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1. Make a picture dictionary of ee , ll sound words . ( 10 words each )
2. Make an ice-cream with ice cream stick and cotton.

3. Revise all the work done in class notebook , Reader and Practice book.

4. Do reading of chapter 1 2 & 3

Note : Do all work in your English class work notebook.

हिन्दी 1-प ांच पष्ृ ठ सुलेख ललखखए।

2-प ांच फलों, प ांच सब्जियों के चचत्र बन इए और उनके न म ललखखए तथ उनमें

रां ग भररए।

3-‘अच्छी आदतों’ पर आध ररत 10 व क्य ललखखए।

4-अपनी प ठ्य पुस्तक ( भ ष म धुरी ) से प्रततददन 10 व क्य क व चन करें ।

5-आ ,इ की म त्र व ले 20-20 शजद अपनी प ठ्य पुब्स्तक में ललखे एवां व चन
करें ।

6-स्वर एवां व्यांिन को च र्ट पेपर पर दश टए, व एक (मॉडल) प्रततरूप बन इए।

MATHS Enjoy these activities at your home , have fun and play with numbers in this
summer –

1- Counting adventure - Go on a counting adventure around your home or

neighbourhood and count objects like number of mango trees or even birds
and animals.
2- Shape hunt - Find 3-3 objects of different shapes like circle, square,
triangle, rectangle near by you and list out in your notebook.
3- Writing practice - Write number name 1 to 50 in your fair NB
4- Understanding basic differences among objects – Compare living/non-living
object around you on the basis of size ,length ,height , quantity , thickness
,distance , ordering of objects , and make a collage of comparisons on a
chart paper (take help from ch-1 of your maths book).

1. Make album about yourself.

2. Learn and write about all your body parts with spelling’s.

3. Learn and draw about all the sense organs.

4. Write any five ways to keep yourself clean.

5. Plant sapling on the occasion of World Environment Day (5 June) take a snap
and paste it in your notebook.

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