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Expressions in English

Asking and Giving Attention

No. Expressions Response Arti Ekspresi Jawaban
1. a.I need your attention,please!
b. Listen to me fr a moment,please!
c. Look! What I have got here
d. Hey listen! I have a good news.
e. Listen! I have something to tell you.
f. May I have your attention, please!
g. Can I get the attention?
h. Excuse me!
i. Attention,please!
j. Give me Attention,Please!
Checking the Understanding
2 a.Do you understand what I am saying?
b.Do you know what I mean?
c. Do you know what I am talking about?
d.Does that make any sense?
e.Do you follow me?
f. Are you with me?
g.Have you got the point?
h.Got it?
Asking and Giving Opinion
3. Asking for Opinion Agreeing with an Opinion
a. What is your opinion? a.I agree with your opinion
b. What do you think of...... b.I agree with what you are saying.
c. How do you think of my idea? c. I think so too.
d. Do you have any idea? d.This is absolutely right
e. Give me your comment. e.I couldn’t agree more.
Giving Opinion Disagreeing with an Opinion
a. In My Opinion.... a.I don’t agree with you.
b. My comment is..... b.I disagree with you.
c. I tend to think that.... c. I’m not sure I agree with you
d. I Think.... d.I think you are wrong.
e. In my view..... I’m not convinced that......
Appreciating Expression
4. a. Nice performance!
b. You are smart!
c. Brilliant!
d. That’s awesome!
e. You look grat today.
f. Your Hair looks stunning
g. Your voice is magnificent
h. I appreciate your effort
Stating and Asking Capability
5. a. Can/Could you......
b. Are you Able to.......
c. Are you capable of.......
d. Can you do it?
e. Do you know how to....?
f. Do you think are you capable of.....?
g. Do you think are you able to.....?

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