Soal If Clause

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Fill in the correct form of the verb. Use the type given at the end of the sentence!

1. If he _______ (eat) everything he _______ (be) ill. (3)

2. The police _______ (arrest) him if they _______ (catch) him. (1)

3. What _______ (happen) if my parachute _______ (not open)? (1)

4. I _______ (be) angry if he _______ (make) more mistakes. (2)

5. If he _______ (be) late we _______ (go) without him. (3)

6. If I _______ (lend) you 10 pounds, _______ (you, give) it back to me? (1)

7. If you _______ (not like) this one, I _______ (bring) you another one. (1)

8. If I _______ (know) that I _______ (visit) you. (3)

9. I _______ (not drink) that wine if I _______ (be) you. (2)

10. If we _______ (have) more rain our crops _______ (grow) faster. (3)

11. If you _______ (paint) the walls white the room _______ (be) much brighter. (1)

12. I _______ (can repair) the roof myself if I _______ (have) a ladder. (3)

13. You _______ (not have) so many accidents if you _______ (drive) more slowly.(2)

14. What _______ (you, do) if you _______ (hear) the alarm? (2)

15. If you _______ (go) to Paris where _______ (you stay)? (1)

16. I _______ (bring) you something to drink if you _______ (tell) me. (3)

17. If anyone _______ (attack) me, my dog _______ (jump) at him. (3)

18. If everybody _______ (give) me 3 pounds we _______ (have) enough. (1)

19. This _______ ( not happen)if you _______ (be)more careful. (3)

20. We _______ (invite) him if he _______ (be)at home. (2)

21. I _______ (put)some money into the bank if I _______ (have) some left. (2)

22. I _______ (offer) them coffee and cake as soon as they_______ (come) over. (1)

23. If you _______ (ring) the bell someone _______ (surely answer) it. (1)

24. If you _______ (give)me the letter I _______ (post) it for you. (3)

25. If the professor _______ (speak) clearly we _______ (understand) him better. (2)

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