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C++ Programming Course Outline:

Module 1: Introduction to C++ Programming

1.1. Overview of Programming Concepts
1.2. Introduction to C++ Language
1.3. Setting up Development Environment (IDE, Compiler)
1.4. Writing and Compiling a Simple C++ Program
1.5. Understanding Basic Syntax and Structure

Module 2: Data Types, Variables, and Operators

2.1. Basic Data Types: int, float, char, double
2.2. Constants and Variables
2.3. Variable Declaration, Initialization, and Scope
2.4. Type Modifiers: signed, unsigned, short, long
2.5. Operators and Expressions

Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Assignment, Increment/Decrement, Bitwise Operators

Module 3: Control Flow Statements
3.1. Conditional Statements: if, else, else-if
3.2. Switch-case Statement
3.3. Loops: while, do-while, for
3.4. Nested Control Structures
3.5. Break and Continue Statements

Module 4: Functions and Function Overloading

4.1. Introduction to Functions
4.2. Function Declaration, Definition, and Invocation
4.3. Function Arguments and Return Values
4.4. Function Overloading
4.5. Default Arguments and Recursion

Module 5: Arrays, Strings, and Pointers

5.1. Introduction to Arrays
5.2. Declaration and Initialization of Arrays
5.3. Accessing Array Elements
5.4. Introduction to Strings
5.5. Pointer Basics and Pointer Arithmetic
5.6. Pointers and Arrays, Pointers and Functions

Module 6: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts

6.1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
6.2. Classes and Objects
6.3. Constructors and Destructors
6.4. Inheritance and Polymorphism
6.5. Encapsulation and Abstraction

Module 7: Advanced OOP Features

7.1. Operator Overloading
7.2. Function Overriding and Virtual Functions
7.3. Static Members and Member Functions
7.4. Friend Functions and Classes
7.5. Templates and Generic Programming

Module 8: File Handling and Exception Handling

8.1. File Input and Output Operations
8.2. File Streams and File Handling Modes
8.3. Exception Handling: try, catch, throw, finally
8.4. Handling Standard Exceptions and Custom Exceptions

Module 9: Standard Template Library (STL)

9.1. Introduction to STL Containers: Vector, List, Map, Set, etc.
9.2. STL Algorithms: Sorting, Searching, Manipulating Containers
9.3. Iterators and Algorithms
9.4. Function Objects and Lambdas

Module 10: Introduction to C++11/14/17 Features (Optional)

10.1. Overview of Modern C++ Features
10.2. Lambda Expressions and Auto Keyword
10.3. Smart Pointers: unique_ptr, shared_ptr, weak_ptr
10.4. Move Semantics and Rvalue References

Module 11: Project Work and Practical Applications

11.1. Implementation of Algorithms and Data Structures
11.2. Object-Oriented Design and Implementation
11.3. GUI Application Development (Optional)
11.4. Small Projects to Apply Concepts Learned

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