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Environmental Science (MSCENV) Project Report

(MEVP-011)” MSCENV (MEVP-011)


Impacts of plastic pollution:A case study of banihal j and k ut

ENROLLMENT NO : 2200721590
REGIONAL CENTRE :30_srinagar


Coordinator, Programme Study Centre for approval

The Registrar Student Evaluation Division IGNOU,

Maidan Garhi New Delhi – 110068School of Interdisciplinary and Trans-

disciplinary Studies (SOITS) Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 11006
1. Annexure I
2. Annexure II
3. Introduction
4. Review of literature
5. Objectives
6. Research methodology
7. Hypotheses
8. Expected outcomes
9. .Refrences.
Annexure I

Project Proposal No.:

School of Interdisciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Studies (SOITS)

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Maidan Garhi, New Delhi- 110068


(To be attached with the proposal submitted to the Coordinator, Programme Study
Centre/Study Centre)

Enrollment No:2200721590 Study Centre Code:1210

E-Mail : Regional Centre Code: 30_srinagar
Mobile No: +91 70064 47595
Name and Address of the student Mubbashar Hamid,banihal
Title of the Project Impacts of plastic pollution: A case
study of banihal j and k ut
Name, Designation and Address of the Supervisor
Is the Supervisor an Academic Counsellor of
If Yes, Name and Code of the Study Centre

Signature of Student Signature of Supervisor

Place: Place:

Date: Date:
Project Proposal Supervisor
Approved Approved
Not Approved Not Approved
Comments/Suggestions if any on the Project Proposal

(Signature of Coordinator)

Programme Study Centre/Study Centre


This is to certify that the project titled impacts of plastic pollution:A case study of banihal. J and k ut.
is an original work of the student and is being submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of the
Master of Science (Environment Science) of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). This
report has not been submitted earlier either to this University or to any other University/Institution
for the fulfilment of the requirement of a course of study.

Signature of Supervisor: Signature of Student:

Place: Place:

Date: Date:
Impacts of plastic pollution:A case study of banihal j
and k ut:
ENROLLMENT NO :2200721590

Plastic bags have been introduced in 1970’s and gained an increasing popularity amongst
consumers and retailers. They are available in huge numbers and varieties across the world. It is
estimated that around 500 billion plastic bags are used every year worldwide . This utilization is
attributed to their cheapness and convenience to use. The vast majority of these bags are
discarded as wastes usually after a single use. It is also believed that after their entry into
environment, plastic bags can persist up to 1000 years to degrade and hence pose a disposal
challenge without being decomposed by sun light and/or microorganisms ]. Accumulation
of plastic bag wastes causes environmental pollution that can be manifested in number of
ways. One of the problems is deterioration of natural beauty of an environment [ Another
common problem associated with these wastes is death of domestic and wild animals. This
necessitates for proactive measures in order to safeguard animal species against extinction -
Blockage of sewerage systems is becoming a common problem in cities and instruments
such as levies and taxes to restrict the use and production of plastic bags Though, they are
not as such effective, voluntary initiatives have also been attempted in some countries to reduce
plastic bag use and/or plastic bag problems in environment. Different reports showed that
plastic bags are still causing severe environmental pollutions and also human and animal
health damages in urban and rural areas of the country. Some of the basic reasons could
be poor waste management and perhaps lack of awareness about the negative impacts of
plastic bags . The plastic bags were the most used plastic materials in Yemen. They are used to
bag solids and liquids. They are used heavily to wrap Gat and almost everything. Previously,
paper and cotton bags and local baskets were used to bring different merchandise from the
marketplace. Ceramic pots and glass bottles were used for liquids. These bagging utilities
disappeared almost completely because they could not compete with plastic bags especially in
price. Currently, the Plastic grocery bags can cause a variety of environmental problems. Plastic
bags pollute the air through their life cycle, from raw material extraction and manufacturing
process to the disposal. The raw materials to produce plastic bags are mainly crude oil and
natural gas, and the extraction process of those raw materials can cause the emission of a
considerable amount of air pollutants to the atmosphere. In addition, plastic bags can also cause
water pollution and soil pollution. Countries around the world have issued bans and tax
measures to reduce the use of plastic grocery bags. At the same time, a variety of alternative
options have been created and promoted to replace the use of plastic bags, including paper
bags, jute bags, and other biodegradable bags. Each alternative has its advantages and
disadvantages. After analysis of the environmental impacts and the practicability of plastic bags
and their alternatives, we evaluated the feasibility of the utilization of alternative grocery bags
under difference occasions as well as corresponding policy measures. Finally, we proposed
several suggestions to mitigate the problem of plastic bag pollution, including developing new
degradable bag technologies and reusing grocery bags..


Jalal and mian (2011) examined the use of plastic bag and its damaging impact on environment
and agriculture and suggested alternatives to the use of ever harmful plastic bags for ensuring
the sustainable agricultural and economic development in Malaysia and other countries by
finding out alternatives. The study which examined the plastic bags ban status in Chandigarh,
Delhi and Sikkim, found that the ban has found limited or mixed responses.

Sarwat Afzal (2012) explained consumption of plastic bags and its impact on environment. The
objective of the research was to know whether consumption of plastic has any impact on the
environment. Result showed that there was a positive relationship of consumption of plastic
bags and its impact on environment, which correlation and regression techniques were used to
test the hypothesis.

Jalil, Rahman and Mian (2013) examined the usage of plastic bags and its damaging impact on
environment and agriculture, and suggested ways for the sustainable agricultural and economic
development by finding out alternatives to the use of ever harmful plastic bags.

Mohram and Maqtari (2014) studied the impact of plastic bags on the environment in the city Of
Sana’a and the surrounding areas in Yemen, and examined the causes and effects and proposed
a range of solutions for a clean environment for us and our future generations. Derraik (2002)
studied the pollution of the marine environment by plastic debris, and highlighted that the
problem of plastic debris in the oceans is a difficult task, and a variety of approaches are
urgently required.

P.Pavani (2014) explained the impacts of plastic on environmental pollution. He concluded the
study to raise public awareness, the regional and national different levels of educational
curriculums must include the waste management systems from the grass-roots as information


To study the impacts of plastic bags on environment

To study the awareness among people of using plastic bags

To study the different mitigation measures of reducing the plastic bags

To study the alternative use of plastic bags.


The research is based on both primary as well as secondary data. Published works and Govt.
web sites are the main source of secondary data.

Primary data will be collected from different areas of and surrounding areas with the help of
questionnaire. The responses of nature of use of plastic carry bags will be driven from different
age, qualification, and professional back ground people. So the outcome of the topic is important
to get a perception difference amongst different groups of people. The respondents are selected
randomly and one member from each household will be selected and questions are asked
related to usage patter of plastic carry bags.


The study will be conducted in banihal of j and k ut

(Scale and survey procedure)

The study will employ a mixed-methods approach, including both qualitative and quantitative

Data collection :


The study will collect primary data through surveys, interviews, and field observations.


Secondary data will be collected from relevant government reports, research articles, and,other
published sources.

Tools and Techniques:

The study will use tools such as questionnaires, checklists, and data analysis software to Collect
and analyze data.

The survey procedure will consist of three stages:

Pre-field Study:

This stage will involve a review of relevant literature and the design of Data collection tools.

Field Study:

This stage will involve data collection through surveys, interviews, and field Observations.

Post Field Study:

This stage will involve data analysis, interpretation, and report writing..


The study will test the following hypotheses: impact of plastic on environment has a significant
impact on the surroundings.

Expected outcomes.

Through field survey of plastic bags, which we will done in banihal of j and k ut and will find that
the area containing a very large amount of plastic bags where there are in the streets , roads,
the trees, the power cords, most markets in qat and vegetables, where the prevalence of the
plastic bags in this way leads to contamination and distortion environment and reduces the
aesthetic view of the banihal, which refers to the environmental disaster in the area and only let
alone the rest of the cities . Plastic pages waste materials cause serious environment problems,
so the waste materials removed by using the microorganism that associated with plastic pages.
This method was cheap and effective, so that it can be used widely for the treatment of Plastic


1. Spokas KA (2007). Plastics: still young, but having a mature impact. Waste Manage.,
28(3): 473-474.
2. Lane M (2003). “Why Can’t We Recycle All This Plastic?” BBC News September 19.
Accessed on December 18, 2010. .
3. Anthony A (2003). Plastics and the environment. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Hoboken, New Jersey, pp. 379-397
4. Seema S (2008). Ecologically oriented behavior in consumers. (Report). Abhigyan.
Foundation for Organizational Research and Education, the Gale Group, Farmington Hills,
Michigan, USA.
5. Environment Victoria (2006) The Great Plastic Bag Checkout: Are major supermarkets
making the cut? Pp. 1-15.
6. Gerba CP, Williams D, Sinclair RG (2010). Assessment of the potential for cross
contamination of food products by reusable shopping bags. Obtained through internet: [Accessed on 26 August, 2010].

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