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CBSE Question Paper

Subject General Knowledge Term 2

Duration Maximum Marks Marks Scored
Name of the Student:
Class and Section 1 Enrol No: Date:

I.Choose the correct answer 5x1=5

1. When we are ill, the doctor gives us small round medicines called. _________________

a) Injection b) Thermometer c) Syrup

2. When we are very ill, the doctor uses a syringe with a needle and gives us


a) Cotton b) Injection c) Tablets

3. An ant has_______________________ legs.

a) Six b) Eight c) Eleven

4. While the hare was taking a nap, the_____________________ slowly walked towards the

finish line.

a) Tortoise b) Crocodile c) Wolf

5. The ugly duckling turned into a beautiful. ___________________

a) swan b) Slippers c) Tortoise

II.Fill in the Blanks 5x1=5

1. When we are down with fever, the doctor checks our temperature with a
2. There are ____________________players in a football team.

3. There are ________________________ months in a year.

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4. The monkey told the ______________________ that he had left his heart in the tree.
5. The fairy godmother gave Cinderella a pair of shining glass ._________________.
6. Snow White lived with ________________ dwarfs.
7. The Pandavas were _____________ brothers.
8. There are___________________ players in a football team.
9. There are ______________________ months in a year.
10. A human being has _________ eyes.

11. An ant has __________legs

III. Write the names of these musical instruments 3x1=3

1._______________________ 2._________________________ 3. ________________________


IV. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks using the 3x1=3

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Use the Picture to identify and match Animals and their Babies 4x1=4

- Joey

- Cub


- Kid -

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Write the names of these fruits using the help box given below 4x1=4

Write the names of these parts of a plant and then colour them. 3x1=3

___________________ _____________________ _____________________

______________ __________________ ___________________

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Match the object to the rhymes 3x1=3

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