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Storyteller Reference

Charts for Landscape

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These reference sheets are formatted for 8.5" x

11" paper, though they should work with A5 size
- there would just be a larger white border around
the information. The intent of these charts is to
be used with landscape-style Storyteller/GM
screens with insert pockets, either homemade or
one of the several brands available for purchase.
The charts included can be tri-folded to display
only the information you may desire (with the
exception of Weapons & Armor, and you may
wish to print two copies if you want the
Traditions together. Though I guess you could
always cross-fold).

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2 Credits
The First Tradition: Hierarchy of Sins - Humanity The Fourth Tradition:
The Masquerade 10 Selfish thoughts
The Accounting
Thou shalt not reveal thy true nature to those of 9 Minor selfish acts Those thou create are thine own childer. Until
the Blood. Doing so shall renounce thy claims of thy progeny shall be released, thou shalt
Blood. Injury to another (accidental or command them in all things. Their sins are thine
otherwise to endure.
7 Theft
Accidental violation (drinking a
The Second Tradition: 6 The Fifth Tradition:
vessel dry out of starvation)
The Domain Hospitality
5 Intentional property damage
Thy domain is thy concern. All others owe thee Honor one another’s domain. When thou
Impassioned violation (manslaughter,
respect while in it. None may challenge thy word 4 comest to a foreign city, thou shalt present
killing a vessel in frenzy)
in thy domain. thyself to the one who ruleth there. Without the
Planned violation (outright murder, word of acceptance, thou art nothing.
savored exsanguination)
Casual violation (thoughtless killing,
The Third Tradition: 2
feeding past satiation) The Sixth Tradition:
The Progeny 1 Utter perversion or heinous acts
Thou shalt sire another only with the permission When a character commits an action below their Thou art forbidden to destroy another of thy
of thine elder. If thou createst another without Humanity rating, they make a Degeneration roll of kind. The right of destruction belongeth only to
thine elder’s leave, both thou and thy progeny Conscience, difficulty 8. Failure means the loss of thine elder. Only the eldest among thee shall call
shalt be slain. a Humanity point, though the player may opt to the blood hunt.
lose a rank in a Virtue instead. A botch entails the
loss of both a Humanity point and a point of
Conscience, while also gaining a Derangement
decided upon by the Storyteller (though it should
be consistent with the character and the situation
that proceeded the loss). Players may not roll more
dice for a Virtue than they have in Humanity.
Generation Torpor Diablerie
• Characters who fall to Torpor due to Blood loss • The diablerist must drain all the Blood her
Generation Blood Pool Per Turn may be revived by being fed Blood. victim currently has in their pool.
• Characters who fall to Torpor due to injury • After the body has been drained of all Blood,
Third ??? ???
must rest for an amount of time indicated on the diablerist makes an extended Strength roll,
Fourth 50 10 the chart below. difficulty 9. Each success inflicts an unsoakable,
Aggravated Health Level on her victim.
Humanity/Path Length of Torpor
Fifth 40 8 • All attacks made against the diablerist are against
10 One day a difficulty of 2 during the act.
Sixth 30 6
• When all of her victim’s Health Levels have
9 Three days been erased, the victim’s power has been add to
Seventh 20 4
the diablerist’s own, and the body begins to
8 One week
Eighth 15 3 decay immediately.
7 Two weeks • Characters on Humanity immediately lose a
Ninth 14 2
point from their rating. Extremely vicious
6 One month attacks may require a Conscious roll, difficulty 8,
Tenth 13 1
to not lose additional points.
5 One year
Eleventh 12 1 • After a successful attempt, the diablerist rolls
4 One decade Self-Control/Instinct, difficulty [10 – Humanity
Twelfth 11 1
or Path] to avoid losing control to the
3 Five decades overwhelming, orgasmic sensations.
Thirteenth 10 1
2 One century • Characters lower their Generation by one step.
• Beginning with 7th Generation, characters
• Powerful, ancient victims may lower the
increase their maximum trait ratings (Attributes,
1 Five centuries diablerist’s Generation by more than one.
Abilities, Disciplines) by 1 for each step.
• Characters have thick black lines in their aura
• Character of lower Generation are immune to 0 Millennium+ for a number of years equal to the difference
the effects of Dominate.
• After this time, the player may spend a Blood between the victim’s Generation and their
• Presence: Kindred 3 or more Generations lower
point and make an Awakening roll (Humanity/ original Generation.
than the Presence user need only to spend a
Path at difficulty 8). • For one month per Generation removed from
Willpower point to ignore Presence for an entire
• Characters with no Blood in their pools spend the victim, the diablerist makes others strangely
night, and do not need to roll to do so.
Health Levels instead. uncomfortable. They may roll Perception at [12
• Kindred of equal or lower Generation may
• Characters may enter Torpor voluntarily. Those – their Humanity] to sense the diablerist is “not
revert Vicissitude alterations at the same cost as
who do may rise after half the required time, quite right.”
healing Aggravated wounds.
and do not expend any Blood, but must still • Victims with Willpower 10 may cause the
make an Awakening roll. diablerist to display mannerisms of the victim.
Hunting Feeding Blood
For every hour the character spends searching for If the character catches prey, but currently has • Players may spend a point of Blood to heal one
prey, roll the appropriate Attribute + Ability. A fewer blood points in her body than [7 minus Self- Bashing or Lethal Health Level.
single success indicates the character has found Control or Instinct], the character is considered to • Healing Aggravated requires 5 Blood Points after
and subdued a victim. Failure means the hour is be hungry and a frenzy check is necessary — Self- a full day of rest. Multiple levels of Aggravated
spent in vain, while a botch should be used for Control to see if the character frenzies, or Instinct may be healed by spending another 5 Blood
storytelling purposes - perhaps the character to see if the character can control her frenzy while Points and a Willpower point for each level
inadvertently crossed into another Kindred’s feeding. If the player fails this roll, the character beyond the first.
Domain, or accidentally kills the victim. continues to gorge on the vessel until she is • Spending Blood to heal while occupied by
completely sated (at full blood pool), the victim another task requires a successful Stamina +
Area Difficulty
dies from blood loss, or she somehow manages to Survival roll, difficulty 8. This is a simple “yes/
Slum neighborhood/The Rack 4 regain control of herself. no” check, where a single success is all that is
Vessel Blood Pool required for the character to heal. Failure means
Lower-income/bohemian 5 the loss of the expended Blood, while a botch
Vampire 10+ means the character also loses an additional
Downtown business district 6
Blood Point and Health Level (pg. 258).
Werebeast 20
Warehouse district 6 • Players may spend a Blood Point to increase one
Human 10 of their characters Physical Attributes by 1 dot
Suburb 7 for a scene. This may be done multiple times, to
Child 5 the characters Trait Maximum + 1.
Heavily patrolled area 8
• Characters may go above this limit, to a
The Fame and Domain (while hunting in the Cow 5 maximum rating of 10, but each dot over only
characters Domain) Backgrounds reduce lasts for 3 turns after the Kindred has stopped
Dog 2
difficulties of hunting rolls by one per dot (to a spending Blood.
minimum of 3), while the Herd Background adds Cat 1 • Kindred may “gift” a point of Blood to a mortal
one die per dot in the Background (so long as or animal, creating a ghoul.
one’s herd could conceivably be in the area). Plasma Bag 1
• Any creature ingesting a point of Blood from a
However, Storytellers may increase hunting vampire is placed on the first step of the Blood
Bird ½
difficulties for particularly inhuman vampires Bond. This includes a characters initial Embrace
(Nosferatu, some Gangrel, vampires with Bat/Rat ¼ (pg. 286).
Humanity ratings of 4 or below, or who are on • Vampires on the Path of Humanity may spend
Characters may drain up to 3 Blood Points per
Paths of Enlightenment), as such monsters find it [8 – Humanity] Blood Points to mimic signs of
turn from a victim, though taking more than 20%
difficult to blend in to crowds. life for a scene (breathing, body temperature,
(2 Blood Points for a healthy human) can have
adverse side-effects. Drinking all of a victim’s etc.). This is imitation only - the character is still
blood will kill them. one of the undead.
Aura Chart - Simple Aura Chart - Advanced Willpower
Condition Color Condition Color • Players must declare they are expending
Willpower before a roll is made.
Afraid Orange Scrambled static or white • Players may only spend one Willpower point per
Aggressive Purple noise turn - not per action (eg. a player making
Multiple Actions cannot spend a Willower point
Angry Red Confused Mottled shifting colors for success on each action).
Bitter Brown Diablerist Black veins • Players may spend a Willpower point for an
automatic success on a roll.
Calm Light Blue Daydreaming Sharp flickering colors • Players may spend a Willpower point to ignore
Compassionate Pink Dice Pool penalties from injury for a turn.
Frenzied Rapid rippling colors
• Players may spend a Willpower point to ignore
Conservative Lavender
Psychotic Hypnotic swirling colors Derangements for a scene.
Depressed Grey • Storytellers may declare that a Willpower point
Vampire Pale colors may not be spent in certain cases.
Desirous or Lustful Deep Red
Ghoul Pale blotches • Willpower may never be spent on Degeneration
Distrustful Light Green rolls (pg. 310).
Magic Use Myriad sparkles • Players regain Willpower by performing actions
Envious Dark Green
in line with their Nature (1-3 points).
Werebeast Bright vibrant colors
Excited Violet • Players refill their entire Willpower pool at the
Generous Rose Ghost Weak intermittent colors end of a story (not session, or chapter).
• [Optional] Players may recover a single point of
Happy Vermillion Faerie Rainbow highlights Willpower when they rise each night.
Hateful Black Storytellers are encouraged to make the roll for • [Optional] Players may earn a point of
the character (Perception + Empathy, difficulty 8) Willpower for fulfilling an outstanding
Idealistic Yellow and narrate the results, one per success (color, objective, or taking an extraordinary risk.
Innocent White intensity, overlap, etc.). • Temporary Willpower (the boxes) can never
Characters may “scan” large groups, seeking a exceed Permanent Willpower (the dots).
Lovestruck Blue particular color aura. In this case, the number of • Players may spend a point of Willpower, or roll
Obsessed Green successes determines how fast the character Willpower against a difficulty of 6, to abort to a
receives the information, and how large the crowd. defensive action during combat (pg. 274).
Sad Silver Players may roll Perception + Awareness to see • Players may roll Willpower against a difficulty of
Spiritual Gold things hidden from normal sight. The difficulty is 9 to advance their Strength rating by 1 per
[7 – the difference in Obfuscate/Chemistry dots]. success on the Feats of Strength chart (pg. 260).
Suspicious Dark Blue
Frenzy - Self-Control Rötschreck - Courage Dice Pool
Health Level Movement Penalty
Those with the Instincts Virtue always frenzy (pg. Characters succumbing to the Red Fear try to flee Penalty
315). While in frenzy, ignore all dice pool the source in the most expedient way possible. 5
penalties from injury. All difficulties to mental successes in an extended roll are needed to Bruised 0 Only bruised a bit.
control are increased by 2, and all difficulties to subsume the fear. Each success allows the Hurt -1 Superficially hurt.
resist mental control are decreased by 2. Immune character to try and flee, while failure means the
to the detrimental effects of Rötschreck. 5 character flees madly, attacking anything in their Minor damage (1/2
Injured -1
successes in an extended roll are necessary to way. A botch indicates that the character frenzies, running speed).
overcome the frenzy. Each success rolled allows mindlessly attacking the source of their fear. Yes,
Significant damage,
resist for 1 turn. Failure launches the character this might end up with some characters trying to Wounded -2
may not run.
into a frenzy, while a botch may gain the character attack the sun. Such is un-life. In such cases, the
a derangement. Frenzy is unique to each character, Storyteller may deem that characters curling up in Badly injured (3
but the following lists some common causes: the fetal position and awaiting Final Death is the Mauled -2
best course of action.
Provocation Difficulty Catastrophically
Provocation Difficulty
Smell of blood when hungry 3 Crippled -5 injured, may only
Sight of a torch 5 crawl (1 yard/turn).
Sight of blood when hungry 4
Bonfire 6 Incapable of
Being harassed 4 movement, likely
Incapacitated -
Obscured sunlight 7 unconscious. May
Life-threatening situation 4 only spend blood.
Being burned 7
Malicious taunts 4 Vampire coma, may
Direct sunlight 8 Torpor - not even spend
Physical provocation 6
Trapped in a burning building 9
Taste of blood when hungry 6
Rötschreck lasts until knocked unconscious or The character dies
Final Death† -
Loved one in danger 7 characters get away from the source of their fear. again, forever.
Players may spend a point of Willpower to direct Dice Pool Penalties affect only character actions -
Outright public humiliation 8 their actions for a turn. A player may not roll more not reflexive rolls like soak, Willpower, Virtues,
Frenzy lasts for a scene or until knocked dice for a Virtue than they have points in etc. A Willpower point may be spent to ignore
unconscious. Players may spend a point of Humanity. Dice Pool Penalties for a single turn.
Willpower to direct their actions for a turn. A †Kindred only meet Final Death if they receive
player may not roll more dice for Self-Control than aggravated damage after falling to Incapacitated -
they have points in Blood Pool or Humanity. regardless of the damage type that put them there.
Beheading also counts for most vampires.
Type Weapon Damage Conceal
Damage Range Rate Capacity Conceal
Sap† Strength +1 Pocket
Revolver, light
4 12 3 6 Pocket Club† Strength +2 Trenchcoat
SW Bodyguard (.38 Special)
Knife Strength +1 Jacket
Revolver, heavy
6 35 2 6 Jacket Sword Strength +2 Trenchcoat
Ruger Redhawk (.44 Magnum)
Pistol, light Axe Strength +3 None
4 20 4 15+1 Pocket
HK USP (9mm) Stake†† Strength +1 Jacket
Pistol, heavy †Denotes a blunt object. Blunt objects inflict bashing damage
5 25 3 13+1 Jacket
Springfield XDM (.45 ACP) unless targeted at the head. If so, they then inflict lethal
Rifle ††To successfully stake a vampire, the attacker must target the
8 200 1 3+1 None
Beretta Tikka T3 (30.06) heart (Difficulty 9) and score at least 3 damaging successes.
Submachine Gun, small*
4 20 3 17+1 Jacket Type Rating Penalty
Glock 18 (9mm)
Submachine Gun, large* Reinforced clothing 1 0
4 50 3 30+1 Trenchcoat
HK MP5 (9mm)
Armor T-shirt 2 -1
Automatic Rifle*
7 150 3 30+1 None Kevlar vest 3 -1
FN SCAR (5.56mm)
Flak jacket 4 -2
8 20 1 5+1 Trenchcoat
Remington 870 (12-Guage) Full riot gear 5 -3
Armor adds to the character’s soak pool against all damage,
Shotgun, Semi-auto
8 20 3 6+1 Trenchcoat except fire and sunlight. However, it subtracts from dice pools
Benelli M4 Super 90 (12-Guage)
related to bodily coordination and agility (mostly Dexterity
Crossbow** 5 20 1 1 Trenchcoat based, but up to Storyteller discretion). Attackers may target
unprotected areas and ignore armor, at an increased difficulty
*Indicates the weapon is capable of three round bursts (Accuracy +2, Difficulty +1), spray, and to hit (usually +1 or +2).
automatic fire (Accuracy +10, Difficulty +2, spray divides successes among targets).
**The crossbow requires three turns to reload. When aimed at the heart (Difficulty 9) and
scoring 3 or more damaging successes, it may stake a vampire.

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