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4/17/24, 3:28 PM Admission Brochure

TOP D ow nl oa d 日本語 E ng l i s h 中文简体 Ti ế ng V i ệt Indones i a

Fu ku o ka as
Fasc in at io n Adm issio n Sc h e du le o f Pe r iph e r al C o n t ac t
a C it y o f
o f Saku r a Br o c h u r e C am pu s En vir o n m e n t o f us
In t e r n at io n al
C am pu s
T o u r ism

Applic at io n pr o c e du r e s Re c r u it - m ajo r Qu alific at io n r e qu ir e m e n t s Applic at io n m e t h o d Sc r e e n in g m e t h o d

Applic at io n m at e r ials Expe n se t o e n t e r t h e sc h o o l T r an sfe r m e t h o d Re war ds st u de n t s syst e m Do r m it o r y Gu ide lin e

Application procedures

The finally graduate Local interview Inspection of the

degree certificate Written examination and immigration bureau。
Selection fee ¥20,000 examining the materials Result published

Pay an entrance Send the admission To the Japanese

Immigration to Japan
fee. Tuition and and the resident consulate for vise
Entrance ceremony 1/7
4/17/24, 3:28 PM Admission Brochure
other expenses qualification application


Japanese language department Entrance month Course peroid Application deadline

Preparatory Course A April 2 years By the end of October

Preparatory Course B July 1year and 9months By the end of January

Preparatory Course C October 1year and 6 months By the end of April

Preparatory Course D January 1year and 3months By the end of July

Preparatory Course E April 1year By the end of October

Qualification requirements

1 Over 18years old, have already completed 12 years of schooling

Must have the ability equal to Japanese level 5 or F grade Japanese language proficiency test.
(learning period more than 150 hours)

High school graduates must be under 23 years old, junior college graduates must be under 25 and university graduates must be under 30.( graduate within 3

4 Applicants must be able to pay tuition fees and living costs during their stay in Japan. 2/7
4/17/24, 3:28 PM Admission Brochure

5 Applicants must be physically and mentally sound, and ready to comply with Japanese laws.

Application method

2-17-12 Misaki Shingu-machi Kasuyagun Fukuoka-ken Japan 〒811-0121

Application is required to be sent to
Address to: Sakura Nihongo gakuin
below mentioned address .
TEL:+81-92-940-6877 FAX:+81-92-940-6872

Screening method

1 1. Screening by school records

2 2. Records of written examination and interview

We will screen comprehensively by above mentioned 2 points.

Application materials

Application form and Personal history Our prescribed format

Purpose of study and G uarantee letter for Payment

Our prescribed format
(Japanese translation) 3/7
4/17/24, 3:28 PM Admission Brochure

Certificate of Japanese language study(Japanese Must have the ability equal to Japanese level 5 or F grade Japanese language proficiency test.
translation) (learning period more than 150 hours)

Original graduation certificate from the school last

attended( Japanese translation)

Employment andincome certificates of the financial In-service certificate issued by the responsible person showing company’sname, address and
supporter(Japanese translation) tel. number with seal and sign must be submitted. Incomecertificate for 3 years is needed

Relationship certificate between the applicant and

the financial supporter Certificate must be attached.
( Japanese translation).

Balance certificate(Japanese translation) 150000~200000yuan

Employment or student certificate. Those who are working now must submit employment certificate and studentsmust submit
(Japanese translation) student certificate

Enter school at the age of 8 or under 6 Approved certificate of school

Resident card's copy Family application material is consistent, including notes、education、occupation and other
(Japanese translation) materials

Within 3 months
Photographs(10 copies)
Size 4cm?3cm

*It is necessary for the passport holder to hand in a copy of the passport.
*The administration has required additional information

Expense to enter the school

Expense for entrant selection

It is necessary for the applicant that passed the screening of the academy to transfer before the academy hand in the data to the immigration bureau. 4/7
4/17/24, 3:28 PM Admission Brochure

Selection Fee ¥30,000

Expense to enter the school

It is necessary for the applicant that passed the screening of the academy to transfer before the academy hand in the data to the immigration bureau.

Entrance fee ¥80,000

Tuition Fee ¥600,000

Total ¥680,000

Miscellaneous expenses

Facility Fee ¥30,000

Health Check up fee ¥10,000

Materials Fee ¥54,000

Total ¥94,000

Transfer method


Name of the bank Number of the branch SINGU-BRANCH

Number of the branch 455 Address of the bank 1-22-13 Wajirogaoka Higashi-ku Fukuoka-shi Japan

Account number of the

holder 5/7
4/17/24, 3:28 PM Admission Brochure

Educational Corporation Tsuruishi

2-17-12 Misaki Shingu-machi Kasuyagun Fukuoka-
Name of the holder Address of the school ken Japan
Sakura Japanese language

Telephone number 81-92-940-6877 FAX:81-92-940-6872

Scholarship system and tuition fee reduction or exemption system

A reduction or exemption system is established for excellent students based on their academic results at their previously
Reduction or exemption attended schools, interviews, etc.
system A. Special honor students: the full amount of tuition fees for the first grade are reduced or exempted.
B. General honor students: half of the tuition fees for the first grade are reduced or exempted.

A scholarship system is established for the students with outstanding academic results obtained after they come to Japan to take
our examination.
A.?Company scholarship: 360,000 yen a year / B.?Private scholarship: 240,000 yen a year /
Scholarship system C. Our own scholarship: 240,000 yen a year
A scholarship system is established for students who go on to other schools.
A. A. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology scholarship: 600,000 yen a year ※Note that students
cannot combine the reduction or exemption system with the scholarship system.

Our own scholarship Reward for perfect attendance, reward for contribution to our school, reward for contribution to society, reward for effort, and
system special reward

Dormitory guide

Dormitory conditions Live in one house for 2?4 student with complete living facilities (air-conditioning, bathroom , kitchen) 6/7
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The term accommodation Six month extend with extended application procedures, for learning period.

・Intrance Fee(key money):¥50,000

・Fire Insurance,Key Exchange,Cleaning,Etc:¥35,000
The accommodation fees
・Dormitory fee:¥18,000
※Gas,Water,Electronic you have to pay in Japan

Copyright © 2014- Sakura Japanese Academy All Rights Reserved.

Educational Corporation Tsuruishi Gakuen
Sakura Japanese Language Academy.
The school authorized by Association
for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education

Postal Code: 811-0121

17-12, 2-Chome, Misaki, Shingu-Cho, Kasuya-Gun,
Fukuoka City,Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan.

Japan :
TEL 092-940-6877
FAX 092-940-6872

Student Recruitment Staff :

American Consulate China Consulate Vietnamese Embassy Indonesia Embassy 7/7

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