Myatheingyi Nunnery Education School Mingaladon Township 2023-2024 Academic Year (February) Grade - 12 Chemistry Time Allowed (2) Hours Section (A)

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Myatheingyi Nunnery Education School Mingaladon Township

2023-2024 Academic Year ( February )

Grade – 12 Chemistry Time Allowed ( 2 )Hours
Section (A)
1. Write TRUE and FALSE for each of the following statements. (10) masks
(a) To transfer a valence electron, the atom must have higher electronegativity than another atom.
(b) The neutralization reaction is endothermic and the enthalpy change is positive.
(c) Energy is released in all chemical reactions.
(d) The volumes of gases are greatly affected by pressure.
(e) A rate is always expressed as a positive quantity.
(f) The effect of changing the pressure on a reaction involving liquids is negliable.
(g) Buffer solution is a solution of acids and bases.
(h) The transition elements are liquid and gas state.
(i) Phosphours can be found in a gaseous state in the biogeochemical cycle.
(j) Persistent organic pollutants lead to the form of smog.
2. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word(s), phase(s) as necessary. (10) masks
(a) The weak intermolecular forces that bind molecules together are known as ______.
(b) The strength of metallic bonding increases with the decreasing size of the ____ ion in the lattice.
(c) Heat liberated by a chemical reaction is assigned by _______.
(d) A process in which the system absorbs heat from its surroundings is called ______.
(e) The correct ____ of reactant molecules leads to the formation of products.
(f) A _____ reaction is a reaction that can proceed in both directions.
(g) A buffer solution resists the change of ______.
(h) The first transition element of the 3d series is ______ .
(i) _____ can be used to date the antique materials in archaeology.
(j) The guano of marine birds contains a high level of _____ .
3. Choose the best answer for each question given in the following. (10) masks
(a)In the HCl molecule, there are (six, four ,three ) unshared pair electrons on the Cl atom.
(b)Nitrogen oxide, NO is a ( polar, non-polar, triatomic) covalent molecule.
(c)Standard enthalpy change is measured at ( 0℃ ,273℃ ,25℃ ) and 760 mmHg.
(d)When the energy needed to break bonds is ( less than , greater than , equal to )the energy
needed to form bonds, the reaction is exothermic.
(e) The experimental unit for the rate of formation of hydrogen gas collected in the syringe is
( gmin-1, moldm-3min-1, cm3min-1 ).
(f)The composition of equilibrium mixture does not change by the ( catalyst,
temperature,concentration). (g)Strong acids are strong electrolytes that
(completely,quietly,slowyly) ionse in water.
(h)Transition elements exhibit variable oxidation states because they release electrons from
(ns,np,(n-1)d and ns) orbitals.
(i)Arsenic is mostly in the form of (+2,+3,+4) valence in nature.
(j)Beta particles can penetrate ( paper, aluminium foil, concrete block).
Section (B)
4. Answer ALL question. (25) marks
(a) Calculate the standtard enthapy change of the decopoestion of calcium carbonate;
CaCO3 CaO(s) + CO2(g) using the data given below.
∆ Hθ r [ CaO (s) ] = -636 kJmol-1
∆ Hθ r [ CO2(g)] = -394 kJmol-1uld
∆ Hθ f [CaCO3(s) ] = -1207 kJmol-1
(b) In the reaction 2A(aq) 4B(aq) + C (aq), the decomposition of compound A at 300K in a
solution with constant volume can be followed by mintoring the concetration of A.Initially ( at
t=0), the concentration of A is 2.00 moldm-3 and after 200 moldm-3 .
(c) How would you classify whether the rate of rection in terms of activiation energy.
(d) Predict the effect of an inseasing concentration of SCN- ions on the given equilibrium.
Fe3(aq) + SCN-(aq) FeCN2+(aq)
(e) Claculate the pH of a sample of seawater that has a hydroxide ion concentration of 1.58 × 10-6mol
5. Answer ALL question. (15) marks
(a) Answer the following questions:
(i) How does carbon dioxide in the atmosphere enter living organism?
(ii) What are the main sources of arsenic in groundwater contamination?
(iii)List the common families of pesticides.
(iv)Arrange the alpha particles , beta particles and gamma rays in the decreasing order of penetrating power.
(b) Calculate the standard enthalpy change of formation of enthanoic acid, CH 3COOH.
2C (graphite) + 2H2(g)+O2(g) CH3COOH (l)
The relevant enthalpy changes of combustions are given below.
∆ Hθ [graphite] = -394 kJmol-1
∆ Hθ [H2(g) ] = -286 kJmol-1
∆ Hθ [CH3COOH(l)] = -287 kJmol-1
(c)(i)How would you classify whether the following catalysted reaction is hetergeneous or homogeneous
2SO2(g) + O2(g) V2O5 2SO3(g)
(ii)Explain how a catalyst affects the rate of reaction in terms of activation energy.
6. Answer ALL questions. (15)marks
(a) At a certain temperature ,Keq= 10.5 for the equilibrium CO(g) + 2H2(g) CH3OH(g)
Calculate the concentraction of CH3OH in an equilibrium mixture containing 0.0661 moldm-3 of H2 and
3.85 moldm-3 of CO.
(b) A buffer solution is made by adding 2.2g of sodium ethanoate into 0.1 dm3of 0.4 mol dm-3 ethanoic
acid. What is its pH? (Ka = 1.8 ×10-5 for enthanoic acid) ( Na = 23, C = 12, H = 1, O = 16 ).

(c)Descibe one benenficial application of nuclear radiation, and also how nuclear radiation can be harful to
7.Ansewer ALL questions. (15) marks
(a)Calculate Ka and pKa of a 0.1 moldm-3 solution of lactic acid ( a week monoprotic acid, HX) whose pH is
(b) How does aresnic contaminate the enviroment?
(c) Calculate the pH of a buffer solution containing 0.01 mol of ethanic acid and 0.01 mol of sodium ethanate
per dm3.( Ka = 1.8 × 10-5 for ethanic acid ).
(c) The pH of a sodim ethanote-ethanoic acid buffer is 4.50. Calculate the ratio of [CH 3OO-] and [ CH3COOH
].( Ka = 1.8 × 10-5 for ethanic acid)

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