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Country N Country CoSeries NamSeries Cod 1990 [YR191991 [YR191992 [YR191993 [YR191994 [YR191995 [YR19

Uruguay URY Central go GC.DOD.TO31.59596 24.59058 23.60478 21.87914 24.53019 ..

Uruguay URY GDP growth NY.GDP.MK0.297348 3.538809 7.931588 2.657546 7.281343 -1.447599
Uruguay URY Inflation, FP.CPI.TOT 112.5259 101.9717 68.45919 54.10079 44.73604 42.24832
Uruguay URY Current ac BN.CAB.XO 1.999073 0.37863 -0.068178 -1.625035 -2.508214 -1.10117

Data from database: World Development Indicators

Last Updated: 12/18/2023
1996 [YR191997 [YR191998 [YR191999 [YR192000 [YR202001 [YR202002 [YR202003 [YR202004 [YR202005 [YR20
.. .. .. .. .. 40.64333 95.26786 105.6028 85.42559 76.11446
5.577958 8.547683 4.51889 -1.520946 -1.929931 -3.84413 -7.732007 0.805284 5.00416 7.460132
28.34205 19.81881 10.81107 5.658688 4.763825 4.359341 13.97247 19.37973 9.157605 4.699277
-1.137679 -1.199012 -1.873088 -2.116416 -2.481339 -2.381138 2.807103 -0.724417 0.022831 0.243497
2006 [YR202007 [YR202008 [YR202009 [YR202010 [YR202011 [YR202012 [YR202013 [YR202014 [YR202015 [YR20
68.4607 57.55998 55.86658 47.6955 42.46664 43.20742 41.02823 40.08849 41.285 47.27656
4.098577 6.541511 7.176145 4.243494 7.80341 5.162133 3.538179 4.637539 3.238791 0.370741
6.39765 8.114646 7.877074 7.062219 6.698709 8.092832 8.097766 8.575135 8.877353 8.66627
-1.985069 -0.926356 -5.555951 -1.165714 -1.742157 -2.611329 -3.755057 -3.287209 -2.989425 -0.255015
2016 [YR202017 [YR202018 [YR202019 [YR202020 [YR2020]
46.45847 45.07439 47.44422 50.27181 60.28037
1.689798 1.740376 0.156 0.744432 -6.262977
9.639413 6.218094 7.606534 7.881989 9.756406
0.825062 0.011326 -0.456808 1.240837 -0.810948
Code License Type
Indicator Name
Central government debt, total (% of GDP)
GDP growth (annual %)
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)
Current account balance (% of GDP)
Long definition
Debt is the entire stock of direct government fixed-term contract
Annual percentage growth rate of GDP at market prices based on
Inflation as measured by the consumer price index reflects the
Current account balance is the sum of net exports of goods and
International Monetary Fund, Government Finance Statistics Y
World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts
International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics a
International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments Statistics Y
Public Sector: Government finance: Deficit & financing
Economic Policy & Debt: National accounts: Growth rates
Financial Sector: Exchange rates & prices
Economic Policy & Debt: Balance of payments: Current account
Aggregation method
Weighted average
Weighted average
Statistical concept and methodology
Government finance statistics are reported in local currency. Many countries report government finance data by fiscal year; se
Growth rates of GDP and its components are calculated using the least squares method and constant price data in the local cu
Development relevance
currency. Many countries report government finance data by fiscal year; see country metadata for information on fiscal year end by count
An economy's growth is measured by the change in the volume of
Limitations and exceptions
Data on government revenue and expense are collected by the IMF through questionnaires to member countries and by the O
To obtain comparable series of constant price data for computing aggregates, the World Bank rescales GDP and value added b
General comments
ected by the IMF through questionnaires to member countries and by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEC
for computing aggregates, the World Bank rescales GDP and value added by industrial origin to a common reference year. Because rescali

Note: Data are based on the sixth edition of the IMF's Balanc
License URL
Data from database: World Development Indicators
Last Updated: 12/18/2023

Country Name
Country Code
Series NamCentral government debt, total (% of GDP) GDP growth (annual %)
1990 31.5959630364015 0.297348378681562
1991 24.5905757591412 3.53880850451309
1992 23.6047773194107 7.93158841395443
1993 21.8791430371302 2.65754610698545
1994 24.5301880718095 7.28134264410127
1995 0 -1.44759896894408
1996 0 5.57795776385868
1997 0 8.54768320111596
1998 0 4.51889009679091
1999 0 -1.52094591992037
2000 0 -1.92993063549235
2001 40.6433348596506 -3.84412995940374
2002 95.2678607204109 -7.73200721540044
2003 105.602780852245 0.805283915893824
2004 85.425594123742 5.00416035564457
2005 76.1144597080025 7.4601321302473
2006 68.4607045920176 4.09857735445401
2007 57.5599818770038 6.54151084504817
2008 55.8665794658295 7.17614466455107
2009 47.6955014411912 4.24349419462426
2010 42.4666388141691 7.8034096507169
2011 43.2074168775786 5.16213302463606
2012 41.0282347488741 3.53817872056869
2013 40.0884943756463 4.63753862902416
2014 41.2850007406183 3.23879122952364
2015 47.2765585126953 0.370741257681345
2016 46.4584668709828 1.68979815933486
2017 45.0743852139174 1.74037649262446
2018 47.4442169065287 0.156000001137912
2019 50.2718107442275 0.744431644977667
2020 60.2803733247877 -6.26297681887324
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %) Current account balance (% of GDP)
112.525905573023 1.99907346180948
101.971683202507 0.37863047604701
68.4591938395374 -0.0681775008401581
54.1007924425194 -1.62503515644754
44.7360421521933 -2.50821351284002
42.2483197983755 -1.10116960243742
28.3420486004309 -1.1376787138155
19.8188093183779 -1.19901179230843
10.8110703055616 -1.87308798948415
5.65868803927908 -2.11641577716128
4.76382472733251 -2.48133850696421
4.3593406521727 -2.38113794693639
13.9724725913515 2.80710265957685
19.3797301743995 -0.724417111042173
9.15760507540997 0.0228310712848396
4.6992773903564 0.243497121353953
6.39764974385131 -1.98506902354451
8.11464561179313 -0.926356077597875
7.87707374730888 -5.55595054569104
7.06221874388574 -1.16571403141018
6.69870886978132 -1.7421567938392
8.0928320630299 -2.61132861090732
8.09776580573602 -3.7550569524485
8.57513504005397 -3.28720935568054
8.87735333229828 -2.98942522248202
8.66626987079328 -0.255015059040964
9.6394134763508 0.825062136529168
6.2180938256186 0.0113261668107773
7.60653360377047 -0.456808257105886
7.88198870879619 1.24083703634515
9.75640636078194 -0.810948011799441
Column 1 N MIN MAX
Central government debt, total (% of GDP) 31 0 105.602780852245
GDP growth (annual %) 31 -7.7320072154 8.54768320111596
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %) 31 4.3593406522 112.525905573023
Current account balance (% of GDP) 31 -5.5559505457 2.80710265957685
40.765130387 28.043941271311 786.46264203 0.2893498139 -0.0433644716
2.6459444472 4.13997177386834 17.139366288 -0.7324974424 0.1894033401
21.4376417 27.8361829722874 774.85308247 2.2796123616 4.6966199168
-1.1363987556 1.72376693928957 2.971372461 -0.0584299667 0.7218734041
Data from database: World Development Indicators
Last Updated: 12/18/2023

Country Name
Country Code
Series NamCentral government debt, total (% of GDP) GDP growth (annual %)
1990 31.5959630364015 0.297348378681562
1991 24.5905757591412 3.53880850451309
1992 23.6047773194107 7.93158841395443
1993 21.8791430371302 2.65754610698545
1994 24.5301880718095 7.28134264410127
1995 0 -1.44759896894408
1996 0 5.57795776385868
1997 0 8.54768320111596
1998 0 4.51889009679091
1999 0 -1.52094591992037
2000 0 -1.92993063549235
2001 40.6433348596506 -3.84412995940374
2002 95.2678607204109 -7.73200721540044
2003 105.602780852245 0.805283915893824
2004 85.425594123742 5.00416035564457
2005 76.1144597080025 7.4601321302473
2006 68.4607045920176 4.09857735445401
2007 57.5599818770038 6.54151084504817
2008 55.8665794658295 7.17614466455107
2009 47.6955014411912 4.24349419462426
2010 42.4666388141691 7.8034096507169
2011 43.2074168775786 5.16213302463606
2012 41.0282347488741 3.53817872056869
2013 40.0884943756463 4.63753862902416
2014 41.2850007406183 3.23879122952364
2015 47.2765585126953 0.370741257681345
2016 46.4584668709828 1.68979815933486
2017 45.0743852139174 1.74037649262446
2018 47.4442169065287 0.156000001137912
2019 50.2718107442275 0.744431644977667
2020 60.2803733247877 -6.26297681887324
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %) Current account balance (% of GDP)
112.525905573023 1.99907346180948
101.971683202507 0.37863047604701
68.4591938395374 -0.0681775008401581
54.1007924425194 -1.62503515644754
44.7360421521933 -2.50821351284002
42.2483197983755 -1.10116960243742
28.3420486004309 -1.1376787138155
19.8188093183779 -1.19901179230843
10.8110703055616 -1.87308798948415
5.65868803927908 -2.11641577716128
4.76382472733251 -2.48133850696421
4.3593406521727 -2.38113794693639
13.9724725913515 2.80710265957685
19.3797301743995 -0.724417111042173
9.15760507540997 0.0228310712848396
4.6992773903564 0.243497121353953
6.39764974385131 -1.98506902354451
8.11464561179313 -0.926356077597875
7.87707374730888 -5.55595054569104
7.06221874388574 -1.16571403141018
6.69870886978132 -1.7421567938392
8.0928320630299 -2.61132861090732
8.09776580573602 -3.7550569524485
8.57513504005397 -3.28720935568054
8.87735333229828 -2.98942522248202
8.66626987079328 -0.255015059040964
9.6394134763508 0.825062136529168
6.2180938256186 0.0113261668107773
7.60653360377047 -0.456808257105886
7.88198870879619 1.24083703634515
9.75640636078194 -0.810948011799441
Central government debt, total (% of GDP)
Central government debt, total (% of GDP) 1
GDP growth (annual %) -0.147694561727534
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %) -0.281595334826778
Current account balance (% of GDP) 0.270181303914282
GDP growth (annual %) Inflation, consumer prices (annual %) Current account balance (% of GDP)

0.0725417991607996 1
-0.334841299758601 0.345687809007744 1
Data from database: World Development Indicators
Last Updated: 12/18/2023

Country Name
Country Code
Series NamCentral government debt, total (% of GDP) GDP growth (annual %)
1990 31.5959630364015 0.297348378681562
1991 24.5905757591412 3.53880850451309
1992 23.6047773194107 7.93158841395443
1993 21.8791430371302 2.65754610698545
1994 24.5301880718095 7.28134264410127
1995 0 -1.44759896894408
1996 0 5.57795776385868
1997 0 8.54768320111596
1998 0 4.51889009679091
1999 0 -1.52094591992037
2000 0 -1.92993063549235
2001 40.6433348596506 -3.84412995940374
2002 95.2678607204109 -7.73200721540044
2003 105.602780852245 0.805283915893824
2004 85.425594123742 5.00416035564457
2005 76.1144597080025 7.4601321302473
2006 68.4607045920176 4.09857735445401
2007 57.5599818770038 6.54151084504817
2008 55.8665794658295 7.17614466455107
2009 47.6955014411912 4.24349419462426
2010 42.4666388141691 7.8034096507169
2011 43.2074168775786 5.16213302463606
2012 41.0282347488741 3.53817872056869
2013 40.0884943756463 4.63753862902416
2014 41.2850007406183 3.23879122952364
2015 47.2765585126953 0.370741257681345
2016 46.4584668709828 1.68979815933486
2017 45.0743852139174 1.74037649262446
2018 47.4442169065287 0.156000001137912
2019 50.2718107442275 0.744431644977667
2020 60.2803733247877 -6.26297681887324
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %) Current account balance (% of GDP)
112.525905573023 1.99907346180948
101.971683202507 0.37863047604701
68.4591938395374 -0.0681775008401581
54.1007924425194 -1.62503515644754
44.7360421521933 -2.50821351284002
42.2483197983755 -1.10116960243742
28.3420486004309 -1.1376787138155
19.8188093183779 -1.19901179230843
10.8110703055616 -1.87308798948415
5.65868803927908 -2.11641577716128
4.76382472733251 -2.48133850696421
4.3593406521727 -2.38113794693639
13.9724725913515 2.80710265957685
19.3797301743995 -0.724417111042173
9.15760507540997 0.0228310712848396
4.6992773903564 0.243497121353953
6.39764974385131 -1.98506902354451
8.11464561179313 -0.926356077597875
7.87707374730888 -5.55595054569104
7.06221874388574 -1.16571403141018
6.69870886978132 -1.7421567938392
8.0928320630299 -2.61132861090732
8.09776580573602 -3.7550569524485
8.57513504005397 -3.28720935568054
8.87735333229828 -2.98942522248202
8.66626987079328 -0.255015059040964
9.6394134763508 0.825062136529168
6.2180938256186 0.0113261668107773
7.60653360377047 -0.456808257105886
7.88198870879619 1.24083703634515
9.75640636078194 -0.810948011799441

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.739789548580662
R Square 0.54728857618918
Adjusted R Square 0.477640664833669
Standard Error 6.57127879795225
Observations 31

df SS
Regression 4 1357.275668949
Residual 26 1122.724331051
Total 30 2480

Coefficients Standard Error

Intercept 2007.0745179086 3.408462962103
Central government debt, total (% of GDP) 0.0754331373149389 0.048859004639
GDP growth (annual %) -0.122195797875573 0.314897044434
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %) -0.209120824689294 0.051589573968
Current account balance (% of GDP) 0.301988171492192 0.872731627694


Observation Predicted Series Name Residuals

1 1986.49375217162 3.506247828383
2 1987.28697409663 3.713025903372
3 1993.54906167066 -1.54906167066
4 1996.59584561529 -3.59584561529
5 1997.92246863913 -3.92246863913
6 1998.0838647469 -3.0838647469
7 2000.1224368179 -4.1224368179
8 2001.52341381208 -4.52341381208
9 2003.69585817265 -5.69585817265
10 2005.43788906872 -6.43788906872
11 2005.56479748823 -5.56479748823
12 2008.97940428859 -7.97940428859
13 2013.131467127 -11.131467127
14 2010.67059411176 -7.67059411176
15 2010.99879990092 -6.99879990092
16 2010.99529008862 -5.99529008862
17 2009.80054555358 -3.80054555358
18 2008.64041282793 -1.64041282793
19 2007.08672304144 0.91327695856
20 2008.32491320254 0.675086797456
21 2007.39741556933 2.602584430669
22 2007.2220278878 3.777972112197
23 2006.90966155606 5.090338443936
24 2006.74589342261 6.254106577393
25 2007.03379785342 6.966202146584
26 2008.70612498114 6.293875018861
27 2008.60589649548 7.394103504522
28 2008.96504096331 8.034959036692
29 2008.90568622217 9.094313777827
30 2009.50214202147 9.497857978527
31 2010.10180058504 9.898199414962
MS F Significance F
339.318917237291 7.8579323563 0.00027224137

t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
588.850323510625 3.667718E-55 2000.06832195 2014.0807139 2000.0683219 2014.0807139
1.54389427030789 0.1346994489 -0.0249979851 0.1758642597 -0.0249979851 0.1758642597
-0.388049999310497 0.7011381019 -0.7694759429 0.5250843471 -0.7694759429 0.5250843471
-4.05354819984277 0.0004065237 -0.3151647127 -0.1030769367 -0.3151647127 -0.1030769367
0.346026386473552 0.7321073282 -1.4919373813 2.0959137243 -1.4919373813 2.0959137243

Standard Residuals

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