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A Proposed Business Policy Paper

Presented to the Faculty of
School of Graduate and Professional Studies
University of Pangasinan - Phinma
Dagupan City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree



March 2023

This is to certify that we have read the business

policy paper of RELENE SHEMA D. SALAZAR entitled,

“SHEMASSAGE”. She defended the same before an Oral

Examination Committee on March 16, 2019. The committee found

the business policy paper acceptable and has successfully

passed the Oral Defense.


Business Policy Adviser

Member Member

Business Policy Paper



This is to certify that RELENE SHEMA D. SALAZAR was

admitted to candidacy for the degree Master in Business

Administration as of March 27, 2023 after passing the

Comprehensive Examination in her Basic, Concentration and

Cognate Courses.


OIC - Director
School of Graduate
Professional Studies

Business Policy Paper


The proponent would like to acknowledge with profound

gratitude and sincere appreciation the following people who,

in one way or another, shared their utmost personal

professional assistance and untiring services that made this

study a priceless reality:

NAME, Faculty member of School of Graduate and

Professional Studies and adviser in this business policy

paper for sacrificing her time in guiding, providing,

suggesting and encouraging the researcher, her

insurmountable effort, helpful ideas and advices and

contribution to the planning and completion of this paper;

NAME, Faculty member of School of Graduate and

Professional Studies and Panel Member for her satisfaction,

helpful ideas, pieces of advices and valuable time and

effort to finish this paper;

NAME, Faculty member of School of Graduate and

Professional Studies for sharing ideas to researcher on how

to make a good business policy paper;

Respondents, for their overwhelming cooperation and

honest responses in answering the questionnaires;

MBA Students, especially the proponent’s classmates in

Master in Business Administration for their generosity in

Business Policy Paper

giving pieces of advices and inspiration to make this study


And above all, to the LORD ALMIGHTY, for giving the

researcher patience when they are about to give up,

strengths and wisdom when she asked for the way out, love

that filled her passion which made her hold on. To all,

thank you so much.

The Researcher

Business Policy Paper


This business policy paper is lovingly dedicated to

researcher’s FAMILY who always there to support her during

hardships and obstacles that cross along her way. With that

simple way it helps her to be strong and to become

successful as time goes by towards the near future.

The Researcher

Business Policy Paper



Title Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

Certification of Acceptance
Of Business Policy Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

Certificate of Admission to Candidacy for

the Master in Business Administration . . . . . iii

Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi

Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi


Business Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Business Offering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Unique Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Strategic Analysis of the

Company and Its Business . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


One of the Workforce . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Customer Retention and Loyalty. . . . . . . . . 6

Corporate Social Responsibility . . . . . . . . 7


Business Policy Paper

Target Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


Demand Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Demand and Supply Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Survey Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Market Positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Market Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Marketing Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32


Legal Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Organizational Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Capitalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Manpower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Process Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Materials and Equipment Handling . . . . . . . . 46

Maintenance Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Waste Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Chapter 5 Human Resource Management

Business and Organizational Structure. . . . . . 50

Personnel Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Hiring Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Compensation and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Business Policy Paper

Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60


Operational Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60


Major Assumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Initial Investment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Projected Statement of
Financial Performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Projected Statement of
Financial Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Projected Statement of
Cash Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Projected Statement of
Change in Owner’s Equity . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Notes to Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . 65

Return On Investments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Net Present Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Payback Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Leverage Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Liquidity Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69


PESTLE Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Business Policy Paper

SWOT Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72


Marketing Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73


The Ansoff Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Market Penetration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Market Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Product Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Diversification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76


Chapter 10 RECOMMENDATION/ACTION PLAN . . . . . . . . 81

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

CURRICULUM VITAE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Business Policy Paper

Business Policy Paper

Business Concept

Masulosyonan or maiwansa nag mga sumusunod na problema:

Mahabang Pila,abot hangang labas na pila, Kulang ng upuan

sa facility, Lunch Break sa mga Private or Commercial

Business Establishment, Minsan may masungit na Guard or

Teller, Mabahong Katabi sa pila, Closed sa Weekends and


Makapag avail ng mga sumusunod.

*Business Loan

*Personal Loan




*GForest – Makatulong sa Nature

Madaling gamitin

Malawak ang tagert market (from 7years old and above at

Nationwide and Internal transaction)

Business Policy Paper

Business Name

Business Logo

Services Offered

Pay Bill

*Electric Bill

*Water Bill




*Credit Cards


Business Policy Paper


*Reals Estate





* Globe

* Tm


* Cherry Prepaid

* Smart

* TnT

* Dito

Cash In & Cash Out

Bank Transfer

Business Policy Paper

Unique Quality

One of the unique qualities of SHEMASSAGE is its

signature massage which is the hilot or the Traditional

Massage of Filipino It is the traditional way of healing and

practice by our Filipino ancestors and continuously thriving

to this day. If fact, this practice is known around the

world, as cited by Calvert (2022) in the book titled “The

Healing Hands of Hilot: Filipino Therapeutic Massage”, the

technique used in hilot is very similar to Indonesia's

massage practices "such as strokes which move away from the

heart, sideways rubbing or going across the muscle fibers,

and the principles and functions of the channels." Coconut

oil has always been the choice for hilot even during the

ancient times.

Also, SHEMASSAGE offers on call, out call or onsite

massage whether it is for an individual or for a group or

entire corporation where all employees can avail themselves

of the massage services.

Business Policy Paper

All clients, whether group or individuals can book

their schedule through the company’s website, phone call,

text, or chat. Lastly, SHEMASSAGE’s unique service is its

massage therapists; they are all trained and licensed that

will take the clients’ blood pressure and pulse rate and

consider their medical history before conducting the

requested massage service.

Business Structure

Relene Shema Dispo Salazar, the proponent of this

Business Policy is the sole proprietor of the business. A

massage team will be hired consisting of massage therapists

accredited by TESDA, a receptionist who will also serve as

the bookkeeper, and the cleaner.

Business Location

SHEMASSAGE will be placed in Dagupan City, the business

capital of Pangasinan Province. Specifically, it will be

located on the Grand floor, Lyceum-Northwestern University,

A.B. Fernandez Avenue, Dagupan City, Pangasinan, 2400. The

Proponent chose this location for the following reasons:

first, accessibility in the market, if the SHEMASSAGE will

be needing anything such as materials or products which need

for business and service operation, the management can

easily get or purchase it; second, lot of establishments are

Business Policy Paper

also be located in the area, such as Schools, Terminals,

Museum, Police Station, Town Plaza, Department Stores,

Church, and other Local Government offices; and the business

operation in this area of Dagupan is 24 hours, because the

Fish port is also located here.

The proponent is certainly sure that SHEMASAGE will not

be getting zero clients in a day, not to mention the

majority of the people coming into this area, especially at

the night are the people who are businessmen and workers

that works a hard labor type of jobs; which is, they are the

sort of people who often avail the kind of massage services

offer by SHEMASSAGE.

Figure 2. Vicinity Map

Figure 2 above illustrates the vicinity of SHEMASSAGE,

it is in front of Dagupan Museum, across of City Plaza, a 2

blocks away from Fish Port and around 15 to 20 meters far

from Dagupan Church and Elementary Schools.

Business Policy Paper

Corporate Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility aims to ensure that companies

conduct their business in a way that is ethical.

SHEMASSAGE is not just about for earning profit, it is

also deals with activities that are beneficial not just for

the business itself, but also to the community, environment,

government, and people, as part of its social


Socio-Economic Benefits

The heart value of SHEMASSAGE is to provide the best

possible care for its customers and at the same time, give

it back to society.

The information below will be the contributions and

impacts of SHEMASSAGE and its benefits to the community,

government, economy, and environment, respectively.

Community Contribution

SHEMASSAGE would collaborate with the local government

in conducting free massage services and educational training

for people who want to learn or have some knowledge about

massage therapy that could use to get a job or create a

business in the future.

Government Contribution

Business Policy Paper

The business will ensure that all government

requirements will be submitted on time. Taxes will be paid,

and well-presented and business registrations will be


Economic Contribution

Hiring employees would help to decrease the amount of

unemployment and it contributes to the growth of the


Environmental Contribution

SHEMASSAGE ensures the cleanliness of the surroundings

of it business, whether it is inside or out of its premises,

cleanliness will be observed and always maintained;

conservation of electricity and water by proper use and

monitoring of electrical equipment and water consumption;

furthermore, the management of the business would also make

sure to properly implement the proper way of management and

disposal of its waste.

Strategic Analysis of the Business

This part of business plan talks about the external and

internal environment of the business, the process of

organization’s operations, strategies and plans.


Business Policy Paper

To be amongst the well-known Massage Centers in Pangasinan

within the next 5 years.


To promote wellness by giving people access to the most

affordable rejuvenating care through massage therapy of the

highest quality delivered with commitment, hard work, and

integrity, and be the benchmark in the business industry in

the massage sector.

Goals and Objectives

 To capture a bigger market share,

 To provide the best customer service possible,

 Expand product or service offering.

Core Values

 Integrity - Shemasage rests assured to follow sound

business ethics and uphold truthfulness, reliability,

and loyalty.

 Quality – Customer satisfaction is one of the main

objectives of SHEMASSAGE, and we deliver it by

providing excellent service.

 Commitment and Excellence – SHEMASSAGE strives to

exceed customers' expectations by providing excellent

service because of its unwavering commitment to always

giving them the best experience possible.

Business Policy Paper

 Availability and Convenience – Shemasage operates 24/7

available and always has an accessible location,

whenever, wherever.

 Convenience – We are here to make your lives easier by

providing accessible locations for our massage centers

or by going to your homes whenever, wherever.

 Care - SHEMASSAGE cares for the well-being of its

customers and that of the community. It is at the heart

of our values to provide the utmost care for our

customers and staff to ensure their welfare and at the

same time, give back to the community.

Chapter 2

Management Challenges

Demographic Challenges

Getting new Clients and Keeping Them

Building Bran Reputation and Maintaining it

Business Policy Paper

Chapter 3

A great business concept and a good product or service are

worthless if the entrepreneur knows nothing about his market,

always remember that not every product is suitable for everyone,

no matter how good it is. The value of quality products and

brilliant ideas would be lost, and the chance to survive in the

market for a long time would end immediately. According to

Ackerman (2019), successful business owners should know their

markets, understand the wants and needs of their competitors and

target markets, and gather all the information needed to keep

their businesses competitive.

To understand the market of J-Payment, the Proponent

conducted thorough research, he spent 2 nights in Dagupan where

J-Payment is located to observe the environment of the location

of his target markets, and he also interviewed the vendors,

marketgoers, porters, and some staff of establishments that

offers same products/services of J-Payment. The findings of

Proponent about the result market analysis that he conducted are

discussed in this chapter below.

Business Policy Paper

Target Market

In order for a business to stand and run, it needs to

earn profits, where, the source of profit of the business

comes from its customers. Therefore, it is imperative for

the business owner to clearly identify the target markets of

his business and understand their needs and behaviors and

enabling him craft an effective strategy and be able to

attract more customers which helps the business prospers.

To get an insight into J-Payment target markets the

result of the survey analysis, and the tool, methods, and

procedures used by the Proponent in gathering and validating

the data are discussed and presented below.

The target markets of this proposed business plan are

the people in Dagupan City. Dagupan City has 31 barangays

and based on CITY POPULATION, the total population in this

current year of Dagupan City is 174,302. Not to mention the

number of people coming in every day in the area to perform

business transactions, and those people staying in Dagupan

for a quite long period of time, like students who are

studying in various Universities in the city, foreign and

local, yet, they are just considered as visitors or tourist

and not a residence.

Business Policy Paper

Considering the factors mentioned above, such as the

huge population, numerous barangays, and various types of

people with different demographic profiles and preferences;

the Proponent of this study, decided to use stratified

random sampling. Because the data that would be gathered

from the respondents who were chosen by the used of random

sampling could be considered eligible and reliable to

represent the entire population of Dagupan City.

To determine the eligibility and reliability of the

number of respondents, which is 400, the Proponent utilized

Slovin’s Formula with a 5% margin of error. The computation

and the result are shown below:

Formula: n= 2
1+ Ne


N = 174,302, current population of Dagupan City.

e = 5% desired margin of error;

n = the sample size.


n= 2
1+(174,302)(.05 )

n = 399.08 or 399

As shown in the equation above, the eligibility and

reliability test result of using 400 samples to respondents

the entire population of Dagupan is 399.08 or 399. It means,

Business Policy Paper

the processes and procedures of the Proponents in conducting

research and results of the study, are 100% eligible, and


Respondent’s Profile (Target market)

The number of respondents in this study is 424

individuals, they are the target market (400), and the

competitors’ staff of J-Payment (24). The target markets of

J-Payment are the people in Dagupan City; their demographic

profile in terms of their age, gender employment status are

illustrated in the tables below.

Table ? Frequency Distribution of Respondents’ Demographic

Profile in Terms of their Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 243 60.75%
Female 157 39.25%
Total 400 100.00%

The table above shows that the number of respondents as

target market of J-Payment are 400; and the percentage of

male respondents in this study is 21% higher than the female

respondents, with a frequency distribution of 243; while the

frequency distribution of female respondents is 157, which

comprised the 39.25% the total number of respondents.

Table ? Frequency Distribution of Respondents’ Demographic

Profile in Terms of their Age

Business Policy Paper

Age Frequency Percentage
14y/o and below 74 18.50%
14y/o to 35y/o 145 36.25%
35y/o to 63y/o 148 37.00%
63y/o and older 33 8.25%
Total 400 100.00%

The table above shows that most of the respondents are

14y/o to 63y/o, a 1.75% less of percentage that would

comprise 75% of the total number of respondents, followed by

respondents ages 14y/o and below, with a frequency

distribution of 74, and lastly, the respondents’ who are

63y/o and older, are least in the list with a total 33

frequency distribution only.

Table ? Frequency Distribution of Respondents’ Demographic

Profile in Terms of their Employment Status

Employment Status Frequency Percentage

Students 47 11.75%

Employed 324 81.00%

Un-employed 29 7.25%

Total 400 100.00%

Table above shows the demographic profile of the

majority of the respondents in terms of employment status

are students and working individuals, which comprised more

than 90% of the total number of respondents with their

combined percentage.
Business Policy Paper
Survey Analysis

The questionnaire is the main tool used by the

Proponent in gathering data for his target markets to his

competitors. It is composed of 2 parts, the first part is

intended to identify the demographic profile respondents in

terms of their gender, age, and employment status, and the

business profile of e-service providers, in terms of length

of operation, type of business, and capital investment; and

the second part contains questions which designed to measure

the knowledge and awareness of the respondents about e-

wallet and its features and services, also, to assess the

buying or consumption behavior of the respondents to the

products from the providers of electronic services.

Respondent’s knowledge and their behavior of usage of

electronic services – (Target market)

Table ? Frequency Distribution on Respondents in Terms of

their Awareness of the Existence of Electronic Wallet.

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 400

No 0

Business Policy Paper

Total 400 100.00%

The table ? above and the table ? in next page are

showing that all of the respondents are familiar not just

with the electronic wallets, they are also knowledgeable

about the various features or services of the electronic


Table ? Frequency Distribution on Respondents in Terms of

their Knowledge about Services of Electronic Wallet.

Choices Frequency Percentage

Buying/Sending Load 400 100.00%

Cash In / Cash Out 400 100.00%

Sending Money 400 100.00%
Paying Bills 376 94.00%
Paying or Buying on online stores 298 74.50%

Bank Account Transaction 218 54.50%

Others 15 3.75%

Table ? Frequency Distribution on Respondents in Terms of

Electronic Services that they have Tried

Choices Frequency Percentage

E-Load 400 100.00%
Fund Transfer 400 100.00%
Bills Payment 400 100.00%

Business Policy Paper

All of the respondents have tried or experienced all

the services or products listed in table?. Furthermore,

among these services, as shown in the table below, the e-

load service is most frequent type of service/product avail

by the respondents every day; while the fund transfer type

of service/product, there are 171 respondents or 42.75% of

the total number of respondents who always avail fund

transfer service once a week; and the bills payment service,

is the most seldom type of e-service, that avails by 34.25%

of the respondents, which is also equivalent to 137

frequency distribution of the total number of respondents,

twice a month; and the 65.75% of the respondents, with 263

frequency distribution opted to pay their bills one a month.

Table ? Frequency Distribution on Respondents in Terms of

how Frequent They Use the Electronic Services

Choices E-Load Percentage

Every day 61 15.25%
Every other day 59 14.75%
Once a week 45 11.25%
Twice a week 217 54.25%
Once a month 18 4.50%
Others 0 0.00%
Total 400 100.00%
Choices Fund Transfer Percentage
Every day 38 9.50%
Every other day 93 23.25%
Once a week 171 42.75%
Twice a week 42 10.50%

Business Policy Paper

Once a month 56 14.00%
Others 0 0.00%
Total 400 100.00%
Choices Bills Payment Percentage
Every day 0 0.00%
Every other day 0 0.00%
Once a week 0 0.00%
Twice a week 137 34.25%
Once a month 263 65.75%
Others 0 0.00%
Total 400 100.00%
Table ? Frequency Distribution on Respondents in Terms of

the Charges They Pay for Using the Electronic Services

Choices E-Load Percentage

₱1.00 to ₱3.00 249 62.25%
₱3.00 to ₱5.00 127 31.75%
₱5.00 and above 24 6.00%
Total 400 100.00%
Choices Fund Transfer Percentage
1% to 2% 256 64.00%
2% to 3% 144 36.00%
3% to above 0 0.00%
Total 400 100.00%
Choices Bills Payment Percentage
₱ 1.00 to ₱15.00 92 23.00%
₱15.00 to ₱30.00 308 77.00%
₱30.00 to ₱45.00 0 0.00%
Total 400 100.00%

Table above shows that most of the respondents are

paying charges ranging from ₱1.00 to ₱5.00, 1% to 3, ₱1.00

to ₱30.00 for e-load, fund transfer, and bills payment

transactions; respectively. In addition, as shown in the

Business Policy Paper

table below, the 2 top common establishments where the

respondents do their electronic services transactions

frequently are in the convenience store and sari-sari

stores, which comprised 88.75% of the total number of

respondents, followed by bank and other payment centers


Table ? Frequency Distribution on Respondents in Terms of

Place where they do the Electronic Services

Choices Frequency Percentage Rank

Sari-Sari Store and
other same
303 75.75% 1
Convenience Store like 7/11 and
52 13.00% 2
other same businesses
Payment center like Cebuana and
31 7.75% 3
other same businesses
Banks establishment 14 3.50% 4
Total 400 100.00%

Respondent’s knowledge and usage behavior (Competitors)

Table ? Frequency Distribution on Respondents in Terms of

their Awareness of the Existence of Electronic Wallet.

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 21 87.50%
No 0 0.00%
Refuses to answer 3 12.50%
Total 24 100.00%

The able above shows that there 3 establishments opted

not to give any information about their business, while the

Business Policy Paper

other 21 establishments did participate and answered Yes to

the question about their awareness and knowledge of the

existence of the electronic wallet; and the load transaction

e-services feature of e-wallet is the top product/services

that most usually avail by their customers. Please refer to

the table ? on the next page.

Table ? Frequency Distribution on Respondents in Terms of

Features of Electronic Wallet that They Offers.

Choices Frequency Percentage

Load Transaction 21 87.50%

Fund Transaction 12 50.00%

Bills Payment 12 50.00%

Table ? Frequency Distribution on Respondents in Terms of

the Number of Customers They have Per Day.

Choices Frequency Percentage

1 to 25 6 25.00%

25 to 50 13 54.17%

50 to above 5 20.83%

Refused to give info 3 12.50%

Total 24 100.00%

Business Policy Paper

As shown in the table above, most of the respondents

cater 25 to 50 customers per day; while the other 25% cab

only caters less than 25 customers; however, 20.83% of other

respondents cater at least 50 customers per day.

To sum up, all the data above from the result of the

survey, gathered by the Proponent indicate that the literacy

of the people in Dagupan City in terms of their awareness

about the electronic services and/or products, and its

features, are amazingly at high level. It signifies that the

steps to introduce and promote the products/services of J-

Payment have lessen; which is a good thing for the business,

because the reduction in the promotion to be done to the

product and services of J-Payment, would save time, the

resources, and the funds’ of the Proponent; which, he could

use it to do other things that would help the J-Payment to

be more resilient in the business market; such as creating

or developing a new product or service that tailors the

needs of its target market, or do some renovation of the

business’ physical store. As mentioned in chapter 1 and 2,

the place where J-Payment is located in a flooded area;

resolving this challenge, and being able to create a new

product/and services to be offered, certainly help the

business not just to have a stronger physical store but

Business Policy Paper

also, it would make the business to be more productive and


Demand and Supply Analysis

Based on the above information, the Proponent was able

to identify the demand and supply of the product offerings

of the proposed business and illustrate it with the use of

the parabolic method.

Table ? Annual Historical Demand for 2018 to 2022

Total Market Historical

Year Population Acceptability Demand
2018 163,745 100% 163,745
2019 165,596 100% 165,596
2020 167,468 100% 167,468
2021 169,359 100% 169,359
2022 171,271 100% 171,271

Table above illustrates the total population in Dagupan

City from year 2018 to 2022 and the historical demand for

electronic services with 100% market acceptability.

Table ?. Statistical Parabolic Computation for Demand

Year Y X X2 X4 XY X2Y
2018 163745 -2 4 16 -327490 654980
2019 165596 -1 1 1 -165596 165596
2020 167468 0 0 0 0 0
2021 169359 1 1 1 169359 169359
2022 171271 2 4 16 342542 685084
TOTAL 837439 0 10 34 18815 1675019

Table ?. Statistical Parabolic Computation for Demand

Business Policy Paper

Year a b x c X2 Yc Y-Yc
2018 167467.657 1881.5 10.0714 4 163744.9429 0.0571 0.0033
- -
2019 167467.657 1881.5 10.0714 1 165596.2286 0.0522
1 0.2286
2020 167467.657 1881.5 0 10.0714 0 167467.6571 0.3429 0.1176
2021 167467.657 1881.5 1 10.0714 1 169359.2286 0.0522
2022 167467.657 1881.5 2 10.0714 4 171270.9429 0.0571 0.0033
TOTAL 0.2286

Table ?. Statistical Parabolic Computation for Demand

Year A b x c X2 Yc
2023 167467.657 1881.5 3 10.0714 9 173202.8
2024 167467.657 1881.5 4 10.0714 16 175154.8
2025 167467.657 1881.5 5 10.0714 25 177126.943
2026 167467.657 1881.5 6 10.0714 36 179119.229
2027 167467.657 1881.5 7 10.0714 49 181131.657
2028 167467.657 1881.5 8 10.0714 64 183164.229

√ 183164.299

Standard deviation (σ) = 0.21

As shown on the result of standard deviation in

computing future demand is 0.21, it means that data and the

procedure that used in forecasting future demand for

electronic service/products are correct and reliable. Which

is also reflects in the table below, showing that the annual

and daily demand is gradually increasing.

Table ?. Actual Target of Daily Demand

Year Projected Target Actual Actual

Business Policy Paper

Target of
Annual Percentage of Target of
Population Target Market Daily Demand
2023 173,203 15.00% 25980 71
2024 175,155 18.00% 31528 86
2025 177,127 21.00% 37197 101
2026 179,119 24.00% 42989 117
2027 181,132 27.00% 48906 133
2028 183,164 30.00% 54949 150
Market Positioning

Based on the information and gathered by the Proponent,

he decide not to have a specific market position. The price

of the product/services of his proposed business would

depend on various factors, such us customer’s capability of

paying, status of weather, availability of competitors, mode

of customers, behavior of customers, time of transaction,

etc.; On the other hand, the friendly service approach to

all customers is the thing that won’t change of his

business’ service.



Policy Paper
Figure ? Market Positioning

The figure above indicates that the market positioning

strategy of the J-Payment has no specific position, which it

could vary any time

Market Segmentation

The proponent used demographic, psychographic, and

behavioral types of market segmentation. As mentioned above

on market positioning, the price of Proponent’s products or

services would vary depends various cases and situations.

Marketing Plan

The purpose of a marketing plan is to help the business

to achieve its goals by acquiring new customers, retaining

current customers, and selling more products to earn more

sales. However, not all marketing plan accomplishes it

goals; and some of the reasons why it fails are because the

plan is unrealistic, budget issue, wrong strategy, and

others. All of these are due to the lack of adequate and

correct knowledge or information about the current status or

situation of the markets.

The Proponent is confidence that he has adequate

knowledge and understand his market based on the actions or

Business Policy Paper

effort on how he studied the business’ market environment.

The Proponent would only use to marketing plan, namely;

print ad and promotional strategy.

Print Ad

To give inform the targets of J-Payments about the

existence of its business and about the products/services

that it offers, the proponent would use 2 tarpaulins; one

would be posted outside, in front of the store or

establishment, before the operation starts or opening of the

business; and the other well be kept and used only when the

first one is damaged.

Promotional Strategy

To acquire new and more customers and retain the

current ones, the Proponent would do or give free services

or Zero (₱0.00) charged during the first week of his

business operation. After that, the free charge promo would

only be availed twice a week for a certain period of time.

Other details about this promo would be discussed during


Business Policy Paper

Chapter 4


As they said “Wag kang sasabak sa gyera kung wala kang

dalang bala" or “Don’t go into battle without ammunition”.

J-Payment needs to plan and prepare before its business

operates. This section tackles the requirements, materials,

tools, and equipment that would be needed by J-Payment prior

to starting the operation of its business.

Legal Requirements and Organizational Cost

The list of following documents and requirements, and

its cost that listed are need to be accomplished by J-

Payment before its business starts.

Table ?. Legal Requirements and Organization Cost

Requirements Cost
DTI Certificate of Registration ₱200.00
Barangay Permit ₱900.00
Barangay Plate ₱500.00

Business Policy Paper

Sanitary Permit ₱200.00
Fire and Safety Inspection Certificate ₱396.60
Municipal Engineering Building Inspection ₱4,000.00
Occupational Permit ₱340.35
Building Permit ₱200.00
Business Plate ₱60.78
Business Tax ₱1,320.00
Mayor’s Permit ₱850.86
Receipts ₱15,000.00
BIR Registration ₱1,320.00
Social Security System ₱0.00
Philippine Health Insurance Corporation ₱0.00
Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) ₱0.00
Total ₱25,288.59
Table above shows that J-Payment needs to expend

₱25,288.59 for documents and requirements to open a business

and an additional ₱1,500.00 for book keeper; which is a

total of ₱26,788.59.


The list of material, equipment and supplies that are

needed for the transaction operation of the J-Payment

business are as follows:

Table ? Equipment, Materials, Supplies

Particular Description Source Pcs Amount

Online Store 1 ₱7,000 ₱7,000

Online Store 1 ₱3,500 ₱3,500

Business Policy Paper

CCTV Online Store 2 ₱700 ₱1,400

Internet PLDT 1 ₱1,400 ₱1,400

Dagupan Public
Chairs 10 ₱150 ₱1,500

Dagupan Public
Cup 20 ₱18 ₱360

Dagupan Public
Glass 20 ₱10 ₱200

Glass & Dagupan Public

1 ₱340 ₱340
Cup Rack Market

Spoon & Dagupan Public

5 ₱15 ₱75
Fork Market

Spoon & Dagupan Public

1 ₱25 ₱25
Fork Rack Market

g Soap Dagupan Public
5 ₱60 ₱300
(Good for Market
1 year)
Soap(Good Dagupan Public
10 ₱75 ₱750
for 1 Market

Dagupan Public
Sponge 10 ₱15 ₱150

Business Policy Paper

Dagupan Public
Dipper 2 ₱20 ₱40

Pail Dagupan Public

2 ₱45 ₱90
(Timba) Market

Dagupan Public
Mop 2 ₱250 ₱500

Dagupan Public
Trash Bin 1 ₱180 ₱180

Dagupan Public
Dust pan 2 ₱30 ₱60

Broom Dagupan Public

2 ₱45 ₱90
Stick Market

Dagupan Public
Floor Mat 5 ₱60 ₱300

Bag (Good Dagupan Public 12
₱5 ₱600
for 1 Market 0

Dagupan Public
Boots 3 ₱120 ₱360

Dagupan Public
Pen 1 150 ₱150

Business Policy Paper

Coupon Dagupan Public
3 ₱100 ₱300
Band Market

Filling Dagupan Public

2 ₱120 ₱240
Rack Market

Medical Dagupan Public

1 ₱250 ₱250
Kit Market

The table above is showing the cost needed of J-Payment

for materials, equipment, and supplies is ₱20,160.00, and an

additional ₱500.00 for a tip or variable costs. All in all,

it is ₱20,660.00.

Capital or Investment

The grand total of the amount needed to be invested for

J-Payment is ₱200,668.59, and this is financed by the

Proponent from his own pocket.

Table ? Capital Invested

Category Amount
Legal Documents & Requirements ₱26,788.59
Contract Lease ₱18.000.00
Equipment, Materials, & Supplies ₱20,660.00
Advertisement ₱220.00
Renovation ₱35,000.00
Running Capital ₱100,000.00
Total ₱200,668.59

Business Policy Paper

The table above is showing the breakdown of the

category of the invested capital. The least of the expenses

or budget is for advertisement which is P220.00, the

contract lease expense is ₱18,000.00, for 2 months deposit

and one month advance, while the running capital got the

highest budget of ₱100,000.00.

Floor Plan

Floor Plan Layouts The figure below is the floor

layout of J-Payment, there are 2 windows in the counter, 8

chairs in the front where customers can seat, and a toilet

and sink.

Business Policy Paper

Figure ? Floor Plan

Business Policy Paper

Process Planning

The service transaction plan of J-Payment is composed

of 4 parts or process. Firs is greeting, employees should

always greets all the people enters the premises; the second

process it probing, building rapport, analyzing customers,

process transaction, do some up selling by offering other

services or products; the third is, confirm the transaction

if its successfully done or not; if not, repeat the second

step and third step, and once the transaction is confirmed

successfully, move to final steps; the good bye greetings.

Welcome Greetings


Confirm transaction

Goodbye Greetings

Figure ?. Service Transaction Process

The figure illustrates the 4 steps of service

transaction process of J-Payment.

Business Policy Paper


The human resource department plays a big and vital

role in every organization, it deals with issues to

compensation, performance management, organization

development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee

motivation, training and others. An effective human resource

management can contribute momentous contribution to the

overall company direction and the accomplishment of its

goals and objectives.

This section deals with the task of human resources

management of J-Payment and its importance to the business.

Business Structure
Considering the number of target customers per day and

the number of products and services offered by J-Payment,

The proponent chose to establish the business as a sole

proprietorship managed by two (2) people only.

Business Policy Paper



Figure ? J-Payment Organizational Structure

As presented in figure above the management of J-

Payment is composed of 2 people, the owner and assistant.

The owner or manager and the assistant are both responsible

for day-to-day transactions and operations of the business

except for hiring people, if the owner decided to add

additional staff, he would do the task by himself or by the


Personnel Plan

Personnel plan is essential to ensure operational

success. The table ? outlines the job positions, numbers,

salary, and qualification of personnel; and the job


Table ? Personnel Plan of J-Payment

Job Salary Per

Position Number Qualification
Description Day
Manager 1 With integrity Hiring and ₱600.00

Business Policy Paper

and honest firing
leadership Supervising
skill employee

Possess Promoting
Organizational the
skill business

Possess strong Process

analytical Payroll
Good in oral expenses
and written and hand in
communication, reports
Observant and Follow and
detail oriented maintain
At least 6 and safety
experience Maintain
At least Senior of the
high graduate premises
Can work under

Can work at
graveyard shift

Can work for

long hours of

Can do multi-

single but not

Friendly and

Good and

Business Policy Paper


Can deal to
of customers


Physically fit
Assistant 1 With integrity Supervising ₱500.00
and honest employee

Observant and Promoting

detail oriented the
At least Senior
high graduate Follow and
Can work under maintain
pressure knowledge
and safety
Can work at
graveyard shift Maintain
Can work for of the
long hours of premises

Can do multi-

single but not

Friendly and

Good and

Can deal to
of customers

Business Policy Paper


Physically fit
Staff With integrity Promoting ₱450.00
and honest the
Observant and
detail oriented Follow and
At least Senior knowledge
high graduate and safety
Can work under
pressure Maintain
Can work at of the
graveyard shift premises
Can work for
long hours of

Can do multi-

single but not

Friendly and
Good and

Can deal to
of customers


Physically fit
Can work at
graveyard shift

Can work for

Business Policy Paper

long hours of

Can deal to
of customers

Can work at
graveyard shift

Physically fit

The table above shows the list of jobs in J-Payment,

the number of employees required for these jobs, the tasks

that must be performed by the employees and the size of

amount salaries. As part of its strategy, the Proponent

preferred to hire female applicants, particularly single

people, over male applicants. Because J-Payments' target

markets are male-dominated, and; Men prefer to shop in a

store where the clerk is a woman.

Recruitment Process

Behind a successful company are the hard-working

employees; employees, who can also be a cause for the

failure of a company. Therefore, hiring the right people is

as important as finding right target markets and developing

quality products for a company. The Proponent has outlined

the recruitment process in the table below, which serves as

a guide for J-Payemnt to ensure the business hires the right


Business Policy Paper

Figure ? Hiring Process

The figure above is showing the diagram of the 7 steps

hiring process of J-Payemnt, namely: identifying vacancy,

recruitment, interviewing, selecting/hiring, orientation,

training, and deployment. The initial process of hiring

employees of J-Payment is identifying the vacancies –

finding what specific job or task that needs someone to take

care of; once it’s identified, dissemination of info about

the vacant position will be communicated to people who are

looking for work; next is step is an interview, the owner or

manager would interview all the applicants to assess their

qualifications are suite for job vacancy; the next step is

the selection process, the owner or manager will pick the

best person that he/she thought perfect for the job; after

picking, the lucky applicant undergo orientation and a job

contract; the next step is training, all the things that

Business Policy Paper

need to know like the process on how to do the job will be

taught to the trainee; finally, once the trainee becomes

knowledgeable enough for the job and can work with minimal

supervision, the owner or manager will now deploy the

trainee and tag as official employee.


After passing the last test or interview, candidates

will go through orientation, where they will learn about the

company's vision, mission, core values, and policies. To

help them understand the significance of their roles and

become more successful and productive team members, they

will also be given a briefing on the tasks and obligations

associated with their professions.

Furthermore, it is during the orientation that the

employees' compensation and benefits, as well as the terms

and conditions of their employment contract, will be


Compensation and Benefits

J-Payment considers its employees a key resource to

achieve its goals. They are the most important people who

bring revenue to the company. Therefore, it is very

important to properly care for and treat them. One way to do

this is to offer them a good salary; ₱600.00 for the

Business Policy Paper

manager, ₱500.00 and ₱450.00 for the staff, which are higher

than the declared minimum according to the guidelines of the

Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) in Dagupan City.

Another option is to pay them a 14th month salary to be paid

every semester and this is in addition to all the government

mandated benefits such as SSS, Pag-IBIG and PhilHealth, 13th

month salary, overtime pay and vacation pay, night

differential pay and others . All employees shall receive

all of the above benefits and compensation, with the

exception of the owner, who derives his income from the


Operational Policies

As they say, “Nobody’s perfect”, Yes, everyone can

make mistakes; mistakes that may lead to bad results. It

means no matter how good the employee is, he/she could still

commit mistakes that could harm the company and end up in

the closing of business. Therefore; the Proponent created

the following policies listed below that every employee of

J-Payment should comply.

1. Timely and regular attendance is an expectation of

performance for all employees and should arrive earlier,

before their shift commence; repeated tardiness and/or

absenteeism are strictly prohibited and punishable.

Business Policy Paper

2. Employees must notify management 1 hour before their

assigned schedule if they are absent or late for work.

3. Only sign-in and sign-out made through computer shall be

honored for acknowledging attendance of employee. Manual

recording only valid if computer got issues but time-in

and out must be signed by immediate superior.

4. No employee may consume alcohol during work or be under

the influence of alcohol. Any employee who comes to work

under the influence of alcohol must not work.

5. If employees need or want to resign, they must submit a

letter of resignation 15 days before the actual

resignation date; they must also perform while management

is still looking for someone to replace their position if

their resignation request is approved. In addition, the

employee must obtain exit clearance to receive their

remaining salary or benefits.

6. Working for others is not allowed. This policy is

designed to limit an employee's ability to work for

others to protect the employer. The Company prohibits an

employee from working part-time for a competitor to

prevent disclosure of confidential information. If an

employee leaves the company to work for a competitor,

he/she may be required to sign a non-compete agreement

preventing him/her from doing business with the company's

Business Policy Paper

customers for a period of time or even to reach out to


7. Using of personal cellphone while on duty is strictly

prohibited. Bags and other belongings are not allowed

inside the workstation. Lockers in the crew room are

provided by the company for the safekeeping of their


8. Unhealthy conversation, discrimination, acts of violence

and lasciviousness will not be tolerated in the

workplace. Anyone found to be doing any of this will be


9. Employees are expected to conduct themselves in the

workplace in a way that contributes to operational

effectiveness, productivity, safety and a harmonious work


10. Customers should always be treated with respect and

joy. Any bad comment about customer service will be taken

seriously to the staff involved.

11. If employees did not meet the company's standards of

conduct or performance, necessary corrective action will

be taken. Management may, in its sole discretion,

determine what course of action would be best in any


Table ? Policy Violation and Sanction

Business Policy Paper

Violations Sanctions

Salary deduction / Warning/

Tardiness / Absence
Suspension / Termination

Working under influence of

Suspension / Termination

Negligence resulting to Salary deduction / Warning/

damage or loss of property Suspension / Termination

Taking illegal drugs Suspension / Termination

Theft Suspension / Termination

The table above shows violations and the corresponding

sanctions imposed on employees who committed the listed

violation or related action.

Chapter 6


Business Policy Paper

Chapter 7


In this section the Proponent of this study has

realized that having knowledge about the demographic status

of his target markets and competitors is insufficient to

ensure that his proposed business would be able to stand and

operates for a long period of time. He found out that there

are other factors that can have a profound impact on the

performance of his proposed business; such as the status of

the business industry, rules and regulation or law, and the

internal and external factors of the business environment.

Business Policy Paper

These factors need to be carefully analyzed in order to

understand its impacts on J-Payment’s business operation,

and in order to this, the Proponent utilized the PESTLE and

SWOT analysis.

PESTLE Analysis

PESTLE analysis is one of the business analysis models

that commonly use to understand the external factors of

business environment; such as politics, economics, and

social, technological, legal, and environmental factors

which are mainly outside of the business owner’s control.

Political Factors

The Executive Order No. 09 signed by President

Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr. dated December 2022 has a

direct and huge impact for J-Payment. The E.O. No. 9 is a

directive extending or prolonging the continuation of the

suspension of the operation nationwide of E-sabong/online

cockfights; but, for J-Payment in the business aspect, the

E.O. No. 9 means “Loss of Sales”; a directive that prevents

its business from earning more.

E-sabong or online sabong is a live-streaming or

broadcasting of live cockfights outside cockpits or

cockfighting arenas or premises where cockfights are being

held. The People who are watching online of e-sabong and

Business Policy Paper

want to bet need to use e-wallet; and an e-wallet is one of

the tools used by J-Payment in its business.

Furthermore, other issues under political factors that

may affect the business operation of the J-Payment are the

officials and/or the Managers of the Bureau of Internal

Revenue (BIR), Proponent found out that the corruption of

these individuals is rampant, especially during the holiday

season; the info was gathered by the Proponent from one of

the respondents that he interviewed, and the if was also

verified by 2 other respondents, that they experienced it by

themselves, extorted by those officials.

Economic Factors

Based on the study conducted by Philippine Statistic

Authority, the unemployment rate in December 2022 went up to

4.3% from 4.2% in November 2022. A 4.3% unemployed Filipino

translates to 2.22 million jobless Filipinos with no source

of income. Unemployed people tend to spend less which costs

low sales and profits of J-Payment.

Social Factors

Considering that J-Payment is a new entrant in the business

market, getting clients would be one of the first challenges that

the business may face, and it would be more difficult for J-

Payment if its target markets are already loyal to J-Payment’s

competitors, considering some of them have been in the industry

Business Policy Paper

for more than 5 years. Which is also shows to a recent study by

market research firm Nielsen, an estimated 80% of savvy

Filipino consumers would buy new products from well-known

brands rather than switch to a new brand.

pposition throttles the growth

of the business and the
benefits that people are
getting. Some people may not
even realize they became so
complaining about
getting low coverage and
strongly disagree to the
enhancement and expansion
of area coverage. Many are
afraid of cell sites and many
are in favor of it. One,

Business Policy Paper

two or more households
maybe in favor of it but a
whole barangay who
disagrees can make or break
the growth that’s necessary for
the many.
Opposition throttles the
growth of the business and the
benefits that people are
getting. Some people may not
even realize they became so
complaining about
getting low coverage and
strongly disagree to the
enhancement and expansion

Business Policy Paper

of area coverage. Many are
afraid of cell sites and many
are in favor of it. One,
two or more households
maybe in favor of it but a
whole barangay who
disagrees can make or break
the growth that’s necessary for
the many
pposition throttles the growth
of the business and the
benefits that people are
getting. Some people may not
even realize they became so
complaining about

Business Policy Paper

getting low coverage and
strongly disagree to the
enhancement and expansion
of area coverage. Many are
afraid of cell sites and many
are in favor of it. One,
two or more households
maybe in favor of it but a
whole barangay who
disagrees can make or break
the growth that’s necessary for
the many.
Technological Factors

Based on the World Data Lab study, the Philippines

ranks 38th in terms of percentage of population with poor

internet service. This equates to over 58 million Filipinos

and places the country 7th in the world with the greatest

number of bad internet connections and 1st in Southeast

Business Policy Paper

Asia. This poor internet condition could have a big effect

on J-Payment in could result not only in lost revenue but

also in losing customers as well. In addition, the

technological factor is the most concern factors of the

Proponent under PESTLE analysis, for his proposed business.

Proponent believes that the e-services/products offered by

the J-Payment will be gone and the near future. At the back

of his mind, he sees a vision that each country in this

world would be turned in to a total cashless society from

current status now. The paper bill and coins will lose its

value and will disappear forever.

Legal Factors
Along with the development of technology in the

country, the methods used by people in their wrongdoings are

also becoming high-tech to conceal their illegal activities;

most of them used e-services for money laundering. Money

laundering is an illegal process whereby assets or cash

obtained from criminal activities are made to appear to come

from legitimate sources. Put simply, money laundering makes

dirty money look clean.

The Philippines is considered susceptible to money

laundering and terrorist financing due to its growing

economy and geographic location within key trade route;

furthermore, in many cases, the authorities can only uncover

Business Policy Paper

money laundering activities when officials or employees

report suspicious financial transactions to the authorities.

Therefore, on September 26, 2023 the Philippine Government

passed RA NO. 10365, also known as “Anti-Money Laundering

Act of 2001” to strengthen the RA 9160, an act criminalizes

unlawful activities such as graft and corrupt practices,

fraudulent practices, robbery and extortion, swindling and

plunder, amongst other activities.

J-Payment belongs to business sectors selected by the

law to be fully compliant with the rules and regulations

mandated under AMLA, if J-Payment fails to report such money

laundering activities the management may face imprisonment

from 6 months to 4 years and/or a fine of at least


The Proponent ensures that J-Payment is compliant with

the anti-money laundering regulations in the Philippines.

Furthermore, this is also one of the reasons why being

observant, and detailed oriented is a required qualification

of the employees; also in chapter 4, under business process


Environmental Factors

The tools used for the operation of e-services are

electronic gadgets, such as smartphone and computers. Based

on the study conducted by the McMaster University in Canada,

Business Policy Paper

among the electronic gadgets, such as mobiles, laptops,

tablets, and desktops; smart phones to be the most damaging

of all the devices in the industry to the environment. The

researchers have found out after calculating the carbon

footprint comes from smart phone, that this gadgets and data

centers will be the biggest carbon foot print emitter by

2040 in the tech industry. In the case of J-Payment, the

least that the Proponent can do is ensure that the whole

management of its business will be more responsible in the

proper use of tools so that they can use it for a long

period of time. In that way, the production of these kinds

of gadgets will be reduced. Moreover; on the other hand, e-

service businesses are using less paper products compare to

other businesses that process their service in traditional

way. This can help reduce an organization’s carbon footprint

by reducing or eliminating paper waste.

Table ? J-Payment’s PESTLE Analysis

Factors Analysis
Rampant corruption; The Proponent was not
shocked he found out, but he it made him
Political makes him felt disappointed. A Death Penalty
Law for corrupt government officials must be
filed. They are the cancer of the country.
Unemployment, creates domino effects
Economic inflation, interest rate and exchange
change, so corruption must be stop.
Loyalty is one of the best thing and hardest
to earn for a new entrant business.

Business Policy Paper

The country has the poorest inter service in
Technology the world, which hindrance the nation for
new opportunity
RA 9160 – The country is vulnerable for
money Laundering; In order to be used in
Legal illegal activities by others, management
must be knowledge about this business
particularly in law.
One of main tools used of J-Payment is the
Environment most producers of carbon foot print; on the
other hand, it helps reducing paper waste.
SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is one of the business analysis models

commonly used to get a better picture of the company's

internal and external factors, specifically the company's

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The SWOT

analysis of J-Payment is illustrated below.

Table ? J-Payment’s SWOT Analysis

New in the market
24/7 Service
Long hours of period of
Stiff Competition
Business strategic location

Internet Connection

Customer support from E-

Opportunity to help the
environment and the
Stiff competition

Open new branch Technology

Offer new product and
Corrupt Officials

Business Policy Paper


The table above shows the strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats of J-Payment that will be used by

the Proponent of this business, as his basis in creating a

plans or strategies and in making decisions for his


The Proponent’s analysis is discussed on the next page.


J-Payment is located in the business center of Dagupan,

it is one of the best strategic places in the area where

most people can be seen in this place. The business is run

by 2 people, the owner/manager, and the staff; both know

their products and services and how to market to their

customers; they are also bubbly, hardworking, and possess

integrity where they can easily win the hearts of customers

to trust them.


J-Payment’s managements are aware that their business

is new in the business market; getting new customers would

be a slight challenge to them, considering the rigid

competition with their competitors is a little bit tough,

and also for knowing that some of them have already been

built their brand and reputation to their customers for

Business Policy Paper

being in the market for more than 5 years, which made them

have loyal customers.

In addition, the internet service and e-wallet tools

provider of J-Payment frequently experience service or

disconnection issues, not to mention that their customer

services are hard to reach, which might cause unsatisfied

and disappointed customers.

Furthermore, the geographic structure of the J-Payment

site is a floodplain, where even without rain, there still

flooding, especially during the high tide season, which may

result in the interruption of the business.


J-Payment could create new products or services for

business diversification, considering the business is

situated in a busy site with numerous people, J-Payment

could still get a new market; or put up a new branch in a

different area, because this type of business belongs to a

fast-growing industry.


J-Payment might lose due to the rapid development of

technology, and the current products and services offered by

J-Payment might not be needed in the near future by its


Business Policy Paper

J-Payment and other companies may choose to stop their

businesses if these corrupt officials do not change their

wrongdoing; as mentioned earlier in this chapter, these

types of leaders are the cancers of our nation, not only

ruining our country's progress but slowly killing it.

Using the internal and external data from numerous

factors collected via SWOT AND PESTLE analysis, the

SHEMASSAGE had the opportunity to see and identify where it

needs to improve internally as well as to help develop

strategic plans.

It is recommended that the foregoing PEST and SWOT

Analysis are used together, and are applied in a group

setting to support effective strategic planning, decision

Business Policy Paper

making and action planning. These are cost and time

efficient means for highlighting key issues relating to the

context of the business proposal, that if not identified and

addressed, could critically affect the chances of success.





Elijah Felice Rosales - The Philippine Star

October 5, 2022 | 12:00am

Business Policy Paper




8 March,





Business Policy Paper









Business Policy Paper

July 10, 2022

By: Daxim L. Lucas - Business News Editor / @daxinq

Philippine Daily Inquirer / 04:57 PM January 26, 2013

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Chapter 8


Business Policy Paper

All entrepreneurs had great visions with their

businesses but not all are able to achieve those visions due

to many factors like poor customer service, wrong target

market, bad marketing strategies and others. However, all

elements can be modified and used efficiently to achieve

business goals with the right strategic plan.

Based on definition, strategic planning is an

organization's process of defining its strategy or direction

and making decisions about the allocation of its resources

to pursue that strategy. It can also extend to control

mechanisms to guide the implementation of the strategy.

Therefore, the purpose of strategic planning is to set the

overall goals of the company and develop a plan to achieve

them. It means stepping back from your day-to-day business

and asking where your business is going and what its

priorities should be.

This chapter talks about the strategic plan of

SHEMASSAGE, its marketing objectives; and how it will make

use of its assets, resources, and people, and the market

expansion plan in relation to Ansoff’s Matrix.

Marketing Objectives

Marketing objectives set out what a business wants to

achieve from its marketing activities. It needs to be

Business Policy Paper

consistent with overall aims and objectives of the business.

It is specific, easy to measure, can be achieved, not too

ambitious, and designed for a specific period. The following

Marketing objectives are proposed in relation to the

business’ service:

 To establish strong customer patronage by introducing

 loyalty programs, staying in touch with them through

 SMS and online media.

 To increase sales by 5% through promotions and strong

advertising strategies.

 Ensure the business maintains an image of

professionalism and quality.

 To be made known of the services offered through a

quality service and professional trainings.

Ansoff’s Matrix

Managing a business operation and making it grow in

order to penetrate the market is not that an easy job

because of the challenges that are involved in it. Igor

Ansoff therefore, developed a matrix that helps leaders or

owners of a business and marketers think and understand the

risk of growth in a business. Ansoff called this model the

Ansoff Matrix and is also sometimes called the

Product/Market Expansion Grid.

Business Policy Paper

Figure ?: Ansoff’s Matrix

The market penetration is the safest of the four

options. This means that the business is focused on

expanding the sales of its existing product in its existing

market. On the other hand, diversification is the riskiest,

because the business is Market Development Diversification

Market Penetration Product Development Ansoff Matrix

introducing a new, unproven product into an entirely new

target market or different customers; while product

development is slightly more risky because the business is

introducing a new product into an otherwise already existing

Market; and as for the market development, it means the

business is putting an existing product into an entirely new


Market Penetration

SHEMASSAGE is a startup and has no regular customers yet.

It's cautious and doesn't want to take a huge risk by offering

many other types of massage and spa services, but wants to

penetrate the market first by offering its limited massage

Business Policy Paper

services. SHEMASSAGE will do this by pointing out other massage

services that it offers. For example, if a client walks in and

just wants a neck massage, the SHEMASSAGE receptionist will also

offer them to try a foot massage or a hand massage. In addition,

the receptionist presents the customer with a discount

coupon for their next visit and if they bring two customers,

they get three massages for the price of two. SHEMASSAGE may

also establish a loyalty program whereby registered

customers who are frequent visitors are entitled to free

massage services.

Market Development

Once SHEMASAGE stablished its name, it may now open

another branch or branches. But it also involves higher

risks. In order for the company's massage services is well

received, it must ensure that the massage quality remains

the same for its customers consistently.

Product Development

Once SHEMASAGE stablished its name to its target market

and stretched out its markets, the business will offer other

massage services like Aromatherapy Massage, Shiatsu Massage,

Reflexology, Hot Stone Massage and Ventosa Massage. These

five types of massage, along with regular massage and back

massage, are the ones that are popular with respondents.


Business Policy Paper

The SHEMASSAGE might also offer skin care services to

tailor the other needs and demand of its new target market.

Chapter 9
The researcher came to the conclusion that starting and

running a business is not that easy. It's not just about

investing money, it will also bring profit; like saving your

money in the bank and after a month it earns interest. Here,

before SHEMASSAGE turns a profit, management must be able to

surpass any challenges it encounters, such as: B. the stiff

competition of the massage industry; changes in governmental

laws and regulations; the rapid change in the business

industry due to the impact of technology, which is costly;

Finding the right target market to support SHEMASSAGE's

products is also a challenge.

However, the searcher believed that using the list of

marketing plans such as promotional and pricing strategies

will help SHEMASSAGE attract customers and generate profits.

Proper implementation of SHEMASSAGE's rules and regulations

could also help the company and its employees become more

productive. Also, implementing the strategic plan and

competitive strategies discussed in Chapters 8 and 9

respectively will not only help company make money but also

Business Policy Paper

penetrate, expand and diversify until it achieves its


Marketing Mix


SHEMASSGE offers various massage service to its target

market which are suit to all type of ages, segment or group

of people.


The price of the products of SHEMASSAGE are ranging

from PhP00.00 to PhP00.00 only which is every affordable and

anyone can afford even the individual or target market who

does not have job, like students or bystanders, still, they

can afford it.


SHEMASSAGE will distribute flyers, give giveaways and

participate to annul event Dagupan City giving lectures and

free massage program.

Business Policy Paper

Chapter 10

Based on the market research conducted by the

researcher, the following competitive strategies or action

plans are recommended for implementation by SHEMASSAGE in

order to surpass any possible challenges it may face and

finally achieve its goals.

Competitive Strategies

Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, the

researchers found that SHEMASSGAE has several weaknesses and

threats that need to be addressed by the management and

develop strategies to solve these problems, because if not,

SHEMASSAGE definitely going out of business. Through

competitive strategies the business can achieve competitive

advantages over its competitors. According to BUSINESS

JARGON, one of the business websites found on the Internet,

competitive strategies are defined as a long-term plan of

action formulated considering several external factors that

Business Policy Paper

will help the company to gain competitive advantage and

increase market share and overwhelm rivals.

Cost Leader Strategy

This strategy is about pricing the products lower than

other competitors. As shown in figure ? market positioning,

under chapter 3; SHEMASSAGE positioned its services as high

quality with low price. Providing quality service SHEMASSAGE

can lower it cost in promoting its services because the

customers themselves might promote the products using word

of mouth to others if they were satisfied on it. Less

promotional strategy is less cost; therefore, SHEMASSAGE can

implement the cost leader strategy.

Focus Strategy

This strategy consists of focusing on a specific

segmentation of the market, implementing differentiation and

cost leadership. SHEMASSAGE will focus on these business

professionals and employees because these two types of

segments or profiles of SHEMASSAGE's target market have the

highest percentage of individuals using massage services.

Business Policy Paper



Ackermann 2019


Business Policy Paper






Business Policy Paper

December 20, 2022

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am RELENE SHEMA DISPO SALAZAR, taking up Master in Business

Administration at the University of Pangasinan Phinma. This

survey serves as a requirement in our Business Policy. The major

idea behind this extensive questionnaire is to determine the

feasibility of our business proposal the SHEMASSAGE. Today we

will be gaining your thoughts and opinions in order to better

serve you in the future. Please take a few minutes of your time

to fill in the following survey. Rest assured that all answers

you provide will be kept in the strictest confidentiality.

Thank you!

Very truly yours,





Business Policy Instructor


(Target Market)

Business Policy Paper

Direction: Please provide the necessary information as

requested in the proper space provided for the items. Where

options are given, indicate your response with a check mark

(√). Kindly answer all the items.

Profile of the Respondents

Name Optional) __________________________________________

Address Optional) _______________________________________


Male _____ Female _____


18y/o & Under _____ 19y/o – 25y/o _____

26y/o – 35y/o _____ 36y/o – 45y/o _____

46y/o – 60y/o _____ 65y/o & above _____

Employment Status

Employed _____ Un-employed _____ Student ______

1. Have you ever been tried or experienced a body massage?

______ Yes (If your answer is “Yes”, please answer only

the question #2 to question #5 below).

______ No (If your answer is “no”, please refer to

question #6 and question #7 below).

2. To whom do you often get a massage service?

______ Licensed Therapist

Business Policy Paper

______ Trained Individual

______ Others(Please specify)

3. Where do you usually avail a massage service?

______ Home service

______ Hotel Service

______ Massage Parlor

4. What type of massage service do you primary receive and

how much do you pay for it? (Please rank the three

primary services you avail from 1 to 3, where 1 is the

services you frequently take and 3 is the least one).

Type of Massage Cost Rank

0 Aromatherapy massage __________ _________

0 Back massage __________ _________

0 Deep tissue massage __________ _________

0 Pregnancy massage __________ _________

0 Reflexology __________ _________

0 Regular massage __________ _________

0 Shiatsu massage __________ _________

0 Sports massage __________ _________

0 Swedish massage __________ _________

0 Thai massage __________ _________

0 Hot stone massage __________ _________

0 Ventosa massage __________ _________

0 Other: __________ __________ _________

Business Policy Paper

5. How often do you get a massage service?

______ Once a week

______ Twice a week

______ Once every 2 weeks

______ Once a month

______ Others Please specify

6. In relation to your response to question #1, please

indicate your reason/s below why your answer is “No”.




7. By any chance, are you open to experience or do you want

to avail a massage service?

______ Yes

______ No

8. Based on your answer to question #7, If you chose “Yes”,

what type of massage service do you want to experience,

how much are you willing to pay and how frequent do you

want to get a massage? (Please refer to questions #5 and

#6, options).




Business Policy Paper

Date: ________

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to ask your permission to allow me to conduct a

survey in your office. This in view of my Business Policy

Proposal, entitled, “SHEMASSAGE”

Attached herewith is the survey questionnaire for this


Rest assured that all data gathered will be treated with

outmost confidentiality and will be used for academic

purposes only.

I fervently hope for your favorable response on this


Very truly yours.

Relene Shema D. Salazar




Business Policy Adviser


Business Policy Paper

(Massage Parlor Owner)

Direction: Please provide the necessary information as

requested in the proper space provided for the items. Where

options are given, indicate your response with a check mark

(√). Kindly answer all the items.

Profile of the Massage Parlor Owner

Name Optional) __________________________________________

Address Optional) _______________________________________

Length of Operation

_____ 1 -5 years

_____ 6 – 10 years

_____ More than 10 years

Type of Business

_____ Sole Proprietor

_____ Partnership

_____ Corporation

Capital Investment

_____ Less than PhP100,000.00

_____ PhP100,001.00 – 200,000.00

_____ PhP200,001.00 – 300,000.00

_____ Above PhP300,000.00

Business Policy Paper

1. What are the services do you offered and how much their


Type of Massage Price

Aromatherapy massage ____________

Back massage ____________

Deep tissue massage ____________

Pregnancy massage ____________

Reflexology ____________

Regular massage ____________

Shiatsu massage ____________

Sports massage ____________

Swedish massage ____________

Thai massage ____________

Hot stone massage ____________

Ventosa massage ____________

Other: __________ ____________

2. What are the services that frequently availed by your

customers? Please rank

Type of Massage Rank

Aromatherapy massage ____________

Back massage ____________

Deep tissue massage ____________

Pregnancy massage ____________

Reflexology ____________

Business Policy Paper

Regular massage ____________

Shiatsu massage ____________

Sports massage ____________

Swedish massage ____________

Thai massage ____________

Hot stone massage ____________

Ventosa massage ____________

Other: __________ ____________

3. How many customers do you give service in a day?

_______ 1 – 10

_______ 11 – 20

_______ 21 – 30

_______ Others (Please specify)

4. Do you do a home and hotel service?

_____ Yes

_____ No

5. Based on your answer to question #4 if your answer is “Yes”,

around what percentage of your customers chooses to avail home

or hotel service?

________ 1% to 10%

________ 10% to 30%

________ 30% to 50%

________ Others (Please specify)

Business Policy Paper


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