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How are you all doing now? I hope everyone is well and always grateful wherever they are.

Alhamdulillah, I am fine here because today I am still given the opportunity to wake up and go
about my daily activities as usual with abundant blessings from Allah SWT.
Even though physically and materially I am fine, it’s not the same with my mental and emotional
state. I feel like something is wrong, the world seems to be running smoothly, yet there are
extraordinarily severe problems being faced by our brothers and sisters in Palestine.
Indeed, I feel I cannot stay silent about this. I have to speak up. Friends, we know that currently,
Palestine is being overwhelmed by atrocities committed by Israel. They have been trying to
survive for 210 days without adequate and sufficient food, restricted water supply, damp tents,
and electricity and internet frequently cut off by the occupiers. Every day, the number of
casualties keeps rising, often exceeding 5 or even 10, even dozens, due to the cruelty of Israel
and the Zionist soldiers. Even the only relatively safe place to live, like the rafah border, is not
spared from attacks by the occupiers.
My frustration peaks because currently no country dares to militarily assist Palestine, especially
neighboring Muslim countries.Even universities in Europe are joining in due to their
humanitarian concerns, with numerous demonstrations conducted. But what about all of you? Is
there still a sense of humanity left? Or is it being ignored, with focus shifted onto trivial issues,
wasting time?
Please, they are our muslim brothers and sisters, or even if not muslim, at least let your humanity
be stirred when witnessing such brutal massacres, bombings, shootings, and even rape.
Please open your eyes, especially those who are still unaware. Just because Israel was formed by
America and Britain and recognized by the world, should overlook the rightful owners of that
land, namely Palestine? I sincerely hope that you can open your eyes, become aware, and start
re-examining history, which is an undeniable fact before 1948. That is the real truth. For those
who are still blind, they are twisting facts to make the world recognize only Israel, whereas in
fact, Israel is a colonizer stemming from the holocaust in Germany. Shamelessly seizing blessed
lands bestowed by god.
And to the muslim community, look at our brothers. We must realize that what they defend is the
heart of islam, a place of civilization, revelation, and blessing. Our predecessors, the resilient and
steadfast fighters of islam, fought tirelessly for Al-Aqsa. So what is our role now? Knowing the
current dire conditions, should we just remain passive and allow the atrocities by the Zionists to
continue? Please, let us be an active Muslim community, standing up for the freedom of
Palestine, the heart of islam.
As for the rules, especially in the Arab world, your actions are outrageous. You are betrayers,
hypnotized by these thieving nations. It’s truly disheartening because the Muslim community has
yet to unite and continues to decline.
I am just an ordinary person without any power . I hope if there is someone in authority who can
liberate Palestine, please take action immediately. They have endured almost 8 months of real

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