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The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy

Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental
Health and Proposed Solutions

November 2023

KABIRIZI JOLLY M. L. (PhD-Animal science)

/Smallholder dairy cattle farmer
Kyakuwa Farm, Seguku Cell 4,
Makindye Ssabagabo Municipal Council,
Wakiso District, Kampala-Entebbe Road,
P. O. Box 31153, Kampala, Uganda;
Tel No.: +256 777912716; E-mail:;
Website: <
Table of contents
Contents Page
Introduction 3
Negative effects of zero grazing dairy farming on the environment 3
Proposed Solutions 7
References 25

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
Reducing malnutrition among children also income generation. This scarcity of
and pregnant mothers is a challenge farmland calls for highly intensive dairy
to many development workers. One farming system to increase efficiency
of the approaches is to improve of land utilization, thus the zero grazing
production and increase availability of system. In this system cattle do not
milk. With the ever-increasing human graze but are rather confined in a shed or
population, however, land holding stall where feed and water are brought to
per household is on the decline and, them.
therefore, conventional dairy production
is becoming more difficult. This is This article describes the hidden effects
particularly so in urban and peri-urban of zero grazing dairy cattle farming on
settings, where families need milk not public and environmental health and
only for domestic consumption, but proposed solutions.

Negative effects of zero grazing dairy farming on the

1. Loss Of Local Cattle Breeds and 2. Leakage of Antibiotics into the
Genetic Diversity Environment
The local cattle breeds such as Ankole The focus on crossbreeding and
have been increasingly crossbred with increasing the productivity of dairy
high yielding cattle breeds, especially cattle results in increased use of agro-
of the Holstein-Friesian to boost milk chemicals, mainly antibiotics and
production. Among the disadvantages anti-parasitic drugs. The residues
of cross-breeding is that the natural of these agro-chemicals come into
traits of the parents are not completely the environment, affecting natural
transferred to the offspring’s rather, processes and soil life. Public health is
it is shared. For instance: a cow with also affected due to residues in milk and
good milk production cross-bred with meat, especially in countries like Uganda
the one having good meat production with insufficient food quality controls.
will result in an offspring that will have There is also evidence of a rise in multi-
both good meat and good milk but will resistant microbes due to the extensive
not be as pure as those of the parents. and inappropriate use of antibiotics
Also, if adequate care is not taken and a and acaricides. The use of antibiotics
bigger male is used in mating a female and acaricides in animal production
with smaller size, foetal oversize may is a global issue and is not confined to
occur which may result to inability of Uganda. 3
the female to deliver on her own. This
could be a disadvantage because of the 3. Changes in Pasture Management
risk involved and the cost of caesarian The extent to which biodiversity and the
operation if it has to be carried out. quality of the pasture can be threatened

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
depends on the nature of the production 5. Environmental Impacts of
system. In zero grazing system where the Concentrate Feeds Production
focus is on high milk production, it has
led to a huge impact on the environment. The potential environmental impacts
Zero grazing dairy cattle system requires of production of concentrate feeds
high yielding pasture grasses such as include impacts on various stages
Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum). of crop production and processing
Inorganic fertilizers are used to produce of feeds. Potential impacts of crop
high amounts of fresh fodder, hay and production, and the expansion of
silage for the cows, as well as manure production, include effects on land-
mixed with urine that is injected into the use (including deforestation, change
soil. Manure application has both positive in amenity value of land, change of
and negative impact on the soil life, habitats and impacts on biodiversity);
while excess nitrogen and phosphorus direct effects of cropping on soils (soil
from the manure has caused pollution erosion and fertility), water (use of water
of ground water and soil. Applying too resources and impacts on run-off and
much manure, at the wrong time, or drainage waters), and air (air quality and
improperly handling it in other ways greenhouse gas production); and indirect
releases nutrients into the air or into effects of the production and supply
ground or surface waters. Thus, instead of inputs to agriculture (mechanisation,
of nourishing crops, nutrients become fuels, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.).
pollutants. Excess nitrogen can leach The utilization of feed concentrates has
through soil into groundwater. wider positive environmental impacts
4. Harvesting Forages that should be noted. These include
the impacts of the greater efficiency
Harvesting or cutting forages for stall- of overall feed use which concentrate
fed cows reduces the usefulness, feeding may promote, such as allowing
productivity and biodiversity of better use of poor-quality waste and
the land and is one cause roughage feeds (cereal straws and
of desertification and erosion. It is also stovers, crop processing wastes), some
seen as a cause of the spread of invasive of which might otherwise be wasted, and
species and of weeds. Monocultures of reducing methane outputs per unit of
highly productive grasses such as Napier product from ruminant animals.
grass have a negative impact on both
plant, soils and animal biodiversity. Since 6. Manure Accumulation
Napier grass grows fast, early harvesting Smallholder farmers keeping improved
is possible, which makes farmland dairy cattle under zero grazing system
birds more vulnerable to predators and within or near major urban areas
removes the food on which chicks that experience the problem of accumulation
feed on insects depend. Napier takes and disposal of manure. The stench
4 up a lot of nutrients from the soils and and flies associated with manure that
is highly demanding on nutrients, water is not properly disposed of is a serious
and manure. It is also vulnerable to environmental concern for residents in
diseases like the Napier stunt and Napier the same neighbourhood. Concentrating
smut diseases. the population of cows in one place by

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
having excessively large herds means contributing to climate change, water
millions of litres of slurry to dispose of, pollution, disease spread and ammonia
enormous amounts of greenhouse gases damage to wildlife.

Improper disposal of cow manure

Cattle are known to produce methane, activities. Intensive smallholder dairy

one of the greenhouse gases with farms continue to suffer the effect of
adverse environmental effects owing poor disposal of polythene bags used to
to their role in global warming. Manure carry groceries from markets and shops.
contamination can increase nitrate Many dairy cows and heifers have been
levels in ground water and cause diagnosed with plastic waste in their
bacterial contamination and fish kills in stomachs after suffering severe health
surface waters. Excess phosphorus can complications, which often culminate in
be contained in erosion or runoff from death of valuable dairy animals. Milking
fields and accumulate in surface water cows consuming plastic waste routinely
impoundments such as ponds and lakes. gradually start to yield less milk. The
presence of plastic materials in rumen 5
7. Plastic Waste interfere the absorption of fatty acids
Zero grazing dairy enterprise is adversely in rumen of the cattle. Thereby, plastic
affected by negative environmental foreign bodies might disturb the rate of
impacts created by other human/natural milk yield.

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
8. Hardware Disease levels of lameness observed in confined
cows are likely due to the effects
Hardware disease is produced by a sharp of concrete flooring on hooves, or
object that pierces the stomach wall increased contact between hooves and
and gains access to the heart. A sharp slurry. Cows under zero grazing system
object, such as a nail or piece of wire, are at increased risk of uterine disease
may perforate into the heart sac. The (metritis and endometritis), becoming
object lies originally in a chamber of the a downer cow, and of certain infectious
stomach known as the reticulum. The diseases (e.g. salmonellosis). In contrast,
reticulum “catches” all heavy objects cows in grazing systems are at increased
that are ingested; feed and lighter risk of nematode gut parasites and liver
material pass back into the rumen. When fluke.
muscles contract, the “hardware” may be
forced through the wall of the reticulum, 10. Effect of Zero Grazing System on
diaphragm and heart sac. You may Animal Fertility
notice that the cow has a poor appetite,
is somewhat depressed, and is reluctant Artificial insemination (AI) is a very useful
to move. Cattle seem to have indigestion technology for improving the genetic
and show signs of pain when defecating. potential of dairy cattle breeds under
If perforation of the heart has occurred, zero grazing system. However, many
fluid, due to infection, may accumulate dairy farmers are not able to access and
around the heart and produce abnormal utilise AI owing to lack of trained service
heart sounds. The brisket may be quite providers in their areas. In areas where
flabby due to a large amount of fluid in the service is readily accessible, the
it. The cow may also be bloated. These technology is thought to be inefficient
symptoms may subside or disappear because many animals are inseminated
within one to seven days, but may several times before conception and the
reoccur shortly afterwards. price is also considered to be high. Poor
herd management and heat detection
If the cow is slaughtered and the on farms as well as incorrect handling of
reticulum and heart carefully examined, semen by AI technicians result in poor
it may be possible to find a nail or wire pregnancy.
protruding through the wall of the
reticulum into the heart. However, the 11. Effect of Zero Grazing System on
hardware may have been completely Family Labour
digested over a period of months and Zero grazing system require high labour
thus not be present. and capital for fodder establishment,
9. Effect of Zero Grazing System on construction, equipment and buying
Animal Health and Welfare quality cows. The feed and water must
be taken to the cow in the shed. The time
Zero grazing has resulted into increased required to carry out daily zero-grazing
levels of lameness/poorer foot health, activities, both for the farm and on
hoof problems, teat tramp, mastitis, single animal basis, exceed the normal
dystocia, ketosis, retained placenta and man-day (8 work hours). This shows that
bacterial infections in cows with limited at least two persons are required (full
or no access to pasture. The increased time) to provide labour on the farm even

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
when the farm has only one animal. The tend to their main occupations. The
dependence on family labour observed extra members of the families can also
on many farms is expected because be considered as a potential reserve
some farmers are generally poor people human resource maintained on the farm
who cannot afford hired labour Also, unit for providing extra work hours into
zero grazing is generally a part time zero-grazing in order to meet high labour
occupation, with members of the family requirements demanded by the system.
providing labour before they leave to

Proposed Solutions
Every zero grazer can play a role 2. Improved Animal and Farm
in protecting the future of their Management
dairy cattle enterprise by adopting
management practices that enhance There is a need to boost dairy production
the environmental sustainability of their mainly through improved animal
farming system. Some of the suggested management, including improved
dairy management practices are feeding, water, housing practices,
described below: and parasite control. Strengthen farm
management environmental health by
1. Awareness and Policy effective manure management, soil
fertility and closing mineral (Nitrogen
There is a need to increase awareness and Phosphorus) cycles.
among researchers, policymakers,
and Non-Government Organization 3. Ethno Veterinary Medicine
(NGO’s) about the need to improve milk
quantity together with milk quality. Revitalize traditional knowledge on
Raise consciousness about the link herbal medicine, train veterinarians
between dairy production methods and farmers, and develop scientific
and milk quality. Provide information substantiation on remedies and
on the current levels of residues from practices concerning herbal medicine
antibiotics and other agro-chemicals in in dairy farming, gradually replacing
dairy products, as well as their risk on antibiotics and other agro-chemicals
human and environmental health. with herbal products.

Reconsider or establish policies related 4. Strategic Use of Local Breeds

to the free sale of antibiotics and other Genetic improvement of the local (dual
agro-chemicals, establish a rigorous purpose) cattle breeds with respect
control system for residues in products to milk production through selection,
of animal origin. rather than crossbreeding them with
exotic breeds such as Friesians. Though 7
Facilitate dairy chains that include milk
quality control on residues, and pay this process takes longer, it is more
farmers a better price for residue-free sustainable. Controlled crossbreeding
milk. under selected conditions, using

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
innovative breeding strategies, such as crops. In a sense, cows are their own
three-way crosses. recyclers – while one cow eats about
2.5 acres of forage per year, its manure
When continued crossbreeding has provides the fertilizer for that land.
led to animals ill-adapted to local
conditions, crossbreed the cows back Waste storage areas such as manure
with a local cattle breed. This can heaps, slurry stores and farm dumps,
increase their adaptation to the climate should be sited appropriately,
and environment. considering the local amenity with
regard to sight and smell, and the risk
5. Dairy Chain to the environment from pollution and
Government should establish milk quality vermin. Regularly inspect permanent
control systems for residues in milk that slurry stores and manure heaps for signs
are adapted to the existing (smallholder of leaks and impending structural failure
or pastoral) dairy system and preference to minimize the risk of runoff polluting
pricing system for residue-free milk. the environment. Develop a simple
waste management plan to identify
6. Proper Disposal of Cattle Manure when, where and at what rate to spread
manures, slurry and other organic wastes
Environmentally friendly management of
to minimize the risk of causing pollution.
cattle manure should be an integral part
Manure can be dried in a simple solar
of efforts to improve the sustainability
drier and packed for sale.
of zero grazing dairy cattle enterprise
because all the stages involved are inter Open-air thin-layer solar drying and
related implying that one affects the thermal drying using solar dryers are two
other for example, land application of common methods to dry animal manure.
cow manures for fertilization of the crops In solar drying, air is ventilated through
and pastures and for improvement or small holes at the top of the dryer. The air
maintenance of soil fertility is the most inside the dryer gets warm and removes
suitable method of manure utilization. the moisture from the manure.
Manure contains high content of organic Cow dung is utilized in the production of
matter and minerals which improve soil bathing soaps, face creams, toothpaste,
fertility therefore improves food and shampoos, and various other products
forage crops yields and is a source of designed to enhance people’s well-being
material for biogas production. Cover the and self-confidence.
manure pit to prevent nitrogen losses.
One cow can produce up to 20 tons of During the production of biogas, some
compost per year depending on the residue of cow manure remains. Instead
breed, feeds and management. of the typical use of sawdust, this cow
manure residue is employed to create
On a dairy farm, manure is a natural fibreboard. The fibre-containing cow
8 fertilizer that enriches the soil and manure is first sterilized, after which
increases its water holding capacity. resin is mixed with the sterilized cow
Spreading manure on the field decreases manure to produce the fibreboard. This
a farm’s need for synthetic fertilizers and versatile material finds application in
reduces the use of groundwater to grow construction and furniture production.

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
Some Value Added Products From Cow Dung

Product Method of Use

1. Fertilizer • Provides nutrients for healthy plant growth
2. Source of fuel • Briquettes, biogas & dry cow cakes

3. Building material • Plastering walls of houses

• Cow dung mixed with clay soil makes good
4. Insect repellent • Burning dry cow dung cakes repels insects and

5. Disinfectant • Coating the floor with a paste of fresh cow

dung serves as a disinfectant.
• Sanitizer

6. Livestock feed • Maggots reared on cow manure for feed

7. Cow dung paper-making • Cow dung paper pulp is used to produce

process common paper, including industrial packing
paper. Through a mechanized process
involving pulping, material washing, steaming,
and dewatering, the cow dung paper pulp is

8. Cow dung beauty products • Cow dung is utilized in the production of

bathing soaps, face creams, toothpaste,
shampoos, and various other products
designed to enhance people’s well-being and
self-confidence. Although currently considered
niche and vanity products, it is only a matter
of time before these cow-dung-based beauty
products become household staples.

7. Control Flies in A Zero Grazing Unit

Farm flies are a nuisance to animals and nagana disease in animals and sleeping
humans and they come in many types – sickness in human beings. Face fly
stable fly, horn flies, face flies and biting spread pinkeye disease in cows. Below
flies among others. They not only bite are some strategies that a farmer can 9
animals but can also bite people on the employ to reduce the population of such
farm. Normally these flies feed on blood flies on the farm and therefore minimise
and some in the process spread diseases disturbance to the animals.
from one animal to another. Other flies
for example tsetse flies spread the fatal

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
(a) Locate the Source of Flies
The First step in house fly control is
exclusion and sanitation. After these
measures, you can use insecticides that
come in residual forms, aerosols, fogging
materials, and baiting forms.
Locating manure pits away from the
animal houses can help in diverting their
attention on animals. Use of vertical piles
with a crust at the top makes manure
unfavourable for flies and reduces their
population. Spreading the manure waste
in thin layers also makes it unfavourable
to flies.
(b) Keep the House Clean and Dry Yellow sticky insect card
Flies have a liking for dirty and wet Sticky cards are available at the
environments. When the milking parlour Holland GreenTech Uganda, Muyenga
is dirty and wet, it will attract flies which (0706230892) andTask Farm, Rubaga
will end up biting the animals. Keeping (0788500968).
the animal unit clean keeps away the
flies. (d) Chemical Control

(c) Fly Traps Pour-on have long lasting effects once

applied on the backline of the animal.
There are several types of fly traps in The insecticides when sprayed on
the market, some work through colour animals kill by contact. Care should be
attractants and others through odours. taken when using chemical control to
Others have sticky surfaces that trap avoid contamination of feeds and milk.
insects that land on them – this have been
used in tsetse fly control. The traps can (e) Use Diatomaceous Earth Feed
be hanged inside the dairy unit or near Additive to Improve Livestock
fly breeding grounds. When using such Production and Maintain a Clean
traps, carefully read the manufacturer’s Environment
directions on how to use. Diatomaceous Earth Feed Grade
Use yellow sticky traps to trap/monitor is a naturally occurring silicon rich
most pests. (Includes whiteflies, fungus sedimentary rock made of fossilised
gnats, shore flies, thrips, winged aphids, remains of hard shelled pant algae. It
leaf miners, scales, and many others). is a 100% organic and natural highly
10 But be aware they may inadvertently effective feed mineral supplement for
capture parasitic wasps, midges, and livestock. Diatomaceous contains 15
beetles. Use with care. Reduce hang- mineral trace elements such as silicon,
duration if needed, just be consistent. calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, and
many other trace minerals.

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
Diatomaceous Earth Feed Grade

This attribute makes diatomaceous very • Flies that land on the stool will be
useful. Diatomaceous earth feed grade affected in much the same way as
is a valuable mineral for agriculturists internal parasites. The diatoms
to improve farm life for animals and present in the stool will pierce the
livestock. This unique mineral has a outer layer of the fly/insect which
high porosity/, is organic, and has an will result in its death.
impressive absorptive capacity. Food
grade Diatomaceous earth fed to animals • If a fly lands on the animal’s stool
passes through the digestive system and lays eggs, the Diatomaceous
and is present in the animal’s manure. earth in the stool will pierce the
This has a two-way direct impact on outer layer of the larvae which will
controlling flies and other insects. result in its death.

Other benefits of Diatomaceous

Feed Supplement: Aflatoxin Binder:
When Diatomaceous earth is used as a Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites
regular feed supplement, the following and a class of mycotoxins produced
benefits are observed on the animal: predominantly by Aspergillus flavus and 11
improved health and body condition; A. parasitic us. The term “mycotoxin”
improved production and reproduction; is derived from “mykes’ ‘ meaning fungi
decreased infant mortality; veterinary and “toxin” meaning poison which are
bills are significantly reduced and; produced by moulds. The toxin occurs in
increased household income. feeds and feedstuffs resulting into severe

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
economic loss to livestock industries in The recommended ratio for mixing
Uganda. Consumption of foods including Fine Diatomaceous Earth into your
meat and milk contaminated with cattle’s feed is 2-5% of the weight of
aflatoxin is a risk factor for primary liver your cow’s feed that they receive either
cancer. Diatomaceous earth has a very in addition to or instead of grazing.
high negative charge. It is easy to attach Diatomaceous Earth can be obtained
to the harmful substances such as from: Family Capital Partners, Jinja,
toxins/aflatoxins, viruses, heavy metals, Tel: +256753476876/787117707 and
bacteria, and even to the radiation in Kiwebwa Mixed Farm, Kapeeka, Semuto
the body and carries them out of it. This Road; Tel: +256 751 627759.
makes it very useful in any detoxification
program. (f) Use of Indigenous Microorganisms

Accelerated Growth and Development: Indigenous Microorganisms (IMOs)-

Diatomaceous earth stimulates the based technology is one such great
metabolism of minerals, increases technology that is applied for the
protein digestion and increases the extraction of minerals, enhancement
amount of feed exposed to the digestive of agriculture and waste management.
processes thereby increasing the Indigenous Microorganisms are a group
amount of feed utilised by the animal. of natural microbial consortium that
inhabits the soil and the surfaces of all
Controls Internal Parasites: living things inside and outside which
Diatomaceous Earth’s method of have the potentiality in bio-degradation,
parasite control is strictly mechanical bio-leaching, bio-composting, nitrogen
and as a result the parasites cannot fixation, improving soil fertility and as
adapt, develop resistance or become well in the production of plant growth
immune. The microscopic edges of the hormones. Without these microbes, the
diatoms pierce the outer structure of life will be miserable on this lively planet
the parasite which then dies and passes for the survival of human race.
harmless. However, it doesn’t remove all
types of Worms like lung worms. How to Make Indigenous Microorganism
Improves Weight Gain and Feed
Conversion: The idea here is to collect microbes from
As a feed supplement, food grade natural healthy ecosystems. By making
Diatomaceous earth stimulates the your own IMO, you can free yourself of
basic metabolism, including the buying costly harmful chemicals and
metabolism of minerals, and increases make a lot of savings while maintaining
protein digestion. Diatomaceous earth good bacteria in your area. Different
as a feed supplement also act as an anti- areas have different types of microbes
caking agent which prevents clumping of in the soil. For example, an old forest will
feed particles and increases the surface have microbes that grasslands do not
area of feed exposed to the bacterial and have and vice versa. To get the greatest
enzymatic digestive processes thereby diversity of microbes, you want to collect
increasing the amount of feed actually them from as many different habitats as
digested and utilised, improves bone you can. For starters, at least get from
growth and strength. forest, grassland, and the boundary area

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
between them. The basic supplies for 4. Cover the container completely with
microbe culturing are: cloth or paper, fixed in place with
• A clean clay pot (hard-fired) a rubber band, to prevent water or
• A wooden spoon small insects from getting in.
• White paper towels 5. Put the covered container, protected
• Rubber bands from possible rain, under the trees,
• A large clear bowl, big enough to hold in a bamboo grove, a forest floor, or
contents of rice mixture wherever a thick mat of leaves has
• A small food scale formed. Leave it there for three days.
• A straw mat Place the box in the depression and
• A shovel loosely cover with the dirt and leaves
• A composting thermometer around it.
• Raw, granulated brown sugar
6. After 5-10 days (depending on
• Wheat or maize bran
temperature), the first colony of
1. Cook a kilo of rice, barley, wheat or microbes you will notice are white
oats. moulds. Then different colours like
2. Get a wooden box or perforated yellow, green, black, etc. if you leave
plastic box and fill bottom with rice. it much longer. Generally, we harvest
The rice should not be too deep, when it is in the white mould stage.
around 1 inch usually; otherwise it Disregard rice if black moulds have
will take too long for all the rice to formed on it, this is generally a sign
become infected. Do not pack the of non-beneficial microbes. In nature
rice; leave it loose to allow airflow. when there is plenty of food the
The whole idea is to create more beneficial microbes dominate. When
space for the microbes to infect – the there is less food, the opportunistic,
surface area of the rice. non-beneficial microbes tend to
3. Mark side of box with date and
intended location.



The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
7. At this time, remove container from It’s a microbial inoculant, so it can be
habitat and transfer rice to a plastic used wherever you are trying to increase/
container/jar, and mix with sugar. establish populations of microbes – the
Mix 1:1 with sugar e.g. 1kg cooked rice most basic level of a healthy ecosystem.
with 1kg sugar/molasses (molasses Add 1-2 teaspoon per 4 litres of water.
is great and cheap)
8. Mash up the mixture with gloved • Boosts growth by enhancing
fingers until it’s mashed but do not digestion
over mix or you’ll destroy all the • Inoculate farmyard (spray ground)
mycelia where animals occupy to maintain
9. Cover this mixture for 3-7 days. healthy microbial system.
10. When it is quite liquid, add 3 parts • Aids disease resistance. Fights the
water. bad bacteria
11. Leave this diluted mixture for 7 Benefits from the microbes
days. Cover the top with something
• Microbes digest fish wastes, cleaning
air permeable just so animals don’t
up water and improving water quality.
get to it – cheese cloth, nylons,
newspaper, etc • Allows fish to grow larger due to
digestive efficiency
12. You should end up with a mud-like
juice. Strain the liquid out of the • Allows higher population of fish in
mixture into a glass jar but don’t seal the same amount of water. Literally,
the top – let it breathe until bubbles increases the carrying capacity of
in the bottom stop forming. your body of water. This is awesome
for aquaculture set-ups.
13. After you stop seeing bubbles
forming in the jar, seal it up (g) Generating Renewable Energy From
14. Now you have your microbial Cow Dung
inoculants for that ecosystem
We usually associate greenhouse
15. Repeat the above steps for each area gases with carbon dioxide – but
you are collecting microbes from. methane is actually more damaging
The more ecosystems you collect to the atmosphere. Cattle are
from, the better. significant producers of methane. New
To make the final beneficial IMO product, technologies enable dairy farmers to
combine all your microbial extracts. use environmentally harmful gases, like
methane from manure, as a renewable
How to use indigenous microorganism energy source. Anaerobic manure
(IMO) digesters convert manure into biogas,
which generates energy, reduces feedlot
This is a powerful tool in the natural
odour and lowers greenhouse gas
14 farming, with a myriad of applications.

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
Biogas plants

Biogas can be produced from raw Requirements for making charcoal

materials such as agricultural waste, briquettes from cow dung
manure, sewage, green waste or food • Overall,
waste. It is a renewable energy source • Black plastic gloves,
and, in many cases, exerts a very small • Mask,
carbon footprint. Biogas is obtained from • Covered shoes/boots.
cow dung and urine collected in a pit. • Cow dung; poultry litter; anthill, loam
The pit should be completely covered. or clay soil,
The biogas is then collected and passed • Stick/rod to turn the material,
through tubes to where it is going to be • Water,
used as a source of fuel or for lighting • A place to mix your material,
the house. The manure produced from 3 • Briquette press and,
cows is sufficient to produce the amount • A place to dry your briquette
of gas needed for cooking and lighting in
the farm. How to make charcoal briquettes from
cow dung
(h) Turning Cow Dung into Charcoal • Sieve charcoal dust to free it from
Briquette any impurity.
Briquettes are compressed blocks of • Crush charcoal dust into fine
coal or charcoal that burn under fire. powder.
They are an excellent way to utilise the • Get fresh cow dung and remove all
smashed pieces of charcoal dust which grass in the dung to avoid smoke
is usually thrown away. Briquettes burn when using the briquettes.
longer than charcoal and therefore, • Mix fresh cow dung with charcoal
will reduce the amount of charcoal powder and very little water in
a ratio of 1:3: 0.5 (cow dung to 15
a household uses. Briquettes help
conserve the environment because they charcoal dust to water).
burn for an average of two hours and • Put the material inside a briquette
a half compared to the 45 minutes of mould, hit 2 or 3 times and remove
charcoal. or make balls. You can mould the
mixture into small round balls.

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
Cow dung briquettes at Kyakuwa Farm

• Remove the briquettes and dry under a well-ventilated room. Drying briquettes
on the ground slows down the process as some pieces receive low amounts of
sunlight. Spreading briquettes on roof tops speeds up the drying process, but
results in breakages. Briquettes dry in less than 4 days during the dry season and
take twice as long during the wet season.


The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
How to use the briquettes 9. What to do When Your Animal Eats
• Light your charcoal stove with a Discarded Plastic Material
little charcoal.
• When the charcoal has lit up, add There are no drugs for destroying plastic
the briquettes. bags while in the animals’ stomach.
Luckily, some people have successfully
Benefits of briquettes used laxatives like high quantities of
• Briquettes are a clean cooking fuel mineral oils, given to the animal to help
that helps keep the environment breakdown solid materials and smoothen
safe and does not damage one’s plastic to increase chances of slippery
health since they are smokeless. passage.
• Briquettes reduce household
indoor air pollution with carbon 10. Water Harvesting
monoxide and fine. Water harvesting is the collection and
• Briquettes made of cow dung and concentration of rainwater for the
charcoal dust burn for over four production of crops, pasture or trees,
hours, compared to two and a half for livestock or domestic water supply or
hours for regular charcoal. for other productive purposes. Roof top
• Briquettes emit neither smell nor rainwater harvesting involves collecting
sparks. rainwater from roofs to storage tanks
• Briquettes leave no soot on using gutters located at the edges of
saucepans. the roofs. A simple water harvesting and
• Briquette production is a profitable storage system involves the following
business for the youth since activities.
materials used to make them are
locally available and the demand Construction of an Underground
for charcoal is high. Rainwater Harvesting Tank

8. Prevention of Hardware Disease (a) Digging a pit—the size of a pit will

depend on the capacity of your
Using magnets in the reticulum has tank.
become a popular preventive routine for
(b) Excavated reservoirs can be lined
hardware disease, especially in the dairy
with either a tarpauline of a dam
breeds. The magnet is administered
liner. In Uganda, good and genuine
much like a large bolus or pill, with a
dam liners can be obtained from
stomach tube or balling gun. The magnet
Balton (U) Ltd., Industrial area.
keeps foreign metallic objects adhered
together in a ball, reducing the chances
of penetrating the reticulum. Of course,
the best preventive measure is keeping
feed bunks, pastures, cow lots, etc., free
of potentially hazardous objects. 17

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
(a) (b)

(c) Roofing is done using iron sheets.

(d) Construct a small wall around the tank to prevent soil erosion entering the tank.

(c) (d)

Tank measurements with a capacity of Open Surface Rain Water Tanks

about 35,000 litres of water have the
following measurements: In areas where good water quality
is needed for domestic and animal
• Tank dimensions (6 x 3 x 1.5meters)
consumption but the roof catchment is
• Tank capacity: 24-27 cubic meters too small to collect sufficient water, open
18 • Roof catchment (5 x 10 = 50 square surface water tanks can be constructed.
meters Open surface rain water tanks can be
constructed in areas that receive good
Plastic tanks can be used to store water rainfall to ensure collection of enough
but they are very expensive. water. The design is based on the

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
Open surface rain water tanks

principle that for every 1 mm of rainfall, 1 a more digestible diet and applying
cubic meter of water is collected in every fertilisers appropriately can reduce
square meter of surface. methane and nitrous oxide gas emissions
respectively, relative to the quantity of
Therefore, a water tank constructed milk produced. Ensuring the nutrient
with surface area of 24 square meter will requirements of both the plants and
collect 24 square meter of water from animals are met appropriately will help
a storm of 1mm rainfall. These tanks reduce/manage any potential nutrient
provide clean quality water for a variety losses.
of purposes including domestic use.
12. Maintain and/or Encourage
11. Minimise Production of Biodiversity on The Farm
Environmental Pollutants From
Dairy Farming Although zero grazing farming
is undertaken in highly modified
Whilst nutrients may cause problems off environments, there are still
the farm, they are a valuable resource opportunities to encourage biodiversity.
on farms. The careful application of Fence off sensitive areas such as water
fertilisers and an effective effluent sources to exclude livestock. Set non- 19
management plan will minimise off-farm productive land aside as habitat for
impacts and can boost productivity. native plants and animals. Preserve
Greenhouse gas emissions can be remnants of the natural ecosystem by
more difficult to control. Practices that linking non-productive areas at the local
improve productivity such as feeding level.

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
13. Appropriate Use of Agricultural to increase sustainability and reduce
and Veterinary Chemicals waste on their farms. For dairy products,
get to know your farmers and choose
Protect the environment by only using dairy cattle breeds that is sourced
approved agricultural and veterinary from dairy farms that are helping to
chemicals and drugs according to the bring sustainability to the food system,
directions on the label. Ensure the safe reducing our carbon footprint and
and secure storage of farm chemicals, helping dairy cows lead happy, healthy
preferably away from the milk storage lives.
areas. Ensure the safe disposal of
expired and defective chemicals and 16. Role of the Feed Base in
chemical containers. Consider biological Environmental Protection
and other non-chemical approaches
to controlling farm pests, such as The feed base for dairy cattle
eliminating pest breeding sites. Apply production can play an important role in
integrated pest management practices environmental protection. It consists of
where appropriate. Apply fertilisers in either the main energy sources, such as
a manner that minimises the risks of food-crop by-products and residues and
off-site nutrient impacts. Avoid using sugarcane bagasse, or the main protein
fertilisers that contain toxins, heavy sources, such as forage legumes,
metals or other contaminants. Ensure multipurpose trees and water plants.
the safe disposal or reuse of empty Improving the quantity and quality of
fertiliser bags. forages produced will improve dairy
cattle production and feed efficiency and
14. Ensure Appropriate Overall reduce greenhouse gasses emissions
Appearance of The Dairying (particularly methane) per unit of animal
Operation product, but may result in increased
emissions at the farm level, if animal
To limit the potentially adverse impact numbers are not kept constant or are
of zero grazing on the landscape and not reduced. Sustainable intensification
to provide a positive image of dairy of forage-based agricultural systems
production, zero grazers should ensure should result in release of land for other
that access roads to their farms and the environmentally friendly uses (such
farm surroundings are clean, sheds are as tree plantations, reconversion to
correctly maintained and that access forest vegetation). Agricultural residues
roads used by dairy animals are free of such as cereal straws and stover and
effluent. Care should also be taken to groundnut or cowpea hay should not be
ensure that the dairy operation does not ensiled with leguminous forages and
impact neighbours or the local amenity agro-industrial by products to improve
by controlling dust, smells, lights, noise, their nutritive quality to avoid polluting
flies or other nuisances. the atmosphere through burning.
15. Shared Responsibility for High biomass and perennial fodders
Sustainability (Napier grass and fodder trees and shrubs)
Just as we as individuals are changing act as carbon sinks, counteracting the
our behaviour for the good of the planet, greenhouse effect. They also control soil
dairy farmers are also leading efforts erosion. The best use of these fodders

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
permits the reduction of land area per carbon sinks and for fixing atmospheric
livestock unit. Forage legumes such nitrogen (Azolla).
as lablab and alfalfa; fodder trees such
as Calliandra and Gliricidia and; fodder
shrubs such as Mexican Sunflower
planted together with crops or used as
ground cover in plantations, play a key
role by fixing atmospheric nitrogen and
increasing water absorption in the soil,
which prevents erosion and decreases
the need for artificial fertilizers.
Multipurpose fodder trees and shrubs
integrated into zero grazing dairy cattle
production system can contribute to
the protection of the environment in
various ways. They control erosion and
increase nitrogen in the soil (nitrogen-
fixing trees), thereby decreasing the
need for agrochemicals (fossil-energy
consuming). Widespread adoption of
this option has substantial mitigation
potential, because intensified diets
would considerably reduce the number
of ruminants needed to satisfy future Water lettuce
demand for milk and meat.
18. Prevent Snakes and Pests on Your
Zero grazing dairy cattle production Farm
systems can be environment-friendly
when feeds are grown on-farm and Snakes are an essential part of the
slurry is collected in bio-digesters, the ecosystem. However, many species
effluent of which may be used either as possess defensive traits that are harmful,
crop fertilizer or for fish production in or even deadly, to humans. Therefore, if
ponds. For the former there is the added you live in a snake prone area, try using
advantage that weed seeds have been certain plants that repel both venomous
inactivated during the digestion process. and non-venomous snakes around your
garden, activity areas, and household
17. Role of Water Plants in entryways. These plants will help to keep
Environmental Protection your property free from snakes. Some of
Water plants, such as Azolla sp., the ways to make dairy farms and homes
Lemna spp. and water lettuce, play a less inhabitable for snakes are:
• Keep all firewood piles elevated 21
key role in animal production systems.
They are a protein-rich feed, but they are from the ground. Don›t use birdseeds
also useful for purifying surface waters or baths and clean up fruits and nuts
(Water lettuce) polluted with organic that have fallen onto your compound.
matter (livestock and human wastes), as This is mostly to eliminate rodents
and other food supplies. Inspect

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
and seal any crevices around the insects in the garden will be affected
foundation of your house to keep by it.
snakes from getting inside. • Physical measures such as snake
• Get rid of covered or hidden places to traps and fences can be more
keep snakes away. effective against snakes. The best
• Remove or reduce areas where way to protect oneself against these
snakes are found. This will force the crawling creatures is to bury a solid
snakes to seek a different place to fence deep into the ground.
hide. Some of these areas include: • Pets are considered to be physical
tall grasses, shrubs, wood or rock measures against snakes. Pigs, dogs
piles, and boards, logs or anything and hedgehogs are considered to
that will allow the snakes to crawl feed on certain types of crawling
under. reptiles. But only hedgehogs do so
• Be sure your place is free from on the regular basis. Others will only
the sources of food a snake would taste a snake if starving.
depend on which are: rats, mice, Snakes will sometimes try to get
frogs, and lizards; which are the into chicken coops for the eggs.
staple diet of a snake. Chickens, as well as guinea hens and
• A small sprinkling of sulphur powder turkeys, will attack and kill snakes
might prove effective at keeping that get into the coop.
snakes from sneaking in. These
solutions are best not to use if you A number of plants can be grown on the
have small children or pets around farm to repel snakes naturally. These
the house, though, because they include:
can be hazardous or even fatal if (a) Garlic or pink agapanrhus (Tulbaghia
consumed. violacea)
• Smoke, diesel fuel a mixture of
naphthalene with feline filler, lime Society garlic or pink agapanrhus
and pepper sprays are known to be (Tulbaghia violacea) is a popular garden
traditional snake repellents. Diesel plant that is useful for difficult hot
fuel is considered to be extremely corners of the garden, as it will tolerate
harmful for the environment by the prolonged drought.
experts as your plants and useful


Tulbaghia violacea

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
The crushed leaves may be used to (c) Onion and garlic
help to discourage moles from the
garden. The smell repels fleas, ticks and Onions and garlic are very useful garden
mosquitoes when crushed on the skin. It plants for repelling snakes. Both plants
is also a very good snake repellent. give off a smell that snakes not only
dislike, but it also confuses them. Garlic
(b) Tobacco plant plants are thought to be the best plants
that repel snakes. The plant gives off an
Tobacco plants planted around the farm oily residue when a snake slithers over
can help to repel snakes. Snakes hate a clove. This oil acts very much like an
the scent of tobacco and will not come onion does when we slice it: the aroma is
around it. disorienting like a pepper spray.

Onion Garlic
(d) Lemon grass plant
Lemon grass produces a citrus smell that deters snakes. This is one of the best plants
that repel snakes, mosquitoes, and even ticks from your garden. Lemon grass is
drought-resistant and easy to maintain. Use lemon grass to form a secure barrier from
snakes and repel mosquitoes and ticks at the same time.



The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
(f) Clove Basil (Ocimum gratissimum)
One of the smells snakes hate the most to 2 meters tall but can be trimmed into
is the smell of cloves. Like all basils, a hedge-like shape. It has pretty purple
clove basil is strong on scent, but with a and green leaves with a strong scent, so
distinctive clove-like smell that ranks it it is traditionally grown for its essential
as one of the best snake-repellent plants. oils.
As a bonus, this basil plant can grow up

Clove Basil

(g) The Mother-in-Law’s Tongue Plant

(Dracaena trifasciata)
In light of its sharp leaves, Mother-in
Law’s Tongue is possibly the best plant
to repel snakes, but also because the
plant restores oxygen at a higher than
typical rate. Snakes discover that they
see Mother-in-law Tongue terrifying,
24 unlike rank plants. So the use in the
nursery is an excellent looking plant and
it is extremely low maintenance as a
hindrance against snakes. The plant just
needs water three days a week. Mother-in-law Tongue

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions

1. Guetebier, A. 2022. Snake-repellent 4. Kabirizi J.M.L. 2023. Unlocking

plants that can help pest-proof your the potential of feed production
garden. technologies, innovations and
articles/snake-repellent-plants/ management practices of
2. kabirizi, j.m. 2022. turning livestock smallholder dairy cattle farmers
waste into cooking fuel Source: in Uganda. February 2023. ISBN.
Alternative Fuel as an Innovative 9789970675951
Agribusiness for Youth Groups 5. Vivek Singh , 2023. Cow dung
3. Kabirizi, J.M.; Male, A. and Piro, W. products made in India and
2023. Use Diatomaceous Earth abroad. Updated 27 June, 2023.
Feed Additive to Improve Livestock
Production and Maintain a Clean husbandry/cow-dung-products-
Environment. (Unpublished). made-in-india-and-abroad/


The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions
KABIRIZI JOLLY M. L. (PhD-Animal science)
/Smallholder dairy cattle farmer
Kyakuwa Farm, Seguku Cell 4,
Makindye Ssabagabo Municipal Council,
Wakiso District, Kampala-Entebbe Road,
P.O. Box 31153, Kampala, Uganda;
26 Telephone No.: +256 777912716;
Website: <

The Hidden Effects of Zero Grazing Dairy Cattle Farming on Public & Environmental Health and Proposed Solutions

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