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College of Hospitality Management


MIDTERM 2023-2024

Marketing Plan of SizzleSnap Company

Executing Summary
SizzleSnap Company manufactures Portable BBQ Grill that employs a dual-focused
strategy, combining direct online sales with strategic retailer partnerships, while
emphasizing social media, influencer collaborations, and outdoor event participation
for promotional outreach. Allocated resources cover distribution costs encompassing
logistics, warehousing, and retailer collaborations, alongside promotional expenses for
social media campaigns, influencer engagements, and event participation. Immediate
implementation involving a dedicated marketing team aims to boost brand
recognition, enhance engagement, drive website traffic, and ultimately increase sales.
Key stakeholders, including marketing personnel, content creators, and influencers,
will play pivotal roles in executing this plan, aligning with our goals of expanded
market reach and heightened brand visibility.

Mission, Vision, and Values Statement


- “To provide an innovative, compact, and versatile outdoor cooking solution

that meets the needs of modern consumers seeking convenient and efficient
grilling experiences.”


- “To become the leading brand of portable grills that offer high-quality,
functionality, and portability, catering to outdoor enthusiasts, campers,
tailgaters, and individuals enjoying backyard cookouts.”

- “To uphold the values of customer satisfaction, product excellence,
environmental responsibility, and social impact. We aim to deliver products
that exceed customer expectations, use eco-friendly and sustainable materials,
and support causes that improve the lives of our communities.”
Situation Analysis
The SizzleSnap company is a pioneer in the portable grill industry, offering an
innovative, versatile, and convenient product that allows users to enjoy outdoor
cooking anywhere. Our product is a lightweight, foldable grill that can grill, smoke,
and sear with ease, appealing to outdoor enthusiasts, campers, and individuals who
want portable grilling options. Our product stands out from traditional bulky grills in
the market with its portability, durability, and multi-functionality. Our marketing
strategies include using targeted social media campaigns, influencer partnerships, and
direct sales through our e-commerce platform, which have proven effective in
reaching and engaging our target audience. However, we face challenges in expanding
our market share and increasing our brand visibility due to the growing competition
and changing consumer preferences in the outdoor cooking space. Competitors are
constantly launching similar portable grills, which requires us to focus on product
differentiation and efficient marketing strategies to maintain our competitive
advantage. Despite the challenges, we aim to further innovate and strengthen our
market position by highlighting our product’s unique features, enhancing customer
experiences, and adapting our marketing tactics to stay ahead of the portable grill

Objective Result
Achieve a 30% Surge in Sales Revenue Achieved
95% of Grill Components Originate from Achieved
Implement Renewable Energy Sources Achieved
Boost Customer Engagement and Achieved
Product Adoption

SWOT Analysis
1. Portability: Lightweight and foldable design for easy transportation.
2. Versatility: Ability to grill, smoke, and sear, catering to various cooking
3. Durability: High-grade materials ensuring longevity and performance.
4. User-Friendly: Intuitive assembly, adjustable heat settings, and easy cleanup.
1. Market Competition: Increasing competition from similar portable grill
2. Brand Awareness: Need for enhanced marketing efforts to increase brand
3. Price Sensitivity: Perception of higher price compared to conventional grills.
1. Market Expansion: Tapping into growing demand for outdoor cooking
2. Innovation: Continuous product innovation to stay ahead in the portable grill
3. Sustainability: Meeting the rising demand for eco-friendly outdoor products.
1. Competitor Pressure: Intensifying competition from established and emerging
grill brands.
2. Economic Factors: Fluctuations in the economy affecting consumer spending
on recreational products.
3. Regulatory Changes: Changes in regulations impacting materials sourcing or
manufacturing processes.
Target Market
Our target market is the B2B market comprises various, companies and industries
involved in outdoor recreation, travel, hospitality, and food services. Companies like
Sandico, Moreno, and Ferrer are within our target market, given their focus on
outdoor equipment and grilling solutions. To reach them, we employ a multi-faceted
approach including targeted advertising through digital platforms, participation in
industry trade shows, establishing partnerships with retailers catering to these
industries, and direct outreach through a dedicated sales team. These companies
would be inclined to purchase our product due to its innovative and portable design,
offering them a versatile and durable grilling solution suitable for their customers,
whether it's for campground rentals, outdoor event catering, or enhancing guest
experiences in hospitality settings. However, some companies might refrain from
purchasing due to budget constraints or loyalty to existing suppliers. Understanding
their current needs, such as seeking innovative yet efficient outdoor cooking solutions
that align with their brand image, guides our marketing and product development
efforts, aiming to fulfill these requirements and forge mutually beneficial partnerships.
Buyer Personas

Marketing Objectives and Performance

 Achieve a 30% Surge in Sales Revenue from New Market Segments within the
Next Ten Months
 Analyze quarterly sales reports, focusing on new customer demographics and
geographic regions. Evaluate the impact of targeted marketing campaigns
through customer acquisition data, website traffic patterns, and conversion
rates from newly targeted segments.
 Establish a Supply Chain where 95% of Grill Components Originate from
Upcycled or Repurposed Materials within One Year**
 Conduct regular audits to verify the utilization of upcycled or repurposed
materials in grill components. Monitor sourcing practices and material
origins, ensuring compliance with sustainability targets and assessing
environmental impact.
 Boost Customer Engagement and Product Adoption through an Interactive
Mobile App, Increasing App Downloads by 50% in the Next Eight Months**
 Measure app download rates and user engagement metrics through the app's
analytics. Track user interaction, feedback, and in-app purchase behaviors to
assess increased consumer engagement and product adoption.
 Implement Renewable Energy Sources in 75% of Manufacturing Facilities,
Reducing Carbon Emissions by 20% in the Next Five Years**
 Monitor the transition to renewable energy sources in manufacturing units
through energy consumption data. Assess carbon emissions reduction
through periodic environmental impact assessments aligned with renewable
energy integration.
 Develop a Grill Prototype Using Innovative Sustainable Materials, Extending
Product Lifespan by 40% Over the Next Three Years**
 Evaluate prototype testing results, focusing on durability, customer feedback,
and longevity assessments. Compare the extended lifespan of the new prototype
against current products to measure progress towards the objective.

Pricing Strategy

1. Cost-Plus Pricing: Calculate the total costs of producing, marketing, and

distributing the grill. Add a desired profit margin to determine the base price.

- The production cost per unit of the grill is P400, marketing costs amount to
P200 per unit, and distribution costs are P185 per unit, totaling P785 per grill.
With a desired profit margin of 40%, the base price is calculated as P785 +
(40% of 785) = P1, 099 per grill.

2. Competitor-Based Pricing: Research the prices of similar portable grills

offered by competitors. Set prices either at the same level as competitors or
slightly higher if emphasizing superior quality or unique features.

- Research reveals that similar portable grills from competitors are priced at
P985 to P1, 000. Considering the Portable BBQ Grill's superior durability and
additional features, the price is set at $1, 099, positioning it slightly higher to
reflect its perceived value.
3. Value-Based Pricing: Focus on the value the grill provides to customers.
Highlight its portability, versatility, and durability to justify a higher price point
compared to basic grills.

- Highlighting the grill's unique features, such as its lightweight design, multi-
functionality, and robust durability, the price is set at P1, 185. The emphasis is
on the value it provides compared to basic grills, justifying the higher price

4. Penetration Pricing: Set a lower price than competitors initially to gain

market share quickly. Once established, gradually increase prices as the brand
gains recognition.

- Initially, the Portable BBQ Grill is introduced at a lower price than

competitors at P885 to gain rapid market share. As the brand gains
recognition and secures its position, the price will gradually increase to P1,
099 within the next year.

Distribution Plan
Our preferred distribution channel for the Portable BBQ Grill is a combination of
direct online sales through our e-commerce platform and strategic partnerships with
outdoor retailers and specialty stores. This choice is made to maximize reach and
accessibility for our customers. Direct online sales allow for a global reach, enabling
customers to purchase directly from our website, while partnerships with retailers
expand our presence in physical stores, catering to those who prefer hands-on
experiences before purchasing. The costs related to distribution encompass logistics,
warehousing, shipping, and marketing expenses associated with maintaining an online
storefront and collaborating with retail partners. By diversifying distribution channels,
we aim to optimize delivery times, leveraging efficient logistics networks for online
orders and ensuring stocked inventory at partnered retailers to minimize delays and
meet customer demand promptly. This hybrid approach enables us to cater to a wide
range of consumers while efficiently managing costs and delivery timelines to provide
a seamless purchasing experience.
Promotional Plan
Promotional plan involves leveraging social media platforms, collaborating with
outdoor lifestyle influencers, and participating in outdoor events to enhance brand
visibility and product awareness for the Portable BBQ Grill. Through engaging
content showcasing the grill's versatility, portability, and unique features, we aim to
connect with our target market effectively. We expect increased brand recognition,
higher engagement levels on social media, and a surge in website traffic and sales
conversions. Although there's a chance that social media may not be the optimal
platform for certain demographics or that influencer partnerships may not yield
anticipated results, we're pursuing this strategy due to its potential to reach a broad
audience of outdoor enthusiasts and cooking aficionados. The plan will be initiated
immediately, with a dedicated marketing team overseeing content creation, influencer
collaborations, and event participation. Key stakeholders, including marketing
personnel, social media managers, content creators, and selected influencers, will be
actively involved in executing this promotional strategy to ensure its success.

Budgeting Plan
1. Distribution Costs:
- Logistics and Shipping: P20,000 per quarter
- Warehousing: P15,000 per quarter
- Retailer Partnerships (fees, marketing support): P25,000 per quarter
- Total Distribution Costs per Quarter: P60,000
2. Promotional Costs:
- Social Media Marketing (advertising, content creation): P15,000 per quarter
- Influencer Collaborations: P10,000 per quarter
- Participation in Outdoor Events/Expos: P12,000 per quarter
- Website Maintenance and Optimization: P5,000 per quarter
- Total Promotional Costs per Quarter: P42,000
3. Personnel Costs (Working Hours):
- Marketing Team (5 members):
- 40 hours/week x P25/hour x 5 members = P5,000 per week
- Total for a 12-week quarter: P60,000
4. Total Quarterly Budget:
- Distribution Costs: P60,000
- Promotional Costs: P42,000
- Personnel Costs: P60,000
Grand Total: P162,000

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