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South & South East Asian Studies



South & South East Asian Studies

The total course package consists of 1000 Marks/ 20 Papers

Semester 1

Paper I: Introduction to the Regions (50 Marks)

Unit 1: Idea of the Regions

Unit 2: Political Governments & Society in South and South East Asia
Unit 3: People of the Regions
Unit 4: Religion & Cultural trends in South and South East Asia

Paper II: Introduction to Theories of Asian Studies (50 Marks)

Unit 1: Theories and Area studies approach- Indianisation

Unit 2: Theories and Area studies approach- Localisation vs. Convergence
Unit 3: Early instances of state formation in Burma & Siam
Unit 4: Early instances of state formation in Cambodia & Indonesia

Paper III: Colonial History: 16th to 18th centuries (50 Marks)

Unit 1: Age of Mercantile Capitalism: Early European trade in South and South East Asia
Unit 2: Age of Industrialisation & Asia
Unit 3: Growth of European territorial and political consolidation in South and South East
Unit 4: Colonial Raj in South and South East Asian Countries: Case Studies

Paper IV: Colonial History: 19th and 20th centuries (50 Marks)

Unit 1: Nation States and their challenges to Raj -Modes of indigenous response.
Unit 2: Nationalist Revolutions- Case Studies
Unit 3: Pan- Asian Nationalism & Decolonisation in South and South East Asia
Unit 4: New Governments & Polity in South and South East Asia

Paper V: Research Methodology: Part 1 (50 Marks)

Unit 1: Definition of Qualitative Research

Unit 2: Steps & Methods in Qualitative Research
Unit 3: Definition of Quantitative Research
Unit 4: Steps & Methods in Quantitative Research
Semester II

Paper VI: Post Colonial History 1948 – 1990 (50 Marks)

Unit 1: Emergence of Cold War & Nations in South and South East Asia
Unit 2: Asian Unity & Asian Ideology
Unit 3: Non-democratic experiments in South and South East Asia
Unit 4: Political institutions and political culture till the end of Cold war

Paper VII: Post Colonial History 1990- 2015 (50 Marks)

Unit 1: Globalisation & South and South East Asian Response

Unit 2: Growth of New Civil Society.
Unit 3: Neo Globalisation & South and South East Asia
Unit 4: Age of Asianism & Big Powers in South and South East Asia

Paper VIII: South and South East Asian Economic Issues (50 Marks)

Unit 1: Basic Features of South and South East Asian Economy

Unit 2: South and South East Asia in context of colonial Economy- Trade & Agriculture
Unit 3: Regional Economy in South and South East Asia- Case Studies
Unit 4: Approaches to Development Paradigms in South and South East Asia

Paper IX: South and South East Asian Economic Issues (50 Marks)

Unit 1: Economic Groupings in post colonial South and South East Asia.
Unit 2: Role of Multi National Corporations in South and South East Asia
Unit 3: Development in South and South East Asia- Case Studies
Unit 4: Corruption, Terrorism and Development in South and South East Asia

Paper X: Research Methodology: Part 2 (50 Marks)

Unit 1: Computer Application

Unit 2: Methods to write a Project
Unit 3: Methods to write a research paper
Unit 4: Citations and their variables

Semester III

Paper XI: Post Independent Government, Politics and Human Rights (50 Marks)

Unit 1: Concept of Human Rights

Unit 2: The Democratic and Non Democratic forms of Governments in South and South
East Asia
Unit 3: Government, Polity & Human Rights- Case Studies
Unit 4: South and South East Asian Governmental Response to Human Right issues

Paper XII: Post Independent Government and Politics and Human Rights (50 Marks)

Unit 1: Identifying conflict areas and issues in South and South East Asian Governance
Unit 2: Human Rights Issues in South and South East Asia
Unit 3: United Nations, Human Rights & South and South East Asian Response
Unit 4: Bilateral and multilateral arrangements: organising for peace, mutual confidence
building and cooperation perspective.
Paper XIII: Study on Ethnicity & Minority issues in Contemporary South and South
East Asia (50 Marks)

Unit 1: Conceptual Paradigms - Definition of Ethnicity & Minority

Unit 2: Governance- Majority, Minority and Electoral Politics in South Asia
Unit 3: Governance-- Majority, Minority and Electoral Politics in South East Asia
Unit 4: Minority People’s Movements in South and South East Asia

DSE Courses:
In DSE course Paper 1 Group A there are options. One student is to opt for any one
course, A/B/C

DSE: Paper I

A: Gender Studies
Unit 1: Feminism and critiques of the ‘orthodoxy’
Unit 2: Women in National Liberation Movements, Militarization, Security,
Reconstruction and Resistances
Unit 3: Traditional Age: King, Society & Gender
Unit 4: Modern Age: Religion, Sex & Women’s Identity

B: Demography
Unit 1: Demographic Transition Theory and its Components
Unit 2: Demographic of Politics, Social Planning and Business and History of Population
Unit 3: Issues in Aging and Urbanization
Unit 4: Human Impact on the Environment and Managing the Transitions in the 21st

C: Refugee Studies.
Unit1: Nationalism, Ethnicity and Partition
Unit 2: Environmental degradation, resourced politics and forced Migration
Unit 3: Women and children in forced migration, Victimhood and Gender Justice
Unit 4: International regimes of protection, regional conventions and declarations and Best
practices of refugee rehabilitation
Generic Elective Course: Paper I
In GE course Paper 1 there are options. One student is to opt for any one course,

Language learning: (A) Thai/ (B) Burmese/ (C) Bengali / (D) Hindi - (50 Marks)

Unit1: History of the Language/ Literature

Unit2: The Alphabets and /or Tones
Unit3: Grammars
Unit 4: Culture Oriented Language

Semester IV
Paper XIV: Study on Region and Block Politics: 1947 to 1990 (50 Marks)

Unit 1: Foreign Policies and Policy Making- Theoretical Approach

Unit 2: India and South and South East Asia -Bi- Lateral Politics
Unit 3: India and South and South East Asia- Regional Politics
Unit 4: South and South East Asia and World Powers

Paper XV: Study on Region and End of Block Politics: 1990 to 2015 (50 Marks)

Unit 1: End of Bloc Politics & Emergence of Liberalism & Globalisation

Unit 2: Emergence of Asianism
Unit 3: International Influence on Governance in South and South East Asia.
Unit 4: Trans- national threats and security.

Paper XVI: Education in Contemporary South and South East Asia (50 Marks)

Unit 1: Gender Education

Unit 2: Human Rights Education
Unit 3: Environmental Education
Unit 4: Public Health Education

DSE : Paper II
In DSE course Paper II, Group B there are options. One student is to opt for any one
course, .ie. A/B/C

A:Human Rights
Unit 1: Genesis and growth of different concepts of human rights
Unit 2: International institution, conventions and laws on human rights
Unit 3: Response of state and civil society on human rights
Unit 4: Globalization and human rights

B:Environmental Studies.
Unit 1: Sustainable Development & Environmental studies
Unit 2: Natural Resources
Unit 3: Environmental Pollution
Unit 4: Social Issues and Environmental Ethics
C: Peace Studies.
Unit1: Theories and Histories of Peace Making
Unit 2: Liberation Movements and Partitions and Inter-Community Conflicts and Peace
Unit 3: Borders as a Zone of War and Peace
Unit 4: Peace Makers and Peace Wreckers.

Generic Elective: Paper II

In GE course Paper II there are options. One student is to opt for any one course,

Paper II : Language learning: A) Thai/B) Burmese/C) Bengali/D) Hindi - (50 marks)

Unit1: Numerals
Unit2: Lessons on Conversation at Elementary levels
Unit3: Lessons on Conversation at Elementary levels
Unit4: Methods to use a Dictionary

Course Structure
Course Written Internal Total
Number Credit Examination Evaluation Marks

Semester- CC-1 4 40 10 50
I CC-2 4 40 10 50
CC-3 4 40 10 50
CC-4 4 40 10 50
CC-5 4 40 10 50

Semester- CC-6 4 40 10 50
II CC-7 4 40 10 50
CC-8 4 40 10 50
CC-9 4 40 10 50
CC-10 4 40 10 50

CC-11 4 40 10 50
CC-12 4 40 10 50
CC-13 4 40 10 50
DSE 1 4 30 20 50
(A/B/C) 4 30 20 50
GE 1:(GrA)
Semester- CC-14 4 40 10 50
IV CC15 4 40 10 50
CC16 4 40 10 50
DSE-2 4 30 20 50
(A/B/C) 4 30 20 50
TOTAL 80 760 240 1000

CC=Core Courses, DSE=Discipline Specific Elective, GE=Generic Elective


Books on Theories of Asian Studies &

Research Methodology
1. Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki and Steve Smith, International Relations
Theories Discipline and Diversity. USA. 2007

2. Ian Clark, Globalization and IR Theory. Oxford, 1999

AJR Groom and Margot Light (ed.), Contemporary International Relations
: A Guide to Theory. London, 1994

3. Jayantanuja Bandopadhaya, A General Theory of International

Relations. Allied Publications. New Delhi-1993

4. Alan Bryman, Social Research Methods, Oxford University Press,

2016.Introduction to Research Methods, Robert B Burns, Pearson

5. RC Majumdar -Kambujadesa or An ancient Indian Hindu colony in

Cambodia Univ.of Madras,1944

6 . Do,Ancient Indian Colonies in the Far East :Champa vol.1 Lahore,


7. Do, Hindu colonies in the far east :Suvarnadwipa 2vol.s , Calcutta


8. K.D.Nag, India &the Pacific World Calcutta, 1941

9. Hermann Kulke, Śrīvijaya Revisited,Reflections on State Formation, of

a Southeast Asian Thalassocracy, BULLETIN DE L’ÉCOLE FRANCAISE

10. Bosch F.D.K; Selected Studies in Indonesian Archaeology; Martinus

Nijhoff; The Hague; Netherlands; 1961

11. Coedes George; The Indianised States of South East Asia; Honolulu;
U. S. A; 1968
12. Coedes George; The Making of Southeast Asia; translated in English by
H. M. Wright; Routledge & Paul; London; U.K; 1966

13. Ghosh Lipi (ed.); Rabindranath Tagore and South East Asia; Culture,
Connectivity and Bridge-making; Primus Books; New Delhi; 2016

14. Hall D.G.E; A History of South East Asia; McMillan; London; U.K;

15. Hall Kenneth R and Whitmore J. K (edited); Explorations of Early

Southeast Asian History: The Origin of the Southeast Asian Statecraft;
Michigan Papers on South and Southeast Asia Number 11), Centre for
South and Southeast Asian Studies; The University of Michigan, U S A;

16. Hall Kenneth R; Maritime Trade and State Development in Early

Southeast Asia; University of Hawaii Press; Honolulu; U.S. A; 1985

17. Le May Reginald; The Culture of South East Asia: The Heritage of
India; George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London; U. K; 1954

18. Manguin P.Y, Mani A. and Wade J (eds.); Early Interactions between
South and South East Asia: Reflections on Cross-cultural Exchanges;
Institute of South East Asian Studies, Singapore; Manohar Publishers; New
Delhi; India; 2011

19. Quaritch Wales H. G; Indianisation of China and Southeast Asia;

Bernard Quaritch; London; U. K.; 1967

20. Quaritch Wales H. G; The Making of Greater India; Bernard

Quaritch; London; U.K; 1951

21. Sharma Anjana (ed.); Civilisational Dialogue: Asian Inter

connections and Cross-cultural Exchanges; Indian Council for
Cultural Relations; New Delhi & Manohar Publishers, New Delhi;
India; 2013

22. Van Leur J.C; Indonesian Trade and Society: Essays in Social
and Economic Theory; Bandung; Indonesia; 1960

23. Wolters O. W; History, Culture and Region in Southeast Asian

Perspectives; South East Asian Program; Cornell University; Ithaca;
U.S.A and Institute of Southeast Asian Studies; Singapore; 1982
Books on South and South East Asia and
Indian Ocean (Colonial and Post
Colonial History)
1. G.Berkemer, T Frasce,Hkulke&J.Luett(edited) Explorations in the
History of South Asia: Essays in Honour of Diemar Rothermund. Delhi:
Manohar 2001.

2. Ayesha Jalal, Self Sovereignty : Individual and community in South

Asian Islam since, London/New York, Routledge, Delhi: Oxford
University Press, Lahore, 1850

3. Jahanara Imam translated by Mustafizur Rahman of Blood and Fire

: The Untold Story of Bangladesh’s War of Independence, , Academic
Publishers, 1991.

4. KalyanChaudhury Genocide in Bangladesh by, Orient Longman,


5. K. A. Kamal,Sheikh MujiburRahman and the Birth of Bangladesh,

Dacca: Shainpukur Art Press, 1972.

6. SumitSarkar: Modern India. Macmillian India Pvt.Ltd, 1999.

7. Bipan Chandra: Rise and Growth of Economic Nationalism..

Anamika Publishers Distributer Ltd. 1966

8. Tarling. Nicholas, The Cambridge History of South East Asia

Volume I& II. Cambridge University Press, 1992.

9. Ghosh Lipi, Mukherjee Rila (ed), Rethinking Connectivity: Region

Place and Space in Asia, Primus, New Delhi, 2016

10. Ray Jayantakumar Transfer of power in Indonesia :Bombay 1967

11. Ashin Das Gupta & M.N Pearson, India and The Indian Ocean
Trade -1500-1800, Calcutta etc, 1987

12. Robert S. Wicks, Money Market and Trade in Early Southeast Asia:
The Development of Indigenous Monetary System to AD 1400, New
York 1992.
13. George Cedes, Indianised State of South East Asia, Honolulu, 1968.

14. Tansen Sen, Buddhism Diplomacy and Trade, New Delhi, 2003.

15. Arasaratnam, The Coromandel –Southeast Asian Trade,

1650-1740; First edition 1984; reprint in Maritime Trade, Society
and European Influence in Southern Asia, 1600-1800.
Aldershot, Hampshire: Variorum, 1995.

16. O.W. Wolters, History, Culture and Region in Southeast

Asian Perspectives, South East Asia Program
Cornell University Ithaca, New York in cooperation with the
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore,1999.

17. Sugata Bose, A Hundred Horizons: The India Ocean in the Age of
Global Empire, New Delhi, 2006

18. LipiGhosh, (ed.), Eastern Indian Ocean, Historical Links to

Contemporary Convergences, Cambridge school Publishing, London,

19. R.C Majumdar, India and South East Asia, B.R Publishing, Delhi,

20. L.J Bahadur Singh,(ed), Indians in South East Asia, New Delhi,

21. Ray, Jayanta kumar (in association with Misra Binoda Kumar)edited
Interpreting the Indian Diaspora lessons from History and
Contemporary Politics General editor Chattopadhyay,Vol X , PHISPC,
Centre for studies in civilization:, New Delhi,2009

22. Frank N Trager: Burma from Kingdom to Republic: A Historical

Political Analysis, , NY, 1966.

23. J.F Cady: A History of Modern Burma, - Ithaca, 1958

24. Lipi Ghosh Burma Myth of French Intrigue, Calcutta, 1994

25. Swapna Bhattacharya India-Myanmar Relations 1886-1948.

Kolkata 2007

26. Michael W.ACharney , History of Modern Burma Cambridge

University Press 2009
27. Robert H.Taylor, The State in Myanmar. London, 2009 Malaya-

28. Rupert Emerson: Malayasia: Government and Nationalism in

Southeast Asia, New York,.1942

29. Victor Purcel: Chinese in Malaya, London, 1948


Books on South and South East Asian

Economic Issues
1. Michael P. Todaro, Economic Development , Pearson, United
States, 2011

2. Jeffry Frieden, David Lake, and Lawrence Broz, Editors,

International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and
Wealth, Fifth Edition ,New York 2010.

3. Thomas Oatley, International Political Economy: Interests and

Institutions in the Global Economy, Fifth Edition ,New York 2012.

4. Randy Charles Epping, A Beginner’s Guide to the World Economy,

Third Edition, New York, 2001).

5. Thein Myat, Economic Development of Myanmar, ISEAS

publishing,Singapore 2004

6. Hang Chuon Naron, Cambodian Economy: Charting the Course of

a Brighter Future A Survey of Progress, Problems and Prospects. ISEAS,

7. Vo Nhan Tri, Vietnam's Economic Policy since 1975, ISEAS

,Singapore 2000

8. Phongpaichit Pasuk and Chris Baker, Thailand: Economy and

Politics 2nd Edition, OUP, 2002

9. Nikolaos Biziouras , The Political Economy of Ethnic

Conflict in Sri Lanka: Economic Liberalization, Mobilizational
Resources, and Ethnic Collective Action Routledge Contemporary
South Asia Series, Routledge, 2014

10. S. Akbar Zaidi, Issues in Pakistan's Economy: A Political

Economy Perspective 3rd Edition, OUP 2015
11. David Lewis , Bangladesh Politics, Economy and Civil Society,
Cambridge University Press , 2014

12. Paul Samuelson , William Nordhaus , Economics , McGraw Hill

Education India Private Limited; 19 edition, 2010.

Books on Government, Political

Governance, Ethnicity and Minorities
1. Partha S. Ghosh,, Cooperation and Conflict in South Asia, Manohar,
Delhi, 1989

2. J.C, Johari Governments and Politics of South Asia, University of

California, Sterling Publishers,New Delhi, 1991.

3 Devin T Hagerty,, South Asia and World Politics,

Rowman&Littlefield, 2005.

4. Vernon Mastron Hewitt,: The International Politics of South Asia,

Manchester University Press, London 1992.

5. Krishna Hetechu,, Nepal in Transition -A Study on the State of

Democracy, Krishna Hachhethu with Sanjay Kumar and Jiwan
Subedi,DSA/Nepal Chapter and International IDEA,
Kathmandu, Nepal, January 2008

5. Ian Talbot, Pakistan ; A Modern History, Oxford University

Press,London 2002.

6. Charanvit Kasetsiri, Studies in Thai and South East Asian

History, Humanities Text Book Project Toyota- Thailand
Foundation, Bangkok, 2015.

8. Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust Ed., New Century: Whose

Century, UBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2001.

9. J.G Ungpakorn Ed., Radicalising Thailand : New Political

Perspectives, Bangkok, 2008.
10. Craig J Reynold, National Identity and its Defender,
Bangkok, 1993.

11. Chandrika Gulati: Bangladesh Liberation to

Fundamentalism, New Delhi, Commonwealth, 1988.

Books on Region and Block Politics &

India’s Foreign Policies
1. A. Appudarai and M S Rajan: Indias Foreign Policy Relations
, New Delhi, 1985, reprinted 1988.

2. Jayantuja Bandopadhaya : The making of India’s Foreign Policy. ,


3. V P Dutt: India’s foreign policy in a Changing World., New Delhi,

Vikas Publishing House, 1999.

4. Haris Kapur: India’s Foreign Policy, 1947-1992: Shadows and

Substance, New Delhi, Thousand Books, Sage, 1994.

5. Ashok Kapur and A Jayaramtnam Wilson: Foreign Policies of

India and Her Neighbours, New York, Martin’s Press,1996.

6. Swapna Bhattacharya (Chakrabarti), India Myanmar Relations

1886-1948, K.P Bagchi and Company, Kolkata, 2007.

7. Lipi Ghosh(ed.), India-Myanmar Relations: Historical Links

to Contemporary Convergences, Paragon International Publishers; 1
edition, 2016.

8. Jayanta kumar Ray .Indian foreign Relations 1947-2007 ,New

Delhi Routledge 2011.

9. LipiGhosh, Connetivities and Beyond: Indo-Thai Relations

Through Ages, Asiatic Society, Kolkata, 2009.

10. Devi NirmaleT & RajuSubramanyam (edited) India and South

east Asia strategic convergence in the twenty –first Century
Delhi- Manohar 2012.
11. Sudhir Devare, India and Southeast Asia, ISEAS, Singapore,
2006 .

12. Bimal Prasad, Regional Cooperation in South Asia: Problems

and Perspectives, New Delhi, Vikas, 1989.

13 Mishra, P.K., South-South cooperation: A SAARC Perspective,

Calcutta, Chatterjee Publishers, 1990.

14 Naqsh, Nasir A., “SAARC”: Challenges and Opportunities,

Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi, 1994.

15.. Amitava Acharya, The Quest for Identity : International

Relations of Southeast Asia, Oxford University Press, 2000.

16 Kanishkajayasurya (ed.), Governing the Asia Pacific: Beyond

the new Regionalism’,2004.

17. Behera, N.C., et al, People to people contact in Southeast Asia,

Delhi, Manohar, 2000

Books on Ethnicity & Minority

1. AhamedFeroz: Ethnicity and Politics in Pakistan, Oxford

University Press,London,1998.

2. Bonita Aleaz et al, Ethnicity Nations and Minorities : South

Asian Scenario, Manak Publicatioins, New Delhi2002

3. Lipi Ghosh, Political Governance and Minority Rights: The

South and Southeast Asian Scenario, Routledge Publications, London,
4. Urmila Phadnis, Ethnicity and Nation Building in South Asia,
New Delhi, 1990

5. Monirul Hussain and Lipi Ghosh, Religious Minorities in South

Asia: Selected Essays on Post Colonial Situation, Vol 1 & Vol 2, New
Delhi, 2002.
Books on Education in South and
South East Asia

1. John Dewey, Democracy and Education: An introduction to the

philosophy of education, Macmillan, Originally on 1916, Retrieved 4
May 2016
2. Palmer, Liora Bresler, David Edward Cooper ,Fifty Major Thinkers on
Education (From Confucius to Dewey). Routledge, London and New
York, 2002
3. Melanie Walker and Elaine Unterhalter, Amartya Sen's Capability
Approach and Social Justice in Education, Palgrave Macmilan, US,
4. Klaus Dieter Bieter, The protection of Right to Education by
International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publisher, Leiden 2005
5. Anne Newman, Realizing Educational Rights, University of Chicago
Press,Chicago 2013
6. Jean Drèze and Amartya Sen, India: Development and Participation.
New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2002.
7. Marrie Hall, The Challenges for India’s Education System. Chatham
Home, 2005.
8. Martin Nowak, The right to education. Economic, social and cultural
rights,eds Asbjørn Eide and Catarina Krause, Boston : Kluwer
academic publishers, 1995

9. Sachidananda and R.P. Sinha, Education and the Disadvantaged: A

Study of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Uppal Publishing
House, New Delhi1989
10. Walter G Secada, Educational Equity versus Equality of Education: An
Alternative Conception. Equity in Education. Secada, W.G. ed. New
York: Falmer Press, 1989.
11. Amartya Sen, The idea of justice. United Kingdom: Harvard University
Press, 2009
12. Colin Wringe, Childrens rights: A Philosophical Study. London :
Routledge, 1981

D S E Course
Books on Gender Studies
1. The Polity Reader in Gender Studies, , Cambridge1995

2. .Ramusack, Barbara and Sievers, Sharon, Women in Asia;

Restoring Women to history Bloomington,1999

3. Chenoy, Anuradha, Militarism and Women in South Asia, New

Delhi 2002.

4. Manchanda, Rita, Women War and Peace in South Asia: Beyond

Victimhood to Agency, Delhi, 2001.

5. Khaing MiMi, World of Burmese Women, London, 1984.

6. Hawley, J.S., Fundamentalism and Gender, New Delhi1994,

7. Cook Rebecca, Human Rights of Women and National and

International Perspectives, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994.

8. .Hashmi, T.I, Women and Islam in Bangladesh: Beyond Subjection

and Tyranny, Macmillan Press, Palgrave Macmillan, UK2000

9. Sen, Krishna, and StivensMaiia, Gender and Power in Affluent

Asia, Routledge, London, 1998.

10. Thiruchandran, Selvy, Ideology, Caste, Class, and Gender, Vikas,

New Delhi 1997.

11. Stivens, Maila, Why Gender Matters in Southeast Asian Politics,

Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Clayton Australia, 1991.

12. Matsui, Y, Women’s Asia, Zed, London, 1987.

13. Mernissi, Fatima, Women in Muslim Paradise, Kali For Women,

New Delhi, 1988.

14. Ranchod-Nilsson, Sita and Mary Ann Tetreault, Women, States and
Nationalism, ,Routledge, London, 2000.

15. Selvy Thiruchandran, Women, Narrations and Nation: Collective

Images and Multiple Identities, Vikas, New Delhi, 1999.
Books on Demography
1. Weeks, John R. (2005). Population.An Introduction to Concepts and
Issues.10th edition.Thomson Wadsworth. ISBN-13: 978-0-495-

2. Jennifer Hickes Lundquist, Douglas L. Anderton, David Yaukey,

Demography- Study of Human Population Wave, land – 2015

3. Véronique Petit, Population Studies and Development from Theory to

Fieldwork, Springer International Publishing, 2017

4. Edith Gray, Zhongwei Zhao, Population Studies, Routledge, 2012

5. Jay. A. Weinstein and Vijayan K Pillai, Demography: The Science of

Population, Allyn and Bacon, 2001

6. Clare Holdsworth, Nissa Finney, Alan Marshall and Paul Norman,

Population and Society, SAGE Publications, New Delhi, 2013

Books on Refugee Studies

1. Sibaji PratimBasu (ed.), Forced Migration and Media Mirrors,
Kolkata ,2014.
2. Paula Banerjee, Anusua Basu Roy Choudhury (ed.), Women in
Indian Border Land, Sage. New Delhi,2011
3. Samir Kumar Das (ed.), Counter Gaze : Media, Migrants,
Minorities In South Asia and Europe , Kolkata, 2011
4. Shibaji Pratim Basu, Fleeing People of South Asia: Selection from
Refugee Watch, Anthem Press Publications London, New York,
Delhi., 2012
5. Paula Banerjee, SaybyasachiBasuRaychoudhuri, Samir Kumar Das
(ed.), Internal Displacement in South Asia, Sage Publications. New
6. Ranabir Samaddar, Refugees and State- Practices of Asylum and
Care in India, 1947-2000,. New Delhi -2003,
7. Pradip Kumar Bose (ed.) Refugees in West Bengal- Institutional
Practices and Contested Identities, Published by CRG. Kolkata,
8. SubirBhowmik,MeghnaGuhathakurata&SabyasachiBasuRaychowd
huri, Living on the Edge Essay on Chittagong Hill Track, Manohar
Publishers, New Delhi, 1997
9. Paula Banerjee &AtigGhosh, Statelessness in South Asia,
Hyderabad 2015
10. Swapna Bhattacharya, The Rakhine State ( Araken) of Myanmar :
Interrogating History culture and conflict Delhi- Manohar2007

11. Sanjay Ray, (edited) Refugee and Human Rights. New Delhi ,2001.

Books on Human Rights

1. RM.Anderson, and S Guha,Changing Concepts of Rights and
Justice in South Asia, Oxford, 2000.

2. A. Chandra, Human Rights and Conflict Resolution, New Delhi,


3. S. Kanitkar, International Provisions of Human Rights, New Delhi,


4. R.C Paul, Situation of Human Rights in India, New Delhi, 2000.

5. P.Mishra, Women in South Asia: Dowry Death and Human Rights

Violations, New Delhi, 2000.

6. M.M Rehaman, Human Rights and Human Development: Concepts

and Contexts, New Delhi, 2000.

7. P. Vadkar, Concepts, Theories and Practice of Human Rights,

Vedams eBook (P),New Delhi, 2000.

8. S. Chakraborty, Human Rights for Children in India, Neha

Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2010.

9. A. Pandey, Human Rights in India: Changing Dimensions, V L

Media Solutions, 2014.

10. N. Sanajoaba, Human Rights in the New Millenium, , New


11. N. Singh, N., and R.Tripathi, Globalisation and Human Rights in

India, New Delhi, 2012.
12. J. Parida,, Tribals: Development, Displacement and Rehabilitation
(A case study), New Delhi, 2006.

13. R. Ghate,, Forest Policy and Tribal Development, New Delhi


14. Sanjoy Roy (edited) Refugee and Human Rights, New Delhi,

Books on Environmental Studies

1. Bharuch Erach, The Biodiversity of India, Map in Publishing Pvt.
Ltd., Ahmedabad , India, Ahmedabad,2002

3. Jadhav, H &Bhosale, V.M. Environmental Protection and Laws,

New Delhi, 1995

4. Brunner R.C., , Hazardous Waste Incineration, McGraw Hill Inc.


5. Clark R.S, Marine Pollution, Clanderson Press Oxford (TB)

6. Cunningham, W.P. Cooper, T.H. Gorhani, E & Hepworth, M.T.

Environmental Encyclopedia, Mumbai.

7. Environmental Encyclopaedia, Jaico Publishing. House, Mumbai,


8. A.K. DE, Environmental Chemistry, Wiley Eastern Ltd, New

Delhi, 1990

9. P. Thangavel and G. Sridevi, Environmental Sustainability: Role of

Green Technology, Springer, New Delhi, 2015

10. World Commission on Environment and Development, Our

Common Future, Oxford University Press, 1987

11. Margaret Robertson, Sustainability Principles and Practice,

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017

Reading List of Peace Studies

1. Mushkat Marion, The Third World and Peace, New York, 1982.

2. RBJ Walker, One World, Many Worlds: Struggles for a Just

World Peace, Colorado, 1988.

3. Floya Anthians and Niru Yuval Davis, Women-Nation-State,

London, 1989.

4. Cynthia Cockburn, The Space Between Us: Negotiating Gender

and National Identities in Conflict, London 1998.

5. Malthai De Alvis, Approaching Gender: Women Activism and the

Politicization of Religion in South Asia . London/NY:
Routledge/Delhi: Kali for Women, 1997.

6. Meenakshi Gopinath &Manjari Sewak, Transcending Conflicts: A

Resource Book on Conflict Transformation, WISCOMP, 2004.

7. MeghnaGuhathakurata, Gender Violance in Bangladessh: The

Role of the State, The Journal of Social Sciences, No.30, 1986.

8. Paula Banerjee, SabyasachiBasuRaychowdhury and Samir Das,

Internal Displacement in South Asia. New Delhi.2005.

9. D. Kandiyoti, Women Islam and state, London, 1994.

10. ChakrabortyShantanu (edited) Searching for Non –western Roots of

conflict Resolution: Discourse Norms and Case studies : Delhi
Knowledge world 2013 (IFPS: Calcutta University)

11. RanabirSamaddar,, South Asian Peace Studies Reader Vols. 1-

Editor, Delhi, 2004

12. Irwing LHorowitz,War and Peace in Contemporary Social and

Philosophical Theory, London, 1973.


1. Thai for Beginners 1st ed Edition by Benjawan Poomsan Becker

2.Thai for Intermediate Learners (English and Thai

Edition) Paperback – August 15, 1998 by Benjawan Poomsan Becker
3. Thai for Advanced Readers (English and Thai Edition) Paperback –
May 10, 2000 by Benjawan Poomsan Becker

4. Lipi Ghosh, Fundamentals of Thai Language: A First Hand

Book, CSSEAS, Department of South and Southeast Asian
Studies, University of Calcutta, 2009

(Additional Materials to be given in Class)

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