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STATE WATER AND SANITATION MISSION UTTAR PRADESH DETAILED PROJECT REPORT Alipurkhurd Village Alipurkhurd Gram Panchayat Water Supply Scheme Block - Baghra District - Muzaffarnagar UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION PROGRAMME (JJM) MINISTRY OF JAL SHAKTI Estimated Cost Rs, 201.22 Lakh Estimate No. 44 Year 2021-22 Prepared and Submitted By M/s JMIC-LCEPL JV NIT NO: 1216/W-22NIT/2020-21 Dated 07.09.2020 DOC NO.: JMC-LCEPL JV / Muzaffarnagar / DPR / Alipurkhurd DOCUMENT CONTROL: | esigned |] [approved] CONTENTS, [Salient Features 78 DETAILED PROJECT REPORT 1. INTRODUCTION 9 2. EXISTING WATER SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT OF THE SCHEME 9 3. DESIGN CRITERIA 9 [4. POPULATION 3 5. WATER DEMAND 10 [6. WATER SUPPLY SOURCE 10 7. RISING MAIN 10 8. PUMPING PLANT. 10 [9. PUMPING HOURS 10 110. OVERHEAD TANK it 111. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM i 12, FUNCTIONAL HOUSEHOLD TAP CONNECTION (FHTC) it 113, PUBLIC STAND POSTS i [TECHNICAL REPORT 2 11. MECHANICAL SCOPE OF WORK 2 [1-1 DESIGN CRITERIA 2 1.2 DESIGN PERIOD 12 1.3 POPULATION PROJECTION 3B 11.4 RATE OF WATER SUPPLY a7 [1.5 WATER DEMAND v7 1.6 SOURCE OF WATER SUPPLY 18 1.7 REQUIREMENT OF TUBEWELLS & PUMPING HOURS 18 1.8 HEAD OF PUMPING PLANT 18 [1.9 OVERHEAD TANK 18 1.10 RISING MAIN 20 1.11 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 20 1.12 STANDPOST 20 1.13 FUNCTIONAL HOUSEHOLD TAP CONNECTION (FHTC) 20 1-14 CROSSINGS 24 1.15 HYDRAULIC DESIGN REPORT 21 1.16 DESIGN OF DRILLING AND SIZE OF PIPES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TUBEWELL 30 2 CIVIL SCOPE OF WORK 31 2.1. SCOPE 31 2.2. SALIENT FEATURES: CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL WORKS, 32 2.2.1. Codes & Standards 2.2.2. Units of measurements 33 2.2.3. Computer Program/ Software 33 2.3. SITE CONDITIONS 33 2.3.1. Design Ground Elevation 33 2.4. MATERIAL 3 2.4.1. Concrete Mix 33 2.4.2. Concrete Grade 34 2.4.3. Reinforcement bars 34 2.4.4, Brick Masonry 34 2.5. STRUCTIRAL ANALYSIS 34 2.5.1. Modelling 34 2.5.2. BASIC LOADS 34 2.6, DESIGN METHODOLOGY 37 2.6.1. General 37 2.6.2. Design Norms for Foundation 37 2.6.3. Minimum Cover to Reinforcement 37 2.6.4. Minimum Percentage of Steel 37 2.6.5. Minimum Thickness of Structural Components 37 2.6.6. Minimum Bar Diameter 37 2.6.7. Minimum Bar Spacing 37 2.7. CONSTRUCTION METHOD 37 2.7.1. Precast /Structural Steel/Cast-In-situ Structures: 37 2.8. ROAD REINSTATEMENT 38 [3 TREATMENT PROCESS 38 [4 ELECTRICAL & INSTRUMENTATION SCOPE OF WORK 38 4.1. ELECTRICAL SCOPE OF WORK 38 4.2, ELECTRICAL CONSIDERATIONS 39 4.3. ELECTRICAL DESIGN PHILOSOPHY 39 4.4, ELECTRICAL SIZING CALCULATION 40 4.5. INSTRUMENTATION AND AUTOMATION SCOPE OF WORK a2 [4.6. LIST OF STANDARDS 8 List of Drawings > Layout Drawing for Tube Well with Pump House, Chlorine Room And OHSR > Node Diagram > Typical Drawing for House service connections > Typical Drawing for Nalla Crossing > Typical GA Drawing for Tube Well with Pump House and Chlorine Room > General Arrangement Drawing of Air Valve Chamber > General Arrangement Drawing of Fire Hydrant Chamber > General Arrangement Drawing of Valve Chamber > Typical Drawing for Boundary Wall > Typical Drawing for Road Crossing > Typical Drawing for Staff Quarters > Typical Drawing for Thrust Block List of Figures Figure 1: Simple Graphical Method Curve Figure 2: Semi og Grophical Method Curve Figure 3: OVERALL VIEW OF THE GRAM PANCHAYAT Figure 4: Flow diagram for transformer sizing List of Tables Table 1 List of Village and Habitations Table 2 SC/ST ond House hold Data Table 3: Rising Main Summary Table 4: Distribution Summary Table 5: Population Adopted Table 6: Demand Adopted Table 7: Rising Main Summary Table &: Distribution Summary Table 9: Design period of various facilities in water supply system Table 10: Population of based on census during last five decades Table 11: Population Projection Calculation Table 12: Population Projection by Simple Graphical Increase Method Table 13: Population Projection by Semi Log Graphical Method Table 14: Summary of Various Population projection methods Table 15: Population Ratio Table 16: Forecasted population Table 17: Tubewell discharge calculation Table 18: Tubewell head calculation Table 19 Mass Balancing of OHSR Table 20: Rising Main Details Table 24: Rising Main Summary Table 22: Distribution Pipe Abstract Table 23: Pipe Table Table 24: Junction Table Table 25: Valve Abstract Table 26: SCOPE OF WORK Table 27: MINIMUM CEMENT CONTENT IN CONCRETE Table 28: GRADE OF CONCRETE Toble 29: DEAD LOAD DETAILS Table 30: LIVE LOAD DETAILS Table 31: Electrical Sizing Calculation Table 32: List of Standards SALIENT FEATURES Name of the state Name of the District : Name of the Tehsil Name of the Block Name of the Programme Name of the GP No. of Village/Habitations Uttar Pradesh Muzaffarnagar Sadar Baghra Under Jal Jeevan Mission Programme Alipurkhurd 1 Table 1 Uist of Vilage and Habitations District Sub Block Gram 2011 ~=| Revenue sino | SE | District Panchaya| Census | village | Habitations Name name Name name tName | Code | Name [Aipurchar| a) ») ° Ali ‘khi Ali ‘Ah 1 |Muzaffar) sadariBaghra |MPYKM4| 119997 |Mipurkhul cy o nagar rd rd GP Population Summary Table 2 ¢/ST and Household Data GP-POPULATION DETANS HOUSE SL.NO DESCRIPTION Tora. | scist | 1 As per Census 2011 1815 [300 | 272 2 Initial Stage 2022 2132 353 320 3 Middle Stage 2037 2597 430 390 4 Ultimate Stage 2052 3100 513, 465 64.71 LPCD (added 15% losses over 55. Rate of water supply : Nature of Sources: Source of Development : Lpcb) Ground water Tube-Well Daily Water Demand Summary a) Base year 2022 b) Intermediate year 2037 ) Design year 2052 ‘* Number of Tube wells * Nature of Treatments Average Dosing Capacity Pumping plant for Tube Well a) No. and Type of Plant : b) Anticipated Discharge : ©) Total working Head : d) Motor (HP): Service Storage a) Quantity b) Capacity : (KL) ) Staging: (M) Pipeline Summary 138 KLD 169 KL 201 KLD 1 Chlorinator through HDPE Tank (100L) and Dosing metering pump (0-6LPH) 0.50 PPM Number of Submersible Pump 450 53 10 150 12 Table 5: Rising bain Summary Material} class |lameter| Length (ram) _|__(m) Rising Mane |! K7 100 | 35 Total Length (mj| _35 Table 4: Distribution Summary i Diameter] Length Pipeline Type | Material Class (mm) | (m) Distribution Mains | HDPE PN-6 PE100 631755 Distribution Mains | HDPE PN-6 PE100 75 [547 Distribution Mains | HDPE PN-6 PE100 90 [259 Distribution Mains |” HDPE PN-6 PE100 110/151 Distribution Mains | HDPE PN-6 PE100 160_|137 Distribution Mains | HDPE PN-6 PE100 200__|o Total Length (m) [2849 Per capita cost on ultimate Population Rs. 5839 PROJECT REPORT 1, INTRODUCTION This Detailed Project Report for Alipurkhurd Gram Panchayat, Block- Baghra District- Muzaffarnagar has been prepared under Jal Jeevan Mission Program (JJM) for providing piped water supply to gram panchayat consisting of 1 habitation under the district of Muzaffarnagar 2. EXISTING WATER SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT OF THE SCHEME. Piped water supply does not exist in this Gram Panchayat. Habitants of villages take their water requirement from installed India Mark-ll Hand-pumps / Shallow hand-pumps and open wells in the village. Installed India Mark-Il hand pumps, although extract water from safe water supply source, are inadequate to meet the water demand of all villages shallow hand-pumps. Moreover, open wells are exposed to contamination, it is therefore necessary that piped water supply system is provided in the village at the earliest. if any existing pipeline is available, same shall be discarded. 3. DESIGN CRITERIA The Design Criteria adopted for the works proposed under this detailed project Report accordance with the directives / guidelines issued by Ministry of Jal Shakti Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation National Jal Jeevan Mission. 4, POPULATION Population of Alipurkhurd Gram Panchayat based on Year 2011 Census is 1815 Initial Stage, Middle stage and Ultimate Stage has been adopted as 2022 2037 and 2052 respectively. Table 5: Population Adopted G.P Name Year/Stage Population Initial Stage Year 2022 2132 Alipurkhurd [intermediate Stage Year 2037 2597 Ultimate Stage Vear 2052 3100 5. WATER DEMAND The water demand has been calculated on the basis of 55 Liters per head per day and 15% water losses has been considered. Water requirement for different stages of the scheme is detailed below: Table 6: Demand Adopted GP Name Year/Stage Demand (KLD) Initial Stage Year 2022 138) Alipurkhurd [Intermediate Stage Year 2037 169 Ultimate Stage Year 2052 201 6, WATER SUPPLY SOURCE Water discharge of 433.34 LPM is required as per Intermediate year demand considering 6.5 hrs of pumping As pumping rate shall be lesser than 60% of yield of tubewell. So, minimum tubewell yield required is 693.35 LPM. We assume that required yield is available in this proposed area. 7. RISING MAIN From the proposed tube wells water will be conveyed to the R.C.C. Overhead Tank through Rising Mail Table 7: Rising Main Summary Pipeline | vraterial| class _|D!ameter| Length {mm)_|_(m) Oo «7 100 35 Total Length (m)| 35 8. PUMPING PLANT a) No. and Type of Plant : 1. Number of Submer b) Anticipated Discharge : 450 ¢) Total working Head : 53 d) Motor (HP) + 10 9. PUMPING HOURS Based on the Standard Norms / Design Criteria pumping has been adopted for Intermediate stage. 10 Gs CST pe UE, & tt we oe b & “UEBEUUBYE YE £& ‘ 10. OVERHEAD TANK The capacity of Over-head tank has been calculated by performing mass balancing over a duration of 24 hours by considering distribution consumption pattern for the mid stage demand. a) Quantity: a b) Capacity: (KL) 150 KL o) Staging :(M) RM 11, DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Distribution System has been provided in accordance with the Standard Norms and guidelines under the Jal Jeevan Mission Program, Salient details are detailed below: Peak Factor has been adopted as Minimum size of pipe has been kept as 63mm. Minimum Terminal Head adopted as : 7m HOPE Pipe PE-100 & DI pipe has been provided Accordingly design of Distribution System has been done. Summary of pipeline proposed in ti given below: scheme is Table 8: Distribution Summary Diameter] Length Pipeline Type | Material Class (mm) | te) Distribution Mains [HDPE PN-6 PE100 63_[1755 Distribution Mains [HDPE PN-6 PE100 75 (547 Distribution Mains [HDPE PN-6 PE100 90 [259 Distribution Mains |_ HDPE PN-6 PE100 110 [151 Distribution Mains |_HDPF PN-6 PE100 160 _ [137 Distribution Mains | HDPE PN-6 PE100 200 [0 Total Length (m) [2849 Adequate number of Sluice Valves / Air Valves / Fire Hydrant have been provided for regular and efficient working of the Water Supply System. 12. FUNCTIONAL HOUSEHOLD TAP CONNECTION (FHTC) Provision for 320 numbers House Connections has been made. 13, PUBLIC STAND POSTS 5 Number Public stand-posts shall be provided for public institutions 14. Conclusion After implementation and Commissioning of the project, the entire population of the project area shall be benefited with safe, clear and wholesome potable pipe water supply system thereby ensuring a clean and healthy environment. With the above remarks the Detailed Project Report of Village Alipurkhurd of amounting to Rs, 201.22 Lakh and Rs, 241.08 Lakh (including 10 year O&M Cost after DLP) is recommended for technical approval and allocation of funds. & Executive Engineer Construction Division, UP Jal Nigam Muzaffarnagar n TECHNICAL REPORT 1, MECHANICAL SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 DESIGN CRITERIA The Design Criteria adopted for the works proposed under this detailed project Report are in accordance the directives / guidelines issued by Ministry of Jal Shakti Department of Drinking Water and 0 Design Criteria for Head Loss or Pressure Drop Friction Head Loss per Meter of pipe are computed by using Hazen William Formula given below: Q= [1.292 * 10-5 * ¢ * (d42.63) * (S70.54)] Where, C- Hazen William coefficient d- Pipe Diameter in mm Q-- Discharge in cubic meter per hour S- Friction Slope Note: Station Loss of 2 m is considered at every pumping station. 0 Hazen William Co-efficient It is a factor or value used to indicate the smoothness of the interior of a pipe. The higher the C Factor, the smoother the pipe, the greater the carrying capacity, and the smaller the friction or energy losses from water flowing in the pipe. It is used in calculating the relative roughness of a pipe against the size of its diameter. In this case, following C values for DI and HDPE pipes are taken: Di pipes, c=140 HDPE pipes c= 145 1.2 DESIGN PERIOD ments over a 30-year period ‘The water supply projects are designed to meet the req + Base year ~2022 + Intermediate design year -2037 + Ultimate design year -2052 2 In this project, various facilities of water supply works are designed to meet the requirement of the following design periods. Table 9: Design period of various faci 3s in water supply system Sr. No. Facilities in Water Supply Works | Design Capacity (years) T Tubewell 15 2 Overhead Tanks 15 3 Rising/Distribution System 30 1.3 POPULATION PROJECTION Basis of Population projection is provided in this chapter. For the sake of Population projection, past decadal population of the villages in this GP is considered. ‘Table 10: Population of based on census during last five decades District - Muzaffarnagar Block - Baghra GP- Alipurkhurd POPULATION DETAILS yo7a|__1983| 1991] 2004] 201 eum (musae | coe fous wame | cove jrora, jrorat frotat frora, |rorat |scysr__|HOLOSAS CENSUS 1 [Meurer y10967 | 735 | 1050 | 1321 | 1642 | 1815 | 300 | 272 Note: For population forecasting, available data of the past decades for particular GP has been considered. The popul standard prescribed methods detailed below: “a (ii) i) (iv) (w) Arithmetical Increase Method Geometrical Increase Method Incremental increase Method Simple Graph Method Semi Log Graph Method. In projection for different stages of the design period has been done by the different [As stated above population figures of last five decades that is for 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001 and 2011 are available, based on these figures increase in population over previous decades, percentage increase in population and the incremental increase in population have been computed and these details are tabulated below: B Table 11: Population Projection Calculation Increase increment] census | _ Tt! in al Percentage Increase in Seno, | “Yaar | Populatio| Populatio | Increase Population " n Pop. (re) 9) (y) 1 1971 735 = i 2 1sgi_|_1050_| 315 = 0.429) 3 assi_[_ 1321 [271 0 0.258 4 2001__| 1642 321 50 0.243) 5 2011_| 1815 173 0 (0.105, Total] 1080) 50 Average| 270.00 | 16.67 6] 0.2307| Say/ 270 7 P, = Projected Population —_—_, = Base Year Population (2011) n= Decade A) Arithmetical Increase Method P,, =Pg+ (Kn) Population in Year 2022 1815 +L 270 x aa ] 2aa2 Population in Year 2037 1815 +1 270 x 26 1 2517 Population in Year 2052 1815 +1 270 x 4a dl 2922 (8) Incremental Increase Method P, =Pot (n.X}#(n.(n#d}/2).Y Population in Year 2022 1815 +f 14 x 270 HH x 2a x v7 Vv 2 2132 Population in Year 2037 1815 +L 26 x 270 HH x 36 x v7 v 2 2597 Population in Year 2052 1815 +L 4a x 270 HL x 51 x 7 Vv 2 3100 () Geometric Increase Method P,,=Pp (14rg)*n Population in Year 2022 1815 xt 1 + 0.231 y 2281 Population in Year 2037 1815 xL 1 + 0.231 r 3114 Population in Year 2052 1815 xt 1 + 0.231 r 4251 4 1a 26 AL at 2.6 44 (0) Simple Graphical Method: - In this method, the population curve of the Gram Panchayat {i.e., the population vs. past decades) is smoothly extended for obtaining values for the future, The line of best fit has been obtained by the method of least squares. Based on this comparison, a graph of populations versus decades is plotted and extrapolated. Total Population ° 2s00 - 2 200 * 2 1500 | 1000 | oe 500 | | p 1990 19701983990 70000102000 3aH0 +—-2000-—«2080 2080 Year ‘Figure 1: Simple Graphical Method Curve Population Projection - Simple Graph Method Table 12: Population Projection by Simple Graphical Increase Method Total Ne Populatio n ior] 735 1981 | 1050 i991 [132 2001 | 1642 2011 | 1815 2022 | 2100 2037 | 2500 2052[__2300) {E) SEMI-LOG GRAPHICAL METHOD: It is useful for data with exponential relationships, or where one variable covers a large range of values. This is a line with slope and vertical intercept. This method gives increased values compared to the figures obtained by the arithmetical increase method with increase in duration. Following table shows the projected population for future years by this method, 15 ‘Total Population 4500 000 3500 3000 82500 = 2000 21500 1000 500 0 1960 19701980 1990 200020102020 Year Figure 2: Semi log Graphical Method Curve 2030 Table 13: Population Projection by Semi Log Graphical Method @ Population in the year as7a_[_ 735 i) Population in the year ig1_|_1050 ( Population in the year 1991. 1321 ( Population in the year 2001_| 1642 w Population in the year 2ou_|_1815 (wi) Population in the year 2022 | 2200 (vii) Population in the year 2037 [2800 (wii Population in the year 2052 | 3700 SUMMARY OF PROJECTED POPULATION: 2040 2050 2060, ‘The population has been projected by various methods and has been summarized in the table below. Table 14: Summary of Various Population projection methods Census | Method of Population Pepultio Projected Population 2011 | 2022 | 2037 | 2052 1__|Arithmetical Increase Method agis_| 2112 | 2517 _[ 2922 2___ [Geometrical increase Method 1ei5_| 2281 | 3114 [4251 3___ [Incremental Increase Method igis_| 2132 | 2597 | 3100 ‘4 __ |Simple Graphical Method 1sis_| 2100 | 2500 | 2900 5S [Semi Log Graph Method 1sis_| 2200 | 2800 | 3700 16 Projected population figure arrived by Incremental Increase Method are closer to the pattern of growth of Population compared to average of all population projection methods. Thus, population figures worked out by the Incremental Increase Method are more realistic, reasonable and conform to the pattern of Growth of Population of Alipurkhurd village. In view of above, projected population of revenue villages and its habitations at Initial stage year 2022, Intermediate stage year 2037 and Ultimate stage year 2052 have been adopted proportionately to the respective year population of gram panchayat. Population ratio adopted for the population projection is given below: : Population Ratio Populatio| Populatio| or n rn Ratio] 201i [1815 1 2022 | 2132 [12 2037__| 2597 14 72052__[ 3100 17 Table 16: Forecasted population nuance [wacirano] 201i aspencensus | wwmaisracezozz | NRMEDATESTASE | rayare stage 2052 nate "naive ora [ae | “vorar [rare | “roma | aire | tora | — ae ioutrafatpunince| ais ] 22 | ase | sao | assy | ow | stoo | a0 Note: The overall population and count of Households for the villages mentioned above have been referred with census 2011. However, segregation of the data into habitations have been proportionated based on data available in 11.4 RATE OF WATER SUPPLY In accordance with the guideline issued by Ministry of Jal Shakti Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation National Jal Jeevan, the rate of water supply adopted is 5S liters per head per day. In addition to above water supply rate 15% losses have been included. i.e., 64.71 LPCD at source. 1.5 WATER DEMAND Water requirement for different stages of the scheme based on the adopted rate of water supply as detailed under part-4 above is worked out below: G.P Name: Year/Stage wk : initial Stage Vear 2022 138 ‘Nipurkhur Intermediate Stage Year 2037 169 Ultimate Stage Year 2052 201 7 1,6 SOURCE OF WATER SUPPLY Water discharge of 433.34 LPM is required as per Intermediate year demand considering 6.5 hrs of pumping As pumping rate shall be 60% of yield of tubewell. So, minimum tubewell yield required is 693.35 LPM. We assume that required yield is available in this proposed area. ‘1 number of tubewell has been adopted with discharge rate of 450 LPM. 1.7 REQUIREMENT OF TUBEWELLS & PUMPING HOURS Table 17: Tubewell discharge calculation sr. No, Particulars |____Stage/Year___| 2022_|_2037_| 2052 1__ [Population 2132. | 2597 | 3100 2__|Rate of Water SupplytpcD | 64.71 | 64.71 | 64.71 3 [Daily Water Demandinkto | 138 | 169 | 201 + Ireguredinurw sso | 40 | 40 5__ [No of Tubewell Required 1 1 1 6 _ [Actual Pumping Hrs 511 | 626 | 7.44 Note: Solar panels shall be installed to meet power requirements for intermediate stage, subject to availability of the required land area in the premises. 1.8 HEAD OF PUMPING PLANT Total Head of pumping plant has been worked out as below: Table 18: Tubewell head calculation Sr.No. Particulars Head | Unit 1__ [Depth of water below ground level 24 m 2__ [Seasonal Variation 4 m 3___ [Depression during pumping 45 m 4__|Staging of RCC Overhead Tank 2 m 5 |Depth of water in Overhead Tank 4 m 6 __[Friction losses in Rising Main & Fittings 15 m 7__ [Differences in R.L. of OHT and Tubewell Os m 8__|Terminal Head 2 m Totall 52.5 m Say] 53 m Note: Depth of water availability below ground level may vary depending upon the actual water level at that particular location of drilling, which will lead to change in required pump head. 1.9 OVERHEAD TANK The capacity of Over-head tank has been calculated by performing mass balancing over a duration of 24 hours by considering distribution diurnal consumption pattern, The mass balance calculations is presented below. Table 19 Mass Balancing of OHSR 18 Table 19 Mass Balancing of OHSR Storage Capacity of Reservoir (Draw off Pattern) [A [Mic Stage Water Demand 168 kc IB _[AvHourly Demand ‘at 7.042 | |ku7Hr [c__|Peak Factor 3 [Dav Pumping Hr 65 ie [E [Av Hourly input (2ahr xa / av Pumping Hr) 3.69 [xa Final Capacity of OHT 150 KL tour | Tot! |Rateof [total | cunuiatve | Rateat | Tota'oraw | canuiatve | surnn Hours|| inflow inflow | Inflow Draw off off S| ce 7 2 | 3 a 5 é z 3 3 eooa0e | 1 [000 al aco a| 000 al oa0 a| aio | oa al 040 a 1002.0 | 1 | 000 [000 | 000 a] 010 | aio a] 02 a] 020 a 2003.0 | 1 | 000 af 000 | 000 a| 010 | aio a| 03 a] 030 a 300-400 | 1 | 000 al 000 2] 000 a] 050 a| 050 | 08 a] 080 a 4005.00 | 1 | 000 al 000 e| 000 | 100 »{ 100 | 18 a] 160 5006.00 | 1 | 000 {000 | ooo af 150 a] 1s0e| 33 a] 330 a 007.00 | 1 | 0.00 al 000 a| 000 a] 250 «| 250 | 58 a| 540 7008.00 | 1 | 000 a] 000 2] 000 | 300 »{ 300 | 8 a] 880 ‘3008.00 | 1 | 000 a] ooo a 000 al 250 a| 250 | 113 a] i130 a 3.004000 | 1 | 000 al 000 al 000 al 200 a] 200 a] 13 a] 1330_a 10.0010.30 | 05 | 000 af 000 a| 0 a| 100 a] oso»| 138 a] 1340 a 10.3032.00 | 05 | 309 ef aes e[ 105 ef 100 e| 050 o| 143 o| a5 1001200] 1 | 369 a] 369 a[ ssa al 100 a] 100 a] 153 a] 976 a 1001300 | 1 | 369 a] 363 af 923 af oso a| 050 a] 158 a| 657 a 13001400] 1 | 369 af 369 a 202 af 050 a] 050 a| 163 a| 338 a 14003500 | 1 | 369 af 369 al 1662 a 050 2] 050 o| 168 o| -o18 a 15001600 | 1 | 369 a] 368 a 2031 al 100 a| 100 al 178 al 251 a 16.0017.00 | 1 | 369 af 369 a 2400 a] 100 a] 100 | 188 a] 520 a 17.003800 | 1 | 000 af 000 al 2400 af 100 a] 100 »| 198 a] 420 a 18002800 | 1 | 000 al o00 al 2400 af 150 a] 150 a{ ais a] 270 a 19002000 | 1 | 000 a] 000 al 2400 al 150 | 150 a] 228 al 120 a 20.0021.00 | 1 | 000 af 00 al 2400 a 050 a] 050 a| aa a] 070 a 21,0022.00 | 1 | 000 af 000 al 2400 af 030 a] 030 a| 236 a] 040 a 22,00-23.00 | 1 | 000 a] 000 | 2400 a] 030 a{ 030 a| 239 a 010 a 23002400] 1 | 000 a] 000 a[ 2400 al o10 a{ 010 a| 240 al 000 a Total 2 2 Balancing Capacity of Reservoir = MaxSurplus + MaxDeficit x a 520 + 1380 x 7.08 Storage Required = 133,792 KL Adopted 150 KL According to the Topography of area and design of distribution mains, the staging for OKT has been kept as 12 m. 19 1.10 RISING MAIN Details of Rising Main are given below: Table 20: Rising Main Details, From | To Dia | material | teneth (om) (rm) Twa | ont [100 | on [35 1.11 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The Distribution System has been designed on the basis of following parameters as per Design Criteria Rate of Water Supply 55 LPCD + 15% losses = 64.71 LPCD Design Period 30 Years Minimum Terminal Pressure 7m Peak Factor 3 Min Diameter of Mains 63mm DI Pipe and HDPE Pipe PE-100 Grade PN-6 working pressure has been provided. 1.42 STANDPOST 5 Public institution shall be provided with a public stand post. 1.13 FUNCTIONAL HOUSEHOLD TAP CONNECTION (FHTC) Total number of households as per census 2011 in Alipurkhurd Gram Panchayat are 272 nos. considering the growth in population anticipated households for Alipurkhurd Gram Panchayat at different stages of schemes are as under: FHTC at Initial Stage Year 2022 = 272 x 2432 4815 = 320 FHTC at intermediate Stage ¥ eee x 297 4gis = 390 ‘ - HTC at Ultimate Stage Year 2052 4 ee) cae os 20 1.14 CROSSINGS Provision and arrangement shall be done for trenchless crossing of National and state highway road and Railway track with MS casing pipe of required size as per IS: 3589 & made from confining to Provision for Nala /Culvert crossing along the alignment of pipeline shall be completed as per instructions of Engineer in charge. Casing of pipe is done by concreting. 1.15 HYDRAULIC DESIGN REPORT 0 Pipe Abstract Following table gives the pipe abstract of the scheme: Table 21: Rising Main Summary Material} class |D/ameter| Length (rom) (rm) Dl «7 soo | 35 Total Length (m)| 35 Table 22: Distribution Pipe Abstract ; Diameter] Length Pipeline Type | Material Class ila (rmmm)_| (rn) Distribution Mains | HDPE PN-6 PELO0 63_ [1755 Distribution Mains | HDPE PN-6 PELOO 75_|547 Distribution Mains | HOPE PN-6 PE100 90 [259 Distribution Mains | HDPE PN-6 PELOO i10__|151 Distribution Mains | HDPE PN-6 PE100 160 [137 Distribution Mains | HOPE PN-6 PE1OO 200__|o Total Length (m) 2849 O Pipe Table Following table gives the detailed output of the hydraulic design of the scheme extracted as per designed in WaterGEMS 21 Table 23: Pipe Table ; Hazen- Headloss wo] taper | aE) oe one aa Material Flow (L/s) eee Gradient (cn/arn) a2fpa___ [Rabat 27 14a] HDPE 7a5|___659] Oa] _ 1.201] 3ajp2 papa 41] __144.4]HDPE 14s|___469| 0.29] 0.639 363 paps 16| 144.4] HOPE 14s| 41] 0.28] 0594 aefp-a fsa 53|__144.4]HOPE 145] 432 0.26] 0549 aojs [ras 7[__ 99.3] HOPE 145] 3.59] 0.46] __2.413 azjp-6 [rs [6 io] 99.3] HOPE 145] 1.85] 0.24] 0.704 aajp-7 [6 [7 42|___99.3[HOPE. 145|__1.73] 0.22] 0.622 agjp-8 [7a 2a] a1.a] HDPE 1a5|___153| 0.3] 1.328] agp [rei 23] 81.1]HOPE 145|___1.38| __0.27| 1.095 sofp-10 _[-9___pa0 33] ___67.4[HOPE 145|___1.04| _0.29| 1.595 s2jp-1__f10__paa 33] __67.4[HOPE 145|___09| __0.25|_ 1.219 sapaz faa [raz 18] 56.7[HOPE 145|___o7| _o28| 1771 s6[p-13__f2__pa3 14] 56.7] HOPE 145|___034] 0.13] 0.468 sefp14__fi3___paa 55| _56.7[HOPE 145|__ 0.2 _o.08|__0.174 eofp-15__fi1a__pa5, 39] 56.7[HOPE 145|_0.09| 0.04 0.04 e2jp-16 fra __pa6 aa] 99.3[ HOPE 145|___1.78| 0.23] 0.66 ea[p-17___ [16 __pa7 25[ _99.3[HOPE 14s|__17a| 0.22] 0.614 es[p-18_fi17__ pis 63|__81.1]HOPE 1as|__1.29| 0.25] 0.976 ea[p-19__f1e___pas 700|___67.4] HOPE 14s] oa] 0.26] 1.262 7ofP-20__ 1920 82|__67.4]HOPE 14s] 054] 0.15 0.482 7ajp-21 [i202 45|__56.7|HDPE 145| 0.09] 0.04] 0.042| 7alp-22 faa aa 2a|___84.1]HDPE 145| 1.29 0.25| 0.98] 7e[p-23__ 2223 39|___67.4] HDPE 145| 0.77] _0.22| 0.918] 7p-24__ [23a 62|___67.4]HDPE ia5|____ 0.3] 0.08| 0.62] 7afp-2s [aa [2a 60] 56.7 HOPE 145[__0.4 _0.06| 0.094] silp26 [aaa i93[___56.7| HDPE 15|___0.45| 0.18] 0.791] a3[p27__[ia__[126 30| _67.4]HOPE 145|___0.48|___0.13| 0.378] as[p-28 [26 [27 28] 67.4] HDPE 14s|___027| 0.07] 0.129] a7jp-29 [a7 p28 5|__ 56.7] HOPE 145|___0.09| 0.03] 0.037 sg[p-30 [ize 29, 23] __ 67.4] HOPE 145|___0.15| 0.04] 0.043 gofp-31 29 pra 30| 67.4] HDPE 145|___025| 0.07] 0.112 sifp32_ [23.28 65] __56.7[HOPE 145| 0.07] 0.03] _0.027 93fp-33__ [27 ___|130 47|__56.7| HOPE. 145] 0.11] 0.04] 0.058] 95[P-34_ 26a 12] 56.7] HOPE 145|__ 0.03] 0.01] 0.005 97[p-35__fia7__ paz 755|___56.7|HOPE 745|__o.36| 0.14] 0.523] ggfp-36 fio a3 12|__67.4] HOPE 145| 0.23] _0.08| 0.152] toifp37 [33 faa 46] __56.7[HDPE 145|__o.1a|__o.07] 0.145 1o3fp-38 isa as. 18] 56.7] HDPE 145|__0.04] 0.02] 0.009 105|P-39 [33-36 35 56.7[ HOPE. 145] 0.08 0.03] 0.082 107|P-20__p-10__p.37, 26 56.7[ HDPE 145|__0.06| 0.02] 0.019 ro9fe-a1_—_paa_ pas 50] 56.7| HDPE. 745|__0.12] 0.05] 0.068 nije-aa pas p39 a3|__56.7|HDPE 14s|___oaa} 0.04] 0.058 1pa3_ fa [rao 23[___81.1|HDPE 145|___oi} _0.22| 0.243] is[p-4a__-a0___ [at 8|__67.4| HDPE 145|___0.46| 0.13] 0.356] ni7|pas [aaa 17] 67.4] HDPE 145|__oa6| oa] 0.225 aig[p-6 [raza 38] 56.7[HDPE 145| 0.13] 0.05] 0.079 2 Headloss 1D] tabet | re | Nore | wa lem | Materia Flow (L/s) ae Gradient (rm/krn) 121|P-47 42 J-44 46} 56.7|HDPE. 0.11) 0.04] 0.058} 123/P-48° J-41 J-45, 34) 56.7|/HDPE 0.08} 0.03] 0.032] 125/P-49° |J-40_ J-46 44! 56.7|HDPE_ 0.1) 0.04) 0.049} a27|P-50 [ran [47 35|__56.7| HOPE O.08| 0.03] 0.032 ws|psi__[ae [ae si|___56.7|HOPE 0.2] 0.05| 0.060] wips2__[ra6 [a9 z2|__56.7|HOPE 0.05| _0.02| _o.014] i3ajpsa__fra__[-s0 Z7|___56.7| HOPE 0.06| 0.02] 0.019] qs|psa [20st 4756.7] HOPE 145|___o.1) 0.04 0.059] 137|P-55_ 1J-20 52. 67] 56.7|HDPE 145) 0.15] 0.06 | 0.104] w9lps6 srs 47| __99.3|HOPE 145|___1.72 0.22] __o.6a| 140]P-57_ 1J-53. J-21 104] 81.1/HDPE 145] 1.54] 0.3] 1.354] qa|pse__|ie [rsa 23| __56.7|HOPE 14s|__o.a} 0.04] 0.058] 144/P-59 | |J-19 U-5S_ 61) 56.7|HDPE 145} 0.14} 0,06| 0.091 146|P-60_ 1J-3. U-56 64) 56.7|HDPE 145} 0.15] 0,06 | 0.103} was|pe1 [2 [esr 39| 56.7|HOPE 145|__0.09| 0.04] 0.04] 150|P-62 J-53, J-58 30} 56.7|HDPE. 145) 0.07] 0.03 0.025] is2|p63 [re [rs 33[__56.7|HOPE 145] 0.08] 0.03] 0.033 1sal6a [7 [60 42|_56.7 HOPE 145|____ 0a] 0.04] 0.049] 156|P-65 __[-8 [61 36] 56.7|HOPE 145| 0.09] 0.04] 0.04] 1s8|P-66 [29 [rez 23|___56.7|HOPE 145|__0.05] 0.02] 0.014 TeolP-67 [3a [63 Ta] 56.7|HOPE zas[__0.03] 0.03) 0.005 summary Diameter] Length (am) | (m) 56.7] 1755 oza|___ 547 gia] 259 99.3| 151) aaa 137] 180.6 Q| Total Length 2849) 2B Table 24: Junction Table 1D Label | Elevation (m)| Demand (l/s) | Hydraulic Grade (m) | Pressure (m H20) 3alra 248.45; 0.06| 259.97 115| 33|-2 248.9) 0.09] 259.94 i 35/3 248.94] 0.04 259.93] li 37 [ha 249} 0.12 259.9 10.9] 3915 249.07) 0.02 259,89] 10.8] aa) 249.1 0.04 259.87] 10.8 43|17, 248.99) 1 259.85] 10.8 5/18 248.76 0.06 259.81 11 a7|r9 248.58; 0.05 259.79] 11.2] 49|1-10 249] 0.08] 259.74] 10.7| Safraa 249.66 0.08] 259.7] 10 53|r12 249.9) o.1i| 259.66] 97] 55|r13 250] 0.03] 259.66] 96 S7|raa 250.31 0.27] 259.65] 93 59|ra5 249.97| 0.09] 259.65 97] wale 248.3; 0.02] 259.96 | ig e347 248.01) 0.06| 259.94 119] 65/118 248.59) .15| 259,88) 113] eras 248.98| 0.23 259.76) 10.8] 69|1-20 248.55| 0.19 259,72 11.4] 7afi-21 248.41 0.34] 250.72 113] 7-22 248.56 0.05} 259.69 11.1] 75|1-23 249.19] 0.09] 259.66 10.4] 731-24 250.56 0.14] 259.64 941 80|1-25 248.14] 0.45| 259.51 113 2|1-26 249.65| 0.18} 259.66 10| eal-27 249.43] 0.07] 259.66 10.2| 861-28 249.43] 0.16| 259.66 10.2| 8|)-29 249.57] 0.05| 759.66 10.1] 92|1-30 249.45| 0.11) 259.66 10.2| gafi-31 249.63] 0.03 259.66 10 961-32 246.48] 0.36 259.86 Bal 98|1-33 248.43] 0.03 259.79 113] o0)-34 248.09] oO. 259.78 117] 402|1-35 247.91 0.04 259.78 11.38] 1041-36, 248.15| 0.08 259.79] 11.5] 106|1-37 248.69] 0.06 259.74] ii 108|1-38 249.11] 0.12 259.69] 10.6] 110|/-39 249.84] oa 259.66| 9.83 12) 1-40 248.85] 0.05 259.9] ii a14)y-43 248.76 0.02 259.89] ij 416|1-42 248.58] 0.04] 259.89] 11.3] 118|)-43 247.93| 0.13 259.89] 11.9] 120|1-44 248.65| o.11| 259.89] i12| 122-45) 248.77] 0.08] 259.89] i] 124]-46 248.85| 0. 259.9] i 126|)-47 248.66| 0.08] 259.89] 11.2, 24 1D Label | Elevation (m)| Demand (L/s) | Hydraulic Grade (m) | Pressure (m H20) 128] 1-48, 248.99] 0:12] 259.88] 10.) 130|)-49, 248.44) 0.05; 259.96| 115] 132))-50, 248.43} 0.06 259.97| 115] 134[)-51 248.05 0.11) 259.72 11.6 136|1-52 249.15 0.15| 259.71 10.5| 1381-53 249.6 O11 258.86 10.2| 1411-54 248.18 0.11 259.88 117| 143|1-55 248.61 0.14 259.75 114 145/1-56 249.27] 0.15 259.93] 10.6 147] 1-57 248.85| 0.09 259.94] 111 1ag|i-58 249.38] 0.07 259.86] 105 1511-59 249.39] 0.08] 259.87] 105 153]1-60 249.29] oa 259.84] 105| 155|1-61 249,16] 0.09] 259.81 10.6| 157) -62, 249.45] 0.05 259.66| 10.2| 159|/-63, 248.22| 0.03} 259.78| 115) 25 RISING MAIN DESIGN Design of Economie Size of PUMPING MAIN INPUT DATA From : Tube well To : Over Head tank 1) Water requirement: Year Discharge PIPE DATA Anil 20220138 ML, : aoe B. Intermediate 2037 0.168 ML. DIAMETER MATERIAL CLASS HWC — RATE ©. Ulimate 20520201 ML. NM, Rent 2)Pumping main LENGTH 35M 300.00 DI K7 140 3a7.82 5 3) Stalichead for pump ST.HEAD 53M 250.00 BL K7 140 2564.42 4) Design period YEAR 30 ye 200.00 DI Ky 140 446.10 6 5) Combined eff. of pump set EFF. % 75 % 450.00 DI K7 140 1495.68, 6) Cost of pumping unit RsKW 7500 100.00 DI K7 140 1005.90 7) interest rate INTEREST 14,00 % 7 8)Life of elec. motors Pr 18 9) Energy charges PIR 1650.00 peise +10) Pumping hours for PUNPING 65 hrs discherge the end of 15 years. PUMPS 8 ‘CALCULATIONS: ‘st 15 years 2nd 18 years 41) Discharge at Start OF PERIOD 014 mid a7 mid 2) Discharge atthe end of 16 yrs 7 mid 020 mid 2) Average. Discharge 035 met 049 mid 4) Ave.pumping hours during the period 6.90 hrs 5.98 hrs 5) KW required at combined 0.09 “Hi oat *H2 efficiency of pumping set 6) Ave.annual charges for electicat energy Rs. 1401608 *KW1 14203.02 * KW2 TABLE 1- FOR DIFFERENT PIPE SIZES Tetat head) or 36. mlength VELOCITY AND HEADLOSSES S. Pipe Frictional Head Velocityin including $3.00 mstatichead Sie loss per mis — - - in 4000™m 1st stage flow mm. tt 2nd tat 2nd ict Total stage stage stage stage— tonal «= Other tosses ional» Other* losses, fw flow flow flow == oss_——sossos Ht loss losses HO 4 300 004 006 0102.00 0.00 63.00 2 20 0109 at 018 018 0.00 000 301 3 200 O31 043 023 «027 at 0.00 53.02 4180 1280 «174 = Odd 0h oot 5307 5 100 909 1254 092 109 oz 04 53.48 >>>" Other losses = 10% of fictional loss 6 ‘TABLE 2- KILOWATTS & COST OF PUMP SETS REQUIRED FOR DIFFERENT PIPE SIZES AND PIPE COST ‘st stage flow of mig PIPE Class Ht kw Ske of Total «req in PIPE head plus % mm 50 meters stanaby 1 90 OK? 5300 a 2 250 KT 53.00 8 3 200K? 53.00 8 4 15K? 538.00 a 5 10 K7 5300 a 2nd stage flow of Cost 020 or of es — ee pipe Pump 2 Kw Pump per Cost @ Rs Total recid_—Cost@ Re unit 7500 head plus % © 7500—_ength per kw in 50 per kw ReTHS meters standby —-RSTHS (Rs) 60 58.00 9 6a 3147.82 60 53.00 9 68 2561.42 60 53.00 9 68 1845.1 60 53.00 9 88 149568 6 53.00 9 88 10059 110.17363 9.649701 94.613571 2.348806 36.206551 ‘ststage flow 2nd stage flow 0.7 mis 020 Cost Annual Capital. Capital Cost = Annual Capital. of Energy fed ised f= Energy ised pump Charges Energy Total -—pump Charges. Energy sats Charges Cost als Charges THs oo THS THS THS THS = THS. Ss THS (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (RB). (RB) (RS) 1 eo 75618 68 85 522 2 6 7% 461 Bt 68 85 522 3 6 78st 88 6a 8s 522 4 6 78 ast 873, 68 35 522 a ee 68 35 522 ‘+ TABLES shows that the mest economical size of MAIN Is 100 mm costing CAPITALISED Rs. 7 639 thousands ‘TABLE 3- COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF OVERALL COST OF PUMPING MAIN FOR DIFFERENT PIPE SIZES. GRAND mid - TOTAL of Capita Capitah PIPE ised ised SIZE Total cost in Cost for (om) 30 yrs THS = THS (Rs) (Rs) s3 714 30000 83 694 25000 83 669. 200.00 83656 150.00 83 639 100.00 Water Hammer Calculations. Particulars Daily Demand (2052) 0.201 ML. Design Capacity of Rising 0.201 MLD Velocity of Flow Culwsec 0.296 Wise Diameter mm 400 wal thickness mm 5.00 Water Hammer Head max = avig 3 1425 (1HKGIEC)YOS = 207000000 KglSqMt = 127787 m 7eH0 Kg/SqM 005 m(Wall Tk) smisec misec Hmax= 38.87 m Static Head 53.00 M IL of Pipe to FSL of OT Frictional Head c= 140 Hazen-Willan’s Coefficient HE= (Q(CHID)'2.63))\'10.54))'2.77 4.120 mikm 035 Km. Frictional Losses in RIM = 0.039 m ‘Add 10% for specials & Valves= 0.004 m Velocity Head 2.00 m ‘Total Frictional Losses 0.043 m Condition No 1 (Maximum Working Pressure) SH+F.H.+V.H. = 85.04 m Allowable operating Pressure 80m ‘Safe Condition No 2 (max Working Water Heramer Pr) (= WHASH+F HEV. 93.61 m Max Operating pressure inc! surge 125m Safe (0) = Factorx(SH.+FH.+V.H.) 82.56 m Site fest Pressure 175m ‘Safe Factorfor PS.C. 2 Factorfor D1, MS/PV.C/AC. 15 [As Both the Conditions are Satisfied, No water Hammer Device Required Provide Following Pipe & Class for Rising Main Diameter 100. mm ‘Material Du. Class - KT Design of Thrust Block Diameter of Pipe 100|mm Max water Pressure (Kg/sqcm) 24 [The Deviation Angle (Degree) 90) |W density of concrete 2400|kg/eum We density of soil 1800|kg/cum [Angle of Internal friction of soil 30|degrees [Value of Sin @ of internal Friction 0.50 Minimum Cover of Earth alm [Cohesion coefficient | sin 6/2. 0.708] [Area of Pipe 78.5|sqcm Horizontal Force F = [2pA sin &/2 Fe 0.24|Tonnes (i) [Lateral Resistance to counteract the horizontal Thrust - [Try Thrust Block Size Length 0.4[m Width] 0.4|m Height| 0.4|m Weight of Thrust Block 0.16|Tonnes lWeight of water in the pipe 0.01[Tonnes lWeight of Earth 0.08[Tonnes [Total 0.25[Tonnes [Total force available Considering Frictional Resistance of Soil, 0.08[Tonnes (i) [Lateral Resistance of Soll Against the Block Hp =Ys(Hl2x Lx t4sing +2CHL sing lines 2 L-sing ying ip t@teral Resistance of Soll when the thrust block i free to Yield away lfrom the soil mass i.e. the portion of Projected Pipe lfa=Ysxhxi-sing-2C 1. lising _/Tsing ee ome Total (i) + (i) + (i (0.61|Tonnes Factor of safety = Total lateral resistance/Total Horizontal Thrust 2.56| Ok Reinforcement: [The minimum surface reinforcement in all thrust blocks shall be 5 kgs/sq.m (as per IRG 1972 Article 306.4). The spacing of these bars is Inot to exceed 500mm. JAstp = 5.47 ke/sq.m provide 12 @ 130 c/c 5.26|kg 29 Valve Tables ‘Two nos. of sluice valves have been provided at the outlet of each tubewell. One will be placed at rising main to OHT and another will be placed at the inlet of the bypass chamber. One Sluice valve of required size has been provided at each of OHSR inlet pipe, Outlet pipe, Washout Pipe and for bypass arrangement. For multi village scheme, one number of sluice valve has been provided at the entry of each village. Air valve of required size has been provided at required regular intervals in main distribution line from OHT to village entry point. Also, one sluice value type fire hydrant consisting of 80 mm dia sluice valve has been provided inside the OHSR campus boundary. Table 25: Valve Abstract Valve] Valve Type _| Size(mm) | W2ntity 200 @ stuee [2° 2 valve | 12 2 20 2 65 1 1.16 DESIGN OF DRILLING AND SIZE OF PIPES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TUBEWELL 0 Size of Pipes (Screens/Slotted Pipes) of bore well Discharge x 1.6 times 720.00] pm [Suitable size Pipe Diameter Assume 150|mm Dia Vertical Velocity 0.425] [Therefore Pipe Diameter Considered 150|_mm Dia [Taking 15% opening area and contraction coefficient as 0.5 for slot size 13/64" X 3" Effective opening area for 1m length 0.0353] sq.m. Max. Permissible Horizontal entrance velocity 0.03| m/s [To ensure longer life of tubewell design velocity (Half of above) 0.015 m/s [Total Open Area Required for required flow (Q/V) 0.80| im? Hence, Effective length of slotted pipe 22.63| mm Say 23| M Length of each pipe 6.00] om Plain Length at each end of a single pipe 0.30] m 30 Effective Slotted length of single pipe 5.40] m FTotal number of Pipe Required 4.26| _ Nos. 5.0] _ Nos. Actual Slotted length available 27.00) m For Drilling Size Size of pipe 200) mm NB [0.D. of pipe 219.10] _mm Thickness of Gravel shroud around the screen 15) cm Taking thickness of gravel shroud around the screen 150.00] _mm Hence, Bore Dia 500.00} mm Bore dia considered depth more than 100m. 500.0] mm For casing pipe Size of pipe 200.0] mm NB Thickness of Gravel shroud around the screen 150.00} mm Bore dia considered 500.0] mm Calculation of Gravel Quantity Drilling Diameter of Bore Soo|_mm Depth of Bore 75| om Drilling Diameter of Bore 450] mm Depth of Bore 75| Total Volume 26.64} cum Deduction-Volume of Casing Pipe Dia of Casing Pipe 200| _mm Depth / Length of casing pipe 6o|__m Dia of Slotted Pipe 150| _mm Depth / Length of Casing Pipe / slotted pipe 75m [Volume (casing and slotted Pipe) 32a] cum Bore Volume - Casing Pipe Volume 23] cum |Add 50% additional 12] cum Total Gravel Quantity 36] cum 0 Depth of Tubewell Drilling depth of tubewell bore = 150 Meters Lowering of Tubewell Assembly = 135 Meters Note:- Actual depth of tubewell may vary if required during execution. 31 2 CIVIL SCOPE OF WORK 2a. SCOPE Water and Sanitation Mission, Uttar Pradesh (SWSM) proposes to take up Construction, operation & Civil scope for this gram panchayat 32 \cludes design and construction of the following: Table 26: SCOPE OF WORK Sr. No.| Structure Details Capacity- 150 KL Staging- 12meter Over Head Tank 1 = ‘ on Soil bearing capacity (SBC) - As per Soil report data. Construction method — [Staging - Cast-In-Situ/Structural Steel/Precast. (Container MOC - RCC/Steel Tank |Dimensions- 3m X 3.6m X 3.6m. Pump House cum 2 Chlorination Room [S8C- As per Soil report data Construction method- Pre-Engineered/Cast- (Boundary wall shall be of 1.3m height and 115mm thick Brick Masonry/Precast panels. 230mm X 230mm Brick pillar/Precast pillar to be provided at 3 Boundary Wall (Construction method- Brick masonry/Precast. a Valve Chamber _|Valve chamber shall be constructed in brick Pumping ain ‘Moin tine bictrbation Vilege Distribution obi stand Post House Service ‘Connections ‘Flgure 3: OVERALL VIEW OF THE GRAM PANCHAYAT 22. SALIENT FEATURES: CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL WORKS 2.2.1. Codes & Standards All design work will be based on Indian Standards (IS) codes (latest revisions), with amendments, if any, as The design is carried out in conformity with following IS code latest editions. 1S: 456-2000 ~ Plain and reinforced concrete -Code of practice. IS: 3370 (Part-1)-2009 - Concrete Structures for Storage of Liquids -Code of Practice Part-1 General Requirements. 1S: 3370 (Part-2}-2009 ~ Concrete Structures for Storage of Liquids ~Code of Practice Part-2 Reinforced IS: 3370 (Part-4)-1967 ~ Concrete Structures for Storage of Liquids ~Code of Practice Part-4 Design Tables. IS: 875 -1987 (Part-1,2,5)- Code of practice for Design Loads for Building and Structures. IS: 875 -2015 (Part-3)- Code of practice for Design Loads for Building and Structures. |S: 1893-2016 (Part-1) - Criteria for Earthquake Resistant design of structures General Provisions of buildings. 1S; 1893-2014 (Part-2) - Criteria for Earthquake Resistant design of structures- Liguid Retaining Tanks. 1S 800 - Code of Practice for general construction in steel. 1S 806 - Code of Practice for use of steel tubes in general building construction. 1S 13920:2016 - Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to seismic force ~ code of SP: 16 - Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete. SP: 24~ Explanatory Handbook on Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete, SP: 34 - Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing. 2.2.2. Units of measurements All units used in the analysis and design are in SI system unless noted otherwise. 2.2.3. Computer Program/ Software STAAD-PRO software is used for analysis and design and also i 23. SITE CONDITIONS 2.3.1. Design Ground Elevation Finished Ground Level/ Natural Ground level (NGL) for this gram panchayat shall be as per survey. The 24. MATERIAL 2.4.1, Concrete Mix Ordinary Portland cement of 43 grade conforming to latest IS codes shall be used and minimum cement Table 27: MINIMUM CEMENT CONTENT IN CONCRETE house Excel spread sheets are used for Minimum Cement Sr, No.| S°242 of |Content Concrete fin Concrete (kg/m?) 1 M15, 240, 2 M20, 300, 3 M25, 300, 4 M30, 320 5 M40. 360, 33, 2.4.2. Conerete Grade Table 28: GRADE OF CONCRETE Grade of Sr.No. Description Concrete 1 Mass filling/ Plum Concrete MS. 7 PCC below Footing: 100mmthickand | yy, 100mm projection 3 Valve chamber/pipe encasement/ 20 ; Non- Liquid retaining structures’ nae (including staging of OHT) 5 RCC of Liquid retaining structures M30, 6 Precast Structures M40. 2.4.3, Reinforcement bars Reinforcement bars will be High yield strength deformed bars Fe 500 TMT for structures confirming to IS: 2.4.4. Brick Masonry All external and internal walls shall be in 230mm thick and shall be of class designation 10 or best locally 25. STRUCTIRAL ANALYSIS 2.5.1, Modelling The structures are modelled in STAAD-PRO with the appropriate support condition provided as required. 2.5.2. BASIC LOADS All buildings and structures shall be designed to resist the worst combination of the following > Dead load > Imposed loads or Live load > Monorail load > Wind load > Seismic load > Hydrodynamic pressure load > Vehicular Surcharge > Earth pressure > Pump & Equipment loads Dead Load Dead load comprises of the self-weight of all the permanent structural components including walls, floors, The following unit weight of material shall be considered for computation of loads. Loads given in IS: 875(Part-1) shall considered for the material not listed below. 34 Table 29: DEAD LOAD DETAMLS Sr. No. ‘Material Unit weight 1 Water 10 kN/m3 2 Soil 18 kN/m3 3 Plain Cement Concrete 24 kKN/m3 4 Reinforced Cement Concrete 25 kN/m3 5 Structural Steel 78.5 kN/m3 6 Floor finish 24 kN/m3 7 Brickwork 22. kN/m3 8 _ | Plaster (applied to masonry surface) 18 kN/m3 Imposed Load The Imposed loads considered shall not be less than that specified in IS: 875(Part-II). Floors and Following minimum loads shall be considered in the design of structure as per IS 875. Table 20: LIVE LOAD DETAILS. Sr.No, Location Live Load 1 Roof Slab- accessible 1.5 KN/m2 Roof Slab- inaccessible 0.75 kN/m2 3 Live load on floors 3.0 KN/m2 Platform, Stairways, Corridors, 4 3.0 kN/m2 Walkways 5 Toilet 2.0 kN/m2 6 Surcharge load 10 KN/m2 Monorail Loads Monorail and supporting columns shall be designed for vertical and horizontal forces including impact Impact factor: Impact loads for monorail, shall be taken as per IS: 875(Part-II). The minimum impact factors to be used in Monorail loads: As per IS 875(Part-II}-1987, cl. 6.3, Pg.16 35, 2a. Impact factor of 10% of lifted load in case of hand operated chain pulley block. b, Impact factor of 25% of ed load of electrical pulley and support design. Wind Load (WDL) Wind load on structure shall be calculated as per provisions latest version of IS: 875- 2015 (Part-li!). The wind shall be assumed to blow in any direction and most unfavorable condition shall Basic wind speed = 47 m/sec Risk coefficient (k1) = 1.00 Terrain category for (k2) factor = Category-2 Topography factor (k3) = 1.0 Importance factor (ka) = 1.0 Seismic Load (SL/EQ) All the structures will be designed for seismic forces using provisions of IS: 1893 (Part —!) - 2016 and IS: The design horizontal seismic coefficient ‘Ah’ for the structure will be determine using the following expression Ab = [(2/2) (/R) (Sa/e)] Seismic zone = Ill Zone Factor (Z) = 0.16 ing- R = 3 (For OMRF) and R=5 (For SMRF) n factor for OHT’s - R=2.5 (For OMRF) and R=4 (For SMRF) Importance factor, 1=1.5 Damping = 5% Value of Sa/g is taken from Fig,2 IS 1893 (as per soil condition) Hydrodynamic Load Dynamic Increment of loads due to seismic shall be considered in the design as per latest standards. Same Deflection Criteria Deflection Criteria shall be in accordance with IS:456 for concrete structures, For steel Structures IS 800 36 2.6. DESIGN METHODOLOGY 2.6.1. General The Structure in contact with water including the members covering the same such as roof of a tanks, channel, chamber etc.) shall be designed as cracked section with limited crack width of 0.2 mm as per |S 3370 -2009 part-2. Basement RC walls and slabs below ground shall also be designed by cracked method of design as liquid retaining structures. 2.6.2, Design Norms for Foundation General All Structures, building foundations, equipment foundations, water retaining structures, trenches, pits Foundation The minimum depth of foundation for all structures, building and frame foundations and load bea iB Foundation for all structures shall be decided based on loading arrangement, load intensity and soil strata, The safe bearing capacity (SBC) considered for design purpose is as per Soil investigation data. Design forces are obtained from STAAD-Pro analysis and checked for bearing capacity, overturning and sliding. Capacity is increased by 25% for all the loads combination with wind/seismic. The foundation is designed as per limit state method of design as per IS: 456:2000, 2.6.3. Minimum Cover to Reinforcement Minimum clear cover to main reinforcement shall be as per relevant IS codes. 2.6.4, Minimum Percentage of Steel For buildings: As per 1S:456-2000. For liquid retaining structure: The minimum reinforcements in walls, floors and roofs of liquid retaining structures in each of two directions at right angles shall be as per IS 3370. 2.6.5. Minimum Thickness of Structural Components Minimum member thickness for different structural elements shall be as per design requirement. 2.6.6, Minimum Bar Diameter The minimum bar diameter for all the elements shall be as per IS codes. However, diameter shall not be less than 10mm for main reinforcement and 8mm in case of distribution. 2.6.7. Minimum Bar Spacing ‘The minimum spacing for all the elements shall be considered as per IS 3370 for liquid retaining structures and as per IS 456 for other Structures. 2 CONSTRUCTION METHOD 2.7.1, Precast /Structural Steel/Cast-In-situ Structures: For all OHT’s, staging shall be Cast-In-situ/Structural Steel/Precast and Container shall be in RCC/Steel. For Pumphouse and Chlorination building, construction method shall be prefab/Precast/Cast-In-situ. 37 For precast construction, wet joint - coupler connection or dry joint ~ bolted connection is to be followed. In case of precast, grade of concrete shall be M40. 2.8. ROAD REINSTATEMENT Road cut open during laying of pipeline shall be backfilled & properly restored after laying of the pipe. Restoration shall be similar to the existing road specification e.g. WEM, CC/RCC roads etc. Material used for refilling the existing area should be same as that used in the existing road. Measurement and payment of the work of road cutting and restoration shall be made as per actual. Road restoration work shall be carried out as per the standard specifications. 3 TREATMENT PROCESS We presume that potable water from tube wells is suitable for human consumption. For Disinfection 4 ELECTRICAL & INSTRUMENTATION SCOPE OF WORK 4.1. ELECTRICAL SCOPE OF WORK Scope of electrical works for water supply system shall include the design, manufacture, testing at a, The UPPCL/SWSM will provide dedicated 415V, 3Ph, 4 Wire, 50 Hz, AC Power Supply for Power demand less than SOKVA. For Power demands more than 50 kVA dedicated 11kV, 3Ph, 3 Wire Power Supply including 11/0.433KV transformer, shall be arranged by UPPCL/SWSM. From this metering, point ‘onwards to the proposed Electrical building and further distribution of Power up to tail end is in b. Available incoming power supply shall be fed to 0.415KV LT Switchboard to complete the system in totality with required measuring and protection devices. All 415V LT motors shall be suitable for Submersible pumping set for T/W Bore and shall be suitable for direct coupling to the squirrel cage electric induction, water cooled type submersible motor suitable to operate on 415 + 10% V, 3 phase, 50 cycles/sec d. _415V LT Switchboard shall feed the entire plant load by taking power supply from the secondary of Automatic Voltage Stabilizer. The Stabilizer will be Copper wound at input 250-SO0V & output 400-440 filled with transformer oil conforming to relevant IS. fe. _ Incase of adequate land for Solar power systems for required power generation shall be provided within the proposed plant premises. 38 f, The 415V LT Switchboard shall be of metal enclosed, dust proof, indoor type with IP 54 protection. g. Starter feeder shall be provided for all motors h. _ Earthing shall be carried out as per the IS 3043: 2018 and as per contract document. 1 ugntning protection snau oe proviaea ror tne OuNlaings & tall SUTUCCUTeS as per 1eL ©Z3UD Fart Z 6 2 i All the execution of electrical works shall confirm to specifications as per IS/UP Electricity board standards. 4.2. ELECTRICAL CONSIDERATIONS: 0 Source of Supply: Dedicated 415V, 3Ph, 4 Wire, 50 Hz, AC Power Supply shall be arranged by UPPCL/ SWSM for Power 43. ELECTRICAL DESIGN PHILOSOPHY The following power system studies and sizing calculations will be performed during the engineering (a) Transformer Si ‘Transformer shall be selected based on the following criteria a. Determined by the maximum demand (kVA) of the load at steady state condition plus 20% b. Starting KVA of the largest rating motor with all other loads in service, such that impact on transformer transient behaviour during largest motor starting condition with respect to type of starters. ©. Permissible Voltage regulation of the transformer during steady state and transient condition will be verified. Allowable Voltage Drop during Transient: 10% Allowable Voltage Drop during Steady State: 5% Based on the above condition transformer size shall be selected to nearest available standard r (b) Automatic Voltage Stabilizer Sizing: Determined by the maximum demand (kVA) of the load at steady state condition plus 20% additional Based on the above condition Stabilizer size shall be selected to nearest available standard rating. Mode of operation ‘Auto operated Input supply voltage 250 Volt-460 Volt Output voltage 415 Volt 7 UNDSTECE TET EC VONSEE TYNE, | = table for suhmersihle mat 39 P 45 Material of whole winding Copper Material of core Silicon 92 grade/ CRGO Material of body 2mm thick M.S. sheet Base Cl. wheel mounted (detachable) Cooling Oilimmersed Cooling/ Insulation Transformer oil cooled ‘Voltage control arrangement In each phase Voltmeter with Indicator In each phase Painting Double coat spray painting filled 1s 33: to Solar System Provision of solar power is subject to availability of adequate land and unavailability of 415V AC power source with limitation of intensity of solar system rating shall be 1.4 times of the required load. In order to cater the entire installation adequate capacity of solar generation shall be provided in proposed pumping station wherever adequate land is available. The selection procedure and installation of solar component shall be as follow: For Solar Panel, structure design wind load considered as 150km/hour of the PV modules The size of the PV module will be selected based on the peak watt (Wp) & climate of site locations. For Uttar Pradesh average solar irradiation shall be considered as per UP Metrological data. Individual PV module shall be interconnected to meet the required solar demand. Inverter cum Stabilizer ~ The solar inverter cum stabilizer will be designed to produce the load current as per the continuous wattage as well as peak wattage requirement. ‘Area Requirement Type of Solar Panel — Polycrystalline/ Mfg. recommendation Efficiency Limit - 13 - 18% /Mfg. recommendation Approx. Shade free Area requirement - 10 Sq. meter/kW 44. ELECTRICAL SIZING CALCULATION Table 31: Electrical Sizing Calculation Sino Description Remarks input 1 [toad Details Flow 450.00 ipm 0.0075 Cum /see Head 53 ™m lover all efficiency of pumping Plant 60% Motor Rating 7 Proposed Motor Rating 75 AW | verse nae Available Motor He 10 HP [Aun Loads - (Lighting, Ventilation Chlorination) z Tew [Motor efficiency considered 3096 ‘Assumed Power factor considered 08 Assumed IMotor Voltage 0415 W_| 3 Phase, 50 He Output 2__|DG set Sizing Calculation IMotor oad in kVA 1036 __| WA Tauxiiary load in kVA 25 | kVA Total toad in kVA 72.86 | kVA [add Design Margin 20% [Total Load with Margin 15.43 | WA Select Next Avalable Size of 0G 2000__| kVA Icheck (Total load / Total load with Margin) 83.33% Ifabove 75% Ok Ok [Recommended DG rating 20,00 | kWA 3__ [Solar Power Calculation [capacity of Pump 70 WP Peak Demand Requirement 14 | kW |1.4 times as per Mom TW [selected Solar Power 16 ew, [Added 2KW for internal Lighting aL __ [Servo Stabilizer Sizing Calculation Total Load in kVA 12.86 | WA Design Margin 2096 Total oad with margin 15.43 | WA w Rating may vary as Next Available Servo Stabilizer Size 20 | eva per mf. recommendation 3__ [LT Power Cable Sting Motor Rating 75 RW, ficiency 30.00% Assumed Power Factor 08 ‘Assumed IMotor full Load current 74.49 a Selected Cable size 3Cx25 sam cu cable current carrying capacity 30 asverrelveabebie catalogue [Checking current carrying capacity of cable [Cable Derating Factor o7 Derated Current carrying capacity for cable 2 lWnether derated current carving capacity ofeable | yee is greater than motor fullload current INote = Hence selected cable is sufficient to catered the Motor Load current as the cable derated curtent is More than Load current (B>A) @_ [Farthing & Lightning Protection earthing and lightning protection system will include design and installation of all grounding and lightning protection for the complete installation Al electrical equipment will be satisfactorily protected against the effects of electrical surges due to both lightning strike and electrical faults. Earthing shall be designed 2s per IS 3043: 2018 & Lightning as per IEC - 62305 Part 2 & 3. 7__ [lighting system Lighting system include Distribution board, Energy efficient lighting fixture, junction boxes, receptacles. 4.6. __T.W. automation system Installation of suitable capacity simple T.W. automation system to control operation of the pumping plant with respect to high/low water level in OHT iwith RTU panel , 7" HMI screen , surge device including enrgy meter inside the pump house with arrangement for communication of data with GSM and GPRS system to show required parameters including all accessories etc. complete in all respect as per instructions of Engineer -in charge, 42 a. Consideration in Tubewell cum OHSR Each Tubewell cum OHSR location shall be provided with the following design provisions for effective monitoring and control. Field Instrumentation No, Float & board type Level depth gauge and pressure gauge indicator will be provided for local indication of OHSR level. 1 No. Electromagnetic flow meter will be provided at submersible pump delivery line for measuring the flow rate & total discharge flow. SACDA Not Considered. LIST OF STANDARDS: Table 32: List of Standards [Se No. IS/EC Reference Description of Standard 1 |Is-1180 (part-t): Reatfirmed 2019 loutdoor Type oil immersed distribution {Transformer up to and including 2500kVA 2 [1s 2026 (part 7) :2009 Loading guide for Oil Immersed Power [Transformers 3 [ts 7421 (Reaffirmed 2014) [Bushing for alternative voltages below 1000 V 4 |I5:60529 (Reaffirmed 2014) Degree of protection provided by enclosures 5. |Is 10028 (Reaffirmed 2016) [Code of practice for selection installation and maintenance of Transformers 6 [tecsosa7 Low voltage switchgear and control gear 7 |lec:s1439 [Low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies 3 |lec-60898.1:2002 Miniature Circuit Breakers 9 _|1s:13703 (Reaffirmed 2014) Low voltage Fuses. 10 hec-60947: (2004) [contactors Et 1=c-60947: (2004) starters 2 tec-60947: (2004) Degree of Protection 3 Is: 8043 (2002) [Submersible Purp sets - Specification 4 1s 9283 (2013) Motors for Submersible Pump sets 18 is 14220 lOpen well Submersible Pump sets 7 etna: Rotating electrical machines - Part 1 Rating and performance 43 Rotating electrical machines - Part 2-1: Standard vy fecommaven2 inetd fr deterring losses and efelney romtens tating ec! macnes- Pr 5: Dares of protection proces by the integra design of 8 cera rotating electrical. machines (IP code) - [Classification IRotating electrical machines > Part 6: Designation 9 iececosarans or metiacs of cooing of rotating deci tachine jotting etic machines Par 6: Tema 20 pee markings and direction of rotation ney eet Tee Phase Squire Cage a pace linduction Motors (Second Revision) ee Permissible rate of noe level for rotate eeceatmactnes Jct Ian - Theme! Eliton ond _ eee |designation (Second Revision) crostini payee nites thetonasi 2a) rosea 3)388 eaten 2020) senthe ates speestion =a For woking fotager up toandincing 100 Conduction for Walted lois atl ond 25 |seszoaseeeammesin201) canaucers 26 [ssaaraseeentfemedin 2016) eee oe oan ee 27 __stoess ase ettmedin 20:6) ovametoreeriecbies 2__[ 5009 Reatrmedin 201) code of rate oreantine 2 ecsaa0s ran aro) Protection gsi ating 202629 Reamer 2005 tip Gavan ee ote canting on structural sel and ater tied products 32__ sie 972 enirmedin 205) coe of practice fornia 23 s722(eesresinz019 Code of racic for Eccl Wrights 24 [sansa a082 frestmedin 2008) spears for Lamas 25_ [Sion a Rearmedin 2017) omiraes raves lahthe 44 UGCUEUEUELEEYESE wu uu pay Stssem 18h0) Al Block- Bag! FORM "3" (COMPRE ESTIMA‘ : FOR rikhurd Village Water Supply Scheme WSM. - Muza NSIVE) [. 5 SL. ae mem | Govt of | Govt 0 in Description of Work. Amounti® | percentage | Amount» | u.p, | India 0. Lacs Lacs : Share Share re 1 2 3 eee ees: 6 1 1 [Cost of Wark 15884 veo 45844 2. |Contigencies @ 2% mf 246 317] Sub Total(ay] Iso. 86 tort 3 [GST @12% on sub toial (A) 12%| 1840 _ 19:40 Sub Toiat(a| 1e8-v6 19101] 9053] 90.54] 4 [centage @12.5% on sub total (A) 125%| 18-be 2025 20.23] 0.00 Total Cost of Scheme] (33-€22012a| 310.72| 90.51) ea O&M for 10 years] 39.95" 39:86] M/s JMC-ACEPLIV Checked By Assistant Engineer Construction Division, UP Jal Nigam Muzaffarnsgar Recommended By Executl Ae Engines er Construction Division, UP Jal Nigam Muzaffarnagar Forwarded As Recommended (aarti vais) Sera acre wa a Fars by DSH (§o Yoeio ‘or SLSSC ) oa tee ed roe PTT oe ee 2 FED ss 4 “i & Alipurkburd Block- Baghra District - Muzaffarnagar ESTIMATE FOR illage Water Supply Scheme UNDER - SWSM FORM "J" (CIVIL WORKS) si. ; Amount a No. Description of Work (Rs. Lakhy %oage Amount (Rs. Lakh) 1 2 3 4 ¥ 1_|Cost of Work 112.17) 112.17] 2 |Contigencies @ 2% 2% 2.24] Sub Total (A)| 114.41) 3_|GST @12% on Sub Total (A) 12%] 13.73) 4 [Centage @12.5% on sub total (A) 12.5%] 14.30 Grand Total 142.44) Prepared By checked 8y ‘M/s JMC-LCEPLIV Assistaft Engineer Construction Division, UP Ja Nigam Muzaffarnagar fecommended By ok Executive Engineer Construction Dison, UP Jal Nigarn Muzaffarnagar 4 | | | | | | i i ) 4 § bh i) 3 “) =) > 3 3 uuuuuuds fs ESTIMATE FOR Alipurkhurd UNDER - SWSM. Block- Baghra District - Muzaffarnagar lage Water Supply Scheme eh (E/M Works) (Amount - Rs in lacs) S.No. Description ‘Amount Percentage ‘Amount 1 2 a 4 5 1 |Cost of work 46.27 46.27 2_|Contigencies @2% 2%) 093 Sub Total (A) 47.20) 3 |GST @12% on Sub Total (A) 12%! 5.66] 4 _[Centage @12.5% on sub total (A) 12.5% 5.90] Grand Total| 58.76) Prepared By Checked By Checked By Wok No = “ M/s JMC-LCEPLIJV JE (T) Assistant Engineer EM DWvson, UP Jal Nigam E&M Dhision, UP Jal Nigam Meerut Meerut Recommended By \ ), Executive EAgineer &M Division, UP Jal Nigam Meerut ” 8r ssl desst bth) \(a+V) TWLOL oro £ER 99°54 (MD TWLOL S600 Lars 68-9 "SON I ‘asnoy duind jo uoneDyinTe|3| —p 6E10 LE EL AY 91 que|dejos| ¢ 8500 sss 3S T que|d TuReULO}YD pue que|d Sujduindjoysoo] c oLr0 SOLI "SON 1 lemaqny 303505] 1 i OM Weal “a wrt -eeerr Az -7e7 (vy) OL 9100 Lise oat aor, T Buyusisap pue Suhenins] 7 2800 Hes SON I soyend yeIS|_9 ero sen (eT af T peor ypeoidde pue jem Aiepunog| _¢ 1ig0 ers hres qa, 6r87 wasks uonnquasia| > eco LEE SON T Buiseis Ww Zt POST - JHO|_€ 0100 960 Ea SE we suis! 7 190°0 O19 gor T WOO SuReUIO|YD gy osnoy dung] | EEL Y 9 s ¥ £ zt T (i107 uD @ey up junowy (sq) nowy wg, 4d 440M\ Jo WoRdraasaq, i (AISNEHAUAAOD) ISO AO LOVULSAV IVUANAD avBeureeznyy - JUysIG vayseg -yolg WSMS - WAGNA auiaysg Ayddng s97e\4 oBeqILA panypyandyyy WOH ALVINILST 1 comes Stat os'997‘0r'9. evo. er Bip a eee wer fossseors] 1 | seui@e £09152) es Jounos woman ODED] | sonyesenog dand ae}ae) Jeu nee Saeco te era SpEMTY junowry wo ey 8D aH a ie ON 0M Jo WII ON IS] SIE SVAN ATTN PATTIE Seung Puna ea WSMS-waqNA manag diddng seq aPEMEA pamepH=ndY YO ALVIS “simp ut moursug Jo suononasu 108 DD 1 SuoRPayyDods sod se pur yuo 2x9 Jo woHa|dwod sodaud oy paxmbas 19 79 J. ‘ogo syeuDHEW [fe 30 “9 SO! pa oye ue MENU wag) Bua pur sda) 305 sje Bupryus ose 0% 30 Supejaut woupuaue gas cee Rl Tega pets COTES SL mmsqaeany or Suasojne wee gM eH RES sd Susy. 3 sn wera BU oa unoury ma | ax | 40 | an | a 1 few som om lexis TVIVONISHT Wd ININAWISVAN GV. sddeweyemyy~ puis egBeR Pore, wsMs-ag0NA. aang Sng 23144 256M pamYaNaTY wou TLVILISA losrtri96 co prote un | sesveoz|zi90- somo fz ~uonaaupp paw Bupwep] nso 2409 “uonoas-say Anna we am abn Sixpuig pu uowssod Jodoxd uy Suse “adeysyoau0> 0; Smpug pue Sunjooy ‘yHury sstnbas oy SN _3) su 2809] Jo feaouoy pur Buruonyfrens jen“ sioparg ‘sduums‘smeq woRNgEASTP Suypryouy 0M aesou0d Poasoyulal 14 yo0(q STU, Jo UoUIBOIEGUIO jee'zor wbs | osir|se0 wo or [iz “Spor yo uonayduoo saye yno Supqas pue Suna omy Sapayour wysreA| 40 pavano syuom 2or2u00 305 uomNg pau ys ssouaNA panoudd jo syed poow pe on pu sad ys poxoudde Buss poy wsrUY 30} SuUenYs SuspIACN| oyuypa sod se uxusnuojusy pu Buoy (221 eumou wus G2) so avo papas? 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