Casifiaction of Energy Source

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ENCM 12562

Sustainable Utilization of
Energy Resources

Department of Zoology and Environmental Management

1. Energy Basics: Work Energy and Power
2. Classification of Energy Resources
Learning Outcomes...
At the end of this lesson students should be able to,

‐ Explain the relationship between energy and

‐ Describe different forms of energy
‐ Describe heat engines and heat pumps and
calculate Carnot efficiency
‐ Classify energy resources based on different
What is Energy?

• Ability to do work

• Work is defined as,

𝑊 = 𝐹𝑑 where,
𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎 F= force acting on an object (N)
d= distance (m)
m= mass (kg)
What is Energy?

𝑊 = 𝐹𝑑
𝑊 = 𝑚𝑔ℎ

h= height (m)
m= mass (kg)
g= gravitational acceleration
The metric system unit of energy is joule (J)

British unit of energy is British thermal unit (Btu)

1 Btu = 1055J
Problem 1

A force of 50 N pushes a box along a floor a

distance of 100 m. How much work (in Nm) has
been done?

How much energy (in Btu) has been expended?

What is Power?

‐ Power (P) is the rate at which work is done


E= Energy (J)
t= time (s)
Metric system unit of power is Watts (W)

British unit of power is horsepower (hp)

1 hp = 746 W
Problem 2

If a system produces 1 Btu of energy every minute

what is the power produced in watts?
Energy are in different form

• Kinetic energy
• Potential energy
• Thermal energy
• Chemical energy
• Nuclear energy
• Electrical energy
• Electromagnetic energy
Quantifying different forms of energy

a. Kinetic energy: The energy an object possesses

due to its' motion
𝐸 = 𝑚𝑣 2 m= mass (kg)
2 v= velocity (m/s)
Problem 3

What is the kinetic energy associated with a

1500 kg of automobile traveling at 100 km/h?
Quantifying different forms of energy

b. Potential Energy

𝐸 = 𝑚𝑔ℎ
Gravitational Potential Energy
Electrical Potential Energy
Problem 4

A 75 kg person walks up a flight of stairs with a

vertical height of 3 m. What is the change in
that person’s potential energy?
Problem 5

One cubic meter of water is poured off a 100 m

high bridge. If the change in gravitational
potential energy is converted into electricity
with an efficiency of 90%, how long can this
energy illuminate a standard 60 W light bulb?
c. Thermal Energy
kinetic energy of a single gas molecule is given by,

KE = 𝑘 𝑇 𝑘𝐵 = Boltzmann’s constant (1.3806×10-23) J/K
2 𝐵 T = absolute temperature (K)

kinetic energy of a n number of moles is given by,

𝐾𝐸 = 𝑛𝑅𝑇
2 where,
R= universal gas constant (6.022×1023J/mol.K)
For solids and liquids, changes in thermal energy is
expressed in terms of specific heat (C)

∆𝑇 = where,
𝑚 = mass (kg)
Q = Quantity of Energy applied (J)
Q = ∆𝑇𝑚𝐶 C = Specific heat (J/kg.C°)
Problem 6

The specific heat of water is 4180 J/kg.C°. Calculate

the energy required to heat 500 g of water from 20
C° to 80 C°?
d. Chemical energy: energy associated with
chemical bonds

Example: burning of octane

2C8 H18 + 25O2 → 16CO2 + 18H2 O + 46.8 M J k g

e. Nuclear Energy

E= 𝐦𝐜

𝑬𝒆𝒙𝒐 = ∆𝒎𝒄𝟐

C= speed of light
∆𝑚= change in nuclear mass
f. Electrical Energy

Energy associated with the electrons of the conductor

I= current (A)
𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅 V= voltage (V)
R= resistance (Ω)
Voltage is the change in electric potential energy per unit charge.

P= 𝑉𝐼 I= current (A)
V= voltage (V)
P= power (W)
E= Electrical Energy (J)
E= 𝑃𝑡 t= time (s)
P= power (W)

kilowatt hour

1 kilowatt hour = the amount of energy donated to

a load of one kW in one hour.
g. Electromagnetic radiation
For any wave, the wavelength λ is related to,

f = frequency (s-1)
C= velocity of light ≈3×108 (m/s)
Λ=wavelength (m)
If the electromagnetic radiation is considered
in terms of photons,

E = ℎ𝑓 E=

f = frequency (s-1)
h=Planck’s constant (6.62606957 × 10-34 J/s)
C= velocity of light ≈3×108 (m/s)
Heat Engines and Heat Pumps
Heat Engines


𝑄ℎ = 𝑄𝑐 + 𝑊
Qh= Energy produced by burning
Qw = mechanical work
Qc = Excess heat transferred into
Qc atmosphere

𝑄ℎ = 𝑄𝑐 + 𝑊

Qc 𝑊
η = 100
Tc 𝑄ℎ
Qh= Energy produced by burning
gasoline 𝑊 = 𝑄ℎ − 𝑄𝑐
Qw = mechanical work
Qc = Excess heat transferred into
atmosphere 𝑄𝑐
η = efficiency of the process η = 100 1 −
Th 𝑄𝑐
η = 100 1 −

According to Sadi Carnot,

𝑄𝑐 𝑇𝑐
𝑄ℎ 𝑇ℎ
Qh= Energy produced by burning
gasoline 𝑇𝑐
Qw = mechanical work η = 100 1 −
Qc = Excess heat transferred into 𝑇ℎ
η = efficiency of the process

Ideal Carnot Efficiency

Heat pumps
coefficient of performance, COP

ideal Carnot coefficient of performance

𝟏 − 𝑸𝒄 𝑸𝒉

𝟏 − 𝑻𝒄 𝑻𝒉
Calculate the ideal Carnot efficiency of a steam
turbine that utilized steam at a temperature of
575°C and ejects water to the environment at a
temperature of 35°C

1. Energy Basics: Work Energy and Power
2. Classification of Energy Resources
Energy resources are the main sources of energy
from which the energy can be extracted and utilized.
Classification of Energy Resources

Can be classified based on,

• Usability (primary and secondary energy
• Traditional usage (conventional and non-
• Long-term availability (Renewable and non-
Primary and secondary energy resources

Primary resources: Resources in its raw form that is

available in the nature

Ex: fossil fuel (coal, oil, gas), uranium, hydropower

Secondary resources: Usable form of energy that are

obtained from primary energy resources

Ex: Electricity. Steam, petrol, diesel, LNG

Conventional and non-conventional energy

• Conventional: energy resources which have been

traditionally used from many years. Widely used
at present

• Non-conventional: alternate energy resources to

the conventional resources. Considered to be
used on large scale.
Renewable and non-renewable energy

Renewable: Resources which can be renewed by

nature again and again and are not affected by the
rate of their consumption

Non-renewable: Resources which are available in

certain finite quantity and cannot be replenished.
1. According to the scientific definition of work,
pushing on a rock accomplishes no work unless
there is

a) an applied force greater than its weight

b) a net force greater than zero.

c) An opposing force

d) Movement in same direction as the force

2. The metric unit of a joule (J) is a unit of

a) Potential energy

b) Work

c) Kinetic energy

d) All of the above

3. Power is

a) the rate at which energy is expended.

b) work per unit of time

c) the rate at which work is done

d) any of the above

4. The kilowatt-hour is a unit of

a) power
b) work
c) time
d) force
5. Which quantity has the greatest influence on the
amount of kinetic energy that a large truck has while
moving down the highway?
a) mass
b) weight
c) velocity
d) size
6. Describe the difference and the relationship between
work and energy.

7. How much work is done on a hydraulic lift when a car

having a mass of 1500 kg is lifted to 3.0 m straight up?

8. What is kinetic energy? Give example.

9. What is potential energy and give examples.

10. How much heat is required to raise the temperature of

200 g of water by 25°C? Assume no phase changes

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