What Is Biopsychology

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What Is Biopsychology ?

Biopsychology is a science that studies the human behavior mechanism both in forming
and development aspect as well as correlation with physiological mechanisms. The correlation
between Biology and Psychology not detached out of the components : Brain, neuron system,
and physiology. Other name from biopsychology is “Behavior Neuroscience” because it
emphasize the biology approach in understanding psychology. The behavior is reaction system
and response to stimulus from the environment that dynamic.

The Division Of Biopsychology

1. Psychophysiology
Psychophysiology is an interdisciplinary science that elucidate the relations
between the body and the mind. It’s the study of relation between resulting physiology
activity responses and psychological manipulations process that produced in the
organism. Every single change that occurs in psychological will be accompanied by a
change in mental state. That’s occur either by conscious or mostly unconscious
Physiological activities are recorded from the body surface, for example to
record brain activity could be using EEG (Electroencephalogram). Otherwise, other
indicators such as muscle tension, eye movement and multiple indicators of autonomic
nerve activity (heart rate, blood pressure, etc.) are used in physiological measurements.
The relation is bidirectional and dynamic, dynamic here means every change in
one process, there is change in another. One the definitely things the physiology and
the psychology are always striving for balance. In scientific terms, we refer to this as
homeostasis. Homeostasis is the body’s means for maintaining a stable mind and body.

2. Neuroscience Cognitive
Neuroscience cognitive is the study that examines methods of cognitive
processing and behavior that relates brain function such as nervous system. It seeks to
localize areas of the brain that control specific abilities or self-behaviors according to
their cognitive functions. Consequently this study focus on brain and nervous system
that relation with the brain function. The brain cognition is located in the cerebral cortex
that forms the outer layer of the two brain members, which is the right brain
hemisphere and the left brain hemisphere. One of the methods of studying the human
brain is
 Study Post Modern
Study post modern is the observation human behavior that explain the sign of the brain
damage and documenting in case study. Be continued with examine the brain to find
the lesion occurs ( the area of the brain that happened the damage) and get the
correlation result between the type of behavior and the anomaly that occur in brain.

Neurosains Kognitif adalah ilmu yang mengkaji metode terjadinya pemrosesan kognitif dan
prilaku yang menhubungkan fungsi otak dan aspek-aspek lain seperti system saraf. Ilmu ini
berupaya untuk melokalisir bagian-bagian otak yang mengontrol kemampuan-kemampuan atau
prilaku-prilaku spesifik sesuai dengan fungsinya dalam kognisi.Oleh karena itu fokus ilmu ini
adalah otak dan sistem saraf yang berkaitan dengan fungsi otak. kognisi otak terletak pada
anggota korteks otak akbar yang membentuk lapisan terluar dari dua anggota otak, adalah
hemisfer otak kanan dan hemisfer otak kiri. Salah satu metode dalam mempelajari otak
manusia adalah
Neuroscience cognitive is the study that examines methods of cognitive processing and
behavior that relates brain function such as nervous system. It seeks to localize areas of the
brain that control specific abilities or self-behaviors according to their cognitive functions.
Consequently this study focus on brain and nervous system that relation with the brain
function. The brain cognition is located in the cerebral cortex that forms the outer layer of the
two brain members, which is the right brain hemisphere and the left brain hemisphere.
Studi Post Modern
Penelitian yang mempelajari perilaku manusia yang menunjukkan tanda-tanda kerusakan otak
dan mendokumentasikan perilaku pasien dalam studi kasus sebelum pasien meninggal. setelah
pasien meninggal dilanjut dengan menguji otak pasien untuk menari lokasi terjadinya lesi (area-
area jaringan tubuh yang mengalami kerusakan seperti karena luka benturan atau penyakit).
kemudian mengambil kesimpulan hubungan antara tipe perilaku yang diamati dengan anomaly
yang terdapat di lokasi tertentu pada otak.
Study post modern is the observation human behavior that explain the sign of the brain
damage and documenting in case study. Be continued with examine the brain to find the lesion
occurs ( the area of the brain that happened the damage) and get the correlation result
between the type of behavior and the anomaly that occur in brain.

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