Is It Time For Clockless Chips?: Technology News

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Is It Time for
flow, and the order in which the
processor performs the necessary tasks.
An advantage of synchronous chips
is that the order in which signals arrive

Clockless Chips?
doesn’t matter. Signals can arrive at dif-
ferent times, but the register waits until
the next clock tick before capturing
them. As long as they all arrive before
the next tick, the system can process
David Geer them in the proper order. Designers
thus don’t have to worry about related
issues, such as wire lengths, when

endors are revisiting an old working on chips.
concept—the clockless chip— And it is easier to determine the max-
as they look for new proces- imum performance of a clocked sys-
sor approaches to work with tem. With these systems, calculating
the growing number of cellu- performance simply involves counting
lar phones, PDAs, and other high- the number of clock cycles needed to
performance, battery-powered devices. complete an operation. Calculating
Clockless processors, also called performance is less defined with asyn-
asynchronous or self-timed, don’t use chronous designs. This is an important
the oscillating crystal that serves as the to release commercial asynchronous marketing consideration.
regularly “ticking” clock that paces the chips, as the “A Wave of Clockless
work done by traditional synchronous Chips” sidebar describes. The downside
processors. Rather than waiting for However, clockless chips still gener- Clocks lead to several types of inef-
a clock tick, clockless-chip elements ate concerns—such as a lack of devel- ficiencies, including those shown in
hand off the results of their work as opment tools and expertise as well as Figure 1, particularly as chips get larger
soon as they are finished. difficulties interfacing with synchro- and faster.
Recent breakthroughs have boosted nous chip technology—that propo- Each tick must be long enough for
clockless chips’ performance, remov- nents must address before their signals to traverse even a chip’s longest
ing an important obstacle to their commercial use can be widespread. wires in one cycle. However, the tasks
wider use. performed on parts of a chip that are
In addition to their efficient power PROBLEMS WITH CLOCKS close together finish well before a cycle
use, a major advantage of clockless Clocked processors have dominated but can’t move on until the next tick.
chips is the low electromagnetic inter- the computer industry since the 1960s As chips get bigger and more com-
ference (EMI) they generate. Both of because chip developers saw them as plex, it becomes more difficult for ticks
these factors have increased the chips’ more reliable, capable of higher per- to reach all elements, particularly as
reliability and robustness and have formance, and easier to design, test, clocks get faster.
made them popular research subjects and run than their clockless counter- To cope, designers are using increas-
for applications such as pagers, smart parts. The clock establishes a timing ingly complicated and expensive
cards, mobile devices, and cell phones. constraint within which all chip ele- approaches, such as hierarchies of
Clockless chips have long been a ments must work, and constraints can buses and circuits that adjust clock
subject of research at facilities such as make design easier by reducing the readings at various components. This
the California Institute of Technology’s number of potential decisions. approach could, for example, delay the
Asynchronous VLSI Group (www. start of a clock tick so that it occurs and the University Clocked chips when circuits are ready to pass and
of Manchester’s Amulet project (www. The chip’s clock is an oscillating receive data. crystal that vibrates at a regular fre- Also, individual chip components
amulet/). quency, depending on the voltage can have their own clocks and com-
Now, after a few small efforts and applied. This frequency is measured in municate via buses, according to Ryan
false starts in the 1990s, companies gigahertz or megahertz. All the chip’s Jorgenson, Theseus’s vice president of
such as Fulcrum Microsystems, Hand- work is synchronized via the clock, engineering. Clock ticks thus only have
shake Solutions, Sun Microsystems, which sends its signals out along all cir- to cross individual components.
and Theseus Logic are again looking cuits and controls the registers, the data The clocks themselves consume

18 Computer Published by the IEEE Computer Society

power and produce heat. In addition,
in synchronous designs, registers use A Wave of Clockless Chips
energy to switch so that they are ready
to receive new data whenever the clock In the near future, Handshake Solutions and ARM, a chip-design firm, plan
ticks, whether they have inputs to to release a commercial asynchronous ARM core for use in devices such as smart
process or not. In asynchronous cards, consumer electronics, and automotive applications, according to
designs, gates switch only when they Handshake chief technical officer Ad Peeters.
have inputs. Sun Microsystems is building a supercomputer with at least 100,000 proces-
sors, some using asynchronous circuits, noted Sun Fellow Jim Mitchell.
HOW CLOCKLESS CHIPS WORK Sun’s UltraSPARC IIIi processor for servers and workstations also features
There are no purely asynchronous asynchronous circuits, said Sun Distinguished Engineer Jo Ebergen.
chips yet. Instead, today’s clockless Fulcrum Microsystems offers an asynchronous PivotPoint high-performance
processors are actually clocked proces- switch chip for multigigabit networking and storage devices, according to Mike
sors with asynchronous elements. Zeile, the company’s vice president of marketing. The company has also devel-
Clockless elements use perfect clock oped clockless cores for use with embedded systems, he noted.
gating, in which circuits operate only “Theseus Logic developed a clockless version of Motorola’s 8-bit microcon-
when they have work to do, not when- troller with lower power consumption and reduced noise,” said vice president
ever a clock ticks. of engineering Ryan Jorgenson. Theseus designed the device for use in battery-
Instead of clock-based synchroniza- powered or signal-processing applications.
tion, local handshaking controls the “Also, Theseus and [medical-equipment provider] Medtronic have worked on
passing of data between logic modules. a [clockless] chip for defibrillators and pacemakers,” Jorgenson said.
The asynchronous processor places the
location of the stored data it wants to
read onto the address bus and issues a
request for the information. The mem- Cycle time of clocked logic
ory reads the address off the bus, finds
the information, and places it on the
Logic time Manufacturing margin
data bus. The memory then acknowl-
edges that it has read the data. Finally, Clock jitter, skew margin
the processor grabs the information Cycle time of
clockless logic Worst case–average case
from the data bus. Pipeline controls (logic execution time)
and FIFO sequencers move data and
Source: Fulcrum Microsystems
instructions around and keep them in
the right order.
According to Jorgenson, “Data Figure 1. Clockless chips offer an advantage over their synchronous counterparts
arrives at any rate and leaves at any because they efficiently use cycle times. Synchronous processors must make sure they
rate. When the arrival rate exceeds the can complete each part of a computation in one clock tick. Thus, in addition to running
departure rate, the circuit stalls the their logic, the chips must add cycle time to compensate for how much longer it takes
input until the output catches up.” to run some operations than to run average operations (worst case – average case),
The many handshakes themselves variations in clock operations (jitter and skew), and manufacturing and environmental
require more power than a clock’s irregularities.
operations. However, clockless systems
more than offset this because, unlike EMI. Less EMI reduces both noise- According to Jorgenson, clockless
synchronous chips, each circuit uses related errors within circuits and inter- chips are particularly energy-efficient
power only when it performs work. ference with nearby devices. for running video, audio, and other
streaming applications—data-intensive
CLOCKLESS ADVANTAGES Power efficiency, programs that frequently cause syn-
In synchronous designs, the data responsiveness, robustness chronous processors to use consider-
moves on every clock edge, causing Because asynchronous chips have no able power. Streaming data appli-
voltage spikes. In clockless chips, data clock and each circuit powers up only cations have frequent periods of dead
doesn’t all move at the same time, when used, asynchronous processors time—such as when there is no sound
which spreads out current flow, use less energy than synchronous chips or when video frames change very lit-
thereby minimizing the strength and by providing only the voltage neces- tle from their immediate predeces-
frequency of spikes and emitting less sary for a particular operation. sors—and little need for running

March 2005 19
Te c h n o l o g y N e w s

error-correction logic. During this created a fast approach known as inte- can try to mesh with synchronous sys-
inactive time, asynchronous processors grated pipelines mode. tems by working with a clock.
don’t use much power. Domino logic improves performance However, because the two systems are
Clockless processors activate only because a system can evaluate several so different, this approach can fail.
the circuits needed to handle data, thus lines of data at a time in one cycle, as
they leave unused circuits ready to opposed to the typical approach of Lack of tools and expertise
respond quickly to other demands. handing one line in each cycle. Domino Because most chips use synchronous
Asynchronous chips run cooler and logic is also efficient because it acts only technology, there is a shortage of
have fewer and lower voltage spikes. on data that has changed during pro- expertise, as well as coding and design
Therefore, they are less likely to expe- cessing, rather than acting on all data tools, for clockless processors.
rience temperature-related problems throughout the process. According to Jorgensen, this forces
and are more robust. The delay-insensitive mode allows clockless designers to either invent
Because they use handshaking, their own tools or adapt existing
clockless chips give data time to arrive clocked tools, a potentially expensive
and stabilize before circuits pass it on. Clockless chips offer and time-consuming process.
This contributes to reliability because power efficiency, Although manufacturers can use typ-
it avoids the rushed data handling that robustness, and reliability. ical silicon-based fabrication to build
central clocks sometimes necessitate, asynchronous chips, the lack of design
according to University of Manchester tools makes producing clockless proces-
Professor Steve Furber, who runs the an arbitrary time delay for logic sors more expensive, explained Intel
Amulet project. blocks. “Registers communicate at Fellow Shekhar Borkar.
their fastest common speed. If one However, companies involved in
Simple, efficient design block is slow, the blocks that it com- asynchronous-processor design are
Companies can develop logic mod- municates with slow down,” said beginning to release more tools. For
ules without regard to compatibility Jorgenson. This gives a system time to example, to build clockless chips,
with a central clock frequency, which handle and validate data before pass- Handshake uses its proprietary Haste
makes the design process easier, ing it along, thereby reducing errors. programming language, as well as the
according to Furber. Tangram compiler developed at Philips
Also, because asynchronous proces- CLOCKLESS CHALLENGES Research Laboratories.
sors don’t need specially designed Asynchronous chips face a couple of The University of Manchester has
modules that all work at the same important challenges. produced the Balsa Asynchronous
clock frequency, they can use standard Synthesis System, and Silistix Ltd. is
components. This enables simpler, Integrating clockless commercializing clockless-design tools.
faster design and assembly. and clocked solutions “We have developed a complete suite
In today’s clockless chips, asynchro- of tools,” said Professor Alain Martin,
RECENT ADVANCES BOOST nous and synchronous circuitry must who heads Caltech’s Asynchronous
PERFORMANCE interface. VLSI Group. “We are considering com-
Traditionally, asynchronous designs Unlike synchronous processors, mercializing the tools through a startup
have had lackluster performance, even asynchronous chips don’t complete (Situs Logic).”
though their circuitry can handle data instructions at times set by a clock. There is also a shortage of asyn-
without waiting for clock ticks. This variability can cause problems chronous design expertise. Not only is
According to Fulcrum cofounder interfacing with synchronous systems, there little opportunity for developers
Andrew Lines, most clockless chips particularly with their memory and to gain experience with clockless chips,
have used combinational logic, an bus systems. but colleges have fewer asynchronous
early, uncomplicated form of logic Clocked components require that design courses.
based on simple state recognition. data bits be valid and arrive by each
However, combinational logic uses the clock tick, whereas asynchronous com- A HYBRID FUTURE
larger and slower p-type transistors. ponents allow validation and arrival to No company is likely to release a
This has typically led to large feature occur at their own pace. This requires completely asynchronous chip in the
sizes and slow performance, particu- special circuits to align the asynchro- near future. Thus, chip systems could
larly for complex clockless chips. nous information with the synchronous feature clockless islands tied together
However, the recent use of both system’s clock, explained Mike Zeile, by a main clock design that ticks only
domino logic and the delay-insensitive Fulcrum’s vice president of marketing. for data that passes between the sec-
mode in asynchronous processors has In some cases, asynchronous systems tions. This adds the benefits of asyn-

20 Computer
How to Reach
chronous design to synchronous chips.
On the other hand, University of
Utah Professor Chris Myers contended,
the industry will move gradually Writers
toward chip designs that are “globally We welcome submissions. For detailed information, visit www.
asynchronous, locally synchronous.”
Synchronous islands would operate at
different clock speeds using handshak-
ing to communicate through an asyn-
chronous buffer or fabric.
News Ideas
According to Myers, distributing a Contact Lee Garber at lgarber@ with ideas for news
clock signal across an entire processor features or news briefs.
is becoming difficult, so clocking
would be used only to distribute the
signal across smaller chip sections that Products and Books
communicate asynchronously.
Send product announcements to Contact with book announcements.
xperts say synchronous chips’ per-

E formance will continue to im-

prove. Therefore, said Fulcrum’s
Lines, there may not be much demand
Letters to the Editor
Please provide an e-mail address with your letter. Send letters to
for asynchronous chips to enhance per-
formance. Furber, on the other hand,
contended there will be demand for
clockless chips because of their many
On the Web
“Most of the research problems are Explore for free articles and general
resolved,” Myers said. “We’re left with information about Computer magazine.
development work. [We require] more
design examples that prove the need
for asynchronous design.” Magazine Change of Address
Said Intel’s Borkar, “I’m not shy
Send change-of-address requests for magazine subscriptions to
about using asynchronous chips. I’m
here to serve the engineering commu- Make sure to specify Computer.
nity. But someone please prove their
benefit to me.”
Added Will Strauss, principal analyst Missing or Damaged Copies
at Forward Concepts, a market research If you are missing an issue or received a damaged copy, contact
firm, “I’ve yet to see a commercially suc-
cessful clockless logic chip shipping in
volume. It requires thinking outside the
box to find volume applications that
benefit from the clockless approach at
Reprint Permission
a reasonable cost.” ■ To obtain permission to reprint an article, contact William Hagen,
IEEE Copyrights and Trademarks Manager, at
David Geer is a freelance technology To buy a reprint, send a query to
writer based in Ashtabula, Ohio. Con-
tact him at

Editor: Lee Garber, Computer,

March 2005 21

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