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(Logo of the local government)


(Insert title of the project)

In the name of (name of the local government), and in the name of the function I perform, with this letter I wish
to confirm the interest of our local government to support (name of CSO) in the implementation of the “title of
the project” project for the period from Date to Date.

Hereby, (name of the local government) undertakes to, if above mentioned project is selected, to support its
activities implemented on the territory of our local government, throughout above indicated period of

Thus, we are committed to support implementation of this project through:

 indicate the precise support and roles of the local government (it is not envisaged as financial support
but the role of municipality in the project activities)
 …….
 …….

The support and involvement in the project will be provided without requests for any financial or other
compensations. We are willing to support implementation of the activities, on the territory of our local
government, solely for the benefit of beneficiaries.

We are committed to support this project and its activities as it will contribute to strengthening of democracy
and to further support beneficiaries and their needs. This project supports development of stronger partnerships
and cooperation with youth, that will also support future improvement the quality of life for youth and citizens
from our local community.

(name of the local government) ________________________

Signature of authorized person ________________________


Date and place _____/_____/2023, in ____________________

(stamp of municipality)

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