Interview Questions-Answer BA

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Soham Dasgupta

Interview Questions Master-list

1. Introduce Yourself

Ans. Hi, Good morning/evening, my name is Soham Dasgupta, I have done my bachelor’s in
mechanical engineering and have been working for almost 8+ years in Oil and Gas industry
Firstly as a Piping Engineer and then as a business analyst for 4+ Years.

2. What is SDLC?

Ans. The Software Development Life Cycle is a process used by the software industry to design,
develop and test high-quality low-cost software’s in the shortest period, that meets or exceeds
customer expectations and demands. ISO/IEC 12207 is an international standard for SDLC.

Also, SDLC consist of a detail plan describing how to develop, maintain, replace, and alter or
enhance specific software. The life cycle defines a methodology for improving the quality of
software and overall development process.

3. What are the different Phases of SDLC?

Ans. There a 6 Phases in SDLC, the different Phases of SDLC are as follows:

a. Initiation (Thinking and Concluding), Planning and Requirement Analysis (Time,

Manpower & Money)
b. Requirement Gathering or Defining Requirements
c. Design and Architecture
d. Building or Development of the product
e. Testing
f. Deployment / Production with ongoing maintenance and support to keep enhancing the
application efficiently.

4. What is your Role as a BA in SDLC in each phase?

Ans. Planning – Scoping, Estimation Calculating TMM, Gap Analysis – cost benefit analysis
Gathering high level requirements, defining scope areas, work breakdown structure, understand
AS-IS and prepare understanding document, selecting a methodology to be used

Requirement Gathering– If the system is existing then we must go through the existing
documents and understand how the process used to work previously also during this we must
speak with the stake holders and the people who have expertise in that area. This is what we call
as AS-IS

If the system is new then conducting workshop, obtain requirements, preparing business

Designing – We define user personas and simultaneously help designers so that designer can
build system as per the users.

Development – Explaining requirements to developer, maintaining clarification logs, integration

analysis (like payment gateway or supplier vendor system integration)
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Testing – test case review, bug reporting, validation reporting bugs if any, provide end user
acceptance criteria and work with developer/test and ensure if all criteria are met,

Delivery/Deployment – Role of BA in UAT –

• Demo to the client

• Client Training
• Note & Report Bugs
• Note & Report CR’s

Maintenance/Support. – change request log maintained, during maintenance - impact analysis

5. What is due diligence or discovery?

Ans. Due diligence or discovery is the process of understanding the AS-IS or the existing model.

We do due diligence when we have to replace the current system with the new one or we
have to enhance the current system with the new one

We understand the current process in terms of

1) Company based model

2) Current process
3) User task
4) User Role
5) Workflow

6. How will you understand the AS-IS process of a company?

Ans. By understanding the company business model, structure, domain, process, user tasks and
roles, workflow, and understanding the current process/system going in the company.

7. What is understanding document? When is it prepared?

Ans. Understanding document is produced after the due diligence to showcase your
understanding of what you’re understanding during due diligence phase. Document produced
can be PPT, flowchart, processes, and functionalities.

8. What is Scoping?

Ans. Scoping is the area within your vision, scope is based on the time, money and manpower,
priority, and essentiality. To define scope, we need to do estimation.

9. What is Estimation?

Ans. Estimation is defined as the most realistic amount/time per hour or money, for a project to
be delivered.

10. What are the different techniques of estimation?

Ans. Relative estimation (Estimation by Hours – done on the basis of past experiences and
estimation is of time-money-manpower), i.e. In IT we are paid per hour more the experience
more the per hour pay.
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Fibonacci (Each number in the sequence is the sum of the two numbers that precede it. So, the
sequence goes: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and so on.)

T-shirt sizing (XS (1), S (2), M (3), L (5), XL (8))

The small size t-shirt will need less time compared to xl/xxl

11. What is Prioritization?

Ans. Prioritization is used in software product management for determining which product should
be included in a certain release based on High (must have), Medium (should have), Low (could
have) which is known as MOSCOW.

12. What is MOSCOW Analysis?

Ans. It is the analysis during requirement prioritization which states the requirement based on

 Must have – These req are critical to the current delivery timebox for the delivery
to be a success. Ex. Login
 Should have – these req are important but not necessary in current delivery. Ex.
Search by keyword and category, ditch another search method.
 Could have – these req are desirable but not necessary but can improve user
experience at a little development cost, ex. Look & feel of system
 Won’t have – these req are least critical, lowest payback or not appropriate for
current delivery.

13. What is your role as BA?

Ans. The role of as BA is:

• Planning
• As is – to be
• Gap Analysis
• Requirement gathering
• Provide multiple solutions
• Define scope using optimum solution
• Getting the sign off from customer
• Software document preparation
• Test case (review)
• Knowledge transfer to developers
• Verification of solution
• Support after implementation

14. What are the responsibilities of a BA?

Ans. The responsibilities of a BA are

• Due Diligence
• understand AS-IS
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• estimation of resources/cost/time
• Scoping
• Preparing understanding document
• Preparing stakeholder list
• Invitee list
• Conducting workshops
• Req gathering
• Requirement prioritization
• Preparing business documents and taking sign off from client
• Maintaining clarification logs
• Help developers and tester during production by being a mitigator for our
technical teams & non-technical clients,
• Test case review,
• Reporting bugs if any
• Provide end user acceptance criteria and work with developer/test and ensure if
all criteria are met
• Do UAT, giving demos, gain acceptance from user, preparing user manual,
support after implementation.

15. What do you do as a BA from morning to evening on any given day?


16. What are the projects you have worked on?


17. Walk me through the flow of your system.


18. What are the major functionalities of your project?


19. List down the minor functionalities in your system.


20. Which was the biggest functionality in your system?


21. Which was the most difficult functionality in your system? And why?


22. Which is the most difficult functionality in your project? And why?

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23. Which is your favorite project and why?


24. Which is was your toughest project and why?


25. What are the difficulties you faced as a BA during the project?


26. What is the pre-requirement preparation done by you?


• Plan
• Scheduling
• defining deliverables
• preparing invitee lists,
• preparing work breakdown structured
• understand as-is flow

27. What is Business Model?

Ans. Is an outline, how company plans to increase its revenue

28. How did you gather the requirements? Explain entire requirement gathering process.


29. What is the different requirement gathering techniques?

Ans. Method: Rapid Requirement Gathering / Traditional Requirement Gathering

 Brainstorming,
 Req workshop,
 Discussion,
 Probing,
 Observation,
 interview,
 questionnaire,
 interface analysis,
 Surveys,
 Visualization.
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30. What is Rapid Requirement gathering?


31. What are Minutes of Meeting? Who creates it and why?

Ans. Minutes of Meeting are minute details taken to meet client requirement. The BA creates the
MOM after every meeting, and it is record of discussion, so nobody deviates from what was
concluded during the meeting.

32. What are the documents/ deliverable you produced during requirement gathering?

Ans. It depends on what methodology we are using

For Waterfall – BRD, Wireframes, FRD, Field Matrix,

For Agile – Product backlogs, Wireframes, user stories, Field matrix

33. What is Waterfall Methodology?

Ans. It is a type of SDLC Methodology. It is a one-time delivery we complete one phase and then
we move on to next phase it has fixed number of requirements fixed budget small project no

34. What is Agile Methodology?

Ans. Agile is a SDLC methodology it’s a way to manage a project by breaking it into several
phases called as iterations/sprints. It involves constant collaboration with client and continuous
improvement at every stage. It is an alternative to waterfall or sequential development.

35. What are the documents that you would produce for waterfall project?

Ans. BRD, Wireframes, FRD, Field matrix, gap analysis, Chane Request log, clarification log.

36. What are the documents that you would produce for Agile project?

Ans. Product backlogs, Wireframes, user stories and field matrix, gap analysis, CR log,
clarification logs

37. What is the difference between Agile and Waterfall?


38. What is the similarity between Agile and waterfall?


39. Which method would you choose for any given project and why?

Ans. If a project is small, well defined and no changes in requirements then we will opt for
waterfall methodology.

If a project is vast and needs continuous development, delivery, improvement, a lot of ambiguity
and is driven by Technology, competition, customers, market, strategy & profit, then we will go
ahead with Agile methodology.
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40. What is your role as a BA in Agile methodology?

Ans. Following scrum ceremonies as in attending sprint planning, daily standup meetings, sprint
review, sprint retrospective

• Sprint planning – Before we start a sprint, we discuss who will do what and what not who
will work on which requirement etc.
• Daily standup meeting – conducted every day for 10-15 meetings in which everybody
explains what they have done from the last meeting until now and what they are planning
to do today, what all are the issues being faced by them and how could it be solved.
• Sprint review – release of the system, giving demos, user training, maintaining change
requests, planning of next sprint, meeting will be attended by client
• Sprint retrospective – optional meeting which happens after a release and before the
start of the next sprint. In which it is discussed, what has gone well, improvement done

41. What is BRD?

Ans. It is Business Requirement Document which explains us what functions are require in the

42. What are the sections of a BRD?

Ans. Objective, Index, purpose, background, assumptions, constraints, dependencies, risks,

issues, module – front end, back end, admin, Functional requirements, Non-Functional

43. What are Assumptions?

Ans. Assumption is something which we believe is true without having a confirmation on it. If it
turns out to be false, it may impact the whole project or a certain functionality too.

44. What is Constrains?

Ans. Constraints is limitations or restrictions that restricts or dictates the flow of the project i.e.,
without one functionality completed we cannot move on to the next functionality.

45. What is Dependency?

Ans. Dependency is where the project is dependent on others or vice versa i.e., some ongoing
activity is happening is other team that is restricting your completion of a task and vice versa.

46. What is Risk?

Ans. Risk is something that can go wrong in a project.

47. What are Issues?

Ans. Issue is something that has already gone wrong.

48. What are Functional Requirements?

Ans. Function require explains us how the system must work.

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49. What are Non- Functional Requirements?

Ans. Non-Functional explains how the system should perform or how strong is the system.

Speaks about the performance, look, and feel, security and so-called quality attributes of a

They specify criteria that judge the operation of system rather than specific behavior, ex Data
should modify into database with in 2second.

50. What is the difference between functional and non-functional requirements?

Ans. Functional req defines a function of a system or its components. Functional req may be the
one which has an input, behavior and output like calculations, technical details, processing that
defines what system supposed to accomplish.

Non-functional speaks about the performance, look, and feel, security and so-called quality
attributes of a system. They specify criteria that judge the operation of system rather than
specific behavior, ex Data should modify into database with in 2 second.

51. Give examples of Non-Functional Requirements. Explain each non-functional

requirement you listed in detail.


 Accessibility - Accessibility can be viewed as the "ability to access" and

benefit from some system or entity. The concept focuses on enabling
access for people with disabilities, or special needs, or enabling access
using assistive technology

 Adaptability - Adaptability is to be understood here as the ability of a

system to adapt itself efficiently and fast to changed circumstances.

 Reliability -Reliability is the probability and percentage of the software

performing without failure for a specific number of uses or amount of time.

 Availability - This defines the amount of time the system is running, the
time it takes to repair a fault, and the time between lapses.

 Maintainability - This indicates the average time and ease and rapidity
with which a system can be restored after a failure.

 Recoverability - Recoverability is the ability to recover from a crash or a

failure in the system and returning to full operations.

 Capacity - This feature indicates system’s storage capacity, which is

dependent on its type and characteristics.
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 Serviceability - This indicates how easy it is to perform service when


 Security - Security measures ensure your software’s safety against

espionage or sabotage.

 Manageability - This feature is defined as the ability to control a system

efficiently and keep it fully operational.

 Data integrity - Data integrity refers to maintaining and assuring data

accuracy and consistency over its entire lifecycle. If this factor is
corrupted, data is lost due to a database error.

 Interoperability - All system components must follow a common and

standard set of exchange formats to exchange data; the lack of
interoperability happens when people do not follow standards.

 Usability - This feature concerns the users; it indicates how effectively

they can learn and use a system.

 Performance - The website’s load time should not be more than one
second for users.

 Deployment - Deployment is the mechanism through which applications,

modules, updates, and patches are delivered from developers to users.

 Robustness - The ability of a system to resist change without adapting its

initial stable configuration.

 Scalability - t is the property of a system to handle a growing amount of

work by adding resources to the system

 Resilience It is the ability to provide and maintain an acceptable level of

service in the face of faults and challenges to normal operation.

 Reusability It is the use of existing assets in some form within the

software product development process; these assets are products and
by-products of the software development life cycle and include code,
software components, test suites, designs and documentation.

 Documentation is any communicable material that is used to describe,

explain or instruct regarding some attributes of an object, system or
procedure, such as its parts, assembly, installation, maintenance and
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 Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or

information about themselves, and thereby express themselves

 Throughput is the rate of production or the rate at which something is

 Response time is the time a system or functional unit takes to react to a
given input.

52. What is the difference between BRD and FRD?

Ans. BRD is business requirement documents that is document which describes what a client
needs and FRD is functional requirement document which describes how the functionality is
going to work.

53. What is the FRD?

Ans. It’s a document which talks about execution of functionalities i.e., how those functionalities
are being operated

54. What is Use Case?

Ans. Use case is a document which talks about how the functionality will be executed in waterfall.
3 basic elements that makes up a use case are actor system and goal.

55. What are the sections of Use Case?

Ans. The different sections of Use case are Use case ID, System Application, Goal Description,
Actors, Assumptions, Precondition, Business rules, Trigger, Main scenario, Post condition,
Validations and Error Messaging.

56. What are the different Types of Actors?

Ans. User, System or external

57. What is the Goal of the Use Case?

Ans. It explains what the client wants.

58. What is Assumption in a Use Case?

Ans. An assumption is a state that can be achieved before the start of that use case

59. What is Precondition?

Ans. Precondition is the condition that must be fulfilled for the user to go ahead. For example, the
user needs to login to do any activity so this condition must be fulfilled so that the user can go

60. What is Business Rule?

Ans. A business rule is a rule that must be followed during the execution of the functionality until
it ends.
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61. What is a Trigger?

Ans. Trigger is an event or scheduler that triggers functionality automatically without any human

62. What is Main Scenario?

Ans. It is a clear description of what system must do in response to each action taken by actor.

63. What is Post Condition?

Ans. Anything that must be true when the use case is complete.

64. What is Validation?

Ans. Checking of business rule which is executed correctly or not.

65. What is Alternative Scenario?

Ans. If we have same functions but with variations, first one we include in main scenario and rest
will include in alternate scenario.

For example, Log is a function, then log-in by mobile no and OTP, log-in by username and

66. What is UML diagram?

Ans. Unified Modelling Language Diagram is standard way to visualize a system. The types of
diagrams are structural information (Technological components), General Behavior (Functional
Component – BA) and Interaction Diagram.

67. What is Generalization?

Ans. Generalization of an actor means that one actor can perform the role of the other actor. The
descendant performs all the use cases of the ancestor. The descendant has one or more use
cases that are specific to that role.
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68. What is Extend?


69. What is Include?


70. What is extension point?

Ans. It is part of UML diagram; it is used sometimes.

71. What is Workflow or process flow diagram?

Ans. Workflow or process flow are the types of diagrams which represents the step-by-step work
of a system.

72. What is cross functional or swim lane diagram?

Ans. It is as same as Functional diagram but here it depicts which part of the process belongs to
which user

73. What is Activity diagram?

Ans. Activity diagram are the diagrams which helps to execute the functions in detail i.e., it talks
about all the process and the flow.

74. What is Sequence diagram?

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Ans. Sequence diagram are both the activity and flow diagram, it means the order of occurrence.
The end purpose is a sequence of events.

75. What is Mind Mapping?

Ans. Mind mapping is writing the main idea or requirement and thinking on new and related ideas
which radiates from the main idea.

• EX. Amazon categories

• Men - clothes, accessories,
• Women – clothes, accessories

76. What is Fish bone Map?

Ans. Fish Bone Map is done to check the root cause or identify the problem in an organization.

77. What is Organizational Structure diagram?

Ans. It is a diagram which depicts the hierarchy in the organization.

78. What is the difference between High level design and Low-level design of a system?


79. What is wireframing?

Ans. Wireframe is a pictorial description of end product of how the system will work It can also be
called as the blueprint of the product.

80. What is Prototyping?

Ans. Prototyping creates replica of the end product so that you can show case how the product
should look like.

81. What is UI? What is UX?

Ans. UI is User interface designing which the representation of the product i.e., how it will look.
UX is User experience which tell about the user experience.

82. What is the difference between UI and UX?

Ans. UI is a point where a human connects with the machine.

UI is anything designed into a device with which a person may interact.

This can include display screen, keyboards, mouse, and appearance of a desktop.

It is also a way through which user interacts with an application.

UX focuses on deep understanding of user’s experience means what they need, what they value,
their abilities and their limitations.

Ex. While building a house, color of the house is UI, and the foundation of the house is UX.
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83. What is the difference between Wireframe and Prototype?

Ans. Wireframe – static, skeleton framework, pictorial description of end product.

Prototype – dynamic, advanced wireframe, can be displayed as dummy model with more visual
detail & interaction.

84. What are the tools used for Wireframing?

Ans. Axure, PPT, Paint, Drawio, Sketch, Figma, Canava, etc.

85. Why Visualization is important?

Ans. To get the clear idea about the requirements and the flow of events visualization is
important. Visualization helps in ensuring that client’s requirements and our understanding of the
same is met.

86. What are Personas?

Ans. Personas are the different attributes of end user ex -age, gender, education, interest,
occupation, location, language etc. Defining the personas is basically defining the characteristics
of the end user. We have to know the end customer who’s going to use the app and design the
app based on the personality of that person, that is known as defining the personas.

87. What is field matrix or data dictionary? Why do we create it and what is the importance?

Ans. It is also called as Field List, Field Table, Data Table etc.

It is a collection of description of data or fields for the benefit of programmers. By referring field
matrix anyone who refers it, will get the idea about the fields.

Define Field types like textbox, dropdown & list box, default value, radio button, mandatory fields,
No. of characters.

88. What is Gap Analysis?

Ans. Gap Analysis is especially conducted when we are replacing the current system with new or
enhancing the current system.

 Basically, it’s identifying the gap between two systems to determine whether
business req being met or not, if not what steps we should take to fulfill the req.
 We compare the old system with the new one to meet the below criteria
• Step 1: Identify the existing process. ...
• Step 2: Identify the existing outcomes. ...
• Step 3: Identify the desired outcome. ...
• Step 4: Identify the gap and document the gap. ...
• Step 5: Bridge the gap. ...
• Step 6: Maintenance.

89. What is Impact Analysis?

Ans. Impact analysis are the major changes that occur which will lead to change in the
development process.
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90. What is Cost benefit Analysis?

Ans. Cost–benefit analysis, sometimes also called benefit–cost analysis, is a systematic

approach to estimating the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives.

91. What is SWOT Analysis?

Ans. Strength, Weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique used to help a person or organization to identify
Strength, Weaknesses, opportunities and threats to business or project to keep the project
updated in the market

92. What is Competitor Analysis?

Ans. Identifying the competitor and evaluating their strategies to determine their strengths and
weaknesses relative to our product.

93. What is Change Management? How did you manage changes in your Company?

Ans. After requirement gathering and signoff is done, if there is a requirement added or deleted it
is known as change management. I did not face the issue yet in any project.

94. Can we make any changes in Waterfall project?

Ans. No.

95. What is Mapping and how we do mapping?

Ans. Mapping takes place during the Integration phase, along with Gap Analysis. When we are
transferring data from one system to another, mapping is done. The Mapping sheet shows how
data from one system is mapped to data from another system. Sometimes during mapping we
need to do conversion/combination of data.

For. Ex. In one system we have provided the input as “First Name” & “Last Name” separately.
Whereas while displaying in second system, data should be mapped and combined to display
name as “Full Name”

Field to Field Mapping – value of which field needs to go where.

96. How did you keep a track of clarifications in your company?

Ans. During development or testing, we get a lot of clarifications or queries. These are basically
from various internal team sources like testers, developers, technical architects, DBA, etc. Some
of these queries we as a BA understand, but unfortunately some we don’t. So, to keep a track of
all these clarifications requested & resolved, we maintain a clarification log for the same.

97. What is the role of a BA in presales?

Ans. The role of BA in presales is to understand AS-IS, High level requirements, and client
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98. What is RFP/ RFI/ SOW?

Ans. RFP request for proposal – flow diagrams, high level requirements & their estimation,
writeup/case study explaining their current issues and what solutions could resolve the same
along with some wireframes, demo of old system

ITT Invitation to tender

RFI request for information

SOW statement of work

99. What is RTM?

Ans. RTM is known as Requirement Traceability Matrix which traces the changes in the

To maintain the traceability of requirements so that all the components are tested and verified
that’s why we create RTM.

It’s an excel sheet tracing all the requirement numbers and components in various documents.

RTM is a matrix that we use to capture all the business requirements so that we can trace it. Ex.
If a customer comes with a change, then we can trace a specific functionality from the RTM and
know which all BR and Use case needs to be modified simultaneously.

100. What is Product Backlog?

Ans. Product backlog is list of all things that is given by client/needs to be done with in the
project. It’s the replacement of traditional requirement artifacts.

101. What is User Story?

Ans. User story is a document in agile to capture the description of software features from an end
user perspective. It describes the type of user, what they want and why. A user story helps to
create a simplified description of a requirement.

W – who

W – what

W – Why

H – How

102. Which questions you must keep in mind before you start a user story?

Ans. Before starting user story we must keep in mind who, what, why and how.

103. What are Acceptance Criteria?

Ans. Detailed description of user story how user wants a functionality to perform of particular
user story.
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A set of statement that describes the conditions of functionalities must satisfy for user story to be
accepted by user.

104. What is the template of a user story?

Ans. As a ---------------(WHO is user), I can -------------(WHAT he wants), so that --------------------

(WHY he wants) and then it’s the acceptance criteria.

105. Explain how will you write a user Story?

Ans. As a ---------------(WHO is user), I can -------------(WHAT he wants), so that --------------------

(WHY he wants) --------(HOW he wants) the acceptance criteria.

106. What is the difference between Use Case and User Story?

Ans. The difference between Use case and User stories are:

a. Use case are written in waterfall, user stories are written in agile
b. Use case we write as a BA what user can do, but in user story we are user, and
we write our requirement as an end user.
c. Use case are sectionized, where as user stories have two section one is story,
and one is acceptance criteria.
d. Use case we take assumptions whereas in agile we don’t write assumptions
e. Large use case is there with one main scenario and alternative scenario, but user
stories cannot be large, they are broken into smaller user stories. Large user
stories are known as EPIC.

107. What are the ceremonies in Scrum?

Ans. The ceremonies in scrum are Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum Meeting (Start to End of a
project), Sprint Retrospective.

108. What is Sprint Planning?

Ans. Sprint planning is a meeting before we start a sprint, wherein we discuss who will work on
which requirement. How many items form the requirement will go in the first sprint.

In Scrum, the sprint planning meeting is attended by the product owner, ScrumMaster and the
entire Scrum team.

109. What is Daily Scrum / Daily Stand up?

Ans. It is a 10 to 15mnts daily meeting to share the progress, reports impediments. During this
meeting each member have to answer 3 questions i.e.

• What u have done since the last meeting (Yesterday)

• What u will do before next meeting (Today)
• What prevents me from performing my work as efficiently as possible?

110. What is Sprint Demo/ Sprint Review?

Ans. Sprint Demo/ Sprint Review is the demo given to client after each sprint to check where all
the requirements in the sprint backlog are ok to release.
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111. What is Sprint Retrospective?

Ans. Sprint Retrospective is to understand what went right in the sprint and what are the
improvement scope. This takes place between two sprints. It is also known as look back

112. What is Burndown Chart?

Ans. Burndown Chart is a graphical representation of the Work left to complete (Product
Backlog) with time in days. Burndown chart can be for a product, release, sprint or for a single
item also.

It is useful for predicting when all the work will be completed. The outstanding work is often on
the vertical axis, with time along the horizontal. Burn down charts are a run chart of outstanding
work. Burndown is represented in a downward flow. Burndown chat represents at what
rate/velocity we are burning the story points.

113. What is Velocity?

Ans. The rate at which we burndown work or product backlogs per day is velocity.

It is used to depict progress of project.

Velocity the rate at which a team completes work, usually measured in story points. In Scrum,
velocity is how much product backlog effort a team can handle in one sprint.

This can be estimated by viewing previous sprints, assuming the team composition and sprint
duration are kept constant.

It can also be established on a sprint-by-sprint basis, using commitment-based planning.

Once established, velocity can be used to plan projects and forecast release and product
completion dates.

114. What is a Release?

Ans. Release is a distribution of initial/final version of product/application.

115. What is a Sprint?

Ans. A sprint is a short, time-boxed period when a scrum team works to complete a set amount
of work.

Sprints are at the very heart of scrum and agile methodologies and getting sprints right will help
your agile team ship better software with fewer headaches.

116. Who is a Product Owner?

Ans. The person who holds vision for the product and responsible for maintaining, prioritizing,
and updating the product backlogs.

He helps during sprints planning and sprint review meeting specially.

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117. Who is a Scrum Master?

Ans. We can say scrum master is like project manager or facilitator for the team. Keeps the
information about the teams progress up to date and makes sure the project is on track and is
following the Scrum principle.

118. Who is a Stakeholder?

Ans. These are the people who are directly/indirectly impacted by creation/change of a system,
also the ones who are sponsoring the project or funding the project.

119. What is the team structure in Agile?

Ans. Product Owners, Scrum master, Team members (developers, testers, QA, support
engineer, BA), Stakeholders, client, or user.


120. What are the Advantages of Agile?

Ans. Most important advantage of agile is changes in requirement can be accommodated in

current release.

Less risky, deliver frequently, less documentation, flexible to accommodate requirement

changes, used when requirements are not clear/well defined from the client’s side.

Continuous development/delivery/improvement and is driven by technology/ competition

/customers/ profit/ market/ strategy.

121. What are the principles of Agile?

Ans. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of
valuable software.

Businesspeople and developers must work together daily throughout the project.

Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need
and trust them to get the job done.

The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development
team is face-to-face conversation.

Working software is the primary measure of progress.

Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should
be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.

Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.

Simplicity–the art of maximizing the amount of work not done–is essential.

The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts
its behavior accordingly.
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Empiricism & Self organization.

122. What is the core principle of Agile?

Ans. Same as above.

123. When will you use Agile?

Ans. When we have product or system which requires continuous Development, Improvement
and continuous delivery.

For the projects which are market driven, customer driven, technology driven, competition driven,
strategy driven, profit driven.

124. Which are the variations of Agile?

Ans. The variations of Agile are:

a. Lean Software Development

b. Kanban
c. Extreme Programming
d. Crystal
f. Feature Driven Development

125. Which is the most used Agile variation?

Ans. Agile Scrum

126. What is EPIC?

Ans. Epic are large functionality which needs to be broken down into small user stories.

127. What are Child Stories?

Ans. Child Stories are part of Epic for example if Payment is EPIC then child stories will be
Payment by net banking, Payment by wallet etc.

128. What is Story Point?

Ans. The unit of measurement, when a point will be given some hours in agile methodology.

129. What are acceptance criteria?

Ans. Same as 103

130. What questions would you keep in mind to complete a user story?

Ans. Same as 102

131. What is Story Time?

Ans. Time given to elaborate, discuss or document a story is known as Story Time.
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132. What is Sprint Zero?

Ans. The first sprint of a release is called as Sprint Zero.

133. What is Sprint Goal?

Ans. The sprint goal is the target which we want to achieve in the sprint.

134. What is Spike?

Ans. It is the Time given to any kind of research in scrum is called as Spike.

135. What is INVEST?

Ans. INVEST defines to a good user story. The full form of invest is: Independent, Negotiable,
Valuable, Estimable, Small and Testable.

136. What is an Impediment?

Ans. Impediments are the obstacles, or the problems faced during a sprint.

137. What is Product Vision? Who defines it?

Ans. Product vision is what we want to achieve and why we are doing it. The Product owner
defines it.

138. What is Sprint Backlog?

Ans. List of requirements in Sprint is called Sprint Backlog.

139. What is Release Backlog?

Ans. The product feature which are to be completed within release cycle in known as Release

140. What is the difference between Release and Sprint?


141. What is an Ideal Sprint duration?

Ans. Two to Three weeks

142. What is definition of Ready?


143. What is definition of Done or Done Done?

Ans. When the requirement is accepted by the user in the sprint it is known as Done, and when
the requirement goes to the Release bucket after the acceptance phase it is known as Done

144. What is product backlog grooming?

Ans. Product backlog grooming happens before the release of the project. It is basically the
refinement before the release.
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145. What is MVP?

Ans. MVP or Release 1.0 is Minimum Viable Product these are high priority must have
requirement for a product to be launched.

146. What is Pareto Analysis?

Ans. Pareto analysis is premised on the idea that 80% of a project's benefit can be achieved by
doing 20% of the work—or, conversely, 80% of problems can be traced to 20% of the causes.
Pareto analysis is a powerful quality and decision-making tool.

147. What Kano Analysis?

Ans. The Kano Analysis model (pronounced “Kah-no”), also known as the “Customer Delight vs.
Implementation Investment” approach, is an analysis tool that enables you to understand how
customer emotional responses to products or features can be measured and explored.

148. What is Hybrid Agile?

Ans. Mixture of Waterfall and Agile is Hybrid Agile wherein when we have a client and we
gathered all the requirements, we freeze the requirement, but delivery happens in releases and
sprints and if there is change in requirement it is accommodated but there will be cost associated
with it.

149. What is SMART Scrum?

Ans. SMART is a set of criteria for creating goals such as Sprint goals which is a short statement
written by the Scrum team (based on the Product Owner's initial objective) to lead them in the
direction of what they want to accomplish. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Relevant and Time-bound.

150. What is Work Breakdown structure (WBS)?

Ans. WBS in a project management is a method for completing a complex, multi-step project. It’s
a way to divide and conquer large project to get things done faster and more efficiently.

151. What are the different Project Management Tools?

Ans. Rally, Jira, Confluence, ON time etc. Among all JIRA is the most used project management
software by various organizations that work on the Agile SDLC principle.

152. What is Rally? What are the functions in Rally?

Ans. Rally is a software which serves as a central hub for teams to collaboratively plan, prioritize
and track work on a synchronized activity. Key features include team collaboration, project
management, product and portfolio management, analytics and metrics, and platform integration.

153. What is JIRA? What are the functions in JIRA?

Ans. Jira is a software which supports any agile project management methodology for software
development. The Functions are:

a. The ability to plan agile work from project backlog to sprints.

b. Fully customizable Scrum boards.
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c. The ability to estimate time for issues as you prioritize your backlog.
d. Robust reporting features, ranging from burndown charts to velocity
e. Customizable workflows to fit your frameworks.

154. What is your role as BA in JIRA or Rally?

Ans. Creating User stories, create tasks, create subtasks, assign tasks along with project
manager/scrum master.

155. What is your role in Development?

Ans. If there is any problem in understanding the documents, helping them understand the
document and requirements.

156. What is your role in Testing?

Ans. Review Test Cases

157. What is your Role in UAT?

Ans. My role in UAT (user acceptance testing) is to give training and demo to the end user, sit
with them to remote, report bugs and CR’s and get it fixed & again demo it to the client.

158. What will you do as a BA if your client is changing requirements frequently?

Ans. C test case review, bug reporting, validation reporting bugs if any, provide end user
acceptance criteria and work with developer/test and ensure if all criteria are met,

Changing requirement is common, which as a BA, I have faced in every projects.

Although to tackle the mentioned difficulty, I kept the client updated throughout the creation of the
wireframes and BRD so that we didn't overlook anything the customer had requested. After each
session, I sent them a MOM containing all the requirements that had been covered during the
requirement gathering process, assuring them that they were being met.

159. What will you do as a BA if your client is not responding to your clarifications?

Ans. If client is not responding to our clarifications, then I will give 3 reminders on the same. Still
if there is no response from the client then I will escalate the same to my Project manager.

160. What will you do as a BA if your client is adamant on a particular requirement?

Ans. If I have better solution I will present to them, if they agree we will proceed if not then will
follow what they say.
Second scenario is that if client is adamant to something which is not feasible, then will take the
TA and make the client explain why we can’t do this.

161. What will you do as a BA if your client is asking for a feature which is
technologically not feasible?

Ans. As a BA, I will myself try my best to explain him that it is not technically feasible, but if the
client is unable to understand the same then I will arrange a meeting with the technical team so
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that he can be explained in a better way that this feature cannot be feasible. Also, I will not only
stop here, but will recommend an alternate to that feature which will fulfill the client’s requirement
as well as trust between client and us.

162. What is the Role of BA during maintenance?

Ans. Change request log maintained, during change - impact analysis, If any issues found in
production environment, then we provide hot-fix depending on the severity of the issue or provide
a workaround for temporary fix until the issue is resolved and released.

Also, we perform root cause analysis on reported issues to reach the root from where this
problem is being caused, this also helps us in upcoming projects to stay alert on the same.

163. What according to you is the most challenging phase of a BA?

Ans. Requirement Gathering because it is dependent on lot of variable factors.

• Customers lack knowledge

• Managing stakeholder’s availability
• Conflict between stakeholders’
• Stakeholder’s requesting their requirements on priority
• Customer knows what he wants but does not know in which order they need the same –
to resolve we perform due diligence
• Customer doesn’t have experience with development projects
• Customer not agreeing to give sign off quickly
• Customer changing requirement frequently

164. How will you ensure that client doesn’t retract from the requirements?

Ans. Come Up with A Plan to Fix Their Issues.

165. Why do you want to change the job?

Ans. To diversify my growth as a business analyst in the field of IT/ITES Industry and to grow as
an individual.

166. Why do you want to join this company?

Ans. I want to join IT (Your) company to develop more skills as a BA as IT company, the
involvement of BA is more than my previous organizations.

“When I read the job ad, I could see straight away the fit between what you’re looking for and
what I’ve done in my career to date. That’s also what I want to do much more of in the future

167. What do you know about our company?

Ans. Read about the company wherever the interview is scheduled.

168. What is your salary expectation?

Ans. I was highly underpaid and as per the market standards I think I deserve around 24LPA.
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169. How long do you intend to work in this company?

Ans. As long as the company needs my services, I will be standing firm in my position in this
company. I am looking for a long-term relationship with the company as I want to settle down at
one place and learn and grow as much as I can until the company needs my services.

170. Why should we hire you?

Ans. I'm confident that I am the best candidate for this job role. It's not just my background in the
past projects, but also my skills, which will be applicable in this position. On the other hand, I am
a self-motivated person and I try to exceed my superior's expectations with high-quality work.

171. What is your short term and long-term goals?

Ans. I want to learn a domain and become an expert of that domain. I am already in travel
domain and want to explore other domains.

In Long term, I want to excel into next level of hierarchy and simultaneously bringing that skills &
responsibilities on myself to help grow myself into a better individual both personally and

172. What is your strength as a BA?

Ans. Biggest Strength I have as a BA is my communication skills and thought process that I put
in the project I work.

173. What is your weakness as a BA?

Ans. I am straight forward person. My weakness is that I have trouble saying NO to anyone even
if I have to keep working a bit late too.

174. What are the skills required for a BA?

Ans. Good communication, analytical thinking, good visualization, good research, patience,

175. Who was your client?

Ans. I have worked as an internal BA for my own company, and all were internal projects to
change the business process for better technical approach.

176. What Technologies you worked on?

Ans. Java

177. What was your team Size?

Ans. Current Project Team Size is 10.

178. How did you do requirement gathering during Covid times?

Ans. I haven’t done requirement gathering in covid times because I was already involved in a live
project which was going on before covid since June 2019.
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179. How many developers were there in your team?

Ans. Current Project 6 Developers.

180. How Many testers were there in your Team?

Ans. Current Project 2 Testers, 1 Technical Architect, 1 UI.

181. Who were you reporting to?

Ans. I am reporting to the Senior Director Operations Mr. Neeraj Aggarwal in my current

182. Have you single handedly delivered any project?

Ans. Yes, all the project with direct to the manager.

183. Have you done any integration?

Ans. No, I haven’t come across integration in any of my project done so far.

184. What is your role as a BA during integration?

Ans. Integration is basically two systems getting connected to each other, As a BA my job in
integration is to Mapping.

185. What questions would you ask me as a BA if you have come to me for
requirement gathering of a new system to be built?

Ans. As a BA, if a new system is being built, I would ask you about your business domain,
business process, project mission and vision.

186. What value add did you bring into the project?

Ans. I am a good analyst, I have good visualization skills, I come up with multiple solutions to a

187. What are the most found requirements in every project?

Ans. Username, Password, Forget Password, Login, Home page, Search etc.

188. What is the process of building a system?


• Step 1 – Understand AS IS
• Step 2 – Define Workflow
• Step 3 – Identify Major Functionalities
• Step 4 – Segregate Functionalities
• Within System
• Outside System
• Step 5 – Identify Users
• Step 6 – Segregate functionalities based on users
• Step 7 – Drill down and elaborate each function
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• Step 8 - Visualize System

189. What is Scope creep?

Ans. If in any sprint client push or does an addition of a requirements which disturbs our delivery
timeline is known as Scope creep. To absorb the scope creep, we must increase additional
resources or add parallel sprint.

190. List any mistake you did as a BA in a project?

Ans. I Feel that the mistake which I did as a BA was in a waterfall methodology during my first
project, I missed out on the requirements of payment in cafeteria management system that if we
could have taken care could have been added on the website which we delivered could ease the
process of payment phase, rather than going on the cafeteria and doing COD.

191. Which technology was used to build your last project? (Java, .Net, Php, etc.)

Ans. Java

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