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The Ultimate Guide To

Click-to-WhatsApp Ads
For eCommerce
Are You Worried About Ever Increasing Ad Costs?
When you advertise on platforms like Facebook and Google you are essentially renting the
audience data owned by these platforms. The advertising platforms are built on auction models,
wherein whichever advertiser pays the most to show their Ads wins the ad space.

It's a model designed to consistently keep the Ad cost on the rise.

But what if there is an option to run Ads, attract relevant audience to instantly start a chat
conversation with your brand on WhatsApp? What if your brand can own their phone number
data in the process?

Once you own the potential customer data, you can communicate and persuade them to buy in a
much more efficient manner.

This is now possible with Click to WhatsApp Ads (CTWA).

At Alpha Marketer, we’ve helped brands like yours build successful Click to WhatsApp Ad
campaigns that reduce the cost per acquisition, improve average order value and own thousands
of potential customer data in the process.

The truth is, it’s not that hard – if you work on the right CTWA Ad strategy. This guide will
enlighten you about different ways you can run CTWA Ads. But there is a catch. These are not
one size fits all solutions. You have to choose and test the right CTWA Ad approach that will
work for your product and target audience.

If you get the implementation right, you’ll have:

Huge audience list

Consistent revenue
A predictable scaling system
Customers who love your brand

Some of our eCommerce clients have already seen multifold returns out of their investment in
Click to WhatsApp Ads. It's your turn now!

Cheering you on,

Antony Chacko
Founder, Alpha Marketer
Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Click to WhatsApp Ads

2. How To Make Click To WhatsApp Ads Work For You
3. Click To WhatsApp Ad Ideas And Strategies
4. Real Brand Real Results
5. Step-By-Step Implementation For Click To WhatsApp Ads
6. Next Steps
Brands We Helped Get Results With Conversational Marketing
Introduction To Click To WhatsApp Ads
In the world of digital advertising, Click to WhatsApp Ads are a game-changer. Unlike traditional
digital ads that lead customers to a website, Click to WhatsApp Ads work differently. When
someone clicks on these ads, they start a direct conversation with your brand on WhatsApp,
giving them an instant and personal connection.

Click To WhatsApp Ads are different from traditional conversion focused Meta Ads. We need a
conversational approach to attract, engage and convert potential customers into loyal

Keep reading ahead to dive into the amazing world of Click To WhatsApp Ads and get ready to
put your lead generation game on steroids!

Ever since implementing the Click to WhatsApp Ad strategies from

this playbook, our lead generation has doubled and customer
engagement is at an all-time high. A game-changer for our business!

- Shivender Chandel, Founder at Organic 4 Care

How To Make Click To WhatsApp Ads Work For You
Imagine you've implemented Click to WhatsApp Ads and collected a list of leads. But collecting
phone numbers alone cannot guarantee sales. Now, it's time to focus on converting those leads
into loyal customers. And to do that, building TRUST is crucial. In a sea of brands offering similar
products or services, you need to stand out and prove why customers should choose you.

So let’s explore the powerful ways you can build that trust and establish a strong connection with
your audience.

Trust Building

For For
Meta Ads WhatsApp Chat

Use Human
Borrow Trust Create Ad Content Set Up
Intervention (Tele
From Influencers That Sells Nurture Sequences
For Meta Ads: Build Trust By Borrowing It From Influencers
Harness the power of influencer endorsements to build trust and credibility for your brand.

By collaborating with relevant influencers/celebrities, you can leverage their established

reputation and audience trust to endorse your Click to WhatsApp Ads. A well-known celebrity
showcasing your brand and endorsing the benefits of your products can significantly impact your
customer’s perception and drive engagement, as the followers are more likely to trust
recommendations from someone they admire.

Flipkart's collaboration with Amitabh Bachchan

Interactive and engaging WhatsApp Chatbot

For Meta Ads: Build Trust By Creating Ad Content That Sells
Capture your audience's attention and drive conversions with compelling visuals.

Engaging content that highlights transformation, promises results, or showcases the unique
features of your offerings can work wonders for building trust. Visual storytelling, combined with
persuasive messaging, creates an emotional connection with your audience and demonstrates
the value your brand offers. These creatives will leave a lasting impression, inspire action and
boost your conversion rates.

Using attractive graphics and promising results

Using attention grabbing and convincing copies

For WhatsApp Chat: Build Trust By Setting Up Nurture Sequences
Now that we know how to build trust using Meta Ads, it's time to continue the conversation, build
trust and close the sale on WhatsApp.

After collecting and segmenting customer data, you can send essential product information,
trust building messages like reviews and testimonials directly within WhatsApp. Create a
seamless and personalized experience that mimics a dedicated landing page, providing
customers with all the necessary details they need to make informed decisions.

Message 1:

Add Attractive image

Explain the USPs

Build trust

Give actionable CTA

Follow Up Messages:
As we know, money is in the follow up messages. People might not purchase through the first
interaction itself. Majority of them will need constant follow ups, using WhatsApp you can reach
out to customer multiple times with trust building messages and urge them to take action.

Celebrity Testimonial Customer Testimonial Customer Review

Using the strategies from this playbook completely transformed our

lead generation game. We're now consistently raking in 6-figure
leads every single month - an absolute revelation!

-Kunwar Chauhan, Founder at Suwasthi

For WhatsApp Chat: Build Trust With Human Intervention

For products that require human intervention like jewellery, health and wellness, decor, etc, you
can design an appointment booking flow on WhatsApp. This flow allows your customers to get
in touch with your brand's experts, get their questions answered and confidently make a
purchase. The best part? They don't have to fill any complicated forms, just two taps and the
job's done!

Alpha Jewellery


Alpha Jewellery Alpha Jewellery

Alpha Jewellery
Alpha Jewellery
Now that we've learnt how to establish trust with your customers, let's look at different ways you
can run Click To WhatsApp Ads and Strategies and grow your Ecommerce Business.

#1 Direct Sell With Chat Funnel

If you have a low-ticket product, priced under ₹300-₹500 and your target audience is already
familiar with it, a direct sell approach can be highly effective. Create a visual representation of
the product in your ad, and prompt customers to click a button that leads them to WhatsApp.
Once on WhatsApp, you can design a user journey where they can simply click on the "Buy Now"
button and complete the purchase directly within WhatsApp. This streamlined process works
exceptionally well for low-ticket products where the decision to buy is relatively easy

What You Can Do Next...

1) Implement it yourself
Saves money but costs time.
2) Implement it by watching step-by-step tutorial.
Saves time and money. Access WhatsApp Operating System >>
3) Hire us to implement this for you.
Saves time and gets you results fast. Book a Meeting >>
#2 Educate And Sell Funnel
This strategy is ideal for products that require in-depth education, especially in health-related
niches. Customers often require detailed information before making a purchase. With Click to
WhatsApp Ads, you can easily build an audience list and guide them through an educational
journey on WhatsApp.

Start by enticing your audience with a compelling Click to WhatsApp Ad focused on a topic
related to your product. Once they initiate the conversation on WhatsApp, you can provide
valuable information, address their concerns, and gradually introduce the benefits of your
product. Through a series of well-crafted messages, you can educate your audience while
strategically positioning your product as the solution they've been searching for.

Sam Johnson's 7 Day

Sam Johnson's 7


What You Can Do Next...

1) Implement it yourself
Saves money but costs time.
2) Implement it by watching step-by-step tutorial.
Saves time and money. Access WhatsApp Operating System >>
3) Hire us to implement this for you.
Saves time and gets you results fast. Book a Meeting >>
#3 Problem Discovery Quiz Funnel
This is a highly effective strategy, particularly for health-related products where customers may
be unaware of the specific problem they are facing. One-size-fits-all solutions may not suffice in
these cases, as customers seek personalized solutions for their unique concerns. Running a quiz
can be a great way to make customers feel like your brand has the perfect customized solution
for their problem.

Through Click to WhatsApp Ads, you can seamlessly run the quiz right within WhatsApp, where
you can understand the customer's concerns and pitch the ideal solution tailored to their needs.
With just few taps, customers can easily purchase the perfect solution you recommend,
enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction.

What You Can Do Next...

1) Implement it yourself
Saves money but costs time.
2) Implement it by watching step-by-step tutorial.
Saves time and money. Access WhatsApp Operating System >>
3) Hire us to implement this for you.
Saves time and gets you results fast. Book a Meeting >>
#4 Free Consultation Funnel
This is a powerful strategy tailored for high-ticket products that require significant trust-building
before customers make a purchase. When customers are seeking solutions to serious problems,
an expert's consultation becomes crucial. This approach is particularly effective in industries like
beauty, wellness, furniture, interior decor, and more.

Traditionally, booking a consultation call involved filling out complicated forms on a website.
However, with WhatsApp, the customer's journey becomes more streamlined. By leveraging the
WhatsApp chatbot, you can ask basic questions before booking the call, gaining insights about
customer's concerns. This information helps the experts in ensuring a productive and
personalized consultation.

What You Can Do Next...

1) Implement it yourself
Saves money but costs time.
2) Implement it by watching step-by-step tutorial.
Saves time and money. Access WhatsApp Operating System >>
3) Hire us to implement this for you.
Saves time and gets you results fast. Book a Meeting >>
#5 Video Demo Call Funnel
This is a strategy tailored for high-ticket products that are visually enticing, such as jewelry or
decor items. With these products, it's essential for customers to watch a video, experience the
aesthetics, and truly envision their purchase.

Start by running an attention-grabbing ad that shows a set of captivating designs, creating a

desire in people's minds. Prompt them to come to WhatsApp, where you can further fuel their
desire with attractive visuals and compelling copies. In the end, invite them to book a video demo
call on WhatsApp where you can provide a closer look at the product, answer any questions, and
address specific concerns, further solidifying their desire to own the product.
#6 Product Quiz Funnel
This funnel is designed to educate and build desire in potential customers before making a
purchase. This engaging strategy begins with an enticing offer, like 'watch and win' where the
customers are invited to WhatsApp and asked to watch a video about the product and participate
in a quiz. By answering the quiz questions correctly, customers have the chance to win a reward.

By gamifying the buying experience, you create an interactive and immersive journey for
customers. This approach, often used by e-commerce giants like Amazon and Flipkart within
their apps, can be seamlessly implemented on WhatsApp.

Alpha Hair

#7 Product Recommendation Funnel
This funnel is designed to streamline decision-making using a conversational WhatsApp flow.
By engaging in a conversation with your brand via WhatsApp, customers can share their
preferences and desired product features. Leveraging this valuable information, your brand can
provide personalized recommendations, ensuring customers make the right choice.

This strategy works exceptionally well for 'no-brainer' products between price range of ₹500-
₹3000 like watches, earphones, etc. By chatting with a WhatsApp bot, customers can receive
direct recommendations from your brand, simplifying their decision-making process and saving

What You Can Do Next...

1) Implement it yourself
Saves money but costs time.
2) Implement it by watching step-by-step tutorial.
Saves time and money. Access WhatsApp Operating System >>
3) Hire us to implement this for you.
Saves time and gets you results fast. Book a Meeting >>
#8 Product Sampling Funnel
This is a popular model used by brands offering low-ticket products. With this approach, brands
sell sample products for a minimal price + shipping charges. The goal is to provide customers
with free samples, allowing them to experience the product firsthand. Once convinced,
customers can proceed to purchase the full-value product. By executing this journey within
WhatsApp, the entire process is simplified and enhanced.

The customer checks out the ad and is directed to WhatsApp where they can conveniently make
the payment for the sample product. This integrated approach not only facilitates the transaction
but also enables the collection of valuable customer data. Once this data is collected, a strong
follow-up mechanism can be implemented to nurture and encourage customers to purchase the
full-size products.

Alpha Glamm

Alpha Glamm @₹1


Alpha Glamm

What You Can Do Next...

1) Implement it yourself
Saves money but costs time.
2) Implement it by watching step-by-step tutorial.
Saves time and money. Access WhatsApp Operating System >>
3) Hire us to implement this for you.
Saves time and gets you results fast. Book a Meeting >>
Real Brand Real Results
We crafted a unique Click to WhatsApp Ad Campaign for an Ayurvedic Healthcare Brand
targeting people aged 40-60 from tier 2 and tier 3 cities of India. The biggest challenge for this
audience was filling the complicated checkout forms on the website, typing the address in
English and placing order themselves.

Understanding this, we created some engaging video ads that identified the customer's
concerns, proposed Ayurvedic solutions, and built trust. Once they came to WhatsApp, within 5
minutes of interaction, a salesperson would call the potential customer, explain the product, and
place the order on their behalf.

Ad Spend - ₹1,04,610

Leads - 2255 | CPL - 46

Sales - ₹6,97,517 | CPA - 211

ROAS - 6.6 | AOV - 1406

The results with this strategy were outstanding! This approach worked great for our client, as it
catered to their customers who preferred direct phone conversations.

Important Note: If you are considering this strategy for your business, remember to first assess
your audience's communication comfort and the nature of your product.

Also keep in mind that this approach may not be as effective for products lacking an immediate
purchase need.
Step-By-Step Implementation For Click To WhatsApp Ads
We've come a long way now. It's time for execution.

To make it easy for you, we’ve recorded a detailed step-by-step tutorial video on how to run
Click to WhatsApp Ads. You can check out the video here>>

What You Can Do Next...

1) Implement it yourself
Saves money but costs time.
2) Implement it by watching step-by-step tutorial.
Saves time and money. Access WhatsApp Operating System >>
3) Hire us to implement this for you.
Saves time and gets you results fast. Book a Meeting >>
Cracking Click To WhatsApp Ads Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg.
WhatsApp can be leveraged to have conversation at every stage of the customer journey like:

Recovering abandoned carts

Sending transactional messages
Sending messages to reduce cancellations
Sending messages to get repeat orders
and much more...

Don't limit your business's growth by implementing one or two isolated WhatsApp Marketing
tactics. Implement an entire WhatsApp Conversational Funnel instead.

If you really want to experience tangible results fast, you can take help from our team at Alpha
Marketer. We already have a track record of executing successful conversational marketing
projects and are the pioneers in the conversational commerce industry.

As a Client, you will get to…

• Use our ready-made conversational marketing templates

• Rely on our team to help you with every stage of implementation
• Get access to our community and stay updated with the latest growth opportunities.

Here are 2 ways we can help you:

1) Access step-by-step video tutorials to implement WhatsApp Operating System >>

You don't have to shoot in the dark, simply follow the step by step instructions and in no time
you'll be ready with successful conversational marketing campaigns.

2) Hire Alpha Marketer to get you results FAST >>

Leverage our expertise in working with 40+ eCommerce brands and let our team of experts
handle the execution for you.

Growing your business with conversational commerce should be fun, and it really can be. Join
our community of hundreds of eCommerce businesses and professionals, you’ll have the help,
support, and products you need to succeed.

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