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Application Number 076-023-005

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Term Definition
Anydesk A remote desktop application that assists employees working from
home access their work computers in the office.
It allows two or more users to have access to and control a single
computer or device.
ASEAN Business An organization of technology business incubators (TBIs) that aims
Incubator Network to strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in the
(ABINet) Association of Southeast Asian (ASEAN) region.
Benita & Catalino Yap An award-giving body which aims to honor excellence and recognize
Foundation (BCYF) innovations that demonstrate breakthrough achievements in
Innovation Awards Government Service, Tech-Voc Education, Small Medium Enterprises
(SMEs), and Agribusiness.
Community Empowerment DOST’s flagship program which aims to create empowered and resilient
through S&T communities by providing S&T interventions on different areas, such
as but not limited to, economic/enterprise development, health &
nutrition, human resource development, environmental protection and
conservation, and disaster risk reduction & management and climate
change adaptation.
Community Empowerment DOST’s flagship program which aims to create empowered and resilient
through Science and communities by providing S&T interventions on different areas, such
Technology (CEST) as but not limited to, economic/enterprise development, health &
nutrition, human resource development, environmental protection and
conservation, and disaster risk reduction & management and climate
change adaptation.
Competency Development Formulated to address the identified gaps that would support the
Program (CDP) achievement of the action plans and address strategic challenges.
Comprehensive Regional A manual of operations for DOST Regional Offices.
Operations Manual
Data Analytics-Ready Info A repository for digital copies of SETUP projects to be stored in
Unified System (DARIUS) the servers. Other supporting data for these SETUP projects were
then encoded by the different project coordinators from the DOST-
MIMAROPA Provincial S&T Centers to facilitate population of the
information system.
Deployment of Early Deployment of early warning technologies including Automated Rain
Warning System (DEWS) Gauge (ARG), Water-Level Monitoring Station (WLMS), Tandem –
project ARG with WLMS, and Flood Early Warning Station (FEWS) across
the region to aid in the decision-making of LGUs and mitigate the
harm brought about by natural and human-initiated disasters.
Electronic New An accounting software developed by the COA to promote correctness,
Government Accounting reliability, completeness, and timeliness in recording government
System (eNGAS) financial transactions and to generate financial reports in accordance
with the policies and procedures of the New Government Accounting
System (NGAS).
Electronic-Modified A web-based system that allows enrolled client government agencies
Disbursement System to transact with Landbank of the Philippines (LBP) electronically.
Facts and Information A web-based application system that contains library/database of
Navigator for Documented documented resources like articles, reports, guidelines, manuals,
S&T Acquired Resources proposals, publications, presentations, images, and videos within
FASSSTER and Tanod Two surveillance and monitoring systems assisting the LGUs in
COVID Applications making science-based and data driven actions to successfully cope
with the impacts of the COVID-19.
Term Definition
Financial Management A performance improvement system used for payment and
System (FMS) reimbursements.
Flood Early Warning Are siren-enabled sensors installed in strategic areas to assess critical
Systems (FEWS) levels of water and make alert warnings before occurrence of flood.
Freedom of Information An act that aims to mandate the disclosure of public documents.
(FOI) Act The proposed bill also outlines the exceptions for public disclosure and
the procedures for accessing public documents.
Futuristic Aviation and An incubatee of PITBI for the project on the adoption of transponder
Maritime Enterprise technology for early warning systems/Hydromet Sensors for remote
(FAME) areas (with intermittent or no telco signal) in MIMAROPA.
Grants-In-Aid (GIA) DOST’s program which aims to harness the country’s scientific and
Program technological capabilities. It is designed to contribute to productivity
improvement and quality of life of Filipinos by generating and
promoting appropriate technologies. It also aims to strengthen the
participation, technology transfer and utilization, human resources
development, information dissemination, advocacy, and linkages to
attain a sustainable economic growth and development.
Hazard Notification, An ICT-enabled Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM)
Dissemination and system used in the dissemination disaster-related updates, gathering
Awareness (HaNDA) field reports during occurrence of disasters, monitoring of data from
ASTI-developed hydromet sensors and warning/alarming of LGUs.
Stores CALABARZON Region hazard maps, vulnerability ratings
and DRRM-related information.
IMPRESSION System A system that that serves as knowledge repository and/or back-up of
files related to the projects implemented by the office.
Individual Performance A performance measurement tool that measures the performance of
Commitment and Review each personnel.
Innovation, Excellence in Employees are encouraged to innovate, to be the best in what they
Leadership, Commitment, are doing, to finish the assigned tasks on time, to be honorable in
Integrity, Teamwork, everything that they do, to work well with others and to continuously
and Empowerment capacitate human resource in the performance of their functions.
(I-EXCITE) culture
Junior Level Science Scholarships for talented and deserving students in their third year of
Scholarship (JLSS) college and who are pursuing degree programs in the areas of science
Program and technology
Knowledge Management A unit co-managed by the Management Information System and the
Systems (KMS) Unit S&T Information and Promotions Units that is tasked to identify,
collect, store, secure, manage, and make available to intended users,
the knowledge and information of the organization coming from
internal and external sources.
Management Information DOST-MIMAROPA’s newly-created unit that leads the management
Systems (MIS) of hardware and software properties of the agency. Itaims to provide
assistance in the management of office ICT projects and current IT-
Infrastructure; conducts periodic preventive maintenance to the office
ICT hardware and software properties, frequent back-up procedures to
workstation data files, and often software updating and vulnerability
checking for maintained local servers.
Management Succession Established to identify and develop a corps of future leaders to ensure
Program (MSP) leadership continuity. It aims to develop a pool of management talents,
hone their leadership competencies through learning facilitations that
may include formal education, job rotation or cross posting, immersion,
mentoring and coaching and enable DOST MIMAROPA personnel to
finish higher level of education for career advancement.
Term Definition
MIMAROPA Stars A DOST-MIMAROPA publication that compiles success stories
of assisted SETUP and CBEs highlighting how through S&T, these
assisted clients were able to make their business grow and become
National Science and A celebration to highlight the significant contributions of S&T to
Technology Week (NSTW) national development.
Network-Attached Storage A file-level (as opposed to block-level storage) computer data storage
(NAS) server connected to a computer network providing data access to a
heterogeneous group of clients.
Office Performance A performance measurement tool that measures the achievement of
Commitment and Review the entire agency.
Overall Morale Value A method of identifying factors that hinder quality improvement through
Index (OMVI) Survey statistical evaluation of the morale level of employees. Determines the
System level of morale of employees and determine the readiness of the office
to implement productivity and quality improvement programs.
Palawan International The first technology business incubator in the region of MIMAROPA.
Technology Business PITBI is located inside Palawan State University, Puerto Princesa City,
Incubator (PITBI) Palawan. It aims to broaden employment and income opportunities in
the region, develop economic alternatives, enhance competitiveness
among strategic sectors in the society, and development of new
technologies and commercialization.
Philippine Quality Award A global competitiveness template that aims to encourage and engage
(PQA) Program public and private organizations and other stakeholders to strive for
and attain performance excellence. A national award program that
recognizes achievements of public and private sector organizations in
their journey towards performance excellence.
Program to A mechanism to continuously capacitate human resource in the
Institutionalize performance of their functions; recognize best practices in the various
Meritocracy and areas of human resource management; and serve as a venue for exchange
Excellence in Human and development of expertise in human resource management in the
Resource Management Philippine public service.
Public Service Continuity A tool for the organization that would ensure its continued delivery
Plan (PSCP) of products and services at acceptable predefined levels following
disruptive incidents; identifies and manages the risks of the pandemic,
establishes response plans, and takes necessary actions to minimize
disruption and ensures that the workplace and clients are protected
and prepared.
Quality Management A collection of business processes focused on consistently meeting
System (QMS) customer requirements and enhancing their satisfaction. It is aligned
with an organization’s purpose and strategic direction.
Regional Development The primary institution that coordinates and sets the direction of all
Council (RDC) economic and social development efforts in the region. It also serves as
a forum where local efforts can be related and integrated with national
development initiatives.
Regional R&D Database Stores and provides analytics of Research and Development and
called Research and Innovation (RDI) data from the SUCs in the region.
Development Information
Unified System (RADIUS)
Term Definition
Regional Standards A facility located in the compound of the PSTC in Palawan which
and Testing Laboratory caters to the testing and calibration needs of private industries, local
(RSTL) government units and the general public in the region. It accepts food
and water samples for Microbiological and Physico-Chemical tests,
and calibration and testing services for mass and volume.
S&T Nooks Or information kiosks; contain promotional materials and access links
to DOST-developed on-line platforms for helping its stakeholders like
MSMEs, on learning and gaining access to DOST knowledge products
and services, which aids the agency in promoting its S&T products in
the market.
Small Enterprise DOST’s flagship program that increases the competencies and
Technology Upgrading productivity of micro, small, and medium-scale enterprises’ (MSMEs)
Program (SETUP) and industries through acquisition of new technologies, technology
trainings, productivity consultancy, laboratory testing and analysis,
and e-commerce.
Solar Energy System (SES) A project of DOST-MIMAROPA implemented in collaboration with
Technology DOH-MIMAROPA (as funder) and was one of the finalists in the
first Benita and Catalino Yap Foundation (BCYF) Innovation Awards
under the Government Service Category.
Strategic Performance A mechanism that links employee performance with organizational
Management System performance to enhance the performance orientation of the
(SPMS) compensation system.
Strategic Planning Process Identifies and validates DOST-MIMAROPA’s core competencies and
(SPP) puts the Agency in an advantage point to a sustainable position.
SWOT analysis A strategic planning technique used to help a person or organization
identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to
business competition or project planning.
Technology Needs A systematic evaluation tool in evaluating technology needs of
Assessment (TNA) possible clients.
Tracking, Retrieval, A document tracking system that allows for organized and timely
Archiving of monitoring of correspondence circulated in the office.
Communications for
Efficiency (TRACE)
Unified Laboratory An electronic database of laboratory records; implemented at the
Information Management DOST-MIMAROPA Regional Standards and Testing Laboratory
System (ULIMS) (RSTL) to maintain and ensure the integrity of test results.
Unified Reporting System Provides a facility for online data entry and submission of the
(URS) various reports required from National Government Agencies and its
Operating Units.
Preface: Organizational Profile MIMAROPA’s mission and vision of providing
quality public services through:
P.1 Organizational Description S&T Based MSME and CBE Productivity
P.1a Organizational Environment. Originally – involves implementation of DOST’s banner
established as the National Science and program for MSMEs, the Small Enterprise
Development Board (NSDB) on 13 June 1958, Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP)—a
it was reconstituted as the National Science and key strategy to stimulate investments in urban
Technology Authority (NSTA) on 17 March 1981 and rural areas. The program increases the
with the vision of “A competent and competitive competencies and productivity of micro,
science and technology community with a small-, and medium-scale enterprises’
social conscience.” With the agency’s elevation (MSMEs) and industries through acquisition
to full cabinet stature by virtue of Executive of new technologies, technology trainings,
Order 128 signed on 30 January 1987, the productivity consultancy, laboratory testing
functions and responsibilities of DOST expanded and analysis, and e-commerce.
correspondingly. Administrative Order No. Community Empowerment and Resiliency
002 Series of 1989, the DOST Regional Offices – aims to build progressive and empowered
shall be the focal points for the planning and communities through provision of S&T
implementation of S&T programs and projects in interventions on the following components such
the regions. as but not limited to: enterprise development,
On May 17, 2003, Region IV was split into two health and nutrition, environmental
regions —CALABARZON and MIMAROPA— protection and conservation, human resource
with the issuance of Executive Order No. 103 and development, and disaster risk reduction and
eventually RA 10879. This was done as a means management and climate change adaptation to
“to improve the delivery of government services the disadvantaged areas in MIMAROPA.
to the regions, and accelerate its social and Research, Development and Innovation
economic development.” In October 2007, DOST- (RDI) – DOST-MIMAROPA facilitates
MIMAROPA was created to aid in this effort. and monitors the R&D efforts integrates
the research, development and innovation
P.1a(1) Product Offerings. DOST-MIMAROPA initiatives in the region by setting the
outlines its programs and services in the following priorities, strengthening and co-managing the
areas: (1) S&T-based MSME/CBE Productivity; R&D Consortia operations involving its other
(2) Community Empowerment and Resiliency; member agencies and stakeholders.
(3) Enhancement of the Research, Development Human Resource Development – as part of
and Innovation (RDI) Ecosystem and; (4) Human increasing the pool of S&T talents, DOST-
Resource Development. MIMAROPA promotes and administers
P.1a(2) Vision and Mission. The DOST- various S&T scholarship programs including
MIMAROPA culture is driven by a highly S&T Undergraduate Scholarship Program
motivated professional workforce. All employees and Junior Level Science Scholarship
are treated fairly and trusts one another. Each (JLSS) Program, among others that; aside
individual actively contributes to the agency’s from this DOST-MIMAROPA offers other
success, which results to an efficient and energetic complementing services like the S&T
workplace. DOST-MIMAROPA optimizes public Library Services, and programs to promote
services proactively, with customer-driven and encourage S&T culture among the
response and exceptional quality and reliability. student youth.
The DOST-MIMAROPA vision, mission, and P.1a(4) Human Resource. As of December 31,
values (Fig. 1-1) are guiding principles for decision 2019, DOST-MIMAROPA workforce totals
making at all levels of the agency. to ninety-eight (98) employees. It consists of
Fig. P1-1a. Mission, Vision and Values 39 plantilla, 55 contracts of services (COS)
VISION: The standard of performance excellence and well- employees and 4 Job Orders (JO). Though
esteemed prime mover of science, technology, and innovation for
inclusive growth in MIMAROPA under the Civil Service Commission (CSC)
MISSION: To plan and implement Science, Technology and rules, only the plantilla, casual and government
Innovation (STI) services toward inclusive regional development contractual personnel are being recognized to
VALUES: Innovativeness, Excellence, Commitment, Integrity,
Teamwork, Empowerment
receive compensation and benefits and other
remuneration, as applicable. Key elements of
P.1.a(3) Core Competencies. The following workforce engagement include the following:
are the core competencies to support the DOST • Workplace cooperation – Management

committee and operational meetings involving P.1a(5) Assets. DOST-MIMAROPA manages
employees and members of the Senior and maintains its regional office. This includes
Leadership Team (SLT) is an avenue for the five (5) provincial office buildings and
discussing ideas and garnering feedbacks. associated utilities (Provincial S&T Centers/
Rewards and Recognition – improved PSTC) in Occidental Mindoro, Oriental Mindoro,
workforce performance beneficial to DOST- Marinduque, Romblon and Palawan. DOST-
MIMAROPA. MIMAROPA also maintains its Regional
Fig. P1-2 Workforce Profile
Standards and Testing Laboratory (RSTL) facility
Employment Status Gender
Plantilla – 39 Male – 45
located in the compound of the PSTC in Palawan.
Casual – 0 Female – 53 It also maintains service vehicles for the Regional
Contract of Services – 55 Office and the provincial offices. The Regional
Job Order – 4 Office’s Management Information Systems
Age Bracket Civil Status (MIS) unit maintains its databases through its
61 – above – 0 Single – 64 server room, and the local area network providing
51 – 60 yrs old – 8 Married – 33
computer with internet access on a one-is-to-one
46 – 50 yrs old – 4 Annulled – 0
41 – 45 yrs old – 2 Separated – 0
employee-computer ratio for each section.
36 – 40 yrs old – 12 Widowed – 1 P.1a(6) Regulatory Requirements. DOST-
31 – 35 yrs old – 16
MIMAROPA ensures that all regulatory and
30 yrs – below – 56
statutory requirements stipulated by the state are
CESO – 1 CSEE – 1
complied. Processes are in place to keep abreast
CS Pro – 53 CS Sub Pro – 1 to, comply with the required laws, regulations
Other Pro – 1 Other Sub Pro – 5 and standards established by key regulatory
None – 38 organizations (see Fig. P1-3).

Fig. P1-3 Statutory and Regulatory Requirements

Functions Regulatory Requirements Compliance Responsible Office /
Financial Philippine Public Sector Accounting Standards, Government COA Auditing/ Internal Audit/ Finance & Administrative
Accounting & Auditing Policies, Rules and Regulations, Surveillance Audit by the Division
Internal Revenue Code of the Philippines, DBM Guidelines Certifying Body/ Internal Technical Services
, Strategic Performance Management System using Quality Audit Division
OPCR and IPCR, ISO 9001:2015 Standards, Government
Procurement Reform Act (RA 9184)
Good CSC Rules & Regulations, Code of Conduct and Ethical COA Auditing/ Internal Audit/ Office of the
Governance Standards for Public Officials & Employees (RA6713), Surveillance Audit by the Regional Director
RA 9184, Anti-Red Tape Act (RA 9485), Ease of Doing Certifying Body/ Internal Finance & Admin
Business (RA 11032), Government Accounting & Auditing Quality Audit Division
Policies, Rules & Regulations, Internal Revenue Code of Technical Services
the Philippines, DBM Guidelines, ISO 9001:2015 Standards, Division
Strategic Performance Management System using OPCR
Employment CSC Rules & Regulations Governing the Recruitment & COA Auditing/ Internal Audit/ Finance & Administrative
Hiring of Employees, CSC Rules & Regulations Governing Surveillance Audit by the Division
the Exercise of the Right of the Government Employees to Certifying Body/ Internal
Organize, RA 6713, Revised Rules on Administrative Cases Quality Audit
in the Civil Service, GSIS Guidelines, PhilHealth, HDMF,
Internal Revenue Code, ISO 9001:2015 Standards, Strategic
Performance Management System using OPCR/IPCR, DBM
guidelines Government Accounting and Auditing Policies,
Rules and Regulations
Public ISO 9001:2015 Standards, RA 6713, National Archives of the Inventory and appraisal by Office of the Regional
Records Philippines Act (RA 9470), Executive Order on Freedom of your Records Management Director
Information (FOI) Office /Surveillance Audit by Finance & Administrative
the Certifying Body/ Internal Division
Quality Audit/ COA Auditing Technical Services
Risk Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Occupational Inspection/Drills/Audit/Public Technical Services
Management Health and Safety Standards Fire Safety Standards, ISO Service Continuity Plan Division
and Safety 9001:2015 Standards, Strategic Performance Management Risk Management
System using OPCR, Building Code Committee
Response Team
ICT Computer Software Licenses, ISSP Inventory / audit Technical Services
MIS Unit
QMS ISO 9001:2015 or Government Quality Management System Surveillance Audit by the Technical Services
Certification Standard (GQMSS) by virtue of Issuance of EO 605 by the Certifying Body/ Internal Division
Requirements Office of the President Quality Audit

DOST-MIMAROPA also operates in compliance The Regional Standards and Testing Laboratory
with ISO 9001:2015 quality management systems. (RSTL) is accredited with ISO 17025:2017.

P.1b Organizational Relationships Technical and Financial Services, the Technical
P.1b(1) Organizational Structure. The SLT of Services Supervisor/Planning Officer; and the
DOST-MIMAROPA is composed of the Regional Provincial Science and Technology Directors for its
Director, the Assistant Regional Directors for field office operations and offices (see Fig. P1-4).
Fig. P1-4 Organizational Structure

Black ink - Permanent Office of the Regional Director

Red in - COS / JO Regional Director
Supervising SRS
Planning Officer Science Research Specialist II

Admin Assistant III

Technical Services Division Finance and

Assistant Regional Director Administrative Division
Assistant Regional Director

Supervising SRS Senior SRS PSTC-Occidental Mindoro PSTC-Oriental Mindoro Accounting

Provincial Science & Technology Director Provincial Science & Technology Director Accountant III
Science Research Specialist II Science Research Specialist II Computer Operator II
Techno Acquisition & Science Research Specialist II Science Research Specialist II Clerk III
Upgrading Communication Equipment Operator III Telegram Carrier
Science Research Specialist II Project Assistant II Project Assistant II Budget
Science Research Specialist I Project Assistant I Project Assistant I Administrative Officer V
Science Research Analyst Project Assistant I Science Aide Clerk IV
Project Assistant II Clerk I Administrative Aide II
Project Assistant II Clerk I
Project Assistant I Administrative Officer V
Project Assistant I PSTC-Marinduque PSTC-Romblon
Provincial Science & Technology Director Provincial Science & Technology Director HRMO
Networks and Innovation Science Research Specialist II Science Research Specialist II
Management (NIMU) Clerk I
Science Research Specialist II Science Research Specialist I Clerk
Science Research Specialist II Communication Equipment Operator II Communication Equipment Operator III
Project Assistant III Project Assistant II Project Assistant II Supply & Property
Project Assistant II Project Assistant I Project Assistant I
Clerk Project Assistant I Administrative Officer V
Project Assistant I Clerk IV
Science Aide Science Aide
Science Aide Clerk
iCluster/MIS Science Aide
Science Research Specialist II
Computer Programmer I PSTC-Palawan S&T Scholarships
Computer Maintenance Technologist Provincial Science & Technology Director Science Research Specialist II Project Assistant III
Project Assistant I Science Research Specialist II Science Research Specialist I Project Assistant I
Project Assistant I Communication Equipment Operator III Science Research Specialist I
Project Assistant II Science Research Assistant General Services
S&T Promotion Project Assistant I Science Research Assistant Janitor
Science Research Specialist II Administrative Aide I Science Research Assistant Driver
Project Assistant II Clerk I Science Research Analyst
Project Assistant II Clerk I Laboratory Technician I
Watchman Laboratory Technician I

P.1b(2) Customers and Stakeholders. DOST- shown in Fig. P1-5 along with their requirements
MIMAROPA customers and stakeholders are and expectations.
Fig. P1-5 Key Customers and Stakeholders of DOST MIMAROPA
Customers and Stakeholders Group Requirements Expectations
• Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises • Timeliness • Timely delivery of services
(MSMEs) • Responsive to the needs • Cost effectiveness
• Community-based Enterprises (CBEs)/Civic • Quality frontline services and its workforce • Good governance
Society Organizations (CSOs) competency • Transparency
• Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) • Sound Management Practices • Mainstreaming of gender equality
• Students • Improved Business Environment
• Commitment to quality services
Government Partners
• Other DOST Agencies • Timely and adequate access to information • Transparency
• Provincial Governments of MIMAROPA • Responsive representation of issues and their • Good governance
• National Government Agencies (DA, BFAR, requirements • Reliability
DENR, CHED, DOT, DOH, DEPED, DILG, • Meaningful opportunities to serve • Sustainable quality management
DSWD, DBM, OCD, DICT, DTI, PSA, NCMF) • Commitment to quality and productivity system
• CSC, GSIS, HDMF, LBP, PhilHealth, COA
Human Resource
• Plantilla Employees • Safe working environment • Good compensation
• Contract of Service • Workforce engagement program • Applicable benefits
• Job orders • Security of tenure
• Rewards and recognitions
• Neighboring municipalities and cities in • Societal well-being and benefits • Viable and sustainable development
MIMAROPA • Corporate Social Responsibility projects in health, environment.
education, peace and order, and
livelihood generation

P.1b(3) Suppliers and Partners. DOST-MIMAROPA key suppliers and partners are shown in Fig. P1-6.

Fig. P1-6 Key Suppliers and Partners
Key Partners, Role in Providing Products Key Communication Supply-Chain
Suppliers & &/or Customer Support Mechanisms Requirements
Collaborators Services
Material & Service Provide office supplies, Purchase orders, Pre-Bid • Provide quality and best value
Providers materials & equipment, Advertisements, Pre-Bid Conferences, • Compliant to government regulations
vehicle accessories & spare BAC meetings, bid advertisements • Compliant to DOST regulations/policies
parts, IT equipment and using newspapers of general • On-time delivery
accessories, navigational circulation, telephone, email, letters, • Accurate orders and invoicing
equipment and accessories website postings, biddings and awards, • Expertise
consultations, product orientations and
presentations, PhilGEPS
Contractors Provide engineering and Purchase orders, Pre-Bid • Provide quality and best value
maintenance works of the Advertisements, Pre-Bid Conferences, engineering works
facilities, technical assistance BAC meetings, bid advertisements • Compliant to government regulations
in the periodic maintenance using newspapers of general • Compliant to DOST regulations/policies
projects of DOST-MIMAROPA circulation, telephone, email, letters, • On-time engineering and maintenance
website postings, biddings and awards, works
consultations, PhilGEPS • Expertise
Consultants Provide technical assistance Purchase orders, BAC meetings, • Expertise
& expertise on the field biddings & awards, consultations, and • Compliant to government regulations
required by Agency negotiations • Compliant to DOST regulations/policies
Bank services Provide bank services such Contract between DOST & Landbank, • Authorized bank
as payment of salaries and memorandum circulars, letters • Accurate transactions
other claims

P.2 Organizational Situation (WDD) Research Leadership Award conferred

by the Philippine Association of Research
P.2a Comparative Situation Managers, Inc. (PHILARM).
P.2a(1) Competitive Position. While DOST- In addition, DOST-MIMAROPA adopts some of the
MIMAROPA has no direct competitors, it compares BEST PRACTICES that benefit the regional office
itself with other DOST regional offices in the as well as its central office thereby establishing its
country. Among the Regional Offices in the country, status as a performing DOST regional office:
DOST MIMAROPA is: • Good Governance Initiatives – Maintained
• (2012) Received Outstanding Provincial Science ISO 9001:2015 qualify management system
and Technology Director (PSTD) Award for one certification with no major audit deficiencies.
of the members of its SLT, and 1st runner up Development /adoption of information systems
for 2015. This DOST award is given during the that would facilitate agency operations and
annual PSTD Conference to recognize the best delivery of services to clients like the knowledge
performing PSTD that started in 2010. Also, management system developed like the Facts
during the 2017 PSTD Conference DOST- and Information Navigator for Documented
MIMAROPA shared its best practice in SETUP S&T Acquired Resources (FINDSTAR), which
Refund Collection. is an online repository of agency documents
• (2018) Among the 8 finalists at the 1st Benita and records; the Regional R&D Database
& Catalino Yap Foundation (BCYF) Innovation called Research and Development Information
Awards for the entry “Enhancing Healthcare Unified System (RADIUS), that stores and
Services in the Countryside while Mitigating provides data analytics on the RDI data from
the Effects of Climate Change through Solar the SUCs in the region.
Energy” in Malacañan Palace; • Strong Partnership with the Stakeholders –
• Four (4) Gawad Kalasag Awards (2015, 2017, DOST-MIMAROPA put a premium on building
2018 and 2019) for exemplary contribution and a resilient region with partnership with the likes
invaluable support to the Regional Disaster Risk of Palawan International Technology Business
Reduction and Management Council (RDRRMC); Incubator (PITBI), the Futuristic Aviation and
• DOST-MIMAROPA SL, Dr. Ma. Josefina P. Maritime Enterprise (FAME), to upgrade the
Abilay received certificates of recognition for existing hydro meteorological sensors in the
four (4) consecutive years (2016-2019) for her region with the use of LoRaWAN technology.
active participation in the deliberation of the • Wider Audience Commitment – the
regional development concerns and complete launching of Lakas ng Siyensya in promoting
attendance in the Regional Development science, technology, and innovation is evident.
Council (RDC) full council meetings; MIMAROPA Stars, now on its 4th volume is a
• DOST-MIMAROPA SL, Dr. Ma. Josefina P. DOST-MIMAROPA publication that compiles
Abilay was conferred as one of the Ten Outstanding success stories of assisted SETUP and CBEs.
Movers of the Philippines Award for “Leadership • Strong Initiatives on Enhancing the RDI
and Public Service” in Malacañan Palace in 2019; Ecosystem – Initiated the Technopreneurship
• In 2019, DOST-MIMAROPA SL, Dr. Ma. Boot Camp/Technopreneurship Training Program
Josefina P. Abilay received the William D. Dar for MSMEs and their enablers (government,

academe, and industry organizations) with the ○ Undertaken mentoring which focused on MSMEs and CBEs in
MIMAROPA (Romblon & Marinduque). Mentoring was then later
objective of inculcating a technology-oriented focused for CBEs located in CEST areas (Oriental & Occidental
entrepreneurial mindset and to enable the Mindoro).
researchers to commercialize their R&D outputs. P.2a(3) Comparative Data. DOST-MIMAROPA
Initiated the development of a Regional R&D gathered the available source of comparative data
Database called Research and Development based on the reports of the respective DOST Regional
Information Unified System (RADIUS). DOST- Offices (DOST-Caraga, DOST-CAR, and DOST-
MIMAROPA SL along with the MIMAROPA 2) with similar percentage distribution to the Gross
SUCs sealed a partnership with Hanyang Domestic Product (Refer to Category 7).
University in Seoul, South Korea, initially for the
program Management of Technology (K-MOT) P.2b Strategic Context. Fig. P2-2 shows the strategic
and crafting of the Masters degree program/ advantages and challenges of DOST MIMAROPA.
curriculum on Technopreneurship. Fig. P2-2 Strategic Advantages and Challenges
Strategic Strategic
P.2a(2) Competitive Changes. Key changes Advantages Challenges
affecting competitive situation of DOST Sound • Maintained compliance to good
MIMAROPA is shown in Fig. P2-1. Management
Practices and
governance statutory and or regulatory
requirements as prescribed by the
Fig. P2-1 Key Changes Affecting Competitive Changes Good Governance state (e.g. Transparency, Freedom-of-
Information/FOI, Data Privacy, ARTA,
Business Focus and Re-development GAD/PWD/SC)
• Integration of ICT in facilitating processes
Strengthened Research, Development and Innovation (RDI)
Initiatives Quality, Dedicated • Institutionalized Human Resource
and Productive Development Program: Recruitment
○ Initiated the Technopreneurship Bootcamp/Trainings Workforce and Hiring, Learning and Development,
○ Led forging of partnerships/collaborations with international Performance Management; Rewards and
institutions to develop RDI ecosystem Recognition
   -  Spearheaded the Development of MS Technopreneurship Improving Business • Identification and exploitation of
Curriculum Environment opportunities for creating sustainable
and Processes solutions to institutional and regional
   - Co-organized the Technology Transfer Officers’ Training concerns
   -  Lead convenor and facilitator of the partnership between • Strengthened risk management
MIMAROPA SUCs and International HEIs in developing a Being • Adhered to/Maintained quality and
new curriculum on Information Technology (IT) relative to our benchmarked excellence in work processes/continual
journey towards Industry 4.0 by other public improvement
   - Hosting of ASEAN Business Incubation Network organizations in
terms of process
○ Led the DOST ROs in the conduct of the 2018 SETUP Forum effectiveness
entitled “Harnessing STI Towards Industry 4.0 Forum” during the
2018 NSTW Institutionalized • Sustained ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17025
Quality Certification for Office QMS, and Regional
• Innovative Strategy Management S&T Laboratory respectively
○ Annually conducted the Best Technopreneur Awards for DOST- System (ISO
MIMAROPA assisted MSMEs 9001:2015)
geared towards
○ Implemented the MSME Mentoring Program in Romblon in achieving customer
partnership with its Provincial Government with Business Guru satisfaction,
and ABS-CBN DZMM Radyo Negosyo host, Dr. Carl E. Balita. customer-focused
○ Led the nationwide project Lakas ng Siyensya, a 15-min themed delivery of
segment in ABS-CBN Teleradyo... which aims to reinforce the services, and has
brand of DOST gone to the extra
mile for every
○ Developed the, an e-commerce platform employee exerting
that promotes DOST-MIMAROPA assisted product. It gave birth performance
to Onestore, to accommodate all DOST-assisted products excellence
Publication Strong local and • 
Maintained or gained membership
○ Launched the MIMAROPA Stars (now on its 4th volume international with strategic local and international
by province) linkages cooperations/organizations
Institutional Strengthening Availability & • 
Complementation of resources through
sufficiency of collaborative undertakings
• Continual Improvement financial resources
○ Acquiring new certifications for Regional S&T Laboratory
○ Sustained ISO 9001:2015 Certification for Office QMS P.2c Performance Improvement System. DOST-
○ Sustained ISO 17025 Certification for Laboratory QMS MIMAROPA adopts the ISO 9001:2015 Quality
○ Enhanced Integration of ICT in Business Processes Management System-based Framework with
• Risk Management Periodic Internal Quality Audit from IQA Team
○ Business Continuity Planning and Surveillance Audits from the Certifying
○ Development of Public Service Continuity Plan for the
Regional Office Body and COA observations. In addition to this,
○ Creation of a Knowledge Management Systems the Strategic Performance Management System
○ Adoption of ICT in Performance Management and in Control of (SPMS) using the Office Performance Commitment
Documented Information for QMS and Review (OPCR), and Individual Performance
Community Empowerment
Commitment and Review (IPCR). For financial, a
○ Implementation of CEST Program for different barangays/
municipalities all over the Region. Financial Management System is used for payment
and reimbursements.

1: Leadership ISO/IEC 17025 laboratory certification, ensuring
adherence to existing laws, rules and regulations
1.1 Senior Leadership such as RA 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical
1.1a(1) Mission, Vision and Values. The top Standards for Public Officials and Employees), EO
management of DOST-MIMAROPA formulated 292, Book V (The Revised Administrative Code of
the Mission, Vision, and Values guided by its 1987), RA 9485 /11032 (Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007/
Good Governance System (Fig. 1.1-1) to lead the Ease of Doing Business)) and other CSC Rules and
Agency. The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) of Regulations. The Agency provides the employees
DOST-MIMAROPA is composed of the Regional with New Employees Orientations, Values
Director, the Assistant Regional Directors for Orientation Workshops (VOW), Strategic Planning
Technical and Financial Services, the Technical Sessions, Personnel program and seminars, and
Services Supervisor/Planning Officer; and the other related trainings. A Committee on Decorum
Provincial Science and Technology Directors and Investigation (CODI) was created to look into
for its field office operations participated in a issues and/or concerns on unethical behavior of
vision-mission setting during an annual strategic employees.
planning. These MVV as illustrated in the DOST- Behavior expectations outlined in the Personnel
MIMAROPA’s Mid Term Plan 2016-2019 was made Policies of the Human Resource are reinforced
available to all personnel of the organization with through orientation of new employees.
copies provided to its agency partners. These MVV The Senior Leaders monitor compliance through
were also made part of the quality management internal and external audits, provides guidance and
system documentation which is regularly being direction through issuance of special orders (SOs)
discussed and evaluated on an annual basis during and memoranda and regular meetings. In fighting
management review participated in by the SLT corruption, Senior Leaders led the signing of
and all agency personnel. The MVVs are further Integrity Pledge (Oath of Office for newly onboard
strengthened through leadership by example, sound regular personnel) and Memorandum of Agreement
management practices, and good governance by the (MOA) and Panunumpa ng Kawani ng Gobyerno to
Senior Leaders. MVVs are also directed towards all stakeholders and customers.
customer-driven services and human resource-focus
1.1a(3) Creating a Sustainable Organization.
through rewards and recognitions to employees with
Senior Leaders create a working environment
exemplary performance in the Agency.
that drives performance improvement and by
Fig. 1.1-1 Good Governance System ensuring healthy financial status, safe building
Analyze • Analyze customer and stakeholder requirements and
expectations with focus on how to effectively address
structure and improved business environment for
such through science, technology and innovation key customers, stakeholders, key suppliers and
(STI) platform
Brew • Brewing the MVV of DOST-MIMAROPA through
personnel, and sound management practices that
employment of a systematic strategic and action planning continuously provide quality public services by
process led by its SLT and partaken by all members of
the agency resulting to a sustainable organization the top management and employees. More specific
Initiate • Initiating sound management practices founded on measures done by the Senior Leaders consist of the
transparency and high ethical standards
following; improvement of the strategic planning
○ Provision of safe, secure and healthy business or
working environment for customers, stakeholders/ system, regular ManCom meetings, evaluation
partners,andhumanresource; and assessment of Balanced Scorecard (BSC), the
○ Communicate with, engage and develop the human
resource; OPCR of the Agency and IPCR of each employee,
○ Create focus on action and results through the and monitoring of the accomplishments of each
execution of the plans through policies, procedures
and management actions;
office with inputs from feedback from internal and
○ Build/maintain/improve organizational relationships external quality audits.
with customers and stakeholders To sustain quality performance, the Senior Leaders
Learn • Learning the effectiveness of systems and processes
as well as their impact on results, with the commitment encourage and engage employees to continually
for continual improvement and innovation provide delivery of quality services and discuss
Align • Aligning leadership system and approach through
measurement and analysis of the organization’s
improvements, if any, through operational meetings,
performance, with the current and future organizational staff meetings, process review and even one-on-
needs, key customers, stakeholders, key suppliers and
partners, human resources, processes and action plans one meetings. The implementation of customer
Yearn • Yearning for community empowerment and feedback system with set yearly targets of customer
societal development
satisfaction. The i-EXCITE culture of values then
1.1a(2) Promoting Legal and Ethical Behavior. became the guiding principle and backbone to reach
The Senior Leaders demonstrate commitment to the vision of the Regional Office.
legal and ethical behavior by accepting to follow and The SLT initiated the creation of a Risk
be audited by the ISO 9001:2015 QMS standards and Management Committee in 2017 composed

of senior staff members from the regional and Basic Supervisory Training. Technical trainings
provincial office, to gain foresight of potential risk were likewise provided to staff at the regional
(and opportunities) and consequently determine and provincial offices to further equip them of
the mode of action or response to address (take knowledge and skills to address the demand of
advantage of) them in the event of occurrence. technical interventions in projects and specific
The SLT maintains performance evaluation technical needs of clients in the field.
as a critical process, as a means for both
the determination of employees to be given 1.1b(1) Communication. The Senior Leaders
recognition, and likewise to determine areas communicate with and engage the entire
and individuals for staff development. The SL workforce and key customers and stakeholders
encourages competency development of the through the Communication System of DOST-
staff as reflected in the established Competency MIMAROPA, shown in Fig. 1.1-2, using
Assessment and Learning and Development multiple communication mechanisms. Many
Plans. The SL made certain to have as an integral
of the mechanisms encourage frank, two-way
part of the organizational plan for human resource
development the creation of a succession plan. communication, including effective use of
Employees handling supervisory functions were social media, emails, office and mobile phones,
recommended to attend training on leadership and memoranda, office orders, and website. When
management. Such trainings participated include feasible, key decisions are communicated by the
Strategic Planning Process, Scenario Planning, Senior Leaders in person to allow for clarification
Course on Basic Project Management and and help ensure understanding.
Fig. 1.1-2 Communication System
Mechanism Frequency 1 or 2 Audience/ Expected outcomes
(may add more if needed) way segment
Management Reviews 2/yr 2 way SLT / Unit - improvement of processes
Leads TSD - closure of non-conformities
and FAD - risk analysis
ManCom Meeting 12/yr 2 way SLT / Unit - determination of PPAs
Leads TSD - discussion and analysis of issues and gaps
and FAD - determination of appropriate action in addressing the
- performance evaluation
Flag Ceremonies Every 2 way All employees - reminders/follow-up memoranda/issuance office orders
Office Operations Meeting / 12 / year 2 way SLT / Unit - monitoring and evaluation of PAPs
Staff Meetings Leads TSD - improvement of processes
and FAD - accomplishment review
Recognition through PRAISE As 2 way All employees - recognition/awards and incentives
Strategic Planning Every 3 2 way All employees - Strategic Plan (updated VMV; Strat Goals/Objectives/
years KPIs)
Operational Planning Every year 2 way All employees -Target Setting for PAPs/Operational Plan/Balanced
Midyear Review 1/yr 2 way All employees - monitoring and evaluation of PAPs
- improvement of processes
- accomplishment review
Year-End Review 1/yr 2 way All employees - monitoring and evaluation of PAPs
- improvement of processes
- accomplishment review
Customer Feedback Every after 1 way All employees - improved processes
Quality Coaching / Mentoring As needed 2 way All employees - accomplishment of targets
- enhanced capability of staff/skill upgrading
Internet/intranet As viewed 2 way All employees - update on reports
Issuances of Office Orders, As needed 2 way All employees - reports/response/comments/ clarification/personnel
Memoranda action/compliance
Quad-Media (Press Releases) 1,000/yr 1 way All employees - articles/reports/success stories
Conferences, consultations, As 2 way Customers - Settlement of issues/concerns
public hearings, meetings conducted (MSMEs/ - Determination of PPAs
with key customers and SUCs/HEIs/ - Knowledge creation
stakeholders NGAs/CSOs);
All employees

In line with its mandate to promote and harness and enhance awareness and appreciation for the
Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) in role of STI in improving lives through promotion
the MIMAROPA Region, DOST-MIMAROPA of the agency’s programs, services, products, and
continues to exert effort to reach communities technologies, among others.

1.1b(2) Focus on Action. DOST-MIMAROPA 1.2a(2) Performance Evaluation. The SL is
SLs through the agency’s strategic plan, and the evaluated through the Career Executive Service
defined goals, objectives, and specific outputs or Performance Evaluation System by the Career
deliverables per year, serve as means to create Executive Board (CESB) through the DOST
focus on actions that would transcend to the Secretary. While other members of the agency’s
achievement of the organization’s mission. The SLT or Management Committee (MANCOM) are
operational targets are cascaded to the provincial evaluated using the CSC Individual Performance
offices, and down to the process owners handling Commitment Review (IPCR) forms.
them. Accomplishment of such deliverables are The performance reviews allow the Senior Leaders
measured and evaluated to determine which to set strategic directions for developmental
areas to improve on and what new strategies to opportunities and identify personal and
undertake so that ultimately would provide a organizational areas of strength and opportunities
better value of service to the agency’s customers. for improvement.
1.2 Governance and Societal Responsibilities 1.2b(1) Legal and Regulatory Behavior. The
Senior Leaders demonstrate their commitment to
1.2a(1) Governance System. Senior Leaders submit to the legal, regulatory, and accreditation
set direction by implementing the Strategic standards/compliance by making sure that the
Performance Management System using OPCR, agency’s programs, projects, and services strictly
and IPCR deployed to all offices to set the targets conform to the standards or policies in place.
for the year. The Senior Leaders are responsible and For its office operations, the SLT maintains its
accountable for fiscal performance management. certification of ISO 9001:2015 QMS to ensure
The regular financial accountability reports are continual improvement of processes and delivery
provided by the Accounting Office. Said reports are of the quality of services and gain high customer
provided to the Office of Regional Director, Office of satisfaction results. This is the same case for the ISO/
the Assistant Regional Director and to all Provincial IEC 17025 for the RSTL in Palawan for its physico-
S&T Directors. Internal financial controls are in chemical and microbiological laboratories. Actions
place and constantly assessed and enforced through are taken to address non-conformities including
external audits conducted by COA. Moreover, those from periodic audits by IQA and surveillance
in line with the existing ISO 9001:2015 Quality audits by the Certifying Body. A Corrective Action
Management System (QMS), being maintained by Report is used when there are deviations in the
the office, internal quality audit (IQA) and external processes. Action plans are also prepared and
audit are likewise being performed. submitted to COA to fully address audit findings
To enhance transparency and enforce accountability, and recommendations. DOST-MIMAROPA
the Senior Leaders adhere to COA guidelines. The conducts risk management committee meetings,
Transparency Seal which represents the openness internal and external audits, and management
in the access of government information has been reviews to account for the risks in the operation,
part of the Organization’s identity and reflected the underlying opportunities for improvement
in the Regional Office’s website as part of the its (OFIs) and how to address them. Such is part of
compliance to the Good Governance requirements. the Balanced Scorecard’ (BSC) key performance
It is linked at the DOST-MIMAROPA website for indicators where the agency is being measured.
public to gain access to different data about the 1.2b(2) Ethical Behavior. The Senior Leaders
Office to include but not limited to its mission, promote and ensure ethical behavior in all interactions
vision, and mandates; QMS-related updates; and through the Agency’s core values and systems in
Bids and Awards Postings, FOI manual, PhilGEPS place that include:
posting of the latest bids, the Citizen’s/Service • Personnel Policies (employee discipline, orientation
Charter, and the Agency’s Review and Compliance for new employees, VOW, VAW formal grievance)
Procedure of Statement and Financial Disclosure. • Internal Investigation/Breach of Ethical Behavior
As to the procurement, Senior Leaders adhere to (problems on ethical behavior handled by the
RA9184 (Government Procurement Reform Act) Committee on Grievance and Committee On
to ensure a more open, transparent and competitive Decorum and Investigation)
environment. Moreover, the Senior Leaders • Adherence to RA 6713 (Code of Conduct), RA9485
engage in the Personnel Selection Board, ManCom (Anti-Red Tape), RA9184 (Procurement Act), EO
meetings, PRAISE and CODI. Furthermore, 292 (Book V- CSC Rules)
the SLs drive growth and development through Further, the Senior Leaders maintain the regular
appropriate human resource interventions for assessment of the Morale Value Index of all the
its employees to sustain succession of critical employees to determine areas for improvement for
management posts in the organization. the SLT and the organization’s processes.

1.2c(1) Societal Well-being. The Senior Leaders 2: Strategy
ensures that programs on societal well-being are
implemented. For the past years, the Agency is 2.1 Strategy Development
involved in various community projects as shown 2.1a Strategy Development Process
in Fig. 1.2-1.
2.1a(1) Strategic Planning Process. Fig. 2.1-1a
Fig. 1.2-1 Community Projects
shows the Strategic Planning Process of DOST
Category Community Program/or Projects
MIMAROPA. The whole process involves
Environmental LGUs - Sea shore clean-up drive
Improvement Sectoral - Pawikan Conservation participation of members of the SLT and the
Community - Techno-training on
Wastewater Management
process owners coming from the agency’s regional
Safety and Partner Agency - DRRM Info/Education and provincial offices.
Health LGUs Campaigns (IEC) for LGUs/ Fig. 2.1-1 Strategic Planning Process of DOST-MIMAROPA
Sectoral Communities
Livelihood Partner Agency - Techno-training/ Revisit and
Sectoral consultancy and mentoring review
Community program for CBEs vision,
Community Partner Agency - Support to Calamity victims mission and
Assistance Sectoral - Provided SES with RxBox values
Community to RHUs
- Provided SES to
evacuation centers Monitoring SWOT
and Analysis
The agency’s SLs’ renewable energy campaign evaluation

through the deployment of 29 solar energy

systems (SES) powered projects of the rural health
units and designated evacuation centers with
intermittent power supply, which sustained their
respective operations. Such projects also benefit
the community by reducing harmful effects of Plans and Review of
strategies to
fossil fuel to the environment. plug the
versus goals
In relation to safety and security of people in gaps
the workplace, since 2017, the SL and DOST-
MIMAROPA regional and field offices have been
regularly carrying out earthquake and fire drills as of gaps
safety compliance and preparedness for disaster
for the people in the workplace. These drills are
carried out simultaneously following the basic
steps and guidelines as prescribed by the Office DOST-MIMAROPA had been conducting strategic
of Civil Defense Disasters Risk Reduction and planning activities to account for its immediate and
Management Office (OCD-DRRMO). The DOST- long-term plans that are affected by the changing
MIMAROPA through the PSTCs also conducts scenarios or internal and external environment.
some technical and business management-related These strategic planning activities are being
consultative work pro bono especially to those who complemented with the conduct of operational or
have no means to gain access to this knowledge. action planning activities, together with performance
reviews during midyear and year-end based on
1.2c(2) Community Support. Community the agency’s MFOs. The steps in the DOST-
involvement has been part of the Agency’s MIMAROPA strategic planning process included:
program for the past years. Senior Leaders are 1. Revisit and review of vision, mission and values
involved in various community programs. DOST- of DOST-MIMAROPA;
MIMAROPA SL encourages more projects 2. Conduct of environmental scanning or
implemented under the Community Empowerment Strength-Weakness-Opportunities-Threats
through S&T (CEST) Program in the remote or (SWOT) analysis, based on the internal and
geographically isolated and depressed (poorest external environment;
of the poor) communities in the region. Since 3. Review of current performance versus goals;
2012 there are a total of 13 communities all over 4. Analysis of the gaps;
the region assisted through this program which is 5. Plan to address the gaps and strategies for
provided interventions through five (5) entry points implementation; and
or minimum basis needs (MBN) requirements such 6. Monitoring and evaluation of plans and
as health and nutrition, environmental protection implementation strategies.
and conservation, human resource development, With such SPP, it identifies and validates DOST-
disaster resiliency, and creating economic activity MIMAROPA’s core competencies and puts the Agency
through enterprise development. in an advantage point to a sustainable position.

DOST-MIMAROPA operates on the principle of Fig. 2.1-2 shows the innovation in the strategic
continual improvement to develop its capabilities, goals and the overall strategic map of DOST-
operations, business and financial results. Reviews MIMAROPA. The updated strategic goals are:
(Fig. 2.1-1) are undertaken to monitor results 1. 
Awareness, understanding, and appreciation
and as well as identify potential blind spots for of STI to strengthen STI Culture among
planning contingencies. stakeholders enhanced.
2.1a(2) Innovation. DOST-MIMAROPA’s 2. Support towards productive, competitive and
Strategic Planning Process promotes and disaster-resilient MSMEs/CBEs, industries
incorporates innovation by means of assessing and communities sustained.
and defining new ways to manage the changing 3. 
Research and Development, and Innovation
needs of the internal and external environment as (RDI) initiatives in the region stimulated and
seen in As part of this step in the whole strategic supported
planning process, DOST-MIMAROPA personnel 4. Effective STI Governance achieved.
engages its stakeholders in meetings/consultations From the 2016-2019 MIMAROPA Strategic Map
and dialogues (Fig.1.1-2 (Communication System), (Figure 2.1-2b), new strategic objectives were
to determine and asses their needs; identify also added and other objectives were integrated
different risks and opportunities involved (pls see and enhanced. These were also categorized
6.1c Innovation Management), and come up with under the four perspectives following the
relevant and most applicable innovative solutions BSC. The new core values are innovativeness,
or strategies and initiatives to address the gaps, excellence, commitment, integrity, teamwork and
and maximize opportunities. empowerment (i-EXCITE).
2.1-2a DOST-MIMAROPA Strategic Map 2020-2022

VISION The standard of performance excellence and well-esteemed prime mover of Science,
Technology, and Innovation (STI) for inclusive growth in MIMAROPA
MISSION To plan and implement Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) services toward inclusive
regional development
VALUES i-EXCITE — Innovativeness • Excellence • Commitment • Integrity • Teamwork • Empowerment

G1 G2 G3 G4
Awareness, Support towards Research and Effective
understanding, and productive, competitive Development, and STI Governance
appreciation of STI to and disaster resilient Innovation (RDI) achieved
strengthen STI Culture MSMEs/CBEs, initiatives in the region
among stakeholders industries, and stimulated
enhanced communities sustained and supported

O1: At least 20 O1: Increase by 50% the O1: At least 10% increase in O1: Receive the Philippine
DOST-developed/ funded number of target MSMEs/CBEs the number of funded projects Quality Award (PQA) level 1
technologies for and industries assisted by 2022 to reinforce STI ecosystem, and (commitment in quality
commercialization, extension, assist R&D by 2022 management) by 2022
and public good are promoted O2: At least 10 more target
per year communities/ disadvantaged O2: Increase by 20% O2: Increase the Morale Value
sectors supported by 2022 the number of RDI proposals Index by at least 5% by 2022
O2: Increase in the number of endorsed under the Science for
promotions through local and O3: DRRM-CCA IEC for 100% Change Program (S4CP) or O3: Attain the Gender
national media by at least 10% of assisted MSMEs/CBEs and funded by the MIMAROPA Mainstreaming Evaluation
every year communities by 2022 consortia by 2022 Framework (GMEF) Level 3
(GAD Application) by 2022
O3: 100% of the municipalities O3: At least 10 innovative
of MIMAROPA with DOST startups assisted by 2022
Scholarships qualifiers by 2022
O4: At least 10 partnerships
forged with local and
international linkages on
emerging developmental needs
by 2022

Fig. 2.1-2b DOST MIMAROPA Strategic Map for 2016 to 2019

Fig.2.1-3 DOST MIMAROPA Investment Map 2019-2022

2.1a(3) Strategy Consideration. As part of step 2 system was designed to enable every process owner
of 2.1a(1) Strategic Planning Process, DOST- to address customer requirements as embodied in
MIMAROPA gathers as one of its reference in the different processes in the procedures manual
its environmental scanning process the agenda of the QMS. Core processes are handled by
and priorities of the region and each province competent process owners with corresponding
as identified in its respective development core competencies. Consultancy services and other
and investment plans such as the Provincial internal processes like procurement are handled
Development and Physical Framework Plan, and by external suppliers that are prequalified based
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan. These also on the qualification of suppliers embodied
are used and referred to in formulating strategies in the work instruction and forms manual of the
and identifying initiatives under the key areas QMS (WI-FAD-SUPPLY-04-01 and WI-FAD-
of investments particularly on technology-based SUPPLY-04-02). As the work system is dynamic,
enterprise development. The DOST-MIMAROPA future core competencies (PM-FAD-HRD-04-02)
uses its investment map (Figure 2.1.3) as guide to and work systems are determined as an offshoot
ensure that resources are invested accordingly to of the measurement of effectiveness and the
and are contributing towards the realization of introduction of corrective and preventive measures.
inclusive growth within the region.
2.1b Strategic Objectives
The strategic planning environment of DOST-
MIMAROPA included national priorities, DOST 2.1b(1) Key Strategic Objectives. DOST-
priorities, and the external and internal concerns MIMAROPA’s key strategic objectives and
that need to be addressed (see Fig. 2.1-4). timetable for 2020-2022 with four (4) strategic
goals and thirteen (13) strategic objectives is
2.1a(4) Work Systems and Core Competencies. shown in Fig. 2.1-5
The DOST-MIMAROPA work system is embodied
Fig. 2.1-5. DOST MIMAROPA’s key strategic objectives and
in the Quality Manual QM-DOST IV-B-04-02. timetable for 2020-2022
It starts with determining customer requirements, Goals Objectives
the provision of services, measurement of G1: Awareness, O1: At least 20% DOST-
effectiveness, corrective and preventive action and understanding, and developed/ funded
appreciation of STI to technologies for
the delivery of improved services (see Fig. 6.1-1). strengthen STI Culture commercialization, extension
DOST-MIMAROPA adopted the PDCA Framework among stakeholders and public good are promoted
enhanced per year.
to manage work system (see Fig. 6.1-4). The work
Fig. 2.1-4 DOST-MIMAROPA’s Strategic Planning Environment

Strategic Core Issues (External):

• MSME and Industry Competitiveness
• Research, Development, and Innovation
(RDI) Ecosystem
• Critical Mass of Globally-competitive STI
Human Resources
• Disaster Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation
• Water, Power, and Connectivity
• Biodiversity Conservation / Environmental Protection

Strategic Core Issues (Internal):

• Popularization of DOST-MIMAROPA Initiatives
• Human Resource Development
• Capital Assets
• Commitment to Quality and Excellence

O2: Increase in the number 7. Enhanced customer satisfaction.
promotions through local and
national media by at least 8. Strengthened regional STI capacities.
10% every year. 9. Enhanced access for the S&T scholarship
O3: 100% of the municipalities
of MIMAROPA with DOST program.
Scholarships qualifiers
by 2022.
10. Strengthened networks, linkages and
O4: At least 10 partnerships collaborative undertakings with stakeholders.
forged with local and
international linkages on 11. Intensified provision of services for DRR-
emerging developmental
needs by 2022.
G2: Support towards O1: Increase by 50% the number 12. Ensure sound fiscal management.
productive, competitive of target MSMEs/CBEs and
and disaster resilient industries assisted by 2022. Fig. 2.2-1. The DOST-MIMAROPA action plan development
MSMEs/CBEs, O2: At least 10 more target and deployment cycle
industries, and communities/ disadvantaged
communities sustained sectors supported by 2022.
O3: DRRM-CCA IEC for 100% of
assisted MSMEs/ CBEs and Action Plan
communities by 2022. and Budget
G3: Research and O1: At least 10% increase in the Preparation
Development, and number of funded projects to
Innovation (RDI) reinforce STI ecosystem, and
initiatives in the assist R&D by 2022.
region stimulated and O2: Increase by 20% the number Monitoring,
supported of RDI proposals endorsed Review
under the Science for Risk Review
Change Program (S4CP), or and
funded by the MIMAROPA Approval
consortia by 2022.
O3: At least 10 innovative
startups assisted by 2022.
G4: Effective STI O1: Receive the Philippine
Governance achieved Quality Award (PQA) level
1 (commitment in quality
management by 2022).
O2: Increase the Morale Value
Index by at least 5% by 2022.
Implementation Deployment
O3: Attain the Gender
Mainstreaming Evaluation
Framework (GMEF) Level 3
(GAD Application) by 2022.

2.1b(2) Strategic Objective Consideration. The organization’s BSC is the guide for
DOST-MIMAROPA commits to key strategic implementation and monitoring of these
objectives with consideration to its current core action plans.
competencies and are subject to continuous 2.2a(2) Action Plan Implementation. Programs
evaluation for potential or new competencies. and projects are implemented by each delivery
2.2 Strategy Implementation units and process owners, and by each unit under
the provincial office. To ensure that programs
2.2a(1) Action Plans. DOST-MIMAROPA’s plans and projects are fully deployed, understood and
and programs are formulated during its regular implemented, each employee is required to submit
strategic planning session. These are conducted his/her IPCR that is aligned with the OPCR of
by all provincial offices and process owners DOST-MIMAROPA. Action plan is monitored
together with the regional management. Fig. 2.2- through regular monthly staff meetings, quarterly
1 illustrates how DOST-MIMAROPA conducts and semi-annual performance reviews. Programs
its action planning and deployment. DOST- and projects are deployed to key customers and
MIMAROPA’s short-term action plans include: stakeholders through conferences, consultations,
1. Alignment of regional R&D agenda to the forums, meetings, postings, and memorandums.
Harmonized National R&D agenda. Budget allocations and expenditures inherent
2. Promoted adoption/utilization of technologies to the plans are also monitored for efficient and
from publicly funded R&D. effective fiscal management.
3. Increased awareness, understanding and
appreciation of STI to strengthen STI culture 2.2a(3) Resource Allocation. DOST-
in all sectors. MIMAROPA’s policy on resource allocation
4. Provided support mechanisms for startups, is formulated in action planning. Action plans
MSMEs, and industries. proposed by the process owners and the delivery
5. Strengthened laboratory services. units are supported with corresponding budget.
6. Provided support mechanisms for startups, The organization allocates resources depending
MSMEs, and industries in the region. on the requirements of the delivery units and
allotted funds are based on the submitted

proposals. Adjustments of allocations are made to Productivity and efficiency of communities and the
ensure that all delivery units will be able to utilize production sector, particularly MSMEs, improved
No. of startups assisted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
its resources and the regional fiscal management
No. of MSMEs/industries assisted . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,479
in totality becomes effective. No. of S&T interventions provided . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,184
To eliminate financial risks due to possible refund % increase in employments generated . . . . . . . . . 15
default, particularly for SETUP projects, partial % increase in productivity generated . . . . . . . . . . . 14
budget analysis is made for every proposed project. No. of testing and calibration services rendered . . 4,425
This procedure is based on PM-TO-TTC-05-03. No. of laboratory customers served . . . . . . . . . . . . 753
No. of referred samples to other OneLab members 186
2.2a(4) Workforce Plans. The Senior Leaders % of Testing/calibration services delivered within
ensure that personnel performing work affecting agreed time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
conformity to product requirements are competent % of PSTCs as sample receiving stations . . . . . . . 100
on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills Amount of testing and calibration fees collected
(in ‘000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,196.64
and experience. The Staff Development Plans and No. of laboratory personnel recognized as
Program is prepared based on the identified training authorized signatories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
needs. The agency uses the following interventions No. of laboratories and testing facilities upgraded /
to improve the competency of each personnel: maintained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
No. of innovation hubs established/maintained . . . 5
1. Orientation
No. of communities assisted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2. Local and Foreign Trainings No. of technologies deployed to communities . . . . 33
3. Scholarship Programs No. of beneficiaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
4. Job Enrichment Programs Customer satisfaction rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VS
5. Management Succession Programs % customers whose rating is VS or better . . . . . . . 95
6. Job Coaching and Mentoring Resiliency to disaster risks and climate change ensured
These actions and interventions are undertaken No. of sector-specific learning and development
interventions conducted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
to address identified gaps in competence. These
% of provinces engaged for DRR and CC learning
are also designed to ensure that all employees and development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
are aware of the relevance and importance of Public service continuity plan crafted,
their competencies and their contribution to the implemented / deployed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YES
attainment of the strategic objectives. Inequality in STI capacities and opportunities reduced
No. of new R&D facilities established . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2a(5) Performance Measures. DOST- No. of Balik Scientists engaged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
MIMAROPA ensures that the measurement No. of local experts and highly skilled
professionals fully engaged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
system is aligned with the strategic objectives
by incorporating the performance matrix in Table 2.2-a.2-. Performance Measures, Internal
Process Perspective
the planning process. Customer requirements
Effective STI governance achieved
and expectations serve as guides in crafting the No. of information systems developed/adopted/applied . . . 11
performance measures. The performance measures No. of information systems maintained/upgraded . . . . . . . . 13
with corresponding targets are shown in Tables 2.2- ISO 9001 certification, ISO 17025/ FDA/DOH accreditation,
a and 2.2-b. They are also gleaned from the IPCRs EMB recognition maintained and PQA conferred . . . . . . . Yes
of employees and the OPCRs of the delivery units. Compliant to GAD / Senior Citizen Law / PWD / FOI /
Data privacy / ARTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes
Table 2.2-a.1. Performance Measures, Customer Perspective
Table 2.2-a.3. Performance Measures, Learning and
Strategic Measures (MFO) Target Growth Perspective
Effective STI governance achieved
Innovation Stimulated
OPCR Rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.25
No. of R&D proposals evaluated and endorsed by
the consortia / regional office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 No. of personnel/units recognized for high 84
performance and exemplary behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
No. of collaborative R&D projects conducted . . . . . 7
Overall Morale Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Technology adoption promoted and accelerated
% of planned annual competency building 100%
No. of DOST-developed/ funded knowledge and
technologies transferred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 interventions implemented . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
No. of technology adoptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 % of personnel with graduate degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.32
No. of promotion activities for DOST-developed/ No. of DOST personnel who attended trainings and 80
funded technologies conducted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 non-degree courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
No. of technology transfer and commercialization No. of workplaces/workspaces upgraded . . . . . . . . . . . 5
support services rendered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Table 2.2-a.4. Performance Measures, Financial Perspective
Critical mass of globally competitive STI human resources
developed Effective STI governance achieved
No. of promotion services and advocacy activities % Allotment obligated against allotment received . . . . . 100%
conducted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,278 Disbursement budget utilization rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%
No. of “reach” of IEC materials and information in % of time the quarterly BFARs are submitted on time . . 100%
social media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87,000
% of COA findings addressed within prescribed time . . 100%
No. of forums / discussions on S&T issues and
science policy options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Compliant to PBB requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes

3: Customers vary according to customer groups to identify
common interests and requirements, issues
3.1 Voice of the Customer
affecting delivery of services and feedback for
3.1a Customer Listening improvement and innovation.
3.1a(1) Current Customers. DOST-MIMAROPA DOST-MIMAROPA cares for its customers and
key customers include MSMEs, CSOs/CBEs, it is a task shared by all provincial offices. Fig.
NGAs, HEIs, Students, LGUs, other DOST 3.1-1 is the Listening Mechanism that allows
agencies, CSC, GSIS, HDMF, PhilHealth, COA, DOST-MIMAROPA and its key customers to
LBP, plantilla employees, COS, Job orders. (Fig. communicate with each other. The information
P1-5 Customers and Stakeholders). The customers resulting from the listening mechanisms are
are engaged in various ways to gather relevant used by DOST-MIMAROPA as inputs in the
information and to communicate their needs, assessment of performance of the Agency and in
expectations and aspirations. Listening methods the development of customers’ requirements.
Fig. 3.1-1 Listening Mechanism
Process Customer Group Actionable Information
Technology MSMEs, • Technology gaps as determined through Technology Needs Assessment (TNA)
acquisition and CSOs/CBEs • Information/Data for the proposal preparation
upgrading • Problems/Issues encountered during project monitoring (e.g. refund collection and
liquidation assistance provided)
• SETUP forums; informal discussions with MSMEs during occasions like awarding
Technology training • Skills development/capability building requirement or information
Productivity • Technology gaps as determined in conduct of site assessment and presented in the
consultancy Inception / Progress Reports
Testing and MSMEs, LGUs, • Test/analysis requirements
calibration services NGAs, Students • Statutory or legal requirements (e.g. Permits and license)
CEST MSMEs, • Technology gaps as determined through Technology Needs Assessment (TNA)
CSOs/CBEs • Information/Data for the proposal preparation
• Problems/Issues encountered during project monitoring (e.g. liquidation
assistance provided)
• Technology gaps as determined in conduct of site assessment and presented in the
Inception / Progress Reports
• Technical Capability/Skills development
LGUs • Nature/extent of partnership agreement for technology assistance requested
• Policy recommendation for the project
NGAs / Other • Nature/extent of partnership agreement for technology assistance requested
DOST agencies
S&T promotion MSMEs/ HEIs/ • Content of quad media materials (print/TV/radio/internet)
Students/ LGUs/
R&D management HEI Researcher/ • R&D Policy Recommendation (e.g. Alignment of researches to Regional R&D
a. Consortia Students/LGUs/ Agenda; Incentive for researchers; Capacity Building activities for researchers; R&D
b. RDIC MSMEs/ NGAs/ commercialization strategies; Upgrading of R&D facilities)
Other DOST • Nature/Type of capacity building program for R&D personnel
agencies • Collection/Assessment of R&D Data
• Evaluation and endorsement of R&D Proposals for funding
• Promotion of Technologies
• Expanding R&D networks and linkages
• Nature/extent of partnership agreement for technology assistance requested
DRRM LGUs (DRRMOs)/ • Nature/extent of partnership agreement for technology assistance requested
NGAs • Policy recommendation for the project

The DOST-MIMAROPA website and social media and local conferences (see Fig. 3.1-2). Monthly
sites (Facebook & email) provide opportunities monitoring on current and former customers is
for the Agency to hear from its customers. The regularly conducted through visit, face to face
feedback application is designed to listen to what and/or phone conversations and or survey (using
the customers need, which will be disseminated Customer Feedback Satisfaction (CSF) forms).
by the MIS unit to PSTCs/unit heads. Fig. 3.1-2 Mode of Listening to Potential Customers
Potential Customers Mode of Listening
3.1a(2) Potential Customers. DOST- MSMEs, CSOs/CBEs, Conferences, forums, gatherings, S&T
MIMAROPA keeps business opportunities open NGAs fair and exhibits, phone calls, emails,
social media, chats, request letters to
for former and new customers. Potential customers the Regional Director
are identified through forums, roadshows, fair HEIs, Students Conferences, gatherings, phone
calls, emails, request letters to the
and trade exhibits, social media and international Regional Director

Determination of Customer Satisfaction 3.2a(2) Customer Support. DOST-MIMAROPA
and Engagement process management starts and ends with
customers. Customer support requirements are
3.1b(1) Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and addressed functionally by the processes and by each
Engagement. Customer surveys are conducted unit. DOST-MIMAROPA also provides key support
after the delivery of services by all frontline units. initiatives for its customers, such as: 1) empowering
Customers are encouraged to fill-up the CSF form. each PSTC to handle customer care of the current,
Feedbacks from website and social media sites former and potential customers; 2) establishment
by the customers, will be and directly referred of Public Assistance/Complaints Desk in all the
to PSTCs, and DOST Regional Office Technical frontline offices of the agency; 3) posting of Redress
Service Division Unit Heads. Procedure that is provided to customers where the
Each PSTC has a focal person who consolidates contact details of key personnel whom they can
these forms and forwards to the Regional Office contact; 4) DOST-MIMAROPA website; and 5)
for consolidation and analyses. The consolidated social media accounts. Each office (Regional and
results are then discussed to Senior Leaders during Provincial) treat every customer with respect and
semi-annual performance review and annual importance and provide prompt delivery of services.
management review to further improve and ensure
quality services to the customers. 3.2a(3) Customer Segmentation. Based on the
Based on the customer listening mechanisms (Fig. Agency’s mandate, DOST-MIMAROPA serves
3.1-1), dissatisfaction feedbacks are acted upon all customers such as MSMEs, CSOs/CBEs,
accordingly. This information could be obtained LGUs, NGAs, HEIs, and Students (See Fig. 3.1-2).
verbally, written, sent electronically or through All services provided to customers are guided by
simple conversations with the customers. statutory and regulatory standards of the Agency.

3.1b(2) Satisfaction Relative to Comparable 3.2b Customer Relationships

Organizations. DOST-MIMAROPA does not 3.2b(1) Relationship Management. The DOST-
currently obtain data and information on customer MIMAROPA takes a step higher in promoting
satisfaction relative to comparable regional offices its services by highlighting the accomplishments
(NGAs) but converge with them to meet the needs of its clients in quad media namely, Lakas ng
of the customers. Siyensya (in Radyo Negosyo), MIMAROPA Stars,
Press Conferences and sponsorships to local and
3.2 Customer Engagement
international events (training, seminars) for their
3.2a Product Offerings and Customer Support capacity building. Likewise, DOST-MIMAROPA
considers building good relationship with its
3.2a(1) Product Offerings. During the Strategic stakeholders a primary importance like that
Planning Process, Senior Leaders and the process of its partner technology provider, Futuristic
owners in the regional office and PSTCs, identify, Aviation and Maritime Enterprise (FAME Inc.),
review, and update the organization’s key customer in upgrading the existing hydro meteorological
groups and market segments based on the MVV (see sensors in the region with the use of LoRaWAN
Fig. P1-1a) and a comprehensive look at current and technology, who apparently was its previous
projected community needs. DOST-MIMAROPA incubatee or tenant in one of DOST-MIMAROPA’s
determines customer requirements for product project – the Palawan International Technology
offerings and services by the listening mechanisms Business Incubator (as seen in Section P.2)
shown in Fig. 3.1-1 and described in 3.1a(1). Successful customers are invited as speakers or
Customer requirements for the kind and quality of mentors during the conduct of DOST activities
Agency services are determined through (i) listening and events. It is important to note that with
to the voice of the customers’ and (ii) compliance to their very satisfactory experience with DOST,
the statutory and regulatory requirements. (See Fig. they voluntarily promote DOST services to
P1-3 Statutory and Regulatory Requirements and other potential customers and act or serve as
Fig. P1-5 Key Customers and Stakeholders). ambassadors or DOST Champions.
In strategic or action planning activity conducted, DOST-MIMAROPA goes beyond its usual efforts
DOST-MIMAROPA always considers enhancement of providing quality services and nurturing a
and innovation of services to attract new markets strong and trustworthy relationship with its clients
and customers and to provide opportunities of by taking into account the concept of customer
enhancing relationships with current customers. In delight as shown in Fig.3.1-3.
particular, this activity is done during the SWOT
Analysis where external and internal assessments 3.2b(2) Customer Complaint / Feedback
are discussed by each PSTC. Management. All complaints are acted accordingly.

Complaints against the delivery of services from 4: 
Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge
customers are obtained through the customer Management
satisfaction feedback forms given to customers right 4.1 Measurement, Analysis and Improvement
after an activity or transaction. Customers are also of Organizational Performance
encouraged to send feedbacks through the agency’s
official website and social media sites. 4.1a Performance Measurement
Complaints obtained from CSF and through 4.1a(1) Performance Measures. Key performance
electronic or online platforms are consolidated measures are identified and selected:
and addressed immediately by process owners • During strategic planning as key performance
(in the region) and PSTDs (in the provinces). indicators in relation to strategic objectives and
Complaints that cannot be addressed by process action plans.
owners are elevated to the respective members of • When processes are declared in the quality
the SLT for appropriate actions. (Refer to PM- TO- management system as measures of
05-02 for the Procedures Manual on Handling effectiveness and efficiency. (QMS Manual)
Customer Complaints) Summary of feedbacks is • When projects and programs are adopted
submitted to the QMR to be presented during the as overall measures of project or program
staff meeting and management review. accomplishment using Projects, Programs and
Corrective actions (refer to PM-DOST IV-B 06- Activities (PPAs)
02, corrective action) are implemented by the • Based on reports, data and information from
PSTCs, the concerned units, and the management the provincial offices
for any negative feedbacks and complaints by the • Based on BSC and KPIs to monitor progress
customers. If necessary, written communications of organizational performance reflected on the
are sent to the customers. Monthly Accomplishment Report (Refer to
Fig. 3.1-3 8 indicators of delighted customers discussion in Cat 2)
Joyful joyful and happy after receiving assistance from The OPCR and IPCR serve as the performance
DOST-MIMAROPA measurement tools of the regional office,
Opportuned opportuned because of the result/impact of
DOST-MIMAROPA interventions provincial offices and individual personnel. The
Self-less self-less / self-reliance and willing to share their OPCR measures the achievement of the entire
knowledge gained from DOST-MIMAROPA Agency, and the IPCR measures the performance
Excited excited for more productive collaborations
of each personnel.
Fullfilled fullfilled with DOST-MIMAROPA interventions
Innovative innovative customers and ingenious at
Simple analysis is used such as comparing current
finding ways year’s performance with last year’s. Internal
Nurtured nurtured and become mentors or big sister/ Audit, QMS Audit and COA observations are
brother to other MSMEs
Acquainted found acquaintance with DOST-MIMAROPA and
also used to support the operational and strategic
partnered in promoting/championing STI decision-making and innovations.
Figure 4.1-1 Performance Measurement System

Vision and Mission

Strategic Objectives / Major Final Output

Core Processes
○ S&T-based MSME and CBE Key Performance
Data Indicator
○ Community Empowerment and
Resiliency 1. Records / Documents (Hard Copies) 1. KPM (using BSC approach)
○ Research, Development and 2. Electronic File 2. Success Indicators
Innovation (RDI) 3. Frequency of Tracking of Data
○ STI Human Resource (Daily, Monthly, Yearly)
Development Review System
1. Strategic Planning Workshop
Support Processes 2. Management Committee Meetings
○ Finance
○ HR 3. Management Reviews
○ IT 4. Performance Management Team (PMT) Meetings
○ General Services 5. OPCR / DPCR / IPCR
6. Internal and External Audits
7. Financial Review
8. Performance Reviews (Annual, Mid-term)

Fig. 4.1-1 summarizes the Agency’s performance meetings. Reviews conducted include presentation
measurement system. This system depicts of results for the period, comparison with budget
how DOST-MIMAROPA carry out the flow (last year vs current year) including variance
of directions from the Mission and Vision, analysis as against targets/standards. This is to
strategic objectives and MFOs to KPI and to ensure that the performance management system of
accomplishments through the use of OPCR DOST-MIMAROPA is able to respond to rapid or
and IPCR. unexpected organizational or external changes.
Moreover, the internal and external QMS audits
4.1a(2) Comparative Data. The general are conducted regularly to serve as controls
objective of gathering data from other regional in ensuring that the processes, forms and
offices is for benchmarking. Selection criteria for actions to non-conformities in relation to the
benchmarking of data could be in terms of the ff: performance management system are updated
(1) a DOST RO with reported significantly high and continuously improved.
performance to a specific indicator or measure;
4.1b Performance Analysis and Review. DOST-
(2) the demographics or profile of a region
MIMAROPA conducts performance analysis and
relatively similar to the MIMAROPA region; and review under the following settings:
(3) a DOST RO conducting the same or similar • Monthly ManCom Meetings to ensure tracking of
set of PPAs. performance, review progress and compliance of
The SLT reviews and analyzes these comparative the agreements;
data, and assess the strategies employed whether • Regular PSTC Meetings to ensure tracking of
there is a need to adjust or re-strategize activities DPCR and IPCR, performance indicators review
to effectively correct and improve performance of progress and accomplishments of the MFOs;
the office. • Periodic Performance Management Team’s
Such improved plan is then put into action and evaluation and assessments to ensure tracking of
review and calibrated based on the desired results. OPCR, and IPCR
• Periodic review of financial data
4.1a(3) Customer Data. Customers as shown in
• Strategic Planning Workshops to assess 3-year
Fig. P1-5 include MSMEs, CSOs/CBEs, LGUs, performance and planning for short-term and
HEIs, and Students defined the requirements long-term with SWOT analysis
and expectations. • Internal and External Audits
Results in feedback and complaints are to be used In addition, the DOST OUsec RO, in 2018 and 2019
as additional voice-of-the-customers data and conducted an Annual Panel Performance Review
information. The feedback mechanism used as for DOST-MIMAROPA grounding its assessment
a channel to listen to the voice of the customer on the BSC and standard KPIs set at the national
which assess the level of satisfaction by the level and aligned to the regional office operations.
customer in terms of different platforms such
as technology needs assessment (TNA), forums, 4.1c Performance Improvement
consultancies, meetings, techno-trainings, and 4.1c(1) Best Practice Sharing. DOST-
focus group discussions (FGD). For walk-in MIMAROPA for several years, has been
customers, the office staff immediately asks their accomplishing high refund rate performance,
concern so they can be referred to the appropriate which is one critical indicator in the implementation
staff to handle their concern. Processes involving of DOST’s banner program for MSMEs, the
handling customer feedback and customer needs Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading
assessment based on the quality management Program (SETUP) as seen in (Fig.7.1b-3 SETUP
system (QMS) are internalized by DOST- Refund Rate). In 2017, during the Provincial
MIMAROPA personnel. Part of the agenda S&T Directors (PSTD) Conference joined by
during Management Reviews conducted by all PSTDs nationwide, DOST-MIMAROPA’s
DOST-MIMAROPA includes the evaluation of Provincial S&T Director in Oriental Mindoro
the customer feedback data to determine ways shared to the event participants strategies and
of improving its processes or strategies in the insights how to achieve such. Further, in 2018,
delivery of its services and or enhancing its DOST-MIMAROPA has shared its Regional
internal processes. R&D Database called Research and Development
4.1a(4) Measurement Agility. The results of Information Unified System (RADIUS), an
performance measurement system are regularly information communication technology (ICT)
reviewed by the Senior Leaders and key personnel, – based platform that stores and provides data
committee heads and members through the analytics on the research & development and
ManCom, management reviews and other staff innovation (RDI) data for use of State Universities

and Colleges (SUCs) in the region. Figure Fig. Publication
4.1c(1) highlights some of DOST-MIMAROPA’s ○ Led the publication of the “SETUP Success”, a compendium
of SETUP projects nationwide from 2010-2014
Best Practices.
Community Resilience
Fig. 4.1c(1) DOST-MIMAROPA Best Practices ○ Solar Energy System (SES) Technology for TeleMedicine
Globalized Network    -  Started the installation of Solar Energy System to Rural
• DOST-MIMAROPA became a member of the Asia-Pacific Health Units with RxBoxes in Marinduque
Incubation Network (APIN)    - Awarded as one of the 8 finalists at the 1st Benita & Catalino
• Launched the Palawan International Technology Business Yap Foundation (BCYF) Innovation Awards for the entry
Incubator (PITBI), first international TBI in MIMAROPA Region “Enhancing Healthcare Services in the Countryside while
Mitigating the Effects of Climate Change through Solar
• Editor of international paper presented entitled, S&T Interventions
Energy” in Malacañan Palace
Towards Rural Industrialization in MIMAROPA Region for the
International Workshop on Application of S&T for Occupational ○ Received the 2015, 2017-2019 Gawad Kalasag Award for
Villages Development, S&T Nam Centre, Hanoi, Vietnam unwavering support in the conduct of DRRM activities
• PITBI, established by DOST-MIMAROPA in partnership with ○ Received a Plaque of Recognition from the National Nutrition
Palawan State University (PSU) and MAD Incubator of Malaysia Council (NNC) MIMAROPA for continually seeking to improve
was recognized as one of the members of the ASEAN Business the nutrition status in the region;
Incubator Network (ABINet) ○ Sealed a partnership with the Futuristic Aviation and Maritime
• Initiated the collaboration with Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Enterprises (FAME), for the project on the adoption of
(UTP) Malaysia and MIMAROPA SUCs on the commercialization transponder technology for early warning systems/Hydromet
of selected UTP technologies Sensors for remote areas (with intermittent or no telco signal)
• Organized and led the conduct of individual-country
observational study mission (I-OSM) and workshop on
Productivity Measurement of SMEs held in Malaysia for the
personnel of DOST ROs
• Lead convenor and facilitator of the partnership between during COVID-19 Pandemic
MIMAROPA SUCs and Asia Pacific University of Technology The current COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated
& Innovation (APU) - Malaysia in developing a new curriculum
on Information Technology (IT) relative to our journey towards
a positive transformation in DOST-MIMAROPA,
Industry 4.0 adapting into the “New Normal” to sustain delivery
• Led the delegation of DOST in promoting FIC-generated of programs and services to stakeholders, while
products of all Regions in an event led by the Integrated News
and Current Affairs protecting both the stakeholders’ and employees’
• Hosted the ASEAN Business Incubation Model Implementation wellbeing. DOST-MIMAROPA’s response and
last 2018 and the 2nd ABINet Annual Meeting transformation is summarized into five (5) best
International Publication
practices as shown below.
○ Submitted and presented an international article for the APEC
Conference on Building a Co-Incubation Network entitled • Nurturing Communication throughout
“Exploring Co-Incubation Opportunities for Brooke’s Point DOST-MIMAROPA. Clear and transparent
(Palawan, Philippines)
○ Presented an international paper about “Means and Models workplace communication has been maintained
of Services to SMEs” at the 2013 APEC Workshop on by DOST-MIMAROPA by leveraging available
Innovative Value Chain Based on Information Technology in
Chongquing, China
online tools for messaging or teleconferencing
○ Published and international article in the Asia-Pacific such as zoom, viber, social networking sites,
TechMonitor entitled, “Strengthening the Rural Enterprise
Development in the Philippines: The Brooke’s Point Kitchen
email, and SMS to stay productive and reach
Incubator Model” employees. Since restrictions were imposed,
○ Researcher of the Baseline Study of ASEAN project
cooperation on “Strengthening Small and Medium Enterprise
DOST-MIMAROPA has been conducting its
(SME) Business and Technology Business Incubators regular meetings online.
in Indonesia • Enhancing Workforce Engagement. DOST-
Business Focus and Re-development
MIMAROPA also adopted flexible working
Going Halal
○ Spearheaded a Stakeholders’ Forum and Consultation
arrangements to ensure health and safety
on “Going Halal” in partnership with PSU and Al-Qafilah without compromising workforce engagement
International (AQI) Sdn Bhd, an international organization and delivery of regular functions and quality
based in Malaysia which specializes in conducting
educational and training activities for Halal awareness. of services. Teleworking and staggered
DOST-MIMAROPA is currently implementing a project with working hours was implemented along
National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) that aims
to organize a single Halal certifying body in Palawan to cater with appropriate management support such
the needs of business establishment and manufacturers of as access to appropriate resources such as
food and non-food products.
laptops, subscription to teleconferencing apps,
Use of ICT-based platforms as part of KMS
○ Development and deployment of Regional R&D Database
communication allowances, and ICT support.
called Research and Development Information Unified DOST-MIMAROPA is currently using a remote
System (RADIUS), an information communication technology
(ICT) – based platform on research & development and
desktop application called “Anydesk” to assist
innovation (RDI) data. employees working from home access their
Enhanced MSME Program (SETUP) Monitoring/Refund Collection work computers in the office. For physically
○ Undertaking of innovative strategies in SETUP project reporting in the office, the management
monitoring and client management that translated to the
agency obtaining high refund rate performance rating. provided PPEs such as DOST-developed face
masks, face shields, and alcohols. Hiring of

personnel specifically assigned to perform for skills development and to improve workforce
regular disinfection as part of routine health productivity. The organization also utilized
practices employed by the office. information systems such as TRACE and Facts
• Timely Intensified Public Service Continuity. and Information Navigator for Documented
The delivery of DOST-MIMAROPA programs S&T Acquired Resources (FINDSTAR) to have
and services were not hampered, instead a centralized digital filing cabinet for internal
intensified to further assist stakeholders affected documents for easy retrieval and enhanced
by the pandemic. For instance, beneficiaries of workflow. Webinars are opened and conducted
the DOST SETUP were granted deferment of for stakeholders to continue to provide learning
refund payments from March to July to help opportunities. DOST-MIMAROPA also
MSMEs in the region recover from the losses introduced two surveillance and monitoring
incurred or continue to incur during the health systems called FASSSTER and Tanod COVID
crisis. Also, DOST-MIMAROPA created to assist LGUs in making science-based and
a flexible learning environment through data driven actions to successfully cope with
provision and maintenance of STARBOOKS the impacts of the pandemic. The MIMAROPA
where students and educators are given access Regional Task Force for COVID passed a
to learning materials online. To strengthen its resolution to this effect, endorsing the adoption of
resilience, DOST-MIMAROPA also worked the FASSSTER and TanodCOVID Applications
on updating its Public Service Continuity Plan of the DOST by MIMAROPA LGUs and other
(PSCP) to identify and manage the risks of relevant Planning Units / Entities from line
the pandemic, established response plans, and agencies (e.g. DOH and DILG) in the region.
take necessary actions to minimize disruption 4.1c(2) Future Performance. Performance
and ensure that the workplace and clients are projections are determined using historical data.
protected and prepared. The performance outputs of previous years
• Total Community Empowerment. DOST- serve as basis of performance projection for the
MIMAROPA along with fellow government succeeding years.
agencies, private institutions, and assisted
clients come together to help affected and 4.1c(3) Continual Improvement and Innovation.
vulnerable communities in MIMAROPA in this During the strategic planning workshop,
the pandemic. With the help of SETUP-assisted management reviews, ManCom meetings, and
clients, region’s frontliners, employees, and the Performance Management Team’s evaluation,
underprivileged populations were supported the performance review findings are reported
through various assistance including donation and inputted for possible continual improvement
of food, medicines, and other medical supplies; and opportunities for innovations. They are
distribution of relief packs; cash assistance; and considered in the deliberations of the Senior
housing. DOST-MIMAROPA’s co-established Leaders in the OPCR and PPAs. SWOT analysis
Innovation Laboratory in Puerto Princesa City during the Strategic Planning workshop identifies
designed and produced 3D printed face shields opportunities for improvement.
for hospitals and health centers in Palawan. 4.2 Knowledge Management, Information, and
DOST-MIMAROPA with the assistance of Information Technology
the Philippine Coast Guard also facilitated the
deployment of Specimen Collection Booths in 4.2a Organizational Knowledge
Oriental Mindoro Provincial Hospital, Ospital 4.2a(1) Knowledge Management. DOST-
ng Palawan in Puerto Princesa, and Coron MIMAROPA manages its collection and transfer
District Hospital. Also, DOST-MIMAROPA of workforce knowledge through documentation
facilitated the distribution of DOST- developed of the processes into Quality Manual, uploading
10,000 face shields in the region as part its of documented resources in the Knowledge
COVID-19 response. Management System (KMS), and implementation
• E-learning Platforms for Senior Leaders, of adopted and developed information systems.
Workforce, and Stakeholders. DOST- Senior Leaders and its key personnel appreciate
MIMAROPA also continues to value learning the relevance of this KMS as a tool in the
and capability building amidst the health crisis. planning process to significantly analyze the
E-learning solutions are harnessed to guarantee a critical points and basis for the enhancement of
risk-free learning environment for its workforce the office implemented programs, projects and
and stakeholders. Employees are engaged in activities (PPAs). Knowledge acquired by every
online training courses through COURSERA employees from different trainings and activities

are cascaded to all employees through the conduct (RADIUS) for R&D information management;
of Communication System (Fig. 1.1-2) and by (9) Scholarship Management Information System
accessing the Facts & Information Navigator (SMIS) for scholarship monitoring; and (10) Facts
for Documented S&T Acquired Resources & Information Navigator for Documented S&T
also known as the FINDSTAR System. This Acquired Resources (FINDSTAR) for knowledge
FINDSTAR System serves as an online repository management and collection.
/ library of documented knowledge-based These information systems complement the
information of DOST-MIMAROPA employees. integral processes of the office, which improves
This includes various documents and records like the composition of the KMS and build new
ISO materials, activity reports, copies of training/ knowledge for its internal and external users.
forum presentations, inter-office memoranda, Also, through the development of this web-
office meeting proceedings, and the like, that based information systems knowledge is easily
are considered workforce knowledge which have transferred to every employee and stakeholders
been shared and can be shared. through the use of internet technology.
The DOST SL recognize the relevance of DOST-MIMAROPA also deployed Science and
Knowledge Management in the organization, Technology Academic Research-Based Openly
hence initiated the creation of a Knowledge Operated Kiosks (STARBOOKS) to different
Management Systems Unit, co-managed by the schools in MIMAROPA. This STARBOOKS
Management Information System and the S&T popularly referred as the library-in-a-box a
Information and Promotions Units, is tasked to knowledge and learning resource that provides
identify, collect, store, secure, manage, and make students and teachers with greater access to the
available to intended users, the knowledge and latest science, technology, and innovation (STI)
information of the organization coming from information to supplement their textbooks and
internal and external sources. learning tools.
In 2018, a DOST project called Data Analytics- The Agency also installed two (2) S&T Nooks
Ready Info Unified System (DARIUS) was or information kiosks in its PSTCs. These S&T
implemented in DOST-MIMAROPA which kiosks contain promotional materials and access
collects digitized copies of project profile, status links to DOST-developed on-line platforms for
reports, repayment status, S&T interventions helping its stakeholders like e.g. MSMEs, on
and relevant documentation of SETUP and GIA learning and gaining access to DOST knowledge
projects in the region. It also aims to centralize products and services, which aids the agency in
the repository of information in the implemented promoting its S&T products in the market.
PPAs of every DOST Regional Offices. Other 4.2a(2) Organizational Learning. DOST-
supporting data for these SETUP projects were MIMAROPA requires all employees to submit
then encoded by the different project coordinators their training/travel reports, and have all relevant
from the DOST-MIMAROPA Provincial knowledge materials such as brochures, slide
S&T Centers to facilitate population of the presentations or notes be made available to all,
information system. through online distribution of copies or made
Since then, the DOST-MIMAROPA started to accessible on the KMS online database.
adopt and develop information systems relevant Further as part of the organizational learning,
to the management of critical office processes employees, staff who were able to attend learning
which includes the (1) IMPRESSION System for symposiums, trainings, seminars, forums and the
SETUP and GIA projects; (2) Hazard Notification, like are requested to share or echo the learnings
Dissemination and Awareness (HaNDA) for they had from this knowledge transfer activities
disaster preparedness and awareness response; (3) during staff meetings. Conduct of echo trainings
Tracking, Retrieval, Archiving of Communications is done especially those involving transfer of
for Efficiency (TRACE) for communication learning from the regional to the provincial
tracking and management; (4) Electronic- personnel like the regular echo training for the
Modified Disbursement System (EMDS) for hydromet sensor troubleshooting and maintenance
fund disbursement management; (5) Electronic done from 2016 to 2019. Aside from the e-copies
New Government Accounting System (eNGAS) of learning materials available in its KMS
for accounting financial records a; (6) Unified (FINDSTAR), the Regional Office and its PSTCs,
Reporting System (URS) for budget management; maintains its mini-libraries to provide access to
(7) Overall Morale Value Index (OMVI) Survey walk-in clients especially students who may want
System for human resource survey; (8) Research to look for references in their respective subjects
and Development Information Unified System of interest.

Data, Information, and Information 4.2b(3) Data and Information Availability.
Technology DOST MIMAROPA complies with the Freedom of
Information (FOI) Act through the Transparency
4.2b(1) Data and Information Quality. DOST-
Seal making relevant data/information available
MIMAROPA maintains the importance of quality
in the agency website to uphold the citizen’s
and veracity of data and information acquired as
constitutional rights to information and state
it is being used, processed and basis for decision
making. Further this data and information may policies to full public disclosure and transparency
be transferred or communicated with the agency in public service.
stakeholders making it essential to carefully Relevant S&T data and information are made
validate these data. available through the aid of web-based information
DOST-MIMAROPA employs the following to system such as IMPRESSION, HaNDA and
check the validity/integrity and currency of data: RADIUS. Posting of news and announcements
• Review data source. Assess the integrity, were also made through official social media
reputability or character of the source. accounts (facebook and twitter) and the agency
• Cross referencing of data with other data information and public documents via the official
sources. website, PhilGEPS and FOI Website. The public
• Adoption of the document tracking system can read and/or download this information online
(TRACE) that allows for organized, and timely for their consumption and reference. DOST-
monitoring of correspondence circulated in MIMAROPA also maintained its physical library
the office. for printed IEC, and reading materials.
For QMS documents, files are encrypted and 4.2b(4) Hardware and Software Properties.
controlled to manage access and reproduction of DOST-MIMAROPA, through its newly-created
such documents. Management Information Systems (MIS) Unit,
4.2b(2) Data and Information Security. DOST leads the management of its hardware and software
MIMAROPA complies with the provision of the properties. The unit aims to provide assistance
Data Privacy Act of 2012 and recognizes the vital in the management of office ICT projects and
role of information and communication technology current IT-Infrastructure.
(ICT) in its core processes. In the collection of The office secures that a licensed software is
personal and sensitive information to the clients installed for each workstation, the MIS also
and customers through hardcopies or electronic conducts periodic preventive maintenance to the
information systems, DOST-MIMAROPA office ICT hardware and software properties,
ensures that information provided will be handled frequent back-up procedures to workstation data
and treated with utmost confidentiality (in files, and often software updating and vulnerability
compliance to provisions of Sec 13 and 16 of RA checking for maintained local servers.
10173 – Data Privacy Act of 2012) and shall only For alternate data storage and back-up, the office
be used for its intended purpose. also maintains a Network-Attached Storage
Information Systems implemented in the operation (NAS) for every office, unit and section relevant
and collection of sensitive data is managed by files. Application / information systems hosted
different access accounts per level of authority via cloud hosting and local server hosting were
and secured with an encrypted password. The periodically checked for system upgrade and
system administrator granted the access and maintenance. Firewall for locally maintained
management of sensitive data and information servers were installed and often checked for
only for the authorized user. privacy and security issues.
All workstations connected to the internet are 4.2b(5) Emergency Availability. DOST-
further enhanced with security features through
MIMAROPA secures and maintains a back-up of all
the use of licensed operating system and software,
significant files of the office through the aid of cloud
and use of updated anti-virus and firewall system
to its locally-managed server. storage (Google Drive and Microsoft One Drive)
Frequent database backup of implemented and in a local Network-Attached Storage (NAS).
information systems and quarterly preventive For locally hosted information systems used in the
maintenance of ICT equipment was also office operation and data collection, a frequent back-
conducted to enhance the security and decrease up procedure is conducted as part of the security and
the occurrence of system errors and glitches. contingency plan of the MIS. Workstations at DOST-
Moreover, hard copies of identified critical files are MIMAROPA are installed with an Uninterruptible
kept in secured filing cabinets with only restricted Power Supply (UPS) to resolve issues on unsaved
access from specific process owners or personnel. documents during power outages.

5: Workforce around the key programs and services of the
Human Resources of DOST MIMAROPA, in
5.1 Workforce Environment order to attract and retain new members. Regular
5.1a Workforce Capability and Capacity employees are offered good compensation
package including competitive benefits such
5.1a(1) Capability & Capacity. DOST- as those provided for by the Magna Carta for
MIMAROPA assesses its overall manning Engineers, Scientists, and other S&T Workers and
recruitment based on DBM-approved Staffing CNA between SIKAT and DOST management.
Pattern/Plantilla positions, CSC Qualification Personnel are organized and engaged to achieve
Standards, through OPCR ratings/performance the commitments and targets of the organization
accomplishments and in concurrence to the through the conduct of Staff and Management
Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Committee Meetings. Approved OPCR targets
Excellence in Human Resource Management are cascaded to the different Units/ Offices and
(PRIME-HRM) of the CSC. PRIME-HRM is a monitored regularly. All personnel are required to
mechanism to continuously capacitate human submit IPCR accomplishments.
resource in the performance of their functions; Different committees are created and given
recognize best practices in the various areas of specific functions and responsibilities to handle
human resource management; and serve as a special tasks based on issued guidelines. Some of
venue for exchange and development of expertise the important committees and offices under HR
in human resource management in the Philippine are shown below:
public service. The current organizational Fig. 5.1-1 Human Resources Committees and Offices
structure (Fig. P.1-4) was reviewed in conjunction L&D
with the rationalization plan to address duplication Plans, seeks and pursues
individual development
of functions and adjustments in the job description opportunities

due to new technologies introduced.

DOST-MIMAROPA sees it fit that each personnel Grievance Committee CODI
Assists in work-related Acts on the
is equipped with knowledge and appropriate skills issues giving rise to complaints against
to perform effectively towards the attainment employee dissatisfaction the employees

of the MVV as well as to be responsive to the

customers’ needs. Competency Assessment also PMT
serves as guide by mid-level management and Ensure the
development of
unit supervisors when determining employee performance
measures for each
competency level, establishing performance position in the office
with the assistance
standards for specific posts, and evaluating of the different Unit Hiring, selection
and recruitment
employee performance. Heads. Review
5.1a(2) New Workforce Members. The Accomplishment of PRAISE Committee
recruitment process is based on PRIME Enhance nominations for the Office
Level awards and incentive
HRM. The process starts with the publication rewards, and recommended
nominees to the DOST level
of vacancies in the CSC Bulletin of Vacant awards, rewards, recognition and
incentives to motivate personnel to
Positions. To reach a wider, more diverse range excel are provided, based on
of applicants, vacancies are posted through the PRAISE Guidelines

portal and websites (DOST-MIMAROPA and

JobStreet). In prior years, these were only posted 5.1a(4) Workforce Change Management.
on the bulletin of CSC and DOST. Applicants go DOST-MIMAROPA prepares personnel for
through a series of evaluation through written adjustments in capability and capacity needs,
examinations and interview by the Personnel ensures continuity and promotes growth through
Selection Board (PSB), the Human Resource unit continuous communications, local and foreign
ensures that the appropriate persons are hired. trainings / scholarship programs, job enrichment
Appointments are given to the most qualified programs, management succession programs, and
applicants and newly hired employees are job coaching / mentoring.
oriented about DOST’s MVVs. They are provided 5.1b Workforce Climate
with mandatory compensation package, including
GSIS, PhilHealth and Pag-IBIG and privileges 5.1b(1) Workplace Environment. DOST-
(leave credits). MIMAROPA complies with legal requirements,
Regional Director’s directives, personnel profile,
5.1a(3) Work Accomplishment. The and feedback from personnel in addressing
organizational structure (Fig. P.1-4) is designed workplace environment factors (Fig. 5.1-2).

With this, the regional office maintains a work 5.2a(2) Drivers of Engagement. Key factors
environment that is not only conducive but is also that affect workforce engagement are determined
safe for each of its employees. through an open and candid communication
Fig. 5.1-2 Workplace Environment Factors & Requirements between senior leaders and potential employees
Workplace Program/ Performance during job interviews and revalidated during
Environment Factors Facility Measure the annual IPCR discussion/performance
& Requirements
Office productivity: Provision of proper • Results of
appraisal. Workforce satisfaction, motivation,
Provide clean, lighting, air-con, Internal and engagement are measured through the
organized, well
maintained work area
fresh plants, office
equipment, Facilities
Audit semestral performance appraisal, during
maintenance; which senior leaders are encouraged to ask the
waste segregation
and disposal employees about self-perceived training needs
Health: Recreational — and other support mechanism that will enable the
Encourage a healthy
activities (sports fest,
Zumba fitness)
employees to perform their jobs more competently
Safety: minimize Basic Occupational • No. of and confidently.
workplace accidents Safety and Health Accidents
Effectively respond to (BOSH), Basic Life • % of 5.2a(3) Assessment of Engagement. DOST-
Support Training, First
safety emergencies
Aid Training, Disaster
MIMAROPA uses the IPCR performance
Preparedness (Fire
Drill, Earthquake Drill)
accomplishments/ratings, attendance and
Security: Prevent Visitors/Customer • No. of
participation in office activities as indicators
Theft, personal harm waiting area; office law incidents of employees’ engagement and satisfaction. In
enforcement, CCTV
addition, employee feedback from formal and
Accessibility make Access ramps • No. of PWD
Office accessible to and elderly informal mechanism such as conduct of employee
PWD/Elderly dialogues, meetings, management reviews,
Conducive for Teambuilding • No. of
building synergistic (sports activities, teambuilding flag rites and daily interactions and two-way
collaboration among Christmas party) activities communication approaches provide the ManCom
employees conducted
with insights on engagement and satisfaction
5.1b(2) Workforce Benefits and Policies. Apart issues and concerns. The office conducts regular
from the basic salary, mandatory compensation survey of its Overall Morale Value Index (OMVI)
package are given including the following: Maternity which is a method of identifying factors that
Leave, Paternity Leave, Monetization of Leave hinder quality improvement through statistical
Credits, Anniversary Bonus, Clothing Allowance, evaluation of the morale level of employees.
PEI, PBB, HMO and 13th and 14th month pays. The survey determines the level of morale of
These incentives/benefits cover all permanent employees and determine the readiness of the
employees regardless of their position/salary grade. office to implement productivity and quality
Contractual employees are given salaries that are improvement programs. The survey is segregated
20% higher than their regular counterparts. per division, PSTC and employment category
Personnel are encouraged to have a healthy which will facilitate the identification of problems
lifestyle and to increase awareness on their health and issues of the employees, thus enabling the
condition by undergoing medical check-ups and office to cater to their needs.
recreational activities.
5.2a(4) Performance Management
5.2 Workforce Engagement
Fig. 5.2-1 Awards and Recognition
5.2a Workforce Engagement and Performance 1. Awards
Office Level
5.2a(1) Organizational Culture. DOST- a. Best Performing PSTC (SETUP Refund Collection)
MIMAROPA maintains an “Innovation, b. Best Performing PSTC (SETUP Liquidation)
Excellence, Commitment, Integrity, Teamwork, c. Best Performing PSTC (GIA Liquidation)
and Empowerment” (i-EXCITE) culture. Individual awards
Employees are encouraged to innovate, to be the a. Employee of the Year
best in what they are doing, to finish the assigned b. Best in Technical Matters
tasks on time, to be honorable in everything c. Best in HR Matters
d. Best in Office Attendance
that they do, to work well with others and to
e. Best in Office Punctuality
continuously capacitate human resource in the f. Best Supportive Staff
performance of their functions. They also foster g. Most Outstanding PSTC Support Staff (FAD’s Choice)
organizational culture of open communication, h. Best in Flag Ceremony Attendance
high performance work, and engaged personnel i. Best in Flag Retreat Attendance
by using multiple channels of communications, 2. Incentive Awards
such as but not limited to conduct of orientations, Loyalty Incentive Reward
a. 10 years b. 15 years c. 20 years d. 25 years e. 30 years
dialogues, meetings and management reviews.

The cycle starts from the establishment of the Effectiveness of learning and development is also
strategic goals which are then translated to evaluated through stakeholders and partners’
workable PPAs as reflected in the operational feedback and training evaluation. In addition,
plan. These PPAs are measured through target DOST-MIMAROPA, through its CDP, does
KPIs which are then cascaded from the office, competency gap analysis annually whereby the
division to the individual targets as part of their individual competency level of an employee is
IPCRs. These are then followed by performance matched with the competency level required
appraisal, and recognition and rewards for by the job to which he is assigned. Trainings,
exemplary performance and identification of coaching, and mentoring are also conducted in
areas for improvement and the necessary actions order to address the problems encountered during
to address the same. Among the highlights the implementation of the programs and projects
of workforce rewards and recognition under and enhance innovation.
the DOST-MIMAROPA system are shown
5.2b(3) Career Progression. DOST-MIMAROPA
in Fig. 5.2-1.
manages career progression and succession
5.2b Workforce and Leader Development planning by way of merit and promotion,
nomination to the Management Succession
5.2b(1) Learning and Development System.
Program (MSP), attendance to local and foreign
Formulation of Competency Development
trainings/scholarship programs and leadership
Program (CDP) addresses the identified gaps
and development opportunities. The MSP was
that would support the achievement of the action
established to identify and develop a corps of
plans and address strategic challenges. Trainings,
future leaders to ensure leadership continuity.
coaching, and mentoring are also conducted in
This also aims to develop a pool of management
order to address the problems encountered during
talents, hone their leadership competencies
the implementation of the programs and projects
through learning facilitations that may include
and enhance innovation.
formal education, job rotation or cross posting,
5.2b(2) Learning and Development immersion, mentoring and coaching and enable
Effectiveness. IPCR ratings/results are evaluated DOST MIMAROPA personnel to finish higher
relative to service delivery performance. Training level of education for career advancement.
needs are evaluated and personnel are provided
6: Operations
with trainings to equip them with the necessary
skills and attitude to eventually improve service 6.1 Work Processes
delivery and customer satisfaction. 6.1a Product and Process Design
Fig. 6.1-1 DOST-MIMAROPA Process Diagram

Strategic Management Management Review General QMS Processes


Planning Technical
Operations Product/ Review and
and Internal Services
Support Services Improvement
Control Processes

Finance and
Administrative Services General Support Information
Processes Services Technology (IT)
• Budget / Cashiering • Procurement • Communication
• Supply and Property • Property Management • Documents / Records
• Human Resource Development

6.1a(1) Product and Process Requirements. of its continual improvement, and addresses
DOST-MIMAROPA work processes are opportunity for improvement based from the audit
designed based on CSC Rules and Regulations findings of the internal and external auditors.
and rationalized core functions. The Senior The key requirements are stated in the DOST
Leaders determine key service and work process -MIMAROPA Quality Manual (Document Code
requirements through the Strategic Planning QM-DOSTIVB-08-02) with corresponding
Process. Information from the voice of customer detailed references.
(VOC) gathered from the different listening Fig. 6.1-2a Work Process
mechanisms (Figure 3.1-1), Citizen’s Charter; • Technical Services Processes to include the following:
Technology acquisition/upgrading, technology trainings, and
research on best practices; and close collaboration productivity consultancy, physico-chemical and microbiological
with partners, collaborators, and suppliers/ laboratory testing and calibration; metrology (mass and
volumetric calibration services); S&T Scholarships; S&T
vendors also help DOST-MIMAROPA determine Promotion; e-commerce, S&T Forums, and RDI support
key requirements. • Finance and Administrative Services Processes to include
The work processes that include requirements and the following : Budget/Accounting/Cashiering, Supply and
Property, Human Resource Development, and General Support
performance measures are stated in Figure 6.1-2a Services/Maintenance
and Figure 6.1-2b, respectively. This established • General QMS Processes to include the following : Risk
work processes are designed to respond to the Management, Management Review, Handling Customer
Feedback / Complaints, Customer Satisfaction Measurement,
needs of the stakeholders and partners. The Control of Documented Information, Internal Audit, Control of
SLT, regularly reviews all processes as part Non-conforming Product, and Corrective Action

Fig. 6.1-2b Key Process Requirements and Performance Measures

Key Processes Objectives Output Key Performance Standard / Target Resource
Measures Requirements
Technical Service To maximize Enhanced No. of customers assisted PM-TO-TTC- 05-01 Workforce,
Processes efficiency productivity (SETUP, GIA, CEST, PM-TO-TTC- 05-02 financial
(Technology acquisition while Consultancy, Training, PM-TO-TTC- 05-03 resource,
& upgrading/ producing Mentoring, Forums); No. of PM-TO-TTC- 05-04 infrastructure/
technology transfer S&T interventions provided PM-TO-TTC- 05-05
goods and equipment/
& commercialization, (SETUP, GIA, CEST, PM-TO-TTC- 05-08
services Consultancy, Training, PM-TO-TTC- 05-11 technology
training, consultancy, which Mentoring , Forums), No. of PM-TO-STP- 05-01
laboratory testing & effectively jobs created, PM-TO-STP- 05-02
analysis, metrology, fulfill No. of testing services and PM-TO-STP- 05-03
S&T Promotion, S&T customer calibration services provided, PM-TO-HRD- 05-01
Forums), e-commerce, needs. No. of RSTL customers served, PM on RSTL ISO/IEC
and RDI Support No. of DRRM-related 17025
collaboration with stakeholders
No. of press releases
Finance and To develop Effective Percent allotment obligated PM-FAD- Workforce,
Administrative budgetary/ functioning of against allotment received, SUPPLY-05-01 Funds,
Services Processes financial plan. FAD Resource allocation and Equipment,
(Accounting, To monitor utilization, PM-FAD- Information
Budgeting/Cashiering, and manage SETUP refund rate SUPPLY-05-02 Systems,
Supply & Property, expenditures performance, Tools for
Human Resource within allotted Percent of COA IAS PM-FAD -05-01 Assessment,
Development, & budget. findings addressed within Facilities,
General Support To develop prescribed period, Percent Purchasing &
Services/Maintenance) and maintain nonconformities addressed, Inventory,
standard Results of internal audit, Process
financial and No. of accidents, Controls,
administrative % of employees trained, Documents &
procedures. No. of incidents, Records
No. of teambuilding activities

Staff turnover rate, Staff

morale survey
General QMS To coordinate Process Results of internal and external PNS ISO 9001:2015 Workforce,
Processes (Risk & direct efficiency surveillance audits QMS infrastructure,
Management, DOST- Guide to ISO 9001 QMS Accreditation PM-DOST IV-B-03-01 environment for
Management Review, MIMAROPA’s continual maintained the operation
Handling Customer activities improvement of processes,
Feedback/Complaints, to meet efforts and monitoring
Customer Satisfaction customer and adoption and measuring
Measurement, Control regulatory of data for resources, and
of Documented requirements. evidence- organizational
Information, Internal based knowledge
Audit, Control of decision
Nonconforming making.
Product, & Preventive/
Corrective Action

6.1a(2) Design Concept. Key services are required to achieve the commitments and targets
designed by the management to ensure that work of the organization. Approved OPCR targets
processes involved in the service delivery are on process/program/project performance are
achieved in order to satisfy key customers and cascaded to the different units and PTSCs and
stakeholders requirements as shown in Fig. P1-5. are reviewed regularly. Execution of process/
Outputs of the work system are delivered via program/project activities are guided by its
work processes, programs and/or projects. Work Quality Plans.
process/program/project design proceeds from Frequent monitoring of both in-process and
the general work system design. outcome measures during day-to-day operations
• The basic work process/program/project design enables DOST-MIMAROPA to ensure that work
is developed by the Senior Leaders based on processes are meeting its requirements. Feedback
legal requirements, in line with overall output from the customers and assessment of turnaround
requirements of the work system. The work time of service delivery (e.g. collection of
process/program/project design specifies the laboratory samples, cycle time, release time) are
key inputs and outputs, applicable policies also used to improve processes.
and guidelines procedures, responsibilities
and authorities, monitoring and evaluation 6.1b(2) Support Processes. Support processes are
mechanisms, resources and the required forms defined as those necessary to support the delivery
and reports. These are deployed to the all offices of direct services to customers, stakeholders and
including the PSTCs via office orders and other partners. Key support processes are determined
related laws and issuances. through the Strategic Planning Process as part
• The Comprehensive Regional Operations of the SWOT analysis and during the design of
Manual (CROM), which was done by designated key work processes. DOST-MIMAROPA’s key
representatives of all DOST regional offices support processes and related requirements are
who served as the core group that made the identified in Fig. 6.1-3.
manual, served as initial reference for the Fig. 6.1-3: Key Support Services
DOST-MIMAROPA’s QMS Quality Manual Key Support Services Key Requirements
Human resource - Periodic review of workforce
(QM). The respective Process Owners closely development performance
collaborated with the Document Controller in - Updated information on leave credits
and salary, and salary adjustment
conceptualizing and verifying all corresponding - Encourage training programs that are
processes needed in the completion of the needed in each unit
QM and PM which were later recommended Budgeting, accounting
and cashiering
- Prudent management and use of
government funds and resources
by the head of office. DOST-MIMAROPA - Timely provision of financial
requirements for every project and
incorporates the work process/program/project personnel
in its QMS, and develops a Quality Plan (for Procurement - Compliance to government rules and
core operational processes). Subject to DOST regulations
- Ensure shorter time for procurement
policies and guidelines, procedures, programs, calendar
projects, and activities (PPAs) are adapted to -E  nsure transparency in transactions
Property management - Secured government facilities
the organizational set-up and work conditions -A  dequate and functional facilities
prevailing at the implementing offices. Management - Easy access to user-friendly
Whenever there is an opportunity, information information systems information systems
communication technology (ICT) applications 6.1b(3) Product and Process Improvement.
are used to enhance quality, speed, productivity The PDCA Framework (Fig. 6.1-4) is likewise
and accessibility. applied at the process/program/project level.
6.1b Process Management Opportunities for improvement (OFIs) are
determined from different avenues. One is
6.1b(1) Process Implementation. The work through the environmental scanning (e.g. through
process is shown in the DOST-MIMAROPA SWOT) being done in the planning process
Process Diagram (Fig. 6.1-1) with the adoption to determine the internal and external gaps or
of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System. issues influencing the organization. Another is
DOST-MIMAROPA also adopts the PDCA through the assessment e.g. (through internal and
Framework to manage work processes (see Fig. external audits/performance evaluation) done on
6.1-4). In addition, implementation is driven by the actual performance of the organization vis-
objectives and strategies on MFOs which are a-vis the set targets and parameters. Likewise,
aligned with the DOST-MIMAROPA MVVs. this could also be done through the feedback of
Based on the OPCR and IPCR, personnel are clients, partners and other stakeholders on the

Fig. 6.1-4 PDCA Framework of DOST-MIMAROPA

organization. Corrective and/or preventive actions and positive impact to the communities and can
are taken in order to address performance gaps, be sustainably implemented.
and may involve: The regional office decides to pursue a strategic
• Changes in the Quality Plan, including opportunity that is determined to be an intelligent
checking/inspection, measuring and monitoring risk, the organization institutes risk assessment
arrangements using its risk registry covering all processes.
• Changes in work instructions/processes These risks are evaluated during an ISO audit. Any
• Changes in the design of process/program/ innovations or improved processes are constantly
project monitoring forms and reports. monitored over time for performance against
As process, program and project are continually requirements or to detect changing customer
monitored on a day-to-day basis, corrective/ needs (pls see 2.1(a)2 Innovation). To ensure
preventive actions may be taken whenever availability of financial and other resources,
the Senior Leaders are making sure that budget
monitoring indicates a significant gap (or potential
allocation is prepared earlier than expected.
gap) in performance. Any personnel can request
Networking and linkages with other NGAs/LGUs
for a preventive and/or corrective action, on the are being sustained while CSOs for fund sourcing
basis of process monitoring. serves as counterpart for any specified projects.
If necessary, the required infrastructure support When determined to be no longer viable or capable
in terms of additional equipment, logistics, and of effectively meeting customer or organizational
technical support are provided, to the different requirements, these innovations or processes
units and offices. This may include upgrading are discontinued.
of IT is also provided to improve access to the
website/portal/online system for the effective 6.2 Operational Effectiveness
and efficient service delivery, and address any 6.2a Process Efficiency and Effectiveness. The
operational concerns. overall cost is controlled through standardization
6.1c Innovation Management. DOST of processes and systems. Fig. 6.2-1 are
-MIMAROPA manages its innovation by mechanisms used to prevent or minimize costs to
deciding to reduce the number of projects and improve the work system and make sure that it
invest more funds to those that will bring a dent remains competitive in the long term.

Fig. 6.2-1: Cost Control Mechanisms 6.2c Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Cost Mechanism to prevent or
minimize the cost 6.2c(1) Safety. Providing a safe operating
Defects Clear specification requirements, environment is systematically addressed such
accreditation of suppliers, evaluation of post
sales services as the following: (1) Familiarize employees on
Service errors Standardization, systematization, the building evacuation plan; (2) Provision of
procedural, automation, cloud-computing, fire extinguishers/alarm systems, first aid kits,
scanning of documents, prioritization,
enhancement of personnel competence. information materials on emergency preparedness;
Reworks Strict implementation of quality plan, (3) Conduct pest control and maintenance; (4)
systematization, adherence to procedures Provision of quality safety gears to employees in
Customer’s Standardization, systematization,
productivity losses automation of control of non-conforming
charge with weather monitoring stations; and (5)
products/services. Conduct safety trainings to employees. DOST-
Cost of inspection/ Use of automation technology with built- MIMAROPA addresses accident prevention,
tests in checking
inspection, root-cause analysis of failures, and
Process and Internal audit, self-evaluation and
performances correction, feedbacks, deviation from recovery by conducting review and updating of
audits standard analysis, standardization, the Risk Registry and thoroughly discussing the
systematization, procedural
Hiring mistake Set specific criteria for every position.
specified risks and safety during management
Hire employees who can keep up with reviews and during audits of internal and external
work demands. parties. The Public Service Continuity Plan
payment overdue
Pay invoices as early as possible to
avoid penalty.
(PSCP) of the Regional Office and respective
Energy costs Be greener. Find ways to save on provincial offices provide operational actions
energy costs. that will be undertaken in response to various
Repair/ Implement preventive maintenance on forms of disruptive incidents to ensure continuity
Maintenance cost all assets.
of operations through the restoration of mission
The financial status of each unit (utilization rate essential functions.
and remaining balances) are being discussed
6.2c(2) Emergency Preparedness. In 2018,
during the monthly meetings, copies of which are
DOST teamed up with the University of the
sent to each process owner and provincial office
Philippines – Training Center for Applied
to effectively monitor the fund utilization and
Geodesy and Photogrammetry (UP-TCAGP) and
make adjustments if necessary.
the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) to provide an
6.2b Supply Chain Management. DOST- immerse training-workshop for the Disaster Risk
MIMAROPA is guided by RA 9184, otherwise Reduction and management (DRRM) officers
known as the Government Procurement Reform in the MIMAROPA region on newly-developed
Act, which codifies all pertinent laws and rules flood-hazard maps.
governing government procurement. The Supply DOST-MIMAROPA has instituted emergency
and Property Unit follows the defined procurement mechanisms (Fig. 6.2-2) to ensure continuous
process that involves the following: delivery of programs and services to the customers
• supplier selection and accreditation and partners. Reliance on supplier and partners
• purchase requisitions, budgetary approval is taken into account by the SLT by ensuring
• assuring quality, quantity, timeliness the quality and integrity of equipment delivered
• supplier performance evaluation and installed in the workplace and supplied for
Database of Suppliers is maintained and regularly partners. The regional office also intensifies
updated. Conduct of accreditation of suppliers by networking with partners concerning disaster
the Bids and Awards Committee using the Supplier preparedness and mitigation and to enforce
Information Sheet is ensured. When participated resilience to disaster risks and climate change.
and selected, there is a required post-delivery Fig. 6.2-2: Emergency Mechanisms Prevention/ Preparedness
activity (maintenance and other supplementary Emergency Mechanism to address disaster and
services) incorporated on the agreement between Stages emergencies
the concerned parties. After the post-delivery, the Management • Implementation of the Public Service
Continuity Plan (PSCP)
Supply and Property Unit conducts an evaluation ○ Activation of the Emergency
that would serve as basis for continuity of the Response Team
supplier to participate in the procurement or possible Prevention/
• No smoking policy in work office/area
○ Regular conduct of fire and
delisting from the roster of accredited suppliers. earthquake drill
Control of externally provided processes, products ○ Provision of Building Evacuation Plan
• Fire drills are conducted
and services are specified in the Quality Manual • Earthquake drills are conducted
(Document Code QM-DOST IVB-08-04). • Disaster emergency plan is designed as
an SOP

• Constituted Emergency Response Team Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). These
to handle and monitor disaster and
emergency plan
regional offices are DOST-CAR, DOST-Region 2
• Disaster Management Trainings as part and DOST-Caraga.
of capacity building for the Emergency
Response Team to respond to disaster and Table 7-1 Regions with similar Percentage Contribution to
emergency situations the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP)
Continuity of • Maintenance of related equipment. Region 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019* GRDP
operations • Generator sets/ UPS MIMAROPA . . . 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.5
• Checking of building integrity
CAR . . . . . . . . . 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7
○ Secure office premises and properties and
protect vital records and files Region 2 . . . . . 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.8
Recovery • Back-up procedure are integrated in disaster Caraga . . . . . . 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.2
and emergency plan as stipulated in the
* Philippine Statistics Authority data to be released October 2020
○ Implement recovery strategies
Rehabilitation • Clearance of debris and restoration of
7.1 Product and Process Results
vital facilities to ensure delivery of mission
essential functions 7.1a 
Customer-Focused Product and Service
7: Results Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading
MIMAROPA is unique among all regions. It Program (SETUP)
is composed of island provinces without any DOST-MIMAROPA’s commitment to spur
reliable, regular and direct transport link between economic growth in the region can be observed
provinces. In geographic terms, no other regions through its implementation of one of DOST’s
had its provinces located on separate islands as banner programs, the Small Enterprise Technology
the MIMAROPA. For purposes of comparison, Upgrading Program or simply SETUP.
DOST-MIMAROPA took performance data DOST-MIMAROPA surpassed its target number
for 2015 to 2019 period from other regions with of assisted MSMEs by an average of 38.16% as
similar percentage contribution to the Gross reflected in Fig. 7.1a-1. The results exceeded its
Fig. 7.1a-1 Number of DOST-MIMAROPA’s SETUP-assisted MSMEs

215 216 Region 2

(Exceeded the targets by an
Average Increase of 38.16%)



100 93
73 71
57 60
54 52 51 55
50 46
38 41

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Fig. 7.1a-2 Number of SETUP Projects Funded


60 55
40 45




2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

targets and with sustained favorable trends. It The interventions provided by the program
also indicates DOST-MIMAROPA’s drive to exceeds its target by an average of 72.50% as
fulfill its mission of providing technology-related shown on Fig. 7.1a-3. Technology needs are
assistance to MSMEs. systematically evaluated based on Technology
In Fig. 7.1a-2, a favorable trend can be observed in Needs Assessment by DOST-MIMAROPA which
resulted to definite technology interventions
meeting its target number of projects funded every (PM-TO-TTC-05-01 / Conduct of TNA). This
year for the past five (5) years. The indicators is indicative of the intensive efforts by DOST-
show the effectiveness of the organization in MIMAROPA to enhance competitiveness and
achieving improvements in the productivity and productivity of MSMEs through technology
efficiency of MSMEs. interventions as it fared with other DOST-ROs.
Fig. 7.1a-3 SETUP Technology Interventions
Region 2 855
800 777

(Exceeded the targets by an

Average of 72.50%)



103 88 92 98
38 69 54 54 60

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Fig. 7.1a-4 Number of Technology Training conducted
Region 2 Caraga
300 Target
(Exceeded the targets by
an average increase of 92.9%) 249

146 150
150 131
114 121

43 37 37
50 30

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Technology Training Services which is 92.9% higher than the set target.
Technology training complements the various Alongside the conduct of technology training, the
assistance provided to clients under CEST, number of participants exceeded the target by an
SETUP, and CBE-GIA in order to increase their average of 279.7%. As summarized in Fig. 7.1a-5,
capacity to adopt and maximize the utilization the number of participants from the DOST-
of new technologies, and to promote innovation MIMAROPA’s conducted training, exceeded the
in their strategies and products. Fig. 7.1a-4 other regions except Region 2. This demonstrates
shows a summary of the number of technology the agency’s commitment to reach out to more
training conducted by the four regions. DOST- participants who could gain more knowledge
MIMAROPA conducted a total of 652 training, from the training.
Fig. 7.1a-5 Number of Training participants
Region 2 Caraga

(Exceeded the targets by an

average increase of 279.7%)














2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Consultancy Services Through DOST’s Deployment of Early Warning
Fig. 7.1a-6 indicates the number of assisted firms System (DEWS) project, where early warning
under consultancy, meeting the target from technologies including Automated Rain Gauge
2015-2019. The results provide increase in sales, (ARG), Water-Level Monitoring Station (WLMS),
production, production yield, and productivity. Tandem – ARG with WLMS, and Flood Early
Among the firms assisted under Consultancy, 13 Warning Station (FEWS) were installed across
were able to acquire FDA –LTO. the region to aid in the decision-making of LGUs
Fig. 7.1a-6 Number of firms assisted under Consultancy
and mitigate the harm brought about by natural
and human-initiated disasters. For the period
290 2015-2019, DOST-MIMAROPA deployed a
total of 81 early warning devices—ARG, AWS,
Region 2 Caraga
WLMS, Tandem, and FEWS—in strategic areas
Target across the region. The DOST-MIMAROPA,
250 through these installed sensors, capacitates local
communities and LGUs in conducting disaster
mitigation measures for their constituents. In
2017, the DEWS project concluded and then
200 transitioned to a new project on the deployment of
Flood Early Warning Systems (FEWS) which are
siren-enabled sensors installed in strategic areas
162 to assess critical levels of water and make alert
warnings before occurrence of flood. Likewise in
150 2019, in partnership with a local innovative startup
Futuristic Aviation and Maritime Enterprise
(FAME, Inc.), transponder-enabled hydromet
sensors were deployed to pilot sites in the region
100 where there are weak or no TelCo signals. This
84 84 84 84 84 innovation allows for reliable and sustainable
disaster response and mitigation measures in
critical disaster prone areas in the region.
50 41 42
35 36 36 Research and Development (R&D)
28 30
Fig. 7.1a-7.1 Number of R&D projects funded
Accomplishment 12
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Target
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Weather Sensors. DOST-MIMAROPA
Regional Director, as the vice Chairperson
for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of
the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and 6
Management Council, is actively involved in
the implementation of programs and delivery of
services designed to significantly improve the 4
level of resilience to disaster of communities in
the MIMAROPA Region. 2 2
Table 7.1a-1 Installed HydroMet devices in MIMAROPA 2
with ponder
WLMS -enabled 0
sensors 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2015 . . . . 5 5 2 12
2016 . . . . 11 9 2 22 R&D is another key thrust of DOST-MIMAROPA.
2017 . . . . 1 2 10 13
For 2015-2019, a total of 17 R&D projects were
2018 . . . . 4 2 15 21
2019 . . . . 6 2 5 5 13
funded through its GIA program as reflected in
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Fig. 7.1a-7.1. DOST-MIMAROPA accomplishment
has been in an increasing trend over the years.

Fig.7.1a-7.2 R&D Projects per province funded by GIA Fig. 7.1a-9 Technologies Promoted
25 24
Occidental Mindoro 5 Target
Oriental Mindoro Accomplishment
20 19


222 10 9

6 6
1 11 11 1
1 5

0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019

Fig.7.1a-7.2, meanwhile, shows the distribution Technologies developed by DOST RDIs funded
of R&D projects funded through local GIA per by DOST Sectoral Councils were promoted
province of the MIMAROPA region. across the region through conduct of forums,
Fig. 7.1a-8 Amount of R&D Expenditures conferences, technology pitching, and trainings.
These promotional activities involve LGUs,
Amount (in ’000)
SETUP clients, and private partners who
could be the possible adoptors of the featured
technologies. Fig. 7.1a-9 shows the annual number
of technologies promoted.
Fig. 7.1a-10 Number of Adopted Technologies
Developed by DOST
5000 20
4055.59 18

3000 15


1000 620.00
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 5
Correspondingly, there is an increasing trend in 3
terms of funding for R&D activities as reflected in 2
Fig. 7.1a-8. For 2015-2019, DOST -MIMAROPA
has funded P12,073,996.50 worth of R&D projects 0
2017 2018 2019
in the region. Increased investment in R&D is
expected as DOST-MIMAROPA has identified Fig. 7.1a-10 shows favorable indicators since 2017.
R&D as one of the priority core components in its The targets were significantly exceeded in 2018
investment map, a move that will ensure investing and 2019. It also indicates DOST-MIMAROPA’s
in R&D projects that will create significant impact drive to fulfill its mission of promoting and
in the region. accelerating technology adoption in the region.

Fig. 7.1a-11 Technology adoptors Grants in Aid Projects
Target To continuously bring science and technology
59 solutions to the countryside, DOST-MIMAROPA
funded various projects on TBED, assistance to
50 45 R&D, CEST and RSTIE.
40 For the past five years, DOST-MIMAROPA
has implemented a total of 193 GIA projects all
over the region. This provides favorable result as
20 shown in Fig. 7.1a-12. The accomplishments were
10 5 5 5
attributed to the strong linkage established with
local government units (LGUs), state universities
0 and colleges (SUCs) and other stakeholders.
2017 2018 2019
This result indicates significant attainment of
In 2019, 59 adoptors of DOST developed DOST-MIMAROPA’s goal of increasing the
technologies are mostly LGUs, cooperatives, and productivity and efficiency of communities and
production sector.
associations. The result shows a sustained increase The number of projects implemented translated
in the number of technology adoptors. As some of to a total of 248 technology interventions (GIA)
such technologies include the PCIEERD’s Eco- which include technology needs assessment
Sep Technology for wastewater treatment, STII’s (TNA), innovation support system through
STARBOOKS, FPRDI’s technology on Wood provision of various equipment for manufacturing
Finishing Techniques, PCAARRD’s Long-line and food processing and establishment of
Green Mussel Production Technology, ITDI- community factories, among others. As shown in
Fig. 7.1a-13, the five-year accomplishment of the
developed Acetator Kit, and FNRI’s Rice Mongo
DOST-MIMAROPA demonstrated a sustained
Curls & Crunchies. delivery of S&T interventions provided to its
It also indicates DOST-MIMAROPA’s drive to fulfill clients that consequently results to sustained
its mission of stimulating innovation and promoting economic activities in the region.
and accelerating technology adoption in the region. The number of customers assisted under the GIA
Fig. 7.1a-12 Number of GIA projects implemented Fig. 7.1a-13 Number of Technology Interventions (GIA)

50 48 100
Target Target 94
Accomplishment 46 Accomplishment

40 39 39 80

30 60 58


20 40

10 20

0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

program displays a favorable trend as displayed S&T Promotion
in Fig. 7.1a-14. The customers range from Through the years, DOST-MIMAROPA has
community-based enterprise to LGUs and SUCs. been active in undertaking promotion projects
The remarkable number of customers assisted and activities to contribute to the increase of
indicate a significant achievement of DOST- visibility and application of DOST programs,
MIMAROPA’s mandate. services, developed technologies, and products,
Fig. 7.1a-14 Number of Customers Assisted (GIA) among others.
60 57
For the past five years, the agency has widened
53 its reach in various media platforms by putting
49 in investments and forging partnerships with
prominent media groups and personalities
working for quad-media (Print, TV, Internet, and
40 37 Radio) not only in MIMAROPA but in the other
regions as well (Fig. 7.1a-16a).
Fig. 7.1A-16a S&T Promotion accomplishment
(via quad-media)
20 3000

Region 2 Caraga

0 2500
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Fig. 7.1a-15 Distribution of Projects

35 33 33
31 2000

30 29


20 20 1500


10 9
7 1000
5 3 3
2 2
1 1


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 500


Technology-based Enterprise Development





Research and Development



Community Empowerment through Science and Technology

Reinforcing STI Ecosystem
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Majority of the projects implemented for the past
three years are classified under the technology- DOST-MIMAROPA harnessed the virtually
based enterprise development. However, a limitless potential of the internet to reach massive
significant decrease in the number of projects audiences. From 2015-2019, the internet remains
can be observed in 2018 as more funding was to be the most used platform for information
channeled to projects under the CEST program dissemination as shown in Fig. 7.1a-16b. Through
and RSTIE. At least 6% of funding is allocated to its official website ( and
R&D as displayed in Fig. 7.1a-15. The distribution social media sites, the agency creates a tailored
results illustrate the wide spectrum of S&T experience that fits its audiences’ interests best by
assistance directed towards different target sharing timely science news and features, science
priority areas which ultimately effects growth trivias, and events and announcements. The
and development through science, technology and agency also posted creative digital contents such
innovation (STI) in the region. as videos and infographics developed by the S&T

Fig. 7.1a-16b S&T Promotion DOST-MIMAROPA Fig. 7.1a-18 Number of S&T Forums and Clinics
accomplishment (via quad-media)
800 119

700 100


500 66
60 54
400 331



200 24 24





0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Radio Print TV Internet
As shown in Fig. 7.1A-18, S&T forums on
promotions unit. In the past five years, DOST- DOST programs, services, and technologies
MIMAROPA consistently exceeded its targets are conducted regularly to encourage dialogue
in terms of press releases. This S&T promotion among and between clients and partners. Forum
results indicate the strong and serious efforts of topics are varied and identified according to
DOST-MIMAROPA to intensify and accelerate priorities, current scenario, and collaboration with
S&T culture in the region. communities tied to these places. These conducted
As shown in Fig. 7.1a-17, DOST-MIMAROPA forums provide avenue to continuously promote
also holds S&T fairs, exhibits, and contests to DOST-developed and or funded technologies
personally meet and interact with stakeholders which were adopted in the region as reflected in
in the region. The result provides remarkable Fig. 7.1a-10.
number of S&T Fairs conducted from 2015-2019. The activities resulted to a sustained trend from
DOST-MIMAROPA puts premium in supporting 2015 to 2019 on the promotion and information
the National Science and Technology Week and dissemination of available new DOST technologies
conducting its Regional Science and Technology aimed at stimulating innovation.
Week Celebration, Regional Invention Contests
and Exhibits, and its very own Science, 7.1b Work Process Effectiveness Results
Technology, and Innovation Roadshow, among
7.1b-1 Process Effectiveness and Efficiency
others, to ensure that the agency engages with the
people in the communities despite difficulties due Fig. 7.1b-1 Number of AOMs
to the region’s geographical features. This shows 8
the noteworthy efforts of DOST-MIMAROPA
compared with DOST-CAR in fostering creativity 7
and innovativeness among the stakeholders. 6
Fig. 7.1a-17 Number of S&T Fairs
5 5 5
20 19 19
17 0
15 15 15 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
15 13

9 As shown in Fig. 7.1b-1, DOST-MIMAROPA

strives to address AOMs to effectively implement
STI governance. From 2015-2019, a total of only
28 observations were received from COA which
0 reflects a strong challenge for DOST-MIMAROPA
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 to effectively sustain its fiscal management.

Fig. 7.1b-2 Number of Disallowances Figure 7.1b-2 – b. Number of New NCs (Internal Quality Audit)
1.0 Year Minor Major
1 1 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0
0.8 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0
2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0
0.6 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0
2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0
Figures 7.1b-2-a and 7.1b-2-b illustrate the result
0.2 of the internal and external audit findings in terms
0 0 0 0 0
of issued non-conformities (NCs) in relation to
the agency’s compliance to ISO 9001:2015 quality
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 management system (QMS). Since 2015, there
* These reported disallowances are not unique to were no major non-conformities issued to DOST-
DOST-MIMAROPA as the same were also issued in other DOST
Regional Offices. The nature of these disallowances is on the MIMAROPA for both the external and internal
interpretation of the guidelines for the computation of longevity pay
for DOST personnel that the DOST-Central Office issued. To date
audits conducted.
the issue is still being settled by the DOST. Fig. 7.1b-3, meanwhile, shows an increasing trend to
the overall accomplishment of DOST-MIMAROPA
Fig. 7.1b-2 shows a remarkable drop in the number from 2015-2019 in terms of SETUP Refund Rate.
of disallowances issued by COA from 2015-2019. The results strengthened the position of DOST-
This is an indication that DOST-MIMAROPA is MIMAROPA for being a top-notch Regional Office
attaining effective STI governance by addressing by being benchmarked by all regions in terms of
refund rate. For five consecutive years, DOST-
observations issued by COA. MIMAROPA perseveres in ensuring that client
Figure 7.1b-2 – a. Number of New NCs (External Audit) obligations are met on a monthly basis. Compared
Year Minor Major with regions like Region 2, CALABARZON, Region
2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 11, Region 8 and Region 9, DOST-MIMAROPA’s
2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 refund rate serves as a model of effective project
2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 management. This effective refund rate management
2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0
represents a significant realization of DOST-
2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0
MIMAROPA’s goal of efficient STI governance.
Fig. 7.1b-3 SETUP Refund Rate

97 97
95 95
95 94
93 93 93
92 92

90 90
90 89
88 88

85 85 85

80 80

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


Region 2 Region 11 Target

7.1b(2) Emergency Preparedness. As part be carried out in all different offices under DOST-
of securing the data and files of the office MIMAROPA. Table 7.1A-2 shows the number of
Programs, Projects and Activities, DOST- drills conducted.
MIMAROPA adopted the IMPRESSION System Table 7.1b-2. Number of drills conducted
to serve as knowledge repository and/or back-up Year Earthquake Fire Total
of files related to the projects implemented by drills drills
the office like the GIA and SETUP. Digitized 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0
2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 4
forms, documents and related files of the project
2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 4
were uploaded and stored in the web-based
information system. A total of 699 project profiles Through this plan and the regular conduct of
were encoded in the system since 2009, which preparedness drills, there were no record of any
comprises of 265 GIA and 434 SETUP projects. accidents in the office.
Through the Unified Laboratory Information Fig. 7.1b-2 Number of installed available and functional
Management System (ULIMS), an electronic equipment for emergency preparedness
database of laboratory records, the integrity of 150 136
test results is maintained and assured. ULIMS is
implemented at the DOST-MIMAROPA Regional 120
Standards and Testing Laboratory (RSTL).
Part of the overall emergency preparedness 90
plan is the preparation and adoption of the
Business Continuity Plan (BCP) which details 60
the procedure to be undertaken by the Regional
Standards and Testing Laboratory to make sure 30 16
its services will continue even after fortuitous
events. In 2018, DOST-MIMAROPA reviewed 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
and updated its PSCP. Also, aside from the safety
of the lab personnel, another major consideration
Provision of available and serviceable equipment
was the fortification or safeguarding of the
for its personnel and staff is one of the key
very sensitive (and salvageable) lab equipment/ measures of DOST-MIMAROPA to ensure work
instruments, to ensure functionality even after effectiveness. There is a steady increase from
such calamitous events. Moreover, lab samples and 2015-2019 as shown in Fig. 7.1b-2.
hazardous wastes pose health and environmental
risk concerns that the disposal and handling 7.1C Supply-Chain Management Results
procedures need to be carefully planned. To facilitate the procurement process, inventory
systems are being developed to effectively
Availability of Disaster and Emergency monitor and account the office’s record of stocks
Preparedness equipment and tools or supply which also features means to check the
DOST-MIMAROPA equipped its office with routing of stock items in the process.
the necessary emergency preparedness tools The DOST-MIMAROPA ensures that procured
which are readily available in designated areas materials are delivered within the agreed timeline.
in the regional and provincial offices and the As shown in Table 7.1C-1, there is a significant
laboratories. These include fire extinguishers, improvement relative to the targeted time of
first-aid kits, emergency kits, hard hat, stretchers, delivery versus the actual time of delivery.
thermal scanners, safety shoes, disaster safety
Table 7.1C-1 Percentage of deliveries executed based on
vest, safety harness, and tactical suit. timeline

Availability of Public Service Continuity Plan 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 72 63 29 79
Actual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 67 59 28 79
PSCP is a tool for the organization that would % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97.56 93.05 93.65 96.55 100
ensure its continued delivery of products and
services at acceptable predefined levels following DOST-MIMAROPA accomplished its set targets
disruptive incidents. Included in this PSCP are for indicators identified to ensure procurement
specific protocols to undertake during and after transactions are completed on time. Delivery
an incident. Emergency teams were created and period of common-use office supplies and
assigned to handle specific responsibilities in the equipment, consumables, and PPEs are delivered
occurrence of the aforementioned disasters and within agreed timeline based on the days/months
calamities. Also, part of these are planned drills to indicated in the conformed Purchase Order.

On the other hand, Property, Plant, & Equipment customer satisfaction rating from the customer
that underwent bidding process have delivery satisfaction feedback survey conducted throughout
period aligned to RA 9184 with at least 120 days. the whole year by DOST-MIMAROPA. Customer
satisfaction results in 2015-2019 remain to exceed
7.2 Customer-Focused Results the targets for the five consecutive years as shown
7.2a Customer-Focused Results in Fig. 7.2a-1 demonstrating the organizations
sustained commitment of achieving very high
7.2a(1) Customer Satisfaction. Customer satisfaction rating from the programs and services
satisfaction is measured through the overall it provides its clients.
Fig. 7.2a-1 Overall Customer Satisfaction Rating

100% 99%
98% 98% 98%
97% 97% 97%
96% 95% 95%
94% 94%
92% 92% 92% 92%


85% 85%


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

MIMAROPA CAR Region 2 Caraga Target

Table 7.2A-1 indicates the customer feedback/ Fig. 7.2a-2 Number of customers served
complaint results received by DOST-MIMAROPA. 120

From 2015-2019, there was only one reported
customer complaint incident regarding the DOST
scholarship program. This was immediately 100
addressed by the concerned unit and learnings

from the incident were integrated in the updated



procedure manual.

Table 7.2a-1 Customer Feedback / Complaints


Tech. Tech. Tech. Prod. Scholar- RSTL



Acquisition & Training Forum Consult- ship


Upgrading ancy




2015 0 0 0 0 0 0


2016 0 0 0 0 0 0


2017 0 0 0 0 0 0



2018 0 0 0 0 0 0

2019 0 0 0 0 1 0

7.2a(2) Customer Engagement. Building customer 0

relationship is important for the growth and 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
sustainability of an organization. An indication of a
Technology acquisition Productivity consultancy
high customer engagement is the favorable number and upgrading (x10)
of customers who avail the programs and services of Technology
Technology forums (x10)

DOST-MIMAROPA. trainings (x10) RSTL

As illustrated in Fig. 7.2a-2, the number of Fig. 7.3a-2 Distribution of personnel based on
field of specialization
customers served, particularly the community-
based enterprises (CBEs), through the technology 3%
acquisition/ upgrading. For the RSTL, the number 9%
of customers served increases yearly. The total
number of customers increased by over 10 times 1% 3%
in 2015-2019.
7.3 Workforce-Focused Results
7.3a Workforce Results
7.3a(1) Workforce Capability and Capacity.
DOST-MIMAROPA employs high-caliber
personnel to ensure the achievement of its goals in
becoming the standard of performance excellence to 35%
ensure the delivery of exemplary public service to
meet customer satisfaction. These personnel ensure 8%
that DOST-MIMAROPA remains proactive and
anticipatory in identifying and addressing the needs
and expectations of stakeholders. Engineering & Technology Health Science
The diverse field of specialization of DOST- Natural Science Humanities
MIMAROPA personnel ensures prompt delivery Social Science Others
of innovative solutions to the wide array needs of Agricultural Science High School & Below
its customers and stakeholders.
DOST-MIMAROPA puts weight on improving Fig. 7.3a-3. Number of training attended by DOST-
its workforce capability and capacity through MIMAROPA personnel
provision of appropriate training interventions. Top Management Supervisory Rank & File
Fig. 7.3a-3 presents the number of training
attended by its workforce from 2015-2019. 50
Training provided within DOST-MIMAROPA
enhances the performance of its personnel in
order to achieve productivity, competitiveness,
and excellence.
Fig. 7.3a-1 Distribution of DOST-MIMAROPA personnel 40 39
based on educational attainment 38

8% 13%

8% 23

20 19 1919


67% 10 9

Doctorate BS/BA 3

MA/MS Post High School

Post BA/BS High School & Below 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

7.3a(2) Workforce Climate. Workforce health, Fig. 7.3a-5 Workforce Retention
security, and safety are on top of the 96.3% 98
DOSTMIMAROPA’s responsibilities. As shown
in Fig. 7.3a-4, the number of Health Maintenance 81 82 79.3% 80.6%
Organization (HMO) membership continued to 80
increase from 2015-2017, though dropped in 2018,
but rose again in 2019. Fit and healthy workforce
ensures effective performance of their functions.
Fig. 7.3a-4 Number of HMO membership
40 40

39 39 17 19
38 20
37 3
36 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
35 Total No. of Personnel
No. of Resigned, Retired & End of Contract
Retention Rate (%)
The morale value index survey of each employee
30 attributed to workforce retention in DOST-
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 MIMAROPA. This ensures job satisfaction and
willingness to contribute to the realization of the
7.3a(3) Workforce Engagement. As shown organization’s mandate and functions.
in Table 7.3a-3, the result indicates that DOST-
MIMAROPA creates a positive work environment 7.3a(4) Workforce Development. DOST-
for its employees to effectively deliver its Plans, MIMAROPA established a continuing program
Programs, and Activities (PPAs). for career and personnel at all levels and creates
an environment and work climate conducive to
Fig. 7.3a-3 Overall Morale Value Index (OMVI)
the development of skills, talents and values for
100% better public service (as shown in Fig. 7.3a-3).
Target Accomplishment
7.4 Leadership and Governance Results
7.4a Leadership, Governance, and Societal
79.86% Responsibility Results
7.4a(1) Leadership. The Senior Leaders regularly
conduct mentorship, consultations, face-to-face
meeting and discussion with staff particularly on
60% 60% the assessment of employee performance. Regular
60% and contract of service employees are assessed
and evaluated through the Individual Performance
Commitment and Review (IPCR). Results to support
the statement, the Senior Leaders encourage two-
way communication from the result of the customer
40% satisfaction feedback (as shown in Fig. 7.2a-1.)
Fig. 7.4a-1 Number of Memorandum/Special Order Issued
50 39
15 18
20 13
0 10
2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

The number of memorandum and special order 7.4a(3) Law, Regulation and Accreditation.
from the regional director are presented in Fig. DOST-MIMAROPA establishes and maintains a
7.4a-1. The effectiveness of communication with quality management system in accordance with
the workforce is shown with results that exceed the statutory requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Its
targets from Table 7.3a-3 and Fig. 7.3a-5. RSTL establishes and maintains laboratory QMS
Fig. 7.4a-2 Career Executive Service Performance in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC
Evaluation System 17025:2017. DOST-MIMAROPA received its new
Outstanding certification for the transitioned ISO Quality
Management System 9001:2015 Standards.
Very Satisfactory Fig. 7.4a-4 Percentage of non-conformities addressed

100% 100% 100% 100% 100%


2015 2016 2017 40%

As shown in Fig. 7.4a-2, the result provides a
remarkable evaluation for the DOST-MIMAROPA 0%
Regional Director. The achievement of effective 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
governance contributed to the realization of
DOST’s intermediate vision as the leading The DOST-MIMAROPA RSTL, the first ISO/
ASEAN science, technology and innovation IEC 17025:2017 – accredited laboratory based
instrumentality and agency by leading DOST- in Palawan, renewed its accreditation from the
MIMAROPA as a dynamic prime mover of Philippine Accreditation Bureau (PAB) for the
science, technology and innovation solutions for Calibration and Biological Testing which will
inclusive regional development. continue until June 2022; for Chemical Testing,
results of evaluation, assessment findings, and other
7.4a(2) Governance. Fig. 7.4a-3 reflects relevant records and documents were submitted to
DOSTMIMAROPA’s financial performance and the PAB Final Evaluation Process for review and
management vis-à-vis COA rules and regulations recommendation. The laboratory, however, is in the
through the number of Audit Observation period of transitioning to ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Fig.
Memorandum (AOM) addressed. AOMs are 7.4a-4 illustrates the percentage of non-conformities
issued by the COA at the end of each year. For addressed by the RSTL.
each AOM issued, DOST-MIMAROPA ensures
that it is addressed. As of December 31, 2019, 7.4a(4) Ethics. DOST-MIMAROPA has only one
AOMs issued by COA for the year 2015-2017 (1) incidence of violation against ethical behaviors
were all addressed. In a way, the input provided through the years, implying high ethical and moral
by COA also contributed to the improvement standards of the SLs and entire workforce. DOST-
of DOST-MIMAROPA’s processes and ways of MIMAROPA ensures that integrity is exuded in all
doing business – particularly on its technology its organizational activities. DOST-MIMAROPA
transfer activities and financial operations. personnel are oriented on the Code of Conduct
Fig. 7.4a-3 Percentage of COA findings addressed
and Ethics of DOST Personnel. Committees on
Grievance and on Decorum and Investigation
100% have been created to respond to breaches of ethical
behavior. Immediate settlement of grievance at
80% the lowest possible level is encouraged.

60% 7.4a(5) Societal Responsibilities

DOST-MIMAROPA had emphasized making
meaningful results and impacts to ensure that
science, technology, and innovation contribute to
solving societal problems. Programs that directly
0% bear on helping address long-standing social
2015 2016 2017 2018 problems such as disaster risk, malnutrition,
COA Target Accomplishment poverty, lack of access to clean and potable

Fig. 7.4a-5 Number of Communities Assisted As part of DOST-MIMAROPA Quality
8 Management System, the Office’s HRDP adopts
7 Competency Assessment Process which is used
by mid-level management and unit supervisors
6 in determining employee competency levels,
5 establishing performance standards for specific
posts, and evaluating employee performance. It is
4 a guide for developing position-specific attributes
3 3
3 and must be customized for individual positions and
2 DOST-MIMAROPA personnel’s competencies
were evaluated based on QMS protocols. The
1 current skill level of the core, technical, and
leadership abilities of each staff is evaluated and
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 compared to the degree of importance to work of
each competency. The level of gap of the current
water, access to education through ICT, waste skill level as against the degree of importance to
water pollution, and lack of access to livelihood work is identified. For each competency with a
opportunities have been implemented through gap, specific interventions are provided.
the Community Empowerment through Science
Fig. 7.4b-1 Overall Performance Commitment Rating
and Technology (CEST). The number of CEST
projects implemented in the region has continually Outstanding
increased since 2015 as shown in Fig. 7.4a-5.
DOST-MIMAROPA has assisted a total of 13
communities in the five provinces of the region
which demonstrates its commitment in uplifting
the lives in the countryside. Very Satisfactory

7.4b Strategy Implementation Results. Based

on the Strategic Plan of DOST-MIMAROPA
under Learning and Growth Perspective,
the three strategic objectives in relation to Satisfactory
HRDP are to continue empowering workforce,
strengthen harmonious work environment
and maintain an “Innovation, Excellence in
Leadership, Commitment, Integrity, Teamwork,
and Empowerment” (i-EXCITE) Culture. The Unsatisfactory
competency of all staff is evaluated according to
these strategic functions based on QMS protocols,
and a Training Plan was prepared accordingly.
The core interventions for staff development
aligned from the above strategies in the Training
Plan were on Continual Improvement/Quality 2017 2018 2019
Management Systems (QMS), Risk Management
Awareness, Supervisory Development Program, For the past three years, DOST-MIMAROPA
Productivity Improvement for Public Managers has acquired a very satisfactory (VS) equivalent
Course, Organizational Development, and rating in its Office Performance Commitment
Project Management and Monitoring Courses. Rating (OPCR). This result manifests that all the
Aside from these regular seminars and trainings organization’s PPAs were implemented with the
attended by the staff, participation in conferences highest level of quality, efficiency, and timeliness,
and forums related to the aforementioned are consistent with DOST-MIMAROPA’s vision to be
also encouraged like the Innovative and Creative the standard of performance excellence and well-
Problem-Solving Forum, Conference on Inclusive esteemed prime mover of science, technology and
Filipinovation, and International Conference on innovation for inclusive growth in the region.
Public Sector Productivity.

7.5 Financial and Market Results As shown in Fig. 7.5a-1, DOST-MIMAROPA has
a very high rate of funds utilization, signifying
7.5a Financial and Market Results
the effectiveness of activities and the high rate of
7.5a(1) Budgetary and Financial Performance productivity. High fund utilization demonstrates
Fig. 7.5a-1 Percentage Utilization of Budget effective STI governance, leading the organization
99.79% 99.43% 99.91% 99.90% to become a dynamic prime mover of STI solutions
100% for inclusive regional development.
As shown in Fig. 7.5a-2, the trend of the budget
allotment is favorably increasing over the years
(2015-2019). The result shows that DOST-
80% MIMAROPA has been consistently exerting efforts
geared towards maximum social and economic
benefits for the people.
DOST-MIMAROPA funded more than P315
60% million worth of projects, amount per year is
shown in Fig. 7.5a-3 and Fig. 7.5a-4. The result
provides significant amount of assistance from
2015-2019. This shows that DOST-MIMAROPA
40% puts its premium on improving the lives of people
in the countryside through the enhancement of the
productivity of the communities and production
sector as evidenced by the increasing budget
20% allocation for DOST-MIMAROPA per annual
national expenditures program.
7.5a(2) Market Performance. Currently the
0% market segment for DOST-MIMAROPA products
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Fig. 7.5a-2 Allotment obligated against allotment received (in ’000,000)


156.8 156.8

131.5 130.2

107.7 107.6
99.8 99.2
75.9 75.7


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Allotment Received Total (in ’000,000 Pesos) Allotment Obligated Total (in ’000,000 Pesos)

Fig. 7.5a-3. Amount of Assistance under SETUP (in ’000,000) Fig. 7.5a-4. Amount of Assistance under GIA (’000,000)
60M 50M
55.5 46.2


35.1 30M

29.9 30.2

20M 15.0


0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

include MSMEs/CBEs, LGUs, researchers and includes students in grade 12, while that for DRR,
professionals and state universities and colleges. livelihood and CEST include local government
The segment for productivity enhancement units and community-based organizations. For
products (SETUP, CBE enhancement, training and testing and calibration services, the market
consultancy) include startup MSMEs, registered segments include local government units, resorts,
MSMEs, and community-based organizations hotel and restaurant owners, students, researchers
as reflected in Fig. P1-5 in the Organizational in the SUCs, water refilling stations, and fuel
Context section. The segment for scholarship haulers and distributors.
Fig. 7.5a-5 RSTL Rendered Services Summary

No. of Services Rendered 1960
No. of Customers Served

1500 No. of Firms Served


500 480
126 159
59 101 111
36 79 48 48
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Fig. 7.5a-5 illustrates an increasing movement in Oriental Mindoro has the largest share in the
the number of customers served and expanding total number of DOST Scholarship applicants in
market reach for the laboratory. MIMAROPA in 2019. The results show DOST-
Fig. 7.5a-6 Distribution of SETUP-assisted clients MIMAROPA’s efforts in developing competitive
per priority sector human resources in the region.
In 2015, DOST-MIMAROPA was able to
include as one of its milestones, of at least one
13% 17% deserving Filipino student in each municipality
(except of Pag-asa islands in Palawan) regardless
of economic status as S&T scholar who would
10% become part of the country’s S&T workforce.
DOST-MIMAROPA has been exerting efforts
to disseminate the information through S&T
39% scholarship campaigns and on-site processing
of application forms to provide scholarship
21% opportunities to poor but deserving students who
are in the far-flung areas.

Agriculture GDH

Processed Food Metals & Engineering

Others (Furniture, Health & Wellness, ICT)

As shown in Fig. 7.5a-6, the MSMEs served by

DOST-MIMAROPA were sustainably distributed
among the priority sectors under the program.
MSMEs from different priority sectors are given
equal opportunities to enhance their productivity
through S&T, and improve their overall business
operations and competitiveness.
Fig. 7.5a-7 DOST Scholarship Applicants
per province in 2019


17% 32%


Occidental Mindoro Oriental Mindoro

Marinduque Romblon Palawan


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