Urinary Tract and Kidney - Nathan Garcia

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Urinary Tract:

Kidneys - The kidneys are what filters your blood in your body by removing waste, then
returning it back to the body.

Urinary Bladder - hollow shaped organ which holds your urine. Muscles within the
bladder contract allowing pee to flow through the urethra out the body.

Ureters - The Ureters is what connects the kidneys to the bladder.

Urethra - The urethra is the tube which urine leaves the body through.

Kidney Structure:

Ureter - The ureter connects the kidney to the bladder

Renal Artery - The renal arteries carry unfiltered blood from the heart to the kidneys.

Renal Vein - The renal veins carry filtered blood from the kidneys throughout the body.

Renal Pelvis - the renal pelvis leads to the ureter on the outside of the kidney.

Renal Column - The Renal Columns are medullary extensions of the renal cortex which
extends between the renal pyramids towards the renal sinuses.

Renal Medulla - The renal medulla is the inner part of the kidney which helps regulate
the concentration of urine by filtering out waters, salts and acids.

Renal Cortex - The renal cortex is the outer layer of the kidney which helps protect the
vital components of how the kidney functions.

Major Calyx - The major Calyx is located in the renal sinus which receives urine from
opening of the papillary ducts

Minor Calyx - The minor calyx are described as small chambers which urine passes

Renal Capsule - the renal capsule is a thin membranous sheath which covers the outer
surface of the kidneys.

Renal Pyramid - the renal pyramid’s primary function is to maintain the proper balance
of salt and water in the blood.
Hilum of Kidney - a bean shaped indentation on the kidney called the hilum.

Renal Corpuscle - The renal corpuscle is the initial blood filtering component of the
kidney where the blood initially flows through.

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