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In many industrial applications there is need of sorting. Sorting can be done

by using many ways like sorting of object according to their dimensions
(height, length etc.), according to their colours, according to their weight,
using machine vision (image processing), according to the material of an
object etc. For example in Thermal Power Station electromagnetic sorting
technique is used to sort ferromagnetic materials from coal.

In this project, the development of a LCA (Low Cost Automation) system

to sort objects according to their height has been designed. This LCA
system is controlled by Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). This
project consists of two parts, first consisting of software which contains
ladder logic programming which is used to program PLC that controls the
whole process of the project step by step according to input data sequence.
Second is the hardware part which consists of conveyors used to transport
the objects, sensors used to sense the height (i.e. laser sensors) of the
objects, electronic system used to sort the objects and motors to drive the

The objects are been sorted according to their respective height. The main
conveyor is supported of two branches to load the distinguished object on
to the respective one as separated by the electronic system and detected by
the laser sensors.

In this project, SCADA is also developed. SCADA provides a user friendly

environment to establish an easy communication between humans and
process. SCADA shows the activation of various parts of the system, i.e.
conveyors, motors, LDRs and electronic devices.

The automated object sorting system is very much useful in packaging

industries, Bags and package sorting at airports, in separation of bricks in
brick manufacturing process, etc.




List of Tables ………………………………………………………………………… 3

List of Figures ………………………………………………………………………... 4

1. Automation Overview ……………………………………………………… 5

2. Programmable Logic controller System ………………………………….. 6

2.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………….... 6
2.2 The need for Programmable Logic Controllers …………………………. 6
2.3 Functional Description …………………………………………………... 7
2.4 Processor Operating Cycle ………………………………………………. 9
2.5 Program & Data Organization Inside the PLC ………………………….. 10
2.6 Micrologix 1100C ………………………………………………………..13

3. Interfacing ………………………………………………………………….. 18
3.1 Documentation ………………………………………………………….. 18
3.2 Device Specifications …………………………………………………… 20

4. PLC Programming ………………………………………………………… 26

4.1 Establish a communication between PLC and PC ……………………… 26
4.2 Writing and Download Program ………………………………………... 26
4.3 PLC Programming ……………………………………………………… 27
4.5 SCADA …………………………………………………………………..30
5. Conclusion and Scope for Future work …………………………………… 35
5.1 Results …………………………………………………………………….35
5.2 Conclusion ……………………………...………………………………... 35
5.3 Applications …………………………………………………………….... 35
5.4 Future Development ……………………………………………………... 36

References................................................................................................................... 37
List of Tables
2.1: PLC Scan Cycle.................................................................................................... 10

2.2: Output Status Table ……………………………………………………………. 11

2.3: Input Status Table …………………………………………………………….... 11

2.4: Bit Table………………………………………………………………………... 12

3.1: Documentation of Devices …………………………………………………….. 18

List of Figures
2.1: PLC Architecture ……………………………………………….……………... 7

2.2: PLC Scan Cycle ………………………………………………….……………. 9

2.3: Micrologix 1100.....……………………………………………………………. 14

3.1: Photocopy of the Hardware Setup ……………………………………………. 19

3.2: Photocopy of the Interfacing Panel ...………………………………………… 19

3.3: LDR Circuit ………………………………….……………………………….. 20

3.3: Comparator IC ………………………………….…………………………….. 21

3.4: PLC interfacing with conveyor motor...............................................................23

3.5: DPDT Interfacing with pusher motor....………………………………………24

3.6: 12 volt Power Supply Circuit ………………………………………………… 24

4.3: System Configuration of SCADA.................................................................... .30

4.4: Channel Window …………………………………………..………………… 34

4.5: Tag Database …………………………..………………………………….….. 35

4.6: Graphic Display ……………………………………..…………….…………. 33

4.7: Mimic …............................................................................................................ 34

Chapter 1

The primary goal of the control engineering is to distill and apply knowledge about how to
control process so that resulting control system will reliably safely achieve high performance.
Over recent years, PLC has emerged as practical alternative to classical control schemes
when one is interested in controlling certain time varying, non-linear process.

Automation is one of flourishing field in today’s world and it has become the backbone of
control engineering. PLC and DCS are the most efficient and widely used tools in industrial
automation. With the rapid development in technology, the more focus is on selection of
application oriented Controllers and tools. For using digital I/O’s it becomes easy and
efficient to use PLC.

Process control is the process of recognizing the status of system, process the information
according to rules and actuate the control element in order to achieve the control variable to
its approximate value.

The oldest method in process control was manual control in which all actions and decisions
were taken by human but considering errors of method, this method was followed by hard
wired logic control. Logic gate was one step advancement in this method.

As circuit became larger complexity of logic gate went on increasing so Microcontroller came
into picture followed by PLC, DCS programming. Control of field signals is done using these
devices as per signals coming from devices and complexity of process.

Programmable Logic Controller is type of Control Logix controller and product of Allen
Bradely in lab which is used for our project.

The Object sorting system uses the PLC of Allen Bradely Micrologix 1100 for the purpose of
Automation. This automation technique is been accomplished using an Interfacing Panel
which is consisting of relays and electronic circuits.
Chapter 2

2.1 Introduction

According to National Electrical Manufacturers Association,

A Programmable controller is a digitally operated electronic system, designed for use in

industrial environment, which uses a programmable memory for the internal storage of user
oriented instructions for implementing specific functions such as logic, sequencing, timing,
counting and arithmetic to control, through digital or analog inputs and outputs, various types
of machines or processes.

PLC was developed as a replacement for large amounts of relays.

2.2 The need for Programmable Logic Controllers

i) Equipment will be located on the plant

ii) More than one “cell” or “subsystem”
iii) Highly distributed I/O s
iv) Local operator interface desired
v) Third party interfacing required
vi) Large discrete content or good mix of discrete and analog control with small
amount complex batch, blending or multivariable analog control.
vii) Cost differential is an issue
2.3 Functional description

Figure 2.1: PLC Architecture

I) Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the PLC. CPU performs the
tasks necessary to fulfill the PLC functions. Among these tasks is scanning of
input and output image tables, execute user written ladder program, execute and
peripherals device communication, along with special functions like data handling
and self diagnostics.

II) Power Supply

The power supply may be integral or separately mounted. It always provides the
isolation necessary to protect solid-state components from most high voltage line
III) I/O Modules
To interface external world with the PLC, I/O modules are used. Inputs are
defined as real world signals giving the controller real time status of process
variables. These signals can be analog or digital, low or high frequency,
maintained or momentary. Typically they are presented to PLC as a varying
voltage, current or resistance value. Signals from RTDs and thermocouple are
common examples of analog input signals. Few flow meters and strain gauges
provide variable frequency signals, while pushbuttons, limit switches, pressure
switches, temperature switches or even electromechanical relay contacts are
familiar examples of digital contact closure type.

IV) Memory Unit

The memory unit provides an interface between PLC and the user during
program development, start up and troubleshooting.
Programming units vary from small Hand Held Terminal (HHT) to desktop
stand alone intelligent CRT based units, These units come complete with
documentation, reproduction, I/O status and online and offline production facility.
Programming units are liaison between what the engineer desires to occur during
the control sequence. With offline programming the user can write a control
program by the programming unit, then take the unit to PLC in the field and load
PLC with new program, all without removing the PLC.

V) Peripheral Devices
Peripheral devices are grouped into several categories: programming aids, I/O
enhancements and computer interface devices are the most common.
Programming aids provide documentation and program recording capabilities.
Optional aids include variety of resources that range from color graphics CRTs to
equipment or support programs that can give the operator specific access to
processor parameters. The I/O enhancement group includes all types of modules,
from dry contact modules to intelligent I/O to remote I/O capabilities. The
computer interface device group is rapidly expanding section of programmable
controller peripheral devices, These devices allow peer to peer communication, as
well as network interaction with various computer systems.
Table 2.1: PLC Scan Cycle

Event Description
Input Scan The status of input modules is read and the Input Image
table is updated with this new data.

Processor Scan The ladder program is executed. The input image table is
evaluated, ladder rungs are solved, and the output image table
is updated using this new results. This information is not yet
transferred to the output modules.

Output Scan The output image table contents are transferred to the output

Communications Communication with programming devices and other network

devices take place in this section of PLC scan cycle.

Processor Overload Processor internal housekeeping functions are carried out

in this section of PLC scan cycle. These actions include
performing program pre-scan and updating the internal
time base and the status files.

2.4 Program& Data Organization Inside the PLC

A lot of information is stored in PLC memory. The PLC memory is divided into two main
1. Program file
2. Data file
Processor stores system and configuration information along with user developed ladder
programs in the part of memory called “Program Memory”. Processor stores the data used by
the processor in conjunction with input image files and output image files in part of memory
called “Data Memory”. Data files contain the information, or data used in conjunction with
input and output image tables. Along with that there are many internal data storage files.
File 0, Output status file
File 0 is the default output status file. There can be only one output status file per
processor. The output status file is made of single bits grouped into 16 bit words. Each bit
represents the ON or OFF status of the output points. There is a one bit in the output status
file for each output module point in your PLC system. The first row in Table 2.2, lists the
output module address. ON state means 1 of the output status file.
Table 2.2: Output Status Table
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Address
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 O:0.0

File 1, Input status file

File 1 is the default input status file. There can be only one input status file per processor.
The input status file is made of single bits grouped into 16 bit words. Each bit represents the
ON or OFF status of the input points. There is a one bit in the input status file for each input
module point in your PLC system. The first row of Table 2.3, lists the input module address.
ON state means 1 of the input status file.
Table 2.3: Input Status Table
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Address
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 I:0.0

File 2, Processor status file

File 2 is the default processor status file. There can be only one processor status file per
processor. The processor status file contains extensive amount of data regarding the processor
and its operation. Status file consist of following list.
1. Operating system information
2. Monitoring of hardware and software faults
3. Clearing of hardware and software faults
4. Monitoring of arithmetic flags
5. Average scan time information
6. Communication bits
7. I/O error
File 3, Bit file
File 3 is the default bit file. A bit file is used to store signal bits in a 16-bit words format.
There can be many bit files for a single processor files. Each bit file will have 256 16-bit
words. One 16-bit file word is one element. Table 2.4 lists the bits 0 through 15 across the top
row from right to left. The row on the right of the table 2.4 lists the bit file element. Each 1 or
0 in the file is a single bit.
Table 2.4: Bit Table
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Address

0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 B3:0
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 B3:1

File 4, Timer file

File 4 is the default timer file. A timer file is used to store timer data. Each timer is
comprised of three 16-bit words, called “Timer Element”. There can be up to 256 timer
elements in each timer file. If more than those timer elements are required then we can make
one more timer file whose address is greater than 10.

File 5, Counter file

File 5 is the default counter file. A counter file is used to store counter data. Each counter
comprises of three 16-bit words, called “Counter Element”. There can be up to 256 counters
in each counter file. If more than that counter elements are required then we can make one
more counter file whose address is greater than 10.

File 6, Control file

File 6 is the default control file. A control file is used to store status information for bit
shift, first in first out (FIFO) stack, last in first out (LIFO) stack, sequence instructions and
certain ASCII instructions.

File 7, Integer file

File 7 is the default integer file. An integer file element is a 16 bit word representing one
whole number. The integer file is used to store integers that include whole numbers. Any
whole number e.g. 100, 251 or 32767. Each integer file contains 256 integer elements. Each
element can store a number ranging from -32768 to 32767. Data stored in integer file can be
addressed as an integer word or at the bit level.

File 8, Floating-point file

File 8 is the default floating- point file. A floating point data is comprised of two parts, an
integer and an exponent. Floating point data is stored in two words element. One word is used
to store the integer. The other is used to store the exponent.

2.5 MicroLogix 1100

The PLC in this project is MicroLogix 1100 PLC. A few important specifications of this PLC
are listed below.

I) Features and Benefits

1. High speed I/O: 20 KHz HSC, 20 KHz PTO/PWM output.
2. Expansion to 136 I/O for greater application flexibility.
3. Six new discrete and analog expansion I/O modules to solve even more
4. Full ASCII (read/write) capability.
5. Large non-volatile 6K memory.
6. Several communication options to solve applications from peer-to-peer to
device level to SCADA/RTU.
7. Real time clock and memory modules.
8. Compatibility with MicroLogix and SLC 500 instruction set and RSLogix 500
9. Minimum time base of timer is 1msec.
Figure 2.3: Micrologix 1100C

II) PLC Programming Software

There are various methods of PLC programming which are listed below.
1. Ladder Programming
2. Sequential Flowchart Programming
3. Structured Text Programming
4. Functional block Diagram Programming

III) Modes Of Operation

Following are modes of operation of PLCs.

1. ONLINE or RUN: Wherein a ladder is executed, online changes in contacts /

coils are permitted, but ladders can’t be inserted / deleted.

2. OFFLINE MORE or LADDER PROGRAMMING: Wherein execution of

ladder logic is stopped. Using a SST / HHT can insert / delete ladders, and
burn cartridges to save permanently.
3. TEST or SIMULATION: Wherein the operation is same as that in online
mode except that all real outputs are set OFF thus simulation can be done.

4. ONE SCAN MODE: Wherein only one scan of logic is perforated with all real
outputs off and after the single scan, PLC remain online mode executing any
logic further.

A) General Specifications:

• Controller : Micrologix 1100C

• Total Program Memory (words) : 2.4k
• Ladder memory (words) : 2048
• V-Memory (words) : 256
• Non V-Memory (words) : 128
• Boolean execution : 4-6 ms
• Timers : 256 (0 to 255)
• Counters : 256 (0 to 255)

B) DC Input:

• Inputs / Module : 8
• Peak Voltage : 24.6 VDC
• ON voltage level : 9.5 VDC min
• OFF voltage level : 3.5 VDC max
• Input Current : 8.5mA @ 24VDC
• Min. ON Current : 3.5mA
• Max. OFF Current : 1.5mA
• Response Time (ON to OFF) : 1 to 8ms

C) DC Output:

• Outputs / Modules : 6
• Operating Voltage : 24 VDC
• Output Type : NMOS FET (Open Drain)
D) AC Input:
• Inputs / Module : 2
• Input Voltage range : 80 to 132 VAC
• AC Frequency : 47-63 Hz
• ON voltage level : 75 VAC min
• OFF voltage level : 20 VAC max
• Min. ON Current : 5mA
• Max. OFF Current : 2mA
• ON to OFF Response Time : 10 to 50ms
• OFF to ON Response Time : 8 to 30ms

E) AC Output:

• Outputs / Module : 2
• Operating Voltage : 24 to 140 VAC
• Output Type : SSR (Triac with zero crossover)
• ON to OFF Response Time : 0.5ms (1/2 Half Cycle)
• OFF to ON Response Time : 0.5ms (1/2 Half Cycle)

F) Data Files:

• I1 – INPUT
• T4 – TIMER
• F8 – FLOAT

G) Force Files:
• I1 – INPUT

H) Program Files:

• SYS0
• SYS1
• LAD2
Chapter 3

3.1 Documentation

The Table 3.1 shows the Documentation of Input and Output Devices.

Table 3.1: Documentation of Devices

Sr. No. Input Type Address
1. START Digital I:0/4
2. LDR 1 Digital I:0/0
3. LDR 3 Digital I:0/2
4. STOP Digital I:0/1

Sr. No. Output Type Address
1. Motor 1 Digital O:0/0
2. Motor 2 Digital O:0/2
3. Motor 3 Digital O:0/4
4. Driver 1 Digital O:0/1
5. Driver 2 Digital O:0/3
Figure 3.1: Photocopy of the Hardware Setup
3.2 Devices Specifications

 Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)

Object detection circuit includes LDR as sensor, Wheatstone bridge, differential

amplifier, Darlington pair etc. Light from laser is made to fall on LDR in absence of
object. Hence LDR is used here as position sensor. As light falls on LDR, its
resistance decreases. Since LDR is connected in a comparator circuit, due to change
in LDR resistance causes change in voltage of voltage divider circuit which is given
to Operational Amplifier for comparing. Output from comparator circuit is given to
transistor to switch relay.
Output of relay is given to PLC as input.
Output of LDR:
 When light does not fall : 13.5Kohm
 When light falls : 2Kohm

Figure 3.2: LDR Interfacing Diagram

 DC Motor
A DC motor is used to drive the conveyor along with the rollers. The DC motor is
interfaced with the PLC through a relay so as to fulfill the requirements of the motor (i.e.
Voltage and Current ratings).
 DC motor voltage : 12V
 Motor torque : 2 kg-cm
 Motor RPM : 100 RPM , 10RPM

 Pusher
A Pusher is used to move the object from one conveyor to another conveyor.
 Operating Voltage : 12VDC
 Voltage : 5VDC

DPDT relay stands for double pole double throw relay.Relay is electromagnetic device used
to separate two circuit electrically and connect them magnetically,which works at low voltage
12V or 24V.

Fig 3.3: DPD Interfacing with pusher motor

 Relay
A Relay is used to operate DC Motors, LDR’s output, operation of CD Drives.
 Operating voltage : 12VDC and 24 VDC
 Type : Electromagnetic PCB relay
 Max. Current : 7A
 Max. Voltage : 250V

 Laser
A Laser is used to supply light to the LDR when the object is to be detected.
 Voltage : 5VDC
 Wavelength : 630-680mm
 Diameter of laser case : 15mm
 Class II laser

 Conveyor Belt
Conveyor belt provide the platform for the placement of object. Conveyor belt is placed on
rollers and is moved by using DC motor. Its dimensions are:
 Length : 1280mm
 Width : 150mm

Fig 3.4: PLC interfacing with conveyor motor

 Conveyor Rollers
Rollers are fitted on bearings using a shaft. It helps in moving conveyor belt.
 Diameter : 50mm
 Length : 160mm

 Bearings
Bearings are used to minimize the friction between shaft and conveyor belt. It is fitted inside
the wooden socket.

 Base board
It is made up of wooden material. It provides the basement to whole assembly. All hardware
components like motors, rollers and conveyor belts, etc. are mounted on the base board.

 Power Supply
The power supply circuit as shown in figure 3.5 is used to drive the CD-Drive, Motors and
run the LDR comparator circuit.

Fig 3.5: 12 volt Power Supply Circuit

 Comparator IC LM324

Fig 3.6 : IC Pin Diagram

The LM324 IC is a package of four operational amplifiers (OP-AMP) that can be powered
by a single-polarity supply over a very wide voltage range. The four op-amps are installed in a
single 14-pin package. Here two LDR circuits are connected to two OP-AMP.
Chapter 4


4.1 Establish a communication between PLC and PC

# Go to start menu and follow following path

Start Program Rockwell Software RS Linx RS Linx Classic Drives

# configure Micrologix 1100C drive

 Configure RS232 DF1 driver

 Device name AB DF1
 Click on Auto-Configuration
o Communication Port : Com1
o Baud Rate : 19200
o Station No.: 06
o Parity : None
o Error Checking : CRC
o Stop Bit : 01
o Protocol : Full duplex
o Check RS WHO : Verification

4.2 Writing and Download Program

Start Program Rockwell Software RS Logix 500 File New

# Configure to

 Read I/O Configuration (Channel: 4-20mA & Data Format: Raw Proportional)
 Who’s who
 OK

# Choose Rung

# Save Program

# Download Program

# Check it by Running
4.3 Rung Description

RUNG 0000:
This rung is used to start the entire rung
RUNG 0001:
This rung is used to latch DC motor1 i.e. to drive the main conveyor. But whenever either pusher is
on then motor will stop due to cross logic.
RUNG 0002:
This rung used to start the timer for 4 seconds when LDR 1 is detected.
RUNG 0003:
This rung is used to stop the motor 1 when timer is done.
RUNG 0004:
This rung is used to start the motor 2.
RUNG 0005:
This rung is used to start the pusher 1 to push the object on sub conveyor timer will get on for 3
RUNG 0006:
This rung is used to off the pusher 1 and reset the timer.
RUNG 0007:
This rung is used to on the timer for 4 seconds when LDR 3 will be detected.
RUNG 0008:
This rung is used to on the pusher 2 as well as timer for 3 seconds.
RUNG 0009:
This rung is used to off pusher 2 after timer is done. Also reset timer for 4 seconds.
RUNG 0010:
This rung is used to start motor3 after timer is done.
RUNG 0011:
This rung is used to end the entire process.
SCADA is an extension of Data Logger System. It provides visual representation of online
process. It is one of the plant automation processes. Its appearance is user friendly. There is many
more SCADA software available in the market viz. IFix by ABB, Look Up by NI, ELLIPSE by MIT
SUBISHI and WINCE by Siemens. We have used SCADA is RSView32 by Rockwell Automation.


It is popular SCADA available developed by Rockwell Automation. It can be studied alone

without linking to PLC by using VB. It has its graphical display on which Mimics are developed.
Different mimics are developed as per requirement of our project.

Steps to develop Mimics SCADA software are as follows:

4.5.0.System Configuration :

Fig 4.1 : System Configuration of SCADA

4.5.0. A) Channel
In this proper channel RS232 should be selected for communication between PLC & SCADA. Follow
the following path.

Fig 4.2:Channel Window

4.5.0. B) Node
In this proper RS232 should be selected for communication between PLC & SCADA.
4.5.0. C) Scan Cycle
It is kept as default setting (Not disturbing previous setting).
4.5.0 D) Tag Database

Fig 4.3: Tag Database

4.5.1 Graphics Display

Fig 4.4:Graphics Display

4.5.1. A) Library
Different structures can be used directly from library e.g. Tank, Pipe, Control Valve,
Conveyor belt as we have used in our project.

4.5.1. B) Testing and Running


Fig 4.5: Mimic

Chapter 5

5.1 Results
The operation of the system has been accomplished and have obtained the sorting results as
• When LDR1 is activated then Pusher1 is operated with start of Conveyor 2.
• When LDR3 is activated then Pusher2 is operated with start of Conveyor 3.

5.2 Conclusion
The study and development of The Automated Object Sorting system Using PLC has been
performed. Thus the completion of project work brought better results and let us to study
the PLC system of Allen Bradely Micrologix 1100C and also the various parts of the
hardware used. Hence the approach and development of this project work offers the
award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Instrumentation Engineering.

5.3 Applications
Manual sorting of any object consumes a lot of time and labour. Hence, PLC object sorting
system finds wide application in the following industries.

1 .Brick Manufacturing Process:

In Brick manufacturing Process the quality of bricks considering their height as a
parameter can be checked. If the height is more or less from the original size then the
defective bricks can be sorted out.

2. Luggage sorting at Airports:

The parcels at airport which has to loaded in cargo planes can be sorted accordingly to
reduced the load of the plane.
3 .Quality Checking of Solid Objects:
If the height of the solid material is taken as a criteria in quality check of that object then this
system can be used effectively.

4. In Food Processing Industries:

The food packing of the food stuffs of different sizes can be sorted in such type of industries
where various quantities of packed food are running on a single line.

5.4 Future Development

Following developments can be done in the system to increase the production rate as well as
to minimize cost.

1. Using high quality sensor like Laser sensor we can increase the speed of the process.
2 . Objects are sorted; we can distinguish it easily by improving extra circuitry. It is also economical.
3. This system can be used to sort more than one Object in one cycle by suitably altering the
hardware and software of the system.


 Introduction to Programmable Logic Controller

Gary Dunning (Second Edition)

 Instrumentation Engineers Handbook

BelagiLiptak-Volume II

 Process Control Instrumentation Technology

C. D. Johnson (Seventh Edition)

 User manual – Allen Bradley PLC

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