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25. Nabil Fadhlurrohman R

27. Naila Annisa Uki W
28. Risma Fahtrisa
29. Rizqullah Arsyad
33. Sekar Ayu Lestari
34. Siti Menlin
Edward Grimsley, is a detective who is very skilled at solving problems or high-profile
cases. This hard work has become his daily bread. However, this job made him very tired so
he wanted to find new experiences and atmosphere by going on holiday to a Caribbean
island. He really enjoyed his holiday. He likes the views, delicious food and peaceful
Returning to his room, he immediately rested for a moment. Cleaning his body,
making tea, and reading his favorite book. While he was relaxing, suddenly someone
banged on his door. From his tone, the person seemed very panicked and needed help.


Hotel Manager : (Knocked The door very hard)

Edward Grimsley: (Knock on the door) "Who could that be at this hour? Okay, wait for a

Hotel Manager: “Good evening Mr Grimsley, I'm sorry I disturbed your rest time at this time,
my name is Robert and i’m manager of this hotel. I came to you because I know you are a
detective. Mr. Grimsley, we have a problem. A hotel guest died this evening: Mr. Ambrose

Edward Grimsley: “Whattt??? The famous food critic that we always seen on television?
How did he die?"

Hotel Manager: "I dont know Mr Grimsley, but I think it is so suspicious. It's possible that he
had a heart attack. But I'm afraid that possibly someone murdered him. Can you help us?"

Edward Grimsely : “Sure, where did you find the body?”

Hotel Manager : “I found it on his room, and now the body still there.”

Edward Grimsley : “Okay, lets go to the room and check his body.”


Edward Grimsley: "Who found the body? And who last saw him alive?"

Hotel Manager : “I don't know for sure, but there are a few people I could call”

Edward Grimsley : “Sure, before that let’s check the body first“

Hotel Manager : “Sure, i will help you to autopt him.”

Grimsley followed the manager to the room of the unfortunate restaurant critic.
Ambrose Pennwright’s very large body was lying face down on the floor next to a small
table. A bottle of wine, a glass, a plate with cheese, some caviar, and a butter knife were on
the table, but there did not seem to be a gun, a sharp knife, or any other weapon anywhere.
Nothing in the room seemed out of place, but Grimsley felt there was something strange
about the atmosphere. He examined the body for a minute, and he saw that Pennwright was
not bleeding. There was a very small piece of caviar on the critic’s lower lip.

Robert Called several people from his room. They are Althea Pennwright, Horace
Goodbody, and Gregory Welles. Althea is Ambroce’s Wife, and the relationship between the
two of them is not very harmonious. Horace Goodbody is a vegetarian chef that have a
television program. Last, Gregory Welles is the owner of Gourmet Restaurant In New York.
Robert also asked who the real killer was and what the main motive was.


Hotel Manager: "Please come with me. You ought to discuss the situation with them."

Edward Grimsley : “ Helo, my name Is Edward. So i dont think this is the normal case, it just
like this is a special case.”

Althea Pennwright: "You're going to find my husband's murderer. How nice."

Edward Grimsley : “To find it, i have to ask to all of you. So who is the first person met Mr
Grimsley’s body”

Gregory Welles : It’s me Mr Edward, i found the body in this room with this position.

Edward Grimsley : “Okay Thanks.”

Althea Pennwright: "A natural cause is possible, but I think murder is more probable.
Everyone hated my husband. He was a terrible person. Unfortunately, we all have our

Edward Grimsley : “What do you mean?, Lets start with Mr Welles”

Gregory Welles: "Mr Ambrose was my best friend, and his murder is terribly unfortunate."

Althea Pennwright: : “There's no need to lie a lot and bring up my husband's goodness, just
admit it that you are the murder. For example,he was afraid of my husband. The food in Mr.
Walles’ restaurant looks and tastes wonderful, but the quality is very poor. It contains
chemicals and is worse than junk food. My husband found out and was writing an article
about it when he cam e here.

Gregory Welles: “Dont talk nonsense.”

Althea Pennwright : “ Did you know about the caviar on my husband’s mouth under his
Gregory Welles : “ I dont know about the caviar below his tongue, dont you think i’m the
owner of the gourmet restaurant, so I poisoned him with it. The caviar under his mouth didn't
look fresh anymore, Its durability can only reach 3 days from the can.

Edward Grimsley : “ Hmm interesting, Mr Welles, how long did you stay in this hotel?”

Gregory Welles :” I came to this city about 5 days ago, and stay on this hotel from the first

Edward Grimsley : “Okay, thank you, next to Mr Horace.”

Horace Goodbody: "Ambrose was like a brother to me. He got me the job on my TV show. I
hope you find the killer soon."

Althea Pennwright : “ Don't just talk nonsense. Horace Goodbody, is not an honest person.
He has a very popular TV program. Every vegetarian in America watches it. However, in real
life, Horace’s diet consists mainly of fast food. His diet is not healthful. In fact, he isn’t even a
vegetarian. My husband was planning to tell the world about Mr. Goodbody in his next
article. Horrace knew this; thus, he was afraid to lose his TV show.”

Horace Goodbody : “My life is different from what is in my program, but I never lie about the
health program. Ambrose and I had differences, but I'd never resort to violence. My career
promotes a healthy lifestyle, and claims of fast food consumption are lies. Althea's
accusations are baseless. Focus on finding Ambrose's actual cause of death, not unfounded

Edward Grimsley: "Understood, Mr. Goodbody. Let's prioritize determining Ambrose's true
cause of death. And you, Mrs. Pennwright? Why did you hate your husband?"

Althea Pennwright: "He had a terrible personality. We were always arguing because we had
nothing in common. I hated him."

Edward Grimsley: “When was the last time you two had an argument?”

Althea Pennwright :” It is before Welles found my husband’s body. Although I hate Him, I
really really love him.

Edward Grimsley : “There's something else you want to say?”

Althea Pennwright : “I did not kill him. When I last saw him, he was eating some cheese,
drinking some wine, and reading a magazine. I left the hotel room and was watching TV and
talking with Mr. Goodbody in the bar all evening. Then, Mr. Welles ran in and tols us about

Edward Grimsley : “Hmmm, Very Interesting. Can you explain again Mr Welles, how did you
find the body of Mr Ambrose?
Gregory Wells : “Yes,I was walking past the Pennwrights’ room when I heard a low voice
inside: someone needed help! The door was locked. After I tried for about five minutes to
open it, I finally broke down the door. Unfortunately, I was too late. There was Ambrose on
the floor – dead. He was lying on the top of his magazine. I ran to the hotel manager, and he
went to you. Then I went into the bar, told Mrs. Pennwright and Mr. Goodbody about the
murder, and we came to this office.”

Edward Grimsley : “Hmmmm.”

Gregory Welles : “What do you mean, you have to believe what I say.”

Edward Grimsley : “ I believe in you, but i think that is something wrong right there. Give me
a minute for thinking.”

Actually, Grimsley already knows where the killer is and who the killer is. However, he
didn't want to be mistaken. So he will have his own strategy to find out who the killer is.He
felt strange about one of the statements from several people. He will also tell you more

Edward Grimsley : “ Hmm this is very special case. I’ve never met like this before

Althea Pennwright : Started Crying, all inside the room started calm her down Except
Welles. “The killer is very rude, i really really love my husband. Although we always had an
argument, but i really really love how they treat me.”

Gregory Welles : “No need for much drama. we know that you are actually the perpetrator.
No need to pretend to be sad and cry, just admit it.”

Horace Goodbody : “Don't say things like that, I actually suspect you are the perpetrator.”

Gregory Welles : Dont talk nonsense, what do you mean?

Horace Goodbody : “I find it strange, it's impossible for Ambrose to scream for help if he's

Gregory Welles : What, it so nonsense

Horace Goodbody : “ And then how could you hear a little voice from outside the room, hotel
room is a tight room. And then you are the owner of a gourmet restoran that sells about
Caviar. And you stay here for 5 days. It is very possible if the caviar you bring from your

Edward Grimsley : “ Okay it’s enough guys.”

Suddenly, Grimsley actually thought about what Horace had said. Everything Horace
said was true and made sense. About in-room listening, caviar, and running into a hotel
room that makes absolutely nonsense.
Grimsley was currently strategizing. How do I get this to open by itself? I will continue
to provoke Welles to admit his actions

Scene: Hotel Office Continued

Edward Grimsley : “ Mr Welles you found the body right?’

Gregory Welles: "Yes, I found the body. I was walking past the Pennwrights' room when I
heard a low voice inside. I tried to open the door and finally broke it down. There was
Ambrose on the floor dead."

Edward Grimsley: "Hmmm... (pauses) Aha! I know the answer to this mystery the murderer
and the murder weapon! I am quite sure that…. (Phone Ringing)

Edward Grimsley : Answer the call “Hello, ohhh okay thank you” “ The police is came here
and they were on the first floor of this hotel. So Lets go to lobby to meet them.”

Gregory Welles : “ I will go to the toilet first, you guys go ahead. “

Welles went into the toilet. However, few minutes after hearing that everyone had left
and feeling safe, he came out of the toilet. And as expected, he came to the body of Mr

Gregory Welles : “HAHAHAHA finally everything I did succeeded. That is if you become a
person who is too honest in giving assessments. This is the revenge, have peace of mind in
heaven later.”

Gregory Welles : “My mission was successful, no one knows who the killer is and suspects
someone else.”

Welles finally left the room and followed them. But Grimsley is very intelligent. He had
previously coordinated with Robert to install a listening device during the autopsy. Later the
sound file will be given to the authorities when carrying out further investigations. Grimsley
also realized who Ambrose's killer was.

The End

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