 Historical Demand for 2018 to 2022

Business Policy Paper

Total Historical
Year Acceptability
Population Demand
2018 163,745 98.00% 160,470
2019 165596 98.00% 162,284
2020 167468 98.00% 164,119
2021 169359 98.00% 165,972
2022 171,271 98.00% 167,846
This table illustrates the historical number population

of Dagupan City from 2018 to 2022, and the historical demand

which is 98% of market acceptability. Although all the

massage establishments interviewed by the researcher refused

to answer questions or provide information about the number

of clients they service per day, it is still safe to assume

that there is still a demand for massage services because of

high market acceptability as shown on the table above; also,

as per the U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS on their article

“BEYOND THE NUMBERS” published on May 2022 titled

“Recovering from the pandemic: A bright outlook for the

personal care service industry”, “Employment in the personal

care services industry is expected to grow almost 5 times

faster than the average for the total economy over the 2020–

Business Policy Paper

30 period. Increasing demand for hair, skin, nail, and

massage services from a growing customer population will

drive employment growth over the projected 10-year period.

In addition, an expanded customer base to include more men

and increased offerings of services will also contribute to

faster employment in the industry and occupations providing

these services, such as barbers, hairdressers, hairstylists

and cosmetologists, manicurists and pedicurists, skin care

specialists, and massage therapists”.

And to see a more realistic estimation result of

historical and projected demand, the researcher used the

parabolic method which is shown in the following tables


Table 2. Statistical Parabolic Computation for Demand

2 4 2
Year Y X X X XY XY
2018 163745 -2 4 16 -327490 654980
2019 165596 -1 1 1 -165596 165596
2020 167468 0 0 0 0 0
2021 169359 1 1 1 169359 169359
2022 171271 2 4 16 342542 685084
TOTAL 837439 0 10 34 18815 1675019

Table 2-A. Statistical Parabolic Computation for Demand

Business Policy Paper

2 2
Year a b x c X Yc Y-Yc (Y-Yc)
2018 167467.657 1881.500 -2.000 10.071 4.000 163744.943 0.057 0.003
2019 167467.657 1881.500 -1.000 10.071 1.000 165596.229 -0.229 0.052
2020 167467.657 1881.500 0.000 10.071 0.000 167467.657 0.343 0.118
2021 167467.657 1881.500 1.000 10.071 1.000 169359.229 -0.229 0.052
2022 167467.657 1881.500 2.000 10.071 4.000 171270.943 0.057 0.003
TOTAL 0.2286

Table 2-B. Statistical Parabolic Computation for Demand

Year A b x c X Yc
2023 167467.657 1881.500 3.000 10.071 9.000 173202.800
2024 167467.657 1881.500 4.000 10.071 16.000 175154.800
2025 167467.657 1881.500 5.000 10.071 25.000 177126.943
2026 167467.657 1881.500 6.000 10.071 36.000 179119.229
2027 167467.657 1881.500 7.000 10.071 49.000 181131.657
2028 167467.657 1881.500 8.000 10.071 64.000 183164.229

√ 183164.299

Standard deviation (σ) = 0.21

And the result of the standard deviation of all the

data samples gathered by the researcher in terms of demand

for massage services is 0.21 using the statistical parabolic

method, meaning it is the best method that can be used in

projecting future demand. The proof can be seen in the table

below, which clearly shows that the market demand is

continuously increasing for the next 5 years.

Table 3. Actual Projected Demand

Business Policy Paper

Target Actual Target
Year Percentage of of Annual
Target Market Demand
2023 173,203 6% 10,392
2024 175,155 7% 12,261
2025 177,127 8% 14,170
2026 179,119 9% 16,121
2027 181,132 10% 18,113
2028 183,164 11% 20,148

Survey Analysis

In order for the person to be successful in anything

that he/she will enter into, extensive knowledge of this

matter is very important for him/her to succeed. Therefore,

the proponent of this Business Policy studied thoroughly the

market of her proposal. The tools used in this study, all

the important information gathered, and the analysis and

findings of the researcher about these things will be

discussed in this section.

In this study, a survey tool was the main method used

by the researcher in collecting information about the target

market and the existing businesses that offer massage

services. The questionnaire is composed of two parts, first

about the profile of respondents and questions about massage


Profile of the Respondents

Business Policy Paper

The number of respondents who participated on this

study are 400, these are people from all walks of life and

most of them are residing in Dagupan City, while others are

studying, working, and conducting business in the said

location. The demographic profile are illustrated in the

table below.

Table 4. Respondent’s Profile in Terms of Age, Gender, Civil

and Employment Status

Profile Frequency Percentage

18y/o & Younger 87 21.75%
19y/0 & 30y/o 195 48.75%
31y/o - 60 y/o 111 27.75%
60y/0 & Older 7 1.75%
Male 322 80.50%
Female 78 19.50%
Marital Single 150 37.50%
Status Maried 250 62.50%
Employed 235 58.75%
Un-employed 35 8.75%
Student 130 32.50%

This table shows that the majority of the participants

are males which comprised 80.50% of the total number of

respondents, and 62.50% are already married; in terms of

employment status, most of the respondents are employed and

the rest are students while others are not working.

The number of respondents involved in this study was

determined through the use of probability sampling known as

stratified random sampling. In stratified random sampling,

Business Policy Paper

the samples were selected because they can represent the

entire population of Dagupan City.

Using Slovin’s Formula with a 5% margin of error the

researcher concluded that the number of samples interviewed

in this research, which is 400 are sufficient enough to

represent the target market of SHEMASSAGE, and it is

computed as follows:

Formula: n= 2
1+ Ne


N = 10392, it is the 98% of the market acceptability of the

assumed number population in 2023, based on a 1.3% annual

increase rate from 2020 census data;

e = 5% desired margin of error;

n = the sample size.


n= 2
1+(10392)(.05 )

n = 385.17 or 385

Below are the results and the interpretation of

gathered data about the information of the target market or

respondents and the existing massage businesses in Dagupan


Business Policy Paper

Question No. 1: Have you ever tried or experienced a body


Table 5. Frequency Distribution on Respondents’ Massage


Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 392 98%
No 8 2%
Total 400 100%
Ninety-eight percent (98%) of the respondents or 392 of

them have already experienced or availed of massage

services. It only means that the massage service has a huge

market in the business industry.

Question No. 2: To whom do you often get a massage service?

Table 6. Frequency Distribution on Respondents’ often they

get a a massage service.

Choices Frequency Percentage

Licensed Therapist 240 60%
Trained Individual 137 34%
Others 23 6%
Total 400 100%
Out of 392 respondents mentioned in table ? above, 60%

of them want a Licensed Therapist to perform a massage

service for them and 137 chose a Trained Individual, while

the rest of the 23 respondents didn’t care who or what kind

Business Policy Paper

of person gives them a massage as long as they would felt

relaxed once the service is done.

Question No. 3: Where do you usually avail a massage


Table 7. Frequency Distribution on Respondents’ place where

they regularly get a massage service.

Choices Frequency Percentage

Home service 110 28%
Hotel Service 6 2%
Massage Parlor 96 24%
Others 180 46%
Total 392 100%
The home and massage parlor are the places chose by

more than 50% of the respondents where they usually

preferred to avail or conduct the massage service they

wanted, while the 46% said other location, the location that

pertaining by the respondents is the place where they are

working, and the 2% preferred to have it at the hotel.

Question No. 4: What type of massage service do you

primarily receive and how much do you pay for it?

Business Policy Paper

Table ?-A. Frequency Distribution on Respondents’ Types of

Massage Service they usually avial.

Choices Frequency Rank

Back massage 219 1
Ventosa massage 215 2
Regular massage 198 3
Hot stone massage 146 4
Aromatherapy massage 190 5
Shiatsu massage 90 6
Thai massage 79 7
Reflexology 69 8
Sports massage 43 9
Swedish massage 19 10
Deep tissue massage 17 11
Pregnancy massage 8 12
Others 7 13

Table ?-B. Frequency Distribution on Respondents’ Amount of

Massage Service they usaually Pay or Prefer to Spend.

Choses Frequency Percentage

Php 200.00 - Php 300.00 79 20%
Php 301.00 - Php 400.00 72 18%
Php 401 - Php 500.00 97 24%
Php 501.00 and Up 102 26%
Others 50 13%
Total 400 100%

To sum up, table ?-A and table ?-B illustrate the Back

massage, Ventosa massage, Regula massage, Hot stone massage,

and Aromatherapy massage with a frequency distribution of

219, 215, 198, 146, ad 190; respectively are the top 5 types

of massage services that commonly availed by the

respondents. While, the Shiatsu massage, Thai massage,

Reflexology, Sports massage, and Swedish massage placed 6th

Business Policy Paper

to 10th rank; and Deep tissue massage, Pregnancy massage and

other types of massage service are the least in the options.

And most of the respondents or 74% of them are usually

paying P500.00 and below.

Question No. 5: How often do you get a massage service?

Table 10. Frequency Distribution on Respondents’ how Often

they Get or Want to have a Massage Service

Choses Frequency Percentage

Once a week 52 13%
Twice a week 135 34%
Once every 2 weeks 160 40%
Once a month 32 8%
Others 21 5%
Total 400 100%
Almost 80% of the respondents always get a massage

service twice a week and twice a month, and only 5% of the

respondents who are not frequently availing the services,

they just only take it if they felt they want it, or if they

are stressed, and if they are not feeling well.

Question No. 6: In relation to your response to question #1,

please indicate your reason/s below why your answer is “No”.

Business Policy Paper

Table 11. Frequency Distribution on Respondents’ for Not

having Experienced a Massage Service.

Reasons Frequency Percentage

To young 1 13%
Don't have time 4 50%
Don't need it yet 1 13%
Just haven't tried it yet 1 13%
Expensive 1 13%
Total 8 100%

Question No. 7: By any chance, are you open to experience or

do you want to avail a massage service?

Table 12. Frequency Distribution on Respondents’ Who haven’t

Experience Massage Service but They are Willing to avail it.

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 8 100%
No 0 0%
Total 8 100%

Table ? and table ? shown that 50% of respondents who

haven’t experienced a massage service is due to a busy

schedule where they don’t have time to get a massage, and

the other 50% said, they don’t need it, they were still

young for it, others can’t afford it and others, they just

have not tried it yet; are all open or willing to avail

massage services they get a chance.

Summing up the details gathered about the demographic

profile of the target market of SHEMASSAGE, most of the

respondents are working, mostly at night shift, and most of

Business Policy Paper

them preferred to do the massage in their work place or

nearby, they commonly chose the Back massage Ventosa massage

and Regular massage and they pay not greater than Php500.00;

and some of the reasons or problems why others sometimes

can’t get a massage regularly or for a quite sometimes is

because, too busy at work, most of the massage establishment

operates during day time only, other massage establishments

always fully book and no available therapist during the

spare time of the client, and other reasons of the client is

they can’t afford the price, and some of them also mentioned

that the masseurs or therapists that they know is not good

or doesn’t really know how to do a massage, where their

bodies get hurt even more.

The findings of the data gathered by the researcher are

going to use by the SHEMASSAGE as basis in formulating

strategies that they will use in running the business.

Market Positioning

One of the core values and part of the marketing plan

of SHEMASSAGE is to promote its product by word of mouth

through its customers’ experiences, In order to achieve this

goal, SHEMASSAGE will build a good reputation to its

customers by providing high-quality service with the lowest

Business Policy Paper

possible price which will not only satisfy the needs of its

customers but also surpass their service expectations.

According to Linton (2018), Quality services help to

maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Figure ? presents the market positioning of the


Figure 2. Market

As presented in figure
i 2 market positioning of
HEMASSAGE indicates that
g the products it offers are
h prices in contrast to its
of high quality at low Q
competitors. Q
Market Segmentation u
In order to understand a the target market of
SHEMASSAGE, the business l used psychographic and
demographic segmentation to i be able to create a
marketing strategies that t helps the business to offers
its service to its target y markets.
SHEMASSAGE offers various types of massage services as

listed in Chapter 1, page 4, under the “Services Offered”

part, those types of massage services are created that

tailored the needs of the following types of clients listed


Business Policy Paper

 Clients who get a massage as a form of alternative

health care. These are the types of Filipinos who

believe in the health benefits that a great massage

therapy brings. They are mostly the stressed Filipinos,

always on the go. They are the office workers always on

their seats, the teachers, the medical professionals,

and the porters always on their feet, those who lead

busy lives or have to make hard decisions at work such

as business owners and executives.

 Clients who love to pamper themselves and see massage

as a treat, a self-gift, and a form of relaxation. For

these types of clients, massage for them is part of

their lifestyle. They have high disposable income and

they are the types who would get a massage at least

once to four times a month.

 Clients who are: sick, in pain, or recovering from

injuries (pilay) or accidents. Filipinos' first impulse

when they are suffering from flu or headache, "pilay,"

backache, etc. is to go get a massage. For these types

of clients, massage for them is a necessity.

Marketing Plan

After understanding the market environment of massage

business and the target markets of SHEMASSAGE, the following

Business Policy Paper

marketing strategies are created to use in promoting the

business of SHEMASSAGE to penetrate the market.

Promotional Strategies

At first, SHEMASSAGE will create awareness about the

existence of the business and the services that it offers to

its target market by using social media. This tool can reach

its target market that has access to the internet and make

them aware of the business's existence and give them

information about the business through social media.

The print advertisement will also be utilized. It will

help the business to explain to its target market the "what,

when, where, and why" they should buy. Flyers will therefore

be distributed and given to different schools, vendors,

employees, and market-goers; signposts with a size of 8x3

feet will be fixed on various exit and entrance points of

Calasiao, Binmaley, San Fabian, and Mangaldan; and various

sticker layout with images of the services offered by the

SHEMASSAGE will be given to tricycle, busses, and jeepney

drivers and have it posted inside of their vehicles.

Furthermore, SHEMASSAGE will be doing sponsorship to

finance various events like the annual town fiesta in order

to promote the business. Lastly, forming business

collaboration or a tie-up with other massages services

providers, it is also an important strategy for SHEMASSAGE

Business Policy Paper

because with this, the business will be able to earn

additional income through exchange of referral and/or


Pricing Strategy

Setting standardized pricing is difficult to do because

of the unfixed rates of direct and indirect cost of running

a business. SHEMASSAGE therefore, will be using different

pricing strategies such as the value-based and competitive

strategy where the price of the services are affordable,

based on demand and comparable to competitors, and the value

of the services compared to its price is good. This way of

pricing the services should be consistently implemented in

order to penetrate the market effectively and successfully.

Chapter 4


This chapter talks about the documents or permits set

by the government of Dagupan City that needs to be

accomplished by the SHEMASSAGE in order to start its

business operation. It also shows here the list of materials

and equipment’s that will be using in massage services and

the process on how to do it.

Legal Requirements

Business Policy Paper

The following pertinent documents are to be complied in

commencement with the prescribed policies and regulations in

the operation of the business.

● DTI Certificate of Registration,

● Barangay Permit,

● Sanitary Permit,

● Mayor’s Permit,

● Fire and Safety Inspection Certificate,

● Municipal Engineering Building Inspection,

● Social Security System (SSS),

● Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC),

● Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF), and

● BIR Registration.

Organizational Cost

Table ?. Organization Cost

Requirements Cost
DTI Certificate of Registration Php200.00
Barangay Permit Php900.00
Barangay Plate Php500.00
Sanitary Permit Php200.00
Fire and Safety Inspection Certificate Php396.60
Municipal Engineering Building Inspection Php4,000.00
Occupational Permit Php340.35
Building Permit Php200.00
Business Plate Php60.78
Business Tax Php1,320.00
Mayor’s Permit Php850.86

Business Policy Paper

Receipts Php15,000.00
BIR Registration Php1,320.00
Total Php25,288.59

This table shows that the total cost of the legal

requirements needed by SHEMASSAGE to operate its business is

Php 25,288.59.


The following listed equipment and materials are

illustrated in the table below:

Table ? Equipment and Materials

Business Policy Paper

Particulars Description Source Qty Unit Price Amount

Speaker Online Shop 1 ₱ 1,500.00 ₱ 1,500.00

Linens Public 50 ₱ 550.00 ₱ 27,500.00

Towels Public 50 ₱ 350.00 ₱ 17,500.00

Sofa Online Shop 1 ₱ 5,000.00 ₱ 5,000.00

Masasge Bed Online Shop 1 ₱ 3,350.00 ₱ 3,350.00

Business Policy Paper

Particulars Description Source Qty Unit Price Amount

Online Shop 1 ₱ 1,500.00 ₱ 1,500.00

Linens Public 50 ₱ 550.00 ₱ 27,500.00

Curtains Public 12 ₱ 450.00 ₱ 5,400.00

Tea Ci[ Set Public 2 ₱ 675.00 ₱ 1,350.00

Cape SM Dagupan 10 ₱ 350.00 ₱ 3,500.00

Robe SM Dagupan 10 ₱ 425.00 ₱ 4,250.00

Business Policy Paper

Capital or Investment

The amount of capital to be invested in the proposed

business is around 160,000.00 wherein the owner will finance

this amount from her own savings.

Process Planning

The diagram below shows the process plan for SHEMASSAGE

services. According to the massage therapists interviewed by

the researchers, each client has their own preferences. Some

people prefer to use oil for body massage, while others opt

for body lotion or ointment. Massage oil reduces friction

during massage and makes the massage smoother and easier,

which is why clients or some customers prefer not to put

anything on their skin, which makes the massage process

difficult, but in the end customers is always the king and

SHEMASSAGES must always meets the clients request and


Figure ?. Process Planning

Business Policy Paper

Edwin B. Flippo, as cited by Kumar (2011) in his book

Human Resource Management: Strategic Analysis Text and

Cases, Human Resource Management is defined as "planning,

organizing, directing, controlling of procurement,

development, compensation, integration , maintenance and

separation of human resources to the end that individual,

organizational and social objectives are achieved." On top

of the tasks above, human resource management entails

addressing the current employees' concerns and improving

their morale. For most organizations, the human resource

department is the one responsible for everything related to

the company's human capital from managing job recruitment,

providing orientation programs for new hires, discussing

compensation and benefits, and up to managing the good

relationship for labor and employees.

For SHEMASSAGE however—bearing in mind that it is small

in terms of scale and is a sole proprietorship—it is the

business owner's task, along with the assistant secretary,

to handle and oversee the company's employees.

Business Structure
SHEMASSAGE will be managed and ran by 12 people

including the Manager or the Owner who is responsible for

Business Policy Paper

the day-to-day operation of the business, and the sole

proprietor of the business. She is followed by assistant

secretary, who will act as a manager if the owner is not

around; 2 receptionists who are accountable for the

implementation of office procedures; and 6 therapists, and 2

laundry personnel.

Organizational Structure
Employees often get confused about whom they report, if

the owner is not around and most of the time the

distribution of workload among different departments tend to

be uneven and out of order which may result in poor service.

Therefore, an organizatioanl strutuc is illutrated below to

avode the miss undersding at work.

Owner / Manager


Receptionist Receptionist

Therapist Therapist Therapist Therapist Therapist Therapist

Laudry personnel Laudry personnel

Figure ? Organizational Chart of SHEMASSAGE

The table above illustrates that the laundry personnel

and the therapist should directly report to the

Business Policy Paper

receptionist/ while the receptionist will report to the


Personnel Plan

To assure that SHEMASSAGE would have a team of the

eligible employees the personal plan is created, it includes

the number of people needed for the specific position, as

well as the character, ability and skills that the

applicants should possessed.

Table ? Personnel Plan of SHEMASSAGE

Business Policy Paper

Job Salary
Position Number Qualification
Description per day

Answer phone
calls and
redirect them
when necessary

File and
update contact
information of
20 years old employees,
or above customers,
suppliers and

At least a Develop and

Bachelor’s maintain
Degree holder filling system

With good
for payment of
tax, utility

Secretary 2 High degree of ₱400.00

multitasking Process
and time payroll

Proficient in
expenses and
hand in

Strong Prepare
analytical regular sales
skills and with and
a goal oriented forecasting
attitude reports

Keep organized
records of
metrics and
result of
past campaigs

Business Policy Paper

payments on
Male or Female.
behalf of the

Graduate of any Prepares cash

business report at the
related course, end of the
or day.

6+ months work staff records
experience in including
similar role. salaries and

With good
for payment of
tax, utility

Must be detail- clients about
oriented the services
Reciptionist 2 ₱400.00
they want

Can work under
for marketing

Maintains safe
and healthy

for checking
the inventory
of supplies

for monitoring
therapists who
are on outcall
or onsite
Business Policy Paper
clients to
gather medical

treatments to
18 years old or clients using
above hand or

Must be

Treats clients
settings or
Healthy and travel to
physically fit; clients’
offices or
Therapist 6 homes as per ₱ 400.00
request of

Prepare and
Able to stand
blend oils and
for long
apply the
periods of
blends to

With strong service by
arms and hands; following
standards; and

Maintains a
calm and
Able to inspire soothing
or motivate environment
customers; and that enable
the patient to
relax .

Business Policy Paper
supplies and
Male or Female, equipment
at least 18 needed for
years of age cleaning and

With or without
cleanup of all
areas of the

Ensure rooms
Healthy and are maintained
physically fit and fully

Laudry Man 2 Wash all dirty ₱400.00

linens, robes
shorts and
Can multitask
others, then
fold or hang
it properly
once it is dry

· Maintains
safe and

service by

Table ? are the information about the type individual

that should hired by SHEMASSAG. The applicant should be

trustworthy, industrious, professional not just in academic,

but also in manners, and etc.

Business Policy Paper

Hiring Process

With SHEMASSAGE, the owner will initially hire the

secretary/ receptionist who will be the one responsible for

filling-up the other vacant positions.

Figure ? Hiring Process of SHEMASSAGE

As presented in Figure ?, first needs to identify the

vacant job before looking or recruiting qualified applicants

who will then undergo the initial interview wherein the

applicants will be profiled based on their background and

work experiences. Those who will make the initial cut will

be endorsed for the final selection which will be conducted

by the owner and if they passed this last hurdle, they will

now then, sign the contract.

Business Policy Paper


After passing the last test or interview, candidates will go

through orientation, where they will learn about the company's

vision, mission, core values, and policies. To help them

understand the significance of their roles and become more

successful and productive team members, they will also be given a

briefing on the tasks and obligations associated with their


Furthermore, it is during the orientation that the

employees' compensation and benefits, as well as the terms and

conditions of their employment contract, will be discussed.

Compensation and Benefits

The following benefits and compensation will be

provided to all employees in accordance with the Philippine

Labor Code, with the exception of the owner or manager, who

will receive her income from withdrawals from her company.

The following benefits and compensation will be provided to

all employees in accordance with the Philippine Labor Code,

with the exception of the owner or manager, who will receive

her income from withdrawals from her company.

 Basic Pay: On the 15th and the last day of every month,
employees will receive their bimonthly minimum wage

payments. They will be paid a day before the payday if

it falls on a weekend or a holiday.

Business Policy Paper

 Overtime pay – if the amount of time spent by the

employees is beyond normal working hours they will be

paid with premium of 25% of the hourly rate on ordinary

days and 30% on Holidays. Note: to avoid inefficiencies

at work, only the approved overtime will be paid.

Normal working hours are from 7am to 10pm daily.

Regular workers are expected to work from 7am to 4pm,

the rest of the working hours will be covered by the

part-time workers and if there are a lot of customers,

regular workers can file for an overtime.

 Leave Benefits - Employees are also entitled to 10 paid

vacation days, which, if not used, are convertible into

cash each December.

 13th Month Pay: Workers will receive a bonus in

December equal to one month's pay, of their salary; if

the worker hasn't been yet for a year in his/her

employment, the customary method of calculating 13th

month pay will apply.

 Statutory Benefits - Employees are also entitled to

SSS, Pag-IBIG, and PhilHealth social insurances.

Contribution sharing between the employer and employee

must be used.

Business Policy Paper

 Snacks – All staff will receive free snacks in their


Operational Policies

Each businesses has its own set of rules and

regulations in place to safeguard its staff, clients, and

the enterprise itself.

The guidelines, rules and regulations of SHEEMSAGE are

outlined below, along with the sanctions that will be

applied to employees who will be proven guilty.

 Employees are expected to act in a way that promotes

operational effectiveness, productivity, safety, and a

pleasant working environment.

 Every day, employees are expected to arrive earlier

before their shifts start; excessive tardiness or

absenteeism is strictly prohibited and punishable.

 No employee shall consume alcohol or be under the

influence of alcohol while on the job. Any worker who

shows up for work under the influence of alcohol or a

drug that is illegal will not be allowed to work.

 In case the employees need or want to resign, they must

submit a resignation letter 15 days prior of their

actual resignation date; they are also required to

render while the management is still looking for

Business Policy Paper

someone that will replace to his position, if his

resignation request get approved. Furthermore, he must

acquire for exit clearance, to get his reaming salary

or any benefits.

 If the employee cannot be able to go to his work for

whatever reason or will be late in coming into his job,

he must notify the management 1 hour prior of his

schedule in work.

 If a worker doesn't uphold the company's standards for

behavior or performance, necessary corrective action

may be taken. The management has the discretion to

decide which course of action would be best in each


Table ? Policy Violation and Sanction

First Violation Second Violation Third Violation
Conflict of Interest Written Reprimand Suspension Termination
Neglect of Duty Written Reprimand Suspension Termination
Absenteeism Verbal Warning Written Reprimand Suspension/Termination
Employee Theft Termination and paying an amount equivalent the value of the stolen stuff

Table ? above illustrates the sanctions of the

employees if they violated the rules and guidelines of the

Business Policy Paper

company. The sanction for first violation is either verbal

warning or written reprimand, and for the second violation,

for neglect of duty and conflict of interest would be

suspension to their job and if happens again for the third

time, the sanction will be the termination of his job.

Chapter 6


Business Policy Paper

Chapter 7


An entrepreneur needs to consider a lot of things

before, during, and after putting up a business. This can be

done by using various tools like PESTLE and SWOT because

these allow entrepreneurs to see if the business is also enables the manager to develop an

appropriate plan in order to successfully penetrate the

market. These factors include the status of the business

industry, rules and regulation or laws, demographic status

of its target market, and the internal and external factors

of the business environment.

This chapter will be discussed the internal and

external factors of SHEMASSAGE that affects the operation of

its business.

PESTLE Analysis

Knowing the supply and demand for a product or service

is insufficient, and a business plan is incomplete without

Business Policy Paper

it Analysis of PESTLE and SWOT. These frameworks were

designed in such a way that business visionaries will be

mindful of the challenges that a business may confront. For

example, PESTLE Analysis is used to examine the external

marketing environment and the numerous others in terms of

politics, economics, and social, technological, legal, and

environmental factors that might have impact which directly

affects the business operation of SHEMASAGE.

By using these tools, SHEMASSAGE can reach its

potential growth and maintain it by utilizing the ability of

using its strengths and opportunities and it will also be

able to eye on and address its short comings and threats.

Political Factors

Political issues include a wide range of factors that

are typically derived from the government in the form of

policies or legislation. There are few trade restrictions

and tariffs to be concerned about when conducting a pestle

analysis of a health spa. Many employees in the organization

work part-time. With the government currently encouraging

parents (particularly single parents) to return to work, the

health spa industry should see an increase in the number of

workers available. Because peak times in a health spa are

typically evenings and weekends, this could certainly align

Business Policy Paper

with the political push to encourage mothers to return to

work, as this would be more convenient.

Economic Factors

The pestle analysis then examines the financial impact

on the health spa industry. Inflation rates, interest rates,

and general economic conditions are key areas for pestle

analysis. Because health spas are typically considered

luxury items, the number of customers is likely to decrease

during an economic downturn. Individuals who have less

disposable income as a result of high inflation will be less

likely to spend money on luxuries. The current economic

climate is relatively weak, and people do not feel wealthy

enough to spend large sums of money on health spa

treatments. According to the pestle analysis, this is a

specific threat to the health spa industry, and management

should be aware of it.

Social Factors

In a pestle analysis of spa massage industry, the socio-

cultural area is much more positive. This part of the pestle

analysis takes into account demographic characteristics such

as age and wealth as well as topics such as career

aspirations and general interest in health topics. In this

case, the spa industry is doing very well. As more and more

young women pursue lucrative careers, the demand for spa

Business Policy Paper

facilities increases. Not only are younger people earning

well, the gray pound is also gaining strength. There is a

growing demand for spa treatments by older people and an

increasing ability of these people to afford such

treatments. These changing requirements have led to

significant diversification and new opportunities within the

spa industry such as: B. Health and fitness weekends and

sports therapy.

Technological Factors
At first glance, technological developments do not

appear to be particularly relevant for a health resort.

However, when conducting a more detailed pestle analysis, it

becomes clear that the spa industry in its current form has

relatively high barriers to entry due to the expertise and

technology required. As noted in the previous part of the

PESLE Analysis, consumers are becoming more sophisticated

and adventurous when it comes to health and beauty. As such,

spas increasingly need to ensure that they not only have the

latest technology, but that staff are properly trained to

use these devices. While simple spas find that a lack of

technology does not prevent them from entering the market,

the pestle analysis in terms of socio-cultural aspects has

shown that in order to establish a real competitive

Business Policy Paper

position, companies must offer cutting-edge technology and

diverse options.

Legal Factors
Looking at the spa industry from the PESTLE’s

perspective, it's not surprising that health and safety

legislation is both numerous and restrictive. It is

necessary for all massage business to comply with basic

health and safety regulations, but they should also take

into account treatment-specific requirements. All therapist

must be appropriately qualified, which will translate into

rising personnel costs. The insurance must be maintained and

all necessary labor law regulations must be complied with.

As the workforce is likely to be mostly part-time and

possibly even self-employed, care must be taken to ensure

that the correct tax and paperwork requirements are met.

Environmental Factors
The issue of environmental factors has only just been

added to the pestle analysis in a bid to recognize how

important this factor can be to the success of a business.

Traditionally, in the pestle analysis, a company would

consider the environmental issues with which it must comply.

In the case of a massage spa, this is largely likely to be

in relation to dangerous substances such as massage oils and

cleaning chemicals. However, a slightly different approach

Business Policy Paper

which the pestle analysis reveals is that the environment

could, in fact, bring opportunities to a health spa company

with a growing demand for organic and natural products. As

previously mentioned above in other PESTLE factors, Many

consumers are willing to pay a premium for natural products

and, as such, being seen to be environmentally friendly will

not only ensure regulatory compliance, but may also

encourage more customers at a higher value.


Business Policy Paper

The government is constantly changing the rules and
regulations for business and massage therapists

For example, Administrative Order #2010-0034, which is a

guideline for the licensing requirements for all massage
POLITICAL therapists here in the Philippines, was suspended a few
years ago and the laws on accreditation changed

IATF guideline when pandemic hits

TRAIN (Tax reform for acceleration and inclusion)law R.A.
Inflation rates, interest rates and general economic
conditions here in the Philippines

When there is an economic downturn, the prices of

everything go up: running the business, rent, employee
salaries/labour, massage materials. Taken together, this
also affects the price of massage services. While consumer
perspectives on health and wellness have changed in recent
years, when Filipinos have less disposable income due to
inflation rates, they may have to choose between paying
for a meal or a massage, and the choice is a no-brainer.
In this case, Marvelous Massage needs to find a way to
reduce its costs and develop more effective promotions and
more attractive massage packages for its customers

Demand is increasing among both young and older Filipinos

as more and more health conscious people have become
SOCIAL These represent an opportunity for Marvelous Massage, such
as companies offering their employees an irresistible
massage package.
The advent of modern tools, aids and devices in massage

TECHNOLOGICAL Knowledge of using these tools

Using the Internet to promote Marvelous Massage and allow

its clients to book appointments online.
All massage therapists employed are DOH licensed or TESDA

Ensure all taxes and mandatory employee benefits and

contributions are paid (SSS, Pag-ibig, PhilHealth)

SHEMASSAGE will comply with basic health and safety

regulations imposed by DOH (in accordance with the
provisions of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines or
Presidential Decree 856 (PD 856) and Executive Order 102
(EO 102) see 1999 Reorganization and rationalization of
the DOH)

Ensure that medical history is well taken into account

SHEMASSAGE uses organic and natural products such as
banana leaves and virgin coconut oil.

SWOT Analysis

Business Policy Paper

Kenton (2019) defined SWOT analysis as a framework that

use to evaluate a company’s competitive positions and to

develop strategic plan.

It is split into two factors, internal factors and

external factors. The internal factor has 2 elements,

namely; Strengths – (things that the business does well,

unique qualities that separate the business from its

competitors, internal resources such as skilled and

knowledgeable staff, tangible assets such as intellectual

property and technology); and Weaknesses – (things that the

business is lacks of, things that competitors do better,

limited resources and unclear unique selling proposition),

in this category, all things are reasonably controllable.

The external factors has two elements also; the

Opportunities – (such as few competitors in the area,

increase of demands of the service offered, and others); and

the Threats – (such as emerging of new entrants, changing

regulatory environment, changes of customers’ preferences),

in this category the business essentially has no control.

Table ? below illustrates the SWOT analysis of

SHEMASSAGE, that provides assessment tools by identifying

core strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to

fact-based analysis, and new perspective ideas of


Business Policy Paper

The table ? SWOT Analysis of SHEMASSAGE


Low labor cost Lack of Capital

Increasing interest of
Filipinos on personal health Limited Services offered
and welness

Good location - high footfall

Limited number of massage
in the area
O Good know ledge on massage
Therapists employed
I Fast growing industry Stiff competition I
V High acceptance of massage
Large competitors get
E not only in Pangasinan but in
majority of market share
the whole of Philippines

There are plenty of Filipinos Threat of new entries as the

who are massage therapy spa industry is rapidly
graduates growing

Shifting market demand from

beauty to health and wellness


Using the internal and external data from numerous

factors collected via SWOT AND PESTLE analysis, the

SHEMASSAGE had the opportunity to see and identify where it

needs to improve internally as well as to help develop

strategic plans.

It is recommended that the foregoing PEST and SWOT

Analysis are used together, and are applied in a group

setting to support effective strategic planning, decision

making and action planning. These are cost and time

efficient means for highlighting key issues relating to the

context of the business proposal, that if not identified and

addressed, could critically affect the chances of success.

Business Policy Paper

Chapter 8


All entrepreneurs had great visions with their

businesses but not all are able to achieve those visions due

to many factors like poor customer service, wrong target

market, bad marketing strategies and others. However, all

elements can be modified and used efficiently to achieve

business goals with the right strategic plan.

Based on definition, strategic planning is an

organization's process of defining its strategy or direction

and making decisions about the allocation of its resources

to pursue that strategy. It can also extend to control

mechanisms to guide the implementation of the strategy.

Therefore, the purpose of strategic planning is to set the

overall goals of the company and develop a plan to achieve

them. It means stepping back from your day-to-day business

and asking where your business is going and what its

priorities should be.

This chapter talks about the strategic plan of

SHEMASSAGE, its marketing objectives; and how it will make

use of its assets, resources, and people, and the market

expansion plan in relation to Ansoff’s Matrix.

Marketing Objectives

Business Policy Paper

Marketing objectives set out what a business wants to

achieve from its marketing activities. It needs to be

consistent with overall aims and objectives of the business.

It is specific, easy to measure, can be achieved, not too

ambitious, and designed for a specific period. The following

Marketing objectives are proposed in relation to the

business’ service:

 To establish strong customer patronage by introducing

 loyalty programs, staying in touch with them through

 SMS and online media.

 To increase sales by 5% through promotions and strong

advertising strategies.

 Ensure the business maintains an image of

professionalism and quality.

 To be made known of the services offered through a

quality service and professional trainings.

Ansoff’s Matrix

Managing a business operation and making it grow in

order to penetrate the market is not that an easy job

because of the challenges that are involved in it. Igor

Ansoff therefore, developed a matrix that helps leaders or

owners of a business and marketers think and understand the

risk of growth in a business. Ansoff called this model the

Business Policy Paper

Ansoff Matrix and is also sometimes called the

Product/Market Expansion Grid.

Figure ?: Ansoff’s Matrix

The market penetration is the safest of the four

options. This means that the business is focused on

expanding the sales of its existing product in its existing

market. On the other hand, diversification is the riskiest,

because the business is Market Development Diversification

Market Penetration Product Development Ansoff Matrix

introducing a new, unproven product into an entirely new

target market or different customers; while product

development is slightly more risky because the business is

introducing a new product into an otherwise already existing

Market; and as for the market development, it means the

business is putting an existing product into an entirely new


Market Penetration

SHEMASSAGE is a startup and has no regular customers yet.

It's cautious and doesn't want to take a huge risk by offering

Business Policy Paper

many other types of massage and spa services, but wants to

penetrate the market first by offering its limited massage

services. SHEMASSAGE will do this by pointing out other massage

services that it offers. For example, if a client walks in and

just wants a neck massage, the SHEMASSAGE receptionist will also

offer them to try a foot massage or a hand massage. In addition,

the receptionist presents the customer with a discount

coupon for their next visit and if they bring two customers,

they get three massages for the price of two. SHEMASSAGE may

also establish a loyalty program whereby registered

customers who are frequent visitors are entitled to free

massage services.

Market Development

Once SHEMASAGE stablished its name, it may now open

another branch or branches. But it also involves higher

risks. In order for the company's massage services is well

received, it must ensure that the massage quality remains

the same for its customers consistently.

Product Development

Once SHEMASAGE stablished its name to its target market

and stretched out its markets, the business will offer other

massage services like Aromatherapy Massage, Shiatsu Massage,

Reflexology, Hot Stone Massage and Ventosa Massage. These

Business Policy Paper

five types of massage, along with regular massage and back

massage, are the ones that are popular with respondents.

The SHEMASSAGE might also offer skin care services to

tailor the other needs and demand of its new target market.

Chapter 9
The researcher came to the conclusion that starting and

running a business is not that easy. It's not just about

investing money, it will also bring profit; like saving your

money in the bank and after a month it earns interest. Here,

before SHEMASSAGE turns a profit, management must be able to

surpass any challenges it encounters, such as: B. the stiff

competition of the massage industry; changes in governmental

laws and regulations; the rapid change in the business

industry due to the impact of technology, which is costly;

Finding the right target market to support SHEMASSAGE's

products is also a challenge.

However, the searcher believed that using the list of

marketing plans such as promotional and pricing strategies

will help SHEMASSAGE attract customers and generate profits.

Proper implementation of SHEMASSAGE's rules and regulations

could also help the company and its employees become more

productive. Also, implementing the strategic plan and

Business Policy Paper

competitive strategies discussed in Chapters 8 and 9

respectively will not only help company make money but also

penetrate, expand and diversify until it achieves its


Marketing Mix


SHEMASSGE offers various massage service to its target

market which are suit to all type of ages, segment or group

of people.


The price of the products of SHEMASSAGE are ranging

from PhP00.00 to PhP00.00 only which is every affordable and

anyone can afford even the individual or target market who

does not have job, like students or bystanders, still, they

can afford it.


SHEMASSAGE will distribute flyers, give giveaways and

participate to annul event Dagupan City giving lectures and

free massage program.

Business Policy Paper

Chapter 10

Based on the market research conducted by the

researcher, the following competitive strategies or action

plans are recommended for implementation by SHEMASSAGE in

order to surpass any possible challenges it may face and

finally achieve its goals.

Competitive Strategies

Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, the

researchers found that SHEMASSGAE has several weaknesses and

threats that need to be addressed by the management and

develop strategies to solve these problems, because if not,

SHEMASSAGE definitely going out of business. Through

competitive strategies the business can achieve competitive

advantages over its competitors. According to BUSINESS

JARGON, one of the business websites found on the Internet,

competitive strategies are defined as a long-term plan of

Business Policy Paper

action formulated considering several external factors that

will help the company to gain competitive advantage and

increase market share and overwhelm rivals.

Cost Leader Strategy

This strategy is about pricing the products lower than

other competitors. As shown in figure ? market positioning,

under chapter 3; SHEMASSAGE positioned its services as high

quality with low price. Providing quality service SHEMASSAGE

can lower it cost in promoting its services because the

customers themselves might promote the products using word

of mouth to others if they were satisfied on it. Less

promotional strategy is less cost; therefore, SHEMASSAGE can

implement the cost leader strategy.

Focus Strategy

This strategy consists of focusing on a specific

segmentation of the market, implementing differentiation and

cost leadership. SHEMASSAGE will focus on these business

professionals and employees because these two types of

segments or profiles of SHEMASSAGE's target market have the

highest percentage of individuals using massage services.

Business Policy Paper


Business Jargon. Competitive Strategy.

Juneja, P. (n.d). SWOT Analysis - Definition, Advantages

And Limitations.

Kenton (2019). INVESTOPEDIA. SWOT Analysis. Updated Feb 27,


Service Quality And Its Importance Marketing Essay.

Massage Benefits

Beal (2016),Stress can trigger violent crimes:

Clarbut (2019), Why relaxation is so important.
relaxation-is-so important/#:~:text=When%20we%20relax

Business Policy Paper


Number of massage business in Dagupan city.
Beyond the Numbers. Recovering from the pandemic: A bright
outlook for the personal care service industry.

Raj Kumar(2011).Human Resource Management: Strategic

Text and Cases.

The Monday Campaigns. STRESS.
health-benefits-of-reducing-stress. JANUARY 02,2023

KRAUSE(2023, “Why A Good Logo Is Important For Your Small


Business Policy Paper



Business Policy Paper



December 20, 2022

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am RELENE SHEMA DISPO SALAZAR, taking up Master in Business

Administration at the University of Pangasinan Phinma. This

survey serves as a requirement in our Business Policy. The major

idea behind this extensive questionnaire is to determine the

feasibility of our business proposal the SHEMASSAGE. Today we

will be gaining your thoughts and opinions in order to better

serve you in the future. Please take a few minutes of your time

to fill in the following survey. Rest assured that all answers

you provide will be kept in the strictest confidentiality.

Thank you!

Business Policy Paper

Very truly yours,





Business Policy Instructor


(Target Market)

Direction: Please provide the necessary information as

requested in the proper space provided for the items. Where

options are given, indicate your response with a check mark

(√). Kindly answer all the items.

Profile of the Respondents

Name Optional) __________________________________________

Address Optional) _______________________________________


Male _____ Female _____


18y/o & Under _____ 19y/o – 25y/o _____

26y/o – 35y/o _____ 36y/o – 45y/o _____

46y/o – 60y/o _____ 65y/o & above _____

Business Policy Paper

Employment Status

Employed _____ Un-employed _____ Student ______

1. Have you ever been tried or experienced a body massage?

______ Yes (If your answer is “Yes”, please answer only

the question #2 to question #5 below).

______ No (If your answer is “no”, please refer to

question #6 and question #7 below).

2. To whom do you often get a massage service?

______ Licensed Therapist

______ Trained Individual

______ Others(Please specify)

3. Where do you usually avail a massage service?

______ Home service

______ Hotel Service

______ Massage Parlor

4. What type of massage service do you primary receive and

how much do you pay for it? (Please rank the three

primary services you avail from 1 to 3, where 1 is the

services you frequently take and 3 is the least one).

Type of Massage Cost Rank

0 Aromatherapy massage __________ _________

0 Back massage __________ _________

0 Deep tissue massage __________ _________

Business Policy Paper

0 Pregnancy massage __________ _________

0 Reflexology __________ _________

0 Regular massage __________ _________

0 Shiatsu massage __________ _________

0 Sports massage __________ _________

0 Swedish massage __________ _________

0 Thai massage __________ _________

0 Hot stone massage __________ _________

0 Ventosa massage __________ _________

0 Other: __________ __________ _________

5. How often do you get a massage service?

______ Once a week

______ Twice a week

______ Once every 2 weeks

______ Once a month

______ Others Please specify

6. In relation to your response to question #1, please

indicate your reason/s below why your answer is “No”.




7. By any chance, are you open to experience or do you want

to avail a massage service?

______ Yes

Business Policy Paper

______ No

8. Based on your answer to question #7, If you chose “Yes”,

what type of massage service do you want to experience,

how much are you willing to pay and how frequent do you

want to get a massage? (Please refer to questions #5 and

#6, options).




Date: ________

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to ask your permission to allow me to conduct a

survey in your office. This in view of my Business Policy

Proposal, entitled, “SHEMASSAGE”

Attached herewith is the survey questionnaire for this


Rest assured that all data gathered will be treated with

outmost confidentiality and will be used for academic

purposes only.

I fervently hope for your favorable response on this


Business Policy Paper

Very truly yours.

Relene Shema D. Salazar




Business Policy Adviser


(Massage Parlor Owner)

Direction: Please provide the necessary information as

requested in the proper space provided for the items. Where

options are given, indicate your response with a check mark

(√). Kindly answer all the items.

Profile of the Massage Parlor Owner

Name Optional) __________________________________________

Address Optional) _______________________________________

Length of Operation

_____ 1 -5 years

_____ 6 – 10 years

_____ More than 10 years

Business Policy Paper

Type of Business

_____ Sole Proprietor

_____ Partnership

_____ Corporation

Capital Investment

_____ Less than PhP100,000.00

_____ PhP100,001.00 – 200,000.00

_____ PhP200,001.00 – 300,000.00

_____ Above PhP300,000.00

1. What are the services do you offered and how much their


Type of Massage Price

Aromatherapy massage ____________

Back massage ____________

Deep tissue massage ____________

Pregnancy massage ____________

Reflexology ____________

Regular massage ____________

Shiatsu massage ____________

Sports massage ____________

Swedish massage ____________

Thai massage ____________

Hot stone massage ____________

Business Policy Paper

Ventosa massage ____________

Other: __________ ____________

2. What are the services that frequently availed by your

customers? Please rank

Type of Massage Rank

Aromatherapy massage ____________

Back massage ____________

Deep tissue massage ____________

Pregnancy massage ____________

Reflexology ____________

Regular massage ____________

Shiatsu massage ____________

Sports massage ____________

Swedish massage ____________

Thai massage ____________

Hot stone massage ____________

Ventosa massage ____________

Other: __________ ____________

3. How many customers do you give service in a day?

_______ 1 – 10

_______ 11 – 20

_______ 21 – 30

_______ Others (Please specify)

4. Do you do a home and hotel service?

Business Policy Paper

_____ Yes

_____ No

5. Based on your answer to question #4 if your answer is “Yes”,

around what percentage of your customers chooses to avail home

or hotel service?

________ 1% to 10%

________ 10% to 30%

________ 30% to 50%

________ Others (Please specify)

Business Policy Paper


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