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Legend of Queen Opala Origins

Hand Holding Edition

By: JoebobRiggs

Table of Contents

Section 1: Version history Section 5.7: Illustrations (ILS)

Section 2: Why do this? Section 5.8: Trading cars (TDC)

Section 3: Basic stuff/ TIPS (BST) Section 6: Monsters (MONR)

Section 3.0.1: Bugs Section 6.1: Common (CMN)

Section 3.1: Characters (CHR) Section 6.2: Rare (RRE)

Section 4: Walkthrough (WLK) Section 6.3: Event (EVT)

Section 5: Items/ Equipment (ITM) Section 6.4: Legendary (LGD)

Section 5.1: Consumables (CONTS) Section 6.5: Ultimates

Section 5.2: Weapon (WPN) Section 7: Titles (TTL)

Section 5.3: Armor (AMR) Section 8: Rewards (RWD)

Section 5.4: Accessory: (ACS) Section 9: Property Management (PRT)

Section 5.5: Miscellaneous (MSC) Section 10: Castle Warrengard (WRN)

Section 5.6: Key Item (KYS) Section 11: What do I need to fix and EXTRAS! (FIXT)


Section 1: Version History


V3.05- Almost 100% updated. Not done from a clean playthrough. Only missing 2nd Gameover scene. Next update WILL
be from a clean playthrough, due to added crap earlier in the game.

V3.04fix edit 3- Everything has been updated completely. Bestiary, Illustrations, Items etc etc. Completely current.

V3.04fix edit 2- Legendary bestiary has been updated with what monster vanquisher spawns them.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

V3.04fix edit 1- Found Legendary I was missing and the last dimensional shard. Just a lost illustration and will be

V3.04fix- All new information has been added. A new playthrough was not done. Once there is more substantial
additions added I will redo the walkthrough again to put where you can get the encyclopedia entrees the earliest. Check
this RIGHT HERE for newly added crap. There is stuff missing. It will be added when I have time.

V3.01- This guide was already updated to this before. I just didn’t add a note here.

V2.21- I had to roll back a few hours to see the changes from 2.20. Since the story stuff was done I figured I would
actually update this. Another playthrough was required of course since things have been changed. Complete as of now.

V2.15b- Another rewrite.. With added chests, illustrations and story events! Also new mechanic was added. Glory holes.
So changes were made throughout the walkthrough to reflect that. As usual this walkthrough is meant to be played from
scratch. So if you are coming in from 2.14 you have to check the illustrations section to find what is added.

V2.14- After reports of devils dice changes and a newly added story element in the beginning of the game. This greatly
changes the order in which we can do pre Rivulet Hills stuff. With some reshuffling done in the walkthrough it should
effect players who are loading a previous save. Just go to Homestead north of Colussia. I don’t know WHEN devils dice in
pubs was changed where you can only win so much, but the changes have been added to reflect the limit.

V 2.08- With the release of the latest beta and my job takes me away for months on end. I am uploading a pre 3.0
release. Another complete rewrite with less back and forth, with added chapters for easier walkthrough management!
Expect revisions! I didn’t do the Title Chart. I just updated it. Whoever uploaded on the wiki, credit goes to them. A lot
was changed with the game in general under the hood as well. Goldeen Beetleblade spawn rate for example. It was
lowered greatly. 8% encounter rate! So initial grinding will take forever. I will try to find another way to do the
walkthough without having to spend an hour there to get maybe 3. This is a walkthrough for the latest BETA so don’t
expect it to be pretty passed the end of EP 02 content.

V 2.0- With the release of Episode 2 another complete run through was required. Since new quests and such were
added another complete rewrite.

V 1.3- With release of 1.13, new stuff was added. Too bad it broke the prediction. Also Master Hen’Tai was removed
from earlier times in the game so you wouldn’t see him in bed at the whore house and running around. Prediction cards
that you could get of Beatrix were also changed so that was fixed. So new playthrough again!

V 1.2- Errors and missed items were fixed to a point. I have a feeling I am still missing a Ruby Coin after 3 full
playthroughs as of V1.10. Least that is what Gabe told me :/ Additions that these two versions had been added such as
Area Maps.

V 1.1- With the inclusion of episode two betas. The walkthrough get a complete rewrite since many things were added
since episode one. I don't know how much of this sexy porn game I can take. Let alone 50 pages of redo’s is bleh to say
the least.

V 1.0 - This is the initial put together version. This is just to get something on the wiki with most information out there.
This is by NO MEANS complete. Loads of typos and just kind of a mess to look at. Yet it has most important things in EP.


Table of Contents Walkthrough

Section 2: Why do this?


Well after playing LoQO: O I noticed I had like 10 windows open to make sure I didn't miss anything after going through
the game myself. Since no one has made any walkthroughs of this game, I said WTH, why not.

Some of this information is directly from the wiki. A lot information on the wiki is from this. So it is a give and take

This is the hand holding version of the walkthrough. What that means it that is tells you exactly where to go. If you feel
like someone needs to hold your hand, this is what you need. If not, oh well. If I have time I will throw together a
checklist version.

Some things may be missable during a playthrough. Since some are so early and are one time areas. This can change of


Section 3: Basic stuff/ TIPS (BST)

Everything can be controlled on the number pad. You can also use arrows and any Enter key.

Enter or C: Search/ Talk/ Confirm. Basically all usable actions.

0 or X: Cancel/ Back

A: Running when Item obtained. Hitting the A key twice has been fixed. It took 2 games, but it has at least been fixed in
my game. If it doesn't activate after you get the ability to run you may have to hit it twice.

Alt+Enter: Makes the game full screen

Titles: Titles are earned from many things - killing enemies, searching stuff, mining etc. After obtaining titles, they give
you the ability to unlock rewards. Please do these or spend more time trying to find/ do things then actually just
completing titles.

Rewards: You get the option to get rewards by getting titles. They include things such as picking higher tier locks,
showing where golden beetles lie, search spots highlighted, or even which people give you quests! To buy the abilities
you need to kill Golden Beetleblades and get golden tokens

General TIPS

__Search all desks, small tables, furniture with glass doors, and wardrobes without glass doors. Dressers and
bookshelves don't seem to have anything. Sometimes people will get mad at you for stealing their stuff. As of now there
really isn't anything negative (yet) by them getting angry. Searching everything known to man nets you good titles to
unlock higher tier locks.

__Some quest and quest givers can only be accepted or completed at night. Same goes for places where items can be

__Choices have an effect on how much the person likes you. You can piss them off or you can make them like you more.
Table of Contents Walkthrough
Some scenes and/or events can only be triggered by a bad or good choice. If I don't write a choice down it has no ill
effects, as of yet.

__What you pick in scenes changes them obviously. ALTHOUGH it doesn't unlock all the variations in the art gallery.
Multiple playthroughs are required to see all variations. What you pick as MC doesn't matter, as it will unlock those
parts for all playthroughs. This has changed.

__Some things are locked. A lock pick can be obtained to open them. Important one time hard to find items will have
pictures to show where. Most the time. First time items found will have a description next to them. If I list the same item
twice it means it came from two separate looting points. This is a perfectionist thing. Example would be 2 sets of
Beldorian Ale x1. Means you get one ale from two separate spots.

__There are safes in the game that require a 4 digit number code to open. Safes contain Illustrations. When trying to
open a safe it will cause areas to glow around the safe for the combination to the safe.

__If you run into a blue crystal, talk to it, it will activate. This is for teleporting and to reach a neat little place for later.
Some will activate as white crystals and will say if you use them it will break.

__Devil's Dice is a highest rolled wins game to get money. It is a great way to earn cash throughout some the game. It
requires Common Dice to play. 2 dice are rolled though you get no choice if they will roll high, low, or tied. You roll and
if your number is higher than theirs you win. All people you play have a limited cash supply.

__Prediction for trading cards is a High, Low game, just like Devil's Dice. You must have at least Common Dice to play.
You BET a card that they want though. If you don't have a card they want they won't play you. Good news is if you lose
the card just goes back to where you found it. PHEW! Some cards can be bought.

__When you hit cancel on the world map you bring up a camp screen. This is where you can check all your books and
have conversations with your party members.

__Fighting enemies a lot will get you get the Vanquisher title. It will spawn a LEGENDARY monster somewhere in the
world. So for every new entry you get of a monster, fight until you get the title of that monster. Unless stated otherwise.

__Getting the Vanquisher title means kill that many mobs of them. Not individual enemies. So 30 flies means 30 battles
against flies.

__Replacing posters later in the game will help with Gabrielle's, and later Bal’Rana, reputation in towns for a mini-game.

__When you get costumes you can change them at the camp site. Main Character can do it from his dresser in Castle

__Normal monsters will be labeled in black. Story bosses and rare will be labeled in Dark Green. Legendary and Ultimate
will be marked with Danger Red.

__Golden Beetleblade locations will be shown and what mob to kill.

__To get area names to appear on the map you will need to buy an area map from the large towns. So far there are only
three area maps to buy. Area maps don't show secret areas so you still have to find them.

__Lewd boxes were added to the game. You get lewd boxes by completing titles. They offer photo shoot pictures. You
get WAYYYY more lewd boxes from starting a game from scratch versus loading up an EP 2 run. If you think it isn’t that
many it is around 100, at least, more lewd boxes from playing from scratch. There is a character in a certain town where
Table of Contents Walkthrough
you can “trade” you titles for lewd boxes. This is supposed to be for continuing players but you can do it if you start a
game from scratch.

__You can play Strip or Die versus people in Castle Warrengard. This will unlock small portraits after 3 wins, large
portraits at 6 wins and if they are combat allies, nude outfit at 10 wins. There is a item you can unlock that massively
helps with this.




__Bal’Ranas attack Curved Blade is supposed to do ICE based damage but doesn’t. Verified

__Going into the Marshes of Despair kills all map music outside of the World Map. Unconfirmed. Just thought Marshes
had no music. Further testing required.

__Mayor Wilheed will transform back into his original sprite when entering the Guest Manor when Meeting Mama
Farah before High Lord Gathering.. Simple fix.

__Gloria is still brought up in conversation even though she has been reaplaced. This is brought up in the High Lords
Gathering Event! Simple Fix.

__Speaking to Ra’tiki in the inn in Colussia without Mhu,tiki still brings up her text. I wasn’t paying attention since it was
playthough 100 but it makes all “unique” characters have their heart box present for the rest of the game even though
there isn’t supposed to be a heart. It will just be a blank square. This includes your own main character. Maybe simple
fix. Do a check if Mhu’Tiki is in the party or not.

__When in the Encyclopedia and under thief title. If you highlight Donation Thief then move to Charity Balancer the bar
will stay on Charity Balancer but actually select Jadeite Nemesis. To unbug this hit left and it will actually select Charity
Balancer and reset the visual bar. Otherwise it will produce another visual bar. THIS IS STILL AN ISSUE. Still and issue as

__If following this walkthrough. When you port to Port Ronod, Caimbridge, Arlon and Kahr to do the Obedience quest
breast messaging does exposing tits and not massage. Exposing tits does the massage instead. Depending on WHO you
speak to you have to pick lvl 1 to do lvl 2 visually. THIS IS STILL AN ISSUE

__Music bug. Odidania doesn’t reset to town music after speech from MC (Main Character) after talking to the mayor.

__During Blackgate Stronghold event after reassembling with your party. Beatrix is still found in the Wardens’ office
hanging out.

__If you go to the teleportation room while in Skalhalm while it is raining it will be raining in the Teleportation room.
Funny but a bug.

__Illustration on the third floor in Castle Warrengard will disappear if you pick up the one on the second floor and vice
versa. FIXED

__It seems in Darkthorn Keep if you flip the switches in a different order than west east and center it can bug out?
Table of Contents Walkthrough

Section 3.1: Characters (CHR)


Section is all playable characters ingame. This will include description, starting level, skills, stats, general uses, equipment



Description: He is your main character. You can select your species you play. He is the balanced character in the game.
Though overall higher total stats then all other character he doesn’t become explosive in any one area. He has both
healing and physical attacks with elements. Only weak attacks hit all enemies. Gets another at lvl 40


Weapon: Dual Blades

Arm: Gauntlets

Head: Helm

Body: Plate

Starting Lvl: 1

HP: 741 MP: 534

STR: 67 DEX: 54

AGI: 64 INT: 57

Lvl. 99 XP: 3,355,202

HP: 7467 MP: 5500

STR: 635 DEX: 564

AGI: 672 INT: 535


Table of Contents Walkthrough

Level Name Cost Effect Notes

1 Sacred Cross 100 Crusader's special move, more effective against undead creatures Default Skill

2 X Blades 50 Crusader's special move, deals low damage to all enemies

5 Heal 80 Restores a little HP to one ally

10 Whirlwind Strike 150 Crusader's special move, deals wind damage

16 Greater Heal 160 Restores a lot of HP to one ally

24 Judgement Cut 200 Crusader's special move, has a chance to cause one enemy to attack its allies

32 Revive 220 Revives one fallen ally

40 Reaver Blades 150 Crusader's special move, deals damage to all enemies

50 Final Stance 300 Crusader's special move, deals big damage


Description: Your first recruited character. She really isn’t that great. She lacks in basic combat but has good status
healing skills, hit rate and reaction time. She may not hit hard but she will hit. She also shines in a few Legendary enemy
battles and can make them a piece of cake. She has the Avian trait, which makes her better-ish against flying enemies.
She can seduce enemies which lowers their hit rate. Sadly that goes away once the enemy is hit. So it is really only useful
on enemies that go before you. Her weakness stat wise is basically everything outside of Dex and Agi. Even Magic based
users will have more HP than her. Sadly she really isn’t that useful but she will be at such a higher level when you get
your 5th character it makes her seem strong. She will basically be your item user and status curer.


Weapon: Bow

Arm: Bracelet

Head: Circlet

Body: Mail

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Starting Lvl: 4

HP: 739 MP: 805

STR: 55 DEX: 96

AGI: 98 INT: 55

Lvl. 99 XP: 3,355,202

HP: 5382 MP: 6436

STR: 443 DEX: 780

AGI: 764 INT: 462


Level Name Cost Effect Notes

1 Alluring Dance 60 Dancer's special move, has a chance to lower DEF/Hit Rate of one enemy Default Skill

5 Focused Shot 100 Dancer's special move, more effective against avian creatures

10 Encouragement 50 Nurture one ally back from all negative states except Poison/Blindness

16 Sealing Arrow 150 Dancer's special move, has a chance to prevent magic use of one enemy

24 Erotic Striptease 160 Dancer's special move, has a chance to lower DEF/Hit Rate of all enemies

32 Unleashed Shock 200 Dancer's special move, has a chance to prevent movement of one enemy

40 Team Cheering 100 Nurture all allies back from all negative states except Poison/Blindness

50 Thousand Stingers 300 Dancer's ultimate move, deals heavy damage

Kythe/ Kythie

Description: This is your 3rd recruited character. Kythe will be a mainstay in your party for basically most of the game
outside of a few select battles. High Strength, Dex, Agi, Int and MP. His lowest stat is HP but it is still higher than Farah by
a large margin. His equipment is his largest downfall. Since he only equips 1 main type of armor he can be severely
lacking behind other party members in terms of DEF and MDEF which can turn a easy battle as he can get nuked. The
best thing is his spells. Might and Power which make people with it just dunk on the enemies. Awesome for physical
Table of Contents Walkthrough
attackers. Since most your party will be physical attackers it can make an attack from 2000 damage to over 5000 per hit.
Only character with Wind based spell which are important for MANY legendary enemies.


Weapon: Claws

Arm: Collar

Starting Lvl: 6

HP: 914 MP: 1141

STR: 114 DEX: 112

AGI: 112 INT: 112

Lvl. 99 XP: 3,355,202

HP: 6333 MP: 7827

STR: 782 DEX: 772

AGI: 772 INT: 775


Level Name Cost Effect Notes

1 Gust 80 Deals wind damage to one enemy Default Skill

2 Barrier 110 Raise PDEF of one ally Default Skill

4 Might 80 Restores a little HP to one ally Default Skill

8 Remedy 60 Cures all states to one ally

10 Break 80 Has a chance to lower PDEF of one enemy

12 Hurricane 160 Deals high wind damage to one enemy

14 Protect 170 Greatly raises PDEF of one ally

Table of Contents Walkthrough

16 Power 180 Greatly raises ATK of one ally

18 Destroy 120 Has a chance to greatly lower PDEF of one enemy

22 Grand Remedy 120 Cures all states to all allies

26 Grand Barrier 210 Raises PDEF of all allies

30 Grand Might 280 Raises ATK of all allies

34 Grand Break 180 Has a chance to lower PDEF of all enemies

38 Cyclone 320 Deals high wind damage to all enemies

42 Grand Protect 330 Greatly raises PDEF of all allies

46 Grand Power 340 Greatly raises ATK of all allies

50 Grand Destroy 320 Has a chance to greatly lower PDEF of all enemies


Description: Gabrielle is your 4th recruited party member. Going by her stats she seems worse than Farah in a lot of
ways. She also has useless skills. She is a “thief” type character but she sucks at it. It is her character trait and there is no
way to increase her ability to steal money. So two useless skills there. Where she shines is her damage output skills that
cover many areas. Fire, Ice AND Undead damaging skills! She is the only character that has ICE ability and you can get Ice
based weapons early on. Only one with Fire for a long portion of the game and the only other character, outside your
main, that has holy/ undead attack. So what is bad about her? Basically magic suck ass, low MP and is slow. Since she
doesn’t have PURE magic attacks it isn’t that bad. Since her element based attacks are both physical and magical. Least I
believe so otherwise she would be 100% useless. If you aren’t leveling up she will basically go last everytime unless you
have Bal’Rana in tow.


Weapon: Flintlock

Arm: Bracelet

Head: Circlet

Body: Mail

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Starting Lvl: 8

HP: 1163 MP: 950

STR: 110 DEX: 88

AGI: 92 INT: 57

Lvl. 99 XP: 3,355,202

HP: 7153 MP: 5604

STR: 638 DEX: 543

AGI: 549 INT: 389


Level Name Cost Effect Notes

1 Six Shooter 50 Outlaw’s special move, deals low damage to all enemies Default Skill

5 Holy Round 100 Outlaw’s special move, more effective against Undead Default Skill

10 Stealing Grope 50 Has a 30% chance of stealing 50G from a enemy

16 Frostbite Shot 150 Outlaw’s special move, inflicts Ice damage

24 Bullet Barrage 150 Outlaw’s special move, deals damage to all enemies

32 Inferno Shot 200 Outlaw’s special move, inflicts Fire damage

40 Thieving Fondle 100 Has a 20% chance of stealing 500G from a enemy

50 Chain Reaction 150 Outlaw’s ultimate move, deal heavy damage


Description: Your 5th recruited character. Generally by the time you get her she will be so under leveled compared to
your party that Farah looks strong compared to her. If you somehow recruited her and you part is lvl 10 I am impressed.
If you check her stats below you will notice that she is better than Farah in every way besides DEX and AGI. Bad when a
magic based character has higher STR and HP than a physical character. She is your first full blown Magic user. She has
Table of Contents Walkthrough
healing and resurrection. Her spells are THUNDER and EARTH based. She can also poison. Which for some Legendaries
can really help. Silence can also make one Legendary from hard to a complete joke! She also can increase your parties
MDEF which can help bad MDEF characters like Kythe and Farah. She will also be the first toon that uses a different
armor set. It is like Kythe that uses monster drops for making her decent equipment. Lucky town bought stuff is always
better than what you can make.


Weapon: Wand

Arm: Gloves

Head: Cowl

Body: Cloak

Starting Lvl: 10

HP: 1186 MP: 1438

STR: 101 DEX: 117

AGI: 130 INT: 142

Lvl. 99 XP: 3,355,202

HP: 6106 MP: 7842

STR: 577 DEX: 654

AGI: 714 INT: 782


Level Name Cost Effect Notes

1 Rock 80 Deals earth damage to one enemy Default Skill

2 Resist 100 Raises MDEF of one ally Default Skill

8 Healing 180 Restores a little HP to all allies Default Skill

10 Silence 40 Has a chance to prevent magic use of one enemy Default Skill

Table of Contents Walkthrough

12 Tremor 160 Deals high earth damage to one enemy

14 Immunity 160 Greatly raises MDEF of one ally

16 Thunder 160 Deals high thunder damage to one enemy

18 Poison 30 Has a chance to cause Poison state to one enemy

22 Greater Healing 320 Restores a lot of HP to all allies

26 Grand Resist 260 Raises MDEF of all allies

30 Grand Silence 140 Has a chance to prevent magic use of all enemies

34 Resurrection 460 Revives all fallen allies

38 Earthquake 320 Deals high earth damage to all enemies

42 Grand Immunity 320 Greatly raises MDEF of all allies

46 Electrocute 320 Deals high thunder damage to all enemies

50 Grand Poison 120 Has a chance to cause Poison state to all enemies


Description: This will be your 6th recruited character. Another magic user. She still has more HP and STR than Farah. Like
Ra’Tiki she comes with standard spells. Healing, resurrection, and MDEF boosting spells. She doesn’t get Poison but
instead gets blindness. Lowers the enemies hit chance. Which is good against hard hitting enemies that can be blinded.
Offhand I can’t say if it is that many. Confuse which makes enemies attack each other. Not really useful sadly. She is the
only one with WATER based attacks. It is good against a few Legendaries. Also EARTH based spells.


Weapon: Grimoire

Arm: Gloves

Head: Cowel

Body: Cloak

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Starting Lvl: 20

HP: 1680 MP: 2118

STR: 148 DEX: 184

AGI: 194 INT: 215

Lvl. 99 XP: 3,355,202

HP: 6145 MP: 7724

STR: 546 DEX: 689

AGI: 700 INT: 788


Level Name Cost Effect Notes

1 Rock 80 Deals earth damage to one enemy Default Skill

2 Resist 100 Raises MDEF of one ally Default Skill

4 Splash 80 Deals water damage to one enemy Default Skill

8 Healing 180 Restores a little HP to all allies Default Skill

10 Confuse 45 Has a chance to cause one enemy to attack its allies Default Skill

12 Tremor 160 Deals high earth damage to one enemy Default Skill

14 Immunity 160 Greatly raises MDEF of one ally Default Skill

16 Flood 160 Deals high water damage to one enemy Default Skill

18 Blindness 30 Has a chance to lower DEX of one enemy Default Skill

22 Greater Healing 320 Restores a lot of HP to all allies

26 Grand Resist 260 Raises MDEF of all allies

30 Grand Confuse 150 Has a chance to cause all enemies to attack each other

34 Resurrection 460 Revives all fallen allies

Table of Contents Walkthrough

38 Earthquake 320 Deals high earth damage to all enemies

42 Grand Immunity 320 Greatly raises MDEF of all allies

46 Tsunami 320 Deals high water damage to all enemies

50 Grand Blindness 120 Has a chance to lower DEX of all enemies

Mercenary/ Beatrix

Description: She has the second highest HP and 3rd highest STR out of your characters. Average DEX which doesn’t affect
much. She and Gabrielle fight for the slowest character but at least she has higher INT than Gabriele. She has basic
crusader abilities like your Main Character. Pure physical based character. She has healing but with her sad INT it is
useless. Potions do more. She can revive but with her low MP it is better to buy items. She gets to hit all enemies and a
stronger version at lvl 40. The good thing is she can weaken, which lowers STR. Feeble, which lower INT and is the only
one with an attack against Aquatic enemies. She is basically your tank. Sadly in a game like this it doesn’t make that
much of a difference. Not like she has the ability to make enemies focus her which would make a night and day
difference. She can equip heavy armor which is good but since she only has one element based attack she lags behind
other characters, even Farah. Sadly with RPGmaker based games tanks are pretty pointless.


Weapon: Mace

Arm: Gauntlet

Head: Helm

Body: Plate

Starting Lvl: 28

HP: 2657 MP: 1555

STR: 261 DEX: 226

AGI: 189 INT: 163

Lvl. 99 XP: 3,355,202

HP: 7757 MP: 4585

Table of Contents Walkthrough

STR: 743 DEX: 638

AGI: 551 INT: 468


Level Name Cost Effect Notes

1 Disabling Swing 100 Maidenr's special move, Has chance to cause Weaken Default Skill

2 Bludgeon Chain 50 Maiden's special move, deals low damage to all enemies Default Skill

5 Heal 80 Restores a little HP to one ally Default Skill

10 Concussion Force 150 Maiden's special move, Has a chance to cause Feeble Default Skill

16 Greater Heal 160 Restores a lot of HP to one ally Default Skill

24 Essence of Illythium 200 Maiden's special move, more effective against aquatic creatures Default Skill

32 Revive 220 Revives one fallen ally

40 Bludgeon Grace 150 Crusader's special move, Deals damage to all enemies

50 Skyhorn’s Rage 300 Maiden's special move, deals big damage


Description: Highest HP, DEX in the game and second highest STR. Average MP. Second lowest INT in the game and is
the slowest. So some pretty hard hitting downsides. Being slow means you can’t depend on her hitting that boss before
it wipes your party. She has the same stealing ability as Gabbriele. AKA bad. Good news about her is she is the only other
character that has a FIRE attack. HOLY/ UNDEAD attack as well which is awesome! So 3 characters with undead attack
ability! She has an attack that is supposed to be ICE based but it isn’t at all. All in all she is better than Beatrix. The Fire,
UNDEAD and ICE, when it is fixed just makes her more useful. You will end up swapping Beatrix for her for basically
everything outside of an Aquatic Legendary or two.


Weapon: Cutless

Arm: Bracelet

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Head: Circlet

Body: Mail

Starting Lvl: 34

HP: 3175 MP: 2340

STR: 311 DEX: 310

AGI: 207 INT: 178

Lvl. 99 XP: 3,355,202

HP: 7912 MP: 5894

STR: 772 DEX: 781

AGI: 515 INT: 435


Level Name Cost Effect Notes

1 Dynamite Blast 50 Pirate’s special move, deals low damage to all enemies Default Skill

5 Undead Aim 100 Pirate’s special move,, more effective against Undead Default Skill

10 Chance of Cards 100 Has a 20% chance of stealing 500G Default Skill

16 Curved Blade 150 Pirate’s special move, inflicts Ice damage Default Skill

24 Cannon Hellfire 150 Pirate’s special move, deals damage to all enemies Default Skill

32 Flame Bullet 200 Pirate’s special move, inflicts Fire damage Default Skill

40 Kiss of Misfortune 160 Pirate’s special move, has a chance to lower DEF/ Hit rate of all enemies

50 Crossed & Boned 300 Pirate’s special move, deals heavy damage


Table of Contents Walkthrough

Section 4: Walkthrough (WLK)


Chapter 1: Introduction

 Getting started
 Collussia
 Collussia Quests
 Back to the Castle
 World/ Port Ronod
 Western Lighthouse/ Grand Bridge/ Imperial Manor/Homestead/Colussia
 Rivulet Hills/ Caimridge
 Colussia

Chapter 2: Betrayed

 Darkthorn Keep
 Colussia/Port Ronod/Caimridge
 Escape!
 Windy Canyon
 Nillia Woods/ Hollow Gorge
 Grassland Road
 Side Stuff

Chapter 3: Neifu and New Blood?

 Brightstone and Hub

 Colussia/ Port Ronod/ Caimridge
 Rivulet Hills/ Windy Canyon/ Nillia Woods
 Lake Fairlight
 Crimson Forest
 Mayor Wilheed/ Royal Cottage

Chapter 4: Clean Up

 Summer Cove/ Fellhorn Ruins

 Port Ronod/ Colussia/ Rivulet Hills/ Lake Fairlight
 Western Lighthouse/ Nillia Woods/ Hollow Gorge
 Grassland Road/ Royal Cottage/ Summer Cover/ River Checkpoint

Chapter 5: Who Will Rule All The Farmers?

 High Lord Gathering

 Off To The Boonies
 Arlon Farmlands
 Arlon
 Side Stuff 2
Table of Contents Walkthrough
 Fierra Falls/ Castle Warrengard

Chapter 6: On The Road To Khar

 Tidbits On The Way

 Heading To Kahr
 Kahr
 Quests
 Kahr Temple

Chapter 7: Taking The Offensive

 Warrengard/ Iron Spire

 Illusian Forest
 Things to do before We Move On

Chapter 8: Road To The Second Spire!

 Southern Meadow
 Odidinia
 Off To The Second Spire, Just Not Yet!
 Iron Spire #2/ Praeceps Ilse
 Blackgate Stronghold
 Rescuing Farah and Beyond

Chapter 9: Assaulting The Crown

 Colussia
 Darkthorn Keep
 3.04Fix
 3.05

Chapter 10:

Chapter 11:

Chapter 12:


Chapter 1

The only differences, so far, between the types is the illustrations during SCENES only. Beastman Modes you play as a
Beastman... So obvious is obvious.

Start your new game, pick your type and what your MC will look like. Pick a name or stick with default.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

*Note: Make at least two Renegade choices before you turn in your first batch of Dimensional Shards.*


Getting Started




__Handkerchief- Quest Item

__Lewd Box


___Victorious Prayer- Only if scene is taken



After the intro talk to people if you want. Get information. You know IMMERSION! Head up any flight of stairs, raid
desks and get the Handkerchief. Soon you won't be able to come back here so make sure you raid the desks here.

Talk to the person in White. First choice doesn't matter. First time players take 3cb. If you want all scenes.

Choice 1: 1000K

Choice 2: Armor: At blacksmith No gold

Choice 2a: Promotion: Nothing

Choice 2b: Something personal: SCENE

Choice 3: Renegade +1

Choice 3a: Free armor at the town blacksmith

Choice 3b: Promotion: Nothing

Choice 3c: Something more personal: SCENE

*I suggest taking the scene. Monsters drop money anyway. Also you can get loads from a game we will play soon.*

During the scene you will get another choice

Choice 1: Cums on her tits and ends scene

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Choice 2: Surprise BJ: SCENE CHANGE. Laquadia-1

Laquadia has been added to journal.

Victorious Prayer title added. If scene was taken. Lewd Box x1.






__Basic Mineral x2 - used for Forging weapons and armor

__Beldorian Ale x1 - Restores 10% of TOTAL HP to one ally

__Beldorian Ale x1

__Boots of Rushing- Lets you run around outside. Hit A 1-3 times for it to work

__Citrine Earring x1- Sell for monies. Lock pick required

__Costume Fabric - Farah- used for making outfits for Farah. Behind locked house NW side

__Cute Ribbon x1- Gift item

__Elixir x1- Restores full HP/SP

__Erotic Novel x1- Gift item

__Grey Mouse x1- Basement of the Pub

__Illustration 02 - Next to the church

__Illustration 49 – Ruby Chest 2x coins. Bathhouse inside castle.

__Illustration 63- From safe 2

__Illustration 112- From safe 1 next to armor shop

__Illustration 134- In a dark house next to Laquadia Fan quest. Envelope

__Lewd Box x2

__Lock pick Set- Able to open lvl. 1 locks

__Northern Region Map- Shows names of common location on the world map

__Pickaxe- To mine ore... DUH

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Quest Log- See what quests are open/closed

__Rabbit Pelt x2- Used for forging weapons and armor

__Ring of Strength x1

__Roses x1

__Ruby Coin x1- Opens RED CHESTS. These contain Illustrations

__Ruby coin x1- Same place as fabric

__Sandstone x3- Used for forging weapons and armor

__Seed of Life x1- Increases Max HP by 50

__Seed of Mana x1- Increases max SP by 25

__Seed of Strength x1- Increase Strength by 1

__Sexy Underwear- Quest Item

__Small Spirit Potion x1 - Restores little SP to one ally

__Snare Trap- To Capture animals in town/wild

__Treasure Shovel- Dig up treasures from treasure maps


__Beatrix No. 03- Found in locked desk

__Beatrix No. 08

__Beatrix No. 09

__Laquadia No. 1- Locked desk in castle


__Enraged Sailor- Unique. Only can ever fight them here, once


__Curious Looter

__Lock Apprentice



__Black Dame

Table of Contents Walkthrough


__Duchess Lynevere



__What Goes Around

__Laquadia's Fan

As the tip suggested, search everything! You will find Beldorian Ale x1 in one of the desks. Talk to solider next to dog for
journal entry.

Helsike, vad du skräms..! Which basically means you scared the shit out of me or you startled me. Least from my bad
remberance of when I was in Europe. Whatever you decide.

Beatrix Added to journal. I love her BTW!

She will get mad if you search her room. Exit the room, and talk to people. After that, go straight west and talk to the
man there.

Crayden Added to journal.

Search every desk and wardrobe. Leave the room and go up to the right passage. One desk is locked. We will come back
to this later. A LOT later. Go across hall and search everything again in this room to find a locked wardrobe. Exit this
room and head south and south again. The guards will stop you. Keep in mind for scene in a tad :)

So head up then west. You will see a black and white painting on the wall. We don’t have the art razor to cut this out yet
and even if we did we still can’t get it. You will be coming back here a lot later to get it.

So head west again into the soldiers barracks. Search desks here for Beldorian Ale x1, Small Spirit Potion x1 and another
locked desk! There is a new addition to episode 3. Glory hole booths. Go into the bottom left booth and you will hear
what I mean. Head back out the south then east. Search everything for Cute Ribbon x1, Basic Mineral x2, Ruby Coin x1
and a Seed of Mana x1.

You now have free time. I suggest you take it to do fun things in town. I hope you can manage to find the exit to this
place. If not, I fear for you. Once leaving here you will enter,


On the outside you will meet a new character. Dhalmir. He gives you 450k to repay his gambling debt. He gives you
some info about the Dream Blight disease. Also about another Crusader named Van.

*Side quest Tutorial* Read it. Learn it, love it, live it!

First things first. Let’s get the lock pick and the ability to run like Sonic! It automatically starts the Introduction side

So head south and south again. Head east when you can and east again. Talk to the man on the bench for,
Table of Contents Walkthrough
Quest: "Introduction"

Location: Colussia - Near the park in Eastern region

Description: Meet a man near the park benches who has information on the infamous Black Dame. Head left 2 screens
enter the pub! Building with tables in front. Go downstairs talk to only person in the basement. Note the red chest for
later. You can't catch the mouse yet.

Reward: Lock pick set

Black Dame added to journal.

Head up the stairs and go to the mirror there. Enter 3482 to get some equipment and a much needed 5000K. Head out
of the pub and go west. Talk to the silver haired woman outside the building. It doesn’t seem to matter for the second of
third choice. So pick either 2/3, expensive right now but it’s worth it. This will unlock a scene we are going to see sooner
or later. Go left and talk to the woman on the ground.

Quest: "What Goes Around"

Location: Colussia - Collapsed maid in Western District

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Description: Find the man with red hair the collapsed maid told you about. West of the Item Shop. That is East, North,
and then west. Speak with him, then go back to the maid and find a few men surrounding her. You get a choice.

Choice 1: Save Her. Heroic and a fight with unique enemies. Fight IS pretty hard if you didn't buy armor. Use skills.

Choice 2: Teaching her a lesson. Renegade

Reward: No Reward

I would say fight since they are unique enemies.

Go south and into the Inn. Talk to the man with the mortarboard on. That is the guy with the square cap. This is the
Traveling Scholar!

Traveling scholar: 100K. Worth it!

Q1: Beldorian Empire

Q2: Colussia

Q3: The Jadeite Order

Q4: Darkthorn Keep

Q5: 52

Table of Contents Walkthrough

GRATS you can run outside. Pressing A 1-3 times will turn it on. DOESN'T work indoors, caves etc. Go raid the desks here
for a Seed of Life x1.

After that we are going to do the next mission. Head east three times. Then through the gates. West house. Raid the
desks first before talking to the man there for a Seed of Strength x1

Quest: Laquadia's Fan

Location: Colussia - Inside a building in the eastern district with two guards outside. East as far as you go and SE part
between a fence area. This place was "hard" to find for me. I was just being dumb...

Description: Gather two pieces of Laquadia's clothing; 1st part is in her room within the castle (Lock pick lvl. 1 needed)
and the 2nd part is in the Cathedral desks on the top floor which you should already have.

Reward: Ring of Strength

Before we run off to the castle, we are going to raid the entire town. The items you can get here are listed for both town
and the castle. Since this town is so large I won't be giving directions to every little thing here. One thing you are going to
do is buy Common Dice from the Item shop so we can get cards and make monies.

You should basically be broke but worry not!

SAFE 1: 4624 SAFE 2: 5535

Table of Contents Walkthrough

REWARD: Illustration 112 REWARD: Illustration 63


Ruby Coin and costume Fabric Farah

Table of Contents Walkthrough

If you haven’t gotten the Curious Looter title you didn’t raid desks etc. During your travels raiding everything you can
run into Duchess Lynevere in her house, she has a unique sprite. Duchess Lynevere added to journal. So off to the Castle
we go to unlock some desks.




Locked Desk lvl. 1

Reward: Laquadia No. 1

Table of Contents Walkthrough

After getting the trading card head to east and east again. South to the bath house. Go south to the door and you are
given a choice

Red Chest: 2 ruby coins

Reward: Illustration 49

*This chest is missable until way later in the game. I wouldn't recommend continuing if you didn't grab this.*

After that, head on north to your room and search the desk Beatrix got mad at you for. Erotic Novel x1.

Go to Laquadia's room

QUEST ITEM: Sexy Underwear.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

At this point you should have gotten the Lock Apprentice title. Leave the castle and turn in your quest for a Ring of
Strength. Leave the building and head straight north into the market. A newly added gift shop is there. Purchase Roses.

Go to the Inn again and speak to a man there to gamble your cards to win his. Beatrix Card No. 8, and 9. Go to the pub.
Talk to the man at the counter and play him at a game of Devil's Dice. Play until you cleaned him out. You should have
5920K or 10920K, if you entered the code earlier. This walkthrough is based on if you DIDN’T enter it. It isn’t as much as
you could get before but we can get certain items we do need. Go to the item shop and buy Quest Log, Northern Region
Map, Snare Trap, Treasure Shovel and a Pickaxe. This will help so we don't bounce around too much later. Go to the
basement in the pub and capture a Grey Mouse x1.

Head south, south, south out of the city. If you haven't talked to the crystal please do so!

There is a reason we are doing a lot of running around now VS later in the game. It gives you items and collections you
can’t get until later in the game. If you don’t want to do it, don’t.

Welcome to the World!


Read the tutorial.

Before heading where we are supposed to go, head northwest to a port town called

Table of Contents Walkthrough


Port Ronod


__Illustration 58

__Illustration 113

__Costume Fabric - Gabrielle

__Crystal Fragment- Allows for teleportation with Blue stones

__Dimensional Shard x1

__Dimensional Shard x1

__Rabbit Pelt x3

__Revival Potion x1- Revives a dead ally

__Ring of Agility- increases agility by 15



__Animal hunter

__Peeping Tom


__Beatrix No. 04



Quest: "Catch-A-Lie"

Location: Port Ronod - Man in the corner near the entrance to the town

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Description: Deliver a message to the owner of the inn in Brightstone.

Right when you walk in talk to the man on the left. After accepting the quest, go north and activate the crystal. Then go
into the building next to it. There is a safe on the first floor.

SAFE 1: 6869

Reward: Illustration 113

After cracking that safe. Please talk to people. Leave the building. Go straight east! Not down the stairs. The gap
between the building and down. You get Illustration 58. Head back then down the stairs. Go east. In the first door there
is a painting we can't get. There is Rabbit Pelt x3 in here.

Leave and go into the next building. Talk to the only person there

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Quest: "Animal Hunter"

Location: Port Ronod - Rightmost building behind the church

Description: Catch 3 - 5 Wood Squirrels. (Unlock the reward "Animal Whistle" to help with this quest)

After this leave the room. If you go into the door below you can chose to donate to the church.

Head west then west again. In the northern building you will run into a locked wardrobe lvl. 2. We will keep this in mind
for later. Leave the building

Go west Talk to the green-haired woman for a quest.

Quest: "Peeping Tom"

Location: Port Ronod - Woman in front of inn during the day

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Description: Locate the man straight west of here two screens who is peeping into a window at night and chat him up.

Reward: Ring of Agility

This is a night/day type of quest. So before we sleep we will do other things. Accept it and move on.

Get Revival Potion x1. From the inn, leave head west. You can play a Devil's Dice at the pub for more money. After
cleaning him out you should have 6620K. Save beforehand of course. Go west to the stone looking sign building. This is a
material shop. There is a man there that will sell you Beatrix Card No. 04 for 1500K. Buy it of course.

Head out and south to the first door you see on your west. It should be locked. You can unlock it. Leave it since nothing
is here for now.

Search desks in the other door. Leave here go north then west to the next screen. Head south at the first docking area
and on the boat. Head down the stairs and to the back to find.

Costume Fabric - Gabrielle

The guy here can be played a game of prediction, but we don't have a card he wants. So that will wait until later. Head to
the inn and sleep until night time. Just walk into a bed and you will get the option. Leave the Inn and head west.

Do the second part of the Peeping Tom quest by talking to the man staring in the window. After he leaves, go to the
docks area. Down the second pier and into the boat we go. Our homie the Traveling Scholar will be there. Pay the 250K
to play him.

Q1: Masquerade
Table of Contents Walkthrough
Q2: Paladins

Q3: Broncallo

Q4: Northern Fields

Q5: Yellow

Reward: Crystal Fragment.

With the Crystal fragment in hand we can teleport if you activated the Crystals. An interesting quest that has some
scenes attached to it. Go the Crystal and pick transport. Go north for a scene. She gives you a Dimensional Shard x1.
With this you will be able to see them located on other maps. Illumi is also a pointer. I call them that considering they
point you where you need to go. So if you are ever stuck she can help you.

Choice 1: Illumi +1.

Choice 2: Illumi -1

Illumi added to the Journal.

Head back south then to the Port Ronod crystal. Go back to the Inn and sleep until morning. Talk to the green haired
lady to get Ring of Agility x1, thus ending Peeping Tom quest. I recommend equipping it over the ring of strength
considering going first in combat is better than hitting harder.

Head west a screen and south. You will see a black swirling orb. Search it for Dimensional Shard x1. Since we can pick up
Dimensional Shards now so we are going to places that you can't come back to until much later in the game. So leave
town and head straight south to



__Illustration 08

__Dimensional Shard x1

__Lewd Box

__Ruby coin x1

__Seed of Agility- Increases Agility by 1


__Western Lighthouse Cleared

NE corner. If you can't find it. Sorry. You are blind as shit. You will find Illustration 08 on the ground. Also raid the only
desk for a Seed of Agility x1 and the chest for a Ruby Coin x1. On the second floor is a Dimensional Shard x1. You should
get Western Lighthouse Cleared! Leave here. Follow the road south to the bridge. Walk into it


Table of Contents Walkthrough


__Dimensional Shard x1

__Lewd Box


__Grand Bridge Cleared

You can talk to Beatrix she is on the first screen next to her puppy. Go far west. Right before you leave there is a
Dimensional Shard x1. After picking this up you should get Grand Bridge Cleared! Exit to the west.



__Dimensional Shard x1

As soon as you enter go straight east to here. Search it. This SCENE is so missable it hurts!

After that awesomeness, go to the north east area for a Dimensional Shard x1. Go through the Grand Bridge again then
head to the north of Colussia.


Table of Contents Walkthrough


__Illustration 192

__Beatrix No. 02



This is your home. Go inside the shed to get a little backstory on your character. Search the desk for Beatrix Card No. 02.
South of the next building, on the pier, is Illustration 192. Enter house and meet your mother Cecily.

Your first choice doesn’t matter. Least you find out why your MC is poor as hell.

Give her the roses as well.

*If you want a change to a scene much later you need to get both +2 with her here. This may change by the launch of
actual EP 03 though that would take effort.*

You get a choice on a set of questions on having a girlfriend

Choice 1/2: Nothing

Choice 3: Cecily +1

You can talk to her again and get a choice

Choice 1: Cecily +1

Choice 2: Cecily +1

Choice 3: NOTHING

There is nothing to loot here. It is your home after all. Head back to




__Art Gallery

__Map Folder

__Dimensional Shard x1


Table of Contents Walkthrough
Go north one screen until you reach a pond. On the west side there is an opening between fences to the south. Grab the
Dimensional Shard x1. Go north one more screen and into the item shop. Sell the citrine earring we got earlier to put us
over the 5k mark so we can buy the rest of the key items. Purchase the Art Gallery and the Map Folder. You should have
20K left. Ouch! Mama going to have to wait for more money! You could sell a lewd box for 2500K but I don’t know if by
the end of EP 3 or the game in general if the lewd boxes will cover all the unlockables. So up to you. I am going ahead
with you haven’t sold one.

Head north into the castle and report back to Crayden. You meet an interesting character named Masquerade. She gets
added to the journal. You also get Masquerade +1. Leave town and head north to


Rivulet Hills


__Dimensional Shard x1

__250 K

__Bronze Ore x2

__Golden Token x5- used for unlocking skills and stuff :) Important!!

__Iron Ore x2

__Iron Ore x3

__Lewd Box x4

__Ruby Coin x1

__Small Health Potion x2

__Wood Squirrel x1

__Wood Squirrel x1


__Werewuffie: Kill 30 MOBS of these

__Contoad: Kill 30 MOBS of these

__Golden Beetleblade


__Werewuffie Slayer/ Vanquisher

__Contoad Slayer/ Vanquisher

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Journal Entries



__Golden Beetleblade

Crayden will join your party. He is much stronger then you so you should use that to your advantage. Kill all enemies
until you get the Vanquisher Title from doing so. Don't leave this map until you do. Considering you have Crayden it will
make it A LOT easier. To kill quickly just go back and forth between screens until you get the titles. Do this between
screens that have both enemies to make the process quicker.

Go up past the first screen. Go immediately right and enter the cave. Here are your Contoads. There is Iron Ore x2 here.
This cave and enemies outside is a place to get the vanquisher titles. Frogs inside and dogs outside.

After getting the titles or not head north up the ramp then west across a bridge. Head into the cave. There is a Bronze
Ore x2 and an Iron Ore x3 here. East of the iron ore is a Dimensional Shard X1. Head out the cave and get 250k from the
chest. You will notice a squirrel there.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Wood Squirrel x1

Head through the cave go east then north past another ramp. Go east first at the T intersection to the next screen. In
Between the trees there right when you walk in is a chest with a Ruby Coin X1. Nothing much further east. There is
another Wood Squirrel here.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Go west and keep going west across the bridge to the chest with Health Potion X2. Exit the area to the north.

I recommend going back in over and over to the picture to get Beetle blade tokens. You have to leave to the world
map not the screen. Since we have Crayden and he is max level they won’t be able to run away, if you had Crayden
attack them. I will say get 5 now or you will have to wait a long time to be able to hit them. They are fast and run
away from battle. This will take time. Like 15 minutes or 2 hours. It is all up to chance. I assure you they do spawn!
Since their spawn rate has been nerfed.

After all that. You should be anywhere from lvl 5-9 with the beetle blade grind. Exit out of here. If you head east to the
mountains Crayden will be mad at you. So head west to,



__Illustration 27- Between buildings on second screen

__Illustration 59- Ruby Chest. 3x coins

__Antidote x2- Town hall upstairs

__Costume Fabric – Gabrielle- Basement town hall

__Dimensional Shard x1- Basement town hall

__Grey Mouse x1- Basement town hall

__Ruby Coin x1- Shed first screen

__Ruby Coin x1- Shed 2nd screen

__Seed of Dexterity- Desk First house

Activate the blue crystal after the little chat. Explore the houses. First house has a Seed of Dexterity x1. Shed has a Ruby
Coin x1.

Next screen between two houses up north is an envelope with Illustration 27. Shed to the right has Ruby Coin x1.

Town Hall has an Antidote x2 upstairs and downstairs is a Dimensional Shard x1, Costume Fabric - Gabrielle, Grey
Mouse x1 and a chest that takes 3x ruby coins for Illustration 59

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Leave the house and you will be prompted with a choice.

Choice 1- Heroic

Choice 2-Renegade

Oh no! WE lost our OP monster! SHAME!!! Before we continue the story. Head to Colussia via the blue crystal.



__Art Razor- To cut out paintings around the world!

__Illustration 62



When you get there read the Tutorial. Head into the building straight east of you. Pay the 50k and talk to the exotic
dancer right when you walk in. You get a choice

Choice 1: Nothing
Table of Contents Walkthrough
Choice 2: Renegade +1

Farah added to journal.

Go to the inn and use the Encyclopedia. Since we got some golden tokens earlier we are going to unlock art razor. Go
under rewards and select Art Razor. Unlock it. Head back to where you had to do the Laquadia quest. That would be
east three screens. Go south between the gates and enter the left building. Get Illustration 62 on the back wall.


Run into Laquadia

Choice 1: nothing

Choice 2: Laquadia -1

You still can’t get the painting here. Head to the royal bath again to run in Beatrix

Choice 1: Nothing

Choice 2: Beatrix +1

Choice 3: Beatrix +1

Choice 3a: Nothing

Choice 3b: Makes her angry

Go see the Emperor. After that fun, welcome to the amazing vacation spot for the whole family!


Chapter 2: Betrayed



__Masquerade No. 03

__Illustration 05

__Barrier Herb x2

__Dimensional Shard x1

__Lewd Box 3x

__Ruby Coin x1

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Ruby Coin x1

__Small Spirit Potion x1

__Sun Blades x1- Light based weapon for Devon

__Utility Hook- For opening Manhole Covers


__Slimebag- Kills 12 MOBS here. Reason for later





__Prison Breakout-Story based. Can't be missed

__Slimebag Slayer

__Treasure Newbie

Darkthorn keep is a onetime visit for a long time. So what you miss here you have to wait a long time.

Now that you have read the nice boldly bold writing. Search tables in the corners of each room for Masquerade No. 03
and a Ruby Coin x1 then head east to the next room. Talk to the old man to the far east. Either choice. It matters not.
Laquadia visits you.

Choice 1: Heroic +1

Choice 2: Renegade +1. Laquadia -1 Scene

I would pick choice 2 unless you are playing this game for a different reason.

This is your last chance to raid the desks. SO DO IT IF YOU HAVEN'T. Talk to the old man in the cell east of you. You will
receive the key item Utility Hook. Go to the far west and talk to the new guy there. Go south to the manhole cover.
Head down.

There are traps here and they kind of hurt. So expect some environmental damage.

Get the chest right there, derp, for all your stuff back. Make sure you kill at least 12 Slimebags here. Go left for a
Dimensional Shard x1. There is a chest with a Ruby Coin x1. Back east then north up the stairs. Red chest for Illustration
05. Head back south then east. There is a gate south that requires lock pick Lvl. 2. That means you have to get it in a
new game + or at a later time. It doesn't have anything behind it anyway. So go east then south. Chest has a Small Spirit
Potion x1. Head east for a chest with Barrier Herb x2. Head back west then north.

When you reach two switches have them both point west/left. Get the chest for Sun Blades. This is it. If you leave here
you can't come back. So make sure you killed 11 Slimebags at least! You should have received the Treasure Newbie
title in here. When you leave you will get the Prison Breakout title as well.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

You meet a strange woman

Choice 1/2: Gabrielle +1

Choice 3: Gabrielle -1

Gabrielle added to journal




__Bolt Mail x1- Resistant to Thunder damage. Women only

__Dimensional Shard x1

__Illustration 121

__Lewd Box x1


__Nightfall Raid


__Master Hen’Tai


__Chronology Protector

Head towards the armor shop. Straight below the house next to it is an open area between fences. Open the grate for a
Dimensional Shard x1. You should get the Chronology Protector title. Open the gate for the chest with Bolt Mail x1.
Head to the house to the east of it and you will notice a barrel slamming into the wall over and over. Go talk to it to
receive Illustration 121.

Master Hen’Tai added to the journal.

Head north to the church area. Talk to this woman in the picture to accept

Quest: Nightfall Raid

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Description: Steal mirror from the Material shop in Port Ronod at night. Bring it back to her.

Reward: Ruby Coin x3





__Illustration 10

__Illustration 85

__Hand Mirror- Quest Item

__Gold Dice - Farah- Helps with prediction games containing Farah cards… Maybe..

On the east side of town, the second to last building up top has a painting. Cut her out for Illustration 10. Head to the
Inn and sleep until nightfall. Go to the material shop, at night, pick the lock. Get the chest in there for Hand Mirror. Head
right next to the pub there and down the sewer grate.

Another little puzzle. From left to right, Combo is 3-1-2-4. Do it in numerical order and not press far left button 3 times.
Grab the chest for Gold Dice - Farah! Head straight south and enter the first door on the left. Strike the barrel for

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Illustration 85. Teleport to Caimridge



__Illustration 23

__Gold Dice - Gabrielle- Helps games of prediction with Gabrielle cards

__Lewd Box x1

__Necklace of Clarity- Makes unsearched things glow. Ex- Desks, Wardrobes etc.


__Sleep Deprivation


__Quiz Solver

Go into the first house and talk to the lady there to get a quest. Since it is night we can do all of it right now.

Quest: Sleep Deprivation

Description: Talk to the man chopping down wood at night, then go back to the woman in the house. Then talk to the
man again and back to the woman.

Reward: Gold Dice - Gabrielle

Go to the next screen. Enter the shed to see the magic barrel again. Strike it to receive Illustration 23. Now head to the
town hall. Time for another Traveling Scholar quiz! 300K is the price

Q1: Slimebag

Q2: The Fellhorn Juggernaut

Q3: Golden Token

Q4: Seven
Table of Contents Walkthrough
Q5: Windy Canyon

Necklace of Clarity obtained! You should also get the Quiz Solver title. Teleport back to





__Illustration 72



__Gold Dice - Laquadia- Makes prediction easier with Laquadia cards?

__Lewd Box x2

__Might Herb x2- Temporarily raises ATK of all allies. Battle item.

__Ruby Coin x1

__Ruby Coin x3

__Sun Plate x1- Male only. Resistant to light damage.

__Wolf Pelt x2


__Laquadia No. 03


__Club Bouncer



__Slimebag Vanquisher

__Making History


__Punching Slimebag

Turn in the quest to complete Night raid. Ruby Coin x3 gained. Hurray! Head straight into the Heavenly Fate. Pay the
50K and head on in.

Choice 1: Nothing good...

Table of Contents Walkthrough
Choice 2: Scene

Both choices lead to second choice

Choice 1: Heroic

Choice 2: Renegade

Go west into sewer grate. Check the desk. Head north then east. Don't bother fighting enemies at all yet. Just keep
following the path to a chest with 400K. Go east to the next screen and up a ladder for Illustration 72. Keep going east
until another chest with Might Herb x2. Head north then east. Before talking to anyone use the latter and the bottom of
the area. Head to the armor shop.

Choice 1: Farah +1

Choice 2/3: Nothing

Equip her with the bolt mail and buy her some other armor.

Head back down into the sewers. Grab the chest for a Ruby Coin x1. Search the desks for Wolf Pelt x2. There is a pub
like place there. Right before it though are two guards. Take to the man in the room to get the quest

Quest: Punching Slimebag

Description: Kill all mobs of Slimebags in the sewers.

Reward: (For killing all Slimebags) Gold Dice - Laquadia and 2000K

Before we run off and start murdering everything in sight let get some stuff out of the pub. You can buy Laquadia No. 03
for 1200k. Buy it of course. If you can’t afford wait till the quest is complete. You may recognize someone there if you
played LoQO 2. Head west.

KILL EVERY SLIMEBAG YOU SEE. The game will say when they have all been killed. Ignore the first north. Take the other
way north. Follow the path around. You will get to ladders. At the top get the Sun Plate from the chest. Keep following
the path. Ignore the south and keep going. Ignore the next north. When you go across a bridge, head east. At the next
branch head north kill the Slimebag then go east across the bridge. Kill the Slimebag north there then take the south
Table of Contents Walkthrough
east exit. When you get to the bridge go north and kill the last enemy there.

After killing them all it will tell you. You should also get Slimebag Vanquisher title if you did what I said earlier. Head
back to the owner to get your reward. Gold Dice - Laquadia and 2000K. We will not be getting the Ruby Chest in the
pub. Trust me, it will make for much less backtracking later on. So leave town!

Choice 1: Scene Farah +1.

Choice 1a. Nothing

Choice 1b. Farah +1

Choice 1c. Scene Finish

Choice 1d. SCENE change

2: No scene :(

Get Making History title

So let’s head to you Homestead and enter your home. You will get another scene. Due to the dialog it seems you could
have gotten this earlier. Maybe between visiting the first time and Rivulet hills? Only time the dialog would fit. Outside
your house to the left is a Dimensional Shard to pick up. You should get the Homestead Cleared title. Head west to,



__Laquadia No. 02


__Beldorian Knight- Unique ish..


__Obedience- It is an unmarked quest for titles




You will get a safe tutorial but since we have opened many, it doesn’t matter much.

Head west to the dock area. Head down into the first boat you can and play the sailor in prediction for Laquadia Card
No. 02. Go back up the stairs and see a hooded figure on a boat. Go talk to him.

Farsyne added to journal.

Go sleep at the inn until nightfall. Head straight east to the church building steal their donation and leave. Soon as you
walk out you will start the "Obedience" unmarked quest. Head west. Go to the far boat you can get on.
Table of Contents Walkthrough
Kythe added journal.

It isn't a bug, but stealing the donation here doesn't count for the Donation Thief title. Same with the Flasher title. It
is so you can see them on different game modes. Same for much later titles.

Head to the second boat, after your scripted battle, camp. Talk to Farah. Pick the first choice for a Farah +1. Sleep until
sunrise. Leave camp, head east to the road the leads into a canyon. Welcome to






__Barrier Herb x2

__Bolt Bow x1- Has lightning based damage

__Bronze x3

__Bronze x4

__Bronze x4

__Ceremonial Gauntlet x1

__Dimensional Shard x1

__Illustration 04

__Illustration 13- Ruby chest. 3x coins

__Illustration 25

__Illustration 42

__Iron x2

__Iron x2

__Iron x3

__Iron x3

__Lewd Box x5

__Ruby Coin x1

__Wolf Pelt x3

__Grey Mouse x1

__Wood Squirrel x1
Table of Contents Walkthrough
__Wood Squirrel x1


__Beldorian Knight- Unique

__Dilizard- Kill 30 MOBS of them


__Golden Beetleblade

__Pharaoh Handblast


__Blessing quest- Unmarked quest to find altars around the world




__Art Sampler

__Dilizard Slayer/Vanquisher

__Novice Miner

__Windy Canyon Clear

Golden Beetleblade

Just keep going east. After the bridge fight you get two choices.

Whatever you pick out of these choices affects a scene later. So choose wisely.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Head into the cave go to the altar and inspect it. After the boxes of dialogue you will start the unmarked quest
"Blessing" and get Illustration 04. When going to altars it drops your HP to 1 so remember to heal afterwards. Grab
the chest there for a Bolt Bow. Exit and head east.

Ignore north for now and head a tad east. Grab the Wood Squirrel.

Then head back a tad go north across the bridge. Go into the house and capture the Grey Mouse there. Grab Illustration
42 off the ground. Art Sampler should have been earned. To the north of the house is another Wood Squirrel. One more
then we can complete a quest.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Head a tad west and find another Dimensional Shard x1. Go into the cave right there and mine for Iron x2. There is a
chest with Illustration 13. Head south then east into the cave.

Ignore first south spot since dead end. Head down the stairs then west. Get Iron x3 and 420k from the chest. Before
heading back up the stairs get Bronze x4. Take the south path.

Get Bronze x4. Down the stairs for Bronze x3, a chest with Barrier Herb x2. Head east a tad then south. Go west at the T
for a Ceremonial Gauntlet x1. East for Iron x2. Go back whence we came up the stairs, west, north then east.

Ignore the first south. There should be a shadow creature down there. This is the Legendary Pharaoh Handblast. We are
way too weak to kill it now so avoid it! Instead head east gather the Iron x3. You should get the Novice Miner title. Head
south for a chest with Wolf Pelt x3. Exit the cave to the north east.

You should hear gun shots and be prompted with text. If you didn't it is because you didn't come here during the day.
You get two choices.

Choice 1: Heroic- Potential SCENE

Choice 2: Renegade- NO Potential SCENE

Before heading out go east a tad and up the ramp. Under a tree to the left is a chest with a Ruby Coin x1. You should get
the Windy Canyon Cleared title.

If you ignore it and continue on there will be some added text at the next location. If you do this you will miss out on a
scene and getting a party member sooner.

So now the fun part of heading all the way back to the beginning where the house was. When you get there you will be
given another choice.

Choice 1: A fight.

Choice 2: SCENE

I of course recommend the scene unless it isn't your first playthrough. Gabrielle joins your party! Finally a party of 4!
Believe it or not we can kill our first legendary. It will be a little tough but it is VERY doable. Just fight everything on the
way there. Go here and touch the shadow.

Table of Contents Walkthrough


REWARD: Illustration 25

This will be an uphill battle at this point in the game. Still though. He casts Force on you. I don't know what this does. If
he does have Farah use Encouragement on them. Just don't be dumb and you will be fine. Have MC use Whirlwind Strike
on him over and over for about 600-900 a hit. Farah will be on healing duty via items. Kythe will be using Might on MC
and Gabrielle then barrier on people. Gabrielle will be attacking/ healing. If you bought gear for your guys his attacks
should take around 500. DO NOT let your HP get below 600. Your reward is Illustration 25.

Head out through the east exit.

Head east to the tower so we can get it on our map

Iron Spire added

Setup camp and talk to Gabrielle. You will be given a choice

Choice 1: Gabrielle +1

Choice 2: Gabrielle -1

Exit camp and head south. Go into the building you see there. Welcome to



__Dimensional Shard x1

__Illustration 17

__Illustration 108

__Lewd Box x1

__Seed of Life x1


__Farah No. 01

Table of Contents Walkthrough


__Highland Inn Clear

*If you got Gabrielle in Windy Canyon.*

Right when you walk in activate the blue crystal. You see the hooded figure north of the crystal. You will see the barrel
bouncing around. Strike it for Illustration 108. Before resting at the inn we are going to look around. Dimensional Shard
x1 in the North West part of the area. Illustration 17 in the stable. Head inside the Inn.

Before talking to the old man buy Farah Card No. 01 from the purple head guy for 1800K. Raid desks for a Seed of Life
x1 and the Highland Inn Cleared title. Talk to the old man at the counter. Both rooms cost 200K total

You get a scene.

You get a choice during it. During Windy Canyon if you chose the either option

Choice 1: Farah +1

Choice 2: Farah -1

* If you didn't get Gabrielle in Windy Canyon.*

Everything is basically the same until you go inside the Inn.

Gabrielle isn't there obviously to say anything. This is where things become different. You don't rent both rooms and
instead just rent one. So it is 100K cheaper. After you leave the Inn she comes up to you and she joins your party.

Although you miss 2 SCENES, the dialog is pretty funny when she talks to you. I would recommend doing this on a New
Game + of course.

Either way. Exit the inn head west to


Nillia Woods




__Dimensional Shad x1

__Ice Flintlock x1- Weapon with Ice based attack. Gabrielle only

__Intelligence Crystal x2

__Lewd Box x3

__Might Herb x3

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Ruby Coin x1

__Forest Rabbit x1

__Forest Rabbit x1


__Masquerade No. 02


__Mischief- Kill 30 MOBS of these


__Golden Beetleblade




__Mischief Slayer/Vanquisher

__Nillia Woods Clear


Wild Rabbit x2

Golden Beetleblade

Head west straight into the next screen. Go straight into the woods west and there is a chest with a Ruby Coin x1. Frogs

Table of Contents Walkthrough

here are just Contoads so don't even bother. South is a rabbit we can't catch yet. Head west into next screen.

Straight north is a rabbit we can catch

Forest Rabbit x1. West is a chest with 500k in it. Go back to the road and follow it west to a log. Head up it to a chest
with Ice Flintlock x1. Go west to the next screen.

The North West corner has a chest with Might Herb x3. Take the north path and keep heading up. In the tent is
Masquerade Card No. 02. To the west of the tent is a Dimensional Shard x1. Head way back south two screens then
head west.

To the mid north is a chest with Intelligence Crystal x2. There is another rabbit to the west we can't catch yet. Noted for
future. Take the path south. In the south west corner is a rabbit we can catch.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Wild Rabbit x1. On the south east side of the area there are logs that lead to a chest with a Ceremonial Collar x1. After
grabbing this you should get the Nillia Woods Cleared title.

So head north and find/take the west exit. Head north into



__Illustration 16- Ruby Chest. 2x coins

__Silver Ore x4

__Steel x3

__Steel x3


__Waste Gourger- We will come back later for it

Head straight west and enter the cave. Mine Silver Ore x4 and Steel x3. Exit the cave ignoring the only enemy there. Go
north into a cave. Get the Steel x3 there and a chest with Illustration 16.

Leave here and go south to


Grassland Road



__Dimensional Shard x1

__Illustration 123

__Lewd Box x6

__Revival Potion x2

__Ruby Coin x1

__Silver x3

__Steel x3

__Steel x4

__Wood Squirrel x1

Table of Contents Walkthrough


__Firewolf- Kill 30 MOBS of these

__Wild Stinger- Kill 30 MOBS of these

__Golden Beetleblade


__Blessing Unmarked quest


__Animal Tracker

__Grassland Road Clear

__Firewolf Slayer/Vanquisher

__Wild Stinger slayer/Vanquisher

Head south. In the next area, the North West part has a chest with Revival Potion x2. Straight south of there is Wood
Squirrel x1. This should also net you the Animal Tracker title. Woot we finally have 5 for the quest!

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Keep heading south east to a chest with 700k in it. Go up the ramp and go North West to a Dimensional Shard x1. Go
into the cave to the east. Mine Steel x3 and leave. Head to the west exit.

Follow the path over the little bridge then take the shore route east to a chest with a Ruby Coin x1. Head into the cave.
Hit the altar up for Illustration 123 and another step into the Blessing unmarked quest. Go in the other cave for Silver x3
and Steel x4. You should get Grassland Road Cleared title. Leave the cave head east then keep going south to the exit.

Side Stuff


Setup camp



__Animal Whistle- Lvl. 2 capture

__Golden Detector- Only if you have 4 golden tokens or more. Otherwise get later. Tells you when golden Beetleblade
appear on the map.

Go into you Encyclopedia and unlock Animal Whistle. If you managed to capture 5 golden tokens from Beetleblades
earlier unlock Golden Detector as well. Speak to Gabrielle and you get some choices.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Choice 1: Gabrielle +1

Choice 2: Gabrielle -1

Leave and head west to



__Illustration 31

Right when you walk in go to the pier in the lake. Grab Illustration 31. Leave. Head west to the town



__Dimensional Shard x1

__Gold x2

__Illustration 19

__Illustration 86

__Illustration 122

__Jewel of Magnification- You can zoom in on pictures you have collected in Art Gallery

__Lewd Box x3

__Seed of Strength x1


__Beatrix No. 05

__Laquadia No. 04

__Laquadia No. 05

__Laquadia No. 06

__Masquerade No. 09




__Donation Thief

__Pervert Seeker
Table of Contents Walkthrough
__Whitehaven Clear

Straight north to get a Dimensional Shard x1. The go up the stairs to the south into the first building you see and strike
the barrel. You get Illustration 19 and the Pervert Seeker title. If you speak to Farah in the pub she will mention how the
moon has a tail now. Remember to search desks now. In the Inn there is a Seed of Strength x1 and our Traveling
Scholar. Pay him the 350k.

Question 1: River Checkpoint

Question 2: Green

Question 3: Kin'Aurea

Question 4: Vargonia

Question 5: A beach

You get the Jewel of Magnification for your trouble. You can also talk to your party members in town now and invite
them out for fun if you have seduced them before. Only at night. In the house straight west of you is a Beatrix Card No.
05 in a desk. Also a safe!

SAFE 1: 8350

Reward: Illustration 122

Go to the building straight south for Gold x2 and a man who will play prediction with you only during the day. You will
get Laquadia Card No. 4, 5, 6. You need at least Laquadia No. 01 to play him. Straight south west next to a sailor on the
ground is Illustration 86. Search inside the boat there and you should get the Whitehaven Cleared title. Talk to the sailor
in the boat and you can buy Masquerade Card No. 09 for 2200K. Of course pick it up. If you are having a hard time with
cash you can always sell a lewd box or two.

Head to the Inn, or camp and sleep until night.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

In the church you can talk to Hentai and he will reward you for your titles. Even if you are in a new game or not. Hope
Gabe remembers to get rid of him or fix it so you don’t double your lewd boxes. You should have 35 right now. If you
opt to trade titles you will have 70. I would wait until later so you can get even more lewd boxes

Raid the donation plate in the church and leave town while at night. You should get the Donation Thief title. Go onto the
boat and talk to the north sailor for the Obedience quest. Leave town and head south to the



__Ceremonial Circlet

__Dimensional Shard x1

__Illustration 18

__Illustration 77

__Illustration 104

__Lewd Box x1

__Seed of Life x1

__Wolf Pelt x2


__Gabrielle No. 04


__Obedience unmarked quest


__Gentleman's Club Clear

Go into the stable and strike the barrel for Illustration 77 and the chest for a Ceremonial Circlet. Head into the club and
take the painting for Illustration 18. Check the desks for Seed of Life x1 and Wolf Pelt x2. Talk to the patrons if you
please. A Man will sell you Gabrielle Card No. 04 for 1600K. A man will ask for some Farah service for the Obedience
unmarked quest for 240K.

Go upstairs and talk to a man who is Senior Date El'Rape. Doesn't seem to matter what choice you pick. Talk to him
again and agree. You will get a SCENE. You will earn 1500K for your trouble. If you didn't have enough for the card you
should now.

Leave the building and head to the one in the back. Grab the Dimensional Shard and get the Gentleman's Club Cleared
title. Pick up Illustration 104 from the ground. The green haired lady will let you practice for a fee. 500k to see Farahs
boobs again. Leave the place.

Camp out.

Table of Contents Walkthrough



__Torsion Wrench- Lvl. 2 unlock

Unlock Torsion Wrench in the Encyclopedia. Sleep until morning. Head east to the big town. Welcome to


Chapter 3: Neifu and New Blood?




__Lewd Box x1


__A Road Closer

Right when you walk in you get a choice. It doesn't really matter what you pick. You get A Road Closer title free of
charge! Go up and immediately active the blue crystal and teleport.



__Lewd Box x1


__Doing Business

Don't do this until you have at least made 2 RENEGADE choices if you want a chance at another SCENE. So if you got
the Laquadia scenes earlier you are fine. Report to Illumi. We could have done this earlier but I decided to wait until it
was convenient. If you don't remember where Illumi is just go north in the teleport room.

Choice 1: 2000K

Choice 2: Gold Plate

Choice 3: Ask for something personal. SCENE

Choice 3a: Illumi +1

Choice 3b: Illumi -1

Choice 3ba: Finishes scene

Choice 3bb: Change in SCENE. Recommended. You must have made 2 RENEGADE choices to get this option.
Table of Contents Walkthrough
You get another choice during choice 3bb.

Choice 1: She seems scared when she talks to you from now on

Choice 2: She calls you master when she speaks to you

Earned title Doing Business. If you want scenes unlocked you have to pick the second choices. Otherwise be nice and get
a scene in another playthrough. I recommend picking the second choices of course. If it is even possible to. Teleport to




__Costume Fabric – Farah

__Lewd Box x1

__Sapphire Ring


__Port Ronod Clear

Turn in the Squirrel quest to the guy in the far north east building. Doesn't really seem worth capturing the other 2 just
for 1000k... You will get 1000k and Costume Fabric - Farah. Head west two screens and enter the house next to the Inn.
Second floor is a wardrobe we can unlock now for a Sapphire Ring. You should get the Port Ronod Cleared title. Go back
to Brightstone




__Coin Purse- Gift item

__Costume Fabric - Farah

__Costume Fabric - Gabrielle

__Dimensional Shard

__Illustration 15

__Illustration 29

__Illustration 43

__Illustration 68

Table of Contents Walkthrough
__Lewd Box x1

__Luxury Bedroll

__Ring of Resonance- Makes mobs with golden Beetleblade to glow gold

__Rock Wand x1- Earth Based weapon for Mages

__Southern Region Map

__Seed of Intelligence x1

__Treasure Map 03

__Wolf Pelt x3


__Beatrix No. 01

__Gabrielle No. 03

__Masquerade No. 01

__Masquerade No. 04

__Masquerade No. 05



__Classic Thief


__Next to the Jadeite order temple



__Heroic Savoir

__Obedience unmarked quest

__Tavern Wench Unmarked quest- Doesn’t Count


__Safe Cracker

Go right into the Inn and get Gabrielle Card No. 03, Seed of Intelligence x1 from desks and talk to the Inn keeper to
complete Catch-A-Lie for Treasure Map 03. Speak to the Traveling Scholar. Pay him the 400K.

Question 1: Rabbit Pelt

Question 2: Hollow Gorge

Table of Contents Walkthrough
Question 3: Six

Question 4: Kahr

Question 5: The High Lord Gathering

You will get the Ring of Resonance. A very nice item that makes hunting Beetleblade much easier! Go into the first
house west and there is a safe

CODE: 0825

REWARD: Illustration 68

Safe Cracker title should be given. Go west to the next screen. Talk to the women outside of the house there. Go in. Coin
Purse can be found in here. Talk to the boy and go to the other window for a SCENE. Leave the house and go into the
one south west of it. There is a gap in the fence. Grab Illustration 43 from it. Talk to the man at the end of the street for
another step in the Obedience quest. You get 360K from it.

Start heading to the east side of town and right past the inn is a path down you can take to get a Dimensional Shard x1.
North on the next screen is a merchant that sell a Lantern, Luxury Bedroll and Southern Region Map. I would buy at
least the lantern if not all three.

In the item shop is a man that will sell you Masquerade Card No. 05 for 2000K. There is also an outfit shop here. For
making outfits for people if you have at least 3 pieces per. We don't have enough right now. Right above the item shop
there is a sewer grate.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

REWARD: Rock Wand

Head straight west. Talk to the Pale as hell woman there. Thought it was a ghost at first. LOL

QUEST: Chasing Pussy

Description: Find the woman's lost pussy. It is behind the Inn

Reward: Costume Fabric – Farah!

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Before we run off and do the quest. Go into the church and talk to the nun in there. You can play Prediction for
Masquerade Card No. 01, 04. After winning, head into the southern house for Wolf Pelt x3. Strike the barrel for
Illustration 15. Go behind the Inn and talk to the cat. Then head back to the ghostly women at the shrine. Costume
Fabric - Farah is the reward. Now that we have 3 pieces of costume supplies lets go make an outfit for Farah. Pay the
1500K. Bellydancer costume unlocked.

Head northeast to the next screen. Talk to man in silver armor to get

QUEST: Heroic Savior

Description: Clear out the Werewuffie den in Rivulet hills.

Reward: Treasure Map 04

We will get to this in a few. First head into the house right above him. Check desks for Beldorian Ale x2 and Citrine
Earring x1. There is also Costume Fabric – Gabrielle

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Leave here and before entering the pub at the end there. Talk to the purple haired guy to buy Beatrix Card No. 01 for
1800K. Enter the pub. Pick the first choice SCENE. You get 200K. At 10k per cup. DAMN! You get another choice

Choice 1: Gabrielle +1

Choice 2: Gabrielle -1

You get another set of choices. They don't affect anything. Then another set of choices.

Choice 1: Talk to the Mayor

Choice 2: Go to the Crimson Forest

I of course picked choice 2. This also starts the Tavern Wench unmarked quest. You can play Devil’s Dice with a man at
the bar if you are hurting for cash. Since we can make an outfit for Gabrielle now we are going to. Go to the outfit maker
and pay the 1500K. Classic Thief costume added.

*As noted way earlier the first tavern wench challenge doesn't count towards the titles*

Before we continue on with the story we are going to knock out some stuff first. Mainly Gabrielle and Farah side quests.
Along with Heroic Savior.

Sleep at the Inn or camp until nightfall. Go raid the shrine for 750K and go into the house right next to the shrine.
Replace the Poster. Take the painting for Illustration 29. Check the desks and wardrobes if you didn't do it earlier. Leave
town and head over to




__Building west of the pub


__Tavern Wench

After trekking here go to the building west of the pub. Replace the Poster there. Go to the pub and play the Tavern
Wench unmarked quest. Head back to Brightstone and teleport to



__Lewd Box x2

__Silver Candlestick x1


Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Gabrielle No. 05

__Gabrielle No. 06


__Outside the Inn

__Inside the Inn

__Inside the Pub

__Southern building of the Blacksmith

__West of the Item shop by an old man

__In the sewer where you first entered with Farah


__Tavern Wench unmarked quest x2

__Obedience unmarked quest x3


__Cum Swallower

__Shy Flasher

Head straight for the pub and replace the Poster there. Talk to the barkeep to play the Tavern Wench unmarked quest.
Head to the Cathedral to the right side near the lamp post. Farah’s Obedience unmarked quest. There are 5 other
posters here. Head south until you can't anymore then west. Replace the Poster there. Two down!

Go west and on the Inn is another Poster. Replace it. Poster inside the Inn as well. 2 to go. Head east one screen and
north then west from the item shop. Replace the Poster here. Go south between the fence and west. Talk to the man
there for the Obedience unmarked quest. Head down into the sewer. There is a Poster that can be replaced.

Leave back up the ladder and enter the house in the far North West in this area. There is a desk there we can unlock for
a Silver Candlestick.

Head east and off to the right of the item shop is a house you can enter. Play the maid. You can win Gabrielle Card No.
05, 06 from her. You won't be able to get in her safe for some time. Head to the bar area down in the sewers. There is
another guy for the Obedience unmarked quest down there in a room with just barrels.

Head to the tavern and do the Tavern Wench unmarked quest. You should get the Cum Swallower and you should have
received Shy Flasher title. Now we teleport



__On building in the fish market

__On building east of the teleport crystal

Table of Contents Walkthrough
__Tavern Wench Challenge

__Obedience quest

Head strait east. Replace the Poster. Head to the fish market area. That is 3 screens west and down past the bridge.
Replace the Poster as on the building to the west. Head over to the docks and enter the last boat. Inside there will be a
sailor that will help with Obedience unmarked quest. Head over to the pub and do the Tavern Wench unmarked quest.

Teleport to



__Farah No. 02

__Farah No. 03


__Obedience unmarked quest

Go west to the last screen and see a farmer standing there day/night. Obedience unmarked quest. Head into the town
hall and up the stairs. Play the old man there in a game of Prediction for Farah Card No. 02 and No. 03.

Now let’s head out setup camp and sleep until daytime. Leave camp and head into





__Bronze x3

__Costume Fabric - Ra'Tiki

__Golden Token x3 or not

__Illustration 12- Mountain Grinder

__Illustration 44

__Illustration 105- Wuffie Cave. Ruby Chest. 2x coins

__Iron x2

__Iron x3

__Lewd Box x1

__Treasure Map 04

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Wood Squirrel x1


__Mountain Grinder


__Gabrielle No. 01


__Heroic Savior


__Rivulet Hills Clear

Yes you read correctly. We are going to farm 3 Golden Beetleblades. It is an annoying task but you should be fast
enough now to hit them. If they are running away before you are able to hit them, wait until a tad later. We are going to
be gaining some levels soon anyway. I will post the picture again where the mob is that they appear in. You should see
them glowing gold now anyway.

In the same area NW of bettleblade spawn. There is a Wood Squirrel we couldn't catch earlier we can now.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

After getting that head north and take the east path. We are going to fight another legendary. Make sure Gabrielle has
the Ice Flintlock equipped.


REWARD: Illustration 12

This guy is weak to ice. So I hope you have the Ice Flintlock on Gabrielle. If you are a decent level you should have
Frostbite Shot. So you will get a pretty big damage boost. If you are keeping gear updated he hits around 400. Have
Kythe cast Might on Gabrielle to boost her damage even more. Then MC then Farah. Kythe is basically pure support this
fight. Farah is on healing duty as well if needed. Otherwise attack. MC does his strongest attack. Your reward for winning
is Illustration 12.

Talk to the man on the bridge. Raid Illustration 44 and Costume Fabric - Ra'Tiki from the tents. Go into the cave. Get
Iron x3 and kill everything. After the bridge head east to get Bronze x3. Go north now. Grab the Iron x2. Grab the ruby
chest for Illustration 105. Search the desk for Gabrielle Card No. 01. You should get Rivulet Hills Cleared.

Now the fun part. Walking her ass out of there. Just kidding! You don't need to wait for her just leave the cave. You get
Treasure Map 04 for your trouble. Exit Rivulet Hills to the south. Go to Windy Canyon.

Table of Contents Walkthrough



__Ring of Earth x2

__Golden Token x1

Head to this screen and stand where the picture is. This is Treasure Map #3. Search here for

Ring of Earth x2.

If you were lucky enough to get the Golden Beetleblade to appear.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

I will say get 1 Golden Token for later use but from here on out since it tells you there is one and you can find them I will
just post where they are with a purty picture. I will however tell you to get certain skills so it is up to you to farm. Exit
windy canyon to the east.

Head into Nillia Woods



__Ruby Coin x4

__Forest Rabbit x1

__Forest Rabbit x1

Go west to the second screen head south west to a spot around here

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Forest Rabbit x1. After getting that. Head west another three screens. Golden Beetleblade is here.

Head west a little more to this area

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Capture another Forest Rabbit x1. From there head south east around to the bottom of the pond there.

Follow the path to the dig spot. Ruby Coin x4 found. Woot for coins! Exit this place to the east. Head to Highland Inn.
Table of Contents Walkthrough
Teleport to Colussia

Stock up on lots of healing potions and antidotes! I can't stress this enough!

Leave, camp, sleep till night and head to





__Ceremonial Mail x1

__Dimensional Shard x1

__Gold x3

__Gold x4

__Ice Mail x1

__Illustration 03- Inside tent in the abandoned camp

__Illustration 129- Altar Quest

__Lewd Box x3

__Ruby Coin x1

__Seed of Mana x1

__Steel x3

__Radiant Butterfly

__Radiant Butterfly

__Radiant Butterfly

__Radiant Butterfly


__Broncallo: Don't bother killing 30 MOBS yet

__Venom Hornet: Kill 30 MOBS of these

__Golden Beetleblade


__Blessing unmarked

Table of Contents Walkthrough


__Altar Worshiper

__Venom Hornet Slayer/ Vanquisher



__Venom Hornet

Right when you walk in

Radiant Butterfly. Broncallo's have stupidly high HP, 38k worth, for livestock and are weak to fire. More than the 2
bosses we fight later. So if you can take ONE these down you will be ready for the bosses. I mean with that many HP it
will take time. Besides the 250 XP they drop 2800K. Venom Hornets have around 6400 HP and are weak to wind. So use
it to your advantage!

Table of Contents Walkthrough

If enemies here are kicking your ass too much just come back at a later time to kill these guys for their vanquisher titles. I
would recommend you get the Hornet one though.

First head west and south little ways down is a bridge that heads into the water to a chest with Steel x3 and a Radiant

Go south. Grab the Ice Mail x1 and Seed of Mana x1 from the tents. Leave and go north then take the east way from the

As soon as you enter the screen take the path south for a Dimensional Shard x1. Just follow the path east for another
Radiant Butterfly.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Head to the next screen. Raid the tents for Illustration 03.

Go to north east to the next cave for Gold x3, Gold x4 and Ceremonial Mail x1. Leave the cave head straight south and
grab another Radiant Butterfly.

Head east into the cave for the Blessing quest to receive Illustration 129, along with the Altar Worshiper title. Leave the
cave and head south for a Ruby Coin x1.

Leave and camp until sunrise. We are going to kill another legendary since we are strong enough to do so, while
continuing story. If you managed to get the Vanquisher title for the Venom Hornets here you should have gained around
3-5 levels. If you stayed here forever to get the Broncallo Vanquisher title as well you should have gained anywhere from
7-9 levels!

Head to Brightstone. Get whatever you can made, or buy, out of gold in terms of armor. Get as much as you can. Steel
equipment is weaker then gold. Leave town and head to the woods north of it.




__Beam Blades: Weapon for MC. Light infused

__ Emerald Gem x1

__Ceremonial Plate x1

__Costume Fabric - Ra'Tiki

Table of Contents Walkthrough
__Illustration 64

__Illustration 66-Wolheim Howler

__Illustration 75

__Lewd Box x4

__Reflex Herb x2: Increases EVA stat in battle only

__Ruby Coin x1

__Silver x3

__Steel x3

__Steel x3

__Steel x4

__Treasure Map 01

__Tribal Crayons: Gift Item

__Wolf Pelt x3

__Shadow Hare x1

__Shadow Hare x1


__Nectarfluster: Kill 30 MOBS of these

__Sylvan Fungus: Kill 30 MOBS of these

__Golden Beetleblade

__Giantus Golem: Story Boss. 29k HP and is rather tough

__Wolheim Howler: Requires 30 Firewolf kills


__Nectarfluster Slayer/ Vanquisher

__Sylvan Fungus Slayer/ Vanquisher



__Sylvan Fungus



Shadow Hare: Requires more than trap and animal whistle

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Shadow Hare: Requires more than trap and animal whistle

Weak Wall: Noted for when we can access it

Well new enemies so you know the routine. Head east a screen. Nectarflusters are really tiny especially if you are
playing this in windowed mode. Right at the fork in the road go south a tad and get Shadow Hare x1.

In the north east corner is a chest with Wolf Pelt x3. Head north to the next screen. West of the road is a chest with
Table of Contents Walkthrough
Tribal Crayons x1. There are caves to the east and west. Enter the west cave for Steel x3 and a chest with Reflex Herb

East is another hare but we can't capture it yet. Head into the eastern cave for Steel x4, Silver x3 and a chest with Beam
Blades. I will say fight the legendary monster here since we can kill a cow.


REWARD: Illustration 66

Just go full tilt and you shouldn't have issues. It does around 300 damage to one person. At 50% HP or less it casts Rage
which can be a bad thing for you. MC should use Whirlwind slash always. Farah attacks unless simple healing is needed.
Kythe buff your MC with Might/ POWER and Gabrielle use frostbite shot. Illustration 66 is rewarded after killing it. Yes
you can stack power and might which makes physical attacks 175% stronger.

Ignore going north and head back south to the fork then east. If you follow the road north there is another Shadow Hare
we can't capture. Towards the south east is a chest that contains Ruby Coin x1. Exit to the east when ready.

Heal up and save. Boss battle coming! Equip those earth rings on your MC and Kythe. Equip the Power ring on Gabrielle.
Agility on Farah.


REWARD: Emerald Gem x1

Now you know why I wanted you to kill a cow. This guy can be pretty hard. It has less HP then the cow. He hits for
around 400 on one. Tremor takes around 600-800 off 1. Smasher takes around 600 off 1. With the level boosts from
Lake Fairlight we should be okay. Use a barrier herb if you have too. Not too many because you may need them for a

Table of Contents Walkthrough

later fight. MC use Whirlwind Strike, Farah use Focused shot/ item heal, have Kythe cast Power/ Might on MC to make
him hit hard then power on Gabrielle use frostbite shot.

Ra'Tiki added to Journal.

So after that, head east. You can't go north yet but east is a cave. Inside are Steel x3 and a chest with Treasure Map 01.
Don't go into the stone building yet. South is a bridge to a chest with Ceremonial Plate x1. In the tents is Illustration 64
and Costume Fabric - Ra'Tiki.

Head into the stone building and strike the barrel on the first floor for Illustration 75. Head upstairs for some story.
Head down stairs and get a choice. This may make it not possible to get a scene later. I will find out more later when I
have time

Choice 1/2: Possible SCENE later

Choice 3: No Possible SCENE.

There is a Dimensional Shard x1 to the far north as well as a Weak Wall that we can't access yet. There is also a Shadow
Hare x1 here. This one we can capture

So hike all the way out and setup camp.



__Monster Lure: Makes Golden Beetleblades appear more often

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Speak to Ra'Tiki

Choice 1: Nothing

Choice 1a/b: Ra'Tiki +1

Choice 2: Ra'Tiki -1

Unlock the reward Monster Lure in your Encyclopedia. She joins at the meager level of 10! OUCH! She is, so far, the best
offensive caster you have. So getting her up to scratch isn't such a bad idea! Though I will recommend doing that later.
Also since we have Ra'Tiki we can get cards for her, though we will do all that after some story. So head back to




__Illustration 101

__Lewd Box x2

__Ruby Coin x1

__Ruby Coin x1

__Seed of Dexterity x1





__Brightstone Clear

__Frame Stealer

Just take the north east exit and keep heading north. Enter the house with the two Beldorian guards in front of it. Raid
his desks of course before talking to him for Ruby Coin x1. Talk to the mayor.

Willheed added to journal.

After this, head to the place with the gold guards standing outside. You get a choice.

Choice 1: Mother Farah +1.

Choice 2: Nothing

An automatic SCENE occurs.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Mama Farah added to journal.

Check the desks for Seed of Dexterity x1. Grab the painting for Illustration 101 and the title Frame Stealer. In Farah's
room search her desk for Ruby Coin x1. This should net you the Brightstone Cleared title. Talk to Farah.

Both choices lead to the same

Choice 1: Mother Farah +1

Choice 2: Mother Farah -1

You get another choice but it just changes dialog.

Make sure everyone is decked out in gold gear. It is better than steel. If you decide to bring Ra'Tiki make sure she is in
full Wolf Gear. And a Wolf collar for Kythe. Leave town then west back to



__Lewd Box x2

__Emerald Gem x1




__Gabrielle No. 02


__Observant Looter- Possible

__Royal Cottage Clear

__The Lost Cause

*SAVE BEFORE ENTERING THE BUILDING.* You can be stuck here forever without a way to beat her besides cheating
your way out of it. So if she wipes the floor with you do some level grinding at Fairlight. Whoever you decided to leave
out to level Ra'Tiki will be about the same level. If you didn't take Farah she has LESS HP and SP then Ra'Tiki at the same
level. Though she can Seduce her.

Go upstairs and raid the desks for Gabrielle Card No. 02 and get the Royal Cottage Cleared titles. You can get the
Observant Looter title here if you have been following along. Move to the sleeping man. The choices do not matter


Table of Contents Walkthrough

REWARD: Emerald Gem x1

She is pretty tough. Able to hit all your characters at once. Lightly armor characters like Ra’Tiki, Kythe and Farah will take
around 600-700 damage. She can also poison you. Her base attack is rather weak at around 200-400. Good news is if you
have Farah you can seduce her. MC Whirlwind Strike, Ra’Tiki use a might Herb, Kythe POWER MC, Gabrielle Frostbite
Shot and Farah use Alluring dance.

After defeating her you get an Emerald Gem x1. Along with The Lost Cause title.


Chapter 4: Clean up

Chapter 4 will consist of A LOT of side stuff before we move on to the next section of the game. So hope you are ready
to jump around everywhere!

So leave the Royal Cottage and take the path that leads into the trees. If you went to the correct spot you will wind up at


Summer Cove



__Illustration 33- Barrel. Must have Ra’Tiki with you

__Illustration 56- Ruby chest. 4x coins

__Lewd Box x1

__Dimensional Shard x1
Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Beatrix No. 06

__Beatrix No. 07


__Summer Cove Clear

__Local Tourist

You should get the Local Tourist title when walking in. We could have entered hear earlier but we would have Ra'Tiki
with us which changes some things. Actually there are many variations here. None of them with Moo Moo though
strangely enough. Straight west is a Dimensional Shard x1 on the ground. You should get the Summer Cove Cleared
title. Right behind Ra'Tiki is a barrel. Slash it for Illustration 33. There is a red chest in the second hut for Illustration 56.
You can play the man on the SW side for Beatrix Card No. 06, 07. Requires Beatrix No. 03 at least. You will see
Masquerade standing there. Talk to her.

Masquerade +1

Least she is easy to get her to like you. You get a unmarked quest from her to find the lost Baron’s Ring. She says to go to
the Gentlemen’s Club. So leave, set up camp and sleep till night. Enter the club.

Go upstairs in the main building and talk to the grey haired man at the table.

Choice 1: Does nothing

Choice 2: Pay for his waitress

Choice 3: Threaten him

I would just threaten him or pay his waitress. Your choice. He tells you to go to Fellhorn Ruins. Head to Brightstone and
teleport to Caimridge. Camp out and sleep until daytime. Exit then enter the ruins to the east.



__Cursed Ring

__Dimensional Shard x1

__Grey Mouse x1

__Illustration 07

__Illustration 81

__Lewd Box x6

__Ruby Coin x1

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Seed of Dexterity x1

__Treasure Map 05

__Wind Claws


__Bone Wanderer: Kill 30 MOBS of these

__Dark Bat: Kills 30 MOBS of these

__Golden Beetleblade

__Rainway Demon


__Bone Wanderer

__Dark Bat


__Bone Wanderer Slayer/ Vanquisher

__Dark Bat Slayer/ Vanquisher

__Observant Looter- Possible

Enemies will still be tough and more so with Ra'Tiki at a low lvl. So take your time. First building you come across has a
downstairs. Grab the chest with the Wind Claws in them. Head north to the next screen.

In the east building is a Dimensional Shard x1. To the north west of the before the bridge there is a building hiding a
Table of Contents Walkthrough
chest with a Ruby Coin x1. Across the bridge in the western building, head down the stairs.

Capture the Grey Mouse x1 and grab a Seed of Dexterity x1 from the desk. Head back up the steps

On the east side there is a chest holding Broncallo Pelt x2. You could have received the Observant Looter title already
but most likely about here. The building to the north has steps that lead to Illustration 07, a locked gate, and a chest
with the Cursed Ring.

Head north and in front of the door is the Rainway Demon, but it will be hard with Ra'Tiki. You can still take it down
though. We killed a cow after all!


REWARD: Illustration 81

It is weak to wind which is good for us because MC will use Whirlwind Strike, Kythe will Might/ Power MC then cast
Hurricane on him. Gabrielle will frostbite shot of course and Ra'Tiki will Thunder him. If Farah along instead of Ra'Tiki or
Gabrielle have her use Focus shot/ heals. Do not use water or earth on him. Ice is not water. It uses Water based attacks
and mutes your peoples. If it hits Ra'Tiki it does about 900 to her. Flood will do about 1700! OUCH! Your reward is
Illustration 81. Ra'Tiki should be leveled a tad by now. She gained 10 lvls with me. Still should be way below others.

After fighting him head up to the NW part to find a chest with Treasure Map 05. Go ahead and leave here.
Table of Contents Walkthrough
Go to Caimridge and teleport to Port Ronod.



__Ra'Tiki No. 01

Go to the end of the peer during daytime and talk to the guy at the end. Buy Ra'Tiki Card No. 01 for 2200K. With this in
hand we can get more of her cards :)

Teleport to



__Illustration 37

__Lewd Box x1


__Ra'Tiki No. 04

__Ra'Tiki No. 05

__Ra'Tiki No. 06


__Resurrected Baron


__Legendary Knight

Have Gabrielle in your party. Go to the nobleman’s house we did the Laquadia quest for. From the crystal it is north,
east, east then down in-between the gates. Left house. Talk to the guard right when you walk in. Ra'Tiki Card No. 04, 05,
and 06 are the rewards. Head into the sewers via pub basement access. We are still not grabbing that chest yet. Work
your way all the way north.

Equip Beam blades on your MC .


Table of Contents Walkthrough

REWARD: Illustration 37

Okay this guy can be a joke if you did the preparation of having the Beam Blades on MC and having Gabrielle in the
party. This dude is UNDEAD and weak to LIGHT. Since MC and Gabrielle have attacks that are strong against undead we
are going to hurt this dude. He casts dark spells and fear on you. Nothing TOO bad. Just have your MC use Sacred Cross,
have Kythe use MIGHT/ POWER on your MC and Gabrielle use Holy Round. Shouldn't take more than a few turns. He
died in less than 3 rounds for me so other then what I posted I can't help you.

You should get the Legendary Knight title. You maybe tempted to get the red chest in the basement of the pub but still
wait. Now leave and go to



__Gold Dice - Masquerade

Go up to the second screen to here

Dig here to get Golden Dice - Masquerade. Leave here to the south and head to

Table of Contents Walkthrough



__Lewd Box x2


__Ra'Tiki No. 7

__Ra'Tiki No. 8


__Broncallo Slayer/ Vanquisher

Head to the South West camp and in a tent is a man that will gamble Ra'Tiki Card No. 07 and 08. Now for the arduous
task of getting Broncallo Slayer/ Vanquisher. Equip your earth rings on you MC and Gabrielle/ Farah since they are going
to be you main attackers. Might/ Power you MC and have him use their strongest attack. Good Luck! After all that my
toons were lvl 28 and Ra'Tiki was 23. We can fight a legendary here but we will hold off until later. Exit this place.





__Illustration 67


__Sir Troublemaker

Honestly this guy is kind of a joke. I recommend having Farah instead of Gabrielle with you. Make sure she has the
Thunder Bow equipped.


Table of Contents Walkthrough

REWARD: Illustration 67

He has high PDEF and MDEF so you won't be doing loads of damage. He will call for allies. I would just ignore them and
just aim for him. Just rape him with Ra'Tiki electric type spell and have Kythe MIGHT/ POWER Farah and have her just
attack. With all that on her she should be doing over 2k damage to it with normal attacks. He will put people to sleep so
having Farah is a big plus. I don't know if killing the Mischiefs forces him to call more of them. He didn't live long enough
for me to find out.

Head to Port Ronod and port to Highland Inn



__Illustration 65


__Demonicon Eye

Head west 3 screens then straight north. You should see a legendary enemy.


Table of Contents Walkthrough
REWARD: Illustration 65

I guess it may have High Evasion stat but I don't know. The worst thing it can do is confuse you. Since you have Beam
blades equipped and Gabrielle on you team just use your light attacks and have Kythe MIGHT/ Power MC and POWER
Gabrielle. I doubt it will live more than two or three turns.

After this, head out of here via west exit. I would take Ra'Tiki out of the party for Farah. Go to



__Illustration 69


__Waste Gourger

So enter the cave west from the entrance. Enter battle with


REWARD: Illustration 69

Since we can't exploit its' weakness we have to just duke it out. This thing seems to just attack. It can also cast Resist.
This boosts its bad MDEF 25%. It has higher than normal PDEF but low MDEF. Ra'Tiki was doing over 2k a hit with
Table of Contents Walkthrough
thunder. MIGHT/ POWER MC and put a POWER on Gabrielle. It died in around 3 rounds with me so I can't give a better
strat for lower levels.

Leave here and go south to



__Illustration 26


__Queen Stinger

Head south a screen in then to the south east corner of the area. Up the ramp, then into the cave to the north east.


REWARD: Illustration 26

Equip the wind claws on Kythe. This thing is fast and nimble. It calls allies so wail into the first round. Ignore called allies
of course. It heals itself for a decent amount at 50% or less and can greatly increase its attack power. First round cast
grand barrier with Kythe to mitigate some damage. Then keep casting Hurricane. MC use Whirlwind Strike. Don't cast
earth based spells on a flying creature. DUH! Just do what you want with other toons.

Leave here to the south and head to



__Illustration 52


__Necrophant x2

Table of Contents Walkthrough


REWARD: Illustration 52

It wouldn't be so bad if it was just one but yes... It is two of them. They hit hard and have a good amount of HP. They can
also cast RAGE for even more damage and defense, though it lowers their Mdef! It is Ra'Tiki time to shine! Smash them
with Tremor and have Kythe cast Grand Barrier a few times so they don't curb stomp you too easily. Might/ power and
Kythe can actually DESTROY them to lower their PDEF. MC with a MIGHT/ POWER and a DESTROYED on he can do
around 4-5k in damage. You can use a Reflex Herb if you feel the need. It basically makes it so they can't hit you. You are
rewarded with Illustration 52 for your trouble. Leave here and go back to


Go give the Cursed Ring to Masquerade and enjoy the SCENE. After which leave and head to the



__Illustration 46


__Toad Ninjutsu

He is right when you walk in... You can't miss him


Table of Contents Walkthrough

REWARD: Illustration 46

This guy can heal himself at 50% and give himself physical protection. Just do the usual. MIGHT/ POWER the MC and cast
Thunder with Ra'Tiki. If you are feeling cheeky you can always seduce him and wreck him faster. He will go down rather
quickly. He lasted only 3 turns for me.

Leave here and back to Brightstone


Chapter 5: Who will rule all the farmers?




__Osira added

Go see Mayor Willheed and deliver the bad news.

Before heading to the bar go visit Mama Farah and get a choice

Choice 1: Mama Farah +1.

Choice 2: Mama Farah -1

Head to the pub now. Choice doesn't matter. You see the guy that has been following us around and someone new or
someone we know well if you played the other games. She knows Illumi or is Illumi. The plot soup thickens!

Osira added to the journal.

Go back to Mama Farah. SCENE. After the scene you get some choices.

First choice doesn't matter.

Second question

Choice 1: Mama Farah +1

Choice 2: Nothing!

Answers for the third question do not matter. Although some are the replies are funny. After that lengthy set of scenes
head on out. Go back to the Mayors house. Leave here and head to


Table of Contents Walkthrough
__Diplomatic Contract

__Ribbon of Speech: Lets you talk to animals. Temporary :(

Head to the peer and on the boat is Mayor Willheed. He will give you the Diplomatic Contract. Talk to the captain and
choose to leave. This seems like a perfect time to give gifts to people but gifting isn't enabled yet. Don't go downstairs
yet. Talk to Ra'Tiki then Farah. You can make a choice. These may affect a scene later?

Choice 1: We'll give us some time?

Choice 2: We'll invite Kythe as well?

As of yet I don't know if they change anything. I am listing them here though for the future. Since it has been so long. I
doubt it actually will affect anything.

Then talk to Gabrielle. You learn something neat! You get the Ribbon of Speech. Talk to Kythe. Learn some cool things. I
picked from the choices that we could share Gabrielle. Lol.

Whatever you try to do you can't keep it. LOST RIBBON OF SPEECH :( Damn you Gabrielle. Let me keep it! Head
downstairs. Then head upstairs. Once we arrive in Port Ronod go straight to the Grand Bridge. If you missed the
dimensional shard here earlier this is the time to grab it. Move on out of it and enter



__Illustration 92

__Illustration 99

__Lewd Box x2 potential 3

__Elixir x3






__Breeding Lesson

__Imperial Manor cleared

__Observant Looter- If not received earlier

Everything is missable until you start a new game. So grab it now. As soon as you enter go to the stable on the right
side of the screen. We couldn't enter there earlier do to the scene that took place. Grab Illustration 99 off the ground
there. If you missed the dimensional shard grab it now before entering the building. It is on the north east side of the
Table of Contents Walkthrough

Layla added to the journal.

Search the desks before leaving this area for Elixir x3. Go up and you get a SCENE.

You get a choice

Choice 1: Heroic Path

Choice 2: Renegade Path

Opala added to journal

Try to go up the stairs. Choice doesn't matter. Talk to Layla before going out the door. Leave here. Leave the camp and
head back to the Imperial Manor.

Head to the west side of the building. Go upstairs grab the painting for Illustration 92 and check the desks for Imperial
Manor Cleared title. Head into the bedchamber.

Choice 1: SCENE

Choice 2: Funny dialog but no scene :/

You get a choice.

Choice 1: Finishes


I would pick the second option for another Scene.

Mhu'Tiki added to journal and Breeding Lesson title if you took the second scene.

Head down stairs and get a choice

Choice 1: Nothing

Choice 2: Mhu'Tiki +1

Go to the North West room and exit the window. We can't come back here so if you haven't gotten everything you are

Instead of going left run straight at the guards. You get an ENDING SCENE for doing this. I highly suggest doing this
considering it is a SCENE. You get a second chance. Select it and now go west.

Go to the grand bridge. “Vad skall detta föreställa” Basically what is this or what is happening.

After all that you get a choice. Doesn't matter which. Choice one seems to be the better answer though. Respectfully
anyway. "Kom till min sida, Tharg” Come to my side, Tharg. You get another choice

Choice 1: Beatrix +1

Choice 2: Beatrix -1

Since she is your home girl tell her the truth. You should have received the Observant Looter title by now. If not you
missed a decent amount of loot spots. Head to

Table of Contents Walkthrough



__Illustration 135

__Lewd Box x1


__Spoils of War- Very Missable if you are nice

Head 2 screens north then east between the fences. Enter the building. We can finally get to the safe! We still can't open
the wardrobe though...

CODE: 1944

REWARD: Illustration 135.

Go to the pub there and you will see Beatrix standing at the bar.

Talk to her. “Jag är en vinter kvinna! Enkrigare, en moder!" I am a woman of winter! A warrior, a mother... I love you
Beatrix! Choice doesn't matter.

The second choice does matter though

Choice 1: Heroic Path “Ja, det kanske är dags att dra sig tillbaka.” Yes, maybe it’s time to retreat. “Du är en sann
gentleman” You are a true gentleman.

Choice 2: Renegade path

If you are doing Heroic path pick choice one so you can get the scene and Heroic points. You will get another set of
Table of Contents Walkthrough
choices. The right thing would be to take her home.... NAHHH

Choice 1: Take her home. Little short event after doing the right thing..

Choice 2: SCENE. “Se så, var en duktig pojke” See, be a good boy.

Choice 2a: If you do her. Spoils of War title

Choice 2b: If you pick Kythe to do her you get a neat visual after.

"I forgot you were so great!"

I would advise you do her for the Spoils of War title. Let Kythe do her on another playthrough.


Off To The Boonies



__Doubtful Match

Teleport to Brightstone, leave town then head to Gentlemen's Club and talk to Senior Date El'Rape. The choice affects
the dialog. Agree either way. You get a SCENE. You get 3000K for your troubles. Leave and setup camp

Talk to Mhu'Tiki

Choice 1: Mhu'Tiki +1

Choice 2: Mhu'Tiki -1

Talk to here again and you get another choice

Choice 1: Mhu'Tiki +1

Choice 2: Mhu'Tiki -1

Doing this gives you a side quest to get a Lewd Latcher for Ra'Tiki. Rest until daytime. Leave camp and go to Whitehaven.
Go to the pier to the far west and talk to the guy fishing. Head into the building with the sailor standing next to the door.
Talk to the man with the blue bandana on and purchase one for 8500K. You can haggle to make it cost 4000K.

Leave town and setup camp. Speak to Mhu'Tiki for a choice. The choice just affects Dialog. You get a SCENE.

During the scene you get a choice

Choice 1: Finishes scene with Ra’Tiki

Choice 2: Finishes scene with Mhu’Tiki.

The two choices have different sets of scenes. You can only get one each playthrough. So if you want a complete scene
index you have to play through twice on each edition.

Camp again and speak to Ra’Tiki twice to get a Ra’Tiki +1 and a SCENE

Table of Contents Walkthrough

First choices doesn’t matter

Choice 2a: Finishes scene

Choice 2b: SCENE change. Recommend on first playthrough

You receive the Doubtful Match title and a lewd box.

Head east to


Head to Mama Farahs place. Just a quick chat is all. Head to Mayor Willheed's place and speak with him. After the fun
head out of here to run into Black Dame. Go back to see Mama Farah for a SCENE. Leave town and straight south to



__Dimensional Shard x1

__Lewd Box x1


__Black Dame Card No. 01


__River Checkpoint Clear

Right when you see the two guards walking south talk to the civilian off to the left. He sells Black Dame Card No.1 for
2500K. After that head south and right before you leave to the left is a Dimensional Shard x1.

River Checkpoint Cleared title obtained.


Arlon Farmlands


The first big city you see is Arlon. It is where we are supposed to go. Yet we want to explore!

Right there is a path to a bridge. Welcome to



Table of Contents Walkthrough


__Ceremonial Glove

__Gold x2

__Gold x2

__Gold x3

__Gold x3

__Illustration 28

__Illustration 30- Ruby Chest. 2 coins

__Lewd Box x6

__Mithril x2

__Mithril x3

__Mithril x4

__Mithril x4

__Rock Cloak x1- Resists Earth Based attacks

__Ruby Coin x1


__Fishmouth: Kill 30 MOBS of these

__Albino Finmouth: Kill 30 MOBS of these

__Golden Beetleblade



__Albino Fishmouth


__Fishmouth Slayer/ Vanquisher

__Albino Finmouth Slayer/ Vanquisher

__Advanced Miner

__Treasure Seeker

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Head north into the tent for Illustration 28.

Head into the cave then head east. The chest has Ruby Coin x1. Mine the node for Mithril x3. Head down the stairs.
Mine the Gold x3. Open the ruby chest for Illustration 30. Head back up the stairs.

Go on the west side and keep heading west. Mine for Gold x2. Go down at the cross section then down the stairs.

Take right path for a chest with a Ceremonial Glove x1. North and east is Mithril x4. West is Mithril x2. You should get
the Advanced Miner title as well. If you are having a hard time finding the Albino Finmouth it does blend in with the
background. There is one in this area though.

Head north to the next screen. Take the west path to a chest with 780K. North of there is a node for Gold x2. Take the
east path to get Gold x3. Head up the stairs. Go south then east to a node for Mithril x4. Go north around to a chest
with a Rock Cloak x1. If you head upstairs we will find a weak wall for later. So keep it in mind.

That is all there is here for us. You should get the Treasure Seeker title here. Leave via east exit over the bridge. To the
north is a tower. Enter if for



__Dimensional Shard x1

__Full Health Potion x3

__Gold x2

__Gold x3

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Lewd Box

__Reflex Herb x2


__Green Goblin

__Golden Beetleblade


__Green Goblin Slayer


__Green Goblin

There is no need to get the Vanquisher title from the green goblins here. We will soon be fighting them in spades. Just
kill the ones as you go.

Head in a little bit and go up the west ramp. South west of there is a chest with Full Health Potion x3. Following the path
to near the building go west until you find a cave. Mine the Gold x2, Gold x3 and the chest for Reflex Herb's x2. Leave
the cave and to the south east corner is a Dimensional Shard x1. We are done here.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Straight south is



__Dimensional Shard x1

__Costume Fabric- Farah x1

__Illustration 06

__Illustration 09

__Illustration 50


__Chronology Defender

On the far south east part of the area is a purty envelope for Illustration 50. On the right side of the building north of
there is a Dimensional Shard x1. You should get the Chronology Defender title. Inside the building is Costume Fabric-
Farah x1

Upstairs and cut out Illustration 09. The desk requires the lvl 3 lock pick set to open. Downstairs is a safe

Table of Contents Walkthrough

SAFE: 2073

REWARD: Illustration 06

Leave this place before Gabrielle starts having flashbacks!

Head south and follow the road around to the east and north


It will boot you out. East is



__Mama Farah No. 03

Talk to the guy near the paladin to buy Mama Farah Card No. 03 for 3200K. Leave and go south a cunt hair to



__Dimensional Shard x1

__Illustration 47

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Illustration 60

__Lewd Box x2

__Silver Candlestick x1

__Ruby Coin x1

__Costume Fabric - Farah


__Mhu'Tiki No. 02

__Gabrielle No. 07

__Gabrielle No. 08

__Masquerade No. 07


__Four Seasons Inn Clear

Go to the left to find a Dimensional Shard x1. Head south and to the head right. Talk to the guy there to buy a Mhu'Tiki
Card 02 for 3500K.

The Stable next to him houses an envelope for Illustration 47. In the south east building, Inn, you can play a guard at
prediction for Betting Gabrielle No. 04 or No. 05. And winning Gabrielle No. 7, 8.

Northwest building in a desk contains Masquerade No. 7. Straight south is a desk that requires lock pick. Contains a
Silver Candlestick. Next building contains Ruby Coin x1 in a desk and Costume Fabric - Farah!

After searching everything. Four Season Inn Cleared title is earned.

Go out and setup camp then sleep until nightfall. Head back into the inn unlock the door.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

SAFE: 1192

REWARD: Illustration 60

Leave setup camp, sleep until sunrise. To the south is



__Costume Fabric – Gabrielle

__Dimensional Shard x1

__Illustration 103

__Lewd Box x2

__Wolf Pelt x3


__Sunny-Sue Ellen


__Fatman Locater

__Uncle Dad's Farm Clear

Place has an interesting name to it. Talk to the girl standing next to the door.

Sunny-Sue Ellen has been added to the journal.

East past the building and up above the pig pen is a Dimensional Shard x1. Far East the follow the path north contains
Table of Contents Walkthrough
Costume Fabric - Gabrielle. In the barn is Rancid Horace. You get some dialog. Inside the house is Master Hen'Tai
wondering around in his barrel. Strike it to get Illustration 103. Fatman Locater title for your trouble as well. Search the
desks of course for Wolf Pelt x3. Uncle Dad's Farm Cleared title. Leave.

Head west then south to



__Seed of Mana X x1

__Tremor Wand- Earth based weapon. Stronger then Rock wand


__Osira No. 4

Talk to the man outside of the building for Osira Card No. 4. He sells it for 2900k. Inside the building are Seed of Mana X
x1 and a chest with a Tremor Wand. Leave then head to the building north to



__Chrono Shard – For forging Dream Keys. Whatever those are??

__Dimensional Shard x1

__Illustration 53

__Lewd Box x2

__Ruby Coin x1


__Lost Spirit: Kill 30 MOBS of these


__Lost Spirit


__Forgotten Cemetery Cleared

__Lost Spirit Slayer/ Vanquisher

North east part of the area is a chest with a Ruby Coin x1. Inside the fenced area of the building up northwest is a
Dimensional Shard x1. Inside the building is an envelope containing Illustration 53. Head downstairs and there is a chest
Table of Contents Walkthrough
with a Chrono Shard You should get the Forgotten Cemetery Cleared title.

Now follow the path all the way back around past Arlon and south to



__Illustration 106- Ruby Chest. 2x coins

__Ariba’d Loco x3


__Beatrix No. 10


__Skymaiden Collector

To the bottom right area is a ruby chest that contains Illustration 106. To the west is a cave. You can’t get in unless you
have 40 trading cards. Assuming you have been following the guide you should have 43 cards. We can get in.

MyGeek: The Summoning

To play any of the 3 champions you need to have at least 8 cards of that type. So if you want Beatrix card No. 10 you
need to have at least 8 of hers anyway.

Grab the chest for Ariba’d Loco x3. Go talk to the guy in the turban. Chose to play against the Beatrix champ and collect
Beatrix Card No. 10. It won’t popup, but you get the Skymaiden Collector title. Leave here. Head into the forest right to
the east is in the glade and it is conveniently called...



__Dimensional Shard x1

__Forest Rabit

__Lewd Box

__Ruby Coin x1


__Immemorial Glade Clear

Right when you walk in head up then follow the area east. There is a Dimensional Shard x1 sitting right next to a tree. In
the south east corner past the shard is a chest that contains a Ruby Coin x1. Immemorial Glad Cleared title achieved.
Straight west of the crystal is a Forest Rabbit.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

There is a nice looking crystal there... Don't use the crystal just yet.

Leave here and go northwest to the Illusion Forest to get in in the logs. Just leave as there is nothing to do here. Go into




__Agility Crystal x4

__Costume Fabric - Ra'Tiki

__Dimensional Shard x1

__Illustration 22

__Illustration 36

__Illustration 39- Ruby Chest. 3 coins

__Illustration 114- House right of the crystal. Strike the barrel

__Illustration 182

__Lewd Box x4

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Mithril x3

__Nal'Tara Wine x1

__Ruby Coin x1

__Seed of Life x1

__Small Health Potion X x1

__Amulet of Assistance- Makes quest givers glow!

__DYNAMITE!!- With this stuff you can destroy weak walls.


__Black Dame No. 02

__Black Dame No. 03

__Black Dame No. 04

__Laquadia No. 07


__East screen next to man past the fence. Can’t miss it.


__ Obedience unmarked quest

__Tavern Wench Challenge

__Pop Quiz Wizard


__Arlon Cleared

__Coin Tosser

__Trouble in Paradise

__Quiz Challenger

Well you get the title Trouble in Paradise right when you enter. Activate a crystal for the first time in a long time. In the
Pub in the back room is a Ruby coin chest with Illustration 39. You should be getting the Coin Tosser title. Up the stairs
and in the right house check desk for Laquadia Card No. 7. Strike the barrel for Illustration 114. To the far left house is
Costume Fabric - Ra'Tiki and a Ruby Coin x1.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Head straight up past the house and enter the cave. Mine the Mithril x3. We can't get the chest in the water yet. In the
basement of the item shop there is a safe.

SAFE: 6545

REWARD: Illustration 22

Table of Contents Walkthrough

In the northwest house let’s cut out Illustration 36. Desk here has Nal'Tara Wine. Building next to it contains Seed of
Life. Also our friendly Scholar. Quiz time. Cost 500K.

Question 1: Tel Ravida

Question 2: Steel Demoness

Question 3: Prediction

Question 4: Three

Question 5: Nal'Quenias

You win the Amulet of Assistance as well as the Quiz Challenger title. After getting all that stuff, there is a path that
leads east below the item shop. Take it to another part of town.

Speak to Ra'Tiki. The north east next to the shrine is a Dimensional Shard x1. Replace the poster next to the man in the
fenced area. The house next to him contains Small Health Potion X x1.

Crate move, enter cave... Chest has Agility Crystal x4. You should get the Arlon Cleared title.

Well we can actually talk to villagers now! The farmer, after leaving the cave, next to the east building for the Obedience
quest. Talk to the old man near the crystal for a Quest

QUEST: Pop Quiz Wizard

Description: Beat the wizard in Fierra Falls at a quiz game on a bridge.

REWARD: Ring of Intelligence

Table of Contents Walkthrough
Back in the pub with the red chest you can play the old man in a game of Prediction. You need Black Dame No. 01. You
win Black Dame Card No. 2, 3, 4. Make sure and buy dynamite from the item store. You should be kind of rolling in cash
right now so I recommend just buying 11 for now. That is 22000K worth. Most expensive thing so far.

Sleep in the cave until night time. Go into the shrine and steal their monies and pick up Illustration 182 on the ground.
Go to the pub and do the Tavern Wench Challenge. You can buy Vintage Booze here. Head to the teleport room

You should, by now, have received the Observant Looter and Treasure Seeker title. Since missing a drawer and chest
here and there is easy to do, I will just put it here. If you don’t have them you missed A LOT of searchable areas.

Teleport Hub


Go and speak to Illumi. Since we have picked up a total of 30 shards we can get a little something extra. She gives you a

Choice 1: 4000k

Choice 2: Mithril Plate

Choice3: SCENE

As usual ask for something personal to get a SCENE. Having her call you master from earlier doesn't affect any dialog
during this scene. Leave. Sleep until daytime.





__Lewd Box

__Seed of Agility x1

__Treasure Map 06


__Mhu’Tiki No. 01


__Stone Remover

Go north to the second screen past the first turn and up past the second where an old man is standing through the
fence. Down into the sewers we go. Go west to here.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Blow them up and go in for Treasure Map 06, Mhu'Tiki Card No. 01 and Seed of Agility x1. You should also get the
Stone Remover Title. Not bad :)

Leave town camp and unlock Rock Charges. You obtain +2 more materials from ore deposits now. Head to

*All mining values will now reflect the +2 from rock charges. So if you didn’t get it, -2 from the values listed. If you
couldn’t unlock rock charges now wait till later.*



__Gold x5

__Illustration 51- Thorn of Fairlight

__Illustration 98- Ruby Chest. 2 coins

__Lewd Box


__Thorn of Fairlight


__Lake Fairlight Cleared

Go to the far east screen. NW part of the screen is a weak wall. Destroy it and mine the Gold x5, Lake Fairlight Cleared
title and the Ruby Chest with Illustration 98. Leave the cave and enter the closest cave to you. To the top right of the

Table of Contents Walkthrough

cave is a legendary


REWARD: Illustration 51

This guy is a thorn in your side and can mess up your party if you let things get out of hand. Poison is easy to deal with
but he can paralyze and slow your entire party. That can be an issue. So have Farah with you and at least Kythe. You can
silence it with Farah's Sealing Arrow. It will basically make it a punching bag. Otherwise hit it hard and fast. DON'T drag
this fight out. Illustration 51 is your reward.

We could have fought this guy way earlier, but I decided to wait until we had charges and enough coins to make the trip
worth it.



__Lewd Box



Go to the clothing shop and get an outfit for Ra'Tiki for 1500k. Leave and head north to Leave town and go north to



__Gold Dice - Ra'Tiki

__Silver x5

__Silver x7

__Thunder Bow x1

Head east 1 screen and north 1 screen to this spot

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Dig up the Thunder Bow. Head all the way back to the Neifu settlement. Instead of going into the settlement, go north

Head into the cave for Silver x7, Silver x5 and the chest for Gold Dice - Ra'Tiki. So leave here and head back Arlon then
to Immemorial Glade. Use the crystal there now. Exit the area and welcome to Detroit! There isn't a map for naming
places here. Head north to Stonehenge



__Illustration 79

__Illustration 91

__Lewd Box

__Crystalized Catalyst- Used for making dream keys

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Hollow Man: Kill 30 MOBS


__Hollow Man


__Hollow Man Slayer/ Vanquisher

__Wall Demolisher

Head up and activate the blue crystal! New edition. Go to where the cave was in Arlon and now there is a weak wall
here. You should receive the Wall Demolisher title. Go inside the cave and get the Ruby Chest for Illustration 79.
Nothing else on the first screen. Head to the east part of town. In the house on the southern part is Illustration 91.
Interestingly enough there is a powerful seal on the shrine. Maybe more later?

Head to the newly activated crystal and teleport. A brand new area! Least to me! You can talk to the ghouls in here to
get some story. No idea when this area was added. It is a replica of the normal teleport area as it seems to be exploding.
Frozen in time. Like this world. If you go to where Illumis room there is a chest with a Crystalized Catalyst

Leave and head north to


There is absolutely nothing here for us. So just leave and go back to the other world by using the crystal again in the
Immemorial Glade. Leave this place and head to





__Antidote X x1

__Barrier Herb x3

__ Emerald Gem x1

__Ceremonial Helm x1

__Dimensional Shard x1

__Frostbite Flintlock: Gun with stronger ICE based attack

__Hurricane Claws: Stronger Wind based attack

__Illustration 34- Ruby Chest. 2 coins. If you travelled back

Table of Contents Walkthrough
__Illustration 109

__Illustration 125- Shrine Quest

__Lewd Box x3

__Mithril x4

__Mithril x4

__Mithril x4

__Mithril x4

__Mithril x4

__Mithril x5

__Mithril x6

__Platinum x5

__Platinum x5

__Platinum x5

__Platinum x6

__Platinum x6

__Ruby Coin x1

__Ruby coin x1

__Tiger Pelt x3

__Treasure Map 02

__Wood Squirrel- Up the ramp from south entrance

__Wood Squirrel- Right before bridge Pop Quiz Wizard


__Ironard Bandit: Kill 30 MOBS

__Giga Plump-Kill one. Come back later.

__Green Goblin Kill 30 MOBS

__Golden Beetleblade

__Tordose Shell

__BOSS: Spiriwood


__Art Enthusiast

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Fiery Falls Cleared

__Green Goblin Vanquisher

__Ironard Bandit Slayer/ Vanquisher


__Pop Quiz Wizard




__Ironard Bandit

__Tordose Shell

We are here to find the secret pathway. So let’s find it. Right from the entrance head right. Go up the stairs into the
cave. There are some people in here. Mine the Mithril x4. Go up to the altar for Illustration 125 and get the chest for a
Ceremonial Helm x1. Mine the Platinum x5 and get out of here.

Go up the ramp from the entrance to capture a Wood Squirrel.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Go NW to a cave. Mine Platinum x6 off to the right. Follow the path. Mine Mithril x4. Exit the cave north grab the chest
for Treasure Map 02. Go back through the cave and head east. Follow the path to the next screen. Grab the chest for
Tiger Pelt x3. Go left at the T section until you can go south. You should see another Wood Squirrel

You will run into a guy on the bridge.

Question 1: WHAT... Is your name?

Question 2: WHAT... Is your quest?

Question 3: WHAT... is the size difference between High Priestess Laquadia and Farah's breasts?
Table of Contents Walkthrough
If you don't get the nod to the movie you are too young to play this game.

Continue on to a chest. Ruby Coin x1. Don't bother going north unless you are killing your 30 enemies. Otherwise head
west and you should see another Wood Squirrel. So grab that sucker

Go up and right and behind some trees is a cave that has a chest with Hurricane Claws. Head down the stairs for a
Dimensional Shard x1. Go west in to cave. Mine the Mithril x4. Exit the cave. Head east until you see a nice shadow


REWARD: Illustration 109

This thing is pretty tough. It has unsurprisingly high defense. It hits with all water based attacks. Singular and the entire
party. So be prepared for a long battle. You can’t seduce him with Farah which is a shame. Turtle loving and all that. Just
have Ra’Tiki caste Lightning based spells/ cast MDEF spells on your party.

You should get the Art Enthusiast title for your hard work. Head down the stairs. Blow up the wall area that looks way
off. This doesn’t count towards the title. Enter the cave.

Follow the path to a chest off to the right bridge. Antidote X x1. Take the left bridge and get the Mithril x5. Go into the
Table of Contents Walkthrough
next section. Ignore the north bridge and head east. Mine the node for Platinum x5. Now take the north bridge, mine
the Platinum x6. . Ignore the Giga Plump. After going north take the right path to a chest. Barrier Herb x3. Go left and
mine the Mithril x4. Head north to the next section.

Take the first path north to a chest with a Frostbite Flintlock. Continue along the path to a Platinum x5. Go east to
nodes of Mithril x6 and Mithril x4. Follow the path to a chest containing a Ruby Coin x1. The Giga Plump is a really hard
enemy. Just go all out and you will eventually take it down. Think of it as a cow with more defense and hits harder. You
should get the Fierra Falls Cleared title!

You could head all the way back to the Ruby Chest we couldn’t open. Open it for Illustration 34. I recommend just
waiting until after the assault but I thought I should put it here. It is up to you.

Now go back to the split where we went right. Go up instead. Save if you wish. I recommend you do so. Also equip earth
rings on your low MDEF toons. AKA Kythe.


Weak against wind, fire and thunder. Almost had a band name there. It absorbs earth and water attacks so those are a
no no. It can cast earth based spells that attack single/ party. So if you brought Kythe you are in luck! Honestly if you
have been fighting the Giga Plumps here this guy won't be too much trouble. Otherwise Shore up and cast might/
defense spells and beat the hell out of it!

After the battle you get 750 XP per person, 2200K and an Emerald Gem x1. Head north 2 screens and enter



__Ironard Bandit

__Steel Demoness

__Baron Ironard


__Lewd Box

__Prison Keychain x1
Table of Contents Walkthrough
__Seed of Dexterity x1


__Mama Farah No. 01

__Mama Farah No. 02


__Beast Trainer



__Steel Demoness

Keep going north. Ignore the north east part in here. Fight the guard for the Prison Keychain. You have a choice.

Choice 1: Mhu'Tiki +1

Choice 2: Mhu'Tiki -1

Your choice of course. Don't forget to raid the desks for a Seed of Dexterity x1. Head upstairs. Ignore going north. Least I
couldn't find anything. Head west.

On a side note. Interesting enough if you leave through the south door and make your way back to Arlon. All the
villagers are back and Mhu’Tiki is chilling there with some dialog. Some of the villagers have unique dialog during this
small window of time. She is in the eastern cave. So you can leave if you want to see all that. On the way out though
there is a butt load of enemies that actively chase you.

Head up through the door to get into a scripted battle. You are given a choice. If you need to heal and all that pick lets
rest first. To get out, just run straight south. You will have to avoid a as load of enemies on the way out though. If you
are ready pick time to meet the Baron and go straight into another boss fight


REWARD: Emerald Gem x1

She hits hard. She attacks with only physical attacks. Single and party. It will most likely wreck lower defense toons like
Ra'Tiki. A single attack called bone shatterer causes massive damage to a single person. You found barrier herbs so I
Table of Contents Walkthrough
recommend using them. She has a high 46k HP pool and pretty high defense. Just hit her harder then she hits you. 800
XP and 200K monies, Emerald Gem as well.

Well after that you get into it with the Baron... Yeah I don't know how much HP. Maybe around 500 tops. It has to be
that low because he died in 1 hit... Poor little fella. He does taunt over and over again! 50 XP..... 2500K though! As well
as an Emerald Gem.

Ironard added to the journal. After all the chattering.

Mhu’Tiki is a playable party member now! She comes at lvl 20. So if you have been doing as the walkthough states she
will be lower level than some. This is new as of EP. 03

At this point in the game you can start buying places to support your castle. Check (PRT) for the properties. They will
all be in their own area near the bottom of the guide. I do recommend you do all weapons/ armor upgrades before
buying places in towns. We will buy one place. So we will wait until we get to Khar..

Talk to the farmer sitting at the table. You can play him at prediction for Mama Farah Card No. 01, 02.

*If you haven’t been opening up Lewd Boxes you should have 99 of them. I recommend open a good amount of them.
Save some to sell if need be. Lewd boxes sell for 2500K and Emerald Gems sell for 750K. So after unlocking all of the
galleries for boxes it will give you gems. Save some boxes for future updates. Otherwise you may not be able to
unlock the entire gallery. Assuming there will be more.*

Activate the crystal. Go down to the jail cells and talk to the farmer. You get some choices

Choice 1: Heroic +1

Choice 2: Renegade +1 SCENE

Choice 3: Renegade +1 SCENE Maybe changes event further in the game?? No idea!

You get choices during the scene

Choice 1: SCENE change. Finish on her chest

Choice 2: Anal. You get the option to cum in her or on her. Remember what you picked for future playthroughs.

After the scene you get another set of choice

Choice 1: Renegade +1

Choice 2: Lets both of them go

Steel Demoness added to journal. Taking the scene nets you the Beast Trainer title. I picked sample first, tit fuck, then
kept them in jail. If you want all scenes you need to tit fuck her. Speak to the farmer again. They will move her to the
other cell. You can “Tame” her if you wish if you kept them prisoner.




Exit to the south. If you didn’t roam all the way back through Fierra Falls, do so now to unlock the chest for Illustration
Table of Contents Walkthrough
34. Entering from the north. That is one screen south and one screen west into the far western cave. Chest is on the
west side in the cave. Leave the map via north.

Head east to



__Illustration 90- Shrine Quest

__Illustration 127

__Bear Pelt x4


__Tordose Barrier



When you first enter go south then east past the cave to find a chest that holds Bear Pelt x4. Enter the cave now and
pray at the altar for the Blessing Quest. You receive Illustration 90. Go east to the next screen. There is a legendary

ENEMY: Tordose Barrier HP: 38000 Strength: EARTH Weakness: WATER

REWARD: Illustration 127

XP: 2200 CASH: 2000K

It has a pretty good amount of health. Very high PDEF. It can cast Tremor on a single target and earthquake on the party
for ouchies. It absorbs earth spells. You can break it to lower PDEF. If you have Mhu’Tiki she can cast flood on it. Just play
it smart and it shouldn’t take too long.

That is all you can do here for now. Leave. Go to the castle and port to

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Lewd Box

__Lovelorn’s Confession

__Ring of Intelligence


__Sunny-Sue Ellen No. 01


__Pop Quiz Wizard complete

__Farmer’s Daughter



Return back to Arlon and turn in your quest to the old man near the crystal. Your reward is a Ring of Intelligence x1 and
Unemployed title. Go west past the pub and down the stairs. There should be a man with the farmers hat there
requesting your help! Accept his quest for

QUEST: Farmer’s Daughter

REWARD: Bear Pelt x9

Table of Contents Walkthrough
Head up to the middle building at top and you can buy a Sunny-Sue Ellen Card No. 01 from a guy for 3200K. You can
speak to all the villagers for thanks. Head back out to



__Illustration 70

__Lewd Box


__Psycho Warrior


__Legendary Crusader

He is north of the east entrance.


Table of Contents Walkthrough

REWARD: Illustration 70

I don't know. I guess I am so overpowered from killing cows this guy wasn't much of a problem. I can't even formulate a
strategy since he died so fast. He can do a multiple hit attack on the party and rage himself. So I would say try to break
him with Kythe. You should receive the Legendary Crusader title for your trouble.

Leave the map and run all the way to UNLCE DAD’S FARM. Go speak to Sunny-Sue by the building and give her the
letter. Also, enter the building and BUY THIS PLACE. It costs 8000K but it will stop it from interfering when we buy
everything else. Go back to Arlon



__Bear Pelt x9

Turn in the quest and receive Bear Pelt x9. Hit up the teleport crystal



__Ceremonial Claw

__Lewd Box



Go here since we got Treasure Map 02 from Fierra Fields

Table of Contents Walkthrough

REWARD: Ceremonial Claw x1

Swashbuckler title is rewarded as well.

Teleport back to Brightstone and head towards Mayor Willheed’s to receive some depressing sights. If you go to try and
see Mama Farah and Queen Opala they are gone and replaced with some soldiers. You can talk to them for information
about what happened to them.

Head to Arlon now and head east and south to the Smuggler's Route. West of Uncle Dad's Farm.


Heading to Kahr





__Dimensional Shard x1

__Dispel Leaf X x2

__Gold Dice – Illumi

__Lewd Box x2
Table of Contents Walkthrough
__Illustration 110

__Mithril x4

__Mithril x4

__Mithril x5

__Mithril x5

__Platinum x6

__Ruby Coin x1

__Tiger Pelt x3

__Grey Mouse- Inside building in south entrance


__Golden Beetleblade


__Queen Hornet




__Scorbane Slayer

__Smuggler’s Route Clear

Don't bother going for the vanquisher title yet here. You will be able to fight more while working on another title. Just
kill the ones on the way.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

So talk to the man guarding the path. After a little convo he will let you pass. Enter the cave. Grab the Mithril x4 then
east for a chest with Dispel Leaf X x2. Follow the path south to the next screen.

Grab the Platinum x6 and Mithril x5. West is a chest with a Ruby Coin x1 and south of that is Mithril x5 Follow the path
south to the next screen.

Take the first south you come across then take the cave exit out. Follow the narrow path to the right for a chest with
Gold Dice - Illumi. Head back and take the other path south. Before exiting go east to mine Mithril x4.

Before exiting south go east up the ramp. You can find 450K in the shack. There is also a Grey Mouse. Outside there is a
chest west with Tiger Pelt x3. North of that through a narrow path is a Dimensional Shard x1. Smuggler’s Route Cleared
title is given. There is a juicy shadow enemy. You should be able to win. If not just read who to bring in battle


REWARD: Illustration 110

This thing is nimble. Weak to wind and IMMUNE to earth. It calls allies usually on the first or second turn. Which can be
a nightmare. Six of them to boot! All Venom Hornets! So if you had a hard time with them earlier you are in a world of
hurt. Once you get it down under 50% it heals itself for a good amount. So if you have Kythe with you, you can hurt her
real good. Get her as close to 50% as possible Power/ might MC and have him use Whirlwind Strike for around 5-10k
damage and have Kythe then cast hurricane. Even if you “kill” her before she called allies she will anyway. Just be smart
and you will do fine.

Exit this place from the south.

Enter the first place that you see and welcome to



__ Ceremonial Cowl x1

__Diamond x3

__Dimensional Shard x1

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Illustration 14

__Illustration 48

__Illustration 83

__Lewd Box x6

__Mithril x4

__Platinum x5

__Revival Potion X x1

__Ruby Coin x1

__Treasure Map 08

__Grey Mouse


__Fire Demoness


__Goblin Overlord

__Golden Beetleblade


__Fire Demoness


__Area Explorer- Possible earlier.

__Fire Demoness Slayer/ Vanquisher

__Paradisus Clear

__Pilgrimage Monk

__Scorbane Vanquisher

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Straight north past the sign above the pond is a chest with Revival Potion X x1. Southeast of the building is a
Dimensional Shard x1. Inside the building on the ground is an envelope with Illustration 14. There is also a Grey Mouse
off to the left. Head through the door and follow the path west inside the cave. Grab the chest for Treasure Map 08.
Mine the Mithril x4 and Platinum x5. Interact with the altar to get Illustration 83 along with the Pilgrimage Monk title.
Remember to heal your MC. Go back through the building.

Head west a screen. There is a shadow enemy. Whatever you do don’t have Light based weapons equipped! Attack it if
you dare. Equip sun plate on MC at least. I would leave Gabrielle home for this fight. Since both Ra’Tiki and Farah can


REWARD: Illustration 48

He has lots of HP. He casts blessing and divinity that are light based damage. He can also poison the entire party which
always sucks. He can also silence the entire party. Good news is that he can be silenced which stops his spells. He is
weak to dark spells. Can’t exploit that at all!

In the northeast part is a chest with Diamond x3. There is a weak wall to west of the chest.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Blow it up. Inside the cave are chests with Ruby Coin x1 and a Ceremonial Cowl x1. Paridisus Oasis Cleared title should
be earned. After all that fun leave.


Head back to



__Illustration 131- Ruby Chest. 2 coins

Head up the ramp to the shack and get the ruby chest for Illustration 131. Leave.

Head west to and into the Desert Checkpoint



__Dimensional Shard

__Lewd Box


Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Desert Checkpoint Clear

On the North West side of the area is a Dimensional Shard x1 laying on the ground. You should get the Desert
Checkpoint Cleared title. Leave to the west to an area that looks like a circle of sand before Kahr to reach



__Ceremonial Cloak x1

__Costume Fabric – Mhu’Tiki

__Dimensional Shard

__Full Revival Potion x2

__Illustration 76

__Illustration 187

__Lewd Box

__Ruby Coin x1


__Pit of Ror’Ga Clear

When we enter here go east, down the ramp and follow the east way to a chest with Full Revival Potion x2. Keep
following the path around and down another ramp. Go south to another chest with Ruby Coin x1. Go back up towards
the ramp and head east instead of up the ramp. Down the next ramp. At the bottom there is a Dimensional Shard. Head
into the building then down the stairs. Grab Costume Fabric – Mhu’Tiki and Ceremonial Cloak from the chest. You
should get the Pit of Ror’Ga Cleared title. Next to the chest is an envelope with Illustration 187. Since “Gabe” adds stuff
randomly while making the game we still have a cave to search. Even though for the tenth time the area is clear… So
much for fixing that… Leave the building and there is a cave straight north. Inspecting the altar you receive Illustration
76. That is all we can do here so leave. Who is Ror’Ga besides a typical naming scheme of the “KIDS RACE” Can’t
remember the tribe name.. Head straight north following the path to..





__Costume Fabric - Farah

__Dimensional Shard

__Illustration 156

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Lewd Box x2

__Mirror of Memories- Unlocks past memories??

__Platinum x4

__Platinum x5

__Rage Herb x2

__Ruby Coin x1


__Key of Dreams


__Beldorian Sighseer

__Hermit’s Retreat Cleared

You should have received Beldorian Sightseer title entering here.

Right when you start walking in you should notice a chest for Rage her x2. Go straight into the cave ahead of you and
farm Platiunum x4 and Platinum x5. On the way grab Illustration 156. Check the desks for Ruby Coin x1. Speak to the
man there and you find he is looking for his daughter. A blacksmith Behelda. He on the other hand is called “Dream
Weaver Helmir.” Says his hammer was stolen. Leave the cave.

Quest: Key of Dreams

Description: Find his hammer by bombing the wall on the same map. Return it to him.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Reward: Mirror of Memories

To the limited west. west and notice a wall that can be bombed

Go into the cave and find Costume Fabric - Farah and a Worn Hammer. Leave the cave and follow it west to a
Dimensional Shard and you should get Hermit’s Retreat Cleared title. Another Lewd box. Head back to Dream Weaver
Helmir and return his hammer. When doing so what he brings up about his daughter makes me think of Masquerade
and you get another bouncy tutorial about how the mirror will hang in your quarters later in the story.. He is also a
unique blacksmith in the game. He can unlock?? Hidden memories of characters if you bring him the materials?
Unknown to me at this time. He will be able to unlock more keys as the story progresses. So we shall wait and see. Leave
the map.

Camp. Make sure your party has Ra’Tiki, Mhu’Tiki/ Kythe and Farah. Especially Farah. Now go and enter




__Citrine Earring x1

__Costume Fabric - Ra'Tiki

__Dimensional Shard x1

__Glorious Pick- lvl. 3 unlocking ability!

Table of Contents Walkthrough
__Gold Dice - Beatrix

__Golden Bowl

__Grey Mouse- Building next to blue crystal

__Grey Mouse- Building with Illustration 21 next to beds. Left side. Can’t see!

__Illustration 01

__Illustration 21

__Illustration 45

__Illustration 74

__Illustration 88

__Illustration 95

__Illustration 128

__Lewd Box x

__Monocle of Indency- makes NPC’s that will trading cards easier to spot.

__Ruby Coin x1

__Ruby Coin x1

__Ruby Coin x1

__Savage Whiskey x2

__Seed of Strength X x1

__Wolf Pelt x4


__Layla No. 01

__Masquerade No. 06

__Ra’Tiki No.02

__Ra’Tiki No. 03

__Sunny-Sue Ellen No. 02

__Sunny-Sue Ellen No. 03

__Sunny-Sue Ellen No. 04


__On a wall on the outside of a building on the west side of town

__On a wall on the east side of town. SE building

Table of Contents Walkthrough


__Kahr Thief

__Void Chaos


__Cleaning The Streets


__Rainbow Stones

__Tavern Wench Challenge



__Canvas Robber

__ A Temple in Sand

__Sperm Drinker

__Strongbox Raider

You get A Temple in Sand title right when walking in. Activate the blue crystal. In the building right next to the crystal is
Illustration 88. Capture the Grey Mouse running on the left side. Right next to the blue crystal is a knight there for the

Quest: Cleaning the Streets

Description: Be bait in alley ways at night for thieves and only attack those at threaten you with violence.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

REWARD: Gold Dice - Beatrix

To the west of the inn up a narrow path you can find Layla Card No. 01. The east narrow path doesn't have anything but
it still counts as looting!

Head north into the next screen and upgrade your armor and weapons as you please. Mithril forged stuff is weaker then
platinum, stuff you can buy.

Straight west of the armor shop is a house with a fence with a goat in it for a Seed of Strength X x1. House west has
nothing but an empty desk. Outside the house with the empty desk, past the beastman, is an envelope that contains
Illustration 95. In the material shop there is a beastman that will play you for Sunny-Sue Ellen Card No. 02, 03, 04.

Head to the west area and go north between the buildings to get Savage Whiskey x2. There is a Grey Mouse next to the
bottom of the left bed. You can’t see it. You have to wait until night time to get the painting though. You can play
prediction beast man in the top right corner. He is rather hard to see. You must have at least Ra’Tiki No. 04 and he
wagers Ra’Tiki Card No. 02, 03.

The item store sells full HP, SP, Revive, and Elixir’s. They are pretty pricey but if you can afford it get some. Mainly for the
upcoming Legendary we are going to be fighting.

House next the item shop has Ruby Coin x1 and Wolf Pelt x4. Head north up the street for a POSTER that needs to be
changed. The house next to it contains a safe.

SAFE: 9116

REWARD: Illustration 01

You should get the Strongbox Raider title for your trouble. Head north to the next screen. The first house west has
Costume Fabric - Ra'Tiki.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

The house west of it has a Citrine Earring x1 in a locked desk. You can't take the painting while the guard is there. Head
north up the road and talk to the red haired woman for a quest

QUEST: Rainbow Stones

DESCRIPTION: Find colored jewels around Harmonia Sands. Blue, Red, and one green

REWARD: Treasure Map 07

Table of Contents Walkthrough

West, at the temple, there is a Dimensional Shard x1 sitting there on the ground. Now head back to the center of town.
That is where the Pub is. Head east this time.

The first building is the public Sauna. Head into it and the NW room has a barrel to strike for Illustration 74. Head south
east to find a building with another POSTER on it. Talk to the mouse man there for the Obedience quest. To the
northeast is Mayor Rickstedt's house. Before we go in and say hi.

Equip their strongest armor aka Platinum and silk gear. Make sure Ra’Tiki has the ring of Intelligence equipped. Weapon
doesn’t matter for it

Head into the Inn. You will see our old friend the Traveling Scholar. Pay him the 750K to do his questions.

Q1: Zweibelle

Q2: Beldorian Huntress

Q3: Fire Demoness

Q4: 38

Q5: A bordello… Officially

You receive the Monocle of Indecency. Makes it able to see who has trading cards to “earn.” I have been officially
playing this game for too long. I knew her age off the top of my head.

Rest until night time. Head up the alley NE of the blue crystal and run into a thief. Fight. We will track these all down.
Head into the pub and play the Tavern Wench Challenge. Sperm Drinker title is rewarded. You can also buy Ariba'd
Loco from the bartender. You can play Devil’s Dice here too. South of the material shop is another thief to fight.

Go west and in between the building again to snatch Illustration 21 from the wall. Between the item shop and the home
is another thief to fight. Next to the poster you changed is a guy that will sell you Masquerade Card No. 06 for 3800K.

Go north one screen and into the far west building and snatch Illustration 45 from the wall. You should get Canvas
Robber title from it as well. Head up to the temple and head west again into the shrine. Snag the temples funds.

Head all the way east, past the pub and head straight south of the sauna then to the building you were not allowed to
enter. If you want to engage the enemy I warned you. You were needed to bring magic players. Farah is KEY to this


Table of Contents Walkthrough

REWARD: Illustration 128

This guy can wreck your world or be a piece of cake. If you read above you can’t damage him via Physical attacks. Period!
The reason I had you bring Farah is because of her Sealing Arrow ability. It won’t physically damage it but it is almost
guaranteed to work, like 90% chance to silence it. Make sure you do this ON every 3rd turn or he will nuke you with dark
magic that hits the entire party. If you keep him silenced he doesn’t do anything besides get beat up. He may attack you
but it does like 100 damage.

Afterwards you can grab a Ruby Coin x1. When you leave the hut the man that warned you NOT to go in there will
attack you. This is the last thief. You can go into the mayor’s house and snag a Golden Bowl from a locked desk. Don't
talk to him yet. Head back to the knight by the blue crystal and turn in your quest. Head into the inn and open up the
encyclopedia and unlock the Glorious Pick. You STILL can’t unlock the leather leash. Sleep until day. We are going to
take some simple sidequest that are in link with the story. Use the teleport crystal and teleport to Caimridge.



Leave and head into Fellhorn Ruins. We could have done this earlier, but without the glorious lockpick it defeats the



__Costume Fabric – Farah!

__Ominous Potion

__Overflowing Pitcher

__Grey Mouse


__Osira No. 01

__Osira No. 02



Head all the way north to the top screen and enter the first door you run straight into. The left lizardman will play you in
prediction. Requires Osira No. 4 and you win Osira Card No. 01, 02. Left cell has a Grey Mouse. Right in there is
Costume Fabric- Farah. Leave the room and enter the door north of here.

You meet Vhazar from the scene earlier. After some talking, Osira will give you the Ominous Potion. If you agree she
gives you the Overflowing Pitcher.

If you don’t agree to help, it just puts it off until later or you decide to never do it. So agree

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Vhazar added to the Journal.

Leave here and head to Caimridge and teleport to



__Illustration 93

__Diamond Pitcher

__Garnet Necklace

Before heading to the castle, visit Duchess Lynevere’s place. It is east of the item shop, with the two guards outside.
Open the Wardrobe for a Garnet Necklace.

Head to the castle and go to the door. You will be prompted. Drink the potion. Head all the way up and cut out the
painting you couldn’t earlier for Illustration 93. Before going into Laquadia’s room enter the Emperors room and open
the desk we couldn’t get to earlier. If you didn’t unlock the Glorious Pick you are screwed. Diamond Pitcher received. If
you didn’t raid all the desks and such in the beginning of the game this is your last chance to do it. Head into Laquadia’s
chambers and just read along. You get some choices.

Choice 1/2: Leads to another choice

Choice 1/2 a/b: Makes her drink it.

Choice 1/2 c: makes her drink another cup

Choice 1/2 d: You just leave.

Choice 3: She doesn’t drink it and you fail your mission in a sense.

Even if you pick choice 3 and head back to Osira it just changes the dialog a tad. He doesn’t reveal that she didn’t drink
it. I recommend you get her to drink it of course for some sweet revenge. Leave here and report back to Osira.


You get some very nice backstory on Crayden and Laquadia. A lot of information actually. Talk to her again and get some

Choice 1: Leads to another choice

Choice 1a: Osira -1

Choice 1b: Osira +1

Choice 2: Leads to another choice

Choice 2a: Nothing!

Choice 2b: Osira +1

If you picked the +1 options on either you get another batch of choices. They don’t seem to affect much that I can find as
of yet. I picked choice 1 and 1b. For the second batch I picked the second choice. It is up to you of course.
Table of Contents Walkthrough
So leave here and head back to Arlon. If you don’t have about 10 revive potions I recommend buying cheap ones. Leave
and head to



__Golden Bowl

__Illustration 24


__Mhu’tiki No. 03

__Mhu’Tiki No. 04

__Mhu’Tiki No. 05


__Rock Worm


__Prestige Ranch Cleared

Right when you walk in just head up. You will see him there.


REWARD: Illustration 24

Every 3 rounds it instant kills someone. No matter what. It has rather high PDEF. That is the only gimmick with this.
Every 3 rounds someone dies. Revive, Rinse and repeat. You will take him down. Slowly but you will.

After defeating him head into the building and upstairs. We can finally unlock the desk for a Golden Bowl and the
Prestige Ranch Cleared title. Talk to the guard sitting at the table to play him for Mhu’Tiki card No. 03. 04, 05. Head
back to Arlon and port to Kahr. Leave town and head to
Table of Contents Walkthrough


__Colored Stone

Enter and go to the NE side by the tower. You will see a green stone on the ground. Grab it for a Colored Stone. Leave
and go to



__Colored Stone

Go to the NE build and head through the back door. Near the cave entrance you will see a red stone on the ground.
Colored Stone obtained. One more to go. Leave and head into the smuggler’s route.


__Colored Stone

Right when you enter head east and up the ramp. You should see it right there. Grab the Colored Stone. Head back to



__Treasure Map 07

Go all the way to the temple area to turn in this quest. She is the red head standing next to the 2 guards. You are
rewarded with Treasure Map 07. You don’t have to get this right now but I am doing so because we can. Before we run
off and continue the story. Head over to smuggler’s route



__Ruby Coin x4

After completing the quest for stones we received treasure map 07. Head over to where you fought the legendary to
here. Dig it up.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

REWARD: Ruby Coin x4

After all that head back to Kahr


Kahr Temple

Enter the NE house on the east side of town. Talk to the fat man at the table. Leave for more talkies. You get a choice.

Choice 1: Farah +1

Choice 2: Gabrielle +1

Bring who you want. I brought Gab case Farah will already bang you. Go ahead and head to the temple. When walking
up you get some conversation with the local riff raff.

Zweibelle added to the journal.

If you haven’t bought the lantern then go buy it.

Enter the temple.



Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Chrono Shard

__Illustration 117- Ruby Chest. 3 coins

I couldn’t resist using the name. Head right upstairs and pool is a chest with a Chrono Shard. You can try to talk to
Duchess Lynevere, but she won’t give you the time of day. Speak to Zwebelle and ask her what you will.

Head down stairs and on the left side, open the chest for Illustration 117. Talk to people if you want and head into the
only path there. If you don’t have the lantern you are screwed big time. Even if you leave to speak to Duchess Lynevere
she is gone.

Even with it you only see like 5 feet. So this place is a maze and of course you can only see a few feet. Thanks Gabe! Also,
there are not any treasures on the first floor at all.

I will be giving directions based on where to turn. If the path only turns left, say a corner, I won’t say turn left until
you get to a split. Not the normal North South East West.

From the start go up of course. Right. Right and up.

Talk to the guy in there. You can examine the skeleton to find out that people have been dying in here for some time.
Leave the room.

Left. Left. Left. Up. Up. Right. Talk to the woman. Right. Up. Right. Right. Left. Up. Right.

Talk to the man. Exit small room and go UP. Right. Up. Up. You should be at the door. Well if you followed correctly you
should be anyway.
Or skip all that stuff and head straight there ;) Left, Up, Up, Right, Up, Right, Right, Up, Up

Enter said door and enjoy the conversation. Head north. Well the farther you go the more you want to turn back. I
recommend saving. You find Megasautru. After some conversation, you get some choices. Doesn’t matter what you
pick. You get shot up with Heroine and wake up in a



__Costume Fabric – Mhu’Tiki

__Reflex Herb x3

__Ruby Coin x1


__Mana Golem- Don’t fight


__Mana Golem

After some more conversation you get some choices. First one doesn’t matter. Second one does though.

Choice 1: Zweibelle +1. SCENE.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Choice 2: Zweibelle -1. Nothing

She opens the curtain to see Mama Farah getting screwed by a Gai’Deld! For 3 days apparently. I find it amazing that the
hero understands so much German, and the amount of ze’s… She wants your seed for the experiment. We learn that she
did something to Francesca and in “good health.” You are her “first class subject” it seems. Why is it in everything
Germans are evil scientist? Choice during the scene don’t matter.

After that you will be woken up by the masked mercenary. Grab your gear, talk to her and leave the room.

Mana Golems have like 32k HP. Little intense if you ask me. If you fight them with who you have. GL. Since it is only the 2
of you I wouldn’t fight any of them. If you do, they cast earth based spells so equipping earth rings is vital to fight them.
We will come back later to fight them.

Go up north into the room. After some conversation, Mama Farah +1. Head south and in the middle room. Search the
cabinets/ desks in the back for a Ruby Coin x1 and Reflex Herb x3. Head east to the next room for a Costume Fabric –
Mhu’Tiki. There is nothing in either northern rooms.

Head south and try to open the gate. After some conversation search the filing cabinets for nothing but it helps. When
you exit to the south you will come to place we haven’t been in a long time. Welcome back to Hollow Gorge! You still
can’t interact with the ghosts though.

Leave the area via the south. Our next destination is back to Castle Warrengard. If you go to Summer Cove you will get
some new dialog and some choices. So head though Grassland Road to Brightstone. Teleport to Castle Warrengard.


Taking the Offensive



Head up to regroup with your people. If you went in with Gabrielle or Farah, Farah runs up and slaps you pissed as hell.
Depending on who you did go in with she will say something different. After some conversation you are given some

Choice 1: Black Dame +1

Choice 2/3: Nothing

After some more Conversation you have your next goal. Iron Spire. Before heading out though talk to Mama Farah and
get some choices. They don’t seem to affect anything right now. They both get you Mama Farah +1

At this point in the game you should start upgrading your castle. To do so you will need properties and such check
section (PRT) for a list of all properties and (WRN) for castle upgrades and what they take.

You can of course can now or have been doing it. I just won’t be addressing it right now. It is a good thing. You will know
soon enough. Before I say to do all that upgrading, let’s head to the Iron Spire.

Make sure to fill your party back up. Otherwise you will be by yourself. Make sure you at least have Farah and
Gabrielle in your party.

Head to the crystal and teleport to Highland Inn then leave. Head NE to

Table of Contents Walkthrough




__Illustration 57

__Illustration 132

__Lewd Box

__Nal’Tara Wine x2

__Ruby Coin x1


__Beldorian Knight


__Imperial Archknight



__Iron Spire Cleared

As soon as we enter you get a warning. This is another PNR. Point of No Return. Also this is a ONE TIME ONLY place.

So if you are ready select let’s go and you will get into a fight with Beldorian Knights and their Magihounds. Gabrielle can
kill everything with her Bullet Barrage skill. Even more enemies come. I think these are the same guys from Port Ronod
from way earlier Just more of them. You then get into a fight with a



Here we go, an actually enemy. He is just a stronger knight. He doesn’t do anything to crazy. He didn’t do anything to me
besides attack. He doesn’t even drop anything. All the enemies here are one fight and gone. So farming potions here
isn’t a thing.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

So after beating them, head inside. Grab the chest for 2000K. Grab the painting in the back there for Illustration 132.
Head upstairs. Raid the desks for Ruby Coin x1 the head up the next set of stairs. Grab the envelope on the floor for
Illustration 57. Head up the stairs and read the conversation.

Raid the desks for Nal’Tara Wine x2. This should net you the Iron Spire Cleared title. Head all the way down to the first
floor. Go into the new opened path and see a nice save crystal. Use it and continue south.

You run into a familiar face. After some conversation you get into a fight with them all. The minions are not much of an


REWARD: Emerald Gem x1

He can cast Grand Blindness on your entire party making you always miss. Electrocute is a high damage thunder spell
that hits in the entire party as well. Most his spells are thunder based. He has pretty good MDEF so spells won’t do much
against him. You can seduce him easily. This makes him weaker to physical damage. So just rip into him with physical
attacks. He should go down rather quickly as long as you are not blinded.

You get some choices. Pick what you will. You automatically head to

Castle Warrengard


__Lewd Box


__Truning the Tide



You earn the Turning the Tide title and Kythie journal entries.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Talk to Black Dame to advance the story. She wants us to go save Queen Opala from Illusian Forest. Go speak to Mama
Farah again for a Mama Farah +1. So if you had Kythe in your party bring one of the spell casters with you. It matters not
really. Once your party is setup teleport to Arlon. Leave and head west to


Illusian Forest



__Ceremonial Wand

__Dimensional Shard

__Full Elixir x3

__Granite x4

__Illustration 20

__Illustration 35

__Refined Ember- For making Dream Keys

__Seed of Mana X x1

__Ruby Coin x1





__Egyptian Talent

__Illusian Forest Cleared

__Oniquine Slayer/ vanquisher

__Shadowood Slayer/ Vanquisher

You can make another outfit for Farah though we will wait on that since it doesn’t actually do anything. Amongst other

When you enter just go west for a scene. After that enter the woods. Head north then follow the path west to the next
screen. North of the turn there is a chest with 1500K in it. Exit south then head west. You will get a scene. Head a tad SE
here to find a ruby chest with Illustration 20. Head north to the next screen and west to the next screen. Right there is a
chest with Granite x4. Head west and west again. South and open the chest for a Refined Ember. at the tombstone
Table of Contents Walkthrough
looking thing.

Head back north then east then south. Right at the intersection to the west is a chest with Full Elixir x3. Head south
twice and west then north. Before entering the church on the left side of it is a Dimensional Shard on the ground. Once
you enter the church you are treated to some Dream Blight scenes. After a few scenes you get to move. Talk to your
mother and you get some choices. They don’t matter. After that you get a SCENE. You should be able to get a altered
scene if you have enough Heart from your mother. I couldn’t get it to trigger this playthrough. Must have missed
something earlier or it is bugged perhaps. After the scene you should get the Eqyptian Talent title.

Grand the envelope for Illustration 35 and the two chests for Ruby Coin x1 and Seed of Mana X x1. Leave the church.
Exit then south. East twice and at the corner grab the chest for Cermonial Wand x1. Go north twice then east. South,
east and grab the chest for Full Spirit Potion x3. You should receive the Illusian Forest Cleared title. South, east, birth,
north then east out of here.

Head to Arlon and teleport back to Castle Warrengard. Go up to Black Dame to continue the story

You get a choice

Choice 1: Black Dame +1

Choice 2: Black Dame -1

On the way out you talk to your group. You get some choices. As far as I know, since I haven’t played through EP 03
dozens of times, the choices don’t change anything. I went with teach Kythie everything.

Kythie is now playable.

Head to where she was and socialize with here and get choices

Choice 1: Kythie +1

Choice 2: Kythie -1




We are going to finish up all the content we left behind before we move on, story wise, to “EP 03.” Just like with all the
betas so far, the newest episode adds things you can get to from a fresh play through earlier. Examples are Illusion
Forest, lewd boxes, talking to your mother and even some trading cards. This is why I don’t like doing BETA

Put Kythie in your party just cause. We need a fair share of Krowns to buy all the property. 152,075K We are going to
take care of that now. Go basement to



__Lewd Box x2

Table of Contents Walkthrough
__Giga Plump


__Giga Plump Slayer/ Vanquisher

So spend forever here getting those titles. Giga Plumps give 2400K. So times 29 is 69600K. Almost half way there!



__Lewd Box x2


__Mana Golem


__Mana Golem Slayer/ Vanquisher

Enter the labs and get your titles.

Mana Golems give 2500K. So times 30 is 75000K. So just doing the vanquisher titles on those two monsters nets you
144600k. Not bad. You should have enough now to buy basically all properties. You can also sell all your collectables,
Citrine Rings etc. With just that you should have plenty to buy every property. If not you are maybe 2 mana golem
battles away from it.

Buy at least 30 properties. If you don’t buy 4 of the most expensive properties the price comes down 54000k! Although
after fighting all those Giga Plumps and Mana Golems you should have enough to get all the upgrades that you currently
can get.

For purchasing all things go to Section 9.


__Dream Key: The Scent

__Hunting Gloves

__Outfit for Farah. Says it takes 4 pieces but only takes 3

__Illustration 94. Ruby Chest. 3x coins

__Title exchange in Whitehaven.

While in Brightstone get a new outfit for Farah if you didn’t do so earlier.

While in Whitehaven open all your lewd boxes than go into the church and talk to the merchant there. He will give you

Table of Contents Walkthrough

lewd boxes per achievements. This is meant for returning player to EP 03. So you will get 99 lewd boxes again. Sell some,
about 50, for a 125,000K. You should also be maxed out on Emerald gems. These sell for 750K a piece. Even if you don’t
fight the monsters for money earlier. You should have more than enough money for basically the rest of the game. I was
almost at 500,000K just from selling lewd boxes, emerald gems and fighting the monsters.

Remember a long time ago when I told you NOT to grab the chest from the Colussia Pub basement? Yeah you can get it
when buying stuff in Colussia. Illustration 94. While grabbing all the properties you will get Deed Acquirer and Property
Magnate. After getting those two titles unlock Hunting Gloves in your encyclopedia.

After buying all your properties. Teleport to Kahr, leave and head back to hermit’s Retreat. Go talk to the blacksmith and
have him craft Dream Key: The Scent. Head back to Castle Warrengard.



__Illustration 41

__Illustration 96

__Illustration 40

__Granite x3

__Seed of Life x1

__Vintage Booze x2


__Layla No. 03

__Layla No. 04

__Naz’Raala No. 01


__Corrus Spawn

I really recommend you don’t upgrade everything at once. The reason for this is because if you take rubble away from a
spot the search items come back. First things first we need workers. Head up to Black Dame and recruit 9 workers.

I will give a quick order. The rubble above, west of the save crystal and to the east in the next area. Walk out to the
world map and back in.

*Raiding these desks here doesn’t help the Looter Title*

Head up into the door and find Illustration 96 on the ground. Leave the room. Go to the west area and search the desks
for Naz’Raala Card No. 01 and Vintage Booze x2.

Head down the stairs on the left. The desks and such contain Seed of Life x1 and Granite x3. After that, talk to the guy

Table of Contents Walkthrough

down there and have him clear it out. Head up both sets of stairs and pick up Illustration 40. You can find a guy at the
table and play him at Prediction for Layla Card No. 03, 04. You need Layla No. 01 to play.

Leave the castle from the door and setup camp Make sure you have Farah, Gabrielle and Ra’Tiki in your party. Equip the
Frostbite Flintlock on Gabrielle and put the ring of strength. Also put the Ring of Agility on Farah.

When you use the teleport crystal and come back it makes the items in the prison cells will be back. So head west and
downstairs to raid the desks again for Seed of Life x1 and Granite x3 again. Head east go up and fight the


REWARD: Illustration 41

This guy can be pretty hard! He has many fire based spells for single and party. Good news is he is weak to ICE AND
PARALYZE! If you did what I said have Farah use Unleashed Shock on him to paralyze him. Ra’Tiki use Grand resist and
Gabrielle use her Ice Shot. Farah must use it every 3rd turn. If you do it he won’t even be able to attack. Period.

After all that we are going to head to the east. Search the desks again, if you did the first time while raiding here, for
another Seed of Dexterity x1. Last but not least head out the front door and talk to the guy to clear the rubble. Leave
come back and talk to the two people there and have them do their work. That is all we can do. If you did all the
upgrading 3 people will be standing off to the left of the crystal.

Teleport to Brightstone and leave for the Crimson Forest.



__Lewd Box

__Shadow Hare- Screen with the 2 caves. Below small water area

__Shadow Hare- Third screen east. Follow the road a tad on the left side near a tree


__Wildlife Catcher

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Head east to the second screen then up north to the next screen. Go around the trees then below the water

You should get the Wildlife Catcher title. After that head south then east to the next screen. Up the pathway a little bit
you will see another Hare to capture.

So leave this place and teleport to Arlon. Leave then walk to the Tower of Descent.



Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Illustration 118


__M1-A Prototype

This is where you have to put your big boy pants on. Head into the cave there and enter a rather tough battle! If you
can’t beat this enemy just come back another time.


REWARD: Illustration 118

The guy hits hard with both physical and magic. Can hit the entire party with both as well. You can exploit some of his
weaknesses. You can still destroy him though. I wouldn’t bet the fight on it though. Just have Kythe Might/ Power MC
and power Gabrielle as usual. No real strat here just fight it out until you win.

After all that stuff we are going to fight an Ultima Monster Head to Serenity Bridge. Make sure it is daytime.



__Treasure Map 09






__Planting Seeds

__Serenity Bridge Clear

Table of Contents Walkthrough
Head all the way through the cave system to the weak wall and blow it up. WE could have done this as soon as you get
the dynamite, but it is pretty strong and would wipe the floor with you. To get there go into the cave, down the stairs
and head left and down to another set of stairs. Head north then NE up the stairs and up the next. Blow the wall up.
After entering grab the chest for Treasure Map 09. You should get the Serenity Bridge Cleared title.

Start walking towards the pond. You see someone new. If you are playing as a beastman you get a different dialog. Neat!
You get a choice.

Choice 1: Ends the game. Wish some scene was attached to it though. Would have made it a possible choice.

Choice 2: Battle!!

This is it! The biggest baddest enemy so far.


REWARD: Emerald Gem x1

That isn’t a typo. 120,000 HP! And she has no status weaknesses. Luckly she is weak to Fire AND thunder so least we
have that on our side. Use your Herbs to your hearts content! She is a bad plant. Have Gabrielle use Inferno Shot and
Ra’Tiki use Thunder. She casts flood and tsunami. She can seduce a person. She can also poison the entire party.

2000 XP and 10000K with an Emerald G em are your rewards.

After all that pain Roseus is added to the journal.

You can talk to her afterwards and get 3 choices

Choice 1: You come to feed her SCENE (Nets you the Planting Seeds title.)

Choice 2: You inquire if she can be moved

Choice 3: She is hungry. You leave

Go ahead and leave here for now head to the cemetery.

Table of Contents Walkthrough



__Illustration 115


__Giganto Brutus

So go all the way inside the building and head down the stairs at the top. Attack the shadow



So we can seduce him. That makes him 50% more likely to miss with his physicals. He does physical attacks that can hit
the entire party. Around 50% HP he will cast rage on himself. He can also fear the entire party. Have Farah seduce him
with Alluring Dance. When he rages his MDEF will drop a lot.

After that, leave


Chapter 8: Road To The Second Spire


First things first. Head to Uncle Dads Ranch.

Head into the NE shack and have a conversation you get a choice

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Choice 1: Black Dame +1

Choice 2: Black Dame -1

You automatically jump down the hole





__Complex Weapon x3

__Dimensional Shard

__Forest Rabbit

__Forest Rabbit

__Illustration 61- Envelope right when you drop down

__Illustration 73- Ruby Chest. 3 coins

__Lewd Box x5

__Platinum x4

__Platinum x5

__Reflex Herb x2

__Ruby Coin

__Seed of Life X x1



__Earth Demoness

__Golden Beetleblade- Second screen from entrance. Next to a log


__Mr. Fuzzyfurl


__Cockalot Slayer/ Vanquisher

__Earth Demoness Slayer/ Vanquisher

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Right when you jump down there is an envelope with Illustration 61. Just keep following the tunnel. You will run into an
old friend. After some conversation she will initiate battle



Here is an odd battle. She is the same fight as before, but hits harder and has more HP. She has a new move called
Trickster’s Prank which hits one person. The bear. IDK it just sat there. He gets angry? Fireshot hurt the hell out of it.
Outside of that it is a pretty straight forward battle. She can still poison you. 4000 xp reward.

You get a choice

Choice 1: Heroic +1

Choice 2: Renegade +1

Head back inside the cave for Platinum x5. Go west to the next area up the stairs, follow the path to a Platinum x4.
There is a place to the west where you can jump over eventually. Head back out of the cave. Search the tents for Seed of
Life X x1 a future quest giver?? and a ruby chest for Illustration 73. A tad east is a forest rabbit

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Straight north is a chest with 1500K. Head east a screen then north. In the northwest corner is a chest with Complex
Weapon x3. Head straight east and you will see a Forest Rabbit.

Snatch it up. This map is basically one big circle with not much in it. Head East to the next map. Straight east in the
woods is a chest with Reflex Herb x2. Head south to the next screen and head east to another. In the north part of this
area is a chest with a Ruby Coin x1 and in the south east corner is a Dimensional Shard laying on the ground. The Earth
Demoness like to hang around the edges of the areas. After you get your vanquisher titles leave the area to the north.
To get out from the shard, west two screens and just go north until you are out

Table of Contents Walkthrough


Southern Meadow

Welcome to our new area of the world map to explore! It will be a very large area to explore once it is complete. About
the size of Northern AND Southern plains. Straight West



__Ruby Coin x1


__Valley Checkpoint Cleared

Grab the chest behind the Paladin for a Ruby Coin x1 and the Valley Checkpoint Cleared title. Leave and head east then
enter the building to the north



__Illustration 80

You can talk to some of the people outside to find out you can’t get into this place without a special invitation and that it
was built in tribute to Laquadia. So go west into the stable and smash the barrel for Illustration 80. Then leave

You can go south east between the mountains and see a ship stuck on the shore.



__Illustration 107

__Illustration 161



Nothing to special just yet, but if you go into the ship you can talk to the captain. Under the deck of the ship at the north
end is an envelope for Illustration 161. If you played the previous games you heard of her or met her. The infamous
Pirate Queen herself Bal’Rana. Bal’Rana gets added to the journal. Leave and re-enter over and over until you see
Bal’Rana sunbathing on the beach. That makes the guy in front of the cave move out of the way. Head in and grab the
chest for Illustration 107. There isn’t anything else here to do sadly. Leave and head North to the massive town.


Table of Contents Walkthrough



__Costume Fabric - Gabrielle

__Costume Fabric - Mhu’Tiki

__Costume Fabric – Mhu’Tiki

__Eastern Region Map

__Garnet Necklace x1

__Granite x4

__Illustration 11- Next to armor shop in alley

__Illustration 78- House far left of the church. Night only. Safe. 9200

__Illustration 119- Clothing/ Material Store. Night Only.

__Illustration 133- House left of the Inn. Strike barrel behind door

__Illustration 136- Mayor’s house behind a locked door. Painting

__Illustration 149- House right of the Inn. Painting

__Illustration 164- Ruby Chest. 2x coins. SE section of town above the stairs that lead to the docks.

__Illustration 188- Safe

__Illustration 193- Behind weak wall in a house on eastern dock

__Lewd Box x2

__Music Box Camera- Takes pictures?

__Nal’Tara Wine x2

__Rage Herb x3

__Ruby Coin x1

__Ruby Coin x1- House left of the inn. In a desk

__Sapphire Ring x1

__Seed of Life x1


__Black Dame No. 05

__Black Dame No. 06

__Kythie No. 04

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__ Farah No. 04

__ Farah No. 05

__ Farah No. 06

__Zweibelle No. 01


__Front of the Inn. Only at night

__Front of the costume and material shop

__Far east docks. Right next to a ship


__Beauty Treatment

__Girl Who Cried Ass

__Obedience- Old man in blue next the the armor shop

__Obedience- Sailor next to the ship at the east dock

__Tavern Wench Challenge- Bar on eastern Docks. Night only



__Charity Balancer

__Lock Handler

__Painting Marauder

__Red Fascinator

When you walk in you are greeted by a welcome man. You learn the slave trade market is a very alive thing here in
Odidania. Depending on what you picked for Mhu’Tiki to teach Kythie she will respond differently. Maybe?? You need
to visit the mayor and Gabrielle wants to get a ghost exorcised. You all agree to meet back up at the mayor’s house.

*If you find yourself low on cash, like 50,000K, I wouldn’t buy gear just yet. Maybe weapon or two for those you don’t
have platinum gear . The reason is because of the property. Around 25,000K for property is required. You can also get
some diamond ore to make gear.*

Odidania is a very large city that doesn’t have a circular layout like Colussia or a T layout like Kahr or Brightstone. It can
be pretty easy, for a 2d game, to get a tad lost.

So head north and activate the crystal! First new one in a while. Head west and enter the first house to the south you
see. You can get Nal’Tara Wine x2 from the chest. We can’t get to the desk/ wardrobe yet. The man in the kitchen will
play prediction for Black Dame No. 05, 06. You must have Black Dame No. 01, 02. Leave and enter the house on the left
for a safe that you can’t open until night. Search spots though. Also a senile old man. Leave the house and take the path
north and enter the inn.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Talk to our man the Trabeling Scholar for 1000K.

Q1: Clank Giant

Q2: Duchess Lynevere

Q3: Val’Torres

Q4: The Ravaged Booty

Q5: Southern Meadow

Reward: Music Box Camera

Before we start buying properties here lets buy the stuff we actually really need. Search the desks for Granite x4 talk to
the man in the turbin to buy Kythie Card No. 04 for 4000k. Buy the Eastern Region Map from the item shop.

Head west. In the first house is a barrel behind a door for Illustration 133. Search the desks for Ruby Coin x1 and a Seed
of Life. Leave the house. To the west a tad is a quest man standing in front of the house.

Quest: Girl Who Cried Ass

Description: Stop a gang of thieves robbing his house at night. Head into the house directly above at night

Reward: Costume Fabric – Mhu’Tiki

Go around and into the next house. Go to the safe

SAFE: 7713

Table of Contents Walkthrough

REWARD: Illustration 188

Head back to the Inn and head east. First house has Illustration 149 and Costume Fabric – Gabrielle! Head east to the
next screen and straight north. Talk to the man in the blue for the Obedience quest. The house north of that for some
searching. Leave and swap the POSTER out then head down to the armor shop. Upgrade to diamond if you can afford it.
Stuff is getting very expensive. Leave armor shop and enter the alley next to it for Illustration 11. Head north to the next

Enter the house right there to your left. Search the desks and play the guard at prediction. Farah Card No. 04, 05, 06.
Requires Mama Farah 01. Leave and you will see another quest giver.

Quest: Beauty Treatment

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Description: Get a material from Northern Creek. NIGHT QUEST. Find it past all the Clank Giants through the caves

Reward: Diamond x10

North is where we need to go so we are ignoring that for now. Even if you try to go to the house you are not allowed in
to see him.

Head south then east immediately. Head down and into the first building for Zweibelle Card No. 01. In the next house
has a Rage Herb x3 and a locked wardrobe for a Garnet Necklace x1. You get the Lock Handler title for your trouble. The
ruby chest contains Illustration 164. You should get the Red Fascinator title as well. Head south and just follow the path

Kristallia finally after all this time! Seems she may know Beatrix. After the scene head into the house directly below you
for a Ruby Coin x1. Blow the weak wall and get Illustration 193 and a chest with 6800k. Leave the house and replace the
POSTER on the right then talk to the sailor in the blue bandana for the Obedience quest. Straight south of is another

Quest: Wet ‘n Dry

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Description: Deliver shipment of Beer Kegs to the tavern in Khar, The Golden Goat.

Reward: 5000K

Inside the pub in the storage room is Costume Fabric – Mhu’Tiki.

Go to the inn and sleep until night fall. Head outside and replace the POSTER and go south into the house and search the
desk/ wardrobe for a Sapphire Ring x1. Leave the house and steal the donations to the right for the Charity Balancer
title. Go to the west house and open the safe. There are ZERO hints for this one!

SAFE: 9200

REWARD: Illustration 78

The house that has the first safe was/ is loaded with thieves. You get Costume Fabric – Mhu’Tiki.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Head back to the inn and start heading east. First house is locked so pick it for nothing inside. Go to the Clothing/
Material/ Clothing shop, pick the lock and take the painting for Illustration 119. Head east to the next screen then the
southeast exit. Head into the bar for the Tavern Wench Challenge.

Head back to the inn and sleep until day time. Make you way east again. This time stopping by the Clothing store and
make a costume for Mhu’Tiki since we have 3 parts.

If you want or have been buying the properties in Odidania you will need 24,300K. That is less than a few pieces of
upgraded gear. Go to Section 9 for the list of properties.

Exit and take the northern exit and head towards the mayors house. Enter the mayor’s house and unlock the door. Raid
the desks and such for a Seed of Intelligence x1 and the painting Illustration 136. You should get the Painting Marauder
title as well.

Head upstairs and get into a conversation with the mayor. After all the heavy disposition you are taken to Osira and
Luquadia having a conversation. An automatic SCENE occurs. Enjoy.

*There are a few typos during their conversation. Nothing crazy. I am sure Gabe will fix it in time.

Osira: He knew as a child, I always were fascinated by the gods of my land and creatures of legends.

It should be, He knew as a child, I was always fascinated by the gods of my land and creatures of legend.

Osira: That I would often sneak into the Royal Palace library and borrowed scrolls of ancient tales to learn more.

That I would often sneak into the Royal Palace library and borrow scrolls of ancient tales to learn more.

Osira: The Serpent God agreed to my term.

It should be, The Serpent god agreed to my terms or The serpent god agreed to my condition. Even though term is
technically correct.

Osira: “The fallen mistress who copulate with monsters.”

Should be, The fallen mistress who copulates with monsters.

Laquadia: Why are you bothering telling me this?

Should be, Why bother to tell me this OR why are you bothering to tell me this

Laquadia: T-Threat me all you want, Vhazar.

It should be T-Threaten me all you want Vhazar.

Vhazar: Says something about face fucking her until she suffocate

It should be, suffocates.

Overall they may not seem bad. They are not if it was really only one or two mistakes. Though, so many throughout
the conversation makes it look very sloppy. There were a couple more, I just typed the worst ones.

It seems the music for the motivational speech continues throughout town until you leave and come back in. That
may just be a limitation of RPGmaker though. I am not sure.


Table of Contents Walkthrough

Off To The Second Spire, Just Not Yet!

Anyway. Go to the teleport crystal. Go to Kahr. Head to the pub and speak to the bartender. You will receive 5000K.
Teleport BACK to Odidinia. Leave town.

Isolated Shack


__Dimensional Shard

__Illustration 97

__Masquerade No. 08


__Isolated Shack Cleared

Head straight north and pick up the Dimensional Shard from the ground then head into the Isolated Shack and search
the desks and the floor for Illustration 97 and Masquerade Card No. 08. You should get Isolated Shack Cleared title.
Speak to Mr. Fuzzywurl to be interrupted and then leave. Camp out and sleep until night. North is the

Northern Creek


__Diamond x3

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Diamond x3

__Diamond x5

__Full Elixir X x1

__Illustration 54- Northern Creek. Altar Quest.

__Illustration 126- Envelope in the cave next to bed

__Illustration 150- Behind weak wall. Ruby Chest 3x coins

__Lew Box x2

__Platinum x4

__Platinum x4

__Rejuvenating Powder- Quest Item

__Ruby Coin x1


__Clank Giant

__Golden Beetleblade


__Clank Giant Slayer/ Vanquisher

*Clink Giants battle formations seem off or it was intentional. Other battle formations, so far into the game, are
based into the center of the screen and split off left and to the right respectively to give the battle formations a
balance. The formations here start from the left and work their way right. Once again not a huge issue but isn’t
consistent with the rest of the game.*

Walk west into the cave and grab the chest for a Full Elixir X x1. follow the path to a Platinum x4. When you can go east
do so for a Diamond x3 and a little more for Illustration 126. Head back and exit to the north. Go north over the log and
Table of Contents Walkthrough
into the cave. Illustration 54 from the alter. Leave, over the log and head to the SW area. Follow the path and get the
chest for a Ruby Coin x1. Continue on until you get to a weak wall. You should see the glowing rocks right near it. Grab
them for Rejuvenating Powder.

Head in for Platinum x4, Diamond x3, Diamond x5 and the chest for Illustration 150.

After all that head back to the starting area. Go over the bridge and follow the river west to a Dimensional Shard for the
Northern Creek Cleared title as well. Leave this area. After all that stuff from above. Head to Odidania and turn in the
rejuvenating powder to the butler and receive Diamond x10. Leave here and head south and west of The Ravaged Booty
to the “Praeceps Isle.”



__Advanced Mineral x4

__Barrier Herb x3

__Ceremonial Bow

__Dimensional Shard

__Full Revival Potion x2

__Illustration 84

__Illustration 172

__Platinum x4
Table of Contents Walkthrough
__Platinum x5

__Ruby Coin x1

__Seed of Life X x1


__Beldorian Arch Knight

__Beldorian Knight

__Magi Hound




__Praeceps Isle Cleared

This is a onetime only area. So make sure you search everything.

When you get here everyone is dead. Every sign says they are dead. Just ignore the dead, “Incapacitated” soldiers on
the ground. On the second screen on the right side there is a chest for a Ceremonial Bow. Head straight west to anoter
screen. In the top left of the chest where you can find a Ruby Coin x1. In the NW of the map is a cave for the quest
Blessing for Illustration 172. Head straight south into another cave for Platinum x4, Platinum x5 and a chest with Full
Revival Potion x2. Exit south for a Dimensional Shard. Head all the way back through the cave and exit west.

Head north to the next screen and into the tower. You can search the second floor for Barrier Herb x3 and Advanced
Mineral x4. Head up to the next floor and find Illustration 84. Next floor up to get some talkies. Since our MC has the
smarts of a 3 year old. He doesn’t know that is Beatrix… On this floor is a Seed of Life X x1. Praeceps Isle Cleared title
should have been gained. Go downstairs to the basement and fight another Imperial Archknight. Leave and head south
and meet an old friend.

“ditt ondsinta djväul's väsen” Basically means you evil devil.

“Tharg, undvik att bli upptäckt tillsbo möts igen! Följ Devon och se till att de klarar sig oskadda!”

“Tharg , avoid being found until we meet again. Follow Devon and make sure they are okay!”

Enemies actively chase you here. Head straight south west into another cave for Once you exit the cave you meet
someone we only heard about. You get a choice.

Choice 1: Heroic

Choice 2: Renegade



Table of Contents Walkthrough



__Illustration 168

__Nal’Tara Wine x3

__Refined Ember

__Ruby Coin x1

__Seed of Dexterity x1

__Steel x5

__Wolf Pelt x6


__Zweibelle No. 02

After getting captured, you get some dialog. A guard says something about Starberry Cake? It was supposed to be
something Gabrielle came up with for the code name of the rebels? I never heard this conversation, so I must have
missed it somewhere. Van gets added to the journal.

Check the crates and Masquerade shows up. During your conversation with her you will be given a choice

Choice 1: Masquerade +1

Choice 2: Nothing

Head back to the crate and down the hole we go. Head left, since nothing right, and walk around. On the southern wall
are gaps. Walk into the gaps to find your party members to see what they are up too. Eventually you will find one that
gives a SCENE.

During the scene you learn some interesting things about Francesca. Poor girl. You learn that the warden may know
something about where she is. Just keep following the path as there are no chests. You can’t operate the switch. Ignore
the stairs as you can’t swim and up the ladder. Get the 3 chests in the center room for Wolf Pelt x6, 2500K, and Your
Equipment and Steel x5.

*You can’t fight anyone in the disguise as it is too tight.*

Ignore the other sewer grate as there is nothing there. Talk to the guards to learn of what has been going on if you are
interested. Head upstairs and search the desks for Zweibelle No. 02. Back down On the eastern side is Mhu’Tiki,
Gabrielle, And Bal’Rana. If you talk to Bal’Rana you get 3 choices

Choice 1: You agree to help her escape later. Possible scene later?

Choice 2: Nothing

Choice 3: Another set

Choice 3A: She will join your fight. Bal’Rana +1

Choice 3B: Completely hates you. Bal’Rana -1

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Choice 3C: Another set

Choice 3CA: Spend one night with her later. Maybe..

Choice 3CB: Bal’Rana -1

Left side is Kythie. Talk to her and she will tell you about the keys. Talk to all the knights until you are on your way to the
east cells. Masquerade is there in the center area. Talk to her to open up an option soon. Head to the east side of the
cells and start talking to Knights until you find the correct one. If you are on window mode it could be difficult to tell
which knight has a black uniform. Full Screen players shouldn’t have an issue. You get a choice

Choice 1: Get Prison Keys B

Choice 2: Talk to Masquerade

Choice 3: Do nothing

I suggest taking choice 2 although choice 1 has good dialog. If you went with choice 2 head back to the center room and
talk to Masquerade. She will agree to help. Masquerade +1. Head back to the knight as ask for Masquerade for help
again and she will distract the guard and you get the keys. Either choice you pick the place gets attacked.

Go let Beatrix out and you split up for now. Search desks for Nal’Tara Wine x3. Release your party members and
Bal’Rana as well. If you asked her to join your party she does so now. Once you release Mhu’Tiki you are treated to
another SCENE. You get a choice

Choice 1: Finishes scene

Choice 2: Changes SCENE.

I recommend choice 2 during you first time. During the scene you bring up an option to setup a glory hole booth in
Castle Warrengard.

On the way to release Kythie search the other cells for Ruby Coin x1 and a Seed of Dexterity x1. In the bottom left cell is
an envelope containing Illustration 168. Once all your people are released head back to the sewers to meet up with your
party. Depending on your choices with Bal’Rana she will be there or not. Your party comments on your choice. Beatrix
will join your party! Talk to those you want in your party. Head east to the switch you tried to open earlier.

After some talkies you get some choices. They all lead to the same answer. You find out the machine hasn’t been used in
100 years by Zweibelle of the Wüldur. You get into a battle. These aren’t simple slimebags. They have around 4700 HP
and fire doesn’t really seem to hurt them. They are weak to ICE though.

Once you leave you find out you were moved to a place called Blackgard Stronghold. I could have separated them in the
walkthrough though decided not to. The plan now is to get Farah back and meet outside of Blackthorn Keep. There are
enemies wandering about if you want to kill some guys. Otherwise head west to the next screen. And west again. There
is a chest kind of hidden amongst the other crates. Grab it for Refined Ember Leave via south.

“Nästa gång vi är ensamma så ska du få en ordentlig present som jag vet att du kommer at uppskatta!”

Next time we are alone, I have a treat that I know you will like. Basically.



Table of Contents Walkthrough
So on the world map we aren’t far from where we were. Head west on the road and you are treated to a little scene.
You will learn Van sucks at his job and Farah was taken by Harpies! None of the other areas are open as of yet so don’t
bother trying to go there. So after the scene head straight west into



__Dimensional Shard

__Illustration 124

__Small Health Potion X x4


__Grandmaster’s Hut Cleared

Right when you walk in head west and grab a Dimensional Shard just sitting there on the ground. You can speak to the
old man but he won’t do anything for you until you finish your pilgrimage. Head into the hut and pick up off the floor a
envelope for Illustration 124. Open the chest for Small Health Potion X x4. You should also receive the Grandmaster’s
Hut Cleared title. If you made the dream key earlier you should be able to open the blue chest here. Leave here and
North to





__Bear Pelt x4

__Costume Fabric – Bal’rana

__Diamond x6

__Dimensional Shard

__Illustration 71

__Illustration 143

__Illustration 152

__Ruby Coin x1

__Silver x6

__Silver x6

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Silver x7

__Steel x5

__Steel x5

__Steel x7



__Mercenary Chief

__Young Harpy



__Young Harpy


__Obedience- Miner in SE area of town. Doesn’t appear until it is freed


__Right above entrance when you walk in. Above a mine cart


__The Hazy Cloud: 4000K


__Skalhalm Cleared

__Young Harpy Slayer/ Vanquisher

Upon entering this depressing place you learn everyone is afraid to go outside. Before heading to the tavern search the
houses for Bear Pelt x4 and Costume Fabric – Bal’Rana. Activate the crystal. Don’t forget to steal the donations in the
church! You can also replace a POSTER a little west of the crystal. In that house on the floor is an envelope with
Illustration 152.

Head into the tavern for a choice.

Choice 1: Heroic

Choice 2: Renegade

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Before you leave make sure you buy the tavern! Head up into the NE cave and get the Ruby Chest for Illustration 71.
Head out and the other mine shaft and mine Steel x7, Steel x5 and Silver x6. Up the rope ladder and exit the cave.

*Don’t forget to get your slayer/vanquisher title because the enemies disappear. Your choice earlier doesn’t affect

At the split head west and into the cave. Follow it around and out to a chest with Ruby Coin x1. Head back and go east in
the house. On the floor there is Illustration 143. Keep following it east. You will be in another cave and mine for Silver
x7, Silver x6 and Steel x5. Follow the path west to a node for Diamond x6. Head back and exit to the north. There is a
Dimensional Shard on the west side. You should get Skalhalm Cleared title as well. Head up the rope latter. After some
conversation you will learn a few things about the miners of the town.

Paellicia has been added in the journal.

On your way out you will run into some guys from the Guild of Heroes. They will engage you in combat. These guys are
kind of a joke. So wreck their world and move on. Go back to the tavern for some more convo. You get a choice.

Choice 1: You forgive the people of the town.

Choice 2: Send his ass to prison.

You get some scenes of the Railway Cannons. It seem Zweibelle has been busy extracting material for something called
the Arc and you get information that the blackness of Colussia is called the Ethereal Barrier. It seems the Ethereal Barrier
is cause do to the Serpent God’s influence of the area. It is expanding by him trying to materialize into this world.

Talk to the miner in the SE part of town for the Obedience sidequest. If you head back into the pub you will get a scene

There is still some more stuff to do though. Head out on the world map and enter camp. Sleep till night. SCENE. You get
the Bird With A View title. Head back into town. You can now change posters to Bal’Rana! Head to the tavern and do
the challenge with both characters. Bal’Rana is starting from the beginning and Gabrielle is of course top of her game.
Leave town and setup camp. Sleep until daytime. South West is




__Advanced Mineral x3

__Ceremonial Flintlock

__Diamond x5

__Diamond x6

__Dimensional Rift

__Elixer X x1

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Gold Dice - Black Dame

__Grey Mouse

__Illustration 148

__Illustration 155

__Ruby Coin x1

__Tremor Cloak

__Vile Mouse


__Murk Maiden

__Seis Pesadillas


__Marshes of Despair Cleared

__Murk Maiden Slayer/ Vanquisher

__Seis Pesadillas Slayer/ Vanquisher

Head toward the SE part of this area for a chest with Elixer X x1. Take the other bridge and south exit. There seems to be
monsters facing off against each other here. You can’t get down as of yet. To the South East over a bridge is a chest with
Advanced Mineral x3. Head south to the next map. To the South West is a wooden bridge. More West than South. Cross
if for a Dimensional Shard. The west house has a chest that contains 3000K. The west house has an envelope on the
ground containing Illustration 148. Head down the stairs. Leads to a cave with Diamond x5, Diamond x6 and a chest
with a Ceremonial Flintlock. Exit the basement and in the South East corner is a chest with a Ruby Coin x1 and then
head back north than take the west exit

In the first building head down the stairs. There is a Grey mouse you can catch right when you walk in. There is a Tremor
Cloak in the chest and a bomb wall in between the crates for a Vile Mouse and a chest for Illustration 155.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Leave the basement. In the South West area of the map is a chest with Gold Dice – Black Dame and the Marshes of
Despair Cleared title.

Leave here and follow the road east to the



__Citrine Earring

__Costume Fabric – Ra’Tiki

__Dimensional Shard

__Illustration 151

__Illustration 169

__Ruby Coin x1


__East Lighthouse Cleared

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Go into the cave that you see when you come in and search the desk. I hope this was the only one that WAS searchable.
Go up to the altar and receive Illustration 151. Leave the cave and to the South East of the area you will see a
Dimensional Shard. Head into the lighthouse in the NE and fin Costume Fabric – Ra’Tiki. Search the glowing spots for a
Citrine Earring, Ruby Coin x1 and the East Lighthouse Cleared title. Head up to the top floor and find Illustration 169 on
the floor. Leave this place and head back to



__Imperial Passport

Head back to the mayor’s house and talk to the guard at the door for an Imperial Passport!! With the Imperial Passport
you can just walk through checkpoints now!

Leave town and head to

Teleport back to

Castle Warrengard


__League Invitation


__Magihound Teacher



You will notice it received a huge upgrade during our travels! Some of the search spots have respawned as well. So if you
want a few more items go get them. Head straight into the door by the crystal. Talk to the redheaded woman there and
have her clear the vines. Head to where the blacksmith is for some speaking. If you spoke to the Dream Maker Behlda
will be there instead of a generic blacksmith. Go into the west wing and north. Talk to the guy there and he will turn it
into your private quarters. Leave to the front door and check your mailbox. Tells you to meet them at Uncle Dad’s Farm
at night.

Behelda was added to the journal

Quest: League Invitation

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Description: Meet someone on the road outside of Uncle Dad’s Farm at night. Couldn’t get it to pop..

Reward: It unlocks the potential for quest such as the one

Not yet. Head to the world map and come back in. Head to the courtyard and upgrade it if you want or can afford it.

With your private quarters done you can find Bal’Rana in there, if you recruiter her. You can play a game called Strippin’
o’ Die. To play you need to score 12 points. Every 3 points removes a piece of clothing. You get a tutorial. The game has
been made a lot easier since it is a PURE gamble. Winning is possible. Don’t expect to win every time. You can challenge
other people in your party. Depending on how much they like you. Search the cabinet next to you bed and you can
FINALLY change your costume. On the east side of the room there is a mirror. This is the Hall of Memories. Read the
tutorial. These DO unlock alt scenes in your Art Gallery of the ones you already opened.

On the east side of the second floor and talk to the Man and woman on the other end, You can’t right now cause you
need 100 workers. There are booths now and they are glory hole booths. If you head down into the cells while taming
the Steel Demoness, if the villagers are arrested, they will watch.

Head up to the conference room to meet up with a familiar face! You get a good exposition dump. You also see that
Osira still has a pretty good fear of Sabastilion. You decide to have a change of plans and meet up with your team to go
protect Colussia. When you leave the room you get some more talkies.

Head back up and talk to Black Dame. Hire 2 more workers. Head up to the second floor and speak to the redheaded
woman and the man on the other end to have them clear their areas. Leave the castle via the front door to the world
map and back in.

Head to your private quarters and sleep/ nap. You will get a SCENE.

During the scene you get a choice.

Choice 1: Finishes and ends the scene.


Table of Contents Walkthrough

Of course I picked choice 2 for a scene change. You get another set of choices.

Choice 1: Kythie +1

Choice 2: Kythie +1

Choice 3: Kythie -1

After this you should receive the Magihound Teacher title. Since if you are following this you are a completion type
person. If you check the now added bowl next to your bed. You need food for her. Sadly no way to get food for her. So
she will starve…. Now that we have access to the courtyard AND loft, we are going to get summon in a second. You read
that correctly. Summons. Sleep in your bed until nighttime than teleport to Arlon. Leave there and camp out until head

Serenity Bridge



Serenity Bridge. Head ALL the way back to Roseus. Talk to her and tell her that you have a place for her to live. Leave
here and teleport back to Roseus!



__Emerald Gem



Head back to where Paellicia is and you can fight her for the second Legendary enemy.


Table of Contents Walkthrough

REWARD: Emerald Gem

She can cast Air based spells against a single or the entire party. She is quite fast and nimble. If you have been keeping
up this entire time with the monster slaying and all that you should be strong enough to beat her.

After combat she will then go to your castle. So head back to town and teleport to Castle Warrengard. Head to the
courtyard and talk to Roseus and Devon will learn to summon her. Head up the stairs on the left side of the castle to the
top floor and talk to Paellicia to get her summon.

At the top of the right staircase is supposed to be an envelope. Sadly if you picked up the one on the second floor this
one disappears. It seems it is tied to the one on the second floor. If you pick up this one the one on the second floor.

You could turn in your dimensional shards for no reward so I will just wait. Teleport to Arlon and sleep/ camp until night.
Head towards Uncle Dads Farm. You will get a event that happens right outside of the farm. Go back to Arlon and
teleport to



__Quartz x8


__Snap: Paellicea

We can finally start this quest. So head to the east house from where you port in from and speak to the man.

Quest: Snap: Paellicia

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Description: Wants a picture of the Matriarch from your camera.

Reward: Quartz x8

Teleport back to your castle. Head up to Paellicia and speak to her. You can move the camera left and right. You can take
more than one picture. Head back to Skalkhalm and turn the pictures to the quest giver. Leave out of town south and
head to the

Grandmaster’s Hut


__Way of Grope Fu

__Way of Grope Fu 2

Speak to the grandmaster and he will say something is different about you. Speak to him again and he will ask you to
bring him 80 different illustrations. Speak to him again since you should have at least 80 illustrations. You complete the
quest and learn Order: Surrender. It seems while fighting certain enemies and you surrender you can maybe get
something out of it? Speak to him again and you will start the second quest. Speak to him again to complete this part.
You will learn Order: Submit! This makes one of your allies enter the distressed state. This is about all you can do here
for now. Leave here, head to Skalkhalm and teleport to Caimbridge. Head to Fellhorn Ruins.



__Illustration 178

__Lewd Box x1

__Reflex Herb x2

__Seed of Agility x1


__Fellhorn Ruins Cleared

Head all the way to the north to where you met Osira. You can now go east into another area. There is no Lizardman
there to stop you. Search the desks for Reflex Herb x2 and Seed of Agility x1. You should get the Fellhorn Ruins Cleared
title as well. Grab the Ruby chest for Illustration 178. Leave here back to Caimridge. Head into the teleport room. You
can’t use the one in Colussia! Ohh my! Teleport to Port Ronod and walk to Colussia



Table of Contents Walkthrough


__Ceremonial Bracelet

__Refined Ember






Right when you enter you will notice the lack of… Well anyone. You will meet up with Kristallia. After some conversation
your party will split into two groups. You will tell the party to meet up at your homestead before sundown. Kristallia
added to the journal. You will be alone. Since no one is in front of the strip club you would think you could finally go buy
it. Nope it is barricaded from the inside.

Go North one screen then West one. The dogs that were blocking the entrance to that sewer plate so long ago are gone.
You can FINALLY get into it. Head under the grate, pick the lock and grab the chests for Refined Ember and Ceremonial
Bracelet. You can’t help ANYONE in the city. You just have to ignore them. Go to the church and speak with the nun.
They will say the key was moved far away to another nun. So we have to find her.

Head down any sewer grate and speak to the people around and make you way to the ladder to the NE side of the
sewers. This should bring you up inside the pub. Speak to the nun there and she will tell you about “The Master Key!”
Insert Zelda music here. Though she doesn’t have it. Beatrix does. Now leave here via sewers again and head up to the

Head into the church and you will run into Beatrix. After some convo you will be treated to a SCENE. You get a choice


Choice 2: Scene ends and nothing happens.

After the scene you meet Beatrix and Elin outside. The choices don’t seem to matter.

Elin has been added to your Journal. Head back to the sewers and to the pub. You can now head up the stairs

Vem vågar vara så fräck

Who dares be so naughty!?

You get a choice

Choice 1: Elin +1

Choice 2: ???

Table of Contents Walkthrough

You get some past of Elin. Poor girl. Head back down the sewers and back up again. Leave the city. When you are about
to leave you run into your bestest buddy in the whole wide world Van.


Reward: Emerald Gem (IF you manage to kill him)

This will be a tough battle. Since it is just you AND Beatrix it is rather uphill. I hope you kept some power up herbs after
all this time. He is a rather balanced fighter just like your main character. He has an attack called “Not Used” I just think
it isn’t named yet >.> It seduces a single character. Cannon Shot of his hurts pretty damn bad! He has an attack that says
Kin’Aurea Smirks. This wastes his turn so hope you get this. If you take him down 75% the battle is over, though you CAN
actually kill him. If you somehow do you get the reward listed above.

He calls for the knights. They have all been defeated though. You will get some backstory into Beatrix’s and Elins pasts
once again. Revenge is best served cold ehh?

Van: H-Heh, you guys sure didn’t held back…

You guys sure didn’t HOLD back.

Simple mistake. Again. You get some choices.

Choice 1: Beatrix -1

Choice 2: Beatrix +1

Choice 3: Nothing

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Doesn’t matter what you pick. If you head back up all the way north to the castle Osira will be giving a speech. You can
head back into the castle. You can grab the stuff you missed. If you followed this walkthrough you got it all. There is
something to see. In the castle there is a Huntress that says “Get away or we will be discovered.” If you go to your
“room” You will see Van having fun with the invading Army. Leave town and head to your Homestead. You can attempt
to go to Darkthorn Keep but it will just kick you out.

When you get to your Homestead head inside the main house. You get a fair amount of dialog. Ra’Tiki makes a quip
about Elin. Beatrix promptly puts her in her place. Mhu’Tiki was giving your mother some suggestions about something
interesting. After some convo you can speak to all your party members. After speaking to everyone leave here and setup
camp. Make a party of whoever you want. Speak to Beatrix and socialize. If you haven’t done so already. You get some

Choice 1: Beatrix +1

Choice 2: Beatrix -1

You have a large selection of groupies to choose from. Head straight to




__Costume Fabric – Bal’Rana

__Gold Dice – Mhu’Tiki

__Illustration 38

__Illustration 197

__Treasure Map 10


__Beldorian Knight

__Imperial Archknight

__Jadeite Paladin





__The Descended God

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Right when you enter you get some convo. When you enter the main building you will immediately engage in combat.
After combat you learn you need to activate 3 switches. One in the West Wing, one in the East Wing and last being
somewhere within the tower. Go to the West Wing. Enemies here will actively chase you here. You can’t open any of the
cells yet but there is a chest with Treasure Map 10. Head down the stairs and head straight east. There is a switch. Go
ahead and flip it. Head back to the stairs and head down. You will notice it has been flooded.

Head back up both flights of stairs and head to the east side of the complex. When you get to the East Wing a short even
will happen. Head down one flight of stairs and head straight West. Flip the switch on the next screen. Head back to the
staircase and head down a set of stairs. Head straight west to the next screen. There is a chest there with Gold Dice –
Mhu’Tiki. Head back east and all the way up the stairs. Go back to the entrance where you fought the guards.

Head straight south and up the stairs. It seems many of the enemies here are Imperial Archknights. The desk has 2000K
and the painting is Illustration 38. The elevator doesn’t have any power. The third floor doesn’t have anything. The
fourth floor has Costume Fabric – Bal’Rana. The fifth floor has Illustration 197 on the ground. Next floor has the third
switch. Flip it and the elevator will activate. You can ride it all the way down but there is nothing else. Once you are
ready head up to the wardens office.

When you get up there you will run into a very old friend you haven’t seen since the beginning of the game. Dhalmir. He
gave you money he owed you when you left the castle for the first time. He brings up his wife, Carla. You go into battle!


REWARD: Emerald Gem

Head up to the Warden’s office to see an old face. Zweibelle is here. You find out of course that Francesca isn’t here at
all. This has basically been a fools errand. It seems Masquerade has been Francesca all along!

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Some stuff happens and the necklace starts to vibrate around Farah’s neck. It wants to go to the capital for some reason.
Zweibelle says something about the Ethereal Bond to call out to its’ master when they are in the same dimension. It
seems the reason Colussia has been dark for decades is because they are right about a portal to another dimension.
Kin’Aurea enters the battle. You find out that Zwebelle is millennia old. She is a Wüldur, one of the race of Ancients. It
seems like maybe it is supposed to be Wolf but that would be wölfin. IDK. Anyway. After some lengthy disposition you
enter battle.


Reward: None

This is a very rough battle. Just kidding, it literally does nothing but stand there letting you beat up on it. Sadly you won’t
be able to do ANY damage to it unless you have cheated or power leveled to like lvl 70. Even then you will most likely
spend forever fighting it. If you did the grandmaster’s quest you should have Order: Surrender. Just use it and the battle
will end. Otherwise wait 5 turns and it will end the battle.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

After the battle Kin’Aurea will just take the necklace just like that. It will say it has to correct the timeline that has been
altered. Zweibelle heads of with Kin’Aurea to get the job done. Farah is all weak after getting the bracelet removed from
her. You leave instantly. It seems Farah goes ethereal and just phases through the MC. Mayor Wilheed and the prisoners
are going to head to Castle Warrengard. You instantly go to Homestead. Kin’Aurea added to journal. The Descended
God trophy has been received

Sadly if you did use the Order: Surrender all your characters in your party are dead. So that isn’t good. No idea what
happens if you enter battle like that.



Head into your room and talk to Farah. This is how you continue the story. Leave the room and the story will move on. If
not. Leave Homestead and back in. Talk to Farah and leave the room. You will be prompted to go to Colussia and then
the Frozen Continent. Leave

We are heading back to

Darkthorn Keep


__Chrono Shard

__Lewd Box x1

__Nal’Tara Wine x2

__Resist Herb x3

__Seed of Life X x1

__Seed of Mana X x1


__Darkthorn Keep Cleared

Head to the sewer grate when you get into the area. Head south until you see the bridges. Take the left one and pick the
lock on the prison bars. There is a chest for Chrono Shard. You can’t head up the ladder into the jail considering it is
flooded. So head all the way back to the sewer grate and enter the actual prison. Head to the West Wing again and
search the desks for Seed of Mana X x1. B2 has Resist Herb x3.

Now go to the East Wing and search the desks for Nal’Tara Wine x2. B2 for nothing, but search points count. B3 for Seed
of Life X x1 and the Darkthorn Keep Cleared title. You can head out of here now. That is basically it in EP. 03 for now.
These are my stats at the end of this. Those that are important will be added. I may have missed a search spot or two. I
doubt it though.
Table of Contents Walkthrough
Locks opened: 27

Places searched: 346

Donations stolen: 5

Animals caught: 35

Nodes mined: 78

Walls destroyed: 12

Outfits purchased: 5

Property purchased: 42


Illustrations Unlocked: 145/ 146 One is bugged in Castle Warrengard. It will disappear from the third floor if you grab
the one on the second and vice versa.

Trading Cards: 76/76

Hen’Tai Discovered: 14/14

Art Chests: 24/24

Paintings Collected: 16/16

Pilgrimage Altars Visited: 10/10

Lost Illustrations Found: 47/48. As stated above.

Safes Cracked: 12/12


Ultimas Defeated: 2

Legendary Defeated: 22

Enemies Discovered: 32


Game Progress: 60%

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Crystals Activated: 11/11

Quests Complete: 23/21

Dimensional Shards: 46/46

Cleared Locations: 42/42

Discovered Locations: 57/58

Treasure Maps Solved: 6/10

Properties Purchased: 42/42


This will be the newly added stuff. There isn’t a rhyme or reason on how this is laid out. It will get pretty at a later
date. When I am not working 80+ hours a week

Camp. Something has been added to the encyclopedia. I don’t know the numbers as of yet when they get unlocked.
Most likely much earlier than this. Right now you will need 7 tokens to unlock all of them. So unlock the Metal Sensor,
Steam Drill, Improved Roll and Entity Charm.

Congrats. We can get all that buried treasure that has been hidden from us since EP. 02!

You will notice there isn’t anyone in the camp! We can’t recruit anyone either. Like WTF! We can’t put anyone in our
party until we do the next part. Head to



__Diamond x4

__Diamond x4

__Diamond x4

__Diamond x5

__Diamond x5

__Diamond x6

__Emerald Gem x1

__Full Health Potion x5

__Full Spirit Potion x2

__High Priestess Attire

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Illustration 183

__Lewd Box x4

__Quartz x8

__Ruby Coin x1

__Sunstorm Blades x1


__Depth Slug

__Farsyne (Potential)

__Farsyne (Exhausted) (Potential)

__Malformed Creature (Potential)


__Depth Slug


__Depth Slug Slay/ Vanquisher

__Empress Conqueror

__Professional Miner

This is your LAST chance to clear out Colussia. If you haven’t searched everything here than it is gone until a new game is
started. You have been warned. Head straight to the castle. You can find Van in your old room having fun. Head up to
the throne room and get some more twists. Seems Black Dame has been playing both sides against the middle. You get a

Choice 1: no scene

Choice 2: SCENE

After the scene you get the information anyway. You will receive the Empress Conqueror title. Leave the castle and head
to the Cathedral. When you get there it will be completely unguarded. Something attacked during the ceremony. Head
in and get the High Priestess Attire from the chest. Head straight down to underneath the church. You will find out
where the rumor of the Dream Blight came from. There is a small hole in the NW part of this area. Head down. Follow
the path. One way so if you get lost, may god help you. Mine to get Diamond x4. Head west. There are enemies here,
they are tiny worms. Only a few spawn in right now. Just fight along the way for now. Go up and mine Quartz x5.
Professional Miner title and a Lewd Box. Depth Slug added to journal. Continue south. Mine for Diamond x6. Up for
Sunstorm Blades x1. Go left. Search the table before heading down the stairs.

Once down the stairs you will run into Laquadia. You will get a choice

Choice 1: Gives her clothes

Table of Contents Walkthrough
Choice 2: Laquadia -1

I gave her clothes to her. Unless sometime later have a character at max negative means you can make them you slave
or something. Who knows. Go back up the stairs and try to leave. Boom happens. East to next screen. You can’t get out.
Back whence we came. All the enemies will spawn now. I recommend getting the titles now for them. They aren’t
exactly strong and you won’t be able to come back here until a new game has been done! You have been warned!
Once downstairs head left get the Diamond x4, Diamond x5 and the chest for Full Health Potion x5. Think it is trying to
tell us something. Head down and down the stairs. Get Illustration 183 from the shrine. Remember to heal after!! Head
back up the stairs and right. Search the table for Ruby Coin x1. Head right and make sure to grab Diamond x4 from
mining. Across the bridge for Diamond x5 and Quartz x6. Right of the ore is a chest with Full Spirit Potion x2. Go up a
tad and right. Make sure you are full HP/ MP and equip SUNSTORM BLADES! Go right a tad and you will get some

Choice 1: Heroic Path- You don’t learn who it is

Choice 2: Renegade Path

Choice 2a: NO SCENE- Full Strength enemy and learn who it is. Battle map changes

Choice 2b: SCENE- Weakens enemy and you learn who it is. Battle map changes

I went with Choice 2 and 2b. It weakens the enemy to make him a little easier.

ENEMY: Malformed Creature/ Farsyne HP: 54000 STRENGTH: DARK WEAKNESS: LIGHT

REWARD: Emerald Gem

Table of Contents Walkthrough


Reward: Emerald Gem x1

Lucky that the strategy for both of the variants is the same. One is just weaker than the other so it doesn’t hit as hard!
With the Sunstorm Blades equipped this will be an easier fight. He can still mess you up. Once he gets under 50% health
he will heal himself. He has electrical based attacks as well. I don’t remember if we got lightning based armor or not. He
can also blind you. We also have no way to actually block it. Use a might herb and just go to town. Thunder/ Electrocute
does about 600-700 to you. Since you don’t have a party it just hits you. Cure blindness if you want. He doesn’t have that
much MP and he will burn through it quickly with the high level spells he casts. Just defend until he wastes his MP. After
that his whip does about 400 if not blocking. After he burns through his MP he is a sitting duck. His normal base attack
will do about 200. Just wail on him with attack or summon a thing or two until it is over.

He runs off. Depending on what you did the dialog changes a little bit. Follow the path, get the Quartz x8, and continue
up. You will find out Colussia has been completely destroyed besides the castle which Osira put a barrier around. You
find out that Farah is officially not of this timeline/ dimension. The artifact binds them to whatever dimension they are
in. Once removed the wearer will be pulled back to their dimension. You get a choice. It just changes some dialog. You
find out you must go to the Northern Sea. A Bermuda Triangle type place. When the story continues we will head to
Odidania to sail!



__Illustration 198

__Lewd Box x1

Table of Contents Walkthrough


__Cowgirl RIder

Head out of the room. Kristallia will run into you wonder where Elin ran off to. You will help find her. She isn’t hard to
find. Go west and she is in the SW room with the bookshelves. Talk to her and get some choices.

Choice 1: Elin +1 SCENE

Choice 1a: SCENE

Choice 1b: NO SCENE

Choice 2: Elin +1 SCENE

Choice 2a: SCENE

Choice 2b: NO SCENE

Choice 3: Elin -1 NO SCENE

If you chose the scene you will get the Cowgirl Rider title. Now that the envelope glitch has been fixed here, go up to the
NE part of the castle. 3rd floor. By the water is an envelope with Illustration 198. Leave the castle via front door and
check the mailbox. You will get two requests. See the Blacksmith at the hermit’s Retreat and meet someone at the Four
Season’s Inn in the Winter Lodge. Transport to Khar and leave. Setup camp. Make a party. Leave and head into



__Dimensional Shard

__Illustration 184

__Lewd Box


__Boarder Checkpoint Cleared

Right past the guards to the north is a Dimensional Shard. Picking this up get you the Boarder Checkpoint Cleared title.
To the south next to the wall is an envelope with Illustration 184. Pick that up and leave. Head to the hermit’s Retreat.




Go speak to the hermit blacksmith. He will give you the quest

Table of Contents Walkthrough
QUEST: Snap: Behelda

Description: Take a picture of his granddaughter. She is located in your castle as you blacksmith. It will lead into another
quest as well. Do her quest during this one, take picture and head back to the hermit.

Reward: Crystalized Catalyst

We still can’t make the second key as of yet. Leave here and teleport to you castle



__Forge Key


__Chest o’ Goodies

Head straight north of the crystal and talk to Behelda. She is more than willing to take some pictures with you if you
complete her quest.

QUEST: Chest o’ Goodies

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Description: Go get her stuff from Odidania. Located in tower in the NW of town. Use the key to grab her stuff and bring
it back to her. Simple enough.

Reward: Picture

Teleport to Odidania.



__Beldorian Ale x3

__Costume Fabric – Farah!

__Dimensional Shard

__Lewd Box

__Quartz x10

__Smithing Equipment

Table of Contents Walkthrough


__Odidania Cleared

__Region Cleared

Go west and north again. Next to the tower on the left side is a Dimensional Shard. You will also get the Odidania
Cleared title. You will get a lewd box as well. Open the tower. First floor contains a chest with Quartz x10. Second floor
contains Costume Fabrix – Farah!, Beldorian Ale x3 and Smithing Equipment. You have the option to read a diary that
is located in the stuff. Do so for some funny stuff. Leave here, teleport back to



__Lewd Box x1


__Problem Solver

Head back to Behilda and let her know you looked at her diary or not. She doesn’t care. Take a picture of her and when
done you get the Problem Solver title. Quest complete. Teleport to Arlon. Leave town and head to

Four Season’s Inn


__Mining Gear


__Snap: Lynevere

Go into the winter lodge. It is the bottom right of the four lodges. Speak to Cardinal and get the quest

QUEST: Snap: Lynevere

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Description: Head to the Duchess’s Mansion and take some pictures of the Duchess Lynevere. You have to do this at
night. Head to the rear of the mansion via NW and take the picture. Return it for your reward.

Reward: 8000K

Accept the quest. Leave here and hit the Valley Checkpoint. Head through to the other side. Camp out until nightfall.
Unlock Mining Gear in your encyclopedia. Head into the Duchess Mansion. Go around the backside of the mansion via
NW part of the map. You will see a gap in the fence. Head in there. Take your picture and leave. Check the door on the
way out. Rest until daylight. Head back through the checkpoint to Four Season’s Inn. Turn the picture in for your reward.
A whole 8000K. Though you learn that she is the one who takes the women who don’t want to become priestess and
makes them have sex with monsters in the basement. Leave here. On your way back to Arlon, stop by

Fierra Falls


__Gold Dice – Illumi!

Go to the spot in the first screen and dig where the picture shows

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Leave here and go to

Prestige Ranch


__Beam Plate

Head to spot on the picture

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Teleport to Khar, back to hermit’s Hideout.

Hermit’s Hideout


__Crystalized Catalyst

__Dream Key: Unbearable

Turn in the pictures to receive a Crystalized Catalyst. Talk to him again and have him create the Dream Key:
Unbearable. We will open that chest soon enough. Now that we have all the Vanquisher titles and such we are going to
clear out some legendaries, along with the secret one plus some chests. Teleport to Odidania. Leave, camp until night
and head to the

Tiija Woodland


__Ceystalized Catalyst

__Illustration 139

__Illustraion 147

__Lewd Box x1


__ Gryphorian Youth

__Slender Slut

There are enemies that only spawn at night. So far there are 4 across the game. They are very difficult creatures to beat.
They all have 100k HP and spam dark based attacks. They can also charm you. They are very beatable but can drain

The first one is here. One screen down and one east. Since we unlocked the bait thing for them they will actively chase

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Go ahead and engage the enemy if you want. Otherwise, come back later. Make sure you have the Sunstorm Blades


REWARD: Illustration 139

Just wail on it. It is weak to Light based attacks. NOT UNDEAD attacks. To that basically makes your MC just plain attack
it. Sadly no one HAS light based attacks. Only UNDEAD attacks. It is just a long battle and it can hurt you pretty well. Just
keep the party above 800 and you should be fine.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

After killing your first one you will get a tutorial on them. After that head south for another legendary


Strat: Considering what you just fought these won’t be much of an issue. They are immune to earth so don’t even bring
Mhutiki for damage. She will be you MDEF character. You should have her, Kythie and anyone else. Farah would be great
here but she is currently fading away Back to The Future style. Selfish. Kythie Grand might and power. Mhu’Tiki Grand
resist. Character 3 whatever. They should go down quickly

Reward: Illustration 147

After that dig in this spot on the screen

Leave here Camp if need be. Bring Bal’Rana with you and head north to
Table of Contents Walkthrough
Northern Creek


__Illustration 176

__Lewd Box x1


__Devil Root


__Art Collector

Head across the bridge and to the right is a Legendary. Make sure you have Bel’Rana and Ra’Tiki with you and equip you
low MDEF characters with the Earth Rings for decreased damage against them.


Strat: This enemy is earth/ plant based. So water doesn’t do shit to it. It is weak to fire which is why we brought Bel’Rana
with us since she is the one with fire based attacks. It attacks with earth based spells so I hope you listened about the
rings on low MDEF characters. Ra’Tiki will also do good damage with Thunder. So just beat it like the red headed step
child it is.

Reward: Illustration 176

Table of Contents Walkthrough

You should receive the Art Collector title after this battle as well. Leave here via the north and head east to

The East Lighthouse


__Illustration 180


__Fogotten King

Head straight east and right past the Lighthouse is a legendary


Strat: This guy can be pretty tanky and can cause a fair amount of pain with his rage ability. If you bring a magic user that
is the time to beat him up since rage lowers DEF and MDEF. Otherwise just beat on him like normal. He will go down
with time. Nothing special otherwise.

Reward: Illustration 180

Leave here and head west. Bring Ra’Tiki for this one and make sure MC still has Sunstorm Blades equipped. Others don’t
matter. Head into

Blackgate Stronghold


__Illustration 102


Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Murk Vanguard

Go east a screen and down the sewer grate. Follow the path and run into another Legendary.


Strat: There are 3 of them so individually they aren’t that tough. They are weak to light and Thunder. Ra’tiki is very
welcome here! They can paralyze you party so Kythie is good here for Remedy and Grand Remedy. They can cast Force
on you which lowers MDEF. Doesn’t really matter since they don’t have magic attacks. Break can be an issue though. It
lowers DEF. Otherwise Might/Power and have Ra’Tiki go all Thor on them with Thunder based attacks. Should go down
quickly enough.

Reward: Illustraion 102

Leave here camp. Bring Kythie along as if for some reason you wouldn’t have her in your party anyway. Mhu’Tiki as well
if you are that worried for magic damage. Gabby as well. It should still be night.

Marshes of Despair


__Emerald Gem

__Illustration 175

__Illustration 190

__Ring of Greater Intelligence


__Slender Slut

__Neon Alphatross

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Go west to the first T intersection and head south and go west at the T intersection. Right when you enter the screen
you should see another Slender Slut. Have the Sunstorm Blades equipped still. Refer to earlier strat. They are all the
same. Once you defeat it you will receive Illustration 190. After that head east, than south. You can’t actively engage
this legendary. You have to just stand there until it runs into you. Put your strongest blades on your MC.


Strat: I don’t get why these birds are all weak to wind. He is quick so if you characters aren’t well leveled he will most
likely go first. You should be fine though. Might/ Power. Another battle where Farah would do well in if we had her.
Does wind attacks on you. MC Whirlwind strike, Kythie cyclone. It will go down quickly.

Reward: Illustration 175

Head south to the next area. Head to the south right a little to the area on the picture.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Leave here. Go to Skalkhom and teleport to Arlon. Have Ra’Tiki in your party at least. Head out and west to

Illusian Forest


__Illustration 154


__Aqua Hydra

Head west. North. West. South. West. West. West. North. West. South


Strat: Does water based attacks. They can hurt pretty well against low MDEF toons. If you have Mhu’Tiki with you just
cast Grand Resist and it should cut the damage down. It can poison and fear the entire party. Have Kythie here is a must
due to Grand Remedy if it comes down to it. Have Ra’Tiki beat the crap out of it with Thunder. Kill and move on

Reward: Illustration 154

Leave here and put Bal’Rana in your party. Equip earth rings on weak MDEF toons. Head into the

Immemorial Glade.


Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Illustration 166

__Lewd Box x1


__Mother of Nature

Right when you walk in


Strat: Thing is weak to fire. Bal’Rana will do well here. Has low DEF and semi low MDEF. It casts earth based spells on
you so the rings help. Might/ Power and have Bal’Rana do some work. Shouldn’t take very long.

Reward: Illustration 166

Use the crystal there. Head out. Put Gabrielle and Bal’Rana in your party. Equip Sunstorm Blades. The next legendary
awaits. Go to the tower at the top of the map

Ruined Tower


__Illustration 163

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Lewd Box x1


__Gurdian of the Dead


__Legendary Paladin

Just follow the path and he should be sitting right there waiting for you towards the base of the tower


Strat: This guy is begging for a beat down. We should have 3 characters that have attacks he is weak again. MC with
Sacred Cross, Gabrielle with Holy Round and Bal’Rana with all her fire based attacks. The only issue is that he will keep
summoning Hollow Man. Up to 6. So just ignore the Hollow man and go to town on the guardian. If the minimal damage
the Hollow Men starts to stack up take them out with a summon

Reward: Illustration 163

You should also get the Legendary Paladin title for your trouble. Leave here and head back to the glade. Go to Arlon and
teleport to Highland Inn. Leave and go to

Nillia Woods


__Illustration 82

__Lewd Box x1


Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Slender Slut


__Haunting Dispeller

Head west 3 screens than south. She will be wondering around the SW side


Same strat as before. Sunstorm Blades. Just beat on it. You will win eventually.

Reward: Illustration 82

After defeating this one you will get the Haunting Dispeller title. Leave here and back to the inn and teleport to
Brightstone. Leave and go north to

Crimson Forest


__Illustration 111


__Slender Slut

Go east two screens. You should run right into her.


REWARD: Illustration 111

Table of Contents Walkthrough
So leave here and back to Brightstone. Teleport to Caimridge. Leave and head to Fellhorn Ruins. Once there head all the
way north to where Osira used to hang out. That would be second set of doors the farthest north. Head east in the room
and down the set of stairs. At the bottom of the area is a chest we can use the key on.

We are playing as Masquerade. Head west and in the shack. Look at the poster and check the desks. After that talk to
the bear. SCENE.

There really isn’t much to do anymore. Teleport back to Castle Warrengard. Head to your room and check the mirror at
the top right of your room. You should be able to finish unlocking all the memories.

You can also unlock portraits of characters. I can’t really tell if it does anything besides pictures and a costume. If they
are a party member you can get their “in battle naked costume” after 10 wins. Since I don’t have hours to play just this
little part I kind of didn’t. You get a small portrait at 3 wins and a large at 6. Naked battle costume is at 10.

Teleport to Kahr. Make sure you have your sunstorm blades equipped again. Leave and head to

Pit of Ror’Ga


__Illustration 159



Head all the way to the bottom and there is the horse! Attack it!


Table of Contents Walkthrough

Strat: It uses darkness attacks. Your MC will be your main damage dealer. It casts reflex on itself. I still hit it without
issue. Just beat the crap out of it for taking to long to find!

Reward: Illustration 159


My statistics as of right now

Locks opened: 27

Places searched: 351

Donations stolen: 6

Animals caught: 35

Nodes mined: 80+

Walls destroyed: 12

Outfits purchased: 5

Property purchased: 42

Portraits Acquired: Haven’t done this yet.


Illustrations Unlocked: 161/ 176

Trading Cards: 76/92

Hen’Tai Discovered: 14/15

Art Chests: 24/26

Paintings Collected: 16/20

Pilgrimage Altars Visited: 11/11

Lost Illustrations Found: 49/54

Safes Cracked: 12/15

Table of Contents Walkthrough


Ultimas Conquered: 2/2

Entity Overcomed: 4/4

Legendary Defeated: 31/31

Enemies Discovered: 33/34


Game Progress: 64%

Crystals Activated: 11/12

Quests Complete: 26/26

Dimensional Shards: 48/51

Discovered Locations: 58/63

Treasure Maps Solved: 10/10

Properties Purchased: 42/51

Teleport to



__Queen Opala No. 03 – 6000K

You will get some story about getting ready to head out. You will want to check the ship and talk to the mayor for some
help. Elin will want to sight see. People are around town if you want to talk to them. Head straight for the mayor for
some conversation between the council. They are discussing to overthrow Cayden. Our missions is to talk to Fire King
Azastral and Ice Queen Celestia. Head towards the docks. On the way south you can see a guy with a turbin to buy
Queen Opala No. 03 for 6000K. You will see Kythie, Mhu,Titki and Ra’Tiki in front of the bar. Talk to Kythie. During
conversation, everyone else will show up. You will get a choice.

Choice 1: SCENE

Choice 2: SCENE- Altered

Choice 3: No Scene
Table of Contents Walkthrough
During the scene you will get some more Crayden dialog. He is heading to Castle Victorum. Afterwards you will be on a



__Illustration 160

__Illustration 173

__Illustration 174

__Kristallia No. 01

__Lewd Box x2

__Mhu’Tiki No. 06

__Mhu’Tiki No. 07

__Mhu’Tiki No. 08

__Ruby Coin x1


__Duchess of Mounds

__Magna Gerulus Cleared

Talk to your people on the deck. Head into the cabin at the south end of the boat. Search the desk for Kristallia No. 01.
Head down below deck and speak to the horseman. You will agree to have a private dinner with the Duchess. The upper
part of the area is a envelope for Illustration 160. Before speaking to him again, speak to the guard for a game of
Prediction. Mhu’Tiki No. 06, 07 and 08. Search the desks for Ruby Coin x1. There are stairs there. Take them up for a
room with Costume Fabric – Beatrix. You will get the Magna Gerulus Cleared title. There are some safes to the left. The
right safe is 8442 and contains Illustration 173. Other safe is 5190 with Illustration 174. Head back down and talk to the
Cardinal again. You will find out that Crayden was the first Crusader. She also wants your support in deciding who will be
the next ruler. Go back to the beds in the south and take a nap. You can talk to all your people again. Head back to
where the Duchess was and you will get a choice

Choice 1: SCENE

Choice 2: No SCENE

During the SCENE you get another set of choices

Choice 1: Ends SCENE

Choice 2: Alters SCENE

Table of Contents Walkthrough

You will receive the Duchess of Mounds title for your trouble. You will arrive at



__Black Dame No. 07

__Black Dame No. 08

__Costume Fabric – Bal’Rana

__Dimensional Shard- Bugged for me. Didn’t show.

__Feather of Awakening x1

__Gabrielle No. 09

__Illustration 138

__Illustration 146

__Quartz x3

If you speak to everyone here you will notice they don’t speak English. They speak Swedish. They say things like don’t fall
in the water or you will freeze to death quickly, 20 barrels of beer in the last delivery ETC. Least on the docks. Go to the
left side of the docks for a Ruby Chest which contains Illustration 138. Straight south of him is a guy who will sell
Gabrielle No. 09 for 4000k. Activate the crystal next to the Inn. Enter the Inn/ Bar. More properties to buy! If you are
low on funds I suggest waiting a little while buying them. Otherwise purchase them both for a total of 10000K. Search
the desks of course for Quartz x3. On the floor in an envelope that contains Illustration 146. You can play a man of
Prediction for Black Dame No. 07 and 08. Requires Black Dame No. 01. Leave here and into the building behind the
fence with the blue mailbox. Search for a Feather of Awakening and Costume – Fabric Bal’Rana. Outside and on the left
side of the house is a Dimensional Shard, but it was bugged out for me. Resting until night doesn’t do anything here. No
Bar mini-game here. Leave here and welcome to the

Not much to see here sadly. Make camp. You will get some new dialog choices with most of your party members. I will
just list the choices down below. Speak to the members listed below. You learn about the Sky Maidens and their
traditions. You get choices.

Beatrix Choice 1: Beatrix +1

Beatrix Choice 2: Beatrix -1

Farah Choice 1: Farah +1

Farah Choice 2: Farah -1

Gabrielle Choice 1: Gabrielle +1

Gabrielle Choice 2: Gabrielle -1

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Bal’Rana Choice 1: Bal’Rana +1

Bal’Rana Choice 2: Bal’Rana -1

Kythie Choice 1: Kythie +1- Opens unmarked quest to help her find a plushie Ra’Tiki gave to her

Kythie Choice 2: Kythie -1- Don’t know if it locks the quest..

Teleport to Odidania. Head towards the Mayor’s house. The screen before the plushie is located on the right side on the
fence. Thanks for those that told me where to find it. Head back out of the town and camp. Talk to Kythie and get some
more choices.

Kythie Choice 1/2/3: Kythie +1- No idea if it changes anything.

I have no idea as of now if the choices matter as of right now

Head back into town. Teleport to BRIGHTSTONE. Exit the town. Setup camp and sleep until night. Head all the way to the
Gentlemen’s Club


__Illustration 153

__Illustration 167

Head up to the second floor. Cut out the two paintings. Leave, camp until day. Head back to Brightstone, teleport to
Queen’s Landing.

Follow the road and enter the fortress. There is literally NOTHING east….

Celestial Gate


__Bear Pelt x3

__Layla No. 02

__Lewd Box x1

__Titanium x5


__Celestial Gate Cleared

Walk in a little bit and talk to the guard on the right. He will sell you the Layla Card No. 02 for 3500k. A little further up
are two chests containing Bear Pelt x3 and Titanium x5. This will net you the Celestial Gate Cleared title. Leave via north
exit. You are back on the world map and there isn’t anything east yet again. Or anywhere for that matter outside of the
city. So enter it.


Table of Contents Walkthrough



__Ariba’d Loco x1

__Costume Fabric – Beatrix

__Costume Fabric – Mhu’Tiki

__Dimensional Shard

__Dispel Leaf X x1

__Illustration 32

__Illustration 137

__Illustration 145

__Illustration 158

__Illustration 171

__Illustration 181

__Illythium Region Map

__Kristallia No. 03

__Kristallia No. 04

__Kythie No. 05

__Lewd Box x3

__Osira No. 05

__Osira No. 06

__Osira No. 07

__Ruby Coin x1

__Seed of Mana X x1

__Zweibelle No. 05


__ Front of Bar/ Inn

__Front of armor shop

Table of Contents Walkthrough
__Estate Conquester

__Hen’Tai Buster

__Vault Dweller

Enter the first building on the left and search for Dispel Leaf X x1. Play the woman here at Prediction for Kristallia No. 03
and 04. More properties to buy. You can always check the property management area in Section 9 for more info.
Nothing new here otherwise. Head across the bridge, activate crystal and read the new poster. Change it to who you
want after. You will notice fairies everywhere here. Head into the Inn. If you are hurting badly for cash you can play
Devil’s Dice with the guy at the bar. Buy if you want. Search desks for Ariba’d Loco x1. Head out. Exit via west screen.

The first building south when you walk in. Enter it and exit the SW door. When outside strike the barrel to find our old
friend to receive Illustration 32. You will get the Hen’Tai Buster title as well as a Lewd Box. Head back through the
building. Follow the road a tad west and into the house up the stairs. Search for 2400K. You can’t access the safe right
now. Leave, down the stairs and left following the grass area. Up another set of stairs and enter. Search to find Seed of
Mana X x1 and Costume Fabrix – Beatrix. Leave back to the road. Head straight down into the large building. You can
enter it. On the ground you will find a envelope with Illustration 137. There is a Kenny child in here. Leave and exit the
screen back. Exit this time to the north.

Enter the first house when you walk in. Pick the lock there. Cut the painting out for Illustration 158. Search for Ruby
Coin x1. Leave and exit to the East.

Enter the equipment shop and purchase it if you can afford. Buy the map for the region her. Change the poster in front
of the Armor shop. Buy the armor shop if you can afford. If you haven’t upgraded you main people to Diamond do so. It
is more costly than properties though. Next is the Material store. Purchase if you can. If you have been purchasing so far.
You should get the Estate Conquester title. Shop doesn’t provide anything new. Leave and enter the building south. You
can get into it. Left side is a envelope for Illustration 181. On the right side of the room a man will play Prediction for
Osira Card No. 05, 06, 07. Exit the library and to the east is a guy that will sell Zweibelle Card No. 05 for 5000K. You can’t
do anything in the house above you. Above the Material shop is another house tucked in the back. Search it for Kythie
Card No. 05. Outside the house on the left of the fence is a Dimensional Shard. Exit back west.

Head straight north. Enter the house on the left. Search here for Costume Fabric – Mhu’Tiki. Leave here. Head north and
exit. Follow it up to the next set of doors. That is all there is here.

End of current Beta. Already???? Nah there is more to do!

Go back to the Inn. Sleep until night. Or camp outside. You still can’t play the game at the bar. Shame… Head east, up
the first flight of stairs and into the house. You can get to the safe now. Enter 2595 to get Illustration 171. You should
get the Vault Dweller title.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Leave here. Go East, North and east again. Enter the house on the far east side. Cut out the painting for Illustration 145.
Sleep until daytime.

Head back to the crystal. Teleport to Khar. Head north 1 screen and west 1 screen. Enter the item shop and buy the
Slave Collar from the item shop. Leave and head to the Inn, which is left of the crystal. Unlock Leather leash and mining
gear if you didn’t earlier. Teleport to

Castle Warrrengard

Head straight through the doors above you. In the garden on the west side, enter the two buildings on the left side.
Upgrade them both. Leave the castle and back in. The buildings are upgraded. Nothing of use as of right now. Head back
to your chambers. Examine the chains. People have been reporting not being able to put Steel Demoness in chains. I
picked her first and Laquadia on the other set. It worked fine for me. IDK. I put Steel on the right side of chains. You
maybe can’t put her there if you didn’t train here in prison?

Teleport back to Luminessa. Exit the town south and head straight south through the Celestial gates and into the woods.



__Broncallo Pelt x4

__Dimensional Shard

__Full Elixir X x1

__Illustration 140

__Illustration 194
Table of Contents Walkthrough
__Lewd Box x1

__Might Herb x2

__Quartz x8

__Ruby Coin x1

__Sunstorm Plate


__Chronology Guardian

There isn’t much here. Head south a screen. Across the bridge. On the left, in the woods, is a chest with Full Elixer X x1.
Head south from there, down a little ramp and into a cave. Grab the chest for Broncallo Pelt x4. Exit the cave, up the
ramp and take the east exit.

Head in about 10 or 11 steps and head straight north to find a Demensional Shard. This should net you the Chronology
Guardian title. Only reason you didn’t get this earlier is because of the bugged out shard in Queen’s Landing. Least for
me. Back to the road and head east. In the tent is a envelope with Illustraion 140. Exit the tent. Head up the ramp and
into a cave to the right. Mine for Quartz x8 and a chest to the left with Sunstorm Plate. Exit the cave, down the ramp.
East of the tent is another ramp down. Take it. Head north to a chest with Might Herb x2. Exit here to the west and head
west again.

Follow the road and take the southern path. On the ice lake there is a chest with Ruby Coin x1. Exit back north and take
the west road this time. Follow the road and west a tad more to find a ruby chest with Illustration 194. Head back a tad
and south between two trees. West a tad over some bridges and into a cave. I would say head up the ropes but they
seem to be bugged….


Other than that. There really isn’t much to do. You can get a outfit for Bal’Rana… Ohh wait.. Not added… This update
was lame. Most of this was in the July update minus the NPC. Unless you read Sweed is rather lacking. I could translate it
but why bother. It is mainly NPC chat. Obvious bugs are present. You telling me no one tried to go up a ladder? No
enemies period in new update. No combat period. The new place has potential. Well it did if it didn’t take 5+ months to
do. This is just lazy. I would rant about soooo much more but it is a waste of time. Creator doesn’t give two shits about
what people ask for and yet makes 5k a month. I wish I made 5k a month to barely do anything.


So that is that. You can go get portraits for people now I guess. Steel Demoness is the next playable character it seems.
Most likely was supposed to be, but bugs broke it. Least I think so. I am missing a scene since I was falling asleep playing
this. It will be added soon.

Table of Contents Walkthrough


Section 5: ITEMS (ITM)


Section 5.1 Consumables (CONTS)


Small Health Potion- Restores 500 HP

Large Health Potion- Restores 2000 HP

Full Health Potion- Restores All HP

Small Health Potion X- Restores 500 HP/ Party

Large Health Potion X- Restores 2000 HP/ Party

Full Health Potion X- Restores All HP/ Party

Small Spirit Potion- Restores 500 SP

Large Spirit Potion- Restores 2000 SP

Full Spirit Potion- Restores all SP

Small Spirit Potion X- Restores 500 SP/ Party

Large Spirit Potion X- Restores 2000 SP/ Party

Full Spirit Potion X- Restores All SP/ Party

Elixir- Restores 2000 HP/ SP

Full Elixir- Restores All HP/ SP

Elixir X- Restores 2000 HP/SP /Party

Full Elixir X- Restores ALL hp/ SP/ Party

Revival Potion- Revives dead person at 50% max HP

Full Revival Potion- Revives dead person with full HP

Revival Potion X- Revives party at 50% max HP

Full Revival Potion X- Revives party with full HP

Antidote- Heals Poison

Antidote X- Heals poison Party

Dispel Leaf- Heals all status

Dispel leaf X- heals all status Party

Table of Contents Walkthrough
Might Herb- Battle only. Boosts ATK party

Barrier Herb- Battle only. Raises PDEF party

Resist Herb- Battle only. Raises MDEF party

Reflex Herb- Battle only. Raises EVA party

Rage Herb- Battle only. Raises ATK/PDEF to all but lowers MDEF

Beldorian Ale- Restores 10% HP

Vintage Booze- Restores 10% of SP

Savage Whiskey- Restores 25% of HP

Ariba’d Loco- Restores 25% SP

Nal'Tara Wine- Restores 25% HP/SP

Seed of Life- Increase Max HP by 50

Seed of Life X- Increase Max HP by 100

Seed of Mana- Increase Max SP by 25

Seed of Mana X- Increase Max SP by 50

Seed of Strength- Increase STR by 1

Seed of Strength X- Increase STR by 5

Seed of Dexterity- Increase DEX by 1

Seed of Dexterity X- Increase DEX by 5

Seed of Agility- increase AGI by 1

Seed of Agility X- Increase AGI by 5

Seed of Intelligence- Increase INT by 1

Seed of Intelligence X- Increase INT by 5

Lewd Box- Unlocks photoshoot pictures and can give emerald gems

Golden Detector- Turns notification of Beetleblades ON/OFF

Orb of Restoration- Resets game for New Game +


Section 5.2 WEAPONS (WPN)


Twin Blades

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Practise Blades- weapon that can't be equipped or broken down.

Bronze Blades- 116 ATK. Starter weapon.

Silver Blades- 128 ATK

Gold Blades- 142 ATK

Platinum Blades- 156 ATK

Diamond Blade- 192 ATK

Iron Blades- 124 ATK

Steel Blades- 132 ATK

Mithril Blades- 148 ATK

Titanium Blades- 172 ATK

Quartz Blades- 194 ATK

Sun Blades- 124 ATK. Light Based.

Beam Blades- 148 ATK. Light Based.

Sunstorm Blades- 194 ATK. Light Based


Bronze Bow- 114 ATK

Silver Bow- 126 ATK

Gold Bow- 140 ATK

Platinum Bow- 154 ATK

Diamond Bow- 190 ATK

Iron Bow- 122 ATK

Steel Bow- 134 ATK

Mithril Bow- 148 ATK

Titanium Bow- 172 ATK

Quartz Bow- 194 ATK

Bolt Bow- 122 ATK. THUNDER based.

Thunder Bow- 148 ATK. THUNDER based.


Table of Contents Walkthrough

Bronze Claws- 112 ATK 115 MDEF

Silver Claws- 124 ATK 136 MDEF

Gold Claws- 138 ATK 174 MDEF

Platinum Claws- 152 ATK 228 MDEF

Diamond Claws- 188 ATK

Iron Claws- 120 ATK 128 MDEF

Steel Claws- 130 ATK 152 MDEF

Mithril Claws- 146 ATK 196 MDEF

Titanium Claws- 170 ATK 265 MDEF

Wind Claws- 120 ATK 132 MDEF. WIND based

Hurricane Claws- 146 ATK 202 MDEF. WIND based


Bronze Flintlock- 114

Silver Flintlock- 126 ATK

Gold Flintlock- 140 ATK

Platinum Flintlock- 154 ATK

Diamond Flintlock- 190 ATK

Iron Flintlock- 122 ATK. Base weapon

Steel Flintlock- 134 ATK

Mithril Flintlock- 148 ATK

Titanium Flintlock- 172 ATK

Quartz Flintlock- 194 ATK

Ice Flintlock- 122 ATK. ICE based.

Frostbite Flintlock- 148 ATK. ICE based

Icestorm Flintlock-


Silver Wand- 118 ATK +4 INT. Starter Weapon

Gold Wand- 132 ATK +8 INT

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Platinum Wand- 146 ATK +16 INT

Diamond Wand- 182 ATK +32 INT

Iron Wand- 114 ATK. Why bother

Steel Wand- 124 ATK +4 INT. Why bother

Mithril Wand- 140 ATK +8 INT

Titanium Wand- 162 ATK +16 INT

Quartz Wand- 190 ATK +32 INT

Rock Wand- 114 ATK. EARTH based.

Tremor Wand- 140 ATK +8 INT. EARTH based

Rockstorm Wand- 190 ATK +32 INT. EARTH based


Platinum Mace- 158 ATK

Diamond Mace- 194 ATK

Quartz Mace- 196 ATK


Platinum Grimoire- 146 ATK +16 INT

Diamond Grimoire- 182 ATK +32 INT

Quartz Grimoire- 190 ATK +32 INT


Diamond Cutlesse- 190 ATK

Quartz Cutless- 194 ATK


Section 5.3 Armor (AMR)


Section 5.3.1 Sub Arms


Table of Contents Walkthrough

Bronze Gauntlet- 24 PDEF 18 MDEF

Silver Gauntlet- 40 PDEF 34 MDEF

Gold Gauntlet- 54 PDEF 50 MDEF

Platinum Gauntlet- 80 PDEF 80 MDEF

Diamond Gauntlet- 110 PDEF 93 MDEF

Iron Gauntlet- 34 PDEF 31 MDEF

Steel Gauntlet- 42 PDEF 40 MDEF

Mithril Gauntlet- 70 PDEF 66 MDEF

Quartz Gauntlet- 120 PDEF 95 MDEF


Bronze Bracelet- 20 PDEF 22 MDEF

Silver Bracelet- 36 PDEF 38 MDEF

Gold Bracelet- 50 PDEF 54 MDEF

Platinum Bracelet- 80 PDEF 80 MDEF

Diamond Bracelet- 93 PDEF 110 MDEF

Iron Bracelet- 31 PDEF 34 MDEF

Steel Bracelet- 40 PDEF 42 MDEF

Mithril Bracelet- 64 PDEF 72 MDEF

Titanium Bracelet- 88 PDEF 102 MDEF

Quartz Bracelet- 93 PDEF 122 MDEF


Cotton Collar- 103 PDEF

Wool Collar- 140 PDEF

Silk Collar- 193 PDEF

Leather Collar- 257 PDEF

Rabbit Collar- 114 PDEF

Wolf Collar- 154 PDEF

Tiger Collar- 220 PDEF

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Bear Collar- 285 PDEF

Broncallo Collar- 302 PDEF

Snake Collar- 349 PDEF


Cotton Gloves- 16 PDEF 20 MDEF

Wool Gloves- 26 PDEF 31 MDEF

Silk Gloves- 45 PDEF 55 MDEF

Leather Gloves- 65 PDEF 68 MDEF

Rabbit Gloves- 18 PDEF 24 MDEF

Wolf Gloves- 30 PDEF 35 MDEF

Tiger Gloves- 50 PDEF 60 MDEF

Bear Gloves- 70 PDEF 74 MDEF

Broncallo Gloves- 86 PDEF 94 MDEF

Snake Gloves- 89 PDEF 109 MDEF

Section 5.3.2 Head gear


Bronze Helm- 43 PDEF 37 MDEF

Silver Helm-60 PDEF 54 MDEF

Gold Helm- 80 PDEF 72 MDEF

Platinum Helm- 100 PDEF 85 MDEF

Diamond Helm- 120 PDEF 100 MDEF

Iron Helm- 56 PDEF 48 MDEF

Steel Helm- 72 PDEF 63 MDEF

Mithril Helm 93 PDEF 81 MDEF

Titanium Helm- 110 PDEF 90 MDEF

Quartz Helm- 130 PDEF 110 MDEF

Table of Contents Walkthrough


Bronze Circlet- 37 PDEF 43 MDEF

Silver Circlet- 54 PDEF 60 MDEF

Gold Circlet- 72 PDEF 80 MDEF

Platinum Circlet- 85 PDEF 100 MDEF

Diamond Circlet- 100 PDEF 120 MDEF

Iron Circlet- 48 PDEF 56 MDEF

Steel Circlet- 63 PDEF 72 MDEF

Mithril Circlet- 81 PDEF 83 MDEF

Titanium Circlet- 90 PDEF 110 MDEF

Quartz Circlet- 110 PDEF 130 MDEF


Cotton Cowl- 32 PDEF 35 MDEF

Wool Cowl- 42 PDEF 44 MDEF

Silk Cowl- 58 PDEF 62 MDEF

Leather Cowl- 72 PDEF 82 MDEF

Rabbit Cowl- 36 PDEF 40 MDEF

Wolf Cowl- 47 PDEF 52 MDEF

Tiger Cowl- 61 PDEF 68 MDEF

Bear Cowl- 79 PDEF 87 MDEF

Broncallo Cowl- 90 PDEF 105 MDEF

Snake Cowl- 100 PDEF 112 MDEF

Section 5.3.3 Body


Bronze Plate- 68 PDEF 61 MDEF

Silver Plate- 90 PDEF 86 MDEF

Gold Plate- 120 PDEF 116 MDEF

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Platinum Plate- 150 PDEF 146 MDEF

Diamond Plate- 165 PDEF 166 MDEF

Iron Plate- 76 PDEF 70 MDEF

Steel Plate- 110 PDEF 104 MDEF

Mithril Plate- 142 PDEF 132 MDEF

Titanium Plate- 160 PDEF 160 MDEF

Quartz Plate- 170 PDEF 170 MDEF

Sun Plate- 76 PDEFF 70 MDEF. RESIST LIGHT based damage

Beam Plate- 142 PDEF 132 MDEF. RESIST LIGHT based damage


Bronze Mail- 59 PDEF 66 MDEF

Silver Mail- 84 PDEF 88 MDEF

Gold Mail- 112 PDEF 116 MDEF

Platinum Mail- 141 PDEF 145 MDEF

Diamond Mail- 160 PDEF 165 MDEF

Iron Mail 68 PDEF 76 MDEF

Steel Mail- 102 PDEF 108 MDEF

Mithril Mail- 130 PDEF 140 MDEF

Titanium Mail- 150 PDEF 155 MDEF

Quartz Mail- 165 PDEF 170 MDEF

Thunder Mail- 130 PDEF 140 MDEF. RESIST THUNDER based damage

Boltstorm Mail- 165 PDEF 170 PDEF. RESIST THUNDER based damage


Cotton Cloak- 55 PDEF 60 MDEF

Wool Cloak- 72 PDEF 78 MDEF

Silk Cloak- 90 PDEF 99 MDEF

Leather Cloak- 120 PDEF 128 MDEF

Rabbit Cloak- 60 PDEF 64 MDEF

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Wolf Cloak- 77 PDEF 82 MDEF

Tiger Cloak- 109 PDEF 115 MDEF

Bear Cloak- 136 PDEF 144 MDEF

Broncallo Cloak- 150 PDEF 155 MDEF

Snake Cloak- 160 PDEF 165 MDEF

Tremor Cloak- 109 PDEF 115 MDEF. RESIST EARTH based damage


Section 5.4 Accessory (ACS)


Ring of Strength- +15 STR

Ring of Greater Strength- +25 STR

Ring of Divine Strength- +50 STR

Ring of Dexterity- +15 DEX

Ring of Greater Dexterity- +25 DEX

Ring of Divine Dexterity- +50 DEX

Ring of Agility- +15 AGI

Ring of Greater Agility- +25 AGI

Ring of Divine Agility- +50 AGI

Ring of Intelligence- +15 INT

Ring of Greater Intelligence- +25 INT

Ring of Divine Intelligence- +50 INT

Ring of Earth- Resist EARTH damage


Section 5.5 Miscellaneous (MSC)


Table of Contents Walkthrough


Forest Rabbit- Only spawns during the daytime

Shadow Hare- Spawns in darkened Woods

Woods Squirrel- Spawns in bright outside areas with trees

Dark Squirrel- ??

Grey Mouse- Usually in basements

Radiant Butterfly- Lake Fairlight. Only spawns during the nighttime

Craft Item

Bronze- Used for creating weapons and armor

Silver- Used for creating weapons and armor

Gold- Used for creating weapons and armor

Platinum- Used for creating weapons and armor

Iron- Used for creating weapons and armor

Steel- Used for creating weapons and armor

Mithril- Used for creating weapons and armor

Rabbit Pelt- Used for creating armor

Wolf Pelt- Used for creating armor

Tiger Pelt- Used for creating armor

Bear Pelt- Used for creating armor

Broncallo Pelt- Used for creating armor

Sandstone- Used for creating weapons and armor

Granite- Used for creating weapons and armor

Fire Ore- Used for Fire based Weapons and Armor

Water Ore- Used for Water based Weapons and Armor

Wind Ore- Used for Wind based Weapons and Armor

Dark Ore- Used for Darkness based Weapons and Armor

Simple Material- Used for creating simple Weapons and Armor

Advanced Material- Used for creating advanced Weapons and Armor

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Simple Weapon- Used to make simple Weapons

Simple Sub Arms- Used to make simple arm pieces



Cute Ribbon-

Coin Purse-

Tribal Crayons-

Erotic Novel-

Golden Choker-

Invaluable Mask-

Historical Bandana-


Citrine Earring- 250K

Silver Candlestick-375K

Sapphire Ring- 500K

Golden Bowl- 750K

Garnet Necklace- 1000K

Diamond Pitcher- 2000K Colussia Castle. Emperor’s room. Lvl. 3 lock pick only during Osira quest

Emerald Gem- 1000K or used for unlocking skits in Castle Warrengard in the mirror room.


Section 5.6 Key Item (KYS)


Golden Detector- Lets you know if Golden Beetleblades appear on maps

Common Dice- Used for playing Devil's Dice and Prediction

Gold Dice - Laquadia- Quest Punching Slimebags.

Gold Dice - Farah- Puzzle, needs utility hook, Solution is 3-1-2-4

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Gold Dice - Masquerade- Treasure Map 01. Rivulet hills

Gold Dice - Illumi- From Treasure Map 06

Gold Dice - Gabrielle- Sleep Deprivation quest. Caimridge

Gold Dice - Ra'Tiki- Behind bomb wall north of Neifu camp. In a chest

Gold Dice - Beatrix- Quest Cleaning up The Streets. Khar

Gold Dice - Black Dame- Chest in basement. Marshes of Despair

Overflowing Pitcher- Quest item from Osira

Snare Trap- Used to capture Animals

Animal Whistle- Makes capturing Lvl. 2

Hunting Gloves- Makes capturing Lvl. 3

Treasure Shovel- Used for Digging up treasures

Pickaxe- Used for mining ore nodes

Rock Charges- Adds +2 to mined materials

Mining Gear-

Lock pick Set- Colussia. Black Dame. Enables Lvl. 1 lock picking

Torsion Wrench- Enables Lvl. 2 lock picking

Glorious Pick- Enables Lvl. 3 lock picking

Art Razor- Enables Lvl. 1 Painting stealing

Utility Hook- Enables access to sewer grates

Lantern- Lights up caverns a little bit

Luxury Bedroll- Restores HP/SP when sleeping in a camp site

Ruby Coin- Found everywhere. Used for unlocking Red Chests

Golden Token- Dropped by Golden Beetleblade. Used to unlock Rewards

Dimensional Shard- Turn in to Illumi for rewards

Deed Contract- From buying property

Crystal Fragment- Allows transport via Blue Crystals

Necklace of Clarity- Makes searchable spots glow

Ring of Resonance- Makes Golden Beetleblade mobs glow gold if present

Amulet of Assistance- Makes quest givers have a MAP ICON above their bodies

Monster Lure- Makes Golden Beetleblades spawn more often

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Boots of Rushing- Enables sprinting in outside areas. Press A to use

Ribbon of Speech- Talk to animals. Only get temporary

Bandana of the Unseen- Makes traps visable

Gloves of Finesse- Makes Card holders easier to spot

Jewel of Magnification- Enables zooming on pictures and scenes

Mysterious Jewelry- Start the game with it

Club Ticket- Bought at the Heavenly Fate in Colussia

Handkerchief- Quest Item. Found in the Church

Sexy Underwear- Quest Item. Found in Laquadia’s room

Hand Mirror- Quest Item. Found during Night Raid quest

Cursed Ring- Quest Item. Found in Fellhorn Ruins

Boyfriends Note- Quest Item. From quest giver in Port Ronod

Diplomatic Contract- Quest Item. Papers to represent Brightstone at the High Lord Gathering

Prison Keychain- Unlock prison cells at Castle Warrengard

Ominous Potion- Quest Item. Given to you by Osira

Northern Region Map- Makes location names visible around Colussia

Southern Region Map- Makes location names visible around Brightstone and Arlon areas

Eastern Region Map- Makes location names visible east of the Valley Checkpoint


Section 5.7: Illustrations (ILS)


Illustration 01- Kahr. In a safe. Code 9116

Illustration 02- Colussia. West side of Church exterior

Illustration 03- Lake Fairlight. Southwest camp with actual people. Inside tent

Illustration 04- Windy Canyon. From alter in a cave from Bless quest

Illustration 05- Darkthorn Keep. 2 Ruby Coins. North side after entering.

Illustration 06- Prestige Ranch. Safe. Code 2073

Illustration 07- Fellhorn Ruins. Second area in a basement. Sitting on the floor.

Illustration 08- Western Lighthouse. On the ground outside.

Illustration 09- Prestige Ranch. Cut out Painting upstairs. Art razor required.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Illustration 10- Port Ronod. Cut painting in a house. East side. Art Razor required.

Illustration 11- Odidania. Up alley next to the armor shop.

Illustration 12- Rivulet Hills. Defeat legendary near mercenary camp.

Illustration 13- Windy Canyon. Cave near the only house. 3 Ruby Coins.

Illustration 14- Paradise Oasis. Inside building on the east side.

Illustration 15- Brightstone. In a house on the west side of town on the ground.

Illustration 16- Hallow Gorge. Far north cave. 2 Ruby Coins.

Illustration 17- Highland Inn. In the stable. Day time only.

Illustration 18- Gentleman's Club. Cut painting out first building. Nighttime only.

Illustration 19- Whitehaven. First building. Strike Barrel.

Illustration 20- Illusian Forest. Ruby Chest 1x coin

Illustration 21- Kahr. West area. Between small opening. Cut out painting. Night time only.

Illustration 22- Arlon. Safe in basement of item shop. Code 6545.

Illustration 23- Caimridge. 2nd screen west. Small shack. Strike Barrel.

Illustration 24- Prestige Ranch. Defeat Legendary north of entrance.

Illustration 25- Windy Canyon. Defeat legendary in caves.

Illustration 26- Grassland Road. Defeat Legendary in caves on 2nd screen.

Illustration 27- Caimridge. On the ground between buildings on the second screen.

Illustration 28- Serenity Bridge. Straight north inside a tent.

Illustration 29- Brightstone. House next to Temple. Cut out painting. Night time only.

Illustration 30- Serenity Bridge. In cave east side down stairs. 2 Ruby Coins.

Illustration 31- Royal Cottage. On boat dock west of house on the ground.

Illustration 32- Luminessa. Enter hot springs. Strike barrel in the top of the actual spring.

Illustration 33- Summer Cove. Strike Barrel on SW side. Ra'Tiki must be in party.

Illustration 34- Fierra Falls. In a cave. Far NW side. 2 Ruby Coins required.

Illustration 35- Illusian Forest. Floor in the church.

Illustration 36- Arlon. Cut out painting in NW house. Art Razor Required.

Illustration 37- Colussia. Defeat Legendary. North part of the sewer.

Illustration 38- Darkthorn Keep. During assault. 2nd floor up towards the Wardens office.

Illustration 39- Arlon. Chest in the back room of the pub. 3 Ruby Coins required.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Illustration 40- Castle Warrengard. After clearing east stairs rubble. On the floor.

Illustration 41- Castle Warrengard. Defeat Legendary in the Aquaduct.

Illustration 42- Windy Canyon. Inside the house.

Illustration 43- Brightstone. Building south of Armor shop. On the ground.

Illustration 44- Rivulet Hills. In mercenary camp inside tent. Heroic Savior quest to enter

Illustration 45- Kahr. NW area near temple. Cut painting out. Night time only. Art razor required.

Illustration 46- River Checkpoint. Defeat legendary.

Illustration 47- Four Seasons Inn. Inside stable on the ground.

Illustration 48- Paradise Oasis. Defeat Legendary. West screen

Illustration 49- Colussia. Castle. Royal bath area. 2 Rub Coins required

Illustration 50- Prestige Ranch. SE area of area on the ground

Illustration 51- Lake Fairlight. Defeat legendary.

Illustration 52- Royal Cottage. Defeat legendary.

Illustration 53- Forgotten Cemetery. Inside building on the ground.

Illustration 54- Northern Creek. Altar.

Illustration 55-

Illustration 56- Summer cove. Inside changing room. 4 Ruby Coins required.

Illustration 57- Iron Spire. On the 2nd floor in the NE corner.

Illustration 58- Port Ronod. Upper path right of the mayor's house on the ground.

Illustration 59- Caimridge. Basement of town hall. 3 Ruby Coins required.

Illustration 60- Four Season Inn. Safe. Code 1192. Nighttime only.

Illustration 61- Tijia Forest. Found right after you drop in from Uncle Dad’s Farm

Illustration 62- Colussia. Painting inside house. South of east part. Art Razor required.

Illustration 63- Colussia. Safe 2. Code 5535.

Illustration 64- Crimson Forest. In a tent in the Neifu Settlement.

Illustration 65- Nillia Woods. Defeat Legendary..

Illustration 66- Crimson Forest. NE cave area before Howling Moon Guards. Defeat Legendary.

Illustration 67- Western Lighthouse. Defeat Legendary.

Illustration 68- Brightstone. House next to Inn. Safe. Code 0825.

Illustration 69- Hollow Gorge. Defeat Legendary in cave west of first walking in.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Illustration 70- Serenity Bridge. Defeat Legendary. North of east exit.

Illustration 71- Skalhalm. East cave in town. Ruby Chest. 2 coins

Illustration 72- Colussia. Sewer. Up short ladder in southern most area.

Illustration 73- Tijia Woods. In tent. Ruby Chest. 3 coins

Illustration 74- Kahr. NW room in the Sauna.

Illustration 75- Crimson Woods. Slash Barrel in main building of Neifu Settlement.

Illustration 76- Pit of Gor’rah. Behind the building in the bottom of the pit.

Illustration 77- Gentleman's Club. Barn. Slash Barrel.

Illustration 78- Odidania. Safe: 9200 In house far left of church. Only at night.

Illustration 79- Ruins of the past. Cave. Requires Dynamite. 2 Ruby Coins required.

Illustration 80- Duchess’s Mansion. Stable. Strike the barrel

Illustration 81- Fellhorn Ruins. Defeat Legendary. Far north area in front of door.

Illustration 82- Nillia Woods. Slender Slut

Illustration 83- Paradise Oasis. Cave behind east building.

Illustration 84- Second Spire. Second floor. On the ground NW side.

Illustration 85- Port Ronod. Locked door at fish market. Strike the Barrel.

Illustration 86- Whitehaven. SW area near the pier. Next to baskets of fish.

Illustration 87-

Illustration 88- Kahr. Building right next to blue crystal.

Illustration 89-

Illustration 90- Island of mist. Inside cave from the altar..

Illustration 91- Ruins of the Past. East screen in SE destroyed building.

Illustration 92- Imperial Manor. Cut out painting 2nd floor. Art Razor required.

Illustration 93- Colussia. Need to do sidequest for Osira after High Lord Gathering.

Illustration 94- Colussia. Chest in the basement of the Pub. 3 Ruby Coins required.

Illustration 95- Kahr. Straight west of the armor shop past beastman between buildings.

Illustration 96- Castle Warrengard. After clearing path right above save crystal. On the ground.

Illustration 97- Isolated Shack. In the shack. On the floor

Illustration 98- Lake Fairlight. Cave in the east most screens. Ruby Coins 2

Illustration 99- Imperial Manor. In stable on the ground. During High Lord Gathering only.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Illustration 100-

Illustration 101- Brightstone. Cut painting in Mama Farah's house. Art Razor required..

Illustration 102- Blackgate Stronghold. Murk Vanguard. In the sewers

Illustration 103- Uncle Dad's Farm. Slash barrel inside their home.

Illustration 104- Gentlemen's Club. On ground north building. Night time only.

Illustration 105- Rivulet Hills. Werewulfie den. During Heroic Savior quest. 2 Ruby Coins.

Illustration 106- Desert Checkpoint. Ruby Coin x2.

Illustration 107- The Ravaged Booty. Random chance they move 8%. Inside Cave. Ruby Coin x1

Illustration 108- Highland Inn. Strike barrel in front of the inn.

Illustration 109- Fierra Falls. Defeat legendary. Far East side of area.

Illustration 110- Smugglers Route. Defeat Legendary. Near south entrance.

Illustration 111- Crimson Forest. Slender Slut. 3rd screen east. Night only

Illustration 112- Colussia. Safe 1. Code 4624

Illustration 113- Port Ronod. Safe 1. Code 6869.

Illustration 114- Arlon. House right of crystal. Strike barrel. Comes up as 113

Illustration 115- Forgotten Cemetery. Defeat Legendary. Basement north building

Illustration 116-

Illustration 117- Kahr Temple. Ruby Coin x3

Illustration 118- Tower of Decent. In cave. Defeat Legendary M1-A Prototype

Illustration 119- Odidania. Material/Clothing shop. Night only.

Illustration 120-

Illustration 121- Colussia. Slash a barrel in one of the houses

Illustration 122- Whitehaven. Safe 1. Code 8350.

Illustration 123- Grassland Road. From alter on west screen. Follow bank to chest and cave.

Illustration 124- Grandmaster’s Hut. In his building right on the floor.

Illustration 125- Fierra Falls. In cave straight east of entrance. Use the altar.

Illustration 126- Northern Creek. Inside cave near the beds on the ground. Hard to see.

Illustration 127- Island of Mist. Defeat Tordose Barrier.

Illustration 128- Kahr. Defeat Legendary. House below Sauna. Night Only.

Illustration 129- Lake Fairlight. NE cave of the far east area.

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Illustration 130-

Illustration 131- Smuggler's Route. Shack at the south exit. 2 Ruby Coins Required.

Illustration 132- Iron Spire. First floor during assualt

Illustration 133- Odidania. House west of the inn in small room. Strike barrel

Illustration 134- Colussia. House next to Laquadia's Fan quest. Dark house.

Illustration 135- Colussia. Safe 3. Code 1944. Only after the Lord High Gathering.

Illustration 136- Odidania. Painting. Behind locked door in the mayor’s house

Illustration 137- Luminessa. Envelope. West side of town in library. On the ground past the kids next to table.

Illustration 138- Queen’s Landing. Ruby Chest 2 coins. On the docks, west side

Illustration 139- Tijia Woodland. Slender Slut

Illustration 140- Bellfrost Woods. Envelope, tent. Go south a screen than east. Inside tent. Can’t miss it.

Illustration 141-

Illustration 142-

Illustration 143- Skalhalm. Envelope. Go through the cave system and enter the house on the right. On the floor.

Illustration 144-

Illustration 145- Luminessa. Portrait, night only. Far east building where the material and item shop are.

Illustration 146- Queen’s Landin. Inn/ Bar. Envelope on the floor.

Illustration 147- Tijia Woodland. Defeat legendary Gryphorian Youth

Illustration 148- Marshes of Despair. Far south screen on the ground in the west “house”

Illustration 149- Odidania. Painting. Inside first house east of the Inn.

Illustration 150- Northern Creek. Behind weak wall. Ruby chest 3x coins

Illustration 151- East Lighthouse. In the cave you see when entering. Blessing Sidequest

Illustration 152- Skalhalm. House right next to crystal. Envelope on the floor

Illustration 153-

Illustration 154- Illusian Forest. Aqua Hydra. Next to the large grave in the NW part of the map

Illustration 155- Marshes of Despair. West area in a basement. Ruby Chest 2x coins behind bomb wall

Illustration 156- Hermits Retreat. IN the main cave of the area… You have to avoid it to miss it.

Illustration 157-

Illustration 158- Luminessa. Portrait cutout. Second screen north. Only house. Behind ?? locked door.

Illustration 159- Pit of Ror’Ga. Defeat Dragonallion. Bottom of the pit. Can’t miss it

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Illustration 160-

Illustration 161- Ravanged Booty. Under the deck of the ship on the ground

Illustration 162-

Illustration 163- Ruined Tower. Legendary right at the base of the tower.

Illustration 164-Odidania: Ruby chest 2x coins. SE part of town near the stairs the lead to the docks.

Illustration 165-

Illustration 166- Immemorial Glade. Mother of Nature. Right when you walk in.

Illustration 167-

Illustration 168- Blackgard Stronghold. Envelope in the South West cell

Illustration 169- East Lighthouse. Top floor of the lighthouse.

Illustration 170-

Illustration 171- Luminessa. Safe 2595. Night time only. House on west side up first set of stairs

Illustration 172- Praeceps Isle. Far west area in cave. Altar Quest.

Illustration 173-

Illustration 174-

Illustration 175- Marshes of Despair. Neon Alphatross 2nd screen down on a bridge. Let it run into you

Illustration 176- Northern Creek. Defeat Legendary Devil Root. First screen north side

Illustration 177-

Illustration 178- Fellhorn ruins. Ruby Chest. During the assault on Colussia. Go east from Osiras’ throne

Illustration 179-

Illustration 180- East Lighthouse. Defeat Forgotten King

Illustration 181- Luminessa. Envelope. Library south of Equipment/ Armor/ Material shops. On the ground west side.

Illustration 182- Arlon. Envelope in the church

Illustration 183- Shrine. Colussia. Basement if the Church. During Episode 3

Illustration 184- Border Checkpoint. Again wall southern part

Illustration 185-

Illustration 186-

Illustration 187- Pit of Gor’ra. In the building at the base of the pit.

Illustration 188-Odidania. Safe 1. Code 7713.

Illustration 189-

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Illustration 190- Marshes of Despair. Slender slut. West at first T intersection. Must be night

Illustration 191-

Illustration 192- Homestead: On pier south of the house.

Illustration 193- Odidania. House on the dock right below two sailors. Behind a weak wall.

Illustration 194- Bellfrost Woods. Ruby Chest. 2x coins. West side of the woods past road that ends.

Illustration 195-

Illustration 196-

Illustration 197- Darthorn Keep. During assault. 5th floor in the tower. In the NW corner.

Illustration 198- Castle Warrengard. 3rd floor on the east side of the castle. Must be built up


SECTION 5.8: Trading Cards (TDC)



Masquerade No. 01- Brightstone. Prediction against Nun. Requires No. 2 or 5

Masquerade No. 02- Nillia Woods. Tent overlooking Darkthorn Keep

Masquerade No. 03- Darkthorn Keep. Desk in the jail cells

Masquerade No. 04- Brightstone. Prediction against Nun. Requires No. 2 or 5

Masquerade No. 05- Brightstone. Material shop. Bought for 2000K from a man inside

Masquerade No. 06- Kahr. Night time only. West screen next to poster. 3800K.

Masquerade No. 07- Four Seasons Inn. In a desk in the NW building

Masquerade No. 08- Isolated Shack. west of Odidania. Inside desk

Masquerade No. 09- Whitehaven. Inside boat. Buy for 2500K

Masquerade No. 10-


Gabrielle No. 01- Rivulet Hills. In desk next to the girl during Heroic Savoir

Gabrielle No. 02- Royal Cottage. Cabinet on the second floor

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Gabrielle No. 03- Brightstone. Table inside the Inn

Gabrielle No. 04- Gentlemen’s Club. Buy from man in first building. 1600K. Night time only

Gabrielle No. 05- Colussia. Maid in Duchess Lynevere’s Manor. Requires No. 3 or 4

Gabrielle No. 06- Colussia. Maid in Duchess Lynevere’s Manor. Requires No. 3 or 4

Gabrielle No. 07- Four Seasons Inn. Prediction inside the Inn. Requires No. 4 or 5

Gabrielle No. 08- Four Seasons Inn. Prediction inside the Inn. Requires No. 4 or 5

Gabrielle No. 09- Queen’s Landing. Man on the pier for 4000K

Gabrielle No. 10-


Farah No. 01- Highland Inn. Buy from a guy for 1800K

Farah No. 02- Caimridge. Prediction on 2nd floor. Requires No. 1

Farah No. 03- Caimridge. Prediction on 2nd floor. Requires No. 1

Farah No. 04- Odidinia. Guard. Prediction. House one screen below the mayor’s house

Farah No. 05- Odidinia. Guard. Prediction. House one screen below the mayor’s house

Farah No. 06- Odidinia. Guard. Prediction. House one screen below the mayor’s house

Farah No. 07-

Farah No. 08-

Farah No. 09-

Farah No. 10-


Beatrix No. 01- Brightstone. Purple haired guy outside pub for 1500K

Beatrix No. 02- Homestead. In a desk in your room.

Beatrix No. 03- Colussia. Inside building west of Twin Trades. Requires Lock pick

Beatrix No. 04- Port Ronod. Purchase from guy in the material store. 1500K

Beatrix No. 05- Whitehaven. From table inside house west of the Inn

Beatrix No. 06- Summer Cove. Man SW side of beach. Requires at least Beatrix No. 03

Beatrix No. 07- Summer Cove. Man SW side of beach. Requires at least Beatrix No. 03

Beatrix No. 08- Colussia. Prediction inside the Inn. Requires No. 3 or 4

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Beatrix No. 09- Colussia. Prediction inside the Inn. Requires No. 3 or 4

Beatrix No. 10- Desert Checkpoint. My geek. Requires at least 8 Beatrix cards to play.


Ra’Tiki No. 01- Port Ronod. Purchase at the end of the pier. Ra’Tiki must be recruited

Ra’Tiki No. 02- Kahr. Prediction. Must have at least No. 04.

Ra’Tiki No. 03- Kahr. Prediction. Must have at least No. 04

Ra’Tiki No. 04- Colussia. Prediction. Guard in Laquadia’s Fans House. Requires No. 1

Ra’Tiki No. 05- Colussia. Prediction. Guard in Laquadia’s Fans House. Requires No. 1

Ra’Tiki No. 06- Colussia. Prediction. Guard in Laquadia’s Fans House. Requires No. 1

Ra’Tiki No. 07- Lake Fairlight. Prediction. Guy in one of the tents. Requires No. 4 or 5 or 6

Ra’Tiki No. 08- Lake Fairlight. Prediction. Guy in one of the tents. Requires No. 4 or 5 or 6

Ra’Tiki No. 09-

Ra’Tiki No. 10-


Laquadia No. 01- Colussia Castle. Locked desk in the barracks. Requires lock pick

Laquadia No. 02- Port Ronod. Prediction. You need Laquadia No. 5 or Masquerade No. 5

Laquadia No. 03- Colussia Sewer. Buy from guy inside the pub. 1200K

Laquadia No. 04- Whitehaven. Prediction. Inside Fish storage. Daytime only.

Laquadia No. 05- Whitehaven. Prediction. Inside Fish Storage. Daytime only.

Laquadia No. 06- Whitehaven. Prediction. Inside Fish Storage. Daytime only.

Laquadia No. 07- Arlon. Inside desk in the right house as you enter town.

Laquadia No. 08-

Laquadia No. 09-

Laquadia No. 10-


Queen Opala No. 01-

Queen Opala No. 02-

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Queen Opala No. 03- Odidania- 6000K. Guy between stairs on the way to the docks.

Queen Opala No. 04-

Queen Opala No. 05-

Queen Opala No. 06-

Queen Opala No. 07-

Queen Opala No. 08-

Queen Opala No. 09-

Queen Opala No. 10-

Mama Farah

Mama Farah No. 01- Castle Warrengard. Prediction. Farm before top room. Requires Card No. 03

Mama Farah No. 02- Castle Warrengard. Prediction. Farm before top room. Requires Card No. 03

Mama Farah No. 03- Valley Checkpoint. Buy from man for 3200K

Mama Farah No. 04-

Mama Farah No. 05-

Mama Farah No. 06-

Mama Farah No. 07-

Mama Farah No. 08-

Mama Farah No. 09-

Mama Farah No. 10-


Osira No. 01- Fellhorn Ruins. Far north screen. After High Lord Gathering. Lizardman. Requires Osira No. 04

Osira No. 02- Fellhorn Ruins. Far north screen. After High Lord Gathering. Lizardman. Requires Osira No. 04

Osira No. 03-

Osira No. 04- Smuggler’s Route. Buy from man outside of building for 2900K

Osira No. 05- Luminessa. Prediction. Library south of Armor shop. Requires Osira No. 01

Osira No. 06- Luminessa. Prediction. Library south of Armor shop. Requires Osira No. 01

Osira No. 07- Luminessa. Prediction. Library south of Armor shop. Requires Osira No. 01

Osira No. 08-

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Osira No. 09-

Osira No. 10-


Osira No. 01- Colussia Sewer. Behind weak walls.

Osira No. 02- Four Seasons Inn. Buy from guy in front of the stable. 3500K

Osira No. 03- Prestige Ranch. Prediction. Guard upstairs. Requires No. 1 or 2

Osira No. 04- Prestige Ranch. Prediction. Guard upstairs. Requires No. 1 or 2

Osira No. 05- Prestige Ranch. Prediction. Guard upstairs. Requires No. 1 or 2

Osira No. 06- Boat- Story Event to the Northern Kingdom. Requires Mhu’Tiki No 01

Osira No. 07- Boat- Story Event to the Northern Kingdom. Requires Mhu’Tiki No 01

Osira No. 08- Boat- Story Event to the Northern Kingdom. Requires Mhu’Tiki No 01

Osira No. 09-

Osira No. 10-


Zweibelle No. 01- Odidania. House near docks on the east. Search a desk.

Zweibelle No. 02- Blackgate Stronghold. Up the stairs in the middle of the fortress. In a desk.

Zweibelle No. 03-

Zweibelle No. 04-

Zweibelle No. 05- Luminessa. 5000K. East of material store. Guy will sell it there.

Zweibelle No. 06-

Zweibelle No.07-

Zweibelle No. 08-

Zweibelle No. 09-

Zweibelle No. 10-

Black Dame

Black Dame No. 01- River Checkpoint. Buy from guy on bridge. After High lord Gathering. 2500K

Black Dame No. 02- Arlon. Inside Pub back room. Prediction. Requires No. 1

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Black Dame No. 03- Arlon. Inside Pub back room. Prediction. Requires No. 1

Black Dame No. 04- Arlon. Inside Pub back room. Prediction. Requires No. 1

Black Dame No. 05- Odidania. Inside house on second screen. Prediction. Requires No. 01

Black Dame No. 06- Odidania. Inside house on second screen. Prediction. Requires No. 01

Black Dame No. 07- Queens Landing. Prediction. In the Inn. Requires No. 01

Black Dame No. 08- Queens Landing. Prediction. In the Inn. Requires No. 01

Black Dame No. 09-

Black Dame No. 10-

Sunny-Sue Ellen

Sunny-Sue Ellen No. 01- Arlon. Bought for 3200 in building with the quiz guy

Sunny-Sue Ellen No.02- Kahr. Gamble card 1 against Beastman in the material shop

Sunny-Sue Ellen No. 03- Kahr. Gamble card 1 against Beastman in the material shop

Sunny-Sue Ellen No. 04- Kahr. Gamble card 1 against Beastman in the material shop

Sunny-Sue Ellen No. 05-

Sunny-Sue Ellen No. 06-

Sunny-Sue Ellen No.07-

Sunny-Sue Ellen No. 08-

Sunny-Sue Ellen No. 09-

Sunny-Sue Ellen No. 10-


Naz’Raala No. 01- Castle Warrengard. Desk. After clearing west rubble in main room

Naz’Raala No.02-

Naz’Raala No. 03-

Naz’Raala No. 04-

Naz’Raala No. 05-

Naz’Raala No. 06-

Naz’Raala No.07-

Naz’Raala No. 08-

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Naz’Raala No. 09-

Naz’Raala No. 10-


Layla No. 01- Kahr. West of Inn up narrow path to a house.

Layla No. 02- Celestial Gate. 3500K. Up first flight of stairs. Man sells it

Layla No. 03- Castle Warrengard. Prediction. Man at table after clearing east stair rubble. Requires Layla No. 01

Layla No. 04- Castle Warrengard. Prediction. Man at table after clearing east stair rubble. Requires Layla No. 01

Layla No. 05-

Layla No. 06-

Layla No. 07-

Layla No. 08-

Layla No. 09-

Layla No. 10-



Kristallia No. 01- Boat south cabin in desk- Story event. Can get on the way to the Northern Kingdom.

Kristallia No. 02-

Kristallia No. 03- Luminessa. Prediction. First house on the left. Requires Kristallia No. 01

Kristallia No. 04- Luminessa. Prediction. First house on the left. Requires Kristallia No. 01

Kristallia No. 05-

Kristallia No. 06-

Kristallia No. 07-

Kristallia No. 08-

Kristallia No. 09-

Kristallia No. 10-


Table of Contents Walkthrough


Illumi No. 01-

Illumi No. 02-

Illumi No. 03-

Illumi No. 04-

Illumi No. 05-

Illumi No. 06-

Illumi No. 07-

Illumi No. 08-

Illumi No. 09-

Illumi No. 10-


Kythie No. 01-

Kythie No. 02-

Kythie No. 03-

Kythie No. 04- Odidnia. Inn. Buy for 4000K from turban wearing man

Kythie No. 05- Luminessa. Desk. House above Material store.

Kythie No. 06-

Kythie No. 07-

Kythie No. 08-

Kythie No. 09-

Kythie No. 10-

Section 6: Monsters (MONR)



Table of Contents Walkthrough


Albino Finmouth

Region: Serenity Bridge

HP: 1340 SP: 760 Exp: 64 Gold: 98

Class: Aquatic

Spell: Splash, Flood

Weakness: Thunder

Resist: Water

Status Resist: Seduce, Confuse, Blindness

Drop: Water Ore (40%)

Bone Wanderer

Region: Fellhorn Ruins

HP: 8600 SP: 1800 Exp: 92 Gold: 284

Class: Undead

Spell: None

Weakness: Light

Resist: Dark

Status Resist: Poison, Seduce

Drop: Steel (40%)


Region: Lake Fairlight

HP: 38000 SP: 3200 Exp: 250 Gold: 2800

Class: Beast

Spell: Rock, Tremor, Might

Weakness: Fire

Resist: None

Status Resist: Fear, Silence, Confuse, Sleep, Paralyze, Weakness, Blindness, Slow, Feeble, Break, Destroy, Force, Crush,
Poison (Immune)
Table of Contents Walkthrough
Drop: Broncallo Pelt (40%)

Clank Giant

Region: Northern Creek

HP: 3860 SP: 1650 Exp: 182 Krown: 210

Class: Monster

Spell: None

Weakness: Thunder Seduce, Confuse, Blindess, Slow

Resist: Water (Immune)

Status Resist: Fear, Silence, Paralyze, Weaken, Feeble (Immune)

Drop: Pure Mineral (40%)


Region: Tijia Woods

HP: 3390 SP: 1340 Exp: 174 Krown: 148

Class: Avian

Spell: Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse

Weakness: None besides Avian

Resist: None

Status Resist: All

Drop: Marble 40%


Region: Rivulet Hills/Nillia Woods

HP: 380 SP: 280 Exp: 5 Gold: 40

Class: Aquatic

Spell: None

Weakness: Thunder

Resist: Water

Status Resist: Seduce

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Drop: Sandstone (40%)

Dark Bat

Region: Fellhorn Ruins

HP: 7800 SP: 1600 Exp: 85 Gold: 290

Class: Undead

Spell: Void

Weakness: Light

Resist: Dark

Status Resist: Seduce, Blindness (Immune)

Drop: Dark Ore (40%)


Region: Windy Canyon

HP: 720 SP: 480 Exp: 16 Gold: 52

Class: Reptile

Spell: None

Weakness: Ice

Resist: None

Status Resist: Seduce

Drop: Basic Mineral (40%)

Earth Demoness

Region: Tijia Woods

HP: 2890 SP: 1500 Exp: 152 Krown: 192

Class: Demon

Spell: Rock, Tremor, Earthquake

Weakness: Fire, Silence, fear, blindness

Resist: Immune to Water

Status Resist: Immune Seduce, Poison, Confuse, Paralyze, Weaken and Slow

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Drop: Earth Ore 40%

Fire Demoness

Region: Paradise Oasis

HP: 2180 SP: 1240 Exp: 90 Gold: 164

Class: Demon

Spell: Fire, Blaze, Inferno

Weakness: Water

Resist: Fire (Absorb)

Status Resist: Immune to Confuse, Paralyze, Weaken, Slow

Drop: Fire Ore (40%)


Region: Grassland Road

HP: 892 SP: 575 Exp: 32 Gold: 68

Class: Beast

Spell: Fire

Weakness: Water

Resist: Fire

Status Resist: None

Drop: Wolf Pelt (40%)


Region: Serenity Bridge

HP: 1260 SP: 680 Exp: 58 Gold: 94

Class: Aquatic

Spell: Splash

Weakness: Thunder

Resist: Water

Status Resist: Seduce, Confuse, Blindness

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Drop: Advanced Mineral (40%)

Giga Plump

Region: Fierra Falls- In east cave

HP: 36000 SP: 3200 Exp: 220 Gold: 2400

Class: Monster

Spell: None

Weakness: Light, Earth

Resist: None

Status Resist: Immune to Poison, Fear

Drop: Diamond (40%)

Green Goblin

Region: Tower of Descent/Fierra Falls

HP: 1310 SP: 720 Exp: Gold:

Class: Monster

Spell: None

Weakness: Earth, Light

Resist: None

Status Resist: Poison, Fear, Blindnness, Slow

Drop: Tiger Pelt (40%)

Hollow Man

Region: Ruins of the Past

HP: 1438 SP: 680 Exp: 78 Gold: 112

Class: Undead

Spell: None

Weakness: Light

Resist: Dark

Status Resist: Seduce, Poison, Fear, Blindnness

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Drop: Gold (40%)

Ironard Bandit

Region: Fierra Falls

HP: 1380 SP: 750 Exp: 70 Gold: 105

Class: Human

Spell: None

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Status Resist: Poison

Drop: Large Health Potion (40%)

Lost Spirit

Region: Forgotten Cemetery

HP: 1120 SP: 980 Exp: 74 Gold: 98

Class: Undead

Spell: Fear, Paralyze

Weakness: Light

Resist: Dark

Status Resist: Seduce, Poison, Fear, Paralyze

Drop: Fear Stone

Mana Golem

Region: Hollow Gorge

HP: 36000 SP: 3000 Exp: 230 Gold: 2500

Class: Ancient

Spell: Sweeping arm, Tremor, Earthquake

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Status Resist: Immune to Poison, Sleep

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Drop: Platinum (40%)


Region: Nillia Woods

HP: 850 SP: 520 Exp: 22 Gold: 62

Class: Demon

Spell: Void, Silence

Weakness: Light

Resist: Dark

Status Resist: None

Drop: Silver (40%)

Murk Maiden

Region: Marshes of Despair

HP: 3320 SP: 1880 Exp: 172 Gold: 212

Class: Reptile

Spell: Silence, Healing

Weakness: Thunder

Resist: Dark

Status Resist: Seduce, Poison, Silence, Confuse, Weaken, Slow

Drop: Silence Stone (40%)


Region: Crimson Forest

HP: 964 SP: 592 Exp: 38 Gold: 74

Class: Avian

Spell: Gust

Weakness: Fire

Resist: None

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Status Resist: Seduce, Silence (Immune)

Drop: Wind Ore (40%)


Region: Illusian Forest

HP: 2620 SP: 1380 Exp: 156 Gold: 182

Class: Demon

Spell: Darkness, Eclipse

Weakness: Light, Demon

Resist: Dark (Immune)

Status Resist: Fear, Silence, Confuse, Paralyze, Blindness

Drop: Pure Mineral (40%)


Region: Smuggler’s Route/ Paradise Pasis

HP: 1890 SP: 980 Exp: 82 Gold: 112

Class: Beast

Spell: Paralyze, Grand Paralyze

Weakness: Water, Earth

Resist: Fire

Status Resist: Immune to Seduce, Poison, Paralyze

Drop: Mithril (40%)

Seis Pesadillas

Region: Marshes of Despair

HP: 34000 SP: 2800 Exp: 286 Gold: 3200

Class: Reptile

Spell: Grand Poison, Grand Fear

Weakness: Thunder, Reptile

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Resist: Dark

Status Resist: Poison, Fear, Paralyze, Weaken, Feeble

Drop: Snake Hide (40%)


Region: Illusian Forest

HP: 3680 SP: 1250 Exp: 168 Gold: 198

Class: Nature

Spell: Tremor

Weakness: Fire, Thunder, Nature

Resist: Earth, Water (Immune)

Status Resist: Poison, Fear, Confuse, Paralyze, Weaken, Feeble

Drop: Titanium (40%)


Region: Darkthorn Keep/Colussia (Sewers)

HP: 640 SP: 380 Exp: 12 Gold: 48

Class: Monster

Spell: Reflex

Weakness: Ice

Resist: Fire

Status Resist: Poison (Immune)

Drop: Iron (40%)

Sylvan Fungus

Region: Crimson Forest

HP: 1010 SP: 610 Exp: 44 Gold: 80

Class: Nature

Spell: Sleep, Feeble

Weakness: Fire

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Resist: Water

Status Resist: Seduce, Poison (Immune)

Drop: Granite (40%)

Venom Hornet

Region: Lake Fairlight

HP: 6400 SP: 1340 Exp: 72 Gold: 230

Class: Avian

Spell: Poison

Weakness: Wind

Resist: Earth

Status Resist: Seduce, Poison (Immune)

Drop: Poison Stone (40%)


Region: Rivulet Hills/Windy Canyon

HP: 520 MP: 320 Exp: 7 Gold: 32

Class: Beast

Spell: None

Weakness: Fire

Resist: None

Status Resist: None

Drop: Rabbit Pelt (40%)

Wild Stinger

Region: Grassland Road

HP: 874 MP: 560 Exp: 30 Gold: 72

Class: Avian

Spell: Paralyze

Weakness: Wind

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Resist: Earth

Status Resist: Seduce, Poison (Immune)

Drop: Paralyze Stone (40%)

Young Harpy

Region: Sklhalm

HP: 3240 MP: 1850 Exp: 164 Gold: 198

Class: Avian

Spell: Gust, Hurricane, Confuse

Resist: None

Status Resist: Seduce, Poison, Confuse, Weaken, Slow

Drop: Confuse stone (40%)


Section 6.2 Rare Monster (RRE)


Golden Beetleblade

HP: 1800 MP: 200 Exp: 0 Gold: 500

Class: Ancient

Spells: None

Weakness: Fire

Resist: Earth

Status Resist: Immune to all negative statuses.

Drop: Golden Token (100%)


Crimson Forest

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Fellhorn Ruins

Fierra Falls

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Grassland Road

Lake Fairlight

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Nillia Woods

Northern Creek

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Paradise Oasis

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Rivulet Hills

Serenity Bridge

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Smuggler’s Route

Tijia Woodland

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Windy Canyon


Section 6.3 EVENTS (EVT)


Baron Ironard

Region: Castle Warrengard- Story Boss

HP: 400 SP: 2600 Exp: 50 Gold: 2500

Class: Human

Spells: Taunt

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Status Resist: Immune to Poison Fear

Drop: Emerald Gem (100%)

Beldorian Knight
Table of Contents Walkthrough
Region: Port Ronod/Windy Canyon/ Iron Spire

HP: 680 SP: 450 Exp: 18 Gold: 64

Class: Human

Spells: None

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Status Resist: None

Drop: Small Health Potion (40%)

Club Bouncer

Region: Colussia - Heavenly Fate Club

HP: 550 SP: 325 Exp: 7 Gold: 42

Class: Human

Spells: None

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Status Resist: None

Drop: Small Spirit Potion (40%)

Enraged Sailor

Region: Colussia - Quest: "What Goes Around"

HP: 380 SP: 280 Exp: 5 Gold: 40

Class: Human

Spells: None

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Status Resist: None

Drop: Small Health Potion (40%)

Giantus Golem

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Region: Crimson Forest- Story Boss

HP: 30000 SP: 2400 Exp: 400 Gold: 1200

Class: Ancient

Spells: Tremor, Earthquake

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Status Resist: Poison (Immune,) Sleep (Immune)

Drop: Emerald Gem (100%)

Imperial Archknight

Region: Iron Spire- Story Boss

HP: 36000 SP: 3000 Exp: 215 Gold: 2350

Class: Human

Spell: Might, Barrier, Heal

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Status Resist: NONE!!

Drop: Full Health Potion (40%)


Region: Iron Spire- Story Battle

HP: 1680 SP: 1860 Exp: 920 Gold: 158

Class: Human

Spell: Gust, Hurricane, Cyclone, Grand Break

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Status Resist: None

Drop: Large Spirit Potion (40%)

Table of Contents Walkthrough


Region: Royal Cottage- Story Boss

HP: 35000 SP: 2600 Exp: 550 Gold: 1800

Class: Human

Spells: Poisoning Piruett, Carousel of Chaos

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Status Resist: Poison (Immune) Fear (Immune)

Drop: Emerald Gem (100%)

Masquerade 2

Region: Tijia Woods

HP: 46000 SP: 4000 Exp: 950 Krown: 3500

Class: Human

Spells: Poisoning Piruett, Carousel of Chaos, Trickster’s Prank

Weakness: Seduce, Weaken

Resist: None

Status Resist: Poison and Fear Immune

Drop: Emerald Gem (100%)


Region: Skalhalm

HP: 1680 SP 980 Exp: 168 Krown: 196

Class: Human

Spells: None

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Status Resist: None

Drop: Large Health Potion (40%)

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Mercenary Chief

Region: Skalhalm

HP: 3860 SP: 1650 Exp: 182 Krown: 210

Class: Human

Spells: None

Weakness: Seduce, Silence, Confuse

Resist: None

Status Resist: None

Drop: Full Health Potion (40%)


Region: Fierra Falls- Story Boss

HP: 40000 SP: 2800 Exp: 750 Gold 2200

Class: Nature

Spells: Tremor, Earthquake, Rock, Sweeping Arm

Weakness: Fire, Thunder, Wind

Resist: Water (Absorb) Earth (Absorb)

Status Resist: Immune to Poison, Silence, Sleep and Paralyze

Drop: Emerald Gem (100%)

Steel Demoness

Region: Castle Warrengard- Story Boss

HP: 46000 SP: 3200 Exp: 800 Gold: 200

Class: Human

Spells: Bone Shatterer, Bull Rush

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Status Resist: Immune to all status

Drop: Emerald Gem (100%)

Table of Contents Walkthrough


Section 6.4 LEGENDARY (LGD)


Aqua Hydra (Seis Pesdillas x30)

Region: Illusian Forest

HP: 76000 SP: 4200 Exp: 900 Gold: 6000

Class: Reptile?

Spells: Grand Poison, Grand Fear, Flood, Tsunami

Weakness: Thunder, Reptile

Resist: Water, Dark

Status Resist: All but Blindness, Feeble

Reward: Illustration 154

Corrus Spawn (Fire Demoness x30)

Region: Castle Warrengard- After clearing prison rubble

HP: 42000 SP: 3200 Exp: 600 Gold: 2800

Class: Demon

Spells: Blaze, Inferno, Crush, Grand Crush

Weakness: Water, Ice

Resist: Earth, Fire (Absorb)

Status Resist: Immune to all but Paralyze, Slow and Feeble

Reward: Illustration 41

Demonicon Eye (Dark Bat x30)

Region: Nillia Woods (NE corner of screen that has north fork in road)

HP: 9200 SP: 1640 Exp: 200 Gold: 650

Class: Demon

Spells: Void, Darkness, Confuse

Weakness: Light

Resist: Dark (Immune)

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Status Resist: Immune to Confuse.

Reward: Illustration 65

Devil Root ( Shadowood x30)

Region: Northern Creek

HP: 56000 SP: 4200 Exp: 700 Gold: 4000

Class: Nature?

Spells: Tremor, Earthquake, Grand Force

Weakness: Fire, Thunder, Nature?

Strength: Water, Earth

Status Resist:

Reward: Illustration 176

Dragonallion ( Oniquine x30)

Region: Pit of Ro’Ga

HP: 62000 SP: 4800 Exp: 800 Gold: 4500

Class: Demon?

Spells: Darkness, Eclispe, Reflex

Weakness: Light

Strength: Dark

Status Resist:

Reward: Illustration 159

Forgotten King (Clank Giant x30)

Region: East Lighthouse

HP: 68000 SP: 4600 Exp: 800 Gold: 4500

Class: Demon?

Spells: Rage, Protect

Weakness: Light

Resist: Dark

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Status Resist: Poison, Fear, Silence. Weaken, Paralyze

Reward: Illustration 180

Giganto Brutus (Giga Plump x30)

Region: Lost Cemetery- Basement in north building.

HP: 52000 SP: 3400 Exp: 780 Gold 3700

Class: Monster

Spells: Rage, Mowing Strike, Fear, Grand Fear

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Status Resist: Immune toall but Seduce, Poison, Confuse, Blindness and Slow

Reward: Illustration 115

Goblin Overlord (Green Goblin x30)

Region: Paradise Oasis

HP: 42000 SP:3600 Exp: 650 Gold: 3200

Class: Reptile

Spells: Silence, Grand Silence, Prayer, Blessing, Divinity, Poison, Grand Poison

Weaknesses: Dark

Resist: Light (Immune)

Resist: Immune to all but Silence, Weaken, Feeble.

Reward: Illustration 48

Gryphorian Youth (Harpy x30)

Region: Tiija Woodland

HP: 38000 SP: 4000 Exp: 350 Gold: 2000

Class: Avian

Spell: Gust, Hurricane, Cyclone

Weakness: Wind, Avian

Resist: Earth

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Status Resist: Fear, Poison

Reward: Illustration 147

Guardian of the Dead ( Hollow Man x30)

Region: Ruined Tower

HP: 48000 SP: 3600 Exp: 650 Gold: 3200

Class: Undead

Weakness: Fire, Light, Undead

Resist: Dark

Status Resist: All but Silence, Weaken, Feeble

Reward: Illustration 163

M1-A Prototype (Mana Golem x30)

Region: Tower of Descent. NW cave

HP: 50000 SP: 3800 Exp: 750 Gold: 3500

Class: Ancient

Spell: Sweeping Arm, Void, Darkness, Eclipse

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Status Resist: Immune to Poison, Fear, Silence, Sleep, Paralyze and Feeble

Reward: Illustration ??

Mother of Nature (Earth Demoness x30)

Region: Immemorial Glade

HP: 58000 SP: 5400 Exp: 800 Gold: 4500

Class: Nature

Spells: Tremor, Earthquake, Greater Heal, Greater Healing

Weakness: Fire, Nature?

Resist: Water, Earth

Status Resist: Seduce, Poison, Weaken

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Reward: Illustration 166

Mountain Grinder (Dilizard x30)

Region: Rivulet Hills (Near Guild of Heroes Outpost)

HP: 8600 SP: 1520 Exp: 175 Gold: 500

Class: Reptile

Spells: Rock, Earthquake

Weakness: Ice

Resist: Earth (Immune)

Status Resist: Seduce

Reward: Illustration 12

Murk Vanguard (Murk Maiden x30)

Region: Blackgate Stronghold

HP: 28000 SP: 2200 Exp: 200 Gold: 1200

Class: Reptile?

Spells: Paralyze, Break, Force

Weakness: Thunder, Light, Reptile?

Resist: Dark

Status Resist: Weaken, Poison, Feeble

Reward: Illustration 102

Neon Alphatross (Cockalot x30)

Region: Marshes of Despair

HP: 54000 SP: 4000 Exp: 700 Krown: 4000

Class: Avian

Spells: Hurricane, Cyclone

Weakness: Avian, Wind

Resist: Earth

Status Resist: Fear, Sleep, Paralyze, Skiw

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Reward: Illustration 175

Necropants (Broncallo x30)

Region: Royal Cottage

HP: 32000 SP: 2800 Exp: 250 Gold: 800

Class: Beast

Spells: Break, Rage

Weakness: Earth

Resist: None

Status Resist: Immune to Seduce and Poison

Reward: Illustration 52

Pharaoh Handblast (Werewuffie x30)

Region: Windy Canyon (Large Cave near Exit)

HP: 7800 SP: 1480 Exp: 150 Gold: 400

Class: Beast

Spells: Fire, Force

Weakness: Water

Resist: Fire (Immune)

Status Resist: Seduce

Reward: Illustration 25

Psycho Warrior (Ironard Bandit x30)

Region: Serenity Bridge (Eastern Exit/ Entrance)

HP: 28000 SP: 2600 Exp: 450 Gold: 1400

Class: Human

Spells: Bringing the Pain, Break, Rage

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Status Resist: Immune to Poison, Fear and Silennce

Reward: Illustration 70

Queen Hornet (Venom Hornet x30)

Region: Smugglers Route (northern part close to southern exit)

HP: 20000 SP: 2300 Exp: 350 Gold: 900

Class: Acian

Spell: Greater Heal, Power

Weakness: Wind

Resist: Earth

Statis Resist: Poison (Immune)

Reward: Illustration 110

Queen Stinger (Wild Stinger x30)

Region: Grassland Road (Eastern Cave)

HP: 20000 SP: 2300 Exp: 350 Gold: 900

Class: Avian

Spells: Greater Heal, Power

Weakness: Wind

Resist: Earth

Status Resist: Immune to Poison

Reward: Illustration 26

Rainway Demon (Nectarfluster x30)

Region: Fellhorn Ruins (near the Fortress)

HP: 24000 SP: 2500 Exp: 400 Gold: 1000

Class: Demon

Spells: Flood, Tsunami, Silence

Weakness: Wind

Resist: Earth, Water (Immune)

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Status Resist: Immune to Poison and Silence.

Reward: Illustration 81

Resurrected Baron (Bone Wanderer x30)

Region: Colussia Sewers (North)

HP: 17500 SP: 2100 Exp: 290 Gold: 800

Class: Undead

Spells: Darkness, Eclipse, Fear

Weakness: Light

Resist: Dark (Immune)

Status Resist: Immune to Seduce, Poison andFear.

Reward: Illustration 37

Rock Worm (Scorbane x30)

Region: Prestige Ranch- North of Exit

HP: 40000 SP: 1000 Exp: 600 Gold: 2600

Class: Aquatic

Spell: Death’s Swallow

Weakness: Water

Resist: Earth (Immune)

Status Resist: Immune to Seduce, Silence, Paralyze and Feeble

Reward: Illustration 24

Sir Troublemaker (Mischief x30)

Region: Western Lighthouse

HP: 10000 SP: 1820 Exp: 225 Gold: 700

Class: Demon

Spells: Grand Weaken, Grand Sleep

Weakness: Thunder

Resist: Water

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Status Resist: Immune to Poison, Sleep and Weaken.

Reward: Illustration 67

Slender Slut ( Night Time Only)

Region: Multiple

HP: 100000 SP: 3800 Exp: 1600 Gold: 8000

Class: Demon??

Spells: Seductive Kiss, Void, Darkness, Eclipse

Weakness: Light

Resist: Dark

Status Resist: NONE

Reward: Illustration 139, 175, 111, 82

Thorn of Fairlight (Sylvan Fungus x30)

Region: Lake Fairlight (Eastern Cave)

HP: 20000 SP: 2300 Exp: 350 Gold: 900

Class: Nature

Spells: Poison, Grand Slow, Grand Paralyze

Weakness: Fire

Resist: Earth

Status Resist: Immune to Poison, Paralyze, and Slow.

Reward: Illustration 51

Toad Ninjutsu (Contoad x30)

Region: River Checkpoint

HP: 17500 SP: 2100 Exp: 290 Gold: 800

Class: Aquatic

Spells: Barrier, Heal

Weakness: Thunder

Resist: Water

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Status Resist: Immune to Poison

Reward: Illustration 46

Tordose Shell (Fishmouth x30)

Region: Fierra Falls

HP: 38000 SP: 2800 Exp: 550 Gold: 2000

Class: Aquatic

Spells: Flood, Tsunami

Weakness: Thunder

Resist: Water (Absorb)

Status Resist: Immune to Seduce, Silence, Paralyze and Feeble

Reward: Illustration 109

Tordose Barrier (Albino Finmouth x30)

Region: Island of Mist

HP: 38000 SP: 2800 Exp: 550 Gold: 2000

Class: Aquatic

Spells: Tremor, Earthquake

Weakness: Water

Resist: Absorbs Earth

Status Resist: Immune to Seduce, Silence, Paralyze and Feeble

Reward: Illustration 127

Void Chaos (Lost Spirit x30)

Region: Kahr- House south of Sauna. Night only

HP: 32000 SP: 4800 Exp: 700 Gold: 3400

Class: Demon

Spells: Void, Darkness, Eclipse, Fear, Grand Fear

Weakness: Light

Resist: Immune to physical and Dark

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Status Resist: Immune to all but Silence, Paralyze and Feeble

Reward: Illustration 128

Waste Gourger (Slimebag x30)

Region: Hollow Gorge (Southern Cave)

HP: 15000 SP: 1960 Exp: 270 Gold: 800

Class: Monster

Spells: Resist

Weakness: Fire

Resist: Earth

Status Resist: Immune to Poison

Reward: Illustration 69

Wolheim Howler (Firewolf x30)

Region: Crimson Forest (Cave near Howling Moon lands)

HP: 12500 SP: 1960 Exp: 240 Gold: 750

Class: Beast

Spells: Rage

Weakness: Fire

Resist: Water

Status Resist: None

Reward: Illustration 66


Section 6.5 ULTIMATES



Region: Skalhalm

HP: 120000 MP: 3800 Exp: 2000 Gold: 10000

Class: Avian

Spell: Hurricane, Cyclone, Seductive Kiss

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Weakness: Fire, Ice, Avian

Resist: Earth, Wind

Status Resist: None

Reward: Emerald Gem


Region: Serenity Bridge. Behind weak wall. After events in Kahr

HP: 120000 SP: 3800 Exp: 2000 Gold: 10000

Class: Nature

Spell: Flood, Tsunami, Seductive Kiss, Pheromones Aroma

Weakness: Fire, Thunder

Resist: Earth. Water (Immune)

Status Resist: Immune to everything

Reward: Nothing. You lose. Good Day Sir


Section 7: Titles (TTL)



Prison Breakout A Road Closer The Lost Cause

Achieved by escaping Darkthorn Keep Achieved by arriving at Brightstone Achieved by defeating Masquerade

Trouble in Paradise A Temple in Sand Turning the Tide

Achieved by arriving at Arlon Achieved by arriving at the city of Kahr Achieved by destroying the first Iron Spire

Unemployed Problem Solver Role Model

5 Completed Side-Quests 15 Completed Side-Quests 30 Completed Side-Quests

Treasure Newbie Treasure Seeker Treasure Hoarder

10 Treasure Chests Opened 50 Treasure Chests Opened 80 Treasure Chests Opened

Swashbuckler Buccaneer Pirate King

Table of Contents Walkthrough

5 Treasure Maps Solved 15 Treasure Maps Solve 30 Treasure Maps Solved

Altar Worshipper Pilgrime Monk Goddess Appeaser

3 Altars Visited 6 Altars Visited 15 Altars Visited


Legendary Knight Legendary Crusader Legendary Paladin

5 Legendary Monsters Defeated 15 Legendary Monsters Defeated 30 Legendary Monsters Defeated

Werewuffie Contoad Slimebag

1. Defeat 10 Mobs 1. Defeat 10 Mobs 1. Defeat 10 Mobs

2. Defeat 30 Mobs 2. Defeat 30 Mobs 2. Defeat 30 Mobs
3. Defeat Legendary Monster 3. Defeat Legendary Monster 3. Defeat Legendary Monster

Dilizard Mischief Firewolf

1. Defeat 10 Mobs 1. Defeat 10 Mobs 1. Defeat 10 Mobs

2. Defeat 30 Mobs 2. Defeat 30 Mobs 2. Defeat 30 Mobs
3. Defeat Legendary Monster 3. Defeat Legendary Monste 3. Defeat Legendary Monster

Wild Stinger Sylvan Fungus Nectarfluster

1. Defeat 10 Mobs 1. Defeat 10 Mobs 1. Defeat 10 Mobs

2. Defeat 30 Mobs 2. Defeat 30 Mobs 2. Defeat 30 Mobs
3. Defeat Legendary Monster 3. Defeat Legendary Monster 3. Defeat Legendary Monster

Bonewanderer Dark Bat Broncallo

1. Defeat 10 Mobs 1. Defeat 10 Mobs 1. Defeat 10 Mobs

2. Defeat 30 Mobs 2. Defeat 30 Mobs 2. Defeat 30 Mobs
3. Defeat Legendary Monster 3. Defeat Legendary Monster 3. Defeat Legendary Monster

Venom Hornet Green Goblin Giga Plump

1. Defeat 10 Mobs 1. Defeat 10 Mobs 1. Defeat 10 Mobs

2. Defeat 30 Mobs 2. Defeat 30 Mobs 2. Defeat 30 Mobs
3. Defeat Legendary Monster 3. Defeat Legendary Monster 3. Defeat Legendary Monster

Fishmount Ironard Bandit Albino Fishmount

1. Defeat 10 Mobs 1. Defeat 10 Mobs 1. Defeat 10 Mobs

Table of Contents Walkthrough

2. Defeat 30 Mobs 2. Defeat 30 Mobs 2. Defeat 30 Mobs
3. Defeat Legendary Monster 3. Defeat Legendary Monster 3. Defeat Legendary Monster

Lost Spirit Scorbane Fire Demoness

1. Defeat 10 Mobs 1. Defeat 10 Mobs 1. Defeat 10 Mobs

2. Defeat 30 Mobs 2. Defeat 30 Mobs 2. Defeat 30 Mobs
3. Defeat Legendary Monster 3. Defeat Legendary Monster 3. Defeat Legendary Monster

Mana Golem Cockalot Earth Demoness

1. Defeat 10 Mobs 1. Defeat 10 Mobs 4. Defeat 10 Mobs

2. Defeat 30 Mobs 2. Defeat 30 Mobs 5. Defeat 30 Mobs
3. Defeat Legendary Monster 3. Defeat Legendary Monster 6. Defeat Legendary Monster

Clank Giant Hollowman

7. Defeat 10 Mobs 4. Defeat 10 Mobs

8. Defeat 30 Mobs 5. Defeat 30 Mobs
9. Defeat Legendary Monster 6. Defeat Legendary Monster


Chronology Protector Chronology Defender Chronology Guardian

10 Dimensional Shards Found 25 Dimensional Shards Found 50 Dimensional Shards Found

Quiz Solver Quiz Challenger Quiz Master

3 Scholar Quizzes Solved 6 Scholar Quizzes Solved 10 Scholar Quizzes Solved

Lock Apprentice Lock Handler Lock Breaker

5 Picked Locks 20 Picked Locks 40 Picked Locks

Curious Looter Observant Looter Dedicated Looter

40 Furniture Looted 160 Furniture Looted 400 Furniture Looted

Frame Stealer Canvas Robber Painting Marauder

5 Stolen Paintings 10 Stolen Paintings 15 Stolen Paintings

Donation Thief Charity Balancer Jadeite Nemesis

Table of Contents Walkthrough

1 Donations Looted 5 Donations Looted 10 Donations Looted

Safe Cracker Strongbox Raider Vault Dweller

5 Safes Cracked 10 Safes Cracked 15 Safes Cracked


Local Tourist Beldorian Sightseer Empire Traveler

22 Locations Discovered 44 Locations Discovered 66 Locations Discovered

Area Explorer Region Clearer World Completionist

22 Locations Cleared 44 Locations Cleared 66 Locations Cleared

Colussia Rivulet Hills Caimridge

 Location Cleared  Location Cleared  1x Ruby Chest Unlocked

 2x Ruby Chest Unlocked  1x Ruby Chest Unlocked  1x Lost Illustration Found
 3x Lost Illustrations Found  1x Lost Illustration Found  1x Master Hen'Tai Discovered
 1x Legendary Monster Defeated  1x Legendary Monster Defeated
 1x Master Hen'Tai Discovered
 2x Painting Collected
 3x Safe Cracked

Port Ronod Western Lighthouse Lake Fairlight

 Location Cleared  Location Cleared 

Location Cleared
 1x Lost Illustration Found  1x Lost Illustration Found 
1 Ruby Chest Unlocked
 1x Master Hen'Tai Discovered  1x Legendary Monster Defeated  1x Lost Illustration Found
 1x Painting Collected  1x Legendary Monster Defeated
 1x Safe Cracked  1x Pilgrimage Altar Prayed

Darkthorn Keep Fellhorn Ruins Windy Canyon

 1x Ruby Chest Unlocked  1x Lost Illustration Found  Location Cleared

 1x Legendary Monster Defeated  1x Ruby Chest Unlocked
 1x Lost Illustrations Found
 1x Legendary Monster Defeated
 1x Pilgrimage Altar Prayed

Grand Bridge Imperial Manor Iron Spire

 Location Cleared  Location Cleared  Location Cleared

 1x Lost Illustration Found  1x Lost Illustration Found
 1x Painting Collected  1x Painting Collected

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Highland Inn Nillia Woods Hollow Gorge

 Location Cleared  Location Cleared  1x Ruby Chest Unlocked

 1x Lost Illustration Found  1x Legendary Monster Defeated  1x Legendary Monster Defeated
 1x Master Hen'Tai Discovered

Grassland Road Brightstone Crimson Forest

 Location Cleared  Location Cleared  1x Legendary Monster Defeated

 1x Legendary Monster Defeated  1x Lost Illustration Found  1x Master Hen'Tai Discovered
 1x Pilgrimage Altar Prayed  1x Master Hen'Tai Discovered
 2x Painting Collected
 1x Safe Cracked

Royal Cottage River Checkpoint Gentlemen's Club

 Location Cleared  Location Cleared  Location Cleared

 1x Lost Illustration Found  1x Legendary Monster Defeated  1x Lost Illustration Found
 1x Legendary Monster Defeated  1x Master Hen'Tai Discovered
 1x Painting Collected

Whitehaven Summer Cove Serenity Bridge

 Location Cleared  Location Cleared  1x Ruby Chest Unlocked

 1x Lost Illustration Found  1x Ruby Chest Unlocked  1x Lost Illustration Found
 1x Master Hen'Tai Discovered  1x Master Hen'Tai Discovered  1x Legendary Monster Defeated
 1x Safe Cracked

Tower of Descent Arlon Desert Checkpoint

 1x Legendary Monster Defeated  Location Cleared  Location Cleared

 1x Ruby Chest Unlocked  1x Ruby Chest Unlocked
 1x Master Hen'Tai Discovered
 1x Painting Collected
 1x Safe Cracked

Prestige Ranch Fierra Falls Four Season Inn

 Location Cleared  1x Ruby Chest Unlocked  Location Cleared

 1x Lost Illustration Found  1x Legendary Monster Defeated  1x Lost Illustration Found
 1x Legendary Monster Defeated  1x Pilgrimage Altar Prayed  1x Safe Cracked
 1x Painting Collected
 1x Safe Cracked

Illusian Forest Valley Checkpoint Uncle Dad's Farm

Table of Contents Walkthrough

 Location Cleared
 1x Master Hen'Tai Discovered

Forgotten Cemetery Smuggler's Route Immemorial Glade

 1x Lost Illustration Found  Location Cleared  Location Cleared

 1x Legendary Monster Defeated  1x Ruby Chest Unlocked
 1x Legendary Monster Defeated

Castle Warrengard Island of Mist Kahr

 2x Lost Illustration Found  1x Legendary Monster Defeated  1x Ruby Chest Unlocked

 1x Legendary Monster Defeated  1x Pilgrimage Altar Prayed  2x Lost Illustration Found
 1x Legendary Monster Defeated
 1x Master Hen'Tai Discovered
 2x Painting Collected
 1x Safe Cracked

Paradisus Oasis Pit of Ror'Ga Tijia Woodland

 Location Cleared  Location Cleared  1x Ruby Chest

 1x Lost Illustration Found  1x Lost Illustration Found
 1x Legendary Monster Defeated
 1x Pilgrimage Altar Prayed

Duke’s Tavern The Ravaged Booty Praeceps Isle

 Master Hen’Tai Discovered 1x Ruby Chest Unlocked

Odidania Northern Creek Isolated Shack

 2x Lost Illustration Found  1x Lost Illustration Found

 1x Master Hen’Tai Discovered  1x Pilgrimage Altar Prayed
 2x Painting Collected
 1x Safe Cracked

???????? Ruins of the Past The Last Tower

 1x Ruby Chest Unlocked

 1x Lost Illustration Found

Table of Contents Walkthrough


Animal Tracker Wildlife Catcher Master Hunter

10 Wildlife Caught 30 Wildlife Caught 50 Wildlife Caught

Novice Miner Advanced Miner Professional Miner

10 Ore Deposits Mined 30 Ore Deposits Mined 50 Ore Deposits Mined

Stone Remover Wall Destroyer Cave Destroyer

1 Collapsed Weak Walls 5 Collapsed Weak Walls 10 Collapsed Weak Walls

Outfitter Cosplayer Fashionist

3 Costumes Obtained 6 Costumes Obtained 10 Costumes Obtained

Deed Acquier Property Magnate Estate Conquester

10 Properties Secured 30 Properties Secured 50 Properties Secured



Art Sampler Art Enthusiast Art Completionist

20 Illustrations Collected 80 Illustrations Collected 150 Illustrations Collected

Pervert Seeker Fatman Locator Hen'Tai Buster

5 Master Hen'Tai Encountered 10 Master Hen'Tai Encountered 15 Master Hen'Tai Encountered

Coin Tosser Red Fascinator Ruby Spender

10 Art Chests Unlocked 20 Art Chests Unlocked 30 Art Chests Unlocked

Priestess Collector Dancer Collector Outlaw Collector

10 Laquadia Cards Obtained 10 (Teen) Farah Cards Obtained 10 Gabrielle Cards Obtained

Fortune Collector Mercenary Collector Neifu Collector

10 Illumi Cards Obtained 10 Masquerade Cards Obtained 10 Ra'Tiki Cards Obtained

Queen Collector Matriarch Collector Empress Collector

10 Opala Cards Obtained 10 (Adult) Farah Cards Obtained 10 Osira Cards Obtained

Broker Collector Maid Collector Farmer Collector

Table of Contents Walkthrough

10 Black Dame Cards Obtained 10 Layla Cards Obtained 10 Sunny-Sue Cards Obtained

Concubine Collector Skymaiden Collector Barbarian Collector

10 Mhu'Tiki Cards Obtained 10 Beatrix Cards Obtained 10 Naz'Raala Cards Obtained

Unknown Magihound Collector Unknown

10 Kythie Cards Obtained

Scientist Collector Unknown Unknown

10 Zweibelle Cards Obtained


Victorious Prayer Making History Without Trying

Achieved by seducing or fucking Laquadia Achieved by seducing or fucking [Teen] Farah Achieved by seducing or fucking

Doing Business Dangerous Game Doubtful Match

Achieved by seducing or fucking Illumi Achieved by seducing or fucking Masquerade Achieved by seducing or fucking Ra'tiki

???????????? ??????????? ?????????

????? ????? ????

Spoils of War Breeding Lesson Beast Trainer

Achieved by seducing or fucking Beatrix Achieved by seducing or fucking Mhu'Tik Achieved by seducing or fucking Steel

Shy Flasher Indecent Streaker Shameless Nudist

5 Perverts Entertained 15 Perverts Entertained 30 Perverts Entertained

Cum Swallower Sperm Drinker Jizz Addiction

3 Taverns Challenged 6 Taverns Challenged 10 Taverns Challenged


Section 8: Rewards (RWD)


Art Razor Golden Dectector Monster Lure

Able to remove painting Let you know if Golden is on map Says it boosts spawn of Golden?
Cost: 1 Golden Token Cost: 2 Golden Tokens Cost: 3 Golden Tokens
Requirement: 1 Thief Title Requirement: 10 Monster Hunter Title Requirement: 20 Monster Hunter Title

Table of Contents Walkthrough

Torsion Wrench Glorious Pic
Lvl.2 Lockpicking Lvl. 3 Lockpicking
Cost: 1 Golden Token Cost: 2 Golden Tokens
Requirement: 3 Thief Titles Requirement: 8 Thief Titles
Animal Whistle Hunting Gloves
Lvl. 2 Animal Capture Lvl. 3 Animal Capture
Cost: 1 Golded Token Cost: 2 Golden Tokens
Requirement: 2 Trader Titles Requirement: 8 Trader Titles
Rock Charges Mining Gear
+2 When Mining Nodes +4 When Mining Nodes
Cost: 1 Golden Token Cost: 2 Golden Tokens
Requirement: 4 Trader Titles Requirement: 10 Trader Titles
Metal Sensor Steam Drill
Lvl 2 digging Lvl 3 diggin
Cost: 1 Golden Token Cost: 2 Golden Tokens
Requirement: 4 Adventurer Titles Requirement: 10 Adventure Titles
Improved Roll ?????????
%% up when playing Devil’s Dice Something with Arena?
Cost: 1 Golden Token Cost: 1 Golden Token
Requirement: 4 Collector Titles Requirement: 10 Collector Titles
Leather Leash ????????? Enity Charm
Unknown ?????? Slender Sluts chase you
Cost: 1 Golden Token Cost: 2 Golden Token Cost: 3 Golden Token
Requirement: 10 Procurer Titles/ Requirement: 20 Procurer Titles Requirement: 30 Monster Hunter
Slave Coller Titles


Section 9: Property Management (PRT)


They will be arranged by the order they appear in the explorer title page. Item Stores, Bars, Inns material shops can be
bought for supplies. Just about everything in the game that can take money from you. These are important for
upgrading you castle. So I you want a badass home fort you should pick these up when you can.

Yes the numbers are correct. 213,500K Save the huge properties until last of course. Take note you only need a max of
80 workers. So 800 food


__Equipment Store: 2000K Tools x200 Stone x100

__Arlon’s Drunkard: 4000K Food x100 Beverage x100


__Clothing Store: 2000K: Tools x400 Cloth x400

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Marketplace: 2500k: Tools x200 Stone x100

__Material Store: 2000: Stone x200 Clay x200 Wood x100

__Potion Store: 2000K: Glass x200 Clay x100

__Shining Forge: 3500K: Iron x200 Steel x200

__Soft Sunrise: 4000K: Cloth x100 Water x100

__Sword n’ Shield Tavern: 5000K: Food x100 Beverage x100


__Bordello: 2500K: Beverage x100

__Enchanted Armory: 2500K: Iron x200 Steel x200

__Heart of Happiness: 1000K: Food x100 Cloth x100

__Heavenly Fate: ?????

__Rising Tide: 3500K: Food x100 Beverage x100

__Steaming Tab: 4000K: Food x100 Beverage x100

__Twin Trade’s Equipment: 1000K: Tools x200 Stone x100

__Twin Trade’s Potions: 1000K: Glass x200 Clay x100

__Weary Traveler: 3000K Cloth x100 Water x100

Four Season Inn

__Inn: 12000K: Cloth x100 Water x100

Gentlemen’s Club

__Club: 20000K: Beverage x100

HighLand Inn

__Inn: 12000K: Cloth x100 Water x100


__Diamond Dust: 4500K: Iron x200 Steel x200

__Equipment Store: 2000K: Tools x200 Stone x100

__Golden Goat: 7500K: Food x100 Beverage x100

__Journey’s End Sauna: 6000K: Clay x100 Food x200

__Material Store: 2000K: Stone x200 Clay x200 Wood x100

__Potion Store: 2000K: Glass x200 Clay x100

__Transcended Rose: 5000K: Cloth x100 Water x100

Table of Contents Walkthrough


__Azastral’s Flame: 4500K: Iron x200 Steel x200

__Celestia’s Bosom: 6500K: Cloth x100 Water x100

__Celestia’s Embrace: 6500K: Food x100 Beverage x100

__Luminessa Equipment Store: 2000K: Tools x200 Stone x100

__Luminessa Material Store: 2000K: Stone x200 Clay x200 Wood x100

__Luminessa Potion Store: 2000K: Glass x200 Clay x100


__Mythic Widomaker: 7500K: Food x100 Beverage x100

__Odidania Clothing Store: 2000K: Tools x400 Cloth x400

__Odidania Equipment Store: 2000K: Tools x200 Stone x100

__Odidania Material Store: 2000K: Stone x200 Clay x200 Woods x100

__Odidania Potion Store: 2000K: Glass x200 Clay x100

__Samson’s Blade: 3500K: Iron x200 Steel x200

__The Azured Sheet: 5000K: Cloth x100 Water x100

Port Ronod

__Cotton Seaside: 3000K: Cloth x100 Water x100

__Midnight Fox: 4000K: Food x100 Beverage x100

__Yo’Bro Material Store: 1500K: Stone x200 Clay x200 Wood x100

Prestige Ranch

__Ranch: 14000K: Hay x400 Wood x200 Water x100

Uncle Dad’s Farm

__Farm: 8000K: Hay x400 Wood x200 Water x100

Queen’s Landing

__Winter Wolf Lodge: 5000K: Cloth x100 Water x100

__Winter Wolf Tavern: 5000K: Food x100 Beverage x100


The Hazy Cloud: 4000K: Food x100 Beverage x100


__Western Wave Inn: 4000K: Cloth x100 Water x100

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Western Wave Tavern: 4000K: Food x100 Beverage x100


Section 10: Castle Warrengard (WRN)


After completing story events at Kahr you can start upgrading your castle. To do so you need materials you get from
buying trade routes from properties. Each upgrade expands your castle at the cost of said materials. It also requires
manpower which requires food and beverage. To get more manpower you talk to Black Dame in the throne room area
to hire more workers. Hired workers come in base 10. Means each worker you hire is actually 10 of them. They cost
1000k per batch and take 100 food and beverage. Unlike other resources once you hire workers they are there forever.

To get the actual work to get done just go to the teleport room and teleport back. This counts as “Time Passed.”

Every time you expand a new area it counts as a fresh zone. So if there were places to search before upgrading you
lose the items. The reverse is also possible. If you search the desks before it is upgraded the desks become searchable


Part 1

Main Hall

__Rubble right above save crystal: Tools x200, Clay x200, Manpower x40

__Rubble left of save crystal: Tools x100, Clay x100, Manpower x10

East Sleeping Quarters

__Rubble near stairs: Tools x300, Clay x200, Manpower x60

Prison Areas

__Rubble near exit: Tools x200, Clay x100, Manpower x40


__Walls: Stone x600, Glass x200, Manpower x60

__Road: Tools x200, Stone x400, Manpower x80

__Moat: Clay x400, Wood x200, Manpower x80

Part 2: Get passed Blackgate Stronghold for a upgrade

__Courtyard unblocking: Tools x100, Iron x200, Manpower x40

Table of Contents Walkthrough

__Courtyard: Water x400, Hay x600, Manpower x80

__Private Quarters: Steel x400, Cloth x400, Manpower x60

Section 11: What I need to fix and extras?


3482- Founder’s Set. Includes Founder’s Blades, gauntlet, helm, plate necklace an elixer and 5000K

7688- Matriarch Costume for Farah


1292- Fixes bugged illustration if you gathered it from May Naidhar’s house in Odidania

1121- If you finished blackgard stronghold in 2.10. Resets event

1292- If for some reason you didn’t get illustration 136. It is the painting in the mayor’s house in Odidania

3663- For a bugged event. I don’t remember what. Pretty early in the game. Most likely don’t need it

9898- Resets party. ONLY USE IF PARTY GLITCHED BETWEEN 2.10 AND 2.14. Otherwise it can break your game

Find anything I missed? If so email me at

Table of Contents Walkthrough

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