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Second Mates - HANDOUT


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Second Mates - HANDOUT


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Reasons for a general inspection of holds are as follows:-
The hold of a dry bulk ship must be prepared suitably to receive the intended cargo , so as
to fulfil the need to carry and ultimately discharge without any damage or deterioration of
the cargo . To achieve this the hold must be inspected entirely covering all parts from top
to bottom including the bilges.

items to be inspected
1) Hatch covers / coamings/ drain channels.
2) Tank top / Watertight manholes covers .
3) Hoppers , top and bottom
4) Sounding pipes/ temperature pipes ( if fitted).
5) Ventilators
6) Ladders
7) Shipside frames including brackets .
8) Any other ship specific .

It is important to clean all holds before loading

If holds are not cleaned thoroughly, the previous cargo will get mixed up with the new
cargo, hence contaminating it .
General method of cleaning holds after discharge of a general cargo is as under:-
Thoroughly sweep , remove the dry cargo, and then hose it down with seawater , finally
rinsing with Fresh water if required , and drying manually or with ventilation.

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Dunnage is used for general / break-bulk cargo , so as to spread the weight uniformly , for
enabling lashing to be taken , and preventing any damage to cargo due ship sweat or
unintentional water logging.
types and sizes of material used for dunnage .
Dunnage is the name used for all materials which are not firmly attached to the cargo
transport unit, the cargo or its packaging, and are used to protect the goods and their
packaging from moisture, contamination and mechanical damage. It includes - wooden
dunnage, beams, planks, boards, wedges, plywood and hardboards, walking boards,
mats, paper, sailcloth, canvas and tarpaulins; plastic and metal sheets, spray covers;
cardboard and paperboard, packing paper, oiled paper and fabric paper, talcum
powder etc.

The main functions of dunnage are:

• Protection against sweat and condensation water

• Protection against moisture and liquids
• Protection against soiling and contamination
• Protection against mechanical damage

The nature of the materials used must ensure that the packages or the cargo transport
unit are adequately protected. The materials themselves must not be wet, moist, odour-
tainted or contaminated. The quality of the material must determine for each individual
case by assessing the value and susceptibility to damage of the load, the means of
transport, the intended protection and other similar factors. The special properties of the
particular type of dunnage used must be taken into account.

Wooden dunnage made of squared lumber, planks, boards, roof bows, slats and battens,
are very suitable for distributing pressure, bridging or lining cavities and gaps, creating
air channels and enhancing friction. Since wood can be infested by pests, only wood
which has been impregnated against insects or fumigated may be used on certain trade

Wooden boards, wooden panels, walking boards, chipboard and hardboards are very
suitable for distributing pressure and have a high loading capacity provided they are
sufficiently thick. Since water-repellent, pest-proof or fire-retarding wood is odour-
tainted as a result of such treatment or could have other harmful effects, it must virtually
never be used with foodstuffs or similar items.

Mats made of bamboo, reed, etc. only protect against surface dirt, not against dust. They
absorb moisture and under certain circumstances release it back into the atmosphere. This
can protect adjacent loads. Mats are easy to put in place and roll back up again, and do
not cause any significant loss of stowage space.

Canvas has a water-repellent impregnation and therefore not suitable for odour-sensitive
goods. They are dust-tight. They impede air circulation.

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Tarpaulins are watertight, dust-tight and airtight and very expensive. They must be
handled with care if a long life is to be expected. It is very rare that tarpaulins will not be
needed as a cover to protect against moisture and similar influences.

Jute coverings, also known as "wrappers", protect against surface dirt but not dust. They
are breathable and allow a minimal amount of ventilation. They pass on absorbed
moisture to the wrapped or surrounding cargo items.

Sailcloth has similar properties to canvas.

Plastic sheeting is available in a number of different thicknesses. It is neutral in odour,

inexpensive and generally acid-proof and alkali-proof. It is watertight, dust-tight and
airtight but only impervious to water vapour to a limited degree. It has a low loading
capacity if it is not sufficiently thick. Composite sheeting is often very heavy-duty but
comparatively expensive.

Paper, e.g. normal kraft paper, is inexpensive and dust-tight, but very sensitive to
moisture. Fabric paper has a higher strength. Oiled paper is watertight. Tissue paper is

Dispersible material such as talcum powder and similar materials can be used to prevent
cargoes from "caking" together.

Depending on their use and application, a distinction is made between:

• Floor dunnage
• Interlayer dunnage
• Top dunnage
• Side (lateral) dunnage

Floor dunnage is used for the following tasks:

• Dissipating and localizing sweat and moisture

• Protecting the load from moisture and dampness on moist or wet stowage surfaces
or stowage spaces
• Dissipating or restraining moisture leaking out of the load, to protect other
packages or the cargo transport unit
• Protecting the load from soiling, contamination or mechanical damage from the
stowage surface or stowage spaces
• Protecting the cargo transport unit against negative influences from the goods

Floor dunnage protects moisture-sensitive cargoes, such as bagged cargo (e.g. coffee,
cocoa) or bales (e.g. tobacco, tea) from sweat, which forms on a ship's sides and runs off
over the decks. The floor dunnage "lifts" the cargo off the deck, so that water is able to
flow off without coming into contact with the cargo. In the case of very sensitive cargoes,
the space between cargo and deck has to be enlarged or at least great care must be taken
to ensure that the cargo does not under any circumstances come into contact with the

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deck over which sweat may flow. This is achieved by a double layer of dunnage or criss-
cross dunnage.

Interlayer dunnage Simple floor dunnage made of wooden dunnage


Side dunnage (such as spar ceiling) has similar functions to floor dunnage:
• Protection against damp or moisture penetrating from the side as a result of
sweat or leakage from other cargo, but also protection of other cargo or of the means of
transport against liquids escaping from the side of a load.

• Protection against soiling and contamination on the sides, both of a single load
against other loads or from parts of the means of transport, or protecting the latter against
a specific load.

• Protection against mechanical damage or other damage, such as chafing, tearing,

chemical reactions etc. both with regard to a specific cargo and to other cargoes or parts
of the means of transport.

Most general cargo ships have spar ceilings. These are wooden laths connected securely
to the ship, which prevent direct contact between the cargo and the ship's side and allow
the sweat to flow downwards over the steel ship's side. Sweat may form in particularly
large amounts in holds under the water line during voyages from hot to cold climates.

To protect against damp or moisture or harmful dust penetrating from the sides,
watertight and dust-tight materials such as plastic sheeting, oiled paper and tarpaulins are
to be used. Under certain conditions, canvas and mats should also be used, but never
wrappers or paper.

Sweat formation always occurs when temperature differences are too high, either with a
positive temperature difference on the load or a negative temperature difference on
components of the means of transport.

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Practical experience shows that wooden dunnage boards, wooden boards, mats etc.
provide good protection against mechanical damage. Whether or not it is necessary to use
additional materials depends on the particular circumstances.

Top dunnage is laid to prevent the consequences of leakage, sweat formation, bad
weather, vertical shipping loads etc., which could damage a particular cargo or the cargo
transport unit and its components.
The main functions of top dunnage are:

• Protection against damp or moisture (sweat dripping from the deck, in particular
the weather deck)
• Protection against dust or substances which threaten contamination or chemical
reactions, (dust, cargo residues, hydraulic oil etc.)
• Protection against mechanical damage anticipated to arise from above or acting in
an upward direction

All previously described materials can be used as top dunnage materials.

To protect against damp or moisture penetrating from the top, or to prevent moisture from
being allowed to permeate upward, plastic sheeting, oiled paper, tarpaulins and other
watertight materials have proved themselves in practice.

Special absorbent, nonwoven

fabric cover as top dunnage

This type of nonwoven fabric can absorb relatively large quantities of dripping water.
Since the weight increases when these properties are used, it must be attached carefully.

The hygroscopicity of the generally sensitive goods means that top dunnage must allow a
minimum of air circulation and evaporation. For this reason, air-permeable materials are
used, such as paper, rice or bamboo matting and jute coverings.

Interlayer dunnage variously has the functions of floor dunnage, side dunnage or top
dunnage, depending on how it is arranged. It is laid between two different batches or
individual goods in a batch or load type.

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dunnage on a load of pails

Interlayer dunnage may fulfil two functions:

protection of an underlying cargo from contamination by a top cargo
segregation of individual batches of cargo.

In some cases, it simultaneously helps secure the load by increasing friction, improving
the distribution of load forces or improving the stability of the load.

All materials which have been described can be used. In addition, powdery substances
such as talcum powder are introduced in the form of an intermediate layer or are
sprinkled between layers, to prevent loads from sticking together, e.g. with bales of raw

Interlayer dunnage comprised of mats provides adequate firmness and protects against
mechanical damage.

Container dunnage:

Standard containers are constructed so as to be spray-tight. For this reason, they do not
have water drainage holes, since they would impair tightness. As the sweat has no way of
draining way, as it does in a general cargo ship via wells and bilges, wooden dunnage is
not very appropriate for use in standard containers. Floor and side dunnage is used to
protect the cargo from contamination. Top dunnage has become increasingly significant
in containers. Since a standard container cannot be ventilated, humidity levels become
very high inside a container. Hot air rises upwards and moisture contained in the air
condenses on the underside of the container ceiling during the night (cooling of the
external air) or in transit from hot to cold climes.

Old dunnage may be disposed of along with the bottom cargo discharge in understanding
with the stevedores or as per MARPOL.

dirty dunnage may taint or contaminate the next cargo

The dunnage materials must be clean and not dirty or greasy , else it may taint the
cargo or spoil it.

SPAR ceilings are wooden boards fitted on ship side frames to prevent break-bulk
cargo coming in direct contact with shipside , and preventing any damage due to ship

The bilges must be clean/ dry and not foul smelling which may contaminate the cargo.

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The one way bilge suction valve must be tested prior each loading and same logged .

The bilge covers must be covered by jute( burlap) cloth , so the cargo may not fall in
bilges , thus blocking it , at the same time allowing any water content to seep through
which may be pumped out.

Any ballast lines or tanks must be leak free else may become source of waterlogging in
dry cargo holds.
If any foul or strong smell from the holds or bilges , branded deodorants may be used.

Segregation and separation of cargoes

Different types of cargoes must be segregated, namely

- dangerous goods
- dry cargo
- wet cargo
- clean cargo
- dirty cargo
- delicate cargo
- valuable cargo, e.g. bank notes, personal effects

Various methods could involve stowing the cargoes in such a way so as they do not
chemically react adversely with incompatible cargoes .
Some edible foodstuff / bulk cargo does not get tainted with foul smell, some other
dirty bulk cargoes may spoil other clean cargoes such as machinery etc. .

While carrying general cargo , port of discharge must be borne in mind , keeping
cargo on upper decks / tween decks or upper layers for the first port of discharge
and the cargo in bottom holds for later ports of discharge .
Adjacent parcels of cargo may be separated by either by separation cloth or
tarpaulins , or even marking packages in different colour codes .

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Securing cargoes


SECURING) Applies to all ships carrying cargo , other than wet cargoes , bulk
cargoes or timber deck cargoes. Which specifies the standards and methods of lashing?
all cargoes which are in particular liable to shift and result in damage .

Cargo Securing Manual ( CSM)

all ships to have on board a “ Cargo Securing Manual” , which should be ship specific
and approved by administration or by class on behalf of administration.
CSM will have the inventory of all lashing equipment on board, its location, the
person responsible for maintenance of same.
It would also illustrate methods of lashing various cargoes which may be carried on
board .
All cargoes must be properly and solidly stowed and lashed , if not then during
voyage it may shift resulting in damage . There should not be any play in the lashing
and the tightening of wires must be monitored all the voyage.
Some cargoes like steel rails should be stowed fore and aft in order to prevent
shipside damage during rolling .

Various methods of blocking, lashing, shoring and tomming cargo are illustrated below

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Methods of securing heavy loads

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• Attachment of Lashings to Heavy Cargo Items

 If lashings are to be attached to securing points on the item, these securing points
should be of adequate strength and clearly marked. It should be borne in mind that
securing points designed for road or rail transport may not be suitable for securing the
items on board ship.
 Lashings attached to items without securing points should pass around the item, or
a rigid part thereof, and both ends of the lashing should be secured to the same side of the
unit (figure 2).

Securing devices should be assembled so that each component is of equal strength.

Particular attention should be paid to the correct use of wire, grips and clips. The
saddle portion of the clip should be applied to the live load segment and the U-bolt to
the dead or shortened end segment.

Mixed securing arrangements of devices with different strength and elongation

characteristics should be avoided

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Various methods of stowing and securing vehicles and trailers

The manufacturer's loading instructions must be complied with.

Cargo securing is basically dependent upon the available securing means, the weight and
type of vehicle and where it is stowed.

The means of transport must be equipped for lashing vehicles correctly (lashings, lashing
points, such as lashing rings and lashing pots and the like). When lashing belts are used,
care must be taken to ensure that the same numbers of lashing belts are used at both front
and rear. If no specific loading instructions are available, such lashings are attached to
special lashing rings (see fig 1) or to the vehicle's towing gear. If no or insufficient
lashing rings are available, the lashings may be attached to the springs, axles and, under
certain circumstances, to the chassis or vehicle frame. Lashings must not, however, be
fixed to wheels, rims or bumpers.

Cargo securing examples:

Ro-Ro ship, special Ro-Ro ship (car carrier):

Use lashing belts (e.g. special automobile lashing belts with lever ratchet tensioners) to
absorb horizontal forces in order to avoid slippage and tipping. In maritime transport,
lashing belts should be tight, but not highly pre-stressed. The vehicles are generally
secured with 2 lashing belts to the front and 2 to the rear.

On inclined surfaces (ramps) and in the case of stowage athwart ships, wheel chocks are
additionally used and the number of front and rear lashing belts on the must should be
increased appropriately.

Conventional ship or container:

Use lashing belts together with wheel chocks; in the case of stowage athwart ships and on
inclined surfaces, the number of front and rear lashing belts on the vehicle must be

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increased appropriately. In maritime transport, lashing belts should be tight, but not
highly pre stressed.

A webbing tape is fixed to the vehicle towing eye so that there are no problems in
attaching two automobile lashing belts.

Automobiles secured on board a RO-RO ship.

Automobiles secured on board a RO-RO ship.

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Load securing with wheel chocks and three-point lashing belt on a double-decker vehicle.

Load securing with wheel chocks and three-point lashing belt on a double-decker vehicle.

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Securing Gear

A basic securing lashing may comprise the pieces listed below and its strength is that of
the weakest link.

1. Wire of suitable strength. (MSL). Wire measured in diameter, parts, and strands.
2. Wire /bulldog clips to tie the wire. (Must be fitted correctly).
3. Turnbuckles/ bottle-screws to tension the lashing
4. Shackles to fasten the ends.

A securing lashing will always break at the weakest point or at the part with the lowest
breaking strength so make sure you know the breaking strength of all lashing materials
used. Protect the lashing material from additional weakening factors such as sharp edges,
bending of bottle screws and shackles.

Where bottle-screws or turnbuckles are introduced the rating of this equipment must be
equal to the maximum weight each lashing is expected to bear.

"Maximum securing load" (MSL) is a term used to define the load capacity for a device
used to secure cargo to a ship. Maximum securing load is to securing devices as safe
working load is to lifting tackle.

Containers, trailers, portable tanks and other cargo units should be secured in accordance
with the ship’s securing arrangements manual

Cargo securing manual

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• Ships carrying cargo units and other entities, vehicles in ships, road vehicles on
Ro-Ro ships and/or cargo in freight containers or vehicles, should carry a Cargo Securing
• The Cargo securing arrangements detailed in the ship's Cargo Securing Manual, if
provided, should be based on the forces expected to affect the cargo carried by the ship,
calculated in accordance with the method described in Annex 13 of the CSS Code or with
a method accepted by the Administration.
• The information contained in the Cargo Securing Manual should include the
following items as appropriate:

 Details of fixed securing arrangements and their locations (pad eye,

eyebolts, elephant-feet, etc.);
 locations and stowage of portable securing gear;
 details of portable securing gear including an inventory of items provided
and their strengths;
 examples of correct application of portable securing gear on various cargo
units, vehicles and other entities carried on the ship;
 Indication of the variation of transverse, longitudinal and vertical
accelerations to be expected in various positions on board the ship.

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Ventilation and control of sweat

Cargo Ventilation

Speaking generally, bulk cargoes are ventilated to prevent the formation of cargo sweat
or ship’s sweat which could damage the cargo, to reduce the harmful heating of a cargo,
and/or to remove hazardous gases from the cargo spaces. Ventilation in the wrong
circumstances can do considerable harm and before a decision is made to ventilate a
space it is necessary to consider the requirements of the cargo, the temperature and
humidity within the holds and outside and the presence or absence of sea spray. The types
and positions of ventilators with which the ship is provided must also be taken into

Hold ventilators: Most bulk carriers built since 2000 are provided with two hold
ventilators set into the forward end of the hatch covers and a similar pair of ventilators set
into the after end of the hatch covers.(Figs. 15.1) These are easy to open or close, easy to
clean, cheap to fit and maintain but are more exposed to sea water and spray on deck than
are mushroom ventilators, and therefore require more attention. Ventilators of this type
do not contain fans. The arrangements within the hatch cover depend upon whether the
hatch panels are single (Fig. 15.2) or double (Fig. 15.3) skinned.

Older bulk carrier and any bulk carriers fitted with mechanical ventilation are more likely
to be provided with two or four ventilation trunks per hold, with one or two situated at the
fore end of the hold, and one or two at the after end.

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To avoid passing through the topside tanks these ventilator trunks are situated close to the
ship’s centreline. Within the hold each such trunk often terminates in a simple square,
round or rectangular opening in the deck head (Fig. 15.4). Alternatively trunking may
continue down the bulkhead, with slots at intervals to admit air to the hold at various
levels. Portable plates can be put in place to close the lower slots, when ventilation at
lower levels in the cargo is not wanted.

Above deck the ventilation trunks may stand alone, each fitted with a mushroom cowl
which gives some protection from spray and from the direct force of any wind (Fig. 15.5
and 25.6), or they may be built into the structures of the mast houses with openings
situated in the mast house sides, the mast house top (Fig. 6.1), or at the masthead (Fig.

Every ventilator must be provided with a means of closing so that all ventilation can be
stopped in the event of fire. The means of closing may be in the form of a ventilator flap
(or ‘damper’) set within the vent trunk (Fig. 6.3) and operated by an external lever, or a
watertight door (Fig. 6.1), or may consist of a cowl which can be screwed down into a
closed position by the operation of a valve wheel (Fig. 6.2 and 15.5).

Some bulk carriers are provided with ventilator fans set in the trunks of ventilators. When
fans are provided they are normally fitted in the ventilator or ventilators at one end of the
hold. Ventilator fans can usually be run in both directions so that they can be used either
to deliver air to the hold or to draw air from the hold.

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It may be possible to vary the speed of the fans, selecting full speed or half speed or a
larger range of options. Ventilation assisted by fans is known as mechanical or forced
draught ventilation, whilst ventilation which occurs as a result of natural movement of air
is called natural ventilation. Natural ventilation can occur as a result of a wind blowing,
the ship’s motion, or the circulation of air resulting from temperature differences.

The Regina Oldendorff is provided with one ventilator at each end of each hold.

These ventilators pass vertically through the mast houses with the forward ventilator in
each hold being on the starboard side and the after ventilator on the port side. The
ventilators terminate on top of the mast houses with grilles which face aft and are
provided with watertight doors (Fig. 6.1). No fans are provided, so any ventilation is

Some older vessels are provided with ventilators of the hinged-door type set into the
hatch covers, or with portable ventilator cowls, in addition to the mushroom or cowl
ventilators at the extremities of the hold. Such additional ventilators are required to
provide surface ventilation within the hatch square when a ship is carrying a cargo which
fills the hold to coaming level, thereby sealing off the hatch square from the rest of the

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compartment (Fig. 15.6). The portable ventilator cowls have to be bolted in position on
the hatch covers when blank plates have been removed.

Reasons for ventilating bulk cargoes: A number of difficult cargoes have special
ventilation requirements to prevent overheating or to remove dangerous gases.

In such cases Masters and officers should be guided by any instructions provided by
owners, charterers, shippers and/or the IMSBC Code.

In Chapter 19 the carriage of several typical cargoes is described and these provide a
good illustration of the varied reasons for ventilating. Coal is ventilated to remove
hazardous gases. With steel a major object is to avoid the formation of sweat, which
would damage the cargo. Iron ore has no particular need for ventilation although it is
desirable to maintain a dry and healthy atmosphere in the holds for access and to reduce

When there is no special need to remove gases, the reason for ventilating is to remove
moist air and replace it with drier air to discourage the formation of sweat.

Sweat: Sweat is the name given by seamen to condensation which occurs in a ship’s
cargo spaces. There are two types of sweat, ship’s sweat and cargo sweat. For sweat to
occur there must be moisture in the hold atmosphere and a difference of temperature
between the in the hold and the cargo or the ship’s steelwork.

The temperature difference usually occurs as the ship moves from one climatic region to
another or from a cold to a warm current or vice versa, and the larger the change in
temperature the more likely is the formation of sweat.

Sources of moisture in cargo spaces: The most important source of moisture in a hold is
the cargo. Most commodities, particularly materials of vegetable origin, possess some
natural moisture and create an atmosphere, known as the storage atmosphere, in any
compartment in which they are stored23. Moisture in a hold can also be the result of

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rainfall during loading and the air in a hold will be moist if conditions were moist when
the hold was closed on completion of loading.

The amount of moisture in the air is measured by its dew point, which is the lowest
temperature to which a mass of air can be reduced without condensation occurring. As
condensation is a ‘bad thing’ it is helpful to remember that air with a high dew point is a
‘bad thing’. Dew point is obtained from a table, entered with readings taken from the wet
and dry bulb hygrometer.

Cargo sweat: Cargo sweat consists of condensation which forms on the surface of cold
cargo when warm moist air comes in contact with it (Fig. 15.7). Cargo sweat will form
when the dew point of the air in the hold is higher than the temperature of the cargo. This
is most likely to occur when the ship has loaded a cargo in a cold region and air is
admitted to the hold as the ship is travelling towards a warmer region.

To prevent cargo sweat when passing from a cold region to a warm region all ventilation
should be stopped and the hold should be kept closed, with the air unchanged, as far as
possible. The temperature of the cargo will only rise very slowly to equal the external
atmosphere, and so long as the hold remains closed the air within it will gradually
become warmer and able to hold more moisture.

With an inert cargo the dew point of the air in the non-ventilated hold remains constant as
it warms up. If the cargo contains moisture it will give off moisture as it warms up.
However, as the heat will flow from the shell of the ship into the hold atmosphere and
from the hold atmosphere to the cargo, the temperature of the hold air stays a step ahead
of the cargo temperature. Any moisture given off by the cargo can be held in the air.

It will be safe and desirable to ventilate only after the surface temperature of the cargo
has risen to equal that of the air outside the hold or when the external air is exceptionally
dry, so that its dew point is lower than the temperature of the cargo.
Ship’s sweat: Ship’s sweat is the condensation which occurs when warm moist air in the
hold comes into contact with the cold steelwork which forms the deck and shell plating of
the ship (Fig. 15.8). Ship’s sweat will form when the dew point of the air in the hold is
higher than the temperature of the ship’s steelwork, conditions most likely to be met
when the ship has loaded in a warm region and is steaming towards colder climates.

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Ship’s sweat caused by a low external air temperature is most likely to be deposited first
in the vicinity of the hatch coaming and the fore and after ends of the hold amidships, as
the topside tanks or double hull, even when empty, provide an insulating layer which
delays the penetration of cold from the external air to the plating forming the tank/hold

When a cold current is met, causing a low sea temperature, the side shell plating between
the topside and lower hopper tanks will be cooled, providing conditions favourable for
the formation of ship’s sweat in those areas.

When passing from a warm region to a cold region full ventilation should be continued
whenever possible in order to withdraw moist air from the hold and replace it by drier
external air. If the cargo contains moisture, the air in the hold will continue to be moist
and will condense upon the ship’s cold steelwork unless it is continually extracted, and
replaced by drier air.

General guidelines for ventilation: Ventilation should be stopped, by stopping fans

when in use and closing the ventilators, when the vessel is shipping spray in the vicinity
of ventilator intakes. Times of interruption of ventilation should be logged.

On short voyages in small ships such as mini-bulkers employed in the European middle
trades it is normal to carry out no ventilation and to keep ventilators tightly sealed. With a
low freeboard and regular rough weather the danger of shipping spray into open
ventilators is usually found to be far greater than the potential benefits from ventilation.

On longer voyages if the cargo requires ventilation cargo holds should be ventilated when
the dew point of the external air is lower than the dew point of the air in the hold. This
will put drier air into the hold, forcing out wetter air and reducing the possibility of sweat
forming. Dew point readings should be logged. However, dew point in the hold may be
difficult to measure172. The hold may be full or unsafe to enter and when it is safe to enter
any airflow will be the result of ventilation, meaning that the true temperature within the
hold is not being measured. Another way of deciding when ventilation is needed for
hygroscopic cargoes (agricultural cargoes such as grain, timber, animal feedstuffs and
wood pulp that have a moisture content that can interact with air) is to use the three-
degree rule.

The three-degree rule: says that a hygroscopic cargo should be ventilated when the
temperature of the outside air is at least 3°C below that of the cargo temperature taken at
loading. This rule avoids the need to take readings in the holds after the voyage has
commenced and relies on the fact that the temperature of hygroscopic cargoes, except at
their boundaries, changes very slowly during a voyage. However it should be noted that
one authority (see Appendix 19.2) advises that the ventilation of grain cargoes is likely to
do more harm than good.

Ventilation practice: When natural ventilation is being used with open ventilators at
both forward and after ends, the air in the hold tends to travel from aft to forward. When
forced ventilation is used it is normal to take advantage of this tendency and to drive the
air from aft to forward.

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Air forced into a hold by a fan will seek the shortest and easiest route through the hold. If
the only route by which the air can leave the hold is through a ventilator at the far end of
the hold, the air will tend to flow directly to that ventilator across the surface of the cargo.
If an access hatch or other opening close to the inlet vent is left open, the air will leave
the hold by the access hatch without travelling the length of the hold. This is known as
‘short cycling’ and is an inefficient form of ventilation. Short cycling should be prevented
by ensuring that only ventilators are left open when the hold is closed.

When a hold is loaded with a bulk cargo the ventilation provided is usually surface
ventilation, with air flowing over the surface of the cargo from ventilators at the after end
of the hold to ventilators at the fore end of the hold or, in newer ships, from ventilators in
the after end of the hatch covers to similar ventilators in the fore end of the hatch covers.

Ventilators situated at the hold ends can provide surface ventilation only for the nearby
hold ends when the cargo is a low-density one topped up in the hatch square and
preventing a flow of air from one end of the hold to the other. When the hold is filled the
hatch square requires separate ventilation. (Fig. 15.6)

Through ventilation of a bulk cargo, when air is forced into the body of the cargo, is not
normally required and is difficult to achieve. Some through ventilation can be provided
aboard ships in which ventilator trunks extend to the bottom of the hold bulkheads.
Through ventilation of coal is likely to cause heating and must be avoided.
The capacity of a ship’s hold ventilation fans is normally expressed in the number of air
changes that can be achieved in an empty hold per hour. When a cargo is carried the
number of air changes per hour will be increased, because the quantity of air which the
hold contains is reduced.

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Deck cargo


“Cargo Securing Devices” is all fixed and portable devices used to secure and
support cargo units.
“Maximum Securing Load” (MSL) is a term used to define the allowable load
capacity for a device used to secure cargo to a ship. “Safe Working Load” (SWL)
may be substituted for MSL for securing purposes, provided this is equal to or
exceeds the strength defined by MSL.
“Standardized Cargo” means cargo for which the ship is provided with an approved
securing system based upon cargo units of specific types.
“Semi-standardized Cargo” means cargo for which the ship is provided with a
securing system capable of accommodating a limited variety of cargo units, such as
vehicles, trailers, etc.
“Non-standardized Cargo” means cargo which requires individual stowage and
securing arrangements.
“Cargo transport unit” means a road freight vehicle, a railway freight wagon, a
freight container, a road tank vehicle, a railway tank wagon or a portable tank.

It is imperative to the safety of the ship and the protection of the cargo and
personnel that the securing of the cargo is carried out properly and that only
appropriate securing points or fittings should be used for cargo securing.

Some important sources of danger which can affect the safety of roll on/roll off ships and
of persons on them include:

1. Cargo badly stowed or inadequately secured inside or on cargo units.

2. Free surface effects in tank vehicles, tank containers or other bulk units which are
3. Poorly maintained ramps, lifts and stern doors.
4. Poorly maintained or inadequately illuminated decks.
5. Wet decks.
6. Failure to apply brakes correctly.
7. Insufficient or incorrectly applied lashings or the use of lashing equipment of the
wrong type or of inadequate strength with respect to mass and centre of gravity of the
cargo unit and the weather conditions likely to be encountered during the voyage.
8. Free play in the suspension of vehicles.
9. Failure to comply with the stowage, segregation and marking requirements for vehicles
carrying dangerous goods.

General principles of cargo securing

1. Cargo shall be secured according to recognised principles, taking into account the

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forces that may occur during sea transport and the most severe weather condition
expected. Ship handling decisions should take into account the type of cargo and stowage
position of the cargo and the securing arrangements.

- Care should be taken to distribute the forces as evenly as possible.

- If in doubt the lashing arrangement should be verified using an acceptable calculation
- The securing gear should be adapted to the cargo to be carried.
- Lashings are to be kept as short as possible.

2. Prior to loading cargo, the following should be checked:

- Relevant deck areas are, as far as practicable, to be clean, dry and free from oil and
- Cargo, cargo transport unit or vehicle to be suitable for transport.
- Necessary securing equipment is to be found on board.

3. The securing equipment should be:

- available in sufficient quantity including reserves
- suitable for the purpose
- of adequate strength
- practical and maintained

The required strength, which depends on the lashing forces, can be calculated based on
methods for evaluating forces as outlined in this manual.

4. Securing operations shall be completed before the ship leaves the berth and the
securing should be based on proper planning, execution and supervision. Relevant
personnel should be properly qualified and experienced and should have a sound practical
knowledge of the application and content of this Cargo Securing Manual.
- The master shall take care in planning and supervising the stowage and securing of
cargoes based on information about the cargo.
- The cargo is to be distributed with attention to the ship stability so that the hazards of
excessive accelerations are reduced as far as practicable.
- Due attention to the ship’s structural strength should be taken. Excessive accelerations
are expected to occur in the far forward and aft part of the ship, but can also occur in
general as a result of a high GM value.

Safe means of access to securing arrangements, safety equipment, and operational

controls shall be provided and properly maintained. Stairways and escape routes from
spaces below the vehicle deck shall be kept clear. The cargo spaces should be, as far as
practicable, regularly inspected during voyage.

10. Lashings shall not be released for unloading before the ship is secured at the berth,
without the Masters express permission.
11. Cargo shall not obstruct the operating controls of stern doors, entrances to
accommodation and/or fire fighting equipment .

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Lashing forces are derived from accelerations of the cargo due to ship motions. The
largest accelerations, and therefore the most severe forces, can be expected in the furthest
forward, the furthest aft and the highest stowage positions on each side of the ship.
Special consideration should be given to the securing of vehicles stowed in these
positions. Generally the forces which have to be taken by the securing devices are
composed of components acting relative to the axes of the ship, i.e. longitudinal,
transverse and vertical direction. The two first are the most important to consider with
respect to lashing since the main function of lashings are to prevent cargo units from
tipping and/or sliding, in the transverse or longitudinal direction. The transverse
accelerations increase directly with the GM value, and care should be taken when
stowing and distributing cargo to avoid excessive accelerations,

“General principles of cargo securing”.

If cargo is stowed in positions where loads from wind pressure and/or sea sloshing may
be expected, this shall be taken into consideration when securing the cargo. Due to
uncertainties as to the actual weights and locations of the centre of gravity of cargo units,
the lashing forces may vary considerably. It is not possible to specify exactly the
maximum forces which may be exerted in the most severe conditions. A general rule is
that an adequate number of lashings of sufficient strength to meet the worst weather that
could be encountered during the voyage should always be fitted. If very heavy weather is
expected, appropriate operational measures, such as delaying sailing or altering course or
speed, should be taken to minimize the forces. Due to the difficulty in predicting dynamic
accelerations and the complexity of dynamic calculations, the lashing forces apply to
rigid and unsprung cargo. Additional lashings will be required to resist dynamic forces
due to sprung or non-rigid cargoes.

The lashings are in general most effective on a cargo unit when they make an angle with
the deck of between 30° and 60°. When these optimum angles cannot be achieved,
additional lashings may be required. The forces can be estimated based on the calculation
methods outlined in this Cargo Securing Manual. The effect of anti-roll devices should
not be taken into account when planning the stowage and securing of cargoes.

All hatches should be securely closed & battened down before loading cargo over them.

Cargo units/cargo transport units on a ship will in principles be subjected to the forces
given on the drawing below

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Code of Safe Practice for Ships carrying Timber Deck Cargoes 1991

Advice on stowage practices


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1.1 The stowage practices described in this appendix have been found to achieve
results, provided that account is taken of the recommendations of chapters 1-6. Although
specific conditions may dictate a departure from these guidelines, the basic principles as
detailed in 1.2 should nevertheless be adhered to.

1.2 The basic principle for the safe carriage of timber deck cargo is, as indicated earlier,
to make the stow as solid and compact as practicable. The purpose of this is to:

.1 prevent slack in the stow which could cause the lashings to slacken;
.2 produce a binding effect within the stow; and
.3 reduce to a minimum the permeability of the stow.

1.3 Lashings prevent deck cargo from shifting by increasing the friction due to pre-stress
forces and counteracting forces on the stow in the direction of possible shifting.
The lashings should meet the following criteria:
.1 the strength of all lashing elements should be at least equal to that recommended in the
Code; and
.2 the necessary tension should be maintained during the whole voyage.

1.4 The shifting of timber deck cargo is due mainly to the following causes which may
occur singly or together:
.1 lashings becoming slack due to compaction of the cargo during the voyage, unsuitable
devices for tightening the lashing systems and/or inadequate strength of the lashings;
.2 movement of the cargo across the hatch covers due to insufficient friction, particularly
in ice and snow;
.3 inadequate strength of the uprights due to poor material properties and/or excessive
.4 heavy rolling or pitching of the ship;
.5 impact from heavy seas.

1.5 Great care should be taken to keep the ship in an upright condition during loading as
even a slight list will impose a considerable load on the retaining uprights. The necessity
for prudent ship handling during the voyage cannot be overstressed; imprudent ship
handling can nullify even the best of stowages.

1.6 The lashings should be in accordance with chapter 4 of the Code and may comprise
the following types:
.1 Hog lashings are normally used over the second and third tiers and may be set "hand
tight" between stanchions. The weight of the upper tiers when loaded on top of these
wires will further tighten them (see figure 1).
.2 Wire rope lashings which are used in addition to chain lashings. Each of these may
pass over the stow from side to side and loop completely around the uppermost tier.
Turnbuckles are fitted in each lashing to provide means for tightening the lashing at sea
(see figure 2).
.3 Wiggle wires which are fitted in the manner of a shoelace to tighten the stow. These
wires are passed over the stow and continuously through a series of snatch blocks, held in

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place by foot wires. Turnbuckles are fitted from the top of the foot wire into the wiggle
wire in order to keep the lashings tight at sea (see figures 3 and 4).
.4 Chain lashings which are passed over the top of the stow and secured to substantial pad
eyes or other securing points at the outboard extremities of the cargo. Turnbuckles are
fitted in each lashing to provide means for tightening the lashing at sea (see figure 5)

1.7 Systems for securing timber deck cargoes are shown in figures 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7

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Always remember that deck cargo should not obstruct the view from the navigating
bridge PLD : Permissible load density of main deck must never be exceeded. PLD of
main deck , hatch covers etc. can be found out from ships capacity plan.

Any concentrated load can be spread over a wider area by the use of dunnage and
deck shoring .
The effect of timber deck cargo on stability must be checked Because
- the absorption of water or accretion of ice will increase the weight and reduce the
GM .
- the clearing of water from the deck in heavy weather must be ensured .
On the other hand timber deck cargo provides increased reserved buoyancy to the

Safe stowage and securing of containers on deck of ships which are not specially
designed and fitted for the purpose of carrying containers.


1.1 Containers carried on deck or on hatches of such ships should preferably be stowed in
the foreand- aft direction.
1.2 Containers should not extend over the ship's sides. Adequate supports should be
provided when containers overhang hatches or deck structures.
1.3 Containers should be stowed and secured so as to permit safe access for personnel in
the necessary operation of the ship.
1.4 Containers should at no time overstress the deck or hatches on which they are stowed.

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1.5 Bottom-tier containers, when not resting on stacking devices, should be stowed on
timber of sufficient thickness, arranged in such a way as to transfer the stack load evenly
on to the structure of the stowage area.
1.6 When stacking containers, use should be made of locking devices, cones, or similar
stacking aids, as appropriate, between them
1.7 When stowing containers on deck or hatches, the position and strength of the securing
points should be taken into consideration.
If the individual gross weights of the containers are not known all 20ft units and all 40ft
units should be assumed to have a gross weight of 20 and 26 tonnes respectively with the
centre of gravity at the geometrical centre.
Care should be taken to ensure that the safe weight load of each individual container is
not exceeded and that the gross and tare weights are accurately recorded and declared.
Stowing containers in cargo holds requires securing in solid blocks. The containers
should be keyed to the tank top and adequate inter-locking of units should be provided.
The resulting block must be secured to the ship structure using common sense.


2.1 All containers should be effectively secured in such a way as to protect them from
sliding and tipping. Hatch covers carrying containers should be adequately secured to the
2.2 Containers should be secured using one of the three methods recommended in figure
1 or methods equivalent thereto.
2.3 Lashings should preferably consist of wire ropes or chains or material with equivalent
strength and elongation characteristics.
2.4 Timber shoring should not exceed 2 m in length.
2.5 Wire clips should be adequately greased and tightened so that the dead end of the
wire is visibly compressed (figure 2).
2.6 Lashings should be kept, when possible, under equal tension.
Care should be taken when:
- It is required to mix general break-bulk cargo with containers.
- Loading general cargo on top of containers.

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Carriage instructions for refrigerated cargoes


Refrigerated cargoes are invariably perishable to a greater or lesser degree, & their safe
carriage depends on maintaining suitable storage conditions during transportation.

Refrigerated cargoes include both Frozen & Chilled goods, the latter including fresh
fruits & vegetables.

Generally, Frozen goods (meat, butter, poultry & fish) do not suffer if over-cooled.
Carried in hard frozen state with temperatures never exceeding –12° Celsius. As a
general rule, frozen commodities should be transported and stored at 0°F (-17.8°C).
For most products, this temperature provides protection against spoilage and the
growth of disease-forming organisms.

Some frozen cargoes need to be carried at temperatures lower than 0°F (-17.8°C) to
maintain quality, texture and flavour. Commodities with a high fat content, such as ice
cream, should be carried at -15°F (-26.1°C) or lower.

Food should be solidly or almost solidly frozen to maintain quality in frozen storage. An
unfrozen core, or a partially frozen zone, will lead to deterioration in texture, colour,
flavour and other properties. Fast freezing leads to superior product quality. Slow
freezing results in the formation of large ice crystals that rupture cell walls and
result in soft, mushy products.

Nothing is more detrimental to frozen foods than repeated freezing and Thawing.

Appropriate packaging can protect most foods from freezer burn (surface drying,
discoloration). Packaging material should not only be impermeable to water vapour and
oxygen, but also to volatile flavour substances.

Frozen products should be loaded rapidly, especially in warm weather when ambient
temperature may be high. As part of its quality-control procedures, APL requires that the
temperature of frozen commodities be 15‰F (-9.4‰C) or less at the time of loading.

Stowing: Frozen cargo should always be stacked as a solid block, leaving no space
between packages and sidewalls of the containers.

Ventilation: Fresh air vent must always be CLOSED tight for all frozen cargo shipment.
Chilled goods (meat, cheese, eggs, fresh fruits & vegetables) can be damaged by low
temperatures, either by freezing or by chilling injury to fresh produce. Much tropical &
sub-tropical produce is liable to chilling injury if subjected to temperatures below those
usually experienced in the growing area.

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Symptoms of chilling injury include internal discoloration, surface lesions, failure to
ripen properly and increased susceptibility to micro-organisms.

Freezing injury results when commodities are held below freezing temperatures.
Typically freezing injury makes the product unfit for consumption. Most tropical and
subtropical products are damaged by chilling injury before they freeze.

Exposure to higher temperatures (than required carriage temp) is worse, as it leads to

very rapid deterioration due to enhanced Respiration, Ethylene production and Water

Temperature range for Chilled cargoes: -2°C up to 12°C depending on type of

cargo. Maintaining right temperatures is more critical with chilled cargoes than with
frozen cargoes.

Chilled cargo should be block stowed or stacked as a solid block, without leaving any
space between the cargo and the walls of the container.

Fruits and vegetables and other horticultural products begin to age and deteriorate
from the time of harvest due to Respiration, Ethylene production and Water Loss.


Fruits and vegetables continue to live and breathe after harvest – consuming oxygen,
generating heat and giving off gases such as carbon dioxide and moisture. This
process, known as respiration, uses up a plant’s resources and causes changes that
influence food value, flavour, quality, colour, texture and water content. Respiration
rate is governed by temperature (directly proportional to temperature). Respiration
rate also increases due to cuts & bruises. The transit life of a commodity is inversely
proportional to its rate of respiration – the higher the rate, the shorter its transit or market
life. Proper temperature management will retard the respiration process and remove heat
from the load.

Ethylene production

After harvest, most fruits and vegetables produce ethylene gas as a natural by-product. If
properly managed, ethylene can be used to control the ripening of produce. However,
unmanaged exposure to ethylene may harm commodities and cause unwanted ripening,
and other physiological damage.

Products have varying ethylene production rates. They also vary in their sensitivity to

Ethylene production is directly related to temperature. Typically, the higher the

temperature, the greater the rate of ethylene production and the higher the respiration rate.
Fresh-air exchange can limit the build-up of ethylene in a load. Modified Atmosphere
(MA) and Controlled Atmosphere (CA) conditions can also help reduce ethylene
production and activity.

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Ethylene production rates also increase with greater maturity, physical injury, disease,
Evaporation and water loss

Loss of water from horticultural crops after harvest is an important factor in a product life
cycle and a major cause of deterioration. Perishables that have lost water become
dehydrated, weigh less and are of poorer quality in the marketplace.

Plants that have been bruised or cut will lose water faster than those that are undamaged.
As such, maintaining high humidity 85%-95% and low temperature – the lowest safe
temperature for the particular product – for most fruits and vegetables, helps keep water
loss to a minimum.

Successful transportation of all reefer cargoes is dependent on the carriage instructions,

which define the conditions in which the goods are to be carried. If these instructions are
incomplete, inadequate, contradictory, or wrong, then problems can be expected. For the
shipper, there is the risk of loss of cargo. For the carrier, there is the risk of a claim even
if the goods are undamaged.

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TABLE Examples of perishable cargoes

Ambient or air-
Frozen Chilled Dried conditioned
Fish and fish products:
IQF shrimps and Fruit:
Fish (on melting
prawns, surimi, farmed bananas, Herbs Chocolate
salmon, whole and avocados
products in cans:
Meat Meat Some meats Mushrooms
fish, meat,
vegetables, fruit
Fruit: grapes,
Vegetables: IQF
apples, pears, Beans Wine
asparagus, mushrooms
nectarines, plums
Fruit: IQF raspberries,
Fruit juices Grains Fish meal
Block frozen asparagus, Milk Fermented fish
raspberries onions, garlic, powders and vegetables
salad crops, peas

IQF = individually quick-frozen.

The responsibility for specifying carriage instructions is that of the shipper, the
owner of the goods. Only the shipper knows the full nature of the goods & their

Pre-loading sanitation / Hold Preparation

The proper cleanliness & lack of odour in compartments to be used for refrigerated
goods should be a matter of normal good practice.

1. Any special or particular needs should be identified. For instance, after sweeping
holds, it is recommended to wipe them down with clothes wrung out in cleansing fluid-
this prevents the formation of mould on woodwork. Any fat or grease spots on the deck
should be scraped up.
2. If necessary, the compartments must be deodorized using patent deodorizers.
This will be specially necessary if a fruit cargo or other strong smelling cargo has been
carried in the compartment previously.
3. Gratings should be laid & scrubbed clean if stained. Dunnage should be free
from infestation & neatly stacked on bearers in the centre of the compartment.

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4. Permanent dunnage & insulation (cork, fiberglass wool or polyurethane rigid
foam) must be inspected & repairs effected where necessary.
5. Bilges / scuppers should be clean & odour free & their suctions tested.
6. Brine traps should be checked & refilled as they prevent warm air from entering
& cold air from escaping, at the same time allowing drainage of water, as brine does not
freeze readily (R.D. 1.047, F.P. –20 C or lesser depending on concentration)
7. Ventilators to be plugged if applicable.
8. Thermometers - locations / functioning to be inspected & any shortcomings
noted made good. Calibration to be carried out for remote thermometers.
9. Air delivery ducts / brine pipes to be checked for leaks or blockage & correct
valve positions.
10. Air ducts should be cleaned if a dusty cargo has been carried previously.
11. All closing devices (hatches, doors) are in efficient working order. Doors should
close air tight. Check packing where provided.
12. Ozonisation carried out.

Pre-cooling of cargo space (a part of hold preparation)

The pre-cooling of cargo spaces removes heat from steelwork / dunnage & provides
a check on the operation of the refrigeration system.

It is also necessary to precool such other materials, which may be required for stowage
of certain cargoes. For instance, when carrying chilled meat, the requisite number of
meat bars, hooks & chains will need to be precooled. They should be sterilized as well.
This is usually done ashore.

The required pre-cooling temperature may be a few degrees lower than the required
transport temperature to allow for fluctuations during loading.

Pre loading survey must be conducted in the best interest of all concerned particularly the
carrier to avoid future claims. The surveyor to inspect the hold for cleanliness, fitness
(per cargo) & for satisfactory working of refrigeration plant. A certificate is issued
accordingly certifying the spaces fit to receive the intended cargo, prior to
commencement of loading.

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Transfer & stowage
Stages in a complex journey:

Pre-shipment inspection - The need for inspection

Carriage of reefer cargo by sea is just one stage in a long sequence of processing, h &
ling, distribution & storage operations - products can be damaged or decline in quality at
any stage.

Pre-shipment inspection is therefore essential, to determine as far as possible the

condition & quality of the product at the time of loading.

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Pre-shipment inspection by the ship's officers is generally confined to visual inspection
of the cargo & to measurement of physical properties such as temperature.
Nature of the consignment

The deck crew should check that the material to be loaded is consistent with the bill of
lading. However, information provided on a bill of lading is usually very brief - a cargo
may be described as 'fishery products', which encompasses many different product types.
Wherever possible, deck officers should record on mate’s receipt, any additional
information, for example, in the case of individually frozen fish, the species or variety,
& the presentation (whole or dressed).

It is also important to record details of any labelling on the mate’s receipt.

Temperature of the consignment

It is essential to measure the temperature of frozen stuff presented for loading. Material
that is above the operating temperature of the hold will take a long time to cool down &
will lose quality as a result.

The Master may reject a product if he considers the temperature too high & the
product at risk of damage during stowage & carriage.

The deck officer should ensure that sufficient measurements are taken to provide an
adequate summary of the temperature of the cargo, & that the measurements are
accurately recorded.

During loading, supervising officers should note any softening of the flesh (meat) by
pressing the surface of the fish with a thumb nail or the point of a temperature probe. Soft
meat can get damaged by the pressure of a stack within a hold.

Nature & integrity of packaging & wrapping

Packaging is intended to protect the product from physical damage. The inspecting
officer should record any damage to outer wrappings, particularly if the damage has
caused exposure of the contents.

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Wrapping, which may or may not be supplemented by further packaging in a carton, is
intended to prevent contamination & dehydration. Wrapping is only effective in
protecting against dehydration if it is sealed or is closely applied to the product.
The officer should note any staining of cartons & outer wrappings.
Blemishes, stains & contamination of the product

When the surface of the product is visible, it should be inspected for blemishes &

Blemishes include surface damage to the product like abrasions & tears to the skin or
splits in the flesh

It is important to record any unusual discolouration or staining. The product should

also be examined for contamination by dust, organic matter such as fish offal or
vegetable debris, & any other foreign matter.

In all cases of blemishes or contamination, the inspecting officer should note the
extent of the damage & estimate the proportion of the consignment affected.

Signs of thawing or partial thawing

It is important to check that a frozen cargo does not show signs that it had thawed &
refrozen before it had been presented for shipment. Such thawing or near thawing is often
indicated by distortion of product shape & release of liquids from the product.

Nothing is more detrimental to frozen foods than repeated freezing and thawing.

Prohibition of loading cargo at mixed temperatures

Properly pre-cooled cargo & substantially warmer cargo should not be mixed at loading.

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Temperature control during loading

It is very important for maintaining quality that frozen products be held at low
temperatures at all times. Although it is inevitable that the product's temperature will
rise during loading into the hold, the loading operations must be conducted so as to
keep this rise to a minimum. The product's quality suffers not only due to the
immediate rise in temperature as material is stowed in the hold, but also because of the
time taken to bring the product back down to the required temperature after

Although the ship's crew may have little control over loading operations, the Master
should cooperate with the ship's agents, & particularly with the stevedoring company,
to ensure that good practices are adopted during loading & stowing.

Good practices during loading

1. Reefer cargo should be loaded on board only under supervision of a recognized

2. Ensure that delivery to the ship's side is matched to loading onto the vessel to
reduce the time that products are waiting on the quay.
3. Ensure that the hold is precooled to below the carriage temperature before
loading begins.
4. Transfer cargo as rapidly as possible from the quay or discharging vessel to the
5. Products should be delivered in insulated containers or lorries, or at least in
covered vehicles.
6. Damp, wet or stained and torn cartons should be inspected to ascertain
whether the cargo inside has already deteriorated. If contents are in sound condition, then
the contents may be repacked in new cartons & accepted for loading.
7. Contents of at least 5-10% cartons from each lot should be examined on a
random basis. In case of frozen cargoes, their core temperature should be obtained by
using dial thermometers. The probe should remain in the carton for at least three
minutes in order to obtain correct temperature. If contents have deteriorated, the cargo
should be rejected. If part cargo from this lot is accepted, contents of each carton in the
lot should be examined.
8. Cartons with soft or dripping contents should be rejected.
9. Refrigeration to the holds should be turned on during long breaks.
10. Temperature should be maintained during stoppages for meals. Once loaded,
the cargo should be covered with tarpaulins.
11. When loading a lower hold thru a reefer tween deck, canvas or tarpaulins must be
hung around the hatch square (opening) to restrict the escape of cold air.
12. If the material must be unloaded onto the quay or held on the deck of the reefer,
it should be placed on pallets or on an insulating base, packed as tightly as possible &
covered with a tarpaulin or similar protection against sun & wind.
13. During loading / discharging frost may form on brine pipes. This should be
brushed off carefully taking care it does not fall on cargo. Brushing off is essential as
otherwise the frost so formed will act as insulation & adversely affect cooling.

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14. The cargo should be protected from exposure to wind, rain & sun until it is about
to be transferred to the vessel.
15. In tropical climates, avoid loading for two or three hours either side of noon &
consider loading the vessel at night (between 6 PM to 6 AM).
16. Upon completion of loading reefer chambers should be closed air tight & cooling
resumed immediately.
Good practices during stowage

1. Masters should be careful in advising the “Reefer space available” in a

compartment. Realistic value should be advised & not the cubic space as given in the
records (bale capacity of reefer chambers generally given in records). It must be noted
that dunnaging & air channels take substantial space.
2. Cargo spaces in reefers are usually cooled by recirculating air systems, which are
only effective if the air can circulate freely through & around the stow. This is to be
kept in mind & cargo stowed accordingly. It is important to ensure that there is free
circulation between the cargo & the structures of the hold.
3. Laying of dunnage should be such that it does not obstruct designed air flow
pattern in the compartment.
4. Sides & bulkheads should be fitted with vertical dunnage (without horizontal
battens which could obstruct air flow) to keep the cargo away from the structures.
5. Reefer chamber should be divided with air channels for each block not exceeding
3 meters. Channels must be at least 10 cms wide and aligned to face the cool air outlets.
There should be an even gap of at least 30 cm between the top of the stowed cargo & the
lowest part of the deck head.
6. Where consistent with efficient loading, use only one hatch at a time to avoid
through currents of air in the hold.
7. Dunnaging should be carefully carried out so as to prevent ‘Stow’ collapsing
into ‘Air Channels’.
8. Each lot of cargo to be loaded according to B/Ls and separated by using colour
tapes or nets.
9. Avoid loading cargo for more than one port in same chamber. Cargo once loaded
should not be shifted. These measures will help minimize undesirable temperature
10. If mixed loads of differing commodities are to be carried in a single cargo space,
it is necessary to consider compatibility of temperature, atmosphere (especially
ethylene levels) & liability to taint.

Transit (Requirements detailed in carriage instructions)

Carriage temperature

A single specified 'carriage temperature' is a meaningless specification that should

never be accepted.

Carriage temperature for chilled goods must be specified as the air delivery temperature.

Dual-temperature regimes, in which the delivery air temperature is changed after a

specified period of days, may also be specified.

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For frozen cargo, it is usually sufficient to specify a maximum temperature that should
not be exceeded. This may be subject to qualification for short periods.

For example:

Cargo temperature shall not exceed -18°C, except for short periods during power
disconnection or defrosting, when temperature shall not exceed -15°C.
Maintaining low temperatures during carriage

The ship's refrigeration system must be capable of delivering air to the holds at a
temperature a few degrees below the target temperature to allow for heat leaks through
the ship's structures.

The ship's engineer should ensure that refrigeration equipment is well maintained & can
achieve the design temperatures. Evaporator coils must be defrosted as required.

In addition, the engine room log should record temperatures at critical & meaningful
positions in the refrigeration system - for example, the outlet & return air streams in air
cooling systems, & the outlet & return fluid temperatures in pipe cooled systems.

Protecting the cargo from contamination

Every effort must be made to protect the cargo from contamination. Good shipboard
practices will prevent direct contamination by seawater, bilge water, fuel oil & the
like, but it is important to be aware that many reefer products are rapidly tainted by
odours picked up from the ambient air. This is a vital consideration when using air-
cooled refrigeration systems.

Ventilation (or lack of) during cooling

For most refrigerated cargoes, the cargo should be loaded at carriage temperature. For
some cargoes, notably bananas & the less sensitive citrus varieties, cooling in transit
is normal. In these cases a period of 48 hours should be specified, during which
fresh air ventilation is stopped to allow maximum refrigeration.

Ventilation thereafter

After cooling, or throughout in the absence of cooling, the rate of fresh air ventilation for
fresh produce should be specified. This may be as an absolute figure in cubic metres per
hour, or as a rate in air changes per hour of the empty volume of the cargo space.

Air circulation rate

The rate of circulation of air around & through the cargo controls the range of
temperature within the cargo, & also the rate of cargo cooling. Minimum rates may be
specified, usually as multiples of the empty volume of the hold per hour.

Relative humidity limits or target

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Relative humidity is not specifically controllable in most shipments; if there are critical
requirements, either special equipment or special packaging or both may be required.

It is difficult to measure humidity regularly to better than the nearest 2 to 3%, so an

acceptable range of at least plus or minus 5% should be specified

Carbon dioxide limits or target

For many fruits, a maximum level of CO2 may be specified, this to be the overriding
parameter for ventilation rate control. In case of fruits, their ripening cause evolution of
carbon dioxide which if present in concentrations of above 5% can spoil the entire
consignment. Hence it is essential to keep a record & control of carbon dioxide
concentration. An instrument called Thermoscope is utilized for the purpose. Excessive
carbon dioxide can be dissipated by allowing fresh precooled air occasionally into the
hold, taking care not to cause large variations in temperature.

Additional requirements for controlled atmosphere shipments

Controlled atmosphere (CA) systems are designed to maintain an atmosphere different

from normal, usually with low oxygen & increased carbon dioxide. They enhance the
storage life of some produce when used in conjunction with refrigeration. But in case of
chilled meat excessive carbon dioxide can discolour the consignment. Hence CA
requirements should be strictly adhered to.

Safety requirements

CA produces an atmosphere which is deadly to humans - breathing an oxygen-depleted

atmosphere produces immediate unconsciousness & fairly rapid death. Adequate safety
systems must be in place, & these should allow for the possibility of stowaways in the


Atmosphere should be checked prior man entry & ventilation carried out if necessary
(Definitely in case of CA in holds).

At discharge port a cargo surveyor is generally called to check the Transit temperature
& carbon dioxide records.

Reefer cargo should be discharged only under supervision of a recognized surveyor

(usually on consignees’ behalf).

When a cargo is unloaded from the ship, similar precautions should be taken to
those recommended during loading.

Unloading should be completed as quickly & rapidly as possible & the cargo should be
protected from wind, rain & high temperatures.

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If any cargo damage is noticed, full details of the damage should be noted (Marks and
numbers, nature & extent of damage). Probable cause of damage should be established &
reasons for same noted.

Cargoes may get damaged due to exposure after landing on jetty. Although this does not
put any liability on carrier, one must be still watchful & promptly record in maximum
possible details, any such incident.
Cooling of reefer chambers should be stopped only just prior to opening them for

Cargo should be discharged lot wise. Having loaded lot wise & stowed separately, this
should not be a problem.

Ship’s staff should continuously monitor discharge operation along the surveyor in
order to ensure that the ship’s interests are not jeopardised.

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Container cargo

The bay-row-tier system follows a system of numerical coordinates relating to length,

width and height. The stowage space of the container on board the ship is unambiguously
stated in numbers and is (almost always) recorded in the shipping documents. It is then
also possible to establish at a later date where the container was carried during maritime

Principle of bay-row-tier coordinates

According to this principle, bays are the container blocks in the transverse direction, rows
are the lengthwise rows and tiers are the vertical layers.

38 20' container bays on a ship

Theoretically, the 38 bays could be numbered continuously from 1 to 38. However, that
would only be sensible if only 20' containers could actually be loaded.

19 40' container bays on a ship

If the ship could only transport 40' containers, the 19 bays could be numbered
continuously from 1 to 19.

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Bay numbering system

Since, however, the ship can transport both 20' and 40' containers, the bay spaces for 20'
containers are numbered throughout fore to aft with odd numbers, i.e. in this case 01, 03,
05 and so on up to 75. The bay spaces for 40' containers are numbered throughout with
even numbers: 02, 04, and 06 and so on up to 74.

The purple 20' container in the first bay has the bay number 01. The light-brown 20'
container in the 2nd bay has the bay number 03 and the light-blue 40' container, which
occupies a space in the first and second bays, has the bay number 02. The magenta-
collared container has the bay number 25, the dark-green number 27 and the light-green
number 26.

To illustrate a cross-section through a bay, one needs to imagine that one is standing in
front of or behind the ship:

In the case of bay plans, the respective bay is always viewed from behind.

The rows of containers on a ship are numbered with even numbers from the centre
leftwards and odd numbers from the centre rightwards.

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Row numbering where there is an even number of rows

Where there is an odd number of rows, the middle row is numbered 00.

Row numbering where there is an odd number of rows

Row numbers of the aft bay of a ship

The container tiers are numbered with even numbers, starting from the bottom. The
conventional way is start with 02 in the hold and then count up with 04, 06 etc. In the
case of deck cargoes, it is conventional to start numbering with 80 or 82. There are
sometimes slight differences between ships.

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Numbering of horizontal container layers, or tiers

On this ship, the containers standing directly on the main deck are numbered 80 and those
standing on the hatches are number 82. The number is incremented by two for each
higher layer.

These bay, row and tier numbers are noted in the bay plans:

Bay plan

The stuffed containers, with their alpha prefix, their container numbers, the port of
destination or discharge and other important details are noted in the bay plans

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Colour-labelled containers in a bay plan

According to the bay-row-tier system, the collared containers were given the following
stowage space numbers:
• a 20' container in the red-collared slot: 531212
• a 40' container in blue-collared slot: 540788
• a 20' container in green-collared slot: 551184

The system illustrated is the most widely used. However, other numbering systems do
exist, in which the coordinates are stated in a different order, for example row-bay-tier
systems and similar combinations.

Identification system

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Marking on the door of a container

A distinction is drawn between compulsory and optional marking. Compulsory ISO

marking must be used on all containers, while optional marking does not have to be: they
are included in the standard to improve understanding and to promote uniform
application of marking.

The following is a basic version of horizontal container marking:

Container identification marking

This Figure shows a version of vertical container marking:

Marking on the front end of a container

The container identification system consists solely of the elements shown, which can
only be used together:

• owner code, consisting of three capital letters

• product group code, consisting of one of capital letters U, J or Z
• six-digit registration number
• check digit

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The owner code must be unique and registered with the International Container
Bureau, either directly or through a national registration organization. In the Figures
shown, the owner code consists respectively of the letter combinations SUD and TEX.
The product group code consists of one of the following three capital letters:

U - for all freight containers

J - for detachable freight container-related equipment
Z - for trailers and chassis

The term owner code may also apply to the combination of owner code and product
group code, which is also known as an alpha prefix. If the owner code is absent, the
container cannot be identified. The registration or serial number consists of six
digits. In the examples shown, these numbers are 307007 and 452149. If the container
number consists of fewer than six digits, it is preceded by enough zeros to make a six-
digit number sequence. The check digit, 9 and 6 respectively in the two examples shown,
is always a single-digit number. It is usually in a box, to make it stand out from the
registration number. The check digit can be used to validate whether the owner code,
product group code and registration number have been accurately transmitted. No freight
information system (FIS), transport information system (TIS) or similar data processing
system will accept a container number, if the result of the automatic checking procedure
does not show agreement with the check digit. The procedure is deliberately designed to
ensure that a number of transmission errors cannot cancel one another out, resulting in the
acceptance of incorrect data.

Size and type codes

The following photo shows a variant of horizontal marking which additionally includes
country, size and type codes:

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Container identification including country, size and type codes

Appropriate abbreviations are used for the various countries, here US for United States of
America, GB for Great Britain etc. The first digit of the size code indicates the length of
the container, with the number 4 standing for a 40' container. The second digit indicates
height and whether or not a gooseneck tunnel is present. In our example, the number 3
stands for a height of 8'6" with gooseneck tunnel. The first digit of the type code indicates
container type. Here, 1 means that the container is a closed container with ventilation
openings. The second digit of the type code relates to special features. The 0 used here
means opening at the end. n the associated standard, columns are set out vertically:

The corresponding data are laid out underneath. The abbreviation g.n.t. stands for
gooseneck tunnel. A differently laid out size code summary is shown below:

In the type code, the first digit (i.e. the 3rd digit overall) indicates the container type and
the second (i.e. the 4th digit overall) indicates special features. However, there is a
connection between the respective digits, which the following representation is intended
to explain:

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Container design and types

Over 50 per cent of the containers available internationally belong to shipping companies.
Alongside these are a large number of leasing companies, which lease their containers
both to ship-owners and to direct customers. All container types consist of a steel
framework which takes the weight of any containers loaded above. The container may be
fully enclosed by steel or glass fibre panels but these are not load bearing.
The 20 feet container generally has a ‘tare weight’ (empty container) of around 2 tons &
a max gross weight of between 23 and 30 tons. All 40 feet containers have a max gross
wt. of 30 tons.

Following are the most common types in use:

• General purpose containers

• Open Sided containers
• Ventilated Containers
• Dry bulk containers/bulk containers
• Thermal containers
• Open-top containers
• Half-Height
• Platform containers
• Flat racks
• Coil Containers
• Tank containers

The term Standard Container was used for the first containers in their basic form. As
these were closed and were primarily suitable for the loading of general cargo, they
were/are also known as General Purpose Containers, Dry Cargo Containers or Box
Containers. Most box containers have an external height of 8'6". They are fully enclosed
and typically made from steel. The floor is covered with timber planking or plywood
sheathing, and cargo securing / lashing points are located at floor level at the base of the
side panelling. Access for ‘stuffing’ and ‘DE stuffing’ is thru full height rear doors.
Unventilated general purpose containers have openings on either one or both end(s).
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Unventilated general purpose containers of sheet steel

Vents in a container

Containers equipped with such vents also count as unventilated general purpose
containers, although they have small vents in the upper part of the cargo space.

Containers with end doors and side doors occupying the entire length

Container with end wall doors and partial openings at the side

The expression High-Cube Container originally covered all containers higher than 8'6".
The expression is now used in practice almost only ever for containers which have an
external height of 9'6".

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Comparison of a high-cube container (9'6") with an 8'6" container

The yellow and black marking on the top edges of the high-cube container serves as a
warning about its height.

40' containers: left 8'6" high, right 9'6" high (high-cube)

Forty foot containers have a larger volume-to-payload ratio than 20' containers, i.e. they
are suitable for goods with a higher cargo stowage factor. Open-sided containers (OS)
have solid end walls and a solid roof panel. The sides may be closed at the bottom by
folding down wooden, aluminium profile or steel sheet side walls, which may be divided
into sections. The container is packed from the side and allows unrestricted loading /
discharging.. Open-sided containers also exist which are open only on one side. If bars
are positioned over one open side, the containers can be used for transporting livestock.
Another variant is the "folding side wall" container, a type of inland container.

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Open-sided container, with end wall door

Open-top open-sided containers (OTOS) combine the features of open-sided and open-
top containers, i.e. the roofs and sides are open and need to be covered with tarpaulins.

20' x 8'6" container with side doors - General purpose container - special design
with side doors

General purpose containers with special features are intended to make it possible to
transport particular cargoes which could not otherwise be safely transported without
damage. Containers for hanging garments belong to this group: they are equipped with
clothes rails which are attached to special supporting bars. Textiles, hanging on coat-
hangers, can be carried in these containers.

Ventilated Containers, hardly differ from standard containers in external appearance.

They are used for the most part to transport organic cargoes with high moisture contents,
such as coffee and cocoa beans. Special equipment is intended to ensure that, as far as
possible, sweat is prevented from forming. In general parlance, the containers are also
named after the type of cargo carried in them, hence the widespread use of the expression
coffee container. There are two basic variants:

• Containers with natural ventilation use pressure differences between the internal
and external air for air exchange purposes. Warm air rises in the container and exits at the
top through the roof ventilation strips. Cooler external air then enters through the floor
ventilation strips.
• Forced ventilation containers use fans and air ducts and/or ventilation flaps to
achieve the necessary air exchange.

Container vent slots or air openings are often constructed as a labyrinth to prevent the
penetration of spray or precipitation. Often, there are openings in the bottom and top side

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rails, which form regular air ducts. Sometimes, only relatively small, perforated areas are
provided at regular intervals in the outer skin.

General purpose containers with non-mechanical ventilation

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General purpose containers with mechanical ventilation installed in the container

Dry Bulk Containers or Bulk Containers may be used to transport loose, free-flowing
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Loading hatches and discharge outlets in different bulk containers

Externally, normal bulk containers are of identical construction to standard containers

except for the loading hatches and discharge outlets. The loading hatches or domes are
arranged in the roof. To prevent contact between the cargo and the container walls,
"inlets" or liner bags may be introduced into the containers and fixed in place. The
unloading hatches are normally at one of the ends, generally incorporated into the doors.
Sometimes, short hoses are also incorporated, so as to be able to direct the cargo as it is
unloaded. Less frequently, the discharge outlets are arranged at the side. In all the above
cases, unpacking is achieved by the force of gravity, generally assisted by tipping the

Bulk container with compressed air-assisted emptying

Some special dry bulk containers resemble tank containers. In addition to emptying by
gravity, some containers are available which may be emptied by means of compressed

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Thermal container with integral unit – rear

Thermal container - side and end with integral unit

Depending on container quality, the entire outer skin may be appropriately insulated,
thereby reducing the internal dimensions of the container. The floor is strong enough to
allow access by forklift trucks. The temperature of insulated containers may be controlled
by external refrigeration units.

Mobile refrigeration unit, in this case in stationary use

20' x 8'6" thermal container, mechanically refrigerated/heated

These containers also resemble standard containers externally, but inside they have a
heat-insulating lining, generally of polyurethane foam-based insulating material. Their

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wall thickness of 50 - 100 mm reduces stowage space a little compared to normal
containers. The insulation is intended to protect the cargo from over-rapid temperature
variations. If lower temperatures or refrigeration are required, refrigerants may be added.
Ice is seldom used nowadays, since it requires special ice boxes; instead, dry ice is often
used. Another method is to vaporize liquefied gases. Such containers are used for the
most part to carry heat-sensitive cargoes.

Insulated Containers and Refrigerated Containers may also be used without

refrigeration or heating. Since temperature variations in the container are delayed relative
to the external temperature, using such containers can be entirely appropriate for certain

Refrigeration and/or heating may be achieved by:

• compressors directly driven by electrical motors

• compressors directly driven by internal combustion engine
• externally generated cooling or heating air

The electrical power required for driving refrigerating/heating machines is supplied by

on-shore or on-board power supply systems or by a separate generator driven by an
internal combustion engine, diesel engines mostly being used for this purpose. A
distinction is drawn between fixed generators and so-called clip-on generators, which are
only fitted on a temporary basis.

Integral refrigerating/heating machine for connection to on-shore or on-board

power supply system

Openings for supply and return air in an external unit

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Such containers are also known as "Porthole Containers", the name arising from the
similarity between these openings and the round ships' windows known as portholes.

Thermal container/insulated container with externally fitted supply device

Externally generated cooling or heating air may be supplied via on-shore or on-board
central refrigeration systems. Containers supplied by this system also have two openings
in the end wall for the supply and removal of cargo space air subject to artificial
temperature control.

Open-Top Containers are suitable in general for all types of general cargo but especially
for heavy, over height cargo. Since their roofs are openable, they may also be packed
from above. Timber and scrap metal are sometimes shipped this way. They have doors at
least at the rear and their roofs are operable or removable. The roof covering consists
either of a tarpaulin or a solid, fully removable hard-top. Containers with the latter type of
roof covering are known as

Hard-Top Open-Top Containers.

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Open-top container with tarpaulin and roof bows - Open-top container with top
member removed

The lashing equipment with which some open-top containers are provided have higher
load-carrying capacities than those of general purpose containers.

Half-Height Open-Top Containers are open at the top, as their name suggests. There
are two types in existence: either completely open or with a tarpaulin and roof bows. The
rear door may often be folded down and used as a ramp.

Half-Height Containers are lower than standard containers. The size codes distinguish
between those 1295 mm (4'3") high and those of a height less than or equal to 1219 mm
(4'). The containers are specially designed for goods with low stowage factors and for
high-density cargoes, such as heavy barrels, metal sheet etc.

20' and 40' half-height open-top containers, with and without cover

Platforms and Flat racks are also known in common parlance as open containers.
Although such containers may have special equipment, such stanchions, fold-down end
walls, lashing equipment etc., they are often described in specialist literature as
containers without additional equipment.

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Platform: 20' long, 8' wide and 1'1¼" high

Platforms consist of reinforced container floors with sheet steel or planking. A large
number of lashing points are provided for cargo securing; these may be welded-on or
recessed lashing lugs or rings, or lashing bars attached to the outsides of the side rails.

Two 20' platforms 1'1¼" high

If agreed with the shipping companies, several platforms may be combined to form larger
loading areas for carrying oversize goods. Acceptance and delivery then require special
attention and coordination of operations between the ship's command, shipping
companies and terminal operator is recommended. When empty, platforms can be stacked
into piles to save space during transport. Since loaded platforms are not stackable, they
are loaded on board ship as the top layer of a hold or deck stack.

20' flat rack with fixed end walls

Flat racks, also known as Flats, consist of container floor and end walls. Flat racks with
folding or collapsible end walls or end frames are commonly known as Collapsible Flats
or Collapsible Flat racks.

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20' collapsible flat racks, erected and collapsed

The advantage of collapsible flat racks is that several unloaded flats can be stacked on top
of one another to save space during transport. For cargo securing purposes, the flats are
equipped with lashing bars, lugs or hooks of appropriate strength. Stanchion pockets and
insertable stanchions are often provided. If agreed with the carriers, a number of flat
racks may be combined together so as to be able to transport particularly large items of

40' platform: 8' wide and 2' high with gooseneck tunnel at both ends

Coil container with folding end walls

Coil Containers are built like Flats or Flat racks, i.e. they consist of a container floor and
flat or frame-like end walls. The container floor has cargo troughs for accommodating
coils/rolls of steel sheet. Cargo securing costs are lower, since less complex lashing and
blocking is required than on/in normal containers. However, when overall transport costs,
including the return transport of empty containers, are taken into account, normal carriage
may be more economical. Coil containers could be included amongst named cargo
containers, but they are not covered by the standard.

Tank Containers are provided for carrying liquids and gases. The characteristics of the
substances to be carried determine the material of which the tank is made, while the
pressure under which the cargo has to be transported influences its construction. Tank

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containers almost always have as their basis a steel frame, into which tanks of various
shapes may be inserted. Various fittings and accessories are incorporated, depending on
type and method of filling and emptying. Temperature-controlled tank containers require
special heating or cooling devices. They may be filled via domes or tubes and emptied
downwards via floor drains or upwards via riser pipes and pressure generators. The
products to be carried may be any types of liquid, liquefied or gaseous substance, ranging
from harmless to very dangerous.

Tank container for non-dangerous liquids

Half-Height Tank Containers or Half-Height Liquid Containers serve to carry high-

density liquids which cannot be carried in normal tank containers because they cannot be
filled to a high enough level and are therefore subject to surging.

Half-height liquid container

Frequently used terms and comments

Closed Containers include all non-ventilatable general purpose, dry bulk and tank
containers. These containers allow no or only very slight air exchange. They are not
suited to transporting goods which require an exchange of gases.

The following needs to be said with regard to Special Containers: from a technical point
of view, these meet the needs of many forwarders and are desirable with regard to cargo
securing. Their special fittings simplify packing and cargo securing, reducing securing
costs and shipping risks. However, since they are adapted to one product or group of
products to be transported, it is more difficult to use them on all routes, resulting in
higher freight rates than for standard containers due to more frequent carriage of empty
containers. From the point of view of cargo safety, however, special containers developed
for a particular product are preferable to conventional containers.

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Positioning and securing of containers on board

General on-board stowage

On most ships which are specially designed for container traffic, the containers are
carried lengthwise:

Containers stowed lengthwise fore and aft stowage on board a ship

This stowage method is sensible with regard to the interplay of stresses in rough seas and
the loading capacity of containers. Stresses in rough seas are greater athwart ships than
fore and aft and the loading capacity of container side walls is designed to be higher than
that of the end walls.

General securing information

Except in the case of individually carried containers, securing is effected by stacking the
containers in vertical guide rails OR by stowing them in stacks or blocks, the containers
being connected together and fixed to parts of the vessel.

Securing in vessel holds by cell guides alone

Cell guides in an all-container ship

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Virtually all all-container ships are provided with cell guides with vertical guide rails as
securing means for hold cargoes. The greatest stress the containers are exposed to stems
from stack pressure. Since the containers are not connected together vertically, lateral
stress is transmitted by each individual container to the cell guides. When positioned in
such cell guides, individual containers are not usually able to shift. If the corner posts of
one of the containers at the bottom of a stack collapse under excessive pressure,
containers stowed above it generally suffer only slight damage. The risk of damage to
containers in adjacent stacks is kept within tight limits.

Guide rails of two adjacent slots

The containers are guided by these rails of the cell guides during loading and unloading.
The photo shows clearly that the upper ends of the guide rails each take the form of
insertion guides.

Securing in vessel holds by cell guides and pins

Feeder ships, multipurpose freighters and container ships in certain regions have to be
particularly flexibly equipped, in order to be able to carry containers of different
dimensions. To this end, convertible stowage frames have been developed, in which 20',
24½', 30', 40', 45', 48' and 49' containers may be stowed securely without appreciable

Removable container guides have also been developed and constructed for multipurpose
freighters, reefer vessels and the like. Such guides allow containers to be carried in
regular or insulated holds without any risk of damage to the holds themselves. If other
cargoes are carried, the stowage guides may be removed using ships or shore-based
loading or lifting gear and deposited in special holders on deck.

Securing in vessel holds by conventional securing and stacked stowage

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On older, conventional general cargo vessels and multipurpose freighters, stacked
stowage methods are used in the hold, combined with various securing methods:

Example of stacked stowage with conventional securing

The lower containers stand on foundations capable of withstanding the stack pressures
which arise. Dovetail foundations, into which sliding cones fit, are provided to prevent
slippage. The containers are connected together by single or double stacking cones or
twist locks. The entire stack or container block is lashed using lashing wires or rods and
turnbuckles. The top tiers are connected by means of bridge fittings. This system entails a
lot of lashing work and material and, moreover, is less secure than securing in cell guides.

Securing in vessel holds by block stowage and stabilization

This securing method is found less and less frequently, but it is still found on some
multipurpose freighters. Containers are interconnected horizontally and vertically using
single, double and possibly quadruple stacking cones. The top tiers are connected by
means of bridge fittings:

Fastening containers together

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To the sides, the containers are supported at their corner castings with "pressure/tension

Examples of block stowage method with stabilization

The term "pressure/tension elements" should not be understood to mean that these
elements exert pressure or tension, but rather that they are capable of absorbing
compressive or tensile forces. With more up-to-date variants, the lateral supporting
structures are moved hydraulically towards the container corner castings. This type of
container securing has two marked disadvantages:

• If an individual container breaks, it is not just one container stack which is

affected, but the whole container block.
• Due to dimensional tolerances and wear and tear to the stacking cones, the entire
block can move constantly in rough seas. This causes the intermediate stacking cones to
break and an entire block may collapse.

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Securing on deck using container guides
On some ships, containers are also secured on deck in cell guides or lashing frames. In
other ships, cell guides can be pushed hydraulically over the hatch cover as soon as
loading below deck is completed and the hatches have been covered up.

Securing on deck using block stowage securing

This method was used a lot in the early days of container ships, but has been used less
and less in recent years for economic reasons.

Example of block stowage securing on deck

The containers in the bottom layer are positioned in socket elements or on fixed cones.
Double stacking cones are used between the layers and the corner castings of adjoining
containers are connected at the top by bridge fittings. The containers are held together
over the entire width of the ship or hatch cover by cross lashings. A distinct disadvantage
of this method is reduced flexibility when loading and unloading, since adjoining
containers have always to be moved as well if access to a particular container is required.

Numerous variants, not listed any greater detail here, are available for attaching the
lashings. Sometimes the lashings from different stacks cross one another.

Securing on deck using stacked stowage securing

This securing method is the one used most frequently. Cargo handling flexibility is its
key advantage. The containers are stacked one on top of the other, connected with twist
locks and lashed vertically. No stack is connected with any other stack. The system thus
allows loading or unloading of an individual stack. The container lashings do not cross
over the lashings from other stacks, except for the "wind lashings" on the outer sides of
the ship.

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Principle of stacked stowage securing

CSC & structural and testing regulations

The technical requirements placed on containers are enshrined in the "International

Convention for Safe Containers" or CSC. Prepared under the auspices of IMO, CSC
makes it obligatory for the owners of containers to follow ISO standards which govern
safety – specifications & testing.

The aim of the Convention is to achieve the highest possible level of safety of human life
in the handling, stacking and transporting of containers. The Convention applies to all
containers used for international transport, except containers developed especially for air

Annex II of the CSC gives examples of structural safety requirements and tests.

Every contracting state must ensure that effective procedures are put in place to enforce
the regulations in Annex I of the Convention. This Annex sets out regulations for the
testing, inspection, approval and maintenance of containers. However, the text of the
Convention does allow duly authorized organizations to be entrusted with all these tasks,
other than maintenance. In many countries, the national classification societies are
entrusted with these tasks, e.g. Germanischer Lloyd in Germany.

A Safety Approval Plate must be permanently affixed to every container at a readily

visible place, where it cannot be easily damaged.

Annex I to the International Convention for Safe Containers" (CSC) sets out regulations
for the testing, inspection, approval and maintenance of containers. Regulation 1 deals
with the Safety Approval Plate. Point 1 makes the following statements:

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CSC plate

The Plate shall contain the following information in at least the English or French


• Country of approval and approval reference
• Date (month and year) of manufacture
• Manufacturer's identification number of the container
• Maximum operating gross weight (kilograms and lbs.)
• Allowable stacking weight for 1.8 g (kilograms and lbs.)
• Transverse racking test load value

The Safety Approval Plate ... shall take the form of a permanent, non-corrosive, fire-
proof rectangular plate measuring not less than 200 mm by 100 mm. The words "CSC
Safety Approval" of a minimum letter height of 8 mm and all other words and numbers
of a minimum height of 5 mm shall be stamped into, embossed on or indicated on its
surface in any other permanent and legible way.

• Country of Approval and Approval Reference is in this case the USA, the certifier
is AB, and standing for the American Bureau of Shipping, the reference is 745.
• Date (month and year) of manufacture is year: 1998 and month: September (stated
according to ISO standard as 98-9)
• Manufacturer's identification number of the container is JDK ...and so on.
• Maximum operating gross weight (kilograms and lbs.) is stated
as 24,000 KGS and 52,910 LBS (i.e. pounds). According to the original DIN/ISO
standards, the maximum total mass for a 20' container is 20,320 kg. In the example it is
therefore higher, which is not uncommon these days. Containers with a markedly higher
total weight are available.
• Allowable stacking weight for 1.8 g (kilograms and lbs.) According to ISO
standards, fully loaded containers must be stackable 6 high. The container given by way
of example may be stacked 8 high (192,000 kg ÷ 24,000 kg = 8).
• Transverse racking test load value. In this instance, this value is 15,240 KGS or
33,600 LBS.

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A blank space should be reserved on the Plate for insertion of end and/or side-wall
strength values (factors). A blank space should also be reserved on the Plate for first
and subsequent maintenance examination dates (month and year) when used.

The CSC Safety Approval Plates illustrated above do not carry these details. With good
reason, since the regulations subsequently state:

End Wall Strength to be indicated on plate only if end walls are designed to withstand a
load of less or greater than 0.4 times the maximum permissible payload, i.e. 0.4 P.
Side Wall Strength to be indicated on plate only if the side walls are designed to
withstand a load of less or greater than 0.6 times the maximum permissible payload, i.e.
0.6 P.

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Positioning of data on the Safety Approval Plate

"A blank space should also be reserved on the CSC Plate for first and subsequent
maintenance examination dates (month and year) when used."

In the example illustrated, this blank space has been left not at the bottom but on the right
of the other required data (see arrow). This is common practice.

In the "International Convention for Safe Containers", Regulation 2 of Annex I deals

with maintenance, and reads as follows:

The owner of the container shall be responsible for maintaining it in safe condition.

The owner of an approved container shall examine the container or have it examined in
accordance with the procedure either prescribed or approved by the Contracting Party
concerned, at intervals appropriate to operation conditions. The date (month and year)
before which a new container shall undergo its first examination shall be marked on the
Safety Approval Plate.

The date (month and year) before which the container shall be re-examined shall be
clearly marked on the container on or as close as practicable to the Safety Approval
Plate and in a manner acceptable to that Contracting Party which prescribed or
approved the particular maintenance procedure involved.

The interval from the date of manufacture to the date of the first examination shall not
exceed five years. Subsequent examination of new containers and re-examination of
existing containers shall be at intervals of not more than 24 months. All examinations
shall determine whether the container has any defects which could place any person in

For some years now, owners have in most cases been responsible for examining their
own containers. Regulators have provided for this by establishing an "Approved
Continuous Examination Program", in which owners participate. The ACEP is a
recognized repair and maintenance system providing for regular examinations and
servicing. To participate actively in this program, it is necessary to register with the
competent authorities. Registration is indicated on the container. The owner has then to
take responsibility for the necessary inspections and the date for re-examination need no
longer be indicated on the CSC plate.

A valid ACEP renders it unnecessary to indicate a next examination date

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A steel wire rope is composed of three parts – wires, strands and the heart. The heart is
made of natural fibre, though recently synthetic fibre has been used when resistance to
crushing is required. With the many changes in the marine industry the needs in wire rope
have altered considerably from the early production days. Modern ropes are designed
with specific tasks in mind (Table 4.1), and their construction varies accordingly.
However, all wire ropes are affected by wear and bending, especially so when the ropes
are operated around drum ends or sheaves. When selecting a wire rope, choose a wire
which will provide reasonable resistance to both bending fatigue and abrasion. The wire
should also be protected as well as possible against corrosive action, especially in a salt
laden atmosphere. Where corrosive conditions exist, the use of a galvanized wire is

All wires should be governed by a planned maintenance system to ensure that they are
coated with lubricant at suitable intervals throughout their working life. Internal
lubrication will occur if the wire has a natural fibre heart, for when the wire comes under
tension, the heart will expel its lubricant into the wires, so causing the desired internal
lubrication. If synthetic material is used for the heart of a wire, this also acts to reduce
corrosion. Being synthetic, the heart is impervious to moisture; consequently, should the
rope become wet, any moisture would be expelled from the interior of the wire as weight
and pressure are taken up.


Standing Rigging

This will be of 6 X 7 (6 strands, 7 wires) construction, or, with a steel core, 7 X 7

construction. For larger sizes 6 X 19 or 7 X 19 may be encountered. Examples in use
would be the shrouds to port and starboard of the mast, forestay, backstay, triatic or what
used to be called jumper stay, ships’ wire guard rails etc. (see Figure 4.4). In standing
rigging the wire is non-flexible, and under normal circumstances it is a permanent fixture
of the vessel in that it does not or will not be moving at any time. There are exceptions to
this, e.g. preventer backstays to a mast when operating a heavy lift derrick, ships guard
rails being removed to allow access.

Running Rigging

These are flexible ropes of 6 X 12, 6X 18, 6X 19, 6 X 24, 6 X 36 or 6 X 37 construction.

The number of wires per strand (wps) may be as many as 91, but these ropes are
generally confined to heavy industry, such as launching slipways, towage and salvage

This is by far the most popular rig using two derricks (see Plate 20). It is a fast efficient
method of loading or discharging cargo. The derrick may be used in a single swinging
mode when not employed in a union purchase rig, so providing versatile cargo handling

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over a considerable range of cargo weights. The rigging of the union purchase rig (Figure
5.4) is arranged by plumbing the inshore derrick over the quayside, while the second
derrick is plumbed over the hatch area containing the cargo. The two cargo runners are
joined together at a triple swivel hook, known as a union hook, or often referred to as a
Seattle hook (Figure 5.5).The two derricks are held in position by slewing guys, which,
once the derricks are plumbed correctly, are secured, so that the derricks will not be
allowed to move. The operation is carried out by the weight of the load being taken by
one derrick and transferred via the cargo runners to the second derrick (Figure 5.5). It
should be noted that the derricks do not move throughout the whole operation. The only
moving parts are the two cargo runners led to winches.

The stresses that come into play when working this rig are considerable because of the
angles made with the cargo runners, and as a rough guide one-third of the safe working
load of the derricks may be taken as a working weight, e.g. 5 tonnes SWL of derricks,
then 1.6 tonnes may be considered the SWL of the union purchase rig.

When rigging derricks for union purchase rig, each derrick should be topped in the
normal manner (see p. 108).The exception to this is when the schooner guy is fitted: then
both derricks should be topped together, with the tension being kept on the schooner guy
to prevent them splaying apart as they rise. For the operation of topping derricks with the
schooner guy, more manpower is obviously required to top both derricks at once.
Preventer guys, not to be confused with slewing guys, should be passed over the derrick
heads once the derricks have been floated from their crutches.

Preventer Guys

Preventer guys are to be fitted in addition to slewing guys, and their safe working load
should not be less than that indicated in Table 5.1 or as found by parallelogram of forces

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of the rig, whichever is the greater. Preventers should be made of wire rope, or wire and
chain construction, and attached to the derrick separately from the slewing guys. Deck
eye plates should be so positioned so as to prevent excessive guy tension building up,
while keeping the working area clear for the passage of cargo slings. Preventers should be
secured by use of shackles through the chain link to the eye plate on the deck, or if all
wire preventers are being used, then securing is often obtained by ‘ferrules’ fused on to
the wire at regular intervals and held by a pear link arrangement.

Single Swinging Derrick

The function of the derrick is to raise, transfer and lower weights. In the shipping industry
this effectively means moving goods from the quay to the vessel or vice-versa. The
derrick boom is supported at the heel in a pivot arrangement known as the gooseneck,
which allows elevation by means of a topping lift span. The topping lift may be of the
nature of a single span or a purchase; either way the downhaul is led from the spider band
of the derrick via the masthead span block (high upper support) to a convenient winch.
Figure 5.2 shows a single span secured to a union plate, which also accommodates a
chain preventer and a bull-rope. The bull-rope is a continuation of the downhaul for the
purpose of topping or lowering the derrick. The derrick is positioned to plumb the load by
slewing the boom from port to starboard by means of a slewing guy secured on either
side of the spider band. Slewing guys come in two parts, namely a cordage tackle (wire in
the case of heavy lift derricks) secured to a wire guy pendant which is shackled at the
derrick head.

The derrick may be equipped with a lifting purchase or a whip (single) cargo runner. In
either case, once the derrick has been plumbed at the correct height for the load, the
topping lift is secured, and the downhaul of the lifting purchase is led to the winch via the
derrick heel block. Many vessels are provided with dolly winches for the sole purpose of
topping and lowering derricks. Dolly winches are usually fitted with a safety bar device
and leave the main cargo winch to handle the lifting purchase or runner. Other types of
dolly winch are operated from the main winch, in which case combined use of topping
lift and lifting purchase is not possible, the dolly winch having to be disengaged to allow
separate operations to be carried out. When the derrick is rigged in the single swinging
mode, the topping lift is secured and the actual height of the derrick does not change.
However, the bull-rope may be replaced by a luff tackle, with the consequence that the
topping lift effectively becomes the downhaul of the luff tackle. If this is led to the winch
direct, then the derrick is turned into a luffing derrick. With this method of rigging a
second winch will be required to operate the cargo runner.

Lifting gear should be set up in accordance with the ship’s rigging plan

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Topping a Derrick – Topping Lift Span Tackle

1. Assume the derrick (Figure 5.3) to be in the lowered position, secured in the crutch.
Obtain lead block, chain stopper, marline spike, rope yarns and wire preventer guy if the
derrick is to be used in union purchase rig.
2. Obtain power on deck and remove the cargo runner from the barrel of winch.
3. Secure slewing guys to the spider band and stretch them to port and starboard.
4. Shackle the cargo working end of the runner to the deck, so as not to end up with the
eye of the runner at the derrick head when topped.
5. Take the weight of the topping lift downhaul by passing a chain stopper round it. Lead
the downhaul of the topping lift via a lead block on to the main barrel of the winch. Take
the weight of the wire on the winch and remove the chain stopper.
6. Remove the derrick head lashing or crutch clamp, and man the guys.
7. Lift the derrick clear of the crutch and pass the wire preventer over the derrick head for
use with union purchase.
8. Top the derrick up to the desired working height, by heaving on the topping lift
9. Pass the chain stopper on the topping lift downhaul once the derrick is at the required
working height and the winch is stopped.
10. Ease back on the winch until the weight comes on to the chain stopper.
11. Remove the topping lift downhaul from the winch and secure it hand tight about the
mast cleats. This operation should be carried out while the weight is on the chain stopper.
Once completed, the stopper can be removed. When turning the wire up on to the mast
cleats, make three complete turns before adding the four cross turns, the whole being
secured with a light rope yarn lashing.
12. Provided a lead block is used for the downhaul of the topping lift, and not a snatch
block, there is not the need to remove the block from the way of the wire.

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13. Secure slewing guys once the derrick is plumbed correctly, and also the cargo runner
to main barrel of winch.
Derricks must be secured properly for sea, by resting them on crutches and tightening the
runner wires. Various slings, snotters canvas slings, trays, pallets, nets, chain slings, cant
hooks, bale hooks and vehicle slings may be used to load unitized break-bulk cargo.

Precautions when lifting bales with hooks are to see the cargo bales do not get


Cranes - Advantages in use are:

1. Ability to plumb over the lifting point.

2. Single-man operation, controlling luffing, slewing and hoisting.
3. Straight lift means that SWL is usually adequate.

Disadvantages in use are:

1. Complexity of operation requires lengthy maintenance.

2. SWL decreases with jib radius, because the span becomes less effective as it
approaches the horizontal.
3. Large amount of deck space required for installation.

Derricks. Advantages in use are:

1. Simplicity of component parts.

2. Ability to change rig to suit loading/discharging requirements.
3. Maintenance is minimal, provided that winches are good.

Disadvantages in use are:

1. Deck is cluttered with guy ropes and preventers.

2. Operation usually requires two winch drivers and a hatch man.
3. Time delays in changing derrick rig for different cargoes.

Precautions to be taken when fork-lift trucks or similar devices are used in the ‘twin-
decks or holds are as follows:-

1. Only authorized persons to drive the fork lift or other devices.

2. The weight of fork lift within permissible limits ( PLD : Permissible load
density of the tween deck or lower hold tank top.)
3. The ships structure like hopper, ladders, sounding pipes should not be damaged
by mishandling of fork lifts.
4. Means of communications to be established through stevedore foreman.

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Cargo Handling - Safety

1. All cargo gear should be visually inspected before the start of cargo operations each
day .
2. Load on cargo gear should never exceed its safe working load .
3.ropes wires blocks and loose gear should be subject to frequent inspections while in use
for cargo operations As per ISM.
4. Mechanically or hydraulically operated hatches should be opened or closed by the
ship’s crew under the supervision of a responsible person only.
5. Hatch covers should be secured by locking devices to prevent them moving
6. Covers of partially opened hatches should be secured to prevent their accidental
7. All hatch openings should be securely fenced to a minimum height of 1 m
8. It is the ships responsibility to cover or fence hatches when notice of completion of
work for the day is given by the stevedore in charge
9. No person should use a ladder in the square of a hatch while cargo is being hoisted or
lowered in that square
10. No person should stand or pass under a suspended load
11. Portable lights should be removed from cargo as soon as they are no longer required
as they are fire hazard.
12.A responsible person to establishes and maintain effective communication during
loading and discharging of cargo with ship and shore staff
13. It is duty of responsible person to look for damages and defects most commonly
encountered due to:
- loading and discharging operations
- corrosion
- severe weather conditions
14. All parts of the ships hold shall be inspected at what time in order to cover all parts
within a given period of time as per company safety policy and PMS (planned
maintenance system)
20. Some elements of the ship structure which are critical to the safety of the ship are as
follows :-
Shipside frames with their brackets.
Watertight bulkheads
Forepeak tank

21. There are five main methods for controlling the tendency of metals to corrode in sea
1. By isolation of the corroding metal from the sea water by painting, or other
2. Changing the potential of the metal to a point where corrosion ceases - by
impressed voltage or coupling to a sacrificial anode.
3. By making the metal passive, using corrosion inhibitors.
4. Changing the pH of the local environment by chemical dosing.
5. And finally by making a change to a more corrosion resistant material.

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Protection by painting

• Painting the ship isolates the steel from the corrosive media. The paint must also
be resistant to the marine environment and the application strictly controlled to ensure
full and effective coverage of the steel. Regular inspection and repair of the coating may
be necessary to achieve reliable and lasting protection.

Cathodic protection

• Sacrificial anodes enable the potential of the system to be changed and will
provide temporary protection to steel exposed by wear or damage of the protective
coating. Systematic location of the anodes is critical to their overall effectiveness. They
must likewise be regularly serviced and replaced when spent.


• Inside the ship inhibitors which modify the corrosion process may effectively
prevent attack in bilges and other areas where sea water will collect and
stagnate. Reliable systems to monitor and maintain the correct concentration of the
inhibitor are an essential aspect of this prevention strategy.

Galvanic corrosion

• In practice ships are rarely made just from a single metal or alloy. Modern
engineering systems use a wide range composites and of metals and alloys, some more,
some less resistant to marine corrosion than steel. The more resistant alloys may
aggravate the attack on adjacent unprotected less resistant alloys. This galvanic effect is
not always confined to separate metals, some alloys improperly processed in manufacture
or fabrication carry the seeds of their own destruction in their microstructures which
contain phases so widely separated in corrosion potential that without further overall
protection by coating, anodes or inhibitors, selective attack of the less resistant phase is

Using corrosion resistant alloys

• Could ships and other marine structures be made from more corrosion resistant
materials? Depending on design factors including the severity of the application and the
levels of strength, damage tolerance, reliability, safety and life required, components and
systems can be manufactured from composites, or from stainless steels of increasing
resistance, or from copper based alloys such as cupro-nickel or nickel aluminium bronze,
nickel alloys or titanium, using these materials exclusively or in conjunction with each
other or less resistant alloys. Protection for the least resistant alloys by anodes, or
impressed potential, requires careful control of the system potential to avoid the
possibility of hydrogen uptake by the more highly corrosion resistant alloys such as super
duplex steel and titanium.

22. procedures on how these inspections shall be carried out

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A close up inspection , preferably at arm’s length of all the hold structures must be
carried out to detect any damage/ cracks or excessive corrosion. It may be supplemented
by hammer test or ultrasonic gauging , where the remaining thickness of the ships
structure is compared to its original thickness as per shell expansion plan. Equipment like
scaffolding / cherry pickers or ladders may be used . Lifelines/ safety harness should be
used for personal safety . ISM forms may be used as an exhaustive checklist or recording
thickness measurements. Reliable detection of defects and damages can be achieved by
an experienced and responsible officer or organization in charge. Purpose of the
“Enhanced Survey Program me” is to detect and effect required repairs in time frame. As
the name suggests enhanced survey covers extensive and thorough inspection of the
entire ships structures like bottom, ship sides, cargo tanks/ holds, ballast tanks , pipelines
etc. which over period of time may get corroded or thinned down to large extent , and
then renewing those parts becomes important to prevent total failure of the structure.
Enhanced survey programme involves thickness measurement reports , the report on
successive repair list .

The effect of heavy lift as sea-worthiness and stability of the ship is as follows:-

The moment heavy lift is lifted by ships gear , the centre of gravity shifts to the head of
the gear which may affect the ships stability , hence proper GM calculations must be
done. Heavy lift cargo must be properly lashed to achieve solidity of the stow , and on
proper dunnage t spread the weight. Proper tool box meeting / risk assessment must be
performed. Good communication is the key to safe operations.



 "authorised person" means a person authorised by the employer, the master of

the ship or a responsible person to undertake a specific task or tasks and possessing
necessary technical knowledge and experience for undertaking the task or tasks;
 "competent person" means a person belonging to a testing establishment in
India who is approved by the Chief Inspector for the purpose of testing, examination or
annealing and certification of lifting appliances, loose gears or wire ropes; any other
person who is recognised under the relevant regulations in force in other countries as
competent for issuing certificates
 "Inspector" means a person appointed by the Central Government under Sec. 3
of the Act and includes the Chief Inspector;
 "lifting appliance" means all stationary or mobile cargo handling appliances
including their permanent attachments, such as cranes, derricks shore based power
operated ramps used on shore or on board ship for suspending, raising or lowering, cargo
or moving them from one position to another while suspended or supported, in
connection with the dock work and includes lifting machinery;
 "loose gear" means hook, shackle, swivel, chain, sling, lifting beam, container
spreader, tray and any other such gear, by means of which the load can be attached to a
lifting appliance and includes lifting device;
 "port authority" means the person having the general management and control
of dock:

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 "responsible person" means a person appointed by the employer, the master of
the ship, the owner of the gear or port authorities, as the case may be, to be responsible
for the performance of a specific duty or duties and who has sufficient knowledge and
experience and the requisite authority for the proper performance of the duty or duties;
 "safe working load" in relation to an article of loose gear or lifting appliance
means the load which is the maximum load that may be imposed with safety in the
normal working conditions and as assessed and certified by the competent person;
 "testing establishment" means an establishment with testing and examination
facilities, as approved by the Chief Inspector for carrying out testing, examination,
annealing or certification, etc. of lifting appliance or loose gear or wire rope as required
under the regulations;
 “thorough examination” means a visual examination, supplemented if necessary
by other means such as hammer test, carried out as carefully as the conditions permit, in
order to arrive at a reliable conclusion as to the safety of the parts examined; and if
necessary for this purpose, parts of the lifting appliance and gear, shall be dismantled.

Describe the powers of Dock Safety Inspector?

Powers of Inspectors:

1. An Inspector may at any port for which he is appointed:

a. enter, with such assistance, (if any), as he thinks fit, any ship, dock,
warehouse or other premises, where any dock work, is being carried on, or where he has
reason to believe that any dock work is being carried on;
b. make examination of the ship, dock, lifting appliance, loose gear, lifting
device, staging, transport equipment, warehouse or other premises, used or to be used, for
any dock work;
c. require the production of any testing muster roll or other document
relating to the employment of dock workers and examine such document;
d. take on the spot or otherwise such evidence of any person which he may
deem necessary, provided that no person shall be compelled to answer any question or,
give any evidence tending to incriminate himself;
e. take copies of registers, records or other documents or portions thereof as
he may consider relevant in respect of any offence which he has reason to believe has
been committed or for the purpose of any inquiry;
f. take photograph, sketch, sample, weight measure or record as he may
consider necessary for the purpose of any examination or inquiry;
g. hold an inquiry into the cause of any accident or dangerous occurrence
which he has reason to believe was the result of the collapse or failure of any lifting
appliance loose gear, transport equipment, staging non-compliance with any of the
provisions of the Act or the regulations;
h. issue show-cause notice relating to the safety, health and welfare
provisions arising under the Act or the regulations;
i. prosecute, conduct or defend before any court any complaint or other
proceedings, arising under the Act or the regulations;
j. direct the port authority, dock labour board and other employers of dock
workers for getting the dock workers medically examined if considered necessary.

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2. A person having general management and control of the premises or the owner,
master, officer-in-charge or agents of the ship, as the case may be, shall provide such
means as may be required by the Inspector for entry, inspection, examination, inquiry,
otherwise for the exercise of his powers under Act and the regulations in relation to that
ship or premises which shall also include the provision of launch or other means of

Q. Describe D.L.R. pertaining to staging, access, ladders & machinery?


1. Construction and Maintenance

a. All staging shall be:
i. securely constructed of sound and substantial material and shall be
maintained in such condition so as to ensure the safety of all dock workers; and
ii. inspected at regular and frequent intervals by a responsible person.
b. All planks and ropes intended to be used for a staging shall be:
i. carefully examined before being taken into use; and
ii. re-examined by a responsible person before they are used again
after the stages have been dismantled.
c. All planks forming stages shall be securely fastened to prevent slipping.
d. All stages shall be of sufficient width to secure the safety of the dock
e. Stage suspended by ropes or chains shall be secured as far as possible so
as to prevent their swinging; and
f. No rope or chain shall be used in suspending stages unless it is of suitable
quality, adequate strength and free from patent defects.
g. Fibre rope shall not pass over sharp edges.
h. Safe means of access shall be provided for the use of dock workers to and
from stages and ropes used for suspending stages shall not be used as means of access.

2. Work on staging

a. More than two men shall not be allowed to work at any one time on a
staging plank.
b. When dockworkers are employed on staging more than 2.5 meters high,
they shall be protected by safety belts equipped with lifelines which shall be secured to a
fixed structure.
c. Prior to each use, belts and lifelines shall be inspected for dry rot,
chemical damage or other defects, which may affect their strength. Defective belts shall
not be used.
d. Work on a staging shall not be carried on when loaded slings have to pass
over the staging and there is danger from falling objects.

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Means of Access

1. Access between shore and ship

a. When a ship is lying at a wharf or quay for the purpose of dock work,
adequate and safe means of access to the ship, properly installed and secured, shall be
b. Safe means, shall be as follows: Where practicable, the ship
accommodation ladder or a gangway, shall be
i. not less than 55 cms, wide at the steps and of adequate depth with
steps having permanent non-skid surface;
ii. properly secured and securely fenced throughout its length on each
side except that in the case of ship's accommodation ladder such fencing shall be
necessary one side only provided that the other side is properly protected by the ship's
iii. constructed of suitable material and maintained in good condition
and suitable for the purpose;
iv. fitted with a platform at either end of the ladder and the lower
platform or the treads resting on the dock;
v. an angle maintained not exceeding 40 degrees to the horizontal
irrespective of resting on the dock.
c. Whenever there is danger of dock workers falling between the ship and the
shore, a safety net or other suitable protection shall be rigged below the accommodation
d. If it is not possible to rest the accommodation ladder or gangway and the
foot of the same is more than 30 cms away from the edge of the wharf or quay, the space
between them shall be bridged by a firm walkway equipped with railing on both the sides
with a minimum height of one meter with the mid-rails.
e. When the upper end of the means of access rests on or is in flush with the
top of the bulwark substantial steps properly secured and equipped with at least one
substantial handrail one meter in height shall be provided between the top of the bulwark
and the deck and the steps provided shall be, as far as practicable, in line with the

2. Access between ship and another vessel.

a. When a ship is alongside another ship, and dock workers have to pass
from one to the other, adequate and safe means of access shall be provided for their use,
unless the conditions are such that it is possible to pass from one to the other without
undue risk and without the aid of any special appliance.
b. If the other ship is sailing barge, flat, keel, lighter or other similar vessel of
relatively low free board, the means of access shall be provided by the ship which has the
higher free board.
c. Rope ladders used as a means of access between ship and another vessel
i. be of good construction, made up of suitable and sound material
with adequate strength and properly maintained for the purpose for which it is used;
ii. be adequately secured at its upper end

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iii. have suitable provisions as far as practicable, for preventing the
ladder from twisting; and
iv. have bottom tread within the safe distance of the lower landing

3. Access between deck and hold

a. If the depth from the level of the deck to the bottom of the hold exceed 1.5
meters there shall be maintained safe means of access from the deck to the hold in which
work is being carried on.
b. Where practicable, access to the hold shall be by separate man-hatches 60
centimetre by 60 centimetre clear in size, with a sloping ladder and hand rail through
each deck to the lower hold and hinged cover for a man-hatch shall, while in the open
position, be effectively secured.
c. When the length of the hatchway exceeds 7 meters, a fixed hold ladder
shall be fitted both on or near the fore and aft side of the hatchway.
d. Fixed hold ladders shall be maintained in good condition.
e. Fixed hold ladders connecting decks shall lie in the same straight line,
unless measures are taken at each tween deck for safe ascent and descent from the
f. Cargo shall be stacked sufficiently far from the ladder.

4. Fencing of and means of access to lifting appliances

a. Safe means of access to every part of a lifting appliance shall be provided.

b. The operator's platform on every crane or tip driven by mechanical power
shall be securely fenced and shall be provided with safe means of access. In particular,
where access is by a ladder,
i. the sides of the ladder shall extend to a reasonable distance beyond
the platform or some other suitable handhold shall be provided;
ii. the landing place on the platform shall be maintained free from
obstruction and slipping; and
iii. In case where the ladder is vertical and exceeds six meters in
height, a resting place shall be provided, after every six meters and part thereof.


1. All metal, wooden, rope or other ladders that are used by dock workers shall be of
sound material, good construction and adequate strength for the purpose for which they
are intended and shall be properly maintained and kept free from oil or other slippery
2. Wooden ladders, shall not be painted, but covered with clear varnish or other
transparent preservative.
3. No ladder shall be used which has-
a. a missing or defective rung; or
b. any rung which depends for its support on nails, spikes or other similar
4. Every ladder shall be inspected at suitable intervals by a responsible person, and if
any defects are found in any ladder, the ladder shall be immediately taken out of service.

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(Machinery) Fencing of motors, etc.

1. All machinery (whether or not driven by mechanical power), their moving parts
and steam pipes shall be securely fenced or lagged.
2. The fencing of dangerous parts of machinery shall not be removed while the
machinery is in motion or in use, but if removed, shall be replaced before the machinery
is taken into normal use again.
3. No part of any machinery which is in motion and which is not securely fenced
shall be examined, lubricated, adjusted or repaired except by persons duly authorised.
4. Machine parts shall only be cleaned when the machine is stopped.
5. When machinery is stopped for servicing or repairs, adequate means shall be
taken to ensure that it cannot inadvertently be restarted.
6. Only duly authorised person shall be permitted to install, adjust, examine, repair,
displace or remove electrical equipment or circuits.
7. All portable electrical equipment shall be maintained in good working order and
inspected by a responsible person at least once in every day before it is taken into use.

Q Describe how the care & maintenance of the derrick & it’s moving parts is
carried out on board ship?

Construction and maintenance of lifting appliances

1. General:

All lifting appliance, including all parts and working gear thereof, whether fixed or
moveable, and any plant or gear used in anchoring of fixing such appliance, shall be:

a. of good construction, sound material, adequate strength for the purpose for
which it is used and free from patent defect; and
b. Maintained in good repair and working order.

2. Drums:

a. Every drum or pulley round which the rope of any lifting appliances is
carried, shall be of adequate diameter and construction in relation to the rope used.
b. Any rope which terminates at the winding drum of a lifting appliance shall
be securely attached to the drum and at least three dead turns of the rope shall remain on
the drum in every operating position of the lifting appliance.
c. The flange of the drum should project twice the rope diameter beyond the
last layer.

3. Brakes: Every lifting appliances shall be provided with an efficient brake or

brakes which shall:

a. be capable of preventing fall of a suspended lead (Including any test load

applied in accordance with these regulations) and of effectively controlling a load while it
is being lowered;
b. act without shock;

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c. have shoes that can be easily removed for relining; and
d. Be provided with simple and easily accessible means of adjustment.
Controls : Controls of lifting appliance shall:

e. be so situated that the driver at his stand or seat has ample room for
operating and has an unrestricted view of dock work, as far as practicable, and remains
clear of the load and ropes, and that no load passes over him;
f. be positioned with due regard to ergonometric considerations for easy
g. be so located that the driver does not have to remain in the bight of the
heel block;
h. have upon them or adjacent to them clear markings to indicate their
purpose and mode of operation;
i. be provided, where necessary, with a suitable locking device to prevent
accidental movement or displacement;
j. as far as practicable, move in the direction of the resultant load movement;
k. automatically come to a neutral position in case of power failure.

Q What tests are carried out on lifting appliances and at what frequency?

Test and periodical examination of lifting appliances

1. Before being taken into use for the first time or after It has undergone any
alternations or repairs liable to affect its strength or stability and also once at least in
every five years, all lifting appliances including all parts and gears thereof, whether fixed
or moveable, shall be tested and examined by a competent person in the manner set out In
Schedule I.
2. All lifting appliances shall be thoroughly examined by a competent person once at
least in every 12 months. Where the competent person making this examination forms the
opinion that the lifting appliance cannot continue to function safely, he shall forthwith
give notice in writing of his opinion to the owner of the lifting appliance or in case of
lifting appliance carried on board a ship not registered in India, to the Master or officer-
in-charge of the ship.
3. Thorough examination for the purpose of this regulation shall mean a visual
examination, supplemented if necessary by other means such as hammer test, carried out
as carefully as the conditions permit, in order to arrive at a reliable conclusion as to the
safety of the parts examined; and if necessary for this purpose, parts of the lifting
appliance and gear, shall be dismantled.

Q What are the factors to be considered before condemning a wire rope?

Q A wire of 20mm Diameter & 6 x 24 construction is having 15 broken visible
wires in 162mm Length. Will you condemn the wire? If not why and how often will you
inspect the wire?
Q Describe the circumstances under which you would condemn a wire rope,
which is part of the cargo tackle?
Q When would you condemn a runner wire of a crane?
Q What do you understand by care & maintenance of a wire rope?

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1. No rope shall be used for dock work unless:

a. It is of suitable quality and free from patent defect, and

b. In the case of wire rope, it has been tested and examined by a competent
person in the manner set out in Schedule I (Tested to destruction & SWL obtained by
dividing with factor of safety).
2. Every wire rope of lifting appliance or loose gear used in dock work shall be
inspected by a responsible person once at least in every three months, provided that after
any wire has broken in such rope, it shall be inspected once at least in every month.
3. No wire rope shall be used in dock work if in any length of eight diameters the
total number of visible broken wires exceed 10 per cent of the total number of wires or
the rope shows sign of excessive wear, corrosion or other defects which in the opinion of
the person who inspects it or Inspector, renders it as unfit for use.
4. Eye splices and loops for the attachment of hooks, rings and other such parts to
wire ropes shall be made with suitable thimble.
5. A thimble or loop splice made in any wire rope shall conform to the following
a. Wire rope or rope sling shall have at least three tucks with full strand of
rope and two tucks with one-half of the wires cut out of each strand and strands in all
cases shall be tucked against the lay of the rope;
b. Protruding ends of strands in any splice on wire rope and rope slings shall
be covered or treated so as to leave no sharp points;
c. Fibre rope or rope sling shall have at least four tucks tail of such tuck
being whipped in a suitable manner; and
d. Synthetic fibre rope or rope sling shall have at least four tucks with full
strand followed by further tuck with one-half filaments cut-out of each strand and final
tuck with one-half of the remaining filaments, cut-out from trends. The portion of the
splices containing the tucks with the reduced number of filaments shall be securely
covered with suitable tape or other materials: Provided that this sub-regulation shall not
operate to prevent the use of another form of splice which can be shown to be as efficient
as that laid down in this regulation.

Q What is a cargo gear register?

Q What are the contents of a chain register?

Register of periodical test and examination and certificates thereof

1. A register in Form II shall be maintained and particulars of test and examination

of lifting appliances and loose gears and heat treatment, shall be entered in it:
 Register of Machinery, Chains, etc. and Wire Ropes (Form II)
o Part I Lifting Appliance (Initial & Periodical load testing and
Annual Thorough Examinations)
o Part II Loose Gears (Initial & Periodical load testing and Annual
Thorough Examinations)
o Part III Annealing of chains, rings, hooks, shackles & swivels (Other than
those exempted)

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2. Certificates shall be obtained from competent person and attached to the register
in Form II, in respect of the following, in the forms shown against each:
a. Initial and periodical test and examination for-
i. winches, derricks and their accessory gear in Form III
ii. cranes or hoists and their accessory gear in Form IV;
b. Test, examination and re-examination of loose gears under regulation 47
in Form V;
c. Test and examination of wire ropes under regulation 48 in Form VI;
d. Heat treatment and examination of loose gears under sub-regulation (1) of
regulation 49, in Form VII;
e. Annual thorough examination of the loose gears under sub-regulation (2)
of regulation 47 in Form VIII, unless required particulars have been entered in the
register in Form II.

The register and the certificates attached to the register shall be:
a. kept on board the ship in case of ship's lifting appliances, loose gears and
wire ropes;
b. kept at premises of the owner in respect of other lifting appliances, loose
gear and wire ropes;
c. produced on demand before an Inspector; and
d. retained for at least five years after the date of the last entry.

4. No lifting appliance and loose gear in respect of which an entry is required to be

made and certificates of test and examination are required to be attached in the register in
Form II, shall be used for dock work unless and until the required entry has been made in
the register and the required certificates have been so attached.

Q When & to whom an accident to a shore labour should be reported?

Reporting of accidents

1. Notice of any accident in a dock which either:

(a) causes loss of life; or
(b) disables a person from work on which he was employed for the rest of the
day or shift in which the accident occurred; shall forthwith be sent by telegram, telephone
or special messenger within four hours of the occurrence to,-
i. the Inspector:
ii. the relatives of the workers when the accident causes loss of life to
the dock worker or is likely to disable the dock worker from work for more than ten days;
iii. in the case of fatal accidents also to:
1. the officer-in-charge of the nearest Police Station, and,
2. the District Magistrate or if the District Magistrate by order
so directs, the Sub-Divisional Magistrate.

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2. In the case of accidents falling under Cl. (b) of sub- regulation (1) the injured
person shall be given first-aid and thereafter immediately transferred to a hospital or other
place of treatment.
3. Where any accident causing disablement subsequently results in the death of
dockworker, notice in writing of the death shall be submitted to the authorities mentioned
in sub-regulation (1) within 72 hours after the death occurs.

4. The following classes of dangerous occurrences shall be reported to the Inspector,

whether death or disablement is caused or not, in the manner prescribed in sub-regulation

(a) collapse or failure of lifting appliances or conveyors or breakage or failure

of rope, chains or other loose gears and lifting devices or overturning of cranes, used in
dock work, falling of hatch boards or cargo from sling, displacement of hatch beams or
(b) collapse or subsidence of any wall, floor, gallery, roof, platform, staging
or means of access;
(c) explosion of a receiver or vessel used for the storage, at a pressure greater
than atmosphere pressure of any gas or gases (Including air) or any liquid or solid
resulting from the compression of gas;
(d) explosion or fire causing damage to any place in the dock in which dock
workers are employed;
(e) collapse, capsizing, toppling or collision of the transport equipment,
(f) spillage or leakage of dangerous goods and damage to their containers;
(g) breakage, buckling or damage of freight containers.

5. If a failure of lifting appliance, loose gear and transport equipment has occurred,
the concerned appliance, gear or equipment and the site shall, as far as practicable, be
kept undisturbed until inspected by the Inspector.

6. Every notice given under sub-regulation (1) and sub-regulation (4), shall be
confirmed within seventy-two hours of the occurrence by submitting a written report to
the inspector in Form XII and a proper acknowledgment obtained provided that in case of
an accident under Cl. (b) of sub-regulation (1), such written report need be submitted
only when the dock worker is disabled from work on which he was employed for more
than forty-eight hours from the time of accident.

Q. Explain the D.L.R. that are to be complied with while a vessel is working cargo.
List out the various markings & safety devices on a crane that you would ensure are in
good order before commencing cargo operations?

D.L.R. pertaining to following items are to be complied with while a vessel is working

 Safety (Working Places)

o Railings and fencings

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o Staging construction and maintenance.
o Means of Access
o Access between shore and ship
o Access between ship and another vessel.
o Access between deck and hold.
o Fencing of and means of access to lifting appliances
o Ladders

 Safety (Lifting Appliances and Gear)

o Construction and maintenance of lifting appliances
o Test and periodical examination of lifting appliances.
o Rigging of ship's derricks
o Construction and maintenance of loose gears.
o Test and periodical examination of loose gears.
o Ropes
o Heat treatment of loose gears.
o Certificate to be issued after actual testing, examination, etc.
o Register of periodical test and examination and certificates thereof.
o Marking of safe working load.
o Loading of lifting appliances and loose gears.
o Pulley blocks.
o Knotting of chains and wire ropes

 Safety (Miscellaneous)

o (Machinery) Fencing of motors, etc.

o Electrical equipment.
o Reporting of accidents.

Markings & safety devices on a crane that need to be checked before commencing
cargo operations are:

Markings: Relevant SWL markings for all possible methods of rig (e.g. a crane
having variable operational radii may have a smaller SWL when rigged to maximum
radius) & corresponding minimum permissible angle from horizontal (e.g. a crane may
have a SWL of 25 T at ≥15º from horizontal)

SWL markings on individual components of a crane such as blocks, hooks, shackles, etc.

Safety Devices: Safety cut-outs (limit switches) for following operations:

o Runner hoisting – upper limit

o Runner lowering – lower limit
o Jib (Boom) vertical motion – upper limit
o Jib (Boom) vertical motion – lower limit
o Jib (Boom) slewing – port limit
o Jib (Boom) slewing – starboard limit

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Last two limit switches (Jib - slewing) are provided only for those cranes where
proximity hazard with a ship structure (such as a bulk head) exists:

 Jib Angle Indicators

 Safety latch on a crane hook
 Stoppers / safety lugs which prevent wire from slipping off a sheave
 Steadying line if applicable
 Access guard rails

Q DLA 1934 was brought into effect to ensure safety during cargo
operations. Explain. State the guidelines under which you may condemn blocks as
unfit for use?

DL Act 1934 was introduced to give effect to the Convention concerning the protection
against accidents of workers employed in loading and unloading ships. Safety
enhancement during cargo operations was sought by:

1. providing for the safety of working places on shore and of any regular
approaches over a dock, wharf, quay or similar premises which workers have to use
for going to or from a working place at which the processes are carried on, and for
the lighting and fencing of such places and approaches
2. prescribing the nature of the means of access which shall be provided for the
use of workers proceeding to or from a ship which is lying alongside a quay hulk or
other vessel
3. prescribing the measures to be taken to ensure the safe transport of workers
proceeding to or from a ship by water and [lie conditions to be complied with by the
vessels used for the purpose
4. prescribing the nature of the means of access to be provided for the use of the
workers from the deck of a ship to a hold in which the processes arc carried on
5. prescribing the measures to be taken to protect hatchways accessible to the
workers and other openings in a deck which might be dangerous to them
6. providing for the efficient lighting of the means of access to ships on which
the processes are carried on and of all places on board at which the workers are
employed or to which they may be required to proceed
7. Providing for the safely of the workers engaged in removing or replacing
hatch coverings and beams used for hatch coverings
8. prescribing the measures to be taken to ensure that no hoisting machine, or
gear, whether fixed or loose, used in connection therewith, is employed in the
processes on shore or "on board ship unless it is in a sale working condition
9. providing for the fencing of machinery, live electric conductors and steam
10. regulating the provisions of safety appliances on derricks, cranes and winches
11. prescribing the precautions to be observed in regard to exhaust and live steam
12. requiring the employment of competent and reliable persons to operate lifting
or transporting machinery used in the processes, or to give signals to a driver of such
machinery, or to attend to cargo falls on winch ends or winch drums, and providing
for the employment of a singular where this is necessary for the safety of the workers

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13. prescribing the measures to be taken in order to prevent dangerous methods
of working in the stacking, unstacking , stowing and unstowing of cargo, or handling
in connection therewith
14. prescribing the precautions to be taken to facilitate the escape of the workers
when employed in a hold or between decks in dealing with coal or other bulk cargo
15. prescribing the precautions to be observed in the use of stages and trucks
16. prescribing the precautions to be observed when the workers have to work
where dangerous or noxious goods arc, or have been, slowed or have to deal with or
work in proximity to such goods
17. providing for the rendering of first-aid to injured workers and removal to the
nearest place of treatment
18. prescribing the provision to be made for the rescue of immersed workers
from drowning
19. prescribing the abstracts of this Act and of the regulations required by section
20. providing for the submission of notices of accidents and dangerous
occurrences and prescribing the forms of such notices, the persons and authorities to
whom they are to be furnished, the particulars to be contained in them and the time
within which they are to be submitted
21. specifying the persons and authorities who shall be responsible for
compliance with regulations made under this Act
22. defining the circumstances in which and condition subject to which
exemptions from any of (lie regulations made under this Section may be given,
specifying the authorities who may grant such exemptions and regulating their
23. defining the additional powers which Inspectors may exercise under clause
(c) of section 4 ; and
24. providing generally for the safety of workers.

As per DLR, no pulley blocks shall be used in dock work unless the safe working load
and its identification marks are clearly stamped upon it. Further, blocks may be rendered
unfit for use under following circumstances:

 When clearance between centre pin or similar fitting and its mating hole
increases up to 10% of the original diameter of the pin.
 When serious deformation has occurred
 When a crack has occurred
 When abrasion or corrosion reaches 10% or more of the original dimensions
 Blocks whose sheaves do not rotate smoothly

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Miscellaneous Notes

Rigging of ship's derricks

1. Every ship shall carry the current and relevant rigging plans and any other
relevant information necessary for the safe rigging of its derricks and necessary gear.
2. All such rigging plans shall be certified by a competent person.

Construction and maintenance of loose gears

1. Every loose gear shall be:

a. of good design and construction, sound material and adequate strength for
the purpose for which it is used and free from patent defects and,
b. Properly maintained in good repair and working order.
2. Components of the loose gear shall be renewed if one of the dimensions at any
point has decreased by 10 per cent. or more by user.
3. Chains shall be withdrawn from use when stretched and increased in length
exceeds five per cent, or when a link of the chain deformed or otherwise damaged or
raised scarfs of defective welds appeared.
4. Rings hooks, swivels and end links attached to chains shall be of the same
material as that of the chains.
5. The voltage of electric supply to any magnetic lifting device shall not fluctuate by
more than + 10 per cent.

Test and periodical examination of loose gears.-

1. All loose gears shall be initially tested for the manufacturer by a competent
person, in a manner set-out in Schedule-I before taking into use or after undergoing any
substantial alternations or renders to any part liable to affect its safety and shall
subsequently be retested for the owner of the gear, at least in every five years.
2. All loose gears shall be thoroughly examined once at least in every twelve months
by a competent person. In addition chains shall be thoroughly examined once at least
every month by a responsible person.

Heat treatment of loose gears

1. All chains other than bridle chains attached to derricks on mass and all rings,
hooks, shackles and swivels used in hoisting or lowering shall, unless they have been
subjected to such treatment as an Inspector may, subject to confirmation by the Chief
Inspector approve, be effectively annealed under supervision of a competent person and
at the following intervals:

a. 12.5 millimetre and smaller chains, rings, hooks, shackles and swivels in
general use, once at least in every six months; and
b. all other chains, rings, hooks, shackles and swivels in general use, once at
least in every twelve months. Provided that in the case of such gear used solely on cranes
and other hoisting appliances worked by hand twelve months shall be submitted for six

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months in sub-clause (a) and two years for twelve months in sub-clause (b): Provided
further that where an Inspector is of the opinion that owing, to the size, design material or
frequency of use of any such gear or class of such gear, the requirements of this
regulation as to annealing is not necessary for the protection of dock workers, he may by
certificate in writing (which he may at his discretion revoke) and subject to confirmation
by the Chief Inspector exempt such gear or class of gear from such requirement subject to
such conditions as may be specified in such certificate.

2. Sub-regulation (1) shall not apply to:

a. pitched chains, working on sprocket of sprocketed wheels;

b. rings, hooks and swivels permanently attached to perched chain, pulley
blocks or weighing machines; and
c. hooks and swivels having ball bearings or other case hardened parts.

3. All chains and loose gears made from high tensile steel or alloy steel be plainly
marked with an approved mark indicating that they are so made. No chain or loose gear
made from high tensile steel or alloy steel shall be subject to any form of heat treatment
except where necessary for the purpose of repair and under the direction of a competent

4. If the past history of wrought iron gear is not known or if it is suspected that the
gear has been heat treated at incorrect temperature, it shall be normalised before using the
same for dock work.

Note: Heat Treatment is the process of heating & subsequent cooling of the material to
achieve the desired properties of hardness, ductility & malleability, etc.

The processing essentially consists of:

 Heating
 Holding for heat saturation & completion of structural changes
 Cooling at the desired rate

Annealing imparts softness, elasticity, ductility & relieves any internal stresses. The
metal is heated to about 20°-30°C above the critical point. After being held for a while at
this temperature (for the transformation to be complete), it is cooled slowly at a rate of
about 50°C per hour. The cooling may be done in the furnace or in some medium e.g. a
sand bath, which reduces the rate of cooling.

Normalizing is carried out to restore the original properties to a metal & correct the
structure of overheated steel. It relieves the stresses & improves the machinability of
carbon & low alloy steels by making them less hard.
Certificate to be issued after actual testing, examination, etc.

A competent person shall issue a certificate only after actual testing or, as the case may
be, examination of the apparatus specified in the said regulation.

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Marking of safe working load

1. Every lifting appliance and every item of loose gear shall be clearly marked with its
safe working load and identification mark by stamping or where this is impracticable, by
other suitable means.

2.1. Every ship's derrick (other than derrick crane) shall be clearly marked with its
safe working load when the derrick is used,
2.1.1. in single purchase,
2.1.2. with a lower cargo block, and
2.1.3. in union purchases in all possible block positions;
2.2. The lowest angle to the horizontal, that the derrick may be used, shall also be
legibly marked.

3. Every lifting appliance (other than ship's derricks) having more than one safe working
load shall be fitted with effective means enabling the operator to determine the safe
working load under each condition of use.

4. Means shall be provided to enable any dock worker using loose gears to ascertain the
safe working load for such loose gears under such conditions as it may be used and such
means shall consists,
4.1. as regards chain slings, of marking the safe working load in plain figures or
letter: upon the sling or upon a tablet or ring of durable material attached securely thereto;
4.2. as regards wire rope slings, either the means specified in CL (a) above or a
notice or notices so exhibited as can be easily read by any concerned, dock worker stating
the safe working load for the various sizes of the wire rope slings used.

5. No lifting appliance or loose gear shall be used unless marked in accordance with the
provisions of this regulation.

Loading of lifting appliances and loose gears

1. No lifting appliance, loose gear and wire rope shall be used in an unsafe way and
in such a manner as to involve risk to life of dock workers, and, in particular, shall be
loaded beyond its safe working load or loads, except for testing purposes as given in
Schedule I and under the direction of a competent person.

2. No lifting appliance and loose gears or any other cargo handling appliances shall
be used, if-
(a) the Inspector is not satisfied by reference to a certificate of test or
examination or to an authenticated record maintained as provided under the regulations;
(b) in the view of the Inspector, the lifting appliance, loose gear or any other
cargo handling appliance is not safe for use in dock work.

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Pulley blocks

No pulley blocks shall be used in dock work unless the safe working load and its
identification marks are clearly stamped upon it.
Knotting of chains and wire ropes

No chain or wire rope shall be used in dock work with a knot in it.

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Dangerous, Hazardous & Harmful (Marine Pollutants) Cargoes

Dangerous Goods – IMDG


IMDG APPLICABLE AS PER SOLAS vii, 500 GT ships and above; applicable to
multimodal transport, sea, air, road; applicable for dangerous goods carried in
packaged form , and MHB( Material hazardous in bulk, like coal) , and BLC( Bilk
liquid chemicals) , and BLG( Bulk liquid gasses. IMDG code not applicable to ships
stores and spares like pyrotechniques.

Classes, divisions, packing groups


Substances (including mixtures and solutions) and articles subject to the provisions of
this Code are assigned to one of the classes 1 -9 according to the hazard or the most
predominant of the hazards they present. Some of these classes are subdivided into
divisions. These classes or divisions are as listed below:

Class 1: Explosives
Class 2: Gases
Class 2.1: flammable gases
Class 2.2: non-flammable, non-toxic gases
Class 2.3: toxic gases
Class 3: Flammable liquids
Class 4: Flammable solids; substances liable to spontaneous combustion; substances
which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases
Class 4.1: flammable solids, self-reactive substances and desensitized explosives
Class 4.2: substances liable to spontaneous combustion
Class 4.3: substances, which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases
Class 5: Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides
Class 5.1: oxidizing substances
Class 5.2: organic peroxides
Class 6: Toxic and infectious substances
Class 6.1: toxic substances -
Class 6.2: infectious substances
Class 7: Radioactive material
Class 8: Corrosive substances
Class 9: Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles
The numerical order of the classes and divisions is not that of the degree of danger.
Marking, labelling and placarding

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Packages containing dangerous goods shall be durably marked with the correct technical
name; trade names alone shall not be used.

Packages containing dangerous goods shall be provided with distinctive labels or stencils
of the labels, or placards, as appropriate, so as to make clear the dangerous properties of
the goods contained therein.

The method of marking the correct technical name and of affixing labels or applying
stencils of labels, or of affixing placards on packages containing dangerous goods, shall
be such that this information will still be identifiable on packages surviving at least three
months’ immersion in the sea. In considering suitable marking, labelling and placarding
methods, account shall be taken of the durability of the materials used and of the surface
of the package.

General information prior loading/ discharging

The duty officer entrusted with the loading of the dangerous goods should have all the
relevant data regarding the dangerous goods that would be loaded, these would include:

 Copy of the document from the shipper regarding the cargo

 Classification of the DG
 Quantity to be loaded
 Proposed stowage
 Type of packages
 Shipping name – that is the correct technical name
 Segregation required from other cargo as well as from other DG
 MFAG and EmS requirement for the safe handling of the cargo
 Any fire hazard as per IMDG
 Any temperature/ wetness restriction for the loading of the cargo

UN Numbers and Proper Shipping Names

Dangerous goods are assigned to UN Numbers and Proper Shipping Names according to
their hazard classification and their composition.

Dangerous goods commonly transported are listed in the Dangerous Goods List. Where
an article or substance is specifically listed by name, it should be identified in transport
by the Proper Shipping Name in the Dangerous Goods List. For dangerous goods not
specifically listed by name, “generic” or “not otherwise specified” entries are provided to
identify the article or substance in transport.

Each entry in the Dangerous Goods List is assigned a UN Number. This list also contains
relevant information for each entry, such as hazard class, subsidiary risk(s) (if any),
packing group (where assigned), packing and tank transport provisions, EmS, segregation
and stowage, properties and observations, etc.
Information on the special measures to be taken when a certain dangerous cargo is

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Additionally the chief officer should have attached relevant extracts from the IMDG code
in particular all the emergencies that could arise with the handling of the cargo. Also the
emergency clean-up measures as well as the first aid requirement as per the EmS
(Emergency Schedule of the IMDG) and MFAG.

Any special precautions mention as per the Dangerous List should be extracted.
Compatibility risks should be ascertained.

Structure of the Dangerous Goods List

The Dangerous Goods List is divided into 18 columns. Among them the packing
requirements are specified in column 8 and in column 9.

Column 8 Packing Instructions: This column contains alpha – numeric codes, which refer
to the relevant packing instructions. The packing instructions indicate the packaging
(including large packaging) which may be used for the transport of substances and

A code including the letter ‘P’ refers to packing instructions for the use of packaging
described in IMDG Chapters – 6.1, 6.2 or 6.3

A code including the letter ‘LP’ refers to packing instructions for the use of large
packaging described in IMDG Chapters – 6.6

A code including the letter ‘BP’ refers to the bulk packaging described in IMDG
Chapters – 4.3

When a code including the letters ‘P’, ‘LP’ or ‘BP’ is not provided, it means that the
substance is not allowed in that type of packaging.

When ‘N/R’ is included in this column, it means that the substance or article need not be

Column 9 Special packing provisions: This column contains alphanumeric codes, which
refer to the relevant special packing provisions specified in 4.1.4. The special packing
provisions indicate the packaging (including large packaging).

A special packing provisions including the letters ‘PP’ refers to a special packing
provision applicable to the use of a packing instruction bearing the code ‘P’ in
A special packing provision including the letter ‘L’ refers to a special packing provision
applicable to a packing instruction bearing the code ‘LP’ in


The shipping documents prepared by the shipper shall include, or be accompanied by, a
signed certificate or declaration that the shipment offered for carriage is properly

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packaged and marked, labelled or placard, as appropriate, and in proper condition for

The persons responsible for the packing of dangerous goods in a freight container or road
vehicle shall provide a signed container packing certificate or vehicle packing declaration
stating that the cargo in the unit has been properly packed and secured and that all
applicable transport requirements have been met. Such a certificate or declaration may be
combined with the document above.

Each ship carrying dangerous goods shall have a special list or manifest setting forth, in
accordance with the classification, the dangerous goods on board and the location thereof.
A detailed stowage plan, which identifies by class and sets out the location of all
dangerous goods on board, may be used in place of such a special list or manifest. A copy
of one of these documents shall be made available before departure to the person or
organization designated by the port State authority.

Cargo transport units, including freight containers, shall be loaded, stowed and secured
throughout the voyage in accordance with the Cargo Securing Manual approved by the
Administration. The Cargo Securing Manual shall be drawn up to a standard at least
equivalent to the guidelines developed by the IMO.

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Segregating of dangerous goods

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The provisions of this chapter should apply to all cargo spaces on deck or under deck of
all types of ships and to cargo transport units.

The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended,
requires in regulation 6.1 of part A of chapter VII that incompatible goods should be
segregated from one another.

For the implementation of this requirement, two substances or articles are considered
mutually incompatible when their stowage together may result in undue hazards in case
of leakage or spillage, or any other accident.

The extent of the hazard arising from possible reactions between incompatible dangerous
goods may vary and so the segregation arrangements required should also vary as
appropriate. Such segregation is obtained by maintaining certain distances between
incompatible dangerous goods or by requiring the presence of one or more steel
bulkheads or decks between them, or a combination thereof. Intervening spaces between
such dangerous goods may be filled with other cargo compatible with the dangerous
substances in question.

The following segregation terms are used throughout this Code:

 “Away from”;
 “Separated from”;
 “Separated by a complete compartment or hold from”;
 “Separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment or hold from”.
 The general provisions for segregation between the various classes of dangerous
goods are shown in the
 segregation table”.

In addition to the general provisions, there may be a need to segregate a particular

substance, material or article from other goods, which could contribute to its hazard.
Particular provisions for segregation are indicated in the Dangerous Goods List and, in
the case of conflicting provisions, always take precedence over the general provisions.

For example:

In the Dangerous Goods List entry for ACETYLENE, DISSOLVED, class 2.1, UN 1001,
the following particular segregation requirement is specified:

 “separated from” chlorine

 In the Dangerous Goods List entry for BARIUM CYANIDE, class 6.1, UN 1565,
the following particular
 segregation is specified:
 “separated from” acids

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Where the Code indicates a single secondary hazard (one subsidiary risk label), the
segregation provisions applicable to that hazard should take precedence where they are
more stringent than those of the primary hazard.

Except for class 1, the segregation provisions for substances, materials or articles having
more than two hazards (2 or more subsidiary risk labels) are given in the Dangerous
Goods List.

In the Dangerous Goods List entry for BROMINE CHLORIDE, class 2.3, UN 2901,
subsidiary risks 5.1 and 8, the following particular segregation is specified:

“segregation” as for class 5.1 but “separated from” class 7”.

Segregation of packages


The provisions of this subsection apply to the segregation of:

 packages containing dangerous goods and stowed in the conventional way;

 dangerous goods within cargo transport units; and
 dangerous goods stowed in the conventional way from those packed in such cargo
transport units.
 Segregation of packages containing dangerous goods and stowed in the
conventional way
 Definitions of the segregation terms Legend
 Reference package - BLUE
 Package containing incompatible goods - RED
 Deck resistant to fire and liquid – BOLD LINE
 NOTE. Full vertical lines represent transverse bulkheads between cargo spaces
(compartments or holds) resistant to fire and liquid.

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Away from:

Effectively segregated so that the incompatible goods cannot interact dangerously in the
event of an accident but may be transported in the same compartment or hold or on deck,
provided a minimum horizontal separation of 3 metres, projected vertically, is obtained.

Separated from:

In different compartments or holds when stowed under deck. Provided the intervening
deck is resistant to fire and liquid, a vertical separation i.e. in different compartments,
may be accepted as equivalent to this segregation. For on deck stowage, this segregation
means a separation by a distance of sit least 6 metres horizontally.

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Separated by a complete compartment or hold from:

Either a vertical or a horizontal separation. If the intervening decks are not resistant to
fire and liquid, then only a longitudinal separation, i.e. by an intervening complete
compartment or hold, is acceptable. For on deck stowage, this segregation means a
separation by a distance of at least 12 metres horizontally. The same distance has to be
applied if one package is stowed on deck and the other one in an upper compartment.

Note: One of the two decks must be resistant to fire and to liquid.

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Separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment or hold from:

 Vertical separation alone does not meet this requirement. Between a package
under deck and one on deck, a minimum distance of 24 metres, including a complete
compartment, must be maintained longitudinally. For on deck stowage, this segregation
means a separation by a distance of at least 24 metres longitudinally.

 duty officer should have information on the quantities, type of package, proper
shipping names (correct technical names,) classification stowage and segregation of
 the dangerous goods to be handled

 duty officer should have information on the special measures and precautions to
be taken when with IMDG cargoes

 measures to be taken in the event of an incident or accident should be made

known and that any necessary equipment and sufficient crew to operate it should be

 actions to be taken are laid down in the IMO Emergency procedures for Carrying
Dangerous Goods (Ems), the IMO Medical First Aid Guide for use in accidents involving
dangerous Goods (MFAG) and the International Medical Guide for Ships (IMGS) which
are part of the supplement.

 any incident or accident during the handling of dangerous goods should be

reported immediately to the person in charge of the operation

 IMDG code lays down the packing requirements , that is packing group 1, group
2, group 3 , for most stringent to lesser stringent packing standards.

 any doubts the suitability and integrity of packages should reported to the master
or chief mate

 fire precautions which should be taken when carrying dangerous goods as per
EMS schedule , there are 10 fire schedules , from F-A to F-J , which will be declared by
the shipper .

 Special precautions which should be taken while loading or discharging

explosives are as follows :-

a) Explosives should be kept away from fire / heat or electrical sources .

b) Should be stowed away from passengers / accommodation blocks.
c) Should be properly segregated from incompatible dangerous goods.

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Bulk cargoes (other than Grain)

IMSBC ( International maritime solid bulk code) the IMO Code of Safe Practice for Solid
Bulk Cargoes , ( other than grain ) identifies the hazards and precautions of carriage of
dry bulk cargoes at sea , including documents , schedule of cargoes etc.

Follow are the hazards:

1 Structural damage due to improper distribution of the cargo

2 Loss or reduction of stability during a voyage
• A shift of cargo , inadequately trimmed or improperly distributed
• Cargoes liquefying due motion of a ship and then flowing to one side of the cargo
hold due some moisture (usually water);
3 Chemical reactions (e.g. emission of toxic or explosive gases, spontaneous
combustion or severe corrosive effects).

Angle of repose is the maximum slope angle free-flowing granular material. It is the
angle between a horizontal plane and the cone slope of such material.

 Cargoes which may liquefy are materials which may liquefy if shipped with a
moisture content in excess of the transportable moisture limit.
 Concentrates are materials obtained from a natural ore by a process of
purification by physical or chemical separation .
 Flow moisture point (FMP) is the percentage moisture content (wet mass basis)
at which a flow state develops under the prescribed method of test in a representative
sample of the material (see appendix 2)
 High density solid bulk cargoes means a solid bulk cargo with a S.F of 0.56 m³/t
ot less
 Stowage factor is the figure which expresses the number of cubic metres which
one tonne of material will occupy.
 Transportable moisture limit of a cargo which may liquefy, represents the
maximum moisture content of the material which is considered safe for carriage in ships
(other than specially constructed / specially fitted ships). It is derived from the flow
moisture point
 Trimming means any levelling of the material within a cargo space, either partial
or total.

Prior any cargo load/ discharge follow must be filled up as per BLU code ( Bulk loading
– unloading)



 Date
 Port ................................. Terminal/Quay

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 Available depth of water in berth .. Minimum air draught*…
 Ship's name
 Arrival draught (read/calculated) …. Air draught …..
 Calculated departure draught …. Air draught …..
 The master and terminal manager, or their representatives, should complete the
 check list jointly. The safety of operations requires that all questions should be
 affirmatively and the boxes ticked. If this is not possible, the reason should be
 and agreement reached upon precautions to be taken between ship and terminal. If
 question is considered to be not applicable write "N/A", explaining why if


1. Is the depth of water at the berth, and the air draught, adequate for
the cargo operations to be completed?

2. Are mooring arrangements adequate for all local effects of tide,

current, weather, traffic and craft alongside?

3. In emergency, is the ship able to leave the berth at any time?

4. Is their safe access between the ship and the wharf?

Tended by ship/terminal (cross out as appropriate) …………..
*The term air draught should be construed carefully: if the ship is in a river or an estuary,
usually refers to maximum mast height for passing under bridges, while on the berth it
refers to the height available or required under the loader or unloader.

5. Is the agreed ship terminal communications system operative?

Communication method ….
Language ……………..
Radio channels phone numbers …………..

6. Are the liaison contact persons during operations positively identified?

Ship contact persons ………..
Shore contact person(s) ………..
Location ……………

7. Are adequate crew on board, and adequate staff in the terminal, for emergency?

8. Have any bunkering operations been advised and agreed?

9. Have any intended repairs to wharf or ship whilst alongside been advised and

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10. Has a procedure for reporting and recording damage from cargo operations been

11. Has the ship been provided with copies of port and terminal regulations, including
safety and pollution requirements and demands of emergency services?

12. Has the shipper provided the master with the properties of the cargo in
accordance with the requirements of chapter VI of SOLAS?

13. Is the atmosphere safe in holds and enclosed spaces to which access may be required,
have fumigated cargoes been identified, and has the need for monitoring of atmosphere
been agreed by ship and terminal?

14. Have the cargo handling capacity and any limits of travel for each loader/
unloader been passed to the ship/ terminal?
Loader ………..
Loader ………..
Loader ………….

15. Has a cargo loading or unloading plan been calculated for all stages of loading/ DE
ballasting or unloading/ballasting?
Copy lodged with ………………….

16. Have the holds to be worked been clearly identified in the loading or unloading plan,
showing the sequence of work, and the grade and tonnage of cargo to be transferred each
time the hold is worked?

17. Has the need for trimming of cargo in the holds been discussed, and have the
method and extent been agreed ?

I 8 . Do both ship and terminal understand and accept that if the ballast programme
becomes out of step with the cargo operation, it will be necessary to suspend cargo
operation until the ballast operation has caught up?

19. Have the intended procedures for removing cargo residues lodged in the holds while
unloading been explained to the ship and accepted?
20. Have the procedures to adjust the final trim of the loading ship been decided
and agreed ?
Tonnage held by the terminal Conveyor system …………….

21. Has the terminal been advised of the time required for the ship to prepare for sea on
completion of cargo work?

Time ……… Date ……………
For ship ……. for terminal ……….

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Rank ……… Position/Title ……….

It is very important to prepare cargo holds prior to loading bulk cargoes , so that they are
suitable in all respects. Follow are points to note:

a) No traces of previous cargo , for that sweep, remove any residues from bilges ,
and if needed to hose down the entire hold .
b) Water freeing of tank tops , bilges by mopping etc.
c) Ensure no water leaks from tank top, manholes , hoppers or sounding pipes etc.
d) Remove all loose scale .
e) Try out bilge suctions , log down, including non-return valve functioning .
f) Cover the bilge covers by burlap ( jute) , to prevent cargo entering bilges.
g) Check fixed FFA , like CO2 lines by blowing through compressed air.
h) Check water tightness of hatch covers and booby hatches.
i) Inspect for any damage to holds fittings/ structures.
j) Ensure no foul smell emanating from bilges / holds , or deodorise.
k) Ensure holds free from any infestation ( in case of food grain) .
l) Responsible officer( chief officer) to inspect before final survey.

precautions to take prior to, during and after loading bulk cargoes

a) Shippers declarations must be taken, noted for any dangers/ hazards involved with
shipped cargoes, including MSDS sheets.
b) Loading must be planned as per loading/ DE ballasting sequence, keeping in mind
trim, list , stresses etc.
c) Loading must be in compliance to cargo loading manual , for loading limits in
each hold.
d) Hold ventilation must be done/ restricted as required.
e) Smoke detection system( if fitted) , with bridge monitor must be working.
f) The water tightness of hatches must be maintained / monitored .
g) Daily readings of hold temperatures/ gas readings , bilge soundings must be

Separation between certain bulk cargoes and other bulk cargoes or packaged dangerous
goods, is required , so that different cargoes do not mix , and may contaminate each other
, or react dangerously .

It is important to note that some bulk cargoes may deplete the oxygen content of holds or
produce toxic gases , like coal in bulk, hence any hold entrance must be as per safety
procedures of enclosed space entry permits.


 Coals may emit methane, highly flammable gas.

 Methane is lighter than air
 No naked lights, sparks.
 Freshly mined coals may be subject to oxidation, leading to depletion of oxygen
and an increase in carbon dioxide in the cargo space.

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 Some coals may be liable to self-heating that could lead to spontaneous
combustion in the cargo space.
 Flammable and toxic gases, including carbon monoxide, may be produced.
 Carbon monoxide is an odourless gas Flammable , slightly lighter than air.
 It is toxic by inhalation,
 Some coals may be liable to react with water and produce acids ( H2SO4) which
may cause corrosion.
 Flammable and toxic gases, including hydrogen, may be produced.

Before and during loading, and while the material remains on board, the master
should observe the following:

1. All cargo spaces and bilge wells should be clean and dry.
2. All electrical cables and components located in cargo spaces and adjacent spaces
should be free from defects. Such cables and electrical components should be safe for use
in an explosive atmosphere or positively isolated.
3. The ship should be suitably fitted and carry on board appropriate instruments for
measuring the following without requiring entry in the cargo space:
a. Concentration of methane in the atmosphere.
b. Concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere.
c. Concentration of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere.
d. The pH value of cargo hold bilge samples.
4. measuring the temperature of the cargo in the range 0°C to 100°C.
5. The ship should carry on board the SCBA.
6. Smoking and the use of naked flames should not be permitted in the cargo areas
or adjacent spaces
7. coal cargo is not stowed adjacent to hot areas.
8. surface of the material has been trimmed , to avoid the formation of gas pockets
and to prevent air from permeating the body of the coal.
9. The atmosphere in the space above the cargo in each cargo hold should be
regularly monitored for the presence of methane, oxygen and carbon monoxide.
10. all holds should be surface ventilated for the first 24 hours after departure from
the loading port.
11. The hatches should be closed immediately after completion of loading into each
cargo hold.
12. Regular hold bilge testing should be systematically carried out. If the pH
monitoring indicates that a corrosion risk exists, ensure that all bilges are kept dry during
the voyage in order to avoid possible accumulation of acids on tank tops and in the bilge

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(Cargo Calculations and Cargo plans)

Difference between bale capacity and grain capacity. The cubic capacities of cargo holds
can be found in ships general arrangement plan ( GA Plan), loading manual etc.
Grain capacity is that space inside hold which would be occupied by any bulk cargo , not
leaving any void spaces if proper trimming is done, whereas Bale capacity is that space of
the hold which would be occupied by any break bulk cargo , like cotton bales, boxes,
machinery parts etc., after loading of which some void space would remain because cargo
shape , and certain spaces like between shipside frames may be left empty. Hence we see
that grain capacity will always be more than bale capacity.


‘stowage factor’ ( S.F) is the cubic capacity occupied by 1Tonne of cargo , e.g. S.F of
bulk wheat may be 1.2means 1 tonne of wheat will occupy 1.2 cubic meters.
‘broken stowage’ means any space which would be left empty in cargo hold due to the
odd shape of cargo , like a machinery part. Broken stowage is expressed in %age , e.g. if
broken stowage of cotton bales is 10% , which has a SF of 1.2 then finally 1 tonne of
same will occupy 1.2 + 10% of 1.2 cubic meters , that is 1.32 cubic meters .
Hence for same cotton bales in a cargo hold with bale capacity of 3000 M3
The quantity that can be loaded is 3000/ 1.32 tonnes = 2500 T

Similarly for bulk cargo , like grain , whose SF is 1.4 , and the hold GRAIN capacity is
3000 M3 , we can load 2143 MT

Let’s do a numerical on this,

Q) A cargo hold 22m x 15m x 12m of bale capacity 3900 M3 , and load density of 5T/M2
is to be filled so as to maximize freight . The cargo available is :

Steel billets : SF 0.7 M3/T , Freight $30/T

Cotton bales:SF2.8 M3 /T, Freight $ 50/T
How much of each cargo you will load , and what is the freight earned?

Ans.) Let steel billets be X tones

And cotton bales be Y tones ,
Max can load as per P.L.D is 22 x 15 x 5 = 1650 Tonnes
So x + y = 1650
And 0.7 x + 2.8 Y = 3900
We get X ( Steel billets) = 342.8 T
And Y ( cotton bales ) = 1307.2 T
Multiplying with freight , ship can earn $ 75641
Load Density of Deck , ( PLD) or permissible load density means the maximum load
that can be put on the deck of the hold or main deck , as the strength of the deck is limited

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and must never exceed , or else the deck may collapse or break if loads of more than
PLD are loaded . PLD can be found in ships “ capacity plan” .
E.g. PLD of tank top of cargo hold may be 5T/M2 .

And its dimensions are 22m x 15 m , and grain capacity of 3000 M3,
We have grain of S.F 1.4 M3/T , can accommodate 3000/1.4 = 2143T ,

But as per PLD we can only load 22 x 15 x 5 = 1650 T

Hence even though the space is there in the hold , we will load only 1650 T because of
limits of PLD , otherwise the tank top may break .
Similarly on tween deck of general cargo ship , the PLD should never be exceeded and
also the volumetric space including height is to be considered.

A ship’s cargo plan shows the distribution as well as the disposition of all parcels of
cargo aboard the vessel. A fair copy being produced before departure from the final port
of loading.

The cargo plan should include relevant details of cargoes, i.e. total quantity, description
of package, bales, pallets etc., tonnage, port of discharge, identification marks and special
features if and when separated. The port of discharge is normally ‘highlighted’ in one
specific colour, reducing the likelihood of a parcel of cargo being over carried to the next
port. Cargoes which may have an optional port of discharge are often double-coloured to
the requirements of both ports.

Additional information, such as the following, generally appears on most plans:

i)Vessels Name.
ii) Name of the Master.
iii) List of loading ports.
iv) List of discharging ports, in order of call.
v) Sailing draughts.
vi) Tonnage load breakdown.
vii) Hatch tonnage breakdown.
viii) Voyage number.
ix) Total volume of empty space remaining.
x) List of dangerous cargo, if any.
xi) List of special cargo, if any.
xii) Statement of deadweight, fuel, stores, water etc.
xiii) Details of cargo separations.
xiv) Recommended temperatures for the carriage of various goods.
xv) Chief officer’s signature.

Hence a cargo plan must be made showing various cargoes in various holds after proper
planning for load densities and space occupied/ available is utilized including the port
rotation , if any, so keeping cargo for first discharge port on top ( or tween deck) , and
cargoes for later ports in lower holds .

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Purchases & Tackles

A purchase is a block with sheaves , and when combined with roved in wires or ropes is
called Tackle. First let’s see the breaking stresses ( BS) of follow :-

Wire , 6x12 = 15 D2 / 500

6X24 = 20D2 / 500
6X37 =21D2/500

Ropes, manila : 2D2/300

Polypropylene : 3D2/300
Terilyene : 4D2/300
Nylon : 5D2/300

Factor of safety is usually 6 .

Single block will have one block with single sheave, where n is number of sheaves , so n
for single block is 1

Gun tackle , n = 1+1( 2 blocks of one sheave each), figure B above

Luff/ watch tackle , n = 2+1

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Double luff tackle or 2 fold purchase, n = 2+2

Gyn tackle , n = 3+2

Three fold purchase , n= 3+3

Formula for Stress on hauling part ,

Stress ( Effort) = W+n (W)(Friction)
Where friction is in %age ( e.g. 10%)
V.R is velocity ratio ,

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V.R = n , if purchase is used to disadvantage ( that is direction of pull and w, load
movement is opposite )
V.R = n+1 , if purchase is used to advantage ( that is direction of pull and w, load
movement is same )

Now to calculate the Efficiency of the system , E= M.A x 100%


Where M.A is mechanical advantage = Load / effort

Q) A double purchase rigged to disadvantage is combined with a luff tackle such that the
hauling part of the double purchase is connected to the twin sheave block of luff tackle.
What is the maximum load that can be lifted by the double purchase by pulling on the luff
tackle , if the wire used in luff tackle is of Dia 20 mm ( const 6x24). What should be the
size of the wire ( const 6x24) to be used in the double purchase to lift the load? ( safety
factor 5, friction 10% per sheave )

Ans.) For Luff tackle , n= 2+1 = 3 , V.R ( Disadv.) = 3

Wire rope given is 20 mm , B.S = 20 D2/ 500
=> 20x 202 /500 = 16 T , Safety factor 5 ( given)
Hence SWL = 16/5 = 3.2 T
Also Effort 2 , E 2 = 3.2 T

For Effort 1 , E1 = W + n.W ( Friction)


E1 = W+ 4.W(0.1) = 0.35 W
Now E1 becomes load for Luff tackle ,
So E2 = 0.35W + 3(0.35W)(0.1) = 3.2
W ( Load) = 21.1 T ……. answer

Now to calculate size of wire for Double purchase :-

Breaking stress for 6x24 wire = 20D2 /500 = E1 x 5 ( factor of safety given)
B.S = 7.385x 5 = 36.925 T
So Breaking stress = 20 D2/500=36.925
D= 30.4 mm
diameter = 32 mm , Answer

Bulk Grain Cargoes

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 The term grain covers wheat, maize (corn), oats, rye, barley, rice, pulses, seeds
and processed forms thereof, whose behaviour is similar to that of grain in its natural
 The term filled compartment, trimmed, refers to any cargo space in which, after
loading and trimming, the bulk grain is at its highest possible level.
 The term filled compartment, untrimmed, refers to a cargo space which is filled to
the maximum extent possible in way of the hatch opening but which has not been
trimmed outside the periphery of the hatch opening.
 The term partly filled compartment refers to any cargo space which is neither
filled compartment, trimmed nor filled compartment, untrimmed.
 The term angle of flooding (Өf) means the angle of heel at which openings in the
hull, superstructures or deckhouses, which cannot be closed weather tight, immerse. In
applying this definition, small openings through which progressive flooding cannot take
place need not be considered as open.
 A document of authorization shall be issued for every ship loaded in accordance
with the regulations of this Code by the Administration. It shall be accepted as evidence
that the ship is capable of complying with the requirements of these regulations.
 A ship without such a document of authorization shall not load grain until the
master demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Administration, that, in its loaded condition
for the intended voyage, the ship complies with the requirements of this Code.

Optional stability requirements for ships without DOA

 the total weight of the bulk grain shall not exceed one third of the deadweight of
the ship;
 all filled compartments, trimmed, shall be fitted with centreline divisions
extending, for the full length of such compartments, downwards from the underside of the
deck or hatch covers to a distance below the deck line of at least one eighth of the
maximum breadth of the compartment (B/8) or 2.4 m, whichever is the greater, except
that saucers may be accepted in lieu of a centreline division ;
 All hatches to filled compartments, trimmed, shall be closed and covers secured in
 all free grain surfaces in partly filled cargo space shall be trimmed level and
secured ;
 throughout the voyage the GM fluid shall be 0.3 m or that given by the following
formula, whichever is the greater:

GM=LB x Vd (0.25B-0.645 VdB)

SF x D x 0.0875

LB : Total combined length of all filled holds.

Vd : Void depth
B : Moulded breadth of vessel
SF : Stowage factor
D : Displacement of vessel

Hold preparation for grain loading

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 the cleaning and preparation of holds and decks for the carriage of grain must be
similar to hold cleaning for bulk cargoes with much more stringent cleanliness standards
because food grains are supposed to be consumed by humans .
 No foul smell must remain in the holds and the bilges must be very dry .
 Hold ventilation must be functional and hatch cover water tightness must be good.
 Also a thorough check for insect or rodent infestation should be made .
 Trimming of cargo after loading must be done by nay mechanical means , either
manually by shovels, or by the loader itself, the stevedores will do the trimming and they
must be informed about this, and monitored .
 If any partly trimmed compartments remain , then possibility of grain shift can
result in listing of the vessel.
 Use of and fitting of shifting boards , in fore and aft direction can prevent grain

Above is diagram of saucers or bundles of bulk grain are arranged in the square of a hatch
to reduce heeling moments resulting from a shift of grain in fully filled hold.


1. For the purpose of reducing the heeling moment a saucer may be used in place of
a longitudinal division in way of a hatch opening only in a filled, trimmed, compartment,
except in the case of linseed and other seeds having similar properties.

2. The depth of the saucer (d), measured from the bottom of the saucer to the deck
line, shall be as follows:

a. For ships with a moulded breadth of up to 9.1 m, not less than 1.2 m.
b. For ships with a moulded breadth of 18.3 m or more, not less than 1.8 m.
c. For ships with a moulded breadth between 9.1 m and 18.3 m, the
minimum depth of the saucer shall be calculated by interpolation.

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3. The top (mouth) of the saucer shall be formed by the under deck structure in way
of the hatchway, i.e. hatch side girders or coamings and hatch end beams. The saucer and
hatchway above shall be completely filled with bagged grain or other suitable cargo laid
down on a separation cloth or its equivalent and stowed tightly against adjacent structure
so as to have a bearing contact with such structure to a depth equal to or greater than
(d/2). If hull structure to provide such bearing surface is not available, the saucer shall be
fixed in position by steel wire rope, chain, or double steel strapping and spaced not more
than 2.4 m apart.

Bundling of bulk grain (A 15)

1. As an alternative to filling the saucer in a filled, trimmed, compartment with

bagged grain or other suitable cargo a bundle of bulk grain may be used provided that:

a. The dimensions and means for securing the bundle in place are the same
as specified for a ‘Saucer’.

b. The saucer is lined with a material acceptable to the Administration having

a tensile strength of not less than 2,687 N per 5 cm strip and which is provided with
suitable means for securing at the top.

c. As an alternative to A 15.2, a material acceptable to the Administration

having a tensile strength of not less than 1,344 N per 5 cm strip may be used if the saucer
is constructed as follows:
i. Athwart ship lashings shall be placed inside the saucer formed in
the bulk grain at intervals of not more than 2.4 m. These lashings shall be of sufficient
length to permit being drawn up tight and secured at the top of the saucer.
ii. Dunnage not less than 25 mm in thickness or other suitable
material of equal strength and between 150 mm and 300 mm in width shall be placed fore
and aft over these lashings to prevent the cutting or chafing of the material which shall be
placed thereon to line the saucer.

d. The saucer shall be filled with bulk grain and secured at the top except that
when using material approved under 1 (c) above further dunnage shall be laid on top
after lapping the material before the saucer is secured by setting up the lashings.

e. If more than one sheet of material is used to line the saucer they shall be
joined at the bottom either by sewing or by a double lap.
f. The top of the saucer shall be coincidental with the bottom of the beams
when these are in place and suitable general cargo or bulk grain may be placed between
the beams on top of the saucer.

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Strapping or lashing (A 17)

1. When, in order to eliminate heeling moments in partly filled compartments,

strapping or lashing is utilized, the securing shall be accomplished as follows:

a. The grain shall be trimmed and levelled to the extent that it is very
slightly crowned and covered with burlap separation cloths, tarpaulins or the

b. The separation cloths and/or tarpaulins shall overlap by at least 1.8 m.

c. Two solid floors of rough 25 mm x 150 mm to 300 mm lumber shall be

laid with the top floor running longitudinally and nailed to an athwart ships bottom floor.
Alternatively, one solid floor of 50 mm lumber, running longitudinally and nailed over
the top of a 50 mm bottom bearer not less than 150 mm wide, may be used. The bottom
bearers shall extend the full breadth of the compartment and shall be spaced not more
than 2.4 m apart.

d. Steel wire rope (19 mm diameter), double steel strapping (50 mm x 1.3
mm and having a breaking load of at least 49 kN), or chain of equivalent strength, each of
which shall be set tightly by means of a 32 mm turnbuckle, may be used for lashings. A
winch tightener, used in conjunction with a locking arm, may be substituted for the 32
mm turnbuckle when steel strapping is used, provided suitable wrenches are available for
setting up as necessary. When steel strapping is used, not less than three crimp seals shall
be used for securing the ends. When wire is used, not less than four clips shall be used for
forming eyes in the lashings.

e. Prior to the completion of loading the lashing shall be positively attached

to the framing at a point approximately 450 mm below the anticipated final grain surface
by means of either a 25 mm shackle or beam clamp of equivalent strength.

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f. The lashings shall be spaced not more than 2.4 m apart and each shall be
supported by a bearer nailed over the top of the fore and aft floor. This bearer shall
consist of lumber of not less than 25 mm x 150 mm or its equivalent and shall extend the
full breadth of the compartment.

g. During the voyage the strapping shall be regularly inspected and set up
where necessary.

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Gas Tanker

Gasses must be carried in liquid state so as to accommodate more cargo on ships and
enable earn more freight. There are two methods to liquefy the gasses:

1. By pressure
2. By temperature decrease, or by a combination of two

On the basis of which there are broadly four different types of gas ships:

Types of gas tankers:

1. Fully pressurized gas tanker

2. Fully refrigerated gas tanker
3. Semi refrigerated gas tanker
4. LNG ships ( Liquefied natural gas)

Independent Tanks : As the name implies are independent of ship’s hull , so that the
dangerous cargo in them is not spilled even if the ships collides or runs aground . The
stresses experienced by ship’s hull are not transmitted to these tanks.

There are three types of independent tanks ,

1. Independent type A:

 where the gas is carried in extreme low temperature that is at their critical
temperatures at atmospheric pressures .
 Insulation prevents heat ingress and secondary barrier is provided to contain any
leaked liquid in case the primary barrier leaks .
 Centre line bulkhead reduces free surface .

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2. Independent type B tank ( also called Moss type)

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This type is for conventional LNG ships, can withstand pressures up to 2.0 Bars , and
temperature of carriage of LNG is -163 degrees. Drip pan acts like a partial secondary
barrier .

3. Independent type C tanks

 Are pressure vessels with up to 18 bars , at ambient temperature .

 No secondary barrier required .Hold space is ambient atmosphere.

I.G.C (Gas Code) is IMO publication for construction and equipment of liquefied gas
tankers and lays down the standards of construction of containment systems, pipelines,
safeties etc., and lists the gasses which may be carried at sea in chapter 19 .

Loading/discharging procedure

Is in accordance to cargo loading manual , individual deep well pumps serve all tanks
which also have vapour lines connected to re liquefaction plants , to reliquify the boil off
and hence the pressure inside is controlled within limits.

Following are the hazards associated with gasses :-

Health hazards

 Asphixiant : That is lack of oxygen ,

 Anesthisiant : Some gasses act on nervous system and can cause unconsciousness,
e.g. ethylene oxide.
 Cold burns : Chilled gasses like Propane at – 43 degrees , if in contact with human
skin can cause cold burn injuries.
 Chemical burns: Chemical gasses like ammonia are corrosive , and can injure
human tissue or if eye contact .

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 Toxic : Some chemical gasses like Butadiene are extremely poisonous and must
never be inhaled .
 Carcinogen : Some chemical gasses like V.C.M may cause cancer after prolonged

Cold temperature hazards:

Brittle fracture can result if chilled gas spills on deck .

(B L E V E): Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion. Is catastrophic rupture under

fire conditions and a leak of a pressure vessel containing
liquefied gas.

Flammability : All gasses are highly inflammable , except Chlorine gas and care must be
taken so as flammable atmospheres are not encountered.

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A damage report is made in case of any damage to cargo hold by the stevedore , so that a
they may be made to repair same prior departure from port , or a claim may be raised .
After the hold is discharged completely , the cargo officer should inspect the hold
properly , if no damage found , record same in logbook. On the other hand if any damage
is found which may have been caused by stevedore’s carelessness , e.g. mishandling fork
lift truck or a grab damage by crane. In such a situation the master must be informed
immediately , and a damage report made in the company’s form.

The details must be filled as follows:-

 The date , time, port etc. with ships name.

 A brief description how the damage occurred and in which hold or hatch cover
 The complete details of damage will contain exact location, frame number,
length, breath, depth of dent or length of the crack etc.
 A neat labelled sketch and photographs should be attached.
 The stevedore or his agent must sign along with chief officer’s / master’s
signatures .
 Relevant parties would be informed by the master.


 Objective is to detect any wastage, excessive corrosion, deformation or

detachment of any ships structures on Bulk carriers and tankers , over a period of time
may suffer from these , and thereafter make an enhanced survey report on the basis of
which relevant repairs and renewals of ships structures.
 Applies to all self-propelled bulk carriers and tankers of 500 gross tonnage and
 The Code should apply to surveys of hull structure and piping systems in way of
 cargo holds, cofferdams, pipe tunnels, void spaces, fuel oil tanks, within the cargo
length area and all ballast tanks.
 The Code contains the minimum extent of examination, thickness measurements
 and tank testing. The survey should be extended when substantial corrosion
 structural defects are found and include additional close-up survey when


Any damage in association with wastage over the allowable limits (including buckling,
grooving, detachment or fracture), or extensive areas of wastage over the allowable
limits, which affects or, in the opinion of the Administration, will affect the ship's
structural, watertight or weather tight integrity, should be promptly and thoroughly (see
1.2.15) repaired.

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Areas to be considered include:

 side structure and side plating;

 deck structure and deck plating;
 bottom structure and bottom plating;
 inner bottom structure and inner bottom plating;
 inner side structure and inner side plating;
 watertight or oil tight bulkheads;
 hatch covers or hatch coamings;

Annual survey

The annual survey should consist of an examination for the purpose of ensuring, as far as
practicable, that the hull, weather decks, hatch covers, coamings and piping are
maintained in a satisfactory condition and should take into account the service history,
condition and extent of the corrosion prevention system of ballast tanks and areas
identified in the survey report file.

Intermediate survey

Items that are additional to the requirements of the annual survey may be surveyed either
at the second or third annual survey or between these surveys.

Preparations for survey

Survey programme

The owner in cooperation with the Administration should work out a specific survey
programme prior to the commencement of any part of:

 the renewal survey; and

 the intermediate survey for bulk carriers over 10 years of age.
 The survey should not commence until the survey programme has been agreed.

Reporting and evaluation of survey

Evaluation of survey report

 The data and information on the structural condition of the ship collected during
the survey should be evaluated for acceptability and continued structural integrity of the
 The analysis of data should be carried out and endorsed by the Administration or
recognized organization authorized by the Administration and the conclusions of the
analysis should form a part of the condition evaluation report.

Reporting and evaluation of survey

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Evaluation of survey report

 The data and information on the structural condition of the ship collected during
the survey should be evaluated for acceptability and continued structural integrity of the
 The analysis of data should be carried out and endorsed by the Administration or
recognized organization authorized by the Administration and the conclusions of the
analysis should form a part of the condition evaluation report.


Areas of cargo hold to inspect to detect any damage :-

 Tank top/ manhole covers of DB tanks.

 Lower hoppers
 Shipside and shipside frames with brackets
 Bilges with covers
 Sounding pipes/ air pipes /CO2 pipes ( if fitted)
 Ladders
 Visual inspection of hatch coamings / upper hoppers/ under deck longitudinal.
 Transverse watertight bulkheads .
 Hatch covers/ booby hatches.

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Door and Ramp Systems

General description

Drawings of the door systems' arrangement form the basis of the technical
documentation. Details are to be described, in order to arrange for the crew a clear
understanding of the functionality. Safety features are to be particularly emphasized.
Where the shell doors or the inner doors next to the bow doors also serve as ramps for
loading and unloading, the content of the OMM needs to be extended accordingly.

Design criteria and operating conditions of the shell doors and especially of the ramps are
to be commented on, such as:

 quay support of ramps:

 Generally it must be pointed out that the ramps are to be laid down on the pier
before starting the loading/unloading procedure. The load limit when using purpose
designed preventers or standers must be expressed.
 permissible loads

ship/shore interaction:

 quay limit level relative to ship's draught or permissible range of inclination of the
 limiting trim and heeling angles during cargo handling and door operations
 limiting range of ambient temperatures

Structural design of ramps /doors

 Key plans on the steel structure are to be inserted.

 Detailed drawings on the steel structure surrounding the mechanical elements and
the bearings need to be provided, both of the door and of the hull structure.

Sealing arrangement

The arrangement of the sealing dedicated to maintain the weather- or water tightness of
the outer and inner doors needs to be described. In addition to the drawings on the typical
profile sections detail drawings need to be attached on formed components, packing
retaining channels, drainages etc. The rubber material is also to specify.

Mechanical equipment

 Depending on the complexity of the design an appropriate combination of

drawings and text information shall be provided. Safety aspects and the importance of
individual elements in that respect shall be stressed.
 The scope of the information level shall be adequate to enable the staff a quick
understanding of the operational procedures as well as of the functionality of all

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 the individual systems. Production drawings are usually not suitable for the
OMM. Typically they contain too many detailed information. Nevertheless, sufficient
 information on wear parts should be provided for inspections and surveys in order
to assess the present wear with respect to the as-built condition and to enable

The nomenclature as subsequently defined must be kept:

 Supporting device is a device used to transmit external or internal loads from the
door to a hinge, stopper or other fixed device into the ship's structure. Especially in case
of internal load transmission a securing device might also be an active link that transmits
loads from the door to the ship's structure.
 Securing device is a device such as a cleat, pin locker, pivoted hook, knee-lever
interlock etc. used to keep the door closed by preventing it from rotating about its hinges.
 Locking device is a device that locks a securing device in the closed position by
means of a pin locker, self-locking cylinder etc.

Key plans are to be included into the OMM containing at least information on:

 arrangement of the shell doors and ramps on board, including operating console,
hydraulic unit, switchboards etc.
 arrangement of supporting, securing and locking devices
 arrangement of the systems for opening and Closing

Hydraulic and electrical system

Documents to be prepared:

 description of hydraulic power supply unit

 hydraulic diagram and wiring diagram
 labelling of electrical components in conjunction with the labels mounted on
 electrical power supply including independent power supply of the indicator
 parts list
 specification of recommended hydraulic fluid
 function description including information on the emergency operation.

Water leakage detection system

The following descriptions are to be laid down:

 system and components

 location on board
 monitors (on the navigation bridge and in the engine control room)
 functionality
 test procedures

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Drainage system for the space between bow door and inner door or the ramp
The following descriptions are to be laid down:

 system and components

 location on board
 functionality
 test procedure

Drainage system for the space between bow door and inner door or the ramp

The following descriptions are to be laid down:

 system and components

 location on board
 functionality
 test procedure

Indicator system on the navigating bridge for the correct closing state of the shell


Lamp signals are to be provided at the operating panel and on the navigation bridge to
show that the shell doors and the inner door behind the bow door are closed and that
their securing and locking devices are properly positioned. Deviations from the correct
closing state are to be indicated by visual alarms. Amode-selection switch "Harbour/ Sea
Voyage" for an additional audible alarm on the navigation bridge during the "Sea
Voyage" mode is mandatory and needs also to be documented in the OMM.

Television surveillance system

A description of the systems and their arrangement on board with the monitors on the
navigation bridge and in the engine control room is to be included, see also

C. Documented Operating Procedures for Opening/Closing and Securing of the

Doors and Ramps
The documentation must enable the user to operate the shell doors, inner doors and
ramps, if applicable, in a safe manner. The closing and securing functions need to be
described particularly clear. Besides safety precautions also the manoeuvres running
automatically must be explained in detail in order to provide a full understanding of the
functions. References shall be given for troubleshooting of faults and failures and
measures to be taken consequently. Emergency stops and emergency operation e.g. in
case of energy supply loss shall be described. The documentation on the operating
procedures is to be posted on board at appropriate places from the deck or machinery
crew way of shell doors

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