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What pieces of evidence were presented that would prove the connection

between climate change and the changing meteorological patterns?

The Philippines is a landmass surrounded by bodies of water, making it

vulnerable to natural disasters, particularly typhoons, which occur 16 times per year on
average. A common knowledge that most of the Filipino knows making them
accustomed to the situation and challenges whenever there is a typhoon. This is the
reason Tacloban residents are less worried about the typhoon. In addition, the typhoon
Haiyan was still a Low-Pressure Area that after five days, it unexpectedly became
Super Typhoon Haiyan.

Why this occurred? This occurred due to climate change affecting the
meteorological patterns. Typhoon Haiyan became a perfect storm as it fuels itself
through the warm ocean with no cross winds to break it up. The temperature in the
ocean, specifically the bodies of water in Micronesia and Malaysia, rose to 30 degrees
Celsius because of climate change, creating the ideal environment for Typhoon Haiyan
to form with a sustained winds of 295 miles per hour. In addition, the warm water in the
sea rose, resulting in a tsunami-like wave storm surge with a height of 15-20 feet. The
sudden change in the typhoon shocked the people of Tacloban, and it is even more
concerning that PAG-ASA did not expect the typhoon to be damaging due to the storm
surge that swept over the land along the strong winds that lasts for hour.

The sudden strengthening of typhoon Haiyan's winds, which can be compared to

a medium to strong tornado, and the sudden rise in water level caused by tsunami-like
water from the sea rushing over the land are just some of the many evidence that
climate change and meteorological patterns are connected as they affect one another.
Everything is interconnected, even if we don't realize it, so what you do today will affect
you tomorrow. Act now to help our planet before it is too late.

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