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1. Construct AVL tree with the following data : 10,15,9,12,13,79,45,36,22 and delete 79.

2. Develop a balanced Red Black tree by inserting 8,18,5,15,17,25,40,80. Then delete a

node with two children and a leaf node
3. Construct a balanced Red Black tree by inserting the following data
10,18,7,15,16,30,25,40,60 and perform delete operation on a node in level 1.


Graph G:

Apply Prim’s minimum spanning tree algorithm to the graph G. Consider A as the starting

5. Apply Kruskal’s minimum spanning tree algorithm to the graph G.

Graph X:
Implement Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm to the graph X with source vertex as A.

6. Derive a shortest path table to the above graph X with Dijkstra’s algorithm with source
vertex as D
7. Consider a binary search tree T represented by the array, where the nodes are labeled by
the integer i and 1≤ i ≤10.

Construct a balanced AVL tree for T.

8. Construct a balanced Red Black tree for T

9. Create a balanced AVL tree with the following data 21,26,30,9,4,14,28,18,15,10,2,3,7
and delete the nodes 9 and 15.

10. Graph G:

Apply Prim’s minimum spanning tree algorithm to the graph G. Consider D as the starting
11. Apply Kruskal’s minimum spanning tree algorithm to the graph G


Graph X:

Implement Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm to the graph X with source vertex as A.

13. Derive a shortest path table to the above graph X with Dijkstra’s algorithm with source
vertex as D

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