1.1 Feedback

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1 Feedback Circuits

ECD203 - Electronic Circuits and Devices II Unit - I, Lecture 1 of unit 1 2

1.1.1 Feedback Concept
 Feedback – it is process of injecting faction of output
signal is fed back to its input is known as feedback.
 Depending upon the polarity of the feedback signal (vf),
feedback can be classified as
Negative feedback
Positive feedback
 Negative feedback – if the feedback signal vf is 180° out
of phase with the input signal vi then it is called negative
 Negative feedback results in decreased voltage gain, for
which a number of circuit features are improved (see
effects of negative feedback in the next slide).
 A transistor with negative feedback used as amplifier.

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1.1.1 Feedback Concept
 Effects of negative feedback
Reduces the gain of the amplifier
Increases level of stability
Increases the input impedance and bandwidth
Decreases the output impedance
Reduced noise
More linear operation
 Positive feedback – if the output of the feedback signal
vf is in phase with the input signal vi then it is called
positive feedback.
 A amplifier with positive feedback acts as oscillator.
 Effects are opposite to the negative feedback.

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1.1.2 Derivation of Gain with Feedback
 Let Vi be the input voltage to the amplifier unit and V0 be the
output voltage of the amplifier.

Vi A = V0/Vi V0

 Open loop gain is given by

V0  Vs
A (if there is no drop at the source)
Vi Vi
 Let Vs be source voltage and β be the gain of the feedback unit
~ A = V0/Vi V0
Vf V0
β = Vf/V0

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1.1.2 Derivation of Gain with Feedback
 Let Af be the close loop gain which is given by
V0 V0
Af  
Vs Vi  Vf
 ( - ) represents positive feedback i.e. Vi = Vs - Vf
 ( + ) represents negative feedback i.e. Vi = Vs + Vf
 Therefore, gain of the negative feedback is
V0 AVi AVi
Af (-ve)   
Vi Vf Vi  V0 Vi  AVi

1 A
 Similarly, gain of the positive feedback is
Af (ve) 
1 A
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1.1.3 Types of Feedback According to Input
 There are four types of feedback circuit based on the input
connection of the feedback signal. They are:
 Voltage-series feedback
 Voltage-shunt feedback
 Current-series feedback
 Current-shunt feedback
 Voltage feedback means output voltage of the amplifier will act as
input to the feedback unit.
 Current feedback means output current of the amplifier will act as
input to the feedback unit.
 Series means the output of the feedback unit will be in series with
a input voltage source.
 Shunt means the output of the feedback unit will be in parallel with
a input current source.

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1.1.3 Types of Feedback According to Input
(a) Voltage-Series Feedback

+ + +
Vs_ ~ Vi A = V0/Vi V0 RL
_ _

Vf_ p = Vf/V0

 It is also called voltage amplifier or series-shunt feedback.

 Gain is given by Vo A
Af  
Vs 1 A

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1.1.3 Types of Feedback According to Input
(b) Voltage-Shunt Feedback
+ +
Is Vi A = V0/Ii V0 RL
_ _

Is = pV0
p = If/V0

 It is also called transresistance amplifier or shunt-shunt feedback.

 Gain is given by
vo AI i AI i A
Af    
I s Ii  If I i  Ii 1 A
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1.1.3 Types of Feedback According to Input
(c) Current-Series Feedback I0 = Li
+ + +
Vs_ ~ Vi A = I0/Vi V0 RL
_ _

Vf _ p = Vf/I0

 It is also called transconductance or series-series feedback.

 Gain is given by Io
Af 

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1.1.3 Types of Feedback According to Input
(d) Current-Shunt Feedback I0 = Li
+ +
Is Vi A = I0/Ii V0 RL
_ _

Is = pI0
p = If/I0

 It is also called current amplifier or shunt-series feedback.

 Gain is given by Io
Af 

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1.1.4 Input Impedance with Feedback
(a) Voltage-Series Feedback
 The input impedance of the voltage-series feedback can be
determined as follows:
Vi Vs V f V  V0 Vs  AVi
Ii    s 
Zi Zi Zi Zi
I i Z i  Vs  AVi
Vs  I i Z i  AVi  I i Z i  AI i Z i
Z if   Z i  AZ i  Z i 1 A
 The input impedance with series feedback seen to be the value
of input impedance without feedback multiplied by factor
(1+βA), and applies to both voltage-series and current series
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1.1.4 Input Impedance with Feedback
(b) Voltage-Shunt Feedback
 The input impedance of the voltage-shunt feedback can be
determined as follows:
Vi Vi Vi
Z if   
I s Ii  I f I i  V0
Vi / I i

I i / I i  V0 / I i

Z if 
1 A

 This reduced input impedance applies to both the voltage-

series and voltage-shunt connection.

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1.1.5 Output Impedance with Feedback
(a) Voltage-Series Feedback
 The output impedance is determined by applying a voltage V,
resulting current I, with Vs, shorted out (Vs = 0). The voltage V is then
V  IZ0  AVi
 For Vs = 0, Vi = -Vf
 So that Vi  IZ 0  AV f  IZ 0  A( V )
 Rewriting the equation as
V  AV  IZ 0
 Solving for output resistance with feedback
V Z0
Z 0f  
I 1 A
 Above equations shows that with voltage-series feedback the output
impedance is reduced from that without feedback by factor (1 + βA).
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1.1.5 Output Impedance with Feedback
(b) Voltage-Shunt Feedback
 The output impedance is determined by applying a signal voltage V
to the output with Vs shorted out, resulting in a current I, the ratio of
V to I being the output impedance.
 For Vs = 0, Vi = Vf
I  AV i   AV f   AI
Z0 Z0 Z0

Z 0 (1 A)I  V

Z 0f   Z 0 (1 A)

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1.1.6 Effect of Feedback Connection on Input & Output impedance

 Summary

Voltage-Series Current-Series Voltage-Shunt Current-shunt

Zi Zi
Z i f  Z i (1 A) Z i f  Z i (1 A) Zi f  Zif 
1 A 1 A

(increased) (increased) (decreased) (decreased)

Z  Z0 Z  Z0
0f 0f Z 0f  Z 0 (1 A) Z 0f  Z 0 (1 A)
1 A 1 A

(decreased) (decreased) (increased) (increased)

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Exercise 1.1.1
 Determine the voltage gain, input, and output impedance with
feedback for voltage-series feedback having A = -100, Ri = 10
kΩ, and R0 = 20 kΩ for feedback of (a)  = -0.1 and (b)  = -0.5.
 Solution:
(a) (b)

A 100 A 100
Af    9.09 Af    1.96
1 A 1 (0.1)(100) 1 A 1 (0.5)(100)
Zi f  Z i (1 A)  10 10 (11)  110 k
Z i f  Z i (1 A)  1010 (51)  510 k
3 Z 20 10 3
Z 0f  Z 0  2010  1.82 k Z 0f  0   392.16 
1 A 11 1 A 51

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1.1.7 Practical Feedback Circuits - Examples
(a) Voltage-Series Feedback using FET
 V0 is obtained using a feedback network of resistors R1 and R2.
 Vf is connected in series with Vs and their difference is Vi.
 Without feedback, the amplifier gain is
A  g m R L
 Where, RL is the parallel combination
of resistors,
RL  RD R0 (R1  R2 )
 The feedback network provides a
feedback factor of
Vf  R2
 
V0 R1 R2
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1.1.7 Practical Feedback Circuits - Examples
 With feedback, amplifier gain is
Af 
1 A
 Substituting A and p in the above equation, we get,
g m RL
Af 
1 R2 R L / R1  R2 g m
 If βA >> 1, we have
1 R  R2
Af   1
 R2

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1.1.7 Practical Feedback Circuits - Examples
(b) Voltage-Series Feedback using Op-Amp

 Feedback factor,
Vf R2
 
V0 R1  R2
 If βA >> 1, we have
1 R1  R2
Af  
 R2

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 Ex. 1: Calculate the gain without and with feedback for the
FET amplifier shown in figure below. Take gm = 4000 µS.

 Ex. 2: Calculate the amplifier gain of the circuit for an op-amp

gain A = 100,000 and resistances R1 = 1.8 kΩ and R2 = 200 Ω.

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1.1.9 Feedback Amplifier-Phase and Frequency Considerations

 In practical circuit, the feedback signal is opposite to the input signal

occurs only for some mid-frequency range of operation.
 An amplifier gain will change with frequency, dropping of at high
frequencies from the mid-frequency value.
 In addition, the phase shift of an amplifier will also change with
 If the frequency increases, the phase shift changes, then some of the
feedback signal will add to the input signal. This will lead the
amplifier into oscillations due to positive feedback.
 If the amplifier oscillates at some low frequency, it is no longer
useful as an amplifier.
 Therefore, proper feedback-amplifier design is required to operate
the circuit in stable at all frequencies.
 Otherwise, a transient disturbance could cause a seemingly stable
amplifier to suddenly start oscillating.

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1.1.9 (a) Nyquist Criterion
 To judge the stability of a feedback amplifier as a function of
frequency, the βA product and the phase shift (Ф) between input
and output are the determining factors.
 One of the most popular techniques used to investigate stability is
the Nyquist method.
 A Nyquist diagram is used to plot gain and phase shift as a
function of frequency on a complex plane.
 The Nyquist plot is combination of the two Bode plots of gain
verse frequency and phase shift verse frequency on a single plot.
 A Nyquist plot is used to quickly show whether an amplifier is
stable for all frequencies and how stable the amplifier is relative
to some gain or phase shift criteria.

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1.1.9 (a) Nyquist Criterion

(a) Complex plane showing typical gain-phase points. (b) Nyquist plot

 The Nyquist criterion for stability can be stated as follows:

The amplifier is unstable if the Nyquist curve encloses
(encircles) the -1 (or -1+j0) point, and it is stable otherwise.

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1.1.9 (a) Nyquist Criterion
 Nyquist plots showing stability conditions:

 Fig. (a) is stable since the curve does not encircle the -1 point.
 Fig. (b) is unstable since the curve does encircle the -1 point.
 The encircling -1 point means that a phase shift is 180° and the loop gain (βA) is
greater than 1.
 Therefore, the feedback signal is in phase with the input and large enough to
result in a larger input signal than that applied, with the result s into oscillation.

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1.1.9 (b) Gain Margin and Phase Margin
 From the Nyquist criterion, a
feedback amplifier is stable if the
loop gain (βA) is less than unity (0
dB) when its phase shift is 180°.
 Gain margin (GM) is defined as
the negative of the value of |βA|
in decibels at the frequency at
which the phase angle is 180°.
Thus, 0 dB, equal to value of βA =
1, is on the border of stability and
any negative decibel value is
 Phase margin (PM) is defined as
the angle of 180° minus the
magnitude of the angle at which
the value |βA| is unity (0 dB).

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End of Lecture 1

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