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What is Reading?

 Reading is the process of interpreting and understanding written
or printed text involving recognition of words, comprehension
of their meaning, and interpretation of the author’s intentions.
Types of reading:
There are several types of reading, each serving different purposes and requiring
different levels of engagement and comprehension:
1. Skimming:
 Skimming involves quickly moving through a text to get a general idea
of the content. It is often used when readers want to grasp the main
points or find specific information without delving into details. This
method is useful for previewing material or when time is limited.
2. Scanning:
 Scanning is a technique used to locate specific information within a text.
Readers move their eyes rapidly over the text, searching for keywords,
phrases, or data. This is commonly used when looking up dates, names,
or specific facts.
3. Intensive Reading:
 Intensive reading focuses on understanding the detailed meaning of a
text. This type is typically used in academic settings or when studying
complex subjects.
4. Extensive Reading
 Extensive reading involves reading large amounts of material for
pleasure or general understanding. It is less focused on detail and more
on overall comprehension and enjoyment. This type encourages fluency
and a broader grasp of language through exposure to varied contexts.
5. Critical Reading:
 Critical reading entails evaluating and analyzing a text to form
judgments about its content, structure, and value. Readers question
assumptions, assess arguments, and consider the author's purpose and
perspective. This type of reading is essential for academic research and
informed decision-making.
6. Aesthetic Reading:
 Aesthetic reading is reading for enjoyment and emotional engagement.
Readers immerse themselves in the narrative, appreciating the language,
characters, and plot. This type is common in reading fiction, poetry, and
other creative works.
7. Functional Reading:
 Functional reading is practical and utilitarian, focusing on
understanding and using information from texts related to everyday
tasks. Examples include reading instructions, manuals, recipes, and
8. Phonics Reading:
 Phonics reading involves learning to read by understanding the
relationship between letters and sounds. It is a foundational method for
teaching reading to young children, emphasizing sound-letter
correspondence and blending sounds to form words.
9. Speed Reading:
 Speed reading aims to increase reading speed without significantly
compromising comprehension. Techniques such as chunking (reading
groups of words together) and minimizing subvocalization (silent
pronunciation) are used to read faster.
10. Digital Reading:
 Digital reading refers to reading texts on electronic devices such as e-
readers, tablets, computers, or smartphones. It can involve interactive
elements, hyperlinks, and multimedia, which add layers to the reading
Each type of reading serves different purposes and requires varying levels of skill and
engagement. Understanding these types helps readers choose the appropriate method
for their goals, whether for learning, information gathering, or enjoyment.


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