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2nd Quarter Reviewer: Earth Science

Volcano - Central vent is the

- opening in the Earth’s crust opening at the top
where lava, pyroclasts & gases - Side vent anywhere along
are ejected onto the surface the side of the volcano
during eruptions ● Lava pours out of the vents &
creates a lava flow
● Magma ● A bowl shaped
- molten mixture of rock area called a
forming substances, crater may form
gases & water from the around the
Earth’s mantle central vent
- rises to the surface &
breaks through the
ocean floor creating
Where do Volcanoes occur?
String of islands formed: Island Arc ● Most form along plate
● Lava 1. In subduction zones (one
- when magma reaches the plate sinks under
Earth’s surface another)
2. Over hot spots
● Lahar 3. Where plates are pulling
- indonesian term that apart
describes the hot/cold
mixture of water & rock
fragments flowing down
the slopes of a volcano
and/or river valleys

● Ring of Fire
- major volcanic belt
formed by the many
volcanoes that rim the
Pacific Ocean
Kinds of Volcanoes
● Viscosity A. According to Shape &
- resistance of liquid to Composition of the Cone
1. Shield Volcano
● Silica ● Wide base, largest w/
- major ingredient in gentle sloping slides
magma made of silicon & ● Cone is made up purely
oxygen of lava that has poured
out & solidified during a
Inside a Volcano mild/quiet eruption

● Magma collects below the Examples:

volcano in the magma chamber ● Mauna Kea-Hawaiian Islands
● Magma flows upward toward a
tube (pipe) that connects the
magma chamber to the surface
● Gas & magma leave through
● Mt. Kilauea top of the pyroclastic
- One of the world’s most layer
active volcanoes
- The eruption of Kilauea Examples:
that began in 1983 ● Mt. St. Helen’s
continues at the cinder- - Erupted in 1980
and-spatter cone of Pu'u - 57 fatalities
O'o - 7000+ big game animals
- 4 billion board feet of
2. Cinder Cone Volcano timber destroyed (enough
● Built almost entirely of to build about 300,000 2-
loose fragments called bedroom homes)
cinders (pyroclasts & - Destroyed 27 bridges,
tephra) nearly 200 homes. Blast &
● Caused by explosive lahars destroyed more
eruptions than 185 miles of
● Narrow base & very steep highways & roads & 15
slope miles of railways
● Lava cools into different
sizes of volcanic material
called tephra
● Bowl-shaped crater at
their summit

● Paracútin ● Mt. Pinatubo
- On February 20, 1943, a - Erupted in 1991
mexican farmer noticed - Killed 847 people
that a hole in his - 184 people injured
cornfield that had been - 10,000 homes destroyed &
there for as long as he 5,000 were damaged
could remember was - The ash cloud took 1 year
giving off smoke to spread around the
- Throughout the night, hot globe, reducing global
glowing cinders were temperatures. This
thrown high into the air resulted in
- In just a few days, a ➢ Floods in 1993
cinder cone several along the
hundred meters high Mississippi River
covered his cornfield ➢ Drought in Africa
in 1993
➢ The US had its 3rd
3. Composite Volcano wettest & coldest
● A mix of the other 2 types winter on record
● Quiet/Violent
● During explosive Scientists monitor volcanoes
eruptions, a huge volume ● To look for warning signs that
of gases, ashes & an eruption may be coming.
pyroclasts are ejected Warning signs include:
● When the eruption - Earthquakes
switches to a quieter - Changes in the tilt of the
period, a huge volume of ground
lava is extruded over the
- Rising temperatures of builds up (like a cork in a
openings bottle)
- Changes in volcanic ● Trapped gases build up
gases being tested pressure until they
● Both shield & composite ● Magma is pushed out of
volcanoes can form features the vent with incredible
called calderas, a huge crater force
formed by the collapse of the ● Very violent explosive
volcano when magma rapidly eruptions are called
erupts from underneath it Plinian eruptions
● 3 products from an
Explosive eruption
- Ash fall: the fallout
of rock, debris &
- Pyroclastic flow:
hot, turbulent,
fast-moving, high
clouds of rock, ash
& gas
B. According to Activity - Pyroclastic surge:
doesn’t have a
1. Active - one that is high
erupting/has shown signs concentration of
that it may erupt in the particles &
near future contains a lot of
2. Dormant - volcano to gas
awaken in the future &
become active 2. Quiet Non-explosive eruption
3. Extinct - dead volcano; ● Magma has low silica =
not likely to erupt again low viscosity
● Magma flows easier so
Volcanic Eruptions gases bubble out gently
● Begins when pressure on the ● Lava can flow many km
magma chamber forces magma from the vent
up through the conduit & out ● Ex. Hawaiian Islands. Mt.
the volcano’s vents Kilauea
● May be violent, mild, or quiet
● The amount of gases dissolved How & why do volcanoes erupt?
in the magma, & its composition ● Hot molten rock (magma) is
& viscosity are the factors that buoyant (has lower density than
determine whether eruption is the surrounding rocks) & will rise
violent/quiet up through the crust to erupt on
the surface
Types of Volcanic Eruptions: - Same principle as hot air
rising, e.g. how a hot air
1. Explosive Eruption balloon works
● Magma has high silica ● When magma reaches the
content = high viscosity surface, it depends on how
● Magma doesn’t always easily it flows (viscosity) & the
flow out of vent & so it
amount of gas (H2O, CO2, S) it slopes of the volcanic
has in it as to how it erupts. cone, etc
● Effects of Pyroclastic flows
Why do volcanoes stop erupting? - Lahar moves at a great
● All the trapped volatile gases high speed & can travel
have degassed & there is no through valleys & flat
longer sufficient pressure to areas, destroying &
drive the magma out of the burying everything in its
earth path
● Enough heat is lost so that the ● Effects of volcanic activities in
magma cools & is no longer the global climate
Volcanic Eruptions & Weather/Climate
How can scientists tell if there is going ● Volcanic eruptions can release
to be an eruption? ash, gases, & aerosols into the
● “Signs may include very small atmosphere
earthquakes beneath the ● Theses particles can block the
volcano, slight inflation, or sunlight, causing cooler
swelling, of the volcano & temperatures & changes in
increased emission of heat & weather patterns
gas from vents on the volcano” ● Major eruptions can have a
- Said U.S Geological global impact on climate for
Survey (USGS) Volcano several years
Hazards Program
coordinator John

Benefits of Volcanic Eruptions:

● Agriculture
● Energy
● Industrial
● Economic & Recreational

Dangers of Volcanic Eruptions:

● Effects of volcanic gases
- Ash like sulfur dioxide,
nitrous oxide &
hydrochloric fumes can
lead to acid precipitation
- Tremendous volume of
sulfur aerosols in the
stratosphere can lead to
lower surface
temperature & promote
depletion of Earth’s
ozone layer

● Effects of Lava Flow

- Destroys everything in its
path - vegetation, field,
ranches, forests in the
Factors affecting Climate air mass starts to absorb
heat & becomes warm &
1. Latitude dry. As a result, the area
● The equator serves as a near the leeward side
reference point & is set at becomes dry & has less
0° latitude precipitation
● Latitudinal sections in
the Northern
Hemisphere: Tropic of
Cancer (23.5° N) & the
Arctic Circle (66.5° N)
● Capping the Northern
Hemisphere: North Pole
(90° N)
● Latitudinal Sections in
the Southern
Hemisphere: Tropic of
Capricorn (23.5° S) & the
Antarctic Circle (66.5° S)
● The South Pole (90° N) is
at the base of the
Southern Hemisphere
- As the latitude
north/south, the
decreases 4. Distance from Bodies of Water
● Soil absorbs heat faster
2. Altitude than water
● The air temperature ● Places near the oceans
decreases as the altitude havhe moderate climate
increases as the body of water
● Higher elevations: air regulates the
molecules are farther temperature
apart, making the air less ● Places without a body of
dense. Lighter air can’t water nearby tend to
absorb much heat, have higher air
making air temperature temperature during day
lower. Ultimately, the time
decrease in air
temperature is due to the 5. Ocean Currents
decrease in air pressure ● Ocean currents that flow
away from the equator
3. Topography carry warm water. The air
● Windward side: area in above the warm water
which the wind blows. has higher temperature
Here, the wind is blocked ● 3 main processes that
by the mountain, forcing make the ocean circulate:
it to move upward. This Tidal forces, wind stress,
will result in precipitation & density differences
on the windward side ● 2 Circulation types of
● Leeward side: air moves ocean currents
down towards the - Wind-driven: force
opposite region. The cold by wind stress
- Thermohaline: Ways to Mitigate the effects of Climate
overturning Change
circulation 1. Increase carbon sequestration &
Climate change 2. Use of bioenergy
3. Reduced fertilizer use
Difference between Climate change & 4. Anaerobic digestion of waste
Global warming 5. Improved energy efficiency
● CC refers to any significant
change in the measures of
climate lasting for an extended
period of time
● GW refers to the recent &
ongoing rise in global average
temperature near the earth’s
surface. It’s caused mostly by
increasing concentrations of
greenhouse gases in the

Main Indicators of Climate Change

● 7 indicators: air temperature
over land, sea-surface
temperature, air temperature
over oceans, sea level, ocean
heat, humidity, & tropospheric
temperature in the active-
weather layer of the atmosphere

Causes of Climate Change

● Certain gases in the atmosphere
block heat from escaping. There
are 5 gases responsible for
99.5% of the greenhouse gases.
1. Water vapor
2. Carbon dioxide
3. Methane
4. Nitrous oxide
5. Chlorofluorocarbons

Climate Change in Focus: Impacts &

1. Rising temperature
2. Shrinking Ice sheets
3. Sea level rise
4. Biodiversity depletion
5. Ocean acidification
6. Extreme weather
Stars & Constellations - Yellow = intermediate
- Blue = hottest
Stars ● A star can appear bright just
● Ball of plasma undergoing because it’s really
nuclear fusion bright/because of its closeness
● Gives off large amounts of to the Earth
energy in the form of
electromagnetic radiation

2 Characteristics of a Star
● Has to be self-bound by gravity
● Has to radiate energy

How are stars formed

● They are formed in space in
large clouds of gas & dust called

● Atoms inside the nebula

accelerate inward due to the
Nebula - Birth of Star
force of gravity & they collide
● Where stars are formed
rapidly with each other, causing
● Large cloud of gas & dust in
the center of the nebula to
become very dense & hot,
causing the temperature of the Protostars
protostar to rise ● Gravity makes dense region of
gas more compact
● The object switches to become a
● Soon take on a definite shape &
“true star” and it is then able to
are called protostars
make its own heat and light.
● Once the core of a protostar
reaches 10,000,000o C, nuclear
● The life of a star depends on its
fusion begins & the protostar
Why do stars shine ● The protostar now becomes a
● Because nuclear fusion occurs star
in their core. It changes lighter
● The bright spot is a new star
elements into heavier ones &
can release tremendous
amounts of energy in the

Absolute Magnitude
● True brightness of a star if all
stars were at uniform distance
from earth
Apparent Magnitude
● Brightness of a star as it
appears from Earth with the Nuclear Fusion
naked eye ● The process by which 2 nuclei
combine to form a heavier
Colors of Stars element
● The color of a star measures its ● New stars initially will fuse
temperature hydrogen nuclei together to
- Red = coolest form helium
Planetary Nebulas - Final Stages
Main Sequence Stars ● Cloud of gas that forms around
● Once the star has ignited, it a sun-like star that is dying
becomes a main sequence star.
● They fuse hydrogen to form White Dwarfs
helium, releasing enormous ● The pressure exerted on the
amounts of energy. core by the outer layers doesn’t
● Takes about 10 billion years to produce enough energy to start
consume all the hydrogen in a carbon fusion
MSS ● The core’s now very dense and
very hot (A tbsp full would weigh
Balancing Act 5 tons)
● The core of a star is where the ● A white dwarf’s about 8,000 mi in
heat is generated. The radiative diameter
& conductive zones move energy ● After 35,000 years, the core
out from the center of the star begins to cool
● The incredible weight of all the
gas & gravity try to collapse the Black Dwarfs
star on its core ● As the white dwarf cools, the
light it gives off will fade through
Unbalanced Forces the visible light spectrum, blue
● As long as there is a nuclear to red to back (no light).
reaction taking place, the ● A black dwarf will continue to
internal forces will balance the generate gravity & low energy
external forces. transmissions (radio waves).
● When the hydrogen in a main
sequence star is consumed, The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
fusion stops and the forces ● Plots stars according to their
suddenly become unbalanced. luminosity & temperature (or
Mass and gravity cause the spectral class)
remaining gas to collapse on the

Red Giant
● Collapsing outer layers cause
the core to heat up
● Fusion of helium into carbon
● Forces regain balance
● Outer shell expands from 1 to at Red Supergiants
least 40 million miles across (10- ● If the mass of a star is 3x that of
100 times larger than the Sun) our sun/greater, then the Red
● Red Giants last for about 100 Giant will become a Red
million years Supergiant
● When a massive Red Giant fuses
● When the Red Giant has fused all
all of the helium into carbon,
of the helium into carbon, the
fusion stops & the outer layers
forces acting on the star are
collapse on the core
again unbalanced.
● This time, there’s enough mass
● The massive outer layers of the
to get the core hot enough to
star again rush into the core
start the fusion of carbon into
and rebound, generating
staggering amounts of energy.
● Once fusion begins, the star will
expand to be between 10 & 1000x
larger than our sun (Out to the Astronomical significance of
orbit of Uranus ) constellations
● Scientifically, constellations
Supernova don’t have any significance.
● When a Supergiant fuses all of Stars, nebulae/galaxies in the
the Carbon into Iron, there’s no same constellation may/may not
more fuel left to consume have anything in common, aside
● The core of the supergiant will from the fact that they are
nearby in the sky as viewed from
then collapse in less than a Earth. They may even be
second, causing a massive separated by a greater distance
explosion called a supernova. than objects in 2 different
● In a supernova, a massive constellations.
shockwave’s produced that ● Many of the constellations
blows away the outer layers of originally had Greek names;
these names were later replaced
the star
by their Latin equivalents by
● Supernova shine brighter than which they are still known today.
whole galaxies for a few years
Examples of Constellations
Neutron Star
● Cassiopeia: The Queen
● Sometimes the core will survive
the supernova
● If the surviving core has a mass
of less than 3 solar masses, then
the core becomes a neutron star

Black Holes
● If the mass of the surviving
core’s greater than 3 solar
masses, then a black hole forms
● A black hole’s a core so dense &
massive that it’ll generate so
● Orion: The Hunter
much gravity that not even light
can escape it

● Group of stars in the sky that,
when viewed from Earth, create
an outline of some recognizable
● 2 well-known asterisms: The Big
Dipper & The Summer Triangle
● Ursa Major: The Great Bear
● Groups of stars that appear to
form shapes in the sky
● Designed to help us remember
which stars are which.
● The International Astronomical
Union officially recognizes 88
constellations. 42 animals, 29
inanimate objects, & 17
● Ursa Minor: The Little Bear
● There are 13 equatorial patterns
in astronomy
● Used as astrological signs
which have 12 signs that actually
match the celestial

● The difference in the 2 solar

calendars’ caused by an
astronomical phenomenon
● Gemini: The Twins called precession
● Dates when the sun passes
through various constellations

● Andromeda: The Chained


● Most of the faint stars may be

regarded as truly fixed when
viewed from the earth; hence,
they’re used as a reference
frame for the minute motions of
nearby stars known as proper
● During the summer in the South
Hemisphere, when the South
Pole of the Earth’s pointed
The Changing Constellations toward the sun, our planet’s
● Some constellations can be seen positioned between the
only during certain seasons constellation of Orion & the Sun
● In any one evening the ● Meanwhile, Scorpius, which is
observers at different latitudes located at the southern part of
see different constellations the sky, is visibly low in the
eastern sky from May, appears
overhead during August, & is
sinking low in the western sky
during November
Astronomers divided the constellations
● The constellations also appear
into 3 regions:
to move from east to west across
1. North circumpolar - seen at the sky every night. This
northern mid-latitudes apparent motion occurs due to
2. South circumpolar - seen at the rotation of the earth in its
southern mid-latitudes axis, an imaginary line that
3. Equatorial - lie on either side of passes through the earth from
the celestial equator which is its North Pole to its South Pole.
the projection of the Earth’s
equator to the sky

Zodiac Constellations
● Every 3 months, the earth travels
about ¼ of its orbit
● Zodiac means “circle of animals”
in Greek

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