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Republic of the Philippines


Abuyog, Leyte

Course Code: NSTP 11

Course Title: Civic Welfare Training Service 11
Course Credit: 3 Units
Offered During: First Semester
Pre-requisite: None
Course Description:

The course includes programs or activities contributory to the general welfare and
the betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement of its facilities
especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship,
safety, recreation, and morals of the citizenry.


To ensure the accomplishments of the learning outcomes, this course will cover
the following topics for you to master.
Day Lesson
Week Chapter 1 – Becoming an ACCian: Introduction to ACC

Week Chapter 2 – The National Service Training Program (R. A. 9163)


Chapter 3 – Citizenship Training

Week Chapter 4 – Filipino Citizenship Values


Chapter 5 – Groups

Midterm Examination

Week Chapter 6 – Teamwork


Chapter 7– Leadership

Week Chapter 8 – Decision-Making and Conflict Resolution


Chapter 9 – National Security

Week Chapter 10 – Substance Abuse Education


Final Examination
Welcome and Thank you for choosing Abuyog Community College! I’m sure you are a
bit nervous, maybe even scared. Just remember one thing; you are not alone. This is
the beginning of your journey, your future. Being an ACCian is very exciting because you
will be meeting different people from different culture and places. We encourage you to
make the most of your time here. Your college experience will be what you make it, and
your opportunities will only be limited by the limits you place on yourself.


After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

• gain knowledge on the history of Abuyog Community College;

• internalize the Vision, Mission, Core Values and Goals of the College;

• sing the ACC Hymn with deep;

• recognize and execute proper conduct inside and outside the campus;

• show awareness of the Class Policies and Grading System.


Come to think of an anthem, hymn or oath we used to recite or sing during the Flag
Ceremony. List down at least three (3) below.
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________


As a student, what do you think is the essence of having a Flag Ceremony?


The Abuyog Community College is a Local Government Unit sponsored

college which is under the sponsorship of the Sangguniang Bayan of Abuyog, Leyte
through its Resolution Number 110, series of 1978 passed on October 21, 1978, has been
authorized by then the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (MECS) under permit
number 41, s.1979 to open and conduct First Year of Liberal Arts course starting school
year 1979-1980. This event is very memorable for it became a realization of a dream of all
Abuyognons who could hardly afford to send their children to expensive schools in the

It was on June 15, 1987 when Government Recognition No. 002 series of 1987 was
approved allowing Abuyog Community College to operate its four-year Liberal Arts Course
leading the Bachelor of Arts (AB) with major in Political Science and Economics. Another
authority granted to Abuyog Community College was to offer the courses of Bachelor
Elementary Education and Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Science
effective school year 1998-1999 per CHED Order Number 10, s.2000.

To facilitate the progress of the College, on October 19, 2004, Resolution No. 245
series of 2004 was passed by the Sangguniang Bayan of Abuyog requesting the Local
Chief Executive, the Hon. Mayor Ofelia K. Traya, to reactive, reorganize and make
operative the Board of Trustees of the Abuyog Community College. To this effect,
Resolution No. 3, s.2005 confirmed the appointment of the Board of Trustees of the
college as the governing body of the school. Under new management, the college got its
new dawn in the educational horizon. New policies and regulations were passed ensuring
the upliftment of the quality of education. This was coupled the constructions of new
buildings funded by the LGU so as to accommodate the increasing population of the
college. With only two courses offered, the opportunity of improvement was very limited.
Hence, the Board of Trustees of the college petitioned the Sangguniang Bayan of Abuyog
for the opening of new courses. So, on April 19, 2006, Resolution No. 77, s.2006 was
approved allowing the college to offer new additional courses in BS Criminology, BS Hotel
and Restaurant Management, BS Information Technology.

Said courses are offered based on the result of the survey conducted by the college
on highly in demand and most preferred courses of graduating students from nine (9)
secondary schools within the municipalities of Mahaplag, Abuyog, Javier, MacArthur and
Mayorga. These new courses paved the way of the surge of enrollment and enhance the
ability of the school to keep abreast with the new trends in education. With the very
supportive Local Government Unit, the most sought-after dream a highly competitive
college growing into a full-blown University is surely to come.




A premiere local college in Eastern Visayas which is receptive to the dynamic needs of
the local and global communities

Development of people imbued with technical and manual skills for the mastery of
their trades and crafts through the provision of diversified, inclusive, and innovative basic,
technical-vocational, tertiary and post-graduate programs that enable the graduates to be
Competent, Analytical, Resilient, Environmentally-responsive and Service-Oriented


Affordable Competent
Community-Based Analytical
Character– Oriented Resilient
Institution Environmentally-responsive
Service-Oriented Individuals


1. Design and implement progressive, relevant and diversified curriculum aligned to

industry and community needs.
2. Enforce continuous professional development programs that will promote commitment
to teaching excellence.
3. Institute definite programs of operations and supervision that will ensure
efficient governance and administration.
4. Engage in community partnerships and linkages through research and extension that will
exhibit the embodiment of ACCian core values.
5. Extend support devices to graduates in finding employment and economic stability.


Abuyog Community College

The emblem of love and devotion
Our hope for future ambition
To thee we’ll always arise.
Your dear sons and daughters
To thee our love is always
So long live
Abuyog Community College.
(Repeat 3x)


1. Students are required to attend their classes on time.

2. Students should wear the prescribed complete NSTP uniform and School
Identification Card.
3. A student who has incurred absences of more than twenty percent (20%) of the total
number of meetings shall no longer be allowed to continue the course and will be given a
final grade of five (5.0).
4. Students who have failed to meet with their class and facilitator during a community
based activity will not be allowed to follow to the said area.
5. Cheating and plagiarism. Copying answers from another student and from any
other sources like books, journals, blogs and the Internet are strictly prohibited. Answers
should always come from your understanding about the topic. Any student who committed
any form of academic dishonesty shall be given disciplinary action provided in the
ACC Student Handbook.
6. Use of other entertainment media, tabs and windows are strictly prohibited when
the session is in progress.
7. Major Examinations: Students must take and pass the four major examinations.
8. Accomplish and submit any assigned work, outputs, or performance task on or before
the deadline.


The grading system for college students shall be as follows:

Rating Grade Equivalent Rating Grade Equivalent

99-100 1.00 82 2.30

97-98 1.10 81 2.40

95-96 1.20 80 2.50

93-94 1.30 79 2.60

91-92 1.40 78 2.70

90 1.50 77 2.80

89 1.60 76 2.90

88 1.70 75 3.0

87 1.80 74-66** 4.0 (Conditional)

86 1.90 65** (5.0) Failed

85 2.00 INC** Incomplete

84 2.10 OP On Process

83 2.20 DRP Dropped

** - not applicable to NSTP course

1. INC or OP– is a mark given to a student who lacks requirements/ examinations. It
may be removed upon satisfactory compliance of the lacking requirements and/or passing
the examination arranged by the teacher and the student.
2. An Incomplete not removed within one (1) semester automatically becomes a “5.0”
or lapsed. An OP, on the other hand, is allowed one (1) year to comply.
3. DROPPED – mark given to a student who officially withdraws from the subject and/or
has incurred absences beyond 20% of the total number of regular classes.
4. Students who failed to take examinations on regular schedules may be given
special examinations on schedules agreed upon by the teacher and the student.
5. The teacher shall personally submit to the Registrar’s Office the completed grade. If
the teacher cannot personally submit the grade, the submission must be done by a
duly authorized person. No rating less than 2.5(80%) in any subject

The following shall be the basis of student’s evaluation (for NSTP only):
Area Percentage

Periodical Exams 40%

Performance Tasks 30%

• Projects 10%

• Oral Recitation 10%

• In/Off Campus 10%


Written Works 30%

• Worksheets 20%

• Narrative Reports 10%

Total 100%

Students’ initiatives are directed by connecting expertise to the community’s needs.
The students are trained to be the leading experts in their chosen career while
acknowledging their social obligation. The students are brought up to strive for the best in
their field in the aim that their skills and talents would contribute to the upliftment of the
society’s condition. The students’ empowerment will serve as a tool in the progress of their
lives as well as those of others.


1. Memorize the ACC Vision, Mission, Core Values and Goals.

2. Memorize the ACC Hymn.
3. All of these will be presented during the meetup at the school campus.
4. Be sure to add yourself to the group chat of your section. Wait for the instructions
from your instructor.


1. MAPUA University CWTS Program Module 2019 -

2. ACC Student Manual


1. Abuyog Community College is a __________.

a. Local College c. State College
b. State University d. Local University
2. Abuyog Community College was first established on what year?
a. 1977 b. 1978 c. 1979 d. 1980
3. What is the first Program offered by ACC?
a. BSED b. BEED c. AB d. BSIT
4. ACC is under the supervision of _________.
a. MECS b. DepEd c. CHED d. DECS

5. ACC Cares stands for:

A_____________ C_________
C_____________ A_________
C_____________ R_________
Institution E_________

6. Can I still comply my INC/ Incomplete grades? ____YES ____ NO ____MAYBE

7. Can I still comply my DRP/ Dropped grades? ____YES ____ NO ____MAYBE

8. How long is the time allotted for the completion of INCs?

a. 1 month b. 1 year

c. 1 semester d. As long as I like

Name: __________________________ Date: ____________________

Course: _________________________ Rating: __________________
Answer the following questions with detailed explanation. Encode your
answers using WPS Office or MS Word. Submit your document file to Google
1. As a freshmen student here in ACC, list some of your expectations to the course, to your
program, and to the College?

2. As a new incoming member of any organization, why is it important to get to know

and memorize the vision, mission, rules and regulations, important people and dates and
history of the organization you are applying to?

3. Give a few reasons/ motivations why you have enrolled in you chosen program.

Content 30%

Organization of 30%

Grammar Usage 20%

Originality 20%

TOTAL 100%

7 |P a g e

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