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1 Orininal from

H om oeopathic
M ateria M ed ica

Graphic Drug Pictures


Clinical Comments

P u lfo rd , ; |

(Learning is a peculiar mental “tree” on which grows the “ fruit” known

as__education. These mental “trees” are not necessarily productive of “ fruit.”
O ur Therapeutic Agents: As to whether they are derived from the
purest gold or the vilest of filth our gratitude for their irreplaceable service
should forbid us to enquire. Either may be indicated and called for in the
cure of disease. Both are derived from the identical same basic source. And
both are returned to that basic source after their physical disintegration.)

Copyright, 1944
Drs. Alfred and Dayton Turner Pulford
(A ll rights reserved)

320 Ontario Street,

Toledo 2, Ohio
U. S. A.

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Materia Medica has to do with the restoration of health to the sick,

the curing; of “ Disease,” and, incidently, the attempt to save human life.
Then, as the main tool of the one “whose high and only mission is to heal the
sick,” that tool should be something more, and should have a higher-mission,
than that of a mere reservoir for the storage of, or register of, promiscuous symp­
toms, as all Materia Medicas have been and now are. Homoeopathy is not
merely a method of matching symptoms promisciously, or groups of such, and
treating them, but is a method of matching and treating “ Disease Pictures”
with similar “ Drug Pictures.” The Repertory is simply an orderly arranged
Symptom Register for quick reference, therefore highly necessary. But the
Repertory is not, and cannot possibly be made, a prescribing medium, as we
have been so erroneously taught in the past to believe. The “Graphic Drug
Picture” must, in nil cases, cover the individual case if a radical cure is to be
our goal, otherwise wc have shot wide of the mark.
The aim of this volume is to give, as near as the provings and the
usages will allow, a “Graphic Picture” of each drug, and a clinical outline
of such drugs .as do not present sufficient proven symptoms to make such
‘Drug Pictures” possible. Following each "Graphic Drug Picture" we have
given the main clinical citations, which, per se, can only be suggestive and
confirmative, and are only to be considered, and used, in connection with the
“Graphic Drug Picture.”
Before we can attempt to cure or remove “ Disease” intelligently, the
physician must know something about the following subjects, viz: The basic
composition of the Universe; the basic composition and construction of the
human body; the basic composition of "diseased or abnormal” tissue; the dif­
ference between what we term "diseased or abnormal” tissue and "healthy or
normal” tissue; the basic cause of all “Disease;” the modus operandi of “The
Law of Similars,” and what takes place during the action of that "Law;"
why it is necessary to prove all drugs on the normally healthy human body,
rather than on animals and in test tubes; why it is mandatory that we at­
tenuate all our drugs, and just what takes place in that act. That is, indeed,
a large order, but no one is in a position to claim the real title of— Physician
—who cannot comply. Said Lord Moynihan (M .D .): “ It has always been
one of the salient characteristics of medical men in all countries and at all
times that they have ardently followed other pursuits than that of their pro­
fession.” W hat an indictment 1 Our Philosophies, from the Organon down,
must be rewritten by men of higher mental caliber than those we now have,
if they are to be universally accepted and of value. Now let us briefly review
the subjects above named: First, the—
U N IV ERSE: Briefly, science, by the aid of the spectroscope, is re­
ported to have discovered “the entire Universe to be composed entirely of the
same thing.” That discovery appeared just 18 years after the writer of this
article had written and published: All forms of substance are but gas in
various stages of density. But science apparently has not yet discovered just
what that “same thing” is, so we will explain further. That “same thing” is
composed of but two basic factors, activated by a third agent. Those two
basic factors are: first, that which is revealed to our sight and touch and


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named by us—material; second, that invisible force known to us as bi-
polarized magnetism. Those two basic factors are divided up and formed into
universal, basic nucleal cells, the very last word in subdivision. Those basic
cells are divided into separate classes, each class having permanently sealed in its
own individual quantity, phase and power of bipolarized magnetism, that in no
way can be either changed, divided or freed by any device of man. The amount
and character of the bipolarized magnetism enclosed in the cells determines the
fluidity or solidity of the object to be formed by them. Everything, from
rarified air to the hardest substance known is composed of some combination
of those basic cells. The great reservoir for the storage of nil those cells is
that space occupied by what we term—The Air, from which space all cells
are withdrawn to form all objects designed by Nature, and to which space
or reservoir those cells are all returned after they have performed the mission
for which they were withdrawn, and the objects for which they were used
disintegrated. Now let us briefly review the human—

B O D Y : The human body, being an integral part of the Universe,

must, of necessity, be composed of identically “the same thing” as the Uni­
verse. The human body becomes at once: the home, jail and convenience
of—The Living Ego. The body is constructed as a huge animated cable,
endowed with a central control organization, with lines of communication
extending to every part of the body. In order to keep those lines of com­
munication in constant repair and normal state, Nature provided the body
with a perfect natural laboratory', the digestive apparatus, whose sole func­
tion is to free the closely cohesive cells forming the “nourishment” we take
into our bodies for the sole purpose of furnishing and restoring cells lost to
broken lines of communication. Nature also furnished the body with a blood­
stream to carry cells to parts wherever needed. She likewise furnished the
body with powers of assimilation to place or build in those cells. The powers
of assimilation call for those cells when needed by way of the appetite, in
the form of air, food, liquid, etc. When all the lines of communication are
perfect and working harmoniously a perfect state of health maintains, and
the body becomes immune to all “ Disease.” Now let us briefly review—

"DISEASE;” Just what is "Disease;” what is its nature; is it visible;

just how does "diseased or abnormal" tissue differ from "normal oi
healthy” tissue? From a lack of that knowledge we are led to believe that
that which we class as "diseased or abnormal" tissue is something quite apart
from that we class as “healthy or normal” tissue, therefore quite foreign in
every way to the latter. In the two basic factors composing the basic struc­
ture of the two classes of cells there is absolutely no difference. "Diseased or
abnormal” cells are simply “healthy or normal” cells out of their normal
environ, and of a combination foreign to the part affected. “Disease” proper
is not composed of tissue, therefore it, and its basic cause are both invisible.
As Kent expressed: "All that we can possibly know of Disease* is expressed
in symptoms only,” and all we can possibly see of it are its external mani­
festations and end products. Whenever a line of communication between the
central control organization and a part becomes broken, cells foreign to that
part becomes attracted, since there is a lack of control over it, and those for­
eign cells will continue to pile up until that line is repaired; the seriousness
of the “ Disease” produced depending entirely on the importance of the line

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involved. Now let us briefly review the—
CAUSE: Just what is the basic cause of all “ Disease” ? The an­
swer is so simple that it can be expressed in the single word—SHOCK!
No SHOCK, no “ Disease” ! What is SHOCK? Shock is registered im­
pulse or impact! The exciting or contributing causes may be legion, but
whether mental, physical, mechanical or chemical, if they do not, or can not
produce SHOCK, there will be no “Disease.” Just what does that SHOCK
do? It simply breaks the lines of communication between the central control
organization of the body and its parts, depriving the central organization
of its power to direct the normal functions of the part affected, thereby weak-
ing the natural body defenses and upsetting the normal body balance. The
predisposition to “ Disease” is inborn, in the form of defective lines of com­
munication, which lines are easily broken by even light forms of shock,
thereby the inherited predisposition to disease. Therefore it behooves us as
intelligent physicians to refrain from introducing foreign elements directly
into the body. Now let us briefly review the—
CU RE: Just what is the modus operandi of—“The Law of Simi­
lars” ; how does that—“Law”—act, and just what takes place in that action?
Apparently Hahnemann did not know, his Organon proves it. No one else
has been able to explain it. Now let us look at the matter from an intelli­
gent and scientific angle: We have briefly reviewed "Disease’' above, the
simplicity of its nature and its basic cause, and noted how simple they all are.
Then why not the CURE be equally simple? The truth is— I T IS! The
rapidity and the permanency with which the very highest attenuations of our
therapeutic agents have produced the permanent and lasting results confirms
that statement indisputably. As the cause is simply a break in the line of
communication, the line cannot always repair itself, cells become lost to the
part, and other cells must replace them or “disease” will go on to fatality,
simply because the central control organization cannot possibly operate. In
such cases when Nature fails the physician must furnish new cells artificially
in the form of drugs whose cell formation corresponds accurately with those
composing that particular line of communication.
In the cure of “Disease” the physician must use the greatest precau­
tion, especially in the selection of his remedies. As the late Henry N.
Guernsey stated: “Although the chief features of a disease are present and
similar in all persons attacked by the malady, we must confess that we are
able to detect some sign or symptom, some all-pervading condition, some
characteristic circumstance that gives the case its individuality, and causes
it to differ, if ever so slightly, from all other cases.” W hat is true of
“disease” is also true of the results of drug provings, or the— “Law of Simi­
lars” would be a myth. T o arrive at that point we must collect all the
symptoms from a number of provers, sifting out all the symptoms that appear
in every prover of that drug, as they alone are the indicators, and they will
be found to be very few. It is not quantity that either counts or composes
the symptom totality. The real slogan should be: Likes must be replaced
by likes. All that the drug does toward the cure is to act as a plug in unit­
ing the two ends of the broken line, thus allowing the “spiritlike” force,
gathered and distributed by the central organization, to flow freely and clear
away all cells foreign to the part affected. The vital force is a power

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which in health maintains harmony in all parts of the body and does the
curing. Without vital force the organism is dead. Now let us view—
DRU G PR O V IN G : Just why drug proving? In this act we find
the real meaning of the term— Science and Homoeopathy’s claim to that
term. It provides us something definite and removes all doubt. It clinches
the— I K N O W —which is the real meaning of the term—SCIEN CE! U n­
fortunately for Homoeopathy “Drug Proving” has never been carried on
intelligently, nor its results properly understood and evaluated. Here are a
few facts apparently not understood either by Hahnemann or his followers,
viz: That it is impossible for a single prover, no matter how intelligent that
prover may be, to make a reliable workable proving; that each proving drug
furnishes us with two distinct sets of symptoms: one PO SITIV E, that is
constant, FIXED and limited and furnishes us the real indicators, the real
symptoms totality, because they appear persistently exactly the same in ALL
and every individual prover of that drug; the other N EG A TIV E, that are
furnished by, and vary with, each and every prover of that drug, independent
of the action of the drug itself, therefore useless as indicators, their number is
legion (E. g.: Note the array of such symptoms under Aconite in Allen’s
Encyclopaedia of Pure Materia Medica, or Hering’s Guiding Symptoms.
Aconite never, in itself, produced all those symptoms, the vast bulk were
furnished by the various provers in reaction to those produced directly by the
proving drug’s action. It is the mass that gives us so many apparent different
pictures of the same drug, thereby confusing the prescriber) ; that the proving
drug attacks only such lines of communication as are composed exactly of
such basic cells as compose the drug mass used in the proving, hence the
accuracy of the indications thus derived from the proving drug; that each
line of communication involved furnishes its own individual pathogenesis
and fashions its own individual pathological end-products and morphological
changes. In order to make a thoroughly reliable and workable proving it
takes many provers in order that the symptoms obtained may be registered
and compared, and only such retained as appear in ALL the provers per­
sistently, as they alone are the only indicators. Remedies only remove that
over which they have strict control, and they have no control over that which
the prover supplies independent of the drug. Now let us briefly review—
ATTENUATION: Just why attenuation? Drugs in themselves have
no energy, either inside or outside the body, save that of attraction and
repulsion, and only then when the component cells can be readily freed. The
contents of the basic cells can not possibly be cither freed, diluted, potentized
or dynamatized by any device of man. There is but one single, valid reason
for attenuation, and that is a very important one, viz: to free the densely cohesive
cells forming the drug mass. The drug is effective in any stage, either crude
or attenuated, always provided there are free cells available. Heavy, crude
drugging is an inseparable twin of medical ignorance.

The Compilers.

Drs. Alfred and Dayton Turner Pulford,

320 Ontario street,
Toledo 2, Ohio, U. S. A.

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Homoeopathic Materia Medica
Craves meat, pickles and other coarse food; has a gnawing sense in
the epigastrium and tendency to eat beyond the capacity of digestion; the
eating is followed by distension of the stomach and hard beating of the heart;
has a pain beneath the right scapula; shivers as if the blood was turning to
water, lies with the legs drawn up, irritable, canine hunger; has burning and
distension at the stomach and abdomen with palpitation; chills run down the
back, as of cold water between the shoulders. Its principal indications seem
to be the inordinate appetite and the craving for coarse food.
Clinical: It is especially useful for women with uterine displacements;
has a sore feeling at the fundus, better pressure; thinks the womb soft and
feeble. As if the lung and liver were small and hard.


Has a pain in the stomach after a hearty meal; a knotted-up sense, as
of an undigested hard boiled egg in the stomach; is hungry and wakeful at
night, but has loss of appetite a. m .; is constipated; is hysterical and low
spirited; feels as if something had lodged in the chest and had to be coughed
up; the heart’s action is slow and heavy; is worse after eating. Its leading
indication seems to be the “sense of an undigested hard boiled egg in the
Clinical: Is principally a stomach remedy, its principal characteristic
“ the sense of an undigested hard boiled egg.” Dyspepsia from tea and
tobacco. Chronic intermittents with pain in the stomach.

Has burning, ulcerative pain in the stomach worse at night; suspicious
vomiting; stomach feels as if swimming in water; has sharp pain especially
in the ovaries and joints; has pain in the back worse at night, causing rest­
lessness, better motion; has pain especially in the wrists and ankles; emaciates
upward; is worse in cold air. Its most marked indication seems to be
Clinical: Is principally a rheumatic remedy, and especially useful
in metastatic conditions, e. g., suddenly checked diarrhoea followed by
irritation of the heart, epistaxis, bloody urine, anxiety, trembling or piles;
suddenly checked rheumatism followed by violent carai*c symptoms; mumps
shifting to mammae or testes, etc. Bleeding from naval of infants. Great
relief when diarrhoea sets in, like Natr-s. and Zinc., reverse of Calc. When
Aeon, and Bry. fail in pleurisy and a pressing sense remains in the affected
part, or side. After influenza, child weak, prostrated and has a sort of hectic
fever. Itching chilblains. After an operation on the chest for hydrothorax
or emphysema, when a pressing sense remains.

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Diniti7Pf1 hv C Zni u iIp
said to destroy naevi and birth-marks. Kills the effects of anaesthetics and
charcoal vapors and fumes, by dipping a finger in it and rubbing it inside
the lips. Anaemia of nursing women, waxy skin, anasarca, emaciation, sweat
and diarrhoea. Similar to Apis and Ars., but has a greater preponderance
of gastric symptoms than either. Cough, chronic, dry, hacking, limbs swollen,
diarrhoea, dyspnoea or night sweat. Milk is blue, taste and odor strongly
sour. Many complaints apparently overcome by Bor. disappear after Ac-ac.,
especially the shooting pains in the chest. Sausage poisoning. Antidotes Sep.


Has agonized tossing about, is excessively restless; is inconsolable with
anxiety, often with chilliness, with one red cheek, the other pale; in fever one
cheek is read and hot, the other pale and cold; great fear, especially of death,
is sure one is going to die, and often predicts the day; the fear and anxiety
are expressed in the face; has vertigo or faint on rising up; head and face
hot; has unquenchable thirst, which seems to increase with the drinking; de­
sires cold water, like Stann., everything else tastes bitter. After the initial
chill comes a high fever, a dry hot skin, a full bounding and rapid pulse, one
cheek red and hot, the other pale and cold, the urine hot and dark, the pains,
if any, are acute and sticking and followed by numbness and tingling; the
attacks come on suddenly especially after exposure to cold dry wintery winds
when insufficiently clothed; the sweat is copious and warm, even hot, is
usually critical and relieves all the pains and symptoms, and profuse urine
relieves the headache. Is generally worse at night, and sharp cold dry
wintery winds. Its greatest indicator is: Agonized tossing about.
Clinical: All the head pains are accompanied by the mental distress,
and are relieved by profuse urination. Dysentery during hot days and
cold nights; if mucus persists after tenesmus ceases give Sulph. Is usually
the principal remedy for retained urine in the new-born, with ineffectual
urging. Dead drunks: 5 drops tincture in a teaspoonfull of water. If
recovery is retarded from too many or too strong doses, Coff. or Nux will
often set matters right. Convulsions during dentition, child starts, twitches,
gnaws its fists, frets and crys. Shock from injury, or surgical operation.
Expression: in fever, Rushed and anxious; in neuralgia, pinched and suffering;
in tetanus drawn and rigid. The cough is dry, either short and hacking, or
hard, ringing and croupy, hurts the larynx in laryngitis, or the chest in
pleurisy and pneumonia, and is worse heat. Is extremely valuable in acute
inflammations with fever, stitches at heart, violent beating and anguish. Its
great characteristic is: A G O N IZED TO SSIN G A B O U T! Aconitinum
has: as if body was filled with lead, except the head. Aconitum commarum
has: agg. from change of weather.


Is sad, fearful, starts easily; head is worse night and walking; has
warm sweat on the head and face; objects look blue; ears twitch on sneezing.
or blowing nose; nostrils are red; cheek on which one lies sweats easily; is
yellowish around the mouth; the throat is sore on speaking; the submaxillaries
pain when chewing, the pains tear especially when breathing cold air; is


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hungry, yet averse to iood; the urine deposits a white sediment; the pains
draw, tear, are worse motion and change of temperature, cold air and touch.
Clinical: Is especially valuable for rheumatism of the small joints.
Is especially adapted to men, Act-r. to women. Subacute gout, with sour
stomach, goes out feeling fairly good, but as soon as one continues to walk
the joints, especially the small ones, ache and swell. Violent prosopalgia,
pains draw and tear, from teeth to the upper jaw, as far as the temples,
worse contact, and especially so from motion, especially of the facial muscles.

Has aversion to roasted meat and food; is gay, lively; has salivation,
especially at night; craves potatoes and sour fruit; distension, rumbling and
grumbling pains in lower abdomen after drinking and eating especially pears;
chest tired; ready fatigue.
Clinical: Scrofulous people with enlarged glands or goitre, subject
to cpistaxis.


Has pain across front of the head from occiput around temples to the
eyes, the eyes dilated; the tongue dirty yellow, sore, feels scalded; gnawing
hunger, faint sense in the epigastrium, better in the open air; as of a weight
on the chest, praecordial pain; pulse rapid and irregular; restless sleep,
horrible dreams; vertigo; spine aches and stiff.
Clinical: Cardiac dropsy, lower vitality, heart weak, pulse slow and

Is cowardly, despondent, nervous, distracted, averse to mental labor;
the eyes feel strained, as if one must open them wide or press on them, the
eyeballs ache, better rubbing and pressure; the face flushed, but not red, the
urine hot, strong, scalding, copious, frequent and pale; the arms and legs,
especially below the knees, tire and ache, especially on walking; the pulse
is rapid, irregular and intermittent.


Has hard knotty stools that are very painful, dark purple piles, lame
back and lower limbs, a full, heavy head, is constipated, has vertigo, a lame
tongue and thick speech, and a dry cough from a sense of a feather tickling
the throat, causing hawking.


Is gloomy, despondent and miserably cross; the head is confused and
has pain as if the occiput would be crushed; the eyes are heavy, the balls
burn and are sore; the posterior nares and soft palate are dry, sting and
bum; the face is pale and apt to swell on washing; the throat and fauces
burn, are dry raw and rough, the fauces prickle; the stomach burns and

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often presses as from a stone; there is nausea from tea; the rectum is dry,
hot, as if full of sticks, has piles that look like ground nuts, that pain, bum
and are purple; has fulness in the right hypochondrium; twitching over the
heart; and especially violent backache in the sacro-iliac region which is worse
walking or stooping, and across the sacro-iliac symphysis, as if the back would
break, the back gives out and unfits one for business; the membranes feel
swollen and bum and feel raw; the congestions and ulcers have a purple
color; the hands and feet swell and bum, and become red after washing,
and feel full.
Clinical: The leading indications are the haemorrhoidal disposition
with the above characteristic backache and rectal symptoms, and the gas­
tric and catarrhal troubles. Complaints of horses. Valuable for inflamma­
tion of the posterior walls of the pharynx. The action of Aesc. on the liver
with engorged circulation, especially with large piles, is extremely well
marked. Extremely valuable for protruding piles with the characteristic
rectal and back symptoms.


Is anxious, restless, and as the disease progresses, one bacomes more
and more retired in disposition and inclined to wreep; has an expression of
anxiety and pain; the face is pale with dark rings around the eyes; has a
white blue pallor or pearly appearance around the lips bounded by a distinct
line from the wings of the nose to the angles of the mouth; the pupils are
dilated; milk is intolerable, suddenly vomits it up either just as it was swol-
Iowed, or, more characteristically, in curds so large as to almost choke the
child, followed by exhaustion and deep sleep, but the child nurses again just
as soon as it awakens (Ant-c. refuses to nurse again) ; the vomit at times
looks oily and greenish; is thirstless; the stools are either of curdled milk or
light yellow’ and greenish; the pulse is small, hard and rapid.
Clinical: Unrivalled especially for the vomiting of LARGE curds,
also for the stools containing curdled milk. Indigestion from head troubles,
head hot, vomits, sweat, exhaustion and deep sleep. Constant nibblers
who constantly carry crackers in their pockets constantly nibbling at them.
Improperly fed babies. Epileptic spasms, thumbs bent in, eyes turned
dow’n, pupils dilated and immovable, face red, white froth at the mouth,
teeth set, pulse small, temperature of skin normal. Children: that lack the
power to hold their heads up, with no particular ailment, sometimes they
cannot even stand or bear any weight on their limbs; or that are run down,
when Ars., Calc., Sil. and everything else fails. Discharge from right ear,
spasms, stupor, vomits milk. Herpetic eruption at tip of nose. Infants that
come down sick in hot weather and get brain trouble, the stomach refuses to
act, everything put into the stomach either goes right through or comes up.
Convulsions, great weakness, prostration and sleepless. Child dozes or
vomits after stool.


Clinical: Of special value in valvular diseases and cardiac dropsy,
with lowered vitality, weak heart, slow* weak pulse, especially if the
kidneys are acting insufficiently. Most useful W'hen compensation is failing,


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in which it often acts well when Dig. fails. Said to establish a compensatory
hypertrophy in cardiac stenosis, or mitral regurgitation, with oedema of
lower limbs, dyspnoea, scanty urine and irregular pulse. In cases of feeble,
irregular heart’s action, more or less dyspnoea, and not dependent on oganic
disease, here Adonis is said to act splendidly, improving the tone of the heart
muscles, increasing the power of contraction and regulating the pulse.


Is irritable, nervous, twiching and trembling, ail ceasing during sleep;
the parts bum, are red and itch as if frozen; is awkward and clumsy both
mentally and physically; the fingers fly open and let things fall from the
hands; stumbles over things in the way; the head pains if the urine becomes
scanty or the stool is retained, and is better after stool (Fl-ac. has headache if
the call to urinate is neglected) ; the eyelids twitch, better sleep; the eyeballs
have a pendulum-like motion; the vision is deceptive; the eyes inflame from
odor or coughing; the eyelids twitch before a storm, especially before a
thunderstorm; the ears and nose are red, burn and itch as if frozen; pure
water runs from the nose; the face twitches; the child jerks and licks its
lips; the teeth grow worse as the abdomen gets better; the appetite becomes
lost after coition; passes copious odorless flatus; the urine is scanty in nervous
women (Ign. profuse), it feels cold; the bladder is irritable; the uterus
bears down on lifting; has paroxysms of cough ending in sneezing; the heart
is irritable from tea, coffee or smoking; the lumbar pains are worse walking
in the open air; the spine pains on stooping; the urine becomes milky in the
afternoon; the hands tremble; the penis is cold and shrunken; the female
symptoms are worse during the menses; the back feels as if it would break
on attempting to bend it; the hands and feet itch, burn and are red as if
frozen; is always chilly; is better in the warm bed, and worse walking in the
open air, exposure to cold, especially the face, morning and stimulants. Agari-
cus emeticus has: cold water relieves speedily and permanently.
Clinical: Twitching and jerking of muscles and redness, itching
and burning as if frozen characterize Agar. Young, nervous, hysterical
married women who faint after coition (Staph., who have urinary troubles).
A great antidote to alcoholic drinks (Abs.). Complaints arising from ceasing
of the milk. Nervous men w’ho have tingling and crawling all over. Growing
pains, child must be by the fire to keep the limbs from getting cold. Dull
headache from prolonged desk work. Lips dry, burn, pimples change to
vesicles filled with yellowish scrum, especially in growing children given to
licking of the lips. Neuralgic splinterlike pains in the tongue, with saliva­
tion. Irregular palpitation, tumultuous, of tea and coffee drinkers and
smokers. Spinal irritation, pains dull or sharp sticking, spine excessively
tender to touch, most severe in upper dorsel region. Headaches of choreics
and those who readily become delirous with fever or pain. First remedy to
be thought of in spasms of the eyelids. Valuable in asthenopia from pro­
longed stains, spasms of accomodation, eyes and lids twitch, muscles weak,
type swims. As good as Lach, for the red tipped nose of drunkards. Proso­
palgia, electriclike, as of splinters between skin and flesh, mostly in the in­
fraorbital nerves along the jaw. Eruption about the mouth in growing
children given to licking of the lips. Child late in learning to talk (N atr-m .),
and walk (Calc.). Mushrooms should not be given to those susceptible to

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cold and damp. Convulsions: after coition (Bufo. during); from suppressed
milk; after being scolded (Ign.). Symptoms appear diagonally at the same
time in different parts of the body. Low fevers, tremor, tremulous tongue,
delirium trys to get out of bed. As if ice touched the body, or cold needles
touched the heart.


Is quarrelsome, excited, anxious and frightened; has a pale face,
swollen gums which are bloody, an inability to swallow, a poor appetite, is
constipated, the legs covered with dark purple blotches and swollen, painful
and hard; a frequent and small pulse.


Is pale, sickly and sad with an impression of speedy death; has weak,
relaxed genitals, the male impotent with morning erections only; loss of
memory; photophobia; only the most simple food agrees; the viscera hang
down as from a weight, is constipated, the stool hard and often recedes; the
flatus is noisy and of a urinous odor; the limbs are tired and cold; desires to
remain quiet; the female organs are relaxed, with leucorrhoea or with dimin­
ishing flow of milk, and sexual intercourse is abhorent; the symptoms are
worse exertion and motion.
Clinical: Sexual neurasthenia: from the sexual excesses, in both sexes,
of sad persons who are tormented over their misspent lives; and of men, who
after their marriage, are unable to have an erection; and of women with a
history, with either leucorrhoea like the white of an egg, vagina and womb
relaxed and who have an abhorance to sexual intercourse, it producing no
thrill, or when her milk, after it has started, or becomes scanty, or both with
suppressed menses. Puerperal mania, hints at suicide. Was used in early
days by both men and women to suppress sexual desire.


Clinical: One of the leading remedies for adenoids (often during
dentition), tonsils enlarged, nose obstructed, throat and ears affected, free
mucus discharge, better shelter. Mucus diarrhoea from suppressed colds.
Mutinism of children regardless of deafness.

Has masked troubles; is anxious and worried internally, has forced
cheerfulness externally; hides ones sufferings, even though suffering internal
torment; is full of interest in life; is a daredevil and reckless in all ways, is
active and restless, always on the move, requires little sleep, is interested in
the ocult and magic, makes believe one is happy and cheerful while at heart
one prefers death, seeks excitement, desires, stimulants and is worried by an
imaginary prosecutor.

Has vertigo, headache, a red margin on the palate, a burning sense from
the lower jaw to the vertex, and from the stomach to the throat along the

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Diniti 7 Pri hv C Z c u ,o 1 p
oesophagus into the chest, the locomotion is impaired causing one to remain
erect with difficulty, and a sense of burning.


Has capillary congestion in spots that are red and mottled, a face that
is purple, dark as mahogany, and besotted, congested eyes, seems stupid and
benumbed, oozing blood that is black, a fetid odor from the nose and mouth,
forgets all past events, is anxious and restless, sighs continually with depressed
spirits, is irritable, sleepless, the pupil widely dilated, the discharge from the
nose copious, thin, ichorus and bloody, the fetid odor is cadaveric, or like
stinking meat, there is often a feeling as of a snake climbing up the leg,
there is prostration from the onset of the disease, the throat is dusky red,
greatly tumified, the exudate grayish, is anxious and restless, the tongue is
dry, parched and cracked, the pupils widely dilated, photophobia, and a sense
of fullness everywhere.
Clinical: Has a special affinity for the skin where it produces an
eruption similar to that of scarlatina. When diseases suddenly turn to a
zymotic state it seems to be able to change them to a mild one. Like Verat-v.,
when the impress of the finger leaves a white mark on the skin, that remains
long. With these zymotic states there is pain in the neck and occiput. When
the rash, in scarlet fever or measles, comes out in dark irregular patches, inter­
spersed with small vesicles, worse on forehead, neck and chest. Its great
characteristic: Stupor or indifference, sighing and livid purple skin. Produces
a more profound stupor than Bapt. Low: adynamic forms of disease, prostra­
tion sudden and extreme, torpor, vomiting, small rapid pulse; fevers with
stupor, indifference and sighing. Will kill the canary if hung by the tree
while the tree is in flower. Attacks characterized by: fulness of the head,
with heat, burning, darting pains in the temples and occiput, vertigo and
nausea. The odor affects asthmatics, women and children more than men,
and old persons least of all. Scarlet fever, diphtheritic, ichor from the nose,
throat dusky red, exudate grayish, swollen externally and internally; or, de­
pressed, the eruption slow to appear and is of livid hue, is stupid, diphtheritic
infiltrate, throat swollen; or, deep coma, tip of nose and limbs cold, rash pale
violet, discharges involuntary. Diseases characterized by capillary congestion
in spots that are red and mottled.

Clinical: In diphtheria it destroys the bacteria and dissolves the
patches, prevents terrible prostration, w’hen used in the form of brandy and
water. Used as a tooth wash, prevents decay. Felons may be cut without
pain if first held in ice cold alcohol for awhile. Apply direct to bums, scalds,
bruises or gatherings. Bed-sore, saturate a cloth and apply. Itch, rub
it in. All drunks, especially women, are said to exhale from their bodies, so
much spirituous vapor that they are apt to catch fire when exposed to a
lighted candle, burning their bodies. Apoplexy, insensibility, ears roar, arms
and hands tremble, chorealike convulsions, hyperaesthesia. Drunks expose
all their weaknesses, and disclose all their secrets, except misers. The coarsest
desires become uncontrollable. Alcohol makes the English gloomy, the
French gay and the Germans brutal.

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Has debility, the stomach is weak and is disordered from the least food,
which lies heavily on the stomach, has obstinate constipation, the stool large,
hard and requires great effort, as if the passage was being forced, the mind
and body weary, is pale and anaemic, has clutching pain in the right inguinal
tftr region, her right ovary especially feels bruised, she has a sense of weight in
arc the uterine region, the sexual organs relaxed; the urine escapes while coughing,
Hjrh. the face is red, sickly and chlorotic, there is frothy belching, and vomiting.
Clinical: Debility, from protracted illness, especially of women or
tx from defective nutrition, no organic disease. Prolapsus uteri, anaemia,
lie scanty menses, clutching pain in right inguinal region to and down the
thigh. Menses copious, also at the climaxis, followed by watery copious
oozings between periods, flow copious, contents expelled in large clots, clots
tb followed by copious flow with or without pain. Aborts frequently. Haemor­
rhage coming on in the middle of the night with great violence waking so
exhausted one can scarcely speak. Said to cure prolapsus and misplacements
an without the aid of pessaries when are present: anaemia, scanty menses, griping,
oa clutching in right inguinal region to and down the thighs. Tired, with dull
heavy confused feeling in the head inability to concentrate the mind, the
•;a> power and energy of the mind weakened.
co Has a voracious appetite, gourmandizes, eats a great deal more than one
n drinks (reverse of Sulph.), yet the stomach often burns and is deranged by
■id the least change in diet, as are the bowels, the head is heavy and is better at
rff the onset of the menses but worse after, has a sense of a hair on the tongue
ad. or in the throat, worse reading, has pressure in the epigastrium and transverse
jd colon, better pressure and sitting bent, the cough gives rise to fetid breath,
fD. has eruption in vagina, on vulva and chest during the menses, the pains are
st mostly pressing from within out.
k- Clinical Fleshy people who suffer greatly from catarrh and dyspepsia,
especially if accustomed to high living and excessive eating. Child drowsy,
df lifeless, extremely pale, bowels torpid, will not walk, legs do not grow as
on rapidly as the rest of the body.

Clinical Enlarged subraxillary glands, leucorrhoea, cervix eroded and
be bleeds easily, amenorrhoea, burning pain from back to pubis. Glandular en­
largement, scrofulous, chronic skin eruption, the eruption may alternate with
ut diseased condition of the mucus membranes.
a Has engorged veins causing stiffness and fulness, especially in the portal
system, fullness in the region of the liver, abdomen, rectum and intestines,
* associated with piles, has abdominal pains that drives one to stool, that cut
it like knives, and cramping about the navel, shooting down toward the rectum,
f diarrhoeic stools that burn like fire, holds the stool with difficulty, it comes
with a gush if one passes flatus, the child goes around the house dropping little

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Diniti7Pfi hv ,o I p
hard, round marble-like pieces of stool, the abdomen is distended with gas,
causing fulness; eating, drinking, and eating oysters out of season, bring on
diarrhoea; oysters, in the hot season, bring on cholera-like troubles; is ex­
tremely excited during the pain, hates and repels everyone, is worse heat and
better cold, has heat in the orifices, is worse from beer, it brings on diarrhoea,
has continuous gurgling in the abdomen, the stools gurgle out like water
from a bunghole, pains are felt especially across the abdomen, above the hips,
often feels as of a plug wedged between the symphysis pubis and as coccygis,
has laborlike pains in groins and loins on standing, often has to go to bed
with the diarrhoea, yet it drives one out of bed, the stools are watery and
lumpy, yet often passes nothing but large quantities of catarrhal jellylike
mucus, has piles like bunches of grapes, also violent itching at the anus, better
application of something cold, ointment increases the burning, the lumpy
stools are caked in jelly, the urine escapes with the stool, is ill-humored,
especially in cloudy weather, lips remarkably red, longs for juicy things and
is averse to meat.
Clinical Complaints come on slowly. Diarrhoea from drinking beer,
like Kali-bi. Prolapsus uteri, fullness and heat of the body, tendency to
diarrhoea, 9ense of a plug between symphysis pubis and os coccygis, wedged in.
Laborlike pains in loins and groins on standing. Ointments increase the
burning (Sulph. patients cannot bear any applications as they make eruptions
break out). The lumpy stools are caked in jelly (The lumpy stools of Graph,
look as if imbedded in coagulated white of egg.). The characteristic head
pains are: frontal, worse heat, better cool applied. Child constipated from
birth, unable to pass the stool even with an enema, yet passes solid stools in
bed. Piles are better from cold water (Brom, worse cold or warm water,
but better wetting with saliva; Mur-ac. better warm water, and decidedly
worse cold water applied.). Troubles following most obstinate constipation.
The real indications for Aloes are found in the rectum, stool and anus.
Powdered aloe applied, said to relieve wound at once.


Is anaemic, has a pale face which flushes on the least excitement, a
tongue that is either clean or dirty white, especially at the base, has a
gone sense in the stomach, weak digestion, the food lies long in the stomach,
has sharp pains in the abdomen, cramps and dragging as if everything would
escape through the vulva, a sinking sense in the abdomen, heat and irritation
in the hypogastrium, bearing down, worse walking, leucorrhoea; as soon as
one goes to sleep one suddenly becomes wide awake; the heart palpitates, the
blood vessels throb, and the tongue becomes numb.
Clinical: A tonic in exhausting fevers. Malarial subjects to low
fevers, with great debility, and to camp diarrhoeas of malarial origin, from
drinking impure w’ater. Weakness after exhausting diseases.

ALUMEN (Alumn.)
Has paralytic weakness of all muscles, especially felt in the rectum and
bladder; muscles sluggish, slow; the stools arc passed in large masses of little
hard balls, like marbles, fastened together, leaving a sense in the rectum as
if still full, there is no desire for days, the stools are apt to be as hard as

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/ 1L Original from
has knifelife stabbing on attempting to use the voice, the chest is sore and
weak and worse jar, has pain in the sole of the foot on stepping, as though
too soft and swollen, the head feels numb on stepping, the limbs go to sleep
on pressure, has jerks in the back of the neck during sleep, is cola and must
be well clothed, but wants the open air, the skin is shrivelled, dry, the sweat
is rare and scanty (The reverse of Calc.)» or there may be entire inability
to sweat, the skin becomes dry and fissured, worse cold weather, must stand
up to urinate and sit down to defecate.
Clinical: Inactivity growing into complete paralysis, everything slowed
down, the prick of a pin is not felt at once. Locomotor ataxia, soles of feet
pain on stepping and feel soft and swollen, vertigo on closing the eyes, co­
ordination disturbed, staggers. Catarrh everywhere, always expectorating,
blows the nose much, eyes discharge. Gonorrhoea, the discharge remains
yellow and painless. Skin thickens, indurates and ulcerates. Indurations
form at base of ulcers. Dryness and burning runs through everything. Colic
and paralytic weakness of lead workers, painters, artists and those who wash
their hair with lotions containing lead. It takes a woman nearly all her
time to recuperate from one menstrual period to the next. Women drawing
near the climaxis, prostration, flow scanty, suffering terrible, is miserable at
the period and exhausted after it in both body and mind. Constipation of
infants, no other remedy apparently indicated. Nose apt to be red and
cracked at the tip. Cannot look at blood or a knife without desire to kill.
The most important indication in eye trouble is: a catarrhal conjunctivitis
with burning dryness, but with little discharge and destruction of tissue.
Spare thin people disposed to colds in the head and eructations. Chlorosis, of
slender, delicate girls, appetite depraved, worse on alternate days. Girls dried
up and wrinkled at puberty. Children artificially fed, weak, wrinkled, con-
stive, during dentition, strabismus, internal recti weak.


Has mental prostration, extreme weariness, a strong desire for the open
air which relieves, is irritable, has vertigo in the a. m. on closing the eyes,
is sensitive to cold which aggravates, a fast, weak and irregular pulse, the
pains are especially bruised, burning, pressing and worse especially a. m. and
night, has electric shock, worse after sleep, has pain especially in the sides
of the head, the ears are hot, red and have a sense of flapping in them, the
face is sickly, bluish red and has a sense of white of egg dried on it, the mouth
is dry, the breath offensive, even putrid, has extreme thirst except during
fever; she has an excoriating leucorrhoca; boils come on the nates and thighs,
has ingrowing toe nails, standing is extremely tiresome (like Sulph.), is worse
wallring, cold, jarring, stepping and lying, except the head, also from sexual
excesses, mental exertion, thinking of ones symptoms (like Ox-ac.), and
walking in the open air though it is grateful, is better from the open air
and pressure.
Clinical: Ulcers, indolent, pus yellow, itch, sensitive, smart, sting, un­
healthy. Blindness from anaemia of the optic nerve. Suited to mental break­
down at the end of college life. Valuable for the chronic effects of grief
(Ign.). Especially useful in paralysis, especially of the lower limbs. Boils
on nates and thighs.

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Has nervous debility, great mental excitement, is worse anger and vexa­
tion, is discontented, discouraged and distracted, is sad and feels better telling
her troubles to others, desires to be alone, and this and that, is never satisfied,
criticizes others, desires the open air, but cold aggravtes, is anxious, especially
at night, the head especially is better cold applications, cold air and lying,
wants the head cold and the body well wrapped up, when something drops
on the floor it feels as if it dropped on the sore head, has photophobia, the
air feels cold in the nose on breathing, the face is purple, the mouth dry, the
lips stick together, has pain at the roots of the upper teeth to the head on
biting the teeth together, the food is tasteless, the first mouthful nauseates,
water tastes spoiled, the hands are cold as ice, the nails brittle, the fingers
blue, the soles especially are sore, the pulse is rapid p. m. and night, the limbs
tremble, is cold during the pain, is worse: becoming cold, motion, and is
averse to it, excitement, standing and extremes of heat and cold, and better:
warm applications, fasting and rest.


Is bashful, nervous and embarrassed in the presence of others, conversa­
tion is unbearable, it fatigues quickly, is unable to either urinate (Natr-m.) or
defecate in the presence of others, flighty talking, jumps from the subject with­
out waiting for replies when asking questions, is anxious especially during
stool, is weak, trembles, totters, the abdomen is cold internally, tires easily,
retires early but as soon as the head touches the pillow one is wide awake, is
sad, coughs and gags after eating; she has a discharge of blood between her
periods and when pressing at stool and from too long a walk; has a violent
spasmodic cough with frequent eructations, is unable to sleep when crossed,
the finger nails grow brittle and shrivel, becomes sleepless from business em­
barrassments, is forgetful and unable to remember the most simple fact, is
worse: eating, music which makes one sad and causes congestion (Calc, is
worse at the stroke of a piano), warm drinks or room, lying, especially on
the painful side, loud reading, talking or music, is worse also from domestic
or business shock, it causes congestion, prostration and sleeplessness, is better:
after eating, cold drinks, cold food and air, and walking in the open air.
Clinical: Asthma of scrofulous children, of aged men on attempting
coition, and from music or exertion. Conversation exhausts and fatigues one,
head heavy, sleepless, chest oppressed, anxiety. Numbness everywhere. Child:
weak, peevish, mentally deficient, thin, emaciated, looks like a dried up little
old man; or, excitable, nervous and weak. Nervous affections when the sup­
posedly properly selected remedy fails to act; lack of reaction from nervous
weakness. Debility, either from age or overwork, anaemic, muscles twitch.
Nervous, spasmodic cough, paroxysmal, especially a. m. on walking, distress
about the heart, worse the presence of others, ending in violent eructations.
Especially useful for lying-in-women who cannot have a stool in the presence
of the nurse, or others.


Has ill-humor, stars and points before the eyes, dim sight, heart heat
too strong, is sensitive to cold, morose, melancholic, has coarse rattling in the

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chest, expectorates stringy mucus, feels as if something would be torn loose
in the chest, clutches at the sternum, sees snakes in circles, is worse: cold
weather, wet weather and at night.
Clinical: Vision dim, as from a blow with a stick. Stands between
Bell., which is used for affection of the eyes from overwork, with great con­
gestion, and Ruta, which is indicated for the irritability of every tissue of the
eye, from fine work, or overwork. Catarrh of the chest of the aged, the
mucus yellow and purulent, especially during winter, otherwise similar to


Has a heavy, stupid head, swollen face and eyelids, a swelling like
ranula under the tongue, an uncomfortably warm stomach, scanty, dark,
turbid or smoky urine and albuminous, also incontinence in the aged, increased
mucus in the larynx, frequent hawking and spitting, urging to stool, right
kidney sensitive to pressure, pain across the sacrum and rapid pulse.
Clinical: Gout, urine smoky, albuminous, scanty, fluid in the toe joint.
Effects mostly the right side.


Is mentally dull, physically depressed, feels as of a band above the ears,
the edges of the eyelids are red, the eyeballs feel large and swollen, sneezes,
the discharge from the nose is thick, the mouth smarts, there is white sticky
mucus in the throat, a suffocative sense in the epigastrium, rising up both
sides of the sternum to the throat, fears suffocation, which compels one to
walk, has an irritable feeling under the finger nails, only better biting them,
has stinging in the throat, better sneezing, must hold the mouth open while
walking on account of the heat in the throat and lungs, preparing to swallow
painful, the act not, the lungs feel cold inside.
Clinical: Neuralgia of the left ovary, dull pain, hard swelling. Chronic
laryngeal catarrh of speakers. Cough short, so sudden it almost strangles
one from accumulation of mucus, usually stringy, in the throat, a. m., on
rising, or at 3 a. m. Considered by some the peerless and absolutely the best
cough remedy known—6 drams in 4 ounces of water, a teaspoonful before
meals and at bed time; should it fail, try Am-i. Epilepsy, aura beginning
with fainting, suffocative sense in epigastrium, rising up both sides of the
sternum into the throat.


Is listless, lethargic, has great prostration and falling temperature, is
always tired and weary, is averse to walking in the open air and to the warm
room which is intolerable, has sudden palpitation, which is increased by mo­
tion, is anxious, uneasy, weeps, is drowsy, has bluish or purple lips, the nose
is stopped at night, must breath through the mouth, the body is cold, cyanotic,
is averse to being washed as it causes the symptoms to reappear, the fluids are
all acrid, the saliva excoriates the lips, they crack in the angles and middle,
the secretions from the eyes cause fhe eyelids to fester, become dry and crack;
those from the vagina cause the female parts to become sore, the blood that

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a ^ a a i ^ ^ • ai
flows is black; the skin appears mottled with great pallor; the female is ex­
hausted at every menstrual period; the bones ache as if they would break,
one faints in a warm room, the throat is purple and ulcerates, is worse:
especially at 3 a. m., cold air, wet stormy weather and washing, which chil­
dren dislike.
Clinical: The characteristic Am-c. patient is said to be: Weak, ady­
namic, nervous, phlegmatic, melancholic, easily acted upon but reacts but a
short time, is of lax fiber, leads a sedentery life, and disposed to the accumu­
lation of fat and mucus, fainting and nervous affections. Apoplectic fits
with suffocation. Cerebro-spinal meningitis, falls into a stupid, non-reactive
state, cold, cyanotic, pulse weak. Diabetes of hysterical persons. Irritable
clitoris. Great prostration, with threatened heart failure, at end of pneu­
monia. Chronic bronchitis of the aged, emphysema. Rheumatic gout char­
acterized by torpor. The sooner one goes to bed the better one sleeps. Inter-
mittents where coldness prevails. Stout women and fleshy children who take
cold readily. Torpor characterizes all the exanthemata. Uncleanly bodily
habits. Said to be infalable in rattesnake and mocassin bite: stuff the wound
full and give 5 to 8 grains every 15 minutes till one dram is taken. Anti­
dotes Lach., when Lach, has been abused low. Useful in severe forms of
disease, when an eruption comes to the surface, as erysipelas or carbuncle,
without relieving the patient. Haemorrhages, under the skin especially.
Blood poison and animal bites, when zymosis and a tendency to black liquid
bleeding occurs. Its long use developes scorbutic conditions, the muscles be­
come soft and flabby, teeth fall out, haemorrhage occurs, and one becomes
hectic. Defective reaction, with or at the close of severe zymotic troubles,
typhoid, diphtheria, scarlet fever, erysipelas, etc. One of the best remedies
for empty sense, like Cocc. Poison from charcoal fumes. It is remarkable
that Ammonia should be useful to the tendency to gangrene, and that can­
cerous and mortifying ulcers should evolve a large quantity of ammonia;
that ammonia should play so important a part in the affections of the female
organs, and that a considerable of ammonia should be evolved through the
skin during the menstrual period, and, lastly, that Ammonia should relieve
the symptoms of poisoning by fungi, and that ammonia should be the char­
acteristic constituent of those growths. Blood poisoning, as in scarlet fever,
malignant types, prostration, dyspnoea, surface patches, enlarged glands, face
dusky and puffy. Simple weak heart with absence of symptoms and lack of
response to apparently indicated remedies. Asthma better, yet head and body
worse, cold air. Erysipelas of the aged, when cerebral symptoms develope.
Heart failure. Catarh, nasal, and acute coryza, nose stopped, discharge ex­
coriates, rawness and burning along the trachea. Muscular asthenopia, from
prolonged use of the eyes, yellow spots appear on looking at white objects.


Has oedema, ulceration and low blood-pressure, despair, timidity, is
easily frightened, excited p. m., expression of anguish, burning rawness in
the throat, white patches on the tonsils, tongue and inner cheek, intense thirst,
spasms of the stomach, heartburn, pale face, gasps for breath, voice low, speech
weak, broken, aphonia, intense thirst, chilly, shivers, trembles, skin dry, ex­
haustion, mucus surfaces bleed, is worse after eating or drinking.


r*N: a.: _ — l. n
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Clinical: Diphtheria, discharge from the nose burns, excoriates, pros­
tration, mucus covers the uvula. Said to speedily cure pruritis vulvae, l/ i to
1 dram to }/> oz. water, inject freely. A good all around remedy for aphonia,
no other remedy apparently indicated, said to be the best remedy in the Materia
Medica, especially with burning rawness in the throat, or with debility.
Spasms of the glottis, even paralysis, suffocation, gasps for breath. Mem­
branous croup, burning in the oesophagus. Its chief symptoms arc: a burning
excoriating discharge from the nose, and burning rawness down behind the
sternum, with prostration.


Clinical: Said to be specific in any cough, 1 to 3 grains at a dose, also
if Am-bro. fails. When Iod. fails in larngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and
oedema of the lungs.


Has a cold feeling between the shoulders, the reverse of Lvc. and Phos.,
not better external wraps, and which is often followed by itching; increased
mucus secretions which arc retained; anxiety, depression, fear of the dark,
desire to cry but cannot, ill-humor, antipathy to certain persons, a face that
is either pale, that redens with animated conversation, especially in a warm
room, or complexion livid, the mouth fills with saliva during the cough,
blisters at the tip of the tongue, which burn like fire, throat and mouth fill
with viscid phlegm, difficult to dislodge, thirst for lemonade, a strained
sense at the groin causing one to walk bent, the stools are difficult, hard,
crumble, or covered with glairy mucus, often vary in color, no two alike, like
Puls., urine has a clayey sediment; she has a lumpy or clear albuminous
leucorrhaea after every urination, her menses are worse at night, especially
if dark, clotted, free and too early; sluggishness, sensitive to cold, chilliness as
often as one wakens, violent throbbing in all the arteries, tendons feel as if
shortening, pains that tear and smart.
Clinical: Head and chest symptoms are worse a. m., abdomen worse
afternoon, limbs, skin and febrile symptoms worse p. m. Coryza, hoarse,
larynx burns, discharge acrid, watery, «raids, nostrils ulcerate and pain and
are sore to touch, especially with coldness between the shoulders. Face burns,
with an eruption that requires cold water for relief. Said to cure goitre in 3
months, 10 grains 3 times daily. Non-descript sore throat, especially with
marked burning, much viscid saliva, pulsating in glands of neck, great swell­
ing, pale face and stitches in throat on swallowing. W ith all the menstrual
and abdominal symptoms there are: copious flatus, rumbling and colic. Rat­
tling, copious expectoration of the aged and coldness between the shoulders.
Catarrhal pneumonia of children, ropy tenacious expectoration. Sciatica,
worse sitting, slightly better walking, entirely relieved lying down. Neuralgic
pains in the amputated stump, like Cepa. Ulcerated pain in the heel; Ccpa
has ulcer on the heel from friction. Thirstless in all stages of intermittents.
Rheumatic fever, the pains quickly alternate sides, like Lac-c. Free, copious
secrettions: in air passages; from the nose; cover the stools, and from the
vagina. Fat body, thin legs, like a pumpkin on a stick. Chronic diarrhoea
the menses, green mucus stools. Resembles Aloes, but milder. Constipation,


r\: n -* Original from

stools crumble, or the hard feces are covered with mucus. Leucorrhoca, the
most characteristic is albuminous, or it may be brown and slimy, after urina­
tion. Chronic sprains.


Clinical: Constitutional gout, nodes in finger joints and backs of
hands, containing chalklike deposits, picks particles of chalk out of the joints,
tight around the chest and in the praecordial region, thirst, pulse rapid, hard
and small, rose colored sediment in the urine, cold from least draft, cough
deep and rough, expectoration greenish, limbs heavy, gait unsteady and tot­
tering, sneezes, excessive discharge from the eyes and nose, only in the a. m.
Not to be used for the acute symptoms. Facial paralysis.


C lin ic a l:Neuralgia, periodical, right side of occiput, boring to e a r ,
orbit and jaw, vertigo on rising, especially with irregular menses. Injury to
back (from being thrown from a carriage), wild sense in occiput on turning
in bed, stooping or sudden motion, palpitation, trembling, with intermissions,
great alarm. Acts strongly on the liver.


Clinical: Said to remove warts, rub all over w'arts several nights in


Clinical: Neuralgia, nervous irritation, gastric disturbance, insomnia,
pain in cardiac region, tachycardia.


Clinical: Colic, backache. Gonorrhoea, cutting, burning, smarting,
difficult urination, scanty discharge from urethra. Whooping cough, haemor­
rhage from lungs. Scurvy of excessive salt users, colic, backache, tearing pain
in abdomen and down back settling in sacrum, better bending forward, pos­
terior nares, pharynx and larynx dry, drawing pain through region of stomach
through both sides to the back.

Clinical: Chronic hoarseness of scrofulous people. Renal dropsy,
even hydrocele, resisting other remedies. Faint, unto collapse, followed by
deep sleep; same thing all over again on waking. Left costal region sore and
sensitive. Vomiting and purging, tenesmus, then sweating, collapse, faint,
pulse weak, deep sleep follows, on waking return to vomiting and purging.

Has lancinating pain and swelling in and of the lower jaw, impatience,
sadness, tenderness, gentleness, lancinating pains in the head, especially the
right side, a sense as if the feet were in the head, twitching of the upper eye-

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Diniti7Prt hv , o l p
lids, as if a sty would form in the inner canthus, eyes pain and weary, teeth
pain afternoon and p. m., difficult swallowing, especially saliva, tearing pain
in the abdomen, lancinating as from a stilleto in the navel, worse dampness
and motion.


Has excessively brilliant eyes, but without mental expression, the left
half of the head dull ( Hydr-ac., the right), the eyes draw to the left, face
pale, lips either blue or white and cold, mouth tightly closed, tongue dry,
throat dark red and burns, dysphagia, lancinating through the tonsils, urine
scanty, painful, breathing slow, chest oppressed, pulse slow', full, hard, skin
skin cold, clammy and blue, pains sudden, sharp, cause one to cry out, elbows
drawn firmly back and held there, great prostration.
Clinical: Chewing the kernal is said to prevent drunkenness from
w'ine. Violet color of the bile, blood and muscles. Antidote: cold water
poured on the head, strong coffee for the convulsions, and Opi.


Has surging of blood to the head and face with blueness from the least
excitement, mental or physical, temporal arteries protrude, are hard, the eyes
protrude and stare, mind confused, anxious; as if the ears would burst; face
alternately cold and pale, especially one side; blushes from the least emotion,
choking, collar or neckband feels too tight, hearts action tumultuous, marked
beating of the head and carotids, pulse strong and full, pulsation felt in the
tips of the fingers, yawns profoundedly and repeatedly, stretches almost con­
stantly, it is almost impossible to satisfy the desire, nervous, sensitive, heat,
redness, turgidity, as of a band drawn tightly around the chest, w’eak and
relaxed feeling all over, better exercise in, and must have fresh air, opening
of a door causes the heart to flutter.
Clinical: The flushes sometimes only occur at night and start from
various parts, as face, epigastrium, etc., and spread over the greater part of
the body, are followed by sweat, often profuse, and causing one to open the
clothing or remove the greater part of the bed covers and throw' open the
window's in the coldest of weather. Convulsions immediately after delivery.
Chronic blushing at the climaxis. Valuable for hour-glass contractions and
haemorrhage from the womb with the characteristic flushings to the head
and face. A valuable palliative in hypertrophy of the heart with insufficiency
of the aortic valve and the characteristic flushings. The hands of the child
during convulsions tremble and grasp at imaginary objects. In coma, while
unconscious, profound and repeated yawnings. Blushings with disease of the
right heart in males. The flushings are occasionally peculiarly and abruptly
limited, reach to thighs, knees and elbows, and while all parts above feel
burning hot, parts below feel icy cold, after the heat passes the skin becomes
cold and clammy and may turn very pale. Hysteria, with the flushings and
copious menses. Sunstroke of spasms coming more and more rapidly till finally
no sooner docs one come than another begins, 2 or 3 gentle inhalations are
said to produce sleep, or break off the child’s fit of eclampsia at once, or ward
off an attack of epilepsy.


Original from
Has profound meloncholy, hypochondriasis, loss of memory, a strong
irresistible desire to curse and swear, restless, mind dull and sluggish, rest­
less as if in dream, as if one had two wills, the one commanding what the
other forbids, irresolute, nervous, sleepless, pressure as from a plug, is better
after eating but the troubles return after 2 hours, is disposed to cruelty and
malice, cowardly, has fixed ideas, like Thuja, a pale face, blue rings around
the eyes, an urging to stool that passes off with the effort, lower limbs that
are better sitting, itching vesicles that are better water as hot as can be borne,
is discontented, displeased, dissatisfied,, thinks one is pursued, is worse fasting
and better eating.
Clinical: The sense of a plug pressing into the parts seems to be the
most characteristic of Anac. and the mind represents the principal aspect of
the drug, as it docs of Cham. Rhus poinsoning. The indigestion contrasts with
that of Nux which is also worse 2 or 3 hours after eating and is better when
the digestion is over, while with Anac. it is w’orsc when the digestion is com­
pleted. Asthma, hysterical, the spasms pass off amid or with a flow of tears.
Whooping cough, gaps after every attack, in long lasting attacks, from talking
or after anger, loss of taste and smell. Palpitation of the aged, from such
slight troubles as colds, etc. Pericarditis, rheumatic, palpitation, double
stitches through the cardiac region, one following the other rapidly, long in­
tervals between. Disease of the spinal cord, especially of the aged, as from
a band around the body, or a plug in the spine sticking farther in from mo­
tion, knees as if bandaged or paralyzed, hindering walking. The Anac. erup­
tion is analogus to variola. Alcoholism, restless, sleepless, twitches, hears
voices saying one is going to die. Melancholy with fixed ideas of demons.
Headache, digging, throbbing, better eating, worse attempting to use the
mind or overwork. Deafness with loss of memory. Morning sickness tem­
porary better eating. Constipation, stool sluggish, distress in abdomen on
attempting stool. Valuable in eczema, mind irritable, burning and excessive
itching. Variola-like eruption with loss of memory as sequelae. Anac. is
antidoted by Nux-j., also by strong coffee without milk. Valuable for overuse
of the mind, or brainfag.
Has a sensation as of something cold placed on the tongue, great activity
of mind, hilarity (The Greek name of the plant means to— “Laugh out
loud.” ), itching, tickling in the left ear, branlike tetter in rings on the face,
larynx dry, scrapy, scratchy, hoarse, stool hard, urine passes in a divided
stream, hands dry, dirty, sticky looking, palms itch, better rubbing, itching
and tingling everywhere, pain in the head, better coffee, violent sneezing,
chilly sense in the teeth, is worse eating and touch.
Clinical: Favors expulsion of splinters. Has power to soften flesh
and destroy warts. Contains saponin. Syphilis, mind deranged, expistaxis,
itchy skin, pain in small of back.
Has mania for doing the same thing and visiting the same places, is rest­
less, suspicious, ungovernable jealousy, red and yellow spots on the face eruc­
tations and foul breath, thirst but unable to drink on account of spasms of

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ing pain in the neck, darting shooting pain from nipple to jaws on both sides,
jaws stiff, not closed, give every 15 minutes. Diarrhoea running into a
chronic state, causing emaciation, hiccup and eructations, or, preceded by
cutting in abdomen, and nausea a. m. Affects especially long bones. Spavin
in horses given to much stretching of the limbs. Catalepsy, body bent back­
ward. Piles, better application of wet cloth. Caries, very painful ulcers
penetrate to the marrow, especially where the patient is of a very touchy
disposition and longs for coffee.
Has colored vision of overpowering brilliancy, of moving objects, as if
their motion was regulated by music, is mistrustful, resentful, minutes seem
hours, tired sense in the head, pain in the occiput, pupils dilated, faint,
nauseated, worse motion, exaggeration and reverberation of ordinary sounds,
muscles tremble, sense of increased physical ability.
Clinical: Has none of the terrible heart symptoms of the other Cacti.
To be thought of in brainfag, delirium and hallucinations with the colored
vision as above. (Said to enable one to divine the thoughts of others.)
Clinical: Prone to cancer and anaemia. Anaemia, profound, skin dis­
colored, lips blue, anorexia, stomach distended. Said to destroy cancer
Has violent, flatulent, colicky pains in the abdomen, especially coming
on at regular hours, abdomen distended, pain in the head, worse a. m., better
p. m., sharp stitches beneath the lip, aphthoe cover the tongue, especially the
edges, the edges feel like bags, discharge white, pain in the region of the
third rib on right side (Mentha-p. and Pix-liq., on 1. side), an inch or two
from the sternum, broken sense in middle of thigh on sitting down, better
rising, has to rise to make sure the thigh is not broken, rye bread tastes good,
its odor refreshing, all other food tastes too salty or bitter, as if the blood
would press out of the upper lip.
Clinical: “3 months colic” : one scruple of the seeds boiled in milk,
or baby food is said to prevent the colic, or, if the tea is taken by the mother
it will increase the milk and prevent the baby’s colic Oil of Anis applied
to parts is said to be sure death to lice and other parasites, as itch mite (Oil
of lavender). Epileptic convulsions, bites the tongue, vomits. Is used as a
condiment in China, India and Japan, and often chewed after a meal to
sweeten the breath.
Has warmth in the stomach followed by a desire for food, clear water
from the eyes, raw throat, constricted; abdomen chilly, cold to legs, aching
in the liver, itching at the anus, white, puttylike stools, frequent urination,
distended bladder, tickling cough worse in a warm room, soles itch as from
chilblains, is sensitive to cold air and the touch of cold things, dislikes to
drink anything cold, the least exertion causes heat and sweat, is worse indoors.
Clinical: Colds, profuse tears, sneezing, and profuse discharge of
water from the nose.

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HinitiT^H h u
Clinical: T o be thought of when all the other remedies fail in hay

Has horrible and atradous burning, greater than that of any other
remedy, with ulceration and sloughing, prostration, rapid sinking of strength,
weak pulse, is anxious, excited, depressed and restless, nose red to cheek, face
dark brown-red which does not disappear on pressure, pain in the right tonsil,
swallowing impossible, a sense of anxiety and constriction in the proecordial
region, thirst, appetite lost, skin dry, bums and itches violently; as if the
diaphragm was pushed forward.
Clinical: Has stony swelling in region of right jaw (lower)
(Heckla, Phos.), and submaxillary glands, glands painful on swallowing.
Bluish-brown spots break open on lower limbs, abundant ichorus pus,
gangrenous ichor of horrible penetrating odor, affected parts oedematous.
Carbuncle, or malignant ulcer, atracious burning pains, after Ars. and other
remedies fail. Haemorrhage, blood dark, thick, like tar. Felon, worst type,
carbuncles and malignant pustules and ulcerations, with black and blue
blisters that prove rapidly fatal. Removes predisposition to crops of boils
and carbuncles. Dissecting wounds that tend to gangrene. Suspicious insect
stings that swell and change color, and red streaks from the wound mark
the course of the lymphatics. Results of absorbed pus, inhaled foul odors,
as from putrid fevers, foul breath» etc. Same as Ars., only more intense.
Headache, as if smoke with heating pain were passing through it.

Has a cracked, ulcerated nose, furred tongue, anorexia, nausea and
sense of heat in the stomach, flatulent colic, clear, copious, pale urine, no
sediment, frequent erections, intense thirst and dryness.
Clinical: Eruptions decrease during full moon. Prone to herpes
(G raph.), prurigo and scabies. Eruptions preceded by continued fever
and characterized by circumscribed redness, surrounded by rugged edges,
swelling limited to the red spots and vesicles, which start up especially near
the borders of the erysipelatous inflammation, the eruptions having a slow
course, with slow repeated desquamations and subsequent oedema, especially
about the head, and more especially in people who have had the itch.
Has a head that feels large, as if it filled the whole room, difficult
breathing, asthmatic, as if the diaphragm had ceased to function and one
must continue to breath on ones own account, an extremely weak heart, the
limbs prone to thrombosis, rapid and fatal collapse and cyanosis.
Has emphysema, dyspnoea and cough, worse eating and lying down, a
congested head, inflamed eyes with pain in orbits and forehead and pressure
in the temples, loss of appetite, pain in left chest especially, oedema of the
face, and affects preferably the left lung.


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in lr>
C linical: Pleurisy, especially of left side, exudation, effusion and
pericarditis. Sciatica, pains wander in the sciatic nerve.


Has a clean tongue, dry in the center, burning in the stomach and
abdomen which are tender to touch, tumified; occasional excruciating pain,
griping, ineffectual urging to stool, a cold clammy skin, and a tendency
to destruction of the mucus membranes.
Clinical: Cancer of the lower lip (Con.).


Has a milky white coated tongue, as if painted or white washed, is
sad, sulky, irritable, fretful, the membranes throw out a white milky exudate
or deposit, especially noticable on the tongue, loathes both life and food,
especially in low fevers, cannot bear cold water either internally or extern­
ally, is averse to cold bathing, the child cries if one attempts it, a sentimental
mood in the moonlight and twilight during diarrhoea and before the menses,
pain in the head from cold bathing, especially in a river, better prolonged
vomiting, every inhalation is painful and burns the nose life fire, stuffed
nose in the heated room, the child has nausea as soon as it eats or drinks,
vomits till exhausted, which is renewed by food and drink and which con­
tinues after the nausea ceases, the child vomits little white curds (Aeth.
curds so large as to almost choke the child), and refuses to nurse again
(reverse of Aeth.), loathes food, the smell of food disturbs, retching and
gagging on least provocation, constant oozing from the anus, with or with­
out piles, aphonia a. m. from a cold bath the night before, a violent cough,
each succesive cough getting weaker and leaving the chest bruised and sore
and lame, a distended stomach and a flat abdomen, the child cannot bear to
be touched or looked at; is worse: sour wine, stimulents (is easily intoxicated),
cold, damp weather, cold bathing, at night, overheating, radiated heat, warm
room, and the cough on looking into the fire, is better: heat of a hot bath,
applied heat, vomiting and when the gout returns.
Clinical: Headache from a bath or deranged stomach, especially from
candy. Chronic blepharitis, pressure, eyes red, agglutinated nights. Chronic
sore eyes of children. Acne worse near fire. Honey colored sore on the
chin. So busy with oneself one forgets to defecate and urinate, eats only
when asked. Teeth so sore it seems one can hardly bear the dental operation.
Diphtheria, child cross, crys, whines if looked at and especially on washing,
nostrils and angles of mouth sore, cracked and crusty. Nausea as soon as
child eats or drinks. Stomach takes place in all cases calling for Ant-c.,
and all complaints seem to center around it. Diarrhoea: after a cold bath or
sour wine; alternates with constipation in the aged, who when suddenly
becoming constipated have a hard rapid pulse. Constant oozing from the
anus, w’ith or without piles, it strains yellow. Prolapsus uteri, especially
if the menses are suppressed by a cold bath. Whooping cought, worse look­
ing into the fire. Acute rheumatism alternating with gastric symptoms.
Cracked hoof of horses. Nails, split by accident, do not heal readily and
tend to grow cracked and split. W arts under nails and on ends of fingers.


n Original from
Continued drowsiness of the aged. The remedy for twine; Puls, for sheep
and Ars. for horses. Absence of pain where pain should be expected. Typhoid
of young girls, about puberty, threatened with chlorosis, hysterical loathing
of life. Women who are overcome with the mellow or moonlight. Irritable,
painful ovaries of hysterical girls who are dreamers, who suffer from un-
requieted affections. Skin indurates and tends to form warts, callouses and
corns. Its great characteristic is: a thickly milk-white coated tongue and a
fretful, peevish disposition. Indigestion from overloading the stomach with
fats and indigestible food, sweet tilings and sour wine. Nails grow in splits
and like warts with homy spots.


Clinical: Of great value in acute and chronic nasal and bronchial
catarrh and asthma.


Has a continuous anxious nausea, worse lying on left side, better lying
on right side, sweat on the forehead, vomits with great effort, trembling of
the hands and fainting followed by languor; drowsiness; desire for cold things,
pale sunken face, dim swimming eyes, yawning, stretching, loathes all food,
pulse hard, full and strong, nose drawn, sunken, nostrils dilated and look
sooty inside, desires refreshing things and apples,, older people ill-humored
and sulky; the child clings to those around it, is ill-humored and touchy, is
averse to being looked at, touched or spoken to, will not let one feel its
pulse, desires to be carried, offended if offered a drink and keeps up a pitiful
whining and is better carried erect; thirstlessness, milk especially makes one
Clinical: Eyes discharge white mucus, look dim and swimming and
are usually pale and relaxed instead of inflamed; herpes of the conjunctiva,
photophobia, ill-humored and weak. Mouth remains open after yawning.
Nursing infants let go the nipple and cry out as if out of breath (Bor., from
sore mouth). Constant nausea, like Ip., but with coated tongue and sweat
on forehead, the nausea though equally intense is less persistent than Ip.
Vomits till one faints, nausea, then yawns, with coupious tears, then vomits.
Verat. and Ant-t. both have colic, vomiting and craving for adds, Ant-t. hav­
ing more jerking, drowsiness and urging to urinate, Verat. more cold sweat
on the forehead and fainting. Said to be the nearest thing to a specific in
cholera morbus with nausea, vomiting, loose stools, prostration, cold sweat
and drowsiness. Con. cures the pustules caused by Ant-t. on the genitals.
Asphyxia of the new-born, pale, breathless, gasping, though the cord still
beats, drowsiness and coma. When Ant-t. fails, try Hep. For children
having frequent attacks of bronchitis from cold wet weather, who no sooner
get through with one attack then on comes another (Ant-t. has rattling with
weakness, Kali-s., rattling without weakness). Catarrh of the chest in the
aged from every spell of cold weather, must sit up and be fanned, thick white
expectoration, great dyspnoea, drives one out of bed, cannot lie for filling up
in the chest, calls for Ant-t., but if the mucus is yellow then give Ammoniac.
The terrible backache of smallpox is paralleled in Ant-t. Ant-t. is said to
correspond to more cases of lumbago than any other remedy. Crude Ant-t.

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r\. \nl/>
rubbed into the skin forms a scar identical with that of vaccination. Ant-t.
developes the smallpox, Thuja dries it up and Variolinum bring the whole
affair to a speedy termination. Children have convulsions if attention is thrust
upon them, their faces become purple, grow drowsy and twitch. Weak, lack
of reaction. Old gouty people, debilitated from long illness, always shivering,
pale, joints enlarge. Pneumonia, tongue either red and dry in middle, or in
streaks with great prostration, or brown and dry. Shifting flatus in the ab­
domen with cutting pains and nausea. Child coughs on getting angry. Lum­
bago and sciatica, vertebrae feel as if rubbed against each other. Adynamic
smallpox. The most characteristic essential of Ant-t. is the large accumula­
tion of mucus in the chest, causing much rattling, especially in children, with
vomiting and drowsiness, which becomes relieved by expectoration or vomit­
ing. Spasms of young children with cyanosis.

Has high fever a. m., pain in the frontal sinuses, thirst, depressed, hal­
lucinations of sight and hearing, a contracted sense in the head, inflamed eyes
that are red and swollen with tears, face and lips red and swollen, tongue
swollen, bloody saliva, rapid, weak, and irregular pulse, prostrated and col­
lapse, better hot drinks.
Clinical: The symptoms are intensified in coffee drinkers.


Clinical: Violent toothache in bed only better after a warm sweat
breaks out (Clarke and Hering claim Aphis-c-g. is the only remedy having
toothache better sweat, though they concede Cham, has general relief from
sweat, while Kent lists: “Toothache better sweat: Aphis, Carb-ac., and
Cepa.” ).
Has sudden pains as though a bee had stung one, oedematous swellings,
aggravation from heat which affects both mind and body and to which he
has a special aversion, the heat of the bed is intolerable, is better cold, cold
applications and motion, is especially worse around 5 p. m., is thirstless, a
face that is puffy and pale, swollen lips, is apathetic, indifferent, restless and
fidgety, sensitive to touch, feels bruised and sore, especially in the abdominal
walls and in the chest walls, scanty urine, awkwardness, drops things and
laughs about it, eyelids hanging down like water bags, joylessness, the eyes
worse looking at white things, as snow, hot tears gush out of the eyes, throat
bums and stings, a sense of tightness especially in the abdomen and is afraid
to cough for fear something might break or be tom, it makes one bend for­
ward and bend the limb, suffers greatly from a dirty skin, is worse in the
warm room and looking into the open grate.
Clinical: The pains are always sudden, stinging. As a rule the patients
are not restless, but in hydrocephalus there is great restlessness and rolling of
the head from side to side. Stupor and unconsciousness with sudden starts
and screaming. Mental states in erysipelas, low fevers, diphtheria, etc., are:
Apathy, indifference or even unconsciousness. Stops abortion from Ergot.

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Cysts on ovaries. Infants go a long time without passing urine, screetch and
carry hand to head, cry out in sleep and kick the covers off. Scarlet fever
where the urine is loaded with albumen. Scanty urine in boys with hydrocele
or enormously distended foreskin who shriek every time the call to urinate
comes. Urine retained in nursing infants. Inflammatory complaints in women
when the abdomen is sore, bruised and painful. Watery diarrhoea is com­
mon with Apis. Eye troubles: worse looking into open fire or from radiated
heat, better cold aplications; or, when characterized by: serus exudation,
oedema, sudden piercing pains, worse heat; or, asthenopia from using the eyes
at night, eyes red, burn, sting, tears; or, asthenopia during eruptive fevers or
diseases. Body completely covered with urticaria, stings, burns, wants to be
bathed in cold water. All the complaints come on with violence and a rush,
like Aeon, and Bell. Mania in women from sexual excesses or suppressed
menses. Extremely valuable when the child bores its head back into the pil­
low, is stupid and gives an occasional piercing shriek. A hot bath in brain
troubles brings on convulsions, like Opi. Congestion to brain, meningitis,
cerebro-spinal meningitis, opisthotonos, child gradually going into a state of
unconsciousness, lies in a state of stupor, one side of the body twitches the
other motionless, pupils contracted or dilated, eyes red, face flushed, stupor
or unconsciousness, child decidedly deathlike if placed when it can look into
the open grate. Hives that bum, sting and itch, especially in the Fall.
Tongue: in fevers red and hot, even dry and hot; in low fevers, trembling;
in scarlet fever, dry, cracked, sore and covered with blisters or ulcerated, but
rarely red and dry; in diphtheria swollen but not heavily coated. Dentition:
gums saculated, child wakens with violent screams, red spots here and there
on the skin. Almost a specific for true diphtheria, always indicated by: great
swelling and oedema, severe stinging pains on attempting to swallow, great
inertia or stupor. Extremely valuable in inflamed throat with general stupor
and prostration. Apis differs from Bapt. in painless throat diseases by Apis
having more oedema. In advanced cases of dropsy the throat may become
painless. While thirstlessness is the rule it may be overbalanced by the 5
p. m. aggravation. The abdominal walls are always tender in all diseases,
whether the abdomen is swollen or not. In all forms of abdominal com­
plaints as peritonitis, hepatitis, pelvic cellulitis, etc., there is great tension and
tightness, not aways general but local, compelling bending forward and bend­
ing the limb. Cholera infantum, constant relapses, threatened brain trouble,
abdomen sunken, child stupid, starts suddenly, especially during dentition.
The favorable action of Apis, like that of Arum, is shown by the increase of
urine. Infants go a long time without urinating, scratching and carrying the
hands to the head, cry out in the sleep and kick the covers off. W ill stop
abortion from Ergot when the symptoms agree. Girls at puberty, hysterical,
dysmenorrhoea, awkward, drop things and laugh about it, face flushed. One
of the best remedies to bring about absorption in pleuritic exudation, like
Sulph. One of the first remedies to be thought of in the beginning of felon.
Boils and swellings with the characteristic pain. For the drugging with Apis:
Canth. The dropsies are characterized by waxy hue of the skin, whitish or
yellowish, transparent, baglike swelling under the eyes, surface of the body
bruised and burning. Acts prominently on the ovaries and uterus, with
irritation, congestion, inflammation and dropsy. Its great key-note is oedema;
its chief indications: whitish, waxy, transparent appearance of the skin, ab­
sence of thirst and scanty urine. Dropsy comes on rapidly and predominates


. ( i \ t \
Original from
in the upper part of the body and face. Hydrothorax, unable to lie down,
feels as if one was going to die.


Has restlessness from fidgets, cannot sit or lie still, nor can one keep from
thinking, head throbs and pains from least exertion, one is worse lying on the
left side and better rest and eating, the eyes look as if sunken back in their
sockets, the face, throat and hands feel swollen, the teeth better holding cold
water in the mouth, craves apples, the nausea increases with the pains, heart-
bum and a gone sense in the stomach better eating, if prone to urticaria it will
be preceded by pressure in the stomach which pressure will be relieved as soon
as the urticaria appears, the urine is often retained needing the use of a ca­
theter; she has sharp pains in the ovaries, or left iliac region extending to the
right, her ovarian pains are better lying on the left side with the leg Hexed;
has constriction over the sternum, a dull ache in the sacrum, worse lying and
better motion, the legs fidget and is unable to lie still in bed, and like Fl-ac.,
is not fatigued from loss of sleep.


Has a swollen sense of the body and face, face itches, flying pains in the
teeth, wandering pains in the limbs, parts tender to touch, pains from above
downward, cramps and burning in the soles, especially of or worse the right
side, pain in the joint of the big toe, right shoulder and knee worse breath­
ing or turning to the left side, feels heavy with desire to sleep, sweat, prostra­
tion and trembling.
Clinical: Drop doses said to expel worms. Has expelled gravel and
calculi. Gout, rheumatic stiffness, acute pain in joints with cramps, bilious
stools, flying pain in teeth.


Has great thirst, drinks lots of water and seems to retain it all, likes
cold water but it disagrees and is apt to be vomited up before it gets warm
on the stomach, is more comforted by warm drinks, the stomach is extremely
irritable and food will neither stay down, nor digest, in spite of that one has
a gnawing hunger, yet wants nothing but water, of which one drinks copiously,
the epigastrium and chest are so oppressed one can hardly breathe or speak,
even after a very light meal, food and water are intolerable and are vomited
immediately, the bowels are constipated, all the secretions are diminished,
especially the urine and sweat, one feels as if one could only sweat one would
get well, one is chilly and wants to be well wrapped up, the face is bloated
and puffed, bloating under the eyes, the bloating pitting on pressure, expres­
sion of anguish, is bewildered and low spirited, the tongue is dry, nothing
seems to go through the bowels, the urine is yellow and without sediment,
the breathing is short and unsatisfactory, lying is impossible, the heart flutters,
is sensitive to cold air and cold drinks, the skin is dry, may be hot, yet one
is chilly, the skin feels husky and rough, one becomes faint on raising the head
from the pillow, the pulse is small and irregular, one is worse from cold
applications and better after stool.

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Clinical: Hydrocephalus (should it fail see T ub.), tosses about,
emaciates, fever, skull distended, fontanelles growing wider, great prostra­
tion, limbs stiff, dropsical swelling, child lies in a stupor, involuntary motion
of one arm and leg, paralysis of left side, one eye motionless the other rolling,
increased urine will show a favorable reaction of the remedy. Piles, with a
sense of a wedge hammered into the anus. Diarrhoea: anal sphincter weak,
stool escapes involuntarily with the passage of the flatus; alternates with
dropsy, stools copious, yellow watery; expelled with explosive force like the
cork from a bottle, weak after stool, an all-gone sense in the abdomen, face
pale and covered with cold sweat. Dropsy: alternates with diarrhoea; of
genitals; like Apis, but worse cold, better heat; renal especially; of shut sacs;
after quinine; of the aged; after scarlet fever; alternates with rheumatism;
distinguished from Apis by the aggravation from cold and better heat, from
Ac-ac. by the distress from cold water, and from Ars. by the burning thirst
for little and often; said to be the nearest specific for dropsy (5 drops every
2 hours). Diabetes insipidus, sinking sense at pit of stomach, debility.
Hoemorrhage, anywhere, especially uterine, copious, causing anaemia and
finally dropsy, blood fluid or large clots. Weakness of the sphincters of the
rectum and bladder, congestion of the hacmorrhoidal vessels, depression of
the heart’s action and weak irregular pulse.

Clinical: Vomiting, inclination violent, sudden, rapid and completely
painless, usually neither preceded by either nausea or pain, sympathetic with
brain troubles or tumor, or, with violent spasm or retching, or, with heart­
burn and retching. Combined alcoholism and Opism, constant nausea, con­
stipation, insomnia, delirium, headache, pronounced hysteria and emaciation.
For prompt emesis: 1/1 5th grain hypodermically.


Has neuralgic pain dowrn right temple to forehead and pain in left side
of face, cold water is intolerable, has a feeling of a hair or fish bone in the
throat with tickling and urging to swallow, causing one to cough but the
cough does not relieve, constantly hawks a cottonlike phlegm, the pain on
swallowing extends to the ears and temples, has nausea and constipation, is
worse at or near the sea.

AQUA PETRA (Aqua-p.)

Has pain in the head in the afternoon with fever, eyes that burn and
smart, especially the edges of the lids, ears that itch, the right one snaps on
chewing, a throat that is rough and scrapy, like Nux, passing of much flatus
toward a. m., an aching and faint sense extending from the abdomen to the
throat, urine that is pale, watery, scalds and has little odor, with burning in
the urethra during and after passing, a cough around 10 a. m. and 2 p. m.,
the expectoration white at first, later yellow and tenacious, breathing that
inclines to asthma, aching in the lumbar region with weakness, weakness and
lasitude, and a full and rapid pulse.


_______ Original from

cough worse lying down at night, causing tickling in the throat. Neuralgia,
intermittent lumbo-abdominal, worse 8 to 11 a. m., yawns, vomits. Os calcis
disease and caries, pains bore and dig, the bone often feels like ice. The
clocklike regularity of periodicity of Aran, is greater than that of Ced. Hydro­
genized people, especially the aged, who suffer from intermittents, where
coldness prevails and where neither heat nor sweat follows, and w'ho are
abnormally sensitive to rain, to cold and damp and who dare not live near
water, lakes or rivers, or in damp chilly places. Toothache worse in damp
weather, and immediately on lying down in bed. Simple periostitis, or caries
of os calcis, pains bore and dig.

Clinical: Hydrobromate of areclin contracts the pupil and acts more
energetically than esserine, but its duration of action is shorter. Areca sur­
passes pilocarpin as a salivatory. Promotes contraction of the intestines, and
as a taenifuge needs no cathartic.


Has mucus discharges and expectorations that are copious and look like
boiled starch or gray jelly and are easily ejected, usually worse a. m., a
tendency to: emaciate, a sallow complexion, anaemia, swollen feet and to
thickening of the cartilages, its greatest key-note is said to be deceit; desire
for fresh air, bars out all sympathy for friends, vertigo with crawling in
the head and whirling as if intoxicated or when looking at running water,
eyelids continue to thicken until they are as thick as carriage and almost as
hard, ears that itch and one scratches them until they bleed, cartilages of the
nose that infiltrate and thicken, a sallow complexion, sticky, tough saliva on
the soft palate that causes scratching, a dry mouth to which the tongue sticks
to the roof, like Nux-m., a throat that becomes red and sore on coughing but
not on swallowing; her left ovary feels large, she has a sore feeling in her
genitals that extends to the whole abdomen and is w'orse riding in a carriage;
upper part of the larynx becomes sore and raw' on coughing but not on su’al-
lowing, a voice that is lost from talking or singing, a sense of a sore spot
in the region of the superstemal fossa w'hich is worse speaking, talking or
singing, shocks go through one on going to sleep; worse: after sleep, pro­
longed exertion and rest, and better: motion, especially walking, and copious
draughts of coffee; rheumatic pains in the
back and limbs, worse lying down.
Clinical: Ophthalmia of children, purulent. Blepharitis, edges of lids
thicken. Catarrh, chronic pharyngeal, with the characteristic discharge. When,
after eating fruit, as if a little piece stuck in the throat, or it feels in the
upper part in front as if something lay in a little spot, almost as if chilling
and pressing, which constantly irritates one to cough, but coughing docs
not relieve. Diabetes, especially insipidus, urine very copious, turbib and of
swxet odor. Women who suffer from uterine disease, wTith pain in the joints
and limbs. Similar to Pall, in uterine symptoms, but Pall, affects the right
side, Arg., the left ovary and testicle especially. Cough, with the character­
istic rawmcss and discharge. Valuable for the chronic laryngitis of singers
and speakers with the characteristic mucus discharge. At precisely at noon
a great many of its symptoms come on, like Gels. Cartilages inflame and

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thicken and form hard knots. Arg. for the cartilages and Phyt. for the
tendons where they attach to the bone. Lingering complaints, chest weak.
Laryngeal phthisis of withered young people. Epithelioma of the cervix, pains
burn and sting, copious, putrid yellowish green bloody discharge. Ovarian
tumor, especially left, large, hard, indurated, prolapsus. Adapted to: busi­
ness men, students and readers. Hectic fever daily at 11 to 12 or 1 p. m.
Cough: from laughing or talking, with the characteristic discharge. Rheu­
matic pains in limbs and back worse sitting, better lying down.


Has a very red face and tongue, a throat that burns, constricts and
scrapes, suffocating attacks, short and difficult breathing, a constant dry
spasmodic cough, can articulate but one word at a time, violent pain in the
suprasternal fossa and under the manubrium sterni every time one turns to
one side, is weak and has painful cramps in the feet.


Clinical: Ailments when the symptoms of the two elements are
prominent in the group.


Has a pressing pain in the forehead worse when stooping and better
coughing, drawing pain in the skin of the left temple as of contraction. Tear­
ing in the right upper jaw and in the right eyelid with stitches, a violent
urging to pass urine which must be attended to immediately, a drawing in the
skin on the outer side of the left thigh and inner condyle of the right elbow,
a boring in the outside of the right ankle and side of the right foot, and a
tearing in the left thumb and hand.


Is tremulous, weak, nervous, restless, sighs, has palpitation, craves sugar
which makes one sick and acts like a physic and brings on diarrhoea, is
anxious, imperative, hurried, fidgety, fears both death and failure, is anxious
for the time to come when he has to meet an engagement, is especially nervous
around 11 a. m., has vertigo on looking at tall buildings, has difficulty in
eructating but finally the air rushes out with great violence and often causes
strangulation, the paroxysms preceded by yawning and followed by deep sleep,
dreads crowds and certain places, in all ailments the head is affected, the dis­
charges from the eyes arc thick, yellowish, profuse and bland, all the gastric
ailments are accompanied by the characteristic eructations, the stools are
mostly green; she is worse at the menstrual period and free at all other times;
chilliness and nausea arc the most troublesome or the febrile symptoms, the
face is bluish, the sleep is prevented by nervousness, there is aggravation from:
mental excitement, going to the opera, warm room, heat of the fire or bed, in
the Summer, and in women during the menses, better: riding in the wind,
cool open air, walking, stimulents, cold bathing, cold applications and warm

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/A i
Clinical: Drowsiness of stupor, with dilated pupils. Nausea with
loud eructation. Ineffectual efforts to eructate causing strangulation, which
is finally relieved by belching, preceded by yawning and followed by exhaus­
tion and deep sleep. Sudden attacks of cholera infantum, stools like chopped
spinach in flakes, expelled with much spluttering, after eating freely of candy,
worse drinking, the child looks old like a dried up mummy, like nothing but
skin and bones. Convulsions and epilepsy, restless during the interval, rest­
less and trembles before the attack, pupils dilated, after the attack: restless,
hands tremble. Chorea, tearing in the legs. The intelect features predomi­
nate. The 200x or Im in solution often relieves when the crude fails in
eye troubles. Priceless in purulent ophthalmia, eyes better in open air and
from cold applications or washing and in the dark room, worse warm room
and heat of fire. Thick ycllow’ish profuse bland discharge, Merc, and Puls,
failing. An occasional dose of Puls, is said to favor its action, in ophthalmia.
Myopia, after Spong. for goitre. Corneal ulcer of the new-born, also ophthal­
mia, with the thick, yellow, bland pus. Arg. is preferable to Arg-n. where
the lids thicken. Photobia accompanies the head and nervous troubles, muscu­
lar coordination lost, unable to fix the eyes steadily, everything blurs. Sight
of eyes suffer as the abdominal symptoms increase. Arg-n., Hep. and Nit-ac.
are the most prominent remedies for the sensation of a fish bone in the throat.
Unrivalled for the gastritis of drunkards. Cardialgia that threatens to de-
velope cancer. Stomach troubles that occur from prolonged mental exertion.
Gastritis, enormous distension, free eructations of gas. Ulcer of the stomach,
pain to the chest and shoulders and dawn the abdomen, great distress from
food, cutting in the enlarged liver. Stomach disorders of children from
sweets, distension, nausea, eructations, violent cramps in the bowels, tongue
coated white, headache, face dark red. Vomit tinges the bedding black.
Diarrhoea: of nursing mothers who have eaten much candy; characterized
by the chronic flatulency of the drug. The greens are remarkable in this
drug, the child’s stool turns green when it remains in the diaper. The urine
is scanty in intestinal and gastric troubles, profuse in nervous troubles, and
incontinence in paralysis. Prolapsus in scrawny, dried up, feeble women, like
Sec. Chronic laryngitis of singers who cough on raising the voice. Asthma,
purely nervous, dyspnoea in the crowded room. Spasms of the chest, cannot
bear a handkerchief near the mouth as it causes dyspnoea, like Stann. Paral­
ysis of the chest threatens, as of a band around it, can hardly breath, fears suf­
focation, distress in the stomach, gas accumulates, staggers in the dark, like
Alum., Alum having more constipation, Arg-n. more flatulence. Chilliness
and nausea are the most troublesome of the febrile symptoms. Complaints
of: boys from tobacco; nervous women at the menstrual period, menses scanty
or suppressed. Children: tormina, viscus bloody stools, tenesmus; diarrhoea
after weaning. Organic heart troubles of business men, students and brain
workers. The chief therapeutic value of Arg-n. is said to be in the treat­
ment of catarrhal troubles characterized by copious muco-purulent discharges,
like Puls. Paralysis of accommodation from errors of refraction, glasses fail­
ing. Catarrh of smokers, with sense of a hair causing a cough, better smok­
ing again. Urethritis, simple or specific, great soreness, burning, violent cut­
ting pains, dysuria, bloody urine.
Clinical: Chlorosis, diarrhoea and metrorrhagia.


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Clinical: Excellent diuretic in dropsies of Arg. patients.
Has burning heat in the head, excoriated lips, a pasty mouth, bitter taste,
excoriated gums, anorexia, nausea, thirst, colic before diarrhoea, burning in
the anus, diabetes, pain in the tendo-Achilles, lancinating pain in the apex
of the heart arresting breathing, disturbed sleep, disgusting dreams, and
lancinating pains in various parts.


Has congestion to, and heat of the head, copious saliva and spits often,
increased appetite, nausea, vomiting, flatulent dypepsia, cutting and distension
of the abdomen, flatulence, urging to stool, frequent desire to urinate, irritable
bladder and genitals and disturbed sleep.

Has a skin that burns, itches, red spots which increase in circumference
and intensity of itching, the inflammation becoming severe, chills and con­
stant fever, headache, formation of yellowish pus, rosy formation of phage­
denic ulceration tending to gangrene and sloughing of affected parts, great
pain and parlysis.


Has a bruised sore feeling all over, as if pounded, extremely sore to touch
therefore fears the approach of any one; the bed, couch or chair on which
one lies feels as hard as a rock, changes position constantly to get off the sore
part, hopeless, morose, complete indifference as to his condition and to those
around one, irritability, does not want to speak or be spoken to; fear, both
mental and physical; sullen, head hot, body cold; breath, eructations and
flatus have the odor of spoiled eggs, thirst but all drinks are alike offensive,
scanty urine that stains a yellowish brown, aversion to meat, broth and milk,
sudden pains, offensive sweat, a sudden fear that rouses one from sleep at
night, especially after an accident, grasps at the heart, waking at night with
a hot head and fears to go to sleep again, has a horror of instant death at
night, body covered with mottled spots, has pains often like knives thrust
into the kidneys, relief from motion.
Clinical: Mind and uterine symptoms alternate. Fear remains at
night after fright. (Opi., during the day.) Mind affections after an injury,
especially of the head, like Natr-s., where the mind appears cloudy. Apoplexy,
stertorus breathing, paralysis of the left side, involuntary starting, stupor, foul
breath, or, if conscious, complains of aching soreness and fears the approach
of others. Great desire to scratch, as the wall, bed, head, etc. Baldness:
try the one x in olive oil. Meningitis, traumatic, after a lesion or concussion,
provided there is no complete want of reaction, when suspecting exudation
of blood or fibrin or pus, sopor, paralysis of eye muscles, tongue or limbs.
Fracture of the skull, stupor, vomits dark red coagula. Hydrocephalus, fore-

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arms cold. Hastens absorption of haemorrhage into the conjunctiva and
retina, menieres disease, vertigo, turns to the left, salivation, occiput cold,
vomits. Epistaxis from a blow, on exertion, on washing the face, during low
fevers or whooping cough, blood dark, fluid. Face: dark red in fever; neu­
ralgia of the left side, swells dark red, painful to touch, nose cold, taste bit­
ter, worse at night. Teeth: persistent bleeding after extraction; pain after
filling (Ant-c., while being filled). Tongue in fevers dry, especially sore,
sometimes blackish. Dyspepsia after a meal, apoplectic congestion to the
head impends, throbbing headache, drowsy, foul breath, slimy yellow coated
tongue, eructations taste like rotten eggs, abdomen distended tympanitic, foul
smelling stool, bruised pain in the inguinal region, must walk bent. Abdomen
sore and tender during pregnancy causing the motion of the child to keep
her awake at night. Prolapsus ani only better washing the whole body. Long
intervals between stools in dysentery. Unable to urinate after holding the
urine forcibly. Diabetes, erysipelatous inflammation, tendency to ccchymosis
and boils, prostration. Soreness of the parts after labor and instrumental
delivery; prevents septicaemia. Child: going into an attack of infantile fever,
head hot, body cold; nipples sore and tender after being pinched by the
nurse; screams when arm or leg is taken hold of. Whooping cough, child
crys before the paroxysm, fretful, bruised, sore worse touch, the expectoration
of blood or dark streaked mucus, or little tiny pin head clots, eyes bloodshot.
Bruise in the sprained ankle. Sprained ankle, even if the bone slips out of
place, bend the knee, hold on to something, and, with the toes on the ground,
roll the foot back and forth and around and around until the part slips back
home, Arn. will do the rest (D r. Margaret L. T yler). Pernicious or con­
gestive chills, violent congestion to the head, cold, sore and bruised, thirst,
chill felt severely in the stomach; or, dreadful attacks, prostration, stupor,
mottled skin, the congestion comes on suddenly. Typhoid fever will be pre­
vented if Am. is given to a case w’here symptomatic typhoid is coming on,
where the intermittent or remittent is taking on symptoms resembling typhoid
in character, tongue shiny, sordes appear on the teeth and lips, sore bruised
feeling all over, morose, irritable and insists there is nothing the matter with
him. Scarlet fever when the eruption does not come out, in severe forms,
body dusky, mottled and covered with red spots, like Ail., continually turn­
ing, becomes gradually morose and stupid. Malarial fever, a sheet anchor in
certain seasons, in the malarial valleys of the West, for intermittents. Measles
with dangerous swellings. Corns, pare and apply. The traumatic parexcel-
ence in all varieties and effects, moth acute and chronic. Simple bruises with
well marked ecchymosis. Gangrenous appearance of contused wounds.
Tumors following an injury, like Bellis-p. If parts are torn, apply Calend.
instead of Arn., as Arn. is apt to develope erysipelas. After a sprain or injury,
if weakness follows use Rhus, or if Rhus fails resort to Calc. Bites of rabid
dogs and other animals. Sprains with much swelling, sore, bluish red. Neu­
ralgia after injury to the nerve, worse motion, pain sharp as from a nail.
Persons who arc extremely sensitive to mechanical injury. Prevents sup­
puration, burrowing pus that is not painful. Contusions without laceration.
Compound fractures with their suppurations. Fractures with swelling, tumi-
fication and twitching of muscles. After an operation, especially a double
ovariotomy, with complications, it may prevent the need of morphine. Suited
to plethoric, red faced people especially, and if of sanguine temperament, with
lively complexions, acting but feebly on the debilitated impoverished blood;

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and to the hydrogenoid, plethoric, venous, nervous, rigid muscled, dark haired,
and if young, red faced, and if older, yellowish or livid. Herbivorous animals
eat Am. with impunity. Spig. is its chronic. Hyperinosis is rather a contra­
indication. A bruised sore feeling is its leading peculiarity. Sore nipples
from injury. Boils and abscesses that do not mature well, and discharge,
but are absorbed and pass away, new ones continually forming.


Has a burning thirst for little and often but requiring enormous quan­
tities during the sweat, is full of anguish that increases with the suffering
and drives one from place to place and bed to bed, great fear of death and
of being left alone and on going to bed, restlessness even during coma when
one moves the head even when too weak to move the body; the child wants
to go from persons to person or to be carried rapidly; extreme prostration
that comes on from the most trivial causes, burning and burning pains that
are better heat, cadaverous odor of the discharges, discharges acrid, scanty,
excoriating and putrid, always chilly and hovering over the fire, a face that
is pale, yellow, puffy, cachectic or sunken, an expression of genuine agony,
skin looking like parchment, desires his head cold and his body warm, pains
that burn and sting like red hot needles and are better heat, externally cold,
internally as if full of fire; especial aggravation around midnight, especially
just after midnight. The condition of time and temperature are especially
important with Ars. and unless those correspond in the patient failure will
be more frequent than success.
Clinical: The mental disorders are characterized by; anxiety, fear
and restlessness, the delirium more violent than that of any other remedy
except Nit-ac. Melancholy, suicidal tendency, restless, constantly changing
positions, aggravation after midnight, excessive fear of death yet despair of
life. The insane mutilate themselves. The restlessness decreases to the
limbs, later to merely rolling the head, finally lies quiet as prostration takes
the pace of the restlessness and one goes into a cadaverous aspect. Head;
symptoms alternate with the physical; desires head in an ice box and body
in a furnace, reverse of Phos.; neuralgia, stomach burns, prostration, retches,
thirst, pains burn and shoot like needles, better heat, soreness. Ophthalmia,
eyes sensitive to light, burn, lids swell, better heat. All the external ulcera­
tions of the eyeballs, and even the cornea, arc characterized by: pain (burn­
ing), hot excoriating tears, swelling of the lids, photophobia, better warm
applications, reverse of Apis, frequently periodic in recurrence, beginning
every Fall and often change from eye to eye. Ciliary neuralgia w’ith fine
burning pains, better heat. Otorrhoea, discharge thin, excoriates, often fetid,
skin within the ear often becomes raw and burns. Coryza, watery, burns,
acrid, excoriates, sneezes, cannot bear the smell of food; feels best when the
nasal discharge becomes thicker. The sneezing of Ars. is no joke, it gives no
relief, it starts from a spot in the nose like the tickling of a feather. The
face is apt to be pale and puffy, even in fever, especially with gastro-entcric
troubles, sometimes pinched, drawn, hippocratic, cold or covered with cold
sweat. Neuralgia; of the face with burning pains, better heat; of the teeth,
the pains burn and tear, better heat of the stove, worse after midnight, pros­
trated, teeth feel too long and sore, gums unhealthy and bleed easily. Tongue;
neuralgia, with burning pains; in fever may be red and dry, or even brown


n i A/ \/ih > Original from

and black, smooth as if varnished, mouth sore; gangrenous sloughs. Taste
bitter to water (to milk: Sabin.; to sugar: Sang, to plums: Iod., to bread:
Puls., and to everything but water: Aeon, and Stann.). M outh: ulcerated,
burning heat, dry; gangrenous of children. Dentition, child fretful, pale,
weak, wants to be carried rapidly, wanting the nurse to run. Diphtheria,
rarely in the early stages, prostration, burning thirst, irritable stomach, or
with albuminuria and dropsy, throat dry, the membrane shriveled and wrin­
kled. Stomach: all the stomach troubles are characterized by: extreme
thirst, irritability of the stomach, it retains little of anything, extremely sore,
burning heat. Most violent gastro-enteritis, even ulceration and cancer, with
extreme thirst and irritability of the stomach. Gastralgia from least food or
drink, thinks one will die, prostration, pains burning hot, extend up sides
and all over the abdomen. Injurious effects of fruits, like China, especially
watery fruits and melons, like Zing. Drinks little and often, eats seldom
and much, reverse of Bry. Worse least cold food or drink, reverse of Phos.
Vomits with great effort, like Nux, the reverse of Apomorph. Thirstless-
ness in chronic diseases, reverse of Apis. Metro-peritonitis, nausea, vomits,
prostrated, cold sweat, tongue brown, pains bum, better heat. Piles bum
like fire, better heat. Diarrhoea, stools dark, scanty, brown or black, watery
(the watery stools are very offensive and often painless), or mucus, or even
bloody, brought on by eating or drinking, worse after midnight, preceded by
violent cutting pains and followed by exhaustion. Nephritis, acute and
chronic, idiopathic, or associated with various diseases, urine scanty, hot,
oedema and dropsy, irritable stomach and the characteristic thirst. Cystitis,
burning on urinating. The urine is scanty in nearly all diseases and sup­
pressed in Asiatic cholera and dropsy. Leucorrhoea, acrid, offensive, burning,
thick or thin, and yellow, anaemia, etc. Amenorrhoea, burning pain in the
right ovary, copious excoriating leucorrhoea. Catarrh of the larynx, dry.
bums, sensitive. Bronchitis: capillary, anxiety, face puffy; rawness behind
the larynx, cough at night. Emphysema, excessive dyspnoea, suffocation, cold
sweat and cough. Asthma: attacks come on after midnight, cold sweat, burn­
ing in the chest, anguish; especially after cold changes in the w’eather or
temperature, air passages feel constricted, gasps. Dyspnoea from oedema of
the lungs in Bright’s disease. In all the lung troubles the cough is worse
after midnight and lying on the back, with scanty expectoration. Heart:
weak, irritable and rapid on the least provocation; action tumultuous, palpita­
tion; irritable of tea drinkers and smokers; inflamed with dropsy. Sciatica,
coming on at night, anguish, pains better heat. Skin diseases characterized
by dryness, scaliness, soreness, itching and burning. Rhus often precedes Ars.
in the last stages of phthisis or tuberculosis, as the restlessness is not an Ars.
symptom, and Ars. will not relieve it. Graph, is the best remedy for Ars.
poisoning (and for chronic Rhus poisoning). Boils or carbuncles with
pepper-box like openings. Ars. and Merc-c. are the two best remedies for the
rapidly eating and spreading ulcers, such as follow the opening of a bubo
that shows no tendency to heal, Ars. is better heat, Merc-c., worse. For parts
that suddenly take on erysipelas or injured parts that suddenly turn gangren­
ous. Ulcers that eat and spread in every direction, better heat, very offensive,
burn like fire, skin cold and bluish, dry, like parchment, peel off in large
scales. Senile gangrene, desires more covering, better heat, the reverse of
Carb-v. The mucus membrane of the mouth, lips and throat tend to shrivel
and wrinkle and look like leather. The typical Ars. patient is an hydrogenoid

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one, inclines to anaemia, tuberculosis or scrofula and sycosis, whose irritability
of fiber begins and ends with life itself. Enables one to withstand fatigue. Can­
cer, pains cut and burn as from hot needles or knives. Euthanasia, like
Tarant-c. No other remedy has burning so marked, better heat. The liquid
trochar in dropsy. A striking tendency to ulceration wherever cold strikes a
part. Catarrhal troubles ending in ulceration. Ars., Lach, and Thuja are
antidotes to animal poisons, they go right to the root of the evil, especially in
dissecting wounds. In the chill stage of an attack the blood flows through
the vessels like ice water, in the fever stage like boiling water. Old sinners
who feel that they must get up in the night and take a drink or they will not
be able to get up in the morning, when the first three or four drinks will not
stay down. Ars. is a poison to both plant and animal; the use of Ars. on
various articles of decoration, furniture and apparel is apt to transfer its
poisonous effects to the individual; 5 and even 2 grains have destroyed life;
Ars. causes a consuming fire to prey on the vitals, while outwardly the body is
cold, clammy and shivering; the sinking of the vital forces may be caused by
circumstances, themselves, very unimportant, and that otherwise produce little
effect, cause in Ars. patients, sudden and complete sinking of the vital force,
and is apt to occur where there is neither chemical nor physical destruction of
vital organs. Ars. is the horse’s remedy, Puls., the sheep’s, and Ant-c., the
pig’s. Ars. is the remedy for feats of long endurance. Ars. acts more promi­
nently on vegetable eating animals than on the carnivorous, the opposite of
Nux. Ars. is suitable to excess of vegetable diet, melons, strawberries and
especially watery fruits. The Tryroleans can eat as much as 6 grains of white
Ars. daily or of the sulphate of Ars. every 2 days, they claim it enables them
to carry immense loads up perpendicular mountains, and it is said to be
resorted to by those who eat vegetables only, that it helps to digest their
coarse bread and potatoes and allows them to breathe more freely and easily,
but the meat eaters have no use for it. The fine skin and glossy hair of the
young women who eat Ars. is remarkable. On board a ship where a load
of Ars. was carried exposed to the sun it caused the sailors to grow stout. Ars.
has the property of uniting animal tissues, hence taxidermists use it in stuffing
the pelts of birds and animals. The chief indications in intermittent fevers
are the irregularity and inequality of the three stages; the chill is not well
defined, the fever is, and even the sweat docs not bring relief, often the chill
and heat are intermingled. The characteristic eruption is branlike, dry and
scaly and desquamates, and has servere burning lancinating pains. Anxiety,
restlessness, prostration, burning and cadaverous odors are prominent essentials
and predominate.


Clinical: Acne rosacea especially of young people; violet pustules on
the nose every Spring.


Is lazy, shirks work as it displeases one, thinking of water irritates one,
the nose feels so cold one wants to wrapped up in a warm cloth, it feel dried
up, the face is pale, eyes yellow, deep, sunken, blue rings around them, lips
colorless, sweet things taste too sweet, the appetite is poor or lost, the stomach


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up and down, dry nose, sneezes, face is sickly, expression anxious, tongue and
mouth dry, breath offensive, averse to fat, rich food and meat, desires: coffee,
sweets, warm food and drinks; extremely thirsty, dyspnoea, back constantly
cold, sensitive to a draft though one desires the open air, mucus discharges
excoriate, are offensive, thin and yellow, the pulse rapid, irregular, small,
weak and intermittent, is cold and chilly, feet cold and offensive, sweats after
waking, worse: nights especially after bathing from which one takes cold, and
especially worse after eating.
Clinical: Anaemia, physically anxious and weak, especially if due to
chronic malaria or suppressed eruptions.


Clinical: The principal use of this remedy has been in epilepsy or
spasms, especially when caused by some exciting violent emotion or fright,
the attacks repeat one after another, then intervals between, followed by
profound sleep, a profuse, fetid, cadaverous, garlicky odored sweat. Dizzi­
ness caused by colored lights, as when seated near a stained glass window,
but not by white light. Eclampsia of sucklings and teething infants. Cata­
lepsy, remains in one position, eyes fixed and stare straight ahead. Chorea,
better at night. Convulsions, of left side, right paralyzed. Epilepsy coming
on late after a blow on the head. Chlorosis, very dry skin, nervous. While
walking in the street suddenly stops, stares into space, often mumbles a few
words, becomes norma! and goes on his way unconscious of what has happened.


Has a dry, raw, tender, smarting throat, which one tries to clear by
hawking and coughing, swallowing brings on his throat symptoms, frequent
and copious urine, weak sexual powers, penis flaccid and relaxed, fine shoot­
ing pains course through the spermatic cords, inclined to be hoarse in the
a. m., may have laryngismus around 12 to 2 a. m., cold is apt to bring on
asthmatic attacks, if one has a cough it will be hoarse and croupy with an
expectoration of white pus, mucus rattles in the chest on full expectoration.


Has a painful prickling and tingling that one cannot possible let alone
in spite of the pain, bleeding, rawness and smarting it causes, one insists in
pinching and scratching the parts, picks the lips till they bleed, bores into the
sides of the nose and into the nose, presses around the mouth, is cross and
irritable in both mind and body, the child crys when offered a drink, is rest­
less and tosses about, the discharges from the nose leave red streaks on the
parts over which they pass (Cepa even cats the hair from the upper lip), the
mouth, lips and soft palate are sore and burn, the angles of the mouth
cracked and bloody, the saliva excoriates, the urine dimishes or is suppressed,
sleepless, the discharges excoriate the orifices, the vital forces depressed.
Clinical: Delirium during scarlet fever, bores into the nose. Low
types of scalet fever, diphtheria and typhoid with carphology, especially bor­
ing into the nose and its sides, picks the lips till they bleed. Coryza: violent,
fluid, acrid, nostrils sore, constant desire to pick and bore into the nose; nose

( 47 )

n / 'V i A / v l / >
Original from
stopped, worse left side, must breathe through the mouth, sneezes, worse
during the night, rawness, burning, smarting, discharge acrid, excoriating.
In all diseases of the parotid and salivary glands, they swell and become hard
and sensitive to touch. Diphtheria, ulcers cover the whole buccal cavity,
also aphthous patches. Acrid moisture over the coccyx and arms. Hay fever,
violent coryza, throat raw and sore, constant hawking. Public singers and
speakers who take cold after straining the voice, voice changes continually,
and who are voiceless on certain notes. Increase of the flow of urine is a sign
of a favorable action of the remedy. Do not give too low an attenuation,
or repeat too often.

Has a reversed peristaltic action, becomes flatulent, the stools disguistingly
offensive, extremely nervous, becomes purple when excited or out in the cold,
extreme sensitiveness to external impressions; faints almost without cause in
a close room, excitement or disturbance; bones around the eyes pain and are
better pressure (Aur., better heat and worse nights), stitching pains in one’s
ears that extend outward, riding in a carriage the nose is apt to stop high up,
the face is puffed, dark red and dusky, often chews and works a frothy saliva
out of the mouth, a ball seems to rise up into the throat causing dyspnoea,
the flatus always passes up, never down, volumes of air rise which is expelled
like air from a pop-gun, the air offensive, the stools are a blackish brown,
fluid and disgustingly offensive, but they give relief; she has bearing down
in the genitals especially while riding in a carriage; the pains, found mostly
in the bones and periosteum are worse at night, and are throbbing, the parts
affected are extremely sensitive.
Clinical: Affects especially the tibia. Hysteria from suppressed
habitual discharges, with extreme sensitiveness to external impressions. Neu­
ralgia, orbital, or iritis, severe boring pains above the orbits, throbbing at
night, better pressure and rest. Gastralgia, violent, abdomen distended,
belches wind or regurgitates liquid. Diarrhoea, disgustingly offensive, meteor-
ism which rises, regurgitates food. A little place will ulcerate and suppurate,
the ulceration will burrow, extremely sensitive. Cartilages inflame, tumify,
skin purple, pains stitch, ulcerate, fistulous ulcers form. Old scars turn
purple, threaten to suppurate, take on a venous aspect, become painful and
turn black and ulcerate. Full of discharges all ichorous and disgustingly
offensive. Deep flat ulcers from bone and periosteal affections, discharge
blood, water, horribly offensive, pains shoot outward, varicose veins surround
the ulcer. Ulcers, purple around them, skin adheres to the bone and is glued
down by adhesions. Glands all over the body are hot and throb, pains jerk
and shoot. Offensiveness is characteristic. Women: feeble, flabby, venous,
prone to haemorrhage and miscarriage; whose breasts fill up with milk even
though not pregnant.


Is extremely sensitive and nervous, scratching on linen or any similar
substance is unbearable, sends a most disagreeable thrill throughout one, arrest­
ing both thought and action, emotions cause cold shivers, feels light as if
hovering in the air and had no body, nervous» irritable, exalted, has jerking


Original from
pains in the legs, ears feel plugged up by a foreign body, the taste is disgust­
ing, the tongue whitish and thickly furred, anxious at the stomach mornings
on waking and an ungovernable longing for alcohol, the stools usually consist
of shaggy, stringy masses of inodorous mucus and may contain ascarides;
retching aggravates, but relieves the head; better: cold bathing, damp weather
and cold air, yet always shrinking from the cold.
Clinical: Sedentary literary men who are sick and chilly and shrink
from the cold.


Clinical: Headache, nervous, after suppressed sweat, dry, cool skin,
scanty urine, weak pulse, followed by sweat and copious urine. Constipation,
pain in the right side and lower limbs, loss of appetite. Dropsy: increased
quantity of urine and sweat; menses suppressed; has a special influence on
nerve tissue. Rheumatism acute, confined to the larger joints with much
pain and swelling.


Is affected with catarrhal complaints from cold, damp weather with
sharp stitching pains, worse motion, and frequent coryza, much sneezing,
sensitive to the odor of tobacco, vomits bile, often feels during stool as of a
stream of fire passing through the abdomen and as if the bowels would come
out, urine dark red, skin hot and sweaty, sharp cutting pains appear in the
chest on stooping.
Clinical: Diarrhoea: of children; in warm weather when the nights
are cold and damp. Pleurodynia, or acute pleurisy, pains shoot downward
from the left nipple, the left side of the neck stiff; pains move up from the
bowels to behind the sternum, becoming sharper and cutting, worse long
breath and motion of arms as if triturating. Rheumatism, muscular and
articular, stitching pains, dark red urine, skin hot and sweaty.


Has thick, yellow nasal discharges in the morning, or hard, flaky, dark
gray and often offensive, thirst, desire for cold things, is worse eating, sub­
ject to abdominal colic, is hoarse and talks with difficulty, the organs slow to
respond, the mucus membranes seeming thick, subject to cramps in the chest,
the face becomes blue.
Clinical: Aphthoc of children, mouth and throat sore, stomach irri­
tated. Diarrhoea, high fever, throat sore, scarlet eruption.

ASPARAGUS (Asparag.)
Has much trouble with the bladder, palpitation, pain about the heart,
languid and disinclined toward mental and physical labor; the child con­
stantly desires to be carried abont in the arms; sneezes often, face is pale,
bloated, waxlike, expression of anxiety and distress, scanty straw-colored
offensive urine often with small quantities of gravel and deposits a greasy
sediment on the sides of the vessel, the breathing becomes oppressed, difficult


Original from
n in iti7 P ri hv ,o 1p
and rapid and worse from ascending motion, must sit up at night in bed, the
pulse is weak, slow and irregular, the heart throbs strongly and it extends
over a large area.
Clinical: Cystitis from a cold, pus and mucus in the urine, tenesmus,
bladder weak, prostate enlarged, palpitation and pain around the heart. Car­
diac affections of old people with weak pulse and pain around the left shoul­
der. Dropsy, rheumatic, constricting pain in the region of the heart forcing
one to cry out, especially when voiding the last drops of urine. An excellent
article of diet in rheumatism and renal dropsy.
Has a glowing red face especially in fevers, canker spots in the mouth,
stools the color of pipe clay, stinging pains appear in his kidneys that are
worse at night, the cervical glands swell, is inwardly chilly, sensitive to the
air, and has itching in various parts of the body.
Clinical: Thick crusty eruption on the scalp, lymphatics enlarged.
Liver complaints, with urticaria. Diarrhoea and vomiting, with colicky
pains. Swollen cervical glands, in children and the aged. Violent fever,
headache, glowing red face, inwardly chilly and sensitive to the air.


Is impatient and easily excited by emotions, especially contradiction,
has strong congestion in the head, head hot as if surrounded by hot air, the
taste and appetite are lost, constipated; her left breast is particularly affected;
has great agitation and little sleep, desires cold drinks, coffee aggravates all
the symptoms and excites them anew.
Clinical: Chorea, quiet only when the hands are in the pockets, at
other times the arms and legs tremble and impede walking. Acne punctata,
black tips with small red bases. Face red before apoplexy, earthy with cancer,
pale with set jaws in epilepsy. Left breast feels drawn in, nipple is sunken
into a cavity. Cancer, edges sensitive, discharge fetid. Epilepsy, twitching
over the body before the attack, weak, pale, sudden falling, livid face and
convulsive motion of the jaw, froth at the mouth, shocks in the limbs, great
debility and a sense of distress in the epigastrium after the attack.

Clinical: Stupefaction and confusion rises like a vapor from the lower
part of the occiput upon motion or walking.

Clinical: Acute rheumatism from sleeping on a damp bed, limbs pain,
swell, are red, sleepless, fever and profuse sweat. Neuralgia under the knee,
better, warm wraps; left knee and leg and right big toe stiff.


Clinical: Epilepsy: before attack: pain begins in the occiput and
passes over the right side of the head and locates over the right eye, increasing
until the attack sets in, morose, prefers solitude and a dark room; after the


Original from
_____ t .
attack, headache, during menses, cough. Iris prolapsed after injury to the
cornea. Deep ulcers in the center of the cornea that tend to perforate to
prevent the iris from being drawn into the opening. Tumor in the region
of the pylons close to the navel, sensitive to touch and easily movable.
Chronic neuralgia of the perineum. Failure of the heart’s action after
chloroform or other heart paralyzers.

Clinical: An orange taken before breakfast is said to destroy the crav­
ing for alcoholic drinks. Children eating plenty of oranges peeled by them
selves get an eruption simulating scarlet fever.


Has profound mental depression, settled melancholy, suicidal mania, is
weary of and loathes Life, longs to die, a complete loss of all enjoyment of
life, is hopeless and extremely irritable, lacks self-confidence, looks on the
dark side of everything, always in a vexed state, a weak memory, is extremely
anxious, palpitation, complaints begin in the p. m. and last all night, vascular
erethism aocompanies all the complaints, boring, knifelike pains in the perios­
teum drive one out of bed and to despair, compels one to walk, the glands
are all affected, especially those about the groins and the lymphatics in the
abdomen, desires the open air, extreme photophobia, bad odor from the nose
and mouth, a pale face, slow digestion, turbid urine, walking fast affects the
breathing as does ascending stairs or a warm room, pulse small, weak and
rapid especially when thinking of one’s ailment, sleepless from palpitation or
any excitement, the predominating pains are boring and stitching; is worse:
in the house or warm room, and from sunrise to sunset, and better in cold,
wet weather.
Clinical: No remedy produces a more acute mental depression. Iritis,
great vasularity, especially worse touch, sore around the eye as if in the bones,
like Asa., but Asa. is better pressure. Hemiopia, upper vision lost. Pale
red spots on the face in heart affections. W art on the tongue. Hernia, in­
guinal, of children. Heavy ring of warts around the anus. Sterility, especially
from want of children causing mental depression. Pining boys and girls at
puberty; undeveloped testes of puny boys. Asthma, purely nervous, em­
physema, of the aged. Dropsy of the lower limbs, painful, pits on pressure,
worse at night, better a. m., profound melancholy, dyspnoea, heart and pulse
weak, discharge from nose often bloody. Violent pain in head and cranial
bones, worse at night, pressure outward, roaring in the head, sparks before
the eyes, longs for death. Nose inflamed, deep destruction of tissue, caries
of nasal bones sore to touch, discharge fetid, purulent and bloody, boring
pains worse at night. Disease of facial bones involving mastoid, horrible
odor from nose and mouth. Nephritis with cardiac and hepatic diseases.
Testes on the verge of atrophy in pining boys, despondent, lifeless, poor
memories, tongue commonly coated at back, appetite poor for plain food.
Pains make one so desperate that one w-ould like to jump out of the w-indow\
Uterine complaints and abortion from straining, reaching high with the arms,
as in fixing a window- curtain. Induration and ulceration of the womb from
repeated abortions. Inflammation of the bones with caries. Erethism and


Original from
rN: ______ _i n / A i A / I I />
vascular fullness characterize nearly all the complaints of Aur. Chronic
enlarged testes and lumps in the breasts. Ranks with Puls, as to temperature,
but is obstinate and irascible. Occipital pain with cardiac disease, circulation
sluggish, face purple, skin dusky. Hemiopia of the left eye, occasional showers
of bright starlike bodies in upper dark section of the field of vision. Goitre,
exophthalmic, heart enlarged, eyes protrude. Iritis, pain around the eye as
if in the bone. Necrosis of the bones of the nose, nose flattens down, pieces
of bone discharge. Coryza, discharge like white of egg. Tip of nose red,
like Lach.; strawberry nose. Craving for alcohol. Hopeless with heart
disease, hopeful with lung disease. Condylomata around anus with stinging
in the perineum. Nightly boring pains are characteristic. Always to be
thought of in interstitial changes of the heart, liver and kidneys and in the
gouty diathesis. Orchitis, especially of the right side.


Is weary of life and wants to jump out of the window*, always in a
hurry and excited, neglects one’s family and children, faultfinding and critical,
averse to being spoken to, impatient and restless, pupils contracted, face hot
w'ith suffering expression, breath offensive and putrid, grinds the teeth at
night, bitter eructations, averse to food and meat, desire for alcoholic stimu­
lants, cold drinks and milk, physically irritable, pulse rapid, irregular, small
and weak, worse: in the open air w*hich one desires and in cold, wet w*eather
and from mental and physical exertion, and better from heat, the warm
bed and in Summer.
Clinical: Attacks of faintness, cold, pulse weak with attacks of con­
gestion alternating, red face and palpitation.


Has a strong desire for and feels better in the open air, excited, averse
to company, restless, sensitive to noise, an obstructed nose which discharges
a thick, purulent, offensive matter yellow* in color, nostrils ulcerated, appetite
ravenous, thirst extreme, constipation, copious albuminous urine, aching in
the testes; she has induration of the w*omb and ovaries with a thick yellow*
leucorrhoea; there is also constriction of the chest and tumultuous palpitation.
Clinical: Thyroid enlarged, especially right side, pulse rapid, eyes


Has inclination to suicide, depressed, melancholy, desires company, if
left alone thinks of nothing but one’s ailment and becomes more out of humor,
w*eeps, averse to work, restless, head hot, limbs cold, face pale w*ith single red
spots, lip deep red, taste lost, urine increased and turbid w’ith a peculiar odor
and sediment, pain in the region of the kidneys, respiration anxious and
abdominal, a crushing weight under the sternum, palpitation when thinking
of his disease, constriction of the chest w*hen walking up hill and feels as if
one must stop walking, sleepless from excitement or palpitation, cold, copious
sweat, dry and shrunken skin, one is worse at night and from music and better
gentle motion.


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i \ I, »
Clinical: Keratitis, cornea opaque, dense mass of blood vessels in
cornea, tends to staphyloma, ciliary injection, photophobia and loss of vision.
Gonorrhoeal discharge, both groins swollen. Especially valuable for uterine
haemorrhage, if syphilitic. Chronic syphilitic eye diseases with loss of vision,
also after scarlet fever. Infants with inherited syphilis, snuffles and dented
noses. Faces with red spots on cheeks in heart trouble. Cancer of the
tongue. Liver troubles with heart disease, albuminuria and dropsy of the


Clinical: Said to be the best preparation of gold in cases of uterine
haemorrhage and induration.


Has suicidal impulse, vexed, irritable, pressure over the eyes, the whites
of which are yellow, bloody discharge from the nose, fetid and ichorus, pale
complexion, fetid odor from the mouth, white tongue, dirty looking teeth
that get loose, receding gums, loss of appetite, constipation, stools like white
clay, dark urine, copious sweat, yellow skin, is worse in cold, wet weather
and at rest.
Clinical: Uterus congested and inflamed, falls of its own weight and
fills the whole pelvic cavity interfering with the action of the bladder and
bowels. Chronic ophthalmia, especially if scrofulous. Nose swollen, hard,
shiny, erysipelatous symptoms are apt to set in if one takes cold. Said to
have more power over uterine tumors than any of the gold preparations. Irri­
table, bilious, sanguine persons are more obnoxious to its effects than the
phlegmatic. Hysterical spasms starting from the abdomen, often .rifh pulsa­
tions in the occiput.


Has despair of recovery, desire for death, anxious, desire for open air,
excitable, aversion to company, mental prostration, constant nodding of the
head, eyes worse from exertion of vision, offensive, thick yellow discharge
from the nose which is purulent, cracked lips, putridly offensive breath,
aversion to food and meat, desire for stimulants, cold drinks, coffee and milk,
large knotty stools, scanty urine, cold legs, hands and feet, vivid dreams,
small, irregular, weak pulse and especially rapid, sensitiveness to touch and
contact, is better walking.


Clinical: Has been used, 2 to 30 drops of the tincture, in the nervous
exhaustion of brain workers or from worry and anxiety, also for sexual
neurasthenia, usually due to excessive indulgence or to onanism. O f great
value for alcoholics who are nervous, sleepless and seem to be on the verge
of delirium tremens. Especially useful in the treatment of the opium or
morphine habit. Often palliates paralysis agitans, chorea and the wasting
diseases of old age.


Original from
Diniti7Pf1 hv C Z n i u iIp
Clinical: Acts most prominently on the apices of the lungs. Bronchitis,
influenza or measles.

Is subject to easy fright especially from dogs, taciturn, sulky, snappish,
fretful, morose, melancholic to the point of insanity, grinds the imperfectly
developed teeth at night, the tongue looks like a strawberry, flatus fetid, urine
copious, pale, sediment whitish, cough so hard it shakes one during sleep but
does not waken one, has sharp pains in the heart that arrest one's breathing,
also sharp pains in the left scapula, is worse lying in bed at night and better
heat, has a sense of a damp cloth on the spine, the hands tremble, drowsy
during the day and sleepless at night, talks in the sleep, has copious sweat.

Has a thick yellow expectoration that suddenly flies from the mouth
almost half way across the room when one coughs, mind always clear and
active under all circumstances, is subject to paroxysms of pain in the eyes,
face usually pale and ashy, mouth and breath hot, feverish, great thirst for
large quantities at a time, catarrh of the throat and larynx, asthmatic respira­
tion, strangles during the cough and face turns dark, the muscles and espe­
cially the integuments are sore, worse motion and the friction of the clothing,
the lymphatics tend to enlarge and indurate, palpitation from least exertion,
sensitive to cold and especially to cold air, feels sore as if bruised, is worse
stormy weather and better in the warm room.
Clinical: Intermittent neuralgia of right eyeball, extends to forehead
and temples, worse afternoon. Hay fever, sneezes, watery discharge from
nostrils and mouth. Indurated buboes, syphilitic and mistreated, especially
left, hard, unequal, bums, stitches at night. Chancre suppressed by cautery
or mercurial ointment, elevated cicatrics. Uterine haemorrhage, worse nights,
head feels large. Whooping cough, thick yellow expectoration that flies from
the mouth and nose. Chronic rheumatism, worse cold and especially cold
air, stormy weather and afternoon, better warm room.


Clinical: Used externally for killing the itch acarus (if an external
application must be used, oil of lavender is better), rub gently over the
affected parts at night, then take a bath in the morning, one application is
said to be sufficient


Clinical: Hectic flush after tea. Distressing oppression in abdomen,
fullness in left hypochondrium, actual dyspnoea compelling one to assume an
erect posture, located either in the spleen or splenic nerve.


Original from
D i n i t i 7 Pf1 h v
in learning to talk, like Agar, and Natr-m., easily frightened and afraid of
strangers; expression stupid and vacant, always whining; pain in the stomach
after eating, abdomen tense, distended and hard, the piles, if any, protrude
during stool and urination, the feet are as cold and clammy as Calc., takes
cold easily and apt to have quinsy, sensitive to cold and wants to be well
wrapped up, has well marked weakness with a weak pulse, is worse thinking
of his symptoms and better heat except the head which is better in the open air.
Clinical: Tendency to tonsilitis, especially with dry scurf on the head,
throat worse on empty swallowing. Scrofulous ophthalmia, pain better look­
ing downward. Suffocative catarrh of the aged after failure of Ant-t. Am­
blyopia, cannot look at any object, sparks in the eyes when in the dark. Head­
ache of the aged, worse after waking, after meals and near the warm stove,
feels stupified. Extremely valuable in the degenerative changes in the coats
of the arteries, aneurism, arterial fibrosis, in apoplexy as the result of senility,
and fatty tumors about the neck and back. Mind impaired from masturbation,
irresolute, memory lost, loss of self confidence. Crusta Iactea, crusts moist,
hair falls, especially with swollen glands. Suppuration of middle ear, espe­
cially with suppurating tonsils. Coryza, great swelling of the upper lip.
Paralysis of the tongue of the aged. Submaxillaries swollen and indurated;
especially those posterior to the parotids. Tonsils suppurate from every cold,
inflame and swell, habitual foot sweat. Habitual colic of children who do
not thrive, and though apparently hungry, refuse food. Mesenteric glands
of abdomen enlarge, swell, become hard, swollen and painful, child scroful­
ous. Constipation, stools hard and knotty, piles burn, sore. Chronic aphonia
of scrofulous people. If tonsils inflame, especially the right, the ear in­
volved, the patient cross and snappy and uncivil, give Cham. Pain in the
knees on kneeling; Spig. on rising from kneeling. As the body emaciates,
the abdomen enlarges. All the glandular enlargements form knotty chains,
especially about the neck and head. Premature old age is prominent feature
in all diseases calling for Bar-c. Old apoplectics with ruptured blood vessels.
Palpitation of chlorotic girls. Like Psor., removes the predisposition to
quinsy. Fatty tumors about the back, neck and scalp (wens). Impotency of
old men with no ability and enlarged prostate.


Has a dull, weak mind, restless, sad, averse to company, prefers to sit
and brood, anxious and inclined to weep, angry, photophobia, pupils dilated,
face drawn, looks shrunken, is red when congested, lips bluish, thirst extreme
and unquenchable, tongue and mouth dry, offensive mucus in the mouth, con­
stipated, stools hard and knotty, urine copious, pulse fast, hard, full and
small, strong desire for open air, is especially worse walking and better in
either cold or open air.


Is mentally weak, physically anxious, sexually excited, glands enlarge,
profound and increasingly muscular weakness, desires open air even though it
aggravates, dreads bathing, thick offensive crusts cover the head, shuns light;
the child lies on the abdomen all the time; the ear pains are better sipping
cold water, submaxilliaries swell, harden and pain, tongue furred, copious


r , . i A
Original from
saliva runs from the mouth, tonsils swell and suppurate after every cold and
are usually worse in Autumn and Spring, sneezes in the sleep without waking,
varicose veins in the throat, has tonsilitis if the habitual foot sweat is sup­
pressed, abdomen is distended, swollen and hard, constipation, piles protrude
during urination, worms are apt to pass in the stool, urine very offensive,
frequent and yellowish, toes cramp and are better drawing up the limb; the
child sits in a corner and gives confused answers; is worse in wet weather
and in the Spring and Fall.
Clinical: Affects all the glands. Is valuable in loss of power, paresis
of the pharynx and Eustachian tubes with clucking sounds on swallowing and
sneezing, the air being forced into the tympanum too easily. Aneurism of
the aorta, palpitation, chest full and painful and the thorax swollen close
to the sternum. Every form of mania as soon as the sexual desire is in­
creased. Painless symptoms predominate, pain is the exception. Abscess
behind both ears, discharge copious, offensive, like old cheese or spoiled cheese,
and purulent, especially after scarlet fever. Worms, nausea, vomiting, violent
colic. Phthisical condition of the chest, herpetic eruptions and indurated


Is very anxious, especially with the fever, always in a hurry, suspicious,
loss of willpower and marked irritability, especially in the p. m., faints even
to unconsciousness, physically anxious, desires and is relieved in the open air,
especially worse a. m., forenoon, night, after a hearty meal and bathing; she
is worse before and during her menses, better walking in the open air, scalp
itches, pains appear especially in the sides of the head, the eyes worse from
light, vision becomes dim on exerting it, roaring in the ears, hearing impaired,
nose dry internally, pain in maxillary glands, pressing in the stomach after
eating, waterbrash, pain in the lower limbs and restless sleep.
Clinical: Piles, external; constant moisture at anus. Leucorrhoea,
copious, smarting, the menses scanty. Corns sore, sting, bum, are painful.
Warts small, sting.

Has burning, heat and redness to which dryness may be added, in the
very highest degree, the heat so intense as to leave a sense of heat in the
examining fingers (Hyos. has a similar sense, only not so intense, and the
heat left after the examination is left in the part of the patient touched by the
examiner), the carotids throb violently, head hot, body cold, eyes suffused
and brilliant, pupils fully dilated and sensitive to light, face, body and throat
a beautiful red (in the reaction, pale), hot and dry, great thirst craving for
lemonade which agrees, active, sensitive and restless, pulse full, rapid, hard
and strong, pains are clutching, stabbing and like the sweats, come and go
suddenly with violence though they may last any length of time; sleepy but
cannot sleep, muscles jerk and twitch in the sleep, subject to vertigo which
makes one feel as if sinking through the bed, anxious, sensitive to touch,
noise and especially jar of the bed and bright light, is worse from 3 p. m.
till either midnight or 3 a. m.


rN: i i_. n / a , w»L:> Original from

Clinical: An angel when well, a devil when sick. Convulsions are
violent, congestion to the head with face red and hot. Valuable if one takes
cold from a slight draft of air, especially after having the hair cut. Spasms,
hysterical, wild actions, tries to escape, especially from the bed, head and
face hot, either fear or fury, the more active the delirium the more likely to
be Bell.; it comes on especially about 3 p. m. and lasts until midnight, is apt
to be wild and strike, bite and tear things; better eating a little light food,
sees things on fire, bites the spoon, barks like a dog, head hot, feet cold, in­
sane laughter, turns and rolls in bed in perfect rage, skin burns and is hot
and red. Headache: terrific, head feels full of blood; violent at base of brain,
head drawn backward; violent throbbing of the carotids, face red; are almost
universally worse with least noise or light; so violent one seems to almost go
blind and become unconscious; worse bending forward, as the head is drawn
backward; head especially sensitive to cold, the reverse of Glon.; from having
the hair cut, standing in the cool air with the hat oft", or getting the head
wet, worse rising from a chair, better gradually increasing pressure. Brain
troubles with thick white delicate fur all over the tongue. Glaucoma: Bell,
must be given occasionally and the use of atropine is strictly forbidden as it
brings on acute glaucoma, though it will not cure the chronic disorder.
Parotitis, erysipelatous swelling. Ciliary neuralgia, great heat, throbbing
pain. Otitis, acute, one of the very best remedies, terrific pain, rolls head,
screams, hearing lost. Nose swollen, red and hot. Give a dose of the 200x
before having the hair cut to prevent taking cold. Face pale in brain affec­
tions. Mouth and throat red, hot and dry, inflamed, worse right side; throat
and tonsils inflame, become sore and burn like coals of fire, are scarlet red.
Nausea and vomiting are more frequently present than is generally supposed.
Abdominal affections characterized by extreme sensitiveness to touch, intoler­
ance of even the clothing and great heat. Gallstone and renal colic, clutch­
ing pains that stab and come and go quickly. Piles, blind, forcing and great
sensitiveness. Dysentery, mucus membrane of anus swollen, averted and ex­
tremely tender. Diarrhoea of green mucus and blood after a hair cut. Dysen­
tery, especially of children. Dysuria especially of children and excitable
women. Prolapsus uteri; womb and especially the right ovary inflamed,
heavy dragging, forcing pains as if the womb was full of blood, also sup­
pressed menses with those symptoms; soreness and heaviness of the womb,
must sit or lie with the limbs drawn up. Especially suited to plethoric vigor­
ous individuals and intelligent people. The inflammations are all usually
attended with violent heat. At first the skin is bright shiny red, later becomes
pale or mottled. In inflammation of the glands there will be a spot as red
as fire on each; mucus membranes inflame and become scarlet red. Liver
burns. Inflamed parts swell rapidly. Throbbing everywhere. Convulsions:
worse motion of brainy infants, head good-sized, of boys especially, from
exposure to cold, from light or motion. Congestions rise upward; strabismus
remaining after congestions, great pain in the ileocoecal region, cannot bear
least touch, even of bed clothes. Irritation of bladder and along urinary
tract, sensitive to jar, after urination sits and strains, while urging is violent
and sudden, women lose their urine on becoming cold, children start in their
sleep and wet the bed. Nervous sensitive women with clutching at the
mouth of the vagina. In confinement the pains leave and convulsions come
on. Haemorrhage, blood hot, bright red, copious and mixed with clots;
relieves hour-glass contractions. Useful in confinement of former old maids,


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and married women who have their children late in life. Hoarseness, raw­
ness, dryness and clutching in the throat. All the symptoms of croup but
without the membrane. Cough from clutching in the larynx, child crys
when feeling the urge to cough because of the pain in the chest. Pneumonia
and pleurisy worse lying on the painful side, reverse of Bry. Swelling of the
joints, great heat and redness, worse jar and motion, especially if very sensi­
tive to cold, and better heat. Drawing the finger, with pressure, on the
scarlet skin leaves a white line. T o dry up the milk: one dram of the tincture
to the oz. of olive oil, mix and apply to the breast. Lies with the feet crossed,
cannot uncross them, like Therid., sits with the feet crossed, cannot uncross
them. Sleep, no matter how sound, is never quiet. Burning heat internally
and externally (Ars., hot outside, cold inside, reverse of Carb-v.). On
raising the bed clothes hot steam rises. Said to be a preventive of scarlet
fever, 2 or 3 doses daily. Vinegar retards the action of Bell., but lemonade
aids it. Bell, is inert to goats and rabbits. Women and children who are
sensitive and receive no sympathy, and not able to control themselves per­
fectly. Mentally active children who come down suddenly and violently,
whose disease stay any length of time and get well as suddenly. Os rigid
and thin during labor; Gels, rigid and thick. Retained placenta, hot gushes
of blood. Mammae inflamed, extremely sensitive and hot. Laryngitis acute,
great hoarseness or aphonia, larynx dry and painfully sore or feels swollen,
with suffocation; or, chronic cough like the bark of a dog, with no fever or
soreness. Whooping cough, face and head hot, epistaxis. Spinal irritation,
pressure on dorsal vertebrae causes screams and distress in stomach, or violent
cough and flushed face. Sciatica, nerves extremely sensitive as if uncovered,
can bear no pressure on the affected part. Child has restless sleep, starts sud­
denly, arms twitch, eyes half closed, head hot, fright, pupils dilated. Scarlet
fever, throat red, hot and dry, nausea, vomits, head hot or delirium. Chew­
ing motion of mouth as though chewing or sucking. The most characteristic
expression of Bell, is said to be: flushed face, throbbing carotids, hard, pound­
ing pulse and the wild delirium that ever attends its operations. A splendid
remedy in boils and abscesses, when indicated, especially in the first stage,
when it promotes resolution and prevents suppuration.


Clinical: 111 effects of sudden wet, chilled or iced drinks while over­
heated, tired and desires to lie down, wakens early and cannot go to sleep
again. Tumor from a blow. Stasis and brain-fag. Do not give near bed­
time as it may cause sleeplessness. Debility following gout attacks. First
remedy in injury to the deeper tissues after a major surgical operation. Acts
much like Arn., even to the arousing of the tendency to erysipelas.

Is irritable and weepy with a sense of clairvoyance, a great white hand
appears in the dark causing one to scream, has a sense of falling through the
bed and floor, pains in the occiput that dart upward, eyes that ache and throb
on turning them upward, pains in the anus that extend upward, in short, all
pains extend upward, is chilly with insomonia and photoscopic illusions.


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n , / . . . I />
Is dizzy, staggers, has pains in the head, periodically color blind, field of
vision contracted, tobacco distasteful, dyspnoea interferes with smoking, a
murmur in the pulmonary artery, an exaggerated knee jerk and a general
sense of numbness and paralysis.


Clinical: Spasms, head drawn backward to the left, pupils dilated, eye-
balls roll in their vertical axis, face and lips blue, involuntary belchings and
stool, slow respiration, blue finger nails, the secretions smell strongly of oil
of bitter almonds.


The urine and stools have a very offensive, strongly urinous pungent
odor, usually dark urine, but light urine may alternate with the heavy urine,
is anxious and shudders on seeing deformity; the child is cross and wants to
be held in the arms and will not be laid down; dull occipital pains come on in
the night from weather changes, the pains often shift to the base of the brain,
face red, if the joint pains cease, the tongue is apt to swell and the throat be­
come sore, digestion is weak and even becomes deranged on ascending a
height, stools are copious, white or light colored, like soap suds and very
offensive, the highly offensive urine usually contains mucus and pus, the pains
change places incessantly, trembles with palpitation and awakens nights with
violent pulsations, his heart is better when the pains go back to the limbs,
especially to the knees, and also by a copious flow of urine, the pulse is hard
and frequent, sweat does not relieve, is worse in stormy weather and from
wine, see that one avoids wine.
Clinical: Angina and tonsilitis with the characteristic urine, also
bed-wetting. Diarrhoea, offensive, stools light colored, like soapsuds, copious,
of urinous odor, urine dark and very strong. Cystitis, bed-wetting, nephritic
colic, rheumatism, etc., all with the characteristic urine, also prolapsus uteri.
Asthma in rheumatic persons, bronchitis and pneumonia, chest tender, cough
worse at night lying on the right side. Valvular disease of the heart. Gout,
rheumatism, gouty deposits in the wrist, etc., all with the characteristic urine.
Complaints: come on whenever the urine is scanty, better when the urine
becomes free; go to the stomach, like Ant-c., with loathing, gagging, nausea
and vomiting; that are changeable. Bed-wetting of children, when the child
and the house smell uncleanly. Dull aches and pains appear, especially in
the occiput, every time one takes cold, from the urine becoming scanty. T on­
silitis with the characteristic urine.


Has pains that burn, stitch, especially tear, worse with deep pressure,
extend down the back and into the pelvis along the course of the ureters, or
wander from joint to joint, or locate in one spot and from there radiate in
every direction along the nerve sheaths, the back feels stiff and numb, the
urine yellow, turbid and flocculent, face is pale and worn looking, cheeks

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sunken and hollow, blue circles under the eyes, apathetic, indifferent, melon-
cholic, the saliva sticky, frothy, like soapsuds or cotton, thirsty, has sticking,
stabbing pains under the borders of the false ribs of the right side that take
the breath away and cause one to bend over, the urine has a whitish sediment,
later becoming red and mealy, one is pale, sickly and chilly, pulse slow and
weak, is worse in motion and better in the open air.
Clinical: The child has terrifying aparitions at twilight when it
imagines forms surrounding it. Gouty concretions in the auricles that be­
come very painful with pains that tear and sting. The saliva is sticky and
frothy like soapsuds or cotton. Colic: gallstone, sudden pain in the liver
like a knife stabbing, jaundice, pain worse with pressure, distress, belching,
indigestion, salivation, vomits food after eating, pains extend over abdomen
and back. Diarrhoea painless, stools change color, anus burns and smarts,
complexion sallow, tender over the region of the liver, pains extend around
abdomen. After an operation for fistula in and when the tearing pain comes
on. Renal colic, or calculi, pains extend from kidneys along ureters to blad­
der, burning in uterus and bladder. Enlarged prostate, pressure on perineum
as from a lump pressing down. Uterine symptoms and leucorrhoea, painful
urinary symptoms. Dysmenorrhoea, pains radiate in every direction, down
thighs and into abdomen. Vaginismus, kidneys inflamed. After kidney
complaints, a foul taste and rush of blood to the throat. Polypus of larynx.
Lumbago, pain to, around the body and down the legs, urine red, mucus
sediment Neuralgia under the finger nails. Especially suited to elderly,
gouty people who are pale, sickly and chilly, with twinges in the finger joints
where deposits are usually painful, who are tired though not old in years,
whose domestic affairs tire her and fret her, coition becomes painful and she
has an aversion to it, the organism is delayed or absent and it prostrates her.
Radiating pains from a given point is a distinguishing feature of this drug.
Has a sense of bubbling under the skin. Its most marked symptoms are said
to be the pains in the region of the kidneys, which are sticking, digging and
Has intense thirst, cold drinks relieve, but as soon as the stomach is full
there is vomiting of enormous quantities, the food being retained longer than
the water, or vomits water only, great prostration, the surface warm, often
warm sweat, tongue coated and thickly white, stools watery, odor cadaverous
and painless, restless and full of anguish, discontented, complains about one’s
condition, the child desires company and holds on to the mother’s hand; the
head pains are better with cold drinks and bathing, face pale, blue rings
around the eyes, the urine frequent, pale and watery, the pains cramping,
piercing, screwing and tearing.
Clinical: Headache violent, neuralgic, alternating with gastralgia, the
pains involve the face and teeth, worse eating, better cold, as if parts were
pierced or torn by pincers. Prosopalgia, pressure in region of molar bone,
better holding cold water in the mouth and running about. Gastric catarrh
with gastralgia, pain from stomach through the spine. The gastric disorders
requiring Bism. vary, but usually are bunting, with a feeling of a load, or
hard lump in the stomach, like Ab-n., vomits food and mucus, stomach better
with cold drinks, like Puls. Gastritis occurring during the progress of chronic

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diseases, as scirrhus. Diarrhoea and cholera infantum, stools painless, thirst,
tongue coated thickly white, vomits. The epigastric pains burn, gripe, or
lancinating dull pain in the back, and spasmodic vomiting. Pure gastralgia
not associated with any catarrh or any symptom of indigestion.


Clinical: Dreams that his arms are being cauterized and arrows
being thrust into the muscles, as of a forcing body under the skin (Cocaine,


Has suffering from coldness, especially of the saliva and vagina, sighs
and weeps alternately, sad, nervous, depressed, noises in the ear, uncontrollable
vomiting of tough greenish matter, pasty stools, frequent copious urine; her
vagina feels as if packed with ice; pearly vesicles on her face and neck and
formication of her hands, feet and face, she is better walking in the open air.


Has day blindness, reverse of Bell., can scarcely see after sunrise, can
scarcely articulate though one has no affection of the tongue, breathing op­
pressed, more or less bloody expectoration, subject to intolerable pain in the
big toe, slight shiverings followed by copious cold sweat, especially useful for
haemorrhagic constitutions which are broken down.

BORAX (Bor.)
All the complaints are worse downward motion, as going down an
elevator or hill, whether riding or walking, or from being laid down, or
from rocking, or from being dangled up and down, all other motions not
being noticed; the child, even if asleep will awaken suddenly and have a de­
cidedly anxious look on its face and scream in fear as if afraid of falling;
starts at the least noise, from hearing bad news or from excitement, nervous,
fearful, apprehensive; child screams before passing urine, like Lvc. and Sars.,
because the urine is hot; while nursing the child lets go the nipple, cries out
with pain and refuses to nurse again because of its sore mouth; fretful and
ill-humored before stool, better and more cheerful after stool, nauseated by
thoughts of ones work, white discharges, stools always contain mucus, urine
is hot, acrid, has a pungent odor, during her menses she has throbbing in her
head and a rush of blood to her ears, the flow is apt to be membranous, she
has a starchy or white of egglike leucorrhoea which may even occur without
any other ailment, also a pain in the opposite breast to which the child nurses.
Clinical: The dread of downward motion is extremely characteristic
of Bor. Eyelids inflame at edges, edges turn in and rub against the eyeball.
Facial erysipelas, sore, sense of a cobweb on the face. Aphthoe, mouth sore,
ulcers bleed on either eating or touch, child on nursing lets go the nipple and
cries out in pain and vexation and refuses to nurse again; mouth very hot
often with thirst and vomiting; if the aphthoe reaches the stomach the child
will gag, retch and cough; aphthoe appearing all around the anus, the anus

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emits a fluid like boiled starch, like Arg-n. Stricture of the rectum, stool no
larger than a pencil is able to pass. Diarrhoea in nursing infants preceded
by colic, stools mostly soft, light yellow mucus and offensive, with the char­
acteristic sore mouth and hot urine. Child afraid to urinate and almost goes
into convulsions when the desire comes. Bor. takes away all the sexual
desire from both sexes. The mother’s milk is too thick and tastes badly,
the child loathes it. Pleurodynia, or true pleurisy of right chest, cough and
expectoration of a mouldy taste. Parts usually red turn white. Avoid Ac-ac.,
vinegar and wine.

Has a puffy, enlarged sense, flatulent distension, noisy flatus, irritable,
takes things amiss, sensitive to touch, awkward and lets things fall from the
hands, like Agar, and Apis, easily intoxicated, sudden attacks of vertigo while
standing, head feels as if large or enlarging, face pale on rising a. m., upper
lip pale and swollen, mouth feels numb, poor appetite, thirsty, can bear no
tight clothing around the waist, urine red and often a desire after urinating,
breathing short, especially while working with the hands, expectoration so
viscid it can hardly be discharged, heart feels enormously enlarged, the fingers
are easily dented by instruments, as shears and knives with which one is work­
ing, the indentations last long.
Clinical: Asthma, convulsive motions of the muscles of the face before
the attack. Colic better bending double, like Col., but unlike Col., Bov. has
red urine and is better eating. Diarrhoea especially before and during the
menses, menses either too early or too late, flow copious, dark and clotted,
mostly at night or in the a. m. Eczema, red, bums, itches, disturbs sleep;
moist and forms thick crusts. Urticaria and the bad effects from the local
use of tar. Tetter, moist or dry, that appears in hot weather and during
the full moon.

Has a fluttering sense in the region of her right ovary, abdomen and
stomach; weak, irritable, pain in the groins, urging to urinate, pressing in
the neck of the bladder with soreness and pain in the bladder after urinating.
Clinical: Horses eating the young shrubs are said to lose all power
over their legs and spine; cows are said to do the same thing after eating

Becomes easily heated and suffers therefrom, complaints come on in the
night after a very hot Summer day, or in hot weather, or when confined in
a hot room, or after going from cold into the heat; anxious, depressed, afraid
in the dark, has vertigo even if one puts a foot on a bridge, the vertigo better
nose bleed, parotids, especially the left, is closely associated with and affects
the ear, epistaxis is nearly always present, face is ashy gray but turns purple
during the cough, the parotids, sublingual, submaxillary glands and tonsils
enlarge enormously and become stony hard, the mucus of the nose feels cold
when inhaling cold air, the stomach pains from hot things; she has pain in


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niniti7Prt hv f ! r \ n n Ip
vates, reverse of Cham. The Bry. baby is worse at 9 p. m., the Cham, baby
at 9 a. m. The mental state is better at a cool temperature, wants the
windows open when the child will lie quietly. All the head pains of Bry.
are worse motion, even of an eyelid, also exertion and a. m. and accompany
all the complaints that call for Bry.; the aches either begin in the occiput
region or finally become seated in the occiput and are frequently associated
with dry mouth, thirst, coated tongue, they are neuralgic, but generally
sympathetic with gastric disorders or inflammatory affections. Meningitis
from suppressed eruptions. Congestive attacks and gradually increasing
cerebral trouble, pupils dilated, besotted look and continual chewing motion
of the lower jaw and hasty drinking (if Bry. fails do not forget H ell.). Sym­
pathetic soreness and congestion of the eyes. Eyes inflamed, especially the
internal parts, iritis, choroiditis, glaucoma, etc., eyeballs painful, full sense,
pain extends to back of head. Inflamed eyes and lips of the new-born. Arth­
ritic sore eyes. Gout shifting to the eyes. Catarrh with dryness, suddenly
suppressed discharge and headache. Epistaxis from suddenly suppressed
menses, occurring regularly daily. Neuralgia of one side of the face, can
neither eat nor speak as the motion aggravates. Chewing motion of the jaws,
like Bell., in brain trouble, but Bell, has not the dry cracked lips. Tongue
dry and rough in low fevers, and heavily coated white in gastric troubles. In
all the gastric troubles there is usually sensitiveness of the epigastrium to
touch and vomiting of food. Gastritis, catarrhal, and dyspepsia, thirst, white
coated tongue, nausea, vomiting, worse warm drinks which are vomited and a
feeling of a hard lump that makes the stomach sore. Gastric derangements
from too much mercury, attacks preceded by great hunger, caused by
overeating, very irritable, tongue coated white. Bry. is a gourmand, Nux
an epicure. Bry. drinks much and seldom and eats little and often, reverse
of Ars. Desires cold drinks during the chill which chill one dreadfully yet
relieve his stomach and abdomen. Sensitive all over the stomach and abdomen
and better heat, yet he desires to lie down in a cool room. Hepatitis, liver
seems wollen and sore to touch, pains sharp, worse motion, better heat and
pressure, one has similar symptoms in typhoid. Typhilitis, peritonitis and
gastro-enetritis, extreme soreness, coated tongue and fever. Diarrhoea from
hot Summer weather, from cold drinks, vegetables or being overheated, worse
a. m. on moving about, or from suppressed eruption or typhoid, stools mostly
brown and of putrid odor, or odor of old cheese. Constipation, no urging,
stools large, hard, dry and look as if burned, peevish, fretful, lips cracked and
sore; child scratches constantly. Menses suppressed, with the characteristic
gastric symptoms or with periodical discharge of blood elsewhere; or if she
becomes overheated from ironing or washing a few days before the time of
her menses. Puerperal fever, early, headache, pain in the limbs, weak. In­
flamed breast, swelling, sharp pain. Laryngitis or bronchitis, dry hacking
cough, abdominal muscles sore, worse at night and motion, coming into a
warm room and after eating and drinking, better heat. Pneumonia, high
fever, pains sharp, better lying on affected side, thirst, copious sweat, head­
ache, and when Aeon, has only removed the anxiety and restlessness. Pleur­
isy, easy sweat, sharp pains better pressure and heat, worse least motion.
Pleuritic exudation when sharp pains continue. Lumbago, severe muscular
pains, worse motion. Acute inflammation of joints, especially the large ones,
very hot, dark or pale red shiny swelling, better wraps, worse least motion.
Sciatica, better lying on the affected side. Often indicated in injury of the

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joint when Arn. fails. In all forms and varieties of rheumatism there is
the additional indication of easy sweat and the affected parts are hot and
dark or pale shiny red. It is the "Icing bee” in the development of the erup­
tions in eruptive fevers. Typhoid fever, early, headache, furred tongue,
thirst, abdomen sore, or the febrile state that accompanies the inflammatory
processes in various organs and tissues, always with headache, thirst and
intolerance of motion. All the effected parts are pale, red and hot, the
swellings shiny. Bry. is the most frequently indicated in damp climates. Ple­
thoric girls with scanty urine and suppressed menses. There are several
symptoms of Bry. that oblige one to sit or lie down, and several that are in­
creased by standing or walking, but, on the contrary, there is a secondary
action in which the symptoms are better by motion, and when quiet lying
and sitting cannot be endured, these are more common in Bry. than commonly
supposed. Summer diarrhoea, from getting oveheated, vegetable, food or
cold drinks. Complaints from heat of the fire.

, Has ,’a confused mind, loss of memory, bordering on imbecility, seeks
solitude in order to abuse oneself and takes on the ways of a child, becomes
passive, angry if misunderstood, w'alks the floor and wrings the hands, averse
to the sight of brilliant objects, inclined to place the hands on the sexual
parts, the warm room is unbearable to one, also the warm stove which bring
flushes to the face, is better bathing, in the cold air and by putting the feet
in hot water.
Clinical: The mind remains childish, only the body grows, like Bar-c.
Becomes presenile. Epilespsy: the warning is first felt in the abdomen where
an awful sense of anxiety is felt when he suddenly loses consciousness and
falls; or spasms that come during coition. Spasms that end in convulsive
movements in the abdomen. Blisters on the hands that occur annually, Bullae
that open and leave raw surfaces and exude an ichorous fluid. Breasts in­
durate. Epilepsy: ushered in by a cry, face livid from sexual excitement
at time of menses and from fright, angry state of mind before the attack.
Bluish swellings follow the course of the lymphatics.


Has a constricted or contracted sense as if bound or tied by a tape, being
bound tighter and tighter, or as if caged in wires, each wire being drawn
tighter, especially around the heart; her womb feels as if grasped and
held tightly; the chest feels as if filled with hot gushes of blood and is op­
pressed, dyspnoea, pain and weight in the verex, clutching and constricting
pains, like Bell., inspired 2 ir revives, unable to lie horizontally in bed, vertigo
if one breathes deeply, pain in the head better pressing hard over the spot,
heart feels as if it would fly to pieces if one holds one’s breath, the sound of
voices go right through the head, head gets hot from mental exertion with
constiction about the heart, choking about the neck, left arm cramps and is
numb, the left arm becomes mysteriously numb and weak, oppression as of a
great load on the chest, like Phos., crushing the life out of one, palpitation
during the day while walking, and at night while lying on the left side, and
pain like a weight on the vertex.

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Clinical: Intermittent neuralgia, worse fasting. Headache, neuralgic,
especially right side and vertex, periodical. Has the violent congestion found
in Bell., but the intense heat found in the body of Bell, is not found in
Cact. Prosopalgia, chronic, right side, especially worse fasting or least
exertion, intolerable while lying still in bed» from wine, music or strong
light. Dyspepsia with heart symptoms, palpitation and constriction. A feeling
of pain and soreness marks out the attachment of the diaphragm, or as of a
cord tied around the lower chest marking it. As of a weight in the anus with
strong urging but nothing passes. Piles bleed, constipation, anus contracted.
Haemorrhage from the bowels in low fevers, with the heart symptoms,
and from the bladder, urine bloody, clots and obstructs the flow. Ovaritis
with constriction. Dysmenorrhoea, perodical pains, menses cease on lying
down, with the heart symptoms. Bronchitis, rattling of mucus, dyspnoea
and heart symptoms. The characteristic constriction of the heart attends
all ailments. Constriction about the neck, congestion to the head, blue face,
lips mottled, left hand numb and constriction of the heart characterize Cact.
Haemoptysis, marked artrial excitement, both with less fever and restless­
ness than Aeon. Pains everywhere dart, spring, like chainlightning in a
vicelike grip only to begin again in a moment, groans and is restless. Hypo­
static congestion of the lungs due to cardiac weakness, unable to lie down,
must sit up in bed, can only breathe with shoulders elevated and lying on
the back. Young, plethoric, vigorous women who come down violently with
congestion of the womb at the menstrual period and scream from the violent
cramping and clutching pains, or, if that condition occurs in rheumatic
women with more or less rheumatism of the joints, clutching pains and con­
striction in other places. Fever intermittent, around 11a. m., haemorrhage
especially from the bowels, coldness not better with heat, often followed im­
mediately by cold sweat and terrible anguish. Intermittent fever, paroxysms
daily at the same hour, coldness predominates, anguish, oppressed breathing,
even convulsions and intestinal haemorrhage.


Has all the exhaustion and anxiety of Ars. and the aggravation and
aversion to motion of Bry., spasmodic and nervous affections, muscles affected
like those of Zinc., congestion to the head with pains that cut like knives, cold
sweat on the face, offensive breath, a salty taste to food, craves water but it
causes goose pimples to appear, belches a sweet rancid fluid, irritable stomach,
stools either chocolate or a yellowish-green, numbness in spots, palpitation,
constricted chest, is worse in a sitting posture.
Clinical: Old “sore eyes” crop out on every change of the weather;
conjunctiva thickens; cornea opaque, sluggish inflammation. Catarrh, old
nasal, bones destroyed by caries. Paralysis of the face from cold, unable to
close the eyes, painful drawing in the face, mouth distorted to one side. Irri­
table stomach after convalenscence from tedious cases. Black vomit, and the
persistent vomiting of drunkards. Cholera infantum, rolling of the head with
open eyes. Weakness remaining after epileptic attacks, of one arm and one
leg, like Phos. Cancer with burning, prostration and vomiting; gastric car­
cinoma, coffee ground vomiting. Has a strong resemblance to Zinc. Study
it in connection with Carb-v. in yellow fever.


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Clinical: Coryza, fluent, eyes and nose inflamed. Abdominal flatu­
lence as of a pair of bellows set in motion, feels it by putting the hand there.
The urine becomes copious while traveling or when drinking coffee. It re­
moves the fatigue after too long a ride on horseback. Penis erect while urinat­
ing, urine burns like fire as it passes along the urethra.

Is confused, feels as if one could not get one’s clothes yet they are within
easy reach, earlobes red, the alae nasi suddenly turn red, a persistent choking
sense in the throat, persistent hiccough from any motion, feels too long and
as if distended all over, arms feel heavy and useless as if tied to the body,
feels numb all over, is better and worse suddenly, like Bell., worse at night,
symptoms disappear suddenly on eating.


Has a vague, absent mind, forgets, is mentally and physically prostrated,
sweat sweet-smelling that draws flies, fluttering in the stomach as from a
bird, stomach feels full of dry food and tolerates only warm drinks, extremely
excitable, unable to perform mental labor, extremely nervous, fears catching
diseases not present, apprehensive, lascivious thoughts keep one awake at
night, foolishly bold, sensitive to noise especially if one wishes to sleep, unable .
to walk with closed eyes, like Alum, and Arg-n., always wants to lie down,
feels as if rocking in a chair on doing so, drinks though not thirsty, prefers
warm drinks in the stomach; her vulva itches violently; he is sexually weak;
fear going to sleep without knowing why, is worse in the warm room and
better in the open air, but wants warm drinks in the stomach.
Clinical: The most efficient remedy for pruritis vulvae; worms in
little girls that travel over to and into the vagina or vulva and thereby ex­
citing masturbation. Asthma: copious mucus not easily raised but brings re­
lief when raised; alternating with urticaria. Mosquito bites that itch and
burn intensely. Mentally and physically prostrated from sexual excesses and
tobacco. Debauchers who are impotent and who stand on the streets ogling
women. Sexual excesses, emissions occur without lascivious dreams, sexual
excitement or erections.


Has sweat, especially about one’s head, feet and hands, about the head
from least exertion, the head is completely covered with cold sweat when
other parts of the body are comfortable, sweats in the cold room and in the
cold air, sweats on the face when nowhere else, sweats on the feet whether
cold or warm, sweats on the forehead, every draft makes one chill; the childs’
occiput sweats during sleep and wets the pillow far around; feet feel as if
one had on cold damp stockings, obstinate, self-willed, sensitive to cold and
damp that go right through one, sneezes frequently without a cold, face is
either pale and bloated or cold, emaciated and wrinkled, appetite good, the
child’s stomach swells and feels like an inverted saucer, urinates often, the

( 68)

n Original from
urine usually clear, having a peculiar, fetid odor and pungent, weak, dis­
charges copious, craves strongly boiled eggs, feels best when constipated; her
menses are too copious, last too long and recur too early; subject to painless
hoarseness, knees are cold and clammy, dyspnoea on attempting to climb a
hill, is worse in damp weather, on ascending stairs and working in water,
the child does not sleep after 2 or 3 a. m., and is then drowsy and weary
all day.
Clinical: For those who are fair, fat and flabby (Graph., fair, fat
and forty), weak, sluggish, with copious sweat and discharges, and cold limbs.
Children: obstinate and inclined to get fat; with night terrors, waking at 3
a. m .; active, quick, nervous, stomachs like inverted saucers; bright little girls
8 or 9 years old who become sad and melancholy and begin to talk about
the future world and angels, want to die and go there and want to read the
Bible all day; fontanelles remain open and sunken, with enlarged glands;
dentition and late walking, both slow; sucklings who become pale, fat and
unhealthy when the milk, though abundant, is disagreeable to them and they
refuse it and do not thrive; headache of school children; hydrocele; scarlet
fever in scrofulous children, rash undeveloped; active, nervous and quick
with large abdomens; headache worse ascending stairs. Head: gets hot from
least mental effort, frequently scmilateral pain always with belching. Eyes:
inflame from working in water; lachrymal ducts closed in scrofulous persons;
easy fatigue, feet sweaty and cold; in all cases of eye and head troubles,
photophobia is marked; has cured cataract and opacity of the cornea. Ears:
otitis, scrofulous, muco-purulent discharge, glands enlarge, also chronic,
drums thicken; polypus; deafness from working in water; discharge has a
fatty look like chewed paper. Nose: Coryza, clear watery discharge; chronic
ozena with thick purulent discharge, ulceration and swelling at root of nose;
fat children inclined to epistaxis. Face: scurfy pimples on vermillion border
of lower lip. Teeth: dentition slow and late; ache during pregnancy, ex­
cited by cold or a draft of air; epulis; cold air striking the body goes right
through the teeth and causes them to pain. Goitre. Stomach: water drank,
if ever so little, causes nausea, but not if iced; appetite good with emaciation
and distended abdomen; sour vomiting, or regurgitation of sour food, espe­
cially milk; dyspepsia, chronic, averse to hot or warm food, thirst; abdomen
distended. Abdomen: liver enlarged and sore, jaundice; gallstone colic, ter­
rible darting pains, profuse sweat, clothing around waist intolerable; tendency
to great increase of fat on abdomen, flatulent distension and enlargement of
the messenteric glands, even dropsy; unbilical hernia. Rectum: persistent
tenesmus after dysentery; old, lingering cases of constipation; diarrhoea:
every time one takes cold, like Dulc., when Dulc. relieves but does not cure,
the stools are undigested, odor sour, copious, fetid; chronic, with worms,
great appetite, stomach distended and sore to touch; cholera infantum,
vomits sour food or curdled lumps, appetite ravenous. Urinary: crytitis,
bladder irritable, urine sour and of disagreeable odor, maybe copious and
fetid; dysuria, painful, urine clear and of a peculiar fetid strong pungent
odor, similar to Ben-ac. but lighter in color. Sexual: hydrocele of children;
leucorrhoea especially of infants and at puberty; profuse menses is the rule
with C alc.; in girls the menses do not come but are replaced with congestion
to the head, dyspnoea, palpitation, haemorrhage from the lungs, night cough,
anaemia and increased appetite; constant aching in the vagina; copious leu­
corrhoea, like milk; Calc-p. is preferable in uterine troubles with cold, damp


n i a / \/iL > Original from

feet; excessive flow of milk that is thin and does not satisfy the child, itching
of the vulva, veins or glands swell. Chest: every note struck on the piano
strikes at the larynx; laryngitis and bronchitis, chronic, hoarse cough; extreme
dyspnoea on the least ascent is one of the most marked indications for C a lc ;
affects the upper part of the larynx especially; asthma of children from sup­
pressed eruptions; ulcer in lungs with purulent expectoration. Calc, is often
indicated in the cachexia leading to various forms of consumption, dry cough,
worse at night, expectoration a. m. free, free sweat, appetite good, emaciates
rapidly; pain in the breasts before the menses, like Con., but Con. lacks the
chilliness and cold feet of Calc.; chest extremely sore to percussion and pres­
sure, sharp pains shoot through from front to back. Back: Pott’s disease is
easily detected by running a hot sponge down the spine, and if Calc, is applied
early with the aid of a properly adjusted mechanical appliance curvature may
be prevented. Limbs: rheumatoid arthritis of fingers; the characteristic hand
of Calc, is warm, moist and boneless; are cold and clammy, the body hot;
hip joint inflamed and painfully sore to pressure; sciatica from working in
water; sluggish white swelling of knee joint; gout in knees. Insomnia, starts at
every little noise, fears she will go crazy. Skin: when the rash recedes, face
pale and bloated, or when the rash does not appear in typhoid; restrains the
growth of cancer; abscesses deep in the muscles; scarlet fever of scrofulous
children, rash undeveloped; hectic fever, thirst and fever alternate with night
sweats especially about the head, hands and feet cold. Calc, may be repeated
often with children but seldom in the aged, especially if the first dose helped.
The Calc, patient always suffers during a rain, if cold, either with coldness,
stiffness or rheumatism. Children slow in learning to walk or talk. Valu­
able in rheumatism after the failure of Rhus. Hydrocele especially in scrofu­
lous children.
Clinical: Frontal headache, stupifying, pressing pain, head feels com-
pessed, senses obscured while reading. Diarrhoea, copious, painless. Dys-
menorrhoca of Calc, patients. Cough, violent, spasmodic, ending in expulsion
of bronchial casts.
Has pain and sinking at the heart on the least exertion, a pale face, blue
rings around the eyes, chilliness, a sense of suffocation and palpitation, mental
depression, no appetite, can only enjoy soup, tearing pains in the legs, albumen
in the urine, pain in the region of the heart, pulse that skips every fourth beat,
a sense of lightness as if flying or as if the feet did not touch the ground,
threadlike drawing from the larynx backward, night sweats after 3 a. m.,
wonderful visions passing before the eyes, often an indiscribable feeling of
health, “as if in heaven,” copious saliva, a garlicky taste in the mouth, a
scratchy sense in the throat as if one had eaten nuts, is sensitive to cold,
aversion to the open air, sadness p. m., swollen inguinal glands, pain in the
groins and spermatic cords, wine causes soreness in the region of the kidneys,
and scanty, burning, albuminous urine.
Clinical: Cancer of the womb, discharge acrid, burns. Dropsy is a
strong feature. Epilepsy: most stubborn cases, burning in head and aches
before the attack; arua from the heart, beginning with constriction of the
heart. Diarrhoea after sweet potatoes.


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i Ai. »
Clinical: Said to remove the odor of onions and garlic from the breath.


Is anxious, depressed, sad, miserly, has a deficiency of enamel on the
teeth, piles that bleed; she has knots in her breasts; pain in the lumbar region
during rest and on beginning to move, better heat and continued motion, like
Rhus.« jumps out of bed in a dream, tonsils large, sensitive to cold drafts and
to damp weather, has cutting pains in the liver, better walking; a pricky,
burning, suffocative sense in the throat, flatulent, has wind in the abdomen
when riding, indurated cervical glands hard as stone, able to sit in no position
to relieve the pain in the back, vivid dreams of wholly new scenes and places,
hiccups when one hawks up mucus.
Clinical: It has cured indurated and infiltrated glands, cellular tissues,
bony formations, nodules in tendons, stony hard glands and rice bodies in
the cartilages. Recurrent fibroids in the hollow of the knee. Gouty pains,
copious urine, diarrhoea, miserly, sad. Adenoids, thick yellowish discharge
from the nose. Large indurated tonsils after Bar-c. failed. Lumbago worse
rest, better heat, after Rhus, failed. Tumor, encysted, of eyelid. Indurations
that threaten to suppurate. Cephalatoma, enlargement or swelling of the
parietal bones of the new-born child with an apparent osseous wall. Calcare­
ous deposits on the tympanum. Cold sores, rather small, hard, herpetic, on
the lips, not diffused like Natr-m. Spavin of horses. Especially useful in in­
durated glands of stony hardness; varicose and enlarged veins, and vascular
tumors with dilated bloodvessels. Malnutrition of bones, especially the
teeth. Synovitis of the knee joint, and exostosis after injury.


Has excessive sweating and weakness, a pale skin, a dull, heavy pressure
on top of the whole head, the pains increasing with the depression, dyspnoea,
must have fresh air, fullness of the head and thorax, depression about the
heart, the veins of the upper limbs stand out like whip cords, no desire to
move, the muscular power of the limbs lost.

Clinical: Abscess: cold, musuclar prostration, copious sweat especially

at night, averse to motion, cold limbs; of bone; in and around the knee joint;
tibia ulcerated, bone protrudes through the surface, emaciation, loss of ap­
petite, pale as a corpse.


Is sad, weeps, hoarse, sweats on least exertion, weak generally, feet sweat,
pressing pain in eyes, pupils dilated, face cold, pale and yellow, the muscles
twitch, breath offensive, glands of the throat, especially tonsils, enlarge and
become full of crypts and pockets, appetite increased, has pressure and pulsa­
tions in the stomach which is especially sore, a chronic cough day and night,
night sweats, hectic fever, a green purulent mucus expectoration, heart affec­
tion, open air both excites and relieves one; worse especially at night, in cold
weather, warmth and heat of the bed.


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Diniti7Pri hv ,o I p
Clinical: Tumor of breast, nodular, movable, tender to touch and
painful on moving the arm. Goitre. Aphthoe, gums bleed, tongue fissured
and dry, breath offensive. Especially useful in scrofula, glands and tonsils
enlarged, and especially chronic bronchitis of scrofulous children.


Is anxious, faint, weak, trembly, giddy, belches, stomach distended, pain­
ful and tender, urine and mucus secretions increased, respiration quick and
snoring, sweat increased and cold, pulse rapid.
Clinical: When indicated it causes glands to soften and the swelling
to disappear.


Clinical: Backache as if broken and tied with a string, especially if
the leucorrhoea is bland. The best of the Calcareas for warts.


Clinical: T artar on the teeth, like Tub. Stony hard nodosities on
right middle finger.


Has a constant desire to go from place to place, like T ub.; the child
has tardy formation of bone, and irresistible craving for bacon rind; is weak
physically and mentally, dreads mental exertion, peevish, fretful, anxious,
restless, depressed, sensitive to a jar and especially so to cold and to every
cold change in the weather, especially if damp; the child is anxious when
lifted from the cradle (reverse of Bor.) ; when away from home wants to go
there and when there wants to go some place else; has vertigo in windy
weather, is worse when thinking of ones complaints, like Ox-ac., shuns society
and seeks solitude, desires to be quiet and alone, tearing pains in the ears
when the weather changes to cold, has noises in the ears after stool, one’s
nose, chin and tips of ears become cold, teeth soft; the child’s dentition slow;
the face pains u’ith every spell of cold wreather, appetite good; the child wants
to nurse all the time, craves salt and smoked meats, the child especially craves
bacon rind (Calc., boiled eggs) ; nausea on attempting to scrape the larynx,
passing flatus relieves the abdomen, the bladder aches wdien empty; she has
prolapsus uteri during urination and stool and leucorrhoea day and night like
white of egg; must scrape mucus from the larynx before one can sing or talk,
the back pains from lifting and is worse in stormy weather, the cold parts are
the suffering parts.
Clinical: Child: head bones grow slowly, the occipital bones especially
are soft and crackle like paper on pressure, both fontanelles are open and very
large, especially the posterior; the neck is too slender to support the head so
falls from side to side; is is emaciated, looks old and wrrinkled; slow* men­
tality; slow in learning to walk, the legs not being strong enough to support
the body; growing pains in the rapidly growing child, strabismus, diarrhoea and
emaciation when coming out of brain congestion; flabby, shrunken, emaciated;


__ Original from
Has a tendency to form abscesses that are slow to heal and having found
a vent continue to discharge a yellow pus, discontented, hurried, irritable,
easily angered after which one becomes weak, hate those who do not agree
with one, laments because one feels that one is not appreciated, is sad a. m.,
but mirthful p. m., inclines to weep during the sweat, vertigo is a common
feature and is better in the open air but worse if one walks fast, the eyes get
red like raw beef, the face flushes with heat, the lips crack, the abdomen gets
cold and distended after eating, has moisture about the anus that causes itch­
ing and smarting, she has itching high up in the vagina, there is cold offensive
sweat of the feet, the pains in the lower limbs are worse on stretching the
limb, is worse standing and especially the joints, is sensitive to a draft and
takes cold easily yet desires the open air, is better heat except the head and
croup, is especially worse walking fast, craves stimulents to overcome the
Clinical: Calc-s. differs from Hep. in sensitiveness to air, Hep. can­
not bear the slightest exposure, Calc-s. desires it and feels better in it. Diar­
rhoea after maple sugar. Burns and scalds after suppuration sets in. Injury
to the eye from a splinter. Painful abscess in or about the anus, with fistula.
Nephralgia, severe, pain followed by pus in the urine, which weakens one
rapidly. It has, like Pvr., a tendency to formation of abscesses that have
ruptured and that are slow to heal with a continuous discharge of yellow pus.
Malignant growths after ulceration has set in, when remedies apparently well-
selected fail. Complaints from overlifting, like Rhus. Broken down con­
stitutions of drunkards. Headache, inveterate, chronic and periodic, worse
looking up, pulsating, from becoming cold and better cold air. Diplopia.
Otorrhoea after scarlet fever, pus thick, bloody and offensive, soreness and
enlarged parotids. Catarrh, inveterate, of nose, one side especially. Indiges­
tion on least provocation. Painless abscess of anus. Diarrhoea: a. m .; of
child; painless. Catarrh of bladder, copious yellow pus. Asthma, dyspnoea
p. m. night, worse ascending, lying or walking, better in cool air, expectora­
tion bloody, greenish, thick, viscid and yellow. Abscess in axilla. Curvature
of the lubar spine, difficult to sit up. Fever, intermittent, chronic, p. m. chill,
beginning in the feet. Skin cracked in Winter, especially of the hands after
washing. While Calc-s. closely resembles Hep. It has a wider sphere and
acts more intensely. It acts better in later stages of pus formation, when the
pus has found a vent. It removes purulent exudations in serous sacs, and
corneal ulcers.


Clinical: A vulnary of the highest order under whose influence un-
laudable pus cannot possibly exist. It has great pain and soreness especially
in open tom wounds that are jagged and where the parts will not heal but
tend to suppurate and inflame, here it will tend to both promote healthy
granulations and take away both local pain and suffering. Compound frac­
tures of the skull. Lacerated wounds of the scalp. Wounds of the lids and
brows badly treated by plasters and where suppuration takes place. The odor
of the flowers is disliked by mosquitoes, and the smoke of the burning plant
will drive mice away and lizards from the house. Lacerated gums after


( Original from
tooth extraction. Excoriation of the prepuce after coition. Caesarian opera­
tion for lacerated cervix. Valuable after delivery, a sponge saturated with
a hot solution and applied gives great comfort. Fomentations intermittently
applied, hot, to forming abscesses is far better than poultices. Hot compresses,
oz. to the pint, in pneumonia. If it does not abort an abscess, it favors matur­
ing and ultimate healing. Like Sulph-ac., it is useful in preventing excessive
suppuration and putridity, both keep septic germs from sores and wounds.

Enormous thickening at the end of the nails (5 to 10 drops tr.).


Clinical: Pemphegus: bullae surrounded by a ring which forms crusts,
great itching.

Has sudden prostration which increases rapidly, becomes blue and cold
as death yet will not be covered, even in a cold room one throws the covers
off and even when unconscious, this coldness may be mingled with heat, is
sensitive to cold, during the pains one wants the heat but when the coldness
comes on one wants to be uncovered though the body is cold and blue, anguish
at night as if dying and is afraid to get out of bed in the dark, has great fear,
the more violent one suffers the sooner one becomes cold and must uncover
or be uncovered even if in a cold room, flashes of heat often mingle with the
rending, burning, tearing pains either in inflamed organs or along the nerves,
is thrown into a frenzy from the pains and tenderness, is hard to manage as
nothing suits, has spells of heat on becoming cold, nose is cold and pointed,
face pale and cold, lips bluish, eyes sunken, breath and tongue cold, tongue
blue, thirst violent but later becomes thirstless (reverse of Apis), the abdomen
bums internally and is cold externally (like Carb-v., and the reverse of Ars.),
the stools are dark brown like coffee grounds, voice either husky or squeaky,
the pains are apt to disappear if one thinks of them, feels sore generally as if
beaten, her sexual desire is increased.
Clinical: Asphyxia of the new-born, with spasms. Effects of shock
from injury, with the characteristic coldness. Effects of poisonous insects,
tobacco, mushrooms, etc. Collapse, extreme anxiety and restlessness, or great
lethargy, can scarcely be aroused, or loss of consciousness or delirium. Sun­
stroke especially with beating pains in the cerebellum. The predominating
head pains are throbbing or constrictive as if knotted up, with the characteristic
coldness. The continued and frequent use of Camph. is often followed by
obstinate, persistent inflammation of the eyes. Coryza, dry, first stage, sneez­
ing and flatulence. One drop on loaf sugar oft repeated is said to cure a
cold in one day. Like Nux and Phyt., it produces tetanic convulsions, the
teeth show, but the deathly coldness of Camph. distinguishes it from both.
Vomiting and diarrhoea cease suddenly, lies almost unconscious, blue face
and hands, body icy cold, voice hoarse and weak. Cholera infantum, sudden
vomiting and diarrhoea, pain and the characteristic coldness. Cholera: early,
stools loose and contain fecal matter; later, body cold and dry, sudden sup-


n /V i I Original from
pression of the discharges and collapse (the remedy must be stopped when
sweat appears), cold as death but cannot be covered, whole body icy cold
without change in color, face pale, livid, icy cold, purple and distorted, upper
lip drawn up exposing the teeth, eyes fixed, wild and staring, foam at mouth,
unconscious look, cramps in calves, sudden sinking of strength; Camph. comes
in at the commencement and especially if the discharges are suppressed, later
comes Cup. if the cramps are most prominent, or Verat. if the discharges are
the most prominent; the collapse in cholera usually occurs before the alvine
discharges, while that of Carb-v. is rather from the discharges; as a prophy­
lactic in cholera, give drop doses of the tr. 3 t-i-d. Excessive stranguary,
urine retained in Asiatic cholera or from Canth. poisoning. Chordee with
suddenly suppressed gonorrhoea, stranguary and the characteristic coldness,
Mania, puerperal, discharges suppressed, surface dry and cold. Sexual desire
increased in women. Climaxis, flushes of heat and sweat in a warm room,
limbs and abdomen very cold, suffers from cold when uncovered and sweats
copiously when covered, cannot have her limbs covered. Asthma, great
suffociation. Cough violent, lungs congested especially after suppressed
menses. The monobromide, 2 gr., is said to act like a charm in sleeplessness.
Congestive chills with the characteristic coldness. Said to conquer yellow
fever every time if used during the cold stage, then followed with Gels., 5
drops, every hour. Scrofulous children are most sensitive to Camph. It
antidotes or modifies every vegetable remedy. Elderly withered people who
take cold at every exposure to weather and become chilly. Its action is rapid
and intense though evanescent. Camphor is said not to be given if there is
perspiration or should be stopped as soon as that occurs. In colds with
sneezing give at once during the chilly stage. Sudden and rapid prostration
with tendency to collapse from suppression of measles, shock or other causes,
especially when prostration, coldness and collapse are the chief indications.


Clinical: Headache in women and young girls from mental excitement
or excessive study. Gastric catarrh in convulsive paroxysms induced by the
sight of physical deformity.


Clinical: It constricts and may completely close both the duodenum
and especially the opening of the gall duct into the duodenum.

Clinical: Spring ague; most severe types of intermittents, in hot coun­
tries, sore and bruised generally, nausea, retching, skin wrinkled like that of a
laundry woman. Constipation, stool hard and knotty. Renders one better
able to stand the cold winds. Catarrh from influenza.


Has abnormal exhilaration and exaltations of thought, exaggerations
especially as to time and space, minutes seem hours, short distances seem
miles, lakes as large as oceans, mind clear while walking in the open air,


n Original from
absent-mineded, loquations, inclined to be foolish, feels as if the calvarium
was being opened and shut or being lifted and lowered into space, sticky drops
of sweat on the forehead, stupid expression, face apt to turn blue when one
laughs, thirsty but dreads water, frequent urination, stitches in the urethra
after urination; she menstrates every two weeks, her menses copious, dark
and painful; palpitation during sleep, pain in the back prevents walking
erect, and in the lumbar region worse laughing, a throbbing sense in the
arms, legs and hands, a sense of bird's claws clasping the knees, dry mouth
and lips, saliva white, thick, frothy and sticky, worse motion and better rest
Clinical: It is closely allied and cures cases similar to Cann-s. Gonor­
rhoea, discharge yellow, chcrdee. Affects persons of a nervous and sanguine
temperament mostly; the bilious nearly as much and the lymphatics but
slightly, as with vertigo, nausea, coma or muscular debility. Cataleptic spasms
of the neck. Tetanic spasms about the jaws. Delirium: tremens, exaggera­
tions as to time and space; great exaltation of mind and How of language,
exalted ideas and Hon'd notions; inclined to bo foolish and laughs at triHes.
Headache, as if head was opening and shutting. Colic, uterine, great nervous


Seems as if in a daze, everything seems strange and unreal as if in a
dream, voices seem strange, in the room they seem to come from a distance,
the mind confused, despondent forenoon, lively afternoon, has the same sense
regarding the calvarium that Cann-i. has, an apprehensive sense at the pit of
the stomach, a sense of cold water dropping on the scalp, nose seems enlarged,
one cheek red the other pale, mouth and throat dry, taste foul, averse to
meat, a biting pain at the meatus during urination but worse after, apt to
have an unendurable fine stiching over the whole body as of a thousand needle
points at night while sweating, better uncovering; the infant has leucorrhoea.
C linical: Asthma, with bladder trouble, dyspnoea, must have the win­
dow open. Torticolis, chin drawn to the sternum. Constipation with the
urinary troubles. Caruncle of the urethra. Urethritis, burning, biting pains
going toward the bladder, frequent urging to urinate, urine scalds, spasmodic
closure of the sphincter of the bladder; cystitis from gonorrhoea with great
swelling of the prepuce. Gonorrhoea immediately after Aeon, when Aeon,
seemed indicated in the beginning; the cases have less discharge than those
indicating Arg-n., and less swelling and inflammation about the glans penis,
though the excessive swelling has proved a valuable indication in some cases.
The urethral symptoms are very similar to those of Canth., Canth. having
more tenesmus, Cann-s., more burning and smarting.

Is subject to infllammations that develop with surprising rapidity into a
gangrenous state, has violent burning and cutting especially at the neck of the
bladder and especially after urination, ineffectual desire to urinate the urine
passing in drops like molten lead and is dark, is anxious, restless, face pale
yellow and wrinkled as if frowning with expression of great suffering, taste
bitter, saliva disgustingly sweet, thirsty yet averse to water as it irritates the
bladder, has violent tenesmus to pass both stool and urine but gets no relief


Original from
n /A
from their passage, all the parts are inflamed as if on fire, tenesmus of the
bladder whether it is full or empty, the least urine in the bladder causes
urging, the bloody urine burns like fire in the bladder and about the genitals,
has violent lacerating pains through the kidneys and back, the pains on urinat­
ing are so severe that one moans and screams on passing even a drop of urine,
she is very sensitive about the genitals.
Clinical: Spasms, violent, reproduced by touching the larynx. Mania:
acute, sexual type, amorous frenzy, fiery desire for sexual intercourse, persis­
tent painful erections, paroxysms of rage, cries, barks, even convulsions, also
after erysipelas; excitement and rage renewed by dazzling and bright objects.
Delirium, cries, barks and bites. Hydrophobia, moans, cries, violent. Neural­
gia of the head and face from taking cold, loud screams, muscles jerk. Eyes
inflamed, burn, smart, as from a burn. Erysipelas of the face: rapidly as­
suming a gangrenous phase, begins on back of nose, vesicles burn, bite and
break, discharge an excoriating fluid and the characteristic urinary symptoms;
burns about the face where blisters form and vasaline is offensive. Diphtheria,
throat as if on fire and constriction amounting to almost suffocative dyspnoea.
Enteritis, burning heat and tympanitic distension. Diarrhoea, stools white
or pale reddish mucus like scrapings of intestines, anxious, restless, pale
wretched look, face deathlike during the pain, frequent ineffectual desire to
urinate, painful burning after urinating, urine retained or suppressed with
uraemic coma, delirium or convulsions, collapse, weak pulse, cold hands and
feet, cold sense and burning pains on body surface. Dysentery, acute, un­
quenchable thirst, mouth, lips and throat raw and burn, cankers, cold hands
and feet and tendency to collapse. Cystitis: most violent tenesmus, constant
desire to urinate, urine bloody and scanty; general fever, chill, always with
the most terrible distress in the neck of the bladder. Nephritis, acute, extreme
distress at neck of bladder, urine scanty, bloody and albuminous. Renal cal­
culi: acute bladder symptoms of Canth.; gravel of children with constant
pulling at the penis. Gonorrhoea, most intense suffering, sexual excitement,
constant distress at neck of bladder and discharge of blood. Constant dis­
charge from bladder and uterus worse false step. Ovaritis, burning pain,
especially worse during menses, ovaries extremely sensitive. Metritis, puer­
peral, especially with mania of a sexual character, bladder inflamed. Menses
too early and dark, breasts sore. Laryngitis, acute, extreme heat and burn­
ing. Croup, swelling, expression of agony, voice lost. Pleuritic exudation
with the characteristic burning sense. Lumbago, pain in the region of the
kidneys, incessant desire to urinate, moans, screams. Lacerating, tearing pains
in os coccygeus. Yellow fever, last stage, urine suppressed, cold sweat, haemor­
rhage from the bowels. A very valuable remedy for scalds and burns, a few
drops of the tr. in water and applied, or an ointment of the 3x. applied in
herpes oster. Variola, urine bloody and difficult, distressing ache in head
and back, eruption not fully developed, mostly right side, may assume a
haemorrhagic hue. Gangrene of the sexual organs of both sexes. Spermator­
rhoea, great irritation of urethra and prepuce. Erysipelas, vesicular, blisters
form, intense burning pain.


____n A V i \
Original from
The mucus membranes bum as though pepper had been sprinkled on
them, homesick, cries all the time, the child is awkward, refractory and
clumsy; prone to swelling behind the ear, has a rosy look but is not warm,
while plump and round has no endurance, is chilly and sensitive to the open
air and to bathing, desires to be in a warm room, the head pains are better
lying with the head high, on coughing the ears pain as if an abscess would
break, tip of nose and face are red and cold, sweats and nearly freezes on
exertion in the cold air, the taste is foul, the eyes feel as if they would be
pushed out on stooping, the circulation is sluggish and the parts pinched
remain in a raised position for a long time, the throat remains sore long
after a cold, the stomach is cold and weak, thirsty but drinking brings on
chilliness, the taste is putrid, is sleepless from homesickness, the pains are
burning in character and accompanied by chilliness, fears the least draft of
either warm or cold air.
Clinical: Especially useful for old people who have been debilitated
by disease and who react badly, especially from mental work, whose vital
heat is diminished, who do not react especially from the chill, the muscles
painful and weary and who fear the least draft of either warm or cold air.
Homesick, cries all the time, chilly, face hot. Children: fat, flabby, red
faced, of beer drinkers and pepper eaters, who are overstimulated; or, with
measles that do not react well. School girls who cannot study, get home­
sick and want to go home. Bursting headache associated with severe cough
or malarial fever. Otorrhoea, chronic, suppurating, bursting headache, chilly;
or, suppuration of middle ear, drum perforated, discharge of yellow pus.
Mastoid disease, tender over petrous portion, threatens to involve the men­
inges portion of the brain. Stomatitis, ulcers burn. Sore throat of smokers
and drinkers, inflammation, burning, relaxed uvula, either dry or with tough
mucus difficult to dislodge. Diphtheria, gangrenous slough, extends to roof
of mouth, excessive burning, spasmodic constriction and chilliness. Thirst for
ice water after every dysenteric stool, also before the chill, each drink causing
chilliness and shuddering. Piles protrude, sting and burn as from pepper,
sore, drawing pains in the back. Whiskey drinkers crave pepper, the pepper
increasing the desire for whiskey. Hoarseness or cough of chilly, red faced
people. Dysentery, stools bloody mucus, burning and tenesmus, also asso­
ciated with tenesmus of the bladder, also characterized by excessive thirst
after stool, the drinking causing shuddering and pain in the back. Gonor­
rhoea with chordee, excessive burning and pain in the prostrate. Impotency
scrotum cold, testes tend to atrophy. Cough, violent, as if the chest would
fly to pieces, the pain shoots to all parts of the body, cough explosive, the
odor from it putrid. Scarlet fever, corrosive discharge from the nose, breath
fetid, tendency to coldness. Pyaemia, high fever, profuse sweat, easily chilled,
worse drinking. Tender over patrous portion of bone (if abscess forms Aur.
and Nit-ac. are preferable). Asthma, red face, sibilant rales, cough, better
raising phlegm. Left lung atrophied, painful, cold sweat on upper part of
leg. The pains are peppery, burning usually accompanied by chilliness. The
throat pains are usually worse when not swallowing. Threatening gangrene
of the lungs, the cough expelling an offensive odor. Complaints from drinking


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Is anaemic but has the venous stasis of plethora, veins distended, the
skin especially of the hands and feet bluish, the constitution broken down
hence the complaints develop slowly, the parts that inflame burn intensely,
the glands have a tendency to grow purple, indurate and burn; her cervix
and mammary glands inflame, turn purple, indurate and burn like fire; there
is rushing of heat as if the body was full of steam, she sinks down at her
menstrual period as if she would die, her menses are black and offensive, the
burning in her womb extends to her thighs, whenever she nurses her child at
the breast it causes such a sinking in her stomach she has to take the child
away, she has a yellow saddle over her nose, like Sep.; there is an aversion to
cold, sadness, desire to be alone and avoids conversation; the child’s ankles
are weak when walking; the night sweats are offensive, exhausting and stain
the linen yellow.
Clinical: Tumors, indolent, especially with burning pains. Deafness
with confused hearing, cannot tell the direction of the sounds. Metritis,
chronic, neck of womb indurated. Scirrhus of womb, painful indurations in
mammae, pains sting. Ovary indurated, right feels like a heavy ball. Gone
sense and desire to be alone during the menses. The pains in the sexual organs
are either burning or tearing, with heaviness and pressure. Buboes: old, that
will not heal, but secrete an offensive ichor; hard, like a stone, especially when
opened too soon, the gapping wound only partially heals. Pneumonia, late,
lung ulcerated, hoarse cough, purulent offensive expectoration, cold sense in
chest. Injuries and neuralgia of coccyx. Vertigo after shaving. Ears too
dry from absence of wax or with discharge of offensive wax, deafness. Piles
weak, digestion weak, oozing of thin inodorous fluid; swell and pain when
walking. Ulcers, cancerous, bums, infiltrate, indurate, tissues around them
harden, ooze and acrid, ichorous fluid, pains burn and sting. Glands of
throat and axilla grow purple and indurate with no tendency to soften. Carb-
an. stands at the head of the list for glands that become inflamed and hard
and remain so. Invaluable in scirrhus: of the breasts, hard, nodulated, look
blue, axillary glands involved, pains bum and draw; of the womb, cervix in­
durated, haemorrhage, offensive discharge, burning pains extending to the
thighs. Valuable in dyspepsia, much flatulence, long aftertaste of food eaten,
especially with glandular troubles, in scrofulous subjects. After debilitating
diseases, especially when the veins are disended and the skin looks blue. Bron­
chitis and pneumonia, hoarse cough, profuse purulent offensive expectoration
and much rattling in the chest.


Is sluggish, lazy, turgid, distended, swollen, limbs cold, especially the
knees, cold even when wrapped up warmly in bed, desires to elevate the feet
to let the blood run out, desires to lie down and doze, every little stimulating
drink or food brings a flush to the dusky face, there is burning everywhere,
the nose and knees especially are cold, in all the conditions of coldness there
is the desire to be fanned constantly, there is bleeding and black venous ooz-
ings everywhere, the anxiety becomes so great that one cannot lie down, does
not want to sleep, one is unable to lift the head from the pillow if one has
pain in the ociput, deep breathing is followed by a moan, is always suffering

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from coryza with a p. m. hoarseness, the anxiety, pain and sorrow are all ex­
pressed in the face, the face flushes to the hair from a little wine, the gums
separate from the teeth and bleed when the teeth are cleaned, the teeth get
loose and fairly rattle in the mouth, longs for coffee, is a mince pie fiend, the
stomach affections are all better passing gas up or down as all the other con­
ditions, abdominal fullness aggravates all the complaints, putrid flatus escapes
and makes one offensive, the stools are putrid, the more thin dark mucus there
is, and bloody, the more it is Carb-v., the genitals are cold and sweaty; all
her internal organs feel heavy and hang down, she is apt to have a dark ooz­
ing haemorrhage from the womb, her whole body is tired and relaxed; the
child is restless, strikes, bites and kicks; there is thirstlessness, slowness both
mentally and physically and indifference.
Clinical: Tendency to putrid haemorrhage and decomposition, in low
types of disease, as pernicious anaemia, purpura and typhoid. Faints readily
especially as the result of debilitating disease. In the collapse state of disease
where the patient wants to be fanned constantly, general fetid odors and
bluish appearance of the skin. Gangrene: humid, senile; varicose ulcers
bum at night, discharge offensive. Even though almost lifeless the head
will be hot. Hair falls, especially after pregnancy, like Sep. Near sighted,
reverse of Carb-a. Asthenopia from overwork, floating specks. Otorrhoea,
offensive. Deaf, after eruptive fevers, as measles. Catarrh from warm
moist atmosphere, from S. W . or S winds, worse p. m. Epistaxis, blood dark,
from being overtaxed with anxiety, especially in the aged. Varicose veins on
the nose. Tongue: dry and bloody in late stage of typhoid; cold in collapse
of cholera; yellow, fissured, breath cold. Offensive odor from mouth during
fever and in debilitated persons. Antidotes the effects of putrid meats or fish,
rancid fat and salt. Dyspepsia: flatulent, sour eructations, stomach swollen
like a drum, worse half hour after eating, all food disagrees as if stomach
suffered from inertia; acid, heartburn, surface of body cold, pulse weak. Gaa-
tralgia of nursing women, excessive flatulency, sour, rancid belching, vomits
food, the sensitiveness and burning may extend to the small of the back, like
Bism. Colic worse riding in cars or carriages and better passing flatus.
Diarrhoea: brown, yellow or slimy, stool often involuntary; with low types of
fever, tongue, lips and limbs cold, tendency to collapse, desire to be fanned,
pulse weak,'voice lost. Cholera attacks begin with haemorrhage from the
bowels, collapse without stool, nose, feet and finger tips cold, lips bluish,
breath and tongue icy cold, respiration weak and labored, desire to be fanned,
cramps in legs and thighs, hiccup on every motion, vomiting, voice hoarse or
lost, pulse thready, intermittent and scarcely perceptible. Carb-v. differs
from Sep. in bearing down in the rectum and vagina in that it has a strong
odor to the mucus that Sep. has not. Urine: suppressed in cholera; retained
from standing on cold pavements. Varicose veins of female sexual organs
with haemorrhage. Menses too early, copious, corrosive, offensive, preceded
by violent itching. Aphonia: from relaxation of vocal cords; regularly every
p. m. Catarrh, chronic, bronchial or laryngeal, of the aged; larynx raw and
sore; chest burns, chokes when coughing, better heat. Asthma: of the aged
who are debilitated, flatulent, especially blue color of the skin; or, after
whooping cough, or with occipital headache, desire to be fanned. Haemorrhage
from the lungs, burning in the chest, oppression, constant desire to be fanned,
skin cold. Dyspnoea, cold, copious sweat, exhaustion and cadaverouj aspect
in weakly people who give right out, here Carb-v. must be given. Weak


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the mouth, breath fetid, liquids tend to regurgitate, face dusky, urine albumi­
nous, white about nose and mouth and rapid sinking of the vital forces. Abdo­
men distended with flatus, belches W'ind and desires stimulents. Cervix uteri
indurated, ulcerated, fetid acrid discharge from the vagina. Leucorrhoea of
children. Whooping cough, face red, eyes water and sense of a rubber band
stretched tightly across the forehead from temple to temple. Great palpita­
tion or beating of the heart at night. Ulcers after burns, offensive discharge.
Abscess after physical exertion. In burns from Carb-ac. milk gives great re­
lief; also copious draughts for poisonous cases (It seems to me that I read
somewhere that vinegar would restore the discoloration of the mucus mem­
brane). Malignant scarlet fever and confluent variola. Lacerated wounds
from blunt instruments, bone bare, crushed and splintered. Apis antidotes
Carb-ac. Diseases arising from bad drainage, defective sewage, etc.

Clinical: Spasms beginning on the tongue, pass down trachea to lungs
preventing breathing, then to the stomach, arms, legs and hands, hands numb
and cannot be opened.


Is comatose, stupified, completely insensible, surface of body cold, when
conscious has an extraordinary sense of contentment as if life was exalted,
a steady and extreme occilation of the eyeballs, dark bodies move before the
eyes, better in the open air, arms flexed at the elbow, the spasms simulate
lock jaw.


Has incomplete general contractures, is especially worse a. m., p. m. and
night, a strong desire for the open air and open window and is better there­
from but not from a draft, especially sensitive to warm, damp weather, absent
minded, irrascible, surly, morose, averse to company, fear while walking in
the dark, the pains are especially jerking, constriction especially of the fore­
head and occiput, the eyeballs itch, has stitching pains in the right ear, subject
to painful contractures of the masseter muscles, a pale face with flushes of
heat, hawks salty mucus from the fauces, passes much sour flatus up and down
which relieves, has pressure in the region of the stomach and under the ster­
num, a ravenous appetite, special aversion to meat, has the abdominal soreness
of Sulph. and the flatulence of Carb-v., scanty urine, a sense of weight be­
tween the scapulae compelling one to bend forward, very sensitive to the
clothing, has constriction as of a band around parts, is better from wann
drinks, lying, except the head and respiration, is worse and dreads it, is cold
during and after eating, expiration is hot, has jerking stitches, flying pains
and tearing in the limbs, she is worse during and after her menses, the menses
Clinical: Our most useful remedy for broken down people from long
use of alcoholic stimulents. So absent minded and so irrascible that one
breaks things one happens to have in one s hands. Liver troubles with oedema
of the feet. Diarrhoea, chronic, every two to six weeks. Atrophy of the


r\ ; n / A/ \ n h > Original from

ovaries. Asphyxia from alcohol or coal gas. Ulcers, offensive, spongy. Rheu­
matism, fever wanting or only slight. Gout after the relief of the inflam­
matory symptoms. Collapse, most useful, like Carb-v. Short but quick
attacks, returning at regular intervals.


Has twitching of the eyes, disturbed vision, eyeballs feel larger, dysphagia,
contracted sense of the buccal cavity, a bitter burning in the stomach, hiccup,
yawning, vomits, cutting pain in the abdomen, diarrhoic stools, hoarseness,
inspired air feels cold, hands bum after the sweat on exerting them, is worse
motion, touch and stretching the limbs.


Suffers greatly from the liver, if one lies on the left side one has drag­
ging in the right hypochondrium, is extremely sensitive to cold, prone to at­
tacks of bilious vomiting, a tendency to gallstones, anger, weeps, a sore,
bruised, hard liver, sad, head heavy and stupid, bitter taste, foul furred
tongue, loss of appetite, the palate feels as if covered with fat, inveterately
constipated, stools hard, knotty, mostly claylike, either bileless or black, has
drawing pains in the scapula, like Chel., at times walking is almost impossible,
she has drawing pains in the vagina with leucorrhoea.
Clinical: Headache, sick, ends in vomiting of bile, especially after
taking calomel, like Sang. The liver enlargement of Card-m. is transverse,
that of Chel., verticle. Gallstones: Card-m. establishes a healthy flow’ of bile
thus removing their cause. Cough, liver, lower portion of right lung affected,
liver congested. Dropsy from liver troubles. Asthma of miners despondent,
sallow skin, yellow stools and orange urine. Varicose veins.

Has heat of the head, red face, creeping shudders after writing, vision of
sparks in streaks, eructation of fluid in the forenoon, burning pains in the
stomach after supper, the stools feel as if held back, the kidneys feel heavy
while sitting, the urine is only passed by the aid of the abdominal muscles,
increased sweat on the genitals, the speech weak, shiverings and flushes of
heat frequently alternate, flushes of heat all over especially on the face with
sweat on the forehead, the sw”eat stains yellow, a sense of prostration and
weakness causes one to tremble and be unable to hold things securely, is sensi­
tive to cold air.

CARYA ALBA (Cary-a.)

Clinical: Scurvy, haemorrhages from all orifices, on least excoriation
of the skin dark blood gushes out.

Suffers from haemorrhages from diseased bloodvessels, passes large quan­
tities of blood from the rectum with or without stool, causing great lassitude,
a sense of swelling deep down in the throat, loss of appetite a. m., averse to


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C Z ni to lp
the smell of smoking tobacco, feels the concussion of stepping in the stomach,
the abdomen is better warm drinks, has a constant slight urging with a gnaw­
ing pain higher up in the rectum, stools are knotty and covered with mucus,
the back pains, is weak and causes one to lie down, the muscles of both sides
of the back pain violently, desires warm drinks.
Clinical: Diarrhoea, gradually growing worse and more frequent,
backache, lassitude; may alternate with lumpy stools.


Clinical: Whooping cough, early, violent, spasmodic, very dry, ring­

ing, desires warm drinks. Stool in chopped pieces like chopped tape, rumbling,
severe pains after stool.

CASTOR EQU1 (Cast-eq.)

Clinical: Coryza, fluent, continued, constant sense of hunger even

after eating. Nipples sore, cracked, ragged, almost hanging, ulcerated; of
nursing women; exceedingly tender, cannot bear the touch of the clothing;
even neglected cases where the nipple is nearly ulcerated off and only hangs
by a small string. As of something alive about the heart. W arts: on the fore­
head; removes warts on horses caused by castor equi. Pain in coccyx p. m.
while sitting.


Is nervous, lacks reaction, irritable, has exhausting sweats, apprehensive,

sad, has a creeping, tingling sense worse sleep, head sensitive to touch, stomach
feels as if it would go to sleep or as if one had eaten too much; she yawns
with her abdominal compliants, her anus burns during and after stool; stools
contain pus and their passing causes her to bend double, lying causes gagging,
breathing difficult, inspirations long and frequent, expirations short, on deep
breathing feels as if something lay under the sternum, yawns constantly,
though not sleepy, during the day, apprehensive, sad, nausea after urinating,
the pains are better pressure and rubbing.
Clinical: Round elevation in center of tongue as large as a pea, an
angry and suspicious looking area surrounds it as large as a five cent piece,
is extremely sensitive to touch and to food, drawing, stringlike, pulling the
tongue toward the hyoid bone, tongue burns. Enteralgia, no stool, sudden
after mental emotions or getting feet cold, pallor, cold sweat and fainting.
Diarrhoea of children who are weakened by the Summer heat, or during den­
tition, stools watery or greenish mucus, other remedies failing. Colic, men­
strual, from emotions, feet chilly, pallor, cold sweat and sudden loss of
strength. Amenorrhoea, or during the menses, where only a few drops of
dark blood escapes from the uterus, with tenesmus. Dyspnoea, inspirations
long, slow and deep, frequent, expirations short, heat in the breasts and face.
Hernia, umbilical, child screams.


Original from
ninitiT Pri hv ,o I p
Has weakness of the reproductive organs, especially female, rheumatism
of the small joints, fretful, excitable, apprehensive, exhausted, inclined to
hysteria, a sense of weakness and internal trembling, is sensitive to cold and
desires warm clothing, sleepless, the joints pain at night and make her rest­
less, the pains are intermittent and drawing, leucorrhoea, “moth spots” on
the forehead, bitter vomiting before her menses, Sars., during, her back in­
clines to be stiff and her spine sensitive.
Clinical: Chorea at puberty, menses late. Labor pains thatdo not
bear down but pass off in shivering. After pains felt in the groins.Caul,
and Sec. produce uterine spasms more markedly than any other remedy, the
spasms of Caul, are intermittent, those of Sec. continuous. Rheumatism, espe­
cially of small joints, and especially of the hands, with cutting on closing
the hands, especially in women with suppressed menses, especially of the wrists
and fingers.

Is paralytically weak, ambitionless, anxious, timid, full of nervous fancies
especially in the p. m. twilight, restless especially at night in bed, the legs
constantly moving; the child dreads to go to bed in the dark; one has neither
the desire nor the ambition to do anything, hopesless, face is sallow, sickly
and yellow, tearful, melancholic, the more one thinks about one’s complaints
the worse they seem to get, desires smoked meats which agree, the urine
escapes easily, the mucus discharges are gluey, thick and tough, the mucus
membranes feel raw, one has a tendency to contractions and slow paralysis,
one can endure neither heat nor cold, and is worse in clear, fine weather,
cold dry winds and cold bathing and better heat of bed and hot applications,
is anxious while straining at stool, the thoughts or smell of food takes away
the appetite, thirsty, with an aversion to drinking, there may be a sense of lime
slacking in the stomach, coffee aggravates the stomach troubles but a swallow
of water will relieve them as it will the cough, the cough sounds as though
coughing into a barrel, the stool and urine pass better standing (Staph, can
only pass the urine while standing), is hoarse a. m. (Carb-v., p. m.), pains
make one restless, one is better heat except the fingers.
Clinical: Child: slow learning to walk, ankles weak; acts as if
startled without cause. Chorea: especially when it affects the muscles of the
right side and eyeballs; of nervous girls, muscles jerk day and night; of single
parts as tongue or one side of the face; of children from suppressed eruption.
Spasms, epileptic or choreic, at time of puberty. Paralysis especially after
diphtheria. In effects of grief it should be compared with Ign., Natr-m.
and Ph-ac. Blepharitis, better in the open air, muscles of eyeballs weak,
causes ophthalmia even to paralysis, especially with a sense of sand in the
eyes. Double vision from paralysis of the ocular muscles; vision worse on
turning eyes to the right. Deafness, very valuable; voice especially reverber­
ates. Unnatural accumulation of wax in the ears. Burning heat of ears
after frostbite and rheumatism. Coryza, fluent, larynx and trachea inflamed.
Ulcers, crusts or warts on tip of nose. Dry and horny warts about the face.
Facial neuralgia at every change in the weather, Sulph. failing. Paralysis,
facial, especially from taking cold, or of the side exposed to the wind, especially

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the cold Winter winds. Rheumatism of the articulation of the lower jaw.
Teeth ache violently from taking cold, even the sound teeth. Tongue white
on sides, red in the midddle, but not so sharply defined as under Verat-v.
Dentition when occasional convulsions occur. Sore throat, acute, with laryn­
gitis. Paralysis of the muscles of the pharynx. Diphtheria, maltreated, or
when the remedy prescribed was not indicated therefore insufficient; Caust.,
Cocc. and Lach, are important in post-diphtheritic paralysis. Nervous sense
in the throat. Awkward in talking or chewing, the food is apt to go down
the wrong way, has a nervous feeling in the throat and must swallow con­
stantly (that condition under Staph, is so great that it becomes annoying).
Dyspepsia; acid, sour vomiting and belching; bread causes heaviness and pres­
sure in the stomach. Gastralgia, colic, abdomen distended. Diarrhoea from
fresh meat. Piles intolerably painful, worse walking and straining the voice,
raw, sore. Paralysis of the bladder, urine expelled slowly or retained, espe­
cially after labor. Enuresis: after first sleep; here it resembles Bell., Rhus
and Sulph., but the sleep in Bell, and Sulph. is deep; is especially useful if the
child has black hair and eyes. Leucorrhoea smelling like the menses, worse
at night, great weakness. Laryngitis, acute, aphonia, larynx and trachea raw
and sore. Cough: worse heat of bed, better sip of water; as if one could not
get under it; hacking, with involuntary urination, rawness in the chest espe­
cially under the sternum, the expectoration must be swallowed. Nipples sore,
cracked and surrounded by herpes. Lumbago, painful stiffness of the back
and sacrum, worse attempting to rise. Torticolis, head drawn to one side.
Pain in old sensitive spinal troubles, from hot water on the hands. Contracted
tendons in the palms. Sciatica, right side, worse motion and Easterly storms.
Horny warts on the finger tips. Arthritis, rheumatoid, especially in persons
who suffer from weakness in the limbs, worse East winds, limbs become
distorted. Hamstrings under knees become too short. Soreness of folds of
skin. Chorea in dry weather and w'hen thinking of it. Cold water tones up
the paralysis. Rheumatism of the tendons and ligaments about the joints,
ending in the joints shrivelling and ultimate ankylosis; similar to Guiac.
Joints deform, enlarge, soften and infiltrate, with more pain and ache in dry
weather, especially when due to cold dry winds. Epilepsy at age of puberty
from fright or being chilled, or great changes of weather, worse during the
menses. Fissures in bends of the joints in old cases of salt rheum. Fistulous
openings with indurated walls. Hard feces pass unconsciously, like Aloe.
Caust. and Rhus are the two first remedies for paralytic weakness of the
muscles from being overstrained and taking cold at the same time. When
the milk almost disappears from fatigue, night watching or anxiety; nipples
get sore and crack.


Clinical: Spleen: enlarged, pain in whole left side; chronically hyper­

trophied and inflamed, pain, dyspnoea, has to fight for breath; with persistent
pain in life hypochonrium, profuse menses and yellow leucorrhoea; cannot
lie for pain in left side, must sit over the fire, is low spirited.

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Is especially nervous, complaints appear with clocklike regularity, espe­
cially in hot climates, head feels swollen, severe shooting pain over the left
eye, restlessness drives one from place to place, pain across the eyes from
temple to temple, face tumid, pupils dilated, breath cold, the pain over the
left eye is worse after coition, feels suffocated in the throat, the stools are
cither whitish like starch and semiliquid or white frothy and papescent and
come immediately after a meal with colic and inodorous flatus, the urine has
a branlike sediment, sweat is copious, she has a pale face during her menses
and chorea after them, her lips bluish and cold.
Clinical: Malarial poisoning, acute, spleen and liver enlarged, anae­
mia and dropsy. Convulsions, puerperal, beginning with severe pain in left
temple, with albuminuria. Spasms, hysterical, regularly night and a. m.
Chorea in women after coition. Neuraligia: ciliary; supra orbital; of whole
right side of the face, daily about 9 a. m., lasting a few hours; chronic, inter­
mittent, recurring in paroxysms with great regularity. Severe pain in eyeball,
radiating pains all around the eye shooting into the nose, scalding tears from
the eyes and scalding water from the nose, pain across the forehead causing
a crazy sense, coming suddenly after working on black. Acute sudden pain
in ball of right thumb up arm to shoulder, same in right foot to knee causing
her to drop to the floor. Shingles, pains radiate. Fever, miasmatic, of low
marsh regions, in warm seasons and tropical countries, the chill returns with
clocklike regularity to the hour. Counteracts the bite of venomous serpents
and poisonous insects; relieves the pain from the bite of the Coral snake like
magic. Delirium tremens followed by trembling of the whole body. Objects
appear red at night, yellow by day (if caused by Ced., give Bell.). Stammers
after coition. Tonsils enlarged, velum palati red, constant need to swallow.
Laryngitis, chronic, intermittent, every p. m., shivering chill ending in copious
sweat. Cough 6 to 8 or 9 p. m., last two hours.


Is dreamily absent minded with marked alteration of moods, has, like
Kali-c., swelling below the eyebrows, but apparently not the puffing on
coughing or the 3 a. m. aggravation of Kali-c., is restless, must lie with the
head drawn back or one will choke and suffocate, the upper lip is swollen,
the discharges are offensive, tight clothing around the waist is unbearable,
often while riding in a carriage one has the sense of a bottle of water shaking
up and down in the left hypochondrium, sighs frequently, palpitation, the
nates are cold at night in bed, has a sense of a cord around the hips, lascivious
dreams especially of seeing rape and sexual intercourse, the whole body seems
enlarged to bursting, especially about the heart, the heart is weak, the feet
cold, she has a feeling of throbbing in her arms and vulva on waking after
a dull aching in the sacrum which is better walking about, and a yellow
leucorrhoea with pain in the right ovary.
Clinical: Diarrhoea, pain before stool, stool papescent, cold but not
chilly. Cench. differs from Lach, in that it affects the right ovary, Lach, the
left, and has easy swallowing of either solids or fluids, while Lach, swallows
solids easily but not fluids.

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Has confusing of mind, a stupefying pain in the temples, frontal protuber­
ances, orbital arches and eyes, the eyeballs are dull and sunken, thirst, belches,
vomiting increases the saliva, the dull pains in the hypogastrium are accom­
panied by shivering and general heat especially of the forehead which is
covered with cold sweat, drowsy, the skin itches and prickles, is restless
and weary, the strength sinks rapidly, is worse: nights, motion, and during
and after urination, and better eating.

The grand characteristic is found in the catarrhal discharges, those from
the eyes being bland, those from the nose so acrid that they fairly eat the hair
from the upper lip, the reverse of Euphr., sneezes with increased frequency,
affects principally the left side of the nose, head dull and confused, the eyes
burn, bite and smart as from smoke and one desires to rub them, the dis­
charge makes the parts raw and sore, has stitching pains in the ear or jerking
pains from the throat to the Eustachian tube, the face is hot especially in the
p. m., has an annoying pain over the middle of his groin, moist and offensive
flatus, the urine is frothy and irridescent, with the cough a sense of some­
thing being torn loose in the larynx making one feel as if one must grasp
the larynx for support, one is worse: p. m. in the warm room except the
tickling in the larynx, and in the penetrating N. E. winds, and is better in
the cold air, except the cough.
Clinical: Headache, mostly in the forehead to the temples, down to
the eyes and into the face, dull, worse p. m. and better open air, returning
in the warm room. Coryza, acute, fluent, unrivalled, dull headache, tears
feel hot, thirsty, no appetite, cough, hands tremble. Hay fever, in August,
a. m. coryza, violent sneezing, sensitive to the odor of flowers and the skin
of peaches. Laryngitis, catarrhal, violent, eyes water, hoarse cough as if
it would split the larynx, compels one to grasp the larynx and support it.
Neuralgia, threadlike pains, shooting, but not burning like those of Ars.;
from deep within the head toward the ear; or, of the amputated stump.
Phlegmasia alba dolens after instrumental delivery. Roasted coffee removes
the odor of onion breath. Whooping cough, stitching pain in the ear, indiges­
tion, flatulence, doubles up, passes offensive flatus, larynx painful. Infants
with a ragged sensitiveness about the anus, with bleeding. The majority of
earaches may be cured by Ccpa, Cham, and Puls. When Cepa drives catarrh
to the chest think of Phos. Colic beginning in the hepatic region and spreading
over the abdomen, especially around the navel, worse sitting. Pneumonia
of children, incipient. A raw onion on going to bed is a popular remedy for
sleeplessness. Measles and scarlet fever with the characteristic catarrhal
symptoms. Unpleasant secretions from handling peaches.


Clinical: Vomiting: of pregnancy; chronic; reflex, from cerebral and
intestinal irritation. Whooping cough, epistaxis and vomiting. Dysmenor-
rhoea of fleshy robust women with scanty discharge, better flow established,
pain before and at beginning, sense of tenesmus (5 gr. doses every hour were


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The mental and physical symptoms alternate, desire to be at work on
something useful, is gloomy, restless, inclines to curse and swear, like Anac.
and Nit-ac., throws things, like Staph., at persons if resisted, right popleteal
space itches, chest feels expanded followed by collapse, an herpetic eruption
may appear below the left scapula and above the left knee, is worse at night
and from pressure of the clothes, and better undressing.

CERVUS (Cerv.)
Clinical: Has a taste in the mouth like doughy bread.


Clinical: Cutting wisdom teeth, the irritation causes stoppage in the
nose and deafness with discharge from the left ear.

Is extremely sensitive, uncivil, snappy, cross, peevish, spitful and irritable;
the child is only stilled by being carried about in the arms; always com­
plaining, whines, restless, wants this and that which is refused when offered
and pushed away, wants to be petted constantly and if it cannot have what
it wants moans and crys pitiously; extremely sensitive to pain, tongue yellow,
taste bitter, has one red cheek only, feverish, thirsty, the pains are almost
always semilateral are worse at night and almost drives one frantic, drives
one out of bed and compel one to walk and are better from coffee and heat
except the teeth and jaws, has no consideration for the feeling of others and
will enter into a dispute or quarrel with them regardless, is restless and
tosses about the bed; the child is especially worse at 9 p. m. (Bry., at 9 a. m.) ;
must cover the ears if one rides in the wind, is sensitive to air and cold,
desires plenty of clothing, eating or drinking causes the face to sweat, must
cover the ears while riding in the wind, the most characteristic stool is grass
green and has the odor of bad eggs, is sleepy at night but cannot sleep, the
sweat on the forehead is hot and sticky.
Clinical: Rheumatic pains that make one wild and walk about in dis­
tress. Convulsions of children from excitement, especially one cheek red the
other pale, hot sweat. For those who have taken opium and bromides. The
characteristic mental symptoms as given above dominate all the diseases
requiring Cham, whether pathological states appear in the pathogenesis or
not. (T hat is undoubtedly true with ALL remedies, as no remedy produces
directly any pathological state: A. P .). Ought not to be given to patients
who bear pain with resignation and patience. Cham, has a very bad temper,
but Nux is malicious, fiery and wants to fight at the drop of the hat, Cham,
is typical of anger. Otalgia, sore, swollen, hot, the pain drives one to dis­
traction. It is classical that with Cepa., Cham, and Puls., one can cure nearly
all earaches of children. Catarrh, nasal, unable to sleep. Coryza during cold
windy days. Heat in the face during the chill that comes out of the eyelids
like fire. Dentition, extremely valuable, with the characteristic mentals.
Gastralgia, pressing pain after coffee. Colic of children, abdomen distended,


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tosses about in agony, bends double, like Col., but is more flatulent than Col.,
it comes on after anger, cheeks red, sweat hot. Diarrhoea: green silmy mucus
stools; chopped white and yellow; often changeable in color; often like
chopped eggs and spinach (Aeon., like chopped spinach in flakes) ; smells like
decayed eggs; especially during dentition or after taking cold; colic and
soreness of the anus. Haemorrhage, uterine, flow irregular, dark and clotted;
often constant oozing of dark foul blood with occasional bright gushes.
Dysmenorrhoea, membranous. Menstrual colic from anger, also threatened
miscarriage. After pains severe, especially if they extend down the thighs,
os rigid. Convulsions: puerperal, from anger, one cheek red the other pale;
of the child from punishment, the child becomes stiff, rolls its eyes, face
distorted, muscles twitch, throws its limbs about clenches its thumbs and
bends the body backward, often brought on during dentition, with great
pain. Milk suppressed from anger. Croup: after failure of Aeon.; suffo­
cative attacks. Laryngitis, catarrhal, hoarse, larynx raw. Cough, irritable,
dray, from tickling in larynx. Bronchitis, children especially, free mucus
expectoration. Asthma from anger. A weak cup of Cham, tea every night
has removed the night sweats of phthisis. Resembles Mag-c., but the stools
differ; differs from Bell, to which it is complementary in that Bell, acts
more on the cranial nerves. The paralytic sense in Cham, in any part is
always accompanied by drawing, tearing pains and they rarely occur without
the paralytic numb sensation in the part. Its excessive sensibility of the
nerves is only equaled by Coff., Nux and Opi. Is especially useful in women
and children of a nervous, excitable temperament, and so effectually calms
nervous excitement that it has been termed “the opium of Homoeopathy.”
Sleeplessness from nervous excitement.

Constantly complains of a pain under the lower angle of the right
scapula that extends to the back (Chenop. has a similar pain that extends
to the chest, desires food and drinks hot, hot milk relieves, is low spirited,
weeps without reason, anguish and anxiety allow one no rest and keeps one
uneasy day and night, restless, constantly moves from place to place, broods
as if one had committed a crime, vertigo and inclines to fall forward, the
eyes are a dirty yellow, also the complexion, the mouth has a bad odor, the
taste bitter, the tongue coated thickly yellow, is averse to cheese and boiled
meats, the stomach retains hot drinks best of all, the stools are bright yellow
and pasty, the urine dark yellow, feels better generally after dinner, stitches
appear in the region of the liver, has pain across the navel as if constricted
by a string, sleepy, desires to lie down but unable to sleep, is worse: motion,
touch and change of weather, and better heat.
Clinical: Great lethargy, debility and weariness, indisposed to make
any effort, like China. Delirium: low forms as in pneumonia, quiet, especial­
ly at night, then lethargy that continues through the day. Melancholy, en­
larged liver and jaundice. Head: aches, right side to down behind the ears
and right shoulder blade, where it becomes seated; or, violent neuralgic,
right side, especially over right ear or right cheek bone, with hepatic symp­
toms; profuse tears; pains cut and extend downward and may involve right
ear. Staphylomatous swelling of cornea, tears gush from eyes on looking up.
Neuralgia, supraorbital, worse right side, tears, pains throb, shivers, pain in


I A/ \/lh > Original from

head, eyes and ears, temples tender to pressure, better cold water, worse heat
and night in bed. Digestive troubles with liver disturbances, yellow tongue
showing imprints of teeth around edges, bad taste and odor from the mouth,
and accumulation of tough mucus; temporary better eating, prefers hot drinks
and food. In all the hepatic and intestinal affections the pains are worse on
the right side and usually seated under the lower angle of the right scapula.
Diarrhoea, stools thin, bright yellow or bright pasty, jaundice and the char­
acteristic scapular pain. Cough loose and rattling, expectoration difficult.
Bronchitis or pneumonia, of children, face dusky red, dyspnoea, cough, pain
right side, pains stitch, tear, high fever, sits in bed, bends forward on elbows,
keeps perfectly still as if transfixed for if one moves the pain shoots through
like a knife. Bry. is very similar to Chel. in pneumonia but the pains go
continually to the back in Chel. and especially to the right scapula. Back:
Chenop. may be mistaken for Chel. by the scapula pain, but the pain of
Chenop. is lower and nearer the spine. Chel. resembles Angust. in cutting
just beneath the scapula to breast, but is nearer the nipple. Rheumatism:
upper limbs, flesh sore to touch and no relief from sweat; lower limbs: in
hips and thighs, worse right side and right knee, cedema of ankles, stiffness
and feeling as if right leg was paralyzed. Influenza, drawing in nape and
scapula. The liver is involved in all cases calling for Chel. The neuralgias
are most common in the head and face, are right sided and worse motion and
weather changes.


Clinical: Intense pain just below the inner angle of the right scapula
through to the chest (Chel. to the back), and nearer the spine than Chel.
Chenop-g-a. has a similar pain on the left side. Deafness: long lasting after
Chenop. had been used as a vermifuge; hearing worse in medium pitched
sounds; sensitive to musical tones; hearing better from high pitched sounds;
very sensitive to the sounds from passing vehicles, each one of which sounded
like the roaring of immense cannon right into the ear; to the sound of the
voice. Tonsils enormously enlarged in pale scrofulous children; caseous de­
posits on the inflamed painful tonsils. Rattling in the trachea as of a ball
rolling there loose.


Is greatly troubled with the bladder, feels as if sitting on a ball in the
perineum, has a pain and sense of fluttering in the region of the kidneys first
on one side then the other, has a deep seated shooting pain on the left side of
the anus, light headed, desires the head pressed, heaviness in the abdomen as
of a stone lying there, the urine is very scanty and cloudy and red after stand­
ing, irritable, restless and hot as if the blood was boiling but one cannot sweat,
is apt to have needlelikc pains in the sacrum and hip bones.
Clinical: Catarrh of the bladder, acute and chronic, urine offensive,
turbid, ropy or bloody mucus, sediment copious, scalding and burning during
urination, straining afterward, difficulty in beginning urination, must strain
a great deal, sometimes the urine is fetid. Suppressed urine in infants. Pros­
tate: inflamed, acute, urine retained, as if sitting on a ball in perineum when


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sitting; after sitting on cold stones. Colic, flatulent distension, drowsy, as if
abdomen would burst after supper. Diarrohea, stool contains bubbles. The
urine is high colored, offensive, turbid and contains considerable ropy or bloody
mucus and depositing a copious sediment, burning and scalding during urina
tion; great straining before and after.


Is pale, extremely debilitated, in a state of nervous erethism, with in­
creasing anaemia, and great pallor, irritable even if looked at, worse at night,
ears ring and roar, has cold sweat on the nose and around the mouth, pale
face» everything tastes bitter, the tongue coated a dirty yellow, cannot eat
fruit, has an aversion to hot food, gets hungry at night, drinks little and often,
if one craves anything it is something pungent as spices, stimulents and coffee
beans; tea or fruits cause flatulence, passes copious flatus; the/child continu­
ously asks for dainties; sweats on the least exertion, the skin is very sensitive,
the pains tear, twing and cut or jerklike, tearing or sticking, extremely sensi­
tive, dreads the least touch or approach, is equally sensitive to motion, to air
or a draft, the odor of flowers, cooking and tobacco, chilly, the belchings are
loud and strong but they do not relieve, is worse touch and dreads it, but is
better hard pressure.
Clinical: Anaemia, extreme debility, from nursing or loss of fluids.
Emaciation rapid, indigestion, voracious appetite, undigested stool, copious
night sweats. Haemorrhagica, purpura, after nursing, roaring in ears, cold
clammy skin, painless diarrhoea, sometimes bloody. Delirium, confused, in
anaemic persons or from loss of animal fluids. Headache: throbbing worse
in or confined solely to the temples, the external head very sensitive to the
least touch; or, anaemic, violent, from sexual excesses or loss of animal fluids,
pulsating, even hammering, flickering before the eyes, better hard pressure
worse least touch; sometimes moving back and forth as if the brain was hit
ting against the sides of the skull. Eyes: asthenopia, transcient blindness or
flickering before the eyes; neuralgia about the eyes, worse least touch, weak
vision; haemorrhage, sees persons and objects on closing the eyes. Ears:
ring, roar, deaf; neuralgia, pain worse touch. Nose: epistaxis, ears ring,
anaemia, it relieves the headache; cold sweat around the nose. Face: cold
sweat around the mouth; erysipelas, vesicular, low delirium, also of infants
with hot swollen limbs (T r. Chin, has been used in facial erysipelas without
vesication). Toothache, neuralgic, better clenching the teeth tightly together,
but worse touching the teeth, anaemia. Salivation, chronic, from mercurial
poisoning. Dyspepsia: acid, heartburn even after milk, constant satiety, no
relief from belching gas; or constant satiety, coldness in the stomach, craving
for pungent things and stimulents, and sour things, digestion extremely slow,
after eating feels full and drowsy with after taste of food; dyspnoea; or, pain­
ful pressure and distension in region of the stomach after eating a little.
Haemorrhage from stomach, after, stomach sensitive, prostration, sensitive
over region of liver which may be swollen. Gastro-duodcnal catarrh, yellow
tongue, oppressive headache at night, canine hunger yet loathes food. En­
larged spleen, painful, like Ceanoth. and Ced., the pain in the spleen acute
and sticking. Jaundice in nursing children, spleen and liver enlarged, abdo­
men tympanitic. Colic coming on regularly every night at 12 p. m. Chin.
6x is said to eradicate gallstone colic with all its attendant symptoms. Diar-


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Clinical: Diphtheria, malignant, late stage, prostration, putrid odor,
exudate blackish, burning in the throat, stitching pains on swallowing; or
when the disease is prolonged and shows no tendency to convalescence. Angina
pectoris: in periodical spasms, burning pain and prostration; with dropsy,
venous hyperaemia and cyanosis. Asthma, suffocative attacks, daily at the
same hour, during phthisis, skin icy cold, anxiety, must sit bent forward by
the open window. Malaria, marsh, after the paroxysm: cold sweat, prostra­
tion, irritable, brown diarrhoea. Headache preceded by irritable mood, worse
mental and bodily exercise. Coryza, periodical, where frequent colds keep
up catarrhal activity. Nausea and vomiting followed by sleep. Indigestion
from unripe fruit. Gastralgia from ill-baked bread. Pressure in solar plexus,
tender just back of the spine. Diarrhoea especially at night and after eating,
stool lienteric.


C lin ic a l:Neuralgia, periodic, in and around the eye, chills, tears and
photophobia. Ulceration of the cornea from malaria or anaemia, especially
when the iris becomes involved, periodic severe pain in or above the eye,
especially with chills. Trachoma with or without pannus.


Is highly cachetcic, badly weakened from loss of blood, sallow com-
plexioned, emaciated, singing in the ears, spleen enlarged, disposed to shiver,
great weakness, all the troubles are periodical, the skin flaccid and sensitive,
whirling in the head like a mill wheel, ringing in the ears, mostly the left,
hungry at night, the last cervical and first dorsal vertebrae are sensitive to
pressure; weak and nervous, least exercise causes palpitation, sweat relieves
except the head, the sweat is debilitating.
Clinical: Neuralgia, intermittent, at regular hours, in the head and
face, intense pulsations and vertigo. Vertigo with twitching of the eyelids.
Headache, intermittent, throbbing, vertigo, heat of face, eyelids close, sheer
prostration. Strabismus, child squints one day, is free next. Spleen pain­
fully enlarged after intermittents. Pneumonia, oppression, weak, deaf, ring­
ing in the ears as of bells, or whizzing, or rumbling as of a storm, in the
ears, must lie on the back, like Sang. Spinal irritation, in the region of the
first dorsal vertebrae, sensitive, the pain goes toward the head, worse pressure.
Fever, intermittent, regularly at the same hour, pain in the last cervical and
first dorsal vertebrae; the stages of chill, fever and sweat are well marked,
and distinct.

Clinical: Liver enormously enlarged; soreness in hepatic region; pulse
rapid and weak, stool bileless, clay color, constipation, urine almost black,
emaciation. Jaundice: menses suppressed; recurring every Summer. Is said
to prevent the formation of gallstones, and promote their discharge. Bilious
symptoms, sore liver and headache at every menstrual period.


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niniti7Ari hv f ! n . ,nlf>
CHLORALUM (Chloral.)
Suffers from skin troubles with marked hyperaemia of the capillaries
around the eruption, subject to urticaria, the eyelids swell so that one could
scarcely see, the eyes and lids burn with a sense of a burning ring around the
eyes, the inner canthi and edges of the lids itch, the tongue often looks as if
ink had been rubbed down the center, dyspnoea, at times his weak heart makes
it impossible for one to lie down.
Clinical: Headache, frontal, a. m. sensitive to motion and laughing,
better in open air. Asthma, sleepless, delirious nightly, bends forward, can
scarcely catch the breath. Uritcaria: face and eyelids so swollen one could
hardly see; large, red patches on arms and legs, raised wheals, intense irrita­
tive itching. Teeth ache from pressure of filling, worse lying down. Colic
of children, the pain threatens convulsions. Dentition, nightly terror. Chorea,
constant motion of head, body and limbs, could neither lie nor stand. Gangrene
in places exposed to pressure, spreads in depth with skin in tact, in patients
laboring with mental diseases. Antiseptic dressing for wounds even with

Clinical: Is contra-indicated in softening of the brain, fatty heart,
alcoholism or albuminia. Delirium where excitement and violence predomi­
nate; desire to kill. Gallstones and biliary colic, tympanitis, intense pain,
restless; said to dissolve gallstones.

Has affections of the larynx especially, often feels as if the whole atten­
tion must be centered on the act of respiration, is often partially comatose
during the suffocative attacks, the eyes stare, the face is livid blue, the teeth
and tongue black, if the air is damp there are spasms of the vocal cords and
aphonia, often a sense as if the rima glottidis was stiff and composed of
iron ring, breathes easily enough but the expiration is prevented, there is
sudden tightness of the chest and sudden and extreme dyspnoea, and a sense
of warmth in the respiratory tract and a sense as if the air escaped into the
pleural cavity at each respiration, the pulse small and soft.
Clinical: Laryngismus stridulous; sudden; expiration almost impos­
sible. Typhus (5 drops of chlorine water every 2 or 3 hours till the tongue
becomes moist). In suffocative sense with inability to exhale, bloated face,
and convulsions it closely resembles Meph.

Clinical: Cancer of the liver. Opacities of the vitreous. Gallstone
colic, almost specific, attacks come and go suddenly, pushing pain in tne region
of the gall duct, region of the liver; sore, sensitive to touch or jar, worse
lying on the side, tongue coated dirty yellowish-white, profuse urine before
the attack, worse bending or sudden motion.

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Is heavy, dull, stupid, mind confused, memory weak, worse from a draft
of air or cold water, better walking, very apt to vomit up one’s breakfast,
subject to angina, wakes at night with much pain, short hacking and retching,
has pain in the knees, the least draft of air aggravates the pains; she has a foul
smelling sanious uterine discharge.
Clinical: Epithelioma of the tongue; prickling. Diphtheria: painful;
awakens at night, tough mucus in the throat that must be swallowed; croup­
ous; cough; gangrenous. Diarrhoea, watery, vertigo, nausea. Lochia,
bloody, foul odor. Piles: blind, constipation; periodical. Ranula, mouth
dry, worse afternoon, sore when chewing.


Clinical: Causes nausea, vomiting and purging. Eyes, pupils con­
tracted, photophobia, pain from least ray of light, phosphorescent flashes of
light, on forcing eyes to look at objects, retinal impressions remain a long
time after closing the eyes, lids swell, skin around lids irritated. Ringworms
are said to disappear rapidly after its application.

Clinical: A sense of deadness in the eyes prevents one reading at night.


Clinical: Convulsions: from various causes and from pressure on a
part; insensibility; eyes are first affected, they stare, the eyeballs jerk, as do
the muscles of the face and whole body, face is red, hot and sweaty; or opis-
thotonous, tetanic rigidity of the whole body, eyes fixed at one point, froth
at mouth, breathing spasmodic; the aura either begins in the stomach or
about the head or throat and extends downward, any jar or any irritation
about the throat or oesophagus will excite convulsions about that region; from
severe pain in the bowels; from mental conditions; from becoming chilled,
touch or draft; the direction is downward, that of Cup., upward; from fright;
head hot, limbs cold. Melancholy, indifference. Great apprehension, mis­
trustful; sad from concussion of the brain. Hallucinations and convulsions
after typhoid. Catalepsy, attacks of childish behavior on coming out of it.
Cerebro-spinal irritation, head drawn back, limbs convulsed and rigid. Head:
suppurating eruptions and pustules, larger than a pin head, which become con­
fluent and suppurate. Strabismus commencing after convulsions, periodic or
spasmodic. Haemorrhage from the ears in cerebral troubles. Deafness of
old people, sudden detonations in ears especially on swallowing (Con.).
Troubles arising from shaving. Eruption about corners of the mouth, begin
like honey colored crusts that bum and itch, crusts extend to chin and become
thick and “ fatty” ; glands swell. Effects of injuries to the skull (Natr-s.).
Spasms of the oesophagus from worms, child strangles on attempting to swal­
low. Eases the choking on attempting to examine the throat. Desire for
unnatural things like coal. Hiccup, loud, violent, spasms of the chest gas-
tralgia, vertigo, muscular spasms and tendency to convulsions. Spasms of
pectoral muscles, dyspnoea or violent hiccup. Palpitation, heart often feels


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as if it had stopped beating. Spasms and cramps in muscles of neck, spas­
modic drawing backward of head. Neuralgia of coccyx during menses. Child:
grasps at one’s clothing in a frantic manner; has strabismus every time it is
frightened. Cic. is closely related to Con. about the lips and lids in that a
small amount of pressure causes induration. Likes childish toys and jumps
in bed and from the bed in a happy childish state. Tetanus, violent shocks
through the head, arms and legs, causing them to jerk suddenly, head hot.
Lockjaw, teeth pressed firmly together. After swallowing a piece of bone or
other injury to the oesophagus and the throat closes and there is danger of
suffocation. Colic, convulsions, vomiting. Spasms during labor and convul­
sions after. Nervous fever characterized by great stupidity. Worms with
colic and convulsions. Cholera, loud sounding dangerous hiccup, violent jerk­
ing backward of head, vomiting alternating with violent tonic spasms of the
chest muscles, staring or upturned eyes, heavy breathing, congestion of blood
to the brain or chest after the vomiting ceases, sopor, convulsions. Convul­
sions from any cause where consciousness is lost, paroxysms always followed
by profound exhaustion. Neuralgia of the coccyx especially during men­


Is a malarial subject prone to liver troubles and malarial fever, the ham­
strings feel too short during the chill, knees flexed, the thighs pain on attempt­
ing to stretch the limb, anxious, has a sense as if one would like to creep into
oneself and on that account could not crouch sufficiently together, one’s own
sweat disgusts one, the nostrils annoyingly dry, tongue feels as if scalded,
burned or swollen, iron taste to the saliva, scalded sense in the palate and
gums, throat feels dry, the urine is brown, pain in the small of the back
while sitting, lower limbs feel heavy, must sit down on account of weariness
in the lions and limbs, irresistibly sleepy, sweat relieves; she has hot sense
inside the labiae.
Clinical: Piles; pain during stool; stool hard and dry, like a dog’s, or
discharge of small pieces of white stool after which the rectum closes firmly.
Cough, gags, belches, vomits, sweats, often with the gagging and pain in the
chest. Fever: intermittent; quartan; during the chill all the joints are pain­
ful as if the tendons were too short, especially the hamstrings, attempting to
stretch them causes pain in the thigh, after the chill most violent headache.
The flexors are the most affected; every motion or stretching of the ex­
tensors causes a tightening pain in the tendons and extensors.


Is nervous, rheumatic, the physical and mental symptoms ever changing,
grieved, troubled, sighs, always chilly and sensitive to cold, damp weather,
rheumatic and hysterical symptoms intermingle» the eyeballs pain; the muscles
feel sore and bruised, restless, when the rheumatic state disappears the mind
becomes affected or has diarrhoea, a feeling as if a black cloud had settled
over one, feels heavy as lead, sensitive to cold, desires warm clothing, ex­
citable, restless, sleepless, pulse quick and fluttering, heart irregular and feels
as if enlarged and sore, her uterine pains dart from side to side and has pain
all through the menses.


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i AI. »
Clinical: Neuralgia: reflex, especially in women, depending on uterine
and ovar troubles; ciliary, eyeballs feel enlarged, pain shoots into the head,
often photophobia and asthenopia; facial, either from uterine or rheumatic
troubles, pain better at night, returns next day; ovarian, tender, bearing down,
pain shoots up sides and across lower abdomen, or especially of life ovary, pain
extends up and down left side, tender; of diaphragm. Chorea: especially in
muscles of left side; as soon as she retires at night in the side Iain, the muscles
will begin to jerk and prevent sleep. Headache: that either affects the
occiput or begins at that point, violent and shoots up to the vertex or down
the spine, bending the head forward seems to pull up on the spine; at times
seems as if a bolt was driven from the neck to the vertex with every beat of
the heart; often the whole neck is lame from the distress in moving the head;
these headaches may be neuralgic in women with uterine disturbances or may
be associated with cerebro-spinal meningitis, or neuralgic, as if the top of the
head would fly off; of hysterical girls having much pain in the back of the
neck. Delerium: restless, tendons twitch, starts up suddenly; wild imagining
of rats, crazy sense about the head, moves about, changes subject constantly;
tremens, fright and trembling, cannot remain in one place; the two marked
characteristics of the delirium and insanity are the mental and physical rest­
lessness in which the victim cannot remain in one position or place and when
talking constantly changes subjects. Mania, puerperal, very suspicious, talks
of a variety of things, constantly changing subjects, or speech is disconnected,
sees vermin. Insanity, melancholic, apprehensive, talks of becoming crazy,
or suspicious, or talks incessantly, constantly changing subjects. Melancholy,
puerperal, sleepless, sighs and moans all the time. Nausea: in uterine or
spinal troubles, efforts to vomit; vomiting and nausea from pressure on the
spine and cervical region, palpitation, menses suppressed. Menses: painful,
irregular or suppressed, hysterical or epileptic form spasms during the period;
or too copious and early, dark, clotted, severe pain in back through the hips
and down the thighs. Endocervicitis, nervous, hysterical symptoms, womb
engorged, cervix hypertrophied, organs sensitive, especially the ovaries. Labor,
during: pains do not force down but extend upward into the sides and across
the abdomen; os rigid; after pains: very sensitive, she feels that she cannot
bear them, worse in the groins. Cough, nervous, excited on every attempt to
speak. Pleurodynia, either side, in women with uterine troubles, in left in­
framammary region. Angina pectoris, left arm numb, irregular, trembling
pulse, tremulous action of the heart. Heart catching pain about, in women,
preventing respiration, palpitation and faintness. Spinal irritation, cervical
and upper dorsal region tender to pressure. Acts upon the joints, especially of
the hands, feet and wrists. Pain in the left inframammary region, dependent
on uterine trouble. Labor, nervous chill during the first stage (Gels.).
Rheumatic, nervous, fidgety women whose muscles jerk. Only second to
Puls, in amenorrhoea, especially suppressed menses from cold or emotions.
Rheumatism affecting especially the “belly” of the muscle, worse motion,
nervous and restless. Nervous cough on any attempt to speak.
Has a worm breeding constitution, is touchy both mentally and physically,
indifferent to and proof against all caresses, nervous, irritable, peevish, obsti­
nate, strikes at people, cannot be quieted, child cries piteously if any one at­
tempts to look at, touch or attempts to lead it, is worse at first touch as


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when attempting to lift it from the cradle, or it may want to be rocked or
carried, dark blue rings around the eyes, picks and bores into the nose con­
stantly, face pale especially around the nose and mouth even during fever,
a sickly look around the eyes, chews, swallows and grinds the teeth during
sleep at night when it is restless and cries out, has a “worm” breath, the ap­
petite is capricious, either wanting or excessive, refuses ordinary food and de­
sires dainties, pushes things away when offered, the stools are mostly white
mucus like little pieces of popped corn, the urine white jellylike and turbid,
muscles twitch, is usually worse at night, after a meal and early a. m., con­
stant motion relieves, as does sleeping on the abdomen, the child is apt to
wet the bed.
Clinical: Mentally excited, wakes in fright, screams, trembles. Men­
ingeal irritability, especially from worms, especially with swollen hot abdo­
men. Strabismus from worms. Asthenopia, vision blurred on attempting to
read. Sensitive, nervous women w’ho get pain in the head and eyes from
sewing, like Ruta. The sickly aspect is striking. Face: twitching of muscles
about eyes and face, especially with disordered stomach and bowels; neu­
ralgia of the malar bone as if pinced by pincers, worse pressure, like Verb.
Stomach disordered, convulsion, fever, delirium, eyes glassy, head drawn
back. Abdomen distended, hard, sore; swollen, hot sore, sore above the navel
where there is much colic, sometimes better pressure, like Pod. Passes worms
both round and thread, and sometimes through the mouth. Bronchitis, capil­
lary, child screams when approached, like Am., swallows after coughing,
screams and talks in the sleep. Convulsions: fever and worse touch and sen­
sitive, delirium and glassy eyes, mouth drawn, white rings around the eyes
and mouth; after punishment, like Cham., and especially Ign. Hydrocephalus,
internal, headache on touching or tapping the spinal cord, always in the sun,
when head is hot and the feet cold. Child sleeps on the abdomen, wakes if
turned over. Cough, child rouses itself suddenly before the cough, looks
wildly about, becomes stiff and unconscious as if it would have epilepsy, then
coughs. Whooping cough, as the child comes out of the spasm or paroxysm,
drinks roll audibly in the stomach with a clucking sound. Intermittent fever
in children, paroxysms at same hour daily, no thirst either during the chill
or fever.


Has a painful sense of humiliation, disposed to feel cowardly, absent

minded, has vertigo with a voracious appetite, a. m. headache on waking, eyes
burn with desire to rub them, the lids weak and droopy, sudden sounds in
the ears as whistling or the blowing of a trumpet, nostrils are stopped, sneezes
a. m., face hot, pale and sweaty, taste as of iron, mouth tastes bitter, throat
burns and feels as if constricted, eructates copiously, heat in the abdomen as
of hot poultice, viscous sweat about the anus, expectorates milk white globules
of mucus, dull pains alternate from arm to arm, cramp about the thumbnail,
the hands are hot even in cold rainy weather, the legs and feet feel icy cold
as if blown on by wintery winds, dreams of the seas, of fishes and of bathing.

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Suffers from the effects of syphilis, congestion to the head, especially to
the forehead or vertex which is worse after eating, has violent itching of the
corona glandis with copious secretion of pus, the prepuce becomes red and
swells, the mind seems clear, cheerful, head painfully sensitive to touch, eyes
red, face hot and swollen especially about the eyes, tongue coated white a. m.
and throat dry, bowels irregular, feeling as of a worm in the anus, sore feeling
in the urethra on urinating, it wakens one at night, the penis swells and
twitches, sweats mostly at noon, is indolent, fretful and easily provoked.
Clinical: Eyes inflamed, severe pain in the orbital bones especially
running from the inner canthus to the outer canthus in the bone, the pain may
extend into the eye or the head. Catarrh, nasal, subacute or chronic, pain
about root of nose into bones of each side. Angina faucium, stringy mucus
passes from fauces into the throat. Buboes indurate, condylomata on prepuce
and fraenum and inner surface, bleed on touch.

Clinical: Haemorrhage: blood bright red and clear, from any source,
but especially uterine; worse riding, exertion or talking. Hysteria, nausea,
vomits, attacks pass off with belching, caused by talking. Nausea, gagging
and vomiting while riding in a carriage.


Is extremely sensitive to cold, the glands swell, inflame, and indurate
or ulcerate, exhausted, dyspnoea if one exerts, cold and sweaty, sweats in a
warm room, the more one sweats the colder one gets, the discharge from the
ears fetid, the nose feels best when full of mucus as it feels raw and burns
when empty and bums from the inspired air, the throat feels rough as if
full of sand, hot air feels good to one, especially to the nose, throat and lungs,
craves strong pungent stimulents to warm one up, the glands of the neck en­
large like ropes in lines, all the orifices and anus itch and one rubs them
until they become raw and bleed, the burning bruised pain in the coccyx is
worse touch, the chest fills with mucus, expectoration relieves, workmen dc-
velope a hard place or places on their hands with deep cracks.
Clinical: Sore throat: intolerably dry, worse cold air, better swallow­
ing liquids, uvula and tonsils swollen; or, with a dry spot, has to rise at
night to sip water, feels as if glazed with strips of mucus; scrofulous swelling
and suppuration of glands of throat. Parotids so enlarged as to push the
head to one side. Head: pains shoot from head to ears; pain from fasting,
like Lyc., better eating; as if the forehead was cold internally, especially in a
warm room. Otorrhoea, chronic, after eruptive diseases. Catarrh, chronic,
discharge thick, yellow and offensive. Diarrhoea: from coffee; stools thin,
yellow, urgent, worse early a. m .; chronic, in flabby, pale, sickly persons who
cannot ascend the stairs without losing their breath. Air passages feel narrow,
has to open the windows to breathe fresh air, worse lying down. Breasts
indurate. Caries of lower jaw, glands of neck suppurate. Ophthalmia,
chronic, discharge offensive.

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Clinical: Women who are generally very attentive suddenly become
averse to their domestic duties. Spleenitis, daily headache compelling her to
lie down, loss of appetite, empty belching especially after eating, scrobiculum
painful to pressure of the hand, painful enlargement, dyspnoea. Has been
applied, with good results, in the assaugement of the pain of cancer. Diph­
theria as a gargle, causes the false membrane to detach and the glandular
enlargement to decrease, and hastens recovery.
Has vesicular eruptions almost like erysipelas, dreads company yet dreads
to be alone, the eruptions itch, sting and burn, are worse washing, cold ap­
plications and heat of the bed, the eyes burn, smart and are worse closing them,
is unable to empty the bladder at one time, after urination the urine flows
involuntary in drops, the face is pale and sickly, the breath offensive, the
skin and muscles lax.
Clinical: Especially useful in rheumatic constitutions, especially in
those who suffer from herpetic eruptions which sometimes become pustular
and that appear especially about the occiput and are worse cold applications
and heat of the bed, but the jaws and teeth are only better holding cold water
in the mouth and are greatly aggravated by heat and heat of the bed. Home­
sickness, restless dreamy sleep with vibratory sensations throughout the body.
Eruption like eczema on the occiput, itching, worse heat of the bed, stings,
crawls, tickles. Iritis: from cold, pains press, photophobia, tears, heat in the
eyes, sensitive to cold air; chronic, syphilitic, worse at night, with adhesions.
Toothache, temporarily better holding cold water in the mouth or drawing
in cold air, worse at night on lying down, heat of the bed and tobacco, saliva­
tion, gums red and teeth feel too long. Inguinal glands swell, sore on walk­
ing, pain at night. Neck of bladder inflamed, pain on beginning urination,
urethra feels contracted, has to strain to pass a few drops of urine, dribbling
after urination. Stricture. Testes inflamed: pain worse at night in the warm
bed, with distress on urinating, from suppressed gonorrhoea; right spermatic
cord sensitive, swollen and hard, right half of scrotum thickens and hangs
down. Gonorrhea, slow in passing away, urethra feels like a large whip cord,
painful on pressure, discharge of thick pus, cannot empty the bladder, urine
dark and stopped by chordee. Leucorrhoea, corrosive, shooting pains in the
breasts, worse urinating. Induration and tumor of breast, stitches in shoulder,
worse at night, cannot bear uncovering. Eruptions: worse during increasing
moon, secretions corrosive, worse warm bed at night; after suppressed gonor­
rhoea; either dry or moist on occiput.
Has backache worse sitting, better rising up, walking or lying down,
nightly seminal emissions, lawd dreams, has either only partial erections or
is completely impotent, is subject to headache which is worse bending the
head forward and jarring, has darting pains in the eyes with tears in the open
air, the tongue is thickly coated white and cracked across the middle, the
urine has a strong pungent odor; is drowsy but the sleep is unrefreshing, is
worse sitting and stooping and better lying down, rising from sitting and
from walking.

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of food makes one gag, may have a sense of worm crawling in the stomach,
the intestines often feel as if squeezed between sharp stones, is disposed to
stool but the peristalsis in the upper bowel is wanting, the heart is weak,
the pulse feeble, is sleepy but cannot sleep, has a hollow sense here and there,
talking tires one, she has a copious leucorrhoea in place of her menses.
Clinical: The weaker and the more nervous the woman the more liable
to be Cocc. Convulsions from prolonged loss of sleep, eyes usually closed,
the eyeballs osilate rapidly beneath the closed lids. Paralysis: after diphtheria;
of throat; of the lower limbs with stiffness, numbness and a bruised sense;
weak and, as if chest and abdomen were hollow and empty; facial, of lids
and one eye and side of face; of limbs, numbness, after convulsive movements
of groups of muscles. Headache: on riding on a boat or other conveyances;
as if the skull would burst, or like a great valve opening and shutting; from
working in the sun, vertigo, nausea, loathing; sick, pains usually located in
the occiput, extend down the spine, sensitive to external impressions, constant
nausea and vertigo. Leucorrhoea, gushing out on bending or squatting down.
Trembling from excitement, overexertion and pain. Hysteria, with sadness.
Mind worse suppressed menses. Melancholy, wrapped in profound sadness,
apprehension and desire to escape. Vertigo, as if intoxicated, stupefaction of
head, numbness, limbs unsteady. Extreme aversion to food, persistent slight
qualmishness, bitter, metalic or putrid taste. Colic, flatulent, only slightly
better passing gas, attacks at night, sense of emptiness, vertigo and nausea.
Gastralgia from suppressed menses, and flatulent distention of the abdomen,
from dysmenorrhoea. Hernia, umbilical and inguinal, especially when the
abdominal muscles are weak. Diarrhoea from riding in a conveyance, worse
drinking cold water, flatulent distension, colic, as if sharp stones rubbed
together in the abdomen, legs numb, vertigo and nausea. Menses: copious,
gushing, exhausting, colic as if sharp stones rubbed together in the abdomen,
abdomen distended; suppressed, purulent, gushing leucorrhoea and flatulent
distension of the abdomen. Dyspnoea, as from contraction of the stomach
and hysteria. Abscess at the root of the toe nail, as from a hot iron. Fever,
low types, intense occipital headache, vertigo, nausea, faint, numb, difficulty
in collecting ideas. The weakness of Cocc is not an ordinary weak feeling,
but partakes of a paralitic nature. Nausea and distressing vertigo accom­
pany nearly all diseases needing Cocco.


Has an extremely sensitive pharynx, mouth and teeth, coughs, gags and
vomits, suffers from a catarrh that begins as soon as the W inter comes and
lasts till the warm weather comes again, during the attack is worse in the
warm room and better in the cool air, has dyspnoea on walking or ascending
a height, the chest burns from the mere exhalation of air, complains of a
hair or crumb lodged behind the larynx, clutches at the larynx if one gets
warm in bed or the room get9 warm, the food is apt to come back on swal­
lowing and cause gagging and retching. Has a sense of nausea in the throat,
is never rid of the nauseous taste in the mouth, is anxious, depressed, appre­
hensive and sad, has urging to urinate but is unable to do so until a large
clot of blood is passed, brushing the teeth will cause nausea and vomiting
as will rinsing out the mouth.


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Clinical: Coryza, fauces inflamed, thick viscid mucus is expectorated
with great difficulty, even with retching and vomiting. Calculi, renal, colic,
urine bloody, large deposits of urates and uric add, pains landnating and ex­
tending to the bladder from the kidneys. Menses: copious, with large clots
and dyuria; intermittent, only in the p. m. and night on lying down. Haemor­
rhage uterine, dots form rapidly and the vagina becomes packed, the bladder
can not be emptied until the dots are removed. Laryngitis, most violent
cough, difficult expectoration of tenadous mucus. Catarrh of bronchi, suf­
focative, tough white mucus that strangles one, cough worse first waking.
Whooping cough: vomits ropy albuminous mucus, worse a. m., the attacks
end in vomiting of the ropy mucus; the attacks come on generally in the
Winter, the cough is brought on especially in the warm room, or being warm
in bed, or from warm drinks, it is better for 3 or 4 hours after the mucus
is deared out. A valuable remedy in nephritic colic, pains extend from
kidneys to bladder haematuria, excessive deposits of uric add and urates.

Clinical: Colic, backache, tearing pain in abdomen to and down the
back, better bending forward. Teeth as if soft and becoming bent on chew­
ing. Headache worse opening the eyes widely.

Clinical: Twitching, convulsive, of muscles of limbs, but especially of
the eyelids, preventing sleep at night. Cough, dry, tearing, of phthisis, worse
at night.


Is sensitive generally, the pains even in the limbs and all the nervous
disturbances are worse from noise, the mind and body are ususually active,
is quick to act, the pains drive one to dispair, is frightened even by a pleasant
surprise, the hearing is so acute that one hears things not heard in health,
sounds are painful, one is annoyed by voices even of the children in another
room or if any one walks across the floor, is restless, mentally and physically
exhausted, the eyes are brilliant, the face flushed, the pupils dilated, the
face hot, dreads the fresh air, is sensitive to wind, is thirsty, excitement
causes sleeplessness, palpitation, with the more severe pains one has fear of
death, her menses come too soon and last too long, her vagina becomes hot
and sensitive as to prevent coition, her vulva so sensitive and itches so volupt-
ously she can hardly bear a napkin during the menses.
Clinical: Neuralgia: nervous excitability and intolerance of pain; of
head, as if the brain would be torn to pieces or as of a nail being driven into
the head; of the teeth, only better holding ice water in the mouth; all forms
with the nervous excitability and intolerance of pain. Delirium tremens, fear,
hands tremble, restless, thinks he is away from home. Weeping, recurrent
attacks» hysterical excitability, tremulous. Dentition, of anaemic children,
child nervous, excitable, eyes brilliant, face red, cannot go to sleep and talks
to its mother rapidly. Haemorrhage, uterine, genitals sensitive, flow dark
and clotted (P lat.). Afterpains that are extremely difficult to tolerate.


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Cough, nervous, anxiety, sleepless, nervously excited, sensitive to external
impressions, great flow of ideas. Eruptions that keep one awake at night
from itching and burning causing one to scratch till the parts bleed. Fatigue
from long journeys, especially in hot weather. Spasms in weakly children
from excessive laughing and playing.


Clinical: Removes the symptoms produced by mesmerism. Should be
used by wine drinkers; tea by beer drinkers. Strong black coffee, the bean
being little roasted, drank as hot as possible, is indispensable as an antidote to
a larger number of poisons, especially narcotics, when causing drowsiness,
intoxication, loss of consciousness or mental derangement and delirium; it
antidotes Opi., Morph., Bell., Nux, mushrooms, sumac, tobacco, salts of
antimony, lead, Phos. and Ph-ac.


Is gouty, has a tendency to extreme prostration, collapse and internal
coldness, the stomach and smell are so sensitive that the odor of cooking
especially of fish, eggs, fat meat and broth nauseate one to the point of
faintness, is worse cold damp weather and the cold damp rains of Fall as
well as the debilitating heat of Summer, the pains and rheumatism move
from joint to joint and are especially worse motion and better cold even
though one is cold, the urine is often inky black and contains albumen, one
sweats continually even during the fever and is cold, the head pains are all
worse motion, the smell is so keen that one smells odors others can not (Coff.
hears sounds others can not), one has a perfect hatred of odors, even the
swallowing of saliva is apt to bring on nausea and vomiting, the finger joints
swell, the lower limbs often grow so weak the knees knock together, one
craves various things but as soon as one smells them one becomes nauseated.
Clinical: Headache, neuralgic, intense, ineffectual efforts to sneeze,
pains throb and shoot, worse on walking a. m. Kerato-iritis, pus in anterior
chamber of the eye, eyeballs very sore. Otorrhoea, after measles, tearing
pains. Gastralgia, most violent, retches, vomits food and bile, from re­
pressed gout. Typhilitis, stomach icy cold, abdomen greatly distended, colic,
nausea, vomiting. Ascites and the characteristic gastric symptoms. Dysentery,
Autumnal, stools jellylike, skinny, changeable in character, tenesmus, tym­
panitis, colic, inability to stretch out the legs, rectum protrudes; or white
mucus stools with tenesmus. Diarrhoea, Autumnal, copius watery stools
and colicky pains. Nepritis; pain in region of the kidney's, urine bloody
dark and albuminous, often inflammation of the neck of the bladder with
terrible pain after urination; or, with pain in the back and sacrum, hot burn­
ing urine, chill, stomach and limbs cold; dyspnoea. Pericarditis, subacute
or chorine, water in the pericardium, dyspnoea, chest oppressed as if squeezed
by a tight band; heart’s action weak, pulse threadlike and cold sense in the
stomach. Gout, flesh on the joints sore, irritable, intolerance to touch;
rheumatic, or, in heel, tearing pain and soreness. Rheumatism: articular,
tearing jerking pains, cardiac and gastric complications; shifting, pains worse
toward night, irritable; affects smaller joints especially; pains so violent he
can scarcely hold anything in his hands, or if the feet become effected it is

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The right eye is very painful and feel larger and more protruded than
the left, the eyes feel sore, the balls ache and are more painful near the warm
stove there is painful burning in the face, especially about the eyes, the face
swollen, if one has a toothache the head will feel large when the pain stops,
it is almost impossible to hold the head down when stooping, there is tor­
menting itching and burning over the body, she has a constant dull pain
under the left nipple extending to the left scapula.
Clinical: Neuralgia, ciliary, from asthenopia and pain from other
causes, especially if the eye feels large and protruding. Cough, pain under
the left breast to the left nipple.

Clinical: Affects especially the growing ends of the bones.


Is tremulously weak, the mind unable to stand sustained effort mentally,
the body exceptionally weak especially after stool, the bladder too weak to
expel its contents all at one time so that the stream starts and stops inter­
mittently, has sudden attacks of faintness especially with vertigo, the glands
are so weak that they become hard and sore with every little cold one takes,
many complaints are slow, painless and passive in character, has an aversion
to being near people and the talk of people passing one, is inclined to seize
and abuse them, is sad, depressed, morose, peevish and vexed, excitement and
alcoholic drinks cause trembling and weakness of mind, has vertigo on turning
or rolling the eyes, an aversion to light, the eyes become blurred when irrit­
able, the lids feel heavy, food goes down the wrong way and stops when
swallowing, sweats copiously when asleep, the limbs feel better in bed and
letting them hand down as far as the knees.
Clinical: Glands: painless or sharp knifelike pain; indurate; become
hard sore from every little cold; form into chains and knots; breasts abscess
and become surrounded by lumps and nodules. Weakness after exhausting
diseases. Mental and nervous symptoms and trembling in widows and
widowers deprived of their usual sexual intercourse, but if there is severe
congestion to the ovaries look to Apis. Melancholia: quiet, picks the fingers,
makes short answers or that condition may alternate with excessive gaity,
from suppressed menses, averse to members of her own family; picks the
nose. Hypochondriasis, especially from venereal excesses. Head: feels
unusually well day before the headache, like Psor.; brain sensitive, or as of
a hard lump in the brain, or a feeling of coldness, or of numbness of one
side of the head. Eyes: paralysis of the ocular muscles, especially of the
internal recti, the attempt to fix the eye on any object is painful and may
cause vertigo, letters run together or vanish; ophthalmia, scrofulous, photo­
phobia greater than the trouble would warrant; worse at night on lying
down. Deafness from wax, better removing the same, wax red. Gastralgia
especially with spasmodic cough. Diarrhoea: chronic, of aged people, trem­
ulous weakness, involuntary, intermittent flow of urine. Cutting as from
a knife during the flow of semen. Testes hard and large after injury. Strong


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healthy men unable to get up an erection. Tumor and induration of the
sexual organs, especially of the cervix with burning, stinging and knifelike
pains. Leucorrhoea: after the menses, excoriates and bums; bland, of chil­
dren. Cough: of the aged, worse at night, slight expectoration only after long
coughing; from a dry spot in the larynx, worse lying down at night, suffoca­
tive attacks; what little mucus is loosened must be swallowed; stomach
cough, must hold the abdomen tight. The ulcers and paralytic conditions
are painless; numbness attends the paralytic conditions. Women broken
down, tired of life, discouraged; who feels as if they want to cry, and swallow
and choke as from a lump in the throat. Motion of child painful during
pregnancy. Effects of shock and bruises to the spine. Pain in the kidneys
if the desire to urinate is not attended to quickly enough (Sulph-ac., bladder).
Should always be given after a blow to the breast. Injuries to glands, to
bones: Ruta, to nerves: Hyperic. Adapted to diseases especially of old men.
Profound and long continued weakness following exhaustive diseases.

Clinical: Soreness in the uterus with palpitation; dropsy; sleepy.
Movements in the abdomen as from a child’s fist. Pelvic congestion, sore
aching pain in the lower abdomen, especially after miscarriage or operation.
As if the womb had descended and pressed upon the rectum and anus, dull
aching soreness in the lumbar region, prostration and pain better lying on the
back, better copious urination. Heart disease: urine scanty, dropsy, dyspnoea,
urine bloody; feeble irregular action of the heart, soft irregular pulse; or,
heart irregular, urine suppressed, dropsy, dyspnoea, mitral disease. Dyspnoea
with pulmonary stasis and hydrothorax. An excellent remedy to relieve the
dyspnoea present in organic or functional heart disease and to disipate the
cardiac effusion by causing diuresis.


Has catarrh with skin complications and especially urticaria, subject to
colic, flatulent, has indigestion, appetite wanting, worse every time one takes
cold, the stool usually white, the bladder irritable and burns at the neck, the
urine has the odor of violets, the larynx is dry and the voice husky, has a
painful cough, has pressure in the sternum and slow respiration while work­
ing in a stooping posture, she has burning red spots in, and itching of, the
Clinical: Catarrh: gastric, discharge of masses of mucus, or the stools
are covered with mucus, especially a. m., colic, chilly; distension and fullness
after eating, spits up injesta and large quantities of mucus; bronchial, copious
purulent expectoration: laryngeal, dryness, painful cough, hoarse a. m. Dysen­
tery, intolerable burning in the anus, bloody stool. Catarrh of the bladder,
dysuria, urine only discharged after great effort, stream thinner than usual,
especially after gonorrhoea. Gonorrhoea: discharge yellow and purulent,
urine has the odor of violets; of women, throbbing in the region of the right
ovary. Testes swell and indurate after gonorrhoea. Urticaria: dry, hot,
biting, violent itching, face flushed, thirst; from gastric irritation, with fever.
Epistaxis after wounds.


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Suffers from catarrh, is prone to eruptions of a coral red color, is
peevish, inclines to scold and swear at his pains, has a sense of wind blowing
through the skull if one moves the head quickly or shakes it, has copious
secretions of mucus dropping through the posterior nares causing one to
hawk frequently, the mucus may look like melted tallow and leaves a
greasy stain on the linen, longs for acid and salt food, the eyes are hot and
painful and feel as if bathed in tears on closing them, the lips are chapped,
painful and swollen, the urine bums, the air feels icy cold on inspiration,
feels cold if uncovered and hot if covered, and has copper colored spots on
the skin.
Clinical: Ulcers: in right nostril, nose as if pressed asunder; on glans
penis and prepuce, sensitive, exudes thin offensive moisture; sensitive, bleed
easily; especially sensitive to touch. Cough: especially whooping cough,
spasmodic, paroxysms extremely violent, face purple, followed by exhaustion
or vomiting of large quantities of tough mucus; even with expectoration of
blood. Chancres having coral red hue.


Clinical: Malaria, chronic, jaundice, spleen enlarged, diarrhoea or
dysentenry. Debility, drowsy, depressed spirits, sleep unrefreshing. Ophthal­
mia, scrofulous, herpes of the conjunctiva, chronic diarrhoea. Aphthous
stomatitis of nursing children, Hepatitis, chronic, jaundice, face yellow and
sunken. Diarrhoea, dark, bilious, very offensive, face sallow and sunken.
Dysentery, bebility, burning in anus and rectum.


Clinical: Fever: intermittent, dull, drowsy, dull headache, exhaus­
tion ; between paroxysms weak, diarrhoea, clammy sweat; malarial, chronic,
begins with heat, followed by oppression, the heat begins in the back, weak
and miserable during the apyrexia, and especially has diarrhoea and jaundice

Clinical: As if a part of the body was absent, as a hand, foot or head.


Clinical: Heart failure: threatens from slight exertion; pulse weak
and rapid, irritable cross and melancholic. The nearest approach to a heart
tonic known. Resembles in its effects both Dig. and Stroph. Heart failure
from indigestion. May be considered in angina pectoris and arterio-sclerosis
of the aged.

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Has a sense of something living or jumping about in the stomach or
abdomen, with nausea faintness and shivering, is subject to haemorrhages and
epistaxis, the blood black viscid and clotted forming into long black strings
that hang from the bleeding parts and orifices, with the epistaxis there is
cold sweat in large drops on the forehead, one becomes very affectionate and
wants to kiss everybody, the eyes feel as if they had a film over them causing
one to wipe them and wink frequently, thirsty and desires cold drinks, con­
stipation, the menstrual blood takes on the character of the hoemorrhages.
Clinical: Chorea: every 7 days, hilarious, sings, dances; repeated
epistaxis; hysteria and nervous prostration and the peculiar abdominal symp­
toms. Headache at the climaxis, either side, involves the eye. Neuralgia,
ciliary, pain from eye to top of head, sense of a cold wind blowing against
the eyes. Asthenopia; pain from eye to top of head; photophobia, tears gush
on attempting to read. Miscarriage, unnatural sense of worms in the
abdomen, or something dead and heavy. A warm sense ascending to the
heart impeding breathing, better yawning. Spasmodic affections of the
eyelids, must wink often; pain goes from the eye to the top of the head.


Has all the characteristics of the other snake poisons, the complaints
come to life in the Spring as soon as the warm weather comes, one sleeps
into an aggravation, is particularly weak, even paralytically, the tongue
trembles when one attempts to protrude it, the thoughts dwell on death,
weeps on reading, the occiput is dull heavy and throbs, pressure in the eyes
as though they would be pushed out, wakens in the night grinding the teeth,
the hands tremble when moved, vomits a dark bilious matter or bile in large
quantities if one lies on the right side, has coldness in the stomach or abdomen
as from a piece of ice, the stool is apt to be thin and black like coffee grounds,
one dreams of corpses and even the smell of them, craves intoxicants, the
sleep alternates with long and tedious periods of sleeplessness.
Clinical: Zymotic changes such as are found in typhoid, scarlatina
and blood poison. Exhaustion, limbs numb, vertigo, cold hands and feet,
backs of hands mottled. Skin becomes anaemic, after hemorrhages, pale,
yellow, looks waxy. Scarlatina, diphtheria and typhoid, when putrid, body
blue intermingled with yellow, also in appendicitis. In zymosis, as the blood
oozes out it becomes black. In typhoid and yellow fever he becomes pros­
trated and slides down in bed. Delirium: of typhus and tremens; stupor,
languor, drowsy; loquacious. Dementia, senile, incipient, forgets figures,
names and places, or, feels as if surrounded by foes or hideous animals,
antipathy to his family. Vertigo, faint, weak. Head: pain in occiput recur­
ring several times a day; with diphtheria or dysmenorrhoea; occiput sore,
things all look yellow, aching in liver, limbs numb and cold; skin dark; the
longer he sleeps the more severe the pain; occipital ache, dull, heavy, can
hardly raise the head from the pillow, a throbbing ache comes up in waves
as if they came up the back. Meningitis, cerebro-spinal, tongue red, epis­
taxis, delirium, offensive breath and bloody stools. Ciliary neuralgia as from
a cut around the eye, pains tear and bore, photophobia, especially after the

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Clinical: The drawing backward of the eye as by a string resembles
Paris, but Paris is due to overuse of the eye, Crot-t., to inflammation. Pus­
tules: vessicles and, over the eyeballs; ulceration and, in the eye, characterized
by photophobia, superciliary pain and often eruptions about the eyes and on
the face. The nausea is like that of Ipec., but not the stool. Gurgling and
swashing in the abdomen as if there was nothing but water in the intestines.
Nipples sore, excruciating pain from the nipple to the scapula when the child
nurses. Cough, asthmatic, choking, dyspnoea, worse at night and on lying
down, compelled to sit up and be bolstered up in bed or sit reclining in a
chair. Eruptions: vesicular and pustular, pain, burn, red, especially like
herpes zoster; about the genitals (Pet., R hus); eczema capitis of infants either
vesicular or pustular, the vesicles dry and desquamate leaving red raw and
inflamed surfaces sensitive to touch (Sep.). Cholera infantum.

Is subject to catarrh especially of venereal origin, the head feels as if
choked up, on attempting to smile or speak his mouth seems to twist to one
side, has a special craving for oranges, onions, almonds and nuts, nausea,
vomiting, a downward pressure in the abdomen after riding or lifting, con­
stipated, urine is foamy and has the odor of violets, the respiration is impeded
and difficult, the wrists are apt to become stiff and thicker about the joints,
is restless and weak, the throat is dry and bums, the soles of the feet prickle,
she has urethro-vaginitis with acute pain and copious discharge.
Clinical: Otorrhoea, obstinate, discharge offensive. Catarrh: nasal,
fetid odor; of throat; greenish yellow expectoration of fetid odor, throat raw,
hoarse. Dysentery, stool colorless, transparent, mingled with white particles
like rice, thirst, abdomen distended and sensitive, worse fruit and acids. Cys­
titis, cutting and constriction during urination; haemorrhage; urethra and, in
women, must urinate every 10 or 15 minutes, smarting, tenesmus and ropy
mucus. Prostatitis, thick yellow gonorrhoeal discharge; especially in the
chronic form, with swollen testes. Leucorrhoea: acrid, of children; catarrhal,
offensive, yellow; copious, acrid, offensive, yellow or green, itching, intense
sexual desire, uterus swollen and painful. Dyspnoea, false membrane in
larynx, danger of suffocation. Bronchitis, cough as if it would tear the
bronchi, expectoration difficult and often blood streaked.


Clinical: Tapeworm, safe for children: scald the seeds, take of their
skin; 2 oz. of the seeds yield 1 oz. of pulp, that amount should be used, rub
in a mortor to a smooth pulp, mix with cream and sweeten and take as mush.
It should be taken in the a. m. after a 12-hour fast, and followed in 2 hours
by a castor oil purge. Nothing solid should be eaten during the fast.

Has burning like fire, is impatient, restless, ready to quarrel at the drop
of the hat (like Nux), has vertigo on blowing the nose, the eyes feel tired and
hard to keep open, yet they pain when shut, sharp pain in the ears as though
one was going to have mumps, followed by a sticky discharge, the nose itches,


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stings, tickles so much that one almost rubs the skin off the nose, the face is
red like erysipelas, with the pain in the malar bone appears a red spot with a
sore bruised sense and feels as if red pepper had been rubbed in, the saliva
drools and wets the pillow at night, the right side of the throat is always
sore, must eat on time or one becomes faint, can hardly wait for breakfast,
has thirst for cold water but it causes burning in the stomach and urging to
stool, one moves the hands and feet almost constantly, is worse in the warm
room and better in the open air.
Clinical: Erysipelas, shiny red, sore to touch, especially on the right
side of the nose, and extends to both sides of the nose and face. Numbness
of the tongue with ulceration of the tip, after scarletina. Eruption in blotches
the size of a 25-cent piece that itches and bums, with little pimples on the
blotches is characteristic; everlasting itching is present all through the remedy.
This is a right sided remedy, the pains are sharp, stinging, all over the body,
like needles, lightninglike, darting here and there, worse light, better hard
pressure. The head, nose and limbs grow worse till 7 p. m., most severe
at 7 p. m.

Clinical Ulcers: deep painful cracks in right angle of the mouth,
warty growths on the edges, flat, exudate dirty, tongue very tender, tongue
and lips red; on right side of chin, perforating to the gums, fluids taken
through the mouth run through the opening, bleed, lump on chin; of left
breast, nipple retracted and almost invisible, lancinating pains radiate from
the nipple, breast painful to the touch. Rhagades at muco-cutaneous orifices
and warty excressences. Ulcers: increases the growth of granulations and
hastens cicatrization; cancerous, and cancer, it moderates the severity of the
pain, but does not act so well on scirrhus and indurated parts. Stricture of
the oesophagus, where the food seems to stick. Vomits food, induration of
left hypochondrium, constant burning pain.


Clinical Diarrhoea, from milk or solid food, vomits curdled milk or
undigested food, stool acid, green, watery, child fretful and feverish, food
seems to pass right through it. Dysentery, stool small, frequent, bloody, pain,
high fever, restless, sleepless.


Clinical Cockscomb growths in the mouth; lipoma of the thigh;
keloid; similar to Sabin, and Thuja, and may be considered should they fail.


The troubles are pre-eminently convulsive, cramping or spasmodic and
begin especially in the fingers and toes, the thumbs being drawn tightly across
the palms of the hands, the fingers closed tightly over the thumbs. Those
conditions are often preceded by blindness, has dyspnoea, the more pronounced


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Pirriti7P __C ■( ^__O 11^
the dyspnoea the more tightly are the thumbs clenched and the fingers
cramped, the muscles often drawn into knots, violence is manifested every­
where, at times there is constriction of the chest, a sense as if transfixed with
a knife from the xyphoid appendix to the back, the voice is cracked and
squeaky, is restless constantly tossing about and uneasy, the sunken eyes have
blue rings around them, the face and lips blue, the taste slimy, metallic, thirst
for cold drinks that relieve; she has painful menses with the characteristic
spasms, she is always tired; the skin is cold and bluish, the sweat cold and
Clinical Epilepsy: cold sweat, blue surface and the characteristic
spasms; constriction of the toes and fingers. Chorea: from fright; most
violent, spasmodic vomiting, cold sweat; during pregnancy. Convulsions:
uraemic; after cholera; before the outbreak of the eruption in measles or
scarlatina, or if repressed; from worms; beginning with a shock, before the
attack has delirium, talks incoherently, is spiteful and violent and either weeps
or shrieks : in which the legs become drawn up and suddenly extended. Neu­
ritis, lightninglike pains, worse touch. Paralysis: of flexor muscles (Plb.,
extensors); of the tongue with general paralysis; stutters; of the lower limbs,
attacks of suffocation, cold externally, warm internally, anxiety, anguish from
fright. Spasms: followed by an appearance as if dead; of oesophagus (Zinc.),
paroxysmal cough, pain behind the sternum on attempting to swallow. Mania,
bites tears, foolish gesture of mimicry, one shrieks with fear and tries to get
away from everyone, chilly not better heat. Delirium, speech incoherent and
loss of memory. Meningitis, from suppressed eruption, convulsions, loud
screams, clenched thumbs, lips blue. Headache: violent, continued, sense of
cold water poured over the head; vomits all food and drink, eyes sunken;
over frontal sinuses, nasal catarrh. Facial neuralgia, pains bum and sting,
worse touch (Ars.). Vomits always on waking a. m., on least movement.
Cramps in the region of the stomach and abdomen, or a violent pain cutting
through to the back as if transfixed preventing least motion. Colic, most
horrible, tendency to collapse, convulsive vomiting, hiccup; neuralgia of the
abdominal viscera. Cholera: morbus and, when the charccteristic cramps
predominate; desires warm food and drinks which are swallowed with a
gurgling sound; cramp in the limbs, especially in the flexors, surface pale
and cold; workers in copper mines rarely get cholera. Laryngismus stridulus.
Labor: suddenly becomes blind during; violent afterpains; puerperal convul­
sions. Whooping cough: cough and face purple, vomits, better drinking.
Asthma, spasmodic, face blue, throat contracted, dyspoea, vomits, retches.
Aortitis, chronic, distress behind the sternum (Bar-c.). Spinal irritation,
violent paroxysms, extreme pain the whole length of the spine. Constriction
and dyspnoea in cholera and dysmenorrhoea. M en: aged, who have been
single a long time then marry and have cramps that prevent coition (Graph.,
if during the act) ; young, prematurely old from vice and strong drink, late
nights or other abuses and suffer the same as the aged. All the activities are
irregular, disorderly and convulsive. Fever, intermittent, body icy cold, col­
lapse, urine suppressed. Eruptions, repressed, convulsions. Twitching of the
limbs after suppressed scarlet fever. Girls, about the time of puberty, go
bathing and the cold bath suppresses the menses and convulsions follow; who
have always had their own way, who have never been crossed and have mad
fits when chastized. Chlorosis after the abuse of iron, worse hot weather.


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Clinical: Eplipscy, aura begins in the knees and ascends to the hypo-
gastrium when one becomes insensible, changes posture often, worse heat and
motion. Said to prevent smallpox; like Pip-n., Cup-ac. is found in small­
pox matter.


Clinical: Neuralgia, of the abdomen, intense pain in the abdomen,
burn along the oesophagus and in the urethra, numbness, creeping, itching,
and chilly sense. Cholera, body icy cold, cramps and obstinate hiccup; col­
lapse, intermittent cold, clammy sweat.

Clinical: Paralysis of respiration threatens, breath stops on falling
asleep. Debility: nervous; especially of the aged, arms and hands weak as
after long continued illness, numbness as if a heavy weight hung to the arms,
arm muscles sore, worse attempting to lift anything; leaden heaviness of the
arms, difficulty in using the muscles especially of the wrists and hands; of the
aged, with great failure of strength and a paucity of symptoms. Paralysis
after epileptic attacks. Headache, neuralgic, begins over the right eye and
extends over the right side of the head. Catarrh, post-nasal, constant hawk­
ing, mucus trickles down the throat. Vomiting, persistent, bilious, preceded
by a chill, vertigo. Uterus ulcerated, discharge ichorous, corrosive, fetid,
piles and fissures and aching in all the limbs. Dyspnoea, distressing, of
emphysema. Fever, pernicious, constant chilliness. All the secretions and
discharge are fetid.


Inclined to be chlorotic, has vertigo with dim vision, headache with
flickering before the eyes especially on rising in the a. m. beginning on wak­
ing, the flickerings are of various colors and glittering needles, the taste is
salty and is communicated to all the food, the thirst comes on in the p. m.
as the face and hands become warm, desire for lemonade; fat food and espe­
cially pork disagrees; her menses come too early but they relieve her melan­
choly mood and heavy feet, she is averse to motion and the open air yet they
relieve her stitching pains, she is most comfortable walking in the open air,
her face is pale, sickly and dark under the eyes, she craves sardines and is
worse from coffee, is better when the menses are copious but is apt to have
laborlike pains during her period, the menstrual blood is dark and clotted,
the menstrual pains begin in the small of her back and run down each side of
her pubes, after the menses she is apt to have milk in her breasts, the breasts
swell and become hard, often feels as air streamed from her nipples, her toes
feel dead while walking.
Clinical: Menstrual derangements: suppressed; depressed, weeps, de­
sires to be alone, chlorosis, headache; vertigo, headache, vomiting, flickering
before the eyes; copious, frequent, too early, blood dark and clotted, laborlike
pains from back down each side of pubes; dysmenorrhoea, membranous, flow
copious. Chlorosis, menses irregular, scanty or suppressed, dreads fresh air,

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palpitation. Coryza, discharge watery, sneezes, worse warm room, better
fresh air. Diarrhoea: after coffee; of chlorotic women subject to sick head­
ache and irregular menses; in the p. m., stool watery, forcible, odorless and
brownish yellow. Vertigo, gastric disturbance, things turn in a circle, better
in the room, worse in the open air (reverse of Puls.). Headache, periodic,
one sided, debility, anaemia; during anaemia« indigestion and menstrual dis­


Is subject to nervous disorders from mental excitement or to nervous

weakness due to influenza, her child wakes up in the night and is full of play,
she is iracible fitful, sleepless, indifferent to everything, subject to vertigo,
which causes her to lie down, and which is followed by heaviness and drag­
ging of her left foot, he has spermatorrhoea with great nervous prostration
and dejected spirits.
Clinical: For the injurious results from the excessive use of tea and


Has eratic, electriclike pains, is despondent, aggitated, craving for tobacco,
a clammy skin, a tongue coated on one side, a foul smell, hot saliva, cold
buttocks, fetid breath, sweat and urine, feels as if the head or other parts were
separated from the body, the eyes feel as if too large or pressed out, yawns
constantly, scanty stools, followed by blood, a prostatic discharge after urina­
tion which is aggravated by smoking, cannot lie on the left side on account
of palpitation and fluttering of the heart, is sleepless, restless and feels worse
during the waning moon.
Clinical Coughs until one sinks down exhausted. Rheumatism, gout
and arthritis; especially after suppressed gonorrhoea; wandering, worse cold
air; affects the muscles and bones. Exostosis, stitching pains, pressing or dull
pains, especially worse at night.


The forehead feels as if expanded, as if ones ideas were floating outside

the brain, has a strange feeling of pleasant comfort, as if one scarcely touched
the bed or earth with the feet and had to gather ideas from afar as they seem
to be floating in the clouds, feels as if involved in a most beautiful atmosphere
as bright and calm as the sunlight at noon.


Is dizzy and sleepy, sleeps with eyes half open, if disturbed springs up
raving and utters unintelligible words, dances in a Japanese fashion if anyone
sings, the mouth is dry.


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Clinical Delirium, timid, picks at real or imaginery objects, performs
ridiculous antics, is unable to judge distances, pupils widely dilated, flicker­
ing before the eyes, eyes sensitive to light, pulse and temperature go to ex­
tremes of exaltation and depression.


Has walking as if stepping down, fears killing someone with a knife,
has exalted sense of smelL perceives celestial odors as well as intolerable odors
after sneezing, the urine and saliva are viscid, is worse at night and from touch.

Has a tonic weakness of the heart and the muscular coats of the arteries,
the heart muscles being too weak to contract with sufficient force to throw
the blood in sufficient quantity into the arteries, and the muscular coats of the
arteries too weak to contract with sufficient force to hurry along the blood
already thrown into them, hence we get the slow, weak, small irregular or
intermittent pulse so characteristic of Dig., the liver is congested, inactive,
large, painful, sore and tender over it, the stools are gray, bileless, like putty,
has a deathly gone sinking feeling at the pit of the stomach as if one could die,
which is not relieved by eating, as one grows older the prostate is liable to
become involved and become enlarged, the least exertion brings on weakness
and prostration, is anxious, restless, dreams of falling, the face is pale, the
borders of the lips blue or purple, seems as if the heart would stop if one
turns in bed, likes to lie flat on the back without a pillow, breathes in gasps,
appetite poor, drinks much, eats little, desires to be alone, is sad, melancholy
and despondent, is usually jaundiced and has a deathly sinking at the stomach
with nausea and vomiting.
Clinical The group that indicates Dig. is composed of: the liver and
heart symptoms, the jaundice, the slow pulse, the sinking at the stomach and
the gray stools, and in old men, the enlarged prostate. Dropsy: after scar­
latina; urine dark and scanty, oedema of limbs and lungs, dyspnoea; ascites,
faint, hepatic disorders; hydrocele, urine suppressed, or scanty, albuminous;
of lungs and pleura, weak heart; cardiac, fluttering heart. Meningitis, cere­
bral, effusion, albuminuria, pulse slow, weak and irregular; it differs from
Hell, only in the character of the pulse. A sudden crashing noise in the head
with frightened starting up, especially occurring in nervous prostration or in
threatened epilepsy. Retina: detached (G els.); anaemia of the optic nerve.
Dig. dissolved in chloroform has yellow vision and distressing nausea worse
aerated waters and champagne. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Jaundice,
vomiting, sore over the region of the liver, irregular pulse. Liver enlarged,
jaundiced hue, stools white, urine high color, heart complications. Diarrhoea,
white stools, juandice, sinking at the stomach; dropsy, intermittent pulse, cold
sweat. Nephritis: after scarlatina; chronic form, threatened heart failure,
or very scanty or suppressed urine and oedema of the lungs. Bladder, neck
inflamed, desire to urinate, after passing a few drops, increased, walks about
in great distress, tenesmus of the rectum. Prostatitis, chronic, constant tcas-


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ing to pass urine, especially of bachelors, aged men and masturbators. Gonor­
rhoea, strangury, prostate, upper portion of urethra and neck of bladder in­
flamed. Impotency with prostate and heart troubles, limbs weak. Menses
suppressed, haemorrhage from lungs, heart complications. Peumonia of the
aged, prune juice expectoration, limbs cold, cyanotic face, a heart weak. Spinal
anaemia from seminal emissions. In Dig. poisoning keep the patient in a re­
cumbent position. Faints on least provocation, fainting begins in the stomach.
Urethritis, burning purulent discharge thick and yellow, glans penis swollen
and covered with thick pus, chordee, oedema of penis and scrotum.


Has a constant pain worse at regular intervals, paroxysms of intense suf­
fering, a constant distress in the navel and hypogastric region, severe cutting
coliclike pains every few minutes in the stomach and bowels, rumbling in the
bowels, discharge of large quantities of flatusi the pains radiate upward and
downward and dart from place to place, gets faint at the stomach, the pains
are worse eating and better moving about and suddenly shift to distant parts
as the fingers and toes, has frequent erections, a strong smelling sweat on the
genitals, is apt to have seminal emissions during sleep.
Clinical Diarrhoea: violent twisting paroxysms of colic, stools usually
yellow and thin, most frequent a. m. and followed by exhaustion, but they do
not relieve the colic. Emissions, seminal, from atony. Colic, uterine (dys-
menorrhoea), pains shoot in different directions from the womb. Sciatica,
pains shoot the whole length of the limb, right side, better lying perfectly still
(Bry.). Felon, it will cure if taken as soon as the pricking in the finger is
felt, and greatly relieves and hastens the termination if taken later; nails brit­
tle. Piles: around anus like bunches of grapes; discharge of slimy mucus from
the anus; tumors livid, anus prolapsed, great pain. Pregnancy, severe pain
with cramps in flexor tendons of fingers and toes, altenating with false labor
pains. Its most characteristic effect is: a severe pain simulating a so-called
“bilious colic," the patient having a tendency to bend double, and feels as if
pressure would relieve, instead it aggravates, one feels best stretching the body
out. Most useful in the passage of gallstones. Diarrhoa with the character­
istic colic, worse a. m.
Clinical Diphtheria: from the onset when there is a tendency to ma­
lignancy, with epistaxis and profound prostration and the patient seems
doomed; there is a dark red swelling of the tonsils and palatine arches, the
parotid and cervical glands are swollen, the breath and all discharges are very
offensive, the tongue is swollen and very red but only slightly coated; pain­
less cases where the symptoms are almost entirely objective, is too weak,
apathetic and prostrated to complain, sopor, stupor, but easily aroused when
spoken to; the diphtheritic membrane is thick, dark gray or brownish-black,
the temperature low or subnormal, pulse weak and rapid, limbs cold, eyes dull,
besotted; laryngeal cases after Chlor., Kali-bi. and Lac-c.; often at the brink
of death a savior and in those cases where the apparently well selected, but un­
fortunately not indicated, remedies fail to cure or hold. Prostdiphtheritic
paralysis, especially where antitoxin has been used. As a prophylactic for
diphtheria it far outranks antitoxin.


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n /A l/>
Is vitally depressed, has neuralgic pains in the head, trunk and limbs,
the pains extend inwardly, has a sense of weight in the stomach, a peculiar
white tongue whose coating is moist and even, a rumbling colic that is better
bending forward, a diarrhoea and tenesmus, the chest is oppressed and pain­
ful, the expectoration sweetish, from the least motion the heart s action be­
comes excited, the colic is better stool, is restless and sleepless at night, the
head pains better pressure.


Clinical: Itching: during pregnancy, all over, intolerable at night;
without any visible eruption; worse scratching; of jaundice. Jaundice, white
stools. Herpes zoster, beginning in the left scapula and extending to the
axilla and then to the sternum and backward to the spine, burning and
smarting. Dentition, gums irritable, wants them rubbed continuously.

Clinical: Urethritis of children, urethra burns. Prostration: faint,
weak, collapse, trembling, the weakness worse talking; remaining after typhoid
and diphtheria. Gonorrhoea, glands penis itches and burns, and is swollen
and bluish red, the urethra inflamed with excruciating pain especially on


Clinical: Spasms, epileptic, prolonged, sleepless» sweat on waking, rest­
less and anxious. Cramp in the hands when taking hold of anything, as a
broom. Dread of the night, fears ghosts, fears being alone and is suspicious
of his friends. Cough: pain in the hypogastrium during the cough, must
press the hands on the pit of the stomach or hold the sides in order to cough;
usually worse at night immediately on lying down, of a spasmodic nature,
often ending with choking and vomiting and cold sweat, sometimes provoked
by tickling in the larynx as from a feather or from a collection of mucus
which must be expectorated, at other times as if from the abdomen and asso­
ciated with muscular convulsions of the chest and abdomen when he must
support the sides with the hands, the cough generally ends with expectoration
of mucus; bleeding from various orifices; putrid taste in the mouth; worse
eating; with scraping in the larynx; violent tickling in the larynx arouses one
from sleep; of young girls going into consumption; cramp in the limbs; copious
sweat all over the body; after coughing some of the expectoration seems to re­
main so that one cannot fully expire, worse speaking and coughing; deep
sounding, hoarse and barking. Whooping cough: constriction of chest and
abdomen and sides, must hold the sides with the hands, attacks worse at
night; paroxysms worse after midnight, child holds its sides with its hands;
often retches and vomits; haemorrhage from the nose and mouth; with chills,
and disposed to sink in the chills; fever during epidemic whooping cough.
Laryngitis, usually free secretion of tough mucus, cough paroxysmal. Phthisis,
laryngeal, hoarse, secretion of tough mucus, chest feel sore and bruised, par-

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oxymal cough after midnight, sweat on waking. Cough after measles, especially
hoarse cough afternoon and p. m., and after midnight. Bronchitis of tne aged,
severe paroxysms of cough and free expectoration.

Has a red spot floating across the field of vision, a cool feeling in the
eyes, the eyes and tongue feel large, is unable to stand with the eyes closed,
the mucus membranes are dry, one experiences a sense as if slipping into empty
space, inclines to develop a fever with delirium, stuper, mouth dry.

Is very susceptible to change in the weather especially to cold and damp
and to sudden cooling while perspiring, is better in dry even weather and
worse at night during rest, all the colds settle in the eyes; the child is very
susceptible to earache; the urine increases with every little cold, the desire
more frequent and the urine inclines to be bloody, if one gets chilled one has
to hurry to urinate, or if one gets into a cold place one must go to both stool
and urinate, the bladder catarrh is better in Summer and worse in Winter, is
sensitive to new* mown hay, before her menses a rash breaks out on her face;
is subject to cold sores on the lips and genitals.
Clinical: Head: ache; worse damp weather; catarrhal, rheumatic;
worse motion; congestive, nose dry, better as soon as the nasal discharge ap­
pears; eruption: scald head, thick, brown crusts, bleed when scratched, worse
cold, wet weather. Otitis media, drum injected, from exposure to cold rain.
Earache, nausea, buzzing, worse at night and when still, prevents sleep.
C atarrh: coryza and, from cold wet weather, copious mucus; from cold damp
places; from suppressed sweat, going into a cold room or ice house; with slug­
gish circulation of the brain, trembling, chilliness, the coldness as if in the
bones. Face: neuralgia from going into the rain, worse least exposure to cold;
eruption: humid on the cheeks; thick brownish-yellow crusts on forehead,
temples, chin and face; crusta lactca; warts. Tongue: swollen, talks in­
cessantly, speech inarticulate, paralysis from cold. M outh: mercurial saliva­
tion worse damp weather; gangrene with great swelling; sore, swollen, raw
spots, tongue heavily coated, salivation and putrid odor. Colic as if diarrhoea
would set in, bowels rumble, pain in the back; from cold wet weather. Diar­
rhoea: worse cold wet weather, or from change to cold and damp; with colic,
especially in Summer; stools mucus, either green or changeable, odor sour,
skin dry and hot; stools yellow, twice daily, tearing, cutting colic before stool;
at the close of Summer, in the hot days and cool nights; of infants and babies
that return from the mountains sick at the close of the season. Bladder:
paralysis of the neck, urine involuntary; catarrh after taking cold. Nephritis,
urine suppressed, after working in water. Cough: dry or moist, worse wet
weather, from tickling in the larynx, expectoration tough and greenish, or
the cough is dry and hoarse, or even spasmodic, like whooping cough; of the
aged, worse change of weather to cold and damp; old people and infants who
must cough a long time in order to expectorate the mucus. Bronchial catarrh,
copious greenish expectoration. Milk suppressed from taking cold. Back:
pain in small of, on stooping long, or stiffness of the muscles of the back
across the shoulders and neck, or drawing pains in the lower limbs from get-

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no smell, epistaxis, pain from root of nose to ear on swallowing; old ozena
and nasal catarrh, nose always stuffed up with dry mucus, pain at root of nose.
Throat sore, offensive discharge from the nose, epistaxis, a dry greenish-
yellow membrane covers the throat, stuffiness at the root of the nose, no smell.
Stomach distress from cold drinks. Choleraic diarrhoea, copious liquid stools,
watery, frothy, or of an olive green color.

Is prone to entero-hepatic disturbances, the bowel discharges copious,
frothy, watery and forcible, coming out with a gush, cutting, griping pains
in the bowels, the stools are a dull olive green color, has pain under the
shoulder blades and the small of the back, also in the limbs darting down into
the fingers and toes, gaps and yawns, the posterior nares and upper part of the
oesophagus feel enlarged, is worse dampness.
Clinical: Jaundice of the new-born, stools bilious, Diarrhoea: stools
always gushing, copious, watery, frothy; or, sometimes olive green and watery,
preceded by cutting pain in the abdomen, chilliness, prostration and flatulent
colic. Promotes the opening of abscesses and boils. Dropsy from kidney
trouble, or of the pericardium, or in jaundice, high intermittent fever, violent
pain in the abdomen, urine dark and the characteristic stool.

Suffers from intense nervous anxiety, is timid, fearful, sighs and screams
through nervous fear, weeps in paroxysms, dreads the approach of a thunder­
storm, suffers mental torture before and during an electrical storm, is restless
and feels as if one weighed a ton.
Clinical: Electricity should not be used nor electro-thermal baths be
taken while suffering from a cold, especially if the chest is involved, as fatal
results have followed. Phos. is said to be the best antidote to the effects of
an electric storm.

Dreads the approach of a thunderstorm, everything looks yellow, a dark
room looks as if brilliantly lighted, has a milky fluid discharge from the nose,
an expression of terror, increased saliva, the tongue is swollen and sensitive
especially at the tip, has cutting in the abdomen at the approach of a storm.

Clinical: Renal calculi: dysuria, strangury; bloody mucus sediment in
the urine; better when the urine deposits copiously a fine brown sand.

Clinical: Headache, sick, from unusual excitement or fatigue, as from
visiting or shopping, and better from a good sleep; often associated with
nausea and vomiting; wants to spit constantly, the saliva viscid; worse walk­
ing in the open air and rising up in bed.


niniti7f»r1 hv ,olr> Original from

Has great distress in the bladder, the urine is very difficult and contains
much pus and mucus, tender over the bladder and has pain from distension,
there is pain and frequent urging to urinate with severe pain especially after
the urine is voided, or a severe and dull pain in the bladder not relieved after
urination, the urine is high colored and scanty, the child wets the bed from
mere habit. Dysuria especially in women during pregnancy and in confine­
ment. Excellent in nocturnal enuresis of children.

Is especially prone to haemorrhage, especially metrorrhagia, has flushes
of heat that suddenly give way to coldness, the appetite and strength are in­
creased, desires exercise, the blood is bright red with an excited circulation,
or passive haemorrhage with dark fluid blood.

Clinical: Haemorrhage: blood bright red; when the throat and genito­
urinary organs are affected especially; as if something had lodged in the upper
part of the oesophagus and pain in the navel region; urination painful, sharp
pain in the region of the left kidney; every movement aggravates the flow;
worse rainy weather. Piles bleed, stool large and lumpy, edges of anus feel
as if torn. Gonorrhoea, chronic, burning sensation, urine offensive, dribbles,
smarts, burns. Dysuria especially in children.


Suffers from catarrh and sexual weakness, the discharges are thick and
yellow, the sexual powers weak, discharge from the prostate from the least
cause and seminal emission at night without erections, has an expanding sense
in the forehead over the eyes worse stooping, must urinate frequently, the
urine drips away all the time and often burns like fire, when the pain in the
head or eye is less severe it is worse in the neck and shoulders.
Clinical: Involuntary emissions after injury or from masturbation;
without erections. Cough, with sense of constriction. After a blow, burning
in the epigastrium.

Clinical: Bronchitis after an ether anaesthetic. Neuralgia of the head,
raised welts on the scalp like ridges, and pain.


Suffers from malaria, slow digestion, nervous headache, copious saliva,
severe pain on urinating, the urine has the odor of violets, pain in the limbs
if one walks or carries anything, throat sore, flatus and sweat are offensive,
a beating and gone sense in the stomach» burning pains and sensations predomi-
ate, is worse at night, she has a stabbing pain below the left nipple.
Clinical: Dysentery, heat in the rectum, tenesmus, mucus discharge,
prostration. Said to be a preventative of influenza. Dysentery, haemorrhage;


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typhoid. Tumor, vascular, of female urethra. Tumor of the left nipple with
stabbing pains. Spasmodic stricture of the urethra.


Is remarkably changed especially mentally after urination, quite talkative
but indolent, the face is covered with acne, has a pain in the back as of some­
thing sticking there, and a sense of weight hanging on to the rectum, in the
p. m. and night a sense of fire from the eyes and of water streaming out of
them, the mouth fills with frothy saliva, prefers to do nothing but smoke all
day, the stool at times is scanty, pasty and gritty, is very much exhausted but
becomes lively after drinking coffee, unable to look at the sun as the eyes fill
with tears, shivers after urination, yawns while walking in the open air.
Clinical: Piles bleed copiously for days with great relief of mind and
body. Cough, epidemic among children, coryza, eyes inflamed, pain in the
ears. Acne, pain extending for some distance around, worse during the menses.


Clinical: Liver: engorged, headache, tongue coated, constipated; con­
gested, passive. Piles: constipation, pain in the back like lumbago. Diarrhoea,
stool copious, color varies. Gastric trouble, albuminuria, headache, weak,
vertigo, vision obstructed.


Clinical: Vomits bile, stomach pains, headache and fever. Sore mouth
of infants; nervous erethism; of nursing mothers, burning in the stomach;
also before and during confinement.


Is a catarrhal subject with a malarial base, extremely sensitive to cold,
takes a severe cold and becomes thirsty, the thirst hastens the chill, then goes
into a high fever during which process one aches and pains as if every bone
in the body would break, has soreness and pusations in the occiput, the eye­
balls become painfully sore, the edges of the lids red, has glutinous secretions
from the meibomean glands, retches, vomits bile, chills creep over the back,
the back feels bruised and pains intensely, the chills spread from the back, the
face flushed, the tongue yellow, the urine mahogany color, is extremely sad.
Clinical: No remedy has the severe break bone pains this remedy has.
Headache: periodical; especially occipital, throbbing, eyeballs and scalp sore.
Coryza: violent influenza or thirst, head heavy, eyeballs sore; sneezing as if
the head would burst; worse motion, chilly, desires warm clothing and the
break bone pains. Diarrhoea: ends the bilious attacks; copious green stools;
after the diarrhoea follows constipation with light colored bilious stools.
Laryngitis, hoarse, soreness extending into the bronchi and trachea, chest sore
and the bone pains. Cough: worse lying on the back, better lying on the face,
pain in the head and chest, holds the chest with the hands; little or no ex­
pectoration. Fever: intermittent, thirst begins before the chill and continues
during the chill and heat. It is extremely important to observe that the
vomiting is especially apt to result from drinking or taking any nourishment,


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niniti7#»r1 hv H n n o lp • IA ^ ^ ^ a m ^ a m a a •a ^ a a a
either before or after the fever. This vomiting from taking water is more
characteristic of the remedy than the bone pains, especially the vomiting of
bile as the chill passes off; the violent bone pains, headache and pain and sore­
ness of the muscles are the universal accompaniments of the intermittent fever,
the patient presents an incomplete paroxysm, the chill and fever well marked,
perhaps violent, yet the sweat entirely absent; yet again in some cases there is
decided sweating; catarrhal, especially with the bilious vomiting, chest and
muscles sore, bone pains, discharge from eyes and nose, head and eyes sore.
Gout: joints of fingers, toes and elbows sore, cold, the bone pains, chalky de­
posits in the finger joints, headache (or it may alternate with the gout), more
or less throbbing pain in the occiput and worse every 3rd or 7th day, with
vertigo and tendency to fall to the left. Dropsy of the lower limbs after
gouty or malarial attacks, especially of the feet and ankles. Gouty knees.


Suffers much from bladder and rheumatic ailments, has a constant desire
to urinate, aching in the kidneys and bladder and difficult urination, is tired,
faint and depressed; face flushed, tongue furred, brown down the center;
throat smarts and bums, especially the posterior p art; craves lemonade and hot
drinks, has rumbling, rolling and twisting pain in the bowels; bladder ex­
tremely irritable, feels as though her ganitals were wet. The chill begins in
the lower dorsal region and extends up the back; is restless, tosses and is apt
to moan.
Clinical: Cystitis, dysuria, constant desire to urinate, aching in the
kidneys and bladder. Homesick though at home and among her family.
Sciatica, left side, gnawing in the hip bones. Nephritis, severe pain in the
back, especially after taking cold; urine suppressed or dysuria. Rheumatism
of the aged, bones sore, ankles swell. Dropsy, from Bright s disease, oedemat-
ous swelling, scanty urine and cold limbs. Gravel, renal dropsy and irritable

Suffers principally from a form of erysipelas bulbosa that tends to become
gangrenous, especially on the cheeks; the vesicles filled with yellow liquid with
violent fever; is anxious, apprehensive, has a burning watery discharge from
the eyes and nose, dim vision, mouth dry and tastes as if lined with grease,
desires cold drinks, is hungry, stomach hangs down relaxed, abdomen feels
hollow with burning as if on fire, stools like glue and the urine deposits a
white sediment.
Clinical: The juice of some species applied 2 or 3 times daily has re­
moved warts. As if a cord lay under the skin (Cocaine, a worm). Epithel­
ioma; carcinoma. Gangrene: of the aged; cold, after inflammation and swell­
ing; chilly, shudders. Colic, spasmodic, flatulent, a. m. in bed, abdomen as if
pressed asunder, better leaning head on elbows and knees. Influenza, chill,
headache, watery discharge from the eyes and nose, burning, cough. Tooth­
ache, sensitive, pain throbs. Erysipelas of cheek, vesicular, vesicles filled with
yellow lymph or liquid, violent fever. Toothache as if screwed in, jerking,

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Clinical: Terrible attacks of deathly retching and vomiting, sense of
clawing in the stomach, cold sweat, Cocc. failing.


Clinical: Cancer, most horrible burning pains.


Clinical: Dysentery, stool bloody, retching and vomiting, eyes bril­
liant, face flushed, abdomen drawn in ; whole body stiff and icy cold.


Clinical: Leucorrhoea, acrid, worse least motion, of pale delicate sen­
sitive women. Gonorrhoea, intense pain during urination, burning pains that
compel one to sit down and keep quiet, violent urging to urinate. Asthma,
humid, restless, prostrated.

Is chilly, cannot get warm in bed, is subject to colds that affect the eyes
predominently producing a very acrid excoriating discharge while the dis­
charge from the nose is bland (the reverse of Cepa), the eyes are sensitive to
light, the vision dim, a painful pressure in the left eye or a dry pressure as
if the eyes were sleepy, the burning in the eyes causes frequent winking, the
edges of the lids burn, swell and are red, discharges mucus copiously from
voluntary hawking, yawns often while walking in the open air, is drowsy but
unable to sleep.
Clinical: Headache: p. m., as if bruised, as if would burst, sunlight
dazzles the eyes, and the characteristic discharge from the eyes and nose. Con­
junctivitis with the characteristic discharge from the eyes and nose, the edges
of the lids may become ulcerated, the discharge thin or thick but acrid, with
the characteristic tendency to accumulation of sticky mucus on the cornea
which is removed by constant winking; in short any ocular disease with the
characteristic discharge from the eyes and nose. Opacity of the cornea from
injury. Iritis, from rheumatism or in connection with arthritis, and the
characteristic discharge from the eyes and nose. Coryza: with the character­
istic discharge from the eyes and nose and cough, the eyes itch violently, ob­
liged to rub them and wink, worse during the night while lying down, the
chill predominates, the fever is mild during the day, face red, hands cold,
sweat confined mostly to the front part of the body and it often has a strong
odor, very offensive and most copious on the front of the chest. Cough: dur­
ing the day, better lying down, copious expectoration, dyspnoea, no cough at
night, easy expectoration. Measles: will turn a violent attack into a simple
form when indicated; streaming hot tears, rash, photophobia, throbbing head­
ache, dry cough during the day, eyes red, and the characteristic discharge from
the eyes and nose. Condylomata of the female parts, stitch and itch especially
while walking. Spots, vesicles and ulcers of the cornea, with the character­
istic discharge from the eyes and nose.


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n A/ll/>
Has menses too early, too copious, thin and fluid, great irritability, head­
ache, chilliness, painless pustules on the head, everything becomes dark, has
nosebleed if the flow intermits, the flow relieves the cutting in the abdomen,
a yellow leucorrhoea follows that stains the linen yellow, has a severe back­
ache with the leucorrhoea that causes her to lean against something for relief,
when the backache ceases the discharge gushes out, has pulsations over the
body while sitting quietly, has pressing in the ears as if wind was blowing in
with force, the teeth stick together when the jaws are closed and feel as if
embedded in some soft matter mornings, has a spasmodic pain about an inch
up the rectum, the pulse is slow, has a feeling as if the muscles were too
short or being torn from the bone, has cramps in the calves and a sense in the
feet as if walking on needles.

Has visible pulsations in the carotids and other arteries, the secretions
arc mostly fetid, the nose, cars, edges of the eyelids and scalp all itch, the lips
are dry and cracked, the throat sore, is hot and restless after retiring, the
sweat is mostly offensive, has a sinking sense at the stomach about 6 or 7 a. m.,
is worse from 3 to 6 and at 11 p. m. and from heat and motion, better cold
applications, cold air and pressure.
Clinical: Headache involving the eyes, nose and back of the head, head
hot, better bending backward, neck tired. Coffee relieves the stomach

Clinical: Hydrophobia, dread of liquids, trembling convulsions,
periodic spasms, coldness and stiffness.


Has a pale face especially while lying but which becomes flushed and
very red from the least excitement or exertion, therefore one must move slowly
about, especially so at night; is restless and cannot keep quiet but must avoid
active effort, is depressed and hypochondriacal even to melancholy, anaemic,
the lips and mucus membranes are pale, is sensitive to pain, the pains worse
active motion, has vertigo if one rises suddenly, has canine hunger that alter­
nates with complete anorexia, dislikes all food, after eating the food is liable
to regurgitate without nausea, the vomiting, if any, is apt to occur after mid­
night after which one has an eversion to food and drink, the urine is apt
to pass involuntary while walking out doors, for stools are usually undi­
gested and worse at night and after eating or drinking; her menses come
too soon, are too profuse, last too long, during which her face becomes fiery
red, her ears ring and the flow is pale, watery and debilitating, she has an
oppression as of a hand on her chest with difficulty of breathing, her pains
force her out of bed at night and compel her to walk slowly about, she
dispises eggs (the reverse of Calc.) and noise almost drives her to despair.


n /"V, . / ' l l Original from

Clinical: Headache, throbbing, like hammers, often lasts 3 or 4 days
to a week, she must let her hair hang down, worse motion, coughing, and bet­
ter pressure and walking slowly about. Piles, bleed, itch and gnaw. Worms,
face flushed, itching and unnatural appetite. Diarrhoea: especially with un­
digested stools, as soon as one begins to eat or drink, worse especially at night;
unnatural hunger, face flushes easily, pale, weak, exhausting sweats. Vomits
food without nausea. Haemorrhage, uterine, severe, after, skin cold and
bloated, prostration, gastric symptoms and headache. Asthma, congestive
blood to the chest, worse after midnight, must sit up and uncover the chest.
Chill, better eating. Cough: felt in the head; dry, spasmodic, congestion to
the chest, expectoration of bright red blood, weakness. Lumbago, better walk­
ing slowly about. Rheumatism, better walking slowly about. Dropsy, skin
pits on pressure and is pale, yet the face has the appearance of plethora. Child
emaciated, weak, its bones are soft, easily bent and become crooked. The
cases calling for Ferr. are profoundly prostrated, restless; better walking
slowly about and worse active effort, while looking healthy and strong.


Partakes of both the troubles of Ars. and Ferr., is especially restless at

night in bed, is especially anxious, chilly and sensitive to the cold and the cold
air, they disorder the whole system, the sweat gives no relief, is worse physical
exertion and running but better moderate motion. One cannot stand long nor
can one stand cold weather or cold W inter winds; dislikes to hear others talk,
is thirsty, the chest oppressed, the sweat clammy stains yellow and aggravates
all the troubles; she has a very excoriating thin leucorrhoea.
Clinical: Headache: hammering; before and during menses. Diar­
rhoea, worse after midnight and after drinking, stool undigested or brown,
watery. Haemorrhage from the lungs.


Clinical: Spermatorrhoea, anaemic, depressed, nose and mouth dry,

burning in the urethra during urination, and a dead numb feeling in the scalp.


Is anaemic, even chlorotic, suffers from excoriating discharges, swollen
eyelids, face pale, earthy, even chlorotic, often red or yellow; the urine has a
sweetish odor, the leucorrhoea is like starch; has a bearing down sense in her
pelvis that causes her while sitting to feel as if something was pushing up;
has a dry cough with a copious viscid expectoration, has palpitation especially
at night; the sweat at night is cold and copious and comes from the least exer­
tion; is hot and restless in bed.
Clinical: Nephritis after exanthemata. Prolapsus, difficult to retain
the urine.


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Clinical: Rheumatism: chronic, of the neck, disposition irritable; of
both thighs from violent exercise.


Has a severe pain in the right temple and right side of the face, coagu­
lated blood in the nose constantly, solid food tastes dry and insipid, no appetite
in the a. m., longs for adds» has an aversion to anything sour, the chest feels
bruised when coughing, has cramps in the limbs during the day, the cough is
better eating; she has soreness and cutting in the vagina during coition.
Clinical: Piles and ascarides. Neuralgia of the head and rheumatism
of the right shoulder. The blood is remarkably black and thick and flows
with difficulty. Vascular and nervous debility after haemorrhage.


Clinical: Diarrhoea of feeble and nervous women. Ophthalmia, ob­
stinate, glands enlarged, of scrofulous children.


Is anaemic, chlorotic, always taking cold, sensitive to the open air which
aggravates; cannot stand cold drinks or sour food as they either bring on or
aggravate the symptoms; great lassitude compelling one to lie down, has
marked anger, is averse to company, feels better when alone, has confusion of
the mind, is better washing the face in cold water, is indifferent to all pleasure,
the head often feels as if pushed forward while walking, the eyesight is apt to
vanish on stooping, has a feeling of nausea in the throat, she feels sore espe­
cially in her congested parts, worse jarring or walking.
Clinical: Meningitis, cerebral, eyes suffused, pulse feeble and soft,
drowsy, heavy. Headache: violent; throbbing, followed by nosebleed which
relieves; during the menses, sensitive to pain; better cold air and cold applica­
tions and lying; worse riding in a carriage and wrapping the head up, espe­
cially right side of the forehead. Encysted tumor of the eyelids. Otitis ex­
terna, discharge of mucus and pus, ear red and swollen, mastoid swollen and
sore. Epistaxis, head painful hot and full. Neuralgia, facial, worse motion,
better cold applications. Thjoat sore, catarrh of the Eustachian tube and
ears, especially of singers. Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting
after eating, worse acids, especially with pulsating headache, copious menses
and restlessness. Persistent vomiting of food a. m. before eating. Cholera
infantum, face red, pulse full and soft, stool watery or even bloody, after
checked sweat. Haemorrhage from the bladder. Bladder irritable* urging
frequent. Urine retained in children during fever. Dysmenorrhoca, sacral
pain, headache, frequent urging to urinate, pain in left ovary. Rheumatism,
articular, especially of the shoulder, pain in upper part of the chest, and of
the hands, which pain and swell, or of the knees with severe pain, or of the
ankles with shooting pain. Heat, quick soft pulse, thirst, and sweat which
does not relieve. Hysterical girls. Sows that eat up their young. Ferr-p.
will not cure thoroughly unless there is a full pulse, but less bounding than


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and too thin in others, become brittle and break easily. Hair: ends dry, mat,
split, break, ragged in masses and lusterless. Necrosis of bones of the ear, and
especially long bones. Caries: fistula and, especially heading to teeth and
anus, the discharge excoriates the parts around; of temporal bone, periodical
discharge of foul pus; of nasal bones, blows out pieces of bone, nose flattens
and becomes perforated. He stands on the street ogling the women as they
pass by, so great is his lust. Spinal affections, paralysis, trembling, soles of
feet numb. Varicose veins ulcerate. Dropsy of drunkards. Cicatrices, old,
become red around the edges, surrounded by violently itching vesicles. Fever:
nightly, old cases, coming on year after year; typhoid, especially for the bed
sores and tabes dorsalis, and other diseases tending to decubitus. Unhealthy
tissues in broken down constitutions, as drunkards, broken veins, etc. The
sysmptom for “energetic and rapid motion, it seems as if one could walk for­
ever,” is a marked indication. Head: caries of the skull; pain if the call to
urinate is not attended to, and grows worse until one urinates. Chronic
ulceration of the lachrymal sac, worse cold air; lachrymal fistula. Deafness,
otorrhoea. Dental fistula, persistent bloody, salty discharge keeps the mouth
foul. Throat sore, ulcerated, tumified, odor fetid, throat sensitive to cold.
Diarrhoea: bilious, from eating salmon; especially of hard drinkers, aversion
to coffee, desires highly seasoned food, sore over the liver. Ascites, dyspnoea.
Hydrothorax, wheezing respiration, small, frequent, irregular pulse. Neu­
ralgia of the coccyx, excessive aching. Os ulcerated, obstinate, sharp darting
pains about half an inch in length, like streaks of lightning. Felon: worse
index finger, purulent discharge, terrific pain; pain violent, throbbing, sharp
stitches if nail is pressed upon. Bed sores on parts on which one does not
sweat. Distinguished from Sil. by the relief from cold. Nails crumble. Old
cicatrices become red and itch violently.


Suffers from rheumatism, is forgetful, gets nervous sick headaches, scalp
itches, the vision dim, deaf, throat dry, water tastes sweetish, is flatulent, the
stools white, the sexual organs weak, is hoarse, has pleuritic pains, has pains
in the back and gouty pains in the limbs, wakens early and feels rested, has
swelling and tenderness especially behind the ear (right), the urine dribbles,
is depressed, takes cold easily and sweats without relief.
Clinical: Rheumatism: articular, and gout, appearing suddenly, rest­
less, pains worse motion and on right side, better pressure; of the eye and
its sequaele; sudden, mostly in the joints, restless, desires motion though it
aggravte the pain; better pressure; sweat without relief; worse right side;
nodes around the joints. Diarrhoea after meals, during the day only. Wounds
that atrophy.


Clinical: Anasarca, especially with a swollen tongue. An infusion of
the root has been used for drying up the breasts in women who wish to wean
their children; it drys up the milk and diminishes the size of the breasts.
Chilblains in hot weather.


^ / A i >nlr> Original from

Clinical: Headache, intense, as of a band around the head, pain in
the occiput, spine and neck, lancinating, sticking, aches severely all over, heat,
copious sweat follows and relieves.


Clinical: Uterus prolapsed, heavy, bearing down, ligaments relaxed
(Said to be the medical pessary of the first order.). Uterine tumor, bearing
down pains extending down the thighs. Hot flashes and cold creeping sen­


Clinical: Flapping of the alae nasi, rapid (Kreos.; slow: Chlorof.) ;
hopeless, desires death.

Clinical: Said to rapidly increase the milk and appetite.
Clinical: Haemorrhage of the lungs, excessive expectoration, night
sweats and p. m. fever.

Suffers from hepatic and rectal troubles, has rumbling and rolling in the
bowels, vomiting, purging and fainting, the stools come out all at once with
a prolonged effort and are followed by great relief as though a foreign body
had been passed, the anus burns, the eyelids and canthi itch voluptuously, the
child rubs them often, the stools are mostly yellow watery, is generally worse
p. m. or night, is irritable, the mouth dry, the urine smells of onions, is weak,
sleepy and sore all over the body.
Clinical: Diarrhoea, movements sudden, expelled with a gush, stools
thin, yellow, mostly watery, the anus burns and protrudes, griping below the
navel, followed by great relief, intense itching of the eyelids, the child rubs
them often; copious watery diarrhoea of the aged. Gamb. is similar to Aloe
in respect to the suddenness of the movements, but Aloe does not have the
peculiar relief; Aloe is distinguished from Apoc-c. by the cutting before and
after stool, and from Crot-t. in not being worse from the least food or drink.
One part Opi. to 3 parts Gamb. is said to cause disgust for opium.

Is mentally dull, sluggish, desires to be let alone, instead of expanding
in a warm bath his skin is drawn upon itself as by a tight astringent, has a
slight dyspnoea, the abdominal walls are drawn together, the testes rise to
the inguinal ring, has an unnatural warmth with shocks or tremors through the
limbs, the pulse is hard and vibrates, the face suffused, is weak and weary,
contractive sensations predominate, is worse before a storm.


Diniti7Pfi hv CZru » n i p
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Clinical: Severe epigastric pain, prolonged vomiting, excited even by
drinking water, breathing slow and labored, skin hot and insensible.


Is mentally dull, sluggish, desires to be let alone and quiet, dreads motion,
feels too weak to move, is drowsy, dizzy, the limbs heavy, the muscles relaxed,
thirstless, the urine is copious and relieves, the eyes ache, are sore to touch,
the lids heavy and droop, the face suffused, flushed, hot to touch, is irritable,
sensitive, excitable, easy to anger, all of which aggravates, the pulse is soft,
round, full and flowing, is better by stimulents, and by sweat whether slight
or partial, dreads failure, has high fever, cold limbs, chills run up and down
the back, relaxed sexual organs, yellow stools, limpid urine, deep seated pains,
is apt to become delirious on falling asleep, is worse sudden bad news or emo­
tional excitement, the child fears falling while being carried, it becomes dizzy
and grasps the nurse or crib and screams out.
Clinical: Dullness, drowsiness, dizziness, general prostration, loss of
muscular power, fear of making an effort and desire to be alone will not lead
one far from Gels. Convulsions: from suppressed menses; chin quivers con­
stantly; puerperal, stupid, muscles twitch, albuminuria, sharp cutting pains
from the neck of the womb upward. Catarrh: system relaxed, debilitated,
especially in women. Neuralgia: about the eye, dull aching in the lids, are all
associated with the intermuscular inflammations; loss of control over the
affected part, pain in the muscles of the back, hips and lower limbs, pains
deep seated; facial, pains sharp, face congested and dusky, vertigo, occipital
pain, vision dim. Fever: low, stupid, desire to be alone, fear of death, mind
dull and depressed; afternoon, of children and infants, without chill; eruptive,
eyes, nose and throat involved, great prostration and stupor, thirstless, eruption
livid; malarial, especially of the South, periodic, worse toward p. m., stupor,
dizzy, blind, faint, thirstlcss, prostration, sweat light but it relieves; nervous
chill from emotion; intermittents contracted at Summer watering places and
wintered over, reappearing next Spring; typhoid, vertigo, early stages, weak,
limbs feel tired and tremble, pulse soft. Fear: of failure, as in an examination
(Sil.) and as stage fright; of falling, in children when carried, child is dizzy,
starts, grasps the nurse or crib and screams out; that the heart would cease to
beat unless constantly on the move (reverse of Dig.). Vertigo of child on being
carried (Bor., on being laid down). Headache: begins in nape of the neck,
extends over the head and settles over the eyes (Sep., Sang.: right; Spig., left)
(reverse of B ry .); every pulsation is felt like the blow of a hammer in the
base of the skull; better copious urination, by lying perfectly quiet in bed with
the head bolstered up with a pillow; as from a band around the head; mus­
cular soreness of the neck, pain to the shoulders and spine with dizziness;
blind, head feels confused and large, dizzy; from occiput through the head to
the eyes, worse heat; nervous, soreness and pain extend to the teeth or to the
shoulders, dizzy, blind; menstrual, vision blurred, nausea and vomiting which
relieve; climacteric, drawing, vertigo, vision blurred, better copious flow of
urine. Meningitis, cerebro-spinal, occiput extremely sore, least motion in­
tolerable. Delirium, face flushed, congestion of blood to the head, limbs cold
and heavy. Eyes: serous inflammation within the eyeball; iritis; detached


rv 1 Original from
retina; retinitis in Bright’s disease; in all the muscular inflammations there
are dull aching pains in the eyeballs and neuralgia about the eye; paralysis of
the eye muscles and the upper lid; asthenopia; double vision from paralysis.
Ears: deafness: from quinine and catarrh of the middle ear and Eustachian
tube. Cold, disposed on the least change in the weather and in mild Winters.
Catarrh: nasal, discharge excoriates, throat sore, physically weak; acute espe­
cially in Summer, throat inflamed extends to ear, deaf; gastro-intestinal,
jaundiced, persistent nausea, dizzy, diarrhoea. Liver, passive, congestion,
vertigo, blurred vision. Diarrhoea: from sudden depressing emotions, grief,
bad news; of soldiers going into battle, etc., and especially when one has to
appear in public, undergo a surgical operation or examination; stools usually
painless, even involuntary, little thirst. Never well since the “flu.” Paralysis:
of the sphincter ani and partial, of the rectum; of the bladder, especially of
old people or after diphtheria; flow intermits. Dysuria from stricture. Sexual
weakness, emissions without erections. Gonorrhoea, at the beginning with
great soreness of the urethra. Os thick and tense during labor; Bell, thin
and tense. Menses: difficult, sick headache, faint, pains shoot up the back
and into the legs; suppressed, congestion to the head, pains extend up and
down from the uterine region. Aphonia, paralytic, throat burns, worse during
the menses. Threatened paralysis of the lungs in the aged. Cough from
tickling in the Eustachian tube. Heart: oppressed about, from grief, palpita­
tion; action of, weak, pulse soft and weak, limbs cold. Limbs: loss of power,
tremble, hands tired from playing the piano; writer’s cramp; icy cold to knees,
while the head is hot and purple. The leading expression of Gels, is said to
be a low nervous condition, drowsiness, languor, disposition to be quiet, and


Clinical: A tonic for enfeebled persons, and in chronic diseases as a
stimulent and tissue builder.


Clinical: Constant ineffectual urging to stool, with blurred vision and

Clinical: Caries of vertebrae, or hip; ulceration of the joints when the
discharge excoriates.

Clinical: Tearing, jerking pains, like electric shocks, excessively severe
and always occur twice in succession, they unfit one for everything, they seem
to shoot from deep in the abdomen below the navel to the end of the urethra,
they return as soon as one cats.


n Original from
Clinical: Lumbago (considered a specific) in sciatica and nightly dig­
ging in the right lower limb from the hip to the big toe, yawns, drowsy. Said
to impart a sense of joyous vigor and elasticity to the limbs, especially the
upper, and a clear mind.

Suffers from surging of blood to the head and heart, the mind confused,
loses one’s way on well known streets, the head feels as if expanded and con­
tracted and throbs like the beating of hammers synchronous with the beating
of the heart, the pulsations are tremulous and extend even to the fingers and
toes, every throb is a pain, the head feels as if it would burst with every motion
or jar on stepping; better vomiting; cold applications relieve the head which
is worse especially when lying with the head low; the eyes are red, the pupils
dilated, the lids dry and stick to the eyeballs, the head is hot, the face flushed
and purple or bright red; cannot bear the heat of the sun on the head therefore
carries an umbrella; desires the room perfectly still, is worse from noise, better
cold and external pressure; the face may remain pale in spite of the fever, the
collar causes choking and must have it open, like Lach., chokes and swells up
under the ears, has palpitation while ascending or walking on the pavement,
the heart labors and one sits in silence for hours.
Clinical: Epilepsy, congestion to the head and great vascular excite­
ment. Shock, sudden attacks of terror, dares not go out into the street.
Mania, insanity, acute, head hot, full, throbbing, eyes staring, pulse rapid,
carotids pulsate; or, maniacal excitement, head hot; insanity from long con­
tinued heat of the sun. Mental confusion, loss of sense of location, loses his
way on well known streets. Headache: from injury to the spine; of book­
keepers and those who have to work at desks under a light that gives off heat;
better after a good long sleep; worse shaking or jar; or school children from
the weight of the hat; throbbing in frontal and temporal regions with pressure
and pain in the temples; as if the skull was too small, as if the brain was at­
tempting to burst the skull; holds the head with the hands and presses on the
vertex; on damp rainy days; eyes red and congested, expression wild; from
suddenly suppressed menses, or, in their place, or after a copious uterine
haemorrhage. Cerebro-spinal meningitis: pain seems to rise from neck through
the occiput; neck drawn back, face very hot and shiny red, eyes congested or
glassy, head and upper part of body very warm, feet, hands and lower part of
body cold and covered with cold sweat. Crown of head feels as if covered
with a hot iron, or as if an oven was close by. Sunstroke, very valuable. In
all the cerebral congestions the pulse fluctuates. Hot back of the neck and
between the shoulders. The child sits before the fire, or falls asleep there
and becomes sick in the night. Neuralgia: supraorbital, pulsating; of face,
extends to the head, pulsating. Congestion: retinal, from exposure to bright
light; supraorbital, violent; in all conditions there is strong pulsations in the
head with every beat of the heart, lips thin and purple; face swollen, pains
crushing and oppressive, brain as if surged in waves. Pregnancy, rush of
blood to the head, face pale, loses consciousness, falls down insensible, cold
sweat especially on the face. Angina pectoris, heart flutters and beats violently
as if it would burst the chest open; breathing labored, pains radiate in all


rN:_:^:-------i_ . | Original from

directions even to the arms with loss of power in them. Bad effects of long
exposure to the sun’s rays. The chief characteristic of Glon. is said to be:
pulsating, throbbing fullness (not pain) in the brain. Retinal congestion
from exposure to bright light.

Clinical: Menses: difficult, scanty, chocolate brown, distress in pelvic
region; scanty, acne on the face, face mottled, nodes under the skin; erythema
around anus and genitals. Sciatica, pains extend to the ramification of the
nerve, and a sense of numbness, the numbness often alternating with the pain,
the pain extends to the toes. Rheumatoid pain confined to the toe. In sciatica
exercise on the foot is excessively fatiguing.

Clinical: Tumor of the breast, hard lump, scanty menses, axillary
glands swell, inflamed Imphatic glands run toward the axilla. Morning sick­
ness of pregnancy, sensitive over the uterine region, prostration and faintness.
Labor, lingering, almost painless, uterine complications, weak or entirely
inefficient, where the case presents negative rather than positive symptoms.

Clinical: Complexion jaundiced, abdomen bloated, watery belchings,
vomiting, vertigo, waving before the eyes, pupils dilated, as of something mov­
ing in the stomach, palpitation, faint.

Has complaints especially worse at night, is morbidly fat or has been and
now emaciating, is usually constipated, the stools knotty and united by threads
of mucus, her menses are pale, short and scanty, the catarrhal discharges are
albuminous and viscid, the skin eruptions are especially herpetic, crack and
exude a glutinous honeylike sticky fluid and appear especially behind the ears
and bends of the joints. There is a marked absence of sweat; one delights
to lie in a cold draft before an open window when heavily covered, the pains
are especially burning through numbness is more charactertic than the pain;
one is restless on attempting close work and dreads mental work, is irresolute,
if one looks long at a sunlighted window one gets pain in and over the eyes,
one hears better in a noise, the mouth is dry at night waking yet saliva runs
from the mouth; eating relieves the stomach pains as does warm milk; there is
fullness distension and pressure in the stomach; flatulence better belching;
everything one eats turns to gas, the urine flows in a weak stream and causes
pain in the sacrum and coccyx; she has an aversion to coition, pain in her
uterus if she reaches high, leucorrhoea in gushes day and night, often wakens
in the night gasping for breath, the sweat, if any, is cold, offensive and yellow
staining, all the discharges are offensive; one gets very hot at night.
Clinical: In many respects Graph, resembles Sep. in diseases of
women, but Graph, affects the ovaries more markedly than Sep. Graph,
affects the glands, skin and orifices similar to Sulph., but the orifices of Graph.


n i A/ \n l/> Original from

arc pale, those of Sulph. red. Cancerous development in old cicatrices. Con­
traction of the tendon behind the knee. Eruptions and discharges disappear­
ing from any cause. Muscles and tendons weak from overstraining. Erup­
tions that appear in the bends of the joints. Numbness is more characteristic
than pain. Chlorosis, congestion to the head, face flushed, menses pale, scanty
and delayed, copious leucorrhoea, pimply eruption on the face; worse during
the menses, constipation. Obesity: especially of older people; Calc., younger
people; morbidly fat, or those who have been fat and are now emaciating; in
whom constipation is more common than diarrhoea, with pale scanty menses,
albuminuria, viscid catarrhal discharges. Paralysis, suppressed menses, hands
and arms numb and cold. Head: pain violent, semilateral, menses suppressed,
numbness and constipation or congestion to the head with sense of heat. Erup­
tion: eczema, glutinous moisture, moist scabs; moist, mats the hair (B o r.); dry
tinea capitis. Eyes: pustules, photophobia, thin acrid discharge from the nose
and eyes, outer canthi sore and cracked; ciliary blepharitis, edges of lids swol­
len and inclined to crack and ulcerate, dry scurf in the lashes, dry, burn and
itch; tumor of margin of lids; wild hairs; eyelashes turn wild and turn in
toward the eyeball; keratitis, pustular in children, fissures in canthi bleed
easily and itch violently. Ears: eczema of the outer ear, purulent discharge,
deaf from catarrh of the middle ear, as if a membrane covered the ear or with
a sense of a valve opening and shutting, cracking on swallowing, especially
with eruption behind the ears which cracks and oozes; eczema on and behind
the ears, skin cracks and bleeds; deafness: eruption on and behind the ears;
after scarlet fever, discharge thin and offensive, moist eczema on the face and
behind the ears and around them. Nose: catarrh, nose dry, sore, scabs form,
ozena, odor bad, nostrils ulcerated externally and cracked in the corners and
bleed; eczema about mouth and nose, cracks in wings of nose and corners of
lips. Face: moist eczema; erysipelas, ulcers about the nose and mouth, right
to left. Stomach: gastralgia, better eating, but colic lower down comes on
immediately after eating; worse below the navel; indigestion with sense of
rancidity and heartburn; worse fat food; comes on some hours after eating;
worse cold drinks, better warm milk. Abdomen: chronic intestinal catarrh,
masses of mucus come with the stools or covers the constipated stool, the anus
fissured, cracked, bleeds and ulcerates. Piles: large, external, sore, fissured;
bleed, fissured, bum, chronic. Eneuresis, with the characteristic eruption.
Urethritis, gluey, sticky discharge at the meatus. Impotency: neither sensa­
tion during the act of coition nor discharge of semen. Herpes, especially on
the anus and genitals. Menses disordered: depressed mentally, vertigo, weeps,
eruption on the face and herpetic eruption on other parts of her body; scanty,
pale, irregular, or with dark flow and violent colic, or bearing down in the
uterine region and hips; especially in women inclined to get fat and have
herpetic eruptions; suppressed menses with indurated ovaries. Leucorrhoea:
instead of the menses, discharge in gushes, gTeat weakness, pudenda sore,
ulceration; copious, milky in gushes. Diseases following lacerated cervix. In­
duration: excrescences and, which bleed easily, on cervix, of left ovary, hard,
pain on touch or breathing; of both ovaries which are very sore; worse taking
cold or getting the feet wet; form in the breasts and become cancerous. Nipples
sore, cracked and bleeding, of nursing mothers. Hydrocele of small boys and
babies. Chronic hoarseness when subject to the characteristic eruption, espe­
cially if the herpetic eruption has been suppressed; the voice breaks on at­
tempting to sing; of singers who cannot control their voices, the voice cracking


i \ i A 1, »
Original from
GUIACUM (Guiac.)
Has inherited syphilis, is gouty, worse from the least exertion, averse to
food and milk, is worse motion and heat, better rest, the hamstrings shorten,
has stitching pains in the neck and back, the hands are hot, sweats nights, sub­
ject to diarrhoea, has gouty abscesses in the joints, the bones become spongy,
the leg and ankle bones are especially affected, the pains are stitching and
burning, the excretions all offensive, the head and face sweat while walking
in the open air, the tonsils inflame, burn and are worse drinking, the urine is
copious and fetid, has stitches in the neck of the bladder after ineffectual efforts
to urinate, has pain in the chest while riding in the open air, is better pressure
and walking, worse sitting and standing; she has shuddering in the mammae
with goose-flesh.
Clinical: Gouty abscesses of the joints. A wonderful remedy in the
first stage of phthisis. Psoric cases complicated with syphilis and Merc. Neu­
ralgia of the face, head and neck daily from 6 p. m. to 4 a. m. Tonsilitis,
worse warm drinks, much burning; said to prevent suppuration. Phthisis
pituitus, in rheumatic and gouty persons. Stiffness and contractions of
muscles, tendons and limbs, rheumatic swelling of joints. Bones ache, inflame
and degenerate, are sore and worse least touch. Growing pains of children.
Head: rheumatic and gouty pains in bones, worse top and left side, to the
face; worse at night. Deafness, persistent, recurring earache. Ovaritis:
rheumatic, irregular menses and dysmenorrhoea; agonizing pain, irritable
bladder. Pleuritic pains in apex of lung, especially in phthisis. Consumption,
relieves the extreme offensive expectoration. Back stiff, muscles pain.

Clinical: Headache: from nervous exhaustion; sick, from abuse of
coffee, followed by vomiting; excited by errors in diet or mental depression;
throbbing, congestion, after excessive use of liquor; eyelids twitch.

Clinical: Chemosis and pterygium, lotion of one drop to the dram.


Clinical: Sense of taste for sugar and bitters lost, though the taste for
ginger in ginger bread is retained.


Has a bluish-white coating on the tongue, a constant severe pain in the
front part of the head, especially under the eyebrows and upper part of the
nose, the bones of the eye sockets are sore to touch, the eyes feel as if pushed
forward and is compelled to rub the eyes, has a full sensation, burning pains,
desires heat and to be near the fire, has sweat in axilla and on the palms, is
easily fatigued and desires to lean the head on something; is worse walking,
cold, cold drinks and drafts; better rubbing the eyes.


__ Original from
Clinical: Constriction as if a bar lay across the chest from the region
of the heart to the right side with acute pain in the left upper portion of the
chest. Zona, agonizing pain as if a bar lay across the chest arresting breath­
ing; chilly, better open air.

Clinical: As if her stomach would fall out and her breasts fall off;
weak, exhausting night sweats.


Has venous congestions, the veins distended and very sore, all the mucus
membranes discharge blood, the skin dusky, sensitive to a jar, the veins sen­
sitive to pressure; she is weak and bleeds vicariously, the throat is dark red
and covered with varices, the eyes congested, is thirstless, has varicose veins
over the abdomen, sore to touch; the congested veins prickle and sting; has a
pain running down from his spermatic cord to his testes; her menses are dark
and copious; one takes cold if exposed to warm, moist air.
Clinical: Sore: veins, flesh: Arn., nerves: Hyperic., bones and car­
tilages: Ruta. Especially suitable to nervous, excitable, sensitive persons.
Piles: protrude, pulsate, bleed much; after confinement; blood dark. Head:
ache; venous congestion to the brain, lungs, or general venous congestion,
especially if followed by epistaxis; from injury to the head and face, ecchy-
mosis, loose bowels, stomach uneasy, faint on walking. Eyes: inflamed from
a blow, burn as from a splinter under the lids as from being in the hot sun,
or a drop of boiling sugar in the eye; black, from bruises. Epistaxis: pro­
fuse; passive, noncoaguable; a. m. Stomach worse pork. Dysentery, haemor­
rhage, blood very dark. Ovary, after a blow, swelling, agonizing soreness all
over the abdomen. Amenorrhoea, bleeding from the nose or stomach, con­
stipation» varices on the legs. Milk leg: white swelling, opaque, extends
downward. Haemoptysis, tickling cough, taste of blood or sulphur, dull
frontal headache, chest tight, breathing worse lying, mind calm. Pregnancy,
legs painful, can neither stand nor walk. Variola, haemorrhagic. Chillblains,
always bluish. Better than either Arn. or Calend. to hasten absorption of
intraocular haemorrhage. Its chief characteristic is: passive haemorrhage from
any part. As a local application a watery extract is said to be very valuable.


Clinical: Exostosis of the jaw ; painful, sensitive to touch, worse

Clinical: Bearing down pains, worse motion; paralytic weaknes of the
legs, jerking and twitching, weak, faint, better lying.


Original from
n /Ai 'WlL>
GUIACUM (Guiac.)
Has inherited syphilis, is gouty, worse from the least exertion, averse to
food and milk, is worse motion and heat, better rest, the hamstrings shorten,
has stitching pains in the neck and back, the hands are hot, sweats nights, sub­
ject to diarrhoea, has gouty abscesses in the joints, the bones become spongy,
the leg and ankle bones are especially affected, the pains are stitching and
burning, the excretions all offensive, the head and face sweat while walking
in the open air, the tonsils inflame, burn and are worse drinking, the urine is
copious and fetid, has stitches in the neck of the bladder after ineffectual efforts
to urinate, has pain in the chest while riding in the open air, is better pressure
and walking, worse sitting and standing; she has shuddering in the mammae
with goose-flesh.
Clinical: Gouty abscesses of the joints. A wonderful remedy in the
first stage of phthisis. Psoric cases complicated with syphilis and Merc. Neu­
ralgia of the face, head and neck daily from 6 p. m. to 4 a. m. Tonsilitis,
worse warm drinks, much burning; said to prevent suppuration. Phthisis
pituitus, in rheumatic and gouty persons. Stiffness and contractions of
muscles, tendons and limbs, rheumatic swelling of joints. Bones ache, inflame
and degenerate, are sore and worse least touch. Growing pains of children.
Head: rheumatic and gouty pains in bones, worse top and left side, to the
face; worse at night. Deafness, persistent, recurring earache. Ovaritis:
rheumatic, irregular menses and dysmenorrhoea; agonizing pain, irritable
bladder. Pleuritic pains in apex of lung, especially in phthisis. Consumption,
relieves the extreme offensive expectoration. Back stiff, muscles pain.

Clinical: Headache: from nervous exhaustion; sick, from abuse of
coffee, followed by vomiting; excited by errors in diet or mental depression;
throbbing, congestion, after excessive use of liquor; eyelids twitch.

Clinical: Chemosis and pterygium, lotion of one drop to the dram.


Clinical: Sense of taste for sugar and bitters lost, though the taste for
ginger in ginger bread is retained.


Has a bluish-white coating on the tongue, a constant severe pain in the
front part of the head, especially under the eyebrows and upper part of the
nose, the bones of the eye sockets are sore to touch, the eyes feel as if pushed
forward and is compelled to rub the eyes, has a full sensation, burning pains,
desires heat and to be near the fire, has sweat in axilla and on the palms, is
easily fatigued and desires to lean the head on something; is worse walking,
cold, cold drinks and drafts; better rubbing the eyes.


__ Original from
Clinical: Constriction as if a bar lay across the chest from the region
of the heart to the right side with acute pain in the left upper portion of the
chest. Zona, agonizing pain as if a bar lay across the chest arresting breath­
ing; chilly, better open air.

Clinical: As if her stomach would fall out and her breasts fall off;
weak, exhausting night sweats.


Has venous congestions, the veins distended and very sore, all the mucus
membranes discharge blood, the skin dusky, sensitive to a jar, the veins sen­
sitive to pressure; she is weak and bleeds vicariously, the throat is dark red
and covered with varices, the eyes congested, is thirstless, has varicose veins
over the abdomen, sore to touch; the congested veins prickle and sting; has a
pain running down from his spermatic cord to his testes; her menses are dark
and copious; one takes cold if exposed to warm, moist air.
Clinical: Sore: veins, flesh: Arn., nerves: Hyperic., bones and car­
tilages: Ruta. Especially suitable to nervous, excitable, sensitive persons.
Piles: protrude, pulsate, bleed much; after confinement; blood dark. Head:
ache; venous congestion to the brain, lungs, or general venous congestion,
especially if followed by epistaxis; from injury to the head and face, ecchy-
mosis, loose bowels, stomach uneasy, faint on walking. Eyes: inflamed from
a blow, burn as from a splinter under the lids as from being in the hot sun,
or a drop of boiling sugar in the eye; black, from bruises. Epistaxis: pro­
fuse; passive, noncoaguable; a. m. Stomach worse pork. Dysentery, haemor­
rhage, blood very dark. Ovary, after a blow, swelling, agonizing soreness all
over the abdomen. Amenorrhoea, bleeding from the nose or stomach, con­
stipation» varices on the legs. Milk leg: white swelling, opaque, extends
downward. Haemoptysis, tickling cough, taste of blood or sulphur, dull
frontal headache, chest tight, breathing worse lying, mind calm. Pregnancy,
legs painful, can neither stand nor walk. Variola, haemorrhagic. Chillblains,
always bluish. Better than either Arn. or Calend. to hasten absorption of
intraocular haemorrhage. Its chief characteristic is: passive haemorrhage from
any part. As a local application a watery extract is said to be very valuable.


Clinical: Exostosis of the jaw ; painful, sensitive to touch, worse

Clinical: Bearing down pains, worse motion; paralytic weaknes of the
legs, jerking and twitching, weak, faint, better lying.


Original from
n /Ai 'WlL>
HELIANTHUS (Helianth.)
Clinical: Nausea, vomiting, stool black and soft, flatulence, better
vomiting, skin worse external heat. Said to equal Am. and Calend. as an
application to wounds.

Has pressure on the sternum impeding breathing, and on the head, the
legs feel as if beaten, the voice is thick and hoarse, is better walking in the
open air and worse rest or inspiration; she has misplacement, leucorrhoca and
backache; her bearing down being active (Natr-hypcr., passive).

Clinical: Hoarseness, continuous, dry, tickling cough; worse at night,
prevents sleep, dyspnoea worse ascending stairs.


Is always stupified and sluggish, the muscles will neither act nor obey
the will, one either waits a long time to answer or will not answer at all; be­
lieves she is doing wrong, is apathetically silent, cannot think, therefore does
not know how to answer; thinks she is going to die on a certain day; just sits
and says nothing, is worse at any attempt of consolation, thinking of one’s
symptoms makes them grow better, is benumbed everywhere, sees things im­
perfectly and does not regard the object the eyes fall upon; the head rolls and
tosses; the child lies on its back, rolls its head from side to side with its eyes
wide open, keeps boring its head into the pillow, the eyes and nostrils look as
if soot had settled in them, wrinkling of the forehead, has violent thirst and
unusual canine hunger during fever, the stools consist of tenacious, pale mucus,
the urine passes in a feeble stream, lies on the back with the limbs drawn up,
finally passes into a state of somnambulism and cannot be aroused to full
Clinical: After the wildness of his delirium passes he settles down to
a state of stupefaction. Delirium is not common, but is of the muttering
type; his mind is confused and he picks at the ends of his fingers. When
aroused he talks about spirits and says he sees devils. The child of between
2 and 10 lies on its back and stares into open space with half closed eyes and
often moves its lips without a sound. Hydrocephalus; has a brain cry, carries
its hands to its head and shrieks, like Apis, but Apis is more active and acute;
torpid, unconscious, eyes insensible, urine suppressed, forehead wrinkled, con­
stant chewing motion, bores head back into the pillow, automatic motion of an
arm or foot; or most violent convulsions, face distorted, unconscious, urine sup­
pressed; sequaele; child appears idiotic, wants nothing, but drinks eagerly;
effect of suppressed eruption simulating hydrocephalus; eyes affected. Fever:
typhoid, apathetic, indifferent to all external impressions, not disturbed by too
warm covering or by not being covered at all, insensible to handling and
pricking. Meningitis, cerebro-spinal; head drawn back as far as it will go.
The wrinkling of the forehead is in brain troubles, while with Lyc. it is in
chest troubles. W ant of reaction in paralytic states. Stupor, almost com­
plete, from which one is difficult to arouse (reverse of Ph-ac.) ; seems to be


! \ It > Original from

characteristic of his mental state, the mind seems to have lost control over the
body. Melancholy, fear of death, stupidity, unintelligible muttering. Con­
cussion of the brain, Arn. failing. Diarrhoea: stool of jellylike mucus, like
frog spawn, tenesmus, or copious watery, alternating with constipation in ab­
dominal dropsy. Nephritis, subacute, urine suppressed, in dropsy. Cystitis,
urine almost completely suppressed. Hydrocele from suppressed eruptions.
Hydrothorax, dyspnoea, must sit up, gasps for breath, chest constricted.
Dropsy, heart weak, pulse small and tremulous. Fever, typhoid, apathy,
breath offensive, pulse weak, stupor, coldness, cold sweat. It is said its chief
therapeutic use is in hydrocephalus when the stage of effusion has commenced.


Clinical: Vision disordered, exfoliation of the skin, hair and nails;
anxiety better after vomiting.


Clinical: Diarrhoea, roaring in the ears, nose itches, tongue prickles,
stool liquid. Ulcer of leg near ankle. Epilepsy, head sweats before the
attack, diarrhoea, sleepy.

Internal coldness from the heart as if frozen, the coldness from within
out and is at times followed by a sense of burning and heat; there is a cold,
clammy sweat and a sense of constriction; has numbness, darting pains, is
extremely sensitive to external pressure; the symptoms come on in the night
and waken one; has tremor and a spongy sense in the feet on walking, the
breathing is slow, the breath and tongue cold, the tongue slate color; is worse
at night, after sleep and better from stretching.


Is always better when doing something, desire to be alone, conversation
is unpleasant, the headaches are better when the mind is engaged and one is
doing something and worse when looking steadily at one point; the face is
pale and earthy, the expression suffering, the taste bitter and disagreeable, the
mouth sore, the appetite lost; has a cramplike state in the stomach p. m .; often
an involuntary discharge of urine after the bladder seemed emptied, is inclined
to be melancholy and deeply depressed with a sense of soreness in her womb
of which organ she is constantly conscious of; she often has attacks of haemor­
rhage after lifting a weight; she has curdy deposits on her vulva and pruritis
of both her vulva and vagina; her breasts and nipples become sore and tender
at her menstrual period; there is a sense of weight and uneasiness in the kid­
neys; is languid and tired for which there is no known reason; is weary,
drowsy; has a burning heat in the dorsal region as one sits reading at night.
Clinical: Effects of excessive fatigue, especially in women, tired, ach­
ing in the back and limbs. Headache, with uterine troubles, top of head
burns, or fullness and pressure on the vertex; worse or renewed by thinking
of it, or when looking steadily at a fixed point. Eyes: retina and optic nerve
inflamed, albuminuria, boring in lumbar region extending down legs, as if


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head was bandaged. Diabetes: insipidus, urine copious, light colored, debility,
emaciation; mellitus, much sugar; emaciation, much thirst; restless, melan­
choly. Kidneys: ache, tender over region of, excessively active. Nephritis,
acute and chronic, restless, weak, frequent urination. Albuminuria during
pregnancy, urine scanty, restless, pain and soreness in the region of the kidneys.
Prolapsus: after labor, debility, mentally depressed, feeling of soreness or sen­
sitiveness of the womb of which she is persistently conscious. Menorrhagia:
active, worse motion; cervix ulcerated, weak, blood dark and offensive. Leu-
corrhoea offensive, cervix ulcerated which often causes the haemorrhage. With
the uterine conditions there are: pain in the lumbar region, dull aching, some­
times weight on the chest and pressure on the head. Itching of the vulva and
vagina, heat, swelling, exfoliation and aphthous patches. Effects of fatigue
with burning in the dorsal region. Women with prolapsus with atony,
enervated from indolence and luxury, better when attention is engaged; or
worn out with hard work; do not care for sleep, so tired, the strained muscles
burn and ache. In nearly all conditions calling for Helon. there will be
present: great fatigue and prostration, burning or a tired, dragging, aching
feeling in the lumbar and sacral regions.

Is mentally and physically extremely sensitive to a draft of air, to least
touch of a hand or dressing and to pain; the pains are throbbing but especially
splinterlike and are often so intolerable that they cause fainting; is quarrel­
some and hard to get along with as nothing pleases and everything and every­
one disturbs one; is sensitive to persons and places and to cold, is chilly, wants
plenty of clothing and the room warm; is worse if one becomes cold in the
night and dares not expose a hand or foot; is easily angered and becomes
abusive; the discharges smell like old cheese, the sweat smells sour and is free
but it does not relieve» the urinal stream is weak and falls down perpen­
dicularly; the eruptions art all sensitive to touch, all the inflamed parts are
sensitive as if about to suppurate. One is especially sensitive to and worse
from exposure to dry, cold winds.
Clinical: Impulses: to stab a friend; to set things on fire; to throw
her child into the fire. Suppuration: tendency to, with jagging, throbbing,
splinterlike pains, tender to touch, temper irritable; establishes around and
removes foreign bodies and little bodies that cannot be reached or located, as
needles, etc. Felon: around root of nail and end of finger, nail suppurates,
loosens and comes off; feeling as of a splinter under the nail; of scrawny,
chilly persons who are always taking cold; run rounds and sharp suppurative
pains. Nails become hard and brittle. W arts crack open, bleed, sting, bum
and suppurate. Especially useful for persons who are chilly and scrawny
with a tendency to enlarged glands that tend to suppurate. Coryza, with the
above characteristics. Aphonia, cough dry, hoarse, barking, especially a. m.
and p. m .; larynx painful to touch. Croup: of oversensitive children, who
are exposed during the day to a cold, dry wind or cold air; come down next
a. m. with croup, they become worse a. m. and p. m. until midnight; the
cough is choking and gagging, they cough and sweat; Hep. should be used
cautiously in membranous croup, even in the later stages, as overdosing is apt
to cause recurrence of the more acute symptoms; it is never to be given where
the skin is hot and dry, only when the child is sweaty and weak; membranous,


n r v , v n l/> Original from

hoarse, copious mucus, dyspnoea; Hep. follows Spongia well, Spong. should
be given only after Hep. when Hep. has aggravated the cough and caused re­
turn of the former symptoms; Hep. is to be carefully differentiated from Kali-
bi. and Brom., neither of which is indicated except by or when the mucus is
tough and stringy in the case of Kali-bi. and when the spasmodic character is
present for Brom. Cough is worse least exposure to cold, dares not even put
a hand or foot out of bed. Lcucorrhoea so copious she is compelled to wear
a napkin, and the napkin becomes so offensive that it must be taken away and
washed at once as the odor permeates the whole room. Gleet of chilly per­
sons, with a white cheesy discharge. Syphilis, especially where large quantities
of Merc, have been taken. Ulcers on the soft palate that eat away the uvula.
Polypus of the larynx, white, gelatinous, sore, voice cracked or lost. Prevents
return of “cold sores.” Herpes following the course of the supraorbital nerve,
pain as if the eye would be drawn backward into the head. Abscess at the
root of the filled tooth. Choking, like Calc.s.; Hep. is worse cold air, Calc-s.
better. Do not give Hep., Sil., or Sulph. too high in cases of encysted tuber­
culosis of the lungs. Sweats especially in the perineum, groins and thighs
(Gels, on the genitals). In all the skin troubles there are: sensitiveness to
touch and usually the splinterlike pains. Ulcers, discharge smells like old cheese,
bleed when wiped ever so lightly, little pimples around them. Wool workers
itch. Pains that throb and stab, with general rigors are characteristic. All
the discharges smell like old cheese. Children smell sour in spite of washing
or bathing. Removes the weakness from ether. Marasmus of children, diar­
rhoea worse during the day and after eating, sweat and stool have a peculiar
sour odor. Cases requiring Hep. as a rule have: extreme sensitiveness to ex­
ternal impressions, especially to the least cold, copious easy offensive sweat
and so sensitive to the air that they often wear a fur coat in warm weather.
Dementia, complete stupidity, silent and speechless. Melancholia, violent
paroxysms, hasty speech, words roll out tumbling over each other, especially
if after much Merc. Head: pain, especially after much Merc.; boring at
root of nose, or as of a nail or plug driven into the brain, or as if the eyes
would be pulled backward into the head; better bending the head. Scalp sen­
sitive, combing the hair painful, painful nodes on the scalp; bones of the skull
pain at night. Eyes: cases requiring Hep. are of a sluggish type, anaemia,
easy sweat, worse at night, and sensitive to the open air, and especially after
Merc. Catarrh, chronic, copious muco-purulcnt discharge, edges of lids in­
flame and ulcerate. Lachrymal sac inflamed, copious pus in inner angles of
eyes. Edges of lids inflame and ulcerate, much dry matter collects on the eye
lashes. Moist offensive eczema on lids. Herpes following the course of the
supra-orbital nerve, severe pain as if the eye would be drawn back into the
head. Ears: inflamed internally and externally, ulceration, offensive bloody
discharge, violent pain, drum perforated, especially after Merc. Nose: nostrils
inflamed, sore, swollen, red, copious greenish-yellow discharge; diseases after
the abuse of Merc. Ozena, bones sore, heat, ulceration, nose sensitive in­
ternally to air and touch; offensive discharge. Teeth: abscess at root of filled
tooth; gums unhealthy, ulcerate, bleed, odor offensive. T hroat: tonsils sup­
purate, after Bell, and Bar-c. which follow in this order: Bell, in the onset;
Bar-c. after Bell, after the dryness and fever have subsided, then if suppura­
tion threatens, Hep. with the following indications: fetid odor of the saliva,
sharp splinterlike pains on swallowing, sensitive to air and chilliness. Stom­
ach: dyspepsia after the abuse of Merc, or quinine, longs for highly seasoned


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Is especially worse from milk, throat inflamed, dry and looks granulated,
is hurried to stool on waking and better from the passage of flatus, the neces­
sity to pass flatus wakens one at night, the pains are sharp, sudden and compel
one to lie down, are better from motion; appetite lost, sleep restless, is tired
a. m., the throat quite swollen and sore, the lower limbs itch and are not
better scratching.

Clinical:Causes: nausea, vomiting, collapse, cold limbs, dilated pupils,
slow and irregular pulse and constipation.


Clinical: Causes: nervous excitement, twitching, irritability, gastro­
intestinal irritation, vesicles that are so tense that when pricked they eject
their contents, sense of a splinter under the thumb nail, eruptions especially
over the projections of the bone, as the malar bone.


Clinical: The juice applied to the eye causes almost immediate blind­
ness. Vomiting, purging, burning in the throat, suffocation and headache.


Is giddy, chest oppressed, irritable, subject to violent attacks of anger,
yellow sand in the urine, even calculi, very thirsty, urine is bloody, is sore
over the region of the kidneys.


Has a sinking, empty hunger, loathes food, is extremely weak, the dis­
charges are thick, viscid, ropy and yellow, the false granulations bleed easily
on touch, the ulcers burn, air feels cold in the nose and large crusts con­
stantly form therein, golden yellow mucus forms in the mouth, apt to vomit
ail food retaining only milk, is constipated, no desire for stool, the face is
pale, sickly and jaundiced appearing, the muscles become weak, the sweat
is copious and of intolerable odor.
Clinical: The Hydrast. patient suffers from: debility, constipation,
atonic dyspepsia, palpitation and subject to catarrhal discharges and ulceration
of the mucus membranes. Chronic diseases where the body alone has suffered;
where the weakness and the emaciation have progressed together for a long
time in chronic stomach troubles, and fainting comes on. Eczema of the
scalp with thick crusts. Fissures behind the ears, where the ears connect with
the head. Epitheloma of the face, nose and lip. Suspicious lump in the region
of the pylorus. Constipation: when enemas alone produce a passage; diarrhoea
or with “goneness” at the stomach, trembling in the abdomen and palpitation.
Gonorrhea, chronic, yellow discharge remaining. Leucorrhoea, thick, yellow-
viscid, offensive. Catarrh: in the chest of old people; of the entire respiratory


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Diniti7Pri hv fZ n i u iIp
tract, obstinate, discharge thick, ropy, copious, ulceration. Must walk before
one can straighten up, has to use the arms to rise from a chair. Ulcers aggra­
vated from warmth and washing, also the eruptions. Marasmus and scroful­
ous affections especially of children. Typhoid fever, retarded convalescence,
anorexia and constipation. Eyes: ophthalmia, acute, catarrhal, lids swell,
secretions copious, smart, burn; chronic, scrofulous, copious thick mucus dis­
charge, cornea opaque; dry catarrh of the conjunctiva. Otitis media, deaf,
after scarlatina. Otorrhoea, thick mucus discharge. Nose: coryza, discharge
watery, excoriates, burns, throat raw. Catarrh, mostly postnasal, obstruction,
headache, mucus drops into the throat; hypertrophic, yellowish-green offensive
discharge. Ozena, ulceration and bloody discharge. Septum ulcerated, bleeds
easily on touch. M outh: stomatitis; after Merc, or quinine; of nursing women
or weakly children; taste peppery, tongue as if burned or raw, appears dark
red, papillae raised, especially during the course of eruptive fevers. Throat:
sore, catarrhal, mucus membrane hypertrophied, copious discharge, burns, raw,
extends to nose and chest. Stomach: gastralgia, vomits, appetite lost, burning
and sore over the gastric region. Dyspepsia, atonic, acidity, debility, especially
of the aged. Catarrh, gastro-duodenal, sinking in the epigastric region and
palpitation. Liver torpid, skin yellow, stool light colored, tender over liver.
Colic, gallstone, jaundice. Enteritis, catarrhal, chronic mucus discharges or
stool covered with mucus, oi soft stool mixed with mucus. Rectum ulcerated;
anus' fissured; rectum prolapsed, especially of children. Constipation: espe­
cially after purgatives; of children; obstinate weak feeling in the stomach,
sour eructations, dull frontal headache; after labor or during pregnancy,
with piles and headache; after rheumatic fever; the cause of other diseases.
Cystic catarrh, thick ropy mucus in the urine. Pruritis vulvae,
hard tumor of breast» nodular, lancinating pains. Prolapsus uteri,
cervix ulcerated. Haemorrhage, uterine, especially with ulceration.
Leucorrhoca: tenacious, viscid uterine or vaginal yellow, prostration, palpita­
tion or with deranged liver, constipation and piles. Cervicitis, heat and itching
in the vagina. Catarrh, laryngeal, mucus membrane pale, vocal cords relaxed;
bronchial, yellow mucus discharge. Eczema, especially in the margin of the
hair on the forehead, oozing secretion. Ulcers, chronic, bleed easily and
smell badly. In cancer, it removes the pain, moderates and removes the offen­
sive odor of the discharges. Smallpox, relieves the irritation almost instantly,
removes the swelling, diminishes the odor, removes secondary fever, prevents
excessive pitting and is said to destroy the contagiousness of the trouble; useful
in all stages, with faintness and prostration.


Clinical: Liver, cirrhosis. Neck of bladder inflamed and neck of
womb in women, heat and inflammation within the vagina. Pruritis vaginae.
Eruptions, especially dry, skin thickens enormously, exfoliates, scales. Exces­
sive thickening of the skin and marked exfoliation are its leading indications.
Particularly useful in leprosy.


Has a strange fear of approaching vehicles, the eyes are distorted and
half open, the face and especially the lips are pale and bluish, the tongue
coated white, feels cold and burns at the tip, drinks roll audibly down the


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throat as if poured into an empty barrel and enter the stomach with a
gurgling sound, the larynx feels swollen and burns and scrapes, the breathing
is rattling and moaning, the hearts action weak and irregular, the pulse almost
ceases, is weak, exhausted and has long lasting faint spells, the skin is pale
and has a bluish tinge.
Clinical: Convulsions: hysteric or epileptiform, frequent violent at­
tacks, heart beat weak and irregular; tetanic, complete loss of consciousness;
complicating whooping cough. Tetanus, cyanosis, coldness, heart’s action
weak and irregular. Hysterical attacks, when drinking the water it seems to
gurgle down the throat. Epileptic attacks preceded by nausea and vomiting or
waterbrash. Faintness, cyanosis, cold skin, gurgling on drinking. Collapse of
Camph., sudden cessation of all discharges, cyanosis and gurgling on drinking.
Dyspepsia, vomits food p. m. and night. Bad cases of smallpox. Scarlet
fever, the eruption in its early appearance is dark colored and soon becomes
livid, only slowly regaining its color after pressure with the finger, pulse
weak and rapid; coma, great prostration.

Is subject to convulsions that come on with great violence in the night
with unconsciousness, also in women at the menses, also to little jerkings and
twitchings and low forms of diseases, as typhoid, the muscles tremble and
quiver, is prostrated, slides down in bed, the jaw drops, talks and cries out
during sleep; is suspicious, picks the fingers or bed clothes or grasps at things;
thinks one is not at home, fears water and is anxious on hearing it run, be­
comes violent, bites, strikes, beats people; the mouth is as dry as burnt leather,
the taste is like sole leather, the tongue so dry it almost rattles in the mouth
and is cracked and covered with blood; bites the tongue while talking, the
jaws becoming fixed; food regurgitates, has contraction, spasmodic, of the
oesophagus on swallowing water, the abdomen sore and tympanitic; can only
be turned and handled gently and with caution, laughs during sleep, urine
and stool involuntary, has violent sexual desire, while lying on the back sud­
denly sits up, then lies down again.
Clinical: Convulsions: of children, especially after fright; child be­
comes sick and convulsions come on after eating; child shrieks and becomes
insensible; puerperal, after childbirth; suffocative spells and during labor
toes become spasmodically cramped; epileptiform, especially of children or
after labor; from fright, of children. Delirium: calls up dead persons and
enters into conversation with them, imagines things arc worms, lies muttering
and picks his fingers and bed clothes and grasps at imaginary objects; of acute
diseases, restless, constantly busy with his hands, picking and working, mutters
and talks to himself, or is frightened; loquatious delirium indicates Hyos.;
erotic, refuses to be covered, obscene talk; violent, tries to bite and scratch
and escape; tremens, suspicious of his friends and very loquatious; wants to
get up and attend to business or go home. Hydrophobia, fears running water
especially. Mania: passive; sexual; wants to go naked; exposes her sexual
organs to everyone, has violent sexual excitement, lies in bed naked, sings
amorous songs; he is violent and beats people, strikes at and bites them.
Strabismus from brain diseases. Diarrhoea: of hysterical women and young
girls; during pregnancy and typhoid fever, stool bloody. Violent sexual desire


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in young girls who never had the desire before. Colds that settle in the womb
and bring on laborlike pains. Hyos. and Verat. are two remedies that cure
and make nervous and hysterical women more sensible. Cough: paroxysmal
and periodic from excitement, in sensitive and hysterical girls with spinal irri­
tation, comes on when lying down, is dry, hacking, chilling, racks the whole
body, better sitting up; the characteristic cough is dry, racking, harassing,
worse lying down; after measles; coughs till exhausted. Spinal meningitis
with convulsions. Chills, congestive, during malaria. Chorea, clutching
motion of the hands and other incoherent muscular movements. Stupid,
seems to be unconscious, but picks at the clothes and clutches at the air. Eyes:
spasms of the ocular muscles, distorted or rolling. Objects appear double, in­
distinct or large. Paralysis: of the neck of the bladder, urine involuntary;
after labor; in children with head troubles. Gastritis or peritonitis with
hiccup. Stool yellow watery, nearly odorless, involuntary during sleep, in
old men. Hysterical women and young girls whose bowels bloat and who
are subject to attacks of diarrhoea with colicky pains and frequent urging to
stool, where the sphincter is weak causing great difficulty in retaining the
faeces, and where excitement and mental troubles produce the attacks.
Childbirth, urine retained; no will to urinate. Speechless from fright. Whoop­
ing cough worse at night on lying down. Sleepless: uneasy, cannot keep the
bed clothes on, difficult breathing and swallowing; of children who twitch,
cry out and tremble and wake in fright. Epilepsy: before attack vertigo,
sparks before the eyes, ears ring, gnawing, hungry; during the attack: face
purple, eyes project, shrieks, grinds the teeth and urinates. A constant flow
of blood with bluish face. Cannot tolerate the least noise or talking during
the chill. Hyos. has much in common with Bell, and Stram., the essential
difference being that Hyos. does not produce the cerebral hyperaemia so
characteristic of Bell, nor the intensely high degree of maniacal excitement
caused by Stram. The chief therapeutic value of Hyos. is said to be in acute
mania and delirium. The excessive nervous excitement is said to be charac­


Suffers mainly from the effects of injury to the nerves, especially to the
sentient nerves which become extremely sore and bruised, having a tendency
to lockjaw, all the pains from the injured part tend to travel upward and
especially toward the jaw ; the pains are excruciating, is forgetful, the muscles
jerk, has attacks of weakness during changes in the weather, is irritable, and
melancholy, has a suffering expression, the mouth and lips are dry and burn,
is thirsty and belches while drinking water, is sensitive to cold and to foggy
weather, is worse in damp weather and before a storm.
Clinical: The essentials for this remedy are especially found almost
exclusively in the generals as expressed above. Whether the injuries are due
to either crushed or lacerated (especially the fingers or toes), punctures, con­
tusions, tacks, needles, splinters or other causes, the above—Graphic Picture—
will point directly to the remedy. Pain in old cicatrices. In punctured
wounds give Led. at once, it will often, if applied early, arrest and always
modify, the occurence and ulceration of the flesh and sloughing in the slight­
est form of lacerated wounds. While Am. has bruised soreness of the flesh,
Ham. has bruised soreness of the veins, and Hyperic. bruised soreness of the


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nerves, especially the sentient nerves, while Ruta has bruised soreness of the
tendons and their insertions and the bones and cartilages about the joints,
lingering sore bruised places. Led. is valuable in the prevention of trouble
from accidents to the ends of the fingers, or if one steps on a nail, tack or
stick, or if a splinter gets under the finger nail or into the foot, or if a nail
gets into the foot of a horse pull the nail out and give the horse a dose of
Led., it will take care of it; and where dull aching pains remain in the injured
part, but if the pain shoots up the limb go to Hyperic. at once. Led. prevents
tetanus in horses that have picked up a nail, but if jerking comes on go to
Hyperic. at once. Wherever the parts are full of sentient nerves give Hypcric.
at once; in punctured wounds give Led. at once. Wounds: that yawn and
swell up and do not tend to heal, edges look dry and shiny; inflame, bum,
sting and tear. Hyperic. removes the effect of local shock and preserves the
vitality of torn and lacerated members nearly separated from the body. After
a surgical operation where much cutting has been done, with great prostration,
coldness, much oozing of blood and cold breath, give Stront-c. After a fall
where the least motion of the arm or neck extorts cries. Pain following am­
putation especially.

IBERIS (Iber.)
Suffers from heart affections, is conscious of the heart’s violent action,
has dull or stitching pains with palpitation, difficult breathing on slight exer­
tion, pain dowrn the left arm with numbness, the pulse is intermittent, has
heat and fullness in the head and neck, vertigo, nausea, is highly nervous,
easily frightened, the hands and feet are cold, a choking sense in the throat,
white stool, as if needles pricked the ventricles at each contraction of the
heart, is worse at night and a. m., from any motion, stooping, lying on the
left side and on turning in bed.


Suffers from catarrhal affections, especially asthma, is cross, impetuous
and inclined to contradict, has redness like a saddle across the nose, the tongue
is numb, cannot touch it with the teeth; has a burning sense from the fauces
down the throat, the nose swollen, sneezes, a sense of something breaking
loose in the stomach, as if the bowels were hanging loose and flabby, has spas­
modic cough, is better after stool and in the open air.


Is contrary both mentally and physically, full of contradictions and un­
expected surprises, erotic, sighs constantly, gay and weepy alternately, over­
sensitive, excitable, nervous, changes moods rapidly, desires to be alone to sit
and brood in silence and grief and to smother that grief, sad, sobs in long
drawn-out sighs, hysterical, laughing and crying that often ends in screams;
is worse from cross words and correction, is better from a copious flow of
urine and by lying on the painful side; has a sense of emptiness in the stomach
and abdomen, is anxious and full of fear, has a pressure from within outward
as from a sharp instrument.


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Clinical: Head: ache, pains congestive and pressing, or tearing, or as
of a nail sticking in the head, better lying on the affected side, and ending in
a copious flow of urine, better heat, especially from the abuse of alcohol or
coffee. Deafness, except for the human voice, reverse of Phos. Bites the
tongue or cheek when chewing or talking. Craves cold food which is di­
gested, warm food creates indigestion; wants cold things in the stomach and
heat externally. Laryngismus that can be heard all over the house. Cough:
only better suppressing it, like Squill.; spasmodic gasping between coughs;
often ends in sobbing; nervous, irritable, extremely annoying, almost con­
stant, from tickling in the trachea, worse the more one coughs; sympathetic
with more remote affections, especially of the womb, ovaries and w’ith worms.
Sciatica in cold weather, intense coldness and shivering, worse at night, or,
throbbing and intermittent boring, burns, lasts an hour, always preceded by
coldness, worse at night, must rise and walk about. Convulsions: after
punishment or a fright, in the child, the child is cold, pale and has a fixed
staring look. Girls: who faint every time they go to church; or who fall
in love with married men. Ign. differs from Bell, in spasms by having no
fever. Worn out nervous subjects; sensitive delicate women and children;
hysterical women and girls, the latter especially for unrequited love affairs.
Especially useful for those overwrought in school music or art. Menses,
during, she is hurried and no one can do things fast enough for her. She
delights to bring on her fits and produce a scare or scene. Excitable nervous
women with intermittent fever. Spasms of children from worm or fright,
pale, cold, fixed staring look, screams, vomits food, preceded by hasty drinking.
Tendency to faintness and debility, nervous prostration and excitability.
Chorea or epilepsy, especially in children who have been frightened. Hysteria,
changeable mood, flushing of one check, tendency to scream, bite, tear or cry.
Melancholy from grief, sits with a vacant stare. Emotions, depressing, after,
sighs, despondent, hysterical laughing and crying. Neuralgia supraorbital,
boring pains in a small spot. Hydrocephalus, during dentition, from sudden
metastasis from the bowels to the brain, sudden pallor, delirium, rolls head,
dysphagia, convulsions of eyes and lids. Asthenopia, spasms of eyelids, neu­
ralgic pain about the eyes. Eyes inflamed, photophobia, nervous excitement.
Muscles of face distorted on attempting to speak. Tonsilitis, ulceration,
sticking pains, better swallowing. Diphtheria, throat sore, as of a plug in
the throat and constant efforts to swallow. Indigestion, longs for indigestible
things, everse to ordinary diet, food regurgitates, hiccup, empty retching,
weak, empty sense, has to rise at night and cat, sighs; gastric symptoms better
eating; pain worse pressure. Anus: fissure without constipation, also pro­
lapsus recti, acute stabbing pains shoot up the rectum; spasmodically con­
tracted, worse after stool; also violent itching from swelling, producing
violent nervous symptoms and even convulsions in children. Piles bleed,
pains shoot up the rectum. Diarrhoea: from fruit, or emotional excitement,
especially from grief; great urging; simulating dystentery, tenesmus, great
nervous excitement; painless, shifting of flatus, in child from fright. Con­
stipation, almost constant desire in the abdomen but no stool follow's.
Pregnancy: morning sickness, wfeak sense in stomach better eating; labor­
like pains from emotional excitement. Labor: nervous spasms, almost con­
vulsions during. Neuralgia of the ovaries. Menses: suppressed from grief;
difficult, bearing down, dark, or copious, from grief. Spasms of the glottis,
nervous. Fever, intermittent, thirst only during the chill (characteristic).


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The superficial and erratic character of the symptoms is most characteristic,
and especially the contrariness. Turkish people wore the bean as a preven­
tive against the plague. Grieves continually over imaginary troubles. Ign.
should he carefully differentiated from Nux.


Clinical: Complaints better in Winter. Urethra irritable, constant
dropping from the orifice. Deafness better in Winter.

Clinical: Mucus secretions in the air passages and intestines decreased.

Is gloomy and tries to hide it, the head feels as if tightly bandaged
around the forehead, continued sneezing followed by epistaxis, a metallic
taste, the inner mouth numb, vomits a gluelike mucus, has prolapsus ani
after stool; she has stinging in her breasts temporarily better rubbing; the
dry cough is attended by nosebleed and expectoration, after stool stitches
in the back, flushes of heat rise from the abdomen to the head, the attacks
come suddenly, the pain in the limbs is worse after a meal.
Clinical: The pains in the head are characterized by great intensity,
are worse during rest and sitting, and can be entirely suppressed by rubbing
and pressure, or by motion, or at least relieved to appear later with less
intensity. Epilepsy, attacks sudden, falls down, or out of the chair, con­
vulsions, froth at the meuth, body rigid after the paroxysm, before the
attack: furious, excitable and easily angered. Fever in children from worms.


Is sexually weak, has sexual dreams, is depressed, has violent pains in
the head when straining at stool during which he seizes the thighs with the
hands and straightens himself forcibly, the face becomes red, the head feels
as if it would burst, the throat is worse p. m. and better eating and drinking
cold water, if the urine is allowed to stand it becomes horribly offensive,
is better out doors, drinking cold water and washing in cold water.

Clinical: Cough dry: from tickling in the larynx, worse lying down
at night, larynx painful; or, with constant tickling in the throat pit, dyspnoea
and a sense as if one would become hoarse. Prolapsus uteri, pressing and
dragging toward the genitals, headache and laborlike pains; as of something
moving about internally; twisting as of a ball in the navel region; as if a
substance would come out of the rectum and genitals. A sense of someone
poking a finger in various parts, especially in the diaphragm so painful one
awakens with clenched teeth. Sticking pains as with pins or a knife.


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Diniti7Pri hv ,o I p
Feds happy and elated but the head feels heavy as if one could not lift
it from the pillow, the eyes sensitive to light, the ears feel full, dry and
feverish, thinks one smells iodine fumes, or the odor like that arising from
dying or decaying leaves in a swamp, the anus feels as if drawn up into the
rectum, has cutting pains in the right inguinal region with the desire for
stool, the urine is yellow and has the odor of safron tea, the left arm and
leg pain as if bruised and as the pain increases the muscles have an ulcerated
sense, the sleep is restless and full of dreams, and one feels as if one had
taken a bad cold.

IODUM (Iod.)
Has a peculiar mental and physical anxiety' which comes on especially
if one trys to keep still, the more one trys to keep still the more anxious
one gets, so one walks day and night, otherwise one would have impulses to
destroy and tear things, one is excited and melancholic, has impulses to kill,
one just must keep busy, is warm blooded and must have a cold place to
move in, is always hungry and is better from eating, yet in spite of that the
glands enlarge and the flesh emaciates, one dares not fast, one cheers up
in the open air and is better eating and motion, her breats dwindle and her
leucorrhoea becomes acrid, excoriates and eats and corrodes her linens.
Clinical: The mental condition generally is that of despondency, but
during fever and emaciation he is irritable and sensitive. Headache: per­
sistent, vertigo on active exertion; or, congestive, vertigo, of the aged. Iritis,
especially if syphilitic. Deafness: chronic, adhesions in the middle ear or
graular enlargement; chronic catarrh of the Eustachian tube, roaring in
the ears, tonsils inflamed. Coryza, fluent, discharge hot, nose sore, headache
at root of nose and over frontal sinuses, sneezes and fever. Catarrh, fetid
discharge, nose swells and is painful. Tonsilitis, hoarse cough, deaf, espec­
ially involving the Eustachian tube. Throat sore, ulcerated, mouth ulcerated,
syphilitic or cervical glands swell, worse heat. Diphtheria, when the
exudation resembling that of diphtheria appears in the stool. Goitre with
enlarged heart and protruding eyeballs. Spleen enlarged, salivation. Pan­
creatic troubles, salivation, vomiting, profuse watery, frothy stools, depressed,
irritable, and in chronic cases, constipation. Glands: all enlarged and be­
come nodular, excent the breasts which dwindle; mesenteric, enlarge, emacia­
tion, irregular stool and enormous appetite. Jaundice, liver cirrhosed, stool
clay color, tender over liver, especially after Merc. Diarrhoea: chronic
exhausting, stool whitish, frothy; fatty stool from disease of the pancreas;
a. m.; stool like whey. Diabetes, canine hunger. Incontinence of urine in
the aged, prostrate degenerated. Testes enlarged, pain extends to abdomen.
Haemorrhage, uterine, after stool, atrophy of breasts, worse heat. Constipa­
tion, better drinking cold milk. Leucorrhoea, chronic, excoriating, breasts
atrophy, cervix indurated. Ovaritis, chronic, thick yellow burning leucor­
rhoea. Metritis, chronic, pain, nervous, constant urging to urinate, vagina
hot and dry. Cancer, uterine, profuse haemorrhage, corrosive, yellow dis­
charge, raveneous appetite. A wedgelike pain from the right ovary to the
womb. Croup, laryngitis, tracheitis, hard cough, high fever and dyspnoea.
Pneumonia, dry cough, high fever, especially of scrofulous persons, effects


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especially the apex. Phthisis pulmonalis, rough voice, dry cough, night
sweats. Valvular insufficiency, pain about the heart, after typhoid, right
side dilated. Rheumatism: articular, hot shiny swellings of joints, pain
articular complicated with pericarditis, worse nights; wandering, seems to
even attack the brain meninges, and finally the heart. Gonitis, fistulous
openings, blood serum, nightly boring pains. Emaciation of scrofulous chil­
dren. Spasms of the glottis in scrofulous children, can bear no heat. Should
only be given in the higher attenuation in the lying-in period. Nettlerash,
violent itching, especially on the outer side of the left knee. Low cachetic
conditions with profound debility and emaciation, in overgrown boys with
weak chests. Emaciation is said to accompany nearly all the conditions
calling for Iod. Torpidity and sluggishness are said to be universal, espe­
cially true of glandular enlargements. Ovarian cysts.

Has a persistent constant nausea with a clean, or near clean, tongue,
pale face, cold sweat on the forehead and thirstless, nausea not relieved by
vomiting, is irritable, mentally depressed, craves things but knows not what,
is oversensitive to cold, to a warm atmosphere, to heat and to touch, the
saliva copious, chilly externally and warm internally; the child crys and
screams; the gagging and nausea are continuous and usher in almost all the
acute complaints, has a crushed sense in the occiput, has nosebleed with
every cold taken, the stomach feels as if hung down relaxed.
Clinical: Headache: neuralgic; bursting or bruised sense in the head,
indigestion; the most characteristic is the bruised or crushed sense, extending
to the root of the tongue, with the nausea and vomiting. Eyes: keratitis,
intense pain, photophobia. Conjunctivitus, pustular, of children (extremely
valuable). Inflamed eyes, tearing pain, tears gush. Neuralgia of the eye­
balls, shoots into the head, tears gush. Nose: catarrh; coryza or catarrh,
epistaxis, loss of smell. Stomach: the gastic symptoms are indicated by:
aversion to all food and the characteristic nausea, this nausea accompanies
all the hoemorrhages calling for Ip.; the vomiting is free and consists mainly
of mucus, sometimes blood. Catarrh, gastric, from injudicious eating and
drinking, tongue either clean or slightly white coated. Gastritis, inveterate
cases, not even a drop of water will stay down, continuous gagging, sharp
pain in the stomach, pain in the back below the shoulder blades as if it
would break, vomits bile, the Ip. nausea and vomiting and great pros­
tration. Vomiting, obstinate, of blood, limbs cold, hippocratic countenance,
pulse weak, the vomit black, sometimes tarlike. (The characteristic nausea
is a marked indication in malarial fever). Diarrhoea: green mucus stools;
autumnal, green or fermented light yellow stools; frequently flatulent colic,
a distressed relaxed feeling in the abdomen and the characteristic nausea;
choleralike, of infants, ending in a dysenteric like state, continued tenesmus,
bloody mucus stools, vomits everything, or, when the stool is more or less
copious and green slime, cries during the stool, strains much, vomits green
slime or green curds, the milk turns green and is vomited; during cholera
epidemics. Dysentery, epidemic, compelled to sit almost constantly on the
stool and passes a little slime or a little bright red blood, lower part of
bowels, rectum and colon inflamed. Cholera infantum: stools light green


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Clinical: Headache and giddy on waking a. m. Paralysis, complete,
of the right side. It gives an odor of violets to the breath and communicates
the flavor of raspberries to vinegar.


Clinical: Burning in the mouth and fauces extending to the stomach,
nothing relieves.


Clinical: Has removed freckles.

IRIS TENAX (Iris-t.)

Has absence of saliva with dry mouth (like Nux-m.), is gloomy and
homesick, the eyes bum and are devoid of tears, the scalp itches and burns, is
chilly around 2 p. m., has a painful spot in the ileo-coecal region the pressure
on which causes a deathlike sense in the pit of the stomach, has an all-gone
feeling on waking a. m., especially on standing up.


Is subject to bilious attacks and sick headaches that always begin with
a blur before the eyes, the mouth and tongue feels as if scalded, the fauces burn
as if on fire, copious flow of saliva, nausea, vomits sour food or thin watery
fluid of an exceedingly sour taste, the stools are thin and watery, the anus
feels as if on fire and sore or as if sharp pains were sticking into it, everything
in the stomach seems to turn into vinegar, the sweat smells strongly of vinegar,
the alimentary tract burns clear through from the stomach to the anus, the
vomit excoriates the throat.
Clinical: Headache: neuralgic, one sided, periodical, always begins
with blurred vision, usually begins over one eye and is associated with the
gastric symptoms; sharp cutting pains of short duration, changing often.
Nausea and vomiting: of pregnancy, tender over the stomach, copious ropy
saliva; profuse salivation during the headache. Dyspepsia, severe burning dis­
tress in the stomach, headache, vomits food. Colic, flatulent, constipation,
especially of children; bilious, almost incessant vomiting of an extremely acrid
substance, sore over the liver. Liver, sore over, cutting pains, vomits bile
which is acrid and burns the oesophagus. Diarrhoea: burning all through
the alimentary tract, anus burns as if on fire, stool thin and preceded by colic;
aurumnal, bilious. Constipation, especially with recurring sick headaches and
gastic disturbance. Sciatica, left side, burning, shoots down to the foot, worse
motion. Herpes zoster of right side; and all the other eruptions are associated
with the gastric symptoms of the drug. Has aborted felon.

Clinical: Sudden report in the ear with frightful pain extending to
the teeth, profuse sweat after the report; earache from the least dampness.
Toothache from cold drinks. Hypogastric chill especially p. m.


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ninif-i^Ari hv
Clinical: Asthenopia: of hyperaemia; of cataract. Strabismus: con­
vergent, and after operation for strabismus. Spasms of the ciliary muscles
from hypermetrophia. Salivation, profuse during pregnancy and diphtheria.
Mumps, especially when metastasis to the testes. Climaxis, flushings, copious
sweat, cold limbs, nausea and vomiting.


Clinical: Chancre: contact of the urine causes tearing pain which
effects the entire organism; prepuce much swollen and cannot be drawn over
the glans, on attempting to do so there is a copious discharge of yellowish-
green pus. Chordee in gonorrhoea. Nausea during eating. Rheumatism,
muscles sore and stiff a. m., worse motion.


Clinical: Diarrhoea, painless, blackish and mullberry colored stool.
Ophthalmia, lids agglutinated; blenorrhoea, chancroids; throat sore with red­
ness and heat and vesicles in pharynx, catarrhal leucorrhoea.

Clinical: Diarrhoea, stool watery, bloody, sour odor, cutting colic be­
fore and during the stool, worse at night. Child good all day, screams and
restless all night, reverse of Lyc. Coryza of infants, violent attacks of crying,
intense pain, child quiet all day, cross all night (Psor. cross night and day).
Pains better belching frothy matter and passing flatus.

Clinical: Convulsions better hot bath, reverse of Apis and Opi.

Clinical: Diarrhoea: profuse, gushing, watery; body cold; unquench­
able thirst, rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen; vomits large quantities
of albuminous matter; cramps in legs and feet; cold, clammy sweat. Bladder
irritable, violent urging to urinate, urethra inflamed. Cholera, before the
period of collapse.


Clinical: Headache, occipital, pain sharp, shooting (said to be char­
acteristic), especially associated with liver troubles. Angina pectoris, suffoca­
tive pain behind the sternum, especially worse walking; has to stand still.
Diarrhoea of soldiers in camp. Headache, frequent urination and burning.


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i h~>
Is excited as if intoxicated, has sharp pain in the occiput, feels as if the
head was floating in the air, is peevish, mentally indolent, abdomen flatulent
and bloated, is haemorrhagic, the blood dark and clotted, has eruption on the
legs; worse W inter and washing; her menses are early and black.

JUNCUS (June.)
Has a bubbling sense and a pressing sticking in the chest, a pulling sense
in the cervical vertebrae and neck muscles, a rumbling sense in the abdomen;
better passing flatus; is chilly and worse uncovering. The rheumatic pains are
worse rest and better motion.


Is weak and anaemic, face pale and waxy, puffy under the eyes, chilly,
worse fat, cold food and drink, and milk, all the mucus membranes become
catarrhal, is sensitive to touch, worse walking; has anxiety and fear especially
of death and on going to bed; is mentally and physically restless, is oversensi­
tive to noise and especially to voices; has vertigo while walking in the open
air, is worse uncovering the head, the eyes are apt to look glassy, pale and
fishy, the troubles are often associated with eruptions.
Clinical: Headache: head feels heavy and enlarged; begins in the
afternoon and p. m. and is most severe after midnight, is worse cold air and
a draft; from gastric causes or catarrh; all the headaches are worse: after
eating, lying motion and noise, and better: sitting, external heat, hot drinks
and wrapping up the head. Otorrhoea, discharge bloody, fetid and yellow.
Catarrh, chronic, nasal, discharge bloody, burns, excoriates, offensive, greenish,
thick or yellow. Neuralgia: rheumatic pains and, coming periodically, burn,
stitch and tear; of the tongue, in the middle toward the tip is a smooth red
spot that bums and is numb. Toothache, worse eating, cold drinks and during
the menses, better heat, pain extends to ears, head and temples; is pulsating
and tearing. Piles: bleeding from the anus; external and internal, worse
walking; pain burns as from a red hot iron. Has restrained the development
of uterine cancer. Leucorrhoea, excoriates, burns, offensive, putrid, yellow,
worse menses. Asthma, rapid anxious breathing, worse at night from 2 to 3
a. m. Cauliflower excressences on os uteri, flying pains, pressure below os
pubis, stinking discharge. Ulcer on leg, general psoriasis.


Is highly catarrhal and rheumatic, expectorates a mucus that is copious,
yellow, ropy and tough and so tenacious that it almost takes a pair of shears
to separate it from the mucus membranes; all the bones feel bruised, the
rheumatism wanders from joint to joint; the joints become red, hot and
crack; the rheumatism alternates with the catarrhal affections; has pains that
occur in spots so small that can be covered by the end of the thumb; like Bell.,
has pains that come and go suddenly, is sensitive to cold and desires to be
wrapped up warmly, the throat troubles are worse in cold, damp weather;
is worse from motion except perhaps the lower limbs; is weary as the pain


n Original from
passes from the lower limbs; daylight brings photophobia; ulcers form in the
nose and one constantly blows out green crusts or scabs or draws them out
through the posterior nares; the expired air feels hot; photophobia and even
headache follow the removal of the scabs or crusts, the malar bone pains on
coughing, the tongue is smooth, shiny and often cracked and one may have
a sensation of a hair on it; the uvula may be ocdematous, the throat is dry
and burns, craves beer which makes one sick and brings on diarrhoea; the
coccyx pains before urination and is better after, the sternum pain extends to
the back; has a cold sensation in the region of the heart, the limbs are stiff
a. m. on rising, the chest is worse walking, the throat is dry and bums; has a
pain in the tongue on protruding it; is worse in general in W inter and when
the snow melts, and in cold, damp weather.
Clinical: Headache: often begins with blurred vision; better warmth,
especially warm drinks, and pressure, worse stooping and walking, usually one
sided; retches and vomits, the pain usually in a small spot that can be covered
by the end of a thumb. Eyes: ulcers and pustules on the cornea, neither
photophobia nor redness; extremely valuable for inflammations; catarrhal of
conjunctiva, indolent, photophobia, secretions scanty; granulated lids w’ith
pannus; ulcerated cornea, ulcers small and perforating and with little photo­
phobia; subacute scrofulous inflammation of cornea and iris, especially in the
later stages of the latter, and especially if syphilitic. Ears: chronic suppura­
tion, drum perforated, yellow tenacious pus discharge; eczema of external
ear, watery oozing; abscess threatens, terrible pain, external meatus swollen.
Nose: “clinkers” form which when detached form sore places and cause photo­
phobia. Face: covered with acne and pimples, with indigestion. Stomach:
nausea and vomiting of beer drinkers; digestion weak, must confine oneself
to the most simple diet; weak a. m.; empty sense but without appetite at din­
ner; unable to digest potatoes or starch food. Diphtheria: exudation in
larynx, trachea and rectum; false membrane extends to larynx and trachea,
uvula appears like a bladder, much swelling and little redness and the char­
acteristic mucus discharge. Ulcers: that are very deep and red and look as
if punched out by a punch; of stomach; stinging pains. Polypus: of the con­
junctiva, lids swollen and the characteristic mucus discharge; lupus and of
the nose; ulceration and perforation of the septum. C atarrh: of the stomach,
vomits glairy mucus, tongue thickly coated; duodenal, jaundice, white stool,
dark urine, nausea, sore all over the abdomen, nausea, vomits; of the larynx,
no fever and the characteristic mucus discharge. Gallstones: hard contracting
pain in the liver to the shoulder on motion. Diarrhoea: from beer; stool
brown or blackish watery; after the rheumatism disappears; dysentery and,
come in hot weather; in W inter comes catarrh and chest troubles. Rectum:
as of a large plug with great soreness in the anus. Renal region: aching with
urging to urinate, urine suppressed. Chancre, deep punched out, very hard,
ropy viscid mucus discharge; stitching in prostate gland while walking. Pro­
lapsus uteri: in hot weather; leucorrhoea yellow ropy. Milk of mother be­
comes stringy. Larynx, as of a rag in. Cough: pain in sternum through to
back; from tickling in the larynx and bifurcation; hard, dry a. m. on waking;
worse: exposure to air on undressing, after eating and taking a breath, better
becoming warm in bed. Heart: hypertrophy with palpitation; cold sense
in region of. Rheumatism: pain worse stooping and motion, except the
sacrum; pain in the fingers, the bone feel sore to touch and hard pressure;
of small joints, wander from place to place; apt to occur every Spring:

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chronic, pains apt to come and go suddenly and change localities rapidly;
especially adapted to sluggish people. Sciatica, very severe in hot weather,
better motion and heat of bed and flexing the leg; worse change of weather.
Ulcer on the heel. Polypus of the upper eyelid. Sexual: desire absent in
fleshy people. Milk flows from the breast like mases of stringy water. Croup:
membranous or diphtheritic, invades the larynx, trachea and even the bronchi,
hoarse voice, metallic cough, swallowing painful, tonsils red, swollen and
painful or covered with a false membrane difficult to detach, tough stingy
mucus expectoration, wheezing and rattling in the sleep, in fat, chubby, light
haired children. Neuralgia daily at the same hour. Cough: hoarse, metallic,
tough expectoration of fibro-elastic casts, the expectoration glutinous and
sticks to the fauces, teeth, tongue and lips. Dyspepsia: of drunkards; nausea,
vomits, stomach ulcerated, small spot in stomach sore; from malt liquors,
flatulence, oppression after eating, nausea, vomits mucus; atonic, sour vomiting
an hour or so after eating. Gastro-cnteritis, bilious or bloody vomiting, pros­
tration. Diarrhoea: brown, frothy, water, tongue dry, red, smooth and
cracked. Constipation, stool hard, dry, burning in anus. Dysentery: dry, red,
cracked tongue, painful tenesmus, gelatinous bloody stool, worse a. m .; periodic
in the Spring; drops of blood, tenesmus, no thirst or fever, large insular
patches on the tongue. Urethritis, as if a drop of urine remained behind and
could not be expelled, burning in the fossa navicularis and bulbus portion of
the urethra after urination. Bronchitis: wheezing and the characteristic
mucus discharge; cough barking, croupy and seems to come from low down
in the chest, worse eating, better lying down and heat. Neuralgia of the
coccyx, worse sitting. Sciatica, worse left side, better walking and bending
the leg, worse standing, sitting, lying or pressure. Measles: little or no fever,
eyes ulcerate, tough sticky discharge from the nose, diarrhoea; or a hoarse
croupy cough and the characteristic expectoration. Ulcers in the pharynx
small and deep with cheesy exudation. In all throat troubles a shooting pain
from the throat to the ear is characteristic. Most valuable in membranous
croup, especially the later stages, with a hoarse metallic cough, labored breath­
ing, tenacious expectoration causing gagging and efforts to vomit, little or
no fever.


Suffers from loss of memory, is depressed, low spirited, nervous, anxious,

spells of uncontrollable weeping; the child has night terrors and screams and
can neither recognize nor be comforted by friends and is full of fear; is im­
patient, melancholic, has seminal emission, is nervous, restless, cannot keep
still, sleepless and can only be calmed by incessant occupation, in spite of that
fact one is drowsy, has loss of sensibility, the breath is fetid, and has an intense
thirst with a dry mouth.
Clinical: M ania: acute, sleepless, strange illusions, fears being
poisoned or pursued; suicidal, muscles tremble and twitch. Brainfag, numb
sense in the head, as if one would lose one’s reason. Cerebral anaemia, cold
limbs, dilated pupils, drowsy or complete coma. Headache, congestive, ver­
tigo or benumbed sense in the brain. Acne on the face of young, fleshy people
of gross habit. Anaesthesia of the throat from alcohol. Diphtheria, rapid
pulse, fever, dry tongue, offensive breath, fauces dusky red and highly in-

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jected, patches of washleather exudation on tonsils and pharynx. Hiccup,
persistent. Hysterical women who vomit their food after each meal, especially
after exciting emotions. Colic: periodic, of infants about 5 p. m. Rectal
polypus, persistent diarrhoea, much blood expelled. Piles, blind, great pain
and black stools. Diabetes, forgetful, mouth dry. Sexual excesses, forgetful,
melancholic, impaired co-ordination, limbs numb and tingle. Ovarian neu­
ralgia, nervous uneasiness. Sexual desire, excessive, in women with pruritis.
Croup: spasmodic, early stages, child seems well during the day, at night is
aggitatcd, face flushed and suffused; membranous, white exudation. Asthma,
spasmodic, dyspnoea, face livid, sleepless, urine suppressed. Cough: reflex
during pregnancy; dry, spasmodic of weak nervous children, it arouses,
frightens and causes them to cry out in terror. Sleepless and restless from
worry and grief. Spasms from fright, anger, etc., in plethoric nervous persons,
or women at the menstrual period, during pregnancy or from sexual excesses,
sleepless. Attacks at new moon, regularly at 2 a. m.


W ill be recognized at once by the swelling that is baglike between the
eyebrows and upper lids that swell up when one coughs (distinguishing it
from Cench., its only rival); is especially worse at 3 a. m. (sun time), is
chilly, has backache, sweats, is weak, nervous, indifferent, a sense of giving
out in the back and legs, is easily startled at unexpected noises, has an aversion
to the open air; all the pains go to the cold or uncovered parts, the pains are
stitching, jerking and are worse at rest and lying on the affected side, is
whimsical, irrascible, quarrels with ones bread and butter, the face is bloated,
the stomach feels full of water, the secretions are scanty and tenacious, starts
on touch even if ever so lightly, one almost goes into spasms if the soles of the
feet are touched, never wants to be alone, so full of fear, is sensitive to every
atmospheric change and can have no window open, the pains fly around in all
directions and cut like knives, or stick, sting and bum like hot needles,
sweats copiously even though cold or where the pain is, has difficulty in
breathing on walking or ascending a hill, the fears all strike to the stomach,
the heart is weak as is the pulse, there is aggravation after coition or sexual
excitement, and she has backache so badly while walking she feels as if she
must give up and lie down.
Clinical: The cardinal indications for Kali-c. are: weakness, coldness,
soft pulse, mental indifference, acute sticking pains, worse cold and 3 a. m.
and the scanty tenacious mucus secretions. Adapted to those who have vague,
or those who withhold their, symptoms. The pains fly around in all direc­
tions, are cutting like knives, or like hot needles, sticking, stinging and burn­
ing and are felt in internal parts and dry passages; in the rectum like a hot
porker thrust into it w’hich burns like fire. Headache: catarrhal, congestive,
from riding in the cold wind, better free discharge from the nose; sick, tongue
coated gray; vertigo, from riding in a carriage. Catarrh, chronic, worse rid­
ing in the cold wind, cold air feels hot in the nose, discharge thick, fluent, yel­
low, dry nose alternates with stuffing, nosebleed when the crusts are removed;
dry, nasal, cough, hoarse; obstruction, fetid discharge, burning, nostrils sore
and crusty; of pharynx, constant need to hawk, sharp stinging pains, worse
cold; of the air passages, dyspnoea, suffocative breathing, dry cough, scanty
expectoration, worse 3 a. m. Sore throat, is always talking cold and the cold

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.. n __ i \ 1i »
settles in the throat, the tonsils enlarge and the parotids harden when the cold
air strikes those glands they become worse and painful, is better in the warm
room. Cough: spasmodic, dry, barks, as if his head would fly to pieces, better
when warm and by expectoration, and the characteristic swelling beneath the
eyebrows; when any cough is worse at 3 a. m. (sun time) and the character­
istic swelling is present, incessant, gags, vomits, worse 3 a. m., dry, hard,
racking, hacking, throat dry; often after measles, like Carb-v. and Dros., the
expectoration copious, offensive, lumpy thick, yellowish-green, tenacious pus,
blood streaked and often tasting like old cheese; sharp cutting and sticking
pains in the sides of the chest or around the hypochondria; whooping, worse
3 a. m. and the characteristic swelling beneath the eyebrows. Pneumonia,
never well since. Dropsy: fatty degeneration of the heart. Teeth: ache
whenever one takes cold from riding in the wind in raw weather; bad odor
from the teeth, pus oozes fiom around them. Dyspepsia: chronic, after eating
feels as if one would burst, the fluid eructations set the teeth on edge; of the
aged. Liver: subjects who talk only of their liver, who have periodic bilious
attacks, are constipated and cannot lie down at night, or at 3 a. m., who are
especially sensitive to cold, damp weather, who want to sit by the fire all the
time. Colic, cutting, tearing pains that double one up, great flatulence, Col.
failing. All the wandering pains and the chilliness are better: eruptions,
reappearance of discharges, by haemorrhages, by ulcers that eat deeply and
flow freely, and fistulous openings. Abdomen cold internally and externally,
desires heat, hot drinks and hot water bag. Piles: extremely sensitive to
touch, most persistent and enormous, bleed copiously, disturb the sleep, one
is compelled to lie on the back and hold the nates apart, the piles cannot be
put back, they protrude after stool and bum like fire, temporarily better sitting
in cold water. Gleet, scanty white discharge, urination painful, burning dur­
ing and after. Haemorrhage, uterine, incessant, in pale waxy women, espe­
cially after abortion where she has been curreted and has all sorts of treat­
ment. Labor pains that seem confined to the back, wants it supported.
Dyspnoea: cardiac; breath so short one cannot stop to eat or drink, the only
comfortable position is found in leaning forward with the elbows resting on a
chair, especially worse 3 to 5 a. m. Pleurisy, chest cold and full of wander­
ing, stitching pains, beginning low and extending upward. Gout: a dangerous
remedy, Kali-i. appears to be of better service for the Kali gouty persons.
Toothache: only while eating, or alternating with stitches in the left breast
under the false ribs. Resembles Natr-m. in bladder troubles, but the burning
in Natr-m. is more marked after urination. As if the heart was suspended
by a thread. Lumbago worse at 3 a. m., must rise from bed. Kali-c. patients
should be sent to a warm climate, Calc., to a dry one. Anaemia, sensitive
to cold air, gastro-abdominal symptoms, cough and sharp pains in the chest.
Asthenopia and other eye troubles with the characteristics of the remedy.
Otitis media, sticking pains from within out, especially behind the ear, catarrh
of the nose, soreness and stinging pains. Toothache, pain sticking, tearing,
extends to head. Epistaxis on washing the face or in the a. m. Stricture of
the oesophagus, as of a lump that cannot be swallowed, or as of a stick ex­
tending into the stomach. The gastric symptoms for Kali-c. are: indigestion,
bloating, sour belching, heartburn, a weak feeling, or a feeling of a lump in
the stomach, or a feeling of pulsation, after eating there is generally pres­
sure, belching of gas, bloating and soreness. Gastralgia, sharp cutting or
sticking, worse after eating or motion. Stomach disorders from ice water.


n /^V I /> Original from

Liver: inflamed, sore, stitches, jaundice, abdomen swollen; sequelae of biliary
calculi. Abdominal troubles of all sorts: always with sharp pains, no fever,
worse cold air and early a. m .; sharp sticking in the right side extending
across the abdomen or up into the chest. Diarrhoea: chronic, painless, stool
light color, chronic dyspepsia, or in chronic hepatic troubles. Constipation,
bleeding piles, stool accumulates in large light colored masses, sharp cutting
pain. Bladder weak, urine discharged slowly, worse nights. Menses: sup­
pressed, abdomen bloated, sharp pain in epigastrium, dyspeptic symptoms,
nosebleed, sensitive to cold, swelling of eyelids; excessively profuse; difficult.
Abortion, sharp cutting in the abdomen. Lochia suppressed, abdomen bloated,
sharp pain, no fever. Metritis, puerperal, sharp cutting pains. Asthma:
every a. m. at 3, dyspnoea, wheezing, sharp pain in the chest on breathing.
Pleurisy, chronic, sharp pains, dry cough, asthmatic breathing, worse at 3
a. m. Pneumonia with the—Graphic Picture—as depicted above. Lumbago:
sudden sharp lancinating pains extending up and down the back of the thighs,
worse 3 a. m., must rise; as if the small of the back was broken, pains shoot
down the back. Sciatica, sharp lancinating pains. Hip disease of scrofulous
children with the characteristics of the remedy. Erysipelas: from wounds;
of the aged, with the characteristics of the remedy. Give the lower attenua­
tions in gouty cases. Membranes extremely dry with sharp sticking pains is


Clinical: Neuralgia of the face, sudden electriclike pains in the left
side, worse talking, eating or slight touch, followed by numbness. M outh:
aphthous or gangrenous; nursing sore mouth of infants or nursing mothers;
folicular stomatitis, obstinate, fetor, tough stringy saliva; ulceration of throat
and, fetor, albuminuria, haematuria, cough and dyspnoea. Dysentery, violent
cutting pains as from knives, frequent stools, tenesmus that elicits screams,
stool small and of almost clear blood, prostration. Pimples between the lip
and chin.

KALI CHLOROSUM (Kali-chloro.)

Clinical: Laryngeal trouble, watery eyes, pale puffy face, chest and
throat constricted, larynx, anterior part of neck and epigastrium sensitive.


Clinical: Tympanitis, constant flow of mucus from the anus, severe
gastric and abdominal pains as if a machine was working inside skinning the
insides, constant and copious flatus.


Clinical: Neuralgia, facial: pain between the temporal region and
the ciliary arch and maxilla, screams; in temporal region and left upper jaw,
daily at 4 a. m., increasing till 10 a. m. and ceasing at 4 p. m., in intervals,
anorexia, fever and headache; torturing pain in orbital and supramaxillary
regions, daily at the same hour, much flushing of the side of the face.

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renal region. Leucorrhoca, watery, corrosive, like washings of meat. Cough,
expectoration like soapsuds. Pleuritic exudation with great dyspnoea and
constant teasing cough. Pneumonia: exhausting night sweats and salivation.
Rheumatism: worse at night, especially toward a. m., little fever and great
weakness; of spine, with paralysis; of knees, swelling, boring pain worse at


All the mucus membranes discharge a viscid and milky white mucus, the
complaints are mostly left sided, the head sweats, stitching pains in the eyes,
fullness in the abdomen after eating, a thick milky discharge from the larynx,
the hands and legs are cold, the face sunken, the tongue mapped, milk white
mucus in the mouth, formication in the anus and soreness after stool, the
chest oppressed, cramps in the limbs and twitching in the thighs, is averse to
open air and a draft, dreads bathing and is worse from it, is sad, she has a
visa’d white milky leucorrhoca, and is worse during her menses.
Clinical: Coryza: cough, discharge thick and milky white. Sore
mouth of children and nursing mothers. Diarrhoea: painful; a. m.; p. m .;
after fats; stool excoriates; bloody mucus; copious; green; offensive; watery
white mucus. Constipation, rectum inactive, stool difficult, dry, hard, clay
color. Piles, external, congested, sore, worse walking. Cataract, after
CaJc*f. Rheumatism of left shoulder and elbow, worse a. m. on rising.
Eyes: congestion to both; light before both on coughing and sneezing. Catarrh,
naso-pharyngeal, vault of larynx covered with adhesive crusts. Paralysis»
facial, following pain in the face, muscles of face twitch and tremble, worse
eating, speaking or coughing. Pharyngitis, follicular, expectoration of cheesy
lumps. Dyspepsia especially from fat food and pastry. Said to be the chief
remedy in puerperal fevers. The chief characteristics are: a white or gray
coating at the base of the tongue, white or gray exudations, discharge or
expectoration of thick white fibrinous phlegm from any mucus surface.


Is anxious, depressed, peevish, has headache a. m. on rising, a white
coated tongue, a sour taste, a fetid odor from the mouth, little appetite, great
thirst, must drink in sips for want of breath, suffers from violent colic in the
right side of the abdomen which is better passing flatus, dares not eat veal as
it brings on diarrhoea, has urging to urinate and at first passes a few drops
then follows the usual stream, has stitching pain in the chest impeding breath­
ing, is debilitated more while sitting than during motion, her leucorrhoea is
thin, white mucus.
Clinical: Polypus, nasal, fills whole right side of nose, increasing with
each attack of headache. Dysentery, at night, stool slimy, bloody, constant
urging, hands cold, pulse small and rapid, thirst. Asthma, dyspnoea, nausea,
faintness, dull stitches or burning pain in the chest, free expectoration. Pneu­
monia, excessive heat and thirst, better copious sweat and haemorrhage. Mange
in cats, locally. Useful in all stages of phthisis, but especially for the acute
exacerbations with much cough, pain and dyspnoea.

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<a I, y
Clinical: Diphtheria: ulceration, gangrene, suppuration, fetid odor;
headache, throat swollen, copious saliva, cervical glands swollen and pain;
fauces covered with a peculiar washlcather, grayish membrane, thin watery
sanious fluid from the nose excoriating the upper lip, dark, offensive diarrhoea,
vomits, drinks regurgitate through the nose.


Is oversensitive, nervous, delicate, wom out and in a state of inertia, the

discharges and stool tend to be putrid, is apt to fly into a passion so that one
can hardly speak, takes on antipathy to husband and children, forgetful,
afraid of solitude, dull, irritable, easily startled by touch or noise, suspicious,
weeps, the ears ring and the discharge from them is offensive, putrid and
purulent, the face looks pale, sickly, and dirty, the mouth has an offensive
putrid odor especially a. m. and the taste mostly putrid; desires cold drinks,
has fullness and soreness in the stomach and abdomen, the heart is weak, has
anxious palpitation, the back is weak, the palms and soles numb, has amorous
dreams, is restless and hot in the sleep; she has an acrid, burning, copious
leucorrhoea, her menses are offensive and painful.
Clinical: Oversensitive, nervous, delicate persons, wom out by long
suffering and much sorrow and vexation, prolonged mental work, or broken
down from sexual excesses or vice. Weakness, emaciation, anaemia and tuber­
cular tendency are strong features of Kali-p. Exhaustion following paroxysms
of pain. The high and highest attenuations are the most reliable and should
be used in single doses. Complaints from uncovering the head. Strabismus
following brain diseases. Neuralgia of the face followed by great weakness;
stitching from riding in the cold air, better heat of hand. Diphtheria, with
putrid odor. Diarrhoea especially at night and after eating; great exhaustion,
in typhoid. Catarrh, cystic, of the aged and nervous wrecks; stream stops and
starts; also obstinate cases of enuresis in excitable, sensitive children. Tired,
worn out, nervous women subject to abortion. Sexual desire intense for 4
or 5 days after the menses. Abscess, chronic, discharges periodically through
the vagina and rectum a coupious orange colored fluid. Paralysis: of vocal
cords with aphonia; of face, contortion or an involuntary twitch of the mouth;
infantile, during dentition. Fever: hectic, skin dusky, sweat and expectoration
putrid, nervous and excited; scarlet, skin dusky, throat putrid and dark red.
Eruptions with foul smelling moisture. Erysipelas bordering on gangrene.
Brain affection with diarrhoea smelling like carrion. Diabetes, nervous, weak,
haylike odor to the breath, thirst, emaciation, hunger. Mastitis, brownish
dirty looking pus, gangrenous, foul odor. Spinal cord softens, stumbles, trips.
Haemorrhage, septic, stench from the mouth and stomach, discharge smells
like carrion, prostration.


Clinical: Jaundice, diarrhoea, pain in pit of stomach, belches, colic,

urine clear and brownish.


Original from
Is chilly, sensitive to cold weather, worse from being cold, the predomi-
nent pains are stitching, burning, tearing and pressing, is full of lassitude and
desires to lie down; is worse from motion and uncovering the body; mind be­
comes confused from mental exertion; the mental troubles are worse con­
solation. After coition one is irritable and irresolute, is indolent and timid,
J*ns vertigo while sitting and stooping; the eyes are better heat, takes cold
constantly, the mouth is dry and the odor from it is offensive, has a special
aversion to meat, a cutting and soreness in the arms, seminal emissions, a
weak chest, offensive sweat on the feet and between the toes, sweats at night,
has frightful dreams; is worse in W inter and better Summer. She has pain
in the back during menses.
Clinical: Headache: a. m. and night and after midnight; worse cold
air and after coition and mental exertion, from stooping, and exerting the
eyes; better application to head and wrapping the head up. Cataract and
opacity of cornea. Otorrhoea, discharge thick, purulent, offensive and bloody.
Catarrh: chilly, weak, wants to keep still and rest, discharge and breath offen­
sive. Constipation, stool insufficient and difficult even though soft. Diar­
rhoea, after midnight and at night; painful, during the menses, stool bloody,
frequent, offensive, purulent, watery. Piles protrude, ulcerate, bleed, rectum
inactive. Anus itches after stool. Leucorrhoea: excoriates, yellow, worse after
menses, eruption and itching of the vulva. Hip-joint disease. Eczema,
stubborn cases after Graph, and Sulph. fail. W arts that are painful, sting,
suppurate and wither. Injuries and small w’ounds that refuse to heal and


Clinical: Violent gastro-intestinal irritation, face red, vomit at first
ineffectual, later convulsive, chill followed by fever and sweat, skin burns,
pulse strong and rapid.


Inclines to phthisis, suffers from catarrh, the discharges early are thin,
yellow water; later thick, yellow or greenish pus, like Puls., but is not like
Puls, in disposition. The pains are predominently stitching, tearing and
ulcerative, has pulsations all over the body, is anxious, very irritable, purulent
discharge from the nose, ringing in the ears, craves sweets especially, has sore­
ness and stitches in the anus, rattling breathing, stitching pains in the back,
wandering pains in the limbs, chills easily, the skin desquamates, desires to lie
down but lying aggravates so one must walk for relief; is excitable, mental
exertion aggravates, is timid, the face is chlorotic sickly and yellow, the tongue
has a slimy yellow coat especially at the base, the throat dry and constricted,
the abdomen is cold and distended after eating, has a sense of emptiness in
the lower abdomen which is relieved by passing flatus, every cold settles in the
larynx which he scrapes almost constantly; has anxiety in the chest, the sleep
is restless.
Clinical: Catarrh, discharge early thin yellow water; later thick,
yellow or greenish pus, viscid. When once heated he cannot cool off without

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taking cold. Kali-s. is frequently called on to follow Tub. Is a complement
to, and follows, Puls., unless the patient becomes chilly and cold and better
rest, then follow with Sil. Cures warts on the lip and even epithelioma
when the symptoms agree. Piles: external, large, bleed, or internal; violent
itching of the anus; catarrh of the stomach, yellow mucus coat on the tongue.
Constipation, stool large like sheeps’ dung, usually light colored and bilious.
Especially useful in albuminuria after scarlatina. Leucorrhoea, greenish yel­
low. Menses copious, too soon or too late, and painful. Polypoid ex-
cressences close the meatus of the ear. Bronchitis, mucus distinctly yellow,
slimy and thin, or profuse watery matter. Pneumonia, coarse rales, wheezing,
expectoration of loose, yellow, rattling phlegm coughed up with difficulty,
or watery sputa.


Clinical: Vomiting of blackish green fluid, stool like coffee grounds,
pain in navel region, great thirst.


Clinical: Garlicky odor of the breath, tonsils swollen and coated
white, salivation, appetite increased.


Suffers from rheumatism usually having a syphilitic base, the pains wan­
der from place to place going from above downward, the heart is weak, the
pulse as slow as that of Dig., the pains are worse motion and come and go
with the sun, being increasingly worse till noon and better toward p. m., and
are tearing, crushing and pressing. There is marked palpitation while lying
on the left side, sometimes better sitting erect but worse bending forward;
the pulse is intermittent and sometimes skips a beat, the memory and mental
faculties are perfect in a recumbent posture, has vertigo, nightly paroxysms
of pain in the shin bones as if the periosteum would be tom off and pain in
bones nearest surface.
Clinical: Headache, old, troublesome, recurrent, with cardiac affec­
tions, that come on daily, with the sun. but not if cloudy, worse sunlight and
the brightness of the suns rays. All the organs are related to each other, but
especially the heart and the kidneys. Associated with the kidneys are:
dyspnoea and eye disease. Bright’s disease during pregnancy, vision disturbed,
and stitching, tearing pains. Herpetic eruptions disappear and violent neu­
ralgic, shooting, tearing pains in those nerves supplying the parts where the
eruption was. Kalm. is most useful where the pains are stitching and tearing
or cutting and shooting. Pains appear in the limbs as if the nerves were
being pinched with pincers or being torn to pieces, coming and going suddenly.
Cardiac troubles, as hypertrophy of the heart and valves from suppressed
rheumatism; pulse slow, extreme anguish about the heart, dyspnoea, pains
wander about the heart and extend down the left arm; alternate with rheu­
matic attacks; hypertrophy and valvular insufficiency, or thickening after
rheumatism. Rheumatism: pains shift to the heart and involve the arms and
shoulders, numbness, stiffness; articular, shifts from joint to joint; acute, in-


rN: __________j u . n / A n lo Original from

flammatory, shifts, arms and legs feel paralyzed. Neuralgia: weak, trembles,
symptoms of paralysis; facial, especially right side, feels numb and stiff, from
cold, or after herpes zoster, may stupify or threaten delirium; or, with weak­
ness as the only symptom. Eyes: sclera inflamed, pain on turning eyes.
Retinitis albuminuria, especially during pregnancy. Paralysis of the upper
lid with stiffness. Asthenopia, with a stiff drawn sense on moving the eyes.
Gastralgia: sudden paroxysms; u'orse sitting bent yet feels as if necessary to
do so; better sitting or standing upright, crampy pain and belching. Bright’s
disease, pain in the back and about the heart, palpitation. Valuable in al­
buminuria during pregnancy. False pleurisy in Winter. Always in cardiac
disease violent shooting, stabbing pains, great dyspnoea and slow, weak pulse.

Clinical; Tapeworm (3 drams to robust person, half that to weak

Clinical: Croup, all other remedies failing, labored saw'ing respiration,
especially if seated in the lowrer part of the larynx, where it may be located by
the labored sawing respiration, internal soreness along the trachea and upper
part of the chest, child averse to being touched.

Clinical: Violent spasms and convulsions, arms and legs stretched vio­
lently and rapidly out and rigidity, flushes of heat, eyes and tongue protrude,
gnashing of jaws.

The sufferings are all worse mental excitement, is impatient, has seminal
emissions, is impotent, has backache, dim vision, the eyes ache at night, is
disposed to keep the jawfs tightly closed, the tongue is coated white with a
crack across the middle, water accumulates in the mouth and keeps one swol-
lowing, the throat is dry and sore a. m., the appetite for supper poor, the feet
prickle as from needles, is drowsy and can hardy get enough sleep.
Clinical: Hepatic derangements, shooting pains in the region of the
liver and sharp pains in the region of the spleen, worse taking a deep breath,
fullness in the abdomen after a slight meal, constant dropping of blood W'ith
the stool though the stool is not bloody.

The discharges and excretions all excoriate and are fetid, the pains burn
like red hot coals, has pulsations all over the body, small wounds bleed
copiously, even purulent discharges excoriate, and even a pin prick will cause
oozing of blood, is irritable and nothing suits, the wrants are numerous but
nothing satisfies; the child wants toys and when it gets them throws them in
the face of those who give them; is always wanting something new, has a


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burning in the chest like red hot coals. Urticaria after the menses. Gangrene:
senile, horrible odor, burning pains; ulcers tend to become gangrenous. T he
chief charateristit of Kreos. is said to be the corrosive, acrid character of its
secretions. Acute aggravation of chronic keratitis, hot, smarting tears.


Is very sensitive and apt to be imaginative, the symptoms all change
about, especially suddenly from side to side, only to return to that side perhaps
in a few hours, leaving the originally affected side free; the abdomen is so
sensitive and one cannot bear it touched. If one has vertigo while walking
one seems to be floating in the air, or if lying as if one was not on the bed,
the rheumatism changes sides and with the same abandon as the other trou­
bles, one is under the impression that all one says is a pack of lies; one imagines
and dreams that one is infested with snakes or that one’s nose belongs to
someone else; sounds seem far away, the mouth is putrid, the mucus mem­
brane and teeth appear coated with a shiny, fuzzy, silvery substance like
milk; the throat pains push toward the left ear, gas escapes from her vagina.
Clinical: Ulcers, red, dry, glistening. While her fingers are not
worse pressure she would scream if they touched, or were touched. Head­
ache: worse turning the eyeballs up and using the eyes on fine work; better
heat. Rheumatism: better cold and cold applications; of lower limbs, affects
the sides alternately, worse motion and heat, better cold; limbs feel as if
beaten. Diphtheria: better cold or warm drinks; worse empty swallowing.
Throat has a glazed shiny red appearance with a silvery, shiny deposit (white
like silver); the pain in the throat pushes up toward the ear; tonsilitis and
sore throat, repeatedly changing sides; yellow patches; submaxillaries swollen;
beginning and ending with the menses. Neuralgia of the face, worse exertion,
better warm applications but only cold relieves the soreness. Sore throat begins
and ends with the menses. Lac-c., like Puls., will dry up the milk, Lac-c. is
touchy, Puls., mild and weepy. Evidently the changing of sides, and the
complete relief from the side just left is due to congestion rather than to the
disease, since no real disease could disappear and reappear with the rapidity
that the Lac-c. states do. Coryza: discharge of thick, white mucus, or one
nostril stopped, the other free and discharging, alternating sides; discharge
acrid, upper lip raw. Menses: too early, too copious, in gushes, bright red,
viscid, stringy; breasts swollen, painful, sensitive before and during. M ilk:
to dry up; to bring back or to increase it. Backache: unbearable, across
supra-sacral region to right natis and sciatic nerve; worse rest and on first
moving; spine aches from base to brain to coccyx, very sensitive to touch or
pressure. Acts best given in a single dose or repeated at regular intervals.
Tonsilitis, sore, red, shining, almost closes the throat; throat and fauces dry,
submaxillary glands swollen. Metritis, faint at stomach and nausea. The
symptoms are erratic.


Strange Symptoms: Fear of falling down stairs, without vertigo.
Illusions that corners of furniture or pointed objects near her, were about to
run into her eyes. If she lies on her left side, the right eye feels as if moving
about too heavy, with great pain. Eyes get bad every September. Parts of


Original from
the mouth seem to stick together requiring an injection of air or saliva to
separate them. Great desire to eat paper. Sensation of a cold bandage over
the abdomen at midnight. Furious itching of the vulva inside and out, yellow
lcucorrhoea. Dreams of earthquakes.
Clinical: Headache from the left eyeball to the center of the brain,
pain in supra-orbital region through the brain to the right vertex. Pain in
the eyes back into the head, sharp, as if the eyes extended into the head,
photophobia, pain from any continued glare; left eye inflamed, deep red,
photophobia, ulcer on left segment of cornea; knifelike pain from left eye to
left occiput on lying down. Burning in left temple near eye; worse at night.


Strange Symptoms: Falls backward if she closes her eyes. Has a
dirty yellow coated tongue which feels parched. Passage of stinking flatus
which relieves. A clammy, sticky coldness in both hands and both feet simul­
taneously. Dreams of trying to lay out a corpse. Brown crusts having a
greasy appearance in the corners of the mouth.


Is readily poisoned by milk, is cold, bloodless, cannot get warm even in
a warm room or by warm clothing; is sensitive to wet weather, subject to
rheumatic pains all over and especially in the head which is better cold appli­
cations, while generally she is better heat, is generally better motion and better
rest. The pains are better pressure, the bones sore to touch and the skin ex­
cessively so as well as to the cold sponge; milk befouls the stomach; there is
loss of memory, sadness and desire for death; has vertigo and is faint on
reaching high with the hands as to thread a needle; the face is pale, sickly and
careworn, the eyes feel as if full of stones; has photophobia; the mouth is
dry, the breath offensive, the mouth becomes frothy during conversation, the
mucus membrane of the throat is pale; drinking cold water in the p. m.
causes nausea; has flushes of heat in the left side of the face with the pulsations
of the heart, also of the neck; the hands are warm, the finger tips icy cold as
are the feet; the skin on the feet thicken, a copious sweat that stains the
linen yellow; the b e d s h e e t s f e e l damp; can only bathe in warm water; one is
markedly r e s t l e s s .
Clinical: Children cannot take milk as it makes them sick. Malas­
similation is marked. Milk is apt to render small children susceptible to
taking cold. Headache: tonsilitis and alternate; worse menses and talking;
of anaemic women; pain in eyes as if full of stones; throbbing, frontal, nausea,
vomits, constipated; sore from coughing; sick, begins in the forehead and ex­
tends to the occiput, begins in the a. m. on rising, throbs, nausea, vomits,
blindness, constipation, worse noise, light and motion; urine pale and copious,
prostration; better pressure by binding the head tightly and copious flow of
urine; over the eyes* in pale, cold, sickly women who are careworn; better
pressure and tight bandaging and cold applications, perfect rest and lying down
in a warm room; from drinking milk; urine copious and pale; appears weekly;
strong pusations in the temples; vomits bile; cold hands and feet; grinds the
teeth. Menses suppressed suddenly by putting the hands in cold water to


n Original from
rinse out clothing; pain in the uterine region, headache, aches all over, fever­
ish, face flushed. Has never failed to bring back the milk in 12 to 24 hours.
Brings back the sunken breasts to normal. Menses delayed from drinking
milk. Vomiting of pregnancy. Constipation: rectum seems paralyzed, injec­
tions and cathartics failing; stool large, hard, dry; after prolonged straining
the partially emerged stool slips back, Sil. failing; the stool tears the anus;
stool painful, extorts cries, patient chilly. As if the flesh was tom off the
bones of the face and the edges separated and stretched out. Pregnancy,
vomiting, of women who loathe milk. Urination involuntary while walking
in the cold air, or while riding horseback, or when hurrying to catch a train.
Lack of sensation when the bladder is full. Diabetes, weak, anaemic, great
thirst, copious watery urine.

Has a weak heart, an exceptionally sensitive skin, relaxed bloodvessels,
is extremely sensitive to touch not because of the touch itself but because of
the uneasiness it causes, this aggravation from touch is especially felt about
the neck, throat and w-aist, can bear nothing tight about those parts, must
open the clothing especially about the throat, is equally sensitive to heat and
hot drinks which are intolerable, all the ailments begin in the left side of
the body and either stay there or travel to the right, all the discharges are
offensive, is very loquatious and changes the subject rapidly, as the snake
rouses from its lethargy in the Spring’s relaxing days, so do the diseases,
the diseases are all aroused and aggravated on waking, are worse activity
and pressure, are better opening the clothing and when the discharges appear
and relieve the tension of the body, the face is anxious, distressed and has
the appearance of unrest, the tongue is moved with difficulty, trembles and
catches behind the teeth on attempting to protrude it, chokes on swallowing,
craves coffee which relieves, while touch aggravates, pressure relieves, is prone
to faint, is jealous, is worse from the warm South winds, can hardly take a
bath as it causes fainting, is suspicious.
Clinical: Headache: cardiac difficulties attend nearly all; waves of
pain; bursting pain; violent boring pain in vertex, nausea, vomits, during the
menses; always worse on rising a. m .; concentrates at the root of the nose,
or extends into the face and eyes or even shoulders; tearing, worse left side,
better warm applications; from exposure to coldness; neuralgic, chronic,
always worse right side, pulsates, extends to the neck which becomes stiff and
swollen, or starting in the vertex and spreading over the head. Nose, tip
knobby red. Ears: wax whitish; Puls., black; Con., red. T hroat: there
is no remedy so effective in breaking up quinsy in its inception, nor in pro­
moting resolution in the later stages. Said to be specific in throat affections
with aching in the shin bones. Always has to urinate after lying down
at night or during the day, worse after sleep. Never well since the change
of life. Asthma better coughing up a quantity of watery phlegm, worse
the least thing coming near the nose or mouth. Milk thin, blue, nipples
sensitive. Axillary sweat smells like garlic; Bov., like onions. Fissures
when the inflamed parts feel as if hammered. Cyanosis, a valuable palliative
in congenital. Fever: scarlet, child drowsy, easily falls into a deep sleep,
rash comes slowly or imperfectly, has a dark purplish hue and often inter-


Original from
sperced with miliary rash; cases when complicated with membranous de­
posits in the throat, throat dark red, purple, cervical glands swollen, dirty
white deposits appear on the left tonsil. For the bite of the snake, its bile
rubbed into the wound. Abscess, to rapidly mature, regardless of location,
the cc every 2 hours. Haemorrhage, blood looks like charred straw. Bell,
antidotes the acute effects of Lach., Calc., the chronic effects. Use with
brandy in malignant pustules. Lach, and Naja were successful in the plague
in India. Faints in a warm bath (Apis and Opi. have convulsions). Ulcera­
tions surrounded by a purple mottled appearance. Insanity: religious. Cough
and tickling in the throat when anything is introduced into the ear. Fistula,
lachrymalis, chronic eruption about the face. Epistaxis, blood looks like
charred straw. Nausea comes on after going to bed, after drinking ice
water. Diphtheria, left to right, worse warm drinks and after sleep. Labor
pains surge upward or cease suddenly, with clutching at the throat W ith
almost any complaint of the body, the body and limbs become cold and it is
almost impossible to keep them warm, the face purple, mottled, eyes protrude
and are engorged, pain in the head, tendency to become unconscious, speech
incoherent, articulation difficult, lastly unconscious. Intensely nervous, rest­
less and tossing. Burning sense and pain are leading features. Dropsy:
blackish offensive urine, dark purplish or bluish skin; especially of drunkards.
Sunstroke, especially after the use of alcoholics. Mental states with great
loquacity. Eyes: neuralgia, orbital, worse left eye, eye feels as if it had
been squeezed. Especially valuable for haemorrhage of the optic nerve and
retina, vision affected. Ears: pain from throat or zygoma. Face: erysipelas,
purplish swelling. Toothache: gums swell, bleed, purplish. Tongue:
paralysis, unable to protrude it, it trembles and catches behind the teeth on
the attempt; red, dry and tremulous, center brown or a red streak through
it. -Throat: in all the affections of the throat there is extreme sensitiveness
to touch which causes a sense of suffocation, can bear nothing tight about,
or to touch, the throat, there is sharp pain especially on the left side extend­
ing to the ear. Liver: inflamed or abscessed with intolerance of tight cloth­
ing, and the characteristics of Lach, (that is true of all abdominal affections).
Anus: fistula, sense of beating as of little hammers. Piles: painful, strangu­
lated, sticking, or as of a plug, or throbbing and constricting, straining pain­
ful. Diarrhoea: stool offensive, even putrid; especially in hot weather or
the relaxing days of Spring; of drunkards, or during the climaxis; always
worse after sleep; abdomen sensitive, tender on left side, clothing intolerable.
Cystitis, urine dark brown, offensive, frequent urging. Urine dark or blackish,
sediment like coffee grounds, after diphtheria or scarletina. Menses: mem­
branous, difficult, worse alcoholic stimulents, pain in left ovary darting
upward. Ovaritis, worse left, pain, sensitive to the weight of the clothing,
especially if the menses are offensive, better when menses are free. The most
frequent indications for Lach, in all diseases of the uterus are: intolerence
to the weight of the clothing and the tendency of the trouble to extend from
left to right. In all the laryngeal and chest troubles, as well «is the asth­
matic and in whooping cough, the Lach, characteristics as mirrored in the
above—Graphic Drug Picture—prevail. Mastitis, suppuration, bluish ap­
pearance, nipples sensitive. Heart: in all the inflammatory diseases of the
heart there are: palpitation, suffocation, intolerance of pressure about the
heart, pain and numbness in the left arm and a sense as if the heart was
growing up and suffocating one. Coccyx, neuralgia» worse rising up, must


r \: n Original from
sit perfectly still. Sciatica, right side. The characteristic delirium is of
a low muttering type. Defective sight after diphtheria, requiring far sighted
glasses (Gels.).

Has a sense of heat boiling and bubbling in the chest, is cold, chilly,
has a sense of a piece of ice lying on the back between the shoulders, a pain
and stiffness in the back, the head twisted or drawn especially to the right,
a pinched sense at the root of the nose, loquacity followed by stupidity and
irritability, the eyes feel cold, the face and lips bluish, the saliva tough, the
dry throat especially worse night on waking, sweetish water rises with
nausea, hears but does not feel, wind rolls in the abdomen, the scrotum and
penis itch and sweat, i9 sleepless, hoarse, the soles and palms burn, has a
boiling sense in the abdomen during her menses.
Clinical: Pneumonia, typhoid; loquatiou? delirium, brilliant eyes, cir­
cumscribed red cheeks, worse 1 to 2 a. m .; dry cough, sputa blood streaked,
severe pain in the chest. Headache: despondent, better after crying; head
feels enlarged and as if split open by a wedge; cannot bear to have a person
walk even over a soft caipet. Diphtheria: neck stiff, head drawn to one
side. Torticollis, neck stiff, head drawn to one side, especially right, pain
in the nape as if dislocated when turning the neck or bending the head
back. Scarlatina with the torticollis.


Is forgetful, sarcastic, head feels confused as if tossed on a rough sea,
the eyes protrude and feel tired, smell acute, a peculiar taste on the back
of the tongue, throat dry with fullness as of a small puff ball, all symptoms
aggravated by smoking, feels as if all the food lodged at the upper end of
the sterum, waterbrash with copious flow of saliva, belches a hot acrid fluid
that bums from the stomach to the throat, the urine so copious that one feels
as if turning into urine, erections annoy in the a. m.; on rising is apt to
lose control of the voice, the larynx is very dry especially at the rim of the
glottis where the expectoration seems to be secreted, the breathing sounds
rasping or sawlike, the small of the back aches and feels sore across, has
acrid, copious sweat inoffensive on the feet, she has aching pain in the right
ovary worse walking or exercise, and leucorrhoea that stains yellow.
Clinical: Diarrhoea, stool greenish-yellow, tenesmus, epistaxis every
a. m. Diabetes melitus, voracious appetite, great thirst, urination copious
and frequent. Pregnancy: a. m. nausea, especially of pale anaemic women
who have lost much blood during their menses; salivation, nausea, vomiting.
Cough, spasmodic, ringing, from hot belching, worse smoking. Rheumatism,
joints pain, swell and are stiff, worse motion; worse at night and from motion,
sweat acrid and copious.


Is sad, full of anguish, difficulty in thinking, the face warm, lips
tremble and twitch, increased saliva which is acrid, a flat taste at the root
of the tongue, has stiching and pressive pains in the chest on which one can


n Original from
n L>
bear no pressure or weight, circulation in the legs feels as if suspended, has
pinching in the navel region on crossing the legs.
Clinical: Gonorrhoea, of women, painful. Cough: incessant, spas­
modic, threatens to burst the chest, always caused by tickling in the fauces,
which, in turn, seems to be produced by a sense of suffocation in the throat;
whooping, paroxysms preceded by anxiety. Angina pectoris, chest tight and
oppressed on waking from sleep, feels as if suffocating, must get out of bed.

Clinical: Headache, deep in, scalp tight, a backward and forward
motion of the head. Piles, external, stool with blood.


Clinical: Goitre, scrofulous; pains burn, shoot, sting, in various parts.

Clinical: Prolapsus uteri; sterility; milky urine; sore about the joints;
fetid axillary sweat; sore bruised sense, relaxation; all symptoms worse
standing or walking. Eczema, infantile, scabs yellow.

Is giddy, nauseated, vomits, stupid, has singing in the ears, tremor in
the upper limbs especially when taking up or putting down anything, heavy
legs that feel cold, lifts the feet with difficulty, drags them and put them
down suddenly and forcibly as if they were heavily weighted, is obliged to
keep the eyes on the floor as the floor feels irregular, the invasion of the
symptoms is sudden and often coming on after a cold damp night, is worse
in the cold damp wind, has burning heat better uncovering, the muscles feel
hard and unyielding, is worse touch, has, at times, a sense of a cloth wrung
out of cold water around the waist.


Clinical: Angina pectoris, violent praecordial pain, left arm almost
paralyzed, pulse rapid and weak, black vomit, stool copious and black; pain
brought on by slight exertion.

Has a weak heart and a weak circulation, so cold that covering one up
is like covering a corpse, is not warmed by external heat, the heat of a warm
room nauseates one and sweat breaks out on the forehead and the forehead
becomes cold, but if one moves slowly in the open air the sweat ceases and
the forehead becomes warm, has attacks of sound sleep with snoring or
stertorous breathing, the mind and body are weak, the vision dim, the face
sunken, blue, bloated and expressionless, the mouth dry, the tongue dry,
cold and numb, drinks roll audibly down the oesophagus and intestines, the


Original from
Diniti7Pf1 hv ,o 1p
stomach pains during urination, is worse from slight exertion, the feet get
numb if one lies with the limbs crossed, a sense of fatigue permeates the whole
body, is extremely nervous and excitable, she has pain in her sacrum during
her menses.
Clinical: When remedies only palliate and the patient does not con­
valesce. Heart: failure of, due to Dig.; complaints of, regurgitation, suffoca­
tion, chest oppressed, better lying down; troubles; lack of reaction in chest;
and ends of fingers and toes knoblike. Suffocative spells compel lying down,
but as soon as one lies down a hacking cough comes on. Cholera infantum:
stool green watery, drinks gurgle down the oesophagus, cold, blue, faints.
Whooping cough, child puny, heart weak, skin cold, laryngeal spasms. Apo­
plexy, coma resembling a deep sleep; paralysis. Pregnancy, belchings taste
like bitter almonds. Cholera, dry, asphyxia, body cold, pulseless, brain cloudy,
faints, tetanic spasms, urine suppressed or retained, constrictive sense in the
throat on swallowing. Urinary troubles, palpitation and gasping for breath
in spells. Convulsions, puerperal, conscious of shock passing through the body
before the spasm. Cough, whooping, dry, whistling; impending paralysis of
the lungs; p. m. aggravation, severe cramps in the chest, rapid sinking of the
vital forces. Pleurisy, in drunkards and melancholic people, at the beginning
of, the small bronchi are irritated, suffocative cough, severe localized pain in
the pleura, pulse quick and soft. Cyanosis neonatorum, face blue, gasping.
Rough scaly skin between the fingers, burning when touched by water. Faint­
ing spells long lasting, rapid sinking of the vital forces. Chorea, constant
jerks, cannot keep still, speech indistinct, angry if misunderstood, gasping,
after fright; drinks roll audibly through the oesophagus and intestines. Head­
ache, neuralgic, icy cold sense on vertex. Lockjaw. Liver: inflamed and in­
durated, especially if abscess threatens, vertex and tongue cold, rumbling in the
abdomen. Diarrhoea: stool green mucus, suffocative spells about the heart,
drinks roll audibly through the alimentary tract. Cough: dry, harassing, of
phthisis; valvular disease of the heart, coughs incessantly, especially on lying
down; fluttering in the region of the heart, gasping for breath; whooping,
spasmodic, especially later stages, prostration. Chills, fever and sweat alter­
nate in phthisis.


Desires solitude, out of humor and hates his fellows, cannot bear to have
the head uncovered, has noises in the head as from a windstorm, ears feel as
if stuffed with cotton, taste bitter, breath offensive, throat feels sore, with
fine stinging pains, worse not swallowing; hurried eating causes constrictive
pain in the breast bone, spitting nauseates one, the urine often stops during the
flow, inspirations are double, spasmodic followed by sobbing as after a hard
crying spell, the pulse is full and rapid and often cannot be felt in one arm,
the swollen limbs are only comfortable by holding the feet in ice water, the
tops of the feet and ankles itch and are worse heat of bed and scratching, the
joints become stiff and can only be moved by the application of cold water,
they feel so hot one throws off the covering, the hands and feet burn in the
p. m., the pains stick, tear and throb, the suffering parts emaciate, has ecchy-
mosis from slight injuries, her menses are too copious and early, the blood
bright red and she is chilly, the child wants its knees rubbed upward.


Original from
________ C_____/ \ ______ i A I
Clinical: Rheumatism, inflammatory, especially of joints, muscles sore,
no fever. Haemorrhage, bright red, frothy; from the lungs, alternating with
rheumatism. Eyes: asthenopia, dull pain behind eyeballs as if they would be
forced out; haemorrhage into the anterior chamber, after iridectomy; contusion
of eyes and lids, especially with extravasation of blood. Deafness after a hair
cut. Erysipelas of eyes and face from insect bites. Bronchitis, mouldy taste
from the cough, nausea, appetite lost, vomits. Lcucorrhoea copious, face pale,
copious urine. Cough: bright red frothy haemorrhage from the lungs;
chronic, coldness and lack of vital heat. Pregnancy, last months, pain as of
a gnawing stiffness in sacrum and hips, down whole thigh, worse standing.
Whitlow from a punctured wound, needle prick or splinter. Sciatica, affected
limb cooler than the rest of the body. Rheumatism: travels upward, joints
swollen, pale, tense, hot, pains sting, worse heat of bed and bed covering; also
motion and p. m .; especially after the abuse of Colch.; the joints become the
seat of nodosities and gout stones; that are painful; especially of right shoulder
and right hip. G out: worse feet, nodes or joints, fine tearing in the toes;
chalk stones in the joints, deposits in the wrists, the joints suddenly inflame
and are better cold; chronic rheumatic knee joint; urine copious and pale.
Tetanus, traumatic, parts become cold as ice, spasms begin in the wound,
from mosquito bites, especially. Face: eruption, papular, worse forehead,
especially of drunkards. Urticaria, violent itching; worse heat of bed. Anti­
dotes Lach., animal and insect poisons, and to Apis. Wounds: punctured
from tacks, needles, etc.; that bleed scantily and that are followed by a pain,
puffiness and coldness, they become paralyzed and mottled; of horses from
stepping on a nail. Headache: wants the head out in cold air or bathed in
cold water. Dropsy better putting the feet in cold water. Patients full-
blooded, plethoric and robust, with red faces. Erysipelas, especially of the
face or injured part. Has red sand in the urine as marked as Lyc.; the
patient is at the best when quantities of sand pass away. Menses: great cold­
ness during, yet desires cold air; difficult in gouty persons. The suffering
parts emaciate. A valuable remedy in rheumatic and arthritic affections, the
smaller joints are most affected, generally worse heat of bed, usually a great
deal of bruise soreness in the muscles, stitching, tearing pains rapidly shifting,
rarely useful if the joints are hot and swollen. Cough, chronic, usually hol­
low, racking, spasmodic, with coldness and lack of vital heat. Otitis, rheu­
matic, from getting cold, having the hair cut or exposure to damp, cold wind.


Clinical: Catarrh, nasal, obstruction, with or without polypus, foul

odor from the nose, foul taste on waking a. m., worse damp weather and
especially heavy rains. Asthma from nasal obstruction, worse wet weather.


Clinical: Retching, vomiting, bloody stools, severe abdominal pains,

thirst but could only drink small quantities as drinking aggravates the pains;
conjunctiva dry, tongue dry and cracked, bowel symptoms worse midnight
to 3 a. m.


Original from
n /"Vi \/ll/>
drives one out of bed, like Sulph. Dysentery as marked as Merc-c., stool of
mucus and blood, burning in the anus and tenesmus extremely marked, ab­
dominal and pelvic relaxation, and a sense of a ball in the rectum. Piles:
inveterate, protrude, bu m ; after labor, sore to touchi bearing down after stool
as if all would protrude through the vagina, pain, sore to touch and itch.
Menses only while moving about. Dementia: from business worries and
sexual excesses; tears the hair. Asthenopia, especially of astigmatism, has to
turn the head sideways to see clearly. Bearing or dragging down of the whole
abdominal contents, even extends to the chest, as though everything were com­
ing through the vagina; must support the abdomen and cross the limbs, the
pressure is greatest against the rectum, there is more tenderness and shooting
pains than with Sep. Leucorrhoea, excoriates, distress on urinating. W ith the
uterine and ovarian complaints are found: palpitation, nervous symptoms about
the heart as if it was grasped or contained too much blood, tremulous feeling,
and some times terrible pain rushing up the back to the vertex and spasmodic
contraction of the muscles. Malpositions of the uterus with constipation. The
chief characteristic of Lil. is said to be: a bearing down sensation in the uter­
ine region as if everything would press out of the vagina. A valuable remedy
in all forms of uterine displacement, especially versions, with pressure espe­
cially against the rectum and against the bladder, constipation and crystic
irritation. An important characteristic of Lil. is said to be: the ovarian
symptoms have usually associated with them reflex heart symptoms, pain, flut­
tering, palpitation, sensation as if alternately grasped and relaxed.

Clinical: Congestion: to the face and painfulness of the right half of
the body; heat burning and constriction of the abdomen; to the face; worse
afternoon; the heat alternating with confusion of the head. Headache from
straining at stool. Coryza and dyspnoea worse drinking cold water.


Has confusion of the head, is thirsty, tongue is rough, the throat con­
stricted, has nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, copious urine, oppressed breath­
ing, stitches in the chest, faints dead away without apparent cause, is chilly
and worse walking in the open air, and better tea with milk.
Clinical: Enuresis, frequent painful urging causes one to rise at night.

Clinical: Cough, hoarse, ringing, barking, dry, every Winter, espe­
cially in women.


Clinical: Headache, numbness, vertigo, speech thick.

( 181)

Original from
Is gouty, has attacks of inflammation of the small joints or of the heart,
the skin rough and dry, suffers from rheumatism of the shoulder joint, anxious,
disposed to weep about one’s lonesome condition, the entire half of an object
looked at entirely vanishes, end of the nose sore, the throat troubles extend to
the ear, has gnawing in the acid stomach; better eating; disturbed sleep by
copious urination after which one has erections, the inspired air feels cold
even to the lungs, has rheumatic soreness in the region of the heart and pain
in the heart before and during urination; has stitching pain in the sacrum
while standing, the pain in the joints is relieved by very hot water; she has
pain in her heart before and during her menses.
Clinical: Headache that ceases while eating but returns and remains
until food is taken again. Prostatitis, pink sediment in the urine. Albumi­
nuria, dysuria, acid dyspepsia, almost constant desire to urinate, debility,
stomach acid. Buboes: decided flatulency; syphilitic, in left groin, a long
swelling, hard as a stone, at night, violent lancinating pains as from red hot
needles. Pressing in the region of the heart on rising to urinate, only better
after urination. Endocarditis, rheumatic, sore in cardiac region, especially
worse stooping; chronic rheumatic carditis with chronic inflamed finger joints.


Has a fatty taste, tongue numb as if fat was on it, pain in the teeth, nose
red at tip, sore and swollen, a hot burning, like heartburn, rises in the throat.


Has burning in the mouth and throat, sticking and pricking in various
parts especially in the left chest and hypochondrium, oppressed breathing, pain
in the occiput; worse motion and shaking the head; stiff neck, limbs throb
and are weak, has thirst for cold water, the water relieves the burning in the
tongue and fauces; is sleepy but cannot sleep.


Clinical: Breasts affected, axillary tenderness, large, soft swelling; left
breast indurated and discharging, scattered nodules of induration over adjacent
tissues, pains burn and sting, left arm swollen.


Is despondent, often sobs like a child, has cold sweat on the forehead
with nausea, also cold sweat on the face, copious saliva, the oesophagus feels
as if contracted from below upward, cannot bear the odor of tobacco although
addicted to its use, has hiccups followed by drowsiness, vomits, has a faint,
empty, weak sense at the pit of the stomach; heat, nausea, oppression and un­
easiness; a deathly sense, dyspnoea from constriction at the middle of the chest;
worse warm food; heart feels as if would stand still, with a pain deep in
above the heart; a sense of a band around the chest, the sacrum so tender one


Original from
cannot bear the pressure of a soft pillow, the palms sweat, the backs of the
hands dry and cool, gaping followed by crawling in the nose, and sneezing;
she has a pain in her sacrum and a sense of weight in her genitals.
Clinical: Headache, cannot bear the odor of tobacco, it causes fainting.
Neuralgia of the left side of the face and temple, menses late. Stomach:
faintness and weakness at the pit from excessive use of green tea or tobacco.
The most marked and persistent symptoms of this remedy are: the nausea and
vomiting that accompany nearly all the respiratory troubles. Gastralgia,
dyspepsia and the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, especially with the nausea
if there are: extreme faintness and sinking at the pit of the stomach. Preg­
nancy: with every contraction during labor there is violent dyspnoea that
seems to neutralize the labor pains, os and perineum rigid. Bronchitis and
asthma: chest oppressed as if full of blood which seems to stagnate; better
moving about; as of a lump in the throat immediately above the sternum.
Pneumonia, intermittent, especially of those who live in malarial districts, with
heart and bronchial affections. Lob. is to the evil effects of drunkenness in
light complexioned people what Nux is to the opposite.


Clinical: Influenza, breaks out in hot weather, prostration, a deadly
chill without shivering but that overpowers the whole system, giddy, head­
ache, and often a sickening stupor, worse motion. Teeth decay, in persons
who are nervous, liable to boils, of hasty disposition and who sweat copiously.


Clinical: Deafness from unhealthy, soft, swollen, easily bleeding ca­
tarrhal conditions of the naso-pharynx. Depressed, unhappy, pain about and
under the short ribs in back of left side, extending outward. Pain on inside
of right scapula, under, and not below, the inner border of the scapula;
worse weeping.


Has confusion of the mind even to delirium, is depressed, has nausea,
vomits bread and mucus, is chilly internally, has cold sweat, the calves feel
right as if bound by a cord, the hands tremble.


Clinical: Irritable, has violent outbursts of temper.


Clinical: Vomits, purges, limbs tremble and jerk, one pupil contracted
the other dilated, pulse slow, abdomen retracted about the navel, convulsions
and coma.


Dinitizpri hv CZn. ,olf> Original from

Is peevish, forgetful, has pressing and boring in the head, tomatoes cause
headache# the head is better leaning against something, has backache, a pain
in the right deltoid leaving a sense of soreness after the pain is gone; she has
leucorrhoea or metrorrhagia.
Clinical: Coryza, worse open air. Headache: better tobacco smoke;
beats, throbs, begins in the occiput, spreads all over the head and settles with
great violence in the temples; excruciating pain back of the eyes and in the
eyeballs as if they would burst with the pressure.


Is nervous, emotional, sensitive, inclined to emaciate especially about
the neck; the symptoms begin on the right side and either stay there or travel
to the left side and are predominently worse from 4 to 8 p. m., after which
one feels better but weak; craves warm drinks in the stomach; is better by
motion and the heat of the bed but wants a cool place for the head; is very
flatulent, distends like a drum so that one can hardly breathe as everything
one eats turns to gas; is filled to the throat after a very small amount of food,
noise is intolerable after distension of the abdomen, the limbs are clumsy and
awkward, fears to undertake anything lest one might fail yet goes through
with ease and comfort anything one undertakes; sits and broods, is averse to
company yet dreads solitude, is glad to know' there is someone in the house,
weeps on meeting a friend or being thanked, is sad on waking a. m., lacks self-
confidence, is timid, gets sick headache if one does not get dinner on time,
the face is sallow, sickly, pale, often withered, shrivelled and emaciated, the
right foot gets cold while the left one remains w arm ; is always belching, the
limbs feel numb, restless feet prevent sleep, gastric disturbances predominate,
is constipated; better slow motion, heat and warm applications and open air;
red sand is found on the childs diaper.
Clinical: The fear of appearing in public is as marked as with Sil.
Forehead wrinkled: of misers; with every pain, jar or noise in pneumonia;
with brain troubles: Hell, and Stram. Headache: better eating; where head­
ache and appetite are associated (Phos., Psor.) ; worse warm room, better cold
air and motion, worse warm wraps and warm bed; great hunger; of withered
boys with dry cough; alternating with gout; worse when the catarrh slacks up,
as from a cold; pain in the temples as if screwed together. Motion of alae
nasi: slow, Chlorof., rapid: Gadus and Kreos. Diphtheria, child wakens
cross and angry; often lies unconscious and in deep sleep; lower jaw drops,
urine scanty and deposits red sand or is suppressed; child cries out in sleep.
Stomach: disordered from oysters, onions and hot biscuits. Flatus accumu­
lates in sphenoid flexure. Hernia: in children, right side, tearing stitches in
groin; retching and great distension; crural of females; lacerating stitches.
Constipation: when away from home or traveling; the rule; hard stool, rectum
constricted, severe pain if« anus on attempting stool. Piles: that do not
mature, but remain hard bluish lumps; become painful while sitting, abdomen
distended, mind depressed; bleed, when not constipated. Urination: frequent
at night, normal during the day; gravel or red sand in children, child
wakens out of sleep and screams out with pain and kicks all around it; child


... n i \ i \
Original from
screams just as the urine is about to pass, red sand (Sars., white sand).
Asthma: after pneumonia, whistling, limbs cold, head and face hot, desire to
go with head uncovered. Cough: dry, remaining long after pneumonia.
Scarlet fever: the element of irritability and the absence of symptoms char­
acteristic of Lyc., leads one to Lyc. Poison from oysters in season; out of
season: Aloe. Cheese is claimed to digest oysters, strawberries and tomatoes
readily. Urticaria from a very warm bed or room. Skin of hands thicken,
bleed and indurate. Sites of old boils and pustules indurate and form
nodules that remain long. Withered children, after pneumonia. Diphtheria:
right to left; nose stopped, albumen, oedema of face, hands and feet; especially
after scarlatina; pain after drinking cold milk; child restless, wakens cross,
screams and kicks. Cough dry, teasing, of emaciated boys after pneumonia.
Pneumonia: advanced stage, hepatization, wrinkling of face and brows, alae
nasi flap, scanty expectoration; neglected cases. Catarrh of chest of infants,
rattling, alae nasi flap, unable to expectorate. Children who look prematurely
old. Mental torpor of the aged who are forgetful and become confused;
easily frightened and startled. Meningitis, cerebro-spinal, impending paralysis,
somnolence, eyes stare, jaw drops; tubercular, moans, sleeps with eyes half
open. Hydrocephaloid, chronic, screams out in sleep. Polypus in external
canthus. Deafness, chronic, especially after scarlatina. Otorrhoea, discharge
purulent, ichorous, hearing impaired, after scarlatina or severe otitis media.
Eruption: humid, suppurating scurf in and behind ears; eczema of ears, thick
crusts, skin fissures. Nose: stopped; during influenza; in diphtheria, and in
snuffles of children and infants. Catarrh, nasal: nose swollen; of frontal
sinuses and, discharge yellow and thick, frontal headache and yellow com­
plexion. Tongue: ulcers on and under, blisters, pain bums, vesicles on tip
feel scalded and raw. Tonsilitis, especially right side; worse 4 p. m., espe­
cially with fanlike motion of the alae nasi and stoppage of the nostrils; tonsils
chronically enlarged. Stomach: canine hunger, but the attempt to eat is fol­
lowed by flatulent distension and inability to take more food, or the flatulent
distension may take away the appetite immediately, or he may have a feeling of
constant satiety, feeling too full before he has eaten therefore cannot eat any­
thing. Dyspepsia: acid, region of stomach distended and sensitive to touch;
atonic, bloating; chronic, solid food causes excruciating pain, vomits. Gas­
tritis, burning pain, waterbrash. Induration, scirrhus, of pylorus, vomits
blood, burning and extreme flatulence. Gastralgia and chronic gastritis, from
a combination of heavy bread and sour beer and adulterated coffee. Abdomen:
flatulence, rumbling and gurgling. Liver: hepatitis, chronic enlargement,
heaviness and pain; gallstone colic; dropsy of the abdomen. Brown spots.
Diarrhoea, chilliness in the rectum before stool. Diabetes, aching in the
kidneys; worse before and better after urinating. Bladder: cystitis, chronic,
milky deposit of bad odor, dull pressing in region of bladder and abdomen,
disposition to calculi. Dysuria of children, especially with scanty deposit.
Renal colic, right side, red sand in the urine. Prostatitis, chronic cystitis.
Child urges to pass urine with impossibility to do so, cries impatiently and
grasps the abdomen. Sexual: impotent, loss of appetite, especially after
gonorrhoea or cystitis. Metritis, chronic, gas from the vagina. Catarrh,
bronchial, chronic, especially of the aged; cough worse 4 p. m. Pneumonia,
subacute, dyspnoea, fanlike motion of the alae nasi, worse lying on the back;
raises mouthfuls of mucus at a time of a light rust color, stringy and easily
separated. Cough: hard, dry, day and night, emaciation; worse descending


n /A / A n l/O Original from

rather than ascending and at 4 p. m .; shattering, as from a shock in the temples
and chest; sputa tastes like old cheese. Lumbago: Bry. failing; better passing
urine. Back: burning as from hot coals; worse Summer. Rheumatism:
chronic: always worse till p. m. and from heat and on the right side; of
hands and fingers with swelling and stiffness. Coxalgia, violent jerks of
limbs, child wakes cross and screams. Fissure of heel, water oozes from the
sore places. Ascites, emaciation, debility, from loss of fluids, upper part
wasted, lower limbs swollen. W arm poultices aggravate all pains. Erup­
tions that breed lice. The chief characteristic of Lyc. is said to be: excessive
accumulation of flatulence in the abdomen. Has an inordinate appetite for
sweets, delicacies, pastries, etc., especially.


Has a weak heart, is distressed, a weak pulse, impeded breathing, pains
that shift about as from the heart to the eyes or head or the head to the heart,
loose stools, a deep violent cough p. m. and night without waking, sweetish
expectoration, protruding eyes, the bladder feels full and distended even when
empty, nausea relieves the pain in the forehead, the eructations taste of tea.
Clinical: Mosrbus Basedowi, heart's action tremulous, eyes protrude.
Diabetes, fearful thirst, only the coldest water satisfies; he is very irritable
and must be spoken to softly. Useful in diseases with tumultous action of the
heart with pain and tenderness, heart often hypertrophied. Palpitation from
nervous irritation, oppressed about the heart. Rheumatism: cither with
valvular diseases of the heart, cough and hypertrophy, or with simple palpita­
tion. Cardiac distress following rheumatic fever, hacking cough, palpitation,
dyspnoea, small, weak irritable pulse that occasionally intermits. Haemoptysis,
palpitation, pain in left side of chest. Heart weak, irritable, limbs cold,


Has dread of liquids, the sight or sound of running water or the pouring
of water aggravates all the troubles; is apprehensive, fears becoming mad,
saliva copious, is worse mortifying news, cannot bear the heat of the sun,
constantly spits a tough, ropy, viscid, frothy saliva; throat sore, swallows with
difficulty, gags and has spasms of the oesophagus on swallowing water or
other liquids, has a constant urging to pass urine on seeing running water,
sighs with the pain in the heart; she has copious leucorrhoea running down
her legs; her vagina so painful that coition is almost impossible.
Clinical: Convulsions: from dazzling or reflected light, from water
or from a mirror, or from even thinking of fluids of any kind; from least
touch or current of air. Headache: from dog bites, whether rabid or not;
chronic, from mental emotion or exertion; from noise of running water or
from bright light. Sore throat, copious saliva, constant desire to swallow,
feels as if beaten. Dysentery, tenesmus, desire renewed on hearing water run.
Results from abnormal sexual desire. Pregnancy: strange notions, desires
or cravings; congestion to the chest, toothache; backache, etc. A passive pain
from the right hip bone to middle of sacral bone.


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Is subject to neuralgia of a most violent nature, the pains are lightning-
like with much fever and restlessness; they drive one out of bed and compel
one to move about, which relieves; desires open air yet is very sensitive to cold
air; is irritable, nervous, the neuralgia pains arc felt mostly in the head and
face though they may occur anywhere, in the face they are mostly left sided,
the pains reappear as soon as one stops moving and become severe and shoot,
tear and cut; there is a sour odor to both the adult and the child that no
amount of washing will remove; is always complaining of a sour stomach
with sour eructations, has an aversion to and cannot digest milk, and the
child refuses it; is always thirsty but especially p. m. but not for milk; is
decidedly averse to vegetables, is chilly and always relaxed and tired, espe­
cially the feet while sitting; is better cold drink and worse kneeling; her
menses are dark and flow more at night and between the pains and may cease
in the afternoon; the blood often becomes pitchlike and hard to wash off.
Clinical: Neuralgia, especially of the left side of the face; pain violent,
cannot keep still; worse at night; drives one out of bed, better motion. Teeth:
roots especially; ache during pregnancy; even sound teeth ache; cannot be
manipulated by the dentist; worse change of weather. Marasmus, child’s
muscles flabby, emaciated, back of head sinks, desires milk, meat and animal
broths but is unable to digest them; stools like potters clay, or puttylike;
or undigested milk. The most characteristic diarrhoea stool is green and
looks like the scum of a frog pond. Coryza: always before the menses; violent
craving for meat and aversion to vegetables. Catarrh, dry, nose dry, eyelids
so dry they stick together and are hard to open. Emaciation and craving for
meat. Cough: dry, before the chill; coughs up tubercles, soft and the color
of peas. Toothache: worse heat of bed, and night; better cold drinks. Cutting
wisdom teeth. Colic: better bending over. Diarrhoea: stools: sour odor;
green water; bloody; white lumps like grains of tallow; colic, acid eructa­
tions, sour odor of body. Worms: always after walking some distance worse;
one suffers in proportion to the extend of the walk; pricking in the rectum
after walking. Pregnancy; nausea, vomits, sour odor. Leucorrhoea: white,
acrid, preceded by colic, regularly after the menses. Catarrh, bronchial, in
children, stringy expectoration and the green scumy stool. Do not overlook
Mag-c. in tuberculosis and marasmus, especially useful if tuberculous history;
emaciation, craving for meat, dry cough before the p. m. chill, and putty,
claylike stools. Nervousness due to care and worry. It is to the exhausted
nerves what China is to loss of blood in exhaustion. The pains are lightning-
like; usually worse at night, with great restlessness. Must get up and walk
about. Leucorrhoea, white, acrid, and colic better bending over.


Is highly nervous, suffers greatly with the liver and stomach; is chilly,
sensitive to cold yet desires fresh and open air; is anxious, fidgety, restless
especially at night when one closes the eyes and it keeps one awake; must
either throw the covers off or take a deep breath; fissures that bum like fire
are apt to appear on the tongue; has ravenous hunger followed by nausea; is
worse salt either in the bath, food or at seaside; cannot digest milk; the liver
is sore and painful while one lies on the right side, and when one turns to the


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left side the liver seems to drag to that side; is tender over the stomach and
bowels; a lack of power to expel the urine. In the dark one cannot tell
whether one is passing the urine or not; is better in the fresh air if not too
cold; salt bathing makes one weak.
Clinical: Stricture, after dilatation (Con.). Chest and liver com­
plaints and constipation ar sea. Hysterical women who faint at the table.
Constipation: of children, stool chalky'; of adults, stool light colored, bileless,
no expulsive power; he is yellow with jaundice. Metrorrhagia, backache;
better pressing the back hard against a chair or lying on a hard pillow.
Bearing down in the pelvis, especially in hysterical women and girls. Neu­
ralgia: of head and around eyes, as if the skull would burst; worse motion and
fresh air, better pressure; constipation obstinate, stool small, gary fecal, sore
in region of liver to pressure. Headache, better tight bandage, neuralgic.
Catarrh, nasal, itches, burns, nose red and painful, headache, better open air,
or, constipation; worse lying on the right side; ozena, fetid discharge, nostrils
ulcerated. Eruption, vesicular, on lips, followed by soreness, sore in nostrils
and formation of scabs. Dentition: cannot digest milk, it causes pain in the
stomach and passes undigested. Liver: enlarged; congested and face and eyes
yellow, jaundice, stool gray, feet and legs swell, urine scanty and high color,
constipation; worse lying on right side; or, sour vomiting, breath offensive,
face yellow, constipation; or, abdomen bloated, tongue large and coated yellow
and scalloped on the edges, feet swell, stool dry' and crumbles; in all the
hepatic disorders there are: tenderness over the liver, pain extending to the
spine and pit of stomach; worse immediately after eating; flatulent colic, dys­
pnoea, weak small pulse and constipation. Piles: constipation. Constipation:
stool like sheep’s dung; in large masses that crumble as soon as passed. Dysuria,
must press on the abdomen with the hands and use the abdominal muscles
in order to pass the urine and empty the bladder. Uterus: pain, sore over
the liver; worse lying on the right side; constipation, palpitation; affections
of women subject to hysteria, flatulence, liver symptoms, as of a ball rising into
the throat, especially with thick black menses, constipation. Chest: congestion
from bathing in the sea, bloody expectoration and weakness. Especially suit­
able to women when spasmodic and hysterical symptoms complicate the uter­
ine troubles. Headache better from the pressure of the binding, Sil., from
the heat. Menses black, clotted; more copious when sitting than when walking.


Is subject to spasmodic and neuralgic pains that are decidedly better heat
and pressure, that are brought on when one becomes cold or from riding in the
cold and from cold, damp weather; the pains come on in violent paroxysms
and tear as if the nerves were put on a stretch, are worse cold, cold bathing,
cold winds, and lack of clothing and better standing up; has nipping, griping,
pinching pains in the pit of the stomach, short belchings that give no relief,
pains radiate in the abdomen.
Clinical: Neuralgia: facial, from long exposure to cold winds; ovar­
ian, pains shoot and dart like lightning; worse right side; appearing at in­
tervals; better heat. Colic: 3 months; bilious, cramps; flatulent, forces
bending double, better rubbing and heat, belches without relief; child and
the new-born draw up their legs; remittent cramping pains, acidity. Cramps:


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from prolonged exertion; especially of writers, from cramps that come in the
fingers, and of piano players, of laborers and carpenters, from the prolonged
use of tools; during dysentery and cholera morbus, that make one scream out.
Diarrhoea ceasing suddenly and brain troubles coming on. Headache, better
hard pressure, heat in the dark, tight bandages and warm room; worse cold.
Gout and rheumatism with the characteristic neuralgic pains. Hiccup, spas­
modic. Spasms of the stomach with a clean tongue. Distinguished from Col.
in pains; better standing up. Enuresis nocturna, from nervous irritation.
Especially suited to tired, languid, womout people.


Is tearful, restless, uneasy, has facial bone pains sensitive to touch; better
walking; much thirst accompanies or follows the chills, shuddering in the
back from below upward, liable to toothache that is worse entering a warm
room from the cold air and by contact of either warm or cold food; is prone
to warts, the head is dull when riding in the a. m., the belchings taste of
spoiled eggs.


Strange Symptoms: While attending to his business during the
day he talks aloud to himself without being aware of it. He is hurried, heed­
less and forgetful and does things he does not intend to. He has headache
from the least chagrin, as if a sharp pressure was made on a small spot in the
brain. He has sweat on the face with want of heat, early a. m. He has
ptyalism every p. m. with swollen lips. His prepuce retracts entirely behind
the glands. He has pain in the sacro-lumbar articulation a. m. in bed while
lying on the side, and during the day when stooping long. He wakens at 5
a. m., a few hours later he falls into a sopor full of dreams.


Is mentally indolent, talks to oneself in business, is calm, composed and
apparently devoid of care, head feels as if pressed down by a load, feels a
pushing, tearing in the head behind the left ear while sitting, feels a con­
gestion to the head with suffused heat in the cheeks; has a staring look; the
inner canthi and the edges of the eyelids itch, the eyelids feel painfully dry
a. m. on waking; has drawing, jerking, pricking in the eyelids and a sense
of a cobweb before the eyes; has illusions of smell, has nosebleed, the tip of
the nose red and hot; belches air frequently, has gurgling of flatus in the
abdomen; has nightly emissions, pressure in the region of the heart, is tremul­
ous especially the feet; the sleep is restless.


Prominent Symptoms: He detests cheerful faces, has lachrymation
from time to time. His eyes are dry, painful and smart, especially when
moving them; worse p. m. and a. m. Food and coffee taste bitter to him.
He passes quantities of flatus. He has incontenence of urine. He has palpi­
tation of the heart. He has quick, painful jerks in the arms from above down­
ward. He dreams of fire.


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Feels stupid, sleepy, senses confused, vertigo, eyes feel heavy and sleepy
and burn like fire, has a concentrative sense at and just above the root of
the nose, an itching in the right cheek over the malar bone better slight
rubbing or scratching, the face becomes warm and flushed, a sense of specks
of pepper on the root of the tongue, the lips and throat are dry and parched,
the saliva is increased, is thirsty, craves cold water and still more, lemonade,
feels better after dinner, has a steady dull pain in the hepatic region better
urination, the hands are cold during the day and they and the feet are cold
during the night and the soles of the feet almost numb, is sleepy and dreamy
but the sleep does no good, sweat easy and copious on least exertion.

Has sudden vanishing of thoughts, fears becoming crazy, head seems
light, and is worse heat of the stove, the taste is bitter, the tongue coated
white, the breath offensive, the saliva increased and sometimes yellow, the
throat is dry with a choking sense, is thirsty but prevented from drinking
by a choking sense that rises from the stomach like a pressure of gas, often
a sense of flames rising from the stomach, has loud rumbling in, and wander­
ing pains through the abdomen, a tired feeling in the renal region and is
inclined to rub the part, oppression of the chest relieved by expectoration,
the hands and feet are icy cold.
Clinical: Anxiety during or after scarlatina. Diphtheria: left side;
after, pain all over the body, worse chest, dry cough. Colic, after drinking
water, faint, constipation. Cholera infantum: stool thin, watery, vomits,
prostration, emaciation, appetite lost, averse to food. Soles peel at
end of fever. Typhoid fever, tympanitis, abdomen sensitive, worse drinking
water. Favors rapid healing of wounds.

Is pale, sickly, chlorotic, anaemic, waxy, from lack of proper organic
functions, threatens to go into phthisis, the periosteum especially of the
shin bones, becomes extremely sensitive and sore ending in necrosis and
canes of the bone, is sore all over, sensitive to touch and jarring, is worse
before a storm but especially in cold damp weather, is restless and anxious
and the more one walks the floor the more anxious one becomes, if (note
this) one lies down all the troubles pass away, is irritable and low spirited,
the eyes ache while looking at near objects, blowing the nose relieves the
deafness, feels as if all the troubles settled in the ears, the ears are apt to
itch if one talks, laughs or swallows, the entire body is sore and tender and
especially the bones, one avoids handling the nose, there is much rumbling
in the abdomen especially from cold food, lying down relieves the cramps
in the rectum and also the cough, is worse cold, damp air and cold rainy
weather, her menses have been either scanty or delayed, or too early or
too short lasting.
Clinical: Laryngitis, repeated attacks, leading to phthisis. Soreness,
Am. failing. Women who love to stay in bed. Headache, stitches like
needles, worse jarring or stepping. Red spots on the scalp as if erysipelas


. n Original from
would appear. All the aches and pains in the upper part of the body settle
in the ears. Deafness when the cold rains come in the Fall. Bruises that
remain sore a long time. Anaemia: old ladies with a little watery flow
from the uterus (Calc., from haemorrhage). Nervous, tremulous, pal­
pitation. Typhoid fever, after, cases badly treated, convalesence prolonged,
bones sensitive sore all over; menses early and scanty, or discharges between
the periods. Wandering rheumatism, chronic. Otalgia, ears feel stopped,
cracking on blowing the nose but the act temporarily relieves the deafness,
worse change of weather, with naso-pharyngeal catarrh. Catarrh, dry, nose
stopped, worse cold wet weather; chronic, nasal, nose stopped, sore to touch.
Cough: catarrh, of, and dryness and tickling in the larynx, hoarse or aphonia,
a raw sense on attempting to clear the larynx, stitches, especially if anaemic.
Valuable for boys and girls whose voices are changing. Cough: worse p. m.
until lying down, not worse through the night, expectoration scanty and
tough; worse talking or breathing, sore bruised feeling in the chest; from
reading aloud, larynx dry and raw. Phthisis of the larynx, with rawness
and hoarseness. Laryngitis, voice rough, copius mucus.


Clinical: Polypus: nasal: squeaking on blowing the nose; enlarges in
wet weather; all kinds, especially nasal fibroids; of ear and nose; especially
of old people, children and middle aged women; fleshy, hanging from both
nares. Nursing, after, jerking, hiccup and empty belching. Worms, creep­
ing, itching, restless at night, worse heat of bed, ascarides. Ingrowing toe
nail, ulcerates, better motion. Suitable when too much medicine has pro­
duced a sensitiveness and remedies fail to act.

Suffers from the inheritence of the evil effects handed down, has a weak
memory especially for names, is in a constant hurry, people and time espe­
cially move too slow for one, the haste gets one out of breath and makes her
faint, fears the dark greatly, weeps while talking, has swelling under the
eyes, the teeth are sensitive while chewing, the taste perverted, the tongue
white at the base and foul, the appetite is ravenous, craves oranges, the face
is greenish, sickly, yellow and waxy, must walk bent from pain in the groin,
has oozing from the anus smelling like fish brine, the urine is scanty and of
strong odor, is sensitive to cold, has feet so tender one can hardly walk on
them, the limbs are stiff and lame, the hands burn so that one wants them
fanned as do the feet which one must have uncovered, dreads the night, she
has cutting like knives in the pelvic region, the child sleeps on its knees
with its head forced into the pillow.
Clinical: Sycotic diseases of children. Victims of suppressed gonor­
rhoea, pale, waxy young men who crave stimulents and tobacco, sensitive
to drafts, who become stiff after exertion and walking, sweat easily, sensitive
to cold and never well since gonorrhoea. Catarrh, nasal, obstinate, smell
lost, mucus white or yellow. Rheumatism, similar to Rhus, but of gonorrhoic
origin. Neuralgia, pains stitch and tear, better heat, sensitive to pain.
Headache, sharp pains come and go suddenly, worse light and coughing.

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Marasmus of syootic children, diarrhoea, vomiting and emaciation. Swollen
legs sore to touch, can endure no pressure. Asthma, sycotic, like Natr-s.
Looks pale, sickly, walks stooped. Rheumatism: after articular, walks
stooped with a cane, bent over, muffled in wraps to the ears, looks like a
broken down man ready to fall into his grave. A child de­
veloper of the first rank, like Calc-p. and Puls. Should only be used in the
higher attenuations. Said to be the mother of pus and catarrh. Should
never be given in acute ailments as it is apt to produce grave aggravation.
Sore mouth: ulcers like blisters on the tongue and buccal cavity; blisters
on lips and inner surface of cheeks, skin peels off in patches. Colic: bilious,
frequent nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, chill, sweat on face and neck;
renal, pain in ureters, sense of passing calculi, during the attack, great crav­
ing for ice. Abscess of liver, burning heat around the back like coals of
fire, throbbing and thumping in region of suprarenal capsule, as from an
abscess or sore spot just below the fifth rib on the right side, creepy chills
in the region of the kidney (r.), throbbing, drawing, contracting and re­
laxing, as if caused by ice cold insects with claws. Ascites, abdomen dis­
tended, palpation showed water, urine scanty and high color. Cholera in­
fantum, opisthotonus, vomiting and watery diarrhoea; discharge of blood
and pus. Choking from weakness or spasms of the epiglottis, larynx stopped
so that no air could enter, only better lying on the face and protruding the
tongue. Catarrh, bronchial, spreads to the larynx, tonsils and glands of
throat swell, extends to ears causing transcient deafness. When all other
remedies fail in cases of suppressed gonorrhoea. Child pale, rachetic, dwarfed
and stunted in growth especially mentally, and weak. Collapse, desire to be
constantly fanned, craves fresh air, skin cold yet throws off the covers, cold
and bathed in cold sweat.


Suffers from loss of memory, thoughts confused, weeps, epistaxis from

which one suffers brings general relief, the face and head are very red and
throb and this redness precedes all the haemorrhages; has cramps in the stom­
ach from any exposure or getting the feet wet; is subject to bilious colic, the
heart palpitates, has rheumatic pain in the joints that are worse at the ap­
proach of a rain storm and during rainy weather; fears danger and of being
arrested, is hypochondriacal and has religious melancholy; she has difficult
and painful menses with nervous headache.
Clinical: Epilepsy from a blow on the head. Headache, neuralgic,
daily at 4 p. m.; violent, drives one almost crazy, violent congestion to the
head, pulsation, face purple red, very nervous, and nosebleed which relieves;
severe violent congestion to the head; sick, retches, vomits, pain in temples;
as of a pressure over the orbits, hands and feet cold, pallor, loss of sight, or
black spots appear before the eyes. Pneumonia, both lungs congested, face
and eyes red, nosebleed every few minutes, high fever, constant severe racking
cough, rapid respiration. Dentition, spasms and great congestion to the head.
Infantile spasms during dentition, great congestion to the head, especially in
nervous children.


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Clinical: Headache: aching ail down the back; yawns and stretches;
mouth, throat and skin dry; intense itching; worse at night and heat of bed;
better walking in open air.


Clinical: Insensible, eyes fixed and immovable, stertorous breathing,
skin cold, lips livid. Cough, dry, from cold air entering the larynx, reading
aloud, exposure to cold or shock of any kind. Said to help singers to hold
their voices. Colic, bilious, great accumulation of gas. Pruritis vaginae
(locally). Herpes zoster, severe pain. Said to remove external sensitiveness
to cold.

Has anxiety about the heart as if something evil was about to happen, a
cold feeling in the head as of cold wind blowing on it, a sense of weight
pressing on the brain at every step on ascending steps, has visible, painless,
twitching of the face, especially on the right side; worse at rest than when
walking; also a sense of coldness and throbbing in the stomach, fullness and
distension of the abdomen, frequent desire to urinate, urine scanty, the small
of the back feels bruised, the legs jerk and twitch while lying, preventing rest.
Clinical: Women with “jumps," fidgets and urinary troubles. Head­
ache, neuralgic, pain begins in right side of nape of neck and extends over
the whole brain to the forehead, better sitting, stooping or pressure; pressing
from above down; better pressure of the hand; worse ascending or descending
steps; with a sense of a heavy weight on the brain pressing it outward at the
forehead. Sciatica, left side; especially with spasmodic jerking of the thighs
and legs; pain better motion. Fever, intermittent, the chief characteristic is:
coldness of the tip of the nose, tips of fingers and toes icy cold to knees; the
chill always predominates.


Clinical: Cough: spasmodic, or whooping; mucus rales through upper
part of chest and suffocation, as if one could not exhale, vomits food; during
the day the cough is slight but at night the paroxysms come on every 10
minutes, frequent vomiting and fever. Colic, from cold; better near the
warm stove. Spasms of the glottis, face bloated, convulsions and a feeling
that one cannot exhale.


Has vertigo on going down stairs, the mouth and throat are so dry that
even sugar will not melt in the mouth and eating aggravates the dryness, the
breath dries the lips, air in the nose feels cold, pain as of a band drawn across
the forehead tightly, a dragging down in the small of the back with the rectal
pains, pain in the groins as if hernia would appear, the breath from the nose
is hot, then cold, the tongue burns and smarts. She has scanty and delayed
menses with orgasms and swelling of the breasts.


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Is predominantly syphilitic, aches all over and especially in the bones

and especially where the flesh is thin over the bones; the ailments are all
worse at night and especially when warm in bed; has copious secretions,
especially sweat which aggravates instead of relieving; has salivation, the
saliva and breath sickening and fetid; foul odors emanate from the body, the
tongue is coated a dirty yellowish-white, is flabby and takes the imprints of
the teeth along the edges; while chilly is extremely sensitive to extremes of
both heat and cold; the discharges are greenish copious acrid and excoriating;
is hasty, restless; the sweat has a strong sweetish penetrating odor; the glands
inflame, swell and tend to form pus; is weak and inclined to tremble; the
gums are spongy and bleed easily; is worse both cold or warm, damp weather
and while lying on the right side; the urine burns and smarts; is extremely
sensitive to a draft; sweets disagree; she has burning, stinging in her ovaries,
also burning, throbbing and itching in her vagina.
Clinical: All the affections of Merc, are worse at night; excretions
copious especially sweat which aggravates. Ulcers: sting, burn, have lar-
dacious bases looking as if covered with lard; venereal; worse at night; muco­
purulent discharge, inguinal glands swell; of vagina and os. Chancres with
whitish cheesy deposit at base. Rheumatism: of the joints; worse sweating;
of syphilitics and gonorrhoeics, worse at night and heat of bed; subacute,
worse heat of bed and at night; joints affected with pale swellings, soreness
and sharp pains. Emaciation, trembling; worse at night and heat of bed;
restless. Abscess: from swellings, without heat; that open and keep on dis­
charging and seem dead; rebels against warm poultices as they aggravate.
Gangrene: especially of the lips, cheeks and gums; of chancres, fetid, black
spachelus form and slough off. Paralysis agitans, hands tremble so one cannot
eat. lift or write. Children with epileptiform fits, with disorderly motions
and twitchings; the motions of its tongue are all disorderly and the child
cannot talk. Head: troubles after scarlatina, head sweats, pupils dilate, rolls
the head; worse at night; otorrhoea suppressed. Cerebro-spinal meningitis
from suppressed otorrhoea. Pain over nose and around eyes as if tied by a
tape, or as if a tight hat was pressing on the head; alternation of headache
and foot sweat; head sensitive to air. Hydrocephalus, to ward off, after
scarlatina and measles, child rolls its head and moans, head sweats. Eyes:
colds settle in the eyes of gouty people and rheumatics; catarrh of; worse
sitting close to and looking into the fire and from radiated heat which causes
smarting. A little fine growth across the iris growing across the pupil and
attached by pedicle. All the eye affections are worse; at night and heat of
fire. Cornea ulcerated, especially of the serpiginous variety, turbidity and the
danger of sloughing of the whole cornea, pus in anterior chamber, photo­
phobia and nightly aggravation. Otorrhoea: discharge horribly stinking,
greenish, thick, acrid pus; pains sting. Catarrh: discharge thick, acrid,
stinking, greenish; ophthalmic, muco-purulent, excoriating discharge, lids
sore and bum, photophobia; of tympanum, involving the Eustachian tube,
deafness, enlarged glands; deafness after measles; nasal, especially thin ex­
coriating discharge or greenish mucus; worse at night; ozena, offensive odor
in nose, burns, sore. Coryza: discharge acrid, watery, pressure through
bones of face; worse at night and from extremes of heat and cold; sensitive to
draft; must get up at night and walk the floor; hot air feels good in the nose

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but not the body. Mumps: especially right side; worse at night. Ring's
disease, teeth black, decay early, like Staph., in syphilitic children. Aphthoe
of children and nursing mothers, with Merc, characteristics. Quinsy, after
pus has formed. Dysentery with a “neverdone” sense and the Merc, char­
acteristics; also epidemic, in hot weather, like Aeon, and Ipec. (Never give
Ars. in dysentery unless you are sure it is positively indicated, as it may do
much harm.) Milk in the breasts of non-pregnant women at the menstrual
period, or in boys. Pregnant women with swelling of the genitals; parts sore,
full; prevent walking and cause her to take to her bed. Miscarriage from
shear weakness. Said to be one of the best palliatives in cancer of the breasts.
Rheumatism: inflammatory, swelling; worse heat of bed and from uncovering;
hard to get the right amount of clothing. Fever: of all kinds, especially
surgical, bones ache, sensitive to air; worse at night in bed; skin bums, like
Bell., Perineum raw, bleeds, renders walking difficult. Said to be specific in
the suppurating stage of smallpox. Chorea, most violent and obstinate, and
paralysis agitans. Bone disease, especially periosteum of long bones. Weak­
ness, general, tremulous. Mental alienation, hurried talking, restless, appre­
hensive; morose, mistrustful. Headache: worse at night, as if constricted by
a band or as if in vise. Otitis of the auditory canal, furuncular, herpetic,
suppuration, ulceration, intolerable pain involving whole side of head; worse
at night; discharge offensive, purulent excoriates. Neuralgia, facial, from
taking cold, pains tear; worse at night; salivation. O f first importance in
dental periostitis, teeth sore and elongated, pain worse at night and heat of
bed; offensive saliva. Toothache: cheeks swell; worse at night and heat of
bed and from cold or warm things, better rubbing check. Gums unhealthy,
bleed, spongy, pale, recede from the teeth, bad odor from the mouth; valuable
for those who habitually suffer from receding gums followed by decay of the
teeth. The Merc, tongue is flabby, swollen, takes the imprints of the teeth,
sometimes watery and oedematous and covered with a whitish fur. Inter­
stitial inflammation of the tongue substance. Aphthous sore mouth, bad
odor and salivation. Mumps, right side, pale swelling, fever slight or absent,
little inflammation, trismus. In all the throat troubles there are: free saliva­
tion, swelling of the glands; worse at night; offensive breath; the ulceration
spreads rapidly and superficially; the pains on swallowing are sharp and
sticking. Gastritis, burning pains. Hepatitis, jaundice, sore; worse lying
on the right side. Enteritis, catarrhal, cutting, tearing pains and mucus dis­
charge. Colitus with copious discharge. The stool may contain mucus, is
often preceded by chilliness and followed by tenesmus (a “never-get-done”
feeling) and burning. Dysentery, fever, easy sweat, worse at night, stool of
blood and mucus, burning pains and that “never-get-done” sense. Cystitis:
dribbling, mucus with the urine, more or less tenesmus of the bladder, espe­
cially burning urination. Nephritis, of great value, albuminuria, urine black,
burning, tenesmus, pain in the back; worse at night. Gonorrhoea: inguinal
glands swollen, green mucus discharge. Leucorrhoea, greenish, excoriates;
worse at night. Ovaritis: peritonitis, pain worse at night, tenesmus of rectum
or bladder or both. Women who require Merc, are prone to uterine haemor­
rhage. Laryngitis and bronchitis, chronic, violent cough at night, often
spasmodic, always worse lying on the right side. Pneumonia: hepatic dis­
orders, loose night cough; worse lying on the right side. Pleurisy, chronic,
sharp sticking pains in chest; worse at night and lying on the right side.
Lobar pneumonia of infants. Measles, very valuable, with coryza, cough

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and nightly aggravation. The sweat of Merc, is sometimes oily. Be careful
of giving large doses of Merc, in dropsy, they may cause the fluids to dis­
appear and with it the disappearance of the tissue; also in offensive rapidly
decomposing ulcers; the bones may soften so they bend. Merc, is said to be
contraindicated in typhoid fever, except for marked icteroid or scorbutic


Clinical: Throat, lancinating, worse coughing than swallowing. Penis
inflamed, worse cold water, better bathing in tepid water. Menses come at
the new moon, four days before the normal time. Pressure in the lower
sternum with dyspnoea on standing erect. Ulcers, edges become painful.


The lips are sticky and slimy on waking, the left tonsil swollen; worse
swallowing, either empty or food; the breathing oppressed, is disposed to cry,
the head feels as if bound by a cord in the frontal region, the eyes are irri­
tated by bright light, the ears itch at night, the tongue is dry, has much
phlegm in the nose and throat, is disposed to hawk, the urine is increased and
there is hoarseness. Otherwise one follows the course of Merc.
Clinical: Polypus: involving even the orbits; left nostril yellowish-
white, spongy tumor. Ulcers on fauces and tonsils, after scarlatina. Throat
sore, or diphtheritic, either worse or confined to the left side; tongue coated
yellow, fever, headache, all swallowing painful, fauces deep red, gums and
tongue swollen and sensitive. Extremely valuable for inflamed and en­
larged womb; leucorrhoea copious, greenish, corrosive. Grippe, fever, head­
ache, giddy, furred tongue, sweat in bed. Rheumatism of feet, on washing
the floor, violent tearing on soles and in foot joints, feet swollen, sore to touch
especially around ankle, walking difficult, even impossible. Chancre and
buboes, especially indolent. Syphilis, chronic, especially scrofulous and those
who have taken much Merc.


Clinical: Colds, inveterate, copious watery mucus discharge, sneezing,
coughing, watery discharge from eyes; fever, dull frontal headache, tongue
coated white, pharynx purplish red, swallowing painful; throat and mouth
filled with mucus, taste sticky, muscles sore, skin hot and dry; hoarse cough
compels one to sit up.


Lies on the back, knees bent up, has copious sweat on the forehead, is
debilitated, the lips are swollen, tender and bleed easily; the taste salty or
bitter, the saliva bloody, yellowish, tough and acrid; the pillars of the velum
palati swollen and dark red, the mouth aphthous, the fauces, throat and
oesophagus bum ; has a peculiar bruised sense in the abdomen especially in the


Original from
Diniti7Pfi hv ,o1p
c o e c a l re g io n , th e s to o ls a re c h ie fly b lo o d and c o n ­
an d m u c u s w ith p e rs is te n t
stant tenesmus, has tenesmus of the bladder with intense burning in the
urethra and discharge of mucus and blood with or after the urine, the urina­
tion is frequent scanty and often in drops with great pain, has frequent
stitching and shooting through the chest, is sleepless at night; she has gland­
ular swellings about the nipples. Study closely Merc.» Merc-c. is more active
Clinical: Eyes: ophthalmia involving the external layer of the cornea,
photophobia so great as to almost preclude a view of the eye, submaxillaries
swollen, severe burning soreness of the eyes; kero-ititis with adhesions; iritis,
especially if syphilitic; pains severe over and through the eyes, through head
and in temples; worse at night. Coryza: fluent, excessive, loss of smell;
burning heat, mucus discharge, nostrils sore. Nose: ozaena, ulcers in nose,
discharge excoriates, especially if there is a thick gluey discharge from the
nose, and always burning pain. Neuralgia, facial, especially if the pain seems
to be in the bone. M outh: aphthous in syphilitic patches, pains bum. T h ro a t:
sore, ulcers spread rapidly, smart and burn like coals of fire; worse heat;
glands greatly swollen, thirst insatiable, uvula and palatine arch greatly in­
flamed, throat ulcerated, burning and suffocation. Dyspepsia: soreness, dis­
tension, burning pain; desires cold and averse to hot drinks. Colitis, espe­
cially transverse and descending colon, great soreness and burning pain.
Dysentery: of the worst type; violent, copious bleeding, anxiety, intense and
persistent tenesmus of rectum and bladder, constant urging to stool and
urinate, burning in the rectum (the tenesmus is greater than that of any
other remedy, its nearest rival being Canth., the Canth. tenesmus is greatest
in the neck of the bladder, that of Merc-c., in the rectum). Albuminuria,
especially during pregnancy, and especially if gout is present. Cystitis, violent,
extreme tenesmus and burning. Nephritis, urine scanty, albuminous, more
or less mucus and pain in the neck of the bladder. Urine suppressed, coffee
ground vomiting. Gonorrhoea, greenish discharge, burning pain, tenesmus.
Phimosis, skin contracted over the head of the penis. Chancres that eat and
spread rapidly, for both male and female. Laryngitis, hoarse or aphonia,
burns, stings, as if a knife was cutting on swallowing food. Pott’s disease,
worse night, copious sweat. The most essential feature of Merc-c. is said
to be the phagedenic tendency of all inflammatory conditions. Influenza,
violent, burning, stinging, cutting pains in the larynx and trachea, tight across
the chest.


Clinical: So weak one cannot stand up. Necrotic destruction of soft

palate and fauces. Diphtheria, valuable for that form characterized by the
general mercurial symptoms and aggravations, with extreme prostration; it
invades the nostrils and there is threatened collapse and very small, rapid
and intermittent pulse. (Said Hering: “ If the remedy is given in the stage
of invasion, before exudation is deposited, it will not appear at all; as a
prophylactic it is equally effective; paralysis or other after diseases have not
been observed after this drug.’’) Always use the higher attenuations if you
would succeed with the remedy. Larynx, chronic ulceration, tonsils swollen,
breath offensive.


Original from
i \ / AI »
Is troubled greatly with affections of the mucus membranes, skin and
periosteum, is sensitive to warm air as far as the skin is concerned but the
neuralgias are sensitive to cold or damp weather. When the eruptions are not
out the skin is hot and wants something to cool it; the itching is worse bath­
ing in warm water, the face is sickly, pale, waxy and gray; has a sense of
apprehension, fear, faintness and goneness at the stomach as if something was
going to happen; from either pain, shock, or hearing bad news. The fright
goes to the stomach and causes this apprehensive all-gone hungry sense; the
tongue has deep cracks; is worse heat of the bed. The skin is constantly
irritated, biting, tingling, and itching that changes places on scratching; all
of which either begins or gets worse as soon as one gets warm in bed; is
nervous and compelled to move and change positions. The pains are worse
cold, the eruptions worse heat.
Clinical: Eruptions: vesicular; itch and burn like fire; dry into crusts
and disappear and new crops appear in the same place; vesicles form crusts
beneath which turn white like chalk and are thick, tough and leathery; often
elevated and fluctuate, pressure causes thick, white pus to ooze out, with
violent itching; the child tears the eruption with its fingers when the crusts
are present; on the scalp, like the preceding, preceded by a violent cough.
Headache: neuralgic, begins in occiput and extends over the whole brain,
scalp tender, pains bum, bore, extend to eyes and teeth and even shoulders;
cold shivers during the pain, parts sensitive to touch, scalp feels thicker over
the pain; or involving the supra-orbital nerve, one sided, worse heat; or in­
volves the ear, car sore as if bruised. Cranial bones sensitive to cold and
contact, swell, worse motion and p. m .; scalp itches and burns. Neuralgia:
ciliary, after operation on eye, especially removal of eyeball; pains radiate and
shoot downward, cold sense and especially soreness of the bone; infraorbital,
involves the face, could not wash the face; copious tears; worse heat, pains
leave numbness; as if from the teeth; worse at night, involves the head, Merc,
failing; violent, of face and head, after zoster; intercostal after zoster; always
worse at night and heat. Ears: deafness after suppression of head eruption,
tympanum thickens; otitis, chronic, as if the drum was exposed to cold air;
itching behind the ears; otalgia, violent, involves the face and teeth, chilly,
after abuse of Merc., or if M erc fails. Nose: oezena, chronic, part loss of
skull, burning pains in bones of nose and face. Periostitis of lower jaw.
Teeth: decay, pains bore and bum, involves bones of face and head, temporary
relief from drawing in cold air; feel dull, blunt and elongated, painful on
biting them or from fresh air. T hroat: sore, syphilitic, bums, dry, extends
down oesophagus and down into the larynx, hoarse, burning; better cold air
but it causes pain in the gums. Ulceration, syphilitic, of the oesophagus and
larynx, violent burning and soreness. Stomach: ulcers; bums, stomach un­
easy, eating relieves temporarily, hence constant desire to eat; always with
extreme distress as if the stomach was raw; vomits and passes blood from the
bowels. Diarrhoea: chronic, and the characteristic eruption, stool watery,
painful tenesmus, may involve the urethra; or sour, undigested stool, colic,
followed by chilliness. Constipation: stool dark brown and very hard; pro­
lapsus. Gleet: discharge watery, urethra sore, burns especially in anterior
part; gouty pains; urine bloody; discharge whitish, painless. Obstinate ul­
ceration of the vagina and cervix, albuminous leucorrhoea. Bones: periostitis:

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of long bones, especially tibia; violent burning pains at night, periosteum sore
and swollen; of femur, sensitive to pressure, burning pains to knees, parts
become erysipelatous and threaten suppuration. Pruritis of the aged, tem­
porary better wine and coffee; itching always worse at night, as of a thousand
needles crawling all over one; when the itching is most severe there is shud­
dering over the back and limbs. Itchlikc eruption after vaccination, deprives
the child of sleep. Ulcers: vesicles appear around, burn like fire, fiery red
areola shining like fire; covered with thick whitish-yellow scabs, under which
thick yellow pus collects. The chief characteristic is said to be: the moist
vesicular eruption with exudation of much thick purulent matter over which
thick scabs form, the intolerable itching and burning, worse scratching, and
the aggravation at night and from heat.

Has atony of the blood vessels, the capillaries are enlarged and spongy,
has sharp pains in the eyes and at the root of the nose, a sense of cool air
passing through the ears, internal haemorrhage arises if one lifts or is injured,
the urine is bloody and clots on standing, the pain in the kidneys is followed
by bloody urine, the seminal discharge fails during coition, blood surges
from the chest to the head, expectorates blood daily at 4 p. m., the haemor­
rhagic blood is bright red, has epistaxis with the congestion to the head and
Clinical: Veins: varicose: painful, on the limbs during pregnancy;
ulcerate and bleed. Teeth: give a dose of Mill, before extraction; also before
confinement. For the prolonged bleeding after a hard labor. Haemorrhage:
copious flow of bright red blood which is thin, no anxiety; in typhoid, tym­
panitis; from overlifting or internal injuries, or after miscarriage or a hard
labor; preventive of post-partum haemorrhage. Lochia: suppressed, no milk,
fever; pain, convulsive twitching. Expectoration of fluid blood with little

Clinical: Lancinating in back and limbs; left ankle swollen and red
with tension and lancinations.

Clinical: Uterine engorgement, atonic, bright haemorrhage and
dysuria. Catarrh of bladder, especially in women; neck of bladder swollen
and irritated; dull aching pain over renal region; urging to urinate, urine
high color, sediment whitish.

Clinical: Colic: gripping; severe pain in back and hypogastrium;
menses painful and excessive; as if contents of head had greatly diminished in
weight; distension and rumbling splenic flexure of the colon.

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Diniti7Pri hv ,oIr>

Has vertigo from the least motion of the head, is worse least movement
of the head especially and by eating or drinking, becomes suddenly faint with
great anxiety, has delusion of vision on closing the eyes, vomits green water,
has hyperaesthesia, is restless especially in the legs and wants them held ; he
has a sense of worms in them, trembles, twitches and jerks, clenches the jaw s;
is extremely drowsy and sensitive to pain.
Clinical: Piercing pain in the region of the heart with dyspnoea. Left
sole icy cold, as if standing on oil cloth. Paresis of internal recti: vision be­
comes unsteady. Trembles before and during a thunderstorm.

MOSCHUS (Mosch.)

Is hysterical, self-willed, selfish, obstinate, resorts to all kinds of cunning

to have the whims gratified, the symptoms become untrustworthy, often
erotic and unexpected, one cheek red and cold, the other pale and hot, the
reverse of Aeon.; sensitive to cold which brings on complaints, has fits of
anger and rage so violent that one often falls down in a faint; the face be­
comes fairly blue, talks of nothing but death yet dreads it; fears to lie down
lest one die; is in such a constant hurry, one lets things fall from the hands,
one feels as if being rapidly turned around; the mouth is dry and hot; is
thirsty, the sight of food makes one sick; great distension but passes no flatus
either up or dow-n; the urine is copious, colorless and watery; has increased
sexual desire; if one becomes cold one has laryngeal spasms, the a. m., sweat
smells like musk.
Clinical: Hysteria: of girls who have never been made to mind; easy
fainting, faints dead away from least excitement, even from eating; spasms
ushered in by contraction of the throat and suffocation; scolds until one falls
down unconscious. Headache: hysterical, copious pale urine; violent, neu­
ralgic, cold sense, better open air, worse warm room. Deafness: nervous,
after a mad fit. Laryngismus stridulus, in self-willed girls who fail to have
their own way. Croup, spasmodic, in child, after punishment. Asthma,
spasmodic, in extremely nervous women and children. Spasms of the chest
and diaphragm, face turns blue, foams at mouth, on becoming cold. Palpita­
tion of the heart in hysterical girls. Menses suppressed, hysterical spasms,
choking in the throat, fainting. Hiccup, spasmodic, nervous. Pregnancy,
complains of nothing much in particular. Laryngismus stridulus: nervous
women and children; crowing inspiration, excited by eating and laughing;
generally with spasmodic constriction of the larynx and chest and a sense
of impending suffocation. Dyspnoea, sudden attacks, violent cough, chest
fills with mucus, rattling, cramplike suffocation and constriction of the chest.
Croup, last stages, when all sorts of remedies have been used in vain. Spasms
of chest, hysterical, nervous suffocation, contriction of the chest on becoming
cold. Paralysis of lungs threatens, copious mucus which is expectorated with
great difficulty. Angina pectoris, chest tight, constant desire to take a long
breath. Whopping cough, extreme suffocation and rattling of mucus.
Dyspnoea, extreme palpitation and deathly anxiety.

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Is mentally depressed, memory weak, has a sinking at the stomach as if
it was gone, a constant desire to urinate and must rise often at night, a violent
sexual desire for an embrace on least touch of the sexual organs; she has a
distinct feeling of a womb and feels a sore pain in i t ; her menses are too
copious; has a sense of dryness and constriction of the womb; the pains shoot
from the ovary to the opposite breast, has a feeling of something pressing on
a sore spot in her pelvis.
Clinical: Polyuria, worse night; urine scanty, fetid, odor of valerian.
Prolapsus uteri: especially with a sharp pain extending upward to the breast;
or worse lying down; pain in the sacrum; or, leucorrhoca, green or bloody;
unnatural sexual desire, enlarged, indurated womb; or, great soreness of the
womb felt on sitting down; or, a sense of prolapsus, desire to keep legs
tightly crossed to ease the pressure. Metritis, chronic, after miscarriage or
labor, tender and sore over the right ovary extending up into the chest (r.).
Subinvolution after confinement, heavy pressure on the rectum. Piles swell,
greenish-yellow leucorrhoea which may be bloody, or discharge of blood from
the vagina during stool, loins weary, pain in lower limbs, sharp lancinating
pains in the womb. Pulsations in the neck of the womb.


Is prone to low forms of fever, has great muscular exhaustion, the jaw
hangs down, is so weak one slides down in bed, passes the stool and urine in­
voluntary, is restless, talk frets one, therefore one refuses to talk ; is forced to
lie on the left side to avoid vertigo, the eyes are better in the dark, cannot
bear the sound of voices, has nosebleed, the mouth is dry, the tongue as stiff
as parchment, has an empty sense in the stomach, also in the abdomen after
a. m. stool; the stool is involuntary while urinating, the anus prolapsed from
hard pressure to urinate, the breathing is short with rattling after drinking,
the tips of the toes burn and swell, sweating aggravates; she cannot bear the
least touch of even the sheet on her genitals.
Clinical: The image of Mur-ac. is found in typhoid and yellow fever.
Epistaxis, blood dark, putrid, in whooping cough, scarlatina, typhoid, diph­
theria, etc. Piles: dark, purple, extremely sensitive to touch; bleed, bum,
cut during stool, and burn after stool; better warm applications; worse bath­
ing in cold water; prolapsed rectum, stings, bites: especially useful during
pregnancy, bluish red, hot and very sore; of children, bluish, violent stitches,
very sensitive; worse touch, even the sheet is uncomfortable. Adapted to low
typhoid states, slides down in bed and mutters, sordes on teeth, offensive odor
from the mouth. Debility, muscular, after typhoid, diphtheria or the use
of opium, with restlessness. Toothache from cold drinks, ear involved; better
warm applications. Long lasting severe inflammation of the gums in scar­
latina. Tongue: mouth and, inflamed and ulcerated, hard lumps in the
tongue; always easy bleeding and tendency to slough; epithelioma, edges
bluish-red. Aphthous sore mouth: of nursing children and last stages of
wasting diseases; watery diarrhoea and irritable stomach. T hroat: ulcerated;
diphtheria; lips sore, cracked and scabby, sordes on teeth, fetid breath, epistaxis,
false membrane covers uvula and tonsils; more or less oedema, excoriating dis­
charge from the nose, hawks tough fetid mucus, typhoid state, prostration and


n 1A/ \/ih > Original from

little fever. Diarrhoea, purple or dark bluish piles protruding, especially in
feeble children suffering from gastric atony; muscular debility and threatened
marasmus; thin, offensive in old debilitated people who sink down in bed,
are restless and inclined to delirium; tongue dry, burnt, sordes on lips. C ar­
buncle, gums scorbutic. Ulcer on lower limbs, foul odor, chilly, weak. Fever:
scarlet, prostration, ulcers in mouth, intermittent pulse, discharges involun­
tary; typhoid, low forms, stupid type, hoemorrhage, dry tongue, involuntary
discharges, restless, or, very quiet, discharges involuntary, bed sores, aphthous
mouth, sinks down in bed.

Clinical: Bananas commended when baked in their skin as an ideal
food, and even a “cure” for brain workers, nervous persons and anaemics.

Is low spirited, depressed, has a dull pain in the head, the head often
jerked to one side, the muscles of the face twitch constantly, grits the teeth
at night, the words are jerked out in the effort to talk, the muscles of the
arms and legs become convulsive and uncontrollable, the muscles of one arm
and one leg, usually the right, twitch and jerk; cannot keep the hands in one
position for a minute, but the limbs are quiet during sleep.
Clinical: Chorea, with the above symptoms. Gonorrhoea, chordee,
urine increased, hot, scalds, stinging in the urethra.

Clinical: Cough: chronic, obstinate, expectoration copious, muco­
purulent; gags or vomits, worse during or immediately after eating; expectora­
tion most copious in the a. m., pain in the lower left side; not worse lying in
any position but painful during the cough and percussion; after typhus, severe,
either dry or with scanty expectoration; copious sweat day and night, eyes and
cheeks sunken, nose pointed and whitish.


Is despondent, irritable, drowsy, has a dull heavy sense over the eyes,
the eyes congested and yellow, the nasal discharge fetid and bloody, the face
yellow, the gums tender spongy and bleed, the taste is so foul one cannot cat,
the tongue is thick, dark, yellowish, dry, crusty and almost immovable, mouth
dry, stringy mucus is detached with difficulty from the throat, the pharynx so
dry it feels as if it would crack; has much distress in the epigastric region and
a dull pain in the right side immediately below the ribs and a dragging pain
in the back; the stool is light colored, the skin yellowish; her leucorrhoea is
fetid, thick and yellowish.
Clinical: Copious catarrhal discharge, especially if tenacious and dif­
ficult to dislodge and offensive. Cough,' tickling at night on lying dow n;
worse talking; expectoration copious. Headache: dull, a. m. on rising, pain
in nape of neck and small of back; better open air. Hunger, fullness of
stomach and abdomen; better open air. Jaundice: thick tenacious mucus


CZni >nlr> Original from

from the mouth though mouth and pharynx are painfully dry as though they
would crack, constant effort to clear the mucus from the mouth, pulse weak;
or, dull, heavy headache a. m., yellow sclerotica and face, tongue yellow,
drowsy, heavy, muscles sore and ache, pulse slow, urine dark and turbid.
Has scanty tenacious, crust-forming secretions on the tongue, mouth and


Has a pain in the upper left lung (Ox-ac., lower), right through from
the front to the left scapula, the pain mostly stitching but may be aching,
throbbing or burning, the throat dry, has a cough from tickling in the chest,
the cough dry and hollow; worse a. m. and better p. m .; also worse from
every change in the weather.

Clinical: Susceptibility to magnetism and to the personal aura of
others; irritable, pain in the occiput; worse p. m.


Is conscious of the heart, around which all the complaints seem to settle;
feels as though someone had struck one a blow on the head and neck; a
sense of oppression at the chest as though a hot iron had been run in and a
heavy weight put on top of it; has an acute pain under the left thumb nail
running up the arm; the heart is depressed, a pain about the heart extends to
the neck and left shoulder and arm, grasps at the throat from a choking sense,
awakens gasping and is worse at night; the palms sweat, the pulse slow; she
has a sense as if her heart and ovaries were drawn together.
Clinical: Naja is almost closely confined to the heart and is most use­
ful in heart affections with a paucity of symptoms; its repertoire in the main
is covered by Lach. It is a splendid remedy for both sexes of school children
with heart troubles, with apparently no other symptoms. Hay fever in
August, with suffocative attacks, sneezing, watery discharge from the nose,
inability to lie down at night, nose and air passages dry. Cough dry, hacking,
palms of hands sweat. Headache: congestive, especially occipital, quick, nerv­
ous pulse; a. m. on waking. Bronchitis, larynx and trachea raw. Asthma,
cardiac, prevents lying down. Cholera: collapse stage, pulseless, dyspnoea.
Diphtheria: impending paralysis of the heart, blueness, awakens gasping, in­
termittent pulse, thready; fauces dark red, breath fetid, short, hoarse cough,
upper part of trachea feels raw. Angina pectoris, unable to speak, choking,
nervous palpitation, hypertrophy and valvular disease, pain after riding in a
carriage, extends to the left scapula. Neuralgia of the left ovary, palpitation,
pain about the heart. Palpitation, persistent, no heart disease. Rheumatism,
articular, after, severe pain in heart to shoulder, neck and arm, deathly
anxiety, wakens one from sleep, palpitation, constriction, dry cough.


n Original from
Clinical: Hay fever, sneezing, eyes inflamed and painful, head hot.
Asthma and bronchitis, better open air, chest and stomach sore, must un­
loosen the clothing. Emphysema of the lungs, dyspnoea, sighing respiration,
better violent motion, as if one could not get the air out of the chest. W hoop­
ing cough, long continued paroxysms, cannot inspire.

Clinical: Diarrhoea, stools copious, dreadful griping, senses obtuse,
fainting, hands and sweat cold, salivation.


Is rheumatic, malarial, the symptoms appear especially in the a. m., and
at midnight and from exertion, the veins of the eyes are red, the face pale, is
liable to have an eruption around the mouth, the taste sour, has hiccup, cutting
pains in the stomach after eating; milk especially causes diarrhoea which is
worse at night; the urine is especially albuminous, the expectoration is espe-
ially purulent and offensive with the cough, the limbs rheumatic, the feet
especially are cold, the ankles weak and turn easily; wakens early, the symp­
toms are predominently on the right side, walking in the open air aggravates
one physically but relieves one mentally; is easily frightened, has a weak
memory, is subject to periodical headaches that are especially worse noise; the
hearing is acute for noises, is worse while sweating and is averse to uncovering
at that time; she has a protracted scanty menstrual flow and a copious thick
offensive yellow leucorrhoea.
Clinical: Coryza: worse open air .cough, fluent or dry, or fluent alter­
nating with dry; discharge copious, especially watery or bloody crusts. Diar­
rhoea, worse during the night; especially after milk; pain during and after
stool, especially burning, tenesmus during stool. Asthma of miners from
coal dust. Diphtheria: throat dark, purplish, swelling, prostration; little
pain, uvula hangs down like a sack of water; surface cold, covered with cold,
clammy sweat; heart oppressed, pulse weak, intermits. Conjunctivitis, mem­
brane very rough, eyes dry and painful; granular lids. Catarrh, nasal: supra­
orbital headache, eyes burn, discharge watery, throat dry; worse a. m .; pain
at root of nose, discharge passes into the throat and has to be hawked up;
nose constantly feels stuffed, eyes more or less affected. Tuberculosis, hectic
fever, night sweats, emaciation, racking cough, copious greenish expectoration.
Eruption on the chest, dark brown scaly spots on a red base; no itching.


Has constant vomiting, the tongue looks like a piece of raw beef, the
conjunctiva inflamed, the eyelids oedematous, the breath has a gangrenous
odor, has periferal inflammation of the nerves, wrist drop and paralysis of
the left leg.

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Has a pale, shiny, wax}’ skin that looks as if it had been smeared over
with grease; is emaciated especially about the neck, is nervous, irritable, pros­
trated ; appears to bid for sympathy yet angry when consoled; young girls
become lovelorn and fall in love with married men; both noise and music are
intolerable; is worse in the warm room and better from moderate exercise
in the open air; the primary discharges are watery, the secondary thick and
whitish, like the white of an egg and are thick, white and gluey from the
eyes, ears and vagina; the urethra smarts only after urination; is unable to
pass urine in the presence of others (Ambra, stool), the itching is better
sweating, the mammary glands emaciate, the white leucorrhoea turns green
gradually, the mucus membranes are all dry and the food sticks all the way
down the oesophagus; is at times so bloodless that a cut only oozes water; is
extremely thirsty.
Clinical: This remedy belongs to hysterical girls and is their chronic
Ign. There is a down on the face that passes away as the patient improves.
Bottles filled with brine make excellent hand granades. Salt sprinkled in the
haunts of bed bugs is said to end them. Headache: as if the skull would
be crushed in; pains like little hammers on beginning to move, especially on
waking from sleep; begins at 10 or 11 a. m. and lasts until 3 p. m., or some­
times later; must go to bed and keep perfectly quiet; or, if the head is cov­
ered warmly is better moving about in the open air. Spine irritable, worse
coughing or walking, better lying on or pressing back against something hard.
Chills begin at 10:30 a. m., beginning in the limbs which become blue, during
the coldness one desires cold drinks. Marasmus of children bom in malarious
districts, that have voracious appetites, eating much, butt like Iod., emaciate.
Hydrocephalus, acute diseases resulting in, or in spinal irritation. Dropsy,
after, malaria, Natr-m. shows its good effects in returning the original chill.
Labor, after, when the mother does not progress, she is weak and excitable,
lochia prolonged, copious and white, hair falls and the milk disappears.
Chlorotic girls with a greasy skin, a greenish-yellow complexion, who only
menstruate occasionally. Menses: delayed, in young girls; difficult, from
wet feet. Catarrh, nasal, copious, thick, yellow mucus discharge; complete
loss of taste and smell, Puls, failing. Coryza: dry, cracked lips, especially
swelling, eruption around the mouth of vesicles or hydroa; chronic naso­
pharyngeal, especially with a. m. aggravation; loss of taste, weak, uvula
elongated, or, wore at seaside; especially in cases due to the abuse of Arg-n.
Hay fever, watery discharge from the eyes and nose, and loss of smell. Stom­
ach: thirst, sour belchings, heartburn, especially waterbrash; great weakness,
sinking at the pit of the stomach. Abdominal weakness and sinking of the
abdominal muscles and viscera, extending down into the pelvis. Women
have to sit down to prevent prolapsus. Piles: pains sting, ooze a glutinous
moisture; herpetic eruption about the anus. Uterine troubles, better lying
on her back on a pillow. Sterility, menses early and copious, prolapsus, ab­
dominal muscles weak. Leucorrhoea acrid, copious, greenish, itching, smart­
ing, constipation. Chlorosis of girls, menses difficult and delayed, headache
before and during the menses, abdomen sore and weak, often diarrhoea, colic,
thirst and dry mouth. Bronchitis, tickling from behind the sternum up to
pit of throat; cough causes bursting headache, involuntary urination, tears
and palpitation, may be worse at night in bed; cough, stitches in chest and


_______ Original from

sides. Heart: especially valuable in hypertrophy, attacks worse lying down,
especially on the left side; weak, faintlike sense; feels the need to lie down
often; hands cold, limbs numb. Backache: weary, better lying, back feels
broken; between the paroxysms of intermittent fever. Eruption in bends of
knees, itches, smarts, oozes acrid fluid making skin sore, forming crusts and
cracks. Fever: intermittent, chill begins at 10 a. m., thirst, pain, throbbing
headache, often coldness about the heart, finally sweat that brings relief;
malarial, stitches in hepatic region during the apyrexia. Eyes: asthenopia,
especially muscular, muscles of eyes feel drawn and stiff when moving them,
letters and stitches run together while sewing, eyes ache w'hile looking in­
tently. Hyperaesthesia of retina, burning and tears a. m., conjunctiva in­
jected, on looking at bright light; photophobia, and sticking in temples, on
reading objects seem to swim before the eyes. Ophthalmia, scrofulous, after
abuse of Arg-n. Neuralgia, facial, periodic, especially after suppressed ague,
constipation, togue shows clear mucus slime and little frothy bubbles at edges;
vomits clear phlegm or water; after quinine. Evil effects of silver nitrate.
Colic, bilious, having the belchings of Carb-v. and the pains of Col. Diar­
rhoea: chronic, watery, fever, thirst, dry mouth, involuntary, painless, as
soon as one moves about; fetid flatus, worse during the day; farinaceous food
and a. m. till afternoon. Constipation: obstinate, stool irregular and re­
tained, hard and unsatisfactory; on alternate days; stool dry and crumbly;
worse during the menses; anus constricted or torn, bleeds, smarts and bums
after stool. Gleet, discharge of clear mucus, or transparent watery slime,
after injections of Arg-n. Labor progresses slowly, pains weak, from sadness.
Whooping cough, tears stream down the face during the cough. Anaemia,
depressed, palpitation, cold about the heart. Brain-fag, irritable, forgetful,
unable to fix the attention; limbs numb. Melancholia: weeps, pain in oc­
ciput, chilly, restless; or, during pregnancy, fears child will be marked; or,
despairing, hopeless of future; dry mouth, constipation, anaemia, palpitation;
or, constant dwelling on past events, weeps if looked at; or, at the age of
puberty, headache on waking; patchy tongue. Hysteria, weeps and laughs
alternately. Eruption on scalp, usually at the borders of the hair, especially
at the nape and behind the ears, skin sore and red, discharge glutinous and
mats the hair. Eyes: the eye affections are worse any use of the eyes, espe­
cially when there is burning and smarting as from salt, when the vision be­
comes blurred after reading a little, or if waking in the a. m. with headache
and soreness of the eyes after having read the night before. Especially useful
after the abuse of silver nitrate. Ears: catarrh, chronic, deaf, noises especially
cracking while chewing. Nose: coryza, fluent or stoppage, sense of dryness,
or sudden discharge of clear water, tears, obstruction, loss of taste and smell.
Emaciation while living well, especially about the neck.


Clinical: Diarrhoea, fainting, cyanosis, bitter belching, tongue heavily


Results of mental exertion or sexual vices, or both, is especially worse
p. m.; anaemia is marked, is averse to open air and to bathing; milk especially


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i - \ : _ : a. : ___ _i n a. a Ir>
disagrees, is nervous, oversensitive, forgetful, sad from music; the discharges
are a creamy yellow, the face especially pale and white about the nose and
mouth, eruptions appear especially on the nose, the tongue is coated golden
yellow at the base as is the roof of the mouth; the appetite is ravenous, later
wanting; the eructations arc especially sour, the urine albuminous, the sexual
desire is increased in both sexes; respiration is difficult, the cough worse sit­
ting, the chest feels empty after eating; after a thunderstorm there is anxious
palpitation, the legs, feet and especially the hands are cold; the ankles weak;
is sleepy in the forenoon but sleepless before midnight; sweat on the least
exertion, especially if during the day; the skin is sensitive, the eruptions have
golden yellow scales and a honey colored discharge; her leucorrhoeal dis­
charge is the same golden yellow color.
Clinical: Headache: worse from mental exertion, sexual excesses and
during a thunderstorm, and uncovering the head; periodical, pulsating. Eyes:
ophthalmia, yellow creamy discharge; strabismus from worms. Nose: Ca­
tarrh: discharge offensive; nasopharyngeal, thick, yellow mucus. Yellow
creamy look on soft palate. Tongue: thin, moist coat, or, moist, creamy
golden yellow coat at its base and on palate. Dyspepsia: acid; flatulent, sour
belchings and vomiting, sour taste and the characteristic color of the throat
and tongue. Diarrhoea: greenish; from acidity; flatulence, afraid to pass
flatus lest the stool escapes. Semen thin, watery, odor of stale urine. Maras­
mus of bottle fed babies, abdomen swollen, liver enlarged, colic after eating,
Iienteric stools. Diseases of children from too much milk and sugar. Ery­
sipelas, “rose,” smooth, red, shiny, tingling, or painful red swelling of the
skin, intense itching.


The mind and nerves are weak, cannot stand mental exertion, the ankles
are especially weak, has a special aversion to the open air; the occiput pains;
has a marked lack of vital heat, marked lassitude and desire to lie down; is
easily frightened and starts from noise; the discharge from the nose is offensive,
thick and purulent; the submaxillary glands swell, the mouth and throat are
dry, the breathing deep, difficult and short; the expectoration offensive and
purulent and often tastes salty, the feet are cold, the dreams anxious and
vivid; is markedly sensitive and there is sweat on the least exertion; is espe­
cially worse evening and night; she is sad and weeps during her menses;
there is aggravation forenoon, and motion and relief from lying.
Clinical: Abscess, it relieves the pain and hastens the flow of pus.
Headache: especially from mental exertion, in occiput; worse p. m.; noise
and uncovering the head; better pressure and hot application. Catarrh, nasal,
discharge offensive, thick and yellow. Diarrhoea, a. m. and p. m., from
milk, painless, stool bloody, slimy, thin watery. Constipation, stool hard,
light color, burning pain during and after stool. Restrains progress of cancer
of cervix. Cough, especially at night, expectoration purulent, offensive, tastes


Is giddy, has vertigo on rising from lying, noises in the head, is deaf
with intense tinitus aurium, the feet sweat and are tender, the veins dark

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color and enlarged, the inguinal glands are irritated, is weak, depressed and
prostrated, both mentally and physically; the temperature subnormal and the
pulse slow.


Clinical: Laryngeal phthisis, hoarse, expectoration of small lumps of
bloody mucus.


Is bilious, resulting from malaria and very apt to have a sycotic back­
ground, is especially worse in rainy weather, is very sensitive to night air, is
affected by living near waterways and in damp places, is anxious, irritable,
extremely despondent and tired of life, restless; dreads music, it makes one
weep; becomes sad when sitting near a mellow light, as a stained glass win­
dow; suffers from catarrh, the discharges greenish, the mouth is always full
of slime, mucus seems to well up from the stomach, it comes up with belch-
ings or coughing and is always foul and slimy; desires the open air and feels
better walking in it; is worse in the Spring and warm weather; is cheerful
after stool, the pains are worse thinking of them (like: Ox-ac.), the tongue
is heavily coated greenish-brown, the taste bitter; has a sense of weight
in the right hypochondrium in the region of the liver with cutting and aching
pains; can lie only on the right side as one gets an all-gone pain or sense in
the chest if one lies on the left; damp p. m. air causes oppression of the chest;
the lumbar region pains if one attempts to retain the urine; the urine is loaded
with bile and of a blackish hue; the soles of the feet burn clear up to the
knees at night.
Clinical: Head: chronic effects of injuries to the skull, without or­
ganic affections; ache: especially in the occiput; as if crushed in a vice, or as
from the gnawing of a dog. Cerebro-spinal meningitis, pain in the occiput
and back of neck as from the gnawing of a dog; head drawn back. Eyes:
granular; conjunctivitis, burning tears, maculae on cornea; and of lids with
warty tendency; stiff knees and cracking joints. Otalgia, lightninglike pains,
stitching; always worse damp weather or wet ground. Catarrh: nasal:
thick yellow discharge, often bloody with scabs, offensive; always hawks up
salty mucus, chest oppressed; or, stuffed, tongue red, dryness, burning, pus
greenish on exposure to light. Toothache: better holding cold water in the
mouth; pharyngeal, mucus copious, tenacious, thick and white. Dyspepsia,
acid, heartburn and flatulence. Colic, pain in region of right groin, over
abdomen. Jaundice, brown tongue, loose stool. Diarrhoea: stool thin, yel­
low, liquid, gushing, often involuntary; worse a. m. after moving about;
preceded by rumbling in the abdomen, copious flatulence, pain and soreness
over the liver which is worse every jar; often with suppuration around the
nails; or, blood in the stool and pain around the shoulders; great desire for
ice water; greatly better kneading the abdomen; stitches run up into the left
side of the chest; chronic, stool sudden, scanty, light red or bloody, forcible,
sometimes involuntary when passing gas; worse cold food or drink, eating or
damp weather; tight clothing intolerable; discharge from the ear; cheerful
after stool. Rectum ulcerated, impulse to suicide. Prostate enlarged. Gonor­
rhoea, chronic, discharge remains yellow and thick, or greenish; almost pain-

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less. Condylomata, soft, fleshy, greenish discharge. Bronchitis: sycotic pneu­
monia or, worse 3 or 4 a. m., glairy expectoration, vomits after eating; worse
damp weather. Asthma: cough at night, sits up and holds the chest; worse
cold, damp weather; if a child give Natr-s. as the first remedy. Dyspnoea
and depression during damp weather; better open air. Cough, all gone sense
in chest; holds the chest with the hands during the cough, chest feels as if
it would fly to pieces and is sore; every cough brings up a mouthful of sputa.
Aversion to life with photophobia. Asthma: humid, in children of sycotic
parents; copious viscid mucus, in every spell of hot weather. Ulcers on outer
part of thigh. Suppuration and ulceration around the nails; ulcerative pain
under the nail and in the tips of the fingers; pain more bearable in the open
air. Sciatica on rising from sitting or turning in bed; no relief in any posi­
tion. Constipation, hard knotty stool, especially with scanty menses.


Clinical: Diarrhoea, chronic, stool watery, looks like yeast; worse

after eating; face, except cheeks, whitish, waxy, cheeks of a light freckle
color; weakness; pain in right scapula as if bathed in hot water.


Clinical: Fever, chills, cold sense, pulse rapid, palpitation, thirst and
headache, ending in copious urination and sound sleep.


Clinical: Headache: a. m., after rising; worse till noon; pressure on

vertex, dullness; all day, in forenoon, with vomiting of bile; worse in the
room, better in the open air; nervous, of literary men and others, who are
weak, asthenopic, weak digestion, constipated; must sit up and hold the head
with the hands during the cough. Hiccup, violent especially p. m. Diarrhoea
and tenesmus after milk, especially a. m. Whooping, dry, hacking, like the
tick of a clock in regularity, long continued; child must be held up during
the cough otherwise it would be seized by spasms; extreme dyspnoea; no ex­
pectoration. Cough loose, hacking, day and p. m. and at 9 a. m., has to put
arms on thighs while coughing. T hroat: sore, right side, very tender and
sore to touch; roughness better coughing, worse talking and yawning.


Clinical: Epilepsy, aura in upper jaw ; vision indistinct, eyes sensitive

to light; jerking respiration; coldness, from tips of fingers over trunk; empty
faint sense at stomach; as though a sharp brush had been drawn through the
oesophagus to the stomach.

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Clinical: Typhoid fever, symptoms of cerebral paralysis. Gallstones:
incarcerated; beat up with the yolk of an egg and apply externally. Proso­
palgia, from taking cold during stormy weather, on both sides, photophobia,
burning heat in the cheeks, especially worse eating, worse least mental dis­
turbance, more frequent in W inter and Spring.


Is weak, nervous, trembles, extremely sensitive especially to cold, always
chilly and taking cold, has weak reaction, pain as if the flesh was torn off thf
bone or as of a splinter in his inflamed parts and ulcers, the urine smells like
that from a horse and one usually carries a bam yard odor, the edges of the
orifices bleed and grow warts, the discharges are thin, bloody, offensive and
excoriating, the breath and saliva foul, the tongue usually coated yellow, the
discharges often a dirty yellowish-green, is never so comfortable as when riding
in a carriage, hears better while riding in a carriage or on a train, refuses con­
solation on ones misfortunes, feels a splinter in the nose, is thirstless, the face
is pale, sallow and sunken with dark rings about the eyes, nose and mouth,
moving about or riding in a carriage relieves the nausea, is usually constipated,
the rectum feels full and cannot expel the contents, has a sense of a splinter
in the rectum, has a constant acrid moisture about the anus, nearly all the
pains are splinterlike; is worse cold, cold air, cold water and washing.
Clinical: Old scars become painful in cold weather. Prolonged sup­
puration in glands with no tendency to repair, sticking pains. Headache:
worse noise of the wagon in the street yet often better riding in a carriage on
a smooth road; as if in a vise from ear to ear; worse cold, often better heat;
sensitive to the hat; as if in the bones, as if constricted by a band; worse at
night. Iritis: stinging, stitching pains worse at night and changing from
warm to cold room, and in the cold air; syphilitic; worse lying down; sense
of water running from the eyes. W arts on the eyes that bleed easily, with
sense of sticks in them. Discharge from the ear fetid, brown, ichorous and
purulent, after scarlet fever. W arts form in and around the nostrils. Tip
of nose red and scurfy. Diphtheria, when the ever-present splinterlike sensa­
tion appears. Hernia, inguinal, of weakly infant boys (don’t forget the
urine). Carbuncle, sensitive to touch. Piles: painful to touch and at stool,
bleed, burn, stick during stool; ulcerate and discharge copiously blood and
pus; breaks out in sweat from the pain, is anxious and pulsates all over; that
have ceased to bleed, but are painful and pendulous. Condylomata: on genitals
and around the anus; splinterlike sensation; bleed easily, sensitive to touch.
Gleet, splinterlike pains on touch or when urinating. Ulcers that destroy the
fraenum (Calc.). Splinter sensation under the finger and toe nails. Phage­
denic blisters on toes (G raph.). Chronic intermittents in cachetic persons,
copious night sweats, weak, and the horselike urine, from some parts bleeding
of dark blood; thirstless in all stages. Convulsions, epileptiform, at night on
going to bed, during the day frequent vertigo, always better driving in a
carriage. Eruption on head: moist, burns; hair falls. Ophthalmia from
abuse of potash and Merc. C atarrh: nasal: discharge into the pharynx, sense
of obstruction; acrid, watery, at night; yellow, offensive; corrodes; cough at


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night. The nasal discharges are mostly fetid, with a sense of obstruction or
a dropping of water from the nostrils. Eruption, herpetic, on wings or tip
of nose, tip red and covered with vesicles. Face: caries of the bone, especially
the malar, which becomes red, sore and pains as from splinters. M outh: gums
become unhealthy and bleed easily; teeth loose, saliva bloody, putrid odor
from the mouth; ulceration; fetor, ulcers spread rapidly and sharp splinterlike
pains on touch, the ulcers may extend to the throat and simulate diphtheria;
ulceration of sides of tongue, tough ropy mucus; the mucus membranes of
the mouth are apt to get between the teeth and are easily bitten. Throat
sore, splinterlike pains on swallowing, copious saliva. Diphtheria: high fever,
nausea, vomits, deposits on tonsils and posterior walls of pharynx, as of a
foreign substance on swallowing, cutting pains; excoriating discharge from
nose and comers of mouth, as if the discharge from the nose affected the
stomach, uneasy, averse to food. Rheumatism and soreness of the palate
muscles after severe influenza. Rectum: ulceration, severe pain after stool;
extensive ulceration after dysentery, which had been badly treated by injec­
tions. Anus; fissure, constant oozing of fetid moisture, frequent burning stools,
raw, smarts, as if cut with a knife; stricture, pus accumulates in fistulous
ulcers. Constipation, stood hard, scanty, painful burning in rectum. D iar­
rhoea: burning, slimy stools, violent colic, discharge usually offensive, dark
green, or watery, with pieces of membrane varying in size, like scrapings of
intestines, occasionally blood streaked; violent cutting pains lasting for hours
after stool. Dysentery, discharges very painful, great tenesmus and frequent
futile efforts to stool. Urethra ulcerated, smarts and burns on urinating.
Albuminuria, pressive pain in renal region, fetid breath, scanty urine. Cystitis,
violent pain in the region of the bladder and passage of almost clear blood,
urging to urinate. Sexual: especially useful for venereal ulcers when they
bleed easily and the pains are splinterlike. Condylomata on prepuce, offensive
oozing, also herpes. Orchitis, pain in cords extend to abdomen. Leucorrhoea,
yellow and acrid. Cervix uteri inflamed, eroded, discharge yellow; warty
excressences. Haemorrhage, uterine, obstinate, pressure in hypogastrium, pain
in thighs, strong smelling urine; aching in the rectum after stool. Gonor­
rhoea, discharge yellowish or bloody, severe pain on urinating, testes pain and
swell, condylomata about the genitals and anus. Cough: worse forepart of
night, as if chest was too full, pain as if bound by an iron band, chronic,
from the larynx, stings, smarts, as if ulcerated; at night, paroxysms fatigue,
from laughing or crying, weak. Pneumonia of the aged. Phthisis: hectic,
chest sore, haemorrhage from the lungs, expectoration offensive, bloody and
purulent. Nodes, syphilitic, on shin bones, severe night pains. Ulcers bleed,
spread rapidly and ooze offensive pus. Fever: scarlet, tongue red, discharges
foul; typhoid, offensive bloody stools, purulent, great prostration, especially
with sore tongue, intermittent pulse and herpetic eruptions between the
fingers. All the secretions and exudations are offensive and corrosive, often
purulent, dirty, yellowish-green and not laudible. Pneumonia of old people,
pain suddenly abates, pulse becomes smaller and quick.


Clinical: Epilepsy, drowsy, aura begins in forehead with pain, rhyth­

mic movements of arms and legs.

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Clinical: Sore mouth and throat, dysphagia, intermittent salivation,
headache, drowsy, slow digestion, sticking pains.


Clinical: Diarrhoea, yellow, worse early a. m., around 4 to 6, worse
least excess of any kind. Impotency: headache; after coition, painful shocks
in hams and pain in flanks; better pressure; weakening nocturnal emissions.


Is drowsy p. m., sleeps till 4 a. m. when one wakens and lies awake for
an hour or so, then falls into a troubled, drowsy sleep from which one wakens
late feeling wretched; is fiery, excitable, irritable, ready to fight at the drop
of the hat, is oversensitive to all external impressions, everything makes a
strong impression on one, is nervous and desires to lie down, wishes to be
alone, cannot bear conversation or reading, is angry when consoled, the throat
feels as if scraped, is constipated from irregular perstalsis of the bowels
therefore the ineffectual urging to stool, is drowsy p. m. and yawns and gaps,
is worse especially around 4 a. m. or if disturbed or from loss of sleep or
mental effort or any dry, cold weather; better unbroken sleep and heat except
the head. She, like Cham., has a bad temper before and during her menses,
Cham, does not know it, Nux docs.
Clinical: M ind: irritability from mental strain at night; disposition
passionate and jealous, angers easily; indescribable anxiety, gets no rest,
tongue coated, nausea, vomits, trembles; fiery temperament; hypochondriasis
from sedentery habits or sitting up late at night, diarrhoea and constipation
alternate. Headache: congestive, face bloated; worse a. m.; frontal, nausea,
vomits, desire to press head against something; persistent, recurs after sleep;
from abuse of coffee; congestive, piles, feels bruised; worse walking or drinking
coffee; congestive, tears gush on attempting to open the eyelids, covers eyes or
buries them in the pillow. Neuralgia: supra orbital every a. m .; infra orbital,
involves face, eyes water, nose runs, numbness, from abuse of coffee or liquor;
ciliary. Conjunctivitis, catarrhal, photophobia a. m. Keratitis, photophobia
a. m., child buries eyes in pillow; better later in the day. Hyperaesthcsia of
the retina a. m., resist the attempt to open the eyes, tears gush. Amaurosis
from alcohol or tobacco, vision restricted. Asthenopia from retinal hyper-
aesthesia. Otalgia, pain intermits, worse going into a warm room or in bed.
Deafness, roaring, auditory canal dry and sensitive, coryza, itching in the
Eustachian tube, headache, nausea, creeping chills. Coryza from dry cold
weather, nose stuffed and seems dry, or sometimes a little watery discharge;
worse in the house, better in the open air; prevents nursing in infants; snuffles;
from sitting on cold stones; a valuable remedy in the beginning. Eustachian
tube itches, tickles, tingles, compelling swallowing (Gels., coughing). Neu­
ralgia: facial, periodic, a. m. Toothache: tearing, extends to the head; better
heat; neuralgic, from taking cold, even in healthy teeth, as if the teeth would
be wrenched out; worse cold air and especially after eating. Ulceration of
the mouth and gums, fetid odor. Throat: catarrh, sore, smarts, burns,


. n /"v n lo Original from

from cold or nervous shock. Lumbago, back feels bruised and lame, must sit
up in bed to turn over, the longer one lies the worse it gets. Spinal irritation,
limbs lose their power easily, become numb and go to sleep easily. Paralysis
of lower limbs from overexertion or from being soaked, sensation impaired,
legs cold and bluish. Acne of face, skin red and blotchy; from cheese. Gon­
orrhea, after abuse of Cub. and Cop. Fever, intermittent of children, shaking
chill, blue mottled skin especially on covered parts, a. m. chill, great thirst,
fever, tendency to spasms as the chill passes off and sweat comes on, and the
characteristic constipation. Spasms that are renewed by the least touch, often
immediately, cease when grasped tightly. Epileptic fits that come on during
stool. Sweat, like Opi., wants the covers off. Asthma and coryza from de­
ranged stomach. Convulsions, tetanic, conscious; from indigestion. Disposed
to lie down and rest. Paralysis: from apoplexy, in high livers; partial, with
vertigo and nausea.


Is subject to hysteria, appears dazed, is automatic in actions, forgetful,
appears to be in a dream, has no recollection of past events, always ready to
go to sleep, keeps awake with difficulty, the eyes look heavy, faints if com­
pelled to stand long as if having a garment fitted, the mouth so dry that the
tongue sticks to the palate, is sensitive to wind, a draft and to damp air, is
thirstless yet will hold water and succulent fruit in the mouth to relieve the
dryness, becomes dazed and sleepy while walking against the wind, the stools
are difficult though soft, has a tendency to syncope from least cause.
Clinical: The coma of typhoid and intermittents. Haemorrhages.
Aphonia of hysterical persons, when walking in the open air, mouth dry, dis­
appearing when entering the house. Dysmenorrhoea: from exposure to cold,
riding in the wind or living in damp houses; mouth dry, thirstless, wakes at
nights with dry mouth with a sense as if the tongue would stick to the roof
of the mouth. Especially useful for lean women who have lost flesh, breasts
flat. Hysteria: during pregnancy, faint attacks; abdomen enormously bloated,
mouth dry. Coma, almost complete insensibility, slow comprehension. Un­
conscious during acute attacks, inclines to become. Bewildered sense in­
creasing to faintness and unconsciousness. Brain feels loose on moving head
or walking, worse hot weather. Headache: congestive, the pain seems to be
just under the bone; from overloading the stomach. Neuralgia: over left eye,
constrictive, burning, stinging pain, face red, articulation difficult, unconscious
when attacks are violent. Toothache during pregnancy. Always wakes with
excessive dryness of the mouth and tongue. Nausea and vomiting and fullness
of the stomach impeding breathing during pregnancy. Dyspepsia: worse
mental effort, stomach and abdomen excessively bloated from any unpleasant
emotion; appears while eating, as if the food formed hard lumps, stomach
sore. Diarrhoea: like beaten eggs, undigested, copious putrid stools, fol­
lowed by drowsiness and even faintness, flatulent distension of abdomen,
the worst kind, after cold drinks during Summer; exhausting, of children,
great drowsiness, worse at night. Worms in children, cutting colic, great
drownsiness. Menses suppressed: persistent fainting spells; mental confusion,
cold limbs, drowsy. Haemorrhage, uterine, obstinate, repeated fainting,
mouth and throat dry; thick dark blood. Pregnancy, during: mind be-


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wildered, repeated syncope; abdomen distended. Abortion, threatened in
hysterical females disposed to fainting, feel chilly, take cold easily, con­
tinued and obstinate flooding. Aphonia: nervous; apparent constriction of
vocal cords; from walking against the wind. Neuralgia of sacrum and
coccyx, especially when driving in a carriage. Skin cold, never sweats, the
dryness extends to the mucus membranes, sensitive to cold moist air. Its
chief characteristic is said to be: a sleepy drowsy condition with all com­


Clinical: Renal colic, especially right side, violent vomiting, subject
to pain in the ureters, one wrings ones hands, moans and crys, the urine may
be saffron color or thick and purulent, with large deposits of red sand.


Clinical: Epileptiform convulsions: during pregnancy: of child before
outbreak of exanthemata; worse during menses; suddenly falls backward;
masseter muscles rigid; foam at mouth; black in face; utters a loud cry
before falling. Cough, tickling, rattling in lower part of chest, thick, frothy

Clinical: Diarrhoea, chronic, exhausting, watery, almost involuntary,
without effort, which relieves. Numbness, general, warm sweat, urgent
desire to urinate; better stool and urination. Cholera infantum and the
Summer diarrhoea of children, exhausting, almost involuntary discharges.

OLEANDER (Oleand.)
Is peevish, melancholic, has a weak memory, slow perception, the head­
aches are better looking crosswise, biting itching on the scalp, a ravenous
hunger, eats hastily, thirst and desires cold water, digestion weak, passes
undigested food eaten the day before, has biting itching all over the body,
the skin very sensitive and easily chapped, the child is much troubled with
soiling its clothing from passing flatus.
Clinical: Hemiplegia preceded by vertigo. Headache: better forcibly
squinting; worse a. m. after waking, waking difficult, face pale, tongue
coated white, pulse slow. Vertigo: on looking fixedly or down, or on rising
in bed. Crusta lactea, eruption moist and scaly, especially on the occiput and
behind the ears, after scratching there is burning and soreness and some­
times itching. Digestion excessively weak, ravenous hunger, vomits food
and greenish water, followed by renewed hunger. Pulsation in the stomach
as of a heart beating. Diarrhoea: of phthisis; contains undigested food
eaten the day before.

( 218)

Original from
Clinical: Asthma, chronic, nervous, from suppressed foot sweat.
Scirrhus of right breast, pains dart forward out of the nipple. As if pulled
forcibly upward; malar bones; both testes, and painful.


Clinical: Cough: soreness; palpitation; dry, hacking, at night, tough
expectoration, yellow or white, chest sore especially on coughing, sharp
stitches through the chest, burning through to back. Fever, worse toward
p. m., pains burn; cough better as fever comes on. Ringworm (plain oil
applied at bedtime is said to be almost at once the most innocent and most
effective of local measures). Atrophy of infants, head and hands hot, bones
affected, tendency to catarrh, night fever, sweat mostly on head, neck and
hands, cannot take milk, restless. Malacosteon affecting the female pelvis.
Bones of adults soften. Cold abscesses. Tabes messenterica, child pale,
cachetic, emaciated, abdomen tumid, liver enlarged, messenteric glands swol­
len. Hoarseness of well advanced stages of phthisis. Fluttering sense, like
the movements of a watch, beginning in the sacral region and gradually rising
to the occiput. Hip joint diseases, especially if the trouble originates in the
bone itself.

Clinical: Headache: dull, worse occiput, may extend dowm nape or
over one side of the head, generally left, dizzy or nauseated either before or
after the headache pain in or over the corresponding eye, with a stiff strained
sense in the eye; worse reading or near vision; or, deafness, roaring in the
ears with hissing, dull pressing pain in the occiput; worse p. m., with pain
in the ear and shooting in front of the auricle, vertigo, catarrhal otitis media.
Myopia, dull stupid ache in right side of occiput and right eye; worse fatigue,
coughing or sudden motion; vertigo and strained sense in right eye. Vertigo,
ears ring, unable to lie on left side or raise the hands above the head. Sexual
excitement, constant severe erections, pain in dorsal and lumbar regions, legs
and feet numb and tingle.

Clinical: After excission of ovaries. Climaxis: acnea rosacea and
other skin diseases. Acne and seborrhoea in chlorotic women. Symptoms bet­
ter during the menses.

OPIUM (Opi.)
Is inactive, torpid, the sufferings are painless, is sleepy, subject to oc­
cipital headache so severe that one is unable to raise the head from the pillow,
lacks reaction, is constipated and the rectum fills up with round, hard, black
balls, which must be dug out as there is no expulsive power, nor is there power
to expel the urine, on swallowing food it either goes the wrong way or retuns
through the nose; wants nothing and has no symptoms yet the temperature is
high and one is covered with a hot sweat and yet one does not complain of


Original from
being sick; denies that one is sick, the face is besotted purple and bloated, the
eyes glassy, the pupils contracted, the delirium, if any, is of a happy sort; has
a sense of undue heat, a sinking all-gone empty sense at the stomach, not bet­
ter eating; a deathly sinking nausea (look to Cham, for relief, if caused by
Opi.) ; is overwhelmed with anxiety and fear, and the fear of the fright
Clinical: Most of the complaints are attended by stupor. Ulcers, per­
fectly painless, neither cat, granulate nor spread, are numb and insensible.
Convulsions: if the room is too warm, or of children from a hot bath. Cere-
bro-spinal meningitis, opisthotonous, head drawn back; convulsions, kicks the
covers off, wants the room cool, skin red, face red and mottled, pupils con­
tracted. Fear, when the fear of fright remains, as with Arn. (but with Opi.
it is in the daytime, while Arn. dreams of it at night.) Opi. eaters, like
whiskey drinkers, are chronic liars. A general tendency to twitching of
the muscles, or a tremulousncss of the head, arms and hands, with occa­
sional jerks, especially of the flexors. Spasms: puerperal, coma between
spasms; from fright, especially in infants, ushered in by a loud cry, face purple,
hot sweat. Delirium, worse least amount of alcohol, expression of fear.
Mania, violent, in low types of fever, frightful fancies, fear they will be
executed for crime and attempt to escape, staring, twitching facial muscles
and trismus. Stupor, complete, in low types of fever, eyes and mouth open,
speechless, muscles rigid, that condition may alternate with delirium; attempts
to escape, head and face flushed and dark, breathing sighing and slow, involun­
tary stools. Apoplexy: extremely valuable, stupor, limbs cold; a great pal­
liative in cerebral haemorrhage; threatened, of drunkards, occiput feels heavy
as lead, stertorous breathing, limbs numb and jerk, hot sweat that does not
relieve. Tongue partially paralyzed; also pharynx; speech difficult, unable to
swallow. Colic: tympanitis and obstinate constipation; violent, bowels ob­
structed, faecal vomiting. Constipation: inertia of bowels and especially of
the rectum, no inclination to stool, gas in upper part of bowels causing great
pain; especially from enemas of soap and water. Catarrh and ulceration,
chronic, of ileo-caecal region; persistent discharge of great quantities of flakes
of mucus, constipation, faecal stoods and completely covered with mucus,
complete atony of the lower bowel and accumulation of hard balls of faeces.
Cholera infantum: involuntary offensive stools, weak, dark red face, col­
lapse and sleepy, or, when the discharges have been suppressed and the child
has become unconscious, pupils have become insensible and the face flushed.
Diarrhoea, during typhoid, abdomen bloated. Colic, renal, cold sweat. Urine
retained, especially after fright or labor. Cough: at night, from tickling in
Iraynx, dry, spasmodic. Paralysis of lungs threatens, superficial respiration
with an occasional deep breath. Catarrh, bronchial: dyspnoea, suffocative
attacks during sleep, deep snoring respiration, unable to lie down with com­
fort; or, wakes with suffocation, dyspnoea and blue face. Pneumonia: com­
plains of heat of bed, profuse hot sweat and tendency to stupor; infantile, in­
flammation disguised by symptoms of cerebral congestion, oppression and
stertorous breathing. Chills, congestive, head hot, stupor throughout the
paroxysms, snores, mouth wide open, limbs twitch, followed by copious sweat.
Ailments from excessive joy, anger or shame. Asphyxia, after Aeon., if the
pulse remains imperceptible and face purple. All ailments painless, complains
of and asks for nothing. Sleepless, hearing so acute that the clock striking at
a distance keeps one awake.

( 220 )

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Clinical: Tendency to swear; nausea from stomach to bowels, with
sense as if diarrhoea would set in; as if the bowels had settled down into the
hypogastrium; urine bloody; coldness, pains stick and prick; numbness and

Clinical: Headache, fronto-occipital, worse motion, better rest; or,
dull ache in occiput and cervical region down to scapulae, head heavy with
a constant desire to move it though it gives no relief.

Clinical: Masturbation, morbid sexual excitement forcing one to mas­
turbate, lascivious ideas and dreams, hysteria; she is sad, but that is dispelled
by thoughts of marriage. Leucorrhoea with sexual irritation.

Clinical: Cancer: of the stomach, unable to keep anything down; bet­
ter warm food, worse cold drinks; pain at night in stomach to hands and
between the shoulders, tongue red and coated at back, constipation or diar­

Clinical: Neuralgia: supra and infra orbital, tears. Glaucoma, irides­
cent vision, severe pain around eyes. Coryza, violent, fluent, tickling in
larynx, dyspnoea. Laryngitis, acute, cough, efforts to vomit, increased secre­
tion of stringy' mucus. Cough: spasmodic, great effort to expectorate but
compelled to swallow the mucus; fingers twitch; sounds as if coughing into
an empty tube; from irritation in larynx or low down in the chest. Heaves
of horses. Osmium makes the urine smell of violets, the belchings of radishes
and the axillary sweat of garlic.

Clinical: Headache, dull, pain in back and shoulders, cutting, sinking
pain in abdomen; tongue coated yellowish at back, appetite absent for break­
fast and dinner, nausea.


Clinical: A taste as of fresh eggs in the mouth.

( 221)

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Diniti7f*r1 hv C Z c \ l ,o 1 p
Has affections especially of the heart, spinal cord and brain, trembles,
has convulsions and numbness of the body and limbs, blue fingertips and
lower limbs; is worse motion and exertion; has palpitation alternating with
aphonia, the pains are violent, shooting, tearing; worse thinking of them; the
sight vanishes with the epistaxis, the face pale and blue, the gnawing in the
stomach is better after soup, the stomach pains are increased by sugar; coffee
acts violently on the heart and causes diarrhoea; has stitching pains in the
liver; better deep breathing; the urinary troubles are worse thinking of them ;
has tearing pains in the spinal cord, the heart flutters, the benumbing pains in
the back are better after stool, numbness extends from the shoulders to the
fingertips, the hands are cold as if dead.
Clinical: Headache: in spots; pressing; sore, tender spots on the
scalp; worse wine. Diarrhoea: from coffee; stool watery, of mucus and
blood; involuntary; tenesmus during stool causing pain in the head, from
straining; worse coffee; stools copious, frequent, watery, ineffectual urging.
Angina pectoris: in weak, nervous women, paroxysmal breathing, violent,
rapid, with intervals of normal breathing, jerking inspiration, forced expire
tion. Pains: in small spots, very violent and last but a short time; of rheu­
matic gout, especially worse sweat. Nose, pimples in right nostril, rip red,
shiny, swollen. Gastralgia, a sense of coldness between stomach and navel.
Colic about the navel, as if bruised, stitches and difficult passage of flatus;
worse motion, p. m. and night, better rest. Dysentery, stool of blood and
mucus, before stool, colic, after stool, nausea and pain in calves. Neuralgia
of spermatic cord; worse least motion. Amenorrhoea: from taking cold;
great asthenia. Congestion and inflammation of the base of the left lung.
Palpitation coming on after lying down at night. Angina pectoris, numb­
ness, pain worse least motion, like sharp stitches, confined to a small spot,
lasting but a few minutes; sharp, darting pain in left lung and in the heart.
Neuralgia of the spine, begins between the shoulders, spine tender, pain in
occiput. Spinal symptoms: back and limbs numb and weak; whole body
numb, limbs cold and motion lost, pains dart and lancinate, especially in left
lung and about the heart, jerking inspiration and forced expiration; dyspnoea,
worse motion. Sclerosis, post-spinal violent shooting pains down through the
limbs, dyspnoea and numbness, or pain in small spots lasting but a few seconds.

Clinical: Its chief characteristic is said to be: Trembling and a sense
of emptiness.
Clinical: Piles: anus fissured, pain intolerable during and after stool;
surroundings purple and covered with thick crusts; ulcers, cracks and rha-
gades. Ulceration, painful, round sharp-cut edges, exude much moisture.
Fissures, much oozing, atraucious pains during and after stool, prevents sleep,
must walk the floor all night. Ulcers: below the coccyx; chronic, especially
on parts below the navel; from pressure, as from bedsores or ill-fitting shoes;
pains severe, shooting; obstinate, on jaw; on right instep blistering the foot;
on the breast from unhealed abscess. The dreams of Paeon, are terrifying.
Diarrhoea, pasty, after stool burning in anus and internal chilliness.

( 222 )

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Has pride that is easily injured, is affected by least real or imaginary

fancied neglect; seeks the good opinion of others and attaches great importance
to them; is better in society but worse afterwards; has discharges of glairy,
jellylike muscus; the pains are fleeting and hard to describe; is irritable and at
times given to strong language; lively conversation aggravates; has a sallow
complexion, inclines to constipation, the pains are better pressure; her right
ovary is principally affected; she is apt to have a transparent, jellylike leucor-
rhoea which is worse before and after her menses.
Clinical: Headache across the top of the head from ear to ear, a sense
as if the head was swinging from behind forward and the brain shaken.
Ovaritis: right ovary; swollen, indurated, soreness and shooting pains from
navel to breast where there is heaviness. Neuralgia of right ovary, drawing
downward during and after the menses; worse moving and standing, better
rubbing and lying down; uterus feels prolapsed, headache, nausea, glairy
mucus in throat and glairy muscus leucorrhoea; sore over right side of ab­
domen, pain shoots from left thigh; pain in region of liver and spleen, flatu­
lence, constipation, frequent urination, sticking in urethra; pain in different
parts, change about, lassitude, cold hands and feet. Leucorrhoea, jellylike
before and after menses, heaviness and weight. Uterine displacement, con­
stant pain in back and limbs, limbs cold.


Clinical: Knifelike stabs; stinging, twitching, wrenching and electric

pains extend from part to part, and alternate; pain in the stomach alternating
with pain in the throat and spine; head is sensitive to touch.


Clinical: Cystitis: constant urging to urinate, violent pain and strain­

ing; worse midnight to a. m .; stranguary, can only urinate while on knees
and pressing head against the floor, urine scalds whole length of urethra; urine
strongly ammoniacal, contains large quantities of thick, white mucus; worse
early a. m .; pain in thighs (Berb., hips); as if the bladder was distended,
pain worse after urination, neuralgic pain in anterior crural region going
downward, urine clear and of high specific gravity; urinous odor, no pus, and
often increase in mucus. Prostate enlarged, dysuria, constant urging with
inability to urinate, feet and legs swollen, catheter can only be passed after
a warm bath. Colic, renal, pain from left kidney along urethra to groin;
blood passes. The pains extort screams.


Clinical: Renal calculus, nightmare, dreams of being buried alive

among ruins.


r \: n /"Vi \/aI/> Original from

Has a sense of expansion and consequent tension, head feels as if ex­
panded and scalp too tight, eyes feel too large for their sockets and were pro­
jecting and being drawn backward tightly as if by a string to the middle of
the brain; is garrulous, vivacious; fish especially smells putrid to one; body
pains especially if touched, often feels as if a ball had lodged in the throat,
right side of body feels cold, the left hot; is worse p. m. and motion; objects
feel rough to the touch, the mucus secretions are green and tenacious; is sen­
sitive to offensive odors; meat and bread often smell like putrid meat; has a
fetid odor from the eyes, is hungry soon after meal, has a sense of weight on
the nape of the neck.
Clinical: Headache: neuralgic, and the characteristic feeling of a
thread drawing the eyes backward to the middle of the brain; occipital, w ith
a sense of weight; head feels like a bushel and the walls too thin. N euralgia:
facial, hot stitches in the malar bone (1.) which is very sore; begins in left
intercostal region and extends into left arm which becomes stiff, fingers
clench, with weight in nape; of spine, pain located about sixth cervical ver­
tebra, extends upward, and downward to the shoulders; weight, numbness,
heat, top of head so sore that one could not brush the hair, eyelids heavy; of
coccyx, pulsating, sticking, on sitting, and pain between scapulae. C atarrh :
bronchial, expectoration of viscid mucus a. m. and p. m .; laryngeal, green
tenacious expectoration. Hoarseness, constant hawking of mucus, burning
in larynx.

Clinical: Has been used for breaking off the morphine habit and to
produce sleep. Cholera infantum, restless, excited, spasms. Neuralgia, nerv­
ous, sleepless. Is said to be of little value in sleeplessness from pain.

Clinical: Delirium tremens, illusions of vision, catching at imaginary
objects fighting one another.


Clinical: Pains lancinating, stitching and pressing; sense as if the chest
opened on drawing in air; unusual longing for coffee, to smell and drink it.

Clinical: Asthma, quick, labored breathing, cannot lie flat or on the
left side; chest constricted especially on right side, preceded by 2 or 3 days
of sneezing and coryza, burning in throat and chest, fullness in head, pulse
quick and wiry, followed by copious expectoration of tough, stringy, frothy


ri 1 Original from
Clinical: Industrious, eager and aptitude for study and work.

Clinical: Gastric irritability of children, persistent vomiting and
diarrhoea, other remedies failing.

Clinical: Paralysis, numbness, weight of eyelids, weary, cold saliva,
cold internally and inside of bones.

Affects predominently the mind and skin, becomes dizzy and confused,
loses the way in the street, has strange imaginations, thinks another person
in bed with one, or that a child is in bed with one; has a special tendency to
eruptions about the back of the neck, cracks appear in the ends of the fingers
and backs of the hands, the skin is rough, ragged, exfoliates, bleeds and the
tissues become hard about the palms and nails; all the eruptions itch violently
and one must scratch until they bleed, one scratches until the parts become
cold; the heart feels cold and there is also coldness in spots; fissures appear in
the comers of the eyes with great itching; all the mucus membranes itch as
do the Eustachian tubes; has obstinate eruptions on the genitals and perineum,
the feet and axillae are dry and offensive, moisture appears on the genitals of
both sexes; there is general relief in the warm air.
Clinical: It is said that no remedy corresponds to more cases of chlor­
osis in young girls. Diarrhoea: during the day, cough at night; worse at
night; has a gnawing hunger that drives one to eat, yet causes pain if one does
eat; emaciation, eruptions, unhealthy ragged fingers that never look clean;
cannot wash them and they chap; from indigestion, stool offensive, flatulent,
consisting of green mucus, sometimes dark, with blood, often sore along colon.
Gonorrhoea, itching in posterior half of urethra with a discharge that almost
drives him wild and keeps him awake at night; rubs the perineum to relieve
the itching, especially in the early stages, discharge white or yellow. Graph,
is analogous to Arn. in bruises. The sweat in the axillae is so pungent it can
be smelled as soon as one enters the room. Headache: vertigo and from
riding on a ship or other conveyance, with an all-gone hungry sense that
drives one to eat; begins in occiput and extends forward; occipital, nausea,
especially during sea sickness; occiput to vertex, vertigo, stiff neck, muscles
swell, pain better rapid motion of hands. Congestion of the mucus mem­
branes with much itching. Eruption: the oozing is thin and watery, that of
Graph., gluey, honeylike and sticky; thick crusts and deep cracks on hands;
herpes of perineum itch and burn; fissures on tips of fingers, bleed, crack and
become sore; worse cold weather; eczema of ears, fetid discharge, increased
wax, deafness, roaring. Chilblains that itch, burn and become purple. White
branlike scurf on nipples, itch, always peeling off. Delusions of another sick
in the same bed, or of two sick babies and she could not care for both; espe-


n /Ai \ n I/> Original from

worse right side. Cough continuous and suffocative, sputa purulent and hor­
ribly offensive. Eructations that smell of bed bugs. Abnormal sleepiness
after confinement. Bronchitis and emphysema, rapid breathing, cough com­
pels one to sit up day and night, sleepy, ulcers on legs with tearing, sticking
pains. Extremely offensive expectoration, in the last stages of consumption.
Fever, intermittent, pain in arms.

Clinical: Herpes along dorsum of penis after eating apples.


Is mentally weak, physically tired, too tired to even talk or think,
apathetic, indifferent, wants to be let alone, cannot collect one’s thoughts,
loses ideas, the pains are better motion, from weakness the penis becomes re­
laxed and he cannot finish the act; has vertigo as if floating in the air while
lying in bed with ringing in the ears and glassy eyes; has aches and pains all
over the body that are better motion and sometimes pressure and worse cold;
the complaints come on slowly with slowly increasing prostration, scrofulous
people are apt to have pains as if the bones were being scraped with a knife,
especially at night; after stool there is a sinking sensation in the abdomen, the
urine as passed is either milky or becomes so on standing, as if flour or chalk
had been stirred in it; diarrhoea often ends up the complaints giving relief;
the hands are cold, the feet hot.
Clinical: Ailments from: excessive fatigue, grief, mental shock, dis­
appointed love, long study, business worries, care, sorrow, chagrin, home­
sickness, and of weak school girls who become relaxed from every little effort;
especially with drowsiness, emaciation and night sweats toward a. m. The
mental symptoms develop before the physical; reverse of Mur-ac. Hysteria,
extreme nervousness and debility. Delirium, stupefaction. Comprehension
dull, especially in low types of fever; he is difficult to arouse; it requires
time for him to collect his thoughts and answer. Valuable in nervous ex­
haustion from excessive fatigue; he has headache on attempting to use the
mind. Fever, low, complete apathy and indifference, answers reluctantly;
cpistaxis, tympanitis, involuntary stools, mouth dry, weak, decubitus. Head­
ache: crushing, in vertex, appetite lost; occipital, pain in nape of neck, from
exhausted nerve power or excessive grief; congestive; of school girls, from
least mental exertion or use of the eyes; from being talked to; pressure from
above downward as from a weight. Hair turns gray early and falls, from
mental strain. Eyes: blepharitis, lashes fall out; sty on upper lid. Lips dry
and covered with brownish crusts, in fever. Tongue gluey in choleraic dis­
eases. Cancrum oris after measles, in syphilitic children. Teeth turn yellow.
Gums degenerate and bleed easily. Speech difficult, tongue swollen. Dyspep­
sia, acid, belches food half hour after eating, cramps in stomach. Spleen en­
larged, tympanitis. Lower coecal region sensitive. Diarrhoea: often ends
the complaints; stool thin, whitish gray or watery and yellow, painless, pre­
ceded by rumbling; stools do not exhaust even though undigested; after eating;
valuable for the painless diarrhoea during cholera epidemics; of children dur­
ing Summer, stool watery and so copious that a napkin is useless, stool odor-


n /A W'l I /> Original from

less, and docs not weaken the child; stool white gray like dirty paint; averts
the chest troubles that might arise from brainfag. Urine: milky; has a wrhite
jellylike sediment; contains phosphates, aching in small of back; incontinence.
Impotency, excessive sensibility of the parts and the seminal discharge either
before or soon after the erection. Seminal emission; the fluid escapes readily
after urination or during sleep; valuable for the effects of seminal emissions,
as vertigo, brainfag, impotency, weak back, burning in the spine etc. Testes
swollen and tender to touch. Chlorosis, leucorrhoea, menses early and copious,
copious urine, debility; meteoristic distension of the womb. Prostatorrhoea
immediately after an erection. Bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis: hoarse,
cough that seems to come from the pit of the stomach, cough often dry p. m .;
mucus expectoration in small balls. Cough: worse a. m. and p. m., after
sleep and from cold air; spasmodic, from sense of dust in the air passages, ap­
parently down as far as the pit of the stomach. Palpitation, nervous, espe­
cially from masturbation. Pneumonia: prolonged, with the mental symptoms,
lack of reaction and infiltration; the disease unable to take a normal course.
Anaemia: lips and tongue pale, face, hands and feet waxy; spinal, from
sexual excesses, palpitation, impotency and pain in vertex. Back, small of,
weak, lower limbs heavy, from sexual excesses. Hip-joint disease, fever,
sleepless. Ulcer: on legs, atonic, pains burn, sting. Acne, from onanism.
Fever: prolonged, ending in weak heart, palpitation and the mental symp­
toms; after the fever: abscesses form in the muscles, molecular weakness about
the ankles and over the tibia where the flesh is thin; typhoid, with the char­
acteristic mental and physical symptoms. Is said to be the chief remedy in:
spermatorrhoea and sexual neurasthenia, also in diabetes.


Has a strange craving for cold food and especially for ice cold drinks
which are usually vomited as soon as they become warm on the stomach only
to be followed again by violent thirst; is anxious if one turns on the left side;
the chest feels too tight or as if one had a load on it, is forgetful, sad, irritable,
mentally and physically exhausted, very susceptible to external impressions,
becomes nauseated on putting the hands in warm water, gets hungry even in
bed and feels better after eating; especially desires cold meat; the face is
pale ashy and anaemic, the muscles relaxed, the chest weak, the heart palpi­
tates; has fear arising from the stomach (reverse of Kali-c.), eating relieves
all the nervous complaints, all the complaints are worse: cold and cold ap­
plications and better heat and warm poultices except the head and stomach
which are better cold; is worse by: mental exertion, wetting the head, p. m.
till midnight, when alone in the dark and especially lying on the left side.
Clinical: Fatty degeneration is marked feature. Cancerous ulceration
with profuse bleeding. Paralysis, post-diphtheritic, or pseudo-atrophic, epis-
taxis, diarrhoea, numbness, unable to grasp objects. If given before an opera­
tion, said to prevent shock and nausea. Removes the effects of Camph., Iod.
and excessive use of salt. Antidotes the nausea and vomiting of chloroform.
Is rarely indicated in the beginning of acute diseases, as Phos. has little fever.
Slight wounds bleed copiously. Mental and physical exhaustion, vertigo,
limbs tremble. Softening of the brain, especially with vertigo, stupidity,
answers slowly, constantly tired. Brainfag, cerebellum feels cold. Insanity,

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especially with ideas of one’s own importance, of his grandeur, or his riches.
Hydrocephalus, acute, child dull, sleepy, vomits drinks, as soon as they become
warm on the stomach, copious greenish diarrhoea, prostration. Brain: tired,
as if one could not get it rested; neuralgia, as of a rush of blood to the head;
worse after washing. Shocks in head after mental strain. Dandruff, copious,
falls off in clouds, roots of hair turn gray and dry, hair comes out in bunches,
itching worse scratching; hair falls in circumscribed spots. As of a heavy
pressure on top of head. Brain feels stiff as if paralysis impended. Exostosis
of skull, violent tearing pains at night, glands swell, faint, emaciation. Head­
ache: of laundry women (from ironing: B ry .); Phos. is said to have cured
more cases of headache coming on while thunderstorms are about than any
other remedy. Night blindness, a sense as if everything was covered with a
gray mist or veil, especially after sexual excesses. Cataract: letters look red
while reading; flashes of light before eyes. Asthenopia, muscular, deep pain
in eyes after reading. Amaurosis, right eye, from sexual excesses, liver fatty.
Deafness: nervous; one’s own voice re-echoes. Nose: polypus, copious bleed­
ing. Catarrh, chronic, green bloody mucus; caries of bones and jaw; fanlike
motion of wings. Necrosis of lower jaw, destruction of gums, red dry stripe
through center of tongue. Neuralgia: facial, especially involving jaw, pain
goes to root of nose and temples, face hot and bloated; worse eating and talk­
ing; of head, which has to be wrapped up night and day; worse windy
weather and a. m. Toothache of laundry women, from having their hands in
water. Retarded development of speech in children. Haemorrhage from
the stomach, better drinking cold water. Gastralgia, excruciating pain as if
from knives, or burning, or constricting, or great external weight. Gastritis,
liver swollen, vomits blood and mucus, tongue yellow. Burning heat in
stomach to back, faint, empty sense in stomach and bowels. Gastric troubles
always worse in hot weather. Enteritis, chronic, stool pasty yellow. Pan­
creatitis, stool greasy or like cooked sago. Jaundice, malignant* sleepy. Liver:
fatty degeneration of heart and hectic fever, night sweats. Diarrhoea: stools
copious, pour out like water from a hydrant, very exhausting; worse lying
on left side, and warm or hot food and drink; better cold; chronic, painless;
worse hot weather; stool fetid or contains particles like little grains of tallow;
undigested, involuntary. Constipation: ineffectual urging, burning like fire
in intestines. Piles, a small stream of blood with every stool. Paralysis of
sphincter ani, anus always open. Polypus recti with proctitis. Urine milky
white. Bright’s diseases, especially when the urine contains fatty casts. Renal
calculi, purulent, chalky or sandy sediment. Impotence, sexual excitement,
seminal emissions, exotic dreams, especially in young men who are trying to
restrain their passions, yet the local erethism remains. Nymphomania with
sterility. Metrorrhagia, especially in nursing women, also in uterine cancer.
Menses: copious, followed by great weakness; membranous; suppressed; vi­
carious. Antiversion, cervix ulcerated, leucorrhoea copious, acrid, vagina full
of condylomata. Larynx: acts more prominently on larynx than any other
remedy; inflamed, sensitive, hoarse, even aphonia, pain interferes with speech.
Hoarseness, painful (reverse of Calc.). Bronchitis: night cough, frothy ex­
pectoration; chest oppressed, violent cough, urine involuntary. Cough: worse
lying on left side; hacking night cough; worse lying on back or left side;
chronic, seems to start from pit of stomach, easily caused from any excite­
ment; worse in the presence of strangers (stool: Ambr.; urine: Natr-m.).
Pneumonia: broncho, pleuro, typhoid: especially after the febrile symptoms


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have subsided, great oppression of chest as from a weight; especially worse
lying on left side. (Kent says: “ If all at once at 1, 2 or 3 a. m. the patient
begins to sink, his nose becomes pinched, his lips drawn, he takes on a hippo-
cratic countenance, is covered with cold sweat, is too weak in every part of
his body to move and only moves his head a little and in a restless manner, un­
less you give him a dose of Ars. at once he will die. This will warm him up
and make him feel that he is going to get well, but as soon as this is accom­
plished you must give him at once the antidote which is Sulph., or you will
fail; or, if after Ars. the patient rallying goes into a fever coming on with
a burning thirst and cannot get enough ice water» then follow with Phos.” )
Phthisis, thin, tall persons, having a sense of weight on the chest, tormenting
cough, salty or sweet expectoration, hoarse, palpitation, unable to lie on the
left side or back, tendency to painless diarrhoea and mental and physical in­
dolence. Spine: irritation, burning between the scapulae (reverse of A m -m .);
caries of vertebrae, heat near back intolerable, as of a tight band around body.
Sciatica, burning pain along back of left thigh and legs, limb weak, walking
difficult; worse lying on left side, better lying on right side or back; worse
motion, cold air and p. m.; better warm covering. The joints affected most
are the hip and knee. Paralysis: locomotor ataxia, burning in spine, formica­
tion and exhaustion; after exposure to drenching rain, sense of quicksilver
moving up and down spine; formication and tearing in limbs. Psoriasis of
palms and soles. Fever, typhoid, liver and spleen swollen, painless diarrhoea.
Chlorosis, anaemia, from too rapid growth, excessive muscular weakness, deep
seated chronic cases. Chorea of children who grow too fast. The character­
istic skin of Phos. is waxy, clear, pale or yellow. Abscess, red streak start
from the opening. Ulcer: large, surrounded by little ones, bleed on least
touch; fistulous, erysipelatus, bluish, radiate, burn, sting, hectic fever, night
sweats, diarrhoea, anxiety toward p. m. The first remedy to be thought of
in fatty degeneration of the organs, the liver and kidneys especially. Apoplexy,
grasps the head, mouth drawn to the left. Constipation with long, dry,
hard stool.


Clinical: Locomotor ataxia, worse closing eyes; teeth crumble, w ith ­
out pain; articulation and swallowing difficult; diarrhoea, anus weak.


Clinical: Coryza, eyes sore, chest and throat sore, dyspnoea.

Clinical: Tetanus of horses. Ccrebro-spinal meningitis, stage of
tetanic rigidity, head retracted, pupils contracted, later dilated, heart’s action
weak, tumultuous and irregular, breathing hurried and irregular. Eyes pain
after using them, flashes of light, twitching of lids and around eyes. Used
physiologically to tear adhesions of iris. Myopia, spasms of ciliary muscles,
especially with symptoms of irritability, pain after using eyes, flashes of light
and black specks. Near sightedness from a blow, can only see objects that


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are near because the muscles of accommodation are rigid. Menses irregular,
congestion to eyes, palpitation, often tonic spasms, every muscle rigid but
without loss of consciousness, sighing respiration. H eart’s action spasmodic,
feels the pulse through the whole body, especially in the chest; heart’s beat
felt distinctly in the chest and head. Extreme faintness but not unpleasant.
Has a peculiar kind of sleeplessness. All the secretions are increased, especially
the tears and saliva.


Has troubles that all center around the breasts, the breasts are so sore
that when the child nurses she almost goes into spasms with pain that extends
down the back and limbs and all over the body; the face is pale, sunken and
hippocratic, blue around the eyes, the complexion yellowish, the tongue dry
and thickly coated yellow at the base, the lips ulcerated, often sharp, cutting
pains in the hip draw up the limb; has aching bruised soreness over the body;
pains come on in the night from heat of the bed; is worse in cold, damp
Clinical: Phytolacca is preeminently a glandular remedy, centering
around the mammary glands,, the glands inflame and become hard. Nursing
women: who, when taking cold, have inflamed breasts and the milk coagu­
lates and becomes stringy; when every tribulation makes the breasts sore; or
when she has no milk, or when the milk is scanty, thick and unhealthy, or
dries up too soon. Diphtheria: glands of neck, especially parotids and sub-
maxillaries, inflame, bones ache, fetor from the mouth, tongue heavily coated,
backache, nosebleed, muscles sore; vertigo and nausea on trying to sit up,
frontal headache, pain shoots into ears, especially on attempting to swallow;
face flushed, tongue much coated at back and furred, red at tip, breath fetid;
putrid, vomiting, dysphagia, tonsils swollen and covered with membrane; first
on left side; ash colored exudate on tonsils, uvula and back part of throat;
albuminuria, sore across the kidneys, scanty dark urine; pain about knees,
back and limbs ache. Nodes, syphilitic, on skull and shin bones. Cicatrices,
old, of mammary glands. C atarrh: distressing, lingering, inveterate, destroy­
ing the bones of the nose; total obstruction of the nose while riding; must
breathe through the mouth; nasal, pain at root of nose, stoppage of one nostril.
Ear: swelling around left, like erysipelas, extending over scalp, very’ painful.
Rheumatism: acute, prolonged; worse at night, heat of bed and warm appli­
cations; syphilitic or gonorrhoeal, joints red, swell, glands swell; worse damp
weather; pains fly from one part to another, patient pale; obstinate, of heel,
only better keeping heel higher than body; subacute, affects long bones espe­
cially, pains bum, shoot, always worse at night and in damp weather. Head­
ache, dull, frontal, as of soreness of brain, or a feeling as if the brain was
bruised, on stepping down; worse wet weather. Ophthalmia, acute, rheu­
matic, lids feel as if on fire. Blepharitis, styes, tumors, lids thicken and in­
durate, crusts form. Choroiditis, suppuration, lids inflame, hard, swollen,
hypopion. Suppuration of cornea threatens. Ears, neuralgia, especially right,
shooting pain on swallowing. Dentition difficult, child cries, moans, restless,
feverish especially at night; continually wants to bite on something hard
which seems to relieve. M outh: ulceration of inner surface of cheek and
edges of tongue, thick tenacious secretions in mouth. Tonsils enlarge, espe-

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dally of a bluish color; sense of xraping, rawness and often dryness in
pharynx. The general indications in sore throat are: rawness or roughness
internally, with stiffness of the muscles externally, backache, headache, vertigo
and worse right side. Constipation: of the aged, weak, pulse intermits; pains
shoot from anus into penis. Nephritis, pain and soreness over kidneys, espe­
cially right; urine dark red, even mahogany color, urination often and painful.
Bright’s disease, chronic, even after convulsions appear. Laryngitis, dry,
croupy cough, burning in larynx and trachea; worse at night; catarrhal,
worse at night, especially with enlarged tonsils; worse cold, damp weather.
Breasts: especially useful in inflammation after the acute symptoms have sub­
sided; there is a violent pain whenever the milk flows into the breast, espe-
tially when nursing; pains start from the nipple and radiate over the whole
body, especially up and down the spine; tumors, enlarged axillary glands,
breast has a purplish hue and pains radiate over the whole body; inflamed
even during pregnancy; nipples sore, cracked and intense suffering; abscess,
fistulous ulcers; full of hard painful nodes. Endo-carditis, chronic, pains
shoot into arm, especially right. Sciatica: violent tearing pains down to foot;
pain in outer side of thigh, left groin sore, desire to lie down. Tendency to
boils and carbuncles, glands swell, pain burns; worse at night. Ulcer, chronic,
surrounded by boils. Fever, scarlet, scanty mahogany colored urine, skin dry
and rough, tongue dry and sore, tonsils purplish; worse at night.

Clinical: Urethritis, calculi, urine excoriates, passage frequent. Cys­
titis, urination painful, much mucus and pus. Gonorrhoea, urination painful,
much mucus and pus.


Is weak mentally and physically, goes from weariness to paralysis, is
sensitive to wet weather yet cold air and cold bathing are grateful to one,
the troubles arise from loss of sleep and mental worry, boils and pustules
appear in the auditory canal, the urine contains sugar and albumin and is
of high specific gravity, has violent erections especially at night, has pain in
the occiput and spine, the limbs arc heavy, the back so tired one cannot sit
erect, the lower limbs tremble and are numb and weak and often prickle as
from needles, is better after prolonged rest, she has extreme exhaustion at
her menstrual period.
Clinical: Brainfag, indifference, taciturnity, unable to think or use
ones mind. Headache: of children when beginning to study, or after ex­
aminations at school; of brain workers and business men, or from depressing
emotions, extreme prostration, better cool, worse heat; eyes and, worse reading
fine print; occipital, violent, always worse mental effort, fatigue; pains
generally throbbing. Sexual: turns normal desire into lust, and restores
impotency and spermatorrhoea from that source; impotency with a tendency
t>o boils and carbuncles, threatened parlaysis of legs, seminal emissions
followed by extreme exhaustion and occipital headache. Myelitis, limbs
weak, as if the body and limbs were bandaged or constricted; anaesthesia of
legs as if one had on elastic stockings. Locomotor ataxia, tormenting erec-


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tions as soon as he goes to sleep. Ophthalmia, better cold water. Ears: boils
in external auditory canal; noises, vertigo, occipital headache; deafness,
chronic, especially from the occipital headache, noises in the ears when
tired, pale membrane. Nepthritis, valuable, urine scanty with dark blood,
dropsy, weak. Boiles, especially on the back. Especially useful for boils
on the back of the neck and within the ears.

Clinical: Diarrhoea, dysenteric, colic, nausea, tendency to faint,
copious urine, cramps; pain in bowels as if bowels would protrude through
the left inguinal ring.

Has copious sweat especially on the right side, the pupils are con­
tracted, is nauseated, the face and entire body are flushed red, the saliva
thick, stringy and very tenacious, the urine copious, is very chilly and ob­
stinately constipated.

Has a chilly back even in a warm room which is much worse if a
window happens to be open, the occiput is cold as from a cutting wind,
has a cold stream from the hip into the right leg, a rush of blood to the
head followed by nosebleed, a sinking in the intestines, yawns frequently,
desires to take a deep breath which is very difficult, is very drowsy.

Is rheumatic, gouty, has paralytic pains in the limbs, the pains in the
bones with stiffness, the glands swell, the liver and spleen enlarged and
painful, is chilly, sensitive to touch, the chest walls have a peculiar sense of
thinness as if they would give way at a touch, the urine is increased and
burns on passing, the nose itches (one may pass worms), has increased
bronchial mucus.
Clinical: H as been used successfully in: round worms; squint and
headache worse motion of the eyes.

Clinical: Symptoms worse thinking of them. Toothache: tonsils en­
larged from taking cold, pain involves whole side of face; with earache and
restlessness, pain ceases when amused. Colic, renal, passes uric acid. Pro­
duces skin diseases similar to leprosy; also a feeling of buoyancy, but this
is soon followed by a tired sense in the brain. His pains are agonizing
and cause one to twist, toss and writhe and drives ones to irresistibly change
positions but with no appreciable relief therefrom.


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Diniti7Pri hv » o l p AM• Ä Ä AA•
Clinical: Headache as if the temples and malar bones were pressed
in, head full, heavy, burning, pressure in nasal bones, worse change of
temperature, damp weather, p. m. and motion.

Clinical: Bronchitis, chronic, pain at third left costal cartilage. (P ro ­
duces: high fever, black vomiting and stools, dark colored urine, acute
eczema and acne, and has cured nocturnal enuresis in children). Cough
worse at night, breath short, copious expectoration, fever, night sweats.


Clinical: Ears: most valuable in pure neuralgia; pain in teeth and,
dart, stab, twinge. Toothache: neuralgic, pains shoot through sides of
face; violent, in decayed teeth; salivation. Diarrhoea worse a. m., stool
watery, brown, fermented, especially with copious, colic, better eating.
Enuresis, nocturnal, copious urine. Neuralgia: of nipples; ciliary, from
decayed teeth, dull heavy ache in eye, eyeballs tender. Bad effects from
excessive use of tobacco, as neuralgia (Plant, is supposed to cause disgust
for tobacco). Colic, better eating. Rattle snake bite (drink the juice and
apply the leaves, change often). Piles (has been used as a local application
in inflamed and painful piles). (If the leaf fiber is frayed and put in the ear
to relieve the pain it turns black, if it does not relieve the pain the fiber
remains green).

Has a perverted mind, is arrogant, haughty, thinks oneself important,
looks down on others as inferior, is proud, overestimates oneself, is full
of fear, restless, weeps, the limbs feel compressed as if bandaged, the scalp
feels numb, things appear smaller to one than they really are, the face
and ears are cold, black coagulated blood comes from the nose, crampy
pains appear at the root of the nose with a red face, the malar bones are
numb, the pains come gradually and go gradually, the whole abdomen
feels constricted or bandaged, the navel feels as if drawn by a string, the
stool is glutinous and adheres to the anus like soft clay, the legs are restless,
numb, tremble and feel as if bandaged about the thigh leg and toes espe­
cially big toe; is worse at rest and better motion; she has intense sexual
excitement that leads her to masturbation, her sexual organs are so sensi­
tive she can neither tolerate a napkin nor permit an examination, and
coition is impossible to her.
Clinical: The mental and physical symptoms alternate. She becomes
a sexual pervert, utters unchaste speech and trembles. Headache: from
chagrin, fear, vexation, haemorrhage and excitement; all the headaches in­
crease gradually in severity; better and worse gradually; periodic, worse
stooping, better exercise in the open air; nearly all the headaches have a
sense of numbness and constriction of the brain (numbness is most frequent


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in all the diseases calling for Plat.)» Haemorrhage, the blood comes away
in black clots and fluid. Increased sexual desire in young and hysterical
girls, and in married women, with itching, tingling and voluptuous sensa­
tions. Her skin is cold, numb and crawls, especially during fever. Spasms,
hysterical, from nervous excitement, constriction of oesophagus. All the
haemorrhages are black clots and fluid. The child is melancholic, sheepish
looking from masturbation, and the youth has a pale sunken face and a
yellowish skin. Melancholia: great pride and self-esteem; religious, dread
of death, palpitation, weeps, or weeps and laughs alternately. Mania, espe­
cially puerperal. Unchaste talk, actions often violent. Nervous deafness.
Otalgia, extends to cheeks and lips, with a numb sense. Neuralgia, facial,
sense of numbness, especially in malar bones, or a sensation as if parts were
between screws. Gastralgia, hysterical. Colic, pain extends to back. Con­
stipation: from lead poison or traveling; frequent desire, stool small with
great effort; obstinate, as from a load in the rectum that cannot be ex­
pelled. Nymphomania, especially puerperal, external organs numb or ex­
tremely sensitive, or the two may alternate. Tumor, uterine fibroid,
constant pressure as before the menses, menses always copious, parts sensi­
tive, chilly internally, cold and numb externally. Prolapsus uteri, constant
pressure in back and groins, especially with extreme sensitiveness to touch.
Ovaritis, chronic, especially the right; even after suppuration has taken
place. Menses: difficult, extreme pressure, external sensitiveness, pains in­
crease to spasms and screaming, followed by excessive haemorrhage; metror­
rhagia, dark clots and bearing down; women requiring Plat, habitually
have too early and too long lasting menses, blood dark and thick, increasing
sensitiveness and pressure, abnormal sexual appetite and melancholia. Steril­
ity, chronic ovaritis and internal soreness. As accompaniment to the uterine
and ovarian troubles are: aphonia, cough, palpitation, numbness, spasms and
sleeplessness. Cough, nervous, dry, palpitation and dyspnoea. Coccyx numb
while sitting. Sleepless, extreme excitability. Painter’s colic, pain in um­
bilical region extending through to the back, screams and tries to relieve
the pain by turning in all possible directions.


Clinical: Caries of bones, especially nasal and tarsal.

Clinical: Toothache: swelling, difficult to open the mouth; worse
right side and heat of stove; better application of ice; pains may come and
go suddenly.

Clinical: Constipation: urine red; saliva copious, milky; vertigo after
eating; angles of mouth ulcerate; arms hot, hands cold.


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to stretch the limbs. Dysmenorrhoea with the characteristic colic, also
vaginismus. Tuberculosis, haemorrhage from the lungs, cough, purulent
expectoration. Paralysis: rheumatic spinal; infantile, etc., with the char­
acteristic colic and constipation; parts emaciate. A valuable remedy in
neuralgias, especially sciatica, accompanying cerebral and spinal diseases, with
marked consecutive muscular atrophy, or earlier when walking causes great


Clinical: Diarrhoea, violent, stool yellow; abdomen retracted, cramps,
pupils dilated, face red and hot, fever.

Has troubles predominently originating in the abdomen» everything taken
into the stomach turns sour, has gurgling, rumbling and rolling in the ab­
domen as of animals or fish turning and tossing about, all attended with
cramping pains that double one up; all the abdominal viscera are sore and
tender to pressure; the stools are enormous, watery, frequent spluttering and
w’ith much gas and very offensive; has an awful hungry, empty, weak feeling
as if the whole intestines would fall out; strokes the liver from behind forward
for relief even though it is so sore one can hardly bear any pressure; is sad,
restless; she has a dragging down sense as if all her sexual parts would be
pushed out into the w orld; her uterine region is so tender that even light
clothing aggravates.
Clinical: Diarrhoea: cholera morbus: during menses; abdomen sensi­
tive; copious stools; from boiled food, cabbage, fruit and rich food; followed
by constipation with stool in lumps. Ovaritis: one or both, but especially
right, pain that extends down the front of the thigh; especially at the men­
strual period. Headache: relieved by diarrhoea; alternating with liver dis­
turbances; blurred vision precedes, then gradually increasing pain, especially
in occiput; nausea, vomits. Prolapsus ani and rectum during vomiting. Liver
torpid, mind torpid and fluctuating, palpitation, pulse slow and sluggish; all-
gone sense, averse to even the smell of food; region of liver feels distended
and stuffed, tongue coated as of mustard spread on it. Diarrhoea, stool green,
offensive, cadaverous, copious, pours away like water from a bunghole, gur­
gling and much flatus; children, of, anus prolapsed and no other symptoms;
in hot weather and during dentition; from 3 to 9 a. m., then natural stool
toward p. m .; no remedy is so surely indicated in painless cholera morbus;
the stools gushing, each seeming to drain the patient dry. Child rolls its head
during sleep. Congestion to the brain from suddenly suppressed diarrhoea,
rolls head from side to side, chewing motion of jaws or sucking, strabismus.
Dentition difficult, rolls head from side to side and moans; grinds the teeth,
fetid breath, diarrhoea, great desire to press the gums together. Vomiting of
milk and protrusion of the anus in children and infants. Dyspepsia: food
becomes acid; from abuse of calomel, eyes yellow and aching behind them,
tongue indented, clayey stool. Hepatitis, chronic, pain and fullness, pain in­
volves the whole right side, jaundice. Gallstone colic: jaundice, twisting pain,
rending, toward duodenum, lapsing into dull aching, from liver to back; rest­
less, strokes the liver from behind forward for relief even though the liver is so


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sore. Enteritis, catarrhal, hot watery stool. Piles, after confinement, both
anus and uterus prolapsed. Constipation, prolapsed anus, sinking sense in
abdomen as if intestines would drop through pelvis. Dysentery: epidemic,
especially in the South, prolapsed anus, sinking sense in abdomen, nausea,
efforts to vomit; chronic, stool like meat washings, severe tenesmus, burning
pain deep in rectum; digestion weak. Prolapus ani: from least exertion ; of
infants from debility; after labor; with or after uterine displacement. Menses
suppressed in girls, piles and great pressure. Pregnancy, abdominal muscles
weak; better lying on abdomen or stomach. Ovaries: inflamed, especially
right; tumor of right, pain extends to shoulder or down thigh. Prolapsus
uteri et vaginae after labor, ovarian pains and backache.

Prominent Symptoms: Amenorrhoea, aversion to coition, conges­
tion to the ovaries. Aching pains in hips and loins, weight and tension in
pelvis, tearing in groins; worse right. Coldness in right side of face when
pain in left side was severe. Pain in lower part of back, as if hips w ere
being drawn together. Hysteria, slight vertigo, as of a galvanic shock passing
through limbs; constant desire to urinate, warmth and a peculiar sense.

Clinical: Chills and fever, congestion to head, vertigo, prickly sense
in face which is hot and flushed; chill, darting pain in back and limbs, heat
with headache and flushed face, slight sweat; thirst rare; during apyrexia
liver disordered, jaundice, headache, constipation; especially in chronic cases.

Clinical: Ague: despondent; aching distress; back stiff; neuralgic
pain in head, face and temples; pain in liver and spleen; diarrhoea or con­

Prominent Symptoms: Blisters, large as walnuts, hang down like
bags of water. Throat dry, burns, constricted, as if spiders had spun webs
on it. Anaesthesia of skin without numbness. Finger ends thicken, horny,
insensible to pinching and pricking.

Clinical: Bladder: catarrh, copious mucus and pus in the urine, severe
tenesmus, especially in the aged; inflamed, pressure and aching in the pelvis,
also complicated with metritis and vaginismus; weight and pressure and
aching in pelvis. Tenesmus, frequent desire to urinate from a carriage ride;
tenesmus after laparotomy or ovariotomy; as soon as the last drops of urine
arc voided or a little before, a severe cramp pain just behind the pubis.
Urethritis, urine pains, scalds, especially during pregnancy.


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Clinical: Eruptions, chronic, dry, psoric; of fingers and legs, bleed;
worse at night and by rubbing and scratching.

Clinical: Apoplexia, threatened, especially in persons with a sensitive,
easily injured skin; worse open air.

Clinical: Pressive pain in head, sticking in rectum, pressure beneath
sternum, heart beat tumultuous; worse pressure, sitting, stooping, standing
or walking.

Clinical: Diarrhoea, stools copious, greenish, vomits, appetite in­
creased, tense feeling of well-being in spite of great loss of weight.

Clinical: Cough: sympathetic, in heart troubles; in dyspepsia, with
tendency to acidity; slow digestion, loss of appetite and pyrosis; dull feeling
in head; persistent cough, acquired in W inter; worse night on lying down;
asthmatic and spasmodic cough. Wheezing and whistling in trachea and
larger bronchi; after influenza. Weak digestion, especially of the aged.

Is dirty looking, not the most desirable person to meet, cannot be washed
clean, the body has a filthy odor even after a bath, the skin all over and
especially the face looks filthy even after being washed; it becomes rough and
scaly; the hands look as though they had never been washed, one cannot wear
woolens on account of the itching they cause; is weak, easily strained and in­
jured; very sensitive to the changes of the weather; feels restless for days be­
fore a thunderstorm, the breath discharges excretions and oozings from the
eruptions are all fetid and have a carrionlike odor, the flatus and belchings all
smell of bad eggs, one is offensive to both sight and smell, fetid pus collects
in the eyes, the discharge from the nose is gluey and offensive, the skin
troubles disappear in the Summer, only to occur again in the W inter; feels
unusually well the day before attacks; is nervous, restless, easily startled,
chilly, debilitated, wants to find a warm place to be comfortable as that is
the only way one can breathe; despairs of recovery; itching drives one to
despair; often get hungry in the night and must have something to eat;
sweat relieves all the sufferings; is not able to finish all the stool or urination
at one time and must make several attempts; the head is very sensitive to cold
and wants it well covered; finally one is always “going to the poor house.“
Clinical: Psor. patients are chilly, Sulph. patients hot blooded; Psor.
more useful in chronic cases, Sulph. in acute; Psor. is also useful where
Sulph. fails, and Tub. is said to come in where both fail. No nosode can


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be successfully employed except on its own individual indications. No remedy
can ever fail, accurately and positively indicated, and the part affected not
beyond repair; in such cases no remedy avails. Wherever reaction is possible
the accurately indicated remedy will act more rapidly and more effectively
and more safely than any palliative. The “best selected” remedy unfortunately
is not always the indicated remedy the reason it fails to hold, and neither Psor.
nor Sulph. can take the place of the accurately selected remedy. Weakness,
debilitating diseases, after, depressed in mind and body, and the appetite does
not return after acute diseases; he despairs of recovery. Anaemia, aversion to
food, and foul taste. Headache: chronic, inordinate appetite, sense in occiput
as of a piece of wood lying on head; preceded by flickering before the eyes,
vision dim and blindness, or by black spots or rings; always hungry during;
better nosebleed; must get up at night and eat; periodic, if cough ceases; head
sensitive to air even in hot weather. Eruption on head, foul, humid, mats the
hair. Eczema of scalp and face, looks like raw beef, tingles that child cannot
let it alone; worse at night and heat of bed and hot applications; better cool
air; odor nauseates and is like carrion or descomposed meat; mucus mem­
brane red. Otorrhoea: discharge thin, ichorous, horribly fetid, like decom­
posed meat; chronic, after measles or scarlet fever. Hay fever, nose stuffed
up in the Fall. Rigg s disease, teeth loose, gums bleed, spongy, settle away
from the teeth, teeth fall out. Stomach, chronic ulcer, vomiting, distension.
Quinsy: tonsils swollen, dysphagia, burning, feels scalded, cutting, tearing
pains to ear and throat; must hawk continually (not only cures, but eradi­
cates the predisposition; if painless, B ar-c.); copious offensive saliva, tough
mucus in throat. Hepatitis, chronic, sharp stinging pains in liver; worse on
right side, when lying on that side. Diarrhoea: stool dark liquid, extremely
fetid; during dentition; after enervating diseases; ravenous hunger, debility,
copious sweat, foul odor from the greasy skin; sudden, imperative. Constipa­
tion, Sulph. failing. Cholera infantum, early, stools horribly offensive, slimy,
undigested, vomits, weak, child dirty, offensive, nose sunken (Psor. has the
haste of Sulph., the flatulency of Aloe and Oleand. and the difficulty of ex­
pelling the soft stool of Alum., China and Nux-m.). Enuresis during the
full moon, family history of eczema. Gonorrhoea, chronic, that defies all
other remedies. Discharge of prostatic fluid before urination. Pregnancy:
obstinate vomiting; foetus moves too violently; other remedies failing. When,
after an abortion, the woman gets on her feet the flow starts anew. Cough:
chronic, from tickling in the larynx; extremely offensive expectoration, night
sweats. Asthma: better lying down with arms away from the body; or, car­
diac dyspnoea; better lying down, cannot sit up. Skin: yellow, dirty, greasy,
eruptions unhealthy, especially on forehead and chest, constantly frets and
worries; constantly recurring body lice; secretions always offensive, easy
sweat especially on limbs; extreme appetite and extreme debility; eczema
worse heat of bed; always with disagreeable odor; salt rheum, psoriasis, in
W inter, in dry, cold weather; in cold, wet weather; washing in cold water,
or washing dishes. Fever: does not rally after; after typhoid, sweats if he
turns in bed, or from the least exertion, and the sweat is cold. If he has
offensive discharge from the bowels, emaciation, increased growth of hair on
the face, a fuzz, ravenous appetite yet grows thin, do not forget Psor. Ail­
ments from suppressed itch or other skin diseases when Sulph. fails. Sick
babies will not sleep day or night, but worry, fret and cry. (Jal. good all
day, cross all night, reverse of Lyc.)


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Is irritable, has a dull confused frontal headache, the taste is bitter, the
eructations are either bitter or taste like rotten eggs, the swollen liver is bet­
ter lying on the right side, the stools are bilious, the muscles sore; is languid,
has a pressure as from a stone in the stomach, the appetite poor, is depressed.
Clinical: Diarrhoea, thin, faecal, bilious, dark, offensive, cadaverous
or sulphurous odor, tenesmus, preceded by griping pain and rumbling; anus

Clinical: Breathing short; strong sonorous bubbling, rattling, whis­
tling sounds over whole chest, heard at a distance; also perceptible to the
hand laid on the chest; cough, inability to expectorate. Persistent shortness
of breath even without catarrh; can only live sitting up bent forward; con­
stant livid face, lips and limbs; dropsy of legs.

Is as changeable and fickle as the wind, extremely touchy and weepy,
easily slighted, mild, yielding, sad but irritable; has an irrisistiblc desire for
the cool open air and an equal aversion to the warm room and heat, as both
are intolerable; seeks sympathy and is better consolation; is thirstless, desires
cold food; has a special aversion to and loathes fat; is averse to rapid motion
as it heats up the body, aggravates her and relaxes the veins; the pains wander
and the more severe they become the more chilly one gets; the discharges are
all bland and mostly yellow* or yellowish-green; the mouth is dry, the breath
offensive; the longer one lies in bed in the a. m. the weaker one gets; the
hearing is better in a warm room; is especially worse at 5 p. m., also lying
on the left side, and better: slow* motion, cool place and cool air, and lying
on the painful side.
Clinical: Pains here and there as from internal ulcers are peculiar to
Puls. It is the peculiarity of Puls, that the symptoms in the different parts
of the body, as well as those that properly belong to respiration, cause dys­
pnoea. While most of the pains are accompanied by chilliness, the stitching
pains are accompanied by burning. Feverish, hot, body temperature normal.
Epccially useful for tearful blonds, who are mild, yielding and taciturn. The
inflammations, rheumatisms and neuralgias are better cold, by eating and
drinking cold things, cold applications, cold hands and even cold. Rheu­
matism: rarely inflammatory, joints sw’ell, pains sharp, sting, mostly erratic,
tear, constantly change place, better pressure, slow* motion and cold; worse
heat and p. m .; gonorrhoeal; gout from indigestion. Paralytic symptoms,
menses disordered, limbs numb. Chlorosis: chilly, burning heat at night,
thirstless, palpitation, longs for fresh air; of girls who have their menses
every 2 or 3 months; or, menses irregular; epistaxis and catarrh; especially
after large doses of iron. Vertigo is a frequent accompaniment of Puls,
conditions; it is especially noticed on looking up; w'orse while sitting and
lying, with nausea and gastric disturbances, or, w*ith suppressed menses. Head­
ache: one side, involving fore part of head; supra-orbital neuralgia of right


n Original from
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side; menstrual, better open air; worse p. m .; mental effort and heat; of
school girls who are about to menstruate; worse especially before the menses;
menses scanty; from overeating and ice cream; better cold applications. Eyes:
affections of lachrymal sac in children; child rubs its eyes often; inflamed
from suppressed gonorrhoea; blackness before the eyes of young girls before
menses; conjunctivitis: thick yellow bland discharge, after measles or taking
cold; the thick discharge tends to collect over the cornea and may be removed
by wiping; ophthalmia of infants, especially after the use of nitrate of silver;
affects more the lower lid ; inflamed lachrymal duct, profuse muco-purulent
discharge and fistula lachrymalis; blepharitis and blephro-adcnitis; always
better cool open air; styes and tumor of lids. Nose: catarrh of eyes and,
discharge always thick copious and bland; of nose: thick, yellowish-green,
bland; chronic, taste and smell lost (p. m., Natr-m., a. m .) ; one of the most
frequently indicated remedies for an ordinary cold in the nose (Nux, with
scraping in the throat); alternating with dry stoppage, especially p. m.;
o/.ena, offensive discharge; of antrum, discharge orange color, especially from
right nostril, and of a urinous odor; hay fever; of pharynx, varicosis of mucus
membrane; stinging in throat; gastric, tongue coated thickly white, mouth
dry, nausea, especially when the distress or regurgitation of food comes on a
long time after eating; distress in oesophagus as from food lying there; in­
testinal: in children, colic and diarrhoea, colic about navel, chilly, nausea,
vomits; worse p. m.; colic from taking cold with diarrhoea, or from fruit, ice
cream and pastry; much burning in the bowels, stool covered with mucus; of
bladder: spasmodic pains from bladder to hips and thighs; incontinence of
urine, copious sediment; from exposure to cold, urine turbid; especially during
pregnancy; from suppressed gonorrhoea. Ears: ache, in gentle, fat, plump,
red faced children who cry pitifully; worse p. m. or night, better walking
slowly about; after eruptive diseases; external ear inflamed, swollen, concha
swollen and red, copious discharge of thick pus; worse at night; pains dart
and tear; better cold applications, and may involve face and teeth and even
extend to the throat causing dysphagia; otorrhoca: discharge purulent, often
hloody, bland; deafness; after scarlatina; as if ear was stopped, as a pulsation
in the ear, hears better on the cars; catarrhal inflammation in the ear from
suppressed nasal cold; otalgia, violent, as of something forcing outward, jerk­
ing, tearing, darting, shooting, pulsating, at night. Face: erysipelas, spreads
to scalp, stings, burns, sensitive to touch. Mumps, especially metastic to the
breasts or testes. Neuralgia, involving left side of face; worse warm room
and bed; infra-orbital; worse left side; copious discharge from left nostril,
chilliness usually accompaning the pains. Toothache: neuralgic, better open
air; worse warm room; better walking slowly about; during pregnancy, tem­
porary better holding cold water in the mouth; always worse p. m. and night.
Digestion, disordered, pain between shoulders and heavily furred tongue.
Dyspepsia: regurgitation of food, nausea, vomits; abdomen distended, no bet­
ter heat; appetite and thirst lost, taste bitter, vertigo on rising up; chilliness
and above all constant aggravation from fat food; also from ice cream, or
too much ice water and buckwheat cakes; atonic, digestion slow, food is
tasted or regurgitates a long time after eating; general craving for acids and
aversion to meat and fat or rich food. Gastralgia, copious su’eat on face,
nausea, vomits. Piles: pain; worse lying down and heat of bed, better gentle
motion; bleed easily especially after stool and the Puls, gastric symptoms.
Diarrhoea: stools continually change; from fright, pastry, ice cream, stool


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greenish mucus, worse in warm room, preceded by colic and pain in small of
back. Dysentery: stool of green slime, strains, pain in back, constant desire
for fresh air; stool blood and mucus, at night, anus bums like fire. Enuresis:
incontinence at night and during the day when coughing or walking; bed
wetting of little mild, gentle, florid, plethoric, warm blooded girls who kick
the covers off at night. Sudden urging to urinate as if the urine would gush
away. Urine loaded with urates of ammonia in children. Prostate inflamed,
enlarged, faeces flattened and small in size; has to use catheter. Gonorrhoea:
gleet and discharge thick, yellow or green; of females: discharge copious,
slimy; suppressed. Orchitis: from mumps, or from sitting on cold stones;
extremely valuable for epididymitis, the inflammation and swelling extending
upward from testes, pain in small of back, chilly, nausea, neuralgia. Menses:
difficult, too late, scanty and short, colic; from getting feet wet; amenia at
puberty, especially with epistaxis, headache, colic, backache, tearful, melan­
cholic. Leucorrhoea, menses delayed, discharge thick, bland, pudenda swollen.
Labor pains: weak; irregular; brings about normal presentation of the child.
Prolapsus uteri: worse lying down and heat, better open air; weeping mood.
Uterine inertia, especially with palpitation, suffocation, must have fresh air.
Tumor: phantom; milk in breast of girls and non-pregnant women (of boys:
M erc.). Colic, menstrual, restless, tosses about, chilly, stretches, yawns,
thirstless, weeps. Aphonia, reflex. Bronchitis, better open air; worse heat
of bed and drinking cold water; cough mostly dry; better sitting up in bed,
or, thick yellow expectoration; often blood streaked. Cough: dry p. m.,
loose a. m .; at night as of something torn loose in the chest. Asthma: of
children from suppressed rash, with shattering, spasmodic cough; of females
from suppressed menses. Whooping cough, itching in chest, suffocative at­
tacks, intense desire for fresh air. Tuberculosis threatens, sore under clavicles,
especially worse lying on the painful side, involves muscles about shoulders.
Phthisis of chlorotic girls. Haemmorhage from the lungs, suffocation in
chest, lungs sore, hacking cough, better a. m. in open air. Phlebitis, especially
of lower limbs, the characteristic is coldness of the parts with chilliness. Vari­
cose: veins; ulcers, pains smart, sting; worse heat; legs sweat constantly.
Backache involves sacrum and hips and extends to small of back; worse lying
on back, better lying on sides and change of position, especially so during
pregnancy. Spinal irritation, back feels bandaged. Sciatica, worse p. m.,
better moving slowly about. Measles, dry cough at night; must sit up in
bed; earache. Psoriasis, chronic, little brownish flat patches as big as the
thumb nail, that itch. Ulcers surrounded by varicose veins, bleed, blood black
tarry, offensive; little black clots. Ague, without sweat. Fever, chilliness pre­
dominates. Hip joints pain as if dislocated. Knees: painless swelling; hot in­
flammatory; soft, white shining. Suffering parts numb. Sleep: lies on
back during, hands over head, or arms crossed over abdomen and feet
drawn up; wide awake p. m., does not want to go to bed; first sleep restless,
sound sleep when time to get up; wakens languid and unrefreshed. Wander­
ing chill in spots. Is the remedy for lumps in the breasts of school girls, be­
fore puberty, or escape of thin milky fluid.


n: n rv/ nlr> Original from


Clinical: Deafness, oedema of left upper eyelid. Menses delayed,

chilly, cold hands and feet, appetite lost, sour belchings, nausea after meals,
hemicrania and melancholy. Headache, continual, severe heaviness and full­
ness ; worse stooping and motion; sight dim, blind on stooping or rising sud­
denly, weight in uterine region, severe aching extends to back; worse p. m .;
feet and hands cold.


Clinical: Diarrhoea, tetanic convulsions, twitching, loquatious, de­

lirium, restless, pulse rapid, weak, copious sweat at night.


Has a sore bruised condition as marked as Am., an aching in the bones

as marked as Eup., and a restlessness better heat and motion as marked as
Rhus, but the greatest and most positive indication is: the lack of relation be­
tween the pulse and temperature, they do not correspond, offensiveness pre­
vails, the body, breath, sweat and discharges are all offensive; is irritable, lo­
quatious, confused about the body as Bapt., the eyeballs are sore to touch, has
fanlike motion of the alae nasi, like Lyc., the face is pale sunken and covered
with cold sweat, the cheeks red and burning hot, the tongue has a brown
streak down the center, the stool has a cadaveric odor, is anxious, has a sink-
sensation about the heart, the pulse is rapid, irregular and fluttering, the bed
feels hard.
Clinical: Fever: puerperal, will abort it in a few hours if accurately
indicated; typhoid, with the confusion of Bapt. and the heat too intense for
Bapt.; from: sewer gas poison; surgical, for the erysipelas infection; chronic
complaints from septic states; never well since puerperal fever; septic, after
abortion; it is in septic fever, especially puerperal, that Pyr. has demon­
strated its value. Abscess, great pain when the flow becomes scanty. Con­
stipation, stool in black balls, small, like olives. Lochia, scanty, putrid, or
suppressed. Consumption, palliates in last weeks. Heart failure threatens
in septic and zymotic states. Ulcers, obstinate, offensive, of the aged. Sep­
ticaemia: puerperal or surgical, from ptomaine or sewer gas, during diphtheria,
typhoid or typhus, other remedies failing. Vomiting: persistent; brownish,
coffee grounds; offensive; stercoracious from impeded or obstructed bowels.
Diarrhoea: horribly offensive; brownish black; painless, involuntary; on
passing flatus. Constipation: complete inertia; obstinate from impaction; in
fever; stool large, black, carionlike odor; small black balls like olives. Foetus:
placenta or, retained, decomposed; dead for a day, black; horribly offensive
discharge; never well since septic fever, following abortion or confinement;
arouses the activity of the womb. Lochia: thin, acrid, brown, very fetid;
suppressed, followed by chills and fever and copious fetid sweat.


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Clinical: Headache, early a. m., right side; better rising; heavy weight
in head with vertigo and a feeling as if apoplexy impended; better coffee;
dyspnoea, worse lying down; chest compressed; weight of covers intolerable,
thighs cold, copious night sweats, especially on thighs.


Has a mapped peeling tongue that bums, smarts and feels raw, has pain
behind the sternum and in the liver, acidity causing burning, is sensitive espe­
cially in the region of the chest and sternum; the breathing is arrested, often
a peculiar gnawing in the left palm; a sense of a cobweb on the face; the
stomach pains cause fainting.
Clinical: Aneurism, as of a cobweb on the face. Coryza, fluent,
sneezing, burning urination. Tongue ulcerated superficially, raw, sore. Sore
mouth, diphtheria or typhoid, tongue coated, with raw peeling patches on it.
Hepatic region, pain and soreness over, sense as if diarrhoea would set in.
Chest: bruised pain and weakness every p. m .; painfully sensitive externally.
Corns on toes sore, burn, especially painful on letting the feet hang down.

RA PHAN US (Raph.)
Is hysterical, breathing almost stopped by an accumulation of flatus,
that cannot be passed up or down; has a sense of a foreign body like a ball
rising from the womb to the throat; the urine is turbid and has a yeastlike
sediment; has a marked sinking feeling at 4 a. m., an appetite without hunger,
drinks more than one urinates, drinking fluids aggravates the pains, often
feels as if one had put one’s cold feet in very hot water.
Clinical: Catalepsy, on returning to herself she was unable to speak
or stir. Epilepsy, reflex, from removal of an adherent prepusc, the healing
being delayed by furious priapism. Headache wakens one at 3 or 4 a. m.,
with thirst. Eyes: distressing, twitching of lids, almost preventing vision;
rotatory motion of eyeballs. Teeth: feel as if made of papiermache; ache
during early part of pregnancy; neuralgic pains shoot, pulsate, p. m.f worse
lying, better walking about. Diarrhoea: stool thin, brown, yellowish, frothy,
forcible, colic, intestines prominent like pads here and there during the pains,
and especially no flatus up or down for a long time; chronic: stool green
liquid, always mucus and bloody, anxiety, pale, suffering face, small pulse,
no emission of flatus for days, chill from back along arms and limbs, followed
by heat, frequent efforts to vomit, great thirst and weakness, or, with dropsy,
thirst, pit of stomach weak, pain especially on breathing, copious urine and
no emission of flatus, Sexual desires abnormal, sleepless.

Clinical: Fissures: of anus and nipples; of anus, great constriction,
terrible pain after stool, especially burning like fire, cold water only relieves
temporarily. Piles, extreme burning like fire. Diarrhoea: stool thin, fetid,
burns like fire in anus; bloody. “As a tonic for delicate and nervous women
to prevent miscarriage in those who have never been able to go their full


Original from
term." Pterygium, lids bum, smart, twitch, vision obscure. Toothache:
worse lying, a sense of coldness rushing out of them; during pregnancy, com­
pelled to get up at night and walle about. Rectum: as if anus and, were all
twisted up, or as of splinters of glass in them. As a cobweb about the
right side of the mouth. Rat. is said to meet more rectal cases than any
other remedy.

Clinical: Gonorrhoea, burning in urethra during urination. Diar­
rhoea, stool dark green, copious, thin and pasty; during stool rumbling in
ileo-caecal region and along transverse colon, and weakness after stool.

Sourness personifies this remedy; this sourness extends to the stool, the
taste and to the whole body (and even the temper) and no amount of washing
will remove it or its odor; is peevish, impatient, vehemently desires many
things and cries, and screams, dislikes the play things, screams with the
urging and the sour stools, sweats on the scalp and forehead, the hair becomes
sopping wet; all the discharges are sour and offensive; desires various kinds
of food that becomes repugnant as soon as a little is eaten, sleep is restless,
the muscles of the face and hands twitch during sleep.
Clinical: Useful after Mag., with or without Rheum., if stool is sour.
Diarrhoea: sour odor, brown, frothy, often excoriates» especially during
dentition; preceded by colic and followed by tenesmus, chill, heat and thirst
alternate; sweat, weak, stool like chopped eggs, green, sour odor. Dentition:
difficult, irritable, nervous, temporary better when its whims are gratified;
face pale, sour odor, eyelids, corners of mouth, lips and fingers twitch. Colic,
violent cutting pains; must lie doubled up; worse standing or uncovering even
an arm or leg. Child cries and tosses all night; delirious talking; full of fear.


Clinical: Headache: if awakened in the night; alternating with faint­
ness; faintness better after stool. Heat precedes and alternates with the chill.
Teeth: as if blunt; as of sand between them; scraping or harsh noise causes a
disagreeable sense in them. Hearing acute, thinks one hears whispers.

Is gouty and can always forecast a storm, is worse at rest and before and
during a thunderstorm and in cold, wet weather; is better warm wraps, like
Sil., has great fear of thunder, like Phos., is better from motion even when
the affected parts are worse from moving them; is forgetful and often forgets
what one was talking about: the eyes pain before a storm and arc better heat,
as are the ears, and better motion; often feels as if one cannot sleep unless the
limbs are crossed; the shoulder joints pain, so sore they cannot be moved,
yet both one and one’s pains are better walking about, is easily affected by
wine; is worse during rest, at night, and before a storm, especially a thunder­


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niniti7pr1 h v ,o ! p
Clinical: A palliative for the aged who have suffered long from gout.
Chorea, before a storm. Headache: comes on before a storm; head feels sore
as ff bruised; pain in temples and forehead; better external heat; neuralgic,
worse cold, wet weather; involves forehead and temples; as of a tearing in
the bones of the skull; worse wet, cold weather and wine; better warm
wraps and motion. Otalgia: pains tear; ringing, roaring and buzzing in ears;
worse before a storm and better heat. Neuralgia: of face and teeth; worse
motion and cold wind; better applied heat; of teeth, worse at night and from
cold drinks; facial, involves both dental nerves, pains draw, tear and jerk;
worse change of weather; better eating and heat. Diarrhoea, after eating,
from fruit, from cold, wet weather and especially before a thunderstorm.
Dysentery before a thunderstorm. Orchitis: much swelling, on taking cold
from sitting on cold stones, after suppressed gonorrhoea; drawing in spermatic
cord during rest; better heat and motion; testes indurated, as if crushed.
Serous cryst of vagina. Rheumatism: pain especially in periosteum of the
bone; worse cold weather; better motion. These pains may affect nearly
every part of the body, limbs cold, especially the feet, but the real indication
is worse before a storm; chronic, of small joints. Glaucoma threatens, always
worse at the aproach of a storm, and better after the storm breaks; patient
rheumatic. Asthenopia, muscular, pains dart through the eye; toothache from
cold; worse change of weather, better eating and heat. Colic, neuralgic,
worse leit hypochondrium. Chronic pain in left side of abdomen, under the
short ribs, better eating. Catarrh of the bladder, frequent urging to urinate,
pains draw, urine offensive. Hydrocele from birth, especially right side.
Chorea of left leg, arm and face; worse approach of a storm.


Is highly rheumatic, feels lame, bruised and especially stiff on first be­
ginning to move; is decidedly better heat and especially constant motion, but
soon tires and must rest again, after which one is compelled to start all over
again. The complaints come on from cold, damp weather; from exposure
to cold, damp air while sweating, and are made worse from cold and rest and
better from heat and motion; the prominent projections of bones are sore to
touch, especially the cheek bones; the pains tear, colds settle throughout the
body and limbs, the tip of the nose reddens and becomes sensitive, the jaw's
become stiff, bloody saliva runs from the mouth at night, is thirsty but has
difficulty in swallowing solids; the drinks are apt to bring on chilliness and
cough; ice cream often nauseates, the liver becomes sensitive and one is unable
to lie on it; the lumbar region pains as if broken, is extremely restless and
nervous; is worse: wfet weather, rest, rising from a seat and cold, and better
heat and motion.
Clinical: Abscess: axillary; parotid. The pains are aching, tearing
and bruised, often with numbness and paralytic weakness of the limb. Paral­
ysis: infantile from putting the child dowm on the cold, damp ground; rheu­
matic, from getting wet, or lying on damp ground; hemiplegia, right side,
after apoplexy; of upper lid, also eyeball; from cold; ptosis. Headache: worse
wetting the hair; worse wet weather, a. m., lying and from cold; better heat
and motion; neuralgic, better walking rapidly; occipital, rheumatic stiffness
of nape of neck. Eczema of scalp, infantile. Styes on lower lid. Eruption


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on and in corners of nose, swelling. Erysipelas, facial, from left to right,
burns, itches, tingles, delirium and high fever. Oesophagitis from swallowing
corrosive matter. Colic: compels one to lie on the back and draw up the
limbs; better bending double and motion. Diarrhoea: worse nights, better
days, stool copious, watery, involuntary, exhausting; stool of thin, red mucus,
or bloody water, like washings of meat; or jellylike mucus, lumps of trans­
parent mucus, often involuntary, odorless or very offensive; tenesmus and
tearing pain down thighs; may occur after typhoid fever or from getting wet.
Dysentery: stool of bloody mucus; drives one out of bed a. m .; with many
of the diarrhoea symptoms, and craving for cold milk which is marked. Piles:
sore, protrude after stool, pressing in rectum; sore, protruding, anus fissured.
Urine: urging, prostatic pain causing urging to stool; better motion; also
dribbling in women in cold air and on becoming cold. Prolapsus uteri from
lifting or overstraining. Heart, hypertrophy of athletes and runners, sticking
pains. Lumbago, especially from overlifting or taking cold. Weak joints
from sprains. Complaints from living in damp houses. Fever: scarlet, rash
coarse; low forms, mild delirium, especially fears being poisoned. Incessant
itching, only better by “scalding’’ the parts with water as hot as can possibly
be borne. Hives from getting wet, with rheumatism or during chills and
fever; worse cold air. Prominent projections of bones, as cheek bones, sore
to touch; worse rain. Enables one to stand muscular fatigue (A rs.). The
complaints from getting wet always stay in the part affected. Neuritis, espe­
cially with numbness and stiffness. Always to be considered when acute or
low types of disease assumes a typhoid form, or when cellular inflammations
assume pus formation. Better walking on level ground. Rhus is most poison­
ous at night, or any time in June or July, when the sun is not shining on it;
Rhus is not so deep acting as Rhus-r. Rhus is the most efficacious and
specific remedy for the frequently fatal effects of overlifting, inordinate exer­
tion of muscles and contusions; or from working in water. Rheumatism:
neuralgia and, better motion; muscular, little inflammation and fever, sore ail
over; worse cool air; especially valuable if from suppressed sweat; of jaws,
as if they would break or crack; always on chewing; the jaws dislocate easily.
Meningitis, neck stiff, better lying on something hard; restless; in exan­
thematous fevers or after getting wet, limbs tingle, high fever. Eruptions on
head, moist, form crusts, offensive, itch; worse nights; scalp sensitive; worse
heat of bed. Erysipelas: vesicular, of head; of eyelids; facial, left to right,
dark red, covered with yellow vesicles; burn, itch and tingle, sting; delirium,
high fever; of external genitals, eruption moist. The eye symptoms are char­
acterized by: great swelling of the lids externally and submucus cellular tissue.
Ophthalmia, scrofulous, intense photophobia, yellow purulent discharge, pain
at night. Granulated lids, saclike swelling of conjunctiva, lids feel heavy.
Orbital cellulitis, rapid onset and course, and very destructive. Otitis media
or externa, thick yellow discharge. Erysipelas of auricle of ear. Mumps,
left side, especially with suppuration. Catarrh: bones ache severely, from
dampness; discharge green, offensive. Frightful sneezing all night. Neu­
ralgia, facial, chilly; worse p. m. Corners of mouth ulcerated, fever blisters
around the mouth. Toothache: worse cold, better heat; jumping, temporary
better a cold hand; root inflamed, pain worse at night and cold. Tongue dry,
red and cracked in fever. Throat: stiff, after straining it; sore, oedema of
fauces, parotids swell, restless. Pain in stomach and nausea after ice water.
Entero and peritonitis, restless, dry red tongue, putrid, slimy diarrhoea which


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may be involuntary. Typhilitis, right side of abdomen painfully swollen;
worse lying on left side, better lying on back and gentle pressure from below
up. The various inflammatory abdominal symptoms are on the right side,
with a sense of weight pressing in the groin making standing impossible. Cel­
lular inflammation around the anus, especially traumatic. Nephritis, pain
and soreness over the renal region, and oedema. Cystitis, tenesmus. Penis:
erysipelatous inflammation; prepuce swollen, dark red. Erections persistent,
painful; better lying on the back; spine tender, especially from a strain.
Eczema: of pudenda, great swelling, intense itching; worse at night un­
dressing; followed by soreness and smarting. Scrotum; penis and, oedemat-
ous; becomes hard and thick, itching intolerable. Menses: too early, copious
and protracted, flow light color, acrid, causing biting pain in vulva. Milk
leg after delivery, with typhoid symptoms. Larynx: muscles paralyzed;
hoarse, especially from overstraining the voice. Cough: dry, racking; worse
before midnight, in wet weather; pain in back and limbs, restless; before and
during the chill; taste of blood though no blood is seen. H eart: palpitation
from overexertion; hypertrophy, uncomplicated, from violent exercise; organic
disease, sore, sticking pain, left arm numb and lame; rheumatic, from getting
wet, palpitation, pain extends to left arm. Lumbago, pain on attempting to
rise; better heat and bending backward; worse cold. Sciatica, right side,
dull ache; worse night and cold, damp weather; better rubbing, heat and
warmth from exercise; numbness, formication. Knees and feet especially
stiff. Eruptions, especially vesicular, especially that tend to form scabs; itch
intensely and worse heat. Eczema that tends to assume an erysipelatous
phase. Scarlet fever, typhoid, glands enlarge, mild delirium, restless, eruption
not uniform, causing irritability. Smallpox, pustules blackish or bloody, diar­
rhoea. Purpura haemorrhagica, tongue dry, pulse tremulous, limbs numb and
restless. Fever: intermittent, chill begins in one leg, dry, tearing cough, ex­
ternal chill, internal heat; malarial, stretches, yawns before, or cough, fre­
quent urticaria during the fever; typhoid, mild delirium and the general
Rhus symptoms. Urticaria: from getting wet; during rheumatism; with
chills and fever; worse cold air. The chief remedy in erysipelas, vesicular,
especially of scalp, face and genitals. Only second to Apis in orbital cellulitis.


Clinical: Diabetes mellitus, weak, pain in the back, thirst, appetite
variable, skin yellow. Eneuresis, day and night. Diarrhoea, Summer, stool
pale, thin, runs like water, pale emaciated, limbs tremble; can hardly stand;
abdomen flabby. Dysentery, chronic, stools frequent, often painless, blood
and mucus or clear blood, skin sallow. Catarrh of bladder, excruciating pain
on urinating; prostate enlarged.


Clinical: Copious sweat from debility and during sleep. Cough,
chronic, wheezing; laryngeal, every Spring, dryness and near aphonia. Psori­
asis, both skin and mind irritable. Headache, especially occipital, head dull
and heavy; better exercise.


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Clinical: Pemphegus, especially if overdosed with Ars. Scrotum and
penis itch intensely, slightly better friction, except the burning, glans, painful.
More poisonous to children than adults. Mouth and throat feel as if scalded.

Clinical: Diarrhoea: cramps, chilliness; face pale, forehead covered
with cold sweat, features drawn, eyes convulsed and turned up, conjunctiva
injected, copious lachrymation; of improperly fed babies, beginning with
nausea, frequent griping stools, greenish-yellow to dark green, becoming more
or less liquid and more or less mixed with slimy or gelatinous mucus or
blood, pain and tenesmus, mouth dry and aphthous, anus inflamed, abdomen
painful and tumid, child becoming more and more feverish and somnolent.
Cholera, with diarrhoea, true rice water stools; suppressed urine; collapse if
vomiting and purging continue. Headache, vertigo, buzzing in ears, sense
of a bar laid over the stomach, profound anguish. Breasts swell, pain and
throb; axillary glands swell, pain runs down the arm; pain in the back like
afterpains; milky discharge from the breasts.

Clinical: Indigestion: low spirits; excessive irritability; desire for
stool, but only flatus passes; severe lancinating pains extend from side of chest
to left shoulderblade; constant squeezing pain in stomach after eating; can
eat only once a day on account of the distress, backache and weakness. Head­
ache: gastric; from sour stomach, caused by fat meat, gravy, flatulent food,
cabbage, turnips, warm bread, pastry, ice cream, raw fruit; eructations and
vomiting of excessively acrid secretions, irritable, despondent; migraine. Neu­
ralgia, jaw bones as if dislocated, intensely sour taste and vomiting. Heart­
burn and acidity of stomach on lying down at night. Cholera infantum,
child smells intensely sour, stool green and watery, tympanitis, colic and ex­
cessively irritable. Neuralgia, jaw bones as if dislocated, intensely sour taste
and vomiting. Heartburn and acidity of stomach on lying down at night.
Cholera infantum, child smells intensely sour, stool green and watery, tym­
panitis, colic and excessively irritable. The keynote of Rob. is said to be
acidity, especially if the time of aggravation is at night. Dyspepsia, acid, con­
stant weight in the stomach, belches sour liquid, may vomit. Vomiting in­
tensely sour, especially with gastric cancer. Burning in stomach and between
shoulder blades. The vomit so sour it sets the teeth on edge.

Clinical: Rose cold, Eustachian tube involved, deafness, tinnitus.

Clinical: The oil of rosemary was used by the ancients for headache,
baldness and flagging mental powers.

RUMEX (Rum.)
Has catarrh, is so sensitive to cold air that one sleeps with the mouth
under the bedcovers, is sad, irritable, mentally excitable, the larynx and
trachea are dry, has a hard, dry, spasmodic cough, raises a tough tenacious,
even gluey, stringy mucus that completely exhausts one; the tickling in the
throat causes the cough which takes the breath away so that one must breathe
regularly so as not to excite the cough, the cough is apt to cause involuntary
stool and urine, has pain and sense of rawness under the clavicles, an itching
that extends from the end of the nose to the pharynx, tough mucus covers
the vocal cords and interferes with speech, every cold settles in the joints,
talking aggravates the stomach, is sensitive to cold, chilly surroundings and
to baths which aggravate.
Clinical: Catarrh, the discharge is so copious as to appear as one con-
tinous How. A sense of thickening in the naso-pharynx that produces a
peculiar noise in trying to get rid of the mucus. Does splendid palliative
work in phthisis. Cough: comes regularly at 11 p. m .; from tickling in the
throat pit, dreads the cough and puts it off as long as one can on account of
the burning and rawness; hoarse, barking, of children, at 11 p. m. and 2
and 5 a. m .; the most violent attacks come on a few minutes after lying down
and at night, often with complete aphonia; teasing, persistent; worse cool
air, or increasing volume or rapidity of the air inspired; from change in tem­
perature; day only; hands cold. Especially for persons who are constantly
taking cold, who are worse from change of weather, who are always shivering
by the fire, who want much clothing and want even the head covered up.
Diarrhoea: a. m., especially gushing; stools brown, watery, from 5 to 9 a. m.
Headache: catarrhal, larynx and trachea irritated, pain in clavicles and sore
behind sternum. Cory7.a : fluent, violent sneezing; worse p. m. and night;
headache. Asthma: of consumptives, worse 2 a. m. Gastralgia: aching,
through to back, obliged to breathe deeply; pain in chest; worse motion,
better rest. Gastric disorders: shooting from pit of stomach into chest and
throat, flatulence; from drinking tea. Diarrhoea, hurries one out of bed a. m.
early, dry cough and tickling in throat; worse at night. Cough: must keep
the mouth covered; causes pain behind the sternum. Asthma, violent spasms
of coughing, sense of suffocation, especially worse 2 a. m. Rheumatism of
muscles of left chest; worse lying in bed nights. Prurigo: worse cold, better
heat; excessive itching on undressing.


Clinical: Convulsions, violent, limbs thrown reciprocally behind and
forward and head from side to side, hands alternately clenched and un­
clenched, eyes prominent; lower lids swollen, persistent dry cough.

Clinical: Hallucinations, muscular tremor, severe clonic spasms;
blindness, pupils either normal, contracted or dilated.

spasmodic sneezing and lachrymation in the open air; tonsilitis beginning on
left side and extending to the right, pains worse empty swallowing. C atarrh:
constant sneezing, nose stuffed, rawness and burning, discharge at first thin,
later thick; better inhaling hot air; prolonged cases of coryza and that do not
seem to yield to other remedies; when the discharge is worse from the odor
of flowers; even thinking of flowers increases the discharge. Hay fever or
rose cold. Burning, stinging, complete obstruction, watery discharge, itching
and tingling in the nose, nose swollen, eyes watery. Toothache, neuralgic
Sore throat (tonsilitis), begins on left side and extends to the right; better
heat and warm drinks; worse cold drinks. Gastric symptoms characterized
by: thirstlessness, longing for sweets and better eating; pain and distension.
Worms: cutting colic; vomits round worms; especially of infants, with irrita­
tion of external genitals; as of a worm in the pharynx; thread worms. Ovaritis,
cutting pains. Pregnancy: loss of appetite, appetite returns when one begins
to eat. Worms: pin (Sinap-n.); nymphomania; catalepsy. Cough: worse
lying down, coryza and tears; reflex from worms. Measles: violent sneezing,
headache, sticking in the chest. Fever, intermittent, recurs at the same hour
every day; chill p. m.; begins in the limbs, runs up the body; heat in head and
face, interrupted by chills; sweat during the fever, hot sweat on the face.

Clinical: Said to: produce sleep, relieve the most troublesome coughs,
promote expectoration, improve digestion and increase fat; increase the size
of the breasts, and to be unquestionably our most excellent remedy for pros­
tatic enlargement, in epididymitis, orchitis and other genito-urinary affections
associated with other prostatic troubles. Tenesmus in the neck of the bladder,
heavy aching pain and sense of coldness extending to the external genitals;
occasional sharp pain extends up into the abdomen and down into the thighs.
Said to be almost specific in iritis when the prostate is involved. Impotency,
dysuria, prostatic portion of urethra tender. Attacks of pressing pain in
rectum from hard faeces. Bronchitis, chronic, hard, wheezing cough; worse
lying down till 6 a. m., and in damp, cool air and cloudy weather.

SABINA (Sabin)
Has great suffering from rheumatic and uterine troubles, pains extend
through from sacrum to pubis, is liable to have broad condylomata and fig-
warts with itching and exuberant granulations; is irritable, hysterical, hypo­
chondriacal, has pulsations all over the body, the pains are paroxysmal and
laborlike, is disturbed by heat or too much warm clothing, or a warm room,
wants windows open and the open air, has burning and throbbing in the region
of the kidneys, the urine is bloody, the sacrum aches as if broken and as if
the bones would separate, the veins feel full and distended; she has a discharge
of blood between her periods with sexual excitement; her menses last too
long, are too copious and the blood comes away in clots followed by bright
blood and she has uterine atony.
Clinical: Sabin, has a decided effect in diminishing knots, and en­
largements and varices in veins. Congestion to the head with alternate
flushes to head and face. Facial neuralgia, better open air. Piles: bleed;


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constipation; pain from sacrum to pubis, biting, sore pain in varices, especially
during the a. m. stool. Gonorrhoea, like Puls., of women, gonorrhoeal warts
about the vulva. Uterine pains, pressure toward groins and into thighs.
Ovaritis and metritis, after abortion or premature labor. Menses: difficult,
pain shoots down thighs, pain in small of back around pelvis, draws and aches,
from sacrum to pubis; too copious and too early and lasts too long, partly
fluid, clotted and offensive, flow paroxysmal, colic, laborlike pains and pain
from sacrum to pubis; inegular becoming almost incessant; wanting, espe­
cially with pain in the limbs; copious at the climaxis, in women who have
aborted. Haemorrhage: uterine; bright red flow, worse every motion, pain in
sacrum to pubis; of plethoric women; may cease on walking about, especially
with pain in the small of the back to the genitals and down the thighs; adapted
to gouty dispositions; occasionally dark haemorrhage, with the characteristic
pains; tendency to, during abortion; if Sabin, fails or fails to hold, look to
Sulph. Lcucorrhoea: offensive, after copious menses; acrid, during preg­
nancy, bites, itches constantly, of starch, ropy, glairy, and the characteristic
pains. Itching, shooting, knifelike pains causing her to scream out, shoot up
the vagina to the navel. Bell, and Sabin, are the two most important reme­
dies for abortion at the third month; Sabin, brings about normal activity of
the womb and causes it to expel its contents. Arthritis, gout and rheumatism:
better open air; worse heat; depressed, pain involves shoulders, hips, elbows
and knees; often pulsations; nodes in joints, burn, so hot hands and feet
must be uncovered; alternating with haemorrhage. Nervousness so great
that music becomes intolerable, it goes right through the bone and marrow.

Clinical: Scurvy and ricketts of bottle-fed babies. Acidity of stom­
ach and itching of anus. A white coating on the tongue so thick that it stif­
fens the tongue. Expectoration that is copious, creamlike, cold and very
offensive. (It is said that black and tan dogs go blind from eating sugar, and
that cataract may be caused by too much salt in the food).


Clinical: Renal dropsy, and inactivity, especially where albumen is
absent. Causes copious diuresis in infants fed on it. Cold pains are char­
acteristic; icy cold, as if produced by extremely fine cold needles.


Clinical: Catarrh, incipient, sneezes all day, especially children. Sto­
matitis; canker sores; mouth hot and dry, tongue covered with burning ves­
icles; breath fetid. Diphtheria, violent fever, white exudate covers fauces,
hoarse barking cough. Cholera infantum or other diarrhoeas of children,
the belchings have a peculiarly putrid and offensive odor. (When placed
in a jar in a y2 per cent solution, bone becomes spongy and soft as leather;
enamel of teeth is slightly affected by it, but the dentine when exposed by
caries is rapidly destroyed). Rheumatism, acute, inflammatory, articular,
attacks one or more joints, especially elbow or knee, swelling, redness, high

fever, excessively sensitive to least jar; motion impossible. (Dissolve in flex­
ible collodion, 30 gr. to dram, has been used for corns and w arts; also to
hasten the peeling of palms and soles after scarlet fever. 2 parts to 100 of
tallow applied directly to the feet, not to the stockings, was found most useful
in preventing sweating and soreness of the feet of soldiers, after a long
march). Sal-ac. produces: vital depression, fainting, flatulence, dyspepsia and
delirium. Vertigo, tends to fall to the left, objects appear to fall to the
right, headache. Dyspepsia: flatulent, hot, sour belchings; headache, putrid
belchings. Dysentery, stool like green frog-spawn. Sciatica, burning pain
worse at night.

Clinical: Impotency, the craving increases with the indulgence. Semi­
nal emmissions, fever, thin, sallow, nervous, cross, irritable, hands and feet
cold even in Summer; emissions without erections.

Clinical: Diarrhoea, stool loose, giddy, fever, right parotid swollen.

Clinical: Cough: tickling, of consumptives, night sweats; irritating,


Clinical: Fright followed by suffocative attacks, face bluish, bloated.
Catarrh, suffocative nasal, in children, suddenly starts up; stoppage, with
thick tenacious mucus. Coryza, dry, of infants, nose dry and completely
obstructed, prevents breathing and nursing; constant snuffles. Urine: in­
creased; watery; deposits a heavy sediment; copious, skin dry and hot.
Nephritis, acute, of great value, dropsy, especially vomiting of bile and dis­
tress in stomach after eating. Respiration suffocative, stitches in the chest.
Laryngismus stridulus, starts up in great suffocation, cannot exhale, face
grows purple. Laryngitis, spasmodic cough, attacks of suffocation. Croup:
spasms of glottis, wheezing respiration, worse after midnight and lying with
head low; attacks of suffocation resembling last stages of croup. Headache,
catarrhal, especially of children. Cough, violent, dry, hoarse, tough mucus
in larynx, worse at night. Whooping cough, suffocative spasms, tough mucus
expectoration during the day; cough worse after midnight, or from lying
with the head low. Oedematous swelling, especially in the instep, legs and
feet. Increased secretions of skin and respiratory mucus membranes. T he
suppression of the sweat during sleep is marked; the skin becomes dry and
burning during sleep, but breaks out in profusion immediately on waking.
(A decoction or ointment of the flowers and leaves of the Samb-can. has
been used on large wounds to prevent the evil effects of flies).

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Suffers much from colds and periodical sick headaches, is weak, takes
cold readily, has burning in the pharynx and oesophagus, right arm becomes
lame, is susceptible to: cold, to every change in the weather, especially to
damp, to every draft and to the change in clothing, is always having a new
cold which causes spasmodic cough that always ends in belching, the palms
and soles are hot, is full of neuralgic, tearing pains, the discharges are acrid,
the tongue red and burns as if in contact with something hot, all the mucus
membranes feel a sense of burning and excoriation, the stomach at times burns
like fire, has a sense of hunger but not for food, one spits up sour food.
Clinical: Headache: extremely valuable; periodic neuralgia, pain be­
gins in occiput, settles ovei right eye, nausea, vomits, photophobia; attacks
beginning in forehead and vertex of right side, especially beginning in the
a. m. and lasting till p. m., worse every motion, better sleep and passing off
with a copious flow of urine; at climaxis, congestion to head, buzzing in
the ears, nausea, chilly, may vomit bile, shivers, better open air and sleep;
every 7 days; if it increases toward afternoon or night it causes one to go to
bed, it becomes sore and is worse by step or jar, also by light, noise and
motion; one feels as if the head would burst or as if the eyes would be
pressed out. Neuralgia in and over the eye. Conjunctivitis, especially of
the right eye. Blephr-adenitis, dry under upper lip, neuralgia about the
eyes. Polypus of ear and nose. Humming and roaring in the ear, pain­
fully sensitive to sounds, at climaxis. Catarrh, nasal, pain over root of
nose, sore throat, dry cough. Tumor, gelatinous, of left nostril. Rose cold,
in June, sensitive to flowers and odors; hay fever, nose and throat burn,
membranes dry and feel as if they would crack, larynx dry, burns, hoarse,
chest dry and burns, asthma, palms and soles dry, wrinkled and hot, puts
them out from under the covers for relief. Facial neuralgia, spreads all
over the head, bends over and holds the head tightly toward the floor for
relief. Roof of mouth sore and through the pharynx, as if burnt or scalded,
right side of throat sore, pain to ear and chest, burning in stomach, nausea,
vomits. Rheumatic soreness of muscles of palate, after influenza. Throat
sore, ulcerated, dry,, loss of taste and smell. Tonsilitis, burning heat in
throat, better inspiring cold air, throat dry as if it would crack. Stomach:
deranged, nausea not better vomiting; ulcer, pain burns, better vomiting,
tender, flushes of heat rise into the head, the characteristic being the heat
rising into the head and better vomiting. Nausea during pregnancy, saliva­
tion, constant spitting. Vomiting: bitter water; sour, acrid fluids; worms,
etc., preceded by anxiety, headache, burning in the stomach, head better
afterward. Distension of abdomen p. m., and flatus discharged from the
vagina from the constantly open os, with pains passing in rays from the
nape of the neck to the head. Dysentery, from taking cold, or diarrhoea,
especially associated with cough. Uterine polypus. Metrorrhagia, cough,
sick headache, flushes to the face. Menses delayed or amenorrhoea, cough,
periodical neuralgia on right side, flushing of face. Nipples sore, painful.
Croup, whistling cough. Larynx: swollen, thoat dry; inflamed, sore, dry,
swollen; expectoration of thick mucus. Whooping cough: worse toward
night, diarrhoea; constricted, spasmodic action across the throat beneath the
jaw, cough worse at night, diarrhoea; severe cough after whooping cough,


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after talcing cold, that partakes of the spasmodic character of whooping cough.
Oedema glottis, dyspnoea, sawing or rasping respiration, aphonia, cough
dry and harsh, worse lying down, expectoration scanty, glairy. Cough dry,
spasmodic, exhausting, especially of children, worse toward night, lying, going
into a cool room and sleep, as if raw and burning in bronchi, trachia sore,
can feel the part as if food passed over it. Asthma: belches acrid, hot fluid;
stomach disordered. Bronchitis: from dampness, draft or change of cloth­
ing, burning behind the sternum, thick, tough, ropy expectoration, spasmodic
cough ending in belching, severe pain in larynx and trachea when talking, heat
in palms and soles. Pneumonia: subacute, especially better lying on the
back; typhoid, face livid, dark red; especially valuable in hypostatic; chest
burns, expectoration rusty, violent cough felt as a concussion at bifurcation
of trachea, as if a knife was thrust into the part, as if torn asunder and after
the cough copious, loud, empty eructations. Rheumatism of right arm and
shoulder, worse night in bed, on turning, cannot raise the arm. Lassitude,
languor, indisposed to move or make any mental effort, worse damp weather.
The most characteristic is a sick headache, beginning in the occiput, spread­
ing upward and settling over the right eye.


Clinical: Catarrh, chronic, polypus of nose, sneezing and burning,
larynx inflamed, hoarse dry hollow cough. Sore behind sternum, violent
convulsive cough. Bifurcation of bronchi irritated, expectoration blood
streaked mucus; mucus membrane inflamed and irritable. Posterior nares
raw and sore, hawks thick, yellow, sometimes bloody mucus.


Clinical: Eyes protrude, stare, extreme mydriasis, haggard expres­
sion, surface and sweat cold.

Clinical: Haemorrhage from the rectum, other remedies failing.

Is weak, emaciated, itches, ill-nourished, face pimply, dirt)', greasy and
brownish, hands and feet cold and clammy, has a foul smelling foot-sweat,
copious sweat on the back of the head and neck, thick dandruff on the scalp
and eyebrows, slow digestion, constipation, the stool as if cut square with a
knife or that slips back when partially expelled, diarrhoea, the stools turn­
ing green or even becoming pale on standing, the stools having the odor of
rotten cheese, has fear of the dark, cannot lie near another person, the child
is stubborn, wilful, gets angry and throws itself backward, and is apt to
vomit milk or thick curds after nursing, her leucorrhoea has the odor of
fish brine.
Clinical: Cold sensation in lumbar region and in sacral region, as
of a cold cloth covering the parts. Diarrhoea: changeable in color; like


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scrambled eggs; grass green, like the scum of a frog pond. Is the chronic
of Cham. Desire to lie on something hard, even though thin. Feels as if
one had on cold damp stockings, sweat about the head and neck during
sleep wetting the pillow far around, when Calc, fails. (Seems to be a cross
between Calc., Mag-c. and Sil.). Tongue burns so that it has to be put
out to cool it. Horse: appetite lost, constipated, stool dark and scanty, tired,
rubs its tail at every opportunity till nearly all the hair is rubbed off. Rheu­
matism in the shoulders, worse left, to chest, only better heat, sits with back
to fire. Eyes: photophobia, little inflammation, must close eyes continually,
discharge of thick, yellowish-green matter, excoriates the parts it touches.
Nose, greenish discharge, excoriates nostrils and lips.

Clinical: Kidneys: acute aching, severe on standing, better sitting;
pain in region of left kidney from ribs to crest of ilium brought on by walk­
ing, better leaning forward, pressing clenched fist into back, and complete
relief from lying down.

Clinical: Retina: hyperaesthesia, then the sight becomes suddenly
dim; anaemia, after eating the sight becomes suddenly dim, better for a
few moments after rubbing the eyes. Yellow is the predominent color,
but green and violet visions are marked; the urine is yellow and stains
yellow, and is passed with urging and painful burning. Flashes of light
after diphtheria. Gums ulcerated, salivation. Nervous blindness. Abdomen
sensitive. Cystitis, chronic, incontinence or dysuria, passes but a few drops
at a time, the urine has a peculiar green color. Remittents, infantile, with
or without worms. Convulsions preceded by vomiting, dilated pupils, col*
lapse, cyanosis and Dyspnoea.

Clinical: Knee, left, greatly enlarged. Nausea, more in oesophagus
and throat, in the warm room, chilliness.

Clinical: Smallpox: fever, headache, backache, gastric disturbance;
if a decoction is taken when the eruption is out and beginning to pustulate,
it aborts secondary fever and pitting; fever becomes less, delirium vanishes,
pain lessens, eruption developes sooner and matures rapidly, dessication
leaving without pits; seems to kill the virus from within; useful in confluent
forms; compare Hydrast. Diarrhoea, a. m., faint after stool, stool dark
and often mixed with blood, foul odor or odor of musk, colic, bloated.


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Has a complex set of troubles, especially bone pains following gonor­
rhoea or abuse of Merc., that are worse dampness, is weak, sluggish, the
organs are slowed down, become congested, the face red and discolored in
patches, the circulation weak, the parts turn blue, black and blue spots
appear on the back of the hands, heat aggravates internally but relieves ex­
ternally, desires cold food, always complaining of fermentation in the stom­
ach, is worse dampness and night, must stand up to urinate during the day
but at night the urine flows freely in bed, each time she urinates air passes
out of her urethra with a gurgling sound.
Clinical: Marasmus: sore mouth, white sand in the urine, emaciation,
shrivelled skin; from hereditary syphilis, emaciated about the neck, dry,
purple copper-colored eruption; always passes sand on the diaper, white
or yellowish (Lyc., red), or whitish like chalk, child screames before urinat­
ing, or at the close of urination it gives an unearthly yell, it looks like an
old man, has a big belly, a dry flabby skin, mushy stools; wets the bed.
Headache: nervous, in occiput, to eyes, syphilitic or mercurial, shooting
from left ear to root of nose, base of nose and eyes swollen; neuralgic, right
side, pulsates, stitches, from occiput. Crusta lactea, only when it begins
with little pimples on the face, very itchy forcing child to scratch, parents
subject to tetter; serpiginosa, child impatient, crusts fall off in the open air
and the new skin cracks. Soreness in the right groin on the appearance
of the menses. Constipation: obstinate, violent urging to urinate, pressure
as if the bowels would be pressed out; during the stool violent cutting and
tearing in the rectum. Nephralgia: excruciating pain from right kidney
downward; colic; gravel, of children; calculi. Cystitis: urine bloody, char­
acterized by pain in the neck of the bladder at close of urination, and chill
running up the back from the bladder; fermentation in the bladder, gas dis­
charged with the urine. Spermatic cord swollen, soreness, especially after
sexual excesses. Emissions, nightly, followed by backache, dim vision, pros­
tration and vertigo. Dysmenorrhoea characterized by retracted nipples. Black
and blue spots appear on the backs of the hands of the aged. Dissolves stone
in the bladder; when the urine becomes cloudy it is time for another dose.
Burning under the finger nails with itching. Old broken down people who
have a clutch in the bladder just at the close of urination that causes them to
cry out. Injury, after, when the open sore becomes indolent or becomes
phagedenic and spreads. Old soaks weakened by wine and women, with weak
hearts, lungs, brain and bladder, emaciated and shrivelled. Gouty nodes, ex­
tremely sore, deposit of red sand in the urine shows good result of the remedy.
Rheumatism, bone pains, worse at night or in damp weather, or from taking
cold in water; after Merc, or gonorrhoea. Eruptions: like roseola, itch;
moist, discharge excoriates; during hot weather, become ulcers; moist in right
groin before the menses. Nipples retracted and shrivel, especially left.

Clinical: Deep sinking of navel. Haemorrhage and varicosis of legs
and feet, purple points. Threadworms, inveterate cases, where Cina and
Tcuc. fail.

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iA i*
be unnatural. M ania: puerperal; active, excitement, exposes the body, tears
at her genitals, inserts her finger in her vagina and scratches until the lips
bleed; all idea of modesty lost. Delirious» restless, throws the clothes off.
Epistaxis: blood dark, flows continuously, prostration, pulse small, threadlike;
of the aged, drunkards and women. Dentition difficult, weak, vomits, thirst,
pale face, eyes dim, sunken, dry heat, rapid pulse, restless, sleepless. Diph­
theria, weak, loss of sensibility, limbs numb, painful tingling and crawling on
tongue, dry gangrene, apathy, pupils dilated, burning pain in affected parts,
stammers, loss of all reaction. Vomiting of blood, sudden, violent, cold
sweat; preceded by extreme pressure and contraction in the stomach; terrible
distress in stomach and abdomen with burning. Diarrhoea: watery, sudden,
unquenchable thirst, drinks and vomits, urine suppressed, shriveled skin, icy
cold, averse to being covered and heat; chronic, exhausts; copious, watery,
brown» putrid, forcibly expelled, painless, involuntary, anus wide open; un­
natural ravenous appetite, craves acids and lemonade; haemorrhage and, stools
bloody, watery, or dark liquid blood. Dysentery, especially valuable in the
collapse stage, stool involuntary, grumous, hopeless cases. Cholera: Asiatic,
especially with icy coldness and aversion to being covered; of scrawny people,
skin blue and cold, thirst violent and continued; collapse, face, especially the
mouth, sunken and distorted, crawling sense as of ants. Urine: suppressed;
albuminous after scarlatina, dropsy. Enuresis of the aged. Urine pale,
watery, bloody. Abortion, never well since. Labor: pains irregular, weak
or ceasing, everything seems loose and open but no action, faints; after-pains:
too long and painful, hour-glass contractions; here it should be used with
great discretion as it is extremely dangerous when albumen is present, it is
liable to bring on convulsions; if used too freely during labor it is very apt
to cause puerperal metritis. Colic, menstrual, forcing pains, coldness, heat
intolerable. Lochia offensive, greenish and purulent. Puerperal fever, danger
of putrifaction, putrid discharges, tympanitis, chills, intolerance of covering,
suppressed urine, tendency to collapse. Metritis, tendency to putresence,
from suppressed lochia or menses, discharge of thin, black blood; legs tingle,
debility. Menses: irregular, or every 4 weeks, for 3 or 4 days; copious,
dark red, fluid discharge, laborlike pain pressing in abdomen, constipation,
pressure in occiput, watery blood discharged between periods. Milk sup­
pressed in scrawny, exhausted women, breasts do not fill properly. Cough,
pains all over the chest on pressing spine. Lungs: gangrene; dark venous
haemorrhage. Cramps in legs, coldness and cold sweat. Paralysis of limbs,
cramps, numbness and formication. Haemorrhage: diathesis; least wound
causes bleeding for weeks; discharge of sanious, liquid blood, with strong
tendency to putresence, limbs tingle, weak, especially when the weakness is
not caused by previous loss of blood; must be uncovered even in a cold room.
Here is an exception: there are sharp stinging, neuralgic pains that bum like
fire and cut like knives, that are better application of heat. Convulsions:
begin in the face; puerperal or in the midst of haemorrhage. Skin: tends to
ulcerate in withered, scrawny people; worse heat. Child thin, scrawny,
shriveled skin, spasmodic twitching, feverish, sudden cries. Ecchymosis, large
blood blisters; often beginning of gangrene. Gangrene: senile, worse heat;
especially of toes. Boils, small, painful, contents green, mature slowly, slow
to heal, very weakening. Rigidity of muscles, especially of hands, fingers
spread widely apart.


r~\ : _ :a.:__ i ____ lA

Original from
Is mentally and physically weak, apt to have a history of past sexual
excesses, or prolonged fever, is especially affected by the heat of hot Summer
sun, suffers from fatigue from which one can get no rest; the back becomes
almost paralytic after a temporary illness, is extremely sensitive to a draft of
air either warm or damp; if a limb becomes diseased it withers, the nervous
states are all aggravated by coition; is extremely sad, has a strong desire for
alcoholic stimulents, is worse after sleep, especially on a hot day; in the sleep
one dreams of what one had forgotten during the day; after eating sugar or
salty food or drinking tea or lemonade one feels their effects ; is apt to have
a rash over the right hypochondrium, the stools are large, hard and very dry;
even impacted and often need mechanical aid in their expulsion; always
awakens at the same hour; the sweat stains yellow; is apt to have itching
about and between the fingers; is worse drinking tea or lemonade.
Clinical: Prostration after typhoid, and debility after exhausting dis­
eases. Of great value for drunkards who have an irresistible desire for ad-
coholic drinks. Headache: from drinking tea, lemonade, etc.; of drunkards,
sometimes better liquor, for which there is a craving; neuralgic, stinging over
left eye, while walking in the hot sun, from strong odors, and especially tea
and strong acids, urine increased. Deafness from hardened wax. Coryza
followed by diarrhoea. Toothache from drinking tea. Liver enlarged,
stitches worse motion and pressure, sore over liver, tongue white, appetite lost;
worse a. m. Constipation from paralysis of rectum. Urine dark, scanty, red,
p. m., sediment coarse, red sand. Nocturnal emissions, sexual dreams, fol­
lowed by weakness in small of back, the discharge thin and odorless, passes
while walking; also too easy; neuasthenia from sexual excesses. Hoarseness
of singers or speakers, where it is frequently necessary to clear the throat of
starchy mucus, very valuable; paralysis of vocal cords. Cough, scraping in
chest, bloody expectoration. The hotter his body the weaker he gets. Gonor­
rhoea, chronic. Laryngitis, tubercular. Spine weak after lingering diseases.
Psoriasis of palms, syphilitic


Clinical: Young girls: menstrual irregularities; suppressed menses
from getting the body or feet w et; who have menorrhagia, a copious flow
which continues until they become anaemic; who suffer from dysmenorrhoea
with most violent pains; who tend to catarrhal phthisis; waxy, anaemic,
chlorotic, who have lost their menstrual flow and become dropsical after a
slow haemorrhage from the womb, kidneys or bladder. Headache before
leucorrhoea and irritation of the bladder. Abdomen: colic, renal, pain over
right kidney, then whole urinary tract painful and tendency to bleed. Dys­
menorrhoea, painful urination, cutting in sacral and hypogastric regions.
Amenorrhoea from a cold, nervous irritability, dropsy, lassitude. Leucorrhoea
of chlorotic girls. Chlorosis, anaemia and green hue. Cystitis, at neck,
tenesmus, urine bloody. Nephritis: intense pain and fever, painful urination,
urine red and hot; urine scanty with pain over the kidneys; worse motion.
Urine copious and scanty alternately, constant desire day and night, face and
limbs oedematous. Dropsy, abdominal, scanty high colored urine. Menses:
early, copious, backache; suppressed, with bronchial catarrh.


n A, A1r> Original from


Has sufferings arising especially from the chest, the pains are pleuritic
and worse rest, but the cough and breathing are worse motion; one can
neither walk against the wind nor ascend a hill; has much rattling in the
chest; the chest feels as if too narrow, the mouth is dry and the taste metallic;
has a peculiar tickling in the tongue, pharynx and larynx that ends in a thick
copious gluey discharge; has cold sweat especially on the upper part of the
body; the walls of the chest are sensitive or painful when touched, the chest
pains are worse at rest and on inspiring and better walking in the open air.
Clinical: opacity of the vitreous. Valuable to promote absorption of
the fragments of the lens after operation. Paralysis of the left ocular motor
nerve, vision double, especially better by bending the head backward. Partial
paralysis of the upper lid; muscular asthenopia; catarrh of conjunctiva. Ca­
tarrh; throat and fauces inflamed, scraping, hoarse; of chest, chronic. Bry.,
seemingly indicated in the beginning, failed, and the expectoration had become
gluey and stringy; that tends to leave sore and tender places in the walls of
the chest as if circumscribed spots on inflamed places were left; laryngeal,
voice unsteady, vocal cords partially paralyzed, tough mucus expectoration,
cough worse before breakfast; bronchial: chest walls sore, mucus, breathing
oppressed, sense of weight on chest; cough worse p. m. and night, in warm
room and lying on right side; of the aged in cold weather, difficult expectora­
tion of tough copious mucus, hard, loud, accelerated breathing and anxiety.
Urine diminished, loaded with shreds of mucus, scalding before and after
urination. Loss of voice of singers, severe burning and hawking. Whooping
cough, expectoration tough, like white of egg. Cough from constant tickling
and burning in the larynx, allowing no rest; worse motion; taste as if one
had coughed up pulverized copper, expectoration thick, copious and gluey.
Lungs: copious secretion of mucus in the aged; congestion, great dyspnoea;
oedema, rattling in the chest. Pneumonia; right lung, violent stitches, rat­
tling of mucus in the chest; pleuro, extreme exhaustion. Grippe, stitches in
the right eye wrhen coughing. Said to be specific for pleuro-pneumonia of
cattle. Very valuable for exhaustion in pleura after Bry. fails. Chest walls
sore from coughing, pressure, sneezing or moving arms. The paralytic symp­
toms are most pronounced in the eye and larynx.


Clinical: Colic of infants, child seems full of incarcerated wind, sleep­

less, repeated sneezing causing heat in hands; exhausting and panting respira­
tion; sinking immediately after a meal. The pods cause a nasty odor from
the body.


Clinical: Said to act like magic in diarrhoea and dysentery during

camp life.


Cl r \ / .n l / >
Original from
SEPIA (Sep.)
Has a yellow earthy complexion with yellow spots on the face and a yel­
low saddle across the bridge of the nose and cheeks; the affections are stilled
and has aversion to the opposite sex, the sediment in the urine is red and ad­
heres to the bottom of the vessel tightly and is hard to remove; one has to
keep the mind on the urine for fear one will lose it; has a gnawing hungry
sense in the pit of the stomach that is not better eating, the bowels are con­
stipated with a sense of a ball in the rectum that cannot be expelled, has no
pleasure in life and will brook no opposition to one’s opinions; all the dis­
charges from the mucus membranes are milky, the odor of cooking nauseates,
one often breaks out in spells of weeping, seems never to be happy unless an­
noying some one, loses affection for one’s family, the back is apt to ache if
one stoops or kneels, the stool, urine and sweat are all offensive, the pains are
mostly burning and are worse: eating, and before her menses; they begin in
the a. m. immediately on waking, become intense and gradually decrease till
afternoon when they vanish, one is generally worse twice daily, forenoon and
p. m., from washing in water and at rest, and better: violent exercise and
good sound sleep, one dreads to be alone except during the headache, her
womb is apt to be prolapsed so that she feels the need of a bandage to hold it
up; she feels better sitting with her legs crossed.
Clinical: Hypochondriasis and hysteria; valuable for the various forms
of mental depression in women, complete indifference, no interest in their own
affairs or the affairs of others. Headache: usually neuralgic, often extends
from the occiput to the eyes or, congestive, on the vertex, great despondency
and desire to be alone; neuralgic, over one eye, pulsating or sticking, very
sensitive, especially with the uterine complaints; chronic, congestive, or with
disordered liver and the characteristic saddle across the nose; especially oc­
cipital; worse a. m.; pain through eyes and temples, better sweat, worse be­
ginning to move, throbbing felt on stooping, and worse ascending stairs;
periodic, sick or gouty people; often jaundice; aversion to all kinds of food,
empty gone sense in pit of stomach, recurs every a. m. with nausea, vertigo
and epistaxis, smell of food repulsive and the yellow saddle. Sour sweat on
head. Eruption on scalp and behind the ears, sore from scratching. Pimples
on forehead near hair. Apoplexy from drinking or sexual excesses, disposed
to gout. Supraorbital neuralgia, usually right, upper lid heavy, from anxiety
or fatigue. Paralysis of upper lid, with uterine diseases or irregular menses.
Retinal anaemia, sight vanishes suddenly. Asthenopia, uterine complaints;
worse p. m. Eye troubles worse twice daily, a. m. and p. m., important. Sep.
has arrested cataract in women. Catarrh: nasal; dry, in left nostril; discharge
of solid pieces of mucus from posterior nares; thick green, yellow crusts blown
from nose; loss of taste and smell. Facial neuralgia, during pregnancy, inter­
mittent, severe only at night. Toothache: better cold air, from tobacco; worse
if anything hot or cold is taken into mouth. Nausea: after eating; a. m.,
fasting; from smell of food or cooking, and when riding in a carriage; anxiety
on exerting the eyes. Dyspepsia: acid, abdomen bloated, sour or putrid belch­
ing, often nausea and vomiting; or, hypochondriacal mood, especially at the
climaxis, or from overwrought brain, or sexual excesses; atonic amenor­
rhoea, the nausea and vomiting better eating generally, and lying down;
flatulent, longs for acids, sore over abdomen and liver, blisters in mouth,
especially with sense of something twisting about in stomach and rising into

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n Original from
the throat. Vomiting: during pregnancy, with the characteristic sense of
emptiness at pit of stomach; from drawing large offensive plugs from posterior
nares: persistent milky; excessive acidity, heartburn. Gets up in the a. m.
with an all-gone sense, distress and full feeling in the stomach, followed by
belching and uprisings of mucus and milky fluid; vomits milky matter. Pot­
bellied mothers, abdomen covered with brown spots. Liver: enlarged, heavy
in region of liver; torpid, aching weight and soreness, involves even right
shoulder, occipital headache, sallow complexion and especially with the char­
acteristic saddle across the nose. Constipation: rectum inactive and feels
constantly full even after stool, even a soft stool is expelled with difficulty;
stool hard covered with quantities of jellylike mucus; sits and strains till
copious sweat breaks out without relief, but after a little assistance with the
finger and prolonged straining a little stool is passed followed by a cupful of
jellylike mucus, yellow or yellowish-white and very offensive; a distressing
sense of a lump in the rectum. Piles that bleed at stool, distress when walk­
ing about. Diarrhoea, green mucus, especially from boiled milk, of children
during dentition, urine turbid, offensive and reddish, sediment adheres to the
bottom of the vessel, rapid exhaustion and emaciation. Cystitis, chronic, urine
slow, constant desire, bearing down sense above pubis. Atony of bladder,
flow of urine slow. Cystocele, bearing down. Enuresis, nocturnal, especially
forepart of night. The characteristic urine deposits a red sand which is dif­
ficult to remove from the vessel. Involuntary urine is common to both the
child and the adult; she has a sudden desire and if unable to attend to it im­
mediately she has violent pains as of a knife cutting, the pains continuing
until the urine is passed. Catarrh of the vagina, dry, the vagina painful
especially during coition. Prolapsus uteri, crosses her legs to prevent pro­
trusion, constipation. Endometritis, chronic, tender over uterus, constant de­
sire to urinate. The thoughts of coition causes nausea and irritability. Menses:
disordered; amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, scanty flow, nervous palpitation,
sinking at epigastrium, a. m. nausea, or in girls of sallow delicate fiber. Tum or
of breast, sharp pains. For women who should menstruate when the child
ceases to nurse, and who do not, but run down and pine away. (C alc is the
opposite, the menses come on while the child nurses.) Leucorrhoea: of little
girls; thick, green, acrid, or milky. Cough: retching, gagging; dry, with
rattling; thick yellow tenacious expectoration; whooping cough; worse before
midnight, followed by expectoration which is generally thick, greenish-yellow
and salty, with relief, the cough seems to come from the abdomen; or, with
violent retching, frequent desire to eat; worse especially the forepart of the
night; during first sleep (irritable children: Cham.). Bronchitis: chronic,
worse a. m. on waking, especially with hepatic symptoms, face pale yellow.
Heart affections, sympathetic, palpitation and tremulous sense, flushes, in
women. Induration from pressure of pipe. W arts that have been red or
pink, become pigmented. Ulcers about the joints, especially finger (Bor.,
M ez.). Sudden hot flushes at climaxis, tend to faint, weak, momentary
sweat. Hands sweat copiously; cold. Faints while kneeling in church. Said
to stand at the head of sill remedies in the treatment of uterine displacements,
especially prolapsus, with engorgement and the characteristic bearing down
sensation as if the organs would protrude; has to cross the legs to prevent it.

( 266)

*Ai . » Original from

Is chilly, easily recognized by his offensive feet, takes cold readily and
cannot have the head uncovered, is mild and yielding when calm but irritable
and irrascible when aroused; is irritable both mentally and physically, timid,
dreads failure as in final exams, the fear, like that of Lyc., is unfounded,
sweats mostly all over the face if one exerts; must avoid the cold air, photo­
phobia accompanies all the eye complaints, the ears feel stopped and are better
gapping and swallowing, the sense of smell is diminished, all the pains are
better: in a warm room, from heat and hot drinks, the gums are sore, in­
flamed and tend to form boils, dislikes warm food, and while one dislikes meat
one will take cold sliced meat, hot fluids cause sweat about the face and head;
is worse from milk and the child is apt to vomit the milk in small curds and
it has an eversion to its mother’s milk; the bowels are constipated and the
partially expelled stool slips back, the mucus secretions are thick and curdy;
one is aggravated: in cold, damp weather, bathing, night, open air, lying on
the painful side, wine, change of weather, and better: heat, hot, applications
and warm wraps; the child is cross and cries when spoken to.
Clinical: Epilepsy, aura begins in solar plexus. Bad effects of: foreign
bodies penetrating the flesh, splinters or needles; of change in weather to
dampness, and vaccination. Bone: diseases; caries, especially of long bones,
stabbing pains. Joint diseases: especially of hip, acute pain to knee. Effects
of fright and nervous shock. Brainfag of business men, lawyers, preachers
and students. Head: ache: usually occipital and back of neck, especially right
side; worse cold air; weight in occiput as if it would be drawn backward;
rush of blood to head; great sensitiveness to cold, better warm wraps, sensi­
tive to external impressions, as noise or light, flickering before eyes; from
nervous exhaustion; neuralgic, from occiput to over eye, better warm wraps;
tumor: filled with grumous fluid; bloody; in infancy; cephalatoma neona­
torum; offensive eruption on occiput, ulcerates, scabs. Eyes: letters run to­
gether, appear pale. Ears: otitis media; acute and chronic; after bathing;
deafness where the hearing returns with a snap; hissing sound; especially if
the parotids are enlarged; caries of mastoid. Otorrhoea, discharge curdy,
ichorous and offensive. Nasal catarrh: offensive; ulceration, discharge bloody,
especially when it involves the Eustachian tube; most vicious, horrible odor
or fetor, bone destroyed; phagedenic, nose ulcerated. Nose: crusts like
epithelioma, form on wings, when picked off leave raw surfaces that refuse
to heal. Necrosis of jaw. Lips: tumor; rough, crack, peel. Teeth: abscess
at root. Dentition: difficult, delayed, gums sensitive and blistered, grasps at
gums, fever toward p. in. and all night, worms, heat in head, constipation,
stool recedes, offensive feet. Glands: abscess threatens, tongue fills whole
mouth, tearing, rending pains, worse nights, better heat. Eyes: sore, in­
veterate, scrofulous. T hroat: sore, inveterate; tonsilitis: suppuration threatens,
or after it, when there is no healing; pus continues to flow but gets thinner,
less laudable, darker and more fetid; quinsy, old, chronic cases, worse after
a bath; desires heat, dreads cold, always shiveiing. Waterbrash, chilly, tongue
brown. Retching from trying to expectorate (Carb-v.). Dyspepsia, chronic,
having vomited a long time, especially aversion to hot food, who cannot take
milk and have an aversion to meat, with the mental and bodily characteristics.
Hepatic abscess, induration, ulceration, pain. Piles, painful, spasms of
sphincter. Fissure of anus, much irritability. Diarrhoea: from aversion to


n t A/ Original from
mother’s milk; chronic, of soldiers; cadaverous odor; worse cold air, sour
offensive sweat on head, cold but becomes warm when slightly covered, offen­
sive foot sweat making feet sore. Abscess in region of rectum, that breaks
inside or out, that forms complete or incomplete openings. Constipation:
irritable sphincter; hard unsatisfactory stool that slips back when partially ex­
pelled, strains till abdominal muscles become sore. Enuresis nocturna of boys
and girls; hydrocele of boys; from worms. Gonorrhoea: chronic, thick fetid
purulent discharge, curdy. Elephantiasis scroti. Prostatitis, suppuration,
thick, fetid pus from urethra; abscess. Impotence, sexually weak, takes
some time to get over the effects of coition. Blood flows from
the womb when the child is put to the breast (Calc, has flow during lactation,
but not when the child is put to the breast). Hydropyosalpinx, copious watery
discharge from the womb. Cysts, like hickory nuts, grouped together in the
vagina (Rhod.). Amenorrhoea from suppressed foot sweat, pain in abdomen.
Leucorrhoea: chronic, purulent; acrid, excoriating; paroxysmal milky dis­
charge; copious, corrodes; in gushes. Abscess of labium, tends to fistulous
openings. Asthma: sycotic, or in children of sycotic parents, patient pale,
waxy, anaemic, thirst, prostration; from suppressed gonorrhoea. Phthisis:
suppurative stage, muco-purulent expectoration, fetid, more pronounced cold­
ness than Calc., head sweats, lungs pain, sore, stitches. Cough of sickly chil­
dren, night sweats. Bronchitis of the aged, expectoration, offensive Chest
affections of stone cutter. Pneumonia: slow recovery; late stage and old
chronic complaints after. Indurations and tumor of breasts, sharp pain.
Heart irregular, spinal irritation, nervous, exhausted. Spine: disease of bone;
Pott’s disease; irritation; curvature, abscess; emaciation, night sweats, ex­
tremely valuable; nervous affections after spinal injury, especially when pres­
sure on the spine causes pain in remote parts, especially the head. Rheu­
matism, especially of the soles, cannot walk. Nails: ingrowing; rough, yel­
low, crippled, brittle, white spots; blue during fever; stimulates the growth
of new nails. Hastens the opening of old ulcers and heals them with normal
cicatrices; heals old fistulous openings with indurated edges. Effects of sup­
pressed footsweat. Child: bones become soft, necrose, break down, fistulous
openings form. Women subject to little abscesses that heal in nodules, which
then break out again. Abscesses and carbuncles: especially with fistulous,
openings; spread to a large size, hectic fever, sweat and discharge offensive,
nervous system sensitive; worse cold. Felon (w hitlow ): aborts, better heat,
worse full moon; pain lancinates. Enlarged bursa over patella. Vaccination,
after, red, inflamed swelling, fever, nausea, headache, backache, abscess. Fever,
hectic, night sweats. Convulsions after vaccination. W ant of animal heat
even after exercising. Ricketts, fontanelles open, head large and sweats, body
emaciated and dry. Extremely sensitive to all external impressions in nervous


C linical: Asthma and chronic bronchitis, copious, light, stringy, frothy

mucus expectoration; congestion of mucus surfaces, expectoration exhausts one
to the extent of keeping one in bed.

( 26$ )

r> Original from

Clinical: Headache: flatulence, better walking in open air; worse in
warm room; salivation; urine turbid; copious watery saliva. Sore mouth,
mucus membrane intensely red and dotted with white ulcers, least food, even
of the blandest character increases the constant burning in the mouth and


Clinical: Hay fever: nose dry, hot, nostrils alternately affected; or,
eyes red, smart, burn and itch; or, great swelling of nose, thin acrid discharge,
dyspnoea, chest oppressed; worse at night on lying down; or, rattling, wheez­
ing in chest, dyspnoea. Catarrh and coryza, acute: thin watery excoriating
discharge, sharp hacking cough, better lying down; eyes smart and itch; tears,
sneezing, thick acrid discharge; acute, of pharynx, hot, inflamed, feels scalded,
often burning in stomach; worse eating. Dryness of anterior nares and
pharynx and posterior nares; slightly lumpy secretion. Cough, loud, in spells,
barking expiration heard at a distance.

Clinical: Convulsions, draws arms to middle of body, fingers flexed;
worse left side; lack of mental energy.

Clinical: Urticaria, Apis or Urtica Urens failing. Styes on the eye­
lids following the disappearance of rheumatism.

Clinical: Piles, constipation and dreadful anal itching (cured as if by
m agic); anus sore. Headache, drowsy, p. m., dull, stupifying frontal pain,
back of head and neck stiff, pain between shoulders, pain in spleen, stitches in
heart. Lumbago, diarrhoea, debility, rigid pulse, stomach distended; must
loo6en clothing.

Clinical: Irritable, unable to think, sleepy yet unable to sleep, a kind
of stupor, worse at full tide, better at ebb tide; hawks blood streaked mucus,
sensitive to tobacco.

Clinical: Headache: nausea, giddy, drowsy; delirium, face flushed,
eyes sparkle, pains come and go suddenly, fiery rashes, skin burns, sweat;
eruption in scarlatina blotchy; the headaches are frightful; split, throb, burst,
pierce worse least motion of head, light, noise or stooping. Vertigo as if bed
was being rapidly turned in a circle; pupils dilated.


n Original from
facial muscles. Eyes: neuralgia; ciliary, pains severe, radiate in all directions;
settles in or about, or below, left eye, day and night, from cold damp rainy
weather. Eye troubles from neuralgia; Ruta from eye strain. Sharp stinging
pains over left eye). Ptosis sharp pains, hot tears. Iritis, rheumatic,
ciliary pains. Catarrh, post-nasal. Facial neuralgia, pains burn» shoot,
tear, radiate in every direction; left side mostly, into eye, malar bone and teeth,
from a. m. to sunset; worse at noon; from motion and noise. Toothache,
neuralgic, violent shooting; worse cold water. Abdominal pain from worms,
in children. Carditis; peri and endo, violent irregular action, severe pain;
peri, copious sweat, sticking pain, palpitation, dyspnoea, from lying on the
back, dry cough; of aorta and, pain under sternum, arm numb. Heart: neu­
ralgia, extends to arm; angina pectoris; nervous, action irregular and tumul­
tuous; seldom indicated in cardiac rheumatism, in phlegmatic people that do
not feel intensely. Worms: dilated pupils; strabismus; putrid odor from the
mouth, nose itches, griping in bowels, swallows often, palpitation. Hydro­
thorax, dyspnoea, suffocating attacks when moving in bed or raising the arms;
must lie on right side or with head high. Rheumatism of left side of chest;
stitches worse motion or breathing. Knocking against any part of the body
sends a painful crawling through the whole body to head; body painfully sen­
sitive to touch. A general characteristic in neuralgia is that the pain begins
at one point and radiates in different directions, generally worse in stormy
weather. The chief remedy in ciliary neuralgia. Extremely valuable in facial
neuralgia, especially supraorbital, also involving the eyeball; worse left side;
begins a. m., grows worse toward noon and diminishes toward p. m. Rheu­
matic pericarditis, or endo carditis, purring feeling over the heart, wavelike
motion not synchronous with the pulse; systolic blowing at apex, always great
dyspnoea and extremely violent palpitation.


Clinical: Strabismus of right eye.

Clinical: Head: washing with cold water unpleasant, it causes a feel­
ing as if the head was too large. Eyelids scurfy, and as if too heavy, after
siesta. Urine turbid, as if mixed with clay, deposits red sand and has an oily
film on the surface. Burning in oesophagus, better eating and drinking, but
not by empty swallowing.

Clinical: Eyes inflamed, become red and hot. Cerebral troubles on
bending or raising the arm.

SPONGIA (Spong.)
Has marked anxiety, fear of death and suffocation, palpitation, uneasiness
in the region of the heart yet no cerebral symptoms; is worse in the warm
room and from heat, while one desires to be in a cool room one is better from
warm drinks; every excitement increases the cough, the cough better eating


Original from
n A- A 1r>
and drinking; the face is apt to become pale from exercise instead ef the ruddy
glow; all the glands are affected and become increasingly hard; the air pas­
sages are dry with whistling and wheezing compelling one to sit up and bend
forward; is compelled to hold the head upright to relieve the dull pressure in
the occiput, sweets cause the throat to get sore; the circulation gets worse if
one lies on the right side; wakens in fright and feels as if suffocating; is apt
to have cold sweat on the face; the larynx is worse talking and swallowing.
Clinical: Testes: enlarged, inveterate cases; inflamed from cold or
suppressed gonorrhoea; gradually increasing hardness. Goitre, heart affec­
tion, eyes protrude; hard, suffocative spells at night, hoarse cough. Laryn­
gitis, harsh croupy cough, suffocative spells rouse one from sleep, larynx sen­
sitive to touch; worse turning head (in croup, Spong., like Brom., is indi­
cated in the suffocative attacks. Spong. is not useful in the acute febrile
stage, but follows Aeon., though if possible Brom, or Iod. are better). Hoarse­
ness, chronic, especially if the voice gives out in talking or singing. Oppres­
sion of breathing, better eating a little. Bronchial catarrh, wheezing, asth­
matic cough, better eating or drinking, worse cold air; or, profuse expectora­
tion and suffocative attacks worse lying with head low and in a warm room
(hot), better eating. Cough: dry, suffocative, aneurism or enlarged bronchial
glands; dyspnoea, better warm food and often by warm drinks; dry, spas­
modic, troublesome; worse cold things taken into the stomach; dry, tickling,
teasing, croupy, spasmodic, if room becomes too warm. Coryza: hoarse,
aphonia, larynx dry; sneezing, whole chest rings, is as dry as a horn; voice
hissing, croupy, nose dry. Endocarditis, rheumatic, unable to lie down,
wakens suffocated; the principal remedies for the acute stage are: Spong.,
Abrot., Sep. and Kalm.; Naja for valvular diseases. Heart disease from rheu­
matism. Spong. is related to Aeon., but deeper acting. Especially adapted
to young people of tubercular parents, who remain weak and pallid, and who
do not thrive. Asthma, from taking cold, cannot lie down, breathing tight,
goitre, must throw head back; worse full moon. Whooping cough, deep,
hollow, barking, from a sense of a plug in the larynx, expectoration only a. m.,
scanty, tough, hard, yellow mucus, compelling one to swallow it. Cough dry
as a bone, sounds like a saw being driven through a pine board.

SQUILLA (Squil.)
Suffers from catarrhal affections and dropsy, the stomach pains are better
lying on the left side, tears gush from the eyes if one coughs, the cough also
causes the urine to spurt and even the stool to pass involuntarily; the urine
becomes copious if dropsy comes on; has a copious colorless discharge from the
nose especially a. m., the stools are dark brown, has an absolute lack of sweat;
the child has dyspnoea so bad it cannot drink; it seizes the cup eagerly but
can drink only in sips; it constantly rubs its eyes and sneezes; its teeth are
apt to show black marks.
Clinical: Its cardiac action is said to be exactly the same as that of
Dig. Cracked hoof of horses. Nails become brittle and split. Dropsy, ab­
dominal scanty urine. Catarrh, acrid discharge, corrosive; worse a. m .; violent
sneezing. Atony of bladder, urine involuntary with the cough. Cystitis,
tenesmus, frequent urging, urine scanty, dark. Bronchitis, acute and chronic,
from drinking; much mucus in the chest, which rattles and causes violent

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spasmodic coughing and involuntary urination; has to cough a long time be­
fore a little mucus is raised, which gives relief. Cough: every cough ends
with sneezing and involuntary urination, and often a flow of tears; violent,
spasmodic, ends in choking, almost explosive; from a sort of spasm in pit of
stomach, quite dry, but always followed by the need to clear the nose; loose
a. m., dry p. m .; coughs until covered with sweat; gags and coughs, finally
raises 2 or 3 little lumps of tenacious mucus; seldom during the day; chilly,
worse least draft; very sensitive to cold; wants plenty of clothing; expectora­
tion sweetish; worse cold water and cold air; in all the coughs there is con­
siderable rattling of mucus, stitches in chest and involuntary passage of urine.

Clinical: Dizziness, fullness in head and eyes, disposed to take cold;
breathing oppressed, as from paralysis of diaphragm.

STANNUM (Stann.)
Is weak, nervous, anaemic, catarrhal, subject to neuralgia, weak especially
in the chest which makes speech weak and difficult which again in turn
weakens the chest, the chest feels empty, is exhausted by talking or reading
aloud, is sleepless, the pains come and go gradually and are like the pulling
of a string that gradually tightens and gradually relaxes; is always tired,
work becomes irksome, is sensitive to pain; the pain at times becomes so severe
that it becomes intermingled with a throbbing, pulsating, and the mind seems
stunned; the whole body becomes weary and especially so when attempting to
ascend stairs; the chest and larynx feel weak; one trembles more from slow
motion or exercise; the expectoration is copious, and is predisposed to phthisis,
expectoration of balls of sweetish mucus is characteristic.
Clinical: The mental symptoms may be compared with those of
Natr-m. and Puls. Head: ache, as from a hoop, better and worse gradually,
worse motion; neuralgia; about eyes; extends to vertex, as though head would
burst from internal blows, senitive to noise; begins at 10 a. m. and lasts till
4 p. m .; worse at noon. Prosopalgia, from suppressed chills by quinine; worse
and better gradually. Catarrh of pharynx, chronic, hawks up hard lumps of
mucus. Gastralgia, pains gradually worse and better. Neuralgia of the
bowels, nausea, retches, even vomits blood. Colic: of children; worse and
better gradually, better hard pressure or when carried over the shoulder or
laid across the knee. Worms: (for the expulsion of tapeworm: \ l/ 2 oz. tin
(pewter metal), ground to a powder, mix with sugar syrup, and take on a
Friday, before change of moon, l/ 2 of the mixture, on the following day,
y 2 of the remainder, and the rest on Sunday, following with a purge on the
Monday following). Leucorrhoea: transparent, yellow, great debility, or,
thin and watery, bearing down; causing great debility. Uterine symptoms
with a weak drawn sense in the chest. Catarrh, bronchial: acute; worse
daily, noon till midnight; acute and chronic, cough generally dry forepart of
the night, during the day expectoration greenish, salty, or balls of mucus
having a sweetish taste. Cough: worse talking, laughing or lying on the right
side and warm drinks; chest weak, can speak but a few words at a time; ex­
pectoration : small hard balls of sweetish mucus that roll on the floor is char­
acteristic. (When a loose cough is turned into a dry one, Puls, will loosen


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it again.) Phthisis, chest weak and the characteristic expectoration. Pleurisy,
knifelike stitches; worse left side and bending forward. Cramp in the hand,
cannot let go of the broom (Dros.). Neuralgia: all worse and better grad­
ually; often begins at sunrise, grows worse till noon, then gradually better,
lachrymation; intermittent infraorbital, 10 a. m. to 3 or 4 p. m., gradually
worse and better, from abuse of quinine. Hoarse, weak, empty sense in
chest on beginning to sing, constantly obliged to stop and take a breath.


Clinical: Cough, persistent inclination to, from a tickling dry spot in
the throat, in one place or another; often apparently at the root of the
tongue, beginning as a weak sounding cough with short breath, soon gathers
strength and sound and causes raising of free, copious, pale yellowish ex­
pectoration, which at first relieves, but is soon followed by a feeling of dry­
ness, weakness in throat and chest, and increased oppression.

Is the victim of repressed wrath, easily disturbed and excited but rarely
show's it, becomes speechless from suppressed anger with indignation and that
state affects his bladder causing frequent urging; becomes indifferent and low
spirited, indignant about things done by oneself and others and grieves about
the consequences; has a violent temper and throws things into the fire, has
a sense of weight between the eyes, the cerebrum feels numb and the occiput
feels hollow, the tips of the fingers are sensitive, has a sense of a round ball in
the forehead, is extremely nervous, the body trembles, is apt to have stitches
in the region of the heart, has a ravenous appetite, feels acutely the slightest
wrong, his testes incline to atrophy, she inclines to nymphomania, the child is
ill-humored and cries for this and that which it petulently pushes away or
throw’s away.
Clinical: Gout, chronic, nodosities. Neuralgia after operations.
Head: ache, neuralgic, as from a ball in the forehead, or a lump that cannot
be shaken off; eruption on occiput and behind the cars, moist, fetid, scalp
sensitive and painful. Extremely valuable for tumors of the eyelids, styes in
lids, edges inflamed and hard, may ulcerate; styes that remain hard nodules.
Deafness after the abuse of Merc. Gums: spongy, excressences, painful, bleed
readily. Teeth: carious, crumble; turn black and become brittle; decay dur­
ing pregnancy: ache: during the menses; pain shoots to the ear and temples;
worse open air or cold; worse light, better hard pressure; show’ dark streaks.
Dentition: child sensitive to mental and physical impressions, w’inces and
shrinks awray from every wrry look or harsh word, cries from least pain, teeth
decay as soon as they are cut. Atony of stomach and abdomen, feel as
though they hung down, relaxed. Colic: from cold water, better heat; from in­
dignation, after lithotomy, urging to stool or urinate; worse after food or
drink. Diarrhoea: stool hot, odor of bad eggs; worse drinking cold water;
especially valuable in children whose teeth turn dark and crumble, and have
fetid eruptions on scalp; dysentery or, chronic, of weakly, sickly children
after anger or being punished. Piles so sensitive that they cannot be touched.
Prostate enlarged, especially w’ith piles; pain over kidneys; of old men, fre-


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quent urging to urinate, continual dribbling and teasing. Urinary troubles
of newly married women. Onanism, after, mind dull, low spirited, indiffer­
ent. W arts about genitals and anus, or caruncle of urethra which if nipped
causes spasms; dry, sensitve about genitals from sycosis or abuse of Merc,
(if moist, red and offensive: T huja). Soft moist offensive excressences on
penis. Orchitis, from mumps, pains bum, sting. Prolapsus uteri, as though
abdomen would sink down. Menses irregular, aching around hips, loss of
power in legs. Hypersensitive nerve growth on hands or back. Eruptions
moist offensive itch, after scratching appear elsewhere. Herpes zoster, pains
shoot and extend down thighs. Wounds: lithotomy, after, qualmish, urging
to stool; worse drinking.


Clinical: Rheumatism: pains shift, better motion, soreness; eyeballs

sore; swelling; chronic; joints gouty; liver enlarged and sore to touch.


Clinical: Headache, violent, pain in eyes which are sore on turning

them. Earache, noise and beating in occiput. Catarrh, nasal: copious dis­
charge of bloody pus, distressing cough worse p. m. and night; almost in­
cessant, worse lying down; chest oppressed; or, dryness of nose and palate;
they feel as stiff as leather, occasional discharge of scabs; worse p. m. and
night; or, constant blowing of nose, but no discharge; or, stuffed up, nasal
secretions dry rapidly; or, chronic, sneezing, discharge green, frontal head­
ache; may bleed. Hay fever, incessant sneezing, fullness in forehead and
root of nose, tingling. Diarrhoea, cough and much mucus. Cough: incessant,
dry, spasmodic; worse p. m. and night; may feel as of hard masses in the
chest, pressure at root of nose; or, hacking in nervous and hysterical persons,
especially if subject to sick headache; or, dry, racking, splitting frontal head­
ache, cough caused by inspiration; worse lying down at night; or, with hoarse­
ness and nightly expectorations; or, very noisy, often spasmodic, like whooping
cough; or, incessant cough with measles, which prevents sleep at night; nose
dry and stuffy. Chorea, hysterical; worse p. m. and night; constant jumping
about, feet and legs as if floating in the air. Rheumatism: inflammatory, of
small joints, intense pain in neck and head; of wrists; house maid’s knee;
bursa of knee joint, simple or diffused; a spot of inflammation and redness of
the affected joint like the hectic flush on the cheek of a phthisis being. Milk


Clinical: Eruption: on scalp, moist, brown, excoriates; tubercular,

that tends to suppurate. Stool white, pasty, fetid. Sciatica, especially left
side, especially with bone pains. Nodes on skull and long bones with bone
pains. Laryngitis, sense of lameness in the cartilages, sense of constriction and
soreness. Muscles of legs and feet feel tired.


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Is the victim of mental violence, full of excitement and rage, trembles,
full of restless movements, notions hasty, expression anxious, fearful, wild,
in the anxiety one turns away from the light and wants the room dark as the
bright light aggravates; has great fear and anxiety on hearing water run and
an aversion to all fluids; looking into the fire causes cough; the mouth, tongue
and throat are dry; the tongue often swollen filling the whole mouth; hur­
ries with all one's might if one wishes to go to another place; is very anxious
while passing through tunnels while riding on the train on account of a weak
heart; the forehead wrinkles and has the appearance of great suffering; the
cheeks are hot, the pupils dilated, swallowing is difficult, the child wakens
terrified, knows no one, screams with fright and clings to those near, it will
not go to sleep in the dark, but soon falls to sleep in a lighted room.
Clinical: Hallucinations: cause fear and fright; especially in the dark;
especially where one thinks one is surrounded by black insects, or by small
dark colored animals. Chorea: from fright, spasms constantly change; espe­
cially facial muscles, which assume all sorts of expressions; rarely useful in
that form that persistently attacks certain muscles. Convulsions: hysterical,
froths at the mouth, features distorted; from fright, especially from animals;
nervous, excitable; violent opisthotonos, violent distortions, contraction of
limbs, bites the tongue, bleeding from passages. Delirium: raves; attempts to
escape; talks, laughs or sings; especially with symptoms of terror; thinks one
will be killed, or that wild beasts are chasing one; tremens, visions of animals
from which one tries to escape; of fever, characterized by abnormal sense of
the proportions of one’s body; violent, expression wild, anxious, fearful, eye*
fixed on one object, face flushed, hot, raging fever, head hot, limbs cold; bland
murmuring; violent, foolish, joyful, loquatious, incoherent chattering, with
open eyes; tries to stab and bite; sexual excitement. The loquacity of Stram.,
unlike that of Lach, and Hyos., is confined to one subject. Hydrophobia,
Stram., of all drugs, is nearest to a specific. Mania, curses, tear one’s clothes,
frenzy, violent speech, exposes the person. Vertigo when walking in the dark.
Headache: congestive, fears going mad from the pain; boring, frontal, pre­
ceded by obscured vision, pain usually on the opposite side of the blurred eye;
violent, from walking in the sun, or from the sun’s heat; worse day and
night; motion or jar, compels sitting up, eyes fixed on corner of room, motion­
less, says strange things. Meningitis: cerebro-spinal; from suppressed otor-
rhoea, forehead wrinkled, eyes glassy, staring, pupils dilated, little fever, ter­
rible pain through base of skull, especially if there is a history of necrosis about
the ear. Strabismus. Eye troubles and irritation of the brain from overstudy,
especially of students compelled to do much night work. Stram. stands alone
among the deep acting remedies in the violence of mental symptoms. Facial
neuralgia, twitching, delerium. Diarrhoea: during typhoid, stool black,
putrid, loquatious delirium, fright, desire for light; stools copious, involuntary,
abdomen tympanitic. Bladder: loss of power of, in the aged; urine suppressed,
especially during typhoid. Nymphomania, puerperal or menstrual, great vio­
lence. Cough: spasmodic, suffocation, limbs jerk. Asthma: desire for open
air, spasmodic (very important), worse talking, hardly able to inspire. Whoop­
ing cough, paroxysms violent, almost convulsive suffocation, cold, starts up
in fright. Pneumonia with the peculiar delirium. Inflammation, high grade,
pus forms, abscesses, with excruciating pain. Abscess of left hip joint, pain
violent. Scarlatina, before the eruption appears or even after, in the malig­
nant type.

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Clinical: Limbs: tender, veins of legs show up and inflame, left ankle
swells, vertigo, vision dim, appetite poor, menses every 3 weeks, sleepy p. m. ;
left leg and foot swollen, hard, tender, red, pit; pain and nausea after eating.
Urine thick, offensive, dark, grains of red sand.


Clinical: Headache: boring, pressing, tensive; comes up spine and
over head; worse cold and wrapping head up warmly; tensive, from vertex
to upper jaw, as if head was expanded from within, and as if scalp was too
tight, worse p. m. lying with head low, slowly worse and better, better eating,
worse walking. Diarrhoea, worse at night; stool yellow (all conditions
worse walking). Phlebitis, venous tension in arms, veins of arms and hands
injected and tense, great prostration and ill-humor. Bone affections: espe­
cially of scrofulous children, especially with diarrhoea; affects especially the
femur. Diarrhoea, urgent, scarcely leaves the vessel before one has to return,
worse after 3 a. m. Ankle, chronic sprain, oedema. Sciatica with oedema of
left ankle. Pains appear like phantoms, can hardly tell where they are.
Apoplexy threatens, violent congestion to head, face becomes red and hot
every time the patient walks. Sprain, chronic, especially of ankle, Arn. and
Rhus failing. Especially useful after a surgical operation where there has
been much cutting, great prostration, coldness, oozing of blood, breath almost


Clinical: Headache: dull pain over eyes, worse sunlight, motion, loss
of sleep, sewing, and reading, better after stool, swelling of upper eyelids
worse a. m.; craves cloves.

Clinical: Heart weak, especially from alcohol, tea or tobacco. Diges­
tion disordered, burning in oesophagus and stomach, nausea, vomits, diarrhoea.
Abolishes taste for alcohol.

Clinical: Convulsions, tetanic (that often end in death), intermittent,
worse least touch or movement, only tolerable position is lying on the back;
lies on back, body rigid, jaws set, arms and hands flexed, thumbs nearly touch­
ing across the chest, entire muscular system convulsed, spasms short and jerky,
muscles remain contracted and hard as wood between spasms; or, opisthotonus,
cry, terror, hippocratic countenance and froth at mouth. Extreme nervous
excitability, sees ugly faces, laughs, giddiness, light swimming sense in head,
involuntary, iodioticlike chuckles, ideas confused, stupor, weary. Headache:
drowsy, frontal, dartings like electric shocks; violent, in forehead, over eyes,
after each meal, constriction in throat. Cough, persistent, after influenza.
Rheumatic stiffness of joints.


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Clinical: Spleen: painful, convulsive attacks; chronic enlargement,
hemi-hyperaesthesia, headache, dyspnoea, convulsions. Fear in trains and
closed places.

Clinical: Stupor: Headache, noises in ears. Heart weak, faints
Symptoms better cold douches.

SULPHUR (Sulph.)
Is dirty, disheveled, has extremely red orifices, especially lips, that look
as if painted, and which are sore and excoriated from the acrid secretions that
bum and excoriate the parts over which they pass; one emanates offensive
odors from the body in spite of frequent bathing, an act which one positively
detests as it aggravates and makes one sick, gets a faint gone hungry, empty
sense at the stomach around 11 a. m. (sun time) so that one can scarcely wait
for the noon lunch though one eats but little (the child grasps everything and
thrusts it into its mouth), desires sweets that disagree with one, is thirsty,
always drinking, the top of the head, palms of the hands and soles of the feet
burn, the latter so much that one is compelled to put them out from under
the covers at night to cool them off; must either walk or sit as the spine is so
weak one cannot stand, that causes one to walk stooped; is easily angered,
fault finding, has a dull mind and an aversion to business; is always red and
dirty looking, the odor of the stool is apt to follow one around as if one had
just soiled oneself; though filthy oneself is oversensitive to filthy odors;
the stools are very apt to drive one out of bed especially around 5 a. m .;
is full of catarrh everywhere and heat either aggravates or brings on one’s
troubles; the skin is unhealthy and full of eruptions, the inflammatory troubles
have a purplish appearance; standing brings on vertigo, all one’s colds affect
the eyes, is subject to piles, drinks much and eats little, all the skin ruptions
sting, bum and itch.
Clinical: There is perhaps no remedy in the Materia Medica that
penetrates the human economy more deeply than does Sulph., nor arouses
more reactive, negative commotion in its primary pathogenetic action, or
covers so extensive a field; its dynamic effect seems to arouse every organ,
fluid and tissue of the body through the violence of its limited, direct, primary,
positive pathogenetic action. The typical Sulph. patient is said to be: angular,
lean, stooped shouldered, who cannot stand, therefore must move or sit. The
Sulph. child is dirty, filthy, cannot be washed clean, picks its nose and eats
the scabs; always has a filthy odor, dreads to be washed and cries lustily
whenever that rite is attempted. Sulph. is said to arouse reaction when the
carefully selected (but unfortunately non-indicated) remedy fails to hold or
to improve. For diseases that alternate with some form or phase of skin
trouble, especially when there is a disagreeable odor of the exhalations of the
body, with the general aggravation from and aversion to bathing; where the
skin is harsh and rough, the hair coarse, the patient weak and liable to erup­
tions. The Sulph. disposition is one of irritability, which may alternate
with indolence. Melancholy: sad, absent minded, a sense of disgrace; after


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desire frequent, ineffectual, piles, anus bums, sore; often congestive headache
and engorged liver. Bladder: catarrh, urine burns and contains mucus; in
women the urine often becomes so acrid that if a drop remains about the
genitals it will burn until it is washed away to relieve the smarting. Painful
ineffectual efforts to urinate, retention; every cold settles in the bladder
(D ulc.). Gonorrhoea, chronic, urethra bums, smarts. Nephritis, chronic.
Pruritis vulvae, burning, stinging; miliary eruption; worse heat of bed. Pro­
lapsus uteri, constipation, aching across the sacrum. Menses: suppressed, con­
gestive headache, cold feet; scanty, burning heat in palms and soles at night,
weight on top of head; difficult, pain from groin to back (in most violent
cases think of Sep. and Sulph.). Antiversion, uterus presses on bladder,
worse walking. Leucorrhoea, yellow, menstrual flow and corrosive. Climaxis:
flushes of heat to face and head; head hot, hands and feet cold. Vagina bums,
can hardly keep still. Abortion after Apis, Bell, and Sabin, fail, especially
if the cases are masked; in haemorrhage, gushing that keeps returning, think
of Psor. and Sulph. Cough, usually dry, day and night, worse lying down,
especially at night. Catarrh, laryngeal, and bronchial, attacks of suffocation.
Whooping cough, said to kill the germs, if burned in the house. Asthma,
chronic, suffocative fits the forepart of the night, burning in the chest. Pneu­
monia: valuable in the later stages, when the inflammatory stage fails to re­
solve, the lung continues dull, the cough dry, begins to have fever at night;
head, hands and feet hot; Kent says: “ If all at once, at 1, 2 or 3 a. m., the
patient begins to sink, the nose pinched, lips drawn, he takes on a hippocratic
countenance, is covered with cold sweat, too feeble in every part of his body
to move and only moves the head a little in a restless manner, unless he is
given a dose of Ars. at once he will die. T hat will warm him up and make
him feel that he will live and get well. But as soon as that is accomplished
you must give him the antidote at once, which is Sulph., or you will fail; or,
if after Ars., the patient, rallying, goes into a high fever, hot fever coming
on with a burning thirst and he cannot get enough ice water, then follow with
Phos.” Follows Bry. in hydrothorax. Tuberculosis, early, needs fresh air,
head hot, hands and feet bum at night, palpitation, atonic dyspepsia, must eat
around 11 a. m. Never well since the attack of chest trouble. O f derided
use in hepatization. A dangerous remedy in phthisis. H eart: as if blood
rushed to the heart causing gasping and need for fresh air; heart feels too
large. Irritation of spine, suppressed menses or piles, dry heat, often sleep­
less, chest and stomach weak. Synovitis, especially with considerable exuda­
tion, especially in knee. Rheumatic gout, especially beginning in feet, ex­
tending upward; feet burn at night; old cases of gout. All forms of skin
eruptions; worse bathing; burn, itch, temporary better scratching; can only
bear and wear cotton next to the skin. The suppurative tendency is marked.
Every part of the body bums. Fever: malarial, tends to torpor; worse at
night; head hot, feet cold, or heat of palms and soles at night; eruptive, erup­
tion partial or scanty, tongue usually dry and red at tip and edges; puerperal;
with the Sulph. characteristics; or, if hot sweat and the characteristics are
present, one rigor follows another, look to Lyc.; or, if there is continuous in­
termingling of little chillinesses and little quiverings throughout the body,
and the pulse and temperature do not correspond, look to P yr.; or, if there is
a purplish appearanceof the body, cold sweat all over, remittent or intermit­
tent chills, thirst during the chill and at no other time, the face red during
the chill, look to Ferr.; or, when one side of the body is hot, the other cold,

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she is tearful, nervous, trembles with fear, excited and restless, look to Puls.;
surgical, flashes of heat and steaming sweat. In deep seated septic states
give Sulph. at once. Corns that bum and sting from the heat of the bed.
Abscesses, boils and eruptions that bum and sting. Useful for patients that
fail to react from prolonged diseases, who become weak and prostrated, after
diseases like typhoid. Indurations from pressure, as calosities, corns, bunions,
bed sores, etc. Relaxed veins. Abdomen distended, limbs emaciated (women
who need Calc, have hard, large, distended abdomens, all other parts of the
body shrivelled). A splendid remedy for suppressed diseases, as eruptions,
gonorrhoea, especially where local applications and injections have been used;
also for miners and those living near mines. Measles, of a purplish hue, or
when the skin is dusky and the measles do not corne out. Sulph. is the main­
stay of the negro. The powder dusted on cancer is said to kill the cells; or
when carried on the person or worn in the stocking; said to prevent cholera;
or when burned in the camps, prevents smallpox and cholera; the fumes from
a sulphur factory are said to prevent consumption. In personal particularliness
Sulph. is the opposite of Ars. Useful especially in a case with a paucity of
symptoms. Go to Sulph. at once in septic states, it may not be the right
remedy always, but it will simplify and not spoil the case.


Clinical: Blood poinsoning, when bad odors are encountered; asphyxia,
tetanus, delirious, low continued fever.


Is especially worse at night, the glands indurate, the catarrhal discharges
are predominently yellow, the appetite ravenous, the liver hard, has flashes of
heat, general physical anxiety, great heat of the body, the face is sickly sallow
and yellow, the tongue dry, the taste bitter, the mesenteric and inguinal
glands swell, the anus itches, the urine smells like raspberries, the chest is
constricted, the heart palpitates on exertion, the feet sweat and are cold at
night in bed, has stitches in the knees, sweats at night, slight exertion brings
on all symptoms, is sluggish; is worse heat in general and better in W inter;
is hurried, impatient, sad, has vertigo on stooping, is hoarse a. m .; she has
irregular menses and a copious thick burning leucorrhoea.
Clinical: Marasmus of children, appetite increased. Headache: espe­
cially in the sides, vertigo; worse binding up the hair, fasting, before and dur­
ing the menses, and especially warm room. Piles, heat and itching of anus,
much flatus passes. Hydrocele of small boys, and tuberculosis of testes and
spermatic cord. Leucorrhoea, copious, thick, burns yellow, before and after
menses. Breathing asthmatic, irregular, rattling and suffocative. Cough:
a. m., spasmodic, paroxysmal, expectoration greenish, purulent, copious, viscid
and yellow. Bronchial catarrh, chest constricted, dropsy of pleura, eruption
on chest. Skin diseases: obstinate, as barber’s itch; weeping eczema, itching
intensely; eczema of arms and legs; dark, red, swollen. Parotids hyper­
trophied after parotitis. Burning at end of penis, dull pain in prostate, violent
attacks of pain in the renal region. Stricture after gonorrhoea, painful urina­
tion, stream twisted, yellow discharge.

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Is the victim of long standing weakness which has been attended by a

sense of trembling or quivering all over the body though not visible; is ex­
hausted, excited, hurried, cannot eat fast enough, all things must be done at
once; is predisposed to purpura and haemorrhage from all orifices, the blood
being black and fluid, easy chafing followed by ulceration; is worse a. m .; the
pains come slowly and go suddenly, the discharges excoriate, sweats after eat­
ing, suffers mostly on the right side, the face is pale, sickly and tense as
though white of egg had dried on it; the mouth sore, craves brandy and fruit,
becomes progressively weak from loss of appetite, belches, has heartburn and
sour vomiting, especially after drinking cold water; stomach seems to hang
down relaxed; has pain in the bladder if the desire to urinate is postponed;
has weak knees and ankles; the fingers twitch during sleep; she has nightmare
before and at the close of her menses.
Clinical: Sour smelling babies (H ep.). Headache: pain comes slowly
and ceases suddenly. Otalgia, pains come slowly and go suddenly. Neuralgia:
of the face, pains come slowly and go suddenly, better heat and lying on the
painful side; of teeth, pains come slowly and go suddenly; worse cold and
p. m. in bed; better heat; teeth feel on edge. M outh: aphthous, sore, of in­
fants and mothers, ulcers yellowish or white, saliva bloody, breath offensive,
gums bleed; ulcers spread rapidly, sore, aphthous during protracted disease-,
especially in children with marasmus; salivation, vomits, stool like chopped
eggs. Diphtheria: exudate yellowish or white, aphthous surroundings, bleed­
ing from nose and gums; extraordinary exhaustion and fever; fluids taken
return through the nose; valuable in the worst forms, liquids return through
the nose, drowsy, characterized by the great quantity of exudation. Diar­
rhoea: weak, trembling sense, sinking sense in abdomen after stool; chronic,
much suffering; especially from unripened fruit and oysters; stool smells like
bad eggs; stool like chopped eggs, yellow mucus, frothy; worse eating oysters;
of children; stool fetid, lias a sour odor. Piles, sore, itch, pain, of drunkards.
Constipation, stool in small balls. Vagina prolapsed and gangrenous. Cli-
maxis: flushes of heat, weak, trembling sense, nervous, hurried sense, blood
from womb docs not clot, constipation, stool in small hard balls. Vomiting
preceded by cough, during pregnancy. Rapid motion of all nasi, and rapid
moving up and down of larynx during dyspnoea. Ulceration of lungs. Chest
oppressed and dyspnoea unless the legs hang down. Haemorrhage, black
blood from all orifices. Itching over whole body. Tonsilitis, tenacious gray
yellowish exudation, dysphagia, salivation, fetor oris. Croup, diphtheritic,
drowsy. Dyspepsia: craves stimulents, vomits food and drink; valuable if
from alcohol, persistent sour breath, cold and shrivelled, cannot eat, liver en­
larged, chronic diarrhoea. Vomiting: of drunkards; of pregnancy, salivation,
as of a lump in the throat, pit of stomach sore, thirst, vomiting, better drink­
ing hot water, or, intolerance of the odor of coffee, vomiting when lying on
the right side. Valuable for the desire for alcohol (one part Sulph-ac. to 3
parts pure alcohol, 10 to 15 drops of this 3 times daily for 2 to 4 weeks).
Hernia, inguinal. Fever, typhoid: drowsy, answers slowly, desires stimulents
which relieve, vomits food, sour discharges; haemorrhage» rapid sinking, face
deathly pale, thick soft pulse, sense of general trembling. Dyspepsia, where
the stomach feels cold and weak, the patient craving stimulents.


Original from
Clinical: Catarrh, discharge from eyes and nose, violent sneezing,
coughs, wheezes.

Clinical: Catarrh, nasal and pharyngeal, nervous, sleepless, tendency
to spasms, tenacious yellow mucus discharge. Ascarides, abdomen swollen,
drumlike, constipation, picks at the nose.

Clinical: Morning sickness, qualmish, intense vomiting, indifferent to
food, vomits constinuously, violent retching which might produce haemata-

SYMPHYTUM (Symphyt.)
Clinical: Eye, pain in after a knock or contusion from an obtuse body.
Fractures: non-union, especially if the trouble is of nervous origin. Irritable
stump after amputation (Cepa, neuralgia). Pain in periosteum after the
wound has healed. Bones irritable at point of fracture. When bone or
periosteum has been injured and the soft parts have recovered from the
bruised soreness of Am., the remaining pain and soreness of the periosteum is
generally promptly relieved by Symphyt. Turned ankle, where as if one
could feel the rough ends of the bone jagging into the flesh, fears approach.
Pricking pains are a guiding symptom. Injuries of bones cured promptly
with Symphyt. 30x internally once daily. Pain in back from violent motion,
after wrestling, or excessive sexual indulgence, even when spermatorrhoea
has been induced thereby. The pains are jagging, stitching but especially

Is usually the heir to a syphilitic mess and is now suffering from its evil
influence, the troubles start at sundown and continue until sunrise, dreads
the night and especially the a. m. as the weakness, soreness, physical and
mental distress are all worse a. m. on waking; is sleepless, the pains grow
worse and better slowly, shift and require frequent change of position, the
mouth and tongue are usually ulcerated, the tongue soft, spongy and easily
dented, the breath fetid, is apt to have lancinating pains from the base of the
heart to either its apex or clavicles or shoulders; has loss of memory, is
apathetic, indifferent, crusts fill the posterior nares, the appetite is perverted,
longs for strong drinks, has night sweats with great weakness, the pains in
the lower limbs are worse hot applications and better pouring cold water over
them; she has a copious leucorrhoea that soaks through her napkin and runs
down to her heels.
Clinical: Sleeplessness is said to be a leading indication. Catarrh: of
children with a specific history, discharge offensive, green or yellow; offensive
ozena and discharge of hard offensive clinkers; bones of nose destroyed. All

( 288)

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n Ir>
the pus formations arc fetid. Abscesses, succession of. Ophthalmia neona­
torum, lids adhere during sleep, pain 2 to 5 a. m., pus copious, better cold
bathing. Lids droop, sleepy looking. Teeth: decay at edge of gum and
break off; dwarf in size and converge at tips; deformed , distorted, spotted,
cup shape; crawling at root as from a worm. The typical eruption of Syph.
is copper colored spots. Has a wonderful power to free stunted children from
the blight of inherited syphilis. Sore throat and skin troubles of old syphilitics,
no other remedy being indicated. Always washing the hands. Pains linear,
no other remedy indicated. Asthma coming on daily after lying down at
night, or during a thunderstorm; at night, in warm, damp weather; bronchial,
spasmodic, at night in bed, or during a thunderstorm, preventing sleep.
Headache: constant dull heavy ache above inner angle of right eye, with an
occasional thrust as of an iron rod from the same spot to the lower part of
the occiput, the thrust excruciating; especially linear; neuralgic, violent; as
if the head would be crushed in; sleepless, delirious, at night, beginning at
4 p. m., worse 10 to 11 p. m., ceases at daylight. Hastens the recovery of
typhoids in syphilitics. Ilrain syphilis, where Caust. and Sulph. have pro­
duced a suffering and weakness. Tubercles all over the scalp. Exostosis on
cranium, sore and painful. Aphonia before menses. Continuous sharp pain
in larynx every night from sunset to sunrise, compelled to walk the floor all
night. Rheumatism, muscles caked in hard lumps and knots. Eruptions:
dull raw copper colored spots, become blue on getting cold. Constipation,
chronic, obstinate, rectum seems constricted, after enemas, the agony like
labor. Fissure of anus and rectum, rectum prolapsed, syphilitic origin.
Chancre suppressed, throat and skin troubles resulting, no other remedy
clearly indicated, or in inherited syphilis in children, do not forget Syph. Said
to have a saddle across the bridge of the nose to which the Sep. saddle is
but a shadow.

C linical: Diabetes: old skin ulcers; priclcy heat all over the upper part
of the body; weak; great thirst; copious urination; mouth very dry.

Clinical: Effect of sunstroke. Headache: neuralgic, sense of sudden
blows as if struck by a hammer; persistent, from temple to temple, involves
the orbits, or, shooting in left eye, better cold. Nausea: deathly, pallor,
vertigo, cold sweat, pulse intermittent, collapse, stomach cold; gallstone
colic; sea sickness. Gastralgia, starts from the cardiac end of the stomach,
pain extends into the left arm. Strangulated hernia. Cholera infantum,
limbs icy cold, pulse weak, irregular, deathly nausea and vomiting, better
uncovering. Hyperaesthcsia and neuralgia of the penis. Angina pectoris,
pains radiate from center of sternum, limbs cold, features pinched, suffocation.
Heart dilated, pulse weak, irregular, chest pains, extend down left arm,
sweat clammy. Said to palliate bee strings and mosquito bites. Strong
tobacco juice is said to be most effective in the destroying of chiggers. The
nausea, faintness and weakness have sometimes found relief in the cold air,
and by eating sour apples. Sensation of clutching as of a hand in oesophagus


_______ Original from

has been relieved by vinegar. It is said to enable persons, unable to have
proper meals, to endure starvation. Nausea better uncovering the abdomen.
Vomiting: violent; a. m. before breakfast; on beginning to move; deathly
nausea; sinking at pit of stomach, a dreadful faint sense. Colic, renal, violent
pain along ureters, cold sweat, deathly nausea. Asphyxia, freely developed,
great dyspnoea, almost as important as Hydr-ac. Whooping cough, violent
straining and vomiting, stitches in pit of stomach, unable to breathe deeply.
Collapse, anguish, restless, deathlike pallor, cold nose, fainting, cold sweat,
deathly nausea, may or may not vomit, on motion.

Clinical: The fruit or berries are said to take away sunburn and the
blemishes of the skin. The fruit steeped in gin is said to be an excellent
application for chilblains.

Clinical: Chorea, strange gesticulations. Worms: twitching in sleep,
wakes from fright. Dysmenorrhoea, bearing down pains, tender, drawing in
groins. Rabies: hydrophobia; frothy, bloody mucus in air passages, hallucina­
tions, convulsions with consciousness, opisthotonus, spasms of pharynx, larynx
and thorax, salivation, tends to bite, hoarse cry.

Clinical: Leathery dryness of mouth and intestinal tract, aggravated
state of constipation.

Clinical: Tongue: mapped; covered by a white film, raw sense, film
comes off in patches leaving dark red and sensitive spots. Diarrhoea: bilious,
chilly after eating or drinking, pain and soreness over liver, bitter taste,
mapped tongue. Fever, restless, tearing pain in legs intolerable during rest,
constant muttering delirium, tearing in occiput, chilly after eating or drinking.
Urination: painless urging; frequent copious discharge. Pain in region of
liver and spleen; liver enlarged, jaundice. Finger tips cold. Rheumatism
and neuralgia after typhus.

Is nervous, cunning, full of anxiety, restless, feigns all sorts of illnesses,
has a foxlike cunning and destructive nature, while music often relieves the
hysteria it often greatly excites, the mind is better p. m. after eating, is apt to
become violent and strike, is sensitive to cold and worse in cold, damp
weather; often has p. m. chill followed by heat but no sweat; the rectum
burns, inclines to walk in the sleep, continually rubs the head against some­
thing, suffers mostly on the right side, very apt to complain of sand or a
splinter in the eye; craves raw food, is averse to meat, has thirst for cold
water; on raising the arms the chest becomes oppressed or if one lies on the


Original from
Diniti7Pri hv ,o 1p
left side, has a sense as if the heart turned over or was squeezed or com­
pressed, is weak and numb; during the pain in the limbs one cannot bear the
weight of the clothing on them; must move and pick the fingers constantly
from nervousness; the lower limbs are restless; there is a desire to cry; is
sleepless before midnight, the body itches, bites, creeps, but especially the
limbs; both he and she have uncontrollable sexual desire; she has violent
itching of the genitals far up into the vagina; worse at night; coition intensifies
her desire and brings her no relief.
Clinical: Emaciation, as if the flesh fairly fell off the bones. One of
the high grade remedies for hysterical women. Catarrh: worse right side;
dryness, burning, sneezing and bleeding. Pain in the inferior angle of the
maxilla, as if the teeth would fall out. Fibroid tumor of the abdomen or
womb. Constipation after the failure of cathartics and enemas, continual
tossing, anxiety, restlessness, rolling from side to side and rubbing the head
against the pillow; no desire for stool. Diarrhoea from washing the hair,
stool dark and fetid. Diabetes, grief, anxiety, weakness and bruised pain all
over the body. Uncontrollable sexual desire, loses all desire to control one­
self. Spinal irritation, spine worse pressure and touch. Dry eczema after
the failure of Ars. and Sulph. Hysteria: most violent alternation of moods,
especially sudden, stealthy and destructive impulses; constant movement of
the limbs, especially of the hands. Chorea: nightly, of children; especially
of the limbs. Epilepsy, hystero, shrieks. Hyperaesthesia. D jsnvn ,rrhora,
ovaries sensitive. Leucorrhoea, burning, smarting, pain in coccyx; better stand­
ing; uterine neuralgia, extends to sacrum and spine, convulsive movements.
Pruritis vulvae. Menses irregular, fidgets in limbs. Spine: irritable, least
touch causes pain (spasmodic) in the chest; multiple sclerosis, trembling, pain
at night. Fever, intermittent, chorea-like convulsions. Dancing, with sigh­
ing; better music. Gas from the uterus. The chief characteristic is said to
be: the paroxysms are almost entirely relieved by music


Clinical: Suppurations, unhealthy, malignant; especially carbuncles,
pains burn, sting, weak, diarrhoea, pains terrific, purplish hue, prostration.


Clinical: Throat and stomach burn as if on fire, tongue brown and
dry, constant vomiting of a deep green color, stool color of coffee grounds,
dyspnoea, weak in p. m.

Clinical: Fainting, empty sense at stomach, digestion rapid, must eat
often, saliva increased, viscid, sweat viscid, bladder and kidneys irritable.

Clinical: Eczema impetignoidcs of lids and conjunctiva. Eyelids in­
flamed, thickened, covered with pustules, itch, pale red, oedematous, oozing.
Ear: eczema externa, itch, swell, painful throbbing, discharge smells like old

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fishbrine, external vesicular eruption. Otorrhoea: deafness. Coryza, fluent,
tears, hoarse. Spine sensitive from last cervical to the 5th dorsal vertebrae;
dreads touch of part or approach. Sciatica, worse at night on lying down,
straining at stool, coughing or laughing, worse right side. Eczema: herpes
dreinatus, which is the most characteristic of Tell, skin eruptions, and Tell,
is said to have cured more cases of ringworm, especially on the face and body
than any other remedy. Otorrhoea: the characteristic discharge has the odor
of fishbrine; one of our most important remedies. In parts where the skin
forms openings, as the ear, Tell, is intensified; the discharge is so acrid that
any part it touches it vesiculates. The offensiveness of Tell, appears in the
breath, flatus and footsweat.

Clinical: Gout, atonic, tearful, low spirits, giddy, irritable.

Clinical: Ciliary neuralgia, over right eye. Episcleritis, intense pain
in eye and side of head. Iritis: adhesions; rheumatic, intense pain, espedally
with burning in kidneys; dark urine. Amblyopia, from alcohol. Deafness,
discharge from left ear. Fever: typhoid; tongue remains dry, abdominal
tension, after cleansing it becomes dry again with increase of tympanitis;
tongue docs not clean gradually, but rapidly and in large flakes, first from
the middle, leaving tongue smooth and glossy; haemorrhage from the bowels,
urine bloody, albuminous, excessive tympanitis. Fever: African and malarial
(ozonized oil of turpentine, a few drops on sugar, several times a day, is said
to be prophylactic) ; scarlet, especially when kidneys are involved, stupor,
bloody, smoky urine. Peritonitis, pelvic, valuable, especially when compli­
cated with bladder troubles and excessive tympanitis. Meterorism, excessive
tympanitis, abdomen sensitive. Diarrhoea, red, sore shining tongue. Haemor­
rhage from the bowels, passive, ulceration. Worms: ascarides, crawling
sense, foul breath, choking sense, dry hacking cough, anus burns and tingles.
Nephritis, dull pain, or violent burning, extends to bladder, strangury, bloody
urine, especially useful when this condition follows an acute disease. Conges­
tion to the kidneys, great quantities of blood in the urine. Cystitis, acute,
burning pain in region of the kidneys. Dysuria, constant tenesmus. Metritis
and peritonitis puerperalis, tends to mortification, lochia checked, terrible
burning in the womb, abdomen distended, headache, thirst, brown dry tongue,
nausea, vomits, abdomen sore to touch, pulse small, frequent, debility. Haemop­
tysis relieving the congestion to the lungs. Bronchitis, capillary, especially
with scanty bloody urine. Children are especially sensitive to its action.
Burning is constant and often gives the key to Tereb. Dentition, child flies
into a passion. The smoky, turbid urine deposits a sediment like coffee grounds.
Burning in the womb is very characteristic. Tonsilitis, said to have a specific
effect when applied externally. Bronchitis, child drowsy, urine retained.

Clinical: Pain: small spots; ulcerative about nails; in ankles, heels
and tendo-Achilles, severe, worse rising from a seat Urticaria from eating
shell fish.


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n /A \r \ l/>
part of chest to back (left chest) ; florida, indispensable. Cough: convulsive,
vertigo; violent, spasmodic jerking of head forward and knees upward. Pain
in groin after coition. Every shrill sound and reverberation penetrates the
whole body, especially the teeth. Infantile atrophy, glands enlarge, constant
desire for food and drink but does not want. In scrofulous cases other reme­
dies failing, said to reach the root of the evil and destroy the cause.

Clinical: Throat irritated, disturbed sleep, discharge of mouthfuls of
frothy mucus with a sort of gulp, the child then lies down again until again

Clinical: Sciatica, pain in hip down to knee, worse motion. Indiges­
tion, stomach and abdomen flatulent; worse eating; pain in back; unable to
walk; sweat, depressed, chilly. Stricture of rectum, tense as a fibrous band.
Tinnitus aurium, where ossicles are bound down, and the function of the
tympanitic cavity is impaired by fibrous bands and adhesions.


Clinical: Leucorrhoea before and during the menses, menses copious,
dark and fetid. Haemorrhage: copious from all parts of the body; valuable,
if from the kidneys, especially with the symptoms of calculus. Nephritis
from gravel. Sexual excitement. Dysuria of the aged, passage painful, with
spasmodic retention. Urine deposits a coarse sandy sediment.

Is cachectic, whose shiny face looks as if it had been smeared over with
grease; the sweat has a honeylike sweetish odor which is most noticeable about
the genitals and which is even noticeable to one’s self; sweats copiously on
going to sleep, one constantly moves and turns in bed; is worse keeping still;
the glands often pain as if torn to pieces; the eyeballs pain and are better
heat, while one is better in the cool open air the pains come on and are better
heat, the pains coming in small spots; she has fixed ideas that she is pregnant,
or that there is something living in her body, or that she is made of glass and
that she will break easily.
Clinical: Vaccination, evil effects of. Ideas fixed: that her soul is
separated from her body, or that strange people are at her side, etc.; melan­
cholia. Sensitive, emotional, music makes her weep and tremble. Headache:
neuralgic: in occiput, sore, screams, can neither sleep nor chew; violent as
though a nail was driven in*; at night, from vertex over whole head; of face
and head, stabbing, unendurable pain, especially from drinking tea; nervous,
sycotic, syphilitic. Cilliary neuralgia, pain extends over face and head, sore,
can neither lie on face nor chew. Iritis: especially syphilitic, gummata on iris,
severe pain at night; kerato, excessive photophobia, opacity. Episcleritis,
serous, violent pain. Ophthalmia neonatorum. Otorrhoea: discharge smells


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Diniti7Pf1 hv C Z cu ,o 1 p
like putrid meat; polypus, easy bleeding, shooting pain. Catarrh: nasal,
copious thick green mucus pus and blood from frontal sinuses; painful scabs
in nostrils. Toothache, violent, in decayed teeth, especially when the teeth
decay near the gums; gums retracted, leaving a healthy crown; teeth extremely
sensitive to cold water. W arts: about anus; on nose; the leading remedy for
troubles arising from suppressed figwarts, with odor of burnt horn, feathers
or sponge; cauliflower excressences around anus, on the cervix and labia; that
are soft, pulpy, sensitive, burns, itch, bleed easily when rubbed by the clothing;
homy, split open, form a pelicle and crack around the base; have a brownish
color, especially on the abdomen; that have been treated by calomel. Ex­
cessive sweat on perineum. Diarrhoea: chronic; stool copious, pale, forcible,
gurgling like water from a bunghole; worse after breakfast; especially after
vaccination. Anus fissured. Gonorrhoea: thin greenish discharge, urine high
color, scalds, odor strong; suppressed, especially with rheumatism or pros-
tatisis; stream forked. Violent pain in left ovary, beginning with the menses,
throughout the flow, extending down thigh or in every direction and worse
as the flow increases, tearing, bursting, as the parts were being tom out,
making her cry aloud and go into hysterics. Chronic ovaritis after gonor­
rhoea. Prolapsus uteri from driving, pain in back. Polypus of vocal cords.
Cough a. m. after rising and during the day, often p. m. after lying down;
immediately after eating. Results of animal poisoning, as snake bite, vac­
cination, smallpox, etc. Sciatica of left side, from fright. Toe nails crumble,
very brittle. Extremely fetid foot-sweat. Fungoid excressences, crops of warts
and condylomata, that bleed easily on least touch. Variola as soon as the
vesicles are filled. Condylomata, moist, suppurate, sting, bleed. Farcy and
grease of horses. Left side of body chilly, worse a. m., in cold, and wet
weather. Worse extension is characteristic, and causes cracking in the joints.
The semen has an offensive odor. Small growths in back of throat. Pains
accompanied by frequent urination. Fear: on seeing green stripes; of the wind.


Is depressed, fretful, morose, has fearful nightmares, irritable, ill-tem­

pered, a feeling of lightness in the brain, the eyeballs are prominent, the face
flushed, lips have a burning sense, the tongue thickly coated, thirsty, appetite
lost, feels tired and ill; both urine and sexual desire are increased; has faint­
ing fits, palpitation on stooping, heart’s action is weak, is sleepy and better
lying in bed; her menses are too copious and prolonged.


Clinical: It has produced the following: fatal syncope, cyanosis, severe

angina pectoris, and cretinism. Psoriasis, fair, chilly, cold, clammy feet and
hands. Ptyrasis rubra, intense redness and scaliness of legs, intense itching.
It acts on the nutrition of bone and causes fractures to unite. Tetanus: opera­
tive and idiopathic; cold aggravates the spasms. Thyr. is antagonistic to
Adrenalin. Myxoedema patients who lose their hair. Lightens up latent
cases of phthisis. Brawny swellings.


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i \ ____ i A I i »
Clinical: Dyspnoea, whistling respiration, short dry cough, vertigo.
Thyroid enlarged, glandular cystic swelling in the right one, dyspnoea, loud
whistling respiration.

Clinical: Abdomen feels intensely sore, copious warm sweat that gives
no relief; especially in peritonitis; marked bearing down in rectum and genito-
urinal region, especially in the womb. As if a piece of cold iron pressed
through right eye causing burning.

Clinical: Vision imperfect, can only see half an object. Sexual weak­
ness, semen passes too early during coition.

Clinical: Migraine, neuralgia, worse rest, when seated, better motion
and pressure; eructations tasting of bitter almonds.

Clinical: Acute blood poison, intense pain; swelling; gangrene, fever,
delirium, even symptoms of hydrophobia.

Clinical: Cough: whooping; of measles and phthisis; dry, ticking,
breathing oppressed, fever, followed by hiccup; hoarse, choking spells at night;
neck stiff, cramps in sterno-mastoid muscles, better heat and friction. Head
feels as if full of blood, as do the lungs; persistent pain on waking. Causes
salivation and heaves in horses. Retards progress of cancerous tumors before
ulceration has taken place.

Clinical: Haemorrhage: diathesis; from kidneys, nose or womb; blood
dark clotted; from fibroids; uterine, marked sense as though hips and back
were falling apart, better tight bandage. Abortion threatens, bright red
blood gushes on least motion, in women who are subject to copious or too
frequent menses. Prolapsus uteri, heavy bearing down, copious stringy yellow
leucorrhoea, too copious and too frequent menses; frequent desire to urinate.
Flooding and fainting. Climaxis, sight weak, look anxious, pale, faints, flow
every 2 weeks.
Clinical: Hepatic congestion, internal sore pain in abdomen, urgent
loose stool on rising from bed, sharp pain in left side during stool, shooting
downward, pain not better stool, leucorrhoea, chilliness in back, great pros­
tration after stool with coldness; stools return after dinner and supper, but
not after breakfast. Dysentery: worse 4 p. m. to 4 a. m., skin dry; brown,
thin, sometimes bloody discharges, often violent colic and severe tenesmus.
Mucus discharge from anterior nares while eating dinner.

Clinical: Rheumatism, when the needle held in the fingers gets 90
heavy she cannot sew. Diarrhoea, copious, pain in ankle joint, thirst for large
quantities of cold water.

Clinical: Aching, especially in lower limbs or head, especially right
side, stomach disordered, severe pain in stomach and vomiting; anus itches
and exudes mucus; lower limbs numb after stool; w'orse early a. m., after
sleep and drinking cold water.

Is weak, irritable on waking, nothing either pleases or satisfies, is always
anxious to be on the go, has great tendency to relapses, a sense of fatigue, is
terribly tired, nervous, wraxy, pale, anaemic, anxious, hopeless, loquatious, feels
sore all over, is restless at night and screams in the sleep, is so all-gone hungry
that the sense drives one to eat; is so averse to meat that it often becomes
repugnant, craves milk; is usually constipated; the abdomen is like a drum,
the genitals are weak and hang down, the symptoms are ever changing and
unsatisfactory; longs for the open air, the pulse rises in the p. m., cannot
stand long, the swfeat stains yellow, the pains are aching and throbbing; is
worse cold and cold, damp weather; her menses are either too early, too
copious and last too long, or wanting.
Clinical: Headache: sick, most violent, periodical and nervous; as if
encircled by an iron band; worse motion; sharp cutting pains; periodical,
chronic, constitutional, even of the aged; frequent sharp pains, cutting, from
above right eye through head to back of left ear; pain in right frontal pro­
tuberance to right occipital region. Constipation, stool large and hard. Diar­
rhoea: sudden, before breakfast, nausea; chronic, excessive sweat; drives one
out of bed, in advanced stage of phthisis. Amenorrhoea: dysmenorrhoea.
Phthisis: inherited: always tired, w*eak, anaemic, loquatious; girl book and
shop keepers, who have aches and pains in damp change of, or rainy, weather,
or during a storm, Rhus failing. Cough: dry hacking, precedes the chill; of
young girls, menses suppressed, who are yellow, puny and tired, and have a
suspicious chest. Fever, most stubborn cases that continually relapse, even
after Calc, and Sil fail, or w'hen the supposedly well chosen, but unfortunately
not indicated remedy, fails to relieve or hold. Knows the chill is coming on


i \ \. * Original from
by the dry hacking cough. Pains and aches that are better motion, Rhus failing.
Hydrast. fattens the patients supposed to be cured by Tub. The bovine Tub.
is the better preparation to use. A most wonderful remedy for the removal
of adenoids when used in the higher attenuations. For patients who are
gradualy running down, never finding the right relief, or only momentary.
In cases too deep for Sulph. It is the best general antidote to influenza
poisoning. The stronger the tubercular element in the case the higher the


Clinical: As if a morsel of food lay at the bottom of the cardia and
would not pass.


Clinical: Fever, with boils or buboes. Headache, shifting. Gonor­
rhoea, acute and chronic, discharge yellow or white and thick; crawling in
urethra, jerking in spermatic cord, drawing in right testicle. Ophthalmia,
chronic, after gonorrhoea.

Clinical: Head: ache, pressing, after vertigo; superficial drawing pain
traverses left temple from before backward, and ceases at outer angle of orbit,
part hot and painful to touch, pains pressive and lancinating; drowsy. Eyes
weak and heavy every a. m., tears, lids heavy and close involuntary; worse
left side. Face: left side red and hot, right side pale and cold.


Clinical: Vomiting of food, agonizing, burning pain in stomach, sore
as from an ulcer, crops of styes on eyelids; stomach ulcerated. Diabetes,
enormous appetite and thirst, emaciation, excessive flow of urine, tongue dry.
Is said to be best suited to cases of diabetes originating in dyspepsia or assimil­
ative derangements, while Ph-ac. is better adapted to those of nervous origin.

Clinical: Urine: constant urging; much sediment, intolerable sense in
abdomen, burning skin.

Clinical: Blackheads; crops of boils; scurvy. Legs flexed on thigh»,
thighs flexed on body, contractions so violent as to make it impossible to extend
the limb, any attempt to do so is followed by painful shock# as from an electric
battery. Urine turns sour on standing.


Original from
D initi7P ri hv ■ ft a ft • % a ^ m ^ a ■■ » m ^ ft a i ^ ^ ft f t*
Clinical: Absence of milk after confinement. Pmritis vulvae, and/or
perineum. Urticaria, itching and burning intolerable, especially if after eating
shell fish; skin as if scorched; raised red blotches; fine stinging pains; re*
quires much rubbing; with or before rheumatism. A leaf placed on the tongue
is said to stop nosebleed. Said to be a sheet anchor in fevers of East India,
Burma and Siam. Headache, pain in spleen, congestion to head, abdomen
sore. Pain in right shoulder, sudden, agonizing. Skin burns so intensely
after sleep that one is afraid to go to sleep. One of the best remedies for
bums of the first degree, locally and internally. A specific for bee stings, if
about the eye repeat often, externally. The principal pains are: burning,
stinging, itching and sore.

Clinical: Headache over entire head, or from heat, as if the temples
would burst, or the eyes burst out of their sockets; congestive, sends one to
bed; from riding in the hot sun.


Is deranged sexually, very sad, weeps frequently, has thirst for cold
water, feels chilly externally, the sleep restless, the eyes often feel hot on
closing them, the nostrils feel dry as if one had taken a cold, the face sud­
denly becomes pale while sitting and in the p. m., the taste coppery, is
thirsty at night, has frequent urination with pain at the meatus as the last
drops are passed, he is prostrated from self abuse, she suffers from neuralgia
of the left ovary which is enlarged and tender to touch, she has oozing of
dark, coagulated blood forming long stringy clots, she has extreme pain
during her menstrual periods which often confine her to bed, or her menses
may become vicarious from her lungs or bowels, she has an offensive leucor-
Clinical: Haemorrhage: bright red, partly thin, partly clotted, womb
soft and spongy, passive congestions; pain down to knees; chronic, uterine,
persistent oozing of dark blood, black clots, stringy; constant, every few
minutes; bearing down pains; want of uterine contraction; passive, after
miscarriage, blood in lumps, floods for days and weeks; uterine region sore,
especially left side, ovaries irritable, bearing down pains shoot down limbs.
Womb remains large after miscarriage or confinement; subinvolution de­
layed. Menses: amenorrhoea; sharp pain from hip to hip during the period,
followed by expulsive pains; menorrhagia; dysmenorrhoea, membranous,
lancinating pains shoot down leg. Neuraligia of left ovary, habitually copious
menses followed by brownish and yellowish leucorrhoea; intermittent, ovary
enlarged and tender to touch. Climaxis, especially irritable; for tall slim
women, with dear, white skins. Lochia: copious, part fluid, part clotted,
prolonged bearing down pains; increased as child nurses. Onanism: ir­
resistible tendency to, frequent emissions, prostrated, dull lumbar blaekache;
spermatorrhoea after, emissions every night and even when talking to a


_______ Original from

woman or about one, is sad, crys, has no control when the passion comes.
Breasts: pain in left at margin of ribs, constant suffering between periods,
ovaries congested, pains, burn. Haemorrhage from fibroid tumors, the tumors
have been noted to have disappeared after its use.

Clinical: Cystitis: frequent urging, severe spasms of bladder, burning
and tearing pains; urine contains blood and tough mucus, which can be
rolled out of the vessel in large masses. Uterus: inertia during labor;
haemorrhage (said to be equal to ergot). Shooting pains from hip to hip,
frequent urination with pain and burning during and after, all symptoms
better lying on the back.

Clinical: Said to cause whooping cough, which in turn is curable
by Thuj. Thuj. seems to be the logical antidote to vaccine virus and
Maland. Variolinum seems to be the true preventive of variola, and Maland.
the true preventive of true smallpox, the latter being merely variola syphilized.

Is nervous, excitable, trembling, all the nerves are in a fret, has a sense
of something warm rising from the stomach and causing suffocation, or as
of a thread hanging down the oesophagus that cannot be gotten rid of, is
restless, all the troubles come on during rest and are worse in the dark,
is sad, irritable, better walking about, feels light as if walking in the air or
floating in it, the eyes look wild, the face gets red and hot in the open air,
the tongue is thickly coated, the taste rancid, is salivated, has a voracious
hunger with nausea, is worse when the stomach is empty, has choking in the
throat when falling asleep and wakens with suffocation.
Clinical: Nervous manifestation and affections: non-descript; from
spinal irritation, worse much exertion but better motion; other remedies
failing. Headache: from exposure to heat and light of sun; worse open
air and from a draft; appears in jerks, faints. Neuralgia of face, worse
rest. Child vomits as soon as it nurses after mother has been angry; vomits
curdled milk in lumps. Diarrhoea, watery with curds; worms in stool.
Prolapsus and when straining to urinate. Urination frequent, copious, of
nervous women. Sciatica worse sitting, better walking; worse standing and
letting the foot rest on the floor. Hysteria: dreads being left alone and
especially of the dark, over excitable, restless; for women who have taken
much Cham, tea, or where the intellectual faculties predominate, and who
suffer from neuralgia. Red parts become white. Globus hystericus. Gas-
tralgia, tympanitis, putrid belchings. Has a strong affinity for the tendo-
Achilles. A valuable remedy to promote sleep, where the sleeplessness is
caused by nervous excitement. The aggravation of pain and other symptoms
when sitting and better walking is said to be quite characteristic.


rN: i i_. n /A/ Original from

tions about physical diseases, of having committed a crime, obscene delirium.
Melancholia: hangs the head and wants to be alone; despairing after great
disappointment or religious excitement. Disposed to silence, or to talk
about the faults of others, if irritated scolds and calls names. Anguish, fear
of death, cold sweat on forehead; despairs of her salvation. Vertigo, per­
sistant, cold sweat on forehead, weak. Headache: neuralgic, especially with
sense of ice on vertex, or in convulsive shocks immediately on raising the
head, vomits, better pressure on vertex. Hemeralopia before the menses.
Facial neuralgia, pains draw, tear, pinched features, cold limbs and sweat,
nausea, vomits. Toothache, neuralgic, pulsates, drives one mad, teeth feel
heavy as if filled with lead. Thirst: for cold drinks; craves ice and juicy
thing. Vomiting: most violent retching of food or whatever is taken
into the stomach, ejecta always profuse, cold sweat, great prostration, burn­
ing in stomach and sensitive to touch, the violent retching and vomiting is the
most characteristic feature of Verat., unlike Ars. and C up.; vomits great
quantities of blood, usually dark red, but may be bright. Dyspepsia from
chewing tobacco. Abdomen: cold sense; swollen, sensitive. Colic, most
terrible attacks, pain begins in stomach, radiates upward to shoulder, then
involves whole abdomen, retching, vomiting, purging, cold, cold sweat; as
if abdomen was twisted into knots; better discharge of flatus. Catarrh of
intestines, sudden diarrhoea at night, in Summer, vomits, purges. Diarrhoea:
worse at night, drinking, after fruit, terrible colic, cold sweat on forehead,
weak pulse, stool copious, watery with flakes, sometimes blackish, followed
by a weak empty sense in the abdomen, often violent vomiting. Cholera
morbus and true cholera, worst cases: worse at night, cold sweat on fore­
head, vomits and purges at the same time, discharges profuse .thirst, cramps
in calves, feet and fingers, cold sweat, weak after stool; Asiatic, purging
and vomiting, body icy cold, cramps in calves, copious watery involuntary
stools mixed with white flakes, cold tongue and breath and cold sweat on
forehead. Constipation, chronic, stool black, hard, large, faint, cold sweat
on forehead. Urine: green; suppressed; difficult, burns. Menses: difficult,
vomits, abdomen weak; preceded by sexual mania; suppressed, cold sweat,
vomits, diarrhoea. Womb enlarged, inflamed, sensitive to least touch, diar­
rhoea, coldness. Endometritis, great agony. Bronchitis, especially of the
aged, mucus rattles, unable to expectorate, prostration, cold sweat. Cough:
violent fits, belching follows, seems to start from the abdomen which has to be
held during the cough, worse warm room; suffocative spasms from constriction
of larynx or chest; worse in warm room, eating, drinking cold water and
from crying. Whooping cough, followed by exhaustion and cold sweat;
sometimes with vomiting and diarrhoea. Voice hoarse, weak, hollow and
husky during cholera. Cardiac debility, pulse weak, irregular action from
exertion, pulse thready, face flushes on lying but becomes very pale on rising
suddenly, cold sweat, faint. Hands icy cold, blue, feet icy cold. Paralysis
after cholera. Chill, congestive, begins wth coldness in the abdomen, cold
breath, vomiting, diarrhoea, cold sweat, collapse threatens. Wants to kiss
every one. Ticking in throat and all over inside of chest. Scarlet fever,
suppressed, Zinc, failing. Colic, flatulent; of w’omen. The violent retching
and vomiting with cold sweat on the forehead and violent pains are the
most characteristic and differentiate Verat. from other cholera remedies.


n Original from

Clinical: Convulsions, most violent, violent congestions. Poisoning

by Opi. Delirium: furious, screams, howls, strikes; incessant muttering,
pupils dilated, red streak down center of tongue. Headache, intense conges­
tive, throbbing, stupefaction, double vision, limbs numb, nausea, vomits. Cere-
bro-spinal meningitis, high fever, intense congestion, later rolls head or vomits;
face haggard, pulse slow, breathing labored, child trembles as if frightened
and on the verge of spasms. Cerebral hyperaemia. Otitis media, acute, face
flushed, lips and mouth dry. The dry red stripe through the center of the
tongue, especially with a bloated livid face, is characteristic; the coating may
be white or yellow. Ocsophagusitis, acute, fiery, burning pains. Cellulitis
and peritonitis with congested face and the characteristic tongue. Os rigid
during labor, congestion to head and face and the characteristic tongue. Pelvic
congestion, fever, pelvis tender. Fever, puerperal, convulsions. Menses: sup­
pressed, in plethoric women, congestion to head, often opisthotonus; difficult,
violent suffering, congestion to head or convulsions; colic, nausea, vomiting
Bronchitis: dyspnoea, livid face; irregular heart, cold limbs and sweat. Pneu­
monia: pulse full, hard, dyspnoea, head throbs, face livid, tongue dry; lungs
engorged, faint sense in stomach, nausea, vomits; intense pulmonary conges­
tion, arterial excitement, dyspnoea, especially before hepatization has taken
place. Chorea, twitchings, contortions, unaffected by sleep, froth about lips,
champs the teeth, dysphagia, head jerks or continually nods, sexual excitement.
Scarlatina, febrile stage, arterial excitement intense, cerebral congestion.
Measles, febrile stage, especially if congestion to lungs impends, convulsions
before the eruption. Smallpox, before the eruption, cerebral congestion,
nausea, vomits, prostration. Erysipelas: phlegmonous, first stage, of head
and face, red stripe down the center of the tongue; if cerebral symptoms
should set in from metastasis of inflammation to the brain, pulse full and hard.
The great keynote is congestion, especially with the characteristic tongue.
Dreams about water. Has a strong influence upon the heart and circulation,
the chief indications: loud strong beating of the heart, quick pulse and very
slow respiration.


Clinical: Deafness: as if ears were stopped (mullen oil has been used
locally); from getting water in the ears while swimming. Neuralgia: infra­
orbital ; facial, recurs periodically, pain as if crushed with tongs, benumbs,
often lighteninglike, especially beginning in the malar bone and articulation
of the jaw ; worse change of temperature, pressure or any motion of facial
muscles; may occur twice daily. Urine: constant dribbling; nocturnal enuresis.
Cough: deep, hollow, hoarse, sounds like a trumpet, from tickling in larynx
and chest; lessened if one succeeds in taking a deep breath; at night. (Said
to be excellent for itching piles and pruritis ani: one drop of the tincture to
the ounce of Cetacean ointment, applied at bedtime.) Salt water collects in
the mouth.


Original from
\ i\
Clinical: Urinary troubles: bladder and urethra burn and smart, fre­
quent desire to urinate, stranguary; bladder irritable after acute cystitis; has
to urinate often at night. Gonorrhoea: discharge thick creamy, smarts and
bums during urination; also for females.

Clinical: Eye, right, inflamed, baggy swelling of conjunctiva. Urine:
burning, in women; scalding, followed by itching. Ovary, affections of:
valuable for the left, tender, frequent urination, pain in sacrum, up back.
Pain in cheek as if pierced with a red hot needle, waking one. Cold, chilly
sense around the sting. Convulsions, loss of consciousness, does not answer
when spoken to, looks into space, has no recollection of the attack, eyes glassy
and bloodshot, becomes sick and faint near the hot stove or in a close room,
has to leave the close room to prevent vomiting, anger or excitement will
bring on the attack, craves cold washing of hands which relieves.

Clinical: Dysuria, spasmodic. Menses: difficult, excruciating colic
through the uterus and lower abdomen just before the menses; membranous;
cramps in calves always between the menses; worse just before; menses scanty
and delayed, difficult; neuralgic, spasmodic Valuable for afterpains.
The uterine pains arc unlike those of Sep., they extend around the pelvis to the
uterine region, they are much more violent and become cramplike, often ex­
tending down thighs. Abortion, will prevent it given before the membranes
are broken, and when the pains are spasmodic and threatening. Pelvic com­
plaints, feels sick all over; worse motion, better rest. Hysteria of tall, slender,
dark or fair haired subjects.


Clinical: Abortion threatens, valuable, checks the flow, no matter
what the cause. Antidotes the effects of Goss.


Clinical: Ovarian pain, hypochondriasis. Deafness: abdomen affected;
dysmenorrhoea, os eroded. Headache all over the head, violent; worse right
side, right sided deafness, begins at 7 or 11 a. m. and 4 to 7 p. m., sinking in
pit of chest. Wakens at 4 a. m., spirits horribly depressed, that lasts till noon,
weight in chest and back; must hold oneself up to breathe.

Clinical: As of a bar across the chest preventing breathing. Stitches
are most prominent.


Original from
D in iH jp d hv ,oIr>
Clinical: Eczema: scalp and face, offensive odor; mats the hair;
crusta lactea. Bald: spots may become covered with fuzzy hair; on single
spots and white hair grows on them. Haemorrhage: from fibroid tumors;
especially useful after the climaxis. Menorrhagia after climaxis, flow con­
tinuous. Menses excessive, flow in a stream, debility. Nose: becomes red
from least cause, when least bit angry; bleeds. Abdomen becomes distended
after stool.

VIOLA ODORATA (V io l-o .)

Clinical: Bruised pain in all bones, in bed, after waking a. in., better
rising. Averse to music, especially violin. Occiput and forehead tense. Fiery
semicircles before the eyes. Otorrhoea, recurrent; worse right; deafness; pain
about orbits. Affects especially the right wrist. Lids tend to close without
physical sleepiness. Whooping cough in thin nervous little girls.


Clinical: Generally worse in W inter and in the cold air. Eczema: of

scalp, cervical glands swollen; crusta lactea, similar to Vinca, but Viola has
urine with the odor of cat’s urine; said to be specific in eczema of the scalp,
especially with matted hair, or hair falls, scabs dry and of a light cream color,
or violent cough and excessive oppression; impetigo, groups of pustules fol­
lowed by scabs, on chin and upper lip. Ophthalmia, scrofulous, crusta lactea.
Nocturnal eneuresis of children when the urine smells like cat’s urine. Worse
pressure on the opposite side to the painful one. Rheumatism, articular, itch­
like eruption around the joints.

VIPERA (V ip .)

Clinical: Diarrhoea, after, greenish and bloody, violent pain in the en­
larged liver, jaundice, fever, pain from liver to shoulder and down hip. Vari­
cose veins, very valuable, and acute phlebitis, veins swollen and bordered by an
area of inflammation that is sensitive to touch, but especially with a sense, on
letting the legs hang down, as if it would burst from the fullness of the vein.
Excessively swollen arm, as from gold beating, becomes excessively swollen
and painful, so that one could not let the arm hang down, must elevate the
arm or rest it on a table to relieve the bursting sense. Haemorrhage: at
climaxis, flow red, dark clots, faint, prostrated; from nursing child, prostrated.
Epistaxis, almost daily while nursing the child, yet weaning brought no relief.


Clinical: Deafness in left ear. Placenta retained. Haemorrhage:
uterine, part bright, part clotted and dark, dull headache, stitches in temple,
limbs numb, eyes sunken and blue rings around them; stops the haemorrhage
by causing uterine contractions. Endometritis, chronic, characterized by en­
largement, either subinvolution, alveolar hyperplasia or hypertrophy. Chorea


Original from
from fright. Acts like Sec. in uterine inertia. Has a remarkable anti­
epileptic power in horses. Haemorrhage from menses suppressed by a cold
foot bath. Lumbago from a chill, pains tear, wants someone to press against
the back; right side, extends to buttocks; worse least motion. Sciatica, with
otorrhoea, as if red hot coal was applied to the heel. Persistent vertigo
after epileptic attack.

Clinical: Throat sensitive on swallowing warm food or drink. Sexual
excitement and emissions in the male, and increased secretion of mucus in the
genitals of the female.

Clinical: Rheumatism and gout; abdomen full and tense; passive or
atonic gout; muscular and tendinous contractions; complete anchylosis. Frac­
tures: stiffness of old; gunshot wounds slow to heal. Haemorrhage from the
anus or nose that relieves other symptoms. Piles that bleed and relieve ab­
dominal plethora. Nosebleed has cured blindness. Has caused: hair to grow
rapidly and turn darker; nails to grow rapidly and corns and callosities to
drop off.

Clinical: Luminous sparks before the eyes. As if the brain was over-
filled or loose.

Clinical: Pharynx: granular appearance; prickling, dry sense in pos­
terior nares inflammation, chronic, dryness, constant desire to clear the throat,
mucus membrane tends to atrophy; dark red, sensitive; soreness of the muscles
of the palate after severe influenza. Throat sore, granular, burns, enlarged
follicles, frequent inclination to clear the throat. Asthma, dry. Tendency to
get hoarse from talking or singing, throat hot and dry. Hay fever, violent
coryza, depressed spirits, worse afternoon, easy sweat and languor, mucus
membranes of mouth, nose and throat dry, acrid, burning, copious flow of
mucus, constant swallowing, soft palate itches, is compelled to scratch it with
the tongue. Throat feels swollen, constant desire to swallow saliva to relieve
the dryness, but it brings no relief, cough persistent, dry, hacking, keeps one
awake nights. Saliva ropy and tough.

Notable Symptoms: Appetite only for cake and sweet pudding.
Averse to meat. Colicky pain in right lower abdomen, urine retained. Right
side of the abdomen seems to adhere to the walls, on motion feels as if being
tom off. Sleep in snatches, followed by terrible mental depression; does not
wish to see or speak to any one. Dreams recur that used to trouble one years

( 301)

Original from
Diniti7Pf1 hv C-Iru ,o I p
ago. Colic, renal, vomits, constant nausea, cold sweat, urine retained, a
clutching pain from kidney to bladder, wild agony, face ghastly, blue ring»
around eyes, trembles, restless, cold sweat, urine retained and irritates. Chilly
while undressing; worse in warm room. Teeth covered with a grayish de­
posit. As if some one was drawing an icy hand over the thigh downward
aggravatingly slow. As of cold drops going down left side of the spine.
Tongue feels dry, rough, sore, scraped. Drowsiness leaving the moment one
lies down and prevents sleep. Heart sounds keep one awake while lying on
the left side. A sore sense in the nates while straining at stool. As of drops
of water trickling down on inside of chest.

Clinical: Neuralgia: facial; of left lower jaw. Menses: wanting,
from wet feet; scanty high colored urine, nausea at sight of food, discouraged;
difficult, neuralgic pain goes down anterior part of thigh, mostly left side, or
with neuralgic headache, especially over left eye, congestion of head and eyes,
photophobia, great bearing down in abdomen, pain in back and down legs,
menses scanty, thick, almost black. Afterpains. Ovarian neuralgia, violent
pain in loins and lower part of abdomen; worse left side; extends down thigh.
Sciatica: worse hot weather; anterior crural nerve, Gnaph. failing. Fever,
typhoid, stage of collapse. Mucus membranes smart as from pepper. Measles,
dull, bewildered, drowsy, eruption slow to develop. Sets the mouth and
stomach on fire, wants to open the mouth to let the cold air in. Left half of
head feels sharply divided from the right half. Leucorrhoea with amenor­
rhoea. Injury to right ulnar nerve from striking it against something. Pains
worse and better gradually.

Clinical: Impotency, neuresthenia, said to be a powerful stimulent.

Clinical: Biliousness, pain from upper part of liver to back, taste bad,
stool diarrhoeic, with an excess Of bile, discharge of flatus by rectum, head­
ache, face sallow with frequent flushings, tongue yellow and takes imprints of
teeth. Tongue is usually bluish-white.

Clinical: Irritable urinary tract with heart involvement; chronic re­
tention of urine, great tenesmus after urination; heart weak, rapid.

ZINCUM (Zinc.)
Is weak, nervous, excitable, sensitive, restless, has especially nervous,
restless, fidgety feet and those especially p. m. and at night in bed; all the
functions are slow, the eruptions are slow in developing, is sensitive to noise
and to talking even of friends as it affects the nerves and makes one morose;
the urine is slow in starting and one cannot pass it while sitting unless one
leans back; is always chilly and sensitive to cold; the face is pale and wrinkled;
one is always better when the eruptions and discharges appear and she when
her menses appear.

Original from
Clinical: Children weak, mind weak, memory poor, restless, fidgety
feet; if they come down with scarlet fever or measles they go into a stupor;
the eruption does not come out; they tend to go into convulsions; the urine
becomes suppressed, roll their heads from side to side, and go from stupor
into unconsciousness. Strange drawing about the eyes as if strabismus would
develop. Hysterical contractions drawing the fingers out of shape. Children
bordering on the state of idiocy. Brain troubles, deep seated, when the reflexes
are abolished. Pterygium. Entropion, lashes rub against the eyeball, red, in­
flamed, tears. Unable to retain the urine unless the feet are in constant mo­
tion. Locomotor ataxia, trembling, limbs unsteady; lightninglike pains. Veins,
varicose: especially of lower limbs; extremely valuable, especially in the sub­
acute or chronic condition which underlies and determines the development of
the disease; Zinc, follows Puls., neither, however, is often indicated in acute
phlebitis, as is Vip. Convulsions from suppressed eruptions and discharges,
or from fright. Chorea, movements mostly twitching and incessant, especially
during sleep, the feet especially affected. Dentition, anaemia. Delirium:
subsultus tendinum, limbs cold, hands tremble. The mental condition is
generally lethargic, stupid, tendency to convulsions, often with a sense of
paralysis so that the limbs have to be rubbed. A marked indication is: suicidal
tendency or fear of arrest for crime. Headache: from least quantity of wine;
neuralgic, from brainfag, often blurring one-half of vision, photophobia, ver­
tigo; from forehead to vertex and occiput, better hard pressure on sides of
head, worse stimulents; occipital, as from a heavy weight dragging occiput
down; öfter heavy weight on vertex, scalp sore, photophobia, restless; worse
alcoholic stimulents; violent, of school children who are overtaxed, pulse soft,
even the symptoms of beginning meningitis; chlorotic, especially if one has
been saturated with iron. Hydrocephalus: very valuable after infantile
cholera, or idiopathic and apparent tubercular, the indications being: roaring
in head, starting in fright, occiput hot, photophobia, muscles tremulous, con­
stant motion of feet, even after convulsions have set in. Meningitis: from
suppressed exanthemata or during dentition, characterized by the peculiar
hyperaesthesia of all the special senses, trembling, twitching, squinting and
even convulsions. Eyes: pterygium, smart, tears, itch, bum, all worse inner
canthus; conjunctivitis, catarrhal, worse inner canthus; Zinc, has a marked
affinity for the inner canthus, Graph., the outer; pain from over the eyes to
occiput. Earache of children, especially boys. Bores the finger into the nose,
or picks at the dry lips. Dentition: difficult, child weak, cold, pulse soft,
bores head into pillow, tends to squint, cries out in sleep, and the restless feet.
Globus hystericus, rising from pit of stomach. Stomach worse alcoholic stim­
ulents, especially flatulence and rumbling in abdomen. Dyspepsia, atonic, as
if stomach was collapsed, goneness at stomach in latter part of forenoon. Colic,
flatulent, or from lead, neuralgic, of bowels; abdomen retracted. Liver en­
larged: flatulent dyspepsia; soreness. Floating kidney. Cholera infantum,
green mucus stools, often tenesmus, bores head into pillow, limbs restless.
Diarrhoea: suddenly suppressed, followed by cerebral symptoms. Constipation
of new-born. Dysentery, chronic, thin, pale, bloody stool; painful tenesmus;
desire for food which the child fails to assimilate; emaciation. Urine: hys­
terical retention; cannot urinate while sitting, albuminous, oedema, heart
irregular, spasmodic breathing, haemorrhage. Neuralgia of the bladder, espe­
cially if preceded by neuralgia. Seminal emissions, hypochondriasis, irritability
and depression. Neuralgia: of the testes, worse walking; of left ovary, before


n Original from
the menses; flow relieves. Menses: irregular; vicarious from the urethra,
bowels or lungs. Unnatural sexual appetite in women. All the symptoms of
derangement of the female organs have restlessness, depression, tendency to
coldness, tender spine and especially restless feet. Cough: spasmodic, or
whooping, especially if the child grasps at the genitals during the cough; from
wine; during the menses. Bronchitis, easy copious frothy expectoration;
worse night on lying down, must sit up; asthmatic, chest constricted. Chest:
as if oppressed, copious mucus; intercostal neuralgia. Spinal irritation, spine,
especially last dorsal vertebrae, sensitive; worse sitting still and stimulents.
Rheumatism, muscular, of lumbar region, extends to hips and thighs worse
rising from a chair and stooping. Chilblains, worse friction, painful. Sciatica
restless feet, pain whole length of leg; worse night and walking. Formication
of legs and feet, as of insects crawling over the skin, prevents sleep. Somnam­
bulism. Cannot bear to be covered during the sweat.


Clinical: Brain feels sore, as if sprinkled with salt. Throat seems
too tight and tongue too short.


Clinical: Dentition: intense suffering from pain in head and face, the
pains throw the child into a state of stupor alternating with wakefulness.


Clinical: Splinterlike pain in throat. Cough from tickling in throat;
worse the more one coughs. Tingling in the right side of face to vertex,
skin of part tense.


Clinical: Smell and taste perverted; things smell and taste putrid;
faeces have no odor; marked craving for things without appetite to allay the
irritation of the stomach; vomits all food except milk. Spasms, tetanic, of
right forearm and hand. Emaciation, skin looks as if stretched tightly over
the bones of face and hands; skin bluish, mottled. Spasmodic twitching of
the face and hands. Dilution of Zinc-m. applied to fresh wounds said to be
effective in securing rapid healing.


Clinical: Masturbation, hypochondriasis, melancholy, weak, irritable.


Has a dull mind, is excited, apprehensive, forgetful, indolent; is worse
especially afternoon and night, is irritable especially p. m., mentally
prostrated, sad, has an empty sense in the stomach, is constipated, the urine
becomes cloudy on standing, has pain in the back especially while sitting; the


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(Over 58 years of practical experience with Diphtheria, under strict

homoeopathic treatment, confirms our belief that: if you intend to C U R E the
patient of this much dreaded and maligned “Disease,” and reduce its evil
after-effects to a minimum, you must treat the individual case. Homoeopathy
furnishes us the O N LY method capable of doing this. If you would suc­
ceed, study the following remedies closely):
M ERC U RIU S CY A N A TU S: The first thing that strikes one in a
Merc-cy. case is the profound prostration right from the start, so weak one
cannot stand, cold, cyanotic, collapse threatens. The most characteristic mem­
brane is greenish, though in some cases it may be white, yellow or gray, and
it spreads over a large area, even appearing at the anus. There is a marked
tendency to destruction of the soft parts of the palate and fauces. G reat
fetor, breath offensive. Secretions copious, especially the sweat. Salivary
glands swollen, saliva thick and ropy. Fauces red. dysphagia. Tongue in
ordinary cases brown; in severe cases black. Pulse intermittent, rapid, small
and without volume. Epistaxis coming on is a serious sign. Worse night
and heat of bed. Adapted to the true adynamic type. Comment: T h it
remedy must be carefully differentiated from Diphth., Merc-cy. having more
tendency to free sweat, nightly aggravation and aggravation from the heat
of the bed. O ut of 81 cases consecutively treated with Merc-cy., only one
death occured. Said Hering: “ If the remedy is given in the stage of invasion,
i. e., before exudation is deposited, it will not occur; as a prophylactic it is
equally effective; paralysis and other diseases have not been observed after
the use of this remedy. The failures have been due to the abuse of the drug.”
Now let us review the next most important remedy—
D IP H T H E R IN U M : The first thing that strikes one in a Diphth. case
is the malignant tendency, epistaxis and prostration right from the start, the
patient being too prostrate to complain. Painless cases. The membrane is
usually thick gray, or brownish-black. Collapse almost from the beginning.
Restless. Apathetic. Sopor. Stupor. Besotted look (Bapt.). Fetor: dis­
charges very offensive. Swelling: of throat, tonsils and palatine arches,
dark red; of parotid and cervical glands. Pulse rapid and weak. Weakness.
Vital reaction low. Temperature subnormal. Comment: When the patient
seems doomed from the start and all our apparently well chosen, but un­
fortunately not indicated remedies fail, let us not give up hope until we have
tried this splendid remedy, preferably in the cc attenuation. While we are
on the more serious aspect of the disease let us view—

A IL A N T H U S G LA N D U LO SA : The first thing that strikes one in an

Ail. case is the capillary congestion occuring in spots, red and mottled, the
rash coming out imperfectly because the body is so full of poison that the
poison impedes the vital force, it is dark with bluish spots, livid, purple in
patches. The membrane is not pronounced, but is usually grayish and deep
seated; in small patches; on tonsils. Malignant forms. Throat dusky red,
almost purple, swollen internally and externally. Nose obstructed, dis­
charge ichorous, fetor. Odor fetid, cadaverous, like stinking meat from the
nose and mouth. Besotted look (Bapt., Diphth.), face purple, eyes congested.


n .\ / ai. > Original from

Delirium. Vomiting. Becomes drowsy. Torpid. Skin livid, purple. Pros­
tration extreme. Comment: Ail. produces a more profound stupor than Bapt.
Prostration at the onset is a leading indication. Very useful when the disease
turns suddenly and a zymotic state appears, with pain in the head and back
of the neck. Having several things in common with this remedy is—
B A PTISIA : The first thing that strikes one in a Bapt. case is the ex­
tremely besotted look on a face that is dark red, bloated and purple, the darker
red the more Bapt. Unable to sleep because the head, body and limbs feel
scattered about and one feels that one must toss about to get the pieces to­
gether. Can swallow only liquids, the least solid food causes gagging. Pros­
tration more profound than the attack would justify. Assumes a typhoid
state (Rhus). Mouth excessively putrid, as from gangrene. Discharges and
secretions all putrid, cadaverous, penetrating. Tongue yellowish-brown cen­
ter, red shining edges. Restless, delirium or stupor. Body feels bruised, sore
(A m .). Again, having things in common with this remedy is—
RHUS T O X IC O D E N D R O N : The first thing that strikes one in
Rhus case is the restlessness. One cannot find a comfortable position any­
where, not even in bed, due to siffness, lameness, pain and soreness all over the
body, which is worse at rest and on first beginning to move, but which is re­
lieved for a time after motion. This restlessness is both mental and physical.
The membrane, not pronounced, is dark, on the right side, especially on the
right tonsil. The tongue has a triangular red tip. Rhus is apt to assume a typhoid
form (Bapt.), with mild delirium. Dreams of hard work. The glands
swell, especially the parotids (Brom.), which are inflamed; also the sub-
maxillaries, with a dark erysipelatous hue. Bloody saliva runs from the
mouth. T hirst; desires cold milk. Worse cool air and rest; better heat.
Tearing pains run down the thighs. As we leave Rhus, let us look at the
(important) links, Lyc., Lac-c. and—
LACHESIS T R IG O N O C E P H A L U S : The first thing that strikes
one in a Lach, case is the extreme sensitiveness and intolerance to touch and
pressure, especially about the swollen throat and neck. Cannot tolerate a
neck band or collar, no matetr how loose. One refuses a warm drink be­
cause it suffocates. One dislikes sleeping because one always feels worse on
entering it, but especially after it, on waking. The trouble begins on the left
side and either stays there or travels over to the right. The membrane is
predominently white, especially noticed on the left tonsil and travels from left
to right, in some cases it may be: bluish, gray, yellow, copious. The tongue
is smooth, shining, at the anterior half, cracked at the tip, and often catches
behind the teeth on attempting to protrude it. The throat is dark, purple,
constricted, worse hot drinks (Lyc., better; Lac-c., better warm or cold
drinks), worse empty swallowing, liquids regurgitate; pains extend to left
ear. The nose is obstructed at the posterior nares; lips and nose sore; dis­
charge from nose thin, sanious. Breath fetid. Glands swollen, purple. Blood
does not coagulate. Prostration extreme. Gangrene. Impending paralysis
of the heart. Pyaemia from absorption with hectic fever. Comment: As
Lach, affects the left side, and Lyc. the right, we have a wonderful remedy
that is not so particular in—
LAC C A N IN U M : The first thing that strikes one in a Lac-c. case
is the glistening, shiny, red throat, reminding one of Kali-bi. Unlike Lach.


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and Lyc., Lac-c. is erratic, alternates sides, thus in a way favoring both.
The membrane is predominently white, pearly; alternates sides; migratory; in
a less degree: varnished and shining like china, gray, dirty looking, yellow,
in patches, thin, loose, occasionally curdy; on the uvula and especially on the
tonsils. Swallowing, especially empty, is difficult; fluids regurgitate through
the nose on drinking. Throat better cold or warm drinks, distinguishing it
from Lach, and Lyc.; pains shoot to left ear, like Lach., discharge fetid.
Prostration. Averse to being alone, again distinguishing it from Lach., which
desires to be alone. Restless. Dreams of snakes. Cannot bear one part to
touch another, especially the fingers (Lac-f., the feet). Paralysis after diph­
theria. Worse: night, after sleep, cold wind, or cold sharp air. Comment:
This remedy has won its greatest fame as both a cure and a preventive of
diphtheria. Lac-c. is said to be best given in a single dose, or if it must be
repeated, it is best given at exact intervals. Now we come to the right link
of that trio—

L Y C O PO D IU M C L A V A T U M : The first thing that strikes one in

a Lyc. case is a very nervous, emotional, sensitive patient complaining about
the right side of the throat. The trouble begins on the right side of the
throat and either stays there or travels over to the left side. One is especially
worse from 4 to 8 p. m., also from cold and the pressure of the clothing, and
better from warm drinks. One either fills up rapidly from a small amount
of food, or has no appetite when beginning to eat but which improves while
eating; if the former it causes fullness and distension in the abdomen and
much noisy flatulence. One usually wakens with anger. The membrane is
usually gray or white, begins on the right side and either stays there or travels
over to the left, and is noticed especially on the tonsils, especially the right;
is copious and extends to the nose. High fever, swollen tongue and tonsils.
Nose obstructed; fanlike motion of the alae nasi; obliged to breathe through
the mouth with the tongue protruded. Sensitive to cold. Desires air, the
cold air relieves. The weakness and fatigue are more noticable at rest than
during motion. Exertion aggravates. Comment: Children waken cross and
angry; often lie unconscious and in deep sleep, lower jaw drops, urine scanty,
even supressed, and what does pass stains the bedding or clothing red, and a
little red sand; they cry out during sleep. Just why the claim that this
remedy should be preceded by an antipsoric remedy, preferably Nux, I have
never been able to learn. Another important right-sided remedy is—

APIS M E L L IFIC A : The first thing that strikes one in an Apis case
is the extreme aversion to heat. Cold relieves even the mind. Then the
sudden stinging pains, especially on attempting to swallow. Oedema of the
throat and uvula. Absence of thirst. Heat of bed intolerable. Throat
bright rosy red. Membrane prevailingly white; on tonsils, right and uvula;
or it may be dirty, grayish, tough or white like scabs. Tonsils and fauces as
if covered with glossy varnish. Tongue dry, red, swollen, not heavily coated,
blisters on borders. Apathy. Indifference. Even unconscious. Stupor dur­
ing the progress of the disease. Restless. Nose often cold at tip in the be­
ginning. Face hot, bright red, even livid. Aversion to warm drinks and
food (Lac-c., better). Abdominal walls apt to be sore and bruised. Urine
free, pale. High fever. Dyspnoea. Skin dry, hot; red rash may appear.
Sleepy, weak. Prostrated. Generally worse least pressure and especially at

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_______ Original from

5 p. m. Comment: Paralysis may follow. Said to be almost specific for true
diphtheria. Throat may become painless, like Bapt., in advanced cases, but
Bapt. has less oedema. Apis makes its progress slowly; its reaction slow,
therefore should not be changed too soon. Whenever its symptoms come on
with too great violence they may be usually antidoted with Carb-ac. The
increased flow of urine shows its favorable effect, like—
ARUM T R IP H Y L L U M : The first thing that strikes one in an Arum
case is the constant boring into the nose, especially into the sides of the nose,
and the picking at the nose and lips until they become sore and bleed and
raw, in spite of the pain the picking causes. Works at the nose constantly;
it becomes ulcerated. Discharges extremely offensive and excoriate the parts
over which they flow. Salivation; saliva acrid. Lips thick, chap and burn.
Angles of mouth sore, ciacked and bleeding. Mouth sore, raw, unable to
open it. Tongue red, cracked and bleeding. Submaxillaries swollen. Mind
and body irritable and effected by heat. Depression of the vital forces, raw­
ness and itching. Urine scanty or suppressed. Fetor. Malignancy. During
scarlet fever. Comment: Children are irritable and restless. Its favorable
action is shown by the incieased flow of urine, like Apis. We also have an­
other remedy whose secretions are extremely acrid in—
N IT R IC U M A C ID U M : The first thing that strikes one in a Nit-ac.
case is the offensiveness of the patient. The excretions are foul. The urine,
in odor, resembles that of a horse’s more than does the urine of any other
remedy. The throat pains are sharp, splinterlike on swallowing; worse
touch and motion. Discharges and excretions: foul; excoriate; affect the
stomach; from the nose with obstruction, making the lips sore; excoriating
from the mouth and nose, making the lips sore; of dirty green-yellowish pus.
Membrane predominently white; white patches on tonsils; occasionally gray
or yellow; deep seated; especially on uvula; extending to the nose, or toward
the posterior walls of the pharynx. Tough stringy mucus from the mouth;
breath and saliva offensive. Tongue yellow as a rule, though sometimes
white in the a. m. As of foreign body in the throat. Nausea. Vomiting.
Constantly obliged to lie down from weakness. The ulcers have a splinterlike
pain on touch. High fever. Great prostration. Sensitive to touch. Worse
Washing and noise. Comment: The odor of the urine and the splinterlike
pains should make the choice easy. The foul discharges call to mind—
A R SEN ICU M A L B U M : The first thing that strikes one in an
Ars. case is the fear and anguish; the fear of being alone. Restlessness, even
during the stupor and profound prostration, causing one to wish to change
places or beds. The anxiety mingled with fear. The burning thirst calling
for little and often, and the feeling better after drinking hot things (Lyc.).
Burning. The aggravation at or soon after midnight. The membrane is
especially wrinkled and dry; often dark and gangrenous. Discharges all
putrid; fetor great; cadaveric; from nose, excoriating. Throat swollen ex­
ternally and internally; oedematous. Stomach irritable; apt to vomit imme­
diately after drinking. Urine scanty. Pains burn. Pulse rapid, weak.
Weakness great; exhaustion rapid, from least exertion; seems out of propor­
tion to the rest of the illness; even collapse. Albuminuria. Dropsy. Severe
cases. Better heat and warm wraps. Comment: Adapted to the later stages,
marked enlargement of the lmyphatics is more apt to require Ars-i. In
irritability of the stomach we have a rival remedy in—


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PH O SP H O R U S : The first thing that strikes one in a Phos. case is
the desire to have a stream of cold water going down the throat, which re­
lieves, but which may be vomited as soon as it gets warm on the stomach; or
wants ice in the mouth. Bodily and mental exhaustion. Discharges blood-
streaked. Throat purple, fetor horrible. Desires: cold food, especially
meat; must eat often or one faints. Restless. Weak, gone sense in abdomen.
Burning pains. Sleepy day time and after meals. Is worse p. m. until mid­
night, touch, pressure and lying on left side; better after eating. Hoarseness
after diphtheria. We have another remedy desiring cold drinks in—

PH Y TO LA C C A D EC A N D R IA : The first thing that strikes one in

a Phyt. case is the vertigo and nausea on attempting to sit up. The aching
of the head, back and limbs, stiff muscles and pain in the knees. The mem­
brane is predominently gray or white, like dirty wash-leather, on the tonsils
and uvula, usually right side; sometimes dark or ash color, or small white or
yellow spots coalescing, or dirty white, or pearly. The tongue heavily furred
and thick, mostly with fiery red tip, and great pain at root on protruding it.
Throat dry, sore, dark red, almost purple; worse hot drinks (Lach., better:
Lyc.), wants cold things; burns, often as from a red hot ball; dysphagia;
fauces congested, dark red; pharynx dry, raw; scraping; tonsils bluish, swol­
len; purple color of throat; pains shoot to ear on attempting to swallow.
Mouth and tongue ulcerated. Sore across kidneys; urine scanty, dark red;
albuminous. Worse at night. At beginning chills creep up the back; weak,
faint on sitting up in bed. From exposure to cold, damp atmosphere; or from
sleeping in damp, ill-ventilated rooms. Another remedy having pain in the
tongue on protruding it is—

KALI B IC H R O M IC U M : The first thing that strikes one in a Kali-

bi. case is the peculiar toughness and adhesiveness of the secretions, usually
copious and yellow. The membrane is predominently greenish (Merc-cy.),
especially on tonsils and uvula, next in importance: blood streaked; deep
seated; elastic; gray; isolated patches; pearly; white; yellow; fibrinous; on
palate, tonsils and pharynx; extending to nose, trachea and especially larynx.
Tongue is red, dry, smooth and cracked, and like Phyt., pains at root on
protruding it. Uvula swollen, little redness, oedematous; tonsils inflamed,
very red and swollen; neck swollen. Discharges fetid. Clinkers from the
nose leaving sore places when detached. Pulse soft. Tendency to perspire.
Weary. W eak; prostration profound. Sensitive to cold. Ulcers, if occur­
ring, are round, deep and very red. In line with this remedy is—

KALI C H L O R IC U M : The first thing that strikes one in a Kali-chl.

case is the contrast of the extreme whiteness to the yellowness of the exuda­
tions and secretions of Kali-bi. T ie membrane is predominently white. The
saliva tough and stringy. Mouth ulcerated, bases gray; gangrenous; extreme
fetor. Is always better from a warm bath» which is apt to be followed by
perspiration and quiet sleep. In color contrast we have a splendid remedy in—

N A T R U M P H O S P H O R IC U M : The first thing that strikes one in

a Natr-p. case as soon as the patient opens the mouth is the bright golden yel­
low color. Moist, creamy, golden-yellow colored coating at the root of the
tongue and on the soft palate, the rest of the tongue thinly coated and moist


i A 1i > Original from

Discharges all yellow, creamy and thick. Eructations sour. Aversion to
open air and to bathing. We have a remedy that is said to be the basis of
and responsible for the vaunted success of antitoxin, in—
CARBO LICUM A C ID U M : The first thing that strikes one in a
Carb-ac. case is the whiteness about the nose and mouth. Great tendency to
destruction of tissue (Diphth., M erc-cy.); to gangrene. Liquids regurgitate.
Breath fetid. Face dusky red (Bapt.). Discharges putrid, offensive. Urine
highly albuminous; dark, black or olive green. Pains sudden, bum, stick,
prick. Prostration profound, collapse, cold sweat; vital forces sink rapidly.
Sopor. Pulse thready. Secretions burn. Now let us close with—
B R O M IU M : The first thing that strikes one in a Brom, case is the
unusually enlarged parotids. The disease begins in the larynx and runs
upward. The membrane, not characteristic, extends to the larynx. Weak.
Perspiring. Worse left side, cold air, cold water, cold food, heat of sun,
and p. m. till midnight. Especially indicated in cases coming on from being
overheated, in persons who are sensitive to it; also for children, if it comes
on in the night after a hot Summer day. In all cases forget the diagnosis and
treat the patient. A diagnosis without the aid of proper treatment is on a
par with good wishes without food to a starving victim.


(Strict homoeopathic treatment has enabled the compilor of the appended

remedies to pass through all the epidemics of Scarlet Fever, measles, and
chickenpox, without the loss of a case of either, and confirms the belief that
no acute case of any kind should die. Study the following remedies and
comments closely.)
BRYONIA ALBA: The outstanding feature of Bry. is the extreme
aversion to, fear of, and aggravation from motion, even of an eyelid. Ex­
tremely irritable, does not wish any attention or even to be talked to as it
would cause one to have to move; all one cares to do is to be let alone and lie
quietly. Thirst extreme, drinks large quantities, and if at long intervals,
that alone would be sufficient to point to Bry. There is a constant longing
for something but one does not know for what. The bowels are usually con­
stipated, the stools large, hard and black as if burned, with no urging; if
loose, they are usually brown. The mouth, lips, tongue and throat are very
dry, the tongue generally furred heavily and white. The fever high, the
sweats copious and easy. Is better cool and cool applications. If delirium
comes on it is on or about 9 p. m. and lasts all night, in which one prattles
about business, or thinks one is away from home and wishes to be taken there.
Comment: O f all the remedies capable of developing and bringing out the
rash in all its glory, Bry. is the “king bee.” T hat accomplished, I firmly
believe, with good and careful nursing, would simplify every case and cut out
all after effects and deaths. There are times, however, when grave conditions
arise and take the trouble from its normal course and then Bry. becomes un-


r\: _i i__ i A/ \nl/> Original from

equal to the task. It is then that we must turn to such remedies as: Ail.
(q. v.) when the eruption comes out only in patches, or to Cup. (q. v.) when
spasms or convulsions occur, or to Zinc, when the vitality is too low and weak
to develope the rash, etc. The receding eruptions call especially for: Zinc.,
Sulph., Amm-c., Phos., etc. The suppressed eruptions call especially for: Bry.f
Sulph., Zinc., etc. Aconite is homoeopathic to scarlet rash rather than to scar­
let fever, and is one of the leading remedies. Next, and perhaps the most im­
portant of all the remedies for scarlet fever, both as a cure and preventive,
especially in the more prevalent, the smooth form, is—

BELLADONNA: The outstanding feature of Bell, is the burning

heat and redness, the heat so intense as to leave a sense of burning in the
examining fingers, the body a beautiful scarlet and dry, excitement runs high,
the pupils dilate fully giving a rather wild appearance, the face flushed
scarlet, the carotids throb violently. The mouth and throat are dry and of
scarlet color. Thirst great, restless. The pulse full and bounding. Sleepy
yet unable to sleep; starts on falling to sleep or in the sleep. Sweats, and
pains if any, come and go suddenly. Is worse from motion, light, noise, and
especially from the jarring of the bed. The delirium, if any, comes on around
3 p. m. and lasts till midnight. The rash usually begins on the throat and
chest. Comment: Bell, is the leader for the smooth form, its nearest rival:
Amm-c., next: Sulph., but if the trouble shows a malignant form from the
beginning, or shows a malignant tendency in spite of Bell., which may seem
indicated, Sulph. is to be thought of; or when Bell, fails to hold, though the
symptoms seem to call for it, Sulph. or Calc, must be thought of; Calc, espe­
cially when the rash comes out under Bell and Bell, fails to hold and the rash
begins to pale off, the face becomes pale and bloated, the urine scanty or sup­
pressed. Amm-c. has quite a resemblance to Bell, in some ways, but with
Amm-c. the rash is more inclined to be miliary, the throat darker red and
the drowsiness more complete. As we all well know every case of scarlet
fever does not indicate Bell., and the lack of that knowledge, especially by
the beginner, has caused many an otherwise good homoeopath to start all his
cases with Bell., as he starts all his colds with Aeon. T hat mistake has
caused many a long drawnout case and laid the foundation for many serious
after effects and even deaths. When the disease becomes malignant, in spite
of Bell., we cannot change too soon to such remedies as: Lach., Rhus, Hyos.,
etc., “if and when the symptoms agree.” Bell, appears to be a perfect pro­
phylactic, if not given too low, in the smooth form, but I doubt very much
its value in the miliary form. As one of the remedies for the miliary form
let us consider next—

RHUS T O X IC O D E N D R O N : The outstanding feature of Rhus is

its extreme restlessness, stiffness, lameness and soreness that allow one to find
no rest anywhere. One must be constantly on the move to ease one’s pains,
even in bed. If one rests awhile one becomes so stiff and lame one can hardly
move. The pains, if any, are worst of all on beginning to move, become easy
for awhile while moving, but one soon tires and must rest again, when one
has to do it all over again. The greatest relief is found in heat and motion.
One is anxious and restless, like Ars. The fauces become dark red and
oedematous. The tongue is red, smooth and often marked by a triangular


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red tip. The cervical glands swell, and soon the left parotid gland swells and
goes right on, if not checked, to suppuration. The eruption is dark red and
miliary. The cases are apt to run typhoid with a mild delirium and one
dreams of hard work. Comment: Rhus is useful when the eruption does not
come out fully, and when it does appear it is dark red and miliary. Amm-c.
is similar to Rhus, but Amm-c. affects more the right parotid, and is less rest­
less than Rhus. Now let us turn to some of the more severe forms of scarlet
fever, as anyone can cure a case that would get well without our skill but
with good nursing. Let us first view—
A IL A N T H U S G LA N D U LO SA : The outstanding feature of Ail. is
its eruption which starts in patches that are red and mottled. The eruption
comes out imperfectly on account of the great accumulation of poison in the
body that impedes the body’s vital powers; it is dark, mixed with bluish spots,
livid, purple. The nose stuffs up; the discharges from the nose and mouth
make the lips sore. The throat is livid and swollen externally and internally.
The bowels are apt to be loose, the stools may pass with the urine. The
breathing is heavy and irregular. One becomes torpid and drowsy, lies in a
stupor, cannot understand what is said to one, the eyes congested, pupils
dilated and sluggish, teeth covered with sordes, and has a startled look when
aroused. Comment: Arum resembles Ail. in its discharges, but Arum is more
restless and constantly works with the nose. Ail. belongs to the gangrenous
type, like Amm-c., Carb-ac., Lach., etc. Ail. follows Rhus well. Next let
us review—
ARUM T R IP H Y L L U M : The outstanding feature of Arum is the
constant working at the nose; busy all the time boring into it, and into its
sides, and, in spite of the pain it causes, constant picking at the dry lips and
nose until they become raw, sore, burn and bleed; constantly picking and
screaming. The discharges from the nose and mouth are so offensive and acrid
that they excoriate the parts over which they pass leaving red streaks in their
wake. The nose and lips become ulcerated. The saliva is acrid. The lips
chap, thicken and burn, the angles of the mouth sore, cracked and bleed, the
mouth sore, raw and unable to open it, the tongue red, cracked and bleeding.
Refuses food and drink on account of the soreness of the throat. The face
becomes swollen and bloated. The urine becomes scanty or even suppressed.
Great delirium is apt to ensue. The child is apt to be very irritable and
restless. Sometimes we find a rawness down the inner side of the thighs.
Comment: Do not give this remedy too low nor repeat too often. Like Apis,
its favorable action is shown by an increase in the flow of urine. Another of
these serious remedies is—
A M M O N IU M C A R B O N IC U M : The outstanding feature of Amm-c.
is found in its somnolent state, the swollen glands, the dark red, sore throat
and the faintly developed eruption. The fluids and discharges are all acrid;
the saliva excoriates the lips. The dark red, sore throat is swollen internally
and externally; the tonsils are swollen and dark red; the glands enlarged ex­
ternally. The nose is obstructed at night; the child starts from sleep as if
smothering, and lies with mouth wide open in order to breathe. The right
parotid enlarges (Rhus. left). Prostration great. Palpitation audible, worse
every movement. Face becomes dusky and puffy. Dyspnoea as if the heart
would give out. Is sensitive to air. Great aversion to water. Especially


m 1 /> Original from

worse generally at 3 a. m. Comment: W hile Amm-c. is said to be inimical
to Lach., yet it will antidote Lach, in cases poisoned by Lach, or when Lach,
has been given too low and repeated too often. Amm-c. is second to Bell, in
the smooth form; it vies with Carb-ac. in the gangrenous type, and is well
adapted to malignant forms. The principal eruption of Amm-c. is miliary,
like that of Rhus, but like Bell, and Sulph., it is adapted to the smooth form;
it has many symptoms in common with Bell., and both may seem to be indi­
cated in many cases, yet the eruption of Amm-c. is miliary, while that of
Bell, is always smooth, and the throat of Amm-c. is darker red and the
drowsiness more complete, and the starting from sleep is due to the stopping
of the respiration. Another of these more serious remedies is—

Z IN C U M M E T A L L IC U M : The outstanding feature of Zinc, is its

persistently restless fidgety feet, especially p. m., and even nights in bed the
feet are constantly on the move or jerking. Excitable. Extremely oversensi­
tive. Tired. Feeble. Has a tendency to convulsions w'hich have the peculi­
arity of usually being attended with pale face and no heat. Rolls the head
from side to side. The urine becomes suppressed. One goes into a stupor
and finally complete unconsciousness. Has shocks and jerks during sleep
from which one occasionally screams out, but not so shrilly as does Apis. Is
sensitive to noise and the talking of others. Comment: Zinc, is the leading
remedy for receeding eruptions, and especially when there is inability to throw-
out that eruption, the eruption partly developed, the skin livid. Zinc, may
supplant Bell, in the smooth form by reason of its enervation. In severe cases
the skin is bluish and cold, the body heavy, the pulse almost threadlike, weak
and without volume. When the brain becomes involved tearing pains occur
especially at the base, which seem to shoot through to the eyes, and even to
the teeth; a distressing cramp-like pain at the root of the nose. If a case goes
on and the rash does not come out, the child becomes pale and livid, rolls its
head into the pillow, grinds its teeth, screams out when moved, with the
characteristic restless feet, it is Zinc., and Zinc, alone. In Cup. we have the
results coming from suppression of the eruption, with convulsions, the thumbs
clenched across the palms and screaming out; while with Zinc, the results are
due to the lack of ability to devclope the eruption, with the characteristic
restless, fidgety feet. If the case goes on in spite of Zinc., and the skin be­
comes livid and cold, the pulse filliform, and especially cold sweat, resort to
Camph. If in scrofulous children the rash fails to develope or recedes, leaving
the face unnaturally pale and bloated, then give Calc. O ur next important
remedy will be—

C U PR U M M E T A L L IC U M : The outstanding feature of Cup. is its

tendency to convulsions and spasms that usually begin in the fingers and toes,
having the peculiarity of clenching the thumbs across the palms of the hands,
the fingers clenched tightly across the thumbs, the spasms affecting especially
the flexor muscles, the muscles twitch. The convulsions and spasms may be
attended with excessive vomiting and stupor, sometimes the patient appears as
if dead. The sweat is apt to be cold and clammy. Bores the head into the
pillow. Face red or purple. Teeth often clenched. Often foam at mouth.
Drinks are apt to roll into the stomach with a gurgling sound. Pulse rapid
and small. Awakens frightened and knowrs no one. Skin bluish. Comment:
Cup. is of inestimable value when the eruption has been suppressed and the


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convulsions and spasms as given above occur. The mental irritability on
waking reminds one of Lyc., and the awakened, frightened and knowing no
one, reminds one of Stram. and Zinc., but they lack the violent and peculiar
convulsions and spasms of Cup. Next we come to—

CARBOLICUM A C ID U M : The outstanding feature of Carb-ac. is

the tendency to whiteness about the nose and mouth, the marked acuteness of
the smell, the putrid discharges, the fetid odor, the marked tendency to de­
struction of internal tissue, the offensive breath, the dusky red face. The lips
become dry, cracked and painful. The tongue has a yellow fur down the
center. The fauces fiery red. Intensely bad odor from the mouth. Liquids
regurgitate through the nose. The urine apt to be scanty and red, or highly
albuminous, or albuminous and dark, black, or olive green, and greenish after
the fever. Pulse thready. Uneasy sleep with half open eyes. Cold sweat
Profund prostration. Vital forces sink rapidly. Gangrene and malignancy.
Another important remedy is—

APIS M E L L IFIC A : The outstanding feature of Apis is its extreme

aversion to, and aggravation from heat as it effects both mind and body»
while cold relieves both. Is thirstless and has an aversion to both warm food
and drink. The face may be hot and bright red, or livid. The throat is
bright rosy red, puffy and usually oedematous. The skin dry and hot, the
eruption miliary; the skin is apt to sting and itch causing great restlessness,
weeping and lamenting. The general aggravation is 5 p. m. Comment: In
the more malignant forms the mind becomes involved and the head is rolled
from side to side, and the cri encephalique appears. There is apt to be squint­
ing of one or both eyes, tongue deep red and covered with burning, stinging
vesicles. Often albuminuria during desquamation, urine scanty and high
colored, skin may be hot and cold in places. If the rash is tardy typhoid
may ensue; or ulcers may appear in the throat if the eruption is repelled or
delayed. The eyes are sensitive to bright light, but not so marked as with
Bell. In post-scarlatinal dropsy Apis vies with Lach., but Apis is thirstless,
the skin pale and waxy, and a rashlike eruption here and there. Amm-c. re­
sembles Apis, but Apis has more dropsical symptoms. Dropsy, even with
uraemic symptoms after scarlet fever. Our next remedy to censider will be—

LACHESIS T R IG O N O C E P H A L U S : The outstanding feature of

Lach, is its extreme aversion to and aggravation from touch, pressure and
heat, especially touch or pressure about the throat, about which everything
seems too tight, and hot drinks cause suffocation. Then there is aggravation
on falling to sleep, but especially after sleep, on waking, the aggravation from
heat, the purple color, the fetid breath and the tendency to malignancy. The
rash comes out slowly or imperfectly, has a dark purple hue and often inter­
spersed with a miliary rash. The tongue is apt to catch behind the teeth on
attempting to protrude it. The child is drowsy and easily falls into a deep
sleep. Comment: Cases are often complicated with membranous deposits in
the throat, the throat dark red or purple, cervical glands swell, dirty white
deposits appear on the left tonsil, the tongue coated dirty yellow at the base
with red papillae showing prominently through the coating, the pulse weak,
surface of body cool, saliva abundant and tenacious, and at times dark blood
oozes from the nose and mouth. Lach, follows Rhus well in the more


n 1 A, . W l L > Original from

adynamic types; also Bell., when in spite of Beil., though Bell, seemed indi­
cated, the case becomes malignant. In a Lach, case the disease is adynamic
and blood poisoning profound. Amm-c., while inimical to Lach., is an anti­
dote to the poinsoning with Lach., and while apparently similar, it affects
more the right side. Lach, the left, and Lach, has more sensitiveness to touch.
Useful after scarlet fever when there is oedema with black scanty urine.
Lach.’s right hand friend is—
L Y C O PO D IU M C L A V A T U M : The outstanding feature of Lyc. is
the 4 to 8 p. m. aggravation, the disease spreading from right to left, the re­
verse of Lach., the awakening cross and angry, the external sensitiveness to
warm air, the amelioration of the stomach from warm drinks. Often there
is headache at the root of the nose or over the eyes. The nose stuffs up and
one is unable to breathe through it at night; he picks at his nose and bores
into it, like Arum and Cina. Is worse after sleep or a short nap. Apt to
have one cold and one warm foot (one case could only sleep nights with the
right foot out of bed). Desires open air. Sweat often followed by thirst.
Often stupefaction and stupor. Comment: Child suddenly wakes from
sleep and cries out as if frightened and cannot be pacified, and if the case is
not arrested it becomes unconscious and deep sleep ensues, the lower jaw
drops, the urine becomes scanty or suppressed, and what does pass stains the
bedding or clothing red and deposits a little red sand, the breathing becomes
rapid with a slight rattling and a little snoring. The Lyc. patient is nervous,
sensitive and extremely irritable. Long before the case developes or before
serious symptoms appear Lyc. will be called upon by the child's waking
cross, irritable, kicking the clothing off and striking at those about it. “The
element of irritability and the absence of symptoms characteristic of the remedy
lead one to Lyc. Another one of our most important remedies is—
SU L PH U R : The outstanding feature of Sulph. is the extreme redness
of all orifices of the body and the acridity of the discharges that excoriate
those discharges, the lips and eyelids are red as if painted, and that alone is
almost enough to fix the choice on Sulph. One is so hot and the soles of the
feet burn so at night that one kicks the covers off, or puts the feet out of
bed to cool them off, and if one gets too warm in bed one complains of other
troubles. If the bowels become loose the stools burn and excoriate the anus
which becomes fiery red» and one is often driven out of bed at 5 a. m. to go
to stool, the stool having a bad odor which one cannot get rid of. One
hates to be bathed or washed, it aggravates. One complains of a weak, faint,
hungry sense around 11 a m. One is quite thirsty but rarely hungry. Is
sleepy during the day but wakeful at night. Comment: Sulph. and Zinc, are
the leading remedies for the receding eruption. Sulph. vies with Bell, in the
smooth form, and may be equally indicated in the beginning, in that it is the
chronic of Bell., but here Bell.'s scarlet redness is more pronounced generally,
that of Sulph. more at the orifices. Think of Sulph. in relapsing cases. An­
other important remedy is—
A RSEN ICU M A LB U M : The outstanding feature of Ars. is the .
extreme anguish, restlessness and fear, the fear of death and especially the fear
of being alone, the great restlessness which is associated with extreme exhaus­
tion or prostration and is continuous even after one has gone into a stupor,
and with it one has a desire to change beds. Great thirst which calls for


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little and often as the stomach is so irritable as to not tolerate large quan­
tities, hot drinks relieve and have a soothing effect. Is chilly generally and
craves warmth and warm wraps. One is generally worse at or soon after
midnight and especially around 1 a. m. The discharges are apt to be cadaver­
ous and those from the nose apt to excoriate. The urine scanty. The pulse
rapid and weak. During the fever is apt to desire to be covered, cold drinks
are apt to produce chilliness, pain and instant vomiting. Comment: Ars. is
adapted to gangrenous types. Also when the rash does not come out properly
and the child is thrown into convulsions, lies pale and in a kind of stupor in
which it is restless and moans, then suddenly it seems to arouse and immedi­
ately go into convulsions, then relapses again into a stupor. Useful after
Rhus when the parotids swell and suppurate. Another valuable remedy is—

M U R IA T IC U M A C ID U M : The outstanding feature of Mur-ac. is

the great muscular exhaustion, the hanging jaw, the continual sliding down
in bed, and as the case goes on the stool and urine become involuntary, a sort
of paralytic weakness. The body is intensely red and looks like a boiled
lobster. The head congested. The face bright red. Great drowsiness. The
rash comes very sparingly and scattered irregularly over the body and is inter­
spersed with petechiae, with bluish or purple spots that remind one of Ail.
The child is restless and will not be covered. As the disease progresses the
akin becomes purplish and the feet decidedly blue, a thin discharge from the
nose excoriates the lips and makes them sore, most intense prostration, the
general aggravation occurs about 10 or 11 a. m., the mouth may be studded
with ulcers having a black or dark base and dipping deep in, the pulse inter­
mits, the arms constantly restless and must be constantly on the move (Zinc.,
the feet). Comment: Often a few hours before the eruption appears the
patient lies in a stupified state and when the eruption does come out it spreads
rapidly. Mur-ac. is adapted to the malignant types and cases complicated
with diphtheria. W e must not overlook—

PH O SPH O R U S: The outstanding feature of Phos. is the insatiable

desire for cold drinks, the colder the better, but sometimes the stomach is so
irritable that the cold drinks are vomited as soon as they become warm on the
stomach and the thirst returns. The disposition is irascible and vehement,
apathetic, tired and indifferent. Restless. Hungry. The chest feels tight or
as if one had a load on it. Is generally worse from p. m. till midnight and
from lying on the left side. Feet apt to be icy cold. Tired in the a. m. as if
one had not slept enough. Comment: Is adapted to the gangrenous and re-
ceeding types, the latter when suddenly repelled with chest affections and
tendency to typhoid states with apathy yet restless. I will here stop with—

S T R A M O N IU M : The outstanding feature of Stram. is its violence,

its excitement which may go on to rage. The flushed face which looks wild,
anxious and fearful. The hot head. High fever. Often raging and violent
delirium is apt to ensue. The cold limbs. While one desires light and com­
pany yet in one’s anxiety one turns away from the light since one is par­
ticularly aggravated from a bright light. The heat is so intense that it may
be mistaken for Bell. The child arouses from sleep and clings to those near.
The hallucinations cause fright. The throat and fauces are dry but are not
relieved by drinking. Has violent thirst even though there is an aversion to

(3 1 7 )

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all fluids and water. Is constantly restless. One looks like a boiled lobster.
Comment: If convulsions occur they are apt to alternate with rage. Some­
times the child will only go to sleep in a lighted room. The fever of Stram.
is so intense that it may be mistaken for that of Bell., but that of Bell, is
said to be always remittent while that of Stram. is more continued. The hal­
lucinations of Stram. are dark, while those of Bell, are fiery and shining. The
eruption of Stram. is less bright than that of Bell, and shows a disposition
to recede and fade; the urine scanty or even suppressed, delirious, hallucina­
tions and convulsions, dry throat compelling frequent drinking, tongue swollen
or paralyzed, hanging out of the mouth.

It is to be remembered that any remedy in the Materia Medica may be

called upon in the treatment of any disease, so that only the more frequently
indicated remedies have been reviewed in both Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever.


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Abies Canadensis.................... 9 Anagallis .......- .................... 27

Abies nigra ...Ma*«..................*...«*.. ^ Anantherum ....................... m■..... 27
Ab rot an um 9 Anemopsis ............................... 28
Absinthium ........... — 10 Angelica ..................- .................... — 28

Acalypha Indica ........— .......---- 10 Angophora ............................... — 28
Acetanilidium ............................... 10 Angustura .................................... 28
Aceticum acidum ............ 10 Anhalonum .............................■.■.. 29
Aconitum Napellus ........... - ....... 11 Anilinum ......................... 29
Actea Spicata ............................... 11 Anisatum ........................ .... 29
Adelheidsquella ......... 12 Anthemis ..... 29
Adonis vernal is ..._....................... 12 Anthoxanthum ............... — 30
Adrenalin .......... 12 Anthracinum .............. 30
Aesculus glabra — ... ................... 12 Anthrakakoli .................. 30
Aesculus hippocastanum ............ 12 Antifcbrin ................... 30
Aethusa cynapium ____ 13 Antimonium arsenicum __...___ 30
Adonis vem alis.... ...... 13 Antimonium chloridum .............. 31
Agaricus muscarius ...................... 14 Antimonium sulph. auratum------ 32
Agave Americana ........... 15 Antimonium tartaricum .............. 32
Agnus castus.................... - ........... 15 Antipyrin .................... 33
Agraphis nutans .... - ............. 15 Aphis chenopodi g la u d ................ 33
Agrimonia ..................................... 15 Apis mellifica .... .... ........................ 33
Agrostis.............................. 15 Apium graveolens ___________ 35
Ailanthus glandulus ..................... 16 Apocynum androsemifolium____ 35
Alcohol ....................... 16 Apocynum cannabium ................ 35
Aletris fannosa ...............«........... 17 Apomorphinum ............... 36
Allium sativa................................. 17 Aqua marina .......... - ....... 36
.......................................... 17 Aqua petra ..................... 36
Aloes socotrina • • • • • • • • « • a . « • • • • • • • . « • • ■ m 17 Aqua vulgaris ............................ 37
Alstonia constricta...... ................. 18 Aragalus lambertis .................... 37
Alumen ............................ - ........... 18 Arala hispidia .......- ............ 37
Alumina ................................ 19 Aralia racemosa............................ 37
Alumina phosphorica .................. 20 Aranea diadema .......................... 37
Alumina silica............................... 21 Areca ....................- .............- __ 38
Ambra grisia .................... 21 Argentum metallicum ................ 38
Ammoniacum ............................... 21 Argentum cyanatum .................... 39
Ammonium benzoicum .............. 22 Argentum iodatum ...................... 39
Ammonium bromidum ............... 22 Argentum muriaticum ................ 39
Ammonium carbonatum ............. 22 Argentum nitricum .................... 39
Ammonium causticum ................ 23 Argentum oxydatum ....... 40
Ammonium iodatum ................... 24 Argentum phosphoricum ..... 41
Ammonium muriaticum ............. 24 Aristolacia milhomens................ 41
Ammonium phosphoricum ......... 25 Aristolacia serpentaria .......*____ 41
Ammonium picricum ................. 25 Arlome ....................... 41
Ammonium salycilicum ......... — 25 Arnica montana ............... 41
Ammonium valerianum ...........— 25 Arsenicum album ........... 43
Amoracia sativa ..................... 25 Arsenicum bromatum .................. 45
Ampelopsis ...........- ........- ........... 25 Arsenicum hydrogenesatum ........ 45
Amphisbaena ........... - ................... 25 Arsenicum iodatum ............. 46
Amygdale amara ....... 26 Arsenicum sulph. flatus .......- ..... 46
Amyl nitrosum .......- ................... 26 Artemisia vulgaris.... ................... 47

n \r%lr> Original from

H ue
OWV\XS tM— Cubeba .................. ^.|13
Chicranthus cheiri .............. ........ 90 Cubcubita pepo ........................^ .1 1 3
C him om illa..... ....................... 90 Culex mu8ca ....... .....^ .1 1 3
Chelidonium ................................ 91 Cundurango ........................... 114
Chr nopodium anthelminticom .... 92 Cuphem TTscossisum ...... ........... — 114
Chimaphilla umbclata ................. 92 Cupressus Lawsoniana ................ 114
China officinalis .......................... . . 93 Cuprum metallicum ....... 114
Chininum arsenicosum ................ 94 Cuprum aceticum ..................... 116
Chininum muriaticum ................ 95 Cuprum arsenicos'um.....................116
Chininum sulphuricum ...... .... 95 Curare ............... 116
Chionanthus .......... ............... 95 Cyclamen Europfcirtb ............... 116
Chloralum ........... 96 Cypripedium ..................................117
Chloroformum ............................. 96
Chlorum ................... 96 Daphne odorata .....117
Cholesterinum ...................... 96 Datura arborea .. ....117
Chfomicum add urn ..... 97 Datura ferox ...... — 117
Chrysophanicum add um .......... 97 Datura metel ..... __ 118
Cichorum.............................. - ....... 97 Derris pinnata .... __ 118
Cicuta virosa ....................... 97 Digitalis ............ .... 118
Cimex lectularius.......................... 98 Dioscorea villosa ....119
Cimicifuga racemosa.............. 98 Diphtherinum .... .... 119
Cina .............................................. 99 Dirca palustris .. ....120
Cinchona Boliviana ....................100 Dolichos pruriens .... 120
Cinnamomun .................................101 Dbryphora .......... .....120
Cistus Canadensis..........................101 Drosera ............... ....120
Citrus limonum ...................... ..... 102 Duboisinum ........ ....121
Clematis erecta ..».....««a................. 102 Dulcamara ......... ....121
Cobaltum .................................-....102
Cocaine ................ ........................ 103
Coccinella ....... 103 Echinacea augustifolia .................122
CoCculus Indicus ......................... 103 Echinacea purpura .......................122
Coccus cacti ................................. 104 Elaeis guineinses ........................... 122
Cochleria ............... *.................... 105 Elaps .............................................122
Codein ........................................... 105 Elaterium ......................................123
Coffea cruda ....... 105 Electricitas .......................... 123
Coffra to sta ....................................106 Electricity ...................................... 123
Colchicum autumnale ...................106 Epieea repens ...............................123
Collinsonia Canadensis .................107 Epiphegus ......................................123
Colocynthisis ................................. 107 Eqiiisetum ............... 124
Comocladia dentata .....................108 E rechtitis.................................. ....124
Conch toll num ............................. 108 Erigeron .................... 124
Conium maculatum .....................108 Eryngium aquaticum .............— 124
Convallaria ......................... . ....... 109 Etherum ................................ 124
Copaiva balsam ........ .................... 109 Eucalyptus ............................ 124
Coralium rubrum .......................i.ll0 Eugenia jambosa ......................... 125
Cornus circinatus .................... ;...110 Euonymus Europaeus ...................125
Cornus F lo rid a.............................110 Eupatorium aromaticum .............125
Cotyledon ..... 110 Eupatorium perfoliatum .............125
Craetagus oxycanth ........... . ....... 110 Eupatorium purpureum ...............126
Crocus sativa........ ........................ I l l Euphorbium .................................. 126
Cfotalus horridus ......................... I l l Euphorbia corralata .....................127
Croton tiglium .......- ...................112 Euphorbia heterdoxia ...................127

Original from
n rv/ n l r>

Euphorbia pilulifera .............. ..... 127 Helix tosta ................. .................142

Euphrasia ....................... - ..... ..... 127 Helleborus niger ........ .................142
Eupionum .............................. ......128 Helleborus foetidus ... ................. 143
Helleborus viridus ..... ................. 143
Fcrrum arsenicum .................. ..... 129 Heloderma horridus ... .................143
Ferrum bromatum ................ ..... 129 Helonias ..................... ..................143
Ferrum iodatum .................. ___129 Hepar .......................... .................144
Ferrum magneticum ............. .....130 Hippomanes .................................. 146
Ferrum muriaticum ....................130 Hippozaenin ............... ................. 146
Ferrum pernitricum .............. ___130 Hoang-nan ................. ................. 146
Ferrum phosphoricum ........... ......130 Homarus ..................... ................. 147
Ferrum picricum ..........................131 Homeria ..................... ................. 147
Ferrum sulphuricum .............. ......131 Hura Braziliensis ....... ................. 147
Ferrum tartaricum ................ ..... 131 Hura crepitans ........... ..................147
Filix mas ................................ .....131 Hydrangia ................... ..................147
Fluoricum acidum ................ ...... 131 Hydrastis ................... ..................147
Formica r u f a ................................. 132 Hydrocotyl Asiatica ... ................. 148
Fragaria vesca ....................... ...... 132 Hydrocyanic acid ..... .... ............. 148
Frandsia uniflora .................. „...133 Hyosciamus ................. ..................149
Fraxinus Americana .............. ......133 Hypericum ................ ..................150
Gadus morrhua ..................... ...... 133 Iberis ___ - .................. .................. 151
Gallicum addum .................. ......133 Ictodes foetida ........... ..................151
Gambogia .............................. ...... 133 Ignatia ....................... .................. 151
Gastein .................................. ___ 133 Ilex aquifolium .......... ..................153
Gaultheria ............................ ...... 134 Imperatoria ................ ..................153
Gelsemium ............... . .......... ...... 134 Ir.digo...................- ..... .................. 153
Gentana quinquifolia .......... ...... 135 Indium metallicum .. ................ .153
Geranium maculatum ................ 135 Inula ........................... ............ ....153
Gettysburg ............................ ...... 135 Iodoform ................ .................. 154
Geum rivale ......................... ...... 135 Iodum ......................... ........... 154 ................. .

Ginseng ................................. ...... 136 Ipecacuanha .............. .................. 155

Glonoine ................................ ...... 136 Ipomea ....................... .................. 156
Gnaphalium ........................... ...... 137 Iridium .................. 156

Gossypium ..................... ............. 137 Iris florentina ............. ....157 ..............................................

Pranahim 137 Iris foetidissima ........ .................. 157

Graphites ............................... ......137 Iris Germaniae ......... ...................157
Gratio! a ........................................ 139 Iris tenax ............. .................. 157
. . —

Grindelia robusta .................. ...... 139 Iris versicolor ___.................. 157

Guaco .................................... ...... 139 Itu 157
...................................................................................................... . . ....................................................................

Guiacum ............................. ...... 140

Guarana ................................ ...... 140 Jaborandi ................................................................... .................................................. ....158
Guarea ..................... ............ ...... 140 Jacaranda caroba 158
....................... ....................................................................

Gvmneva sylvestre .............. .......140 Jacarandi gualandai . . . 158

Gymnocladus ......................... ...... 140 J a pa 158
Jasminum 158
................................................................... .....................................................................

Haemotoxylon .................... .........141 Jatropha 158

........................................................................... .....................................................................

Hall ....................................... ...... 141 Juglans cineria .158

..................................... ............................................................

Hamamelis ............................ .......141 Juglans re g ia .......................................... . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 159 M ml *

Heckla lava ........................... ...... 141' Juncus 159

.......................................................................................... ...................................................................

Hedeoma ............................... ___ 141

Helianthus ............................. .......142 Kali arsenicum ..................................... ................................................ ....159
Heliotropium ........................ ...... 142 Ktli bichromicum 159
................... .....................................................................

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Kali bromatum ......................... —161 Lobelia erinus ...............................182

Kali carbonicum ........................... 162 Lobelia inflata .............................182
Kali chloricum ...... 164 Lobelia purpurascious ................... 183
Kali chlorosum ............................. 164 Lobelia syphilitica ......................... 183
Kali citricum ............................... 164 Lolium temulentum .....................183
Kali cyanatus — .......................... 164 Lonicera periclymenum .............. 183
Kali ferrocyanatum .....................165 Lonicera xylostum ...................... 183
Kali iodatum ................................. 165 Lycopersicum ............................... 184
Kali muriaticum ........................... 16* Lycopodium ..................................184
Kali nitricum ............................... 16b Lycopus Virginicus .....................186
Kali permanganum .......................167 Lvssin ............................................ 186
Kali phosphoricum ....................... 167
Kali picricum ............................... 167 Magnesia carbonica .....................187
Kali silicatum ......»•»•--•«*•»••• 1 Magnesia muriatica ..................... 18?
Kali sulphuratum ..........................168 Magnesia phosphorica .................188
Kali sulphuricum .........—........... 168 Magnesia sulphurica ...................189
Kali tartaricum ......._......— .........169 Magneto poli ambo.........................189
Kali telluricum ............................. 169 Magnetis polus arcticus ............... 189
Kamala ..........................................170 Magnetus polus Australis .......... 189
Kaolin •••«■•••••■•••••••••••«“■••••••»••••••••■•I 70 Magnolia glauca ..................... — 190
Karaka ........... 170 Magnolia grandiflora ................... 190
Kobaltum ..................................... 170 Malandrinum ................................190
Kreosotum ..... 170 Malaria officinalis .........................191
Manganum .................................... 191
Lac caninum ...................- ........... 172 Marum verum ............................. 192
Lac felinum ................................... 172 Medorrhinum ......................... — 192
Lac vaccinwn ............................... 173 Melilotus ...................................... 193
Lac vaccinum defloratum ...........173 Menispermum ..............................194
Lachesis ..........................................174 Mentha piperita ...........................194
Lachnanthes .................... 176 Menyanthes ................................. 194
Lactic acid ................................... 176 Mephites ........................................ 194
Lactuca virosa ..............................176 Mercurialis ................................... 194
Lamium album ............................. 177 Mercurius ......................................195
Lapis alba ...................................... 177 Mercurius aceticus .................... .197
Lappa ............................................177 Mercurius biniodatus ................ 197
Lathyrus ........................................177 Mercurius biniodatus etKali-i....197
Latrodectus mactans ................... 177 Mercurius corrosivus ................... 197
Laurocerasus ................................. 177 Mercurius cyanatus .................... 198
Ledum palustris ........................... 178 Mercurius dulcis ..........................199
Lemna minor ................................179 Mercurius iodatus......................... 199
Leonurus cardiaca ............... 179 Mercurius nitrosus ....................... 199
Lepedium bonariens ..................... 180 Mercurius praecipitatus albus....199
Leptandria......................................180 Mercurius praecipitatus ruber... 199
Liatris spicata ............................. 180 Mercurius sulphuricum ........199
Lilium tigrinum ........................... 180 Mezereum ..................................... 200
L im ulus........... ...............................181 Millefolium ..................................201
Linaria .......................................... 181 Mimosa ...................- ....................201
Lippa Mexicana ........................... 181 Mitchella repens ....................— 201
Lithium bromatum ....................... 181 Momordica .................... 201
Lithium carbonatum ..................... 182 Morphinum ....................................202
Lithium muriaticum .....................182 Moschus ........................................202
Txihelia cardinatis ..........................182 Murex ............... 203

n A i ’vn 1o Original from

IM M E fite s SAME M W
Muriatic acid ............................... 203 Paeonia .......- ........................-........Z22
Musa ............................................. -204 Palladiuxu ...223
Mygale ..........................................204 Parafinum ................................ — 223
Mysotis ................... - ......*........... 204 Parier* brava ............... 223
Myrica ccrifcra............................ .204 Parietaria..................................— 223
Mvrtus communis .......................205 Pari* quadrifolia .....................-..224
Passiflora ............ - ......... 224
Nafm lus.... .....................................205 Pastinaca ••.—................................*i224
Naja .................................... - ....... 205 Paullinia pinnata ........... „ ..... 224
Naphthalinum ....... „ .................... .206 Pecten ............... - ...................„ .....224
Narcissus ...........- ........ 206 Pediculus — ......- ........ „ ............. 225
Natrum arsenicum ....................... 206 P ersica ......................................... >225
Nifrum cacodylicum ................. 20f> Petlvera ...............................„ ......_225
Nifnrm carbonicum .....................207 Petroleum ..................................... 225
Natrum hyperchlorosum ........... 207 Petroselenium ......................- .......226
Natrum muriaticUm .................... 208 Phaseolus .................................. „..226
Natrum nitrosum .........................209 Phellandrinum ........................ .*„226
Natrum phosphoricum .................209 Phlorizinum ................................. 227
Natrum silicatnm .........................210 Ptiosphoricum acidum ............ 227
Natrum salycilicum ..................... 210 Phosphorus ......... 228
Natrum selenicum .......................211 Phosphorus hydrogenatus .............230
Natrum sulphurieuro ................. .211 Phosphorus muriaticus ................ 230
Natrum sulphurosufn ............... „.212 Physostigma .................................. 230
Nectrianium ..................................212 Phytolacca ...........- .........................231
Niecolum ..................................... 212 Pichi ....... 232
Nicotinum ......................................212 Picricum acidum ............................232
Nitri spiritus dulcis .......„........... 213 Picfotoxinum ..... .2.33
Nitricum acid urn ............................ „.-213Pilocarpinum............... 2.33
Nitrogenum oxygenatum ........... 214 Pimpinella ......... 233
Nitro-muriaticum acidum ........... 215 Pinus sylvestris ............................. 2’3
Nuphar lu teu m ............................ 215 Piper methysticum ......................233
N tft vomica .................................215 Pix liquid* ..............................„...234
Nux mosch ata ............................. 217 Plantago m a jo r..............................234
Platinum ..... 234
Ocimum canum ........................... 218 Platinum muriaticum ................ 23*
Oenanthe crocata .........................218 Plectranthus ..................................235
Oenothera ..................................... 218 Plumbago ...................................... 235
Oleander ........................................218 Plumbum ...................................... 236
Oleum anim ale.... ........................ 219 Plumbum chromicum ...................237
Oleum jeeoris aselli .................... 219 Podophyllum ..................................237
Onosmodium ................................219 Polygonum ....................................238
Oophorirrum ............................— 219 Polyporus ......................................238
Opium ......................................... 219 Polyporus pinicola ....................... 238
Opuntia ...........*............................. 221 Populus candicans......................... 738
Oreodophne ..................................221 Populus tremuloides .................... .238
Origanum .................................. -221 Primula obconica ................ 239
Omithogalum ............................... 221 Pmnus verticellatus ................... 23Q
Osmium .................- .................... 221 Prunus Virginicus ....................... 239
Ostrya 221 Psorinum .............................. .239
Ovi gallinae pellicula .................. 221 Ptelia trifoliata ................ 241
Otfalicum acidum .........................222 Pulmo vulpis.................................-241
Ofcytropis ......................................222 Pulsatilla ..................... 241

Original from
PA G «

Pulsatilla nuttaliana .................... 244 Scorpio ........... .........261

Pyrethrum parthenium ...... - 244 Scrofularia .... ............261
Pyrogenium ............................ ...... 244 Scutellaria ...... ............ 261
P y ru s ..................................... . ......245 Secale.............. .......— 261
Selenium ........ ............ 263
Quassia .................................. ..... -245 --------- 263
Sfnecio aureus
Ranunculus bulbosa .............. ......245 «••••>•>»•..A«vy 264t
Senega ............
Ranunculus acris .................. ......245 Senna ---------- - ....... 264
Ranunculus glacialis ______ ..... .246 Septicaemia .... ............ 264
Ranunculus sceleratus .......... ......246 Sepia .............. - ...... .265
Raphanus.......... - ................... ..... .246 Silica ............. ........... .267
Ratanhia ................................ ___ 246 Silphium ____ ........... .268
Rhamus frangula _____ ___ .....247 Sinapis alba . ........... .260
__ .247 Sinapis niger .. •• • • 269
• ■• • • • • M V S

Rhodium oxydatum nitricum ..... 247 ............ 269

Rhododendron ..................... ...... 247 ............ .^26^1
Rhus toxicodendron .............. ......24$ «Slag
•'s ..............................
Rhus aromatica ..................... ....... 250 Solanum mamosum ........................ 260
Rhus glabra .......................... ...... 250 Solanum nigrum ............................-269
Rhus venenata ..................... ..... 251 Solanu olcraceum .......................... 270
Ricinus ................................... ...... 251 Solanum tuberosum ................ 2 7 0
Robinia ...........- .................... ..... 251 Solanum tuberosumaegrotaoa....... 2 7 0
Rosa damascus ............... - .......... 251 S olidago.........................- ...... 270
Rosemarinus ...................... ..... 251 Sphingurvia ...................................... 270
Rumex crispus ...... - ............... ...... 252 Spigclia ............ ~270
Rumex acetosa ...................... ...... 252 Spigelia marilandica...................... 271
Russula ................... - ............. ...... 152 Spiraea ulmari* ...............................271
Ruta ................................. — ...... 253 Spiranthus........ ....... ......-..----••....-.271
9 pongia .......................................„ 2 7 1
Sabadilla — ..... - .................... ......253
Sabal serrulata ...................... ...... 254 Squilla ........................................ -...272
Sabina .................................. ___ 254 Stachys betonica .............................273
baccharum __ _______ ...... 255 Stannum ................ 273
Saccharum lactis .................. .... .‘255 Stannum iodatum .......................... 274
Salicilicum acidum .............. ...... 255 Staphysagria ........................ - ........ 274
Salix niger ............................ ...... 256 Stellaria media ....... - .....................275
Salix purpura ........................ ...... 256 Sticta pulmonaria .......................... 275
SaJol ..................................... ...... 256 Stillingia sylvatica ....................... 2 7 5
S^mbucus niger ...................... ...... ?56 Stramonium ................................... 276
Sanguinaria ............................ ___ 257 Strontium bromate ................. 277
Sanguinaria nitrate ............... ...... 258 Strontium carbonate.......................277
Sanguinaria tartarica .......... ...... 258 Strontium nitricum ....................... 277
Sapguisuga ............... - ........... ...... 258 Strophanthus ............................... 277
Sanicula ................................ ...... 258 Strychninum ....... -277
Q .....259 Sucdnum ___ 070
__ 25 9
Saponinum .............................. ..... 259 § u if o n a i..........z z :::;z z 278

Sarracenia .—.......................- ...... 259 Sulphur .........................- ...... —278

Sarsaparilla ...........- .............. ..... 260 Sulphur hydro^enisatum ............ 28 1>
Scirrhinum ........................... ....... 260 Sulphur iodatus................... ,~,.^2B t
Soolopcndra .— .............. — ..... 261 Sufehuricum addum ...... v

n rv/"vn I r> Original from


Sulphurosum acidum ..................-283 U stila g o m a id is ..........

Stimbul ........ 283 U v a u rsi ................

Symphoricarpus —.........................283
V a c c in u m ............................
Symphytum ...*•••••••••■•*••••.»..-..•-.-..•283
V a le ria n a .........................
Syphilinum .......... 283
V a n a d iu m .........................
Syzygium .....
V a rio lin u m -----------------

T abacum V e ra tru m a l b u m -----------

T am us _____ ......285 V e ra tru m v irid e ------------

T a n a c c tu m .....2 8 5 V erb ascu m ............. — —

Tan in ....... .....2 8 5 V e sic a re a ______________________

T araxicum — 285 V e s p a ___________________________

Tarantula H ispania______ ___ 285 V ib u rn u m o p u l u s -------------

Taren tu Ia C ubensis.... ............... 286 V ib u rn u m p ru n ifo liu m .

Tartariaim acid urn ___ 286 V ib u rn u m tin u s — _________

Taxus b a c a ta .... ............. .286' V irh v ___

Tellurium .... 286 V in c a m in o r _______________

Teplitz ------ ---------------- ----- —287 V io la o d o ra ta ___________

Tetramite ----- - ---- 287 V io la tric o lo r .........................

Teucrium marum v e ru m ........... .288 y jn fri

r1'll al 11u m ............. .....*— *----.......288 V isc u m a l b u m _____________

Thea ___ .288 V o c sla u .............. ♦ ......

Theridion --- 288

W ie sb a d e n _____________
Thevetia .—............... 289
Thiosinaminum ........... 289 W ild b a d ......................

Thlaipi bursa pastoris------------ 289 W y e t h i a ......... ........................

3 "huj a ...........— ..........—... ..289

X -ray ____ _______________
Thyroidin ...........- .......... ........ ,.... 290
X a n th o x y lu m .......... — —
Thyroidinum _______ 290
Thyroiodinum................. ..............291 Y o h im b in u m ..............
T ilia Europia ----------------------- 291 Y ucca fila m e n to sa .
Titanium ....................................... 291
Tongo ........................ 291 Z ea m ays ____________
Trachinus ....... ^291 Z in c u m ________________
Trifolium pratense ----- .291 Z in c u m a c e tic u m .
Trillium pendulum ----------------- 291 Z in c u m b r o m a t u m _____
Thrombidium ..........................„..2 9 2 Z in c u m i o d a t u m ________
Trimethylaminum......- .................292 Z in c u m m u ria tic u m ___
Triosteum ______ 292 Z in c u m o x y d a t u m ____
Tuberculin urn .......... 292 Z in c u m p h o sp h o ric u m
Tussilago frag ran s------- ----- 293 Z in c u m p ic ric u m _______
Tussilago petasitas ............. 293 Z in c u m su lp h u ric u m ..

Z in c u m v a l e r i a n u m ____
Upas --- 293 Z i n g i b e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Uranium nitricum ....... 2293
Z iz ia ________________
Urea ............................... 293
U rin u m ............... —..................... ..293 D i p h t h e r i a -------------
Urtica urens ...- —.................. —294
Usnea bar bat a ................................. - 2 9 4S c a r l e t f e v e r ____

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