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Motivation Letter

From an early age, I was curious and fascinated by the world of technology. As a middle school
student, I started my journey by learning the basics of computers. Over time, my passion for
learning and discovering more has grown. Therefore, I put more effort into learning and
discovering more. By the time I made my way to high school, I had made good progress, I was
already familiar in working with the major computer programs. Creativity, innovation, and
curiosity in computer science are what make this field so special to me. So, from that time on I
planned to study computer sciece.
Once I discovered my purpose. I have always been-driven to expand my knowledge through
various ways in order to prepare myself for professional studies. Therefore, from high school, I
have taken several courses in various computer programms. And engaged in various computer
projects at school. One of the projects that helped me a lot was the time that I worked and made
materials for the group which was made by our teachers during COVID-19. Also, my passion
for computer science motivates me to get myself prepare for the Kankur national exam, which
is a gateway to university and higher education in my country. However, due to the government
collapse and the hardships I faced. I had no intention of studying this field in my country
anymore. Instead, I decided to study this field Abroad. So, after the Kankur exam I choosed
French language and literature of Kabul university and I managed to get to the Kabul University.
The provided scholarships by Slovakia is an incredible opportunity for me to make my dream of
studying my favorite field into reality. I have always dreamed about studying in an environment
where it build from varios mindests and visions, where I can challenge myself academically in
order to become the best version of myself. Therefore, Slovakia is the best choice for me. This
country offers the best opportunity for students from all over the world to get high-quality
education. Studying in Slovakia will not only provide me with a higher education. But also,
equip me with a broader understanding of its culture and its language.

In conclusion, I am absolutely excited to have the opportunity of stuying Computer science in

Slovakia. my strong passion for Computer science from childhood, has motivates me to apply
for this scholarship. Studying in Slovakia will not only provide me with a higher education but
also equip me with a global perspective, language, and cultural understanding. Therefore, I give
my strongest and sincere commitment in taking the full advantage of this incredible opportunity
in order to study Computer Science enthusiastically and contribute positively to this world and
my society.
Mansoor Mohammadi

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