Bloom Taxonomy - 0

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C1 Knowledge List, Identify, Define, State, Label, Match, Choose, Highlight, Name, Recall, Cite, Pronounce, Quote, Measure, Memorise,
Recite, Find, Recognise, Organise, Record, Know, Present
C2 Comprehension Explain, Describe, Rephrase, Summarize, Categorizing, Summarise, Account, Convert, Defend, Alter, Depict, Express, Extend,
Clarify, Discover, Discuss, Generalise, Comprehend, Distinguish, Estimate, Give, Exemplify, Give examples, Paraphrase,
Translate, Locate
C3 Application Apply, Solve, Execute, Implement, Change, Use, Prepare, Direct, Manage, Manifest, Build, Dramatise, Manipulate, Employ,
Evidence, Operate, Paint, Compute, Make, Predict, Carry Out, Illustrate
C4 Analysis Analyze, Compare, Classify, Derive, Relate, Categorize, Examine, Analyse, Categorise, Differentiate, Discriminate, Ascertain,
Criticise, Dissect, Associate, Debate, Attribute, Designate, Break down, Diagnose, Elucidate, Diagram, Contrast, Outline
C5 Synthesis Determine, Optimize, Assess, Judge, Review, Appraise, Investigate, Rate, Critique, Decide, Deduce, Conceive, Consider,
Question, Design, Develop, Generate, Plan, Propose
C6 Evaluation Formulate, Create, Assemble, Modify, Compose, Invent, Produce, Compile, Devise, Elaborate, Argue, Engender, Arrange,
Enlarge, Expand, Begin, Collect, Integrate, Evaluate, Conclude, Interpret, Justify, select, support

A1 Receiving Ask, Accept, Attend, Acknowledge, Recognize, Listen, Locate, Name, Reply, Erect, Sit,
Give, Use, Point, Point‐to, Be Aware, Notice, Pay Attention, Tolerate
A2 Responding Answer, Aid, Conform, Discuss, Help, Label, Present, Recite, Report, Select, Tell, Write,
Comply, Assist, Practice, Acclaim, Read, Greet, Applaud, Approve, Perform, Volunteer,
Comply‐with, Agree to, Answer Freely, Care for, Communicate, Consent, Contribute,
Cooperate, Follow, Obey, participate willingly, Read voluntarily, Respond, Visit
A3 Valuing Demonstrate, Appreciate, Initiate, Express, Commit, Justify, Share, Seek, Differentiate,
Respect, Form, Propose, Invite, Show, Explain, Protest, Increase, Complete, Relinguish,
Debate, Join, Deny, Study, Adopt, Assume responsibility, Behave according to, Choose,
Desire, Exhibit loyalty, Prefer, Show concern, Show continual, Use resources to
A4 Organisation Adhere, Adapt, Conceptualize, Formulate, Organize, Adjust, Alter, Integrate,
Accommodate, Relate, Synthesize, Compare, Generalize, Arrange, Prioritize, Organise,
Conceptualise, Synthesis, Generalise, Prioritise, Prepare, Synthesise, Balance, Combine,
Modify, Order, Classify, Group, Rank, Theorise, Theorize
A5 Internalising Act, Influence, Solve, Interpret, Exemplify, Dsiplay, Discriminate, Verify, Question, Revise,
Manage, Resolve, Incorporate, Display, Qualifies, Maintain, Serve, Use‐evidence,
Objectively‐interpret, Act upon, Advocate, Defend, Justify behavior, Support

P1 Perception Follow, Replicate, Assemble, Manipulate, Identify, Choose, Detect, Differentiate, Isolate,
Relate, Select, Describe, Distinguish, Hear, Listen, Observe, Perceive, Recognise,
Recognize, See, Sense, Smell, Taste, View, Watch
P2 Set Reproduce, Respond, Display, Transcribe, Present, Begin, State, Volunteer, Explain, Move,
React, Carry‐out, Achieve a posture, Assume, Establish, Place, Sit, Stand, Station

P3 Guided Response Independently, Complete, Do, Fasten, Fix, Build, Calibrate, Grind, Heat, Trace, Dismantle,
Measure, Mend, Dissect, Mix, Copy, Duplicate, Imitate, Manipulate with guidance,
Operate under Supervision, Practice, Try, Repeat
P4 Mechanism Integrate, Coordinate, Solve, Modify, Recreate, Formulate, Sketch, Complete with
confidence, Conduct, Demonstrate, Execute, Improve efficiency, Increase speed, Make,
Pace, Produce, Show
P5 Complex Overt Response Manage, Create, Act habitually, Control, Direct, Excel, Guide, Maintain efficiency, Master,
Organise, Organize, Perfect, Perform, Proceed

P6 Adaption Adapt, Alter, Change, Rearrange, Reorganise, Revise, Vary

Taxonomy Based on Programme Level

Cognitive Affective Psychomotor

Year 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Diploma C1 C2 C2/C3 A1 A2 A2/A3 P1 P2 P2/P3
Degree C3 C3/C4 C4/C5 A3 A3/A4 A4/A5 P4 P4/P5 P5/P6
Master C5 A5 P6
PhD C6 A5 P7

Note: These are suggested level of Bloom Taxonomy. Any higher or lower level of Bloom Taxonomy as indicated will need to be justified.

Details of Changes Dates

1 Rearrange the sequence based on programme level 21/11/2023
2 Separate the taxonomy level for Master and PhD 21/11/2023

3 Increase the Psychomotor level for Master and PhD 16/1/2024

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