AIP 2025 of Barangay San Francisco

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FY 2025 Annual Investment Program (AIP)

By Program/Project/Activity by Sector


Municipality BULA

Schedule of Implementation Amount

Program/ Project/ Activity Implementing Funding

AIP Reference Code Expected Outputs Maintenance and
Descriptors Office /Unit Completion Source Personal Services
Start Date Other Operating Capital Outlay (CO) Total
Date (PS)
Expenses (MOOE)


Honorarium provided to 44
Provision of honorarium to
barangay officials and
barangay officials and BLGU Jan 2025 GF 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00
personnel ( 17 male,
Bonus/year-end of Barangay Bonus of 11 barangay officilas
BLGU May 2025 Nov 2025 GF 66,000.00 66,000.00
Officials (5 female,6 male)

Leave credit of 11 barangay Leave Credit of 11 barangay
BLGU Feb 2025 GF 150,000.00 150,000.00
officials officilas (5 female,6 male)
Training and Seminar to
Trained Barangay Officials and
Barangay Officials and BLGU Jan 2025 Dec. 2025 GF 200,000.00 200,000.00


BLGU Jan 2025 200,000.00 200,000.00

Travelling Expenses to Travelling Expenses Provided
Barangay Officials and to all Barangay Officials and
Personnel Dec-25 personnel GF
Professional Fees Fidelity Completion of the Payment of
Bond Jan-25 Jan-25 FEDILITY BOND GF 30,000.00 30,000.00
LIGA DUES BLGU Completion of the Payment of
Feb-25 Feb-25 LIGA DUES GF 15,000.00 15,000.00
1000-002-000-000 Policy Formulation and Updating
1000-002-001-000 Revision/Updating of Barangay BLGU Jan. 2025 Jan. 2025 public consultation conducted, GF 1,000.00 1,000.00
tax Ordinance apporved updated Barangay
tax Revenue

1000-002-001-001 Conduct of Public BLGU Jan. 2025 Feb. 2025 3 Public consultation GF 3,000.00 3,000.00
consultation and hearings conducted with at least 50%
attendance of barangay

1000-002-001-002 Coordination with Mines and BLGU Feb. 2025 Feb. 2025 Barangay Ordinance submiited GF 500.00 500.00
Geosciences Bureau for review

1000-002-001-003 Publication of Tax Ordinance BLGU Mar. 2025 Mar. 2025 Tax Ordiance published and GF 500.00 500.00
posted per zone

1000-003-000-000 Capacity Development Program

1000-003-001-000 Conduct of ERPAT Trainings BLGU, ERPAT Nov. 2025 Nov. 2025 ERPAT Trained GF 100,000.00 100,000.00

1000-003-002-000 Conduct Lakbay-aral Of BLGU Sep-25 Sep-25 Lakbay-Aral conducted GF 500,000.00 500,000.00
Sangguning Barangay

1000-003-003-000 LIGA Provincial Congress BLGU,LIGA, Mar-25 Mar-25 3 participants attended Liga GF 300,000.00 300,000.00
PGU Provincial Congress

1000-003-004-000 GAD Related Training BLGU Feb-25 Feb-25 9 Barangay Ofiicials and 3 GF (GAD) 22,796.60 22,796.60
Appointed Brgy. Officials
/personnel ( 6 female ,6
1000-004-000-001 Conduct training of volunteer BLGU Jun-25 Jun-25 3 days training of volunteer GF 300,000.00 300,000.00
cluster leader on BADAC cluster leader on BADAC

1000-004-000-002 IEC on Anti-drug Abuse BLGU, MHO, Aug. 2025 Aug. 2025 IEC on Anti-drug conducted GF 200,000.00 200,000.00

1000-005-000-001 Procurement of 1 unit BAC, BLGU Apr-25 Apr-25 1 unit photocopy machine and Outsource(PG 300,000.00 300,000.00
photocopy machine and 1 unit 1 unit printer purchased U)

1000-005-000-002 Procurement of 1 unit of BAC, BLGU Mar-25 Mar-25 1 unit of Laptop purchased GF 200,000.00 200,000.00

1000-005-000-003 Procurement of 1 set BAC, BLGU May-25 May-25 1 set projector purchased GF 50,000.00 50,000.00

Repair and Maintenance of
Brgy Fcilities Apr-25 Jun-25 Barangay Facilities maintained 300,000.00 300,000.00
Prepair and Maintenance of
Office Equipment Feb. 2025 Feb-25 Office Equipment Maintained 50,000.00 50,000.00

Purchased of 12 pc. Small Session tables and chairs
Ssession Table Feb-25 Feb-25 purchased 100,000.00 100,000.00

Procured office Supplies to be
used in the barangay
Purchase of Office Supplies Mar-25 Mar-25 transactions 20,000.00 20,000.00

Purchase of 44 pcs. Provide the Barangay Officials
Barangay Officials and and Personnel Uniform (17
Personnel Uniform Mar-25 Mar-25 male, 27 female ) 100,000.00 100,000.00
Electricity Expenses Jan-25 Dec-25 Electricity Paid 50,000.00 50,000.00

Purchased of 1 unit BLGU GF

Television and 1 unit voice 1unit television and 1 unit
recorder Feb-25 Feb-25 voice recorder purchased 50,000.00 500,000.00
Purchase of 1 unit digital BLGU GF
camera Jun-25 Jun-25 1 unit digital camera purchased 20,000.00 20,000.00
OTHER MOOE Jan-25 Dec-25 other expenses provided 50,000.00 50,000.00
3000-001-000-000 Water and Sanitation Program

3000-001-001-000 Construction of Level III Water MEO, BMWS, Oct-25 Mar-26 source developed, transmission Outsource(ML 3,900,000.00 3,900,000.00
System BLGU and distribution lines and HH GU Fund)
connection installed, reservoir

3000-001-001-001 Coordination with Mines and MGB, Barangay March 2025 May 2025 3 coordination meeting GF 9,000.00 9,000.00
Geosciences Bureau Officials conducted

3000-001-001-002 Conduct of Georesistivity MGB, Jun-25 Aug-25 1 Georesistivity study Outsource(ML 30,000.00 30,000.00
study BLGU,MLGU conducted GU Fund)

3000-001-001-003 Monitoring and evaluation of O & M Jan-25 Dec-25 1 monitoring and evaluation GF 8,000.00 8,000.00
water system Team,BLGU activity per year

3000-001-001-004 Conduct Repair and O&M Jan-25 Dec-25 materials procured, repair and GF 40,000.00 40,000.00
maintenance of Water Team,BLGU maintenance activities
Facilities implemented

3000-001-002-000 Health and Nutrition

3000-001-002-001 Procurement of over the BLGU Feb. 2025 Feb. 2025 Over the counter medicines: BDRRM 100,000.00 100,000.00
counter medicine antipyretic, analgesics,
maintenance meds, etc.

3000-001-002-002 Provision of food packs for BASCA,BLGU Dec-25 150 (64 male, 86 female) GF (1% SC) 100,000.00 100,000.00
Senior Citizens senior citizens provided with
food packs

3000-001-002-003 Feeding activities BLGU, RHU2, Mar. 2025 Jun. 2025 15 0 - 5 years old (_7_boys, Outsourced 180,000.00 180,000.00
DSWD _8_ girls) fed for 120 (MLGU) and
consecutive days GF

3000-001-002-004 Provision of primary health BLGU,RHU 2, Mar. 2025 May. 2025 Conducted mother class GF 150,000.00 150,000.00
care program BHW,BNS

3000-001-002-005 Provision of hygiene kits BLGU,BHW Jul-25 Jul-25 Hygiene kits provided to 111 GF 10,000.00 10,000.00
(alcohol,face children 4 years old and below
towel,powder,toothpaste and
toothbrush)for 4 years
old( 60_ Male,51 Female)
and below

3000-001-002-006 Barangay Nutrition Program / BNC,BLGU Oct-25 Dec-25 To support Health Program 20%DF 100,000.00 100,000.00
Barangay Nutrition Action such as Blood Letting and
Plan ( BNAP) other expenses in health care

3000-002-000-000 Solo Parent Support Program

3000-002-000-001 Provision of food pack BLGU Dec-25 Dec-25 Food pack assistance provided GF (GAD) 100,000.00 100,000.00
assistance to solo parents to 10 (_4_male, 6_female)
indigent solo parent
3000-003-000-000 Education Support Program

3000-003-000-001 Purchased of office/school BLGU Jun-25 Jun-25 28 ALS learner provided with GF (GAD) 10,000.00 10,000.00
supplies for ALS program school supplies by june
2025(22 male & 6 female & 1
female BLW)

3000-003-000-002 Provision of registration ALS,BLGU Jan.25 Dec-25 Support for ALS activities GF 40,000.00 40,000.00
fee,food allowance and provided
miscellaneous fees for ALS
Activities,ALSLYMPICS etc.

3000-003-000-003 Provision of training BLGU Jan.25 Dec-25 1 BLW training fund provided GF 20,000.00 20,000.00
expenses for Barangay
Literacy Worker (BLW)

3000-004-000-000 VAWC and BCPC Support


3000-004-001-000 Conduct Women's Month Women's Org., Mar-25 Mar-25 women's month celebration GF (1% 10,000.00 10,000.00
Celebration BLGU conducted VAWC)

3000-004-001-001 Conduct Food pack Women's Org., Mar-25 Mar-25 Food assistance distributed GF (1% 10,000.00 10,000.00
distribution assistance BLGU VAWC)

3000-004-001-002 Conduct of symposium of Women's Org., Mar-25 Mar-25 symposium conducted GF (1% 10,000.00 10,000.00

3000-005-001-000 Conduct Children's month BLGU,Committe Nov-25 Nov-25 children's month celebration GF (1% BCPC) 10,000.00 10,000.00
Celebration e in BCPC conducted

3000-005-001-001 Conduct orientation on R.A. BLGU,Committe Nov-25 Nov-25 R.A. 11313 and 9344 oriented GF (1% BCPC) 10,000.00 10,000.00
11313 and 9344 e in BCPC
3000-005-001-002 Food pack distribution BLGU,Committe Nov-25 Nov-25 food assistance distributed GF (1% BCPC) 10,000.00 10,000.00
assistance to children 10 to 17 e in BCPC
years old

3000-006-000-000 Anti- Drug Abuse Program

3000-006-000-001 IEC on Anti-drug Abuse BLGU, MHO, Aug. 2025 Aug. 2025 IEC on Anti-drug conducted GF 200,000.00 200,000.00

3000-006-000-000 LIVELIHOOD Program


Livelihood trainings on bread CCA, Bread and pastry training

and pastries CSO,BLGU May-25 May-25 conducted GF/GAD Fund 15,000.00 15,000.00

Provision of 1 unit oven BLGU May-25 May-25 1 unit oven purchased GF/GAD Fund 25,000.00 25,000.00

Utensils provided
Provision of utensils need for
making bread and pastries BLGU May-25 May-25 GF/GAD Fund 10,000.00 10,000.00

Allowance and foods provided

Provide trainee allowance and
foods BLGU May-25 May-25 GF/GAD Fund 10,000.00 10,000.00
3000-006-001-004 4 Female-headed & 4 male
headed families received
animal dispersal

Animal dispersal to farmers BLGU Sep-25 Sep-25 GF/GAD Fund 40,000.00 50,000.00

Provision of food assistance 10 indigent solo parent

to Solo parent (belong to received food pack (4 male, 6
indigent family) BLGU Nov-25 Nov-25 female) GF/GAD Fund 10,000.00 10,000.00

PWD belong to indigent 8 indigent family PWD need

family provide assorted food assistance (3 male PWD,5
pack assistance BLGU Nov-25 Nov-25 female PWD) GF/GAD Fund 5,000.00 5,000.00
3000-007-000-000 Sports Development Program

3000-007-000-001 Procurement of Sports BLGU Aug. 2025 Aug. 2025 Sports Equipment and GF 200,000.00 200,000.00
Equipment and materials such materials such as Balls,nets for
as Balls,nets for basketball basketball ring &
ring & volleyball,badminton volleyball,badminton
racket,chessboard etc. racket,chessboard etc. procured

3000-007-000-002 Conduct of sports SK Officials, Sept. 2025 Sept. 2025 Sports Fest such as GF,SKF 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
fest(Basketball,volleyball,Lar BLGU Basketball,volleyball,Laro ng
o ng Lahi,sepak lahi,sepak takraw,tumbang
takraw,tumbang preso,badminton,etc.
preso,badminton,etc.) conducted

3000-007-000-003 Provision of LED BasketbalL BAC, BLGU Aug-25 Aug-25 LED Basketball Lights GF,SKF 1,500.00 1,500.00
Lights provided to covered court

8000-001-000-000 Agricultural Production Program

8000-001-000-000 Procurement and distribution BLGU Jan. 2025 Jan. 2025 tools (pick mattock,garden GF 100,000.00 100,000.00
of gardening tools such as trowel ,garden rake,etc.)
(pick mattock,garden needed provided
trowel,garden rake)
8000-001-000-001 Consultation meeting among BLGU Feb. 2025 Feb. 2025 consultation meeting with 560 GF 2,000.00 2,000.00
farmers (381 male, 179 female) farmers

8000-001-000-002 Coordination meetings with BLGU Mar. 2025 Mar. 2025 coordiniation meetings to GF 760.00 760.00
10 prospective buyers prospective buyers conducted

8000-001-000-003 Conduct of research study on BLGU, CBSUA Feb. 2025 Feb. 2025 Farm production study GF 30,000.00 30,000.00
site specific production conducted and problems

8000-001-000-004 Conduct training of 14 DA, May. 2025 May. 2025 3 Days training on upgraded GF 6,300.00 6,300.00
farmers on upgraded farm BLGU,DOLE farm technology attended by
technologies farmers zone leaders

8000-002-001-000 Concreting of Farm-to-Market MEO,DA, BLGU Apr. 2025 Aug. 2025 2km x 5m FMR at zone outsourced 20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00
Road at Zone 5 (Kalye Putol) 5(kalye putol)

8000-002-001-001 Coordination with the MEO,BLGU Nov. 2024 Dec. 2024 Program of Works Prepared GF 380.00 380.00
Municipal Engineering Office and submitted to financing

8000-002-001-002 Bids and Awards of barangay BAC, Committee Feb-25 Feb-25 Prospective supplier for GF 2,500.00 2,500.00
road concreting of dirt/earth on Infrastructure, barangay road concreting
portion portion awarded

8000-003-001-001 Provision of 1 piece Dog lace BLGU Feb-25 Feb-25 1 piece dog lace provided to GF 28,800.00 28,800.00
to 288 HH 288 HH

8000-004-000-000 Transportation Development

8000-004-000-001 Conduct monthly road BLGU Jan. 2025 Dec. 2025 monthly road clearing GF 96,000.00 96,000.00
clearing operation activities conducted

8000-004-000-002 Coordination with existing BLGU Jan. 2025 Jan. 2025 Conduct coordination meeting GF 760.00 760.00
transport cooperative in Bula with transport cooperative in

1000-001-000-001 Repair and maintenance of road BLGU Jan. 2025 Dec. 2025 50 m road network repaired GF 50,000.00 50,000.00
network and maintained each year

1000-001-001-000 O & M Share BLGU Jun-25 Jul-25 DSWD KALAHI CIDSS 20% DF 50,000.00 50,000.00
Project maintained

1000-001-002-000 Support to outsource BLGU Jan-25 Dec-25 counterpart of BLGU for 20% DF 50,000.00 50,000.00
development project or to Barangay Sub-project

8000-002-000-000 Road Access Enhancement


8000-002-001-000 Construction of 50 meters x 5m MEO,MPDO, Jan. 2025 Mar. 2025 50m x 5m bridge at zone 1 outsource(ML 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
concrete bridge at zone 1 BLGU constructed GU, PGU)

8000-002-002-000 Construction of 15m x 1m foot MEO,MPDO, Jan. 2025 Mar. 2025 15m x 1m Foot bridge at zone outsource(ML 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00
bridge at zone 7 BLGU 7 constructed GU, PGU,

8000-002-002-001 Barangay Road concreting BLGU Feb-25 Mar-25 100m barangay road portion 20% DF 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
portion concreted outsource

8000-002-002-002 Provision post and BLGU.MLGU May-25 Jun-25 20 unit motion sensored street 20% DF 70,000.00 70,000.00
installlation of 20 unit solar lights installed outsource
street lights
8000-003-001-000 150m x 2m Construction of MEO,BLGU Jan. 2025 Mar. 2025 150m x 2m pathway at zone 1 outsource(ML 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00
pathway at zone 1 constructed GU, PGU,

8000-003-002-000 Procurement of Mini Dump MEO,BLGU Jan. 2025 Mar. 2025 1 UNIT Mini Dump Truck outsource(DB 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00
Truck procured M Fund)

9000-001-000-000 Solid Waste Management

9000-001-000-001 Formulate policy on MRF BSWMC,Barang Jan. 2025 Jan. 2025 Policy on MRF management GF 30,000.00 30,000.00
management ay Officials formulated

9000-001-000-002 Conduct training on MRF committee on Jan. 2025 Jan. 2025 3 days BESWMC attended GF 30,000.00 30,000.00
management BESWMC MRF Management training

9000-001-000-003 Conduct weekly clean up BLGU Jan. 2025 Dec. 2025 weekly clean-up GF 250,000.00 250,000.00
drive(BARKADA) drive(BARKADA) conducted

9000-001-000-004 Conduct IEC on proper waste BESWMC, Jan. 2025 Jan. 2025 Annual IEC among Barangay GF 7,500.00 7,500.00
disposal Barangay Constituents conducted

9000-001-000-005 Conduct of barangay DILG,BLGU Mar. and Oct. Mar. and Oct. barangay assembly conducted GF 20,000.00 20,000.00
assembly 2025 2025

9000-001-000-006 Establishment of barangay BLGU Jul-25 Jul-25 barangay MRF established 20%DF 50,000.00 50,000.00

9000-001-000-007 Monitoring of household BLGU Jan. 2025 Dec. 2025 HH's complied on waste 20%DF 20,000.00 20,000.00
compliance with waste segregation
9000-001-000-008 Procurement of weighing BLGU Feb. 2025 Feb. 2025 1 unit weighing scale procured 20%DF 1,500.00 1,500.00
scale (use to weight the
plastic waste for 'BASURA

9000-001-000-009 HAPAG Program and other DA, BLGU, CSO Jan. 25 Dec-25 117 farmers received fertilizers 20% DF 40,000.00 40,000.00
Agricultural Activities such and 150 farmers received seeds
as distribution of seeds
(citrus) and fertilizer to buyo

9000-002-000-000 Disaster Risk Reduction

Management Program

9000-002-001-000 30% QUICK RESPONSE BLGU, Jan. 2025 Dec. 2025 30% OF 5% 300,000.00 300,000.00

9000-002-002-001 70% PREPAREDNESS

9000-002-002-002 Activation of Barangay BLGU, Jan. 2025 Dec. 2025 Barangay Disaster operation 5% BDRRM 1,000.00 1,000.00
Disaster operation center and BDRRMC center and inicident
incident management Team management activated

9000-002-002-003 Activation of relief BDRRMC, Jan. 2025 Dec. 2025 Relief and distribution 5% BDRRM 1,000.00 1,000.00
distribution points/emergency BLGU,BHERT points/emergency drop off per
drop off points per zone zone activated

9000-002-002-004 Activation of volunteers BDRRMC, Jan. 2025 Dec. 2025 volunteers activated 5% BDRRM 10,000.00 10,000.00

9000-002-002-005 Procurement of 1 unit Rescue MEO, Jan. 2025 Dec. 2025 1 Unit Rescue vehicle 5% and 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00
Vehicle (van or L300) BDRRM,BLGU purchased outsource
9000-002-002-006 training on alternative BLGU Jan. 2025 Dec. 2025 families affected by calamity 5% BDRRM 50,000.00 50,000.00
livelihood programs trained on handicraft
(handicraft making made of
anahaw or karagumoy) for
affected families on

9000-002-002-007 Procurement of 5000 sq. BDRRMC, Jan. 2025 Dec. 2025 2500 sq. m. lot procured for 5% BDRRM 500,000.00 500,000.00
meter lot for relocation of BLGU relocation of hazard prone area
hazard prone area dwellers(21HH)
dwellers( 21HH)

9000-002-002-008 Rehabilitation of damaged BLGU Jan. 2025 Dec. 2025 rehabilitation activities 5% BDRRM 50,000.00 50,000.00
government facilities( multi monitored and evaluated
purpose building, etc.)

9000-002-002-009 Attendace to DRRM-related MDRRMO, Jan. 2025 Dec. 2025 Conduct basic training for BLS 5% BDRRM 100,000.00 100,000.00
trainings BLGU and First Aid for emergencies

9000-002-002-010 Procurement and installation BLGU Jan. 2025 Dec. 2025 Early warning devices such as 5% BDRRM 200,000.00 200,000.00
of Early warning system audio signal/TV or loudspeaker
(EWS) equipment procured

9000-002-002-011 Procurement of BDRRM, BLGU Jan. 2025 Jan. 2025 12 units android phones 5% BDRRM, 200,000.00 200,000.00
communication devices
9000-002-002-012 Installation of 15 units road BDRRMC, May. 2025 Jun. 2025 15 units safety road signages 5% and 500,000.00 500,000.00
safety signages such as (slow BLGU installed outsource
down,landslide or soil erosion
area, flood prone area,etc.)

9000-002-002-013 Procurement of BDRRM BDRRM,BLGU Sept. 2025 sept.2025 2 Unit Chainsaw procured 5% BDRRM, 70,000.00 70,000.00
Equipment such as A. 2 unit
chain saw b. 1 unit grass
cutter c. 6pcs. Flood
Lights(LED lights)

TOTAL - 3,167,000.00 43,625,000.00 46,802,000.00

Prepared by: Attested by:


Barangay Secretary Barangay Treasurer Punong Barangay

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