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Jelt : Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.2 No.

1 Tahun 2018



Nevia Hendika; Suyadi; Yanti Ismiyati


This research was done using a film „Inside Out‟ to developing students writing
skills of recount text for the tenth grade students of SMA N 8 Jambi. In order to
achieve the objective of this research, the writer designed an experimental
research and chose pre-test post-test design with two treatments for this study. the
result of the data analysis of the reflection scores for pre-test and post-test showed
the increasing mean 52,8 and 73. The finding clearly revealed that a film „Inside
Out‟ as a media was effective enough in helping class X IPA 1 Students of SMAN
8 Jambi to develop recount text writing. Based on the finding, the writer assumes
that movie may be used as one of alternative medium in the teaching of recount

Keywords: Writing, Recount Text

INTRODUCTION to write personal letters, invitation

letters, articles, books and the other
The purpose of teaching product of writing activities.
English is to make students master According to school-based
four skills: listening, speaking, curriculum there are five kinds of text
reading, and writing. Writing is taught in senior high school that are:
frequently useful as preparation for recount, procedure, narrative,
some other activities. It is a process of descriptive, and news item. In this
discovering and organizing ideas, study, the researcher focuses on
putting them on papers, and revising recount text in several aspects of
them. By writing, we can express our generic structure, social function and
ideas well; however, to get our language feature which are produced
meaning strong, interesting, and clear by the tenth grade students of senior
for the reader, this skill must be high school in their writing result.
improved by practicing a lot. Because Recount text is an interesting genre
writing has many contributions for that is very useful for students to
our life, we can make a habit of explore and express ideas, opinions,
writing to develop this skill. and their experiences.
Writing as one of four skills The researcher considers that
has given an important contribution to writing is the hardest skill for people
human life. Richards states that in who learn English because in writing
adult life, people‟s writing needs are process, students will face many
both institutional and personal. The difficulties in transferring thought and
importance of writing can be seen in ideas in writing form. To make the
people daily activities when they need

Teaching Writing Of Recount Text By Using ‘Inside Out’ A Film By Pete Docter
For Tenth Grade Students Of Sman N 8 Jambi Academic Year 2016/2017
Jelt : Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.2 No.1 Tahun 2018

students motivated and enjoyable to describe the students „ability in

learn, the teacher should use teaching writing of recount text
interesting teaching methods, as through using film. So, the problem in
Harmer said that teacher‟s method in this research is formulated as follows:
teaching could be intrinsic motivation “is there any improvement of
which motivates the students to learn. students‟ writing mastery by using
Therefore, it is important for teachers film in teaching writing of recount
to gain some knowledge. text of students‟ at tenth grade of
One of the media used in SMA N 8 Kota Jambi in academic
writing teaching is movie. Movie is year 2016/2017?”
one medium in which people can
record image events, organize them Teaching English Writing for
and then communicate them to others. Senior High School Students
The researcher chooses movie as According Harmer (2004:31-
medium in the teaching of recount 32). “Writing (as one of the four skills
writing because movie is a form of of listening, speaking, reading, and
entertainment that enacts a story by writing) has always formed part of the
sound and a sequence of images syllabus in the teaching of English.
giving the illusion of continuous Writing has always been used as a
movie. Beside that movie can tell a means of reinforcing language that
story clearly by showing clear has been taught”. It means that
expression of characters, clear plots writing is a good instrument for
and clear description of situation in students to learn English.
the story. So, most students will enjoy When writing, students need
studying writing recount text. They more time to think. Teacher asks
will feel something new and different students to focus on accurate
from what they usually get in their language use and ideas what they will
class. write. It will provoke their language
When I was PPL in SMA N 8 development by finding ideas which
Jambi, most of the student had will put on a text. Teaching writing
difficulties in writing since they got for Senior High School is not an easy
limited time to do writing practices. job, because the range of age of
They were confused about what they Senior High School students varies
had to write. Most of them only wrote between thirteen to seventeen years
some sentences that lacked details. old.
Their writing was also less organized Harmer (2001:38) stated that
and somewhat choppy. Moreover, “Adolescence interpreted as a
they lacked vocabulary. This transition-period from children to
condition was compounded by their adult including change of biological,
habits that seemed reluctant to check cognitive and emotional-social”.
every difficult word in their “They are so much less motivated,
dictionaries. and they present outright discipline
Based on description above, problems”.
the writer is interested in conducting Based on the statement above,
research in SMA N 8 Kota Jambi. In the researcher can concludes that the
this case, the researcher tries to teacher‟s role is very needed to

Teaching Writing Of Recount Text By Using ‘Inside Out’ A Film By Pete Docter
For Tenth Grade Students Of Sman N 8 Jambi Academic Year 2016/2017
Jelt : Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.2 No.1 Tahun 2018

motivate students in teaching learning Anderson and Anderson (1977)

process while students in transition- defines recount as speaking or writing
period. Therefore, they will have about past events or a piece of text
good discipline and responsibility, if a which retells past events organized in
teacher encourages their students to a chronological order.
learn to write in the target language. According to Anderson and
There are some characteristics Anderson (1977), a recount text has
of adolescent‟s learner, they are; three main parts. Each of them is
a. They seem to be less lively and explained as follows.
humorous than adults, 1) Orientation: The opening of the
b. Identity has to be forged among text. It is an introductory paragraph
classmates and friends; peer approval that tells the background information
may be considerably more about who, what, where, and when.
important for the student than the 2) Events: It is usually told in a series
attention of the teacher, of paragraphs that retell the events in
c. They would be much happier if the order in which they occurred.
such problems did not exist, 3) Reorientation: It is a concluding
d. They may be disruptive in class, paragraph. In this paragraph, writers
and may state their personal comments.
e. They have great capacity to learn, Furthermore, recount texts
have a great potential for creativity, usually include the following
and a passionate commitment to grammatical features:
things, which interest them. 1) Use proper nouns to identify those
Therefore, adolescents are a involve in the text .
period of change, new experiences 2) Use descriptive words to give
learning, instability and the most details about the characters, the
trying times in life school and teacher setting, and the events.
should provide adolescent with 3) Use past tense to retell past events.
opportunities to explore and
experiment in a stable and supportive 4) Use words that show the order of
atmosphere. Teacher‟s job is to events, such as first, second, next,
provoke intellectual activity by finally, and so on.
helping them to be aware of From the definition above, the
constructing ideas, which they can researcher it can be concluded that a
resolve by their own though still with recount text is a spoken or written
the teacher‟s guidance. text, which is used to tell other people
about their experiences.
Recount Text
Recount texts can be RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
considered as the most common kind The study is conducted in the
of text that we can find in daily life. quantitative research. According to
Knapp and Watkins (2005) state that Margono (2007:21) Quantitative
recount text is a sequential text that research is a process of discovering
does little more than a series of events knowledge that use the data in the
that can be considered as the simplest form of numbers as a means of
type of narrative text. Moreover,

Teaching Writing Of Recount Text By Using ‘Inside Out’ A Film By Pete Docter
For Tenth Grade Students Of Sman N 8 Jambi Academic Year 2016/2017
Jelt : Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.2 No.1 Tahun 2018

finding information about what we is objective test. That is subjective

want to know. forms. The design of experimental is
According to Nunan (1992:3) one group pre-test and post-test
quantitative research is obtrusive and design by the following:
controlled, objective, generalist able,
outcome oriented and assumed Population & Sample
existence of facts which are somehow The population of this
external and independent of the research is the tenth grade students of
observer of research. Moreover, SMA N 8 JAMBI in academic year
Iskandar (2009:17) says the 2016/2017. The researcher took class
quantitative research is the research X IPA 2 as the sample. Because this
conducted to get answer a problem. class has been taught by the
The research is conducted in researcher in practice of teaching and
experimental design. According to researcher know how characters. The
Arikunto (2010:9), experimental is a class was experimental class was
way to find a casual effect given the treatment.
relationship. This research belongs to
experimental research. The design
provide little or no control of Instrument of Data Analysis
extraneous variables and illustrate Before collecting the data, the
quite well the way that extraneous researcher made instrument. The
may operate to jeopardize validity of Instrument is writing test. According
design. to Gay (127:1987), instrument is an
This research used important device for collecting data in
experimental design. In the a research. The instrument for
experimental, the researcher use pre- collecting data in this study is a test in
test, treatment, and post-test. The first the form of writing a paragraph to
is pre-test has done before presenting know the students‟ ability in writing
the treatments to know how far the recount text. In this research, the
students‟ understand about how to writer gives pre test and post test. The
make recount text in the class. In the research use experimental class.
type of pre-test is objective test.
The second is treatments. The Findings
students activities during the The research was schedule on
treatments or during the teaching and the April 26th 2017 - May 17th 2017.
learning process used movie/ film Then for the research, the researcher
„Inside Out‟ that observed by the used the tenth grade students of SMA
researcher. The treatment was N 8 Jambi as the population. The
conducted in each meeting after pre- researcher used one class as the
test. It was taken twice a week. It took sample that is X IPA 2 that consisted
90 minutes for each meeting. of 25 students as experimental class.
And the last is post-test. Post- To measure the score of the students‟
test was given to the students in order writing skill progress, the researcher
to know the progress of the students used pre-test and post-test and the
in learning using film „Inside Out‟ writing test were consist of four
after treatments. The type of the test items. They are: Generic structure,

Teaching Writing Of Recount Text By Using ‘Inside Out’ A Film By Pete Docter
For Tenth Grade Students Of Sman N 8 Jambi Academic Year 2016/2017
Jelt : Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.2 No.1 Tahun 2018

Grammar, Vocabulary and The next, the researcher

punctuation. interpreted r = 0,70 to estimated the
strength of correlation. An
Table 1 interpretation of r was the correlation
The Distribution of Pre-test and of pre-test and post-test scores was
Post-test Score in Experimental strong. As shown in the following:
Class. Table 2
Interpretation of r product moment
The interval of Interpretation
0,001 – 0,200 The correlation is
very low
0,201 – 0,400 The correlation is
From the table 1, the pre-test 0,401 – 0,600 The correlation is
result in experimental class can be satisfactory
seen that there are no students is in 0,601 – 0,800 The correlation is
very good category , 6 students (24%) strong
are in good category, 13 students 0,801 – 1,000 The correlation is
(52%) are in fair category, 6 students very strong
(24%) are in weak category, and no *) Interpretation valid for positives
students in poor category. For post- and negatives values (Pratiwi, 2009:
test result, it can be seen from the 89)
table 4.1, in experimental class there Then, to know whether there
are 7 students (28%) are in very good is statistical difference between post-
category, 16 students (64%) are in test score of the class; t-test formula
good category, and 2 students (8%) was applied. The score needed for t-
are in fair category. Beside, no test calculation is presented in
students are in weak and poor appendix 6.
category. Based on the calculation, it
In order to see the significance was found that the value of t-test is
difference between pre-test and post- 11,6 and then the value of t-table is
test before and after treatment of 1,711 of 5% (0,05) and 2,49 of 1%
experimental class, the Pearson (0,01) with the degree of freedom 24.
Product Moment Formula would be So, it concluded that the value of t-
used. To analyze the data, the test was higher that value f t-table.
researcher was compared between the
scores of pre-test and post-test. Hypothesis Testing
The result of the between the
scores of pre-test and post-test before From the data analysis, the
treatment and after treatment is 0, 70. hypothesis can be tested as follow:
In the product moment table N= 25 Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected:
and 5% significance, r = 0,396. It “The value of t-test was the less than
means that the correlation between the value of t-table”
pre-test and post-test is bigger than Alternate Hypothesis (H₁) is accepted:
product moment table.

Teaching Writing Of Recount Text By Using ‘Inside Out’ A Film By Pete Docter
For Tenth Grade Students Of Sman N 8 Jambi Academic Year 2016/2017
Jelt : Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.2 No.1 Tahun 2018

“The value of t-test was higher than behaved passively during the lesson.
the value of t-table” They just listened to the teacher and
On the basis of the followed the class inactively. These
calculation, the t-test value of level behaviors were changed dramatically
significance 0,05 with f= 24 (n – 1) is during the treatment. The students
1,71. The post-test result from feel that they had new innovation
experimental class was tested by when they learned English by using a
using t-test formula and from the movie. They could increase their
calculation, the t-test result was 11, 6. writing skill from this technique.
So it clear that the value of t-test is They got practice it in a group and
higher than the value of t-table, it they had competitive ability between
means that there is an effect of using their friends to improve their writing
a movie. In other words, Alternate skill. So, it is concluded that a movie
Hypothesis (H₁) is accepted. could encouraged students to write
fluently and they are not feel bored
Discussions with English subject.
The learning of using a movie From the explanation above,
as faced by the students when the teaching writing of recount text by
researcher did the treatment is: using a movie „Inside Out‟ in
1. At the first meeting students experimental class was more effective
still confused about the media to teach writing of recount text. It also
of studying used a movie, and can be seen from the difference
the class was crowded. So the between pre-test and post-test from
result of the first meeting was experimental class as follows:
sufficient. Table 3
2. The second meetings, some of The mean of Pre-test and
students began understand in Post-test of the Experimental and
the media of studying used a Their Difference
movie. But, the class situation Class Pre-test Post- Differ
was still crowded because the test ence
students must remember the Experimental 52,8 73 20,2
movie that they have watch,
so they discussed it with their
friends. From the table 2, in
Based on the analysis, it is experimental class, the average of
found that there is better pre-test result is 52,8 and the average
improvement of class who were of post-test result is 73. The
taught by using a movie „ inside out‟ difference between pre-test and post-
and those who were not. This can be test is 20,2. So, the researcher can
seen from the pre-test result before conclude that there is a deeply
treatment and post-test result after signifying influence in improving of
treatment in experimental class. students‟ writing mastery before and
A movie „Inside Out‟ was after using a film “Inside Out” in
given as the treatment in experimental teaching writing of recount text of
class. Before the treatment was students‟ at tenth grade of SMA N 8
conducted in this class, the students

Teaching Writing Of Recount Text By Using ‘Inside Out’ A Film By Pete Docter
For Tenth Grade Students Of Sman N 8 Jambi Academic Year 2016/2017
Jelt : Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.2 No.1 Tahun 2018

Kota Jambi n academic year Anderson, Mark, Kathy Anderson,

2016/2017. Text Type in English, New York:
Maimillan, 1997.
Based on the result of the Arikunto, Prosedur penelitian Suatu
analysis in the previous chapter, the Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta: PT
researcher can conclude that: On the Rineka Cipta, 2006), p. 129.
basis of the preliminary study, it was
found that the class faced a Blanchard, Karen and Christine Root,
complicated problem in writing Ready to Write, New York: Pearson
simple recount text. There are some Education Inc., 2003.
difficulties faced by the students in
recount text class, they are; a) the Brown, Audio Visual Instruction:
students had not known about recount Technology, Media and Methods,
text before, b) the students had not (New York: Mc Graw, Hill Book
known about the generic structure of Company, 1997), p. 243.
recount text, c) the students had less
of vocabulary lists, d) the students Brown, Douglas, Language
could not share their ideas into a good assessment Principles and Classroom
writing. Practices, San Francisco:
Longman, 2004.
The mean of pre-test obtained
by the students was 52,8. It shows Brown, H. Douglas, Teaching by
that the students‟ ability to write is Principle, San Francisco: Longman,
low. Teaching writing a simple 2001.
recount text through a movie „Inside
Out‟ was able to motivate the
students‟ interest and activity. Harmer, Jeremy, How To Teach
Teaching a simple recount text Writing, England: Longman,
writing through a movie „Inside Out‟ 2007._____________, The
could inference the students‟ ability Practice of English Language
in terms, generic structure, grammar Teaching, England: Pearson
and vocabulary. From explanation Education Limited, 2001, 3rd
above, it can be concluded that using Ed.
a movie in teaching writing of recount Knapp, P., and Watkins, M. 2005.
text at tenth grade students of SMA N Genre, text, grammar:
8 Jambi. It there any improvement of Technologies for Teaching
students‟ writing mastery by using and Assessing Writing.
film in teaching writing recount text. Sydney: University of New
It showed that a movie can apply as South Wales Press, Ltd.
one teaching media to improvement
of students‟ writing skill in learning, Richards, Jack C and Richard
especially in learning recount text. Schmidt, Longman Dictionary
of Language Teaching and
REFERENCES Applied Linguistics, 3rd Ed.,

Teaching Writing Of Recount Text By Using ‘Inside Out’ A Film By Pete Docter
For Tenth Grade Students Of Sman N 8 Jambi Academic Year 2016/2017
Jelt : Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.2 No.1 Tahun 2018

London: Pearson Education

Limited, 2002. Richard Kern, Literacy and Language
Teaching, (New York: Oxford
Richard, Jack C, The Language University Press, 2000), p. 172.
Teaching Matrix, New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Teaching Writing Of Recount Text By Using ‘Inside Out’ A Film By Pete Docter
For Tenth Grade Students Of Sman N 8 Jambi Academic Year 2016/2017

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